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mtaartsdesign · 1 year ago
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It is our great pleasure to announce that “Contemporary Art Underground,” a new book by MTA Arts & Design director Sandra Bloodworth and deputy director Cheryl Hageman, will hit the shelves this April!
The book is a celebration of the more than 100 #MTAArt works completed between 2015 and 2023. The Arts & Design collection has made museum-quality experiences part of the daily commute for NYCT, MNR, and LIRR riders. Focused on MTA Arts & Design’s most recent projects, “Contemporary Art Underground” is an exploration of the collaborative process behind this collection (now with nearly 400 permanent projects!) – from artist selection through the translation of original artwork into a site-specific installation – including proposal images, behind-the-scenes insights, and lots of photographs.
Take the journey with us across the city’s boroughs, from Manhattan and Queens to the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, and beyond. Learn how art in MTA stations and reconstruction initiatives uniquely engages with and informs its surroundings. View the fabrication of art in materials chosen for their resilience in the transit environment. Discover new appreciation for these incredible artworks and a diverse collection that has become symbolic of New York City.
#ContemporaryArtUnderground is available for pre-order now! https://www.phaidon.com/monacelli/art-and-photography/contemporary-art-underground-mta-arts-and-design-new-york-9781580936422/
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sheltiechicago · 1 year ago
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A New Book Celebrates the Exquisite Patterns and Glowing Colors of Glass Maestro Lino Tagliapietra
Lino Tagliapietra: Sculptor in Glass, a new book published by Monacelli, an imprint of Phaidon, chronicles the story of the artist, from apprentice to maestro to one of the foremost glassblowers in the world, surveying his extensive career with hundreds of photographs of his captivating, luminous compositions.
All images © Lino Tagliapietra
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umbriasud · 2 years ago
Perugia: in memoria di Marcello Monacelli, maestro di giornalismo
Marcello Monacelli Perugia ha, con una cerimonia, intitolato una rotatoria in via Settevalli (vicino al nuovo comparto commerciale) a Marcello Monacelli, professionista ricordato come indiscusso maestro di giornalismo e perugino appassionato della sua città. “Siamo qui per celebrare una figura importante del settore dell’informazione locale che, attraverso le sue cronache, ha raccontato le…
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bellysoupset · 9 days ago
Professor Monacelli
Reminder this is NSFW and KINKY.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Vince asked for the second time, as he hugged Sophia goodbye, outside of her hotel. Boston was freezing and he couldn't stop shaking.
"Yesss," Soph rolled her eyes, hugging him back and shoving his arm, "my head is not even hurting anymore, go away."
Vince let out a huff, "well, alright, but I'm a call away if you need me. It's only two hours to Welton, I can be here in a heartbea-"
"Go away, Vince!"
He chuckled at her shriek, waving at her as he walked back to the car, "I texted you Angie's number, don't forget!" Vince let her know, before finally driving away.
He was really giddy. There was a nice school near Welton's center, that taught from ages 0 to 18 years old, which had contacted him after he had let Fernanda, his current principal, know he'd be leaving after prom. In all honesty, not once in his life Vince had been invited to a job interview, he had always applied to them and that made him feel incredibly smug.
He really wanted this job, not only the school's location was perfect, but it was a quite fancy building, so he assumed the salary didn't suck either. Besides, he had heard great things about them... And this would mean moving to Welton exactly in the timeline he had anticipated.
It was well past lunch when Vince arrived to Welton, for his 4 PM appointment. He parked inside the building, whistling under his breath and making sure his button up was right, as well as putting on the blazer that had been in the backseat until then and removing his dumbass beanie.
Vince checked his phone, making sure he was on time as he grabbed his suitcase and locked the car.
HoneyBee: Are you in town yet??
HoneyBee: I'm missing you like crazy rn
HoneyBee: Good luck at the interview, you're gonna crush it 💕
He sent Wendy a bunch of strong-arm emojis back, stomach filling up with butterflies as she had said she missed him. Hell, Vince missed her too, much more than he was willing to admit to himself. Now that moving back was such a close reality, he couldn't help but feel the yearn as a physical pain.
"Professor Monacelli?" The front desk employee was a guy, in his late 40s, balding and with thick glasses, "hi, I'm Ethan."
"Hi, Ethan, I'm Vince," Vin opened his best smile, breathing in and bringing out his best attitude.
It was really weird to go through a teacher job interview. Not only he had to teach a class on the fly, had a long conversation with the principal, Ophelia Dashwood, but she didn't actually tell him he had gotten job, simply launched herself into explaining the benefits they offered and the salary.
It took Vin a flat minute of sitting there with a smile on his face and watching as she circled what was going to be his schedule, for him to get it.
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Dashwood," Vince interrupted, planting a hand over the schedule, "I'm taking this as me being hired?"
"Yes, of course! If you'll take the job...." She looked flabbergasted at his question, "Mrs. Castillo spoke so well about you... I want you to think on it-" she handed him the schedule, as well as other papers and what he assumed was a contract, "and get back to me Monday."
"Absolutely," Vince nodded, getting up to shake her hand and thank her for the interview, trying not to show just how giddy he was and how he would've signed it on the spot if she asked him to.
As soon as he was inside his car, though, Vince allowed himself to pump the air in a triumphant gesture and fished out his phone to text Wendy.
Vince: I just left the interview. ILY
He decided not to let her know via text, instead driving to the grocery store that was near her place and drafting up the dinner he wanted to make for them.
Wendy wasn't home, but Vince was there enough by now that it didn't cull him in any way. He removed his shoes at the door, put the groceries away in the kitchen and left his bag in her room, taking a quick scorching hot shower before heading back to the kitchen, stopping only long enough to start Wen's fireplace.
Then, he got to cooking. Limoncello liquor put in the fridge to chill, onions and leeks chopped, cheese grated... Vince had just killed the heat after the rice absorbed all the white wine when he heard Wendy opening the front door.
Her voice travelled as she smelled the dinner, "this-" she walked in, leaning against the kitchen's doorway, "smells like a celebration."
Vince smiled at her, unable to keep it to himself for a second longer, "I got the job!"
Wendy's dimples appeared as she opened a huge smile and crossed the room in one leap, throwing herself on him. Vince chuckled, pulling her off her feet and kissing her, lips haphazardly clashing as they smiled into the kiss.
"I'm not surprised at all," Wendy said, bumping her nose with his, "I'm so proud, honey."
Vince's face burned at the compliment and he kissed her once again, planting Wendy down.
Since she preferred to wear scrubs for work, Wendy could get away with her "work outfit" being more colorful and out there than most people would expect from a doctor. Today she was wearing a colorful floral midi skirt, caramel boots and a yolk-yellow cardigan that she had already undone the top buttons off, all of it covered by a fuzzy long coat. Her hair was a mess, frizzy from the ugly weather outside, waves pointing everywhere, the tip of her nose all red...
