#mom told me he was more beautiful than the girls in the drama and I agree
flyingkoalaandsloths · 4 months
Zhang Ruoyun in the second season is too beautiful
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traveler-at-heart · 2 months
Lessons of Love
Summary: So, Nerd!Natasha and Fem!R, their first date and everything fluffy. I just have a lot of thoughts about them and maybe this will be a series (and it will eventually contain G!P Natasha so if that's not your thing, you've been warned). Nerd!Natasha x Fem!Rogers Reader
Don’t count the days, make the days count.
Natasha’s father had told her that as if it was ancient wisdom and not a fortune cookie message.
It was also easier to say it when you didn’t have to attend high school. There were days when she couldn’t cope with it, like when the football team was agitated before a match, or there was some drama around the most popular people in school.
Those times were a stark reminder that Natasha had no one to talk to, a confidant to mock the jocks or a friend to share the gossip with.
Genius comes with a cost.
That one was her mom’s way of comforting Natasha.
She was the smartest person in school, miles above her peers. What she didn’t have in social intelligence, she more than made up with a sharp, quick and brilliant mind.
But as she entered the chem lab, and took a seat at the last table where she was always alone, Natasha wished that things could be different.
If only for a day.
“Morning, everyone” professor Fury greeted as people went to their seats. “You might have heard about an explosion during class” the few giggles that were heard were quickly silenced by Fury’s glare. “So, to keep this from happening again, we’ll switch the teams for the rest of the semester”
Natasha’s heart raced. What if people could choose and then she’d end up front of the class, everyone staring because no one picked her?
“So, alphabetically” Fury read the list, Natasha going over the name that was before hers…
She looked at you, sitting next to Wanda on one of the first tables. You waved at the twins when their names were called, laughing at Wanda’s annoyed stare. Being paired with her brother meant she’d do most of the work while he fooled around.
“Rogers and Romanoff”
Natasha saw you gathering your things and looking around. When you found her, a smile broke out and you walked to join her in the back of the room.
How does one greet the most popular girl in school? Head of cheerleaders, little sister of legendary quarterback Steve Rogers, not to mention the most beautiful girl in all of Shield High.
Not that Natasha was paying attention.
“Hey, Natty” you greeted, sitting next to her and looking around. “Wow, you can really see everything from here”
“I-I guess”
Natasha wanted to crawl under the table and hide. What was she supposed to talk about?
“Guess it’s my lucky day” you said, unable to deal with the silence. Natasha had a hard time understanding if you were being sarcastic. “I mean, you’re the capitan of the Science Club. So, that makes you the best partner anyone could hope for in Chemistry”
Natasha didn’t have time to answer, as Fury finally started with the lesson. Once he gave you all the instructions and wrote some exercises on the board, everyone went silent. Of course, Natasha was done in half the time.
“Show off” you teased and felt your heart beating faster when Natasha actually laughed.
“Want help?” she offered and you went over your notes, nodding.
“I think I got most of them except… this one?” you pointed with your pencil. Natasha leaned, reading again and pulling her chair closer to yours.
“You see, when you choose a coefficient, try to select one as low as possible”
“And that would affect all of the atoms in the molecule” you said and Natasha nodded. “Ok, I think I got it”
But the redhead kept staring as you began to write again, and you poked her side.
“Stop it, Romanoff”
You went back to work, missing the way Natasha blushed at the physical contact.
“Good. Now, I want you to get to know each other even better, so you’ll do a project for next class. Do not sass me, youths” Fury raised his voice as everyone began to protest.
“We’ve known each other our whole lives, can we skip this one?” Pietro said while pointing to his sister, and everyone laughed.
“No” Fury said, turning to write on the board again. “Do some research on why it’s important to balance chemical equations and what other parts of chemistry rely on this skill. Bonus points for concrete examples where it helped advance important research on other fields”
He dismissed the class, and everyone began to pack their bags to move to the next session.
“So… uh… how do you wanna do this? Wanna meet somewhere?” Natasha said, unfamiliar with team projects. Teachers would let her work alone, because pairing her with someone meant she’d do all the work and split the credit.
“Yeah, not my place though. The boys have their weekly pool game after football practice and they can get so loud” you rolled your eyes, walking out of the classroom next to the girl.
Natasha’s stomach turned at the idea of being anywhere near the school jocks.
“So, the school library?” you offered, giving her a way out in case her house was off limits.
“I think my mom has more books about it than the library”
Damn it, where did that come from? She couldn’t handle a class with you and now she was suggesting her place? Where would you even work? And Melina would make some embarrassing remark, or Alexei would ask a million questions and say something silly…
“Yeah, cool. I’ll stop by after cheerleading practice”
“Let me give you the address”
“Natty, I know where you live” you chuckled, surprised that she seemed surprised. “Remember your birthday party? I was there”
“That was like seven years ago”
“Yeah, so? I remember” you smiled. “Gotta run, see you later”
Natasha stared as you walked to History class. You turned around one last time, smiling shyly and waving at her.
Natasha waved back, her cheeks turning red at being caught staring.
Crap, she wasn’t going to survive this assignment.
You went up the steps, fixing your hair before ringing the doorbell.
God, how were you going to manage this afternoon with Natasha? You were barely able to keep it together during class.
You were still torn on how to manage your fight or flight response when the door opened.
“Y/N!” Natasha’s sister practically shouted your name.
“Hey, Yelena. I’m here to…”
“You know my name” the girl said.
“Well, yeah, you’re Nat’s sister”
Speak of the devil.
“Yelena!” Natasha went down the stairs in record time.
“What?” Yelena said, talking back as soon as Natasha switched to Russian. They went back and forth for a while, and you stood outside, wondering if you’d ever manage to get in.
“Sorry about that” Nat finally turned to you, Yelena leaving the room in a rush.
“No worries. I couldn’t understand you. Literally”
“My room’s this way” Natasha said, scratching the back of her neck.
A second later, she regretted letting you go up the stairs first. Your skirt moved with each step you took, toned legs in full display. Natasha had to pray she wouldn’t trip on the way up.
“Which door?” you turned to look at her, her ears red. You bit your lip, trying not to think how adorable she looked all flustered.
“The one on the right” she pointed and you nodded, waiting for her to tell you it was ok to open it.
“Wow” you said, looking around at the shelves full of books and scale models of different machines.
“You can take the chair if you want” Natasha offered her desk, and you were so busy reading the titles of the books you almost didn’t hear her.
“Oh, that’s ok. I can sit on the bed” you said, placing your backpack in the corner. You pulled out your laptop and opened a new tab. “I was thinking we can get all the info we need, and then decide how to organize it. I’ll write a draft and you can review it”
It was Natasha’s turn to be distracted, appreciating the way you leaned against her headboard, stretching your arms above your head.
“I-I got some books from my mom’s study.  Let me find the right one…” she sat on the floor and you laid on your stomach, your heads at the same height as you looked over her shoulder.
Natasha began reading and taking notes, while you reviewed some articles on your laptop.
“Ok” you said, changing to sit next to her on the floor. Natasha felt your shoulder against her arm, and your sweet parfume invaded her senses.
You always smelled good. And looked so pretty. It was hard to focus but she managed just enough to dictate some of the things she’d found useful.
“You don’t have to write this down, but let me know if you think any of it is interesting for the paper” she said, and you really wanted to pay attention, but your eyes kept drifting to her lips. “Y/N?”
“Sorry, I’m boring you” Natasha said, closing the book and looking dejected. She was about to put it away when you reached for her hand, sitting up.
“Now hold on. You weren’t boring me”
“It’s ok”
“Nat, look at me” you asked. The redhead seemed to forget you had moved closer when you reached for her hand, and when she turned to look at you, you were inches apart.
Was she looking at your lips? Were you leaning forward? Did she want this?
You didn���t have time to find out, as the door to Natasha’s room opened and you jumped back.
“Oh! Yelena was telling the truth”
“Hi, Mrs. Romanoff” you greeted, hoping she didn’t notice your cheeks turning pink.
“Y/N, it’s so good to see you. Why are you sitting on the floor? Natalia, where are your manners?”
“No, that’s ok. I prefer the floor. Your hydrengias are looking spectacular, by the way” you tried to change the subject.
“Thanks to you! You were right about the change of place. Oh, I should have sent you a plate of cookies, you helped me with it and I didn’t even thank you”
“That’s ok, Mrs. Romanoff”
“Well if you want to stay for dinner, you’re more than welcomed” Melina turned to her daughter, with a more serious demeanor. “And you, remember to put those books right where they belong. I have a very particular system”
“Yes, Ma’am” 
You both spoke at the same time. 
“Sorry” you tried to breathe, putting a strand of hair behind your ear. “You were saying?”
“I didn’t know you spoke to my mom about flowers?”
“Oh, that” you blushed and Natasha bit her lip, drinking in every word you said. “Yeah, Mom and I ran into her at the farmer’s market. They were talking about plants and we gave her some tips. That’s how we spend quality time, working on the garden”
Natasha nodded, but you still stared at her.
“Can I ask you something?” you said, looking at her lips. Natasha swallowed and nodded. “I… uh… why was Yelena acting weird when she saw me?”
That’s not what you meant to ask, but you had lost your courage.
“Oh…” the redhead looked disappointed. Or were you imagining things? “She’s obsessed with joining the cheerleading squad, and you being the President…”
“I’m not, anymore” you blurted out, surprising even yourself. “I mean, I’m still on the team… but I thought Pepper would do a better job” 
“But they won the Nationals last year because of you” Natasha protested, and you were taken aback by her sudden rage. “There’s no one better than you”
“That’s really sweet, Nat” you placed your hand on hers. “But it’s for the best. Trust me. I’ll have more time to focus on the school paper or… I don’t know, dating?”
“I guess you could do that…” Natasha said, looking at your hands. For the second time in the day, your eyes found hers and then traveled to those beautiful lips.
Bucky shouted from the door. Damn it.
“My ride’s here” you said, disappointed. Natasha nodded, standing up and offering her hand to help you up. You took it, surprised at her strength. 
A gasp left your lips when you were face to face, inches away from her lips. All you had to do was step forward and stand on your toes…
“Y/N/N” Bucky insisted and you had to control the urge to tell him to go to hell.
“Sorry. I have enough notes to write something. Can I text you once it’s done?”
“Sure, let me give you my number”
“I already have it…” you blurted out, trying to hide your face.
Now, this time you were grateful for Bucky’s insistence. 
“Coming, Buck! See you later?” 
“Yeah. I’ll walk you out” 
You nodded, allowing Natasha to lead you to the front door. Her father, coach Romanoff, was chatting with Bucky at the door.
“Good practice today” Alexei said and Bucky nodded.
“Thanks, coach” he then turned to you, offering his hand to get your bag. “Ready to go, doll?”
“Yeah. Thanks for having me, Nat. Say bye to your mom and Yelena for me?” 
An uncomfortable feeling took over Natasha as you walked next to Bucky, watching him take your bag and carry it for you. You laughed at something he said while he opened the car door for you and then drove away.
“They make a cute couple, don’t they?” Alexei said, but Natasha shrugged her shoulders and went back to her room, almost knocking Melina over on the way up the stairs. “Did I say something wrong?”
Natasha felt weird doing it, but she couldn’t help herself. 
She only opened an Instagram account to watch cool science videos. But she knew your username because Yelena followed you and now, she was acting like a creep, looking at your profile.
In search of what? She wasn’t sure. Maybe proof that you were dating Barnes.
“Hey” Yelena walked into her room and Natasha dropped her phone. “Ew, were you watching porn?”
“What? No! What do you want?” Natasha said, the blush in her cheeks only making her seem guilty.
“Well, just wanted to ask you if Y/N mentioned anything about this year’s tryouts?”
“No, we didn’t really talk about… that”
Natasha didn’t mention the conversation you had about stepping down as president. She had a feeling that was private.
“Ok, go back to watching porn” Yelena said, closing the door before Natasha could throw a pillow her way.
Then, her phone pinged and Natasha looked at it as if it was a cursed object. 
Unknown number: Hey, Nat. I have a draft ready. Lmk if I can send it to you
Natasha: Hi. Sure thing, I’m not doing anything
Damn it, way to be a loser, Natasha. 
She didn’t even wait a few minutes to reply.
Y/N: Ok, should be on your email now.
Natasha: Thnx, reading now.
Y/N: Gotta get ready for dinner. It was nice seeing you today.
Y/N: Outside of school, I mean.
Y/N: So… yeah. Anyway. I’m being weird, haha. Talk soon. 
Natasha’s heartbeat sped up with every new text. She caught herself reading them over and over again.
She didn’t have time to worry about what to reply, because her mother came knocking.
“Dinner’s ready. You can take your time… Yelena told me you were busy.”
“Oh, my GOD!” Natasha jumped out of bed, opening the door. “I am not… watching porn!”
“She said you were stalking Y/N’s instagram” Melina said, turning to find her youngest daughter holding a laugh.
“сука” Natasha screamed, running after her.
“Papa, help!” Yelena screeched, going down the stairs. 
“Language! And no running inside the house!” 
Melina sighed. With the way Natasha was looking at you today, she had a feeling that parenting was going to be even more complicated now.
Throughout the week, you never left Natasha’s mind. It was a strange feeling. She’d never dwelled on social interactions that much, thinking it wasn’t worth her time. 
But still, when Friday came, she was excited because you shared English class as well. 
And there you were, leaning against the door, speaking to Barnes. Again. Natasha sighed, trying to ignore the heavy feeling in her stomach at the way you laughed with him, smacking his arm playfully.
