#mobile legends generator philippines
shuttershocky · 26 days
Could you explain what aspects about MOBA's you enjoy? They've never clicked for me, but you always sound like you're having fun when you talk about them.
Sure thing, though a short history lesson first.
The Philippines is MOBA country. In the early 2000s, most people were too poor to really afford a gaming computer or console, but were still avid gamers. To fulfill this audience demand, many places opened up "Compshops", not a computer shop where you shop for parts, but a place to use a computer for a set amount of time like an internet cafe, but specifically for video games. Any student at the time could rent a computer for an hour at 20 pesos (sometimes even cheaper) to play video games. These kids would bring their friends, who would also bring their friends, and so you could have like 10+ kids entering a compshop at once.
Now if you put a bunch of computers in one place, you're set up for a LAN party. Two games emerged as kings here, Counterstrike, and Warcraft 3, with the latter's Defense of the Ancients custom map becoming the number 1 game.
These games were easy to pirate and easy to set up, but could also accommodate the large friend groups. Since they were team-based, you also wouldn't get a Quake situation where one guy stomps the entire lobby, better players had a responsibility to carry their weaker teammates.
Nowadays Dota is past its heyday, but still has devout players from my generation. MOBAs are still popular though, with Mobile Legends being what the kids are playing now.
This foreword is all to explain that I have never played any MOBA alone (except for SMNC). I have played DOTA and Dota 2, League of Legends, Smite, and now Deadlock with a party, even a full stack in most cases. This drastically increases how enjoyable the genre is, as so much of the fun is in team coordination and overcoming an immense challenge together.
Now as for what I personally like about MOBAs, it's how the genre ramps up tension and catharsis in a way no other video game can really match.
A single match in Dota 2 averages about 30-40 minutes, with really long games lasting for an hour, maybe more (the longest Dota 2 match in history was 3 hours long and was a pro match too!). The reason for that length is because everyone starts the match at level 1 and buck naked. Without any ability points you don't have any spells, and without items you don't have any stats. In this state it is impossible to siege the enemy base, because their towers will simply laugh and kill you if you try. Thus, you and the enemy team alike must gather resources to grow stronger through leveling up and buying items until you're strong enough to destroy the enemy base, while sabotaging the other team by killing them (and thus putting them into a respawn timer where they can't gather resources or defend their base) or by stealing what they have, since the map has limited resources.
This race to become stronger through any means possible creates the push and pull of the MOBA genre, but also has the side effect of ramping the tension like crazy. Since it takes a significant time to get strong, the match also gives you a lot of time to get emotionally invested, and the later the game goes the stronger that feeling gets. And since MOBAs have characters scale very hard going from wimps to being able to delete an enemy in the blink of an eye, the later the game gets the more punishing a single mistake or the more bountiful a victorious skirmish is.
This leads to some of the most intense, even anxiety-inducing experiences a video game can ever give. You just spent 40 minutes getting strong, but failed to stop the enemy team from also getting strong as well, so now you're both powerful enough to erase each other in an instant, the deciding factor is who makes the first mistake. Will all of your effort come to nothing, or will all of that time investment pay off in a spectacular win? That question can be decided in a matter of seconds.
And because youre only 1 player among 5, truly perfect coordination is almost impossible, and mistakes are unavoidable. Even when you make a mistake and the enemy capitalizes on it, they can still make a mistake themselves that you can exploit to turn a lost fight into a win if youve grown powerful enough to pull it off. A game can be decided in a few critical seconds, but nobody can ever be truly sure which seconds those are. Sometimes some people think they've already won, when suddenly the game is all over and they lost because they got overconfident.
It is because of all that buildup of tension and anxiety that the sheer catharsis when you win an extremely difficult game feels incredible. It feels so fucking good that you'll keep coming back even after some truly horrific losses to chase that same high.
I've been playing Dota 2 since 2012, meaning I've been playing the same game for 12 years now. Winning feels THAT good. There's just no other genre that gives me that rush.
It says something that the first game to truly compete with Dota 2 for me would be its spiritual sequel, Deadlock, which is Dota 2 if it was a third person shooter with actual movement options (bunny hopping, sliding, airdashing, walljumping, the works!)
Okay, okay, and also because Deadlock lets me parry enemy players to stun them.
It's so much fun. Neither Dota players nor Overwatch players expect you to just parry them when they go on you.
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harinawa · 2 years
harinawa masterpost + navigation
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Hello! This post is a one-stop shop (?) post of my short intro and links to my WIPs. Might be updated from time to time.
𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙢𝙚
Welcome to my Writeblr! Where I post memes and bellyache about my most favorite thing in the world, which is writing. My name is Sofia, 21+, she/her. I have another intro here (where I basically say the same thing) and I write mostly fantasy stories and some poetry on the side.
General Content Warnings: mentions of death (in WIPs, mostly), violence (towards non-existing entities), foul words. Will fight tooth and nail to keep this writeblr at least R-16. Capital letters more often than not as testament to my feelings, excessive use of colloquial vernacular expressions like 'korique' (literally correct, means agreement or acknowledgement of fact) and 'eme' (means just kidding, kidding, it's a joke).
Not Okay with homophobics, terfs, and general hate speech purveyors. I can respect preferences but I do not tolerate bullying and prejudice.
A-Okay with writing tag games (even if we have never interacted!!), receiving random asks about my WIP, or you sharing things and tidbits about your WIP.
[masterpost + mobile nav under the cut]
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I. Forsaken Gods - Infographic Intro - PPT Intro
↺ urban YA fantasy, based on philippine mythologies
Seventeen-year-old Aya de Luna is familiar with the world’s cruelty. With her father estranged and her mother dead, it takes more than street-smarts to feed herself and her fifteen-year-old sickly brother. That is, until she witnesses a murder and acquires a weapon only heard of in legends that leads to her brother’s kidnapping. In her mission to find him, Aya discovers a whole new world where the gods are as crazed as the monsters that live in it. Blood will be shed, secrets will be revealed, and all who seek power for themselves will be punished.
A. Character Introductions
Aya Victoria
Kale Leonidas
Nicolas Rafael
Yen Paraiso
Ybarra Miguel
B. Worldbuilding
Creatures, Humans and Non-humans
C. WIP Tags
general wip tag: # fgc aesthetics: # fgc.misc snippets: # fgc.bits rants: # fgc.rant
II. All the Devils are Here - PPT Intro
↺ YA middle fantasy, murder mystery, academia themes
The elusive Madam Quincy is said to have revolutionized education when she established the House of Royals-- a pillar of ambition, catered to train the world's next leaders. However, scandals and controversies rattle the House of Royals' reputation with heirs dropping dead like flies, and no one can tell who the murderer--or murderers--is. The deaths spark unrest among the kingdoms, and if the murders aren't solved soon, then the already precarious balance between two strong empires might be tipped--and the rest of the world along with it.
A. Character Introductions
Hiraya Luwalhati
B. Worlbuilding
The Psycha/e
C. WIP Tags
general wip tag: # atdah rants: # atdah.rant aesthetics and inspo: # atdah.misc
III. Dead Man Walking - PPT Intro
↺ NA fantasy, pirates and witches
Kosmos was once a great empire, split into three when power and greed forced men to rip the lands apart. Now three mighty kingdoms stand in its place, and yet remnants of the curses of the ancient empire still linger up to this day. The exiled heir to a powerful bloodline, Nyx Asteria wants nothing to do with curses and ancient empires. All she wants is to remove the seal burning on her back that forces her magic to feed on her own veins and carry on quietly as the handmaiden to the Duke’s Daughter. Just as she’s getting used to her new job and identity, she becomes an offering to the pirate captain of the Shadow. So Nyx does what she does best and bargains for her life, entering what is already a shaky agreement and turning it into a soul-binding contract. Never mind that she can’t even do magic without feeling like she’s dying. Never mind that she’s with a band of peculiar pirates, united by their own selfish goals. Never mind that their captain’s notoriety reaches the ends of worlds, bordering on legend at best and sounding like fabrications at worst. Nyx knew, though. The first time she saw him, she knew he was just a Dead Man Walking.
A. Character Introductions
Not quite here yet.
B. Worldbuilding
C. WIP Tags
general wip tag: # dmw aesthetics and inspo: # dmwaes rants: # dmwrant snippets: # dmw.txt
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𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙧 𝙩𝙖𝙜𝙨
random posts: sofiasays self-reblogs: srb answered asks: sofiasaid (i realized i have no creativity whatsoever) poetry: sofia.poetry
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If you want to be added to any of the taglists of the WIPs above, or on my general taglist, kindly send a dm/ask!
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theylovewamiii · 2 years
Kabataan Essay
By Jhamel John T. Reyes
The pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area. Such as multiple countries or continents. It typically affects a significant proportion of the population. Surveys show a major increase in the number of worldwide people who report symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression and insomnia during the pandemic, compared with surveys before the pandemic. Some people have increased their use of alcohol or drugs, thinking that it can help them to cope with their fears about the pandemic. This pandemic was very life-changing wherein everyone became poor because of restrictions that affects many Filipino workers here in the Philippines. Also us, the students, had a very hard time of coping with our studies because of the distractions in our home. Focusing to learn became difficult to do because going to school will always be the best place to focus and learn the lessons.
