#modding the lands
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shaking at the gates of bl3 rn WHERE ARE THE TEXTURES I NEEEEED THEM
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sealsdaily · 5 months ago
Today's Seal Is: Scouring for Crabs
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thesimsideofluca · 1 month ago
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15+ Sims 4 Mods that will change your game forever 
In today's video I get to show my favorite sims 4 mods that I honestly don't think I could live without! I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do and that you are able to learn something new from today's video!
Here are all of the links in the same order as the video:
Main menu Override by @vixonspixels
Sunrise by Lot 51
Make the bed by @utopya-cc
Iphone 15 pro max by @hera-sim
UI cheats by Weerbesu
Sim Control Hub by Dquiet
Steady Sim & Seat any Sim by @amellce
Smarter Pie Menu by @twistedmexi
Try to make friends by @carl-sims
Object destroy cheat by @twistedmexi
LLamazon Marketplace by @ravasheencc
Functional drinks tray by @somik-severinka
Cookbook S&S by @somik-severinka
Cake a Break by @ravasheencc
Home Barista by @littlbowbub
Functional Topicals faded eye masks by @largetaytertots
Shoutout to all of these amazing creators for their love and creations! @largetaytertots @littlbowbub @ravasheencc @somik-severinka @twistedmexi @carl-sims @amelice @hera-sim @utopya-cc @vixonspixels and the many more that I couldn't find here on Tumblr!
Lots of love,
The Sim Side of Luca
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zhukzucraft · 17 days ago
=> Martyn: Commit "Grand Theft Ender Pearl"
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Gem: Looks like we've got company,
Grian: Who?
Gem: Pearl, Scott, Cleo and Martyn... Speaking of Martyn, guess what Skizz is whispering about him?
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Gem: "Dude, Martyn is at the Hunker Bunker right now being BIG mad because Scar stole his 'Thing',"
Gem: "So watch out for Martyn if he comes knockin'!"
Scar: What's a "Hunker Bunker"? Is it a-
Martyn: "Watch out for Martyn?" That IS good advice! But, the warning was a bit late yea?
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Martyn: You know what they say - an eye for an eye,
Martyn: You steal My Thing and I'll steal yours- I'll meet you at the bastion!
Grian: Put that down!
Martyn: Ta ta for now! ~♪
Gem: Eurg, he such a Theatre Kid-
Scar: ...
Scar: MARTYYYNN!!! Get back here you purpur loining scoundrel!
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Grian: SCAR! ...Gem, we gotta follow him before he gets himself into trouble again,
Grian: Plus Martyn stole our ender pearl! We worked hard for that!
Gem: Counterpoint: We also have to wait for our Pearl. She's going to have no idea where we went if we run too far from the portal
Grian: I can't just let Scar run off alone and hand The Enchanter to Martyn on a silver platter!
Gem: We promised we wouldn't leave Pearl behind,
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(Scar: *grumble grumble* no honor among adventurers nowadays, just because this is a death game doesn't mean you can't have manners!)
Grian: I know, I know, you made a promise... but between Pearl and Scar, who are you more worried about surviving in the Nether?
Gem: ...
Gem: Fine. Follow Scar. I'll go find Pearl and then we can catch up with you two. Go be stupid, just not too stupid: if you die, I'll be the first to laugh in chat
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(Grian: I said you get used to it but...)
Grian: Scar, you cannot just waltz into a PIGLIN INFESTED BASTION in iron gear and expect things to magically work out without a plan!
Scar: Improvising, Grian! It’s the path of pioneers! The mark of a true marauder! If you're good enough at it, everyone will assume it was strategy. Tends to work out fiiiine! ...most of the time,
Grian: "Most of the time" isn't good enough,
Scar: Okay, so we plan while we run! Multitasking, Grian, multitasking~
Grian: That's just improvising a few seconds earlier!!!
Scar: I don't hear any planning going on~♪ Just complaining,
Grian: ...I'm going to blame you when this inevitably goes horribly wrong
Start Over -- Go Back
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elbdot · 5 months ago
Hahahaha little child go WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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yankaze · 12 days ago
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showing you the best pieces! from my heart for sure
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robo-dino-puppy · 3 months ago
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leaving the embrace
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solardrake · 2 years ago
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Oh The Biomes You'll Go - Lush Stacks House
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acrowwithakeyboard · 1 month ago
Ieama, watching Farkas' landing: I'll pass for now On the bright side this was surprisingly not the most disastrous meeting I've had with them
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nyaagolor · 6 months ago
Transfem Battler is one of my favorite Umineko HCs atm if only for the fact that I think it makes everything with Kyrie exponentially funnier. She already hates him just for having the same smile as Asumu, I'm pretty sure if Battler showed up for Ange's birthdays during his absence slowly shapeshifting into his dad's ex wife I think Kyrie would have a fucking aneurysm
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nextgenfoals · 27 days ago
Luna and Muffins please? Thank you!
