#monday snippets
eastwindmlk · 6 months
Monday Snippet
No one tagged me for a Monday Snippet, but I am a rebel! Also, I just wanted to share this moment from the upcoming chapter of Echoes of Tuning Hearts.
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“Your tour manager? The infamous redhead?” So, this lady did know who she was. She wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. Leaning towards the sound, curious where this line of questioning would lead them. James was humming in confirmation—another kiss that made her roll her eyes. “She’s hot.” That was a turn of events that she did not see coming. The sentence that followed was even less so. “Maybe you can give her a call. Ask if she can join us. You wouldn’t mind, right?” Clearly, neither had James going by the silence that followed. She could almost hear him blink at her, confused, his mouth opening and closing as he contemplated what this girl was saying. Raking his fingers through his hair, he pushes the glasses back up his nose before nodding slowly. “For brunch, or?” Lily had to bite down on her hand not to laugh out loud at the question, as if the intent had not been painfully obvious. Doing her best to breathe quietly, she had the mortifying thought of James actually calling her and her phone ringing from under the table. “I was more thinking for some fun after. You did promise me a tour of the back lounge of the bus. You said it was nice and private. Think it would be too crowded with the three of us?”
Echoes is fully written and updates every Thursday. Read the first two chapters here
If you want to do a snippet, join the revolution now!
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basiatlu · 5 months
Snippet Monday
Thanks for tagging me @squintclover and a very merry belated birthday to youuuuu 🥰🥳
Lots of cropped goodies to show!
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I shall tag @littlewinnow @mono-chromia @kk1smet @drarrargh and anyone else who would like to take part! ♡♡♡
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drarrargh · 5 months
monday snippets
thank you!! for tagging me @littlewinnow and @basiatlu !!! you guys are so rad
here are some monday snippets that are in fact wednesday snippets. they are maybe a little funny
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tagging my beloveds @spacesaz @storiestoldbytime @appleslightning @handledwithgloves and @tinygxrilla :DD
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justallihere · 5 months
“You’ve been the queen of Tyrrendor for two months, Violet. You’d think your tolerance for betraying Navarre might be a bit higher by now.”
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redo-rewind-if · 8 days
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Sorry for the lack of snippets lately, I figured since it's so close to release that I wouldn't do anymore atm but... I couldn't resist sharing some of this scene lol.
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ghcstao3 · 1 year
dragon shifter!ghost is indeed being written <3
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rollercoasterwords · 5 months
monday snippet
@fruityindividual ty 4 the tag posting here of course tho…here’s a bit of wfrau ch 25 (spoiler warning etc):
“Alright,” Sirius says, again, once Potter finishes speaking. He turns towards the door, expectantly—the wards are still up, and he’ll need Potter to remove them to get out. But the other man hesitates, seeming suddenly unsure.
“Hang on,” he says, haltingly, “There’s…here.”
He’s pulling something out of his pocket. An envelope. He passes it over, and Sirius accepts, automatically. The name Remus is written on the front.
“It’s a letter,” Potter says, though Sirius is only half-listening. “You left it for him, but he didn’t…well. I thought you might want it back. Might help fill in some of the gaps.”
“Thanks,” Sirius hears himself say.
no-pressure tags…if any of u r writing something & you’d like 2 share etc: @steelycunt @sectoren @twisted-tales-told @pretentiouswreckingball
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mollywog · 2 months
Miscellaneous Monday
Tagged by @thelettersfromnoone 🫶 (here)
Outtake from Reunion! -> (Go check out THG Comment Feast!)
“You’re sharing a room with Johanna. She’s in therapy now, so we’ve got another half hour until she’s back. Which reminds me, you should watch out for your morphling, they’ve been weaning her off and I wouldn’t put it past her to take yours”
“She can have it.” I don’t particularly like this feeling and how can I mind when she was almost tortured to death by Snow after the Quarter Quell?
“Unfortunately that’s not how medicine works.”
I shrug.