As usual, the redhead kept her head down and went to the last table of the classroom, where she could be left alone. Only, you walked straight to her as soon as Professor Harkness started the lesson.
“Hey” you greeted, sitting next to Natasha. 
“Sorry, do you want me to find another place to sit?” you said, looking around the room. 
“No!” Natasha practically shouted, making you flinch. “I’m sorry. No, you can sit here”
You nodded, occupying the chair next to hers. It was going to be a slow day, as Ms. Harkness set up the projector to show a documentary about Patricia Highsmith. 
“You have to write a report about this so pay attention” the professor said, taking a seat to start the film.
While the documentary played, your mind kept drifting back to Natasha, sitting a few inches away from you. Truth be told, you had always found her to be beautiful, intriguing… but after spending an afternoon with her, those moments when you touched hands or locked eyes, kept replaying in your head. 
Instead of taking notes, you decided to execute a plan that was saved for the next Chemistry lesson. Drawing on a sheet of paper, you created a game of hangman, double checking the number of letters for each of the three words. 
Without looking at Natasha, you pushed the sheet her way. She looked at it for a second too long, and then at you. You were beginning to regret the whole thing, and then she underlined the letter T. You smiled, writing on the designated place.
Natasha took her time analyzing the sheet, but by the time the lesson was over, she had guessed some of the letters.
_o_i_   o_   _ _ tur _ _ y ?
The bell rang, and as the lights were turned back on, you looked at her, smiling nervously. 
“So… want me to tell you what it says? Or, you can take the sheet and text me if you figure it out?” 
God, you sounded so desperate. No wonder Natasha looked at you as if you had grown a second head. 
“I’ll take it” she smiled, placing it between her notebook and walking out.
“Actually, Nat…” you went after her. Why not just ask straight away and see what happened?
“Yes?” she said, turning to look at you. Truth be told, she was anxious to get out. Your proximity had distracted her during the entire class. And it only got worse when you slid that sheet her way, and she saw the way you were biting your lip nervously.
She had to force herself to look away from your lips. 
“I was thinking, if you’re not too busy…”
“Go on a date with me”
You were both taken aback by the interruption. The words were stolen right out of your mouth by a junior student, Peter Parker. He was staring at Natasha excitedly. 
“Never mind” you grumbled, rolling your eyes and walking away. 
Natasha flashed an angry glare at Peter, but you were walking down the hallway at record speed.
“What is wrong with you?” Natasha said. Peter was a year younger, but knew the redhead from science club. 
“Sorry, it’s just that I… those were the words that came out of my mouth to ask MJ out. MJ! And she said yes!”
“Yeah, start with that next time” 
Natasha spotted you across the hall, talking to Thor. Of course. 
“I have to go” Natasha pushed the boy aside.
She was so distracted, she never noticed where she was going until she opened the door to the computer room, where Barnes was making out with another senior, Sharon Carter. 
“Knock, damn it” Barnes said, but Sharon smacked his arm, looking stern.
“Don’t be a dick, James”
Natasha wanted to call Barnes a lot more than a dick, because who on their right mind would cheat on you? She stared at him a second longer, too angry to even speak, and then turned around, shutting the door behind her. 
You deserved so much better than Barnes. 
Y/N: Were you able to figure it out?
Natasha kept staring at her phone. She hadn’t replied to your message since yesterday and the longer she waited, the worse she felt.
Should she tell you about Barnes? Would you believe her? Or would you call her the worst name in the book and refuse to be in the same class as her? 
The girl was pacing around in her room, but of course Yelena chose that moment to play her music at full volume. Natasha let out an exasperated sigh, going to her sister’s room.
“Turn it down!” she yelled from outside, knocking several times to get Yelena’s attention. “Yelena? Your music is too damn…” let the record show she had tried to knock. Natasha walked into Yelena’s room without permission, ready to get into a screaming match with her sister. What she didn’t expect was to see you sitting on her bed, while Yelena showed you different things on her closet.
“I told you it was very loud, Yel” you said, smiling at the girl and then at Natasha, who took a step forward to shut the music down. “Hey, sorry about the noise”
“I don’t recall giving you permission to come in, sestra” Yelena said, examining a t-shirt and her favorite vest. She turned to you. “What about this?” 
“Yeah, that’s better. And hair braided, don’t forget that. Pepper and all the other girls love braids. I think the ones Natasha wears sometimes are really… uh, pretty”
You didn’t mean to sound like a creep, but of course you had noticed Natasha’s fiery hair braided from time to time. 
“So, since you’re standing there and made me turn off my music” Yelena turned to her sister, showing the outfit. “What do you think? Tryouts are on Monday and Y/N is helping me pick an outfit”
“That one’s nice” Natasha nodded, trying to avoid your stare. She thought she had today and tomorrow to figure out what to do over Barnes. But what if you came to talk to her and she just blurted the whole thing out?
So, she excused herself and thought it would be better to hide in her room. Peace didn’t last long, though.
“Knock!” Natasha grumbled when her sister got in. 
“Hey, you didn’t knock either just now. I wanted to ask if you got the tickets for the movie”
“Yes, of course I did”
“Good. I can’t go with you, so you should take Y/N”
“Wait, what?” Natasha hissed, trying to not lose it at Yelena’s ridiculous antics. “You can’t just cancel like that and she probably doesn’t even want to…”
“Ask her” 
“Ask her. Or if you’re too afraid, I can do it for you. But honestly, Natalia. Just do it. You’re both driving me crazy”
Natasha didn’t know what Yelena meant by that, so she just rolled her eyes and sighed.
“I’ll ask her, I don’t want it to seem like my little sister has to arrange my outings”
“Fine. I’m getting some water, you should do it now. Don’t pass out” Yelena winked, knowing her sister could barely handle social interactions.
 Natasha felt her heartbeat strong in her chest, but didn’t wait too long before going back to Yelena’s room. She knew her sister meant it and would absolutely ask you out on Nat’s behalf.
“Hey, Y/N” she walked into the room, door ajar.
“Hey. What’s up? Want to try on outfits with us?” you joked. In spite of her nerves, Natasha smiled.
“I wanted to ask if you wanna go to the movies”
“Really?” you smiled. “What time?”
“It starts in an hour so… we can leave in thirty minutes if it works for you”
“Yeah. Awesome”
You didn’t think about asking which movie or anything else really. The fact Natasha had asked you was all you cared about. The redhead left the room once her sister came back, trying to hide her anxiety. Yelena gave her a knowing look, and kept chatting with you but wasn’t surprised to find you smiling out of nowhere, distracted and constantly checking your watch.
Once it was time to go, Natasha waited downstairs to drive you both to the movies. The ride there was quiet at first, until you reached out for the radio.
“Very cool” you praised when OK Go came on. “Their best music video is for I won’t let you down”
“What? No way! This too shall pass. That Rube Goldberg machine was insane”
“But what about all the extras and the umbrellas? Imagine the coordination it took. I tried to talk the girls into doing it for Nationals but they said I was insane”
Natasha laughed at that, humming along to the song, feeling more relaxed. You also smiled, and enjoyed watching her drive. She looked hot as she held the wheel. 
As you were arriving to the theater, you mentioned Barnes and how he always forgot to get the tickets and once again, Natasha’s anxiety came back. 
She was quiet as she parked and you both exited the car. 
“Wait. I’m sorry. I can’t do this” 
“Do what? What’s wrong?” you looked at her, searching her eyes. 
“Please don’t hate me” she pleaded.
“Natty, I could never” you shook your head, the term of endearment almost leaving Nat out of breath. 
“I saw… Barnes and Sharon Carter kissing in the computer room. I’m sorry”
“Ew. Yeah, they tend to do that anywhere they can. I’m the one who’s sorry you had to see it” you laughed, but the sound died down when Natasha looked at you as if you had grown a second head.
“Aren’t you dating Barnes?” she said, trying to understand everything.
“What? Gross. He’s like my other brother. Slightly less annoying than Steve, that’s for sure” 
“You’re serious?” Natasha said, feeling as if a giant weight had been lifted from her shoulders.
“I’m very serious and very much single… waiting for a pretty girl to come sweep me off my feet” you said, smiling as Natasha blushed. You took her hand, going inside the theater. “Come on, the movie is starting soon”
You waited in line for the candy store, her hand still in yours. Once it was time to get your stuff, you stood behind her, looking over her shoulder by standing on your toes. Natasha blushed at the contact, your chin resting against her shoulder while you asked the clerk for some chocolate.
“Let me” Natasha said, paying before you could give the man money. 
“Chivalry isn’t dead” you said, enjoying how much she was blushing. You smiled, helping her with the soda and finally going inside the room. 
“So, what are we watching?”
“It’s this new zombie movie, like found footage”
“Oh, cool” you muttered, feeling the palms of your hands get sweaty. 
“Sorry, I didn’t even ask if you were ok with that”
“No, it’s fine. I’m just a bit of a chicken” you laughed, settling in your seat. You hoped Natasha didn’t think you were lame and as the movie started, you really did try to be brave. And then a zombie came jumping through a window and you hid your face behind your hands. 
“Hey, it’s ok” Natasha took your hand. “We can leave if you want to” 
“No, I’m fine” you said, forgetting about the movie as soon as her hand let go of yours, arm going around your shoulders to comfort you. 
No way were you leaving now.
You leaned against her chest, hiding when something scary was about to happen. Natasha held you close, her hand going up and down your back in a soothing manner. 
Who knew all it took was some scary zombies to get close to her…
The movie didn’t last as long as you’d have liked, but still, you were happy when she kept holding on to your hand as you left the cinema.
“That was fun” you commented and Natasha let out a laugh. “What?”
“You were hiding half the movie”
“Maybe I liked that part the most” you challenged, pleased when she blushed again. “But next time, we’re watching a rom com or a sci-fi movie.”
“I’d like that” Natasha said and you were looking at her lips when your phone rang. “Want a ride home?”
“I couldn’t possibly ask you to”
“It’s not a problem. Come on” she walked next to you, opening the car door. 
“What else do you listen to?” you played with the radio, going from A-Punk, to Keane and Travis. “Really good taste”
“What about you?”
“Anything really. I have like 45 playlists that are completely random. I could send you one if you’d like” 
“Yeah, I’d like that” Natasha nodded. You smiled, enjoying the view (and by view you meant Natasha, her fingers tapping against the wheel) for the rest of the ride. 
Once you got home, she opened the car door for you again. You didn’t move from your spot next to her, enjoying the proximity.
“I like you” you said without a warning, and it was hard to tell who was more embarrassed, you or Nat. “I’m sorry for being so forward but I think I needed you to know. I’m thinking about kissing you and holding your hand and…”
For the first time in her life, Natasha did something without thinking. She pulled you by the waist, connecting her lips to yours. You groaned in surprise, but sighed against her mouth a second later. Your hands went up her neck, to keep her close to you as you moved your lips against hers.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself”
“Never apologize for doing that” you smiled, leaning your forehead against her shoulder. Natasha smiled, kissing your temple. “Are you good to drive?”
“Yeah” she nodded.
“Ok. I don’t want you to do it if you’re distracted or something. It could be dangerous, you know?” you rambled and Natasha saw genuine concern behind your words.
“I’ll text you when I’m home, how about that?”
“Yes, please” you sighed with relief. “Be careful. And thank you for today” without being able to help yourself, you stood on your toes and pecked her lips one more time.
Natasha got in the car, smiling as she drove back home. True to her promise, she texted you as soon as she arrived. 
She was expecting Yelena to greet her with a million questions, but the girl was back in her room, still listening to music.
Going back to her own room, she found the game of hangman you had done for her, now complete with Yelena’s handwriting.
Natasha was really clueless.
Movie on Saturday?
This whole time, you were asking her out. Natasha took a picture of the paper and sent it to her sister.
Nat: You went through my stuff.
Sestra: Ur welcome.
Natasha would never hear the end of it. Her phone pinged again.
Y/N: Glad you’re home safe. 
Y/N: Still thinking about that kiss.
Y/N: So… yeah. When’s our second date?
Coming to think of it, she was happy to pay that price. 
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jqmalikhsgib · 9 months
wedding bells: mini series
“…ceremony set for june…”
god you were so fucking beautiful. standing there in the sun as he watched you twirl in your dress. you were everything. he was gonna marry you he swore it.
the moment he laid eyes on you he knew you were the one. he even rushed to call his mom to let her know he met the woman of his dreams.
at first she thought he was crazy. you didn’t even have your first date yet. but he just knew. his heart knew. you were gonna be his wife. and now three years in he was ready. ready to tell you that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
and he knew you were ready too. the hints you’ve given him over and over again. he knew you were ready to spend the rest of your lives together.
and when he finally asked you that was the best time of your life. you two were more in love than before. everyone just knew that you were soulmates. but something changed.
harry started to focus more on his career. it was lifting off quickly. he was starting to be known as just harry styles. no longer harry styles from one direction.
so happy for your love you still cheered him on. but your own career was being overshadowed by harry’s career. being known as harry styles fiancé wasn’t what you wanted to be remembered by.
so you continue to work. make sure the world knew you for your accomplishments. and for awhile it worked. your acting career took off. but with that came whispers.
whispers harry was starting to believe.
‘she’s using you for fame mate.’
‘she doesn’t really love you.’
