#mod is tired. i apologize if this makes no sense
habitual-creatures · 21 days
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(Tooootally not a random picture I found on Pinterest)
...I want muffins. Those look good...
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what exactly is fear mongering in a plural/system context? if you don't mind answering, or posting if people in the comments could explain?
Fear mongering in this context is the demonization of certain aspects of plurality with the intent of making others (whether it's singlets or younger systems) fear them. One example of this is the "evil alter" stereotype. Another example is fusion. While these things do exist (though persecutors shouldn't be watered down to "evil" in any context) and many systems have experiences with them, they are often used to spark fear in those both within and outside the community.
If anyone would like to elaborate on this in the comments, feel free! It's currently almost 11 pm for us and we're a bit tired, so I apologize if this doesn't make the most sense and/or is difficult to follow. Regardless, I'm happy to help!
Your truly, Mod Green
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ohmyronpa-imagines · 10 months
Hi I was the person who requested the Gundham x reader killing game AU awhile ago and I loved what you wrote.
Would I be able to request a Ryoma x reader one shot where the reader stops Kirumi from killing him…. if this is too specific I don’t mind if you do something else, I’m sure I’ll like whatever you write.😸
Here you go, anon! I'm glad you enjoy my work! Also, do y'all like my new icon? Made it myself! (Apologies for it being a little blurry haha!) -Mod Hajime
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Reader Saves Ryoma From Kirumi's Murder Attempt (x Reader)
It had all happened so quickly.
You had been having a hard time sleeping since Kaede’s execution and were aimlessly wandering around the academy.
Sure, it was dangerous, but you sincerely doubted that anyone was actively scouting for a random victim.
Unless you had become someone’s target.
A pit formed in your stomach at this idea and you immediately stepped away from the doors that led to a random classroom. Maybe going to your room was safer than being active at night. You rushed back to the dorms but paused when you heard a loud crack coming from a hallway. 
You turned the corner against your better instincts and froze. Kirumi was standing above Ryoma with some long pole, or was it a stick? What you did know was that Ryoma was unconscious and Kirumi was holding a possible murder weapon.
For some reason you didn’t run away to call for help. That’s what a smart person would have done.
But no, you ran straight into danger, nothing but adrenaline and an odd sense of justice fueling your once tired body. Kirumi barely had time to register what was happening by the time you slammed her into the ground.
She struggled against you, both of her eyes visible to you. The maid looked crazed and with an impossible surge of strength, she threw you into the wall. Your head bounced off the drywall and you grunted in pain.
However, when you saw Kirumi going near Ryoma’s unconscious (you hoped) self, the pain dulled and you staggered to your feet. You reached your hands out and shoved her to the ground. With a speed you didn’t remember possessing, you picked up Ryoma and hauled him over your shoulder before running away.
Your heart thrummed in your chest as you ran, leaping up flights of stairs to reach a destination that felt too far away. Was Kirumi following you? Did that even matter right now?
Eventually, after what felt like hours, you reached your dorm, flung the door open, and rushed Ryoma to your bed. You pulled his hat off, which was damp. When you removed your hand, you saw a messy smudge of pink on your fingers and palm alongside the disturbing scent of iron.
Stifling your gag, you checked his hair and saw what looked like a gash in his scalp. Luckily, you had gone into the nurse’s office, stolen a bunch of supplies, and stuffed them into your bathroom before this had happened.
You were hesitant to leave him, but after you finally checked if he was breathing, you rushed to your bathroom and grabbed supplies. Returning with a damp rag, gauze, and some kind of ointment, you got to work.
You really hoped that this wouldn’t make his wound worse.
By the time you finished, your hands were shaking and you were near passing out. You put your first aid things aside and crawled onto your bed, wrapping Ryoma in a layer of blankets and setting his hat on your nightstand.
In your sleep, you were hugging his cushioned body.
When you woke up, you realized that Ryoma was also awake, but he was as still as a statue. You looked down to see him red in the face but with his eyes wide open. Quickly, you asked if he was okay.
“Yeah. What happened? Wasn’t Kiru-” He cut himself off. You got out of bed and changed his bandages, happy to see his wound was minor and had scabbed during the night.
Even though you stayed silent, Ryoma could tell what you were thinking. “Don’t… Don’t blame Kirumi. What she did was out of love for the country.” You raised an eyebrow at this and asked him what he was talking about.
He explained as well as he could, but the obvious concussion was causing him to blank on some parts of information. He also mentioned random names and places that he didn’t recall. You brushed it off as a delusion from getting his head whacked.
But when he said why Kirumi picked him, you felt your heart squeeze painfully in your chest. What did he mean his life meant nothing? And why did his life mean everything to you?
“I’m only a shell of who I used to be. For a cause as noble as hers, it’d be pretty damn shameful to deny her request. So-” You pulled him into a gentle hug, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
It was quiet except for your occasional sniffling as the two of you sat on your bed. After a minute, Ryoma decided to hug you as well, patting your back. He didn’t understand why you were crying. The killing game must’ve finally hit you after days of living in shock.
You parted from your hug and handed him his hat, apologizing for the blood. He shook his head, giving you the faintest hint of a smile. He put it back on his head and sighed.
Ryoma patted his pockets, rubbing his hat when he realized he was missing his candy cigarettes. You sat with him, keeping a close eye on him.
The sound of the Monokuma announcement blared through your ears and you both grumbled about that “damn bear”. 
You stood up and reached your hand out for him. He hesitantly took it and you left your dorm holding hands. He looked away from you and huffed, smiling to himself.
“I guess I’ve still got a ways to go.”
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Intro Post
My name is Alberto. Most people call me Al, you can call me whatever you want as long as it's not a really fuckin' bad nickname, both in the sense that it's offensive and in the sense that it's just not a nickname I'm comfortable with.
I'm an adult man with He/Him pronouns, I'm multifandom, and if you for some reason want to know my sexuality, I'm still in questioning.
Special interests
Mario, Paper Mario, Miis, Splatoon, Sonic (Although I'm more interested in the antagonists of the series than Sonic himself, to be completely honest with you), Punch-Out, Skylanders, Kirby, and IDFR what else.
Other stuff
- I'm Puerto Rican. English in not my first language. If you see me speaking spanish, that's why.
- I have a short temper, so if something bad happens and I start getting mad, that's why. I apologize.
- My Wii U ID is "LiterallyMiyu" and my main Mii is a redesigned Miyu. It would've been me with my name or similar to it, but the Wii U I got was japanese, and I was trying so hard to make it play games that weren't from the japanese region.
I kept resetting it so many times, it got to the point where I got tired of making my Mii again and again, so I said "screw it" and made my main Wii U Mii this goofball.
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The end result was me modding my Wii U 'cuz I couldn't get anything to work. Thanks, region lock.
- I'm not active all the time. If you DM me and I don't respond in a long while, I'm either busy with something and don't want to be interrupted, sleeping, or just taking a moment off the internet.
- I draw.
- If I draw or post something that makes you uncomfy, just tell me about it or simply ignore it. Simple as that.
- We do not speak of most of the art I have drawn and the shit I have said in my teenage years. I was a massive dumbass and edgelord back then, OK?
- We can be friends, yeah, but for the love of God, do not obsess over me. I have had two people do that, and it has not been good, nor was it close to it.
- You can use my art as inspiration, but FFS, do not steal my art.
- "Can I draw something for you?" Yes, unless what you want to draw falls under the category of stuff that makes me uncomfortable, makes me mad, or makes me remember something from the past that I would prefer not to remember. If so, then no, you cannot.
- Do not talk to me about HoneyStarlightz/Lumii. I don't want anything to do with them as much as they don't want anything to do with me.
With that, I leave you with an image of my Mii.
