#monastery of spinjitsu
kiaerinnn · 7 months
Ya'll I'm building the Monastery in roblox bloxburg wish me luck I'll post a picture when it's finished💪💪
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So I'm planning to build the Monastery of Spinjitsu in Minecraft as a fun project.
Maybe eventually, I'll build the entire world of Ninjago. Who knows.
Bit what's passing me off is that we (my brother and I) spawned in a world that seemed to have only one mountain.
It wasn't even a good mountain. Too small, full of holes, ugh.
I hate that mountain, but what I hate more was the fact that there was a perfectly good mountain just barely out of render distance.
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kriti-the-creator · 5 months
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I found a new brush 😁( quite satisfying 😌)
Request: open
I will draw your oc for free but conditions are written in my blog for I am lazy to write that all again 🥱
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heroictoonz · 4 months
I’m not the biggest Wu enjoyer ever in fact most the time in private friend servers and dms with close pals I joke about hating him and wanting him out the show I’ll admit to that. But like. I do think about the moments that probably were but never shown. I honestly think about Wu a lot
I think about Wu alone in the monastery with Cole, the first Ninja he recruited. A young man who was still grieving his mother even after all this time and in his own way, maybe unknowingly, grieving his father as well. I think about Wu possibly finding Cole constantly training in the main area at all hours of the day and night just to keep his hands busy. Wu sitting with him and maybe even being nervous to say anything to him. His last pupil he drove away. What if he did the same to this one? His last pupil was like a son to him and he screwed it all up and has to live with that on his hands and yet, here he is, trying it all over again, praying to the ghost of his father and anything in the heavens that will listen that he doesn’t make the same mistakes again. Maybe he sits quietly with Cole, not stopping him but letting him silently know that he isn’t alone no matter how long the monastery halls seem to feel. Bringing Cole water or a snack even when they both should be asleep. Finally, at one point, having the courage to tell him that he should sleep more. That if he wanted to talk, about anything at all, that Wu would be an ear to listen. I wonder if Cole would talk to Wu about any of it. Maybe not about it all. But maybe bits and pieces of his frustration and anguish that was clearly haunting him in those early days. I think that Wu’s words might even be enough to calm some of that in him. Maybe not all of it, and maybe Cole still pushes himself to keep away feelings and thoughts he can’t handle, but he sleeps more. He rests more. He takes breaks with Wu and has tea with him.
I think about Jay joining and being probably really skeptical about the whole thing. Probably distant with Cole cause he doesn’t know this guy. I think about Wu bringing in this second pupil, knowing by now that he was building a team that he would have to train not just in the ways of spinjitsu and their elements but also train them to be one with each other in battle. An anxious Wu trying desperately to get the two to talk and just hang out if even just for a meal or two. Wu bringing them together and having them build not just their strength and skills but their trust in each other too. Wu probably asks Jay about his parents. Seeing how Morro and Cole’s family backgrounds were he probably feared a trend settling in. Maybe Wu is plesently surprised when Jay tells him about his loving, though kinda embarrassing and smothering, parents. His parents who, even after moving out, he still writes to and stays in contact with as much as possible cause he doesn’t want them to worry. Maybe Wu smiles when Jay tells him that he’ll probably meet them someday.
I think it was very soon after that Wu found Zane. I think about Wu asking the people of that village about the strange boy who wondered their town alone, memoryless. With nothing to him but a name and a kind heart. Wu finding him and giving him a funny surprise in that lake. Pulling Zane out and offering him and permanent home. Maybe even catches the words in his throat as he feels the similarities between Zane and Morro. Strange orphaned children with nothing but their names and the clothes on their backs. Promising them a forever home. He hopped this one he could keep that promise. He’d do anything to keep that promise. Wu bringing Zane to the others, a little worried at first knowing that Zane was already very different from most people. Cole and Jay, where getting along better now, were still full of bite and fight. If he weren’t careful he would be putting this poor boy into the lions den. It goes better than he expects. Zane fits in easily with the other two. Wu is almost surprised by it, but thankful nonetheless. But this is where his real challenges begin. Training the three together, coaxing them to be more than just teammates. Knowing that it wouldn’t be enough. That they needed to trust each other implicitly. Maybe he was thinking about the tornado of creation, knowing that unless these three (and the fourth that he was still searching for) would need to be in near perfect harmony to pull off such a feat. But that they would need it in their coming battles.
I think about Wu holding back tears when he walks in to see the three goofing off. Yes they were meant to be working (maybe chores or training) but they were goofing off. They were getting along. Acting as friends and companions. And both Cole and Jay continued to argue but it was less like strangers and more like family. (They occasionally would remind Wu of him and his own brother from a long, long time ago.) I wonder how much pride Wu felt when he noticed that Cole and Jay were attempting to help Zane when he didn’t seem to catch up or understand something in a social or emotional situation. Even if they did throw in a few friendly insults at the poor boy here and there. Wu probably got a good laugh of the three pulling pranks on each other. Cole and Jay coming up with some to try and ease Zane into the concepts of practical jokes and being rightfully surprised when the future ice ninja got them back just as good.
I especially think about Wu when he meets Kai. Young and angry and a spark just waiting to ignite and explode. Violent and uncontrollable. And a spitting image of Ray. I wonder if Wu thought of his old friend when he saw Kai. The soft way he mentions the man in their conversation about the golden weapons. I wonder how much Wu misses his old friends and if he mourned them at the same time Kai and Nya did seemingly worlds apart and still shedding twin tears under one moon. I think about Wu feeling a frustration with Kai he’d probably never felt before. He sighs when he’s alone in his room. His head is his hands. “Father, how would you teach someone who seems so unreachable?” He would ask to no one. He would run his hands over his face and try to remember if Morro was this stubborn. But Morro had only become stubborn later in his trainings when his arrogance and drive for power blinded him. Kai was born stubborn and arrogant it seemed. Wu might even smile with exasperation and wonder to himself ‘how did Ray and Maya raise such a child?’
I think about Kai distancing himself from the rest like how Jay once did. Throwing himself into his training like how Cole once did. A young man alone and lost in the world as how Zane once was. Seeing so clearly how he clung to his sister and had a drive like no other to get her back. Maybe Wu even worried that after they rescued Nya that Kai would leave. That he would see no use in sticking around. Wu doubted that this soon encounter with his brother would be the last. Maybe Wu saw much of Morro in Kai and felt something almost like fear. Fear of losing Kai to a similar fate? Fear of Kai being pushed away when all Wu wanted to do was bring him close to the rest of them? Maybe even a fear that the shadows of his past would keep him from meaningfully connecting with Kai like he tried to do with the other three.
I think abut Wu bringing Kai tea. Wu pulling Kai in to eat and train with the other three. Wu trying to take the lessons he had learned from all this time and help Kai transition into the team. And similarly, help the rest of the team transition into including Kai. Kai was full of just as much bite and fight as Cole and Jay when they first met, maybe more. Definitely more. But Wu wasn’t going to give up on him. I think about Wu catching quiet moments of Kai’s sorrow. What he normally covered up in anger but sometimes was too weak to do so. Wu sitting next to him and telling him stories about when he and his brother were growing up. About how the loss of their father affected them. About how the loss of his brother affected him. Maybe Kai would snap at him. Telling him that they were nothing alike. That Wu couldn’t understand. Maybe Kai says something harsher. Says that at least Nya wasn’t trying to destroy the world. That he would get Nya back. That Nya wasn’t some evil freak. And Wu would let every word slide off him like water. Because he knew Kai was just angry. He knew Kai would be angry for a while.
I think about when they get Nya back. When Wu officially introduces himself to her. I wonder if he knew she was the water element right then and there. Did he know that she would one day show signs. I wonder if he has his suspicions but decided to wait and see. The elements are tricky things. They do not always do as expected. I think about Wu noticing just how equally as stubborn Nya is as Kai but how much better she tried to mask it.
I wonder if Kai ever apologized to Wu for how he acted. I think about Wu stopping him and reassuring him that it was nothing to worry about. Wu knew he was just upset for the fate of his sister. Wu was just thankful all turned out well in the end.
I think abut Kai and Cole both seeing a father figure in Wu that the other two probably don’t connect with as much. Maybe Cole is a bit more open about it than Kai. I wonder if, when Wu realizes this, if it worries him. Morro haunts him like a ghost. His greatest regret. In a life of mistakes the one he mourns the most. I’ll always wonder how much Morro’s impact on Wu’s life haunts his days with his new students. Maybe the ninja see Wu have his own silent moments. Days he can’t hide his own sadness. Whether for Morro or his brother. Maybe even both. Maybe even days when he remembers Aspheera or the other elemental masters. So many friends that he lost along the way.
Maybe the ninja try to cheer him up and be with him the same way Wu would for them. They bring him tea, offer to take him with them out to the city for their weekly run, ask him to tell them stories about the first spinjitsu master or about Wu’s old travels and adventures. Wu knows what they’re doing, but he lets them do it all the same.
I think about how Wu was probably constantly worried about Lloyd’s safety and health. He knew his mother had left him at that school. I wonder if Wu was against it or not. I wonder how often Wu would think about Lloyd, alone, festering in what would only become feelings of abandonment. Would Wu realize that? Or would he be just as blind to it as Lloyd’s well meaning (yet still wrong) parents? I think about Wu grabbing his dear nephew into a hug when they first reunited. Tucking him in and reading him that story. I think about Wu maybe even sitting Lloyd down and trying to talk to him about his parents. Especially his father. I don’t think it’d go over that well but I think he might try.
I think about Wu maybe feeling nostalgic when Garmadon was with them to rescue Lloyd. It must have been so, so long since the two were on a quest or adventure of some kind. Maybe he regrets the joy he feels or even hardly has the time to feel it knowing that Lloyd is in so much danger.
I wonder how much guilt Wu holds. I think about him regretting so much before the ninja and then even more so regretting being so closed off about it all and not saying anything before it’s all too late. “There was something I never told you.” “I should have told you all this long ago.” Keeping his past a secret probably out of shame or a fear of history repeating itself, only for it to cause his new family such distress and trouble. Learning the hard way that his past would always come back for him. From Morro to the Hands of Time all the way to Aspheera. I wonder if Wu regrets not being the one to tell Lloyd the truth about his heritage. Maybe he assumed Garmadon would have. Maybe he thought it was best for the young leader to not have to worry abut such things until once again it was far too late.
I think about Wu mourning his bother over and over and over again. Sometimes with Lloyd, sometime with Misako, but many, many, many times completely alone. In the silence of his own grief and regrets. I wonder if he ever sees himself and Garmadon in Nya and Kai. Or even just in the ninja as a whole. Not an exact one to one but seeing them be a family, watching them go on quests together, I wonder how often he thinks of his brother in those moments.
I think about Wu rebuilding a family and maybe not even immediately recognizing he did just that.
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ratmanzhq · 11 months
Steam siblings AU time! Some plot ideas I've been having.
Pilot season: Nya and Kai are running the shop and Wu comes and goes. Skeletons home and go. And Kai is now a ninja. Shit stays the same, but Kais spinjitsu is red…. AND BLUE! Others are weirded out but move on. 
Same shit but when the volcano scene happens, Nya is hot-headed as Kai uses the Golden sword and it responds to her. She can use it to the fullest extent like Kai. Now Garmadon is very confused and so is Wu when he shows up. 
Wu: “How is Nya using the fire sword? She is a water elemental!”
Nay and Kai: “A what?”
Shit goes mostly the same and only when they get back to the monastery do they examine the whole situation.
So they do some tests. Kai and Nya can make and use fire. But Nya can also use water. Wu is having a great time reading scrolls and books looking for answers for days. Kai is a little jealous, but also a little relieved, because is still scared of water. But, low and behold, he is also a water elemental.
These tests are very hard on them because they are inpatient people and anytime they try to use the same power at the same time, the other can't use it.  They take that as a sign of failure. It takes them some time to figure it out.
After they realize it, they decide that Kai uses fire and Nya water as their main power. 
The serpentine season will be different and the same. Like Pythor will do the same shit, but snakes are more sympathetic and Wu is a bit snakist. The ninja will be the peacemaker between the humans and the snakes. This is inspired by No Wu AU by IdkWhereIAmWhatAmIDoing. A great fix, read it. NOW.
Lloyd is a child. Either he's the one that releases the snakes or they find him in the trash can. I like him being a menace, so he might release the snakes.
Garmadon might not help with the great devour. But he knows that Llyod is the green ninja. Misaki knew, so ain't no way that she didn't tell Garmadon this. Or Garmadon knowing the prophecy and thinking he is the great evil that Lloyd will face (spoilers, it's the overlord). But Wu doesn't, I mean why would he? Misako and Garmadon are trying to prevent the prophecy and they might think that Wu will ‘force’ Llyod to fight or train as a ninja.
The overlord saga will happened by Garmadon never teaming up with the snakes, but going to the bad Island.
So Gramaboy is trying to get power or run from the prochecy by going to the island that literal evil can't escape. That way he can keep his son safe. 
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nyaskitten · 7 months
We have a new French TV Spot for Dragons Rising season 2, and I'm gonna break it down!!!
So it starts with Riyu and the ninja standing, likely ready to fight the Wolf Clan in the Cloud Kingdom, then it cuts to Ras at Shadow Dojo, raising the Mallet of Shattering up high and giving some speech. We see CINDER(!!!!! AUGHGH CINDER!!!!!) smirking as Ras speaks, while Jordana looks off to the side, clearly upset.
We then see CINDERRRRRR(YEAHHHHHH !!!!!) doing Shatterspin, elevated in the sky and knocking Wyldfyre SO hard into the ground it ALMOST makes me slightly detest this sick man! He then zooms down... likely to finish the job... anyways we see Wyldfyre hit the ground and all the ninja kinda just . stare at her??? (HELP HER UP MEANIES!!!)
Then we see Lloyd talking to Nya (I KNEW IT WASN'T JAY!!!) as they're either approaching, or leaving the Cloud Kingdom!
We get Cole and Zane at the Monastery, Cole yelling something out happily. Then we get Sora, Arin, and Riyu looking confused about something, and the ninja in front of the large metal gate from Lloyd's vision, when suddenly Egalt lands before them. We see Sora (AND RIYU!!!) training together, practicing Spinjitsu according to the leaked descriptions!!!
Then we get Arin and RGB practicing some forms as Egalt walks around them, likely critiquing them. We also see the four of them spinning around some ramps while Egalt is in the sky, Arin with incomplete Spinjitsu, and we get a glimpse of the ninja not quite CLIMBING with their hooks as much as SWINGING with them... (Is it Tarzan time???)