‘look at her. she’s using your name for clout. trust me. a girl like her is just gonna dump you the second she doesn’t need your name anymore.’
this only caused arguments between the two of you. yelling and cursing. every night you cried yourself to sleep. you didn’t understand where this was coming from. it broke your heart that harry would think of you in that light.
you finally had enough. packing your bags after another night of him disappearing. you knew he was drinking and most likely hooking up with some model. you weren’t stupid.
you left him a letter and the ring he gave you before leaving. and that was the last you were around harry.
two years later you moved on. you can’t lie and say you haven’t kept up with him. listening to his second album. you knew it was about you. you never meant to break him this bad but the harry you fell for was gone.
now you were happier. you were newly engaged again. this time the wedding was happening. you loved charlie. at least that what you told yourself. charlie was safe. he had his own business and kept to himself.
being with him felt good. no drama, no one trying to break you two up, no celebrity drama, and no cheating. just the two of you in love.
and though things were safe. you knew that the media would have a field day. you knew you’d have to tell harry personally. you owed it to him.
so meeting him after two years of not seeing one another was hard. but maybe he would have moved on. maybe he was happier now. at least you had hoped he was happier.
when he sat next to you your heart skipped a beat. he was still as beautiful as ever. his smile still made you fall apart.
the first words you’ve said to one another. fuck this was harder than either of you thought. but you knew it was good.
the two of you had small talk. just discussing your careers. trying to catch up on what’s happened the past year. that’s when he noticed it. the ring on your finger.
his heart broke. you couldn’t be getting married. no. you were his everything. you were his soulmate. how could you be seeing someone else? how could you be with someone who wasn’t him? he could never move on. how could you?
“are you—are you engaged?”
you looked down at your hand. looking down for a quick moment before looking him in the eyes. the hurt in them nearly broke your heart.
“um—yeah. that’s what i wanted to tell you. charles—charlie proposed to me. we’re getting married in june. i thought you should be the first to know before it’s all over the web.”
harry felt like his heart was ripping out of his chest. but it was his fault. he ruined the two of you. he shouldn’t have listened to others. god, he shouldn’t have listened to others.
the day he came back home to your shared home he saw the ring first. that was the moment that he knew he fucked up. hoping that maybe it just slipped off your finger. maybe you just wanted it clean. but when he grabbed the note was when he knew. you were gone and probably never coming back.
and reading that you knew he was cheating. that made him realize the solo fame he was getting has got to his head. he cried for weeks. he tried to call you. but you had already changed your number. he tried to contact anyone you knew. but they all knew what he had done.
he wasn’t giving up on you though. he would go to every award show, every event, anything to maybe see you. apologize and hopefully get you back. but his luck had ran out.
so harry did the one thing he knew how to do. he packed his bags, took off to a private location, and wrote music. hoping you’d hear them and maybe hear how sorry he was. maybe see that he was working on himself. be the man that you fell for.
and here you are. right in front of him. maybe he thought this was the moment where he’d forgive you. the moment where you’d give him another chance. but this is the moment you tell him you were getting married in just three weeks.
“june? why so early?”
“i love him harry.”
but he didn’t believe that. he didn’t believe you truly loved this charlie guy. he knew you better than anybody.
“look, i just, i came to let you know. i just thought it was a curtesy for you to know before the wedding. goodbye harry.”
and once again you walked out of his life. and he allowed you to once again.
part 1/3
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ye4gerism · 3 months
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word count 1k
content warning you guys might get mad at me🧍🏾‍♀️
author’s note finally over! as i mentioned, this was my first smut based story. i had been playing around with this particular plot since my bachelorette series ended and now i finally brought it to life! thanks to everyone who interacted with this story and gave me something to look forward to every time i uploaded! i will be putting this story on ao3 as well :) my requests are open, so do feel free to request some more aot content! enjoy :)
synopsis after the rumbling, you found yourself on your feet in your home town. you have a completely new life - you’re watching your country be built again and now you have a partner! what happens when a man from your past reaches out to you via letter?
Winter 859
I am so sorry but you are no longer a peace ambassador for the Alliance.
After much consideration, your actions are a threat to the work we've been doing and we can't risk losing our rising credibility over an affair. Your relationship with Mrs. Abe is not worth fighting Mr. Abe's influence.
Again, I'm sorry. As your friend, do know you can still talk to me if you need any support. I will send a future, more official letter very soon.
All the best,
Armin Arlert
Dear Jean,
Armin has recently told me about your termination from the Alliance. I'm really sorry - I know you loved that job and that it made things easier for you after what happened with Eren. I understand that you're currently stuck in Paradis and looking for a new job. I know you have a big heart, so I spoke with Historia and pulled some strings. She is offering you a position at the nursery. A secretarial job.
I hope you say yes and work with us until everything dies down. I know the news isn't public yet but it's going to be and your job search will get even harder.
I'm sorry about what happened with Y/N. She seemed like a really nice girl - no wonder you fell for her.
Please feel free to visit often. It's quiet on my end.
Thinking of you,
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Jean decided to make a grown-up decision and court Mikasa. After receiving her letter, he quickly took up the job at the nursery. Things between them started casual - she was his friend first after all. She always told him good morning and they'd take their breaks together. Over time, his once dormant crush on her reawakened and she honestly began to like him back too.
By the spring, they said, "I do". It was an intimate wedding - all of their friends were invited and even Levi had made an effort to witness their nuptials. June was so much happier than she was in months - her son's reckless affair was no longer hanging over her head and now he was with a respectable, beautiful girl.
As the idea of you faded away, things slowly went back to normal. Jean never got his job with the Alliance back (which was fine, he loved his job at the nursery. His wife worked there and the kids were great) and his relationship with his friends was so much better. They were even finding success in negotiations with Marley and Mainland Marley. He lived with Mikasa in her cabin and was regularly visited by Connie or his mom. Everything felt settled after so many years of secrets.
Summer 861
Hi. It's been a while. I assumed you didn't write me because of the drama of everything that occurred two years ago. I'm sorry it cost you your job.
How have you been? Sebas and I separated. He initiated the divorce. I lived in Anahg for a while and he replaced me with a much younger girl. I think he had been seeing her during our own marriage. Of course, everyone pitied him and praised him for trading me out with someone "better". I pray she has a better experience and doesn't treat her the way he treated me.
As much as I love my home, I couldn't stay in Anahg any longer because of the stares and people always constantly talking about Sebas. He's not even from here, so I don't understand the sudden hype. I think that article, which wrongly lists his ethnicity, is the reason why.
I ended up moving to Shiganshina. I managed to get myself a job as a seamstress at a very popular boutique. The owner was kind enough to help me get my own place as I continued to build my own life. I've been here a year now. I haven't been recognized, thank goodness.
I went to Trost to see if I could see you but I saw some individuals that I didn't know approach your apartment. Did you move out?
Anyway, I hope you're well. I really really do. And again, I'm sorry. Please, if you get this, let's have lunch together. I would really like to see you.
Wow. So she lives. THE Y/N L/N. I didn't think I'd hear from you again. The way Sebas was so angry, I thought he dragged you off to some mysterious darkness. All jokes aside, I was seriously worried about your safety. No one would tell me anything.
I have a pretty good job. Nothing heavy. I work with Historia's nursery. I just do a lot of paperwork about the kids and spend a little time with them since my main job is really low maintenance.
I'm glad you're out of that marriage. I don't know if you're happy but I am. He wasn't good for you. And I applaud you for your honesty and humanness; I'd wish Hell on her if I were you.
And you're here in Shiganshina, wow! I know you talked about liking the busyness of it. I hope you feel at home since Shiganshina is up to speed. You're lucky; I do miss the city sometimes. I'm glad you were able to do better for yourself here. Maybe you'll own your own shop there!
Yes, I no longer live in Trost. My mother does though. I got married last spring. The woman I'm married to actually helped me get my job. My favorite part is being able to watch her and her students bond. We’re expecting. I'm really excited to meet our first child. I'm hoping for a little girl. She wants a boy but everyone knows our little one will be a girl. Maybe the next one will be a boy, so we can have the best of both worlds.
Y/N, my time with you was something. It wasn't good or bad...it was just something. You gave me some of the most exciting times of my young adulthood. I will always remember you for that. But I think it’s best to leave our story where we ended it.
Mikasa was already past marriage and childbearing age and so was I. I also got fired from my job, remember? I’m halfway to thirty. I needed to start a family. I need a way to support myself, my wife and our child.
Y/N, I loved you once but I have moved on. I don’t think we should be on speaking terms, let alone writing terms. Our chapter has ended. Please make the rest of your time here the best. Thank you for everything.
Jean Kirstein
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that is the end of all is fair in love and war! i hope you enjoyed it and i thank you for taking the time to read! pls feel free to repost and stick around for whatever’s next <3
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afra-blueraz · 6 months
🦋 Admin Afra talks:
I wanna recommend an anime to you to make you smile from the bottom of your heart. I watched ( Buddy Daddies ) anime yesterday and this anime has become one of my comfort animes. I love father-daughter relationships, and in my opinion, every story and anime needs one of these relationships because it's so cute. Now imagine what would happen if there were two dads instead of one. Also, I'm glad the anime didn't try to force a gay relationship between the two men. I am not a big fan of Yaoi anime. To be honest, I am not a fan of Yaoi and Yuri at all. I'm not saying I hate it, I just don't like this genre. I have not tried to watch Yaoi until now, maybe I will try it later and change my opinion about it. But what was so lovely about this anime was that it didn't try to go with a forced romance. Kazuki and Rei were two friends that a little girl changes their lives and they understand how much this girl is dear to them and decide to change because of this girl.
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Plot Story: Well, at first glance, you think this anime is very similar to Spy x Family, but in my opinion, this anime was better than that. The comedy of the story and the relationship between parents and children was depicted much more attractively. It was very admirable that this story was related to the mafia but tried to maintain a sweet and family atmosphere. And that in the final episodes, we saw a combination of drama, action and the beautiful love of two fathers for their daughter. I was so hooked that I couldn't wait to see the next episode.
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Miri: Cute, simple and lovely little girl. Miri is very cute and kind. I swear, whenever she smiles, I want to hug her and squeeze her so that she suffocates. I know that her daddies will kill me. I was very upset when I heard the truth about Miri's real parents. I don't know if this is true or not, but I'm glad Miri's real parents are dead. Miri is a pure and innocent girl and deserves to always smile. She should be with her daddies. Those two are better parents for Miri.
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Kazuki: Dad as a lovely mom. I love that he became Miri's daddy in such a profound way from the first time he met her. It's as if he's been waiting all his life for the moment when a child calls him daddy. Kazuki's relationship with Miri is sometimes very funny. That he thinks so much about Miri's future and does not want any boy to approach Miri. He is a very cute dad. Kazuki's past and the death of his wife and child were very sad for me. Maybe that was the reason why Kazuki was so afraid of change. But he has Miri now. A girl who really loves him and makes him happy. Kazuki deserves this happy and beautiful family.
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Rei: I fell in love with Rei at first sight. His character and style are very cool. He was always tired and playing games or killing people. I love that in his first meeting with Miri he told Kazuki I can shoot that girl to complete our mission and in the last he turned into a man saying Miri is my daughter. Don't you dare to hurt her, otherwise I will kill you myself. Rei needed more time than Kazuki to get to know Miri and become attached to her. On that first day, he even refused to hug Miri, but he slowly approached her, he told the guards that she is my daughter and hugged her, he played with her, he slept in Miri's arms, he took care of her when she was sick, to the party He went to Miri's kindergarten and encouraged her, and in the end, he fought with his family, his own father to protect Miri. It was very interesting that in the end, Kazuki suggested that Miri be sent to an orphanage in another city so that she would be safe, but Rei refused and said that he wanted to stay with Miri for the rest of his life and raise her like his own daughter. Rei made a lot of progress. I swear I wanted to cry when he talked to his father about his love for Miri. Rei has really fallen in love with Miri and loves her more than anyone else. According to him, he was just like a walking dead before he meet Miri, but now he knows the meaning of life and he doesn't want to lose it. Miri is his dear daughter.
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Kyo: He had a mysterious personality and considering that he worked for the Suwa family, it was natural. When he said that he wanted to take care of Miri, I was very scared and said that if he finds out the truth, he will surely kill Miri, but what did he do instead? He made a special juice for Miri and called her my princess. This man is an exemplary father. The close bond he developed with Miri and helping Rei and Kazuki take care of Miri was so sweet.
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Misaki: I hated her as a mother. I was very angry that she left Miri to go back to her mafia lover. She is your daughter, Bitch. But in the end she also changed. When she got cancer, she realized how precious Miri was to her. She decided to be a good mother to make Miri happy in her last moments. The fact that she regretted what she did is valuable to me, but to be honest, I am happy that she is dead, she does not deserve to be a mother for Miri. She could not be a good mother to Miri.
At the end of this story, it had a wonderful ending. Kazuki and Rei get the happiness they deserve, and Miri lives a happy life with two men who love her more than anyone else. If you want to have happy moments for a few short moments, I suggest you watch this anime.
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youremyheaven · 5 months
Hello how are you?. I just want to give you my experience with another encounter and experience with Venus dominant woman
My abusive mother is Purvashadha Sun (3rd house again same with my ex friend), Danishta Moon ( 4th house) and Chitra (1st house) Ascendant. She also has Mars in Vishaka 1st house and Mercury in Mula Conjunct Sun in Purvashadha in the 3rd house .
While me Saturn Conjunction Ketu in Uttarabharapadha in the 2nd house, Sun Conjunction Rahu in hasta in the 8th house, Krittika Moon 4th house, Hasta Sun 8th house and Purvabharapadha Ascendant 1st house
*warning mentions of abuse, rape
She never loved me in the first place. I remember in my childhood I get to see my mother love and take care other adult women and girls same my age as her daughter but not me.