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pathfinderswiftpen · 3 months
Rejection sensitive dysphoria is a bitch
I posted a meme in a literary discussion server that I'm a part of, relating to the themes of the book in our book club, and I misread the audience, or part of it, forgetting that not everyone can handle farcical dark humor, and one of the mods reached out saying that several people messaged them about being disturbed and horrified, and said mod asked me to not post stuff like that again. Fortunately the mod acknowledged the irony that the passage we discussed had even more horrifying content than the thing I posted. I asked if I needed to apologize or take it down and was told it wasn't necessary. But now I feel like the Worst Person Ever (of course false) and that everyone there hates me (untrue; we had a book club meeting tonight and my messages were engaged with, positively, as normal)
Ohhh I get it now
It goes back to breaking social rules that you didn't know were there and the thought/fear that other people will be mad at you and only talk about it behind your back and never actually approach you about it. I have lost several friends this way so it makes sense to feel this way, but it feels goddamn awful. I do wish the people bothered would have just said something in the chat or to me? I'm SO TIRED of, when I do something out of line or bothersome to someone, the bothered parties approach a person in an administrative role about it instead of just talking to me? It feels like "YOU'RE IN TROUBLE" when no? Not really? Set it right and move on? It feels like a big thing when it doesn't have to be. UGH. Fucking fuck. Blegh.
OK now have a good cry, ground myself, and go to bed.
BUT ALSO YOU KNOW WHAT? This book we're discussing is in part about fucking censorship! The Name of the Rose discusses authorities who control what content people are allowed to see based on whether or not that authority thinks they can handle it or would be led astray by it. I just. The irony. You can handle reading the horrifying things in the book but not a single line of an obviously farcical meme? 🧐🧐🧐 *Giant Sigh* fortunately it wasn't taken down because it does very much relate to and even rephrase one of the major themes of the book. But good grief, people, we are adults and should be able to handle ourselves when something upsets us. UGH.
I realized this when I went back to see if I could spoiler it, or re post it with the offending part cropped out. I could spoiler it but thinking about cropping it out really got me on the irony of censoring it. Sigh. Can't win 'em all
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I need help deciding something, im not sure whether this is the right place for it but here it goes.
I'm in a fandom that is about 10ish years old, went through a decline and then saw a huge surge at the beginning of 2021 because it got a (very good) show based on the books. While the canon endgame is good ol' friends-to-lovers, the most popular ship is an enemies and lovers with a bunch of 'problematic' elements. It's so popular that it has more fics on ao3 than any other ship in the entire universe in which the story is set.
Now, most of the fans of the ship hang out in a discord server, and I, being obsessed with the ship, joined it in early June. Tumblr doesn't have much content for the ship because of the harassment faced by the fans by antis when the show was released and I detest using twitter so the server is my only contact with that series.
And, everything is cool. The members are super chill, extremely helpful, the mods are great and have excellent events every month for the members, and I've had an overall good experience. I'm not very active, I only talk about once ever 2 or 3 days, but I read all the messages because they tend to be quite interesting.
Now here is where the problems begin: on different platforms, on three separate occasions, I have heard negativity about the server. Once on ao3, an author complained about the server in her notes, and when some fandom newbie asked her to explain she said the mods were power hungry jerks who silenced anyone they didn't like and there was a lot of negativity, and they looked down on everyone who wrote dead dove. On tumblr, a person claimed that they were the founder of the server and they got bullied by the members and made fun of by the mods because they wanted a channel for darker topics (dead dove, underage etc) while this founder did not, and the overall experience left them traumatized. One of my friends from the server left because she said that she had issues with mods and didn't like who she had to be in order to stay in the server.
Which... sounds bad, except the ao3 and tumblr person's reasons seem to directly contradict each other with respect to dead dove? And the server does have a dead dove channel (you have to take a role for it, so you can leave the role and it will be hidden any time) although they restrict underage but that's because of discord's TOS. The server is very much proship so I don't see them looking down on dead dove doesn't make sense. And the tumblr person claims to be the founder, but the server has two people marked as founders and there is absolutely no trace of this third person. None. Not even a mention of x. Neither is there any trace of an argument regarding these topics. As for the person who left the server... she was a good person, but a little insensitive and very likely to jump to extremes, which was why the mods had warned her a couple of times not to do so (some of her statements could come across as ableist even if she didn't mean anything like that). I'd ask her if there was more but I don't really know her that well. The mods are very hands off, only occasionally asking to shift to appropriate channels if required, that too not often. They've been great, and they put tons of effort into creating events and stuff, more than I have seen in any fandom.
I won't say that there had never been issues. I found that sometime last year, there was a pretty big ruckus. There was a BNF, whose works became so popular that it was all anyone would talk about so some people got tired (there were like 200 members back then). So discussions of the BNF's work got relegated to a thread. Later on tumblr some other authors criticized the bnf's work (all her fics reeked of internalized misogyny even if her writing was good, so it's not surprising) thinking she'd never see it (she was on twitter not tumblr), but somehow she came to know and brought it up in the server. The other authors apologized, but then some others got into the discussion and it got into a whole ass free for all where some were siding with the bnf saying how unfair it was that her work had to go into threads instead of the normal channels, and how others mocked her and how she'd been patient. Another group sided with the other authors and said that they had a right to criticism, they hadn't done it on a platform where the bnf would see it anyways, and the bnf had created unnecessary drama by dragging the issues into the server. Long story short, bnf quit the fandom, a number of people got kicked, and 'leave your issues at the door' got added to the server rules, and it was suggested that criticism be done on private groups and stuff where others wouldnt see it (not a rule because the mods made it clear they would not handle any drama outside of the server). There was a little disagreement between two members when one of the actors got accused of being racist (unfairly, imo, based on a couple of paparazzi pics, and the accusations have since been blown away). But that was all. I could find no other records of controversies or bullying, and I spent quite a bit of time searching.
Overall my personal experience has been positive in the server. The closest you get to a disagreement is just people crackshipping the craziest ships and making up increasingly ridiculous scenarios for crack while others go 'MY EYEEEES' or 'BRAIN BLEACH BRAIN BLEACH' but it's all in fun and those members are very close friends who know there's no ill will. And yet every time I see criticism of the server I feel hesitant and wonder whether I'm deluding myself, whether I'm so desperate to have contact with this fandom that I'm turning a blind eye to stuff (even though I don't think I am). But not one, not two, but three different people have said these issues exist on the server, and while one or two could be clowns, ALL of them can't be, right? Not to mention the drama last year.
I don't know, I love being on the server, but whenever I see things like this it makes me uneasy. I'm not sure what to do, I don't want to be a part of it if all these accusations are true.
Wait and see, I guess. A bunch of people complaining about a space could mean anything from a literal conspiracy to smear its name to the natural disagreements that arise wherever people congregate to secret nastiness you haven't noticed.
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Could you do a character analysis on Green Viking? Thank you!
Green Viking Character Analysis
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Type: Character Analysis
Requested By: Anonymous
Author's Note: Good golly! This took way too long to put out! I apologize for the extreme delay! I’m gonna try and pump as many of these out as I can!
-Mod Sam
Green is a bit of an airhead. He tends to misplace is items pretty often, forgets certain events, and tends to have two left feet. However, that isn't to say he is a complete idiot. He is very smart in social situations and is pretty good at subjects like science and math, he just tends to have his head in the clouds too often. He is kind, sensible, and has a rather good sense of humor and fashion, but don't ask him to man the kitchen. He is known to set at least one thing on fire.
Green likes to watch horse races a lot! He has likes to imagine himself as one of the racers feeling like a knight on his noble steed! Sometimes, attends the gambling horse races and typically wins whenever he places a bet!!! He is known for having great luck after all! He also enjoys painting Celtic Knots. He always finds them to be so beautiful and intricate. When he moved into his home, he managed to decorate all of his furniture with them as a way of acclimating himself to the new house.
Although not technically a fear, it brings him great anxiety to be too far away from home for long periods of time. Specifically this entails traveling to places greater than 100 miles from his home. He just generally fears that someone is going to break into his home while he’s away or that he’s going to lose something valuable on his trip and never see it again.
Things He Likes:
-Herbal scents
-Long Baths
-Outfits with a flowing detail (such as a cape)
-Creme Brûlée (it’s the one thing he can make)
-Coniferous trees
Things He Dislikes:
-Neutral Tones (he prefers colorful attire)
-The beach (It’s the one place he actually lost something valuable. It’s where the fear started)
-Coconut flavored things
-The sound of tires squealing
-Immaturity in discussions of Science
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
TW: Mention of a horribly abusive parent and an equally horrid town
Dear You,
I am a coward who is ot brave enough to write a proper apology or to address it to you directly as I doubt you scour social media or blogs looking for an arsehole you once knew. Still, I want you to know that I failed you more than I ever failed anything or anyone. I was a mess and a total prat who loved tending to the jaded bitterness growing in him. You never did anything wrong and my rage, pettiness and misery were my own t deal with. Yet, I blamed you for shattering the illusion of the happy life we led. I should have listened to you and supported you but I chose to attack you instead.
I spent my life trying to prove that I can be worthy of stability so being presented with the truth wrecked that. It was easier to pretend it was your fault. It was easier to run away. It was easier never to deal with the abominable crimes committed by my father. It was easier to remain silent and not to question the system and status quo while patting myself on the back for being subversive in ways that never mattered. The truth is - I was jealous of you - you were always likeable and people always surrounded you, hell, our friends chose to be on your side and they were right.
I am old, sick and tired. Karma got to me eventually. I hope it reached you and you live a marvellous and happy life surrounded by your loved ones while you can fulfil your dreams. It could be that you do not exist yet or never will in this timeline. But, in case you do and you ever need to hear it - never let anyone like me ever get you down. You matter. You are awesome for just existing. You deserve a fabulous life. Don't ever regret anything as we can only judge our actions at the moment of doing them as we are not seers able to predict the future. We all try our best and we sometimes fail but we learn from it and try again tomorrow.
P.S. In case you ever doubt it is me and you get to read my amazing attempt at writing a letter one day - I will add the idiocy I am known for and you probably never wished to see it again. I was the petty one but maybe me telling you that my hair is all broken, brittle and a bird's nest will make you smile as you always complained that you wanted my hair. And I flaunted it in your face. I bet yours is great now and it was fine in the first place but your fashion sense was something else altogether. I should be banned from writing.
Me. The Annoying and Sad Ginger.
Note to Mods: Sorry for being vague and I am a fictive for tagging purposes and evasive to my source as my memories are very far from canon and rather upsetting.
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Hello, can Byakuya Togami and Celestia (separately) with a silent and observant reader in such a scene. At the third trial, Celes invites the reader to play chess, and the reader turns away and plays chess in spite of the board with pieces and wins. It's probably more how they reacted, but still very interesting.
I can do my best! In this case I wasn't sure if you wanted the same scenario with both, but that's what I went with. If that's incorrect I can always fix it though! Also, I know nothing about chess so take my interpretation with a grain of salt, haha. Please enjoy!
-Mod Celeste
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"You Never Cease to Surprise Me"- Byakuya Togami and Celestia Ludenberg x reader (separate):
Two trials and five deaths had occurred since your time in Hope's Peak Academy began. It was rather bleak, but things weren't all bad. Your classmates were colorful, and one in particular caught your eye.
"Excuse me, y/n? Might you be here?" A knock at the door and a familiar voice caught your attention. 'Speak of the devil," you thought as you opened the door to your room. Celestia Ludenberg, Ultimate Gambler of Class 78 stood there, looking rather bored.
You opened the door, looking puzzled. She continued promptly.
"Well you see, I have felt so restless lately-- with no one to play games with, that is. I was simply wondering if you might humor me and play a round?" A hopeful expression appeared on her face, and you couldn't say no to those eyes.
You nodded. Before you knew it, she had taken your hand and led you to the newly-discovered rec room.
"We will be playing chess. I assume you know the rules?" Celeste's haughty nature was already proudly on display. You agreed, already accepting that you'd likely (99% likely, at that) lose. It was just you and her in the room, fully concentrated on the game. Well, you were at least. Celeste was leagues ahead, so she moved quickly and without concern.
The game went on, but not exactly as you expected. It seemed like you were close to defeat, and yet something was amiss: if you made a specific play, victory would be yours. 'Maybe she did it on purpose?' You thought. Regardless, it was your turn and the only clear move to make. So, you did-- and won.
Celeste clapped politely. "Nicely done, y/n. I knew you'd figure it out."
You had an expression that begged for am answer.
"You see, I left an opportunity open for you on the board. Most players wouldn't even realize it was there, let alone a winning move. I had a sneaking suspicion there was more to you than meets the eye, and now I know I was right." She got up from her chair, and fixed her skirt.
Now it made sense. You knew better than anyone that the Ultimate Gambler would never truly lose.
Celeste walked over to your seat before finishing her line of thought. "That's exactly why you're the one I chose. Y/n, you really are an A-rank!" She laughed lightly, and offered her hand in a sportsmans' shake. "Please, continue to be my partner."
It was an offer you couldn't refuse.
It was another day in your living hell: the once-honorable Hope's Peak Academy. To pass the time, you were reading in the library. It was quiet, but you weren't ever alone.
"Y/n. Hey, pay attention when I'm speaking to you." Byakuya Togami, in the flesh. Whether you liked it or not, he also frequented the library.
You looked up from your book to show you were now attentive. He took this as an apology.
"I'm sure you're tired of this monotony, clearly I am. So, I will be going to the rec room in 20 minutes to pass some time. Meet me there, will you?"
It was best not to refuse him, or else you'd get an earful later-- so you nodded and met him in the room shortly after.
"Today we'll be playing chess. The obvious choice would have been Celestia, but even I will concede I'd be no match. Plus, you'd be a much more interesting opponent anyway," He stated plainly, as he set up the board. You figured this must be a game he's good at--why else would he choose it? And knowing his intellect, he'd have a substantial advantage. It would be hard to win this.
Your hypothesis stood true, initially. Then something truly amazing happened-- you began to take control. It wasn't long before you actually began winning, and then victory was yours!
"Hm, I see. Good game, y/n. I didn't expect anything less from you." You had no idea Togami thought highly of you, but it was flattering for sure. He could tell you were shocked, so he continued. "You didn't think I'd choose a simpleton to spend my time with, did you? You aren't like the others." He smirked, hinting there was something about you he liked.
You stood there, aghast and proud at the same time.
"We'll have to do this again."
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
i have a kokichi x reader idea.
Kokichi with a sensitive reader who overthinks his teasing, but hides their emotions by laughing or teasing him back, but one time the reader can't hide their emotions anymore and they start crying, apologizing that they are too boring for him.
hihi! hope u enjoy <3
- mod kokichi
Kokichi x Reader
-> Reader is secretly upset by his words
CWs: You get distressed at his teasing, not sure how best to word it djcbfn
"Wow you totally suck!" He commented, staring down at the now collapsed tower of cards. You only gave him a half hearted laugh in reply - it sounded ridiculous to you, to get upset over an obvious lighthearted tease about you knocking over some cards, but nevertheless you felt your heart clench slightly.
"I'd like to see you do any better."
"Actually, I won a trophy in card-stacking! So I could do better! But I'm suuuper tired now, so I'll show you my skills later." You only responded with a sarcastic agreement, turning to tidy the scattered cards. He was clearly bored, having spent all day hanging around you and dropping sly comments and being borderline rude at times.
He stared at you as cleaned, noting down your flat expression. "What's wrong?"
"You're a terrible liar y'know?"
You took a sharp breath. "At least it matches with my skill level in everything else, huh?" You snapped quickly to hide your damp eyes at the comment.
"Nevermind. Sorry, I'm just tired."
"I know you're upset about something, I want to help you."
"Drop it, please, Oma."
He winced at that, you never used his last name unless you were upset at him. "Is this because I said you sucked?" You paused. "It is, isn't it?"
He didn't expect your shoulders to tremble slightly, and he quickly scrambled up to gently hug you. "I'm sorry, I know you don't mean it, I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologising?"
"You don't mean what you say, or not beyond a joke, but it hurts. I don't know why, I try to pretend it doesn't, you must think I'm so sensitive or boring for being upset as well, and I'm sorry." You rambled slightly, hoping you made sense to wide eyed boy.
