#mmmm chemicals
peterlorres21stcentury · 10 months
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Der Verlorene (1951)
A little appreciation for the set design of Dr. Rothe's laboratory. From my first viewing I was instantly drawn to how this looks and feels like an actual biology lab (and I should know, having spent many years working in them). I can practically smell the wood and paint of this place, and the mix of ethanol, glycerin, resin, solvent, stains, glue, blood, cigarettes or any other volatiles they happen to be working with that day. This is not your typical movie mad science of colorful bubbling flasks and random equipment of uncertain function, but a real space where actual experiments are conducted.
I dunno. This feels intensely familiar to me, somehow.
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yeah that must hurt- too late now ::)
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blood-injections · 1 year
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illumiiiz · 2 years
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day 7 of drawing something every day of 2023….. I can’t believe I’ve kept this up for a whole week. y’all. I’m actually incredibly stoked about this fksbdjsnjf I thought I’d maybe last a few days, but here I am!! posting drawing number SEVEN!!! aaahh!!
anywho, here’s a really quick party poison sketch! I’m still not feeling 100% and I can tell my art game is still off, but hopefully I’ll feel better tomorrow and start off a brand new week with some more great art ✨
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brw · 7 months
You can tell I was surprised by suddenly Feeling Things because "feeling feels" is a nonsense incomprehensible statement.
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creatively-cosmic · 1 year
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another brief lapse in posting the exe backlog to bring you our doku once again
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Another dawn another day of sitting in my car an extra few minutes in the school parking lot because The Foundations of Decay just so happened to start playing from my playlist
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iamgreentealol · 2 years
I hope my stomach doesn't hurt too bad, I just ate a whole pack of sugarfree gum
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johnwickfucker · 5 months
pipeline punch is the nectar of the gods
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avocado-writing · 2 months
Please if I may request either short fix or HCs for reader patching up both Logan and Wade after they've come back from a fight?
for you, bel? anything.
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The smell of antiseptic cuts through the usually cosy air of the kitchen, sharp and chemical. Logan remains unmoving, a statue of a man, except for his eyes - they follow you round as you work. 
“Hold still,” you say, as if he’d do anything different. He doesn’t even twitch as you press the cotton swab to the gash on his cheek. You can see it begin to heal up, flesh knitting back together like yarn. 
“You don’t have to do this,” he says, eventually. Heavily. Like he’s some sort of burden for you to tend to rather than a partner for you to love. 
“Mmm, I know,” you reply, waiting for the wound to finally close and sealing it with a kiss; tasting the bite of rubbing alcohol there. “But I like taking care of you. And you were grouchy last time you got an infection.”
He opens his mouth to try and find a retort to that but, of course, you’re right. You’re always right and this is a fact he must come to terms with. 
Satisfied at his compliance, you lean over to kiss him. 
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“I’m gonna touch you with it.”
“Fucking don’t, Wade.”
“He wants to be your friend, and you’re so callous and heartless as to reject him?”
He’s tormenting you. Tormenting you with his tiny regrowing hand. You take its horrid little wrist and push him away, holding back a shudder as you feel it physically regrowing in your grasp. 
“I swear on my fucking life, I’ll take the other one if you don’t stop.”
He goes to argue, but there’s a dangerous glint in your eye that suggests you might just do it, so instead he sits there and sulks. 
You know why he’s being like this, though: it’s because he’s bored. He would be. It’s no fun sitting here as you pull shards of glass out from the meat of his thigh, but if you don’t there’s a chance his skin will heal over them. Last time that happened he accidentally stabbed you with it mid-fuck, and he was nonstop apologising for a month. 
So, really, this is for the best. To try and sate him you reach over and press a kiss against his lips. He pauses for a second before cupping the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair. 
“Thanks for not using the little hand,” you say, when you finally break apart. 
“He’s still upset,” Wade replies, but he’s smiling now. 
“Mmmm, he’ll survive, I’m sure.”
