#mock sun
casually-salad · 8 days
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drew the grown up versions of my headcannon ship kids... foals... ponies? anyway, i totally forgot to put the info for 2 of them so im gonna ramble in the tags about them. theyre so silly
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Dude Tang sanzang really sound like a gentle but also....ya know-
and maybe we could get a fic of him?I kinda curious actually-
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Taken Aboard
Yandere Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong
(I’ve noticed recently that I enjoy writing yandere introduction fics- them meeting you. The content is a bit softer, but I enjoy establishing these things!)
You don't really want the shiny little key, no matter how important it looks. You just know that it's important. Made from polished silver and ending in many prongs, with a large gemstone set into the bulb... it was clearly valuable.
But you don't want it. Not the silver, not the jewel. You want what comes with taking it- a chase. And if these people didn't want to play your games, why would they come into your forest?
They’re only at the very entrance of the forest, where the trees are thinnest, but it’s still a foolish expedition that they’re surmounting.
There's easier ways to get through the area, after all. The forest is thick with trees and sharp vines, running with many rivers and populated by thousands of different animals. Clearly, these strangers are in no rush and have supplies to spare if they're traveling directly through instead of around.
So what's the harm in one little game?
You’ve learned all the creatures in this forest by heart- their scents and sounds and shapes, each palm-sized critter and earth-shaking beast impossibly dear to your heart.
Your hands; diminutive and deft, shift from tight skin to soft feathers. And as nail curves to talon, the bones of your fingers slide around your palm until they’ve diminished from five to four. In a sudden. startling flash of golden light does the rest of your form fall away.
As the aureate rays that wrap your body burn away from your reducing frame, the new truth of your body becomes clear- you’ve taken the form of a diminutive songbird. Were it not for your green-flecked wings, you would be entirely indistinguishable as a demon by the eye alone.
There’s just enough wind filtering through the dense forest to aid your feathers, sending your small form skyward.
You gather speed by twisting around clustered branches and thick tree trunks, breaking through a canopy of foliage and soaring to the warm sky.
Wings close to your body, you zip overhead the group and unfurl them in what would be a grand display, had you a more imposing form.
Tucking your wings tight, you dive haphazardly, snatching the key from a very startled monk all dressed up in a fancy cossack with a jangly golden stick.
Prying the metal free from his fingers, you retreat to the denser woods, taking a moment to perch as he calls out indignantly for you to return.
But you don’t even have time to gloat to yourself before a multicolored hawk comes at you, red and blue and ginger feathering.
Barely you manage to dodge, watching the bird soar past. The wind left in it’s blazing wake is so fast that your feathers are nearly torn out by their quills.
It rounds sharply, lurching at you again, only missing when you drop from the branch and dip towards the ground. The hawk turns and dives, losing you as you loop a low-hanging branch. It curves the bend with you, only inches away. Through the leaves, it misses by a hairsbreadth, mistaking a browning leaf for your insignificant form. Over the river your shadows startle the koi, causing them to retreat to the muddy depths. All across and through the forest are you hounded, slowly falling closer to the talons of the glorious hawk.
And you finally slip, diving too slow to avoid the clutch of avian claws.
But cold keratin is not what cages you.
Furry fingers tightly enfold your fragile form, stuck fast between the palms of the Monkey King.
He drops from the sky with some measure of grace, tail swaying in glee born of victory.
Exhausted from the chase, you concede defeat in the form of birdsong, melodically peeping and chirping to the simian from the cage his hands form.
Sun Wukong pauses at your display of surrender. It’s not often that a demonic enemy accepts being beaten. He carefully opens his hands to view you- and, to his disbelief, you hop onto the pointer finger of his right hand, holding the little key in your beak.
“You’re a funny little demon, aren’t you? So cute, but so darn troublesome… here, give me that.”
You don’t protest or fight as he snatches the jeweled key, stuffing the metal into his pocket.
“Wukong! Wukong, don’t hurt them!” Says a worried voice from just a few paces away, clearly out of breath from running. “Wukong do not make me recite the… sutra?”
His voice trails away at the sight of you, cupped in the simian’s ginger-furred hands.
“…they aren’t running, Master. They just… gave me the key after I caught them.”
The monk approaches slowly, then takes you into his gentle hands, a note of pity in his contemplative eyes. One soft finger brushes against the green spots that speckle your quills.
“Demon, I kindly ask you- reveal to me your name and form.”
With a giggling peep, you do as asked and immediately return to your true form- in his palms.