"I thought you might be a bit hurt, but I wasn't sure... I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, I'll try do better...!" He ended his declaration with a nickname he had for you, pleased at your soft smile between tears. "But I'm probably gonna mess up, so you have full permission to lightly hit me when I do, like right now!"
"I'm not gonna hit you, Kichi."
"Then hit me... with your love."
"That was terrible, nevermind keep the insults instead."
"Nope! I'll focus on making my sweet prince/ss happier, I don't want to see them cry." He softly stroked your cheek, brushing off tears with his fingers. "Also, I don't think you're boring or anything, I think you're my favourite."
"Yeah. You'll always be my favourite."
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writing-ideas-inc · 3 years
Epilogue Prompt
A turned on the water in the sink, trying to be as quiet as possible as to not wake B up. She puttered around the kitchen, and she did her best to ignore her dizziness as she made tea. These days, it was incredibly hard to hide this from him, but she knew the risks of not doing so.
The lights were still dim in the apartment, the mellowed aura giving her a sense of relaxation and peace. Something she hadn’t felt in a while.
A sighed softly, taking a moment to just breathe before two arms snaked around her waist, surprising her with a little kiss on her neck. “You weren’t in bed.”
“My apologies, love.” She chuckled softly, turning her head so she could look at her fiancé. “I just woke up early and couldn’t go back to sleep, so I thought I’d get a head start on the day.”
The young man hummed, eyes closing as he leaned forward to kiss her cheek, whispering into her ear. “I already know what you’re trying to hide, my dear.”
A froze, body going still at his words. “H-how-?”
“You tried to hide it, love, but you forget that I have loved you since we were infants. I know you better than that,” B murmured, chuckling softly as he looked down. “And I know that my baby knows better than to constantly make you sick and tired all the time.”
-Mod Krystal @krystalanh16 on instagram
With all of the angst I figured y’all deserved some fluff
As always you can change pronouns to fit whatever works best
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slow-burn-sally · 3 years
Happy Birthday @alittletoosmarttobestraight !
Thank you again for creating the Crozier/Jopson discord and being a conscientious server mod and host. I hope you like this Jopzier Birthday drabble. <3
It’s late. The end of a long, dark, cold day in November, when Jopson heads to his captain’s chambers to see to Crozier’s nightly routine. He’s bone tired, having spent the day on the ice, helping prepare the sledges to send men out looking for leads. This on top of re-organizing Crozier’s menu after discovering that he loathes spinach, having his shirt mended where he’d torn it on a nail while trying to dress himself two days ago (he should never be allowed to dress himself), and  keeping the captain’s great cabin in order as Crozier stomped about, pulling out maps, knocking over stacks of daily reports and being generally grumpy. 
Jopson always enjoys being in his captain’s company. Enjoys it more than anything else on this godforsaken trip. But today, his patience has been tested. Crozier had been extra demanding and unusually fussy. 
He knocks, receives a grumbled, muffled “enter!” 
He does so, slides the door open and steps through into a soft, golden glow. The glow is coming from a lantern that sits on the captain’s table, and the captain himself sits at it, in his waistcoat and shirtsleeves. His stays are open, shirt unbuttoned at the top. He sits with arms crossed, glaring at Jopson with a look that can only be called irritated disappointment. 
On the table is what looks like a small, round cake, covered in some shining, sugary glaze. 
“Captain?” Jopson asks, unsure what is happening. He himself didn’t bring that cake to Crozier’s room. Was it Little? A gift from Fitzjames? That seems unlikely.  And why does it make Crozier’s face look like a bank of dark clouds before a storm.
“You’ve been neglectful, Thomas,” Crozier says, and though the use of his first name by his captain usually sends happy shivers down Jopson’s spine, this evening, he feels only a vague sense of apprehension. He swiftly goes back over all his actions from the day, combing through them for mistakes he might have made. He’d instructed Diggle to leave off the canned spinach at supper time. He’d carried multiple boxes of supplies out to the sledge boats in the freezing wind. He’d had Crozier’s shirt mended swiftly and efficiently. He cannot for the life of him think of anything he’s forgotten.
“Me, sir?” he asks in bewilderment. “What have I neglected, sir?” 
Crozier sighs and runs a hand through his hair. It gleams dully in the lantern light like spun gold. “You neglected to remind me that it’s your birthday today,” he says, the roughness of his voice lightening at the end to a softer, more solicitous tone. 
“Oh!” Jopson feels all the tension in his body melt away, to be replaced by a warm glow in his face and chest. “Oh sir, it’s nothing. I didn’t tell you because I’d forgotten about it myself.” He eyes the cake sideways with interest though, because it smells of vanilla, and he does very much love vanilla. 
“Well, so had I,”Crozier says gruffly, “until several of the crewmen reminded me. I was relying on you to remind me though Thomas, and you didn’t. I find this grossly negligent of you.” 
Jopson is smiling now, though he’s trying his best to hide it. “In that case sir, I must give you my deepest apologies. It’s been quite a busy day and I-”
“I barely had time to wrap your gift,” Crozier cuts in, placing a small box on the table, wrapped in brown paper, and tied with a bit of ragged twine. 
Jopson’s heart begins to hammer inside his chest. “Oh sir, you needn’t have done that. It’s only a birthday, nothing special.”
“Just open it, Thomas. You’ve been neglectful enough in your duty to remind me of your birthday. The least you can do is open the bloody present and have a piece of cake.” 
Smiling to cover his nervousness, Jopson reaches down and picks up the gift. Something small and hard inside the box rattles a little as he pries apart the loose knot in the twine and peels off the paper. He folds it in a neat square and puts it into his waistcoat pocket. It’s perfectly serviceable paper, he’ll find a use for it. Underneath the wrapping, there’s a small wooden box, which in and of itself is a gift. Thomas has a few keepsakes that need a safe home, and the box is just the perfect thing for it. He pries the box open slowly, and then stares down at its contents with his mouth hanging softly open in shock.
“I certainly hope you don’t have one already,” he hears Crozier speak as if from a distance. “If you have, you’ve hidden it well, and I’ll expect you to toss it and replace it with this one, of course.”
Jopson lets out an obliging, breathless little chuckle, but inside, his heart is galloping against his rib cage, and his face and throat are hotter than the heating pipes above their heads. Inside the box, resting on a dark fold of material, is a golden pocket watch. It’s surface is adorned with a simple engraved pattern, and it glows softly in the light from the lantern on the table, in much the same fashion as Crozier’s hair. 
“Oh, sir... I can’t accept this,” he says, knowing of course that he can and will accept it. Of course he will. It’s the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. 
“Nonsense,” Crozier says with a dismissive wave of his hand. “If you don’t take it, I’ll be forced to find another Thomas Jopson to give it to, and that’ll be no small feat, out here in this godforsaken place.” 
Jopson’s eyes flick up urgently to Crozier’s face, searching his features for any sign that he’s having one on. That he’s playing with Jopson for a lark. He swiftly turns the pocket watch over, marveling at how smooth and soft it feels in his hand. Like a small mechanical heart. On the back, in a very fancy filligree sort of script it says Thomas Jopson. He looks back up into Crozier’s face and sees a warm sort of affection there, and his breath catches in his throat.
“Captain,” he says, the word escaping his mouth on a soft breath. “I.. I don’t know what to say.”
“You need’t say anything,” Crozier replies, his smile only growing warmer. “I had that made after Antarctica. I wanted to show you that I appreciated the thoroughness and professionalism of your role as captain’s steward. You performed your duties so extremely well for a man so young. And, then, I’m sorry to say, I simply forgot to give it to you. I’m like that sometimes. Forgetful.” Neither of them look at the decanter of whiskey on the table. “Hearing that today was your birthday reminded me that I’d brought this along to give to you on a special occasion, and I’d be hard pressed to think of an occasion more special than being trapped in this miserable place, on a cold, dark day. 
“Captain, I-” 
“come on, none of that now. Lets have some cake. You’ll join me in a spot of drink? Here, have a seat.” Crozier rises and presses a dazed Jopson into a chair at the table. He pushes the cake in Jopson’s direction, hands him a fork and reaches to unstopper the decanter of whiskey. 