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musclejedi-tameem · 3 days
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It started out as a normal day at Millbrook University. Students went to class and sports teams practiced for games. The band and choir rehearsed and when the academic day was done there was plenty of night life for people to enjoy. All except for Keegan and Jonny, they were rushing to finish their science project in the lab so they were not engaging with the wider student body. The two young scientists were very smart but clumsy and awkward in social situations but somehow they came together and started dating, but most of their dates were these long nights in the lab followed by some fun in bed if they weren’t to tired. But on this night things were about to change. As Keegan was examining the virus they were studying for their project Jonny accidentally spilled some chemicals on it and there was a small explosion. When the dust settled Keegan coughed and groaned, “I feel weird babe… fuck…” before Jonny could react Keegan began to change before his eyes! The skinny nerd began to swell with muscle, making his lab coat get tight as he grew bigger and thicker and then his clothes started to rip altogether. His groans got louder and deeper as he kept growing. His face becoming angular and handsome and his legs getting huge and thick. His butt swelled into a nice muscled bubble butt as his back thickened and widened but taker nicely into a v shape. Between Keegan’s massive thighs his cock grew longer and thicker as his balls swelled and dropped heavily between his legs. When it ended as quick as it began the small nerdy Keegan was gone and in his place was a huge muscle bro! “ mmmm me so horny bruh.” The new beast rumbled as he fondled his big package. “Bruh? What do you mean bruh? I’m your boyfriend Keegan!” Jonny yelled in disbelief. “Yeah you are bro, you’re my boyfriend and my bro. C’mon bro let’s fuck! You’ll see how it’s better this way.” Keegan smirked and flexed his new muscles, Jonny couldn’t resist the allure of his new hot boyfriend and pretty soon they went at it right there on the lab floor. But as soon as Keegan filled Jonny with his cum Jonny began to swell and grow too. The virus they had been working on was infecting them and making them big horny muscle bros, all their previous knowledge was gone and all they cared about now besides each other was to go and fuck more men to make them like themselves. This actually was easier then might be though because the two new alpha bros exuded a pheromone that made them irresistible to any guy that they wanted. It didn’t matter if the guy was straight or gay, he would become horny and need to be fucked or suck off these two and then he would transform into a muscle bro like them. In the course of a night most men on campus were either turned into gay horny himbos or about to be. Millbrook University was about to become Himbo University and soon that’s the only type of man that would be there, faculty included. They would all spend their days lifting and fucking and just vibing together. It was now such a peaceful happy place. And as soon as a guy left here he would carry the himbo virus with him and make more men like him wherever he went.
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corruptedcaps · 1 year
Eco Warrior
I can't believe the nerve of those corporate jerks! All we were doing was peacefully protesting their evil company and they threw this gross sticky chemical stuff all over me! I should wash it off but I need the evidence for when I go to the cops tomorrow. It's infuriating how they think they can just silence us like that. But you know what? This won't stop me. I'll fight even harder now. We're in this together, and we're going to make sure they're held accountable for the damage they've done to people and the environment.
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Change of plans with going to the cops, I woke up to find the chemicals had soaked into my skin. They haven’t left any evidence in me. I guess I should be thankfully. Although I think they may have contributed to this tan I have now. But that's not the point right now. I need to focus on getting to the new protest today. We can't let their tactics deter us. We have to keep standing up against their injustices and fighting for what's right. Let's get out there and make our voices heard again.
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You won't believe how well the protest went today. Our voices were louder than ever, and it felt like a turning point. But here's the craziest part – those corporate guys actually came over to apologize for splashing me with chemicals! Can you believe that? They said it was a mistake and that they want to make amends. They even offered me a role as a protest liaison within their company. It's wild, right? I'm torn though. Part of me wants to take the chance to make change from the inside, but another part worries it might just be a ploy. What do you think babe?