‘I’m serious Katniss. I’m worried about her. She should be out of the hospital by now.”
She had no one before the Quell and now even the other Victors are too preoccupied: Beetee with his work, Finnick with Annie, Haymitch with the two of us. I can’t think about it for too long. “So will Haymitch be adopting her too?”
“Can’t. She’s not a minor. He’d have to marry her to get her assigned to our compartment.”
“Don’t even joke about that.”
He chuckles, “nah, I’m gonna ask Delly to take her on. Did you know she was here?”
Tagging @waywardangel-wilds @atelierlili @typewriteringalaxy @tetheredfeathers @littlemarianah @absnow @thesunpersists
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persephoneflouwers · 8 months
Sunday Snippet
Written for the @omegaharryfest , coming soon.
“Look at that. Still in the realm of the living, then” Zayn runs a hand through his hair, and confidently strides towards them. The threatening shield peeks out from behind his shoulders. “The ungifted Prince.”
Louis snorts. Was it supposed to sound like an insult or something?
“Don’t say that, Z.,” Harry whispers. He sounds out of breath and seems unsure. Louis smells he’s getting more nervous by the second.
“Why, H? It’s the truth.”
“Zayn,” Louis interjects. He knows very well he can defend himself. “Did you forget that I don’t give a shit about that, huh? I thought you could come up with something more…creative.”
Louis's eyes flicker over to Harry, his gaze lingering for just a moment. His alpha kicks in his chest, when the smell of Harry's distress reaches the subtle scent of unease wafting through the air. Without saying a word, Louis knows that it should be his turn to step in, to offer comfort and protection.
“None of this creative nonsense, Louis,” Zayn says, “You’ve never been worthy.”
And this might as well be said inside his mind, because he feels the world grow suffocatingly quiet, as if the air itself has been sucked away. Shadows creep along the walls, devouring any trace of light.
TAGS: Ex married to lovers, Royalty with mentions of superpowers, mythology, mythological creatures as pets/weapons (lmao), Infertility, mpreg, mating cycles, side ziam, side shiall, mentions of war, dual POV, war and fights, plot twist, main character death (or is it??? Not sure how to say this), non traditional ABO dynamics which means omegas are not simply cute pretty little things, but bad ass intimidating warriors and alphas are basically the commoners lucky enough to marry them :)
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totallynotmeems · 3 months
Ten+ Sentence Tuesday
“Edwin, you’re being sassy again, and not in the fun gay way, in the bitch way,” Niko says. Edwin huffs. “You’re just jealous because you have a crush on that anchor. What’s his name? Carmen? Clark? Kyle?”
“It’s Charles and I think you know that, Niko.” He looks properly irritated. He’ll get over it soon. “And no, I don’t have a crush on him. He’s my competition, he’s the enemy. It would be like befriending the archduke’ assassin.”
from 🎤 red wine supernova (full list of wips found here)
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snowfolly · 3 months
✨Snippet Sunday on a Monday✨
Thanks so much for the tag @tragedybunny !
Here’s a snippet from a chapter FAR, far down the road in Endlessly (I write these chapters so out of order that it’s not even funny)
“Firstly, I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to become a vampire. I know what a true vampire is capable of, as do you. It's not just Cazador that's a piece of shit, Astarion...”
“It won't be the same with me, with us.”
“Won't it, my love? What makes us different from any other person who's become a true vampire?”
Astarion made a sour face as he broke eye contact with Tali. He clearly wasn't happy with what the bard had to say, but it seemed that the vampling knew that his lover was right, even if it hurt.
“The anguish of loss is just going to be a fact in the matter of a relationship where one is endless and the other expires. I've read countless stories and poems and sang a myriad of ballads and songs about such fates — they were tragedies, yes, but such is life,” Tali managed as sorrow fell over him heavily, a wilting feeling that grew from his heart and caused awful, stinging tears to flood his eyes. Such was life, truly, and gods did it hurt — but life was nothing if not a tragedy in the end.