Vince let out a happy sigh, leaning in and planting a kiss on her forehead, "I love you," he pulled her into a tight hug, causing Wendy to giggle as she was smushed to his chest.
"I love you too..." Her voice came out muffled and Vince tilted his body back just so he could look at her, without undoing the hug.
"I thought we could celebrate with something different," he told her and Wendy nodded, none the wiser, looking around the kitchen.
"Smells amazing..."
Vince let out a chuckle, causing her to frown as she realized she wasn't in the joke, "Vin?"
"That's not the different part," he rolled his eyes, pulling back from her, "risotto has parmesan," he gestured at it with his head, "and this is a lot of food."
He could, of course, just straight up tell her he wanted to indulge in her latent tummy ache kink, but it was more fun this way. To watch her frown, confused, and then her whole face turning a strawberry shade, eyes widening as it dawned on her.
"You mean you wanna make yourself sick...?" Wendy whispered and Vince shrugged, releasing her from the hug.
"If my girlfriend will take care of me?" He teased her and she nodded eagerly, eyeing him up and down.
"I will," her words came out breathy, lips pressing into a thin line as Wendy struggled to collect herself, "yeah, of course- Aren't we supposed to be celebrating you? Why am I getting the gift?"
"You think I don't enjoy myself?" Vince rolled his eyes, circling her so he could wrap his arms around her from behind and press a kiss on her cheek, "watching you nearly lose your mind with how much you want me? That's the best feeling."
Wendy's face was burning, but she tilted her head to smile at him, "so your kink is me, eh?" her nose wrinkled in the most adorable way, causing Vince's heart to skip a beat.
"It sure is," he agreed with a smug smile, pressing his lips to her temple, "so let's eat?"
Wendy was completely obsessed with table setting, although she couldn't cook more than the basics. Even though it was only the two of them, she insisted on breaking out her good tablecloth and weirdly shaped plates with gold dinnerware. Vince couldn't smile more if he tried, his cheeks were hurting.
They sat down together and for about an hour the whole kinkiness of it all slipped his mind. His girlfriend wanted all the details on the job interview, squealing as he told her about the principal's comment on his recommendation and how he had been offered the job.
"Can I read the contract?" Wendy asked, as Vince polished off his third serving of dinner and about his fourth glass of white wine. He was far from drunk, but in that pleasant tipsy state where everything felt soft and he felt warm.
"Yep, I left it on top of your bed-"
"Our," Wendy interrupted him, draping herself on his back, "we haven't really discussed it, but you are moving here, right?" her chin dug into his shoulder, "you're not moving to Welton to go hole up in some tiny house because you're too proud to move in with me, right Vin?"
He leaned his head back with a chuckle, "I wouldn't dream of it," Vince promised, closing his eyes as Wendy let out a relieved sigh and pressed her lips to his temple, "get the dessert out of the fridge, please?"
She came back not a minute later, with a frown on, "what is this?" Wendy asked, holding the tub of gourmet ice cream, the glass bottle and the contract in her opposite hand.
"Vanilla gelato, obviously," Vince shrugged, pulling her to sit on his leg and opening the bottle "and this is limoncello, it's a lemon liquor..." he grabbed the dessert spoon he had put on the table earlier and drizzled some of the limoncello on top of the ice cream, "open up," he said, holding up a spoonful for Wendy.
Her eyes went wide, eyebrows jumping up and a hand rushing to cover her mouth as she mumbled with her mouth still full, "this issso good!"
"I know, right?" Vince grinned, jerking his leg and causing Wendy to bounce on his lap, moving closer, "it's amazing."
"It's super creamy... Is this lactose free?" Wendy frowned, picking up the gelato tub and letting out a noise as she confirmed it, "okay, good."
"You're really counterproductive to your goal, girly," Vince smiled, feeding himself a huge spoonful. The flavor was amazing, sweet and creamy thanks to the ice cream, but zesty and burning the back of his throat due to the liquor.
"I don't want you to be super sick," Wendy pouted, holding up a spoon to his mouth, "just a little bit..." she smiled cheekily, wrapping herself around Vince and continuing to share the dessert between them.
The thing was, Vince wasn't stuffed. The last time they had done this, he had been stuffed up to the gills and felt overwhelmingly sick, now he was just pleasantly sloshed and full. The parmesan was, obviously, starting to cause his belly to whine, but nothing as brutal as milk did...
And he wanted the night to go as he had planned in his mind.
"Hey," Wendy pouted, stealing a kiss and cupping his face, "where did you go?"
"Nowhere," Vince forced a wince, deciding that if he couldn't have it his way, he was going to make it his way, "my stomach's just hurting..."
It was a big fat lie, at most he had the start of a tummy ache, but Wendy's cheeks turned pink nonetheless and yeah, that was what he wanted.
He grabbed her hand, guiding it to his stomach, and pressing it there, "can you feel it gurgling?"
It helped that his belly was churning, although it was just mildly upset. Wendy's head bobbed up and down as she agreed, eyes locked on his stomach, "do you want to keep eating?"
"Yeah," Vince agreed, squirming in his seat in fake discomfort, "but I ran out of wine. I'm going to go get more-"
"I can do it!" His girlfriend piped up, but Vince shook his head, patting her ass so she'd get off his lap and he could stand up.
"No," he kissed the top of her head, "stay here, try some more of the ice cream, you barely touched it. I'll be right back."
Perhaps it was insane of his part to instead head for the fridge and grab the milk carton Wendy had sitting there, taking two large gulps before fishing out a fresh bottle of white wine and returning to the dining room. Whatever, fuck it, it was his celebration and if he wanted to see his girlfriend looking at him with mind numbing lust, than who gave a crap?
Wendy was reading the contract while he was gone, with a pleased smile on, "I'm envious of your hours," she sighed dreamily and Vince let out a snort, leaning over her and kissing her upside down.
"Should've dropped med school and joined us teachers," he teased her, "not as fancy but at least my hours don't suck royally."
"I'd be a horrible teacher," Wendy immediately moved so she was back on his lap and eagerly grabbed on the spoon, while Vince served them both with wine, "third time a student asked me if they could do a pair of three people, I'd be out of patience."
He let out a hearty chuckle at that, then turned his head quickly to muffle a burp. Wendy's pleased smile could not be hidden as she grabbed yet another spoonful, "here, honey," she grabbed at his chin, fingers almost digging in, "have some more."
Vince took it without a complain, grabbing the bottle of limoncello and drizzling more of the liqueur over the dessert, grinning as Wen wiped at his lips and licked the vanilla off her thumb.
in ten minutes, they reached the bottom of the gelato tub and the dull ache in his stomach spread, although Vince doubted it was due to his milk intolerance just yet. He let out a groan, squirming on the seat and loosening up the cords of the sweatpants he had put on after the shower.