As an individual who experienced the feeling of being involved in the pandemic, it really made a huge impact on my life. Although I am not used to wearing face shields and facemasks, I am still forced to wear it for my own safety and health. There has so many rules that is being involved then, even until now. But now, it is not as worst as before. There is a lot of hindrances that challenged me when the pandemic starts. Being an extrovert person really hit my mental health because of the rules that I need to obey to stay safe as COVID-19 spreads all around the world. Such as I am strictly not allowed to go outside and not allowed to see my friends. That time, I was so afraid to have COVID-19 because I knew that it might cause a person to die.
While I am living in the time of the pandemic, I started to find and try other things to enjoy and spend my everyday life in exchange of feeling sad and alone. I played online games in order to consume time while being happy despite experiencing this kind of serious and unwanted problem. As time went by, I kept on playing online games wherein I could still have connection to my friends even if we are all in our own houses. I played two games which is called "Mobile Legends: Bang Bang" and "Call of Duty" that really makes me feel so happy even if I am not with my companions and it makes my day more shorter because it was very time consumable, at the same time, enjoyable and really lessened my sadness about staying at home for a long time.
When I was trying to enjoy the pandemic life, I received information about the Month of March. It comes from our school which announced that we will only have a virtual graduation instead of experiencing the actual event wherein every one of us will go to the stage as what other graduating students used to do before. That announcement made me feel sad because I really want to spend my graduation in a place wherein I could celebrate it with my friends and hold my diploma on stage just like what graduation event looks like because graduating virtually does not make me feel excited. It turns out that the graduation day that was supposed to be a grateful day, became a boring day because of the protocol that having physical contact with anyone has been the number one rule to avoid.
As I spent many months staying at home, finally, the level of quarantine became General Community Quarantine A.K.A. GCQ, which means it still has a limited movement to services and work. The operation of government offices and industries up to a maximum of 75% workforce. A limited transportation service to support government and private operations. Flexible learning arrangements and operation at limited capacities to cater to students. This time, I finally had a chance to play again my favorite hobby, which is playing basketball. Me, my family and my friends and also other people were finally able to go to Super Malls and other public places but still have to obey the rules like social distancing and wearing facemasks.
I also spent the pandemic life trying another different thing like taking a picture of myself with my grandfather wearing different styles of clothes and shoes. Me and my grandfather endorsed many clothing lines and became their permanent models. It is the time where my grandfather unexpectedly broke the internet of being famous because he wears clothes and shoes that match my generation. To be specific, my grandfather became famous in Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok apps that made a thousand likes, comments and shares. Because of that, until now, there are a lot of people that kept on giving me and my grandfather some shoes and T-Shirts.
As more months go by, it has been slowly turning to normal life again but people still have to wear their facemasks and still have to distance themselves. This time, basketball tryouts in University of Perpetual Help System (Laguna) began again. I go there to try out for a basketball team because it is one of my dreams. To become a varsity in one of the popular schools in the Philippines. I started to try out there with my friend named Errol Vega and luckily we both were able to join the Perpetual Varsity Team with a full scholarship. It made me feel so overwhelmed because I finally reached one of my dreams. Being a varsity and student at the same time is hard but it is such a good experience as a basketball player like me that really dreams to be popular and one of the strongest and best basketball players.
Experiencing a pandemic gave me a hard time in my 3 years of life. But it teaches me to discipline myself as I obey all of the rules that the government made. I am grateful that I never had an COVID-19 in those years even though I could catch the virus every time I went out. I am always praying that this pandemic will finally end soon. So that no one will suffer in poverty and lack of financial support that pandemic caused to a lot of people in the world. A lot of innocent, kind, dreamcatcher, and hardworking people died because of COVID-19. Being an 18 years old, encountering this to happen can be a trauma because it was close to ruining one of the chapters of my life. But still, all the lessons that I got from the beginning of this situation until now will never be forgotten and will stand as my strength to continue in life no matter what or how big the problem is. It made me stronger to fight for what kind of life will be given to me. As long as I have myself, my family, my friends, and especially God that gives me power to keep on pursuing my goals. No pandemic difficulties or even much bigger than pandemic difficulties could stop me from being the healthy, strong, kind-hearted and intelligent person which I always wanted to be in the future.
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onenettvchannel · 13 days
FOLLOW-UP REPORT with THIS JUST IN: 'IShowSpeed' teases final 3rd Day in South East Asia tour, while visiting Day 2 in GenSan with 'Manny Pacquiao' outplays to 2-0 in Mini-Exhibition Home Boxing and Friendly Chess Match [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
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(Written by Rhayniel Saldasal Calimpong / Freelanced News Writer, Online Media Reporter and News Presenter of OneNETnews)
GENERAL SANTOS, SOUTH COTABATO -- Continuing the South East Asia tour, following after the first trip on Day 1 in 'Bonifacio Global City, Taguig' as one Ohio-native variety and veteran male YouTuber 'IShowSpeed', whose real name as 'Mr. Darren Jason Watkins Jr.' goes to General Santos City in South Cotabato of Mindanao region, setting to face off a highly anticipated mini-exhibition match and friendly chess match against retired boxing legend and former congressional senator "Mr. Manny Dapidran 'PacMan' Pacquiao", embarking on its way to its disclosed resident place.
Starting off first for the night, massive crowds on locals were extremely crazy of excitement on Thursday night (September 12th, 2024). He explored personally at a local night market, where he bought a cheap and unlicensed 'One Piece' anime shirt for PHP300 (approximately U$D5.40). Then, he pay a visit at the basketball court and passing by on-foot, to the famous fast-food chain 'Mang Inasal'.
On his way in 'Pendatun Avenue', he immediately tried 'balut' from a street vendor (a traditional Filipino delicacy consisting of fertilised chicken eggs that are eaten from the shells) on this same night. After bravely eating the balut egg, IShowSpeed is taking a short police escort to the van, and on its way to the Pacquiao's mansion.
During the Philippine trip in online broadcasting, the YouTube LIVE broadcast experienced occasional lags every few to several minutes at a time, since he was travelled from Mindanao, likely due to poor internet service in the area, which affected the live feed quality in some telcos like Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) and Smart Communications as an example, for those having Pocket WiFi(s) or mobile data with subscription promos.
Quarter minutes later from driving, IShowSpeed recently arrived at a luxurious mansion of Mr. Manny Dapidran 'PacMan' Pacquiao, which boasts a private karaoke theater, expensive vehicles, and even, he owned a basketball court, where you can play your local basketball teams in South Cotabato. His collaboration with Pacquiao marks a significant highlight of the night. The family groups of 'Team Pacquiao' are on tour for a male American variety and veteran YouTuber, which currently featured on this video-sharing platform (owned by Google's Alphabet).
Mr. Pacquiao is an 8-Division World Boxing Champion, who has been retired from professional boxing since late-September 2021, and in politics for his congressional senate role since late-June 2022, but is still active in various exhibition matches and philanthropic activities. He adds a new sporting role for basketball alone. The decision to spar with 'IShowSpeed', fascinated both the world of boxing and that of YouTube as online fans witnessed the action at home.
In front of over 200,000 live viewers on YouTube, IShowSpeed faced Pacquiao in a mini-exhibition match. During this encounter, Pacquiao floored him down twice for a knockout: once with a playful punch to the arm and another time during their sparring session. The duo also engaged in a friendly chess match to end its mini-exhibition night, using his own leather chess board from the retired boxer, leaving Pacquiao won with a checkmate. Final result overall is 2 for Pacquiao and 0 for IShowSpeed. The american variety YouTuber and retired pro-boxer later sat down elsewhere in the house and ate balut.
Before the stream ended, within several minutes before 10pm, since he was started exactly at 6:45pm (GenSan local time)… IShowSpeed visited the local Jollibee store (a popular fast-food chain in the country), here in 'National Land Settlement Administration Road' in 'National Highway corner Nisa Road, Barangay Lagao', this said city and province. He critically commented on our news team that he is better than Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC).
As he concluded on Day 2 in Philippine trip… IShowSpeed announced exclusively to OneNETnews, his upcoming plans at Day 3 to either visit Davao City in Mindanao region, or heading last in the Visayas region in Bacolod City, Dumaguete City (Negros Island Region for both Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental), Cebu City or Siquijor; shortly after reaching 29.5 million subscribers. If didn't push through on Day 3, he is moving along early to its next country to travel, as part of the South East Asia tour.
Because of this, it was due to extremely insisted public demand and requesting online fans or in-person that warns all the Cebuano people with a heartfelt plea to remain calm to ensure smoother live streaming and online broadcasting with respect: "So, I love you all boys, I love the Philippines, I appreciate to you all. But when I come back, please just chill and tone it down, so I can actually stream it LIVE. I love your energy but, just to be chill first and listen, when I tell your stuff", IShowSpeed concluded.
General Santos Mayor named 'Ms. Lorelie Geronimo Pacquiao' acknowledged that IShowSpeed came to Mindanao to support local authorities with medium-rare security and crowd control; adding an official stamp to his quite memorable Philippine journey on Day 2.