There were a lot of requests for Luna x Muffins/Ditzy Doo/Bubbles! Hopefully Copernicus doesn’t mind a sister :}
Cygnus, named after the swan constellation, has an absolutely disasterous sleep schedule. This is because she rehabilitates nocturnal birds! The owl on her arm is her pet Deneb, who she rescued and raised.
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~ Mod Ace ♥️
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pudding-parade · 4 days ago
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Just a pretty, peachy sunrise in Oasis Landing.
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weirdmarioenemies · 2 months ago
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Name: Corori
Debut: Kirby's Dream Land 3
A penguin! What's more Christmas than a penguin? Many things. Many, many things. But they're still moderately Christmas. That's just your lot in life when you're an inherently whimsical creature living in a world of ice and snow!
While real Antarctic penguins are constantly fighting for their lives in a freezing polar desert, Corori is having a whole lot of fun! Instead of huddling with anyone else for warmth, it is playing with a snowball, rolling it up and pushing it down a slope. Yippee! What allows it to be unaffected by the elements? Clearly, the answer is its cute little hat. And the fact that its feet are so close to its blubbery little body. I know you don't see any, but they're there, I promise!
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Corori's snowball is dangerous! What did you expect? This is a big rolling ball in a platformer! One must wonder, though, how much harm it actually intends, especially because I doubt it can see around that thing to know if anyone is in the way. Maybe it is just trying to get the snowball bigger to make the biggest damned snowman anyone's ever seen... don't tell Corori about Snowman's Land, please. It would be rather disheartened. After it pushes the snowball... that's it! It only had the one. I hope you liked it!
So, Corori is pretty "cool", huh? I think it's very n"ice"! There's "snow" doubt about that! If you don't like Corori, I might just have to give you the "cold" shoulder. If I ever saw one in real life, I would hope to have a "polar"oid camera on me! "Antarctic Krill"
Anyway, Corori gives no ability in this game. And it sort of makes sense, I suppose? Previous (and future) games would have penguin enemies with the Ice ability, but these are typically ones that have intrinsic Ice Powers, while Corori, as far as we know, is just playing with the snow. I could do that! But it doesn't make me able to produce ice from my body. With my unique biological abilities, I would yield the Pee ability!
After Kirby's Dream Land 3, Corori was gone. No one had any contact with them. They left no note. We did not know what happened, and resigned ourselves to a world where we would never see Corori again...
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Until, after 25 years, Corori returned! "I'm back," said Corori, "and more powerful than ever." Indeed, in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Corori can now make multiple snowballs, getting to work on a new one right after pushing the previous away! You will also now notice its little orange feet, no longer hidden within its body. Enhanced snowball craft? Increased cold resistance? Could it be? Yes! Corori is now a source of the Ice ability! And its hat is so realistic now! I feel like I could wear that! But I won't. It's not mine.
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yankaze · 12 days ago
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it's finally done!! it's been a long time since my last full rendered artwork so party time i guess?
pride lands Aqua skin from Aqua Ally mod for KH II by Kiteki which i absolutely love. what about Ven? Isn't he pretty? just thinking about how much Aqua would adore him
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thesimsideofluca · 20 days ago
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Must have CC & Mods for Valentine’s Day
In today’s video, we’re diving into some amazing CC and Mods for The Sims 4, perfect for adding a touch of romance and Valentine's Day magic to your game! Whether you're looking for cozy date-night vibes or sweet love-themed details, I hope you discover something new and enjoy the video!
If you have already watched the video, here are all of the links: [x]
Sangria Collection by Greenllamas Candlelight Set by Greenllamas December 2022 by Sentate Divine Dress by Joliebean Sparkle by Caio Bijou Collection by Sentate Sandalwood Set by Serenity Bloom Dress by TwistedCat The Little Black Dress by Oydis Camelia Set by Serenity
Romance Interactions by kiarasims4mods Double Date Event by kiarasims4mods Kiss-n-grind by Utopya Passionate Gifts by Utopya Romantic Surprise Proposal Interactions by Mercuryfoam Romance Reactions Mod: Engagement by thatssojordy Bed Cuddle by Thepancake1 and MizoreYukii
Thank you guys all so much for your love and support and a huge thank you to all of the sims 4 creators that make this game a lot more enjoyable ✨🤍
[ @sentate @serenity-cc @greenllamas @twisted-cat @caio-cc @joliebean @oydis @utopya-cc @thepancake1s-mods @mizoreyukii @mercuryfoam @thatssojordy & kiarasims4mods]
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frameconfessions · 3 months ago
I bet there were entire origin system groups dedicated to no-moon truthers. Moon just never existed, you can't prove it did, not to them anyway. Kinda like flat earthers but in the Warframe universe where they don't believe in Lua.
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