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zvdvdlvr · 11 months ago
Why’d You Have to Wait?
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🔥 - synopsis. You get kidnapped on a case. Aaron’s coping mechanism? Self isolation. But when you’re recovering, Aaron wonders if staying away from you is the right thing to do. Jack convinces him anyway. Are things too far gone for Aaron to fix?
🔥 - warnings. Non descriptive torture. Scars. Burns. Very vaguely described mental issues. Slow burn. Friends ro enemies to lovers? Sad hotch. Angst. No happy ending.
🔥 - author’s note. Doing a part two. Hopefully this doesnt flop :)
Aaron had dreams about it now. They were so vivid- lifelike and real. Every time he had them he woke up in a cold sweat, heaving in the bathroom as tears dripped slowly down his face.
He hadn’t gone to the hospital to see you. In fact, Aaron hadn’t seen you since the day you almost died. He rode in the ambulance, but tore himself away from the hospital as he watched the doctors wheel you into the operating room. Your blood had stained his hands, face, and arms for days. Every time the white spots danced in his vision after emptying the contents of his stomach, he swears he can still see the glossy red liquid drip off his fingers.
You were well like. Not only by the team but by Strauss. She had given the team the time off to help y/n recover: sit in her room after another surgery, cheer for her during physical therapy.
Jack loved having time to see his dad after school, but he knew something was wrong after consistently hearing him pad to the kitchen during the middle of the night.
Tonight was no different.
Jack sat up in his bed and rubbed his eyes. He blinked owlishly around the room and stood up. The little Hotchner slowly followed the light to the kitchen and saw his daddy lean over the sink. “Daddy?”
Aaron turned his head and tried to smile at Jack. Aaron knew he probably looked a mess. “Hey buddy. Let’s get you back to bed.”
Before Aaron could set down set down his water cup, Jack crawled up the seat and watched his dad over the counter. “What’s wrong, daddy?”
“I just can’t sleep,” Aaron shrugged, facing Jack with his arms crossed. “Why do you think something’s wrong?”
Jack looked at Aaron as if he had grown two heads. “You get up in the night a lot, daddy. And your eyes are red. You cough a lot too.“
Hotch wanted to laugh. Of course Jack knew something was wrong- he always knew. “Yeah. You’re right, kiddo.”
“You yell when you sleep sometimes too. What happened to y/n, daddy? She doesn’t come see me anymore.”
Aaron shuddered as he inhaled. Smart boy. “She got really hurt, buddy. It’s bad. I guess I just… get scared thinking about her getting hurt,” Aaron admits, feeling his heart beat faster in his chest.
Jack nodded. “Can we go see her?”
“I- I don’t think we should. She’s still getting better.”
Jack furrowd his eyebrows and tilted his head. “But I miss her.”
“I do t- I bet she misses you, too, Jack, but I don’t know how she’s doing. She might still-“
Jack sighed. “But daddy, she’d be so happy to see me!”
Aaron sighed. As much as he selfishly wanted to see you, he couldn’t. He’d do something he wasn’t proud of- embarrass himself, ruin his reputation of being a mentally and emotionally tough boss, ruin your friendship… No. Aaron couldn’t go by himself, but Jack could go with him. Why hadn’t Aaron thought of it before?
“Okay,” Aaron relented. A smile tugged at his lips when Jack’s face lit up. He scrambled off his chair and collided into Aaron’s legs and squeezed.
“Can I sleep with you tonight, daddy? Aunt Jess always stays with me when I have a nightmare.”
Aaron bent down and picked Jack up and nodded. “Yeah, buddy. Let me brush my teeth again.”
Jack wrapped his arms around his dad’s neck and squeezed, as big of a hug his little body could give.
— 🔥
The days were all a blur for you. Now that you were all fucked up, nothing felt right anymore. Second defree burns crawled up the calf of your left leg. Small cuts littered your entire body, scarring and twisting your skin. The worst part was the long, twisting scar that started on your cheek about two inches away from your ear and pulled down to your collarbone.
The unsub, Barney MacMillian, was a sadist. A stupid fucking sadist. He thought he was punishing you for hunting him when he kidnapped and tortured you.
You know the team tried- they really really did try- to cheer you up, to get you back. But the fact that you now considered yourself a monster and how you started to believe the things MacMillian had whispered in your ear as he tore you apart, layer by layer.
Derek genuinely thought your scar was badass, but learned not to bring it up. Penelope just kept rehashing everything- something you had eventually told her to atop doing. Prentiss was cautious, testing the waters. But she eventually got back into a rhythm with you as your best friend. JJ didn’t do anything wrong, she was just really nice- too nice? Spencer was… himself. And you couldn’t thank him enough for just staying him, recitinf facts about burns and scars, knives and blood loss. It was morbid, sure, but you were always close with him and the way his brain worked.