“But it doesn’t have to be this way! It’s not fair to either of us when immortality is a conceivable fate — for both of us,” Astarion attested, his eyes large and desperate, and Tali gave him a sullen smile. He very much understood Astarion’s fear of loss, it was painful to think that he'd watch Tali die one day, one way or another, and have to move on with his undead life. But unlike Tali and his lost love, Astarion would have to live with that woeful burden forever.
“Life isn't fair, my sweet love. I will die and you will not, and that is how it will be,” Tali said, choking up slightly as the words fell from his lips, “but our world — and all the countless realms — they hold great magic. All is not lost. Perhaps we can find another way.”
Tali tried in vain to keep a straight face as Astarion laid his head down on the pillow in apparent defeat — at least for the time being — and he locked eyes with the bard as a few tears fell, making a soft pattering upon the fresh linen.
“I hate this,” he said under his breath as Tali wiped at his own eyes.
“I know.”
“I just want us to be endless, little bird.”
Oh Astarion… poor, sweet Astarion…
No pressure tagging: @ollysoxisfree @vixstarria @bardic-inspo @pursuitseternal @tallymonster and anyone who wants to do the thing! (And sorry if ya got double tagged)
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hippolotamus · 10 months
Moodboard Monday
share a moodboard as well as a snippet from the fic it’s for! Also using this as my Tease Tidbit Tuesday.
Thanks for the tag (and game!) @gayedmundodiaz
From my unnamed Lutalia fic. Prev snippet here. NSFW snippet under the cut 😉
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This Lucy can do. She’s confident about her abilities and desires in the bedroom. Or wherever she happens to be. She also recognizes Natalia believing she wants control. But Lucy knows better, knows Natalia prefers taking orders rather than giving them. That much had become clear the very first time they fucked in a single occupancy bar bathroom.
Lucy shivers, recalling how beautifully obscene Natalia looked leaning over the sink, gripping the porcelain edges while Lucy ordered her to watch in the mirror and stay quiet. The way Natalia’s perfect mouth hung open, contorted in pleasure as Lucy played with her nipple, rubbing her through damp lace panties until she came with a silent cry.
God, Nat was so good for her. So fucking obedient kneeling on the floor, eating her out while Lucy held her loosely by a handful of unruly curls.
It was possibly the closest thing Lucy ever had to a religious experience and what made her seek Natalia out again and again until they agreed to exclusively fuck each other.
no pressure tagging @thewolvesof1998 @disasterbuckdiaz @daffi-990 @wikiangela @ladydorian05 @malewifediaz @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @stereopticons @elvensorceress @giddyupbuck @monsterrae1 @spagheddiediaz @spotsandsocks @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @heartshapedvows @loserdiaz @your-catfish-friend @statueinthestone @buddierights @hoodie-buck @the-likesofus @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @eowon @honestlydarkprincess @spaceprincessem @pirrusstuff @jesuisici33 @apothecarose @watchyourbuck @weewootruck @exhuastedpigeon @underwater-ninja-13 @messyhairdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @jamespearce9-1-1 @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @callmenewbie @vanillahigh00 and anyone else who wants to share
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puddleslimewrites · 2 years
Day Off
A throat cleared behind them and Villain turned, arms spread in a grand gesture of welcome. "Ah, Hero. Just who I-"
"Why are you causing trouble on my day off?"
Villain blinked at the abrupt interruption. Frowning, they took a moment to observe Hero's appearance.
They were dressed in pajamas. Though it was approaching noon, their sleep clothes were wrinkled, hair tossled like they just rolled out of bed. The sturdy boots they wore with thick soles were replaced by a pair of fuzzy pink bunny slippers. All in all, they looked wildly out of place. In fact, the only indication that they were on duty was the badge on their chest that cleared them to bypass the police baracade and step onto the crime scene.
Hero crossed their arms, waiting.
"Erm..." Villain hadn't been expecting this attitude. This wasn't a part of their script at all. Scrambling to regain their stance, they drew themself up to their full height. "I needn't explain myself to you. However, I will let you kn-"
"A hostage? Really?"
