#mod rue
sankttealeaf · 24 days
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everyone be quiet!!!!!! they are hugging.
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ofmistandmire · 7 months
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Of Mist and Mire will be open for new member applications from March 1st to March 22nd, 2024. The application form will close at 11:59pm on March 22nd, EDT.
Acceptance messages will be sent out after the conclusion of the application period.
Please be sure that at minimum you have read the following: RULES | FAQ | CHARACTER CREATION GUIDE | STORY RECAP
Please consult the allegiances for taken names and the current number of members of each Path and Trade: ALLEGIANCES
You will be permitted to apply for a maximum of one original character + one of the adoptable characters we have prepared. If applying for two characters, we strongly prefer that you include both in a single form submission. If accepted into the RP, you will receive one of the characters you applied with.
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ask-team-misfit · 2 days
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Safety is comforting, quiet, still. It stays out of the way of the world as it crashes against itself.
It's why you keep so many things close to your heart…
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief running on his fours through the Fae Wood, during a rainstorm. He's shown from his left side and has a look of clear concern on his face. Lief's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
Heroes don't get paid for the risks they submit themselves to.
Why should you involve yourself now? Why risk that safety that you craved so much?
A few hours prior…
Hazel: “Hey! Stop!”
Hazel was starting to get winded in her sprint. In comparison, Fenninkou looked more dead set on outrunning her.
Hazel: “Wait up, dammit! How are you not tired by now?!”
Fenninkou: “I’m not going back!”
The Fennlin finally yelled back in response.
Fenninkou: “I-I want to do something! All the adults ever talk about is how bad things are!”
Her eyes shut in frustration, and she went on to declare:
Fenninkou: “I hate it! I hate being small! I HATE–”
Only to stumble. Her right hind foot got caught on something.
Her eyes snapped open to look back with a glare. Annoyance became confusion as she saw some sort of black goop latched to her ankle, from a tiny puddle on the ground.
She was about to try and free herself when the puddle grew. Her foot became submerged. She felt herself being dragged in.
She clawed at the ground and pulled, trying to put up resistance. Her strength didn’t even compare.
Confusion became shock. Shock became panic.
Hazel: “Shit, shit, shit!”
By the time Hazel caught up and intervened, her underside was close to becoming stuck. She watched as the larger Pokemon wasted no time in grabbing her front legs to pull her out, making significant progress.
She was clearly exhausted. Her face was reddened, and she was breathing heavily–yet she was strong enough to put up resistance.
Hazel: “H-hang in there! I gotcha!”
The goop stretched, refusing to let go–until something else did.
The Fennlin yelled out in pain. Many patches of fur were now missing from where it had stuck to her.
Fenninkou: “OWW…!!”
Hazel, holding the Fennlin close in her arms, quickly scampered well away.
Fenninkou, shaken, her leg stinging with pain, but alive, stared unnerved at what she almost drowned in.
The puddle was now a pond. Big enough to block off the path.
Fenninkou: “Wh… what is…?”
Hazel: “E-even here… this stuff is appearing even here…?”
Fenninkou looked up at Hazel upon hearing her speak, looking more alarmed once she saw and heard how shaken up she was.
Hazel: “I-I gotta get you back to town. If void-matter is appearing even here… uhh, which way, which way–”
Fenninkou: “Void-matter? Hey, do you hear me?”
Hazel: “We came from that way, and then… shit, where did we turn?”
Fenninkou: “Hey!! Hello?”
Any further attempts by Fenninkou to ground Hazel back in reality went on ignored at first. The fat ‘mon quickly became panicked–she literally spun in place.
Hazel: “It happened again. We’re lost. I-I don’t know where we came from, where that pit trap was or–”
Fenninkou used Scratch!
Hazel: “Ow, hey…!”
Fenninkou: “Snap out of it! What is void-matter?”
With a grunt, Hazel held onto Fenninkou more tightly with both paws, staring her down with a gaze that made the other stop squirming upon meeting it.
Hazel: “Really cheap shot, hitting me in the belly like that. But void-matter is…”
She trailed off. Her serious expression softened once she saw the state of Fenninkou’s leg. Specks of blood in the shape of tiny claw marks were all over the bald patches.