Rossi was the one that kept you together through it all, though. He had conversations with you, long past visiting hours. He talked with you about anything and everything and somehow knew exactly what you needed to hear or talk about. But he kept making excuses for Aaron.
Aaron. The romantic feelings you kept trying to flush away turned into hurt every time Rossi’s eyes flickered away from yours when you asked about him. But you knew now. He didn’t care. He never would. That’s why he didn’t show. It’s the only plausible explanation of why he wouldn’t show up, shoot you a text, something.
So you turned your hurt into anger and stopped asking, ignoring the way your heart would drop to your stomach and how the acid in your stomach churned eveey time you heard his name.
You already had your resignation documenta stored neatly in a magazine in the second table in the nightstand to your right. You were done with it all.
— 🔥
That’s why you felt tears prick in your eyes when you saw Jack Hotchner leap into the room. His little eyes scoured your face, eyes dragging down the healing skin on your face. You heard Aaron’s footfalls stop short at the door. Your jaw clenched and you stared at Jack, waiting for him to start crying and ask to leave.
But he didn’t. He just smiled and leapt into your arms, completely unaware of the physical pain in your leg and body. He just wrapped his arms and legs around you.
You sat still, eyes looking at Rossi, who smiled at you. You hadn’t yet looked at Aaron and didn’t even want to. Carefully you wrapped your arms around Jack’s back, ignoring how fast the tears left your eyes.
Jack pulled back and looked at you with a smile that faded the second he saw your tears. In all of your time (almost 10 years) at the BAU, Jack had only seen you cry once. And that was during a movie. 
“I thought coming to see you what make you happy,” he sad, voice sad. “Why are you crying?”
You smiled at him, sniffling pitifully. “I’m not sad, little J. I am really happy to see you,” you said. You hoped Aaron would hear the sharp undertone in your voice. Judging by Rossi’s huff of a laugh, he did.
“Oh! Well, I brought you stuff. I know you like the Black Widow because she’s really cool, so I brought you a coloring book,” Jack explained as he brandished his backpack full of stuff. You listensed intently, only looking up when Rossi got your attention and nodded to the door to signal him leaving.
Jack kept talking and you were overjoyed to listen. He was a pleasent little man, making your time more enjoyable. He opened up the coloring book he bought and started coloring after giving you a Beanie Baby he had that you mentioned you liked. He also got you a necklace- that Aaron no doubt spent a pretty penny for- that had your birthstone set in it. Jack watched you carefully as you opened it, and he put it on with his chubby fingers. You didn’t tell him that you would have to take it off soon after he left so it didn’t kill you when you slept. Hospital policy or something.
Soon after you finished your own coloring page featuring the Black Widow and Tony Stark making a hero landing, Jack turned on the T.V. and fell asleep.
“Hey,” Aaron said finally.
You nodded. “Hi boss.”
Aaron bit his lip. You stared forward, hand threading through Jack’s hair. Aaron felt his heart clenching in his chest. He didn’t know how you were gonna react when he came by, but he didn’t expect this- this silent treatment. He didn’t really blame you though. He wanted more than anything to make it up to you, to get you smiling again, but he knew the distance was probably better. For him at least.
“Y/n-“ Aaron started.”
You cut him off with. “Jack’s asleep, sir. It would be best not to wake him.”
Sir. You only called him sir if you were mad. Aaron swallowed. He knew he fucked up. Would he ever be able to fix his mistake, bring the old you back? He pondered the questions as he leaned back in his chair and watched the television show Jack chose before he fell asleep.
— 🔥
“Y/n is getting sent home today,” David’s voice crackled through the phone. “We wanted to take her out to dinner, something nice. Are you coming?”
Aaron sat at the kitchen table, checking over Jack’s homework. Jack himself was sitting a couple feet away on the couch. “Probably not. I have Jack.” 
Rossi scoffed on the other line. “She loves Jack and he loves her. Bring him with you.”
“I don’t know,” Aaron sighed. He rested his head in his hands and closed his eyes. “Dave, she hates me.”
Silence. Rossi exhaled and shook his head. “She doesn’t hate you, but you’re giving her a lot of reasons to. Clean yourself up and meet us all at the address Garcia’ll send you. 6:00. Be there, Aaron. If not for her…” he trailed off, considering his next words carefully. “Then for Jack.”
— 🔥
David convinced you all to wait until ordering.
But when 6:45 rolled around and Aaron didn’t show, you just clenched your jaw and ordered a neat whiskey.