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So, I just got back from my first day as a protest liaison, and I'm kind of surprised. The corporation is actually really nice, and they went out of their way to make me feel welcome. They even gave me a bunch of free makeup, creams, and lotions to try, as a way to show their products aren't harmful. I've already put some on, and I have to admit, they feel pretty good. They make my body tingle all over, especially my boobs. Bigger? No I don’t so. It's probably just the outfit I'm wearing today. I think you just like what you see, mmmm come closer baby.
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It's frustrating to deal with some of my protestor friends calling me a scab and a corporate shill just because I'm working with the corporation now. I have no sympathy for their attitude. If they can't see that I'm trying to make a positive change from within, then that's their problem. Honestly, it feels like jealousy more than anything. I mean, the corporation even gave me a raise already and has let me use all their products for free. That must mean I'm doing something they value. Plus I’m sure it doesn’t help that I look so much better then them now as well. The company’s products really are like magic. Mmmm all this talk of how good I look I’d getting me in the mood, take off your pants.
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Like my new car? My company bought it for me for doing such a good job. Protest liaison? No they’ve moved me into marketing and sales where I’m excelling. It helps that I’m a walking billboard for them. As for the protest, honestly, I don't really care about it anymore. Things change, priorities shift. This is where I am now, and I've got better things to focus on than those who still think shouting on the streets will make a difference. It's all about playing the game right, and clearly, I'm winning. So, if you'll excuse me, I've got more important matters to attend to than the past.
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Ugh, those protestors are getting on my nerves. Yesterday, they nearly ruined my new fur coat as I was walking into work. Can you believe their audacity? Pathetic losers, the lot of them. I need to find some muscle to deal with them, get them out of my way once and for all. It's like they're stuck in a never-ending cycle of futile resistance. Well, I won't let them stand in my way or mess with what I've built. I am vice president now after all, I deserve respect. Time to take control and show them the real power of influence.
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Oh, look at you now. Splashing you with those chemicals did wonders, didn't it? Just like they did to me. Of course at first I had no idea the chemicals were changing me into the mega bitch you see before you but once I realized what my companies products were doing to me, I couldn’t get enough. It’s so hawt to see the concentrated formula change you so quickly. You've become quite the imposing figure, muscular and mean. It's good to see loyalty in action. From now on, you're my enforcer. Those protestors won't stand a chance with you by my side. Let's make sure they understand that challenging me comes at a price. Together, we'll show them what happens when they fuck with me.
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You know what? It turns out, it was a much better plan to turn those protestors into my new executive board. All it took was a little splash of those chemicals, and their loyalty was sealed. With them backing me, it was easy to ascended to the position of CEO. Funny how things work out, isn't it? They thought they were fighting against me, but now they're working for me. It's a powerful reminder that sometimes, the best way to bring about change is from the inside. And now, I've got the influence and control I've always wanted. Make less products? No dear we’re doubling our output now, I want an army.
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kk095 · 8 months
Kiana’s Cardioversion
Kiana was a 25 year old black girl who worked as a personal trainer. She stood at 5’3 with a slim, but fit and toned build. Kiana had dark, medium length, curly, natural hair with a side part. Her eyes were a darker shade of brown, and she had a nose ring and bellybutton ring.
Earlier today, Kiana found herself in our emergency department after developing an array of worrisome symptoms completely out of the blue. She experienced a severe tearing pain in her chest, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath. As a result, she was sitting in the upright position on one of our trauma room tables. She was barefoot, and stripped down to only her sports bra and matching underwear. There were EKG electrodes stuck onto Kiana’s chest, and there were IVs set up in both arms. She was visibly uncomfortable, writhing in pain, squirming around a bit.
The heart monitors were beeping, chirping, and alarming rather loudly, creating a bit of tension and sensory overload in the exam room. The readings on the monitors were a bit concerning as well. Kiana’s heart was racing at 170 beats per minute, and her blood pressure was low at 75/40. The rhythm itself was a tachyarrhythmia of some sort. The EKG showed a narrow QRS complex and possible atrioventricular block. The symptoms and EKG readings pointed Dr Lindsay and in a few very different directions. One possibility was an NSTEMI heart attack, but how likely is that in a 25 year old personal trainer? Next was junctional ectopic tachycardia, which is an uncommon, but potentially deadly arrhythmia that tends to occur in infants or people who recently had open heart surgery. The other possibilities were an electrolyte imbalance, particularly potassium, or her symptoms could be attributed to stimulant use from substances such as cocaine, meth, or molly.
