#mod is grieving
mp100days · 2 years
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082 - the future is kind
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euryvices · 4 months
i finally finished "one day" on Netflix, and god. it really did live up to it's title. it was always one day, and one day, and one day...until it got taken from them. it's like they reached through the mouth of the beast and tore - the anatomy of grief. it was a terribly unkind experience.
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bnunybusiness · 2 months
Just wanted to give an update that I am still very much here but the past two months have been incredibly rough which is why I haven't answered any of the asks in the ask box or posted new buns
I promise I will eventually get around to both of these things
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Aro culture is seeing these posts
🧠:tell me the easiest way to die
❤️:love someone who doesnt love you back...you will die daily
Any still not getting what all the fuss is about
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francy-sketches · 4 months
I forgot to back up my clip studio brushes I lost most of them :((( I'm actually so sad rn
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amazinglyegg · 2 years
There’s also repeat dialogue for present tense:
[Haylen] “I'm not siding with anyone. I'm just telling you how I feel. I mean, he's still Danse, right? He's still the same...”
[Rhys] “I know Danse means a lot to you. But you've got to face the fact that it's a synth. It's gotta be put down. Elder Maxson's orders.”
[Haylen] “I... I understand. I just hope we aren't making a mistake.”
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naomiknight-17 · 11 months
Today has been so, so hard and I have cried more in the last few days than I think I had in the entirety of the previous year
I am so exhausted. I hope, at least, that tonight I'll be able to sleep finally
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xianzhou-craftsman · 14 hours
Yingxing misses Dan Feng so much that he can't breathe sometimes
he doesn't constantly think about it the way you just don't constantly think about grief, but there are moments when he's entirely overwhelmed by it like a tidal wave washing through his body
he misses Baiheng a similar amount, but that's something he's aware he could at least share openly without being hated for it or told he's wrong to. no one speaks her name in disdain
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osc-affirmations · 2 years
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Sib going "wait, the gaze can do crit??" made me realise I haven't looked at the build on my beloved Laser Bean in a hot minute and uhh. now I have Plans
Plans which involve two forma and a whole lot of arbies bc I don't have either of these galv mods currently
I mean, it's not like it technically Needs this, it already tears through SP with or without my rank 1 Cascadia Overcharge being in effect, but also. I love this gun. I refuse to pit it against the Nukor anymore bc the damn microwave gun has also grown on me thanks to Circuit, but this thing was the first secondary I ever truly loved and goddamn does it continue to hold up. I wanna feed it snack of Upgrade
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askaceattorney · 1 year
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Dear Anonymous,
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Yes, they can hear you, though you can’t see or feel them usually. Not to say it’s impossible, but normally you can’t.
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I’m sure your family is watching over you, whether you feel them or not.
- Maya Fey
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hazyaltcare · 2 years
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An aesthetic of Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic) with black and red colors and themes of grieving.
Mod Haze (❤Alice❤)
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askethandothers · 1 year
hey welcome back! how's your 4 or 5 day break
Meh, most of it was me being tired and grieving at night. And also talking to a few friends
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clonehub · 2 years
Kiki's kids are worried about her after Jax's passing. she keeps insisting she'll be fine, she's always been a tough person, that Jax wants her to accept and move on from his death. she's going to do it. she's going to honor his wish. she stops eating.
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maraeffect · 2 years
i'm like 3/4 of the way thru my college degree; and now that i had a relapse of cancer, all i want in the whole wide world is to drop it and finally land a piercing apprenticeship ('''':
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grievingnotes · 5 months
Coming back to here six years later after only posting a few times feels strange; but I'm learning you can mourn the (supposedly) living too.
It's been over a year since we talked. Over a year since you wiped your presence off the face of the internet. Over a year since you vanished. And I just want nothing more than to know you're okay.
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