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byemambo · 6 months ago
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Fourever You (2024) | 1.01
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thewandererh · 1 month ago
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art i did in therapy today! new sketchbook :]. my last one was also from my therapy office. very nice and square <3
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dengswei · 1 year ago
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Big Thanakorn and Park Anatadej for Headliner Thailand
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littleragondin · 3 months ago
Favorite QL Characters of 2024
I got tagged by @lurkingshan and @bengiyo thank you both! I have watched very few QL this year compared to what came out, finished even fewer, but I still got some lovely favorites ♡
Nomoto Yuki - Tsukuritai onna to tabetai onna
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I love the whole cast dearly, but Nomoto is one of my all time favorite ♡
Aoyagi Hajime - BL drama no shuen ni narimashita: crank up hen
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He started my year with a bang, and I am so excited to get him back!
Tae Myungha - Love for love's sake
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Not enough words for how hard i love him, truly.
Ishida Tomoya - Mitsuya sensei no keikakutekina ezuka
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Everyone in this show was wonderful, but I especially adored Ishida and his journey.
Shiba Ryoma - Doku koi: doku ko sugireba koi to naru
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#1 in the Best Plant Dad category.
Kurosawa Musashi - Ossan's Love Returns
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I have not yet seen the original series, but I loved him so much in this one! (Contender in the "wildest in law" category).
And two recent addition to the list!
Junior - Caged Again
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Like many, I do adore this sassy, fashion-forward little penguin.
Yang Zixiang - See your love
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I don't care if he is a bit cliché, i just find him too charmingly adorable to not put him on the list.
I am not sure who did it yet, so if you haven't and feel inclined i will tag @iguessitsjustme @heretherebedork @petrichoraline @fandomfairyuniverse @benkaben and @troubled-mind -☆
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shutupcrime · 4 months ago
Hear me out-
A Muppet’s Midsummer Night’s Dream
Theseus, Hippolyta, Lysander, Hermia, Helena and Demetrius are all esteemed Shakespearean actors who keep to the original script, whilst all the fairies and some of the mechanicals are muppets muppeting about with the occasional soliloquy.
I present to you my vision:
Gonzo as Oberon
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Believe me when I tell you Gonzo has RANGE. I think his background as an alien will help him embody the more mystical elements of Oberon and we know from his performance as the narrator in a Muppets Christmas Carol he’s a natural leading man.
Rizzo as Puck
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Name a more iconic duo than Gonzo and Rizzo the rat? You can’t- of course you fucking can’t. Their chemistry is off the charts, celestial dare I say, platonic soulmates the like of which us mere mortals cannot comprehend. On top of the incredible back and forth they’ll bring to Oberon and Puck, Rizzo has a sense of mischief and is just the right amount of a whimsy can’t do nothing right boy to bring a really endearing vision of Puck to the stage.
Miss Piggy as Titania
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Is it controversial to pair up Miss Piggy with someone who’s not her usual leading man? Sure, but bear with me I have a vision. Oberon and Titania are at odds for most of the play and I can definitely see a world in which Miss Piggy beats his ass in front of all the other fairies. Also the role of a glamorous ethereal queen? Are you kidding? Miss Piggy is going to body this role heart and soul.
Kermit as Bottom
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Remember when I told you to bear with me? I would never break up a duo like Kermit and his beloved Miss Piggy, are you mad? Bottom and Titania spend the whole play smooching and mucking about with the fairies, not only do these two have the chemistry but it also gives Miss Piggy a chance to serenade her beloved Kermie. The casting also works on a meta level with Kermit playing an over ambitious actor somewhat hemmed in by an eccentric troupe. The only question is with the iconic transformation scene, do we cast a human actor who turns into Kermit, or do we just have regular ole Kermit with some donkey ears? I need the thoughts of the public desperately.
The Mechanicals:
Fozzie Bear as Snug
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Waka, waka
Beaker as Francis Flute
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Literally his worst nightmare is playing Thisbe.
Pepe the Prawn as Robin Starveling
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Just a weird lil guy pretending to be moonlight
Bunsen as Tom Snout
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Tom Snouts a tinker- plus he can do Pyramus and Thisbe’s special effects
Scooter as Peter Quince
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Typical theatre manager energy.
The Fairies:
The Chickens as Titania’s Attendants
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To be honest I can see the Henson company making a lot of cool original puppets for the fairies but you can’t have the muppets without some dancing chickens.
Janice and Animal should also get special cameos as Peaseblossom and Mustardseed respectively and naturally Waldorf and Statler show up to heckle Pyramus and Thisbe at the end.