Since the possibilities were all very different, Dr Lindsay had to be thorough and order a whole bunch of tests. First off were blood samples. A CBC, a BMP, a toxicology screening, a cardiac enzyme test, an HCG, and a d-dimer were all drawn and sent off to the lab for stat analysis. Because Kiana was experiencing chest pain, Dr Lindsay decided to order a chest x-ray and an echocardiogram. Unfortunately, both tests didn’t help Lindsay narrow anything down. The chest x-ray came back completely normal, and the echocardiogram showed slight thickening of the ventricular septum, which is a sign of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. But some of the other symptoms didn’t point in that direction. So what exactly was going on with Kiana? Dr Lindsay was certainly stumped. All she could do was treat Kiana’s symptoms, and hope the lab tests would come back soon and show something noteworthy.
Of course the lab was taking their sweet ass time with Kiana’s stat labs. And of course Kiana started to get worse. Her heart raced faster and faster, and the arrhythmia became more troublesome. Dr Lindsay wasted no time and started chemical cardioversion, urgently trying to calm Kiana’s heart and relieve her symptoms a bit. But as the next little while unfolded, Kiana’s condition didn’t improve, almost as if the antiarrhythmic medications did absolutely nothing. When chemical cardioversion doesn’t work, the next step is electrical cardioversion.
Dr Lindsay explained to Kiana that her heart was in a dangerous rhythm, and they had to give it a quick shock to make it beat normally again. Kiana was a bit nervous and hesitant, but nodded in response to Dr Lindsay, reluctantly agreeing. The defib pads were then stuck onto Kiana’s chest and charged to a lower setting of 125 joules. Lindsay told Kiana the defibs were ready, then pushed the shock button a few seconds later. “MMMM!” Kiana moaned loudly, squeezing her eyes shut, wincing in pain from the quick jolt of electricity. After the shock, Dr Lindsay studied the monitors for a few moments and listened to Kiana’s heart and lungs with a stethoscope. Lindsay discovered there was no change in the rhythm and informed Kiana she had to be shocked again. The defib pads were recharged to 150 joules, and the next shock was sent into Kiana’s racing heart. Her torso shivered, and she clenched her chest with one hand while her face had a distressed look.
Dr Lindsay repeated the same process as before, studying the heart monitors and listening to Kiana’s heart and lungs. Just like before, Dr Lindsay didn’t see any change whatsoever and needed to shock Kiana again at 175 joules. The pads were charged and readied, and Kiana received the next shock. Her chest propelled forwards, and she let out a grunt, reacting to the electricity racing through her while wide awake. This shock failed to correct the arrhythmia, and Lindsay informed Kiana she had to be shocked again. “NO MORE! NO MORE!” She protested, writhing around on the table, on the verge of tears. Despite Kiana’s protests, Lindsay shocked her again at 200 joules. “AHH!” Kiana yelped. After that shock, she started to breathe heavily and tears started to roll down her face. “PLEASE! NO MORE, NO MORE!” she cried, begging Dr Lindsay to stop. But the arrhythmia was still there, so unfortunately Lindsay was unable to stop the cardioversion. The defibs were recharged to 225, and the next shock was delivered. Kiana gasped and cried out reacting to the shock, but just like all the others, the arrhythmia was still there. “PLEASE… JUST STOP! NO MORE! I DON’T WANNA DIE!” Kiana cried out hysterically, squirming and writhing around on the table wanting the nightmare to end.