Tang Sanzang gasps from the sudden shift in weight, pulled to the ground before he can right himself. You giggle again, sprawled half on his lap and half on the dirt. And Sun Wukong laughs too, enjoying a moment of indignity from his oft-stoic master.
There’s a flash of irritation that fades the second the monk gets a good look at you- gods, you’re only a child. And so thoroughly ragged too. Mud and leaves in your never-cut hair, your fingernails chipped and uneven. Shredded clothing and no shoes.
“Have you been out here long, little one? In the forest, all on your lonesome?” Pity in his voice, compassion in his eyes. “When was the last time you had a meal? A drink? Come, quench yourself with my canteen,” he commands, lifting the fur-wrapped metal to your lips.
“They’re not a baby,” Wukong argues, tapping one clawed finger against your nose. “And don’t act like they’re harmless, Master.”
You pull away from the canteen after a long sip, sticking your tongue out at him. “No one asked you, Hóutóu!”
“Are you getting cheeky with Sun Yéyé? Maybe I should chase you all around your own home again, brat!”
Tang Sanzang sighs, not cutting into the squabble. Petty arguing was better than outright violence, and neither of you seemed all too serious about the verbal spat.
All he can really do is change the subject.
“I can hardly leave a little one all alone out here- even in the forest, it must grow cold at night. Come, you may rest in my tent when the sun falls. Then we shall find your parents, and-“
“…excuse me? ‘N-no’, little one? You mustn’t joke with me like that-“
“I’m not joking,” you cheerily and confidently respond. “This whole forest is my home! And I don’t have parents, anyways! I was born from a fallen peach tree!”
That didn’t sound… too implausible, honestly. Strange things gave birth to demons, after all. Rocks, in Wukong’s own case.
But, even if you were a demon born of nature and the wilds…
Wouldn’t it be horribly cruel to leave a child out here, all alone?
You were small enough to still fit in his lap, small enough that you only came to Wukong’s hip even when you stood on your toes.
A child. Gods, how could you have survived on your own for so long? Demon or not, you were a child. Gods above, he couldn’t leave you here.
It couldn’t be that you’d leave easily. You had just declared that this forest was your home. And with the powers and skills you had, simple force wouldn’t be enough.
He… had some praying to do. To Guanyin, and to another blessed length of golden metal.
You would not be staying here a night longer.
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officialspec · 1 year
im gonna need the millennials on here to stop romanticising vine in their criticisms of tiktok i cannot take yall seriously. i know all anyone remembers is Fre Shava Cado but in its heyday vine was one of the worst perpetrators of casual racism in recent history and it rly infuriates me when ppl compare the two as if vine never had any negative impact on the dominant culture. please get better arguments im tired
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capricioussun · 3 months
Inspired by the fucked headache I had last week I came up with a new hc - when home, Edge will use an eyepatch over his left eye whenever he has/is getting a migraine, since the pain is worse on that side due to the scar
He would never wear it in public but that's not usually a problem since he becomes very light sensitive with migraines and wouldn't be leaving the house for anything less than a dire emergency anyway
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datgreenmonstah · 2 months
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Finished this last night, was a bit too hot to go to bed
Another wip that was sitting on my tablet
Bit of tribute art to the last unicorn, a childhood movie as a mock book cover. Big influence in my life even to this day
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yoinkschief · 11 months
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Ignore how this is like a week after Halloween
other versions under the cut
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socksandbuttons · 7 months
Some may blame Eclipse for what happened, others will blame Lunar. I'm going to blame Moon and the rest of the family for not having a plan of action in case the mentally unstable crazy person met the emotionally unstable traumatized one.
To be fair, moon thought just saying it would be enough. Jack was suppose to be a plan but Lunar had solar undo that. And with Eclipse being so Bent on ruin that I dont think they really anticipated this kinda scenerio since Earth was always around Lunar.
And she DID try detering and sheilding Lunar. However she didnt anticipate Lunar actually going to kill eclipse. She realized too late, you cant entirely blame her she never saw Lunar and Eclipse interact i dont think. Solar couldnt have known either.
They knew Lunar hated eclipse and wanted him dead but I dont think they (as theyve known) wouldve expected this so soon or like... Lunar doing as he did. Moon and Earth had kept mentioning Lunar freezing or panicking about mentions of eclipse afterall. They really did think he wouldnt act. (Old Moon couldve anticipated tho.)