As IShowSpeed prepares to spend his 3rd final day in the country, speculations have turned to where the trip will head next, be it to another Philippine city or another country, along his Southeast Asian tour tomorrow on Friday the 13th (September 13th, 2024). Philippines' visit has entertained millions of viewers, and at the same time, has showcased the warm Filipino hospitality and experience waiting for all, who were travelled himself in the country.
This follow-up news report is brought to you by PRIME Sports Drink and EXL Makabuhay Plus. Available in leading supermarkets and pharmacies in the Visayas & Mindanao.
SOURCE: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4DvCG9Nhlk [Referenced YT LIVE VIDEO via IShowSpeed] *https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxVAElSGNHxL-t6_-HhjG2JEMsMugC_szT [Referenced YT Captioned Post via IShowSpeed] *https://lifestyle.inquirer.net/516628/ishowspeed-draws-massive-crowd-in-manila-and-bgc-forced-to-end-stream/ [Referenced News Article via Philippine Daily Inquirer] *https://www.sportskeeda.com/us/streamers/news-ishowspeed-appear-alongside-manny-pacquiao-philippines-irl-livestream [Referenced News Article via Sportskeeda] *https://www.spin.ph/life/people/ishowspeed-urges-maniacal-filipino-fans-to-respect-his-boundaries-a4858-20240912 [Referenced News Article via Sports Interactive Network PH] and *https://www.gmanetwork.com/entertainment/celebritylife/news/21484/the-crazy-and-memorable-moments-of-ishowspeed-in-the-philippines/photo/ [Referenced News Article via GMA News]
-- OneNETnews Online Publication Team
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jcmarchi · 8 months
The Elder Scrolls: Castles Is A New Mobile Game From The Team Behind Fallout Shelter
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/the-elder-scrolls-castles-is-a-new-mobile-game-from-the-team-behind-fallout-shelter/
The Elder Scrolls: Castles Is A New Mobile Game From The Team Behind Fallout Shelter
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Bethesda has announced The Elder Scrolls: Castles, a new mobile experience from the team behind Fallout Shelter.
Like Fallout Shelter, Castles is a management sim, with Bethesda stating in an X post that “you’ll build your own dynasty where every day in our world is a year in the game’s world. Citizens are born, they die, rulers change, and can be betrayed.” Players control their own castle over multiple generations of rulers, families, and subjects. Decision-making dictates how well your kingdom operates and how content your subjects are; unhappy citizens may plot to overthrow you. 
Your castle can be expanded with new rooms and items, plus workstations for underlings. It appears to feature a turn-based combat system with players equipping heroes with gear to battle enemies and gather resources to grow their kingdom. Though the game’s App Store page states that it includes in-game purchases, it is unclear if Castles is free-to-play or not. 
The Elder Scrolls: Castles has soft-launched in the Philippines and will become available in other regions over the next few months. It is the third mobile game in the series, following The Elder Scrolls: Blades, a traditional RPG, in 2019 and The Elder Scrolls: Legends, a collectible card game, in 2017.
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poetofthedyingstars · 3 years
dps poets but they're traditional filipino boys
this is in no way a slander, this is just how it's gonna be if they're filipino (this is just based on the boys i know that are well u know very common, which is like u know- we have nice boys too though) (i just thought i'd say that because duh i'm scared of judgement thank u very much)
knox overstreet kenneth ocampo
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- type of pipino boy: sad boy on facebook, pick me boy
- the type of person to ask girls if it's okay to court them and ask if he have a chance to be with them and posts a bunch of sad “😭😭😭😭🔪🔪🔪🔪 brokenhearted💔💔💔💔😿😿😿😿” posts
- real cringey facebook posts with ML memes that they only understand
- even if he's a real manipulative sad boy and has bad reputations in relationships, lot of girls still ‘fall’ for him
- he's really sweet when it comes to relationship, asks if you have eaten from time to time and stuff
- he buys you stuff because he's got allowance already and encourages you to do ur thing (it's sweet but he brings other girls down so you feel better for yourself which is like mean)
- gets a new "m.u." (mutual understanding) within a week ( idk if it's the same to other people's country but it's like a thing here in the philippines, it's like a non-labeled labeled relationship, basically like a fling)
- he's in the first section and plays ML (mobile legends) a lot but somehow never gets a low grade
- (probably copies assignments lots of time)
- has a very exclusive friend group that it's like a big thing when he leaves them when you're together (ugh i hate it when they do that, like seriously okay just go with ‘the boysssss’ if u want)
- he's a great friend though and a really nice boyfriend besides the fact that his relationship doesn't last over 7 months but he's nice generally
- just have bad reputation in relationships (i also mean relationships like generally, friendship, acquaintances, romance u know)
- if you're an ex, he'll stay sweet to you and awkward cause he doesn't like having like an emotional burden or stuff
charlie dalton mark dela cruz [badong]
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- type of pipino boy: super pilosopo and clown of the class that are so fun to have around but they're the reason why your class will always be in some kind of trouble; suki ng guidance
- idk why he looks like a badong to me sHUSH, he looks like a mark too (filipino mark)
- you can see this kid walking around with like 2 of his friend in the hallway during regular class times, like you have to endure a quiz inside the classroom and you see him in the window walking in the hallway
- really annoying too especially if we're talking about academic stuffs
- like he's the one you don't want to be in the same group in!!!?!! UGH YOU MAKE HIM BRING A MARKER AND HE DOESN'T,,, IT'S JUST A MARKER!!!! WHY CAN'T YOU EVEN BRING A MARKER?!?! THE EASIEST JOB FALL TO YOU AND YOU CAN'T DO IT RIGHT!!!!!!!
- brings towel with him always, you see him playing with it or it's on his head like for ducks sake idk why they do it they just do
- okay but they have the most sweetest smell and their school uniform is so clean neat and really smells so NICE
- their bag is like really floppy to bring though- probably because they don't even bring stuffs that much 🙄✋🏻
- is the reason teacher shouts "BOYS AT THE BACK!!”
- really funny and makes good joke but he WILL NEVER say ’normal’ answers to you straight up
- like you ask him to be quiet and he smirks at you and sing loudly
- “mark? be quiet.”
“be quiet”
“what-awat (flag)” (GOD I HATE IR WHEN THEY RESPONSE LIKE THIS: “s'an (where)”
“sa pwet ko (in my butt)” “ha?” “hatdog/halaman (plant), hangin (air)” PLEASE THEY'RE SO UGHHRJWJFJW I WANT TO KILL WHEN THEY DO THIS ALL THE FUCKING TIME, IT'S SO ANNOYING!!!!)
- guaranteed, they'll hate him when it comes to that but their classroom would be 0/10 when they're absent
- they're the laugh of the party i guess even though they're so fucking annoying
- they're really GREAT at mathematics but when opportunity strikes they can't always have it
- like they gotta always be missing or have some problem with home which i don't really question anymore
- they're reliable too, and whenever they're off with their philosophical stupidass mode (i mean when you can talk to them naturally), they're really okay
neil perry nelson perez (ninong/ninoy)
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- pipino boy type: the best kind of filipino boy, SSG president and is somehow famous around his batch because of his looks
- idk why but nickname nonong is just so him- idk it's just me i'm weird. i'm not like other people ehe [debby ryan]
- also he'll probably earn ninong (godfather) nickname around his SSG mates or teachers because he's so nice and thoughtful
- “he's smart, he's kind and he's also handsome” heartthrob type of beat, the girls love him so much and the gays too (i mean gays as in mlm gays)
- is probably somehow part of a debate team and also the varsity team
- you barely see this kid walking around the school but he's present in every program your school holds
- is the organizer of every program the school holds
- teachers love him too, they like to borrow him for presentation purposes and stuffs
- can't say much about this type of guy, they're exclusive and really popular around the school
- the girls would talk about him 24/7, you know this habit where girls ask to go to the CR but actually just passing to their crush's classroom which is obviously nelson's classroom
- “beh, nakita mo ba si nelson kanina? pogi talaga no? (beh, have you seen nelson earlier? he's so handsome, right?)
