#wedding bells jqhotchner
jqmalikhsgib · 9 months
wedding bells
“…i don’t wanna love if it’s not you…”
that’s all he could hear. wedding bells as he falls asleep. he had lost the one woman he knew he should be spending the rest of his with. the only woman for him.
he hasn’t had a good nights rest since you’ve told him the news. since you’ve told him that he was losing you forever.
he had turned his phone off. he didn’t wanna talk to anyone. he didn’t wanna see anyone. all harry wanted to do was drown himself. god, he wished he could go back in time and kick the shit outta himself.
he had tried to write his pain down. but the only thing that came out was shit. he had broke you and now you had broke him.
unbeknownst to him his mother and sister were so worried they flew all the way to see him. they needed to make sure he was okay. they heard the news about your wedding. gemma and anne knew this would set him back again.
so hearing the knock on his front door he groaned. he just hoped that whoever it was would just go away.
“oh, baby brother.”
harry turns and sees his mom and sister. he couldn’t hold it in anymore. he cried loudly. anne walks over to his son and hold him tightly. harry holds his mom as he cried into her shoulders.
“she’s getting married in june mama. the month of our anniversary. she’s—fuck! i lost her forever.”
anne hold her son as he tears up. she felt for her son. you were the first woman harry’s truly fell in love with. one who loved him for who he was and not for his fame. when you lose your first true love it’s always heartbreaking. but you were his one and only. the girl he let get away because of his ego.
anne didn’t like the way he treated you. she understood why you left. but she still felt for her son over the years. all those sad ass songs he’s wrote. she listened and knew. she knew her son was broken and the only way to pick up those pieces would be you.
it’s one of the reasons why she told you to listen to his music. she pushed you into listening to harry’s albums over the years. only hoping that you’d see his truth. showing you how unhappy he was. she knew it was selfish on her part. but she also loved you as a daughter. you made her baby boy the happiest he’s been since being in that band. she hadn’t seen him smile that big in a long time. and she knew you were hurting as well.
she thought maybe this would push you together again. but when she heard you confirmed you were engaged to your current boyfriend she knew this would only set her baby boy back.
when she tried calling him and his phone went straight to voicemail she had to go see her son.
“i know it hurts baby. but hopefully this will be your closure. maybe this is what you needed to truly move on.”
“can’t mama. i love her. i love her more than anything. i can’t see her get married. i can’t see her marry someone else. i—it hurts.”
gemma watches her brother so broken. she knew he hasn’t eaten, bathed, or move much. her heart broke for her brother. she just knew she had to do something. she had to get her brother back.
so for the next two days she cleaned the house, got her brother out of bad, got him to eat and shower. she knew what she would do next would make or break him. but she had to. she had to do this for him. and hopefully it wouldn’t break him.
the day of the wedding gemma and anne got him to go outside. it was a struggle but they did what they had to do. harry had no idea where they were taking him but he knew he had to move on.
he had to let you be happy. even if that meant without him. when they finally got to their destination harry looked at the church. he looked at his mom and sister and shook his head.
“go get her baby brother.”
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idk wtf this was but i just want to finish this story…😬🤷🏽‍♀️
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jqmalikhsgib · 9 months
wedding bells: mini series
“…ceremony set for june…”
god you were so fucking beautiful. standing there in the sun as he watched you twirl in your dress. you were everything. he was gonna marry you he swore it.
the moment he laid eyes on you he knew you were the one. he even rushed to call his mom to let her know he met the woman of his dreams.
at first she thought he was crazy. you didn’t even have your first date yet. but he just knew. his heart knew. you were gonna be his wife. and now three years in he was ready. ready to tell you that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you.
and he knew you were ready too. the hints you’ve given him over and over again. he knew you were ready to spend the rest of your lives together.
and when he finally asked you that was the best time of your life. you two were more in love than before. everyone just knew that you were soulmates. but something changed.
harry started to focus more on his career. it was lifting off quickly. he was starting to be known as just harry styles. no longer harry styles from one direction.
so happy for your love you still cheered him on. but your own career was being overshadowed by harry’s career. being known as harry styles fiancé wasn’t what you wanted to be remembered by.
so you continue to work. make sure the world knew you for your accomplishments. and for awhile it worked. your acting career took off. but with that came whispers.
whispers harry was starting to believe.
‘she’s using you for fame mate.’
‘she doesn’t really love you.’
‘look at her. she’s using your name for clout. trust me. a girl like her is just gonna dump you the second she doesn’t need your name anymore.’
this only caused arguments between the two of you. yelling and cursing. every night you cried yourself to sleep. you didn’t understand where this was coming from. it broke your heart that harry would think of you in that light.
you finally had enough. packing your bags after another night of him disappearing. you knew he was drinking and most likely hooking up with some model. you weren’t stupid.
you left him a letter and the ring he gave you before leaving. and that was the last you were around harry.
two years later you moved on. you can’t lie and say you haven’t kept up with him. listening to his second album. you knew it was about you. you never meant to break him this bad but the harry you fell for was gone.
now you were happier. you were newly engaged again. this time the wedding was happening. you loved charlie. at least that what you told yourself. charlie was safe. he had his own business and kept to himself.
being with him felt good. no drama, no one trying to break you two up, no celebrity drama, and no cheating. just the two of you in love.
and though things were safe. you knew that the media would have a field day. you knew you’d have to tell harry personally. you owed it to him.
so meeting him after two years of not seeing one another was hard. but maybe he would have moved on. maybe he was happier now. at least you had hoped he was happier.
when he sat next to you your heart skipped a beat. he was still as beautiful as ever. his smile still made you fall apart.
the first words you’ve said to one another. fuck this was harder than either of you thought. but you knew it was good.
the two of you had small talk. just discussing your careers. trying to catch up on what’s happened the past year. that’s when he noticed it. the ring on your finger.
his heart broke. you couldn’t be getting married. no. you were his everything. you were his soulmate. how could you be seeing someone else? how could you be with someone who wasn’t him? he could never move on. how could you?
“are you—are you engaged?”
you looked down at your hand. looking down for a quick moment before looking him in the eyes. the hurt in them nearly broke your heart.
“um—yeah. that’s what i wanted to tell you. charles—charlie proposed to me. we’re getting married in june. i thought you should be the first to know before it’s all over the web.”
harry felt like his heart was ripping out of his chest. but it was his fault. he ruined the two of you. he shouldn’t have listened to others. god, he shouldn’t have listened to others.
the day he came back home to your shared home he saw the ring first. that was the moment that he knew he fucked up. hoping that maybe it just slipped off your finger. maybe you just wanted it clean. but when he grabbed the note was when he knew. you were gone and probably never coming back.
and reading that you knew he was cheating. that made him realize the solo fame he was getting has got to his head. he cried for weeks. he tried to call you. but you had already changed your number. he tried to contact anyone you knew. but they all knew what he had done.
he wasn’t giving up on you though. he would go to every award show, every event, anything to maybe see you. apologize and hopefully get you back. but his luck had ran out.
so harry did the one thing he knew how to do. he packed his bags, took off to a private location, and wrote music. hoping you’d hear them and maybe hear how sorry he was. maybe see that he was working on himself. be the man that you fell for.
and here you are. right in front of him. maybe he thought this was the moment where he’d forgive you. the moment where you’d give him another chance. but this is the moment you tell him you were getting married in just three weeks.
“june? why so early?”
“i love him harry.”
but he didn’t believe that. he didn’t believe you truly loved this charlie guy. he knew you better than anybody.
“look, i just, i came to let you know. i just thought it was a curtesy for you to know before the wedding. goodbye harry.”
and once again you walked out of his life. and he allowed you to once again.
part 1/3
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jqmalikhsgib · 9 months
wedding bells
“…pardon my interruption…”
he stares at his mom and sister blankly. they couldn’t be serious. this was beyond the definition of fucked up. this wasn’t some movie. this was his life. this was your life.
he couldn’t possibly ruin your wedding. no! he’s already ruined your happiness enough. you deserved to get married to the man you love. that’s no longer him.
he was heartbroken, sure. but he deserves this. he deserved to suffer. you deserve to walk down the aisle like you deserved to do all those years ago. he knew this was the wedding of your dreams.
he knew from the moment he saw the church. this was the church he was gonna marry you. the church you picked out.
“no. she doesn’t deserve this!” harry shakes his head.
anne rubs her sons shoulders. “did i ever tell you about my first love zac?”
he frowns at his mother. he shakes his head as his mother takes a deep breath.
“i met him a few years before your father. i was deeply in love with him. he was the one,”
both harry and gemma stared at their mother shockingly. they had no idea she loved someone before their father. they always thought their dad was her first love.
“he was american. only visiting distant relatives for the summer. we fell in love instantly. god was he the most amazing generous man. when summer ended he begged his parents to stay, just for me. how romantic, huh? except it ended there. we tried to keep in touch sending letters. but after awhile the letters slowly went away. i assumed he moved on. that was until three years after you were born. he came to visit. hoping that i was still there. and i was. but i had moved on and married your father and had two amazing kids. unfortunately he didn’t come to reconnect. he came to tell me that he loved me and would never stop. but he was sick. very sick. it’s why he stopped writing the letters because he thought it was best that he let me go. he knew his illness was terminal. he had a about three more months left. but he couldn’t die without telling me how he felt. in that moment we both knew we wasted so much time. we could have been together but he let me go and i didn’t ask questions or try to call him. anything! i just let zac slip though my fingers. and if i would have just called him and checked on him, maybe ask him questions, maybe we would have been together instead. don’t do what i did baby. don’t let her slip through your fingers.”
harry sheds tears. “but what if—”
“then we’ll be right here to pick up the pieces again.” gemma whispers.
harry nods. he gets out of the car, runs to the church, and takes a deep breath before opening the door. and just like the movies everyone stares at him. including you.
he just stands there. everyone starts to whisper. harry didn’t know what to say. but he knew if he didn’t speak he would look like even more of an idiot. but something happened. he said nothing but you ran.
everyone gasped. harry didn’t know what to say or do. he couldn’t speak. he thought you were gonna slap him for ruining your wedding, run back to the podium, and get marry.
instead you surprised him. you grabbed his hand and ran out of the church. leaving everyone speechless.
“i can’t do it. i can’t marry someone i don’t love. i—harry you broke me. you broke every fiber of my heart. but i love you. i always have and i always will. and—i don’t wanna marry anyone else but you.”
“then let’s get married, darling.”
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again i have no idea wtf this is but here is the final part to wedding bells :)
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jqmalikhsgib · 6 months
wedding bells
• one
• two
• three
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