The defib pads were recharged to 250 joules- twice the strength of the very first shock, and the next shock was administered. Kiana’s body trembled, and she scrunched her toes at the far end of the table trying to fight the pain, showing off the white nail polish on her toes and the thick, soft, wide wrinkles throughout the soles of her size 6 feet. Immediately after that particular shock, Kiana’s breathing slowed a bit. Her head lolled to the side and her eyes rolled back. Kiana’s body went completely limp, and the heart monitors were practically shouting at Dr Lindsay and the rest of our team.
It didn’t take long to realize that Kiana had gone into v-fib, so the team had to change gears and start running a normal code. The bed was lowered, and Kiana’s sports bra was snipped off, allowing her perky, deceptively large breasts to spill out. CPR was immediately started, causing Kiana’s chest to cave in, and her belly to ripple out. At the head of the bed, her airway was the priority. A 7.0 ET tube was carefully but quickly navigated into her airway, being held in place by a blue tube holder once proper placement was confirmed. Post intubation, CPR was halted, and the team decided to try their luck with the defib paddles, rather than the pads. The paddles were gelled, charged to 250 joules, and pressed up against Kiana’s bare chest. KA-THUNK! Her small body was thrown around effortlessly on the table while her eyes remained half open, almost as if she was still watching the events unfold around her. V-fib was still on the monitors, so the paddles were readied once again, and Kiana received a 300 joule shock. Her chest shot up and her back arched. Her big, perky tits jiggled around while she crashed back down onto the table. Kiana remained in v-fib even after this shock, so she was defibbed again after a cycle of CPR and ambu bagging. Her shoulders shrugged forwards. Kiana’s hands made loose fists from the electric current that ran through her body. Unfortunately, the shock didn’t bring her back.
With a few unsuccessful shocks out of the way, the team decided to resume chest compressions and push meds into Kiana’s IV line. Kiana’s chest was pumped violently but rhythmically for several minutes, but the compressions and 2 doses of meds failed to restart her heart. The team decided to defib Kiana again. The paddles were gelled, charged to 360, and she was shocked again. Kiana’s body twitched sharply in response to the shock, but her heart didn’t start back up. “again! Everyone…CLEAR!” Lindsay shouted, immediately shocking Kiana again. KA-THUMP! Kiana jolted violently on the table while her eyes remained open, staring up above with an expressionless gaze. Kiana was shocked unsuccessfully another 3 times after that and given another dose of meds, but v-fib was the clear winner of the battle up to that point.
Dr Lindsay was reluctant to give up on the beautiful young lady. However, the code became redundant the longer it went on. Kiana would receive a few shocks, then it was back to a few minutes of CPR and meds, rinse and repeat. At the 30 minute mark of the code, it was noted that Kiana’s pupils were fixed and dilated. Dr Lindsay knew she exhausted all possible options in this particular case. At that point, resuscitation efforts were ceased, and Kiana’s time of death was called at 4:48pm. The ambu bag was detached and the chirping, flashing v-fib monitors were turned off. The EKG electrodes were disconnected, and the defib pads were peeled off. The defb gel was wiped off of Kiana’s bruised, battered chest. Her eyes were gently shut for the final time, and her body was covered up. Lastly, a toe tag was filled out and placed on the big toe of her left foot. The tag dangled against the wrinkled soles of Kiana’s feet, signifying a sudden and tragic end for the beautiful young lady.
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gtsdreamer2 · 11 months
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She couldn't help but make satisfied sounds as she chwered eagerly on the sweets you handed her. "Yummm. Mmmm...mmm?" Her yummy noises turned to a confused noise while her mouth was full and then to moans.
"What's in this candy?!" She asked anxiously. Her stomach turned as it churned the several pieces that she had quickly popped into her mouth and swallowed. Her whole nervous started to tingle as her stomach began to extract the various chemicals from the confections and distribute them throughout her body. "I don't feel right. But I feel...good."