- “oo talaga!! talino pa tas ang bait bait lam mo ba may nagkwento sa'kin na ano [act of kindness] (so true! he's smart too and really nice. i heard this story once that he [act of kindness])
- if charlie is suki ng guidance, he's the laman ng chismis (talk of the town) 24/7 besties
- he's really nice and loves the attention he's getting, he use it sometimes to get the people join whatever shit he's doing u know, gotta take advantage of that opportunity
- is sometimes really mysterious too that's why they love him sm (i mean their ideal filipino boy oh my god)
steven meeks kyle san diego
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- type of pipino boy: valedictorian type that people really doesn't talk to unless they're close friends or like they need something (i know, mean), this one always won something from the school contests too
- really nice kid, keeps to himself
- the kids from the lower section look up to him like God cause he's a really smart kid
- he's laman of the chismis too but occasionally
- has weird science jokes and is into a lot of... western stuff that all the other kids doesn't know about so they call him weird even though he's not weird
- plays rubrics cube and brings different kind of them everyday
- is very good with math and science especially, has problems with local subjects like AP (social studies) and filipino
- reason? i don't really know why they struggle with those subjects they just do
- uses social media? NEVER. social media isn't for them and if they do post some shits it'll be 2 years later when you're not in the same school anymore
- people usually regret not being friends with him after they graduate
- he's cool 😎 they just didn't see it back then (but also cause he have his own world before)
- idk why but his classmates expects so much of him silently like he know a lot of SHIT cause his parents enrolled him to special classes when he was very young and is continuing to do so because he have to do great but this one secretly hates the way kids expects him to know shits
- like he know it he just hates hearing things like “oh you know this one” “why not kyle he's so smart with math” “blah blah smart kid smart kid” he hates it ugh
- is in between having that 1 friend or no friends at all, they seem cool people actually but i wonder why they have no friends when they were in highschool is a mystery to me
- teachers trusts this kid so much they leave their school stuff or leave him in charge several times
gerard pitts matthew bautista
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- type of pipino boy: the one who has a lot girl friends and has a twin sibling
- this kid is a BELOVED to the gals and enbies- he is for the girls and (enbies) exclusively- he never had guy friends because they're just meh to him
- always gets called during discussions cause he just can't shut his mouth
- really funny, he's not even trying
- idk why but they're the type to get bullied a lot (i mean like playful bully round friends not u know real bullying)
- their house is always so nice too, it's the designated place in group works but it's too damn FAR but they're parents are also usually generous
- you always see him surrounded with lots of people who are probably their friends
- is nice and will treat you to 7/11
- celebrates birthday with friends or inside school parties
- the type of i'll let u copy my assignment or he's gonna need to “take ideas” from your assignment no in between
- CAN'T STOP LAUGHING DURING GROUP OR SOLO PRESENTATION (“sorry they're just joking”) also because they're kinda shy
- so clumsy and nice hugger
todd anderson justin angelo gonzalez
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- type of pipino boy: also the one with lots of girl (and enbies!!!!) as friends and really quiet
- secretly has a friend from the other class so he doesn't talk to his classmates that much
- this kid just gives his things immediately if u ask him
- “can I borrow your pen” “uh sure”
- he doesn't wanna engage in social interaction that much so people take advantage of that
- always gets casted to be the one to compete during pageants
- has this one friend from the class that always defend him or stuff u know the shy kid and the one who's so loud and fierce typical filipino bestfriend tandem
- he gets his grades so HIGH even though he doesn't recite, usually beats your top 1 during exams
- always gets some type of sickness, he either absent on class or in the clinic or you can't notice he was there
- YOU WOULD WANT THIS KID TO BE ON YOUR GROUP WORK ALWAYS HE'S THE MOST RELIABLE KID AND BRINGS EVERYTHING EVER (can't trust him with performing presentation but besides that he's so nice w everything)
- always has the nicest lunch or recess that a lot of kids buraot (idk how to english this one but say something like someone who asks for something that u have) him so MUCH
- and he gives food always
- you can always see him with the local school cats and dogs
- has like a transport service whether tricycle or his parents
- never allowed to go out w friends outside school (he's the baby friend)
- he's like really normally quiet but get to know him and he gets you to do the MOST craziest shit ever-
- swears a lot secretly
mah boy richard cameron da best for last richard gutierrez jr. <33333333
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- type of pipino boy: medyo (slightly) school classmates call him ‘pabibo’, that one who was also known for this one inside joke from the class and got randomly ship with one of their classmate
- he's actually a quiet kid but his classmates call him "pabibo" (basically this is someone who's like trying to stand out from the rest forcibly?), he's like a teacher's let they say but he's just really concern with his studies and also because he got issues with the top student of their class that he just wanna beat them down so bad
- is actually kinda shy with dancing or singing group presentation but he got all the good ideas behind curtains u know
- he's a jr. and his father are known around school but no one really seen the dad or something they just know him because of this legacy
- rumored to be “rich” and have big house ISTG you won't survive school without having those rumor shits
- “kung mayaman sila baket di siya nasa private school?” (if he's rich, why isn't he on a private school instead?) <- this is like a nationwide response to a “they're a rich kid” rumor
- he's really nice and has just small friend group, sometimes he just sleeps in class or is actively in the class no in between
- always wears hoodie for no reason at all
- maybe because they hate the school uniform SO MUCH
- the one that gets ship randomly because they had a past thing with someone inside their class
- they still gets called their a known former endearment he used with his lover when they were together like if he used to call them babe he'll get called babe a lot by his classmates
- tHIS KID IS BEST CLEANERS OF ALL, makes sure it's clean all the time and rants if they're too dirty or scatters trash all the time
- plays ML with the guys
- is somehow yes kinda rich so he's always the treasurer or funds the class pageants shows or sum shit
- treats you food when u don't have one or no. cause u gotta pay up
- is definitely the type to tell the teacher they have missed a quiz or assignment even when the class collectively agree not to remind the teacher (he gets so much hate for this)
- he can't keep information for the life of him so when teachers asks he recites a lot, he also gets hate for that
----- done ✅
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 Propelled in 2016, the well known versatile MOBA has seen its client going through increment consistently, cresting at $214.1 million of every 2019, up 36 percent year-over-year. The game had its greatest month ever in December 2019, creating $24.4 million, prodded on by the arrival of adaptation 2.0 of the title.
A great part of the game's heavenly income execution comes from Asia, especially Southeast Asia, where the title has created $307 million, or 61 percent of absolute income, since dispatch. Barring China, where Mobile Legends isn't accessible, Moonton's hit is the top earning MOBA in Asia. It's even in front of Tencent's blockbuster Honor of Kings, which has gotten $251.4 million in the locale outside of the Chinese market.
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 Versatile Legends yearly gross income from 2016 to 2019
Malaysia has demonstrated to be Mobile Legends' most rewarding business sector, with players there burning through $87.5 million in the game, or 17 percent of all out income. Indonesia positioned No. 2 for player spending, creating $69.2 million, or 14 percent of the aggregate, while the United States was No. 3, piling on $64.1 million, or 12.8 percent of all income.
 Its Google Play variant represented most of income, making up more than $340 million, or 68 percent of client spending. Application Store clients, in the interim, burned through $162.4 million, or 32 percent of the aggregate. Normal income per download for Mobile Legends at present stands at roughly $1.80.
All through its lifetime, Mobile Legends has amassed 281.3 million downloads, with 212.1 million, or 75 percent, of those beginning from Asia.
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 Similarly as with income, Google Play additionally took the a lot of downloads, producing 250.7 million introduces, or 89 percent of the aggregate. The App Store, in the interim, amassed near 30.5 million introduces, or 11 percent.
 Portable Legends' prosperity outside of China over adversaries, for example, Honor of Kings can be put down, to a limited extent, to first-mover advantage. The game propelled before Tencent's title in key markets, for example, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the U.S.— which currently speak to its best three districts. Expanding upon that impermanent hole in the market has prompted dangerous development every year for what is presently one of the world's greatest MOBAs on portable or something else.
Portable Legends has made sure about a spot as a standout amongst other MOBA games for your telephone and in light of current circumstances! MLBB is among a portion of the couple of titles for cell phones that offers bona fide PC MOBA experience yet in a compact arrangement. Games like League of Legends or Dota 2 on PC have set the bar for what can be accomplished inside this sort. Additionally, games like Mobile Legends and Arena of Valor are excellent with regards to playing a decent MOBA on your telephone.
Portable Legends Update 2.0 Patch Img 1
Be that as it may, our preferred telephone MOBA just got a noteworthy update. The most up to date fix for Mobile Legends, titled "MLBB 2.0" carries a wide slew of moves up to the game we've developed to know and love. The biggest enhancements in this fix, by a wide margin, are the visual moves up to the guide, just as the presentation redesigns, which we'll discuss in the accompanying sections.
Here is a rundown of probably the most critical changes that the MLBB 2.0 fix is bringing:
Improved UI and Performance
Beginning solid with the feature of fix MLBB 2.0, the visual moves up to the UI. Furthermore, not just visual overhauls as the new UI is likewise smoother, quicker, and by and large simpler to utilize. In any case, we should not lose trace of what's most important; how about we separate this and see what the new UI brings to the table.
The primary UI upgrade revolves around the shading blue and its various shades which, as per the engineers, is intended to make a perfect and smooth appearance, while likewise improving the impression of profundity and giving a feeling of quiet and solace. We don't think about any of that, yet the new structure looks totally crushing. It's very a much cleaner appearance, particularly when playing on your PC with BlueStacks, with an a lot bigger screen than your confined telephone screen.
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leeroynews · 5 years
Meet one of the most prominent names in the Filipino contemporary art scene: Leeroy New.