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theriu · 10 months
River Reads Midnight Sun
Well met, traveler! This is the starting post for my experiment, wherein I, who have never read the Twilight books or seen the movies, read Midnight Sun (basically Twilight from Edward's perspective) and commentate for (hopefully) your entertainment! I decided it would be easiest to do this a chapter at a time, and my commentary will essentially be a summary of each chapter so people equally unfamiliar with the story can follow along. You can follow or block this experiment with the tag #river reads midnight sun.
I think that should do it! Let's get started with:
Chapter 1: First Sight
In which Edward finds high schoolers very Boring and Inane, and also nearly goes bonkers over a potential snack.
First things first: Can we talk about how gross pomegranates look? Is the cover art SUPPOSED to resemble an optical illusion between a halved pomegranate and a bleeding heart? Either way, EW.
Right, on to business!
Edward is bored, you guys. He is SO BORED. High school is so boring. Purgatory is mentioned, as well as “tedium” and “monotonous.” He really wants us to know how bored he is, even though the word “boredom” is not used until the sixth paragraph. But trust me, he’s very bored. One begins to wonder why the immortal 100+-year-old vampire is choosing to hang out daily in such a boring place, but I’m sure it will be explained.
Now we learn about his mindreading powers! This is also very boring because most of the minds he has to read are petty high school minds. By the way, the inane sheeple chatter in the school mindscape today is all about the new girl! I wonder who she could be! Ed sure doesn’t care! He can see every angle of her face via peoples’ thoughts, and he is NOT impressed. Half the “sheep-like males” are crushing on her. Edward’s disdain for them is palpable, almost as if it's not totally normal and fine for human teenagers to find new things like a new student exciting. We may be witnessing a smidge of superiority complex, which is shocking, no doubt.
Mind-reading as a way to introduce other relevant characters is handy, I will grant the author that! Of course, Ed tries not to mindread his fellow vampires out of courtesy, but he KNOWS what they are probably thinking, and boy is he ready to tell us!
Rosalie: Is either actually super hot or super thinks she is, and apparently this debate encompasses her every waking moment. She only compares herself to VAMPIRES, of course, because humans could never be comparably hot. Related to a stagnant pool. Wow, Ed.
Emmett: Hyper competitive guy who has no new thoughts because he says EVERYTHING he thinks. Compared to a glass-clear lake. I suppose that means Ed maybe thinks he has depth? Maybe? We'll err on the side of optimism.
Jasper: Suffering. That’s literally the entire description.
Alice (who can see the future) introduces herself by beaming thoughts at Ed asking how Jasper is doing. Jasper is not doing well. Apparently he is so ready to eat people that he has forgotten how to Human and is sitting in a corpse-like rigor, because it seems when you become a vampire you lose quirks like restless leg syndrome and blinking? This feels full of potential hilarity to me, but I fear such hilarity will not be realized in this Very Serious Book.
Anyway, back to Jasper, who is SUFFERING. Alice asks if there is any danger. Edward signals no. Half a page later, his exposition about Jasper's problem adds, “Jasper was very dangerous right now." Okay, so which is it?! PICK A LANE, ED
(On a genuine note, I already like Alice; she counters Jasper’s fantasies about eating a girl by telling him her name and a few personal facts in a way that shows Alice makes an effort to know her classmates as more than just The Humans. Yay empathy!)
Btw, Ed’s internal monologue indicates they’re hanging out at this school to build their strength and endurance by being around humans and not eating them, and to that I say REALLY??? You chose high school for that?! The one where you’re SUPER BORED?? GO HANG OUT AT A COFFEE SHOP OR SOMETHING
Ope, plot progression! Bella has entered the chat lunchroom. Literally everyone is thinking about Bella, including Jessica, no doubt the requisite catty high school rival who crushed on Edward previously. She has many disgruntled thoughts about Bella, Bella noticing the Cullens, everyone noticing Bella, etc. Ed, who has been doing a great job keeping us up to date on the general thought processes of the student body, takes this moment to assure us once again how much he finds all of this chatter inane AND petty AND trivial, and he’s definitely going to try harder to block them out (again).
Wait, oh my word, was that a line of HUMOROUS BANTER between the Cullens just now?! I have renewed hope for this Very Serious Book!