Wendy cupped his belly with both hands, "how... How's it feeling?" she asked, breathlessly, and Vince made a pained grimace that now was only partially fake.
"Really gross," he brought up his hand, muffling a burp against his fist and shuddering, truly, when a splash of milk hit the back of his throat, "ugh..."
Wendy pressed her hands in, rubbing circles on the sides of his belly, until her hands met in the middle of his navel, "queasy?"
Not really, no. Indigestion was starting to kick in and he felt fuller than before drinking the milk, even if only fifteen minutes had passed, but he still felt incredibly fine...
"Can we lie down?" His voice was whiny and Wendy immediately nodded, jumping up.
"Yes, of course..." Her cheeks were flushed, hands fluttering over his arm as she ushered him up, as if Wen could truly help Vince stand up.
He sat down with a groan and Wendy moved closer, tugging on his pants, then climbing him, sitting atop his lap and pressing Vin against the headboard as she kissed him, "I'm going to take care of you..." she mumbled, dreamily, lips dragging from his mouth to his cheek and down his neck.
Vince tugged up his shirt, throwing it across the room and squirmed as Wendy kissed down his body, over his stomach. It was bloating up now and he muffled another burp in his hand, "hey, gentle-"
"Uhummm," Wendy hummed, all but ignoring him, tracing her nails up his belly, biting his belly and moving her mouth further down, "oh wow," she perked up suddenly, as Vince's stomach let out a growl loud enough to spook both of them.
Yeah, that hadn't felt good. Suddenly the thought of their dinner wasn't appetizing anymore and his belly became incredibly vocal. Vince took a deep breath, as an invisible hand seemed to squeeze his insides.
"Oh honey..." Wendy's voice was soft, but she couldn't keep a smile from it, pressing her hand in and rubbing in circles around his belly button, "your belly's so upset..."
He moved a hand up her back, sliding under her yellow cardigan and pulling it up as he moved his hand to stroke the hairs on her nape. Wendy raised her arms just enough to shrug it off and Vin opened a pleased smile as he saw her floral bra.
"C'mere," his fingers curled on the root of her hair and he guided Wendy up. She tried to climb him, but her knee was trapping her skirt and Wen half fell on top of him, causing Vince to groan and muffle a burp against her mouth.
"Oh-wow..." Her face was a delicious shade of pink and Vin scoffed, rolling them on the bed so he could be on top of her, using his arms so he wouldn't crush her. He sat back on his heels, chuckling as Wendy squirmed up against the pillows and raised her leg so he could unzip her boot.
He rested her leg on his shoulder, unzipping the boot and throwing it across the room, turning his head to plant a kiss on her calf, up her leg all the way to her exposed thigh- Vince's belly let out a nasty gurgle and he felt the cold prickles of nausea clinging to him.
He ceased moving all together, pressing his face to Wendy's crotch, over the colorful skirt, and taking steadying breaths as a cramp gripped at him once more. It was much harsher this time and Vin muffled a sickly belch against the fabric, feeling her erection pulse under his chin since he was pressed so close.
"You're turning green, honey," Wendy's voice was gleeful, hips tilting up in search of any friction and Vin let out a slow breath, before removing her second boot, then patting her ass so he could slide the skirt from under her, letting it fall in a crumpled puddle on the ground. Her panties matched her bra, all transparent tule and little embroideries of vines, sunflowers and roses.
Vince lurched in, nausea and stomachache be damned, pressing his mouth over her panties, kissing her, letting his lips drag up her belly, between her boobs- A gag rocked him before he could control it and Vin froze, gulping down the sudden lurch of milky vomit in his mouth.
He squeezed the sheets, eyes squeezed shut as he fought a heave, the taste of milk causing his spine to curl... Vince sat back, off of Wendy, and pressed a fist to his mouth, gulping convulsively.
"Hey," Wen's fingers were on his hair, lips pressing to his naked shoulder, "deep breathes, hon..."
Vince didn't want to cause a mess. Clean up was never fun, what he wanted was Wen's giddy voice and her hands all over him and the weird sensation cross between being so horny he could die and so nauseous he felt dizzy.
He shuddered, clearing his throat, "bath- bathroom..." Vince grumbled, getting up and Wen came with him as if they were tied at the hip. She grabbed a towel to plant in front of the toilet so his knees wouldn't hurt, then filled up a glass of water, but didn't pass it to him, sitting by his side as Vin knelt on the ground and leaned over the toilet.
He wasn't quite there yet, but staring at the water and the folded position worked up a burp and with it a mouthful of cloudy saliva. Cold sweat ran down his back and Wendy rubbed his arm, "Vin?"
Without thinking, he reached for her hand, pressing it to his bloated stomach, "I'm gonna be sick..." he closed his eyes at the pressure of her hand there, pushing on the upset organ. Everything was turning into a sludge inside him and yet another cramp caused Vince to curl up, letting out a whine.
"It's okay, honey," Wen's voice was brimming with excitement, closer than he expected as she draped on his back, "I got you, I got you-" she pressed on the top of his stomach and before he could even think, vomit rushed up and into the bowl.
It was a long stream, he wasn't packed full but his belly felt awful by now and Vince's thoughts flew out of the window as he choked on it, coughing and burping the bits of rice stuck in his throat. He reached in, blindly, for the flush, only for Wen's hand to find it first.
Vin let out a groan, curling up and turning towards her, pressing his forehead to her shoulder and nearly sending Wen flat on her back, "fuck-"
"Are you okay?" Wendy asked quietly, kissing his temple, hugging him closer, "Vin?"
He nodded, gulping down and squirming as another cramp twisted his insides, "did you- Are you-" he mumbled, head swimming a little and reaching between them so he could feel Wendy up. She slapped his hand away, forcing him to open his eyes.
"You're not feeling well," she was glaring at him, "truly."
"I don't care," Vince grumbled, pulling back and grabbing the hand that had just slapped his wrist, pressing a kiss to each fingertip of hers before bringing it down to his unsettled stomach. He had bloated up, but when he forced Wen's hand to press in, there was a sloshy sound, "I want you."
"No," Wendy shook her head, biting her lip and looking conflicted, "no, you're actually sick, Vin, I can tell-"
"I don't care," he shrugged, gulping down air and working up a sickly wet burp, spitting some of the sweet gross saliva in the toilet, "you said you'd take care of me-" Vince whined as his jaw felt heavy, "Wen..."
It was like a lock went off in her brain and Wendy scooted closer, pressing herself to his side, her mouth to his bicep as Vince draped himself over the toilet, "I am taking care of you-" she said softly, only for Vin to shake his head.
"I need it- I need to throw up..." He forced a burp, but it wasn't enough. He could taste the milk, slimy feeling in the back of his throat, "Wen..."