She loves wealth than her children. She starve us and never use the money onto us but more on her own jewelries. She uses the loan and debt to buy us for food.
Shes a manipulative gaslighter and enabler too especially always sided to our abusive father.
She always criticize our weight and the need for us to be skinny and model like beauty and body. She always criticize me and my siblings what we wear what we do in our lives what career and everything.
Shes obsessed with perfect beauty and being youthful. But it never happens on her but only to me.
She secretly competes with me everyday painted me like a bad guy and being delusional at all times.
She made my life like a living hell. Until her health starts declining and all she wants in her life didn't happen even controlling us.
She did creepy thing like not respecting boundaries and always told us to fit in and do what people has to say. She let other people destroy our boundaries.
She took pictures of my backside and butt area when I was asleep.
She even lets stranger go inside our house and called them a part of the family and we didn't even know them.
My brother saved me from possible rape that she accepted as a " brother". And my only brother are there to save me and my abusive mother are not there to save me.
She never let the man in jail because the mother of the stranger that almost raped me was asked to never put him into jail and she agreed.
She is very obsessed delusion of looking of our speaking pattern, tone and everything then tell our private conversation without knowing, try to strain our siblings dynamic but she didn't win.
Always looking for drama and recently she is added to a groupchat with her abusive siblings that she has drama with (they make fool of themselves)
She's having the delusions every man she talk with had a romance interest in her
She always are very jealous and envy when other people called me beautiful or always talk about me.
She has self entitlement and also a narcissist.
She always called her children even when we are healthy as fat pig
She has insecurity with herself and likes to be a leader of women empowerment but hates women who go achieving their dreams and she hate and resents me and other women who "NEVER HAD A CHILD IN THEIR TWENTIES" AND CHOOSE NOT TO HAVE CHILDREN.
She likes to repress our sexuality freedom which she never win.
She is angry at women who was being like and perverted by my abusive father even if it's a minor or have evidence that he sexually harassed them.
She is happy that me and my siblings didn't ask her for help and money
And always take toxic positivity and mindset in dealing with us through FACEBOOK Cringe outdated motivation and issues in relationship and have healthy dynamic
Her karma is her own marriage and me and my siblings font talk to her.
omg i hope you're in a better place now. im sorry you've had to experience all this :(
tysm for sharing your experiences tho
my Purvaphalguni Moon grandma is very similar to your mom. i once fell down on the hilltop next to her house (thankfully i didnt roll down the hill or anything, i just fell) and i bruised my thigh area and hurt my legs pretty bad and she made a big fuss about how this happened because of how all the people in the neighbourhood were giving me nazar/evil eye because of my big booty 😶and she told me i shouldnt walk around "enticing" the neighbourhood folk with my ass??? lol? and i told her that made no sense bc there were hardly any men in that area, just old ladies, their daughters etc and she said "yes they're jealous of you because theyre not built like you" and i was like ok grandma might as well call me a whore with the way i entice senior citizens with my giant ass 😤my grandma body shames a lot a lot a lot as well but thats a whole another thing. my grandmom is lowkey obsessed with my mom (in a very love-hate way) and she always ALWAYS talks about my mom in a highly sexualized way and compares me to her and its soooo icky
she's also obsessed with beauty, looks etc and she takes A LOT of pride in my mom being stunning which makes her other kids feel upset lol (you'd be hard-pressed to have a convo with her without her mentioning how down bad the whole village was for my mom in her youth) ive always thought that in a different culture/era, my grandma would 100% be a stage mom who tried to milk her daughter for fame/money (lowkey reminds me of brooke shields and her mom)
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iluvzuko · 1 year
Jazmine Dragon
So I wanna set a little background first: 
→ I do not own any of ATLA’s characters nor story, I just own my own characters and the thoughts on my mind, ofc I do not own all of you hot babes <3 I just wanted to write something that hopefully helped all of your hearts that love Zuko just as mine; some events are not exactly as portrayed on the show but ofc I had to shake things up as we need to get ourselves on the storyline, but I´mma try to make it the most organic as possible; any suggestions are accepted 
→ Yes, there are going to be some nsfw chapters, but in all of them are going to be warnings so that no one under 18 reads them, also in those chapters all characters involved are going to be +18 yo <3 
→ AAAAAND that's all, hope you all enjoy and hold on tight because this is a long story, if you don't like long storylines I’m sorry but this is more like a low heat cooking rather than a burning flame; I was not going to publish this, but I thought that maybe some of y’all may like it (or not), and even if no one reads this it is a good exercise as to not lose this story and remember it on the future. 
Our story begins waaaaaay back, before Katara and Sokka found Aang on that giant iceberg. 
Y/n L/n 
→ Waterbender (some extra ‘cos we deserve it: healing, bloodbending) 
→ Beautiful as you are baby, your beauty is a weapon <3 
→ Waterbender from the North Pole tribe (some extra spice: healing) 
→ Daughter of Pakku and Kanna (yes, gran gran herself haha, I had to adjust some family trees in order to make a more interesting story) 
Dad (here is were the trouble begins) 
→ Firebender, one of Ozai’s best generals (c’mon, we know where this is going, gotta add more drama) (extra: nothing, he’s already cool enough) 
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“Zuko, the banished prince, even when he was born he couldn't fulfill his father’s expectations on what a prince should look like, afraid of him not being a firebender, born without the fire nation spark on his eyes his father tried to kill him when he was born, and he could have gotten away with it if not for his mother that begged for his life… But not everything was bad, he also used to play with his uncle and cousin, as well as with his mother Ursa, his sister Azula and his father Ozai on Ember Island; once when he was about 3yo, Zuko saw a hawk that was about to attack a turtlecrab, he tried to save the small animal but soon realized that by saving him he condemned the hawk to starvation, he was confused as to what to do but before he could make his mind on this, a wave hoovered over him, his father saved him and he spend the rest of the day coughing water and on his mother arms”
Meanwhile on the North Pole (*on your birth day, happy birthday Yn/Ln!) 
Mom: What? What is it? Let me see her! *she said with pure happiness tears rolling down her eyes 
Midfive: She’s a little girl *said with a soft tone on her voice while handing the baby to her mother 
Mom: *grabs the baby in her arms with love and care* She’s beautiful… Look at her…
Dad: *stands by his wife and looks down to see the baby* 
Her dad thought that Y/n was going to be a great firebender…he certainly hoped so. When he fell for a water nation girl back in his youth and took her to the fire nation to marry her, he was scared as to what would happen if they had a child, he even told her that he never wanted to have kids of his own, that they could always adopt a little boy or girl from the colonies of the fire nation…but it finally happened, she got pregnant and even when he was scared, the joy was simply overwhelming. He didn't care if the baby turned out to be a waterbender or a firebender, or none (well, he preferred firebender or none), he sweard that he was going to protect that child with his life even… but as everything, it is easier said than done, and now here he stands, looking at a little baby girl with eyes as blue as the deep sea…definitely a child of the watertribe, he stands there looking at those pretty orbs that were so painfully beautiful, eyes that were going to see how the entire nation turns their back on her because of her origins, because of her roots… a girl that would even be noble on the water tribe of the north, but here, here she would be a problem.. 
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luck be a (leading) lady | part 6.
[Posted 2022.09.25]
Summary: Y/N has always been a background character. That’s just life for some folks isn’t it? But what if she’s determined to not just be another member in the ensemble? What if someone helps her step into the spotlight in her own special way?
Warnings for the Series: a teeny bit of angst but mainly fluff
Pairing: ricky bowen x black!reader
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: I will get back to the Harry Potter series when I finish this one
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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“You’re here early,” you said as you entered the drama club room.  
“This is way more important than Troy. I want to be good,” Ricky said, standing up from stretching. “I like the new hair.”
You flipped your box braids that were put up in a ponytail. “Thanks, I brought lunch.” 
“Dance first, eat later.”
You laughed. “You’re starting to sound like me. Alright, which dance first?” 
“The library dance.” 
“Right you do have two left feet.”
Ricky scoffed. “Okay, Miss Prima. A girl gets Clara once and suddenly she knows everything.” 
You set down lunch and your bags in order to pull out your character heels. The three-inch beauties had gotten you through so many productions they might as well have been a good luck charm. You tested out the floor like always before standing up. You both gave each other a smile as you got ready to dance. It wasn’t too hard to teach Ricky. He might not have been a natural dancer but he picked up quickly on every little lesson. 
“How are you and Nini spending Valentine’s Day?” You asked as you taught him the next step.
Ricky spun you under his arm, marking the dip because he wasn’t confident in that yet. He wasn’t terrible at the steps. It was putting them together in a waltz that threw him off. You were just impressed that your toe had only been stepped on one time so far.  
“I actually drove to Denver to surprise her this morning. Turns out she drove here so we completely missed each other. And then her mom twisted her ankle so they’re at the emergency room? But we’re gonna FaceTime later.” 
“Oh my God, that was like an eight hour drive? That’s so sweet.” 
“What about you?” 
“Do I look like I have a boyfriend?” 
“You had a whole secret ballet and theater company, I wouldn’t be surprised.” 
“I’m so single right now. Actually, I’ve never had a Valentine’s Day date ever. I think I’m just going to watch some cheesy romance movies.” 
“Is going on a date with EJ?” 
Ricky stopped dancing. “I’m sorry what?” 
“Just as friends according to both of them but EJ took your spot at breakfast and I’m pretty sure they’re lying or just aren’t at that stage yet. She really needs it anyway, her mom called this morning but it’s fine. Do you still need help unpacking?”
You made him get back to the dancing. When you broke apart for the solo dance, you just watched Ricky go through the moves. He made sure to do them full out because you were a bit ruthless whenever you helped him learn dances.  
“Are you offering to spend your Valentine’s Day helping me unpack my house?” 
“I’m going to be utterly bored, Ricky. My parents got married on Valentine’s Day so they won’t be home because it’s their anniversary. Me and Gina have been home alone for about four days now. I have nothing to do.” 
“Sure, stop by.” 
“Thank you for saving me,” you said as you entered Ricky’s apartment after school.
It was a nice place. You enjoyed the fact that they were on the ground floor. Plus the complex had a pool which you and Gina already told Ricky that you would be using as often as possible when summer came. He was starting to wonder if the apartment was more for his friends or him and his dad.  
“Because unpacking boxes is so much more interesting.” 
You looked around. Ricky held up a hand, already knowing you were going to comment that the place hadn’t changed at all. Pretending to zip your lips, you walked into his room. You both moved boxes around in silence for a bit. Ricky stopped putting up his skating medals. 
“You know, you and Gina’s present won me a competition. I really needed that new board, the old one was falling apart.”
“You won a competition?” 
“That’s awesome! I’ve always wanted to skate, I don’t even know how to roller skate.”
“Seriously.” You handed him some more medals that were in a different box. 
“Hey, about what you said earlier… Have you really never had a Valentine’s date?” 
“Nope. Not even those candy telegrams you give to everyone at school… Does buying myself flowers count?”
“It does not.” 
“Then no, never.” You flopped over Ricky’s bed to read an email notification. “RICKY!” 
“What? What happened?” He turned around with a quickness. 
You held up your phone. “The Berklee scout, it’s from the Berklee scout.” 
“Wait, really?” He grabbed your phone out of your hand to read the email. 
“He said he’s been looking at all the performances that The Saltwater Company filmed and that’s why it took him so long to get back. He and some other professors from school want to see me live in theater and then they’ll decide.”
“This says they’ll decide on dual majors?”
“He’s already seen my dancing in person. They want to see my acting and theater skills in person to know if I can do both the acting and dancing program or just the dancing. I’m basically already in, I don’t have to worry about college at all next year.” 
“This is amazing!” Ricky got closer to pull you in for a hug. 
You clenched your teeth when you pulled away. “I don’t even have a line in the show. Oh my God, I don’t have a line. How are they supposed to see anything? It’ll just be dancing all over again.” 
“Hey, we’ll figure something out.” 
“Like what? Someone has to drop out of the show for me to even have a chance… It’s getting late. You have a FaceTime date with Nini, don’t you? See you at breakfast.” 
You gave him one final hug before grabbing your bag and leaving. You turned around when you made it to his room doorway. 
“You should sing that song you made for her over the phone. I think every girl likes a sweet gesture. See you later.”
Like you expected, the house was empty. Your parents would be in New York until Monday. Gina had already left for her date or whatever she wanted to call it with EJ. You turned on your shower and changed into some comfy pajamas before moving back downstairs to put on the cheesy romance movies. Your cat, Samson, joined you about halfway through the first movie and your dog, Lola, came bounding in a few moments later. 
Ricky showed up the next morning. The same way you and Gina had a gate key to his apartment, he had a key to your house. You and Gina waved when he entered the kitchen. He grabbed himself a plate and sat on the island. 
“G, your date?”
“Stop saying it’s a date. Me and EJ are friends. We kind of really bonded over the wonderstudy thing.” 
You and Ricky gave each other a look. You guys grabbed your breakfast to-go and got into your car. Jokingly, Gina and Ricky asked about your movies. 
“They were great, thanks for asking. Can you believe Ms. Jenn is having us come in for practice? They literally canceled school because of the storm.” 
“Yeah,” Ricky agreed. “Is two hours really going to make a difference?”
“What if we get stuck?” Gina wondered. 
“Please don’t even put that idea out there.” 
“Whatever, you just better step it up because Carlos and I are doing the big group number today. And don’t worry, Y/N, I included a special dance break for the feather dusters. You’re going to need your pointe shoes.” 
“Thanks, G.” 
“No problem. Well, hopefully the routine gets in. Carlos and I have been butting heads the entire time. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants another number that features Lumiere.” 
“Can we not talk about feature parts right now?” 
“Sorry,” Gina muttered before getting quiet. 
You were pretty quiet yourself the entire rehearsal. All you could think about was the fact that you had no real opportunity to show the Berklee scouts during the entire performance. You couldn’t even move when Nini entered the room. She was about to get a bus back to her new arts school but wanted one last goodbye. Everyone ran over to give her a big hug. Ricky looked at you for a brief moment before going to Nini.
Just as Nini was about to leave, the storm came about an hour and a half too early. Ms. Jenn left with Nini to try and drive her to a bus stop that would take her back to Denver. The rest of you were planning on finishing rehearsal. Those plans were also ruined when the power was cut off. The only good thing was Gina’s mom being a FEMA worker because Gina was good at keeping everyone calm. Ricky came to sit by you after some time. 
“How are you?” 
“The truth?”
“When did we ever lie to each other?”
“I’m starting to stress about the whole Berklee thing.” 
“Will stressing over pizza help?” Ricky held up a slice. 
You took it. “I still can’t believe Kourtney got the pizza dude to bring us all these boxes. Haven’t they only been seeing each other for like a week?” 
“Kourt can be very persuasive when she wants to be. And about Berklee, I think you’ll be great.”
“Only you think that.” 
“Not just—”
“One hundred percent just you, Ricky. It’s always just you.” 
“What?” He asked when you suddenly got quiet. “Is there something on my face?” 
You reached for another slice of pizza. “No, no, sorry I just spaced out for a moment. My head is kind of everywhere right now. I’m gonna get a drink.”
“Get me some.”
You nodded and moved to grab Gina before going to pour out a soda. 
“What’s up?” 
“I think… I think I just found Ricky attractive.” 
“Voice down. I don’t know. He’s always looked like that, right? This is bad.”
“What are you going to do?”
Nothing. The only solution was to do absolutely nothing. Ricky was the first real friend you had in a while. Nothing was about to be ruined by you suddenly finding him somewhat decent looking. You weren’t going to risk it at all. Besides, he had a girlfriend that he was totally in love with. And you… unpacked his house with him. Those were so not equal. You wouldn’t put Ricky at a distance but you wouldn’t act on anything. The crush would go away on its own anyway.  
“Gina, why are we in a barn?” Nini asked. 
That was new. Nini was back at East High. Apparently YAC was like the worst school ever. 
“We’re here because Seb and I had a crazy idea and we only have 48 hours to pull it off.”
“And this idea would be?” 
“Carlos never got a proper quinceanero and it’s his birthday this weekend so we’re doing it now.”
Everyone agreed that it was a great idea. Parties were always fun. It was surprisingly easy to keep the secret from Carlos during rehearsal. He was way more focused on getting the dancing correct that he didn’t even notice the very suspicious glances between all of you. His surprise face after the party was all any of you could talk about in rehearsal the following week. Ms. Jenn clapped her hands as she walked into the room. 
“Code Red. Absolute code red. North High has scrapped The Little Mermaid and are now doing our production of Beauty and the Beast… with real wolves.” 
“And Lily is playing Belle.”
The cast started to panic. You only switched to Beauty and the Beast in order to beat North High. There was no chance if you guys were putting on the same musical. And how did they even get real wolves? That has to be some form of illegal. 
“Not to worry,” Ms. Jenn started. “We have a secret weapon. Our lovely singing rose!” 
Nini walked in. “Let’s take North High down!” 
You clapped a little less than everyone else. Quickly, you shot up. 
“Ms. Jenn, if Nini is now playing the rose. Is it possible for me to have a small line or something? I kind of really need it.” 
“Sorry, honey, but we can’t keep making switches. It already took a lot of convincing the Menkie board that adding a rose part wouldn’t disqualify our production from nominations.” 
“W-well what if it’s not a new part? I play a lot of the ensemble so maybe just some interaction with Belle or—”
“Ms. Jenn, I just nee—”
“We can discuss a bigger role for next fall’s musical. You’re holding up rehearsal.” 
One thing you had never done was hold up rehearsal. The room felt small all of a sudden. You practically ran out of it. Ricky stood up to go follow you. He stopped in the doorway. 
“Scouts from Berklee are coming to see her. She’s been trying to tell everyone for a while.”
The entire cast, including Ms. Jenn, fell silent.  
“You know she got Clara in The Nutcracker too. Not that any of you showed up. Y/N, wait!” 
You turned around at Ricky’s words. “Wait for what?” 
“Just come back to rehear—”
“I can’t. I can’t, sh-she ju—”
He wrapped you in a bear hug. The rest of the cast looked on from the threshold of the drama club room. They could hear Ricky going through breathing exercises with you. He only let go when he felt you were stable. 
“I know she’s your girlfriend so I’m going to leave before I say something I regret.”
“Just say it.”
“It was just a line! I just needed something to show those scouts and she wasn’t even here for auditions but a whole part was created. I don’t exist, Ricky. And you know it’s probably going to be the same at Berklee so why even bother? I’m going home.”  
He grabbed your arm. “You’re not in any position to drive right now.” 
“I’ll walk.”
“I’m not letting you walk either… Just wait in my car, okay? I’ll take you and Gina back home when rehearsal’s done.”
The words between you and Ms. Jenn were still playing in your head. Along with a lot of thoughts about how she probably perceived you and how the rest of the cast probably perceived you. You grabbed onto your friend’s jacket. 
“Ricky, I still can’t breathe. I ca—”
“Floor. Let’s sit on the floor.” 
You slowly lowered yourself to the floor with his help, back resting against the lockers. Ricky squeezed your shoulders. He crouched down in front of you, making sure you focused on his face. 
“I’ll be right back, okay? I’m just gonna get your bag from the room.” 
Ricky walked backwards for a bit to keep his eye on you before darting into the classroom. The cast was still halfway in the room and halfway outside of it, asking lots of questions. Ricky grabbed your bag and looked around for your jacket and anything else that might have been yours. He pocketed your keys, not taking the risk of you getting in your car and driving off. He knew you wouldn’t leave in his car so he wasn’t that worried about handing you the keys for his. Ms. Jenn stopped him before he could fully leave the room. 
“Did she really play Clara?”
“Gina can show you the video. They filmed it. I’ll be right back.” 
Ricky helped you up from the lockers and walked you to his car. Inside, Gina pulled up the video to show everyone. She was telling them about how you did the show all the way up to Christmas. You sat in the passenger’s seat of Ricky’s car. 
“Just call me if you need anything,” Ricky said, holding up his phone. 
You nodded and let him go back to rehearsal. Ms. Jenn kind of let Gina and Carlos take over rehearsal with everyone. She wasn’t paying much attention to anything but your video. She had to admit that maybe she didn’t pay enough attention to you during auditions. Something always seemed to happen during your audition that she ended up not really focusing. Recasting the show wasn’t possible but she had to admit that she might not have cast as carefully as she thought.
(part 7)
@venomsvl @peaches-n-sunscreen @summerellaz @supernaturallover2002 @sambucky8 @9daykrisr @thebitchinleo @23victoria @scarlets-widow @pagetpagetpagetpaget @lovexnatasha @awesomebooklover17 @1234-angelika @imatrisk @blackreaderatrisk @princess-jules47 @alexloveskili @a-marie-a @siriuslysirius1107
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v3 ch3
For an ask game.
Ooh, I have a lot of thoughts on v3-3, full spoilers ahead.
Hard mode: Honestly? Contains some of my favorite individual moments in v3. I think there's a reason so many fics take place somewhere during v3-3: you have some intrigue in the student council v rest-of-the-class dynamic, a cast that's lost its most down-to-earth members that helped keep the group as a whole grounded (Kaede may as well have been the class rep; Rantaro, for as little as we see of him he has a knack for getting even the most unruly of the class to calm down; Kirumi was team-mom (with complexity therein, of course, but she deliberately took up the role); Ryoma had this cool-headed temperament that could probably have helped counterbalance some of the emotional highs later in the game) and the reality of their situation is undeniable. Plus, the fact that this chapter had the stones to give Kokichi a concussion and everything the complete lack of response to it means for/around him as a character. That's its own rant, man.
Also Spirit, Praise, and Beauty slaps tbh. I got used to playing videos at 1.5-2x speed, try it with this song it sorta goes from jam to bop imo.
Easy mode: so much missed potential. It’s not exactly a hot take I don’t like what they ultimately did with Kiyo, but v3-3’s single biggest issue for me (besides poor taste) is that it brings up genuinely interesting new territory and proceeds to squander it for shock value.
I’m not the first and won’t be the last to posit 3-3 should have been our first instance of two isolated culprits going off at the same time. I would've loved to see Kiyo survive as just a weird, suspicious but ultimately benign anthropologist, but see. Even with all things as they currently are, someone else killing Angie would have offered us more opportunity to develop the theme of the chapter: ways of coping with grief. (I also really like that this chapter has such a well-defined theme, even if I wish it delivered it differently; the concept offers a lot for character development, and to not commit to taking it is a shame.)
Like, v3-3 gets flack for Tenko's death being nonsensical, but I think it's actually very poignant for those same reasons! Only, unfortunately, a lot of the nuance is left to subtext. Tenko's death has next-to nothing to do with Tenko herself: Himiko almost became the medium, after all, and Kiyo eventually admits any girl besides Maki or Miu would suffice. Her death is all about the elaborate mechanism. It's alarmingly impersonal, tailored to be a chronic killer's magnum opus. How else does one come up with something like the seesaw effect? It's posturing. He was showing off. And Kiyo doesn't exactly have an incredibly macho persona like Kaito, or anything, but that exact kind of insecurity gone out of control resulting in violence against a girl? Is EXACTLY something Tenko would abhor. It adds insult to injury! And if Kiyo hadnt killed Angie incidentally, he'd have gotten away with it. They would have to live with him, and he would have to live with himself and a very visibly grieving Himiko. Holy shit the drama there.
Kiyo did not care about getting caught, at that point. He could probably have gotten away with just killing Angie, honestly, his game-persona was written to have done this sorta thing a lot and the leads weren't clear enough to pin him beyond doubt as culprit without the second crime... but that second crime was important to him. More important than fulfilling his sister's order, more important than seeing another day beyond the game. "It was stupid of him to do!" yes, full of hubris, and-or just not giving a fuck anymore. There's even a moment where he's talking to himself toward the end of the trial where 'sister' chastises him for getting greedy; he knows and does not care. Which becomes even more interesting with what we learn in chapter 6, if we can believe what we're told, and the kids are functionally fabricated before the game... making this probably a case where 'actor does not fit character', so to speak, and the distress and pressure of coercion probably felt real, to him. It's a huge can of worms, and we dwell on none of them. As far as 'chapter 3 breakdowns' go, again wish they didn't feel a need to have one every time, but Kiyos... reads really sad, to me, in a way the previous ones weren't. Minding the subtext of familial abuse and analyzing it, it's just... seriously harrowing. I just really wish DR gave things the gravitas they deserve instead of clocking the audience in the face with them between jokes and telling us to figure it out. 
But I've been talking about Kiyo, because the crimes of the chapter really are just about Kiyo. Angie, a character the narrative had been building up to for a chapter plus by that point, is in the wrong place at the wrong time thinking she could easily outwit potential culprits working at night by manipulating the class. Tenko volunteers for what turns out to be a glorified Saw trap (both cruel and ironic!) to spare Himiko the emotional turmoil of potentially not speaking to her late close friend, because Tenko cares so much and so deeply. They're mirrors of one another, in many ways, mind vs. heart, brain v. brawn, etc. through their talents and actions, and it is a damn shame to lose them this unceremoniously. 
BUT. Here's the hot take:
That should have been the point.
The narrative should have lingered, through its text, on the tragedy of these two bright girls being slain as an afterthought. Not just as sacrifices for Himiko's development, but as prime examples in how damn cruel the game really is. Angie and Tenko both had trajectories to fulfill, and they did not get to. We don't see the student council again, really; we should. We don't see active mourning (or even struggling not to) for the person who was always eager to lend a hand to everyone else (even the menaces, which was a much better pun than the official translation and significantly less grating) from anyone but Himiko. We don't even do that much with Kokichi calling out Himiko for only starting to visibly give a shit after Angie and Tenko were gone, an incredibly salient point they bring up and just. Don't dig very deep into?? Not that Himiko is an awful character or anything, but the opportunities.
Wish they'd been more tactful, but I honestly kinda like v3-3. 
If nothing else we still have seesaw memes, right?
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flipchild · 1 year
It Is The Exclamation Mark In The Happiest Sentence I Have Ever Been Able To Write.
It Was Like A Moon, Part Of It Has Always Been Hidden.
Be Careful Whom You Push In. Some Of Us Do Not Come Back.
They Asked, What Is Loyalty? I Replied We Are Humans. Ask A Dog, It Knows Better.
If You Have Been Hurt Too Many Times, But You Still Smile, Trust Me You Are Damn Strong.
Be Savage, Not Average.
It’s A Mess Of Great Chaos, And It’s Visible In Your Eyes.
He Put You Through Hell, And You Called It Love.
Just A Bitch And A Blonde With An Unbreakable Bond.
I’m The Queen Of My Own Little World.
