#technically it’s 12:01 am 4 me so. tuesday snippet now i suppose…
rollercoasterwords · 5 months
monday snippet
@fruityindividual ty 4 the tag posting here of course tho…here’s a bit of wfrau ch 25 (spoiler warning etc):
“Alright,” Sirius says, again, once Potter finishes speaking. He turns towards the door, expectantly—the wards are still up, and he’ll need Potter to remove them to get out. But the other man hesitates, seeming suddenly unsure.
“Hang on,” he says, haltingly, “There’s…here.”
He’s pulling something out of his pocket. An envelope. He passes it over, and Sirius accepts, automatically. The name Remus is written on the front.
“It’s a letter,” Potter says, though Sirius is only half-listening. “You left it for him, but he didn’t…well. I thought you might want it back. Might help fill in some of the gaps.”
“Thanks,” Sirius hears himself say.
no-pressure tags…if any of u r writing something & you’d like 2 share etc: @steelycunt @sectoren @twisted-tales-told @pretentiouswreckingball
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