Disney- make it happen
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pharawee · 7 months ago
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Nokia Chinnawat and Jaonine Jiraphat as ALMOND & LATTE —MONSTER NEXT DOOR · Episode 5
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oyeixcher · 6 months ago
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BeerWan Scenes because I love them (1 ¦ ??)
"Shoot. I forgot my phone. Will I make it back to the dorm in time?" "I knew you would forget. Here, I brought it to you." "My dear friend Beer, you really are my roommate.
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secriden · 6 months ago
screaming yelling oh my GOD i'm probably a million years late to this party, but can i just take a moment to appreciate how Monster Next Door subverts the usual 'under the influence' trope in episode 4/5!??!?
ngl when the scene started i was cringing so hard, because what i thought was going to happen didn't feel necessary for the development of the characters or their relationship. i understand that some stories require scenes which drive the character to wrestle with the truth of their inner demons (i'm thinking of you, kpts episode 4), but this show and the characters did not need it at all.
but bless the writers/director(s) of MND!! they didn't disappoint!! so instead we get:
god adorably gushing about how cute diew is while he's drunk and has no filter <3 (ahhh, send help! god's implying that when he normally thinks of diew, his imagination of diew doesn't ever live up to when he sees diew in reality so he instinctively knows its not just him dreaming/thinking of diew!! this is SO CUTE!!!!)
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2. god clearly wanting to kiss diew but even blind drunk he doesn't yank diew into the kiss. the way it's shot, we actually see diew slowly relaxing onto god, so we get to see that he wants the kiss too.
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3. but crucially, diew pulls back! which i'm just... relieved over tbh because it would have felt quite out of character for diew to have kissed him here anyway, but also these darling boys deserve a much better first kiss where neither of them are intoxicated (hopefully this doesn't come back to bite me later).
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4. during the whole shower section, i got a bit worried again, but we see diew doing his level best to treat god right given the circumstances and he keeps turning away when he can/seems to be trying to touch god as little as possible. like this scene is clearly there for us, the audience, to appreciate Big Thanakorn's incredibly impressive physique, but diew, at least, is more discomforted by the situation then anything else. which feels right.
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5. and bLESS we don't even need to suffer through unnecessary misunderstandings between them the next morning because when god wakes up he just communicates, just like he's consistently been doing this whole time, completely in line with what we know about his character up to this point! its so refreshing to NOT have them "fight" because they don't talk about what happened.
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also i like that he acknowledges that he didn't have control when he's drunk and that it wasn't actually okay/good for their relationship. like, idk, sometimes shows just glorify alcoholism/the 'liberty' that comes with being drunk, but i'm grateful this show isn't doing that despite being in a university setting.
an aside: the show's commitment to drawing attention to the size difference cracks me up because diew wears these huge as baggy tshirts and they're still too small for god.
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anyway, yes, this is a love letter to the writers/director(s) of monster next door who clearly know their show, know their characters, and gave us such a sweet subverted version of this troupe. <3
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apas-95 · 7 months ago
Why does china even have a ministry for national defense when it has no control over the military, which is a party organ. You're just wasting public funding at that point
Actually, the CMC is technically both a party and state organ, and operates simultaneously as the Central Military Commission of the Communist Party of China, as well as the Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China (of which the Ministry of National Defense is a child organisation). In any case, the purpose of the Ministry of National Defense is international liason, diplomacy, and the conduct of military attachés.
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1nt3rnalpu7ref4ct10n · 4 months ago
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cloudysfluffs · 1 year ago
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tickling your human host is SO unfair
(ns//fw and/or fetish blogs please dni🙏🙏)
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thewandererh · 2 months ago
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the iambic pentameter gang!
joke version 2
oh boy it starts out rough for these fellas. transformation happens in so many interesting ways for all of ‘em! i love their story sm ^_^ they’ve been quite the batch to write, and the dynamics of chonny’s characters have been so neat to work with and expand on. my silly illys forever. i’m going to post art of them when i feel like it, and it won’t particularly be in order. they’re in the process of redesigns too so we’ll see how they grow. huzzah!
for more of their story, see the #iambicpentameter tag on my blog bc WOW 23 notes so fast. no pressure ofc ofc, but the blog search bar (with the hashtag) works better than just tapping the tag. woohoo !!!!
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tazova · 2 months ago
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babyangelsky · 6 months ago
What if I just don't watch it. What if I don't finish The On1y One either because all the homies in the tag are sad because they couldn't give us a hopeful ending at the very least. What if I opened the sims and made sim Sheng Wang and Jiang Tian and made the happy ending myself so I won't dissolve into a pool of my own tears.
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dengswei · 8 months ago
Monster Next Door official teaser Premiere 8th August
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