The Eyes Of A Girl Have Their Vocabulary.
Never Let Anyone Stain Your Shine.
Beauty Never Asks For Attention.
It Is Men Who Cannot Keep Secrets, We Can All See Who Ate The Apple!
Girls Are Intellectual Paintings, Even If You Do Not Understand Them, They Are Admired.
Her Attitude Kinda Savage But Her Heart Is Pure Gold.
Smile With Your Eyes.
You Are The Puzzle Piece To My Lego House. Basically, Useless.
If It Requires Smiling, I Probably Won’t Come.
Cinderella Never Asked For A Prince.
If You Cannot Handle The Thick Thighs, Hit The Gym.
Let’s Say Darwin Would Not Have Written About Evolution Had He Met You First.
Make Yourself A Priority.
Create Your Happiness.
Divas Don’t Do Drama. We Do Business.
Darling, Your Looks Can Kill.
I Never Forgive Or Forget, Always Watch Your Back.
Silence Speaks More Than A Thousand Words.
Beauty Never Asks For Attention.
I Must Destroy You With Hugs And Kisses!
There Is Great Beauty In Simplicity.
Smile, You’re Adorable.
There Is A Princess Within All Of Us.
Beautiful Nightmare.
Broken Crayons Keep Coloring.
You Are Not Fully Dressed Until You Shine.
Her Attitude Kinda Savage But Her Heart Is Pure Gold.
Be An Esteemed And Rare Diamond, Not A Stone Found Anywhere.
Beauty Is Power, A Smile Is Your Sword.
I Don’t Beg, I Fight For What Is Rightfully Mine
I Got Hot Sauce In My Bag Swag.
With Or Without You, Life Must Go On
I’m Just A Girl Looking For My Heart.
If You Can’t Be The First Be Different!
Wasn’t It Beautiful When You Believed In Everything?
I Am Proud Of The Woman I Am Today Because I Went Through One Hell Of A Time Becoming Her.
Don’t Be Ashamed Of You. It’s Your Parent’s Job.
They Told Me I Couldn’t. That’s Why I Did.
Not Everyone Likes It, But Not Everyone Counts.
You Cannot Do Amazing Things With Basic People
Beauty Is Power; A Smile Is Its Sword.
I Am At A Whole New Level In Life
My Makeup Is Too Expensive To Cry Over A Man
Stop Looking For Happiness In The Same Place Where You Just Lost It.
We Found Wonderland – You And I Got Lost In It.
We Could Be A Story In The Morning, But We’ll Be A Legend Tonight.
My Personality Is Sassy And Cheeky.
50% Savage, 50% Sweetheart.
It Is Wastage Of Time To Cry Over Guys Like You.
She Has A Savage Attitude But A Pure Heart.
I See Your Jealousy.
Proof That I Can Take The Best Selfies Than You.
If You Leave Without Reason, Don’t Come Back With An Excuse.
It Is Not A Must For Everyone To Like Me As Not Everyone Is Important In My Life.
Every Path Has Obstacles, But It Is Up To You To Continue To Smile And Walk That Path.
Too Occupied To Be Stressed With Very Small Things Like These.
There Is Nothing Like We, And Never Will It Be.
Beauty Within Emits Positive Waves.
Some People Are Not Your Friends; They Are Just Too Scared To Be Your Enemy.
My Mom Says I’m A Fighter, A Fierce Competitor, And I Think I Am, Too.
I Know I’m A Handful, But That’s Why You Got Two Hands.
Be A Mermaid In See Full Of Fishes.
Cute Smile Is A Girl’s Secret Weapon.
I’m Kinda A Beachy Girl.
Lady With Class Never Goes Out Of Style.
Well Dress Women Is A Beauty Spot.
No, I Checked My Receipt. I Didn’t Buy Any Of Your Bullshit.
I Swear I’m A Nice Girl Until You Do Something That Pisses Me Off. Then The Bitch Will Come Out To Play.
I Am Unable To Understand The Language You Are Speaking Because It Sounds Like Bulls*it.
I Won’t Cry For You, My Mascara Is Too Expensive.
Don’t Try Hard As The Feelings Are Already Gone.
If You Fear Being Hurt, Don’t Stand Close To The Heart. It Will Melt.
I Don’t Regret And Neither Am I Sorry.
She, Who Dares……….wins.
My Hair Is Silky And My Smile Is Milky.
My Beauty Flaunts In Front Of Haters.
I Am A Warrior, I Am Not Afraid To Defect.
Just Because I Started The Conversation, It Doesn’t Mean, Am Dying To Talk To You.
I Don’t Have To Prove Shit To You.
Shine In Your Own Light.
Girls Beauty Is Hidden In The Way She Makes Her Hair.
Be Who And What You Want, Period.
Once You Destroy My Trust It Will Never Be The Same.
Behind Every Successful Woman Is Herself.
You The Best I Ever Had.
There Was A Time When I Was Mad For You And Now There Is A Time, I’m Not Even Sad For You.
Ones Is A While, We Girls Blow Your Mind.
It’s You Vs You, Make Sure You Win.
Tumblr media
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thaleleah · 4 months
awe yeah your mom was vulnerable and stepshit took advantage of that 😭 dw tal, your person will come at the right time 🩷
ikrrr his dick needs to be snipped 😂 man is almost 80 years old, it's nastyyy
my stepmom is a literal child, she actually throws tantrums it's actually so fucking embarrassing. a literal slipper 😂 now i'm worried cause are you gonna hit your 2 year old like that if he acts up or doesn't listen to you? LOL tal ilyyy for not liking my dad either cause he doesn't deserve it! too little too late
omg you write for avatar too? 👀 look at you go girl! what's the avatar fandom like? it seems like it's chill and drama free. the reason i starting watching avatar was because of jack 😂 i'm a huge scream fan so i needed to see what else this man has been in and was so surprised he was in avatar 2, i actually didn't recognize him because of the hair but he still looked so fine! i need to rewatch avatar 1 and 2 because i actually really enjoyed it! and the cgi is amazinggg (much better than marvel) - and yes ghostface is so fucking hot, especially in the new one, i think cause it was more serious and the mask was like decayed. ughh i have a predator/prey kink too it's just so so hot! getting chased and hunted by those two was soooo ughhh! can you tell i only have a thing for villains? the heros barely capture my heart 😂 look and you and both simping for tom and jack; we have amazing taste in men 🩷
i'm so glad you got some writing done and it didn't feel forced, never force yourself, tal 🥰 you got this babe 🩷
Babes, the way I tried to respond to your ask TWICE with a rant about how my stepdad must want me to hit him with my car because of how he treated my mom this weekend on her birthday weekend, and Tumblr closed out on me both times without saving my long af rant. SOOOOO maybe that's the universe trying to tell me to let that shit go. Which, like, okay. But . . . OOOOO THAT SHIT MADE ME SO MAD. So, anyway - thanks for listening to me tell you about a rant I would have made you read had Tumblr not told me no twice lmaooo
I feel so sorry for the two year old. Hopefully your stepmom will refrain from being a vile evil bitch to him. At least I hope. And yes, nothing your dad does could ever make me like him. Fuck that man lol
I doooooo write for Avatar! Avatar is the only fandom that I've consistently been in for nearly my whole life and I can't ever see it going away. I have such huge respect for James Cameron cause the world that he's created is just so amazing and beautiful and the detail and meaning of it all has me in constant awe. I could literally watch the movies over and over again and never get tired of them. December 2025 can't come soon enough for A3, I'm practically vibratingggggg. The fandom is def not chill and drama free though, especially on the smuttier side. It's actually been super toxic recently which is really disappointing cause I feel like Avatar is one of the fandoms that should be the least problematic but...here we are. My mutuals get tons of anon hate messages daily and sometimes there's even drama between accounts. Thankfully, I haven't had to deal with as much bullshit as they have since I'm a smaller blog, but I have gotten my fair share too. I know it really doesn't matter what fandom you're in, all fandoms have haters and most writers or artists get nasty messages, but it still sucks. All my mutuals are great though and they remind me of why I started being active in the fandom in the first place when things get a little too rough. Some people write some good Spider fics since you're a Jack Champion fan 👀
Love youuuuu 🥰
0 notes
tashakay · 1 year
*********This is what I said at first and then it was revised to be the paragraphs above.***********
I am writing a book about the joys of raising millenial women. My daughter and I are friends now and have been since she graduated from highschool in 2006. I am writing this book because I want to share what it was like to be a good mom who was a poor mom. I did not have a lot of financial resources when I was raising my girls. I have started a draft of the book. Can you help me refine it and write more? Here is what I have so far: What else was happening in the world the day it stood still for me? At 11:11 am everything I thought I knew ceased and suddenly there was a new me. I had given birth to a baby girl whom I had dreamt of only weeks prior to her arrival. I am told she was all gray when she took her first breath of atmosphere. I had a gaping holed in my midsection that the surgeon was in a panic to close but he lost count of the gauze he used after he sliced me open. Evidently, I was awake during all of this drama yet I have hardly a recollection of it. I remember they had to bring her to me once I was back in the recovery room. I remember writing in my paper journal given to me by my good friend Anita that I still didn’t feel like a mom.
I learned to breastfeed in the hospital stay at the time that was allowed to be five days. I loved the attention and I really appreciated being heard. so now what? How did I figure out how to make the next step? I do not know. I knew that I wanted to be a good mother. I knew that I want to build a life with her dad that would be amazing. What I didn’t know it that I was the only one of us that wanted to build. I often describe myself as an employee that likes to build. I am a builder. There is the employee that is the maintainer. I am not that. I like to see something that need to be conceived and help bring it about and then I want to be a able to move on the the next new thing. Perhaps it comes from the years I spent working for temporary agencies. Now I am thankful for that work history, at the time I was embarrassed by it and I longed for a solid college education like everyone else and I just wanted a job where I could be for years and years. I used to take her to get her picture taken. I took every picture of her that I could. I still do. She is such a physically beautiful person and always has been. She has sparkly eyes and round plump cheeks and the luscious ribbon like lips that make me cringe with adoration. When she was a toddler I thought she was so cute that it caused me physical pain. She didn’t mean to be my best friend but she was. I was hopelessly unable to take care of her a few times during our budding friendship. Firstly, we were forced to move back in with my mother and step father for the first nine months of her life and when I went back to school she spent far too many days and nights with my parents.
I craved single motherhood at the time where I could work and care for the two of us. I looked forward to showing her off to people as often as I could. She was such a delight with her wit and charm. She took to people quickly which is something that I gave her by accident. I really like people and likely I passed that trait to her. She was short and stout little girl which reflected badly on me at times but I tried to keep other people’s thoughts about my single motherhood out of our bubble. I read the newspaper to her from time to time because I had not caught on to the idea that reading children’s books to your child was the way to go. I read a lot of different things to her. I would read food labels and billboards to her. I remember when she was two and learning the english alphabet she recognized a capital A on a billboard which had the word TAILOR on it. I was startled as I was driving us to some location downtown and we were at a tricky intersection. I do not know how it was that I was driving as I did not have more than a learner permit which required me to have a licensed adult in the car when I was operating it. I was always a nervous and careful driver.There are times when I am desperate to tell her everything I forgot to tell her as she was becoming a woman. There used to be times when I would be brought to tears because of a separation due to travel and school and work. I was terrified that I had missed something really important. I suppose that is why we became such good friends. We used to be so close. We would cry when leaving each other. I remember when she was an undergrad at MSU and I had dropped her off at college and moved her into the dorm. I left to get gas and while at the gas station she called crying because she thought I had left heading back home. I finished refilling and rushed (carefully and nervously) back to her. I was so touched that someone in my life missed me so much that they would cry real tears for me. I am overcome even now remembering that day. And so it was throughout her college years and law school we had terrible separation anxiety. Recently we visited her on the east coast and it was Saturday morning, which was day three of a week long trip and I was anxious in the hotel room about not having enough time with her which we were there to visit her! I had to calm myself down and ease the anxious feelings I was having about missing her after we leave the city. I often find myself having rest in knowing that I am her first love and she still loves me me with all her heart.
0 notes
sherunsfaster · 1 year
And I also hate the idea that Leah's overdramatic about the guys. We didn't get a lot of insight into the pack dynamics since the story was mostly told from Bella's perspective but we still have plenty of evidence of the anti-Leah sentiments and we also all know how teenagers are. And teenagers having to deal with all of the supernatural drama on top of that would make things worse. I think it's clear that she probably butted heads most with Jake because he was going through his own heartbreak and feeling each other's pain did pit them against each other for a time. And then there's Paul that has the hardest time controlling his temper, so her backhanded comments set him off pretty easily. Besides Seth, she's least likely to lash out at Embry, because she feels for him and his situation with his mom not knowing and she respects his decision to keep her out of it.
Direct quote from Jake's mind: I remembered back to when I used to think that Leah was pretty, maybe even beautiful. That was a long time ago. No one thought of her that way now. Except for Sam. // Sam was going to give me hell for that, but it was worth it. Leah wouldn’t bug me anymore. And I’d do it again if I had the chance.
Also Jake:   “How do you think the rest of us like looking at Sam through your eyes? It’s bad enough that Emily has to deal with your fixation. She doesn’t need us guys panting after him, too.” // “ If you're upset about your gender confusion, Leah...”
Paul: You are such a pain, Jacob. I swear, I’d rather hang out with Leah. Jake: Ouch. Wow, I bet Leah’s really going to love to hear that you want to spend some quality time with her. It’ll just warm the cockles of her heart.