We see Rock Monster Cole again, Riyu knocking some Wolf Warriors down, a neat mech flex scene for the Climber Mech, the Gong of Shattering in Lloyd's vision, and Wolf Warriors charging up in the Land of Lost Things!!!
(Special thanks to @frostsstuff for sending this my way, they've been helping me a lot with leaks I otherwise wouldn't see for probably a while!!!)
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spxll-bxund · 4 days
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HI NINJAGO FANDOM THIS IS MY OC BELLADONNA :33 (prefers to go by Bella/Bels)
Belladonna is the elemental master of sorcery, her main powers being the following:
- Enchantment: The capacity to imbue objects with magical properties or enchantments. (she usually enchants her weapon so that it does more damage and she can cast spells with it)
-Mystical Shielding: The ability to create magical shields or barriers for protection against physical or magical attacks. (This is usually her go to spell because not only can it serve as defense, she can also use it to push enemies or people around)
-Curses and Hexes: The capacity to place curses or hexes on others, affecting their luck, health, or well-being. (This is one of her abilities that she tends to use more in her free time, the other ninja don’t know it but Belladonna often place hexes on them- but not the bad kind, often ones that give them more luck or make them a bit happier. It’s her way of showing that she cares, even though she rarely would admit it in front of any of them)
Belladonna’s weapon is a whip katana, basically like the one Mitsuri from Demon slayer uses:
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The reason why this weapon is beneficial to her elemental power is because by using her enchantment abilities, Belladonna can enchant the weapon and channel her power to cast spells and create stronger barriers and deal a great amount of damage to her opponent. With this whip katana, Belladonna undergoes rigorous strength and speed conditioning as well as flexibility training in order to manipulate this weapon correctly.
Belladonna’s spinjitsu is the same color as her powers as seen on the reference sheet (pretty self explanatory)
In her character sheet I included her uniform, which I did my best to replicate the most recent canon uniforms which are from Dragons Rising, I am aware there are some details missing but l did my best to make it canon accurate!!
The other outfit is just an example of one of her casual outfits so that the viewer could get an idea of her clothing style.
Some details about Belladonna:
-Loves tarot cards and doing card readings
-pothead (it’s an addiction that I intend to have explored in her story since it’s an unhealthy coping mechanism for her)
-One of Belladonna’s many hidden insecurities is about her body. She feels that she isn’t feminine enough due to her muscular body (and among other reasons). It’s a topic Belladonna would never dare to talk about with anyone, even to those closest to her (which is another thing I intend on exploring as I develop her character)
-Another insecurity Belladonna has is that she doesn’t feel worthy of being a ninja with the others, since her given element is more of a “secondary” element compared to the “primary” ones (fire, water, earth, etc.).
-While Belladonna’s primary music taste is rock and alternative music (something along those lines), her dirty secret is that she has a soft spot for N-pop (ninjago-pop)
-When Belladonna has been training as a ninja since she was 10, in her early days Master Wu was a father figure to her by soothing her worries about not being worthy enough to be on the team. As Belladonna got older, she became more and more distant and turned to the aforementioned unhealthy coping mechanisms in order to deal with herself.
-She has definitely woken up everyone in the monastery at least once at like 3 am while high so she could give them a card reading
-Before becoming a ninja, Belladonna grew up on the streets of Ninjago City, having to steal from others in order to provide for herself
While some details of her backstory are being workshopped, I hoped you like learning about Bella!! 💜💜
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crystallizabethine · 7 months
In Which PIXAL Updates Her Relationship Status: A Pixane Valentine's Day Oneshot
Takes place sometime between March of the Oni and Secrets of Forbidden Spinjitsu
AO3 link HERE
(5158 words)
The sun had barely risen when Pixal got out of bed to start her day. Normally she allowed herself more time to recharge, but for some reason, she had awoken prematurely and hadn’t been able to go back to sleep. She didn’t really mind though. There were plenty of things to be done, like getting a head start on the new project she and Nya were working on together. They had blueprints drawn up for advanced security updates for the monastery, as well as plans for making a bigger tech lab underneath their home. Pixal looked forward to having all of that open space down there to work on projects in. However, if they were to have their dream workspace, they’d have to build it first.
Pixal knew that Nya always slept in as much as she could help it before inevitably being woken up by whatever shenanigans the guys got up to, so she decided to leave her to her rest for now. She instead went to the living room and flipped on the overhead light (which she knew would have to be exchanged for the smaller lamps once Nya joined her) and started examining the papers scattered across the coffee table from last night’s brainstorm session. For once, Jay, Cole, Lloyd, and Kai hadn’t been hogging the couch. They had gone out with Zane for what Kai called a “bro night” and had refused to say where they were going. Nya and Pixal were able to actually get some work done with those hooligans (Nya’s words, not hers) out of the house. Pixal was grateful for what they had accomplished, but she had sort of missed Zane.
Speaking of Zane, Pixal heard clattering noises come from the kitchen a few rooms away. Zane must have gotten up early too to make breakfast for everyone. Either that or Master Wu was searching for one of his tea boxes. As Pixal made her way to the kitchen to check, she heard her beloved’s voice, frustrated as he rambled to himself.
“Is it that hard to stack the pots so that they don’t fall over when I open the cabinet? No, it isn’t! And why is the strainer in here?” Pixal stood in the doorway and watched for a minute as her partner kneeled before several open cabinets, roughly pulling things out, rearranging them, and then putting them back. “I have told them over and over that the strainer goes next to the mixing bowls! I swear I’m the only one who actually cares about organization in this damn kitchen.”
“Zane, do you want help with those?”
Zane whipped around, and the look of a crazed man was in his eyes, until they registered Pixal standing there, and softened.
“Pixal,” he began, “How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough to understand that you are agitated about the state of the kitchen and may require assistance.” Pixal replied, and gently took a pot from him, setting it in the cabinet where she knew he preferred it to go.
“Thank you, Pixal.” Zane gave her a small smile. “I am sorry you had to see me like this. I do not like to lose my composure like that around others.”
“Do not worry about it,” Pixal dismissed, “You have seen me in some of my worst moments. This is nothing. Also, I agree that the cabinets are usually organized in a lackluster manner whenever it isn’t one of us performing the task.”
Zane sighed, “I am glad that at least you understand my frustrations. When I tried to confront Kai about it, he acted like I was crazy.”
“Kai is a hooligan.” Pixal stated, matter-of-factly, and rummaged through the cabinets to find ingredients for pancakes.
A comfortable silence settled between them as they mixed batter and started flipping pancakes.
“. . .are you familiar with the concept of Valentine’s Day?”
“No, I do not think so.” Pixal was painfully aware that she had missed out on a lot of Ninjagian holidays over the years, due to little circumstances like the world being hellbent on trying to end every six months or so. There hadn’t been much time for anything more than a few Day of the Departed observances, and exactly one Winter Feast celebration. Pixal smiled in amusement at the memory of Kai and Cole accidentally getting tangled up in the monastery’s festive lights. Their faces had gotten so red.
“It is a holiday dedicated to lovers,” Zane explained, “a day set aside for couples to express their love for each other through the giving of gifts and spending time together.”
“Ah, I see.” It sounded lovely, Pixal thought. “When is the next one?”
“It’s. . . today, actually.” Zane launched a pancake into the air and caught it with the skillet. After putting it with the growing stack of golden cakes, he diverted his full attention to Pixal. “I was hoping that you would agree to go out on a date with me this evening.” He took her hand and held it to his chest. Pixal found herself mesmerized by Zane’s bright blue eyes, staring back at her with such passion. Such beauty. Pixal figured she could get lost in those eyes.
“I would love to, Zane.”
“Good,” Zane said, relieved.
Pixal realized something suddenly, “I am curious why you waited until the very last minute to ask me this though. That is not like you at all.” Usually when they planned a date, it was at least a week in advance.
“You are right and I apologize for not giving you more time to prepare.” Zane said, looking rather embarrassed. “I must admit that I have been preoccupied with a personal Project, and time flew past me. I also may have assumed that I’d already asked you. Thankfully, Cole and the others reminded me that I in fact hadn’t, last night. . . They also thought it was funny.”
Pixal sighed fondly, “Oh, my Zane, for a nindroid, you can be so scatterbrained sometimes.”
Zane smirked at her, “Yes, but you love me anyways.”
“That is true.”
* * *
Pixal had no idea what she was going to do for Zane’s gift. Luckily, she knew just who to go to for advice.
“You’ve never done Valentine’s day before?” Nya asked, confused. She tightened a bolt on one of the generators she was repairing. “Haven’t you and Zane been together for like forever? I need a bigger wrench, could you grab the one next closest to you?”
“Well yes,” Pixal mused, handing her friend the tool. “It is unfortunate that Zane and I have never gotten the opportunity to do this before. He perished to the Overlord before we were able to spend any domestic time together, then I was scrapped by Clouse’s men and shortly after, got stuck in Zane’s head for months. Then I left his head to become Samurai X. I have not even been reunited with him in my physical form for a full year.”
“Yeah, and it doesn’t help you two that the almost-year has been full of jerks trying to end the world,” Nya added in sympathy. “But you know what? That changes tonight!” She put her tools down and wiped her dirty hands on her apron. “So, what did you have in mind?”
“That is the tricky bit. I have no idea,” Pixal admitted. “What are some traditional Valentine’s Day customs? Zane told me about the rituals of giving gifts and spending time together, but what does that usually entail?
Nya thought for a minute, “Well, it honestly depends on what you and your partner—or—partners’ are interested in, but chocolate and flower bouquets are a popular choice for gifts.”
“Zane does not have a sense of smell, nor taste buds.” Pixal stated.
Nya smirked sheepishly, “Right, yeah, I forgot. So that rules out a dinner date then.”
“I’m afraid so.”
“That’s okay, “Nya reassured, “There’s still plenty of options! What are some things you guys like to do out, just the two of you?”
“We often go on patrols together.”
“That’s. . . something I guess, doesn’t seem very romantic though.”
“Why not?” Pixal asked, puzzled. “We enjoy each other’s company immensely and have had many meaningful conversations. Between that and our battles together,  I always feel myself grow more fond of and more attracted to him during each mission we spend together.”
“Noted, but that’s something you do all the time! What could you do tonight that’s extra special?”
Pixal had never really thought about doing anything else with Zane. They had their routine, and to her knowledge, they both enjoyed it equally. But maybe Nya had a point. It couldn’t hurt to try something new could it? It was supposed to be a special night, after all.
“How about this,” Nya proposed, “you think on it, and I’ll take you out around Ninjago City to find Zane a gift!”
“That sounds satisfactory, and also enjoyable.” Pixal agreed. She had never been shopping with another person before, and she was excited by the prospect of trying something new with Nya.
* * *
The first place they went on their adventure out was a little place called Ninja Subs. A bell tinkled as they entered, and Pixal immediately noticed the abundance of food pop art crowding the walls as well as the counter at the end of the room filled with an arrangement of sandwich toppings.
“Why are we here exactly?” Pixal asked, not seeing how a sandwich place would yield much in the way of a Valentine’s gift.
Nya approached the counter, eyes shining as she looked at all the food options, “This stop’s for me actually. If we’re gonna be shopping all day then I need some energy. And I’ve also really been craving their buffalo chicken sub.”
After Nya’s lunch break, they went to a variety of small shops in the downtown area. Unfortunately most of their wares fell into the “needs a sense of smell” and/or “needs taste buds to appreciate these things” category.
“How about this?” Nya held up a set of pale blue ceramic bowls across the room from Pixal, who had been trying to make sense of some abstract paintings that were also being sold there.
“Those would be a practical gift,” Pixal considered, then remembered, “but I think he is planning on purging our current kitchen wares, so I probably shouldn’t buy him any new ones until he is finished. He has a very particular system, you know.”
“Oh, I know,” Nya grinned, “He chewed Kai out the other day for just—throwing all the silverware in the drawer without sorting them. I didn’t even know Zane could get that mad! It was kinda amazing to witness, not gonna lie.”
“One would think that the same person who refuses to use a big spoon would also care about organization.” Pixal commented while checking the price on some oven mitts.
Nya giggled. “We love Kai.”
“Yes, despite his odd behavior at times.”
“Oh by the way, don’t tell anyone, but apparently Cole is going to ask him out tonight!”
“Oh , First Master, finally!”
They left that shop soon after. Pixal hadn’t been satisfied with anything in the end, so they continued on, emptyhanded. None of their other stops proved fruitful either, and Pixal was beginning to grow irritated.
“None of these places seem to have anything important enough for a Valentine’s gift worthy of Zane!” Pixal groaned in frustration, “I do not understand: he has given me so much over the years, and I cannot even decide on what to give him for the first proper celebration of our love? I feel so pathetic! I do not want to disappoint him!”
Nya put an arm around Pixal, “C’mon, Pix, you got to give yourself more credit and appreciation than that! You’re amazing! It doesn’t take being head over heels in love to see that you’re a wonderful person. And Zane would be happy with whatever you give him, no matter how unimportant you think it seems. And honestly, knowing Zane, you could probably show up with nothing and he’d just be overjoyed to spend time with you!”
Pixal’s heart warmed at her friend’s kind words. “Thank you, Nya, but still, if this holiday is as special as you and Zane have made it out to be, then I truly want my gift to make him feel the happiest he has ever felt.” Pixal thought for a moment, then an idea struck her. “Nya, what is your happiest memory of being with Jay?”
Nya didn’t answer right away. She pursed her lips in thought, taking a minute to ponder the question suddenly thrust upon her. Then her face brightened. “Honestly, even though I was pretty sure we were about to die, it was when he asked me to be his Yang.” Nya gazed at her necklace and played with it with a soft look on her face.
Pixal fixed her eyes on the pendant. It glistened in the light, and the light sparked a realization:
That was it.
“Then I will ask the same of Zane.”
Nya’s attention snapped back to Pixal, eyes widened in surprise. “Wow, Pixal, really? Are you sure?”
“Yes.” Pixal answered with determination.
“It’s a really big commitment,” Nya reminded, “Are you positive you’re ready?”
“Absolutely. Zane and I already share an unbreakable bond, but I think it would be nice to make an official promise to each other.”
Nya beamed, and quickly pulled Pixal into a crushing hug, “I’m so excited for you then!” Pixal hugged her back, anticipation rising in her chest at the prospect of what she had just planned to do.
When Nya finally released Pixal from the hug, she said, “Come on, before you pick out the pendants, I want to take you somewhere.”
* * *
“I do not understand why we are here.” Pixal looked around the store they’d just entered. There were shelves and shelves of folded up clothes, and rows of dresses hanging along the walls. Some of the dresses and several outfits were displayed on mannequins with varying body types.
Nya started pulling dresses from racks and holding them up to Pixal. “I just thought we could find you something nice to wear, since tonight’s going to be extra special!” Nya grimaced and quickly pulled her hand away from the dress she had just grabbed, wiping it on her pants. “Well, that was a horrible texture! Don’t touch that one.”
            “Is there a problem with what I normally wear?” Pixal asked, perplexed.
            “No, of course not!” Nya assured quickly. “But I find that when I’m about to do something big, looking extra nice gives me an extra boost of confidence. So, I want to help you feel that too!”
            “I suppose that makes sense,” Pixal mused. “Although I feel like I always look my best, no matter what I wear.”
            “Yeah you do, girl!” Nya agreed, smiling.
            “I think you always look your best too.”
            Nya’s cheeks tinted, “I mean—if you think so, thanks! I wish I had your confidence about that.”
            “How do you mean?” Pixal asked, incredulously, “You are one of the most confident people I know!” Pixal couldn’t imagine how someone as unapologetically herself as Nya could possibly have low self esteem about something as trivial as personal appearance.
            Nya shrugged, “It’s cause Kai and I grew up poor. We barely had enough money to feed ourselves, let alone buy pretty things. Because of that, a lot of the girls in my village treated me like worthless garbage, just because I couldn’t take care of my body as well as they could. It really sucked and I hated myself for a really long time because of it, even though Kai told me they were being stupid.”
            Pixal took her friend’s hand and gave it a squeeze, “I am so sorry, Nya, that was extremely shallow of them and you should not have had to suffer like that for something out of your control.”
            Nya squeezed back with a small smile. “Thanks, Pix. I’m just glad that I eventually learned to put more value in what I can do to help people rather than in how I look.” She reached for another dress, “though looking good while helping people doesn’t hurt anything. Ooh, what do you think of this one?”
            Pixal ended up picking out a sleeveless, knee length, sparkly purple dress. Despite her initial protests, Nya had insisted on buying it for her. Pixal had relented only when Nya had told her to call it a valentine’s gift from a friend.
Next stop was to pick out the Yin Yang pendants.
Incense was burning as they entered the dimly lit jewelry store and were greeted by the person behind the counter, though Pixal noticed the crystals first. There were baskets of them, stuffed into every nook and cranny that could spare an inch of space. Next she noticed the sound of chimes softly tinkling from the ceiling. They must have caught the breeze from the shop door, Pixal figured. Crystal shaded lamps cast marbly, colorful shadows over everything.
“This feels like the kind of place Mystake would have enjoyed visiting,” Nya whispered. Her eyes were wide as she took in the serene beauty of the shop.
“I wish I could have met her,” Pixal remarked. After a short scan of the store, she found what she was looking for: a glass case full of necklaces stood by the payment counter, its contents sparkling under the lamplights.
The store owner came over, “Anything in particular you’re looking for?”
Before Pixal could answer, she felt an arm drape across her shoulders.
“Yeah, actually,” Nya replied, flashing an extra friendly smile at the shopkeeper. “This lucky girl is going to ask her partner to be her yang tonight! Got anything extra special?”
The store clerk’s face lit up, “Well, congratulations, then! Yeah, I actually got a new batch of them about a week ago! One of my partners, Jade, actually makes them herself! There they are in the corner!” the storekeeper excitedly pointed to an androgynously dressed person with tattoos on their arms, who was busy organizing one of the many baskets of crystals. They gave a small wave of acknowledgement and kept sorting.
“Love you, Jade!” the shopkeep called fondly, then turned back to their customers.
“Anyways those necklaces have been selling like crazy.” They continued, “I had to put them in a box behind the counter because some dumbass kids kept trying to steal them! Can you believe it?” They went back behind the counter and bent down to retrieve the box. With a proud flourish, they set it on the counter and opened it.
Pixal gasped softly at the sight; the lamp light shone gently on the intricately carved pendants. Some were made of wood, some of metal, some of glazed clay, but all were astoundingly well crafted. Each set had its own unique details too: there was one pair that had tiny stars etched into the edges of every groove, and another with vines and leaves meticulously painted on.  However, Pixal’s eyes were drawn to a particular ceramic set. They were painted the respective Yin Yang colors of black and white, but there was also gold imbedded in both. Thin, spidery veins of gold, following what looked like cracks in the charms, but was all held together by the gold, as well as a transparent glaze that coated both pendant pieces.
“May I get that one?” Pixal pointed to the set.
The shopkeeper’s face lit up, and with enthusiasm, then said, “Absolutely!” As they handed it to Pixal, they called over their shoulder, “Hey Jade, I told you this one would sell!”
“The ugly one? Really? I mean to each their own, but. . .”
Pixal wasn’t sure what to make of that. “I think it’s beautiful,” she said.
The shopkeeper rolled their eyes. “Don’t listen to them, she’s just salty because it wasn’t supposed to shatter like it did. But you made it work, didn’t you?” they called back to their partner, “I’m telling you, the gold infused really adds a special touch! And the cracks make it more symbolic in a way! It could symbolize broken people coming together and becoming whole or something!”
“If you say so.”
“I do say so!” The shopkeeper retorted as they processed Pixal’s payment. “All of your art is beautiful and I’m proud of you every time you make something new! You are SO talented!”
“Augh, no, too many compliments!” Jade covered their face, “You’re gonna make me cry!”
Pixal felt Nya’s hand grab her arm, and they both left quickly, unsure what to make of the odd couple. Especially when they peeked through the shop window and saw that the two were now passionately making out.
“You know what. . .” Nya said, “Good for them, I hope they stay happy together.”
Pixal nodded in agreement, and then turned her attention to the small bag that contained her precious purchase. Excitement bubbled up inside her and let itself out in a giggly squeal.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this, Nya!”
“Me too!” Nya squealed back, and hugged her tightly once again before they started walking again, their mission fulfilled.
* * *
That evening, Pixal made her way down to the foot of the monastery and felt her face light up at the sight of Zane standing next to his ice bike. He wore light blue and white sweater vest with a bow tie and khaki pants. He looked just as excited to see Pixal as she was to see him. The amount of adoration radiating from his face warmed her inside.
“You look beautiful, Pixal.” Zane whispered, almost like he could barely get the words out. Pixal looked away shyly, smiling from the praise.
“Thank you, Zane, so do you.”
Pixal could have sworn that in that moment, if Zane had blood, he would have blushed bright red. Instead he just looked surprised and embarrassed and muttered a thank you while smiling. He opened the car door and gestured for Pixal to enter the vehicle.
“So where are we going?” Pixal asked, suddenly remembering that she had forgotten to brainstorm possible activities. Honestly, she was just as bad as Zane sometimes!
“Somewhere special,” Zane replied, “but it’s also a surprise.”
Relief flooded Pixal and she smiled sweetly at him, “I will look forward to arriving, then.”
They drove out to where the sea of sand started. The sky was beginning to turn pink as the car went over a hill and Pixal saw something tall and glittering in the distance. As they got closer, Pixal realized it was a temple, and her scanners indicated it was made of. . .ice?”
“Zane, did you build this all by yourself? Pixal asked in wonder as they parked near it and got out of the car.
“I did!” Zane beamed with pride. “It took me all afternoon to complete.”
“It’s magnificent!” Pixal exclaimed in awe, and it was! The structure towered upward at six stories tall, and the attention to detail was astoundingly immaculate. From the individual roof tiles to the glowing, ice crystal lanterns hanging from every corner.
“This only took an afternoon??”
Zane chuckled, “Wait until you see the inside!”
He took her hand and led her to the double doors, which opened at a wave of his hand. The room they had entered was full of gently glowing, heart shaped ice sculptures. The glow was a peaceful looking pink, and the color’s warm hue contrasted nicely with the surrounding, chilly blues of the walls.  An ice chandelier hung from the ceiling, and starting along one wall, a flight of stairs wound upwards and out of sight.
Zane tugged on Pixal’s wrist with the excitement of a kid showing off their bedroom. “Come on!”
He led her up the flight of stairs. On the second story, there was a door. Zane opened it. and it showed a life-sized ice rendition of what Pixal recognized to be part of the lobby at Borg Tower. Two sculpted figures stood there, facing each other. It was Zane, how she had first seen him, and herself. Ice Pixal's face was neutral as she stared at Zane, frozen mid-scan. Zane’s face could only be described as lovesick. Pixal smiled fondly.
“I hope you understand that this was the most important day of my life.” Zane said, also smiling at the memory’s depiction.
“Even though I tried to kill you later that night?” Pixal teased.
“Yes,” Zane chuckled, “even then.”
The next story's room showed them doing spinjitsu together in Ed and Edna’s junkyard.
“That was right after you had given me half your heart!” Pixal remembered aloud.
“Yes, and even though I had just given a part of myself away, it was the first time in my existence that I had truly felt whole.”
“I had felt whole for the first time as well! Like I had finally found my greater purpose: a purpose to help others!” Pixal felt a surge of nostalgia for that moment.
The next room was one that Pixal didn’t recognize right away. A sculpture of her hugged a sculpture of Zane, who appeared to be cowering in fear beneath the gaze of a fearsome dragon.
“It was in that cave on Chen’s island, after we had all been freed, and you were—”
“In your head,” Pixal finished. “But. . . I was not present physically in that event. Why do I appear to be here?”
“You may not have been there in person,” Zane started, “but you were closer to me than you had ever been, and it truly felt like you were present beside me as you guided me through my hallucination. You helped me face my fear and become stronger despite it, and I will be forever grateful.”
The next room showed the aftermath of the Destiny’s Bounty’s crash into the Primeval’s Eye. Ice Pixal stood facing Zane, her Samurai helmet freshly removed, and Zane’s ice counterpart stared back at her with an expression of pure joy.
The same expression Pixal hoped he would wear on his face when she asked him to be her Yang forever.
Lastly, there was a room where there was no sculpture. It was the top floor, Pixal realized, and there was a balcony that looked out over the sunset on the white sands of the winter desert. Pixal could almost forego logic and imagine it was snow she was looking at instead of sand. It was truly so beautiful. Everything Zane had shown her was beautiful. The palace, those tender moments from the past, the kind words and gratitude he had given her throughout the evening,  it all made her feel so special! Despite the known importance of her planned proposal, a little part of Pixal wondered if she’d done enough.
“You’re so quiet,” Zane remarked, “do you. . . like it?” He looked at her with excited expectancy.
“I—yes, Zane, of course I like it, how could I not?” Pixal gestured wildly to everything around her, “It is obvious that you put so much care and thought into every miniscule detail of this place. It is truly incredible, and I. . . I love it! And I love you.”
Zane smiled in relief. “Good. I have one more gift for you.”
“Before you do that,” Pixal interrupted, “I would like to give you the gift I have prepared.” She continued on before Zane could protest. “Zane, you have given me so much. Not just today, but ever since we met. You gave me free will, a new chance at life, your ever-growing trust and support, and your continued companionship. However, in the past, I—despite knowing it to be irrational—found myself feeling that I could never come close to paying you back for everything you have done for me, even though you have done nothing but express your gratitude for my involvement in your life since we arrived here. You have made it clear that simply being myself is enough to make you happy. So, as of now, I am done second guessing my worth in our relationship, and now stand before you with a wish to further strengthen our already unbreakable bond.”
Pixal kneeled, head raised, looking her beloved Zane straight in the eye. “I do not know what the future holds, but I know that no matter what happens, I want you to be there with me always. So. . .” She revealed the necklace to him, “. . .will you be my Yang?”
Zane didn’t answer, but simply stared at her with wide eyes and lips slightly parted.
Pixal felt a twinge of worry, had she said something wrong? “I am sorry I didn’t plan anything more for tonight. I “psyched myself out” as Nya put it, and couldn’t figure out any other gift that I thought you might want.
Zane continued to look at her. Pixal was unsure of his expression.
“Please say something, Zane, it doesn’t even have to be yes. I understand if you wish to keep our relationship how it is, and I will respect whatever your decision is. I will love you no matter your answer.”
Zane finally snapped out of it and grabbed Pixal’s hands. “Of course, Pixal, yes, an infinite amount of times, yes!” Zane’s blue eyes shone even brighter than normal as he picked her up, spun her around, and then pulled her into a kiss after he’d set her down. When they separated a few seconds later, Zane began to giggle.
“What is it?” Pixal asked.
“I was so nervous about tonight,” Zane explained, reaching into his pants pocket, “But you ended up beating me to it!” He pulled out something and put it in Pixal’s hand. Upon examination, Pixal gasped at the sight of a handcrafted necklace set. The pendants were made out of intricately woven silver wires and bright blue crystal, and she realized the halves combined looked like—
“It represents your—our—energy core!”
“Yes! I know it does not have the appearance of the traditional charms, but I felt it would be right for us.”
Realization hit Pixal suddenly. “Oh no, I ruined your moment, didn’t I? I’m so sorry, Zane!”
“Pixal, it’s alright.” Zane assured her, caressing her face. “I definitely was not expecting it, but it was a nice surprise. I’m just glad you feel the same way.”
“Of course I do!” Pixal assured, “You are so wonderful, Zane, and I want to spend the rest of my days with you.”
“And I with you, my beloved Pixal.”
The last thing the sun saw before dipping behind the horizon was two titanium lovers holding each other tightly, promising never to break their bond as long as they both shall live.
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long-lost-mcguffin · 6 months
Pull of The Tides: my silly ninjago pirate au
idek where to start so.
A little after Morro runs away from Wu, he starts looking for the First Spinjitsu Master's tomb. Obviously not getting much luck, he finds a harbor town, and a strange demon woman who promises to help him exact his revenge on destiny. Resuming his search for the FSM's tomb, he turns to the seas after hearing rumors the tomb is at the bottom of the ocean, and starts a small but strong group of pirates on a stolen boat.
A few years later, he raids a village through it's rivers for rice and money, and finds a blacksmith shop with a small boy challenging him with a crude sword. His smaller sister stands behind him, yelling at him to get out.
Instead of fighting them, Morro takes them with his crew and raises them like siblings, learning they have elemental powers like him: the girl controlling water, and the boy controlling fire. Immediately Morro begins training them in combat and helping them control their powers, both so that they can be of use to him and so they don't sink his ship. The girl, being named Nya 'Waterwalker' Jiang, and the boy named Kai 'Flint' Jiang.
About 10 years go by, and Wu becomes very confused to find an empty blacksmith's shop, one that looks like it's empty for quite some time. Asking nearby neighbors gets him dead ends and more confusion, so he goes back to the monastery empty handed and continues training his own students, Jay, Cole and Zane.
However, when they get an emergency letter from a coastal village asking for defense from pirates with elemental powers, things start to click. Wu finds a familiar face on the captain draped in green commanding wind, and two others who bear a striking resemblance to his missing friends, Ray and Maya.
Wu tells his former student that whatever he's looking for, he'll have to go through him and his students. Captain Morro informs him that his quest for his father's tomb has been abandoned, and his crew is now looking for something- or someone- more powerful: the green ninja.
It becomes a race against each other to find whoever and wherever this green ninja is, with Morro somehow ending up with another kid who says he's the son of Lord Garmadon himself. He's a brat. Morro's not too sure why he's still on the ship.
feel free to send asks about this au!!
PT skins of kai, morro, and nya under the cut :3
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legokingfisher · 9 days
Here to collect Riyu headcanons and maybe baby hippo videos
Hello hiii Riyu hcs be upon ye
He’s overly conscious of his surroundings (since he’s pretty big) to the point it affects his relationships with people. If that makes any goddamn sense. Like. He knows his size and strength have the potential to be physically dangerous on complete accident, so the fact he’s thinking about that 24/7 permeates deep into his brain and he ends up wondering if he’s being annoying or rude or attention-hogging during social interactions too. 90% of the time, he’s not— he’s an absolute sweetheart and is considerate as hell. But it causes him to put the wants and needs of others above himself all the time, unfortunately. It also makes him pretty hesitant to ask for help. (“Am I bothering them? Is this a bad time? Shouldn’t I already know this?”) So instead his main coping mechanism is escapism <- just like me for real
He’s been trying to learn to speak Common (…english??) physically/out loud, bc speaking it telepathically is Really Hard and bc he spends so much time amongst Common-speakers who don’t know Dragon (these people being… pretty much anyone outside the monastery) and would like to go out and about without having to always bring someone to translate or having to like… play fuckin charades just to order takeout or w/e.
Out of the other dragons at the monastery, he is most close with Heatwave since they happen to spend so much time together (Heatwave is usually around Wyldfyre, and Riyu/Wyldfyre hangout a lot; Heatwave also basks on the roof, which is something Riyu enjoys too). He sees Heatwave as a sort of older brother or uncle yk?
Aside from Lloyd’s ninja training, Riyu also gets combat training from Zanth, since in some ways it’s easier to learn that from someone who is Also huge and quadrupedal. Plus, Zanth is a pretty seasoned fighter (she traveled/adventured for a long ass time in my mind) so there’s not always overlap between what Zanth and Lloyd can teach him
He loves physical affection!!! He loves it when the others lean on him, sleep near/with him, hug him, etc. Feels nice plus it reassures him that he’s not some Big And Scary Thing to non-dragons. He certainly doesn’t mind when the others ride on his back— they’re pretty light to him.
Once he gets the hang of spinjitsu, his tornado is a bright blue with streaks of dark blue as well as gold
Once he gets the hang of Rising Dragon, it makes his eyes and wings glow the same colors as his spinjitsu, as opposed to him having some larger spectral dragon behind him like the other ninja do when they use Rising Dragon
He is definitely not a picky eater and doesn’t have any sensitivities/texture/smell issues either— bro was literally eating garbage in Cinder’s debut episode in s2p1 he literally doesn’t care
His favorite color is dark green bc it’s the color of his matriarch’s scales :)) he’s also pretty fond of orange, pink, and red bc of Arin, Sora, and Wyldfyre
He has a one-of-a-kind pair of headphones that work with his crazy ass head shape that Sora custom-built for him, and he loves just flying around the mountains near the monastery whilst listening to music
Yes this means he has a tablet to play said music off of. Yes Sora has also made alterations to it so it’s easier for him to use it (i would say phone but it would be way too small for him to comfortably use)
And baby hippo video for u as requested i fucking love that thing:
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Here is a very random pet peeve I have with Ninjago:
Why did we not get a Jay & Nya wedding?!
Like, March of the Oni he proposed to her and everything. Then we DON'T get a wedding? How does that work?!
I understand like Skybound trauma or something, so they might want something private, but they never address that.
It would be SO WHOLESOME.
Why did we not get a Jay & Nya wedding?!
I think I kinda know why. The Wildbrain era wanted to tonally de-age the ninja back into teenagers. And two ninja getting married would be not doing that.
This kinda goes for the posts I spoke about Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu where I talked about my big change being that there was NO reverting back into teenagers, and instead it was a continuation of their transition into adulthood.
Have the premiere of the season BE their wedding! It would be so adorable and a fresh change of pace!
Like have Jay wake up Zane (from that Aspheera/Ice Emperor nightmare) in a panic about his hair for this big day, have Zane help him out and try to calm Jay down because Jay would be such a nervous/excited wreck. (And have Zane's calming attempts fail miserably. It would be funny and both play into what I said in other posts)
Have Nya be hesitant about wearing a wedding dress due to Skybound trauma. Lloyd could be there and she could talk to him about it, but be vague cause he wouldn't remember Skybound. Like, "I'm worried that I won't get a say in something if I say the words, like I want this, but what if it all went horribly wrong? The greatest love stories always end in tragedy and... I don't want that to be the case for me."
(Which, you know, would be FORESHADOWING)
And Lloyd could be unsure what to say (because Harumi trauma) but still encourage her that nothing HAS to end horribly. They've been dating for years, and they know they can trust that Jay wouldn't hurt her. She wouldn't hurt him. That's the beauty of a relationship, that you can trust them. It's a dynamic they both want. Even if something bad were to happen, her family would always be there. (Insert surrogate siblings hug)
But also it'd make them both realize that Kai is not here when he should be.
He's downtown. He's trying to pick up a wedding gift for his sister. It is taking FOREVER. It's driving him nuts because impatient hothead. Eventually he just snaps when the shopkeeper says it's not done being cooked. In my head he just snatches it, sets fire on it, throws it in the box, and runs out of the shop, throwing money at them on the way out. The whole time, he's just trying to run to the monastery for the wedding, with SO MANY setbacks on the way. (Take Across the Spiderverse with Miles trying to get to his parents party with that cake, kinda what I picture)
Cole and Wu could be on catering, they could talk about Wu being freshly retired and Cole getting into the baking business. (And we could have a running joke about Cole trying to sneak in a bite of cake and someone slapping him away.)
Nya & P.I.X.A.L could have some gal talk when getting ready and the droid gal could be encouraging. (I feel like since the Oni Trilogy, Nya's been getting more comfortable with being feminine, and I'm all here for that, I think that's really cute development. She could be so against this girly talk but then she tries it here and actually likes it)
Ed and Edna being SO overbearing in the wedding. Just smothering all over their son and their new daughter in law.
Have Wu give their blessing, trying to comfort a still nervous Jay, and Jay could just have all those nerves vanish when Nya comes out.
All ninja but Kai are there because First Spinjitsu Master does not want him to be at his sister's wedding. And you could have whoever else you want there.
Have them have a happier stress-free re-phrase of their confessions in Skybound. Nya could talk about how she didn't have a lot of friends as a kid and knew nothing about love or relationships, but Jay was the one person she let into her heart, and despite her fears and insecurities in the past about herself, she knew she wanted him to be the one. She felt free with him, she felt free to have a voice and say she wanted to be with him for as long as she possibly could. That's her wish this day. Jay could talk about how he was always looking for bright opportunities for himself, but the brightest he could ever have was her, a courageous strong willed smart beautiful amazing girl loving him back and seeing him as he was as the best version of himself. That told him well enough that this was love.
(I imagine Cole is the crier because that just seems like fitting characterization to me)
"I now pronounce you yin and yang-"
And just don't have Wu finish the phrase because one of them just jumps on the other in adrenaline and excitement.
The after party Ed and Edna are, again, smothering all over the couple. Cole just loads up with cake (that only he touches because he made it and he's a bad cook). Zane and P.I.X.A.L could be dancing, everyone's having a good time...
And then FINALLY Kai shows up, busts open the monastery doors, and stands there panting and a wreck. He stops the whole party and everyone just stares at him like "what?"
Nya would proceed to yell at him for BEING LATE TO HIS OWN SISTER'S WEDDING, and they could argue about what happened because they're both stubborn like that.
And the wedding gift Kai got for her? It's charred up. Because he burned it with his fire and didn't let the shopkeeper take care of it.
But he had something else he picked up along the way, which was something from their childhood that Nya liked (you can decide what). And like that Nya's anger drops and he thanks him for it.
And Kai did not get Jay any wedding gifts because 'screw my in law'
Jay calling this out prompts him to dance with Nya, she obliges, and the little sibling moment is kinda ruined, leaving Kai in the dust. (Again, my other posts where I said Kai would be trying to keep things the same)
And Lloyd was by himself, sitting in a corner minding his own business. He's happy for them, but he also has a hard time being comfortable because of what happened with him and Harumi. So he's trying to distract himself with looking through some job opportunities in some newspapers. He can't find any. Kai could find him, surrogate brothers moment, he could notice Lloyd looking for crime on the newspaper, and because this is post the Oni Trilogy, crime has slowed down, and this is supposedly their happy ending. You know, 'and they got married and lived happily ever after' and all that. But Kai, not accepting that, kinda butts in and agrees to take Lloyd out to town tomorrow morning to go look for crime to stop, just like old times. And Lloyd would go along with it cause 'well I'm a seventeen year old and past due with getting a job'
(And Zane decides to go with them because he's in the same boat as Kai, so technically it's just Kai, Lloyd, & Zane running around looking for crime to stop rather than the whole team. The other three still go to the pyramid though.)
That's my dream reality of s11's premiere anyway.
But even if that wasn't the case, I have to ask cause it bugs me,
Why did we not get a Jay & Nya wedding?!
There you go, that's my content for Jaya week. It doesn't fit any of the bullet points for the week but oh well.
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icy-watch · 4 months
Ninjago - Liveblogs
Season 0: Pilots
Season 1: Rise of the Snakes
Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja
Season 3: Rebooted
Season 4: The Tournament of Elements
Season 5: Possession
Episode 6: Skybound
Special: Day of the Departed Mini-movies: Wu's Teas
Season 7: Hands of Time
Ninjago: Decoded The LEGO Ninjago Movie
Season 8: Sons of Garmadon
Season 9: Hunted
Tales from the Monastery of Spinjitsu
Season 10: March of the Oni
Season 11: Secrets of theForbidden Spinjitsu
Season 12: Prime Empire
Prime Empire Original Shorts
Season 13: Master of the Mountain
Mini-series: Legacy: Reimagined Special Series: The Island
Season 14: Seabound
Mini-movies: The Virtues of Spinjitsu
Season 15: Crystallized
Ninjago Predictions
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Youre next gen kids are all sooo adorable! They do takebafter theyre parents in theyre rainbow design!!
And I have a lot of questions If you dont mind, just for fun!
Having Lucina in DR how would Lloyd go with being a teacher for Sora and Arin? Does the kids learn the rising dragon technique? How do the next generation kids relationship be with Arin and Sora? How is the Smith children's relationship after Blaire burned Briar? In the events of DR where would the kids be? Trying to help or having to stay at the monastery? At the beginning of DR are Arin and Sora the oldest ones? Would the two of them be the responsible eldest? If Quinn and Finn were separated after the merge did they know of each other? How was the reunion? How was amnesic Jay's parenting style? Since Cam and Jesse are so close would she ever have a sudden independent/Rebellious phase? Would you say they're relationship is similar to the mother and daughter in the movie 'turning red'? Does Blaire bond with Arin over being powerless? Would Blaire want to learn Spinjitsu? Since Kai was gone would the kids be wit Skylor? Since most children are separated from one parental figure over the years how do they react or bond when they finally meet them?
Sorry that's a lot!><
I don't call 'em the Mini-Skittle Squad for nothing! x3
And, all right, just for fun:
Having Lucina in DR how would Lloyd go with being a teacher for Sora and Arin? Does the kids learn the rising dragon technique? <- Things would still be the same, though with Lucina, he realizes it's as much of a struggle as him being trained was–she's nothing but raw power, impatience, and the innate desire to just destroy and get things over with quickly, but Lloyd in his wisened age is like "okay listen sweetheart, been there, done that, doesn't work, stop before someone dies, please–"
As things are now though, none of the kids know Rising Dragon
How do the next generation kids relationship be with Arin and Sora? <- Hiyah
How is the Smith children's relationship after Blaire burned Briar? <- Blythe and Briar were already somewhat close with one another since they're infinitely more chill that Blaire ever was, so after that happens, Blaire feels even more estranged :9
In the events of DR where would the kids be? Trying to help or having to stay at the monastery? <-
Trying to Help: Quinn, Lucina, Cam, Blaire Trying to Stay Put: Blythe, Seven, Finn, Briar
At the beginning of DR are Arin and Sora the oldest ones? <- Yessssss, but like, just barely older than Seven, Lucina (on technicality), and Blythe.
Would the two of them be the responsible eldest? <- They try to be, but Seven and Blythe tend to out-responsible them most of the time jgfdsfgd
If Quinn and Finn were separated after the merge did they know of each other? How was amnesic Jay's parenting style? <- They knew of each other, but just barely, as they would've been around 3 when The Merge happened. Amnesiac!Jay would've been a little distant, knowing this is his child but not even know who he had the child with (let alone that there's another one), but he's still got the inner instinct to not abandon a child in his care and does his best to make the most for Quinn—but for Quinn it's still like living with a stranger in a familiar man's body hgfddsa
Since Cam and Jesse are so close would she ever have a sudden independent/Rebellious phase? <- Yeah, but it's more of a direct cause of her unresolved feelings about Cole less-so than Jesse :V
Would you say they're relationship is similar to the mother and daughter in the movie 'turning red'? <- Jesse wouldn't be THAT drastic/embarrassing, but he is extremely protective over Cam while she's young (as he did almost lose her when The Merge occurred). Once she learns Spinjitzu and starts coming into more of her own, he begins to loosen up a little bit (as the last thing he wants is to be as controlling as his own dad was, brrr)
Does Briar bond with Arin over being powerless? <- Yes!
Would Blaire want to learn Spinjitsu? <- Yes (and Briar also does once she sees Arin able to pull it off)
Since Kai was gone would the kids be wit Skylor? <- The kids would be with Skylor, and my current timeline is that Blythe was born before the Merge (with Skylor giving up her powers to him so Kai wouldn't lose his), and Skylor was pregnant with Blaire when the Merge went down. Briar doesn't come around until Kai and Skylor are able to reunite, hence why she's so much younger than everyone else.
Since most children are separated from one parental figure over the years how do they react or bond when they finally meet them? <- Blythe is a little hesitant reuniting with Kai, since they always did struggle to be close when he was younger, but as Kai's definitely mellowed out a LOT since The Merge, they're able to reconnect on much more even ground. Blaire, of course, is ecstatic to meet their dad with no strings attached, and Briar is probably the only one that never had to worry about one missing parent :d
If we go with that ask from the other day, then Quinn/Jay would reunite with Nya/Finn at the tournament, and that reunion would be full of heartbreak, betrayal, and angst hgfghfd. But Quinn would ultimately go with her mother and brother and that probably wouldn't go well with Jay as he is now...
I keep flip-flopping on when Cam meets Cole—it's either before Cole goes on his lil weird Wu spirit quest (which would also be when Sora gives him that mech-disc thingy), which would mean the reunion has more time to be heartfelt and not as...tragic...OR its when he and the Finders arrive at the monastery, and then there's awkward explanations and lots of outrage on Jesse's end so its not nearly as soft and sweet ;w; Either way, Cam's excited to have Cole around again except he KEEPS LEAVING but once she's older she realizes "Wait that was kinda messed up wasn't it?", hence the aforementioned rebellious phase aaaaaaa- (but the irony is, she's just taking after Cole......!)
Since we have no idea where Pixal is, I'm wondering if I should have her holded up with Zane in his pod, but we don't know that deal about that EITHER, so I've also been contemplating her being the only one being entirely separated form her family after the Merge, but if anyone could last out in the Mergedrealms on their own, it's Seven, and they'd make their way to the Monastery shortly after Lucina does.
Lucina: Well, well, well. Hello, Mother e-e
Harumi: ...I have never given birth in my life–?!
Lloyd: Yeeeeep, this is as awkward as I knew it was gonna be
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kriti-the-creator · 4 months
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" I hope someday you find your true master"
I wanted to dramatize this scene so much .l felt Arin in this scene as once I was in his place but to know ras is not wrong too hits harder 😔 ( boy you need to know that the master who can teach you spinjitsu is you yourself!!)
Also me making this my wallpaper ( monastery brush helps a lot😜)
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ramspatula · 4 months
Arrowheads | Nya Smith x fem! reader | Part 3
How can you ask me to be a part of a life you would hide from me otherwise?
Previous part, Masterlist, Next part
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It was getting closer and closer to when I had to leave. 22 hours to be exact. I had that amount of time until my train back to Jamanikai left. That amount of time left with the ninja and my brother. And Nya. I couldn’t think of going back to my life before this. My life with no friends, no family and no one to talk to except my old ratty teddy I’ve had since I was 2. What would I do without all of the ninja waking me up at 6 every morning with their loud mourning routine? What would I do without my daily race with Nya to see who could get to the shower first. She always won but let me go first. What would I do without Cherry giving me a lecture on some random thing every day? Who would I stare at extremely hot ninjas with? Who would I stare at if I was away from Nya?
I may have a little crush. And by little I mean if it had a weight, it would break the scales. I loved my life here even if I had only been here 2 weeks. Everyone here was a family. A family that they had let me mould into so perfectly, my own brother felt more like my family than he ever did before. I hadn’t even explored the whole monastery yet and I had no clue when I was going to be coming back again. How could I do it? How could I go back to my life?
What was I thinking? I’m an adult. I work and I pay my bills. Staying here would just be a fantasy. And who was I to assume that they didn’t only treat me this way to be polite? To accommodate Cole. He was their family, and I was just his little sister who he didn’t see for years. Granted he was a ghost for most of them but he didn’t even tell me he was married. And Nya? She’s naturally flirty. Naturally so sociable like her brother. I’ve been thinking like a child. Ignoring all the possibilities that she could just want to have sex and that’s it or that actually the ninja we’re counting down to the day I leave. What would they think of me if I overstayed my welcome? What did they already think? A grown up that couldn’t leave the home in fear of something happening in a place with 2% crime rate? Who did I think I was? What made me think I could live up to the ninja’s lifestyle?
A knock on my door interrupted my inner debate and I unhooked the chair from under my door handle and opened the door, surprisingly, to see Wu. He held his bamboo staff in one hand and held his other arm around his back, his straw hat tilted over his eyes as he looked down at me. Lloyd and his family were tall but again I had to remember that they weren’t human.
“Hello.” I said.
“Come with me, child. There is something I wish for you to see.” Wu said and turned around, I followed behind him quickly. He had powerful strides for an elderly man that rivalled his students. He stopped at a room and opened the door for me, I stepped into the room only to see shelves stocked up to the ceiling with scrolls and books.
“What-? What’s going on?” I asked and he stalked towards me, keeping his gaze focused on the shelves before grabbing a book and handing it to me. He blew the dust off and wiped it before giving it me.
‘The history of the elemental masters’
“I thought you’d enjoy to learn more about all this. There are generally only 2 generations of elemental masters at the moment but your mother is in there. Everything about her time as the elemental master of earth.” My eyes widened. My mother?
“My mother was the elemental master of earth? Before Cole?!” I asked and he nodded.
“As Maya was the last elemental master of water before Nya, Rey the last elemental master of fire before Kai, The first spinjitsu master the last to master energy and be the ultimate spinjitsu master before Lloyd.” Wu said and my eyes shot up to him.
“How does that work then?” I asked and he grinned.
“Read this to know but simply put, the first spinjitsu master, my father, granted the first elemental masters their elements and then it has passed on through generations.” Wu explained and I nodded.
“Thank you.” I said to him and he smiled.
“It is nice to know I can still be of some use.” What? That was oddly depressing for Wu of all people to say.
“Oh and you do not need my permission to stay. Whatever you wish to do, you may.” Wu added before walking out the room.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
“Papita! Thank god! Settle this for us, please?” Cole asked, and I frowned.
“What is it?” I asked and he smirked, before bringing out a cake from where he hid it behind the counter and placed it on the table.
“Who gets the first slice?” He questioned and I sighed.
“Not you.” I said and they all laughed at him before Peach walked up to the cake with a knife and began cutting it.
“What’s going on?” I asked and Peach smiled.
“It’s our first official day off since we defeated the Onis!” Peach said and handed me a slice of cake even though out of the people in here, I deserved it the least.
“Wow! Thanks for that by the way.” I said and she laughed.
“You’re very welcome.” Peach said, dishing the slices out to those closest and ignoring Cole’s complaint about the size of his slice.
“I’m going to enjoy this in my room but thank you.” I said and they immediately protested. I didn’t think that many of them were listening.
“No! Cmon! Stay with us!” Cole said and patted the seat next to him.
“I have to work!” I complained to him only for him to mimic me and pat the seat again for which I huffed and walked over to sit next to him.
“What do you want to do? Today’s our day off and I am free for anything!” Cole said and I shrugged.
“I don’t know, I have to go home tomorrow. My train leaves pretty early tomorrow, can you drive me?” I asked and he nodded as the others seemed to tense up.
“Damn, you’re actually leaving?” Cherry asked and I grinned, nodding as well as I thought you meant it in a joking way because they all knew I was leaving right?
“No! I say we keep her!” Kai said to the room.
“We can’t keep her, that’s not our decision, Kai.” Lloyd scolded and Kai rolled his eyes. “It’s hers.”
“Well she should decide to stay.” Cherry jabbed him in the side and shook her head at him. What was that about.
A heard the sounds of metal bending before the familiar rush of water sounded. I turned to see the kitchen tap start spewing water quickly and powerfully. I gasped and Nya looked up only to apologise and stop the water flow.
“You’re having a lot of mishaps later, sis. You got something on your mind?” Kai asked and Nya glared at me.
“No.” She answered simply.
“Seriously, Nya. It’s not like you to-“ Lloyd treaded, carefully.
“To what?!” Nya asked, well asked very strongly. It was kind of attractive to her become so stern. I had only her be sweet before.
“Slip up- no pun intended.” Lloyd, bravely, told her.
“Nothing is wrong, I’m just not used to not doing something.” Nya explained, glaring at her brother and that sounded reasonable enough. Maybe. If Kai’s shoulder hadn’t burst into flames the next moment. He quickly patted it down until the fire was extinguished but it definitely showed that something was happening between the two. And it wasn’t steam… get it?
“Well whatever it is, both of you, try meditating.” Lloyd said before walking away. Weird.
“Not on my day off, dude. We’re doing what we want today!” Kai yelled and Lloyd flipped him off as he rejoined Peach again.
And the ninja did what they wanted to. At least for today. Cole and Kai played together on some game and felt the need to yell or hit one another out the way. They calmed for all of 2 minutes after Cherry woke up and kicked Kai in the ribs. Men. I glared at Cole after he spat on me when yelling at me about how Kai was cheating after I asked him to be quiet. He look guilty but just sheepishly laughed and swiped his spit off with his thumb. I sighed and flipped the page of my book annoyed. Out the corner of my eye I could see Nya stand up and make her way out the dojo. I excused myself briefly before following her.
“Nya!” I yelled out, I had to run to catch up with her.
“Hey, I’m just heading to try and meditate- what’s up?” She asked and I shook my head.
“I’m a little out of breath- I didn’t realise how loud it was in there…” I rambled and she laughed at how genuinely overstimulated I was.
“Yeah- hey, breathe.” Nya told me, putting a hand on my chest as I faced her. I did as she said and suddenly my heart wasn’t beating as hard, it was still going fast but that’s because of something else. Nya smirked before looking back into the room of occupied ninja. When I looked at her confused, she only grinned and took my hand before leading me down the hallway. She sped up and I laughed as we basically ran hand in hand. I followed her down to one of the dojos which she opened and led me into quickly before shutting the door. I laughed and spun around in the empty room. In my own childish bliss, I didn’t notice the eyes watching me or the smile on her face she couldn’t help.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” Nya asked, adoringly. I turned to her, shocked. Me? She flirted a lot but this was… different.
“Me?” I asked and she laughed.
“Who else?” She asked and I smiled, she stepped forward and I let her get as close as she wanted which was about a meter away from me.
“Maybe to you.” I said and she shook her head.
“Have you ever looked in the mirror, Y/n?” Nya asked, seriously. I smiled and shook my head.
“Maybe I need to look again. Try and see what you see.” I said and her hands cupped my face.
“What I see? I see you, only you.” Only me? My hand found its way to her cheek, she leant into my palm.
“Me?” I asked again and she laughed, placing her forehead on mine.
“Yes! You! Only you! Y/n Brookstone! You!” She said and I laughed, wrapping my arms around her neck. “You!” She repeated, chasing my eyes so she could look into them and make sure I knew exactly who she was talking to.
“Nya…” I said, more just out of something to say. I hugged her and she clung to me too. We stood like that for a moment.
“Don’t leave.” What?
I looked back up at Nya who was staring down at me, seriously. She looked desperate.
“What?” I asked and she shook her head.
“Don’t leave… I don’t want you to leave. I meant it, Y/n. Don’t leave.” Nya begged and I shut my eyes as I leaned back into her.
“I have to, trust me, I wouldn’t leave if I didn’t have to.” I told her and she nodded.
“Exactly! You don’t have to leave! You can stay! Everyone loves you! Cole wants to be closer! He wants you to stay! I want you to stay. Stay, please. Stay with me.” Nya pleaded
“Nya… I- You can’t just tell me this now!” I exclaimed and she sighed.
“Please, Nibbles. I don’t feel like this ever about someone. I don’t trust people like this. And it’s not just because you’re Cole’s sister. I’m super wary of anyone I meet for months before I can even trust that they’re good but you…”
Just say you like, me and I’ll stay.
“… you’re good. And I know you are. You fit our family perfect. Please.” So close.
“I’ll think about it, okay?” I said and she smiled. To see her smile, I think I would do anything.
“Thank you.” She rested her forehead on mine and sighed through her nose, I let her lift her head up until her nose was just grazing my hairline. Then I felt it, lips on my forehead. A kiss on my forehead. I looked back up at her in shock as she stared at me.
“I want you to stay. I need you to know that.” Nya said and I nodded. She wanted me to stay. But I needed to hear why?
“Okay.” I told her. How hard was it to just say?
One thing I wasn’t expecting when I fell asleep on the couch was to wake up to Cherry’s face staring down at me. I sat up, quickly. Had I done something wrong?
“Good morning! Did you sleep well?” She asked and I frowned.
“It’s morning?” I asked and Cherry sighed, before sitting next to me.
“No.” She checked her surroundings before facing me, a serious expression on her face. “What’s going on?” Funny, that’s what I wanted ask her.
“I don’t know what you mean?” I told her and she checked over her shoulder again.
“You and Nya. What’s happening?!” Oh, that.
“How did you know?!” I asked, rather alarmed and she deadpanned.
“Girl, come on, even Lloyd knows.” I didn’t know what that meant. Was Lloyd really oblivious or something?
“Even Cole?” I asked and Cherry laughed.
“No, I think the thought would send him spiralling.” Cherry told me and I frowned.
“Oh.” She faced me again.
“So what’s going on? Have you…” She hinted and I gasped before shaking my head.
“No!” I exclaimed and she held her hands up.
“Then what is going on? You two are not subtle at all.” Cherry said, frustrated.
“I don’t know, we’ve had a few moments but we haven’t kissed or anything… she said she wanted me to stay.” Cherry looked like she was about to start twitching.
“Anything else?” She asked, like I was hiding something. I wasn’t. “Dammit.” Cherry swore and stood up. “Are you leaving?!” She asked and I nodded.
“Of course.” I told her and she held her head.
“Why?” She asked and I frowned. “Because of Nya?”
“Because- because I have a life! A life that doesn’t include ninja stuff! I can’t be thrown into things like this- I’m not as secure as you guys…. If Nya said she liked me it would be different because a relationship can’t work if we never get to see each other but- but that’s not what’s going on!” I ranted and Cherry sat back down, I let her pull me into a hug and I clung to her.
“Maybe you should talk to her… give her one last chance before you leave all this behind, okay?” Cherry said and I frowned.
“Don’t you think it’s a bit too soon? I’ve only known her for 2 weeks.” I asked and she smiled.
“These ninja. These literal demigods. They feel stronger than we ever could. Their lives are a mess. They never know how long they have. They never know what they’ll face next so what they do know. They hold onto. And fortunately for people like you and me, they know what love is. Feelings take so long because you have so much time to question and doubt them, these guys don’t have that time. They know what they feel and run with it. Give her the chance and if she doesn’t show that, then the choice is up to you but know that it’s in your blood too. Don’t feel like you’re naive because you develop feelings quickly. It’s okay to be emotionally available.” Cherry told me and why did she always know what to say?
“Okay, thank you- I’m gonna- I’m gonna go talk to her.” I said and she smiled.
“That’s the spirit.” She said and jumped up and heard out the room, one thought in mind.
Kai scoffed from the corner of the room he managed to say hidden. Cherry held her up and he smacked it away gently as she laughed.
“When did you become a relationship expert?” He whined and she grinned.
“When I started to deal with your whiny ass 24/7.” She told him and he sat down next to her, sulking.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
Nya lay staring at her ceiling. Her thoughts only full of one thing at the moment. One person. She’s never felt this strongly before. Not for Jay. Not for anyone. It wasn’t normal. Is this what Kai meant when he said it was different? It could just be that it was her first time liking a woman. A very pretty woman at that. One that actually made her feel something. Something others couldn’t. It was almost funny how she knew Y/n was it for her. There was no one else. You couldn’t convince her so. You can’t convince her that there’s even a possibility of losing her. The thought of her even leaving made Nya feel ill, nauseous to her stomach. She sat up and held her head in her hands. This wasn’t normal. And it was too much. Too much to put on Y/n. She couldn’t make that decision for her. The one to take this life and truly, if she had been given the choice? She doesn’t even know if she’d take it.
A knock on her door disrupted her from her internal crisis. Nya sighed as she walked over to her door and opening. She expected to see her brother, annoyed as ever and ready to argue with her over what he believed she should do. Instead, she was greeted by the reason of her distraction. The reason that made her heart jump at just the sight of those eyes staring up at her, nervous, always anxious about something and it showed perfectly through her eyes. That was something Nya could obsess endlessly over. Her eyes. How much emotion a ring of colour around a black dot could hold. She really was like a piece of art. Y/n of course. And Nya was sure she could spend hours of her day, maybe all the hours of her day, just observing her. Admiring her. Had you ever met someone whose faults look like strengths to you? Nya had. She was starting right at that someone.
“Hey… are you busy?” Y/n asked and Nya shook her head.
“No! Come in, please.” She said and moved to the side so Y/n could slide past.
“Nya… is this real?” Y/n asked, eyes searching Nya’s for an unspoken answer but Nya’s face only contorted into one of confusion.
“Is what real?” Nya asked and Y/n sighed. Nya took her hands, and Y/n looked back up at her. “Whatever’s bothering you, you can tell me.” Nya told her and she smiled back up the water ninja.
“Is this real? Or is it just a fling of emotions?” Nya’s heart could have broke. How could Y/n believe that Nya couldn’t completely fall head over heels for her? That she wanted to just use her even?
“You think I would play you or something?” Nya asked she could tell by the way Y/n face lit up in alarm that she had said the wrong thing.
“No! No I just wanted… I wanted to know if all of this has been real and I haven’t just been delusional or over analysing anything.” Y/n told her and Nya sighed.
“Whatever you’re thinking, stop. I feel something for you. Something I’m not used to. I flirt a lot with you and only you because I want to. I think you’re beautiful and amazing and I think about you all the time!” Nya said and Y/n looked like she wanted more. Or something more specific.
“Thank you.” Y/n said, and Nya smiled before hugging her again.
“Do you want to stay with me tonight?” Nya asked and she felt a light nod on her chest. Nya silent basked in her own little sense of victory whilst the woman she liked was in her arms. The woman she liked. The woman she still hadn’t said so to. Feelings weren’t Nya’s strong suit.
I wasnt considered brave. Or confident. Or even proud. But I knew what I wanted and what I needed. And what I needed was stability. I couldn’t live without it. It would quickly send me into a downward spiral of paranoia and self destruction. I would become insatiable and frankly, insufferable. I couldn’t do that to my brother. To anyone at the monastery. And I knew that if I continued to play this game with Nya, it would cause me that instability. Most importantly, I can’t do that to myself or her. So with that thought in mind, I lifted Nya’s arm off me and silently got out of her bed and then eventually out her room.
My bag felt heavier than it should’ve as I made my way to the front of the monastery. I had my old ratty teddy in hand as I saw Cole waiting with his keys in hand by the door. He hugged me as soon as he saw me and I clung onto him. I felt his hand grab my sweater as he clung to me. Cherry’s sweatshirt. That she gave to me. I had made so many good memories here in the span of two weeks.
“You ready?” Cole asked and I nodded, he took my bag off me and we both headed out. We walked around the dragon head that belonged to the sleeping dragon curled around the monastery. I’d miss this weird way of life.
The drive was longer than I thought it would be, granted we did stop to get breakfast and have a proper goodbye without anyone else involved even though the whole monastery seemed to be dead asleep when we left. But the ninjas were as silent as they came when they wanted to be. They had to force their footsteps to make noise because they’d be training so long that their footsteps naturally made no sound. It took mainly jumpscare from randomly appearing ninja to learn this. Even Cole, whose steps use to echo in our family home, made virtually no sound whilst doing anything.
“I’m proud of you.” Cole said. Randomly. I looked at him, confused. “Choosing to go your own way, to do what you want. It’s admirable, Mon Petit Chou.” I deadpanned at him.
“Do you have to say the nickname?” I asked and he grinned.
“Of course. Do you remember what it means?” He asked and I rolled my syes.
“Of course I do. It means my little cabbage. You started calling me it when I refused to eat my cabbage when I was younger.” I said and he smiled, brightly.
“I gave you a lot of nicknames, didn’t I?” Cole asked and I nodded.
“Yeah and I remember them all. Flump was the worst.” I said and he laughed. “Thank you, by the way.” I said and he frowned.
“For what? Driving you?” He asked and I shook my head.
“No… for raising me. You really did everything.” I said and he shrugged.
“Mom had just died, Dad wasn’t up to it. So I took over. You don’t need to thank me, you kept me from reacting too badly to everything.” Cole said and I frowned.
“I did?” I asked and he nodded.
“You’re good at that, distracting others from their problems… it’s probably why everyone wanted you to stay so badly at the monastery. There’s a whole lot of problems going on in that monastery.” Cole told me and I smiled, turning back to look out the window.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
Nya was cold. Too cold compared to how she fell asleep. She actually got to hold Y/n. Protect her in her arms and watch as her breathing evened out and she fell asleep. It was easily the best night Nya’s had in a long time and the most peaceful sleep she’s had too. Which is why it didn’t make sense that she woke up so cold and alone. In fact, the alone part concerned her more. After feeling around on the bed for Y/n, it was clear that she wasn’t here. Nya sat up and scanned her room. At seeing her nowhere and her door still closed she quickly got up and headed out into the monastery. The first person she saw was Kai who ignored her as he walked past, she ended up following him to the living area but it was unusually quiet for how the monastery usually is. The living area was way too quiet too. Everyone doing their own thing whilst Peach and Lloyd worked on breakfast together. Wu was even sat in the living area reading an old scroll.
“Morning, Nya.” Jay said as he passed and she nodded back at him. “Enjoy your morning off?” He asked and she nodded again.
“Yeah, thank you…” she scanned the room again and frowned in confusion. “Has anyone seen Y/n?” Nya asked and they turned to her in the same confusion.
“She’s gone.” Kai answered and Nya frowned.
“What do you mean?” She asked and Kai rolled his eyes.
“Home, she went home.” Lloyd filled in and her heart dropped. Home? How could she go home? Didn’t last night mean anything to her?!
“Home?” Nya asked, perplexed. “She told me she was staying.” Nya added and Lloyd shrugged.
“Something must’ve changed, either way, it was her choice. Cole and her left about an hour ago.” Lloyd told her and she inwardly freaked.
“I don’t…” Nya acknowledged him but walked out the room either way.
“Breakfast is in 20 minutes!” Peach called after her, ignoring Nya’s clear panic.
“Why would she leave?!” Nya asked herself frustrated.
“Probably because of you.” She heard her brother’s voice and turned towards him.
“What?!” Nya questioned and Kai shrugged.
“Did you tell her you like her?” He asked and she frowned.
“No I- what would that have to with anything?!” Nya asked and Kai rolled his eyes.
“I know you’re new to dating women but they like to feel validated and like they aren’t in the way. They prefer when you’re straightforward, they’re not up for a long winded love story where they never know how you feel about them.” Kai said and Nya frowned.
“What would you know about Y/n?” Nya asked and Kai grinned.
“Personally? Not much. Cherry however…” Kai hinted and Nya’s face fell.
“You know something!” Nya practically yelled.
“Know something? Something like Y/n spoke to Cherry last night and admitted that if you said you liked her, she’d stay. Is that the kind of thing you think I would know?” Kai asked, rhetorically. Nya’s stood there in shock.
“Yes! Exactly that- did she say anything else?!” Nya asked.
“No so unless you have a phone number, I’d wrap it up before Cole gets round to hearing about it.” Kai said, leaving his sister alone in the hallway.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
There was a saying about water. Well a few but a more notable one is; when it rains it pours. Nya didn’t cry, no her tears were more external than just a few salty water droplets that fell down her cheeks. Ninjas had been known to cause certain catastrophes when upset, Cole had levelled one side of the monastery, Kai had almost started a forest fire, Jay had caused a whole city power out, Zane had froze the whole east wing for 6 hours straight with the monks frozen in it as well and Nya, Nya was known to cause floods. Not just normal floods. Depending on her mood she could cause tidal waves and drains to implode and any running water to burst out the pipes. So for Nya, yes, when it rained it poured and everyone was painfully aware of this. Even Cole, who had almost crashed his car into a ditch after a sudden burst of water crashed down onto the road and began to rage across it, effectively cutting him off from getting to the train station. Stopping Y/n from getting to her train.
“What’s happening?!” Y/n asked, breathing laboured from the sudden swerving and panic inducing manoeuvres. If anything, more faith was just put in her brother’s driving for that reaction time.
Cole jumped out his car and slammed the door, marching over to the raging stream. He looked up to see the clouds above pouring but only over this section of the road. He clenched his fists, a subtle orange glowing from his veins as the cement beneath his feet cracked around him. Nya’s outburst was sure to have an effect on Y/n who he had left in the car by herself. Cole would not go easy on Nya later when he tells her how she almost stopped Y/n from going home. With that thought in mind, Cole closed his eyes and focused. Soon rocks began to sprout from the ground and almost like a damn was formed, stopping the raging stream. After his display, Cole got back in the car.
“Sorry, Nya’s clearly had some outburst and is now flooding half of Ninjago City.” Cole told Y/n whose eyes widened at him.
“Nya did this?!” She asked and Cole nodded.
“She’s prone to floods, tidal waves and mini tsunamis when she’s upset.” Cole explained and Y/n only nodded and leant back in her seat.
“Does she get this upset often?” Y/n asked and Cole sighed.
“No. Nothing really moves her except her brother or her break up.” Y/n looked out the window, eyes wide. “Which is why is extremely convenient that now she decided to have an outburst. I may cause earthquakes but at least-“
“You cause earthquakes?” The words left her mouth quicker than she could register what she easy saying and Cole faltered.
“Yes, sometimes. We all have our quirks. Jay causes power outages sometimes, Kai caused a forest fire once, Zane froze half the monastery and Lloyd is honestly the worst because he’s all of us combined and more so he’s really a wild card- I’m freaking you out now, aren’t I?” He asked and Y/n nodded. “Hey? Are you sure you’re okay to go home? To move in with Dad again?” Cole asked and she nodded.
“I can’t be alone anymore and a dog isn’t going to cut it. I need someone who can work me down.” She told her brother who looked back at her.
“Which is exactly why I’m asking if you want to move in with Dad! We both know he wasn’t exactly interested in learning how to adjust to life after mom and what his children’s needs were.” Cole told her and she shook her head.
“I don’t have anyone else! I don’t have friends or other family! I’m alone Cole!” Y/n exclaimed and Cole pulled over.
“You have me! You have the rest of us! We would take you in without another thought, Y/n.” Cole told her and she scoffed.
“Don’t act like I’m part of your life. You didn’t even tell me you were married! That had nothing to do with being a ninja!” Y/n told him and Cole scoffed.
“That’s what this is about?! That I hid my life? My wife?! And it had everything to do with being a ninja! We spent weeks thinking the other was dead and when we saw each other again alive we knew that we had to seal ourselves together forever. No more waiting.” Cole told her and she shook her head.
“Why the hell would you tell me that if you’re trying to get me to live with you! You think moving in with Dad would be bad?! What about living with ninjas who come home half dead and injured?! You’re not thinking about me Cole! You just feel guilty that you abandoned me when you knew I needed you more than anything!” Y/n yelled and Cole looked down.
“I love you-“ he started and she shook her head. “I do! More than anything- I do! You’re my little sister but more than that, you know I raised you. You know that you’re more like my child than you are my sister. I shouldn’t have left you with him or at the schools. I should’ve taken you with me, I could’ve as well. Just like Kai did with Nya. And I can never make that up but please, don’t hold this against me. I will never stop worrying for you or thinking that I am going to somehow make you worse.” Cole told her and she looked down, eyes watery.
“Take me to Chen’s diner.” She said instead and Cole sighed, shifting the car into gear and pulling back into the road. “I need to be somewhere where floods or earthquakes won’t happen because someone has had a bad day.” The excess words were unneeded but held a heavy meaning. One that Cole could understand. Y/n wasn’t part of their world and he couldn’t force her to be, he had missed his chance to do so.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
The slamming of keys and the tension that immediately swept through the monastery indicted to any unfortunate bystanders that dropping Y/n off did not go well. The monks in the hall didn’t look at Cole as he stormed his way through the halls towards the living area and kitchen where he knew his “family” would be. The first victim to meet his scrutinising glare was Lloyd who’s eyes quickly widened before he directed his attention elsewhere and nudged his wife to give her a quick warning who then kicked Cole’s wife and motioned towards Cole.
“Hey, big guy. How’d it go? Did she get there?” Pearl asked, treading lightly. Her husband was a large and intimidating figure who was not so tense and easy to rattle as he looked in the moment. Not to mention having an individual with super strength being annoyed wasn’t ideal.
“Get there? No. How could she? Did you not hear or see the flood currently sweeping Ninjago?” Cole asked and Pearl paused.
“Flood?” She asked and Cole nodded, he caught Lloyd shaking his head in the corner of his eye and immediately snapped up to look at the leader.
“You! We all knew about Nya’s temperamental and uncontrolled powers at the moment! Why haven’t you been focusing on that?!” Cole pointed an accusing finger at him and Lloyd only stared at Cole with a stern look.
“I am not who you’re upset with and neither is Nya. Why don’t you try meditating, Cole?” Lloyd suggested and Cole scoffed but before Lloyd could take the brunt of his frustration again, his real perpetrator walked in. Sweat glistened of her body and the dark patch under the armpits of her vest indicated that she had put herself through an intense training session.
“Did you make any more fruit bowls, Peach?” Nya asked, innocently and said girl pointed to the fridge.
“Fruit? You want fruit right now?!” Cole exclaimed and Nya frowned at the man.
“Oh fruit is the last thing she wants right now.” Kai commented from where he was sat, overlooking his katana which he had just sharpened. Nya glared at him.
“Yes I want fruit. I’m hungry and I’ve just put myself through one hell of a training session.” Nya told him and Cole scoffed. “Whatever tantrum you’re having right now- I don’t want to be apart of. I have too much going on-“
“Was it the training session that relieved some of that stress? Or was it the flood that convents blocked me and Papita from even getting to the train station?” Cole asked and Nya paused.
“Y/n didn’t get on the train?” She asked, staring dead in his eyes. Cole only glared. “Don’t give me the silent treatment now! Where is she-?! Why isn’t she here?!” Nya questioned and Cole only scoffed.
“Why isn’t she here? Why would she want to be with a bunch of out of control, temperamental, impulsive people who cause natural disasters after having a bad day! What part of that to a normal person- let alone a paranoid, sensitive girl sounds appealing?!” Cole questioned and Nya got closer.
“Where is she?!” Nya pressed and Cole shook his head.
“Why do you even care? It was your outburst that stopped her from leaving. Why don’t you just leave her alone for today and try to reign in your emotions for 5 minutes?!” Cole asked and Nya’s eyes hardeneds
“Where is she, Cole?!” Nya asked again and Cole shook his head.
“At her friends’! Why would she come back here when she could wake up to half the monastery collapsing down because one of us can’t control our powers and end up causing a landslide- again!” Cole exclaimed and Lloyd shook his head against the hand on his face.
“Friends-? Y/n doesn’t have friends, Cole! She only ever mentioned and stayed with that Ch- She’s staying at the place near the noodle stand?!” Nya questioned and Cole nodded.
“Exactly! Because she couldn’t stand to be with us again-“ The brute of a man didn’t get to finish his insulting comment as, ironically, the fire ignited inside the water ninja’s eyes and she was pushing past him and racing to the ninja cave that held all their vehicles. Specifically, her modified bike that went speeds that weren’t safe for any normal individual. The bike that would get her to her destination within half the time any other bike would.
“She didn’t even hesitate, did she?” Peach stated and Lloyd shook his head.
“Hesitate to do what?!” Cole asked and Pearl shook her head with a sigh.
“One day your brain will catch up to all the brawn.” Pearl told her husband who looked at his wife confusedly.
The apartment held a pitiful silence and the couple on the sofa tried to hide their sympathetic glances and shared concerned looks about the girl on the seater across the room staring at the tv. But she wasn’t actually watching the tv, how could she? Her thoughts plagued her whole mind, clouding her own vision literally and figuratively as her eyes were unfocused and the girl herself, disassociated from the world around her. Completely trapped in her own subpar drama and melodramatic life as the most exciting and thrilling part of her life officially came to an end. She was left with nothing but memories to mull over and wish they could happen again, wish that the person in her memories would make more with her and not see her as what she was. A fling. A brief glimpse into what could’ve been if only. A fantasy really. How do I know that this girl could possibly be thinking and doing all this? I am her.
Nya could never want me. I was her opposite. She could face whatever confronted her and I couldn’t even confront my landlord… on the phone. Nya handled her dysfunctional and chaotic life with grace and on most good days I can’t even convince myself to clean my room. How could someone like her ever want someone like me? She was so well kept and I was more like an ice cube that was dropped and kicked under the fridge which then melted. What could she ever see in me? I should’ve never taken her kindness for genuine interest. I should’ve never put so much on her that would make her have an outburst like she did with the flood.
“Hey… I know you said you and your brother just had an argument over the flood but did anything else happen? Or was it maybe worse than you let on?” Reece asked and I turned to face him with a blank look.
“What he means is, you’re clearly very upset about what happened and we don’t want you have to go through it alone.” Chen added and I forced a smile and a nod.
“Thank you… I guess a lot did happen.” I said and they both looked at each other for a moment, speaking with their eyes. I thought me and Nya could do that too, communicate through our eyes. Apparently not. Desire really does make you short-sighed and borderline delusional if not fully.
“We were speaking the whole time you’ve been here, Y/n. You seemed so happy, what happened?” Chen asked and I looked down.
“I met a girl. I thought she maybe liked me too but I was wrong and stupid. So stupid.” My eyes watered and I looked up. I saw Reece’s mouth move to cover his mouth in sympathy and Chen sighed.
“Did you get rejected?” He asked and I shook my head.
“No, worse. I think I was basically her guinea pig, she hasn’t been out long.” I told them and Reece shook his head.
“Cannon event.” He said and Chen stared at him wildly but it managed to crack a genuine smile on my face.
“Ignore him. That was wrong of her.” Chen said and I shook my head.
“No it wasn’t.” I said. “She wanted me to stay and I wanted her to tell me why. It’s my fault, I asked for more than I could have.” I said and they shook their heads.
“It’s not wrong to get your hopes up or set boundaries, Y/n.” Chen told me and I shook my head.
“She was amazing and perfect and I ruined it.” I almost let the tears fall. “I should’ve just let her carry on and tell me what she wanted. I would’ve done it.” I said and Reece shook his head.
“No, it’s good! You did what’s best for you!” He tried to assure me but I don’t think that’s true anymore.
I came to ninja city to make amends with my brother and get closer and bring us closer together. We’re now actually on bad terms. I fell for the one girl in his life that he thought of as a sister and bit more off than I could chew. I made a mess of this. Like I did everything. I was better of holing myself away in the dingy apartment again and hoping my bed could swallow me whole whilst I wrote lyrics about things I could never understand like having someone care for me. I didn’t do what’s best for me. I made everything worse. What’s best is for me to go back to that hole and stay there. Away from anyone else I can bother or disturb.
A knock disturbed the sad silence that had settled between us once again thanks to me. I would make sure never to bother Chen and Reece again. I had already asked too much of them but staying here twice. We all ignored it due to it being from the door to the cafe below before the knocking became more rapid. We all shared a confused look before Chen sighed.
“It’s probably some drunk idiot looking for a bite.” Chen said and got up, Reece crossed his arms and made no move to get up and follow his partner. The knocking stopped with the sound of the door opening and there was a hushed frantic conversation that even Reece turned down the TV to try and hear. Then there was movement but I could only hear one set of footsteps and Chen’s alarmed voice calling out for whoever it was to stop. Then there was a harsh knock on the door to the apartment above the cafe, the one we were in. Reece looked at me with wide eyes before stalking over the door and opening it slightly.
“Is Y/n here?!”
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
Nya’s heart pounded in her chest so hard she could hear a ringing begin to form in her ears. Then again she didn’t know if that was due to the whistling of the wind that was rushing by her ears as she hit speeds that were no where near legal to hit on some of these roads. She usually flew towards the noodle stand as she was usually on patrol and in a gi but not now. Not in broad daylight even if it was getting darker now. Her body lowered as she weaved in between cars occasionally getting a honk but she couldn’t afford the time to wait in traffic. Not with these thoughts racing through her head so fast that she could barely hear the noise of the road and city around her. The helmet on her head did nothing to prevent the crashing wind hitting her face as she drove against it. Nya didn’t care. She would race against tsunamis and avalanches if that’s what it took to get to her. To see her again. Y/n.
That’s what all this was for of course. Nya was done with the hiding and the hypocrisy. She had hid herself for 26 years and now she had the chance to have everything she ever wanted. And that was Y/n. The girl who consumed her ever thought and was a part of every decision she made. She wanted to make breakfast? Was Y/n hungry too? She wanted to train? How long would she be away from Y/n for? She wanted to mediate? Would Y/n want to do that too? She wanted to listen to as song? Did Y/n write the lyrics? And the lyrics she wrote were beautiful and meaningful. The ones that hadn’t been put on a backing track yet that she had been blessed enough to be allowed to read consumed her every thought. She closed her eyes and she could hear Y/n’s voice whispering them to her, her perfect lips so close to Nya that she could see every dent and line around the corners of her mouth. She might even notice a scar or a mark she had never been close enough to see before. And Y/n would be so close. Perhaps even in her arms like she was the night before. So close to her heart where Nya knew she belonged. Nya knew she couldn’t live with herself if the only time that could ever happen again was in her dreams. It wasn’t a desire that pulled Nya towards Y/n, it was a burning need. A longing that pulled on her heart so strongly it felt as if her arteries would rip from her heart if she didn’t see Y/n again as soon as. Cole had missed his chance to make her part of their life but Nya hadn’t. Not yet.
Nya wasn’t proud of the way she drifted and skidded her bike to a stop outside the cafe. She had spent months on the thing but it all seemed futile when on the other side of the wall she parked outside was the woman of her dreams. The one she would not and could not let go. Nya also wasn’t proud of the strength and desperation she knocked on the door of the cafe with. Through her franticness she didn’t ever notice the intercom on the wall or the doorbell. The knocking continued until a figure appeared and rushed to open the door. It was a man, disappointing. He looked wilded by her presence and confused.
“Can I help you- we’re closed by the way.” He said and Nya shook her head.
“I- no-! I don’t want your food- is Y/n here?!” The man fasted and Nya knew from that moment, that yes, Y/n was here. And that was all she needed.
“I- who are you-?!” Nya didn’t care to answer him, she only pushed past him and looked for some kind of door or staircase to the apartment above. She could smell that perfume Y/n used and the scent that she had been lucky enough to be smothered in last night. She was here or had been. She pushed on one door and she could spot a staircase with a light on through it. She was barging through the door and rushing up the stairs to a door that had a number on it, it was an apartment. She ignored the alarmed yells and complaints to stop what she was doing from the man who opened the door but she didn’t care. She knocked on the door and waited a few moment for someone to answer, she could hear movement. Another man opened the door and she stared at him with wide eyes.
“Is Y/n here?!”
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
What was she doing here?! What was she thinking?! Did Cherry say something?! Did Cole say something?! I was up on my feet and heading to the door with urgency I didn’t know I could feel so heavily. Reece looked at me worriedly before moving back for me to come into view. Nya sighed when she saw me and her whole body decompressed with her shoulders lowering and her hand gripping the door frame, the veins and muscles on her arm slightly tensing from the grasp. She looked at me and over me with these large, wide eyes that started slightly with, if I hadn’t played this game before with her, I would assume an adoring glare.
“What are you doing here, Nya?” I asked and she moved closer, looking down at me as if I would disappear if she took her eyes off me.
“Y/n…” she only whispered and I frowned. What was up with her? The flood and now this? “Why didn’t you come back? Why didn’t you stay? I thought you were staying?!” Her voice came out desperate and rushed.
“I never said I was.” The words dropped for my mouth like sand and Nya’s head drooped.
“What do I have to do?” She asked and I looked at her bewildered.
“To do? What do you mean?!” I questioned and she looked up through her fallen hair at me.
“To get you to stay, to come back. To be with me.” Nya told me and I froze, mouth slightly ajar and my draw threatening to drop at any second. Before I could process the meaning behind those words, Nya was falling to her knees and taking my hands as she stared up at me.
“What are you-“
“Y/n Brookstone, I like you. I like you so much it burns. You consume my every thought. Whenever I close my eyes I hear your voice, I see your face and I feel your touch that I know I don’t deserve. When I am away from you it feels like the world is punishing me for a crime I didn’t commit. All I want is you. The thought that I could’ve never seen you again or never even tell you how much I like you and want you makes me want to rip my own eyes from my body and give them to you as an apology for almost giving you up and missing out on something so amazing. Please, please Y/n. Don’t make that thought become a reality. Don’t let my own stupidity take this away. Take you away. I like you. I want you. I want us.” Nya slowly raised to her feet again and my eyes followed hers and they soon were above me again. “And I will do whatever it takes,” her hand moved to my cheek “to prove to you that this is real,” her head lowered until our foreheads were touching, “because it’s real to me.” And that was it, the tears fell from my eyes and her lips met mine. My eyes closed but it didn’t last nearly long enough. Our eyes met and smiles spread across both our faces as I threw my arms around her neck and she moved her arms around my waist. Our head pressed against the side of each other’s as she turned her to kiss around my ear and whisper how thankful she was and compliments that had me swooning immediately.
“Nya-!” I exclaimed because I didn’t really have anything else to say.
“Yes, buttons?” She asked, smirk falling back on her face so effortlessly as she held on but I leant back to see her face better.
“You’re so-“ I lost the words again and she kissed my cheek.
“So what?” She questioned and I shook my head. “Are you coming home now? With me?” Nya asked and I smiled.
“Only if it’s with you.” Her smirk fell into a smile as she kissed me again. However, I jumped and we broke apart at the sound of clapping a cheering from the two gay men we had found ourselves between. Nya laughed and held onto her a bit tighter from the panic that had entered my veins. She gave me a reassuring squeeze and smile.
I’d be lying if I didn’t slightly panic at the sight of the motorbike Nya had brung with her. Nya noticed my wariness and she smiled. She grabbed the helmet off the handle and lowered it over my head as I looked up at her. She gently wiggled it about a little until it felt secure and I looked up at her. She pressed a kiss to the top of the helmet.
“This will keep you safe… I don’t have a spare but I’ll be fine.” Nya said and my eyes widened a little.
“We’re not going fast right?” I asked and she grinned.
“Not too fast.” She promised but that didn’t seem reassuring. “It’s either this or a dragon. I wasn’t thinking properly when I was racing here to see you.” She admitted and I couldn’t help the little smile at the admission.
“Taxi?” I asked and Nya gave me an amused grin before patting the seat.
“C’mon. You’ll have to hold onto me tightly which I’m sure you’ll hate.” She joked and I smiled, watching how she sat so casually on her bike. It was attractive for sure.
“Not too fast.” I told her as I got on and wrapped my arms around her middle.
“Not too fast.” She promised and the roar of the bike could be heard immediately in my ears as she released the break and soon we were sledding off. Not too fast my arse.
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Two Years, Five Months, and Three Days
I have arrived with the next part of the bruise childhood friends au, only *checks notes* two months late. This is the last part before the grand finale where Jay and Cole will get together. It’s set just after the ending of 'Cause daddy doesn't love me, mommy is a god'. Warning for swearing, cross posted on ao3.
“This is the Monastery?” Jay asked. He shifted his duffel bag to the other shoulder and looked over at Wu, who nodded. 
“It is the Monastery of Spinjitsu. This is where you will train,” he said.
“It’s so… big,” Jay said. How could such a large building be hiding up in the mountains, unnoticed by anyone? It seemed impossible, despite the evidence standing right in front of him.
“It was designed to house multiple generations of people at a time. There were nearly twenty living together at one point.”
“And now?”
Wu hummed. “Three, including you and me.”
“Sensei, there’s only two of us.”
“Three. I have another student. He’s about your age, actually,” Wu said. 
“Another student? You didn’t mention that.”
“I didn’t? Well, no time like the present to meet him, then.” Wu pushed the doors open and entered, Jay following closely. 
The Monastery was beautiful, Jay thought. Everything about it was bright and shiny. It didn’t seem very much like a home, though. While intricate and very complex, it was cold and impersonal as well. For something meant to house multiple families, it didn’t look lived in. 
“So, where’s this other student?” Jay asked. 
“Ah, he’s around here somewhere. Probably in his room. You’ll come across him eventually.”
Wu looked at Jay critically. “You must be tired from your journey,” he said. “Take any one of the empty rooms and rest. You can start training some other day.”
Jay was too tired to argue. Any excitement at being able to be a real life superhero had drained out hours ago, replaced with a bone-deep exhaustion. He took the first room on the left, thankful when it wasn’t occupied, and threw his bags on the floor. He’d unpack tomorrow, probably. And if not then, then definitely by the end of the week. 
The room was rather plain. Off-white painted walls, a wooden door and window frame, simple furniture and bed. It gave the impression of a model room in some house showing. 
Jay lay down on the bed, arms folded over his stomach. He should explore this place, figure out the layout. He’d need to know where the bathroom was, at the very least. But he also didn’t want to get up, not when he’d just gotten comfortable. Ugh. Sighing, Jay peeled himself off the floor and went down the hall, opening and closing doors as he passed.
On the fifth door he opened, he found what must have been the other student’s room. The walls were an eggshell white, much like Jay’s, but it was decorated. He could see a calendar, among other things, lining the walls. The bed was neatly made with a black comforter and pillows.
Jay closed the door. It wasn’t polite to be snooping in some stranger’s room, especially if said stranger was going to be his roommate-slash-vigilante-partner. First impressions had to be good, after all. He continued down the hall to find that it split into two. This entire building was practically a maze. And it seemed to be bigger on the inside. How did that even work?
“Ehhh, screw it,” Jay sighed. He picked the hall on the right, because ‘the right is always right,’ or something like that, and promptly got lost. 
“This place is a freaking maze,” he groaned. “I’m gonna get lost and die from dehydration and hunger.”
“It’s not nearly that bad,” a voice said quietly. Jay spun around, nearly knocking the newcomer in the stomach, and locked eyes with a ghost. 
Well, not a literal ghost, but close enough, for Cole Hence-Brookstone himself was standing in front of him. The same Cole who’d mysteriously disappeared two years ago. The same Cole who Jay had presumed dead.
Jay choked. “Cole?” His voice had an unfortunate resemblance to a cat coughing up a hairball.
Cole looked just as shocked as Jay felt. “Jay? What are you doing here? How are you here?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Jay growled. He hadn’t seen Cole in years — not since they were eleven, back when Cole got sent to boarding school. They hadn’t kept contact, for whatever reason, and the last Jay had heard from him was a short letter. It had come out of nowhere, after nearly a year of radio silence, in which Cole’d said he was ‘leaving’ and didn’t know if he’d be back. 
“Sensei Wu is training me,” Cole lifted his chin. “I’m guessing you’re his new student.”
“Got it in one,” Jay said. He glared at Cole a little more, as if doing that would make him explain the past few years.
“Look, Jay, I know that our last conversation was awkward, but—“
“Just shut up. I don’t want to hear it,” Jay shook his head. “You left, Cole. Just a shitty letter and nothing else. What is there to talk about?”
Cole looked down at the floor and picked at his nails. Vaguely, Jay could remember Cole having that habit even when they were kids. 
“I didn’t want to hurt you,” Cole said quietly. 
“Mission failed, then. A big fat zero-out-of-ten.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Whatever,” Jay said.
Cole nodded. He took a step past Jay. “See you during training then, or something.”
“Uh huh.”
“Okay,” Cole left, leaving Jay standing alone in the blank hallway. 
Cole had fucked up. He’d fucked up so badly that he could never recover. How could Jay of all people be in the Monastery, with him, training to fight the forces of darkness? The universe was playing a cosmic joke on him. 
Cole had missed Jay, of course he had. Jay was his first and only friend. He’d thought he was doing the right thing when he sent that letter to Jay, saying sorry for everything. He had never been a good friend to Jay, and he’d thought that Jay would be better off without him.
He probably had been, really. 
But now they had no choice but to work together. Sensei Wu had explained that himself, said that he couldn’t just choose just anyone to be trained; it had to be specific people with the potential. And Jay must have the potential, since he was here in this building, his room only three doors down from Cole’s.
Cole hit the punching bag a little harder, nearly snapping the chain off. In any other case, he’d be sulking in his room, but Wu had drilled into his head that training was too important to miss. So he was standing in the training room, hoping to the First Master that Jay didn’t come in. 
That was unlikely, though, Cole mused. They’d both avoided each other like the plague for the past two weeks. Wu hadn’t picked up on the awkwardness between them, at least not yet, but it was only a matter of time. Then he’d force them to work out their problems and be civil. The only times Cole even saw Jay was at dinner, during which they never talked.
He wished they would talk, though. It was suffocating to have his former best friend right there and not be getting along. Cole deserved it, he supposed, but he missed when they were kids. When they’d just talk and play games together, not a care in the world.
Cole hit the punching bag again. His knuckles were starting to hurt, sore and bleeding. Little droplets of red ran down his fingers. He must have been punching harder than he’d thought.
Wu would kill him if he didn’t take care of his injuries. Cole made his way to the sink, running his hands under the water until it ran clear. Then he put ointment on the wounds.
His hands were still visibly hurt. He could hear his mom chiding him, a voice in his head telling him to take better care of himself. “You need to be careful, Pumpkin,” she used to say. “I won’t always be around to help you.”
And she hadn’t, because Mom had died when Cole was just barely eleven. It still hurt to think of. Cole blinked back the tears — he refused to cry. Crying was something that got you beaten up and made fun of.
A cough and the sound of someone clearing their throat, and then a freckled face with reddish hair was in his vision, patting Cole on the shoulder. 
“You okay, Cole?” Jay asked awkwardly. He was taller, now, Cole thought. Probably a good few inches taller than Cole.
“I— yeah,” Cole said. 
“Um, okay, then,” Jay mumbled. He looked down at his feet. “See you at dinner.”
“Yeah,” Cole nodded. He watched Jay exit, then turned back to the mirror. His eyes weren’t too red and puffy, thankfully. Small mercies. 
Why had Jay even bothered talking to Cole? He’d made it pretty clear that they weren’t friends. Did it mean he didn’t hate Cole? Was he trying to say that he didn’t quite forgive Cole, but was willing to be civil? Or maybe it was just because anyone would have done that, made sure another person was okay.
Why did people have to be so complicated? Stupid emotions and relationships. It must be the last option, Cole decided. They weren’t friends, no, but maybe they were acquaintances. He could work with that. Just two people who happened to be coworkers. That was more than acceptable.
Jay buried his face in his pillow and wondered if the world would make sense after banging his head on the headboard a few more times. It didn’t. 
Jason Edward Gordon, you are the most socially awkward person on this side of Ninjago, he told himself. “You okay?” He’d asked Cole. Who even said that? It was very clear Cole had not been okay. 
Jay groaned and tried to organise his thoughts. First thought, he was terrible at comforting people. He’d just left without even giving Cole a tissue. Second thought, he apparently did not hate Cole, no matter how much he wanted to. Third thought, his life was a mess and he was officially an idiot.
Hmmm. Not very organised at all. Jay hated emotions.
Should he go talk to Cole? He probably should. But the awkwardness alone would kill him. Jay resisted the urge to scream and just never come out of his room again.
Jay buried his face in the pillows again.
Dinner was… awkward, to say the least. Jay and Cole sat on opposite sides of the table and avoided talking. Wu served rice and some kind of fish, miraculously oblivious to the tension in the air.
“You two should start sparring tomorrow,” Wu said cheerfully. “I’m sure that Cole can teach you, Jay.”
“I— yeah,” Cole muttered. “Sure.”
“Sounds great,” Jay mumbled.
“I have to go collect the next member of your team soon, so you’re going to be alone for the next week or so. Dark forces are rising and we need as much help as we can get,” Wu continued.
“But Jay’s barely even started proper training,” Cole said.
“You can teach him, as I said earlier. You’re more than capable.”
“Are you sure I can’t learn from you, Sensei?” Jay laughed, perhaps a bit maniacally. He must have sounded like a crazy person.
“You will. Once I return with your teammate.”
“There’s food in the freezer. Only Jay is allowed to reheat it.”
Cole made a face. “Why can’t I?”
“Because you set water on fire and I don’t want the Monastery burning down.”
Cole went back to his food, muttering about how he was perfectly able to cook. Jay doubted that, memories of burnt cookies and undercooked chicken in his mind.
“I’ll be going by tomorrow morning. Don’t leave the Monastery under any conditions,” Wu stood. “I have to rest for the night. You boys finish dinner on your own.”
“Yes, Sensei.”
Cole got up immediately after Wu left, collecting his plates and heading for the sink. He didn’t look at Jay, just washed the dishes and left. So Jay ended up sitting alone while he finished his dinner, poking at the vegetables and wondering why Sensei didn’t believe in seasoning. And also wondering how he was going to get through the next week, all alone with Cole.
There was no way he was going to survive the week.
Cole got up at exactly six in the morning, brushed his teeth, and made himself cereal for breakfast. Then he went to the training grounds and went through the obstacle course again.
Jay didn’t pull himself out of bed until nine — Sensei would have killed him for that. Cole chose not to say anything, though, just watched him go through the forms Wu had taught. 
Your arms are too stiff,” Cole said quietly. He gestured to Jay’s position. “You need to relax a bit more.”
“Oh, yeah. Okay,” Jay flushed.
“That’s better,” Cole nodded. “You’re, um, doing good.”
Cole stood near Jay fur a few more minutes, making sure that he was doing the exercises properly, until Jay coughed and cleared his throat. “You can go do your own thing. I’m doing fine on my own.”
“You’re sure?”
“Okay,” Cole mumbled. Was he blushing? He was probably blushing.
“Thanks, though.”
Cole went back to the obstacle course. He’d talk to Jay later, hopefully.
Lunch was a silent affair, both Cole and Jay picking at last night’s leftovers. They didn’t bother talking — Jay went to the microwave and heated the food up, then they ate. Cole was just thankful that Jay wasn’t glaring at him anymore. Awkward silence was much better than anger.
“Wonder when Sensei will be back?” Cole asked, in an attempt to lighten the mood.
“Soon, hopefully. I don’t think we could survive without him.”
“Yeah, probably not. I mean, I still can’t cook. He won’t even let me in the kitchen!”
Jay actually laughed at that. “I can’t either! The housekeeper wouldn’t let me!”
“Not even to make like, microwave soup or something?”
“Bold of you to assume we had microwave meals. Dad — Cliff is still the crunchy all-natural granola mom he’s always been.”
“Can’t be worse than cafeteria food,” Cole joked. He didn’t mention Jay calling his father by his first name. They’d always had a complicated relationship. 
“I don’t know, I’d rather have chicken nuggets than quinoa and plain lettuce.”
“Yeah, quinoa is pretty gross.”
“No mention on the plain lettuce?”
“Salads exist, Jay.”
“But— but those have like, dressing and croutons and stuff!”
“You’ve seen what they serve at certain restaurants,” Cole said.
Jay shuddered at the memory. “We agreed to never speak of that.”
“We did, didn’t we.”
The mood returned to the stifling awkwardness and discomfort that it had earlier. Cole stared down at his food and sighed. Jay shuffled and picked at his rice. Neither of them looked at each other. 
“I’m sorry for ignoring you, before? I don’t really know why I did that,” Jay mumbled.
“I should be saying sorry, Jay,” Cole said. “I left you. Just sent a letter and pretended like you didn’t exist.”
“Yeah, but I should have talked to you. Reached out myself, instead of waiting.”
“I did want to, you know. Keep being friends. I just figured you’d be better off with someone else,” Cole admitted. “That’s not much of an excuse, though.”
“You were my first and only friend. I wouldn’t have wanted someone else.”
“I ignored you, and after that I thought there was no way of making up. So I left and hoped that that would solve my problems.”
“You just needed to ask to talk again,” Jay said. “I was never angry in the first place.”
“You weren’t?”
“No. I told you that last time we saw each other, before the whole ninja gig.”
“Maybe I just don’t listen well.”
“You idiot,” Jay smacked Cole on the hand.
“First Master, when did we end up being so awkward around each other? We used to be so close,” Cole laughed bitterly.
“Probably when your dad shipped you off to the other side of the continent,” Jay said dryly.
Cole scoffed. “Pretty sure it was earlier than that.”
“Well, somewhere around that time.”
“You’re not mad, anymore?”
“Nah. If I was mad, I’d be screaming and flipping the table.”
“It’s solid wood. Doubtful that it could even be shifted, much less flipped.”
“I still think I could,” Jay joked. “Just one swift kick and it goes toppling over.”
Cole laughed. “Other way around, Jay.”
“The table’s going to kick me?”
“You know what I meant.”
“I want to spar,” Jay declared. He hopped off the chair and dragged Cole towards the door. “You’re going to teach me all the cool ninja moves you’ve been learning.”
“I could beat you within ten seconds.”
“Then prove it, rocks-for-brains,” Jay taunted. “Loser has to wash the dishes.”
��You’re going to smell like dish soap for days.”
“Then come on!” They walked out the doors to the training yard, hand in hand.
“Wu totally left early so that we’d make up, didn’t he.”
“Oh, yeah. Absolutely.”
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