She only looked more uneasy when her ear somewhat perked up, hearing something in the distance.
Hazel: “W-we’d better get away from this puddle first. And out of sight. You’re lucky that the fur on your leg is the only thing you’ve lost.”
Hazel: “But void-matter is, well. No one really knows what it is. It just started appearing one day, and anything caught inside it just vanishes.”
As Hazel rushed off with Fenninkou, Pikavee and Rue were catching up.
Rue in particular clung for dear life atop Pikavee’s head. Meanwhile, the giant in question did her best to mind where she stepped as she speed-walked forth.
Rue: “Shouldn’t be much further!”
Pikavee: “I-I’m not seeing them, Rue… do you think they’re alright?”
Rue: “They have to be. Please, Hecate, they have to be…”
Hazel: “And if a Pokemon happened to get caught…? S-something else crawls out, looking for more to eat.”
Rue: “Oh no.”
Upon spotting the void-matter in their path, Rue immediately grew tense.
Rue: “Stop. Pikavee, stop!”
Pikavee: “Huh–?”
Rue: “Don’t touch it!”
Rue’s urgent order came out before Pikavee could ask about it. Startled, she skidded to a stop, her paws nearly making contact with the void-matter’s edge.
She took some hasty steps back to make distance. Her movements were so sudden that she felt Rue slide forward from the inertia.
She looked with wide eyes at the pond of void-matter right at her feet, big enough for even her to be submerged in. She initially assumed it to be a shallow puddle of some liquid–maybe oil or tar.
Hazel: “Sometimes they look just like the Pokemon that was… y-you know. Don’t make me say it.”
Fenninkou: “Th-they?”
But the more Pikavee stared at the blackness, the more her hairs stood on end. She was getting a feeling of dread looking at it–she even took a couple more steps back.
Pikavee: “Wh… what’s wrong with it? What is it?”
She feared for a moment that she may have flung Rue off, but she still felt the familiar weight of the Vuling on her head.
But Rue still wasn’t saying anything. Her breathing had gotten shakier. Her grip on Pikavee’s hairs remained tense.
Pikavee: “R-Rue?”
It was another moment of confusion and concern before Pikavee noticed what Rue must have.
The lone paw clinging to the ground. The rest of the body, submerged.
The Pokemon pulling free and rising from the void-matter, the goop in question peeling off the body like oobleck.
Pikavee: “R-Rue! That’s…!”
She would learn quickly it wasn’t who she thought. Both of them did.
For it resembled Fenninkou in all but face.
Flesh bubbled as if it were slime, and a single, bulbous eye formed in the center.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of a void shadow taking the form of Fenninkou and staring up at the viewer, but where Fenninkou's actual face would be, there's nothing but a giant eye. Its entire right side and its tail are drooping, as if melting. Fenninkou's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
Hazel: “Void Shadows.”
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hyperbali · 8 months
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For the ~full appearance of the Lady Rue...
who did not have to work hard to look like that but I most certainly fuckin did
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Unique Tav Custom Appearance
Tav's Hair Salon
Tav's Hair Mixer
Kay's Hair Extensions
Astralities' Hair Color Supplement
Astralities' Fantasy Skintone Expansion
Smoother Female Tiefling Bodies 1 and 2
Landscaping Options (I wanted the piercings lol)
New Character Creation Presets WIP
Horns of Faerun
Eyes of the Beholder
CovenElf's Tattoo and Makeup Collection
Piercing Edits
Trips' Accessory Collection
Ghouls Vanilla Piercing Recolors
Modular Equipment (this is the main one you're gonna want for that fit)
Ciri's Clothes
Basket Full of Equipment
Extra Dyes For The Fashionable Folk of Faerun
I have... many many many more, but these are strictly for her appearance as you see here! I can probably make up a spreadsheet or something if people want my full mod list.
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ask-oneshot-solstice · 3 months
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i have no idea if anyone remembers this blog, but would people be interested in seeing it active in 2024?? oneshot fandom?? are we still kicking???
originally i wasn't really confident enough in my art skills to keep the blog going + i lost interest in oneshot, but now i'm BACK and i like oneshot again and i need to force myself to draw more soooo... yay or nay on the ask blog?