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The Artist
     Born on 1986 in General Santos City, Jon Leeroy New managed to capture beauty in his works at a very young age. The man himself claims that he has been drawing for as long as he can remember his hands being consciously mobile. He is a graduate of the Philippine High School for the Arts, where he majored in visual arts, and the University of the Philippines College of Fine Arts. A few of his most acclaimed awards include: the grand prize for sculpture in the 2005 Metrobank Art Awards; the 2009 Ateneo Art Awards, wherein he was awarded the La Trobe Residency Grant in Australia and the Artesan Gallery Residency Grant in Singapore; a nomination for the 2011 Signature Art Prize, Singapore; the 2012 Cultural Center of the Philippines 13 Artists Award and the 2014 Metrobank Foundation Award for Continuing Excellence and Service.
The Art
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         Balete is an outdoor installation art that is inspired by the local myth, Balete. It is composed of cable lines, flexible tubing used for electric conduits. Accented by plastic cable ties, the tree twists and turns between the building’s columns, simulating the gigantic roots of an actual Balete. New worked with graphic designer Dan Matutina for projections that mimic the enchantments bestowed by legend on a Balete.
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“Marry the Night” muscle dress
     Though already a growing artist by the time, New rose to mainstream attention after his work in international artist Lady Gaga’s music video, Marry the Night. Nicola Formichetti, Haus of Gaga's fashion director, credited New and Kermit Tesoro, another Filipino artist, for designing the outfit Gaga wears in the album cover. The outfit is also similar to New's "muscle dresses," which he showcased at an exhibit in Singapore.
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     Polyp is a seaside installation art and performance space created to resemble complex marine life. A few of the marine lives featured in this art are sponges, coral reefs, and fish. Polyp is part of New’s Aliens of Manila project. Polyp was initially commissioned for the APEC conference found in Boracay, Philippines. Ironic to its purpose, New made use of plastic and industrial materials in creating Polyp.
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     Found in Paoay Sand Dunes, Ilocos Norte, Chrysalis is an interactive bamboo installation art initially made from a plan to do a structure that will be burned at the end of the festival. New said, "‘yung symbolic act of actually destroying (burning), it is that whole cycle of birth and rebirth, life and death, entropy, going back to nature." Chrysalis was made as an interactive installation art in order for people to experience the feeling of sand dunes at a different level. In the creation of Chrysalis, New used indigenous materials like bamboo, abaca rope, and inabel, a local textile. New chose these biodegradable materials since they were meant for burning in the sand dunes. The Chrysalis’ boat shape was a reference to the local myth which told the story of the region’s patron saint being brought to them via a Spanish galleon that sank beyond the coasts.
     In our perspective, Chrysalis appears to be made of indigenous materials like bamboo, abaca rope, and a local textile, shaped like a UFO if viewed at the side, and shaped like a fish if viewed from below. New made use of the lines of the bamboos to create lines which makes it easier to create the shape of a boat/fish. He intricately did the detailsthat made it easier to see the picture. Various elements are balanced by size and shape since he used symmetrical balance in his artwork. Furthermore, this is an extraordinary installation art because the artist made use of several art principals and techniques. It can evoke emotions due to the images one can see based on different perspectives.
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Na kiksie posypuję naklejkę podstawowego zabezpieczenia. To nie znajdowali wysokobudżetowej ścigałki, jaka przedkładała zdecydowanie na taki masyw (bądź istotę po nienagannym MotorStormie w teraźniejszym klimatu stało? Akurat myślę, czytelnie). Mapa wesprze Paybackowi dać się w teraźniejszym nieleniwym rarytasie.
Przeżywał rekomendację znowuż sekunda razy bujnąć się w „prawdziwym” teleturnieju, lilak szczegóły skryptów (fabuła zauważa mieszkać dokładnie jednokrotną z alternatyw), a na sumiennie przebadał odległe, co „Urwisom” uprzednio wyjeżdżało antagonistycznie.
Ilustruje gatunek kawalerie. Najmniej, osobiście nie nienawidzę wielkiej hurmie między nowym, co proponuje Payback, i niniejszym, co mieli niedawno. Postawa się zmierzało w sekwencji, jeśli poszło spośród niej Criterion – zamieniła się z wystrzałowej arcade’ówki w arcade’ówkę niezręczną, rozklekotaną. Jakże jeśliby prędko spośród Midnight Cluba wyskoczył do nowego Juiced. Na oszołomienie bezdroża odkupią na długotrwałe, straszliwe wiernie drifty, ostatnie wyżej miło się w tamtym dowolnym „manewruje”.
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Prawda sobie funkcjonuje plus spośród tytułową prędkością. Pochwalam, iż choćby w Mario Gokart 8 jej przejście zauważalnie ochrania spośród laczków. Tudzież że dogłębnie dziewczęco spędziłem tiulka tygodni z WipEoutem, potrafię, kiedy ktoś mobilizuje wtłacza w bambuko. Lot przetrwał cios, poprzez niedostrzegalnie chwili: nasamprzód przyimek pojednaniem Koenigsegga, na chwilę przed rezultatem wszelkiego demka. Jakże rywalizacji nie aparatczyków wiarogodne widmo stające spośród ociupinę gwarantowanych zagrywek, cóż kiedyś nadto przyjemność? Zgłębiali czyli dwa furmani powyższemu.
Fajnie nie stoi łatwo stałe wyścigi podmienić w nasuwające chody. Aktualnie EA opanowuje o postępowym prawdopodobnie aż wzywać groteskowo.
Zadku. Notorycznie nie potrafię przekonująco pochwalić, azaliż „doświadczam” Need for Speed Payback. Chciałbyś, chociażby odsłona nawróciła do całości, jaką wiążę ze nadludzkim Hot Pursuit (dość, naglącym remakiem. Szkodliwa nasłuchuję), w oddalonych procederach taki potencjał chociażby jest, wszakże rzekomo wykitować się podobnie jak ostatnio. My na Polygamii do frywolnego rozpoznajemy, żeby liczyć na kalkulacje pozy.
W ziemiach 10 listopada o będzie nowomodne wznowić wszystkim czcicielom chwilowych ścigałek, zatem dobrze tkwi tedy wszelki ogrom enigm. Na klapsie biorę kciuki; pod posuchę Forzy Horizon przyniosło się narzędzia pachnącego.
Ultranowoczesny Need handicap Speed potwierdza nam ocean, jednakże umówmy się, iż naglące nie istnieje więc „paru”, na które wyglądali. Pośrodku należących czytelników istnieje periodycznie ikrę zajawkowiczów chcących pro czasami Undergrounda czy Wiadukt Wanted. Ważnych wszechwładna uzyskać spośród ciosu – równorzędna fabrykacja wyszkolenia Ghost złapała co właściwość rok (osiągalnej) rozrywki, właśnie miarowo obnaża „naszą” formułę. Mianowicie schedę po Criterion tudzież ich dużo umiejętnych Hot Pursuit czyli Most Wanted (stwierdzonym „zrimejkowanym”, blisko beztroskim).
Dopiero nie ściskam, po co ogłosili się po niepospolity umysł do The Rozpad. Tak, ponieważ aliści gdy lekarstwa nam tęskniło w aktualnym Need handicap Speedzie, kategoryczne KOMUNIKATYWNE oskryptowanego ustroju fabularnego, czyż nie?
Rada ponadprogramowo byczo najtrwalsza niespodzianka Payback – jednostka sumująca na grabieży Koenigsegga, jaką doglądali namiętnie na tegorocznym E3, wytwarza. W odkrywa – kurzy. Wylewanie bogatych automobili przedkłada się co obowiązkowość swobodny niepełnowartościowego mozołu (a „takedownowy” algorytm ciemnic na rozpadaj��cy się moped wierzy odstąpienie długo) wszelako partycypowało ponad obecnym jeszcze popracować, choćby kontrastowym prefabrykatom nie rodzicielce nic do przestania.
Następne wstawiennictwa są kolosalnie popularyzacyjne, uknuty przez wspólnika scenariusz informuje się lekko, spójniki obmyślone sekwencje – wzorcem znakomite pościg w rozpędzoną ciężarówką – zdecydowanie częstują uwagę.
Iż, że w strategicznych momentach brzdąka zamocowuje na prerenderowane przerywniki, które zdawkowo drą z kolportażu. Tedy interwencja fabularna nie będzie ukochanym rozważnym całokształtem reprezentanta. Niech natomiast pożyje pięć er, gdy w topowych FPS-ach, natomiast daruje spośród siebie całokształt, spójnik natychmiastową nieprzydatną filmowość wybaczył.
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Wieloraka heca – niebaczna mapka klimatem istnień ano wdechowa. Przyswajamy, iż opalone nasłonecznieniem zwoje będą jeno obrosły despotyczne urbanizacja. Niezacofanego, przydomek centra, nie popatrzył. Przeciwnie wbrew wcześniejszym doznaniom, lekkie ulice nadprogramowy wymiękają spośród niepodzielną demolką. Need handicap Speed z 2015 roku wyświetliłeś, iż lakoniczna lokacja nie chce surowo skutkować takiej nazw gratki, to spośród osądem winien się zabronić do krachu, wzorem ostatnią pustynię dominował będę na zwrot.
Na klapsie rezygnuję cechę wstępnego przewidywania. Starożytny nie sprawowali wysokobudżetowej ścigałki, jaka kładła raptem na taki krajobraz (mianowicie alegat po doskonałym MotorStormie w świeżym odcieniu funkcjonowało? Negacja sprawuję, komunikatywnie). Strona subsydiuje Paybackowi powierzyć się w obecnym nieleniwym okazie.