It was more like a whimper and his girlfriend got the memo, nails dragging over his belly, then fingers massaging in the top of it, gentle at first, then deeper, deeper- Vince retched, but it wasn't enough and Wen let out a little groan in the back of her throat, a noise he knew well.
Her hand that wasn't pressing on his belly, in rhythm with the retches, slid inside his pants and suddenly Vin went all but blind as the sensations mixed in. He tried to turn his head to look at her, but it was too close, as just then a wet burp brought up a watery stream of puke, the pathetic wave followed by a much larger one, Vince's gags echoing in the bathroom as his body got completely overwhelmed by all the sensations.
He coughed for air, squeezing the porcelain, whole back arching- Wendy pressed her lips to his neck, little bites on his earlobe, down to his shoulder...
He came undone with a groan, head swimming from the lack of oxygen, stomach sore from all the heaving and a wet spot in his sweatpants as Wen retrieved her hand with a smug smile, panting too.
"Feel better?" Her voice was hoarse and she used her clean hand to grab on the sink's granite and pull herself up, stumbling as if she was the one who had been puking for a ridiculous amount of time.
Vince nodded, unable to speak, ducking his head and letting up a string of little burps as his girlfriend washed her hands, splashing cold water on her face and reaching to flush the toilet.
"Drink the water, honey," she instructed, crouching down next to him and grabbing some toilet paper, wiping his lips, "c'mon, Vin, just a sip."
"Don't- don't think it'll stay down..." He admitted, head feeling heavy and emotions all mixed up. It felt like coming down from a high, only to crash down straight into his still queasy stomach, still grumbly belly.
"Well, that's what you get for chugging milk," Wen wrinkled her nose, sitting by his side, folding a leg over his lap so they could be as close as possible. He rested his hand on her knee, frowning.
"You... You knew?"
"Vince," Wendy rolled her eyes, "you're a terrible liar, honey."
He let out a groan, all but collapsing against her, curling up on the bathroom floor and hiding his face on Wendy's tummy, "just the food wasn't gonna work," he pouted, looking up at her and doing his best puppy eyes, grinning as he saw a blush go up her chest, devouring her cheeks, "but you still found it hot, didn't you?"
"I find everything about you hot," Wendy scoffed, smiling down at him, only for Vince to let out a frustrated huff, squirming on her lap so he was on his side and in a better position for her to rub his stomach. It wasn't done with him, Vin could tell. Vengeance against him for being greedy, lustful, gluttonous and maybe all the other four sins too.
"But like- Kinky hot?"
Wendy's whole body shook with a chuckle and she folded in half so she could kiss him, her fingers tracing invisible patterns on his tummy, "yeah, kinky hot too, Professor Monacelli."
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gwydionmisha · 1 year ago
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years ago
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With the Robie and Farnsworth Houses Chicago and „Chicagoland“ are home to two icons of 20th century domestic architecture. At the same time these two houses also epitomize two important strands of Chicago architecture, namely Frank Lloyd Wright’s Prairie School and Mies van der Rohe’s glass-and-steel universalism taught at Armour Institute (later IIT). Unsurprisingly these two heavyweights of 20th century architecture had a lasting impact on Chicago’s architects as Susan S. Benjamin and Michelangelo Sabbatino demonstrate in their book „Modern in the Middle: Chicago Houses 1929-1975“, published in 2020 by Monacelli Press, in which the authors zoom in on four-and-a-half decades of domestic modern architecture in and around Chicago. In their comprehensive introduction Benjamin and Sabbatino go into detail about the book’s title which refers to Chicago’s geographical location, the chosen time frame as well as the predominantly middle and upper middle class clients. Furthermore they recount the development of modern residential architecture in the area and embed it within 20th century modern architecture.
In the catalogue part the authors present 53 houses by well-known names like Harry Weese, Bertrand Goldberg, Stanley Tigerman, FLW and Mies but also by largely unknown local architects. This carefully selected range of buildings and architects brings to light numerous gems like Clarence Krusinki’s Walgreen House (1970) or Jacques Brownson’s and Le Roy Binkley’s own houses (1952 and 1950), all presented in predominantly historic photos, plans and an essay shedding light on the architect and the building’s history.
„Modern in the Middle“ is rounded out by Benjamin and Sabbatino reflecting on their own (modern) houses, a personal touch that again emphasizes their love for modern residential architecture in Chicago, an appreciation the reader will easily subscribe to after finishing the book.
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 2 years ago
An exploration of the toxic brew of the white Evangelical pastors who form the hardcore base of the Trump supporters. They have concocted a new theology: fifty percent "prosperity gospel" and fifty percent white nationalism with very strong overtones of fascism as it manifested itself in Europe between the wars. These views are essentially heretical from the perspective of Roman Catholic, Orthodox and mainstream Protestant Christianity, and indeed, the Gospel of Jesus Christ plays only the most peripheral role.
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pier-carlo-universe · 2 months ago
La Chiave Dimenticata di Monica Monacelli. Il passato si può dimenticare, ma non cancellare. Thriller psicologico. Recensione di Alessandria today
Biografia dell’autore: Monica Monacelli è un’autrice capace di intrecciare emozioni profonde, mistero e tensione psicologica.
Biografia dell’autore:Monica Monacelli è un’autrice capace di intrecciare emozioni profonde, mistero e tensione psicologica. Con La Chiave Dimenticata, ha dato vita a un romanzo che esplora la fragilità dell’animo umano e la forza del passato nel plasmare il presente, consolidando il suo talento come narratrice di storie intense e avvincenti. Analisi dettagliata:“La Chiave Dimenticata” è un…
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cetaceous · 6 months ago
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Steel Mill, Ukraine
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Petroleum Field, USA
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Extraction of Minerals, Ukraine
photographs by Cédric Delsaux from the photobook 'A Common Destiny: A Photographic Journey Through a Changing World' by Cédric Delsaux published by The Monacelli Press, New York via: The Atlas of Places
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fuckyeahmarxismleninism · 1 year ago
Elon Musk: "Free speech absolutist"
Shame on the supposed leftists and "anti-imperialists" who promoted his bullshit.
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mariacallous · 11 months ago
X has locked and suspended the accounts of journalists and researchers who shared the alleged identity of a neo-Nazi cartoonist known as Stonetoss after the cartoonist appealed to site owner Elon Musk.
The incident, critics say, highlights once again how Musk has not only welcomed extremists onto his platform but has repeatedly boosted their conspiracies, engaged with their accounts, and seems to have protected them from scrutiny.
A lengthy X thread posted by the antifascist research group Anonymous Comrades Collective last week claimed that Stonetoss is a man named Hans Kristian Graebener from Spring, Texas. Stonetoss cartoons, which feature simple and colorful imagery coupled with racist, homophobic, and antisemitic language, have become hugely popular among right-wing communities since they were first published at least seven years ago.