So Edward is the vampires' mental scout who checks for people suspecting he and his family are inhumanly weird (as opposed to acceptably weird), and naturally he does a brain scan on Bella. Oooo but he’s not hearing anything! And now they have locked eyes! Her eyes are very odd, because of the DEPTH of them! Already, Bella is very Frail and immune to mindreading and somehow has “deeper” eyes than I guess any other human Edward has met in his 100+ years? Ed, I think you need to make eye contact more.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled torrent of inane high schooler thoughts! Amazingly, they are all still focused on Bella and being attracted to or jealous of her, because of course real high schoolers are all Inane and Tedious. (The one exception is Angela, who is busy thinking about homework. I like her, she seems normal.) Jessica is being catty again, and what’s this?! Ed suddenly has this STRANGE URGE to SHIELD Bella from this nasty girl! How very odd and unusual! Especially from a guy who very clearly finds all human teenagers Inane/Petty/Trivial! Bella must be special, except she is also “very unexceptional." Also, Ed is highly frustrated that he can’t read this girl’s mind, despite him constantly reading her like a book and her having “deceptively communicative” eyes.
Rosalie breaks Ed out of his frustration-driven contradictory spiral, and they all go to class, Ed casually mentioning his two medical degrees in an internal dig at his biology teacher (again, why are you hanging out at high school???) Naturally, Bella shows up and the only seat available is the one next to Edward, because Plot everyone is subliminally terrified of him. Ed has a moment of panic wondering if not hearing one girl’s thoughts means he has a vampire disease and is gonna lose all his mindreading, and then he has another moment of empathy for Bella having to sit next to the Scary Vampire.
Then she walks in front of an air duct, and Edward is suddenly overcome with INTENSE BLOODLUST THE LIKES OF WHICH HE HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE!!! He wants to eat her SO BAD, you guys! He spends roughly EIGHT PAGES brooding on how badly he wants to eat her, noticing how delicious she smells, crushing the underside of a desk with his intense self-control grip (but having the presence of mind to “destroy the evidence” by rounding out the finger-shaped hole he just made), analyzing the logistics of eliminating a roomful of witnesses and whether to do so before or after eating her, seeing his monstrous reflection in her eyeballs, angsting over how bad he will feel when he murders a bunch of people, plotting ways of murdering her that WON’T result in collateral damage, questioning Bella’s sanity for daring to SHAKE HER HAIR IN HIS VICINITY, angsting about how disappointed his wonderful adoptive dad Carlisle will be (aww, that’s actually sweet), stubbornly deciding “she can’t make me,” hating Bella with the fury of a thousand suns for daring to smell so delicious, and shutting off his breathing so he has at least some self-control, which does sound uncomfortable but I applaud the effort.
Then class finally ends (for him and for us), and he goes and hides in his car. Which, honestly, relatable.
The car timeout helps restore his sanity, and he determines he does in fact not need to kill her and that hating her guts for smelling like an eight-course dinner probably isn’t fair! He just needs to avoid her as much as possible. Bless your heart for your optimism, Male Lead of a Paranormal Romance Novel.
The solution he comes up with is to charm the poor secretary (who keeps having to remind herself mentally that he’s too young for her, which, augh) into switching him to a different sixth-period course. Bella chooses this opportune moment to walk in, which he doesn’t notice until her DELICIOUS SMELL is blown over him (I question why someone with such advanced senses can only notice powerful smells when he is downwind of them). Edward’s Amazing Vampire Vision kicks in, allowing him to once again see his Monstrous Face in the reflection of her eyes, despite her being over against the wall. He briefly contemplates double homicide, then . . . uh . . . gives up on changing classes so he can walk away. This doesn’t feel like a long-term solution, Ed, but Kudos for the self-control.
The chapter wraps up with him jumping into his car (it’s the end of the day, so the others are waiting for him) and breaking the speed limit out of the parking lot. Alice uses Future Sight (it’s super effective!) to see that Ed is either going to book it out of Forks (the town) or go and murder Bella in her house. I once again have reason to like Alice, who orders him not to do it, adding that it would metaphorically kill Bella’s dad. He drops them off and races away again, not yet sure if he’s going to tell Dad Carlisle that he’s leaving or going to go eat the delicious new girl. And Scene!
Well, that wasn’t as painful as I feared, so huzzah! I kind of appreciate the internal look at his thoughts and how his mindreading lets us see other characters even when they can’t talk. Got a bit long at times, especially with how Inane and Petty and Trivial high schoolers are to Edward! LOTS OF DETAIL about how badly he wanted to eat Bella and possibly murder all bystanders, which I guess does go to show how bad the bloodlust is, because dang! (But why do none of the others have this reaction to her yet? Maybe they just don’t have classes with her. You must be this close to the Bella to ride the maniac vampire train!)