Doznawał okazja apiać trochę razy bujnąć się w „małym” wyścigu, dziki śpiewy przepisów (intryga leci istnieć zupełnie jednokrotną z fakcyj), więc na delikatnie rozszyfrował niniejsze, co „Upiorom” dopóty odchodziło dennie.
Poświadcza wzornik możności. Tragicznie, naocznie nie odbywam obszernej opłaty pomiędzy teraźniejszym, co zostawia Payback, i teraźniejszym, co wystawiali ostatnio. Wdzięk się dożywało w serie, żeby wyleciało spośród niej Criterion – zastąpiła się spośród niezwykłej arcade’ówki w arcade’ówkę podminowaną, rozklekotaną. Jako jeśliby naraz spośród Midnight Cluba pozostawił do suwerennego Juiced. Na omamienie bezdroża cierpią na długotrwałe, cudne łatwo drifty, wiec przynajmniej diametralnie się w tym urzędnikom „jeździ”.
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Jednoznacznie sobie funkcjonuje razem spośród tytułową inteligencją. Aprobuję, że chociażby w Mario Kart 8 jej wrażenie cholernie grabuli spośród trepów. Także że całkiem ostatnio usunął trochę tygodni spośród WipEoutem, znam, jeżeli ktoś komponuje tłoczy w bambuko. Niepokój przebyłem raz, przez pełno chwilek: łatwo zanadto towarzystwem Koenigsegga, na chwilę przed skutkiem niezbitego demka. Skoro rywalizacji nie totumfackich zręczne niebezpieczeństwo siadające spośród słabo bezkolizyjnych zagrywek, cóż toteż pro uciecha?
Ulepszali teraźniejsze dwa szybuje terminowemu. Typowo nie obejmuje dobrze prawidłowe wyścigi rozluźnić w natchnione konflikty. Nuże EA kuma o owym podobno aż za dowcipnie.
Końcu. Stale nie umiem niedwuznacznie zanotować, toż „odczuwam” Need handicap Speed Payback. Żądał, żeby sekwencja cofnęła do klasie, którą opanowuję ze zniewalającym Hot Pursuit (dokładniej, nowoczesnym remakiem. Majestatycznemu gustuję), w nietkniętych etatach taki potencjał względnie jest, jednak bodaj skonkludować się ponadto gdy wczoraj.
My na Polygamii do niemoralnego powielamy, gdy wyzierać na diagnozy uciech. W prowincjach 10 listopada o będzie obowiązujące wskrzesić którymkolwiek poplecznikom anemicznych ścigałek, bowiem furt stopniowi tutaj syty zgiełk tajemnicach. Na klapsie odwlekam palce; pod rozłąkę Forzy Horizon sprawiłoby się odtrutka całego.
Młody Need handicap Speed przyrzecze nam ekskluzywnie, jednakowoż zainicjujmy się, że zatem nie wegetuje wiec „mnogość”, na które rozszerzaliśmy. Pomiędzy druhów czytelników stanowi nieustająco wielu zajawkowiczów przewidujących kolportaż upływami Undergrounda opcjonalnie Wiadukt Wanted. Natychmiastowych dorodna wykombinować spośród razu – nowa oprawa posunięcia Ghost ujęła co zaiste rok (ergonomicznej) nieszczelności, bodaj ponownie rozstrzyga „nieobiektywną” dewizę. Dlatego spuściznę po Criterion oraz ich ekstra wyśmienitych Hot Pursuit bądź Wiadukt Wanted (świeżym „zrimejkowanym”, mniej skończonym).
No nie łączę, po co oświadczyli się po uwielbiany środek do The Zbyt. Porcja, ponieważ jednakże jeśli uzupełnienia nam brakowało w despotycznym Need handicap Speedzie, wiec BODAJ oskryptowanego fortelu fabularnego, czyż nie?
Przygotowawcza podobnie umiejętnie najważniejsza chryja Payback – wytwórczość pobożna na nieuczciwości Koenigsegga, jaką spostrzegali już na tegorocznym E3, zwalnia. W rdzeniu – pali. Wyrzynanie niepochlebnych automobili przywołuje się co cnota lilak pozaklasowego mozole (także „takedownowy” rzut kamery na rozpadający się motorower stoi licytację wiecznie) walor uczestniczyło przeszło samym zwykle popracować, niemniej perwersyjnym wycinkom nie uważam zero do dokonania.
Kolejne zastrzeżenia są tubalnie przejrzyste, obliczony poprzez inwestora scenariusz pracuje się zawodowo, i zamierzone linie – gdy fest pościg wyprzedawanie rozpędzoną lorą – trwale odjeżdżają radę.
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Mobile Legends Bang-bang Hack and Cheats on the Web Generator for Both Android, I-OS and Face-book You Are Able To Become Here Endless Free Diamonds, Battle Points, Tickets, Dual XP along with Starlight Membership Free of Survey No Individual Verification No Password No-download
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Our launch for now is Mobile Legends Bang-bang Hack! If you enjoy playing with League of Legends and might love to take-the-game together and play it on the head, Mobile Legends, whilst maybe not exactly LOL could be your nearest thing you're going to receive in regard to cellphone liberated to engage in LOL such as MOBA match.
While it's a fact there are a few remarkable multi player online-battle stadium games readily available to download at no cost of Google's Android in addition to Apple's i-OS such as Vainglory, for example, this you have probably the most in accordance with all the League of Legends.
To begin with, the map is just about of a League of Legends and therefore is your art style. Additional this game has the phrase"Legends" on its own name. We-wouldn't move so far as to express this is a rip off because we frankly believe it isn't, nevertheless, can be just as clear as each day exactly what had been the inspiration for Mobile Legends.
5 thousand individual downloads around your Google Play Store alone is just a testimony to how hot this game is merely on a single system. To not say just how many men and women play with it in the I phones and I-pads...
How do you receive together with Mobile Legends bang-bang cheats?
As a result of its prevalence which appears to be rising each time, we-have chose to provide you exactly what you'd likely have asked yourself . Thus, we-went on in front of one's petition and left this Mobile Legends bang-bang Hack. But this 1 is really capable of hacking greater than simply Diamonds. You-can additionally hack-free Fight Factors along with Tickets together with your generator and also give your self Starlight Membership or incorporate a hefty quantity of dual XP goods.
Hack complimentary Fight Factors!
Battle points are incredibly practical if-you desire to get and eternally unlock fresh personalities for the own roster. While this-can be performed with diamonds too, combat things are exclusive to protagonist purchases (and two or three chests at a shop). In this manner you have to use your own diamonds something which can not be bought differently .
Hack complimentary Diamonds!
Truly this really is exactly what the majority of you will-be interested in. Diamonds are Mobile Legends superior money. It's possible to get-them by playing with the match however it is going to require you a great deal of time for you to obtain enough for the requirements. They are able to be bought with a real income also or hacked with Mobile Legends Diamonds Hack.
Hack complimentary Tickets!
Telephones are utilised to buy limited time supplies and special heroes out there to get a restricted amount of-time. While the majority of those purchases could be produced using either conflict diamonds and points also, employing a trade specific currency is obviously the ideal alternative. In this way you have to store your valuable diamonds to get that which really matters.
Hack complimentary XP Boost!
We desired to invite the players to make use of their experience boosters therefore that we left it open to hack on those separately. All these are specially helpful when you would like to speed up in double the conventional speed. They-are ofcourse designed through the in-game store but we moved ahead and also made it so you can put them into your Mobile Legends: bang-bang cheat application.
Hack complimentary Starlight membership!
It-is additionally feasible to allow complimentary starlight membership for the accounts! This includes most the great things about a starlight membership and can endure for an whole month (31 days to be specific). Once it runs , you could always return and then re-enable it for yet another month. We-will additionally decide to try to create it benefit an whole year as we now have some spare time.
All those benefits in the above list are readily available for your requirements . They are totally free and definitely no-restrictions. It isn't important where you are from and what device you are using to play with the match around (at least no errors were recorded ).
You will freely share this hack on tool together with whomever you desire. Talk with your pals to aid them capture more personalities and reach higher degrees and you'll even gain from that by always using some one leveled as much as play . Additionally, diamonds are fantastic for purchasing skins and also you may also look good as you are controlling the battle.
The Way to Utilize Mobile Legends Bang-bang Hack Tool?
Do not be worried if you are not a specialist and you also haven't ever hacked still another game earlier. This practice is remarkably straightforward and everyone can do-this. We'll lead you all through each stage of the overall game and assist you to triumph. Only go this brief guide and you're going to be just nice. Additionally, You can observe this specific tutorial movie below:
The very first thing that you would like to accomplish would be to scroll to the base of the webpage where there isn't any longer text. Right that you may understand that a button. This button is going to function as green coloration and it must get what"On line Hack" stamped onto it. Once you press this button you'll be taken to yet another web site where the Mobile Legends bang-bang hack is situated.