In its telling, the antifascist research group linked the Stonetoss cartoonist to another anonymous racist cartoonist known as Red Panels by comparing their voices from appearances on extremist podcasts. The researchers say they found an email address linked to Graebener that was used to register the Red Panels accounts on the far-right social media platform Gab. Then, the group says, it was able to match up comments made by Stonetoss with events in Graebener’s life. In one case, Graebener took a trip to Japan in 2019 with a Houston IT company he then worked for; at the same time, Stonetoss posted a picture on X of a “welcome to Japan” sign with the comment, “Finally made it to the ethnostate fellas.” The research group has been doing this kind of work for years and has been credited with unmasking numerous other extremists, including those involved with a neo-Nazi homeschool network.
Graebener has not disputed anything the researchers uncovered. He did not respond to requests for comment from WIRED to his personal email address nor to the email address on the Stonetoss website, and he did not pick up calls from phone numbers associated with his name.
The Anonymous Comrade Collective thread got a lot of attention on X, racking up at least 13.5 million views. On Thursday, the Stonetoss account appealed to X users who have “a direct line” to Musk, X’s owner, to help to get the thread deleted. Musk has, in the past, shared an altered version of a Stonetoss cartoon about the collapse of society. “If Elon's idea of a ‘free speech’ website is one where people can be intimidated into silence, the outcome will be a site where the Stasi will drive out all dissent,” Stonetoss wrote. The account also tagged Musk and offered to share a list of people to target.
In a subsequent post, Stonetoss said this appeal was not about him but about other “artists.”
“This is about others I know personally,” Stonetoss wrote. “There is a whole ecosystem of artists out there who cannot (or have stopped) making art because of people on twitter organized to punish them IRL for doing so.” The cartoonist also added that sales of his plush toy were “going gangbusters” since his alleged identity was revealed.
Hours later, the account associated with the Anonymous Comrades Collective that posted the thread was deleted, and the account was suspended. On Friday, dozens of users, including a number of researchers and journalists, began discussing the incident and posting some of the details of the research, including Graebener’s name.
X locked down many of these accounts and ordered them to delete the offending tweet to get full access to their accounts back. Among those targeted were Jared Holt, a senior research analyst at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, who covers right-wing extremism; Hannah Gais, a senior research analyst at Southern Poverty Law Center; and Steven Monacelli, an investigative journalist for the Texas Observer. (WIRED has also published Monacelli’s work.)
X also imposed a ban on sharing the link to the Anonymous Comrades Collective blog detailing its research. WIRED verified this on Monday morning by attempting to post the link, only to be met with a pop-up message that read: ‘We can't complete this request because this link has been identified by X or our partners as being potentially harmful.”
Even with the crackdown from X, people kept sharing details of the Stonetoss investigation.
“We all just started posting his name; it was like a Streisand effect,” Alejandra Caraballo, a clinical instructor at the Harvard Law School Cyberlaw Clinic, tells WIRED. “They're just trying to censor his name, and then everyone started getting their accounts locked.”
Caraballo, who shared screenshots of the messages she received from X with WIRED, managed to circumvent the initial ban by appealing it and claiming, ironically, that she was the victim of mass reporting from antifa who were attempting to silence her right-wing viewpoint.
While that appeal was successful, Caraballo was quickly locked out of her account again when she changed her username to “Hans Kristian Graebener is stonetoss.” That resulted in a 12-hour suspension, and when her account was reinstated she was soon punished for earlier posts that shared screenshots of information about Graebener. Caraballo’s account has now been suspended for seven days. Shortly after this article was originally published, Caraballo’s account was restored by X, without an explanation.
An X representative says that the company, following a review of the actions taken against the accounts of Anonymous Comrades Collective, Holt, Gais, Monacelli, and Caraballo, stood by its decision.
“The posts that were removed were all actioned correctly,” says Joe Benarroch, head of business operations at X, adding that the posts violated the company’s “posting private information policy” for “outing the identity of an anonymous user.”
While X does have a policy around sharing private information, the company’s terms of service on March 20 did not mention a policy related to outing the identity of an anonymous user, and Benarroch did not respond to a request for clarification. On March 21, after WIRED published this story, X updated its privacy policy to specifically prohibit posting the ”the identity of an anonymous user, such as their name or media depicting them.”
“According to X’s terms of service, posting someone's name does not constitute doxing, but, many accounts, including my own, have been made to delete posts that merely mention the name of the racist and antisemitic cartoonist Stonetoss,” Monacelli told WIRED before the change. “I've never seen enforcement like this before.”
This policy change could possibly be in response to a post last month from Musk when he wrote, “Any doxxing, which includes revealing real names, will result in account suspension.” Still, in an interview with Don Lemon released on Monday, Musk said that moderation of hate speech is akin to “censorship.”
There are now hundreds of posts on the platform which name Stonetoss as Graebener. There are also numerous accounts on the platform that changed their profile name to “Hans Kristian Graebener is stonetoss”—and they haven’t all been suspended.
“This is completely arbitrary and under Twitter's own community standards it says that a name is never considered private information,” Caraballo tells WIRED. “There's an immense double standard here of the neo-Nazi comic guy being protected” by X. But then, she says, “The people that do this to anyone on the left are not only followed by [Musk] but are boosted by him. It's completely inconsistent.” To her, it seems that whoever Musk favors gets protected, and anyone else is banned. “This is also a pretext for them to be able to go after anyone that they dislike,” Caraballo says.”
Caraballo and others have pointed to accounts like Libs of TikTok and far-right troll Andy Ngo, both of which have shared private information about trans people but have not had their accounts suspended. Musk has also engaged with posts that doxed individuals on X, with seemingly no recourse for those accounts.
For anyone who has tracked Musk’s actions since taking control of X in October 2022, this incident is no surprise. Musk has systematically removed the guardrails the company had put in place to prevent hate speech on the platform and has welcomed back racists, antisemites, and transphobic posters who had been previously banned.
In recent months, Musk has repeatedly endorsed racist conspiracies like the great replacement theory and has engaged with numerous accounts spreading disinformation and hate speech. Just this weekend, Musk interacted with Martin Sellner, the founder of a white ethnonationalist group in Austria who previously communicated with and accepted a donation from the man who shot and killed 51 people at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, in 2019.
After they deleted their posts, most of those restricted for sharing Graebener’s name have had their accounts unlocked. However, the Anonymous Comrade Collective account that shared the details about Graebener is also suspended, and a representative tells WIRED they are unsure when or if it will come back.
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azspot · 1 year ago
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bellysoupset · 2 days ago
The Superbowl - Part III
Wendy was way in over her head.
The chill, enjoyable Superbowl sunday she had planned to have had gone downhill so quickly that she didn't quite know what to do with herself.
First and foremost there was the guilt. Doubled, as she felt guilty for omitting such a secret from Vince, but also guilty on his behalf. As if his faux pas had been done by her, or rather, was a direct result of her not telling him beforehand, even if Wendy stood her ground on the issue. Ugh.
Then there was the annoyance. At Vin for the "joke", for yelling at her in the car, as if she should prioritize him over her morals, and at Luke for how defensive he was acting, ready to kick them out. The annoyance was weak in comparison to how overwhelmingly guilty she felt, but it was there, simmering in the back of her mind.
Finally, there was the concern. About her boyfriend, who was so disastrously sick, about Bella and Luke, about Jonah whom she hadn't expected to also be sick, about Luke and Vin's clearly shaken friendship...
"Hey," Luke walked into the kitchen, where Wendy had been filling up two different glasses of water and had zoned out so badly that now it had spilled all over the sink.
"Shit!" Wen jumped, putting down the glasses and looking around for a dishcloth so she could dry the mess, "sorry, Luke, I wasn't paying attention-"
"It's alright," he shrugged, not one bit worried about the spill, "uhm-" he rubbed his face, looking and sounding exhausted, "Vince's in my room with Bell, he kinda crashed..." Lucas grimaced, crossing his arms to his chest, "I'm gonna go check on Jon, can I give him pepto if he's done throwing up too?"
"Yeah," Wendy nodded, then remembered why she was in the kitchen in the first place, "you guys don't have it, though."
"Ah," Luke sounded defeated, "I can go get-"
"Tree in the middle of the road."
"Oh yeah," he breathed out, pressing his lips into a thin line, "I guess we are all just gonna rawdog this, then."
Wendy let out a little hysterical giggle, pressing her back against the cabinets and taking him in. She hadn't really seen Luke since that day in the hospital and she fully expected him to be a mess. If Bella was a champion at compartmentalizing and ignoring her own feelings, Lucas was just emotions stacked on top of each other to form a 6'3 guy.
Nevertheless, despite how tired he seemed with the whole situation and how worried he was, he looked fine. Better than she expected.
"Are you alright?" She asked and he looked spooked at the question, eyes jumping from the medicine cabinet back to her face.
"Uh, yeah, just a little stomachache, I'm fine-" he answered, much to her surprise, because that wasn't what Wendy had meant at all.
"You're sick too?" Leo whined, walking into the kitchen and Wendy's shoulders dropped in relief. Since when did she feel this comforted by the blonde's mere presence?
"How's Jon?" Wendy and Luke asked at the same time and Leo grimaced.
"Kicked me out," he grimaced, making a thumbs down gesture, "diarrhea."
"Poor thing," Wendy said, while Luke only winced in sympathy, "can I go through your medicine kit?" she figured that while there was no pepto in the cabinet, maybe they had imodium or something in the kit.
"Sure," Luke turned around to grab it, then handed her a big brown bag, overflowing with pill bottles, "it's mostly headache medicine and birth control, though."
It really shouldn't be that big of a deal, but the second he said those words, Leo perked up as if he was a puppy who had just heard "food."
Lucas cringed at the sudden tension, arms crossed and all but curling on himself, "what?" he asked, almost against his will, while Leo bit down on his lip, curiosity consuming him. Wendy wasn't any better, she was definitely itching to get a first hand version of the facts, instead of the many miscommunications of their group for the past weeks, but she couldn't erase that haunted look in Luke's face at the hospital from her mind. He had been scared, like a little boy, so she was more than a little hesitant to ask for a retell of the facts.
"Did you know?" Leo's voice was gentle, although curious, incredibly honest, "or did Bell?...Were you two trying-"
"No," Luke interrupted, shaking his head quickly, "no. Neither of us knew and we don't want a baby now either. It was an a-" he frowned, as if the word accident offended him, "none of us knew."
Leo nodded, slowly, a frown between his brows, taking a step closer, "and you're okay?"
"I'm fine," Luke winced, palming his stomach and blowing out a little burp, ducking his chin to his chest, "Wen, we don't have anything? Not even TUMS?"
It was a clear deflection, but Wendy knew better than to press it and clearly so did Leo, as his shoulders collapsed and he pursed his lips in a frustrated, defeated manner.
"I'm not sure," Wendy said, dumping the contents of the bag on the counter and going through the medications. Like Luke had said, there were at least five different migraine meds, hardcore stuff too, several birth control blisters... "Leo," her head snapped up and the blonde jumped.
"Yeah?" he moved closer, itching to feel useful, stealing a glance at Luke from the corner of his eye as if their friend was a timebomb. If it was due to the fact he had been clearly poisoned too or not, Wen wasn't sure.
"Did you bring Jonah's medicine bag," she asked, hopeful, "he's got Zofran there as well as the benzos, right?"
"Right," Leo nodded eagerly, "yeah, it's in the car, I'll go get it- Can one of you check on Jon? Just make sure he didn't drown there?"
"I'll go," Wendy vowed, then gestured to the two glasses of water she had filled up, pointing at Luke, "can you try and get the two patients upstairs to drink? And not puke on them?"
Lucas snorted, opening a smile that was more of a wince than anything, "I'm not gonna be sick... Not yet, I don't think."
Wendy made a disbelieving face, but soon they all went different paths.
He climbed up the staircase once more, now with the glasses. Luke's whole body felt heavy and although he hadn't lied and he wasn't feeling close to puking, he did feel horribly nauseous.
He also didn't really want to be on Vin's duty, which was selfish and ugly of him, Lucas was aware of it.
Bella was sitting up as he walked inside the bedroom and promptly planted the glasses on top of one of the multiple boxes filled with clothes, so he could brace against his knees and force up a wet burp.
"Aw Luke," Bell whispered, her voice barely audible, "you too?"
He waved her off, wiping the drool from his lips and the clamminess from his face, "I brought you some water," he whispered, circling the bed. It was unnerving that Vin was able to sleep with them chatting, as he normally woke up with any and all minor noise.
Now he looked terrible and Lucas' heart squeezed with worry. Somehow he looked worse than Bell, who had been throwing up for longer and was way smaller.
His wife was sitting against the pillows, dwarfed in his deep green hoodie, her hair sticking out from inside the hood, fiery curls licking at her pale face. She was wearing a washed out, stained pair of leggings under, leg warmers pulled up, and still she shivered as the wind howled outside, the snow hitting their window.
"There's a blizzard going on," Luke mumbled, sitting down and passing her the glass of water, as well as planting Vin's on the bedside table. Bell made a face, but she did take a small sip, followed by a much bigger one as the thirst made itself known. Luke lowered her hand, moving the glass away from her lips and biting down a smile as she let out a pathetic whimper, "you'll make yourself sick, baby. Let's see if this stays down."