“Being the fastest was the only edge she claimed.” just say you're mad you're slower Jake it's fine.
And in the Eclipse movie when Sam and Paul both throw shade her way because of what happened with the newborn battle. She would have torn into both of them if it had happened when they knew Jake was going to be okay.
And of course even Billy gets involved in it. Saying she's more of a wolverine than a wolf, not to her of course, but I'm sure that got back to her.
Sam openly says he thinks imprinting is to give the best chance of passing on the gene while Billy thinks it produces stronger wolves. Both of these add to her worries about what not having her period means.
She is absolutely not innocent in this as she has mocked the likelihood of Bella dying to Jake and likely said some rather vile things towards all of them. Trying to keep everyone out of her heart to avoid losing them again isn't an excuse, even though she had lost her relationships with Sam and Emily and later Sue, even if most of the tension in the relationship with her mother is her own doing. Losing her father in the way she did completely destroyed her because she was a hardcore Daddy's girl. But she does have reasons to be miserable in pack life and it far exceeds hearing Sam's thoughts. While her and Jake butted heads the most, she still found him the better alternative than having everyone in her head and they were able to separate themselves from their hostility enough to build a meaningful connection to the point she remains his pack beta even after Embry and Quil join their side.
All of this sticks with her and while she's a little bit less caustic as she matures and grows past a girl pining over her high school relationship, even though she still feels without imprinting she and Sam would still be together, she still finds it very hard to let new people in.
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maganne-bonete · 1 year
Actually idk if I want to write stuff abt Zia and Laurent or Pacifica tonight. Also, I'm kinda sleepy and tired but getting in the mood to write isn't that common for me. We'll just see I guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
But I feel like I need to put this somewhere I won't forget or lose.
With Paz I think I want to write something post-canon abt her working in the dinner. Something that was in reference to my previous post abt her wanting to be self-sufficient. It is canon that she ends up working at Greasy's as a waitress. I guess I want to get into her psyche or mind about this whole thing. There is a lot to think abt when writing in her pov, especially post canon and going into the mind of a girl her age.
But I am also thinking about to what extent should I also put how toxic her mom is, being a pagent mom and everything. I don't think the fanbase really writes about Priscilla being a pagent mom too often. It's typically that she just gets lumped in with Preston as bad parents and that it.
I think Paz only realized that she's a bad parent around early adulthood. When she was in her teen years, it was easier for her to identify her dad as abusive but it didn't register to her that her mom was hurting her too.
I headcanon that the dynamic with Preston and Priscilla are not really complicated but just different. Like Priscilla's a white neoliberal pagent mom who's living through her daughter's accomplishments as a beauty queen, model, and celebrity. She and her friends wouldn't see the red flags immediately until they learn about it. Meanwhile Preston's a white-washed conservative old money who's abuse tends to be more obvious for Paz and her friends. How did these too ended up together? Idk, somehow. They're both toxic in their own ways.
Oh yeah, I also headcanon Pacifica as latina descent. Yeah, yeah, I know she's supposed to be some white girl archetype but I really like latina Paz.
Do I want shipping involved in this? Actually no. I really want this to be Pacifica-centric and besides she'd be like 13 or something. I'll probably time skip a couple of times idk.
For Laurent and Ziais meanwhile I feel like opening up another wip that's really just idk one of those tv cliches that's there for the fanservice and comedy. All my other works around them are more serious anyway.
I just think it'll be funny to have Andreas who's a tribute in the demon war time travel with the other tributes to a period where his parents weren't together or married yet. (They're still just best friends. Like yeah, his dad was already in-love with his mom but he hasn't said anything abt that yet nor did he thought that it's even possible given their circumstances) Andreas didn't even ended up in the same Dava or place as the rest of the tributes in the party. They got separated and opened the wrong doorway from the spirit world.
Ben ended up in the same camp Laurent and his father were stationed in. He was being answered to by Laurent's father, Romaeus, who was more than willing to help the poor man who was confuse but the other soldiers had to interrupt with rumors abt his son having a woman in his tent. Ben, couldn't even interrupt what was happening since he was kept out of the tent where Laurent was being berated. He only ended up seeing Zia getting tossed out of the tent with Laurent trying to shield her before his father told them to "leave and send the noble woman back to her family", not recognizing who the girl was.
(Actually this scene is actually pretty sad in the actual canon :( I just enjoy the drama and Ben probably telling off Romaeus later for treating his son like that, but hey it was a very complicated time for Andreas' family. Still pretty shitty, but ya know)
Andreas meanwhile accidentally comes across the rebellion state that his godfather was leading against the empire. They weren't really planning anything but rumors abt the noble woman being found in the general's son's tent was something they were concerned about because the features describing her were too familiar. It wasn't long for Andreas to realize what time in history they were and immediately wanting to find his parents first before anyone. He's just scared if anything bad ever happens to them in this timeline especially since this place got caught in a cosmic war.
The one who ended up meeting Andreas' teenage parents was Daniela who was trying to help Zia's family into looking for her. Apparently she paid the guards to let her out last night from the house and it's dangerous cause "Those rebels might 'dupe' her to joining again" and Danny would be like "Oh no! Don't worry. I'll help you find your niece." but she ended up not knowing it was them in the market place, where Zia was avoiding home, her relatives, and the rebels as much as possible for her and Laurent's safety. Shenanigans ensues and a skirmish with a demon got Danny and them driven out of the city.
Things don't go according to how Andreas' parents typically get arranged and shenanigans ensues that leads to both families and factions having to get along just to look for them while trying to fight cosmic monsters that started attacking their world. Meanwhile, Zia and Laurent are having an adventure with Danny through the wilderness and they end up befriending a bear-fox even.
Idk, none of these really make sense to anyone except for me but that's okay. Zia and Laurent are very complicated people that have been through a lot.
0 notes
gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5 Episode 2 Multiplication
Spoilers below
-Wow they continuing from the previous episode like almost exactly, that is impressive Continuity. I feel like I wrote it XD
-So recap, and They are addressing Felix. Smart move!
-So Gabriel is being a salty b**** but evil monologue as usual
-And su han is pointing out their mistakes and Chat noir tells him that he needs to shut up
-Su Han got distracted by modern stuff! Thats actually kind of funny. I enjoy this bit. Su han is still an idiot tho. HE GOT DISTRACTED FOR 4 months on Cat videos! Okay I don’t hate him as much as before.
-Ladybug and Chat noir dealt with that well.
-Su han going to get back up. Well that will take a while. But at least he is doing something.
-So they are heading to Felix!
-FELIX FATHOM! OH DAMN. He got a wiki page.
-Damn Felix, and here I thought he was just a typical rich kid. He graduated highschool already. Well we knew he was smart.
-They are talking to amelie. I am amazed.
-Amelie seems concerned and doesnt know where he is and promise to look for him.
-Felix is on the run, of course he would!
-Marinette blames herself, and it seems its a dead end.
-I’m sus of Amelie
-Holy crap the finale, the Evolution and the first part of this episode take place in the SAME DAY! Ladybug ain’t kidding. It’s been a long day
-Marinette asks for company, baby girl is sad.
-Adrien returns home and is thinking about what felix did.
-Adrien realizing that if he just stood up for himself that would have saved everything.
-Adrien told his dad?! That was way too easy. He was WAY too okay with it
-meanwhile at the sleep over
-Alya trying to assure her that it wasnt her fault (cute sleep over)
-STATUE REFERENCE @gentil-minou now grows more powerful! Also Alya loves cringe
-Marinette vowing she is done with adrien until monarch is down JUST AS HE CALLS! Because Life ain’t that simple
-Alya answers for her like a bro.
-Adrien just wanted to let her know he quit modelling.
-Marinette was so happy for him! So cute. She forgot she was pretending to not be there
-Adrien is clearly simping
-Marinette is trying not to look into it. Alya is me rightnow
-Plagg calling his fake ass out!!!! drag him! he knows
-Oh, Nathalie is back. She is gonna call out Gabriel.
-Nathalie seeing adrien and smiling. She cares for her psuedo son.
-The class is worried about Alix but are staying motivated.
-Nino is right, stats are cool, but max, Shut up.
Also his stats are wrong
-And Chloé is being a salty b****
-Oh Lila, you have a role in two episodes, amazing. Also I saw that Back hand compliment you bitch!
-Sabrina looks a bit different. Also sweetie, Roger is a dumbass.
-A MONTAGE!? Of them being vigilent but no akumas.
-Tomoe is there! I see drama in the rise.
-Oh, this is awkward.
-Anaisi training DJWIFI! I love it!
-Gabriel hasnt been active for weeks so everyone is relaxed with no akuma.
-Felix hasnt shown up. His mom has to be covering for him
-Adrien you awkward boy.
-Oh damn Ikari Gozan is agile for being so big
-so many milfs
-I mean so many monsters
-Ladybug and chat noir are asking her how she got a miraculous.
-Chat noir still got his cataclysm active
-oH!!! I think I got it.
-Chat noir got the rod
-I am living for this teamwork!
-Wow they handled this a lot easier than I thought.
-Tomoe seems to not know what happened. Just something about a park being in the way of her development plans.
-They ask if she has a miraculous. But she says she doesnt have one.
-I am sus. She has something.
-They give her a lucky charm.
-Tomoe you lying bitch! THE PROTOTYPE! The rings! That’s what it was! That why he got those rings!
-Its a communication tool
-Its an alliance of two companies.
-so thats why he did the scan thing!
-Amelie straight up lied to keep her son safe, shady, also Felix what you gonna do boy.
-Felix sounding OMINOUS!
Okay so I am LOVING this continuity. The flow is nice. It seems like they are actually USING the characters! Season 5 seems to really seems to be an improvement. The writing is much more crisp. The pacing is a lot better, the drama is more apparent. It’s like they took the best aspects of season 3 and 4 and fixed it.
I enjoy the ladynoir and adrinette. Solid stuff
Felix’s mom is awesome. (And she is single)
Gabriel seems to have a new plan that involve those rings and Tomoe seems in on it.
I’m hoping it’s the rich cult from season 4.
Adrien finally waking up and realizing Marinette is special is about DAMN TIME!
And just in time for Marinette to try and keep her distance. A little late, but a reverse lovesquare would be lovely.
Overall I will say that this is a solid 8.5 out of 10.
It is a bit dialogue heavy but I think it’s crucial in setting up the next episodes. Now some might call that boring, I call it world building.
If season 5 can keep this level of good writing and execution it will be a great season.
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lilxberry · 3 years
Cap Doesn’t Like Bullies - Steve Rogers
Your daughter meets her biggest hero to which you’re completely oblivious to the fact during the entire encounter. Her confidence certainly didn’t waver like you had expected it would of a child meeting someone such as Captain America.
Bruh I’m in love with him. LOOK AT HIS FACE!
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Warnings: FLUFF! Rude ass stranger. A lil bit o’ language. A sassy child.
Words: 3,305
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader (female reader) (single mom!reader)
(A/N: I named the daughter Kira but you can happily change it. It’s just a name I can easily associate with a child for some reason lmao.)
(A/N 2: I fixed as many mistakes I could find and hopefully, it’ll be more bearable to read lmao.)
Chapter 2 >
“Mommy,” Kira, your little girl whined.
“Yes baby?” You swung your conjoined hands widely causing her to giggle which in turn, made you smile.
“Can we go to the park today?” Her Captain America backpack bounced on her shoulders with each step. The mostly blue bag clashed yet also complimented the very pink, puffy coat that she wore.
You looked down at her with a raised eyebrow as you watched her for a reaction. “Really? In this weather?”
Kira threw her head back and groaned before exasperatingly replying as if it were the most obvious thing she could have ever spoken. “YES! If we’re at the park, I’ll want to run around and running around will keep me warm. It’s always cold at home but you won’t let me run around.”
A smart little drama queen.
You desperately tried to hide your amusement because you know if she senses that you hadn’t taken her seriously, even more dramatics would be added. “That’s because we can’t run around inside. We might-“
“We might break something. I KNOW! Ugh…” Her feet drag slightly as she walks. She huffs and lowers her head, watching her feet as you move along the sidewalk. You smirk ever so slightly as you watch the top of her head which adorned a woolly hat in an attempt to keep her warm in the season of winter.
“We can go to the park-“ She perked up instantly with a gasp, looking up at you with wide, hopeful eyes. “ONLY, and only, if we can get burgers, too.”
She pauses her steps and looks up at you with a stern, serious expression as she thrusts her hand forward, prompting you to take a hold of it. “You’ve got yourself a deal!” Kira shook your hand firmly and rapidly before she began to pull you along in the direction of the park that was honestly too cold to be sat in.
You huffed a chuckle as you allowed your 6 year old to pull you along the pavements and closer to the large open space of the park.
The inside of the small Brooklyn burger joint was certainly warmer than the harsh weather that lashed at your face and every inch of exposed skin at the park. Your daughters face matched her coat in colour by the time you reached the building.
Waiting in line, your daughter wormed her hands out of the sparkly knitted gloves, stuffing them in her coat pocket before tearing her hat off of her head and stuffing that in the other available pocket. You chuckled as she tried to brush the mess of locks down with her hands and the cheesy grin she flashed you only made your laugh more.
The missing baby tooth at the forefront of her mouth adding a funny effect to the adorable face you had the tendency to squish between your hands tenderly.
The person in front of the two of you had just finished ordering and just as you were about to step forward with your daughter at your side, someone had rudely pushed in front of you, effectively cutting you off.
You scoffed at the sheer audacity this man had in believing he could cut the line, but it was your daughter who spoke up. Sometimes you cursed yourself for teaching her to stand up for herself in situations as these. You forget your daughter has a vote of confidence like no other and will speak her mind, even if the person is nearly 4 times her height.
Of course, these lessons were meant for her to deal with people her size and age, fellow students who bully her or others, seeing as she’s only 6, not for grown ass adult males.
“Cutting is rude. You should wait in line like everybody else mister.” You heard the pissed tone she spoke with and couldn’t decide whether to find it adorable, humorous, or concerning.
You heard the man scoff and honestly, your blood began to boil. He turned towards the two of you and looked you up and down as if scrutinising you before peering down at your daughter with disinterest.
“I’m ordering for one, you’re ordering for two. I haven’t got time to wait for mama bear to order with her equally scruffy little cub.” He rolled his eyes and looked towards the employee who honestly, looked just about as pissed as you did.
You clenched your fist and took a deep breath in the hopes of calming down. Honestly, it hadn’t worked well. “If you’d asked nicely, we would have happily let you order before us. There isn’t any need to be rude, especially to my kid.”
He heaved a deep sigh before turning to look at the two of you once more. He opened his mouth to no doubt retort back with yet another rude remark but someone elses’ voice swiftly cut him off. “I believe you should listen to the young lady and wait your turn like everybody else.”
The stranger, mighty handsome stranger you might add, with beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair smiled down at your daughter and sent her a discreet wink. She beamed up at the tall stranger as he turned to look towards the man who had rudely cut you off in line, his features hardening.
“You should apologise and move yourself to the back of the line. What you’ve said was unacceptable and certainly no way to speak to a woman and her child.” He folded his arms over his chest, his muscles, even though hidden behind the material of his long sleeves, bulged with incredible size.
The man that had cut the line looked up at your saviour and gulped but relatively kept his features schooled. “No chance. I only said what’s true. Why should I be punished because of that?”
The stranger chuckled humourlessly as he stepped forward, the incredibly rude man taking a step back out of fear. “Whether what you said was true or false, which was absolutely false, doesn’t matter. You disrespected another in not only speaking to them as if they’re below you, but by simply cutting in line in the first place.”
“Yeah. You’re just a bully. Bullies are rude and always cut in line,” your daughter chirped with pride. The stranger smiled down at your daughter and nodded his head.
“That’s right, sweetie.”
The man scoffed before turning towards the employee stood behind the counter. “Are you really going to let him speak to a paying customer like that?” he asked incredulously.
The employee had a smirk cross her lips and she popped her hip out before folding her arms in front of her. “You haven’t paid for anything. Now, please leave before I get my manager to call the cops to have you removed.”
The man huffed indignantly before grumbling and stomping pass the handsome stranger, shoulder checking him on the way. The stranger rolled his eyes before catching a hold of the mans’ arm and pulling him back slightly. “You still haven’t apologised.”
“Sorry.” His tone was fake and nothing but sarcastic but nonetheless, the stranger released him, probably knowing that was the best apology they should expect from him.
The small interior of the place slowly bustled back to its quiet chatter of the few customers inside. The stranger smiled down towards the two of you and you couldn’t help but be enraptured with how perfect his smile was.
“Are you ladies alright?”
Your daughter rapidly nodded her head, grinning widely once more. “Sure are mister. Thank you!”
You cleared your throat, shaking yourself out of your reverie and smiling up at him. ‘Stop gawking at him, idiot!’
“Uh, yes. Thank you.”
His smile seemed to widen, and he looked quite bashful and oh god, your stomach did flips when looking at him. “It’s nothing, ma’am. I don’t tolerate bullies, I suppose.”
Kira gasped and her eyes lit up. “Like Captain America! The Cap doesn’t like bullies, either!”
The stranger chuckled and lowered himself to your daughters’ height. “Yep, like Captain America.” Honestly, he seemed almost pleased at the connection, but you couldn’t place why. Although, if you were say compared to someone like Black Widow, you certainly would feel chuffed yourself, so you couldn’t blame him.
You failed to realise you were staring at the stranger, again, until you felt a small tug on your arm. You snapped yourself out of small daydream to look down at your daughter. “Ask him if he wants to join us,” she whispered although by the huff of laughter that he tried, and failed, to supress, he clearly heard.
“Uh, yeah. Would you like to join us…?” You trailed off, hoping the stranger would give you his name. He seemed to pick up on his lack of introduction as he stood to his full height, once again towering over you.
He held his hand out before him for you to take, which you did. “Steve.”
“Well, would you like to join us, Steve? We’d like to thank you for standing up to that rude man and pay for your meal if you haven’t eaten yet.”
“Well, that’s a really nice offer…” Now it was his turn to trail off.
“Y/N!” your daughter exclaimed loudly. “And I’m Kira!”
He chuckled. “Y/N. And Kira. But I was actually going to offer to pay for your meals.”
“Oh, no. That’s oka-“
“Thank you, Steve!”
You looked down at your daughter with wide eyes as she cut you off and accepted the strangers’ offer. Steve chuckled and glanced down at Kira. “Very well. Should we order then?”
Kira grasped your hand in her smaller one and pulled you to the front of the counter, beckoning Steve to follow. You couldn’t help but shake your head, feeling only ever so slightly embarrassed by your daughters’ antics.
You daughter was enthralled with whatever came out of Steves’ mouth; completely enraptured with the stories he told. Though, you couldn’t really blame her.
Kira wasn’t one to shy away from conversation, but it had honestly shocked you how versed she became in conversation with the man the two of you had only met 45 minutes prior.
Yes. 45 minutes.
It seemed none of you really wanted to part ways; all enjoying yourselves with flowing conversation and shared smiles.
“So,” Steve started, his arms resting on top of the table that sat between him and you and Kira. “You mentioned Captain America earlier, and you have him on your backpack. Do you like him?”
“Yeah! He’s my favourite hero!” Gosh did she get excited over the topic of heroes.
He chuckled. “And why’s that?”
You rolled your eyes knowing what was coming yet couldn’t stop the fond smile growing on your face. “Well, he’s super cool. He’s brave, kind, strong and he doesn’t like bullies. I don’t like bullies either.” Then, a devilish smile broke out on her small, rounded face. “Mommy likes him too. She thinks he’s pretty. AND SHE HASN’T EVEN SEEN HIS FACE PROPERLY! She’s seen his butt though, looks at it a lot.”
Your eyes widened and the smile was promptly wiped from your face whilst Steve seemingly choked on his spit and laughed nervously. “I think she’s in love with him,” Kira whispered, further embarrassing you.
“OKAY! That’s enough, ha…”
Steve smiled, albeit sheepishly, towards the two of you. “Well, I believe Captain America would think your moms’ pretty, too.”
Kira shrug, shovelling a cold, left over fry from the basket into her mouth. “I know.”
You groaned softly and hid your face behind your hand, slumping in your seat. Your whole face felt hot. Trying to calm your racing heart, you peered at Kira. “Why don’t you tell him about your birthday sweetie?”
“OH YEAH! Mommies taking me to the Captain America display!” Kira bounced in her seat and if her eyes hadn’t already twinkled with excitement, they certainly did now after she’s formulated a plan quickly in her mind. “You should definitely come, mister.”
You and Steve both spluttered at her invitation.
“Oh honey, I don’t think Steve would-“
“W-well, it’s not up to me-“
Kira groaned and rolled her eyes overdramatically before looking at Steve. “Yep. It’s up to me.” She then turned towards you. “And, we can just ask Steve if he would like to.” To which she faced Steve once more, looking at him intently. “Would you like to come too?”
Steve looked extremely apprehensive to answer and looked towards you in the hopes of getting some guidance in what to say. If he were being honest, this past hour he’d felt nothing but calm and happy, forgetting his worries and has actually taken a break from all the responsibilities he’s been handed.
He very much liked both yourself and Kira, feeling content in both of your presences’ and would very much like if he continued to get to know both yourself and Kira more. He just certainly didn’t want to overstep.
He internally cheered for himself when you nodded your head discreetly. Your face told him that the young girl who looked extremely hopeful would certainly not cease until she succeeded in getting what she wanted in this moment.
“Uh…” He turned his gaze towards Kira once more gave her a small smile. “I would love to go to the Captain America display for your birthday.”
Kira cheered loudly and you shook your head with an adoring smile directed to the young girl sat beside you. “Great! You should give your number to my mommy so we can plan it properly.” She sipped on her half-drunken refill of milkshake after speaking so nonchalantly.
Both Steve and yourself felt and looked dumbfounded. Had she really just said that?
Steve chuckled before his eyes darted down towards your phone which was sat face down atop the table. “May I?”
“Oh, uh, yep.” You fumbled with picking your phone up, unlocking it and opening up a new contact before handing your phone over to Steve, face burning and a shy smile adorning your features. Your hands brushed against one another as he carefully took the phone from your hold and typed in his full name and phone number.
He was just about to hand it back to you when Kira swiftly took it and looked at the screen. She shook her head before looking up at Steve. “You gotta add a picture, silly.” She raised the phone after tapping the picture icon atop the contact, pointing it straight at Steve.
The poor man panicked and smiled quite awkwardly as your daughter snapped the photo. You slapped a hand over your mouth to try desperately hide your laugh, which hadn’t really been that successful.
Kira observed the picture on the screen before nodding; she clearly found the picture acceptable for use. Steve couldn’t help but also find it quite amusing and chuckled himself. Your daughter swiftly handed you your phone back but once in your hand, you had spotted the time and your eyes slightly widened.
“Oh wow, is it really that late?” you questioned yourself but prompted Steve to check the time himself by looking down at his watch. You looked up towards him with an apologetic smile and shrugged your shoulders. “Sorry, we really should get going. Kira has school in the morning.”
Steve shook his head and smiled, unbothered by your information. “No, no, it’s perfectly fine. I completely understand.”
“Thank you, and sorry again.” You looked sheepish as you stood and put your own jacket back on before beckoning Kira to stand herself. She pouted but did as she was told, allowing you to help her with her coat, to which she then put her hat back on top her head and gloves back on her small hands.
Steve stood and cleared his throat as he stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do. You looked up away from Kira and sent him the most beautiful smile he had ever seen upon someone’s face and miraculously, he felt a lot let nervous.
“Thank you for the wonderful company and the meal,” you spoke with such sincerity that made his heart thump louder and harder than any life threating mission ever could.
“And for standing up to that bully for us,” Kira added.
You huffed laugh. “Yes, and that.”
“It’s my pleasure.” He nodded his head.
Kira stepped forward which prompted Steve to lower himself to her height just as he had done so earlier. “It was nice meeting you.”
“It was nice meeting you too, ma’am.”
She beamed up at him before sticking her hand out and her expression was nothing but serious, one which Steve copied as he took her hand and shook it. “My mommy will text you later about my birthday.” She withdrew her hand before her big, bright smile reappeared. She grasped your hand in hers and waved as she began to pull you out of the burger joint.
“Bye Captain America!”
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets comically and you did nothing but splutter, opening and closing your mouth in the hopes that some words would pass out of you as your daughter pulled you out through the doors and in the direction of your small Brooklyn apartment.
Steve froze and watched wide eyed as you both left through the door, the bell atop jingling when it closed behind you. “Huh. Smart kid.” He shook his head before laughing and standing, collecting his jacket and leaving a tip on the table before slowly exiting the building himself, walking towards his bike ready to head back to the tower, completely dazed and the image of you ingrained into his mind.
Meanwhile, you finally snapped out of your shocked and flustered state halfway down the sidewalk. “YOU KNEW THAT WAS CAPTAIN AMERICA?!”
“Yep,” your daughter replied, popping the ‘P’ and acting completely nonchalant about the whole ordeal.
You narrowed your eyes at the small figure of your daughter. “You little monster.” You swept her up into your arms and began to blow raspberries against her chubby little cheek, causing her to burst into a fit of giggles and loud laughter.
You couldn’t help but laugh along with her and then Steves’ earlier comment came to the forefront of your mind. ‘Captain America thinks I’m pretty! HOLY SHIT!’
You’d dwell on that later though.
“MY MOMMY LIKES CAPTAIN AMERICAS’ BUTT!” Kira shouted as she continued to gasp out giggles and you couldn’t help but laugh and indulge in her silly behaviour.
Kira roared in laughter once more along with you, and you both continued to find an abundance of humour in the situation the entire walk home.
“Hey punk,” Bucky spoke as he entered the main, spacious shared living room and spotted Steve sat on the couch, staring at his phone and smiling widely as his eyes scan over the words you had texted him.
“What’s got you grinning like that?” Bucky playfully quipped, a small smirk across his lips.
“Uh, nothing.” It could have been convincing if Steve had looked away from his phone and his already large smile didn’t widen further.
“Sure. Nothing.” Bucky shakes his head and sits beside his friend. “She pretty?”
Usually, Steve would question what made his friend think it was a woman, but he was so dazed and giddy, he couldn’t find it in him to deny it. “She’s so beautiful Buck.”
“Gotta date?”
“Not yet.”
Bucky chuckled and slapped his friends’ shoulder in good nature as he shook his head. “Well, good luck, punk. I hope you get that date.” Bucky stood and huffed a laugh at Steve still grinning at his phone as he left to head towards the kitchen, missing Steves’ mumbled response.
“Me too.”
Gosh dang do I love this man
That is all
If you want to be added to a taglist lemme know
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
Marvel taglist:
@thanossexual​ @iwazoomingouttahere​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​
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