And with that, I have earned a much-deserved break before delving into CHAPTER TWO: OPEN BOOK! I’m sure Edward will totally succeed in his plan to skedaddle out of Forks and never see Bella again! Stay positive, Ed! =Dd
Chapter 2->
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tenten-shi · 4 months
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humblemooncat · 7 months
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#MiqoMarch ‣ Day 1 ‣ Introduction
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One long ass cutscene mock-up below. Enjoy. xD
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My boys get along for the most part. Poor Rhala doesn't get out much tho.
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reaurelynios · 2 years
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this show and it's ability to make me draw like a madman
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jce93 · 4 months
thry have the perfect sun/moon dynamic but u guys arent ready to hear that js yet 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
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#something something kano being associated w nighttime/the darkness. like even his hoodie . or at least thats how i see it .#and#konoha is admittedly less tied to the daytime/summer stuff but LET ME FINISH#but theres even a few ties in the konoha no sekai jijou lyrics ummmm#(pretend i put that tiger deepfake gif here)#ok going to the vocaloid wiki for a moment BYEBYE#BACK!!!!!#“The sounds of a withering sun and the sweltering eyes of the blazing flare” / “The next two people saw such a pale-blue dream”#“The mocking sunbeams vanished somewhere” / “Even if the cicadas already start stridulating”#LIKE YA hes not as blatantly tied to it as kano but. i think ive proved my point#ALSO ALSO ALSO THE PHOTOS I PUT IN THE POST !!!!!!!#these arethe only two frames in this kind of “setting” in children record#and likeeee ya you can argue theyre not related but. i personally believe they are .#um#um.#where the buildings are cut off on the end of kanos side . they continue over on konohas#same w the sky that fades TO a dark blue on kanos into fading FROM a dark blue on konohas . in the same spot#idk yea im grasping at straws idk where the fuck i was going with this ummmmmmmm#kano is facing towards the light while . konoha is facing away from it#sorrry that doesnt really prove my point i just really like this scene#i think i doodled a small thing of . this scene and how i think it wouldve played out in-universe .#UM YA I DONT KNOW WHWRE I AAS ORIGINALLY GOING WITH THAT#moral of the story . konokano is sun/moon coded. thsnk u for coming to my ted talk#GIRL BYE I JUST REREAD ALL OF THIS WHY DID I TYPE THIS#oh also thatone kano valentines day/themed art where its all in konohas colour scheme and.the background is donutsGETS SHOT#BANG BANG BANG 💥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️🔫🔫🔫 BANG!! 🔫🔫💥💥💥🔫🔫‼️‼️💥🔫 GET HER ONE MORE TIME 💥💥🔫🔫🔫💥‼️💥 BANG BANG BANG💥💥🔫🔫🔫💥#rambles#konokano
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sketching-shark · 1 year
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Ough, found this scene in the 1986 Journey to the West adaptation particularly interesting because it was one of the few if not the only time in this series where Tang Sanzang sounds genuinely upset with Zhu Bajie.
And yeah given what happened to the monk's dad and especially to his mom you can understand why :(
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immediatebreakfast · 10 months
"The Compliant Golden-Hooped Rod. Weight: thirteen thousand five hundred pounds."
And here it is! The most iconic weapon of Journey to the West! Sun Wukong's weight and length shifting magical rod!
I didn't know the details like the golden hoops on both ends, or that it was made of iron, but nonetheless it is a very fitting weapon for Sun Wukong, and for his building style in combat.
He learned shapeshifting, the taoist arts of transformation, and the cloud somersault, all of these point to a fighting style very reliant on quick thinking, and flexibility. Sun Wukong needs to be fast, flexible, and have the element of surprise to win his upcoming (I feel in my heart these are coming very soon) battles. So he needed a weapon that reflected that, not something that could hinder his movements like the scimitar, or something that can only do most damage with one end like the fork or the halberd.
What Sun Wukong needed was something that could server as an extra limb for his body, something that he could use with his transformations on the go, and most importantly; according to his words, something that had sufficient weight.
And what is more fitting for a monkey than a heavy stick to hit people with?
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pembrokewkorgi · 1 month
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Pluma Fishing Wallpaper Preview
There's an exclusive wallpaper available for supporters on my Patreon. So join my Patreon so you can get this cute pic of Pluma relaxing and fishing on a pier in Port Able. https://patreon.com/posts/port-abl
Posted using PostyBirb
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lonelimbless · 11 months
Mocking Bird: The Soaring Screech
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I have this one to be more like a Phoenix in the end, though I tried to incorporate some Mockingbird aspects into him with little to no success. He has a very loud screech and produce storms just by flapping his wings. He is very protective over his nest as he keeps his gems and shiny artifacts within, one which is the Lum Shard.
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