"Mmmph!" Her body lurched up a foot as she let out an involuntary hiccup. And then another. With each foot she gained, her breasts grew two cup sizes. She was now looking down at you who had just given her the pieces of candy. You handed her the whole bucket full of the rest of it. Quickly she threw back the entire thing into her mouth, chewing pieces with the wrappers still on between hiccups as she continued to grow from the first few pieces. Three, four, six, eight, twelve more feet she gained as her body started to work on the new batch of candy that you fed it. She put her hands on your shoulders now and shook you, her new strength sending you to your knees. "Give me more! I want all of it! No one else can have any!" You dizzilly nodded your head. Releasing you, you ran into his house, leaving the door open for her as an act of trust. Not that it would do any good. She was big enough to easily knock it in and far too big to enter now. You produced a massive bag full of the same candy she had just been gobbling. "Perfect. Thanks shorty!" She said, clutching that giant bag in her fist as if it were a hacky sack. "Happy Halloween!" She called back to you, hiccupping as she tossed the whole bag in her mouth greedily.
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daisukitoo · 8 months
Many species have more or less a spite reaction to being eaten. Very few species gain an advantage from being eaten. It is not a recommended career path. A common evolutionary path is developing some form of penalty for eating them, from the famous but biologically expensive "be poisonous" to lower levels of "taste bad."
The giraffe and the acacia tree are famously engaged in biological warfare, and one of the tree's tools against this tall predator is to signal downwind branches to pull out the tannin reserves. This makes the leaves taste bad. Tragically for the tree, giraffes have learned to dodge this tactic by eating into the direction of the wind, but you do what you can when you are a tree. The smell of freshly cut grass is also feebly trying to kill you, as anyone with bad allergies will explain.
Animals have a similar tactic. Those chemicals that flood us during panic also taste bad. "Fight, flight, and/or not be worth eating," as it were. This is a known factor in meat production. Painless, efficient kills lead to better meat; letting a fish suffocate in the air is bad for the fish, both in the usual sense of "bad for the fish" and also for the quality of the meat one presumably plans to eat.
Some of these tactics have drawbacks. Caffeine, nicotine, and capsaicin are natural insecticides. If a coffee bean can get your heart pumping, imagine what it does to a bug. But it turns out that humans like mild neurotoxins, so those make the plants more attractive to us. That ends up being an evolutionary advantage when we farm them massively. The better their evolutionary programming tells them to deploy weapons and kill the predators, the more we say, "Mmmm, spicy," and keep breeding hotter peppers. Some other species have been noted to enjoy mild neurotoxins, but they rarely engage in industrial-scale agriculture.
So when you read a story with a vampire or demon who feeds on human suffering, this should make perfect sense. They just happen to be a species that likes the flavor of our panic chemicals, and their torture dens are like coffee shops. Hunting humans for sport is just a natural, organic method of farming their equivalent of nicotine.
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siremasterlawrence · 1 month
Chef’s Kiss
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Is it evil to agree to have dinner with my hot next door neighborhood daddy and his kids with an agenda of my own? Maybe my dear!However I am literally at the front door of his home taking a breath and then knocking on it hard. A few minutes pass as I hear feet shuffle to rush over and open it a firm and assured handshake is offered as I cross the threshold into his home and I know it is far too late to back out now.
“Hello! I made it”
“Great to see you! Lawrence”
“May I ask?
“Take a lead off and sit “
“I’ll get you some wine”
“Thank you! Perfect for me”
“What did you say?”
“I made these for you “
“Really! Oh sweet!”
“I’ll have some later “
“Are you sure?”
“I don’t want to ruin my dinner “
“You won’t”
“I promise”
“Why are you ….”
“You are right! I’ll have one”
“Correct! Sit down at your dinner table”
“Ok! Can’t wait “
“Actually on the couch”
“Eat as much as you want “
“I shouldn’t but heck”
“These smell so lovely “
“You are a confectionery genius”
“Having a moment here”
“Sorry! You should open a bakery”
“One day! God willing but for now eat it up”
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I watch him dig into one cup cake like a tiny delicate treat tasting it like it is the most all inspