Pirates and Orphans
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A dedication to all that is Emma Swan and Killian Jones: two orphans, a savior, and a pirate.
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piratesandorphans-blog · 9 years ago
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Black Swan, White Swan
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piratesandorphans-blog · 9 years ago
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piratesandorphans-blog · 9 years ago
If you can’t handle Emma at her dark one, you don’t deserve her at her savior.
a certain segment of ouat fandom
This bothers me on so many levels. I have/had a very dear friend whose marriage fell apart. She got depressed. She cut herself. She started doing painkillers. And I tried to just keep being supportive of her, even though who she was becoming was unrecognizable. She eventually lost a prestigious managerial position she held for 10 years at our big uni. And she started asking me to cash checks and buy gift cards from her for cash which I eventually realized was to pay for her drugs. I love/loved her dearly, but I couldn’t keep supporting the addict she’d become. Both for her and for me. I had to put my foot down to her manipulations. I refused to speak to her when she was high. I kept her new boyfriend (now husband) informed when I saw backsliding in her sobriety. I’d like to believe she’s sober now, but I don’t really know. The friendship degraded. But I don’t regret cutting her off. I regret turning a blind eye and not working like hell to help her sooner.
Seeing the Dark Swan arc is bringing so much of this back on a personal level. But I absolutely applaud how OUAT is handling this metaphor so far. Hook is the only person in Emma’s life right now that is really looking out for Emma’s best interests and I am totally down with that. Dark One Emma is jonesing for power. Savior Emma is jonesing for all the love and support she’s given up by giving into the darkness. Killian is right in letting Dark Swan know that he loves Emma Swan, and that she has to make a hard choice between love and power. Walking away and not feeding the addiction is the tough love Emma needs right now. Because Dark Swan is rationalizing that she’s stronger, better like this. And until she can admit to herself that she’s not and needs help, and wants to be rid of the darkness again, Killian can’t be there for her, both for herself and himself. It has to be her choice to change. That’s how it works in real life, children. And I applaud how OUAT is handling it here. So don’t give me this “If you can’t handle Emma at her Dark One, you don’t deserve her at her Savior” bullshit. Tough love IS love. It’s brave love. It’s TRUE love. And it’s insulting as hell to hear fandom say it isn’t. Stop talking out of your collective arse.
(via gillie)
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piratesandorphans-blog · 9 years ago
Anyone who thinks that it would have been better for Killian (or anyone else) to say that he loves Emma - “every part of her” - is missing the point.
In the season finale, Emma said she knew that Killian and her family would get the Darkness out of her. Killian accepting the Darkness as a “part of her”, and telling her he loves all of her, including the Darkness, is hardly honoring that promise. The Darkness is not a “part of her” he needs to learn how to love. It is a nebulus black monster that is inside of her, making her do things she would never do as Emma Swan. 
Killian is doing what she asked him to, which is the ultimate expression of his love for her. He’s not giving up on her - he’s fighting for her. And - as others have said - he literally (I swear some people have memory issues) just said to Belle at Granny’s that he’d fight for Emma for centuries. “I can spend at least that long trying to save the woman I love.”
By not rolling over and saying he’s okay with the Darkness being a part of her, he was able to bring forth genuine emotions from Emma. Yes, it was sorrow. But it was a necessary sorrow, because it gives Emma a reason to want to fight the Darkness. The man she loves is saying that she was perfect the way she was. And the part of Emma that is her true self flared up - with sad eyes - and showed that she is still in there. Proof that his tactic worked. It gave her impetus to fight the darkness. So far, the only people that have seen these cracks in the DO facade during their conversations with Emma have been Killian and Henry. The two people A&E have said would be like Kryptonite for DO Emma. 
If he had said he loves her on the Jolly Roger, the Darkness would have won. “See,” it would speak to her, “he loves you like this. He has accepted you like this. There is no need to get rid of the Darkness. You can have it all.”
There was really nothing better that Killian could have said to Emma, and I love him all the more for the pain it caused him to say it. That’s heroic.
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piratesandorphans-blog · 9 years ago
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KittyPirateKing & PrincessCinnamonMouse
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piratesandorphans-blog · 9 years ago
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Had so much fun making my Dark Swan posters that I decided to make a Captain Swan one as well! Please don’t repost anywhere!
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
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Captain Swan throughout season 4.
art | redbubble | society6
Please don’t crop/edit/tweet and please reblog, don’t repost. Thank you!
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
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Top 12 Captain Swan Scenes (voted for by my followers)
8. I Love You
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
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Top 12 Captain Swan Scenes (voted for by my followers)
7. It’s You
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
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Top 12 Captain Swan Scenes (voted for by my followers)
5. Because You Want Me
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
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Top 12 Captain Swan Scenes (voted for by my followers)
4. At the Ball
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
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Maybe this year we will finally get this shoot! <3 
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
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screw the books and the stories in them that tell you only your first love matters, the pain that follows your first love isn’t romantic. SCREW FIRST LOVE, the only one that matters is the last one, the one who gives you shelter and who is your home, not the one who leaves you homeless and feels heartless
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
hmmm 22 and 34?
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”; “If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.”
heyyyyy let’s continue that pining lieutenant duckling thing i did so i don’t have to think up a backstory and also lol 4100 words
Two years and three tours, and still. Killian ought to know by now that his first duty as an officer in her mother’s royal navy was to inform Emma when he was home. She wondered what the hold up was after she watched the Jewel make its way toward Misthaven, her sails open wide and bringing Killian and Liam home. Emma patiently waited for him to come bounding up to the castle proper; she decided to curl up in a far corner of the library, knowing he would eventually find her there, as he often did in the past.
Only he did not come for her. Emma grew decidedly impatient, as impatient as she had been for him to come home in the first place. It wasn’t until much later as she stared at the same page of a much-loved volume of the Queens of Misthaven that she rose from her spot and went in search of Lieutenant Killian Jones in order to give him a piece of her mind. How dare he keep her waiting? Was he not as impatient to see her as she was him?
As she was grumbling and shaking dust off of her overskirt, it occurred to her that something was wrong. A sharp twist in her gut made bile rise up her throat, but she dashed the thought as she hurried down the the cobbled thoroughfare of the castle, her mind fixed on making her way toward the docks. He is fine, she told herself as she jumped astride Boadicea, her mother’s horse, the fastest in the stables. She paid no heed to the mutters as she rode with a demon on her back, quite un-ladylike without a sidesaddle, through the village and toward the sea.
Keep reading
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
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#cuteness overload
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piratesandorphans-blog · 10 years ago
19 Weeks of Captain Swan Week One: Captain Swan + Quotes
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