Thomas can’t seem to stop grinning. He gazes down at the pocket watch, sitting in its box, his eyes drawn over and over again to the delicate sworls and curls that spell out his name. His name. It’s his very own pocket watch. He can barely believe it. He picks up the fork, takes a generous hunk out of the cake and shoves it into his mouth, having to suppress a moan at the flavors of cinnamon, cardamon and vanilla as he chews. It’s delicious. 
“Happy Birthday, Thomas,” Crozier says, passing Jopson a crystal decanter with a modest amount of whiskey in the bottom. Jopson tips a small amount into his mouth. It mixes delightfully with the flavors of the cake, and with his glowing joy over the gift. 
“Thank you sir,” he replies. “I shall cherish it, always.”
“I should hope so,” Crozier says with a quirk of his eyebrow. “I paid enough for it.” 
Jopson knows this is meant to be flattering, and it is. Deeply so. The fact that his captain spent money on a special gift for him. It makes his heart swell with pride. 
“Don’t go showing it off to anyone,” Crozier adds, tipping his own glass back and draining it in one swallow. “I’ll never hear the end of it, and neither will you.”
“I won’t sir,” Jopson says around a smile and another mouthful of cake. “I’ll keep it hidden in my bunk.” He wants to say so many more things. That he’s deeply touched. That he’ll show it off to his family and friends upon his return to England, and tell them that his captain is the best captain in the entire Royal Navy. 
The pocket watch means so much. That Thomas is appreciated. Respected. Loved. 
He banishes that last thought with a small shake of his head and raises his glass to his captain. “To you, sir. For making my day brighter.”
“And to you, Thomas, for keeping me right.” 
Jopson swallows thickly and covers his blush with his glass as he takes another sip. “We need to get you ready for bed, sir,” he says, hoping the thickness in his voice doesn’t betray his inner feelings. 
Crozier though sighs in a belabored fashion and pulls himself to his feet, groaning a bit at his low back pain that always acts up in the colder months. 
Jopson stands too, picks up the box with the pocket watch and puts it in his trouser pocket before stepping to Crozier to begin undoing his waistcoat buttons. 
Later that night, when he’s alone in his bunk, he takes the box out from where he’d hidden it under one of his shirts on the small shelf by his bed, and turns it over and over in his hands. Admiring it’s gleam in the light of the one small candle on his bedside table. He runs a reverent fingertip over the letters that spell out his name, and then, feeling only a small amount of embarrassment over the sentiment of his act, he presses the watch to his lips and kisses it.
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morimallow · 4 years
If your still doing nsfw omegaverse request can I request this. Ushijima alpha x omega reader. So before his runts he gets overly protective like not letting you out of the door protective and because of the reader avoids him so that they can leave the dorm. But then ushijima gets into rut early so he goes looking for reader finds her and then he grabs her and takes them to the dorm ending with rough sex of you want this is all up to you
Alpha!Ushijima x Omega!Reader
You always start to wake up earlier than usual two weeks before his rut so you could escape from your alpha's strong arms. It's not that you don't hate it but he gets a little over-the-line possessive whenever he's near having his rut.
By the time you walk towards the school library, Ushijima starts to wake up in your dorm. He tried to reach you using his stretched arms so he could pull you close to him but you're not there. Disappointment, anger, aggressiveness, emptiness. He felt cold and hot at the same time and your absence triggered his rut to start early.
Tons of unmated and unmarked omegas turn their heads to a topless Ushijima, with an overwhelming scent of pine cones and cinnamon barks basking in morning dew, walking hastily to you. He pushed himself forward through, all of his senses were focused on your sweet lavender smell with a tinge of lemon squeeze.
He was chanting your name under his breath over and over again until he saw you studying in the library. He ran to where you are, picked you up, and immediately sucked on your neck as he indulged himself with your scent.
You held his head in your hands, making his eyes look at yours, “Toshi..”
“Why did you leave me, my luna?” he asked almost painfully as he rested his head against your warm palms.
“I need you.”
He pinned you against the dorm room as soon as you both got inside. His big and rough hands were all over the curves of your body, leaving a trail of red and purple marks. You reached for the condom in his back pocket and placed it on his member.
He groaned in pleasure as the warmth engulfed his whole length, making you moan his name.
You bounced on his thick cock, pushing your chest against him as you produce whines and whimpers because of how he fills you up. It's like you're the one in heat.
He hugged you tightly and moved his hips faster and harder. Several more pumps inside you were more than enough to make him cum. He was breathing heavily, intensely hot as he whispered, “One more time.”
He just went on and on, thinking of how many more times does he has to ravish your sweet little cunt before his rut ends.
He did it in missionary, doggy style, your knees to your chest as he pounded hard, side fuck, everything.
He came for the nth time, crawling and reaching for another box of condom in the drawer.
“Alpha.. I'm tired. I feel so used. When will your rut end?” you asked, still catching your breath.
“One more time,” he replied, rummaging through the drawer, “but we're out of condoms.”
Guiding him back to sit against the headboard, you straddled him with the blanket over you and started to rub soothing circles on his biceps, “Then let's go to sleep, Toshi—”
Ushijima then grabbed your bum and said, “No, we're doing it raw. This will be the last, I promise.”
“T-Toshi, no more..! Too big, a-ahh..” you say in between moans as you clawed his arms that were wrapped around your body.
Using one hand to lift your leg, he fucked you senseless. His hot breath and the sound produced by your wet slapping sex just made you more wet than before. “Y/N, I'm close. Don't let a single drop go to waste, alright?” You could only mod followed by a slight whimper.
He then slowed down his pace, pulling out just to plunge it back in then turns to a fucking sex machine.
You reached out for his head behind you so you could kiss him and said in moans, “I love you.. a-ahh, Wakatoshi. Ahh! Impregnate me..”
He was shocked but beyond that, he was so turned on he came on the spot and knotted inside you. He groaned at how good it felt and you screamed his name at both pain and pleasure. In fact, it was so good you passed out even before Ushijima could say it back and apologize.
The next morning, even though you're sore, you picked up all the condoms your alpha used last night. Slowly sitting down to pick up the condom under the bed, warm and strong arms effortlessly picked you up and placed you on the bed, “Rest. I'll do all the cleaning.”
You blushed and admired his back muscles and of course, his firm ass. He turned around and said, “And I love you, too, my luna.”
I hope you like this! I should go back to studying. Have a good day and thank you for requesting! ٩(๛ ˘ ³˘)۶♥
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Unintimidating reader who’s a killa killa
-snipers is longer solely because ive had that idea in my head LONG before i got this request-
-also, little gorey so beware-
Ludwig is almost instantly enamoured with you once he got comfortable with you on base. He finds you sweet and calls you “kleine krankenschwester” (little nurse) whenever you insist on helping him in any way with his workload. You apologize when you bump into inanimate objects and try copying Archimedes’ cooing. You’re a cupcake!
And finally he gets a good eyeful of you on the field. You’re brutal and vicious and smiling the whole time as you bash in an enemy Heavy’s head with a sledgehammer. You take out an enemy Scout’s leg with your weapon and let him try and crawl away from you before you finish him off with a laugh. Ludwig is now convinced you’re his soulmate
Our dear doctor loves tenderness that hides ruthlessness. Loves that you are sweet as a bumble bee to your team but a beast to your opposers. He’s excited at the new possibilities between the two of you know that he knows that he no longer has to hide his own ferocity with his experiments in front of you
Hell, Mick isn’t even convinced you should be on the field. You wore brightly colored clothes and skirts and for fuck’s sake you bake, all. The. time. You're like Holly Homemaker, why the hell are you hanging with a bunch of mercenaries? How were you even picked for this job? At your first match, he debated on whether he should watch you from his perch to protect you or do his job. He chose his job, duh. But only for a few matches. When he finally decides to track you,and oooooh boy.
An enemy Spy has his knife in your shoulder, pining you to a wall. Mick doesn’t have a clear shot to take out the spook without getting you too. It’s not fun watching a teammate die, even if they do come back. But right as he was about to shift his attention to the main battle he sees it. You. Pissed the fuck off.
Mick watches with interest as you grab the hand that’s stabbing you with one of your delicate hands as the other grabs the spook’s lapel and drag in the enemy, mouths crushing together. A shot of betrayal and shock freezes the hitman before he sees it. The red running down your chin; the struggle of the enemy Spy trying to thrash himself away from you; the look of manic rage in your eye. When you let the Spy go, Mick can see teeth but no lip and it hits him. You bit off the man’s mouth.
After you swiftly wretch the knife out of your shoulder and into the neck of your opponent, you wipe your mouth, you call for a medic and return to fighting. Mick is now a little scared of you, but now will no longer ever think again that you can’t handle yourself on the field. Never brings up what he saw but will sometimes watch you work now
Mikhail already finds hardly anyone intimidating, you are no exception; especially with your short stature and demure demeanor. He worries about you honestly, watching you to make sure none of the other mercs try to take advantage of you because you give off the energy of a doormat. It’s his big brother senses in part, he thinks, also in part of because he has a leetle crush on tiny woman who will listen to him drone on about Sasha and Russian literature well into the night.
You do more protecting than defending during the fighting. You watch the case and keep people away from it as Misha mows down the enemies to keep them away from the intel (and you), so he hasn't had the pleasure of watching you work. But buddy, when he gets it. A chance of happenstance allows Heavy to finally see you operate, lets him see you sit pretty as the enemy steps on your hidden bombs and walk into the line of your automatic tracking weaponry and get mowed down in a hail of bullets as all you do is smile and hold the briefcase. So well covered by your own inventions you don’t even need to be worried as the blood of your enemy splashes up onto your clothes
Misha finds you even MORE endearing now. Man loves intelligent women and if you made all of those killing machines holy fuck, could you mod Sasha?? You’re in your element as you effortlessly kill the opponent, and Misha loves watching your inventions do what they do best (he feels a kinship with your weapons as he too, preforms extreme violence to protect you) (He’s still gonna watch your back at the base tho for sure)
You were like another Spy, except without all the European flair that Spy had. You were kinda bland, tired looking. Jeremy’s never seen you train or fight; you spent most of all your free time being “tutored” by Spy to become a better Infiltrator, and frankly, Jeremy is more afraid of bread than he is of you (and not just the tumor filled bread). Spy hasd insinuated that you were ready to finally be put on the field with the rest of the mercs for the next match, and now Jeremy is more excited to have another person to show off to rather than to see you in action
But of course, Jeremy fucks up. He’s hiding in an empty building, bleeding from a shot from an enemy Sniper, and staring at the wrong end of a Heavy’s gun, hating the feeling of defeat. The Heavy was rambling on about something but the wound in his side had more of Scout’s attention; that is, until, a figure slowly, silently descended from the rafters. It was you, dressed head to toe in black save for a sliver of your team’s color on your armband. You look at the monologuing Heavy before giving Jeremy a look that said “Man, he’s a wind bag, huh?” you gestured to the enemy, then drew your finger across your throat with a questioning look in your eye. Scout manages a weak nod, losing focus quickly.
Another long cord, similar to the one holding you to the ceiling, unraveled itself from around your arm, and very quickly you whipped it around the enemy’s neck, jumped onto his back, and wretched your arms back, almost instantly decapitating the Heavy. Even as the lumbering body fell down, you remained upright, hopping off the body gracefully. With swift efficiency, you kicked the head out of the way, grabbed the comically large gun, and aimed it at the door. Before Scour could even ask what the fuck was going on, an enemy Medic came in through the door. Before the German had a chance to yelp, you shot him dead.
“Yo, what the-!” You hastily toss a med-pack at him before melting into the shadow, Scout almost missing the darkening blush on your mostly covered face. After that little save, Jeremy now goes out of his way to be nice to you, and learns a lesson that looks are hella deceiving. It would pay to have someone watching his back on the field without all the unwanted french commentary (and you’re nicer to look at than Spy, let's be real)
You’re cheerful, but not in the sadistic, almost taunting way many of the other mercs are like. Not like the Doc or Spook. Nope, you were just happy. Not ditzy or stupid or anything, just a smiley little thing that had as much bite as a toothless alligator. The thought that someone could take you as a serious threat, some wee thing that eats rainbow colored cereal and wears bunny slippers throughout the base, was so hilarious that Tavish starts chuckling whenever it crosses his mind. The two of you don’t typically fight together, you sticking to high ground to pick off enemies as Demo gleefully stays in the thick of it all to implode the other team
Due to unfortunate circumstances, you're both pinned down together, shoulder to shoulder under a makeshift barrier as the enemy gets closer and closer; your bow at the ready with an arrow and his bombs prepared to go off at his command, but no opening to go up and take a shot/throw a bomb. You huff, looking around wildly before nodding decisively, looking to Tavish. “Gimme one of your sticky bombs.” He complies, half thinking that you’re gonna take the both of you out in a blaze of gory glory.
With a look of determination, you aim in front of you, not even at the enemy. Tavish prepares to die for the third time that day, but this time by his own creation, and you release your arrow. The projectile bounces off a scrap bit of metal on the ground, ricocheting the arrow up into hitting the lamppost, and then flying over their heads into the enemy’s ranks. Once the bomb went off, you instantaneously bounce out of the hiding place and opened fire on the stragglers who didn't get offed by the bomb. Tavish can only stare as you mow down the other team as a random stream of sunlight illuminates your figure. Demo catches feels in that moment
Pryo liked that you were lowkey and sweet. The fact that you weren’t especially harsh or violent while relaxing initially made them flock to you just to hang out in their down time. Pyro loves to give you cute little toys and stuffies and see you smile! The only time Pyro really sees you on the battlefield is when they’re looking for you. They’re worried about you! You’re their favorite!
They catch you, mid-battle, covered head to toe in the blood of an enemy Scout, laying only a few feet away. They think you look so pretty! Like sparkles and rainbows are all around you and flower petals are floating in the air and surrounding you (it’s ash; pyro started a blaze not that far away and it was finally beginning to get to the two of you)
Pyro just sees this as more couple binding time, now that they know that you also tend to get a little too into the battle. It’s an excuse to spend even more time together
This boy was so dang in love with you and he’s never even seen you fight. On the base, you were as sweet as a peach and harmless as a mouse. You spent most of your time in Dell’s workshop helping him with menial tasks like refilling his coffee mug or reorganizing his tools or alike. You got along well with all the other mercs and were quick to help others. Dell never really saw you while fighting because he had to stick near his machines while your job took you all over the battle field
He hears about you fighting from the others. Scout was retelling the group about you “friggin’ awesome fight” between you and an enemy Medic. You had, according to Scout (and Heavy, who nodded along in agreement) got into a fist fight with the enemy, physically beating them into submission. Dell wouldn’t believe it if you hadn’t walked right at the end of the tale with a black eye, bloodied knuckles, and a lopsided grin. Dell almost has a fucking heart attack seeing you in such a state. The Doctor heals you up back to normal like nothing ever happened but the fact that you relied on physical violence to fight made him anxious
He doesn't talk to you about fighting differently, he wants to know if there's anything he can do to help you fight, like making special gloves or armor of some type. Homeboy just wants to protect you, he gets hella worried.
Jane, seemingly perpetually stuck in the 40’s and 50’s, believes most women shouldn't be on the battlefield at all. And even though you were there working with a bunch of other mercenaries, a lady is a lady and he, the old fashioned man he is, prioritizes keeping you “safe” (taking your kills before you get the chance to land the finishing blows). In his mind, he’s doing you a service. After all, you are far too soft spoken at the base to have any form of bite in you on the field.
Across the field though, one fight, Jane was just too far away to swoop in and “save” you like he normally would; not even his rocket launcher would get to you in time to stop the Spy from doing you in! The instant the enemy’s knife was about to pierce your back, though, Jane saw you turn around whip fast, your own machete thrusting forward to impale the enemy.
The soldier now thinks that your “womanly intuition” is far more superior and more finely tuned than his own, and will now generally leave you alone to fight and stops hovering over you. Will shout out encouragements from across the field whenever he sees that you hack someone apart and loudly brags that you have the “natural advantage” to sniffing out enemies.
-This is gonna be a drabble cus i dunno how to bullet point this-
Jacque didn’t think particularly much of you. You were a teammate, an asset to be used. On the base you were reserved, spending most of your time in the Doctor’s infirmary or discussing something with Mikhail about books or whatever. You stayed out of his way, not like it was hard for you, seeing as you were just some wisp of a thing, someone who if they sat still long enough would blend into the background like air. Spy never assumed that you would ever be of any use to him in a fight; you just didn’t have the look of a fighter in you.
So right now, his life being in your hands, made him uncomfortable in ways he couldn’t care to count.
The enemy Spy, who was almost as tricky as him, cleverly disguised himself as Jacque, and right as they were about to confront each other, you burst through the door, looking surprised at the two of them. Almost immediately, they started to accuse the other.
“He’s the enemy!”
“No, HE is!”
“The intruder is HIM!”
Jacque will give you some props, seeing as you drew your gun as soon as you saw the pair, but rather than aim it usefully at at least ONE of them, YOU aim it uselessly to the floor! Jacque would’ve scolded you for your unprofessionalism if the imminent threat of death wasn’t less than six feet away from him.
You looked wildly in between the two of them, your normally pleasant face now stricken with panic. Your eyes land solidly on the enemy Spy, and with a sharp intake of breath, you run to him, throwing your arms around him and burying your face into the falsely colored lapel.
Jacque felt disappointment bloom in his chest, along with dread when he watched your mistake.
The spy looked so damn smug as he wrapped his arms around you, throwing Jacque a satisfied look. The gun still was gripped in your hand, still aiming at the ground.
“Ma pauvre petite fille,” he crooned, “est-ce que le grand méchant espion t'a fait peur?”
You sniffle, and bring the gun up to the imposter’s head. “Je n'ai pas facilement peur.” Jacque didn’t think you could ever say something so coldly, and say it in french to boot. One shot rang out and the man in your arms fell to the floor, suit changing back to what it was meant to be, stained with red from the blood of his fatal wound.
After some deliberation with yourself, you shot him again, in the chest. You looked to Jacque, your face now once again passive.
With a sigh and a dramatic flourish, the living Spy fetched a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it quickly, taking a deep huff before addressing you.
“How did you know that he was not me?”
You holster your weapon back, mulling over your answer. “Few things, uh… you never speak French to me,” you stuck out one finger, “you wouldn’t ever hug me,” another finger, “you don’t stand with your feet that far apart,” one more, “and you smell completely different.” with all but your thumb sticking out, you nodded to yourself before jamming both hands into your pants pockets, tucking in your chin and turning heel back to the door, seemingly finished with your explanation and conversation.
Amused, Jacque took another slow drag of his cigarette, planning on paying more attention to you in the future, being sure never to underestimate you again.
-this, uuuuuhhh, took on a life of its own-
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Nagito reacting to his motherly fem!s/o calling him their "hope" and giving him all the love she's been craving to give him after a long day of school? headcanons please! Thank youu
Anon, are we spiritually connected?? Motherly/affectionate s/o’s are my favorite kind of readers... and Nagito is my favorite character... anon ily
(DANG IT, i’ve realized the texting thing looks fine on website tumblr but is screwed on mobile tumblr,, guys forgive me pls)
Dearie, thank you for requesting! Remember to prioritize yourself, health, and wellbeing lovely!! 💗 - Mod Mikan who is a HUGE Nagito simp
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Nagito With a Motherly! S/O Who Pampers Him After a Long Day
You had always had a motherly personality - fussing and checking up with your loved ones, always offering to help others and give advice. When you met Nagito at Hope’s Peak Academy and heard how much he despised himself, your instincts immediately kicked in. You worried about how quick he was to praise others but quicker to insult himself. Even before the two of you began dating, you constantly reminded him about how great he was and shot down any attempts of self deprecation. When you two were finally official, the affection just tripled. Good morning and night texts, hugs, kisses, you name it! You even had to start making homemade lunches for the boy because he had a bad habit of skipping meals.
Normally the two of you would take the bus and walk to school together, but today was different. He wasn’t there at the bus stop this morning and when you texted him, he didn’t respond. So now you were panicking at school, worried that something happened to your boyfriend. You had even made his favorite food today… 
Eventually class began, but you could hardly focus. How could you, you had no idea where your lover was?! You kept making sneaky glances at your phone in hopes of seeing it light up with a notification from Nagito, but to no avail. You sighed and crossed your fingers that he was ok. You really wanted to give him his good morning kiss and hug!!
Your first period class had ended and you began walking to your next one, clutching your phone sadly when you felt it vibrate in your hand. You stopped dead in your tracks when you saw Nagito had finally responded! Quickly you scrolled down from the multitude of texts you’d spammed him with.
nagito where r u???                                                                                                bb pls respond im worried 🥺                                                                                  istg ur getting bombarded with love as soon as i see u again
💗my hope💗
Hello there (Name!)                                                                                                  It’s pathetic trash like me made you worry..                                                            But I’m just fine! Just some bad luck today!
Your heart squeezed as you frowned. That made sense, his luck usually caused stuff like this to happen unfortunately. There was one time he got hit by a car on his way to school and you never cried so much before. Just thinking about it gave you a heart attack. Quickly you typed back a response, eyes glued to your phone, muttering apologies to whoever you bumped into. 
you                                                                                                                       no its ok bby i was just wanted to make sure u were alright 💗                          also ur not trash!!! i made ur fav food today too love <3
💗my hope💗
Haha, to think someone like me would hear such words…                                    Truly, I’m lucky! I’ll see you at lunch, my hope!
You grinned as you made your way to your next class, eagerly waiting for lunch to come. When the bell rang, you quickly grabbed your stuff and made a mad dash for the rooftop. (The mutual choice of place to spend your lunch period, sometimes people would give you weird looks for spending time with Nagito, which made him apologize and try to leave, much to your dismay.) You began to wait, and wait, but there was no sign of your partner. You frowned again and sent a quick text to him. Maybe if you roamed the school you could find him? You skipped around the halls, glancing at your phone every now and then for any new texts. Soon you were in front of the principal’s office when you heard a lecturing voice inside.
“Komaeda, I can’t even count the number of times you’ve come in late because of some unthinkable scenario…”
“Haha… it's just my luck has been acting up lately sir.”
You frowned for probably the hundredth time that day, it felt impolite to eavesdrop but your heart hurt for your boyfriend. You wished that people would take the time to understand him, he can’t control his luck! You huffed as you walked away, a new mission developing in your head - Operation Give Nagito a Bunch of Love After School.
After school, you patiently stood at the entrance of the academy when you finally saw your boyfriend exit. Your heart began pounding as you bounced excitedly, your boyfriend on the other hand, seemed pleased to see you as well but also tired.
“Nagito, baby!” You called as you rushed over to him and immediately cradled him into your chest, not caring who saw or heard. He was very tall, so would normally be a bit hard, but he was used to your affectionate nature. You began petting his hair and placing soft kisses on his head.
“Ah, to be held by you after today… the bad luck was worth it,” he melted into your embrace.
“Love, let’s go home, ok? Then you can tell me all about your day.” With a bit of encouragement from you, Nagito reluctantly released you from his grasp. You grabbed his cold hand and squeezed it as to not make him feel lonely, and the two of you ventured to the bus stop. On the bus, you didn’t stop giving him love, he deserved it 24/7! You let him place his head on your shoulder and cuddle your side. You spoke in a soothing voice as you told him about your day, which was quite uneventful without Nagito.
As soon as the two of you reached your house, you forced him onto the couch with some warm blankets and began drying his hair. For some reason it was wet, something must have splashed him this morning you assumed. Nagito naturally leaned his head back, your fingers felt so good in his hair.
“Darling, do you want to talk about today?”
Nagito’s content expression twitched as he sighed. “It’s nothing too important… just woke up late, missed the bus and got splashed by some water when it drove past…” he continued to list off the things that happened to him with his usual casual voice, as if it was no big deal. “But I’m sure I made you wait, morning time and lunch time I left you by yourself. You should stop paying attention to trash like me and find some more reliable company-”
“Nagito, you’re not trash, ok?” You paused drying his hair and came around to sit next to him. “You’re not just anyone to me - you’re my boyfriend. I will wait for you however long it takes, I will care and love you for the rest of my life. You are my hope, Nagito.”
Nagito looked shocked. “I’m… your hope?”
“Of course you are! You always call me your hope, why wouldn’t you be mine?” you teased, peppering his face with kisses.
“I-I… thank you.”
“Come here, baby. Lie down.” You braced your back on the edge of the couch and motioned to Nagito to lay down on you. Nagito eagerly took the opportunity, burying his face in your soft chest. His cold skin was a nice contrast to your warmth. You eased him out of his school jacket so both of you would have as much skin to skin contact as possible. Your legs intertwined with his, as you began to place kisses from his jawline to his neck, making him whine in pleasure.
“I’m the one whose supposed to taking care of you-”
“Shh… it’s my job too. You’ve had a long day… just relax in my arms and forget about it, my love.”
He didn’t put up much of a protest as he continued to nuzzle into your chest. “My hope, thank you for loving someone li-,” he paused and changed his line of thought, “for loving me. I… I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you. I love you so much-”
“I’m not going away, Nagi… I’m staying right by your side forever, no matter what happens. Now… take a nap, babe. I’ll be right here when you wake up…”
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
Kazuichi Souda, Mikan Tsumiki, Sayaka Maizono, Celestia Ludenberg, and Makoto Naegi with a simplistic S/O (PART 2)
ANON: “s/o, who doesn't really want to come home because having their basic needs satisfied without working for it is really just enough for them to be happy (unlike celestia, huh) & ranraro, nekomaru, nagito, teruteru, soda, mikan, sayaka, celestia and makoto. i guess, they will worry about apathiness of s/o when someone talks about past life or reasons to return, and think what they has problems in their live, but actually s/o just has so simple needs and philosophy. ...i hope it makes sense, eheheh”
Anyways this is so off topic but my friend makes music and he has a new music video out so if you’re bored or want to listen to music made by some lame chicago kid (hehe) you can go check out Bite My Lip by Teen Blush!!!!! He just got verified on Insta too it’s so rad.
-Mod Souda
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Kazuichi Souda
You finished the project in a few days, a day after it was due.
During that time, you would rap at Kazuichi’s window at night. He would unlock it, open it, and grab ahold of your hand to help you through. In a box under his bed is where you fit the supplies.
Both of you, with the moon in the sky, work together on your solo project.
There are many distractions, of course, as there always is when you are with him. 
You always greet him with a smile. There’s something about how content you are with spending nights with him that ends up worrying him a bit. 
“Why don’t you do it at your house?” He asked you on the last day. The question had been bottled, and sizzled in his mind. Surely, it’s nothing bad. Maybe you just like seeing him.
“Meh. I like being here.”
You answered simply. He waited for a second. Wanting to see if you would continue. If you would elaborate more.
But you don’t.
“I guess I don’t feel the need to go home. It’s just whatever to me. Plus, you’re here, aren’t you?”
A blush forms on his cheeks before the words even settle in. 
By the seconds, you can see the worry clear from his eyes. Your cheeks even heat up a bit.
“Y-Yeah, I am here! You’re right.”
Mikan Tsumiki
Mikan looked at the piano with a hurried eye, slowly walking past the music room and near her classroom.
The echo of a string of notes calls to her, unhappy with her sudden shadow walking away.
You walk past me every morning. Your words ring through her head. 
She was surprised when you approached her, romantically even, always spending your time with her and never hesitating to listen to her when she spoke. 
And she did not complain about it in the slightest. She was very grateful for every second you spent with her. You are kind.
“A-Are you in here,” she asks after pushing the door open and looking inside. “Or have you already went to class.”
“I’m here to play you a song.”
“Really?” She says to you before you can play out the first triad. The muscles in your fingers relax, dancing over the notes with a touch as soft as a cloud, and playing from memory.
She sucks in a breathe, sitting next to you on the seat, loosely smiling.
“I recognize it. I used to hear it a lot when I was a kid.” It was a whisper. A small confession.
You both sit in the music room for another moment while the notes draw out. And you release your fingers, a short halt, and a quick silence.
Mikan cries out almost immediately, “I’m sorry!”
“What?” You say to her before turning to face her completely. “What are you apologizing for?”
At that, small tears form in her eyes. “I shouldn’t have said anything - I made you sad!”
I made you sad.
“Class starts soon,” you pull your sleeve back a bit to show her your watch, “that’s it. Why are you worried?”
She looks down, unwilling to meet your eyes. Jumping to conclusions, as always. Why must she overthink everything?
Sayaka Maizono
For the first time, she thought back to what you had been like when you both first met.
A lot more energetic. A lot more happy to be around her.
Maybe it’s the slow descent outside of the honeymoon phase. You became more... relaxed?
But it doesn’t seem like being relaxed. Maybe contentment?
Is that really such a bad thing?
In the moment, she feels like saying something. You are there - reading on the couch backstage, while she sits on the other side and watches her shows on the laptop. 
She scoots over. It’s not a hesitant process. Her blue hair piles up on your lap and works as a pillow for her head.
You stayed like that for a while before you look at each other, in unison.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask. “Is there anything?”
“You come to all of my concerts.”
Her voice was drawn-out, thinking as she spoke. You place your fingers on the page, though not closing the book.
She continues, “And you travel with me, too.”
It wasn’t a strange thing to you. Was it to her? You love the way she dances - the cute outfits she wears and the way they style her hair.
“Do you miss going home?”
Your gaze falls back to your book, where you close it and peer at the cover. Ordered straight from the library by your house. You never even checked when the due date was.
“No.” You answer. “I have no use, it’s fine, I can live my life anywhere I want.”
There is never a silent moment. Just the sound of the music playing as the audience pulls in.
A laugh escapes her lips. “That’s a good answer. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
Celestia Ludenberg
You find a comfort in the hotel bed as you plop down on it. Celes grins at the childish nature. In her hand is one bag, a makeup one, while you were the one to drag the rest. You stare around the room. It’s very pretty. And you didn’t even have to pay for it. People were offering to have her travel for her little gambling. 
“It’s very pretty.” You say to her. “Feels very safe. Very comfortable.”
She smiles back to you. “Then I’m glad I took you with me.”
“And here I was thinking it was so I could be your personal butler.” You laugh softly, staring at her back in some sort of awe, and the butterflies fly back into your stomach. All you can do is smile quietly to yourself while she examines herself in the mirror.
You got to eat dinner alone with her that night. You drink water out of fancy wine glasses, feeling almost like royalty. She wanted to sleep early, though, as if she had to wake up early.
“How long will you stay up?” She asks. Her tired eyes glance up at you.
“No longer. Here, scoot over, I’ll crawl in with you.”
Her skin looks pale in the darkness. Like a doll. Thin and content. Reminds you of when she would cuddle into your chest, listening to your breathes. She’s not as cuddly anymore. 
“It makes me happy to know you like the room.” She whispers, her red nails running up your arm. “I wanted something... pleasant for you.”
Something pleasant. How calming.
“I appreciate it, Celestia.” 
Makoto Naegi
There was no huge party. No balloons tied to your desk and no presents lining down the hall.
No one even knew it was your birthday. 
And that was no accident.
You didn’t tell anyone.
The day was like any other. Maybe a little better than most days. Everyone seemed happier. More filled with joy and more content with being at school. It’s like the universe was giving you a treat. 
Makoto remembered your birthday, of course he did, but waited until after school to take you to a bakery. All day he was waiting for someone to bring it up. 
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” He asks on the way, scratching the back of his neck. Was it an intrusive question? He’s positive that if it was - you would correct him.
You answered simply, however. “I don’t need a big celebration, Makoto. This is fine. This is all I want.”
The door rings while you push it open, and the smell of treats overtakes your senses.
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