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Zoe Blecher and Rue Bahia from Sleepless Domain are moirails
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Rue Bahia and Zoe Blecher from Sleepless Domain are moirails!
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projectnewmoon · 21 days
Project: New Moon - Headcanon
Every character featured in the main fic is queer in some way, including canon characters!
Both Sonic is trans and aroace! Tails is still figuring himself out on a lot of things, but he's also trans!
Rue is aroace and genderqueer!
Specter is a bisexual trans girl! Her brother Phantom is a genderqueer gay guy!
Nox is unlabeled but has had romantic relationships with other men in the past! Those have been fleeting and only initiated because he had something to gain from them, though.
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voidtwins · 1 year
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picnicbask3t · 1 year
doodles and stuff
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quietkenopsia · 1 year
This is our protagonist, Rue. Their design is still subject to change, though this is their current one, as of now.
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Their design involves some aspects taken from the pink marine flatworm.
-Mod Wylan/Rue
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spacegaze-png · 2 years
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sankttealeaf · 5 months
once ive gotten the durgetash renders out of my system im gonna take some pretty shots of rue in nice lighting. for a new icon
(and then go back to ruetash)
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ofmistandmire · 3 months
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In the wake of the destruction of their home, far from the lands of the Kith, another group of cats has struggled to secure their survival... Fleeing from an ancient danger, they cling to their only ray of hope, an omen received by one of their members. But will they find a new sanctum, or is further tragedy the only destiny that awaits them?
Of Mist and Mire is a warriors-inspired roleplay with themes of horror and mystery, hosted on discord with an 18+ age requirement for players. OMaM will open for new member applications on July 19th. More information regarding this opening, including group lore and adoptable characters, to follow soon.
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ask-team-misfit · 8 hours
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Hazel: “You… y–you heard enough, right? W-wouldn’t want to give you nightmares.”
Fenninkou: “I-I’m not scared!”
Back with Hazel and Fenninkou, the former finally stopped to catch her breath. Most notably, she chose a spot with plenty of shrubbery and shade, quite a ways from the well-traveled road.
Another thing most notable, that the scrawny Fenninkou could easily tell, being in her arms–Hazel was shaking.
The Rigtretoon was glancing to and fro as if worried they were being followed, and she was trembling.
Hazel: “Not yet, you aren’t.”
Rue: “Fenninkou… F-Fenninkou…”
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Rue shown from her left side, staring downwards with wide, teary eyes. Above her, taking up most of the image, is a gradient with the text in question; asks sent by anons. Rue's appearance is as described here. End ID ]
Rue: “Th-this is all my fault…”
Pikavee: “Rue, answer me…!”
It hadn’t held her form for very long. The two women had watched, horrified, as it quickly fell apart and became black sludge.
It still moved–it ballooned and bubbled, forming a round shape with blank eyes that shifted around and never quite stayed in one place. Sometimes extra eyes appeared; sometimes they disappeared.
Pikavee: “Wh-what’s going on? Why did it look like Fenninkou–”
Her fur tingled. The previous feeling of dread became fully realized.
Her life flashed before her eyes–but in reverse.
She saw herself and Rue in this same spot, surrounded by void shadows. She saw herself being attacked and swarmed. Rue would be lost in the chaos.
She saw herself lying on the ground, on the verge of fainting. It would end here–just before she was presumably finished off.
And with a blink and a gasp, she was back in reality.
Rue: “She’s gone, Pikavee… t-that’s the only way it could have…”
The Vuling trailed off. She was too distraught to explain her conclusion further.
Pikavee: “W-what–??”
Before Pikavee could question this, a headache briefly and severely flared, enough to stagger her. It only ebbed once she tried to calm herself down and steady her breathing, though it didn’t completely go away.
She came to just enough to notice movement on the void-matter’s surface. More of them were emerging.
The sight made the Twileon step away even more in fear. Instinct, foresight–whatever it was, it didn’t relent.
It told her to run.
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Rue update because I felt like it
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incorrect-snkquotes · 2 years
[at the store]
Shun'ei: Hey master, can I have this?
Tung: No.
Shun'ei: *turns two degrees to the right*
Shun'ei: Hey, cool bro, can I have this?
Benimaru: Sure!
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