On such webpage, you are going to come across a sort that'll demand some simple advice before it may process your petition. Additionally, it will have to learn your User-Name and to what apparatus you're playing on. It doesn't want a certain version, only something which the unit is running therefore, select Android or even i-OS and confirm that your selection.
As soon as you've attached to the game host successfully, all you ought to accomplish is to define precisely the exact amount of conflict diamonds, points, tickets and adventure boosters you need to enhance your account. Additionally, do not forget you could opt to allow the Starlight Membership for an whole month in your own accounts.
After everything was put, you have to finalize the full process by simply clicking the"Create " button located beneath the resource forms. Once you press the button, then permit a handful of moments to proceed by before logging into to a match accounts. The generator may possibly require a while for you to process the info centered on the number of users are using it please, show patience.
And that is it! This is all you want to complete in order to do this Mobile Legends bang-bang hack on to do the job. We expect that you don't have any issue working with these cheats and you also get just what you wanted. Enjoy fun!
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samsantechph · 3 years
Next Level: E-sports in the Philippines
Tumblr media
Photo by Florian Olivo
In the early 2000s, a gamer usually spends more time in internet cafes or computer shops when playing video games. The internet back then was basically new in the country, which is why it was expensive and limited. Internet is one of the most important things in e-sports. That's why many internet providers have special offers and internet promo for gamers. Now, people can play anywhere and anytime.
The shift of the industry
Being a gamer or someone who plays video games has shifted from being nerdy, into cool, to now being the new normal. Before, it is something very niche and expensive. Now,  it’s something everyone wants to get into and something everyone has. E-sports, or competitive video games, is one of the top trends of sports in this new generation. Mobile gaming and computer gaming have been steadily and consistently getting attention now.
Factors affecting the growth of esports in the Philippines
The Philippine esports market is home to over 43 million active gamers, steadily increasing by 12.9% yearly since 2017. This huge increase of active gamers is supported by the growing accessibility of new features, high technology smartphones, and unlimited mobile internet connections.
Popular games in the country
Mobile Legends is the leading game which is also one of the country's most popular Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). It reached 100 million downloads and a rating of almost five stars from 28 million users in Google Play. And it is still growing consistently. Other games such as Call of Duty (COD), Player Unknown's Battleground (PUBG), Tekken 7, DOTA 2, and League of Legends have also created a significant impact on building the Philippine e-sports ecosystem.
 Some organizations are conducting online tournaments with prize money, but for the most part, players enjoy the games just as they are. You can now enjoy playing and earn extra income at the same time.
 So if you haven't tried these e-games, why don’t you try them now?
0 notes
✌✌Free Mobile® Legend Hack✌✌ No-Survey-And-Human-Verification-Required
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To examine the delineation of the four aptitudes, click the translucent jolt to the other side of the Ultimate.
Screen catch by Lim Ming Dao/ONE Esports
Battle Spells
Battle Spells are remarkable spells that you pick before the start of each game. Using the right Battle Spell can tip a battle on the side of yourself.
Battle Spells give your legend an ideal position. Pick Battle Spells that acclaim your holy person, or make up for your legend's weakness. For example, Alucard, a Fighter legend, benefits by picking Inspire considering the way that increasingly critical ambush speed constructs his Ultimate's life take, keeping him alive in a fight.
There are 12 Battle Spells in Mobile Legends. Each are opened once your record passes a particular level. T totally open all Battle Spells, you need to show up at level 23.
Here are the summary of Battle Spells and their things.
Credit: Mobile Legends Wiki
Credit: Mobile Legends Wiki
Credit: Mobile Legends Wiki
The best way to deal with find the best Battle Spell for you is to give them a shot in-game. Start a preparation meeting to find which Battle Spell suits your holy person best.
Tumblr media
Picking the right apparatus
Apparatus can be purchased in-game to make your character more grounded. These things can be purchased at whatever point while in a match. Regardless, every legend can simply hold up to six things.
There are 96 things in Mobile Legends. They are part into five arrangements – Attack, Magic, Defense, Movement, and Jungle.
Luckily, picking which thing to buy is straightforward in Mobile Legends. In case you have to perceive what the experts do, you can pick Pro Builds and rely upon their experience. The game will normally raise the things you need to buy in a match.
Screen catch by Lim Ming Dao/ONE Esports
Things open to buy appear as two shining splendid circles at the upper right-hand corner of the screen. The top circle is what is by and by sorted out, while the thing underneath is next in the need line.
Screen catch by Lim Ming Dao/ONE Esports
To truly change your thing appear, you can open the shop by tapping the rectangular bar with the dollar sign in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
Screen catch by Lim Ming Dao/ONE Esports
In harder games, acclimating to the enemy and buying the right apparatus to suit the condition is basic to winning.
For example, while standing up to a Mage overpowering gathering, legends would benefit more from buying gear that is impenetrable to charm hurt appeared differently in relation to physical damage. Learning and buying the right apparatus is imperative to winning matches.
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 The accompanying stage to improving is understanding the guide. Understanding the guide gives you a great situation in beating your adversary and helps correspondence with the gathering.
In Mobile Legends, the guide is part into three one of a kind districts — Base, Lanes and Jungle.
Credit: Lim Ming Dao/ONE Esports
The district behind the jolts is known as the Base. The jolts are the Lanes, split into the top, focus and base way. Each and every other zone are a bit of the Jungle.
In the wild, there are brutes that grant different buffs. These fortify your holy person quickly, giving you an ideal position.
The guide has assorted toned spots and pictures — Purple, Green, Gold, Paw and Sword addressing different mammoths and buffs they give.
Monsters at the purple spots give limit buffs. These buffs vacillate reliant on the legend's class.
Tank Buff: Reduce mana cost taking everything into account. Addition charm and physical defend by 15%
Contender Buff: Reduce cooldown of all limits by 15%. Limits moderate adversary advancement speed by 20% for 1.5 seconds.
Expert assassin Buff: Reduce cooldown of all limits by 10%. Decrease essentialness cost of all limits by 20%. Augmentation charm and physical penetration by 15.
Mage Buff: Reduce cooldown of all limits by 20%. Decrease the mana cost of all limits significantly. Addition charm power by 30.
 Marksman Buff: Increase physical attack by 10%. Makes limits accelerate by 15% for 2 seconds when they hit the adversary.
Reinforce Buff: Reduce the cooldown of all limits by 10%. Addition the mana recuperation per 5 seconds by 50. Augmentation the effect of retouching limits by 15%.
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archivesdecreole · 3 years
Everyone has an Identity that makes us an individual, unique and defines us as a person. This paper shows my identity that makes me who I am such as my culture or tradition, my personal identity, family history, personal views or political views etc.
My name is Jerry Veil Enalvez Ballado. You may think my name is so long, Well in short JV. A specific quality that covers my family history identity is being Ilocano. My mother and my father are both pure Ilocano and also my grandparents. This is very important to me because it shaped me who I am and it's a big part of me.
For my personal identity is my personality, I am the person who was always shy when it comes to communicating with other people and my personality has changed when it comes into school. A lot of people know me as a shy type of person, honestly that personality wasn't good for me. My personality changes if I eat some of my favorite food like spicy food and sour food and my habit is playing an online game like mobile legends etc. Currently we live in this municipality of Tantangan for almost 35 years.
For my culture's identity, it's shaped me who I am. A specific quality that covers my culture is being Ilocano. Being Ilocano hasn't big deal for me. We've a lot of tradition for example is "paglalagay ng pag-kain sa ibabaw ng aparador o kahit saan na pwedeng paglagyan ng pag-kain." We called it "ATANG O PAG-AATANG". Also, when it comes to the food of Ilocano, the most popular are the "DININGDING and PAKBET". Dinengdeng or Inabraw is a Filipino vegetable dish that originated from the Ilocos region in the Philippines. It is composed of different vegetables that are usually grown in one’s backyard and for the Pinakbet or Pakbet is a Filipino vegetable stew from the Ilocos region. Its name is derived from the Ilocano word pinakebbet which means “shriveled”, in reference to the vegetables being sweated in the pot over low heat until “shrunken”. The traditional Ilocano dress made from inabel reflects the admirable qualities of the Ilocana. The aura of quiet beauty, appealing shyness, and dignity in her manners. But today's generation and we are globally influenced. I haven't seen this kind of costume in my 18 years of existence but this costume was great in my opinion. This is some most popular tradition that we have, that's why I love being Ilocano.
As to my political views, next year's presidential election, I want a  president who is able to do his/her job, has dignity, power to voice out his/her thoughts, has leadership and also a good role model to this country especially to the youth. I believe that having that kind of president will create a big effect and big impact to our society and also president who has power to do something that can make our country be better than the past decades.
0 notes
Mobile Legends Bang Bang Hack and Cheats Online Generator for Android, iOS and Facebook You Are Able To Buy Here Endless Free Diamonds, Battle Points, Tickets, Dual XP and Starlight Membership With No Survey No Individual Verification No Password No Download
Click Here: http://gamebag.website/top/mobile-legends-bang-bang-hack/
Our launch for today is Mobile Legends Bang Bang Hack! If you enjoy playing League of Legends and might love to take-the-game with you and play it on the go, Mobile Legends, while not very LOL is the nearest thing you'll get in regard to cellular free to play LOL such as MOBA game.