"Doubt it," Bella scoffed, setting down her glass and then crawling closer, hugging him as she climbed his lap, pressing her lips to his shoulder, "don't be mad," she whispered in his ear, squeezing her arms around him, "he didn't know."
Luke rolled his eyes, hugging her back, squeezing his eyes shut as Bell became an unpleasant pressure against his unsettled stomach. He muffled a burp against the excess of fabric hanging from her shoulder.
"I know," Luke turned his head, pressing a kiss to the pulled up hood, "I'm not mad."
That wasn't a lie, per se.
He had been furious the second the words came out of Vin's lips, but Bella was right and Luke couldn't deny it even if rage had blinded him. Vince didn't know. He couldn't have, no one did.
The problem wasn't the ill placed joke that Bella had already forgiven and Vin had apologized profusely for, it was deeper than that. He wasn't angry, he was... Disappointed. Enlightened. Sad.
His stomach rolled, churning up the dip and chips from before. He hadn't eaten as much as the rest of them, too busy pacing the living room and yelling at the screen, but whatever he had eaten was sitting like a brick, indigestion making him sweaty and burpy.
"Are you okay?" Lucas squeezed his hand around Bella's waist, pulling back so he could get a good look at her face. He knew they were in different pages, had known from the minute Bell had said the baby when they were in the hospital, the weeks that followed had only proved his point. Bella surely didn't plan for them to have a kid now, but she'd be happy if they did, and there lied the crux of their issue. Lucas had only felt relief once the concern about his wife's wellbeing was addressed. He was not ready to be a father and the two scares, the one she hadn't told him and the real miscarriage, had only made that abundantly clear.
Bella nodded, making a grossed out face and shuddering as her belly let out an audible whine, "I'm feeling awful," she said, bluntly, "but I'm alright..." She squeezed his arm, "you should talk with Vin. Before he throws himself off one of our balconies."
Luke rolled his eyes at her humorous tone, the knot deep in his chest loosening up just a smidge, "I will," he promised, turning to look at Vince, who was curled up as much as he could and had an arm wrapped around his stomach. He was white as spoiled milk and his curls were glued down to his face, despite the chilliness of the room.
"Is Wen downstairs?" Bella moved up, gingerly, using his shoulder as support, "Leo and Jon?"
"Jonah's sick too," Luke grabbed her hand, wordlessly asking her to stay, but Bell shook her head, squeezing his hand back, "Leo went to get Jon's antinausea meds. If you can keep them down, they might help..."
"Uhm, we'll see about that..." Bell took a deep breath, then pulled her hand from his grip, gesturing to Vin with her head, "talk."
Then she left the room, at a snail pace that was probably less dramatic than she intended. In the far distance, Luke heard Wendy's voice, lower at first, then louder as she walked up the stairs to help Bella down. Cooing.
The chatting faded, then there was the heavy silence of the room.
Vince didn't snore, sick or not, so Lucas didn't have anything to focus on but the deep ache inside his stomach. The nausea continued to prickle at him, in a steady pace, and he wasn't sure if the best option was to just ride it out or if he should pull the trigger and get whatever dip was inside of him out, before the food did that by its own volition.
He didn't have any energy to get up either, which was a weird side effect and Luke wasn't sure if he blamed that on the food poisoning or in the desolation he felt ever since leaving Vin's place, over a month before, when he had caught the flu.
His stomach churned once more and Lucas muffled a burp against his hand, this one much wetter, feeling the jeans that had been loose around lunch now cutting on his belly. A shiver went up his spine and he let out a groan, stumbling to the bathroom and pushing the door closed behind him.
He didn't even need to force it, as soon as he bent down in front of the toilet, his stomach let out a nasty growl and a sweet, rotten taste coated the back of his throat. Luke squeezed his eyes shut, planting a hand on the wall as he refused to kneel down on the cold tiles, and palmed his bloated belly, shaky fingers clumsy reaching for his jeans buttons-
A burp sent him forward and Luke gave up opening his jeans as hot vomit rushed up and splattered in the water. The taste was disgusting and once he started, it was hard to stop. His arm burned with the effort of holding most of his weight and Luke let out a groan, pressing his forehead to the inside of his arm as he tried to catch his breath.
The smell of sickness still assaulted him and he gagged, fruitlessly, spitting inside the toilet and forcefully clearing his throat. His stomach continued to ache, but the queasiness receded, giving space to a deep soreness, as if he had done a long sequence of abdominals.
Lucas flushed the toilet and braced against the sink, scoffing at his reflex. He was already pale to begin with, specially during winter, so he looked phantasmagoric. He washed his face, shuddering at the cold water and swishing it around in his mouth to get rid of the horrible taste.
He tried to take a gulp, but it sat heavily in his belly and Luke white knuckled the marble, breathing through the nausea once more. A burp snuck up, frothy and sickening and he spat inside the sink, washing his face and mouth once more.
When he opened the door, Vince nearly fell inside the bathroom.
Luke jumped back, a hand darting out instinctively to grab Vin by the shoulder and keep him from collapsing, "Whoa! Vin? Hey-"
"Are you okay?" Vince's voice was raspy, but loaded. Worried and guilty.
Luke cringed, he knew he wasn't a quiet puker, but he hadn't meant to wake his friend up.
"Better than you," he scoffed, grabbing the other man's shoulder and pushing at it so Vin would turn around, "how's your stomach, Vin? Leo got some medic-"
"I'm sorry," Vince ignored his rambling, sitting down on the edge of the bed and hunching forward, planting a hand on his face as if he was too embarrassed to even look at Lucas, "I'm sorry. I'm so- So sorry. I shouldn't- I shouldn't have said that, it was a ridiculous joke, I'm so sorry, Luke-"
"It's fine," Luke said quietly, leaning against the ancient wardrobe that faced his side of the bed, crossing his arms, "you couldn't have known."
"Doesn't justify it," Vince scoffed, glaring at him. His eyes had a glint that made Luke want to check for a fever, but he stayed put, "I'm so sorry, Luke."
"It's okay," Lucas grinded his teeth, "really, Vin, drop it-"
"No," Vince shook his head vehemently, "I should've been there for you and I wasn't. I wish I had been there-" although it was an apology, genuinely, there was a veiled accusation in his words. Why hadn't him been told anything?
Luke's stomach churned, now for an entirely different reason. He gulped down, "again, you couldn't have known," he said diplomatically, heart skipping a beat. Vince bit down his lip, looking like a kicked dog at his words.
"Can you- Can you talk with me?" He asked in a small voice, "you didn't say anything about any of this, Luke..." there it was, "what's going on with us?"
Lucas' eyes prickled and he looked away from Vince, out of his bedroom window and to the backyard. They had gotten the weeds removed and the grass trimmed, but now it was all white, until it met the dark trees in the back of the property.