The eyebrow raised in their direction left Villain feeling insulted. How dare they! They put so much work into setting this all up, and what do they get? Hero barely spared them a glance and now-
Villain saw the punch coming but they could swear that Hero seemed to move faster in those damned fuzzy flip flops than they ever had in their suit.
It didn't take long for Hero to subdue them. They dusted off their hands and glared down at the villain, now bound and held in place by two of the responding officers.
"Anything to say before I go?" It was gracious of them, really, to hear their enemy out. Their free time was still slowly dwindling down, after all.
Villain refused to meet their eye. They were most certainly not pouting as they grumbled, "If you were busy, they could have sent Other Hero."
Other Hero wouldn't have been ideal - they'd staged all this to catch Hero's attention - but Hero didn't need to know that.
Hero shook their head, the scowl from earlier quickly returning to their face. "Other Hero is still injured from their last fight, so I had to take the call with no one else in this sector."
Villain looked absolutely pitiful the way they wilted under Hero's gaze. Hero knew not to fall for it - this villain was known for their trickery on top of the theatrics. Still, they offered them a small appeasement as they turned to go back home.
"Next time, pick a Monday," they said off-hand. "I never have those off."
They didn't see the way Villain's face brightened and paid no attention to the shouts of alarm from behind them as they left the scene. With their badge shoved deep into the pocket of their pajama pants, Hero squinted up at the sun. They still had some time left. Good.
As far as they were concerned, they were done for the day. They showed up and took care of the threat. Now they were going back to sleep.
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Bread and Eggs
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It started with the ringing of Villain’s phone. He wasn’t surprised to see Hero’s name pop up. He admired the too-small circle with her picture on it. It was impossible to tell by looking at the emblem, but Villain knew it was a picture from their first date.
To think it had been five years ago...
Villain’s picture on Hero’s phone had been a more recent photo, one from their engagement. An image of him kneeling with the classic black velvety case. It was warm the day of their engagement- Villain didn’t dare propose on a cold day; it would have led to an obvious refusal.
He used to joke that warmth was the only reason Hero even liked him. “You scorn me constantly,” Villain would tease. “You only like me because of the heat I so generously produce.”
“As if you have any control over it! You can’t help that you’re so warm, but it is definitely a plus,” she would ultimately agree.
Now, they were married- and, oh, hadn’t it been a dream? Looking for homes, buying a home, getting groceries, coming home to one another, holding each other at the end of the day. It was all Villain wanted in life, and for so long, it seemed impossible. Yet, here they were; her joyful face was beaming at his under the name ‘Love of my life’.
Answering the phone, Villain jokingly began, “Yes, honey, I remembered to get the bread and eggs.”
The voice that answered wasn’t Hero’s.
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monday snippet
thank you for the tag my kit @ninety-two-bees <3
They lay in silence, James’ fingers still running through Regulus’ hair, and eventually, Regulus does fall asleep. It is only for a short while, but it rejuvenates him more than a full night could due to James’ presence. When he stirs, James has not moved. He still studies Regulus with a tender gaze and waits attentively as he wakes.
“Good morning. Again,” he teases. Regulus wrinkles his nose and blinks the sleep from his eyes.
“Kiss please,” he mumbles, still half-asleep. James chuckles, tugging him closer and giving him a long, deep kiss as he sits them both up and pulls Regulus into his lap. Regulus protests the movement, but the feeling of leaning his back against James’ chest is quite nice, and he gives in to the protective embrace.
fic: and though i burn, how could i fall?
npt: @ecstarry @regscupid @magswrite @spacexcowgirl @bellaxisworld @drowninginthoughts27 and anyone else who’d like to join <3
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magicaldreamfox1 · 5 months
dreamy snippets
— i know what you desire (you're such a bad, bad liar): chapter 9
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don't even mind the change in font from the last snippet my phone updated and it did this to my notes app. let's not talk abt it. anyways new chapter soon i'm currently editinggg 👀
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