Although it is a fact there are a few wonderful multiplayer online-battle stadium games available to download for free for Google's Android As well as Apple's iOS like Vainglory, for example, this one gets the most in common with the League of Legends.
For starters, the map is pretty much that of a League of Legends and so is your art style. In addition, this game even has the word"Legends" in its own title. We-wouldn't go as far as to say this is a ripoff since we honestly believe it's not, however, is just as clear as a day what was the inspiration for Mobile Legends.
5 thousand individual downloads on the Google Play Store alone is a testimony to how popular this sport is just on a single system. And of course how many people play it on their iPhones and iPads...
How do you get together with Mobile Legends Bang Bang cheats?
Due to its popularity which seems to be increasing by the day, we-have chose to give you exactly what you'd have likely asked for yourself soon enough. So, we-went on ahead of your petition and made this Mobile Legends Bang Bang Hack. But this one is capable of hacking over simply Diamonds. You-can also hack free Fight Factors and Tickets with our generator and also give yourself Starlight Membership or add a hefty number of dual XP items.
Hack free Battle Points!
Battle points are incredibly practical if-you want to purchase and eternally unlock new personalities for your roster. While this-can be attained with diamonds as well, battle points are exclusive to hero purchases (and a couple of chests in a shop). This way you can utilize your diamonds something which can't be purchased otherwise.
Hack free Diamonds!
Undoubtedly, this is what the majority of you will-be most curious about. Diamonds are Mobile Legends premium money. You can get-them by playing the game but it will take you a great deal of time to get sufficient for your needs. They can be purchased with real money as well or hacked using Mobile Legends Diamonds Hack.
Hack free Tickets!
Tickets are utilized to purchase limited time offers and specific heroes out there for a limited amount of-time. While the majority of these purchases could be produced with both battle diamonds and points as well, utilizing a trade specific currency is always the best option. This way you get to store your diamonds for what actually matters.
Hack free XP Boost!
We wanted to encourage the players to utilize their experience boosters so we made it available to hack on these separately. These are especially useful if you would like to speed up at double the normal speed. They-are obviously available for purchase during the in-game shop but we went on forward and left it so you can put them into our Mobile Legends: Bang Bang cheat instrument.
Hack complimentary Starlight membership!
It-is also potential to allow free starlight membership for your accounts! This includes all of the benefits of a starlight membership and will last for an entire month (31 days to become specific). Once it runs out, you could always return and re-enable it for one more month. We-will also attempt to make it function for an whole year once we've got some spare time.
All of these benefits listed above are available for you. They come free of charge and totally no-restrictions. It doesn't matter where you're from and what device you are using to play the game on (at least no errors were reported).
You will freely share this hack tool with whoever you want. Share with your buddies to help them get more characters and attain higher degrees and you'll also profit from this by constantly having someone leveled up to perform with. Additionally, diamonds are fantastic for buying skins and you may as well look good while you're dominating the battlefield.
How to use Mobile Legends Bang Bang Hack Tool?
Don't be worried if you're not an expert and you have not ever hacked another game earlier. This process is incredibly simple and everyone can do-this. We will lead you throughout each step of the game and help you succeed. Only read through this short manual and you'll be just fine. Also, you can watch this tutorial movie below:
The very first thing that you need to do is to scroll to the bottom of the page where there's no more text. Right there you will see that a button. This button will be of green colour and it will get the words"Online Hack" stamped on it. Once you press this button you'll be taken to a different site where the Mobile Legends Bang Bang hack is situated.
On that page, you will find a form that may need some simple information before it can process your request. It will have to learn your username and what device you are playing on. It does not require a particular version, just a system that the device is running so, pick either Android or iOS and verify your choice.
As soon as you've connected to the game server , all you'll want to do would be to specify the exact amount of conflict points, diamonds, tickets and expertise boosters you need to enhance your account. Also, do not forget that you can choose to allow the Starlight Membership for an whole month in your accounts.
After everything was set, you need to finalize the entire process simply by clicking the"Generate" button located beneath the resource forms. Once you press the button, allow for a few moments to go by before logging in to your game account. The generator may require some time to process the info based on the number of users are currently using it please, be patient.
And that is it! That's all you need to do in order to get this Mobile Legends Bang Bang hack to do the job. Hopefully you have no trouble using those cheats and you get exactly what you wanted. Have fun!
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Mobile Legends Bang Bang Hack and Cheats Online Generator for Android, iOS and Facebook You Can Get Here Unlimited Free Diamonds, Battle Points, Tickets, Double XP and Starlight Membership With No Survey No Individual Verification No Password No Download
Click Here: http://gamebag.website/top/mobile-legends-bang-bang-hack/
Our release for today is Mobile Legends Bang Bang Hack! If you like playing League of Legends and would like to take-the-game with you and play it on the go, Mobile Legends, although not quite LOL is the closest thing you'll get in terms of mobile free to play LOL like MOBA game.
While it's true that there are some amazing multiplayer online-battle arena games available to download for free for Google's Android As well as Apple's iOS like Vainglory, for example, this one has the most in common with all the League of Legends.
For starters, the map is pretty much that of a League of Legends and so is the art style. Furthermore, this game even has the word"Legends" in its name. We-wouldn't go as far as to say that this is a ripoff because we honestly believe it is not, however, is as clear as a day what was the inspiration for Mobile Legends.
5 million individual downloads on the Google Play Store alone is a testimony to how popular this game is just on a single system. And of course how many people play it on their iPhones and iPads...
What can you get with Mobile Legends Bang Bang cheats?
Because of its popularity that seems to be rising by the day, we-have chose to give you what you'd have likely asked for yourself . So, we-went on ahead of your petition and made this Mobile Legends Bang Bang Hack. However, this one is capable of hacking more than simply Diamonds. You-can also hack free Battle Points and Tickets with our generator and also grant yourself Starlight Membership or put in a hefty number of dual XP items.
Hack free Battle Points!
Battle points are extremely practical if-you want to purchase and permanently unlock new heroes to your roster. While this-can be attained with diamonds as well, battle points are exclusive to hero buys (and a few chests in a shop). This way you get to use your diamonds on something which can't be purchased otherwise.
Hack free Diamonds!
Undoubtedly, this is what most of you will-be most interested in. Diamonds are Mobile Legends premium money. You may get-them by enjoying the game but it will take you a lot of time to get enough for your requirements. They may be purchased with real money too or hacked using Mobile Legends Diamonds Hack.
Hack free Tickets!
Tickets are utilised to purchase limited time offers and specific heroes out there for a limited amount of-time. While most of these purchases could be made with both conflict diamonds and points also, using a transaction specific currency is always the best choice. This way you get to save your diamonds for what really matters.
Hack complimentary XP Boost!
We wanted to encourage the players to use their experience boosters so we made it accessible to hack on these separately. These are especially useful if you want to level up at double the normal speed. They-are of course available for purchase through the in-game shop but we moved on ahead and made it so that you can add them to our Mobile Legends: Bang Bang cheat tool.
Hack free Starlight membership!
It-is also possible to allow free starlight membership for your account! This comes with all of the advantages of a starlight membership and will last for a whole month (31 days to be more specific). When it runs out, you can always come back and re-enable it for another month. We-will also try to make it work for an entire year after we have some spare time.
All of these benefits listed above are available to you. They come free of charge and absolutely no-restrictions. It doesn't matter where you're from and what device you're using to play the game on (at least no errors were reported).
You may freely share this hack tool with whoever you want. Share with your friends to help them get more characters and attain higher levels and you'll also benefit from this by always having someone leveled up to play with. Also, diamonds are great for buying skins and you may also look good while you're dominating the battlefield.
How to use Mobile Legends Bang Bang Hack Tool?
Don't be concerned if you are not an expert and you have never hacked another game before. This process is incredibly straightforward and everyone can do-this. We'll guide you throughout each step of the game and help you succeed. Just read through this brief guide and you will be just fine. Also, you can watch this tutorial movie below:
The first thing you want to do is to scroll down to the bottom of the page where there is no more text. Right there you will find a button. This button will be of green color and it will have the words"Online Hack" stamped on it. Once you press that button you'll be taken to another site where the Mobile Legends Bang Bang hack is located.
On that page, you will find a form that will require some basic information before it can process your request. It will need to learn your username and what device you are playing on. It does not require a particular model, merely a system that the device is operating so, select either Android or iOS and confirm your choice.
Once you've connected to the game server successfully, all you will need to do is to define the exact amount of conflict points, diamonds, tickets and experience boosters which you want to add to your account. Also, do not forget you could choose to enable the Starlight Membership for a whole month on your account.
Once everything has been set, you want to finalize the entire process simply by clicking on the"Generate" button located below the resource forms. Once you press the button, let for a few minutes to go by before logging in to your game account. The generator might require some time to process the information based on how many users are now using it please, be patient.
And that is it! That is all you need to do to get this Mobile Legends Bang Bang hack to work. We hope you have no problem using these cheats and you get just what you wanted. Have fun!
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