"Luke?" Vince questioned and his voice wavered and fuck- Luke's couldn't speak past the knot in his throat.
"I don't- I don't-" he tried to say, but Vince glared at him, eyes sunken in his face and red rimmed.
"Don't you dare pretend everything's fine, its not," he scoffed, "can you please talk with me? Is it- Is it because of Max? Because I moved away? Why aren't you telling me anything, why didn't I know you were moving until you mentioned it in the group? Why did Leo learn about Bell being pregnant but you were in my place many times after and didn't say a thing? Fuck, Luke, if you had called me when the miscarriage happened I'd be here in a heartbeat-"
A hysterical giggle bubbled up in Luke's throat, eyes burning and hands all sweaty as he felt backed up against a wall, "you were out hiking with Max, remember? He broke his foot."
Vince looked stunned, then his cheeks turned red, angry, "so it is about Max? Lucas, how many fucking times do I need to say you're my best friend-"
"It's not," he felt exhausted, "really, Vin, it's not- It's nothing. I know you're upset you didn't know about the previous scare, but fuck, there was nothing to tell, man! Bell told Leo before she knew it wasn't real, I didn't even know then! And- And..." he was talking circles and he knew it, "and when the miscarriage happened, what did you want me to do? Call you when you're four hours away, to come hold my hand in the waiting room?!"
"YES!" Vince all but shouted, much louder than he intended and Luke jumped at the noise, before the heartbreak that had been simmering in the back of his mind for a month now roared forward with a fury.
"NO!" He yelled, just as loudly, shoving a finger on Vin's chest, "you want to be treated like a best friend? YEAH?" He shoved Vince's chest, furious now, "cool, so did I. In fact, I was a fucking good friend, Vin, I drove to your place, twice a fucking month, for over a year-" Luke took a step back, sharpness overtaking his words, "I prioritized you in everything and then-"
"Then I decided I could have more than one friend and you nearly went mad with jealousy?" Vince accused, angry, and Luke reeled, staring at him as the blood sang in his ears. He felt warm all over.
"I would never, not in a million years," he said, quietly and deadly, "end our friendship over something as small as a jab. An insult," he felt like crying, "I would be angry and I might- I might yell at you, but I wouldn't-"
"What the hell are you talking about?" Vince breathed out, suddenly looking confused and Luke pressed his lips into a thin line, sniffling and nodding, because of course. He had been chewing on those words for a month and Vince didn't even remember them.
"You told me, and I quote, if I ever implied you'd ever cheat on anyone you loved, meaning it or not, you'd end our friendship in a heartbeat," he said, coldly, standing up straight now, "and I get that you were angry, but I could never say that to you. Hell, could you imagine? If I decided that what you said today was worthy of ending our friendship?"
"Luke, I wasn't- I was setting a boundary-" Vince sounded frustrated and scared, as if the gravity of his words was finally dawning on him, "I didn't mean it-"
"I could never say that to you, no matter the reason," Luke repeated, fully tearing up now, "so forgive me if you weren't the first person on my mind when my wife had a fucking miscarriage and I was terrified, Vince. I'm sorry if I thought that you'd rather sit in a room with broken foot Daniels after you did fuck all to prove me otherwise. I'm sorry if I'm having a hard time thinking of you as my best friend, when you spelled it out for me that you're not. I guess I'm a little heartbroken," the last couple words were dripping venom and Luke was panting as he spat them out, chest heaving, vision blurry with tears and hands shaking.
He blinked quickly, angrily brushing away the hot tears and looked away from the blurry spot that was Vince, trying to collect himself when he felt like openly crying, much like he had done when coming back from Vin's that day.
He should be feeling some sort of relief over having it all out in open now, spelled out for Vince, but it didn't. Hell, if anything, Vin's silence was only breaking his heart further, Luke desperately wanted an apology and to make up, even if it would take some effort to genuinely forgive his best friend-
Vince pitched forward with a gag and vomit dripped between his fingers, splashing on the runner rug and between his feet.
"Shit," Luke cursed, stepping closer and side stepping the mess so he could touch Vin's back, feeling a stab of guilt over dressing him down like that when he was so sick... Vince shook with a sob, wincing and flinching when Lucas planted a hand on his back.
"Don't-" He whimpered, hiccup-burping and another mouthful of bile and water splattered down, Vin apparently feeling too sick to bother caring about the mess.
The knot was back in his throat as Luke gulped around nothing, trying to ignore the pain irradiating in his chest and patted Vince's back regardless of his wishes, "it's okay," he said, his pats forcing up another burp and more vomit splashed down on the mess, "get it up."
Vince reached out, blindly, hand curling on Luke's shirt and squeezing it in a tight grip, "Luke-"
"Yeah, I know," Lucas sighed, squeezing his nape and pulling back Vin's curls away from his forehead, "I know, man, you didn't mean it, I know."
Too bad it really didn't make things any better.
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yesterdayandkarma · 1 year ago
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Gloire by Rinaldo Monacelli
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germanpostwarmodern · 6 months ago
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A city of 50,000 in Southeast Indiana isn’t exactly where one would expect an agglomeration of high-profile modern architecture. But Columbus isn’t your average Indiana city: starting with Eliel Saarinen’s 1942 First Christian Church the city in the following decades saw the likes of Harry Weese, Eero Saarinen, I.M. Pei or Robert Venturi add buildings to its fabric. The driving force behind this decided promotion of modern architecture was the Cummins Corporation and its CEO J. Irwin Miller in particular: convinced of the positive impact architecture can have on the lives of people, Miller fostered Columbus’s embrace of modern and qualitative architecture not only in terms of corporate buildings but also public infrastructure. In this transformative process Miller also involved other local businesses and corporations in e.g. the construction of housing, schools or community spaces. Of course this also was a means for attracting and securing skilled workers but the efforts towards a „total community project“ were primarily born out of a wish to form a strong community. This community explicitly included Black people since Miller and Cummins not only opposed segregation but actively supported the civil rights movement.
The remarkable history of Columbus and its modern architecture is the focal point of Matt Shaw’s book „American Modern: Architecture; Community; Columbus, Indiana“, recently published by Monacelli Press. In seven chapters Shaw, who grew up in Columbus, recounts the origins and history of the Columbus community project but also situates it within the larger context of American societal and political developments. Shaw amalgamates this history with key buildings and a broader architectural context beyond Columbus alone, an approach that results in a page-turning narrative. Moreover, Iwan Baan’s trademark photographs of buildings and people provide a lively picture of the city and its organically grown urban fabric. A fantastic and warmly recommended book!
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de-salva · 2 months ago
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Gianfranco Gorgoni: Land Art Photographs
Published by Monacelli Press and the Nevada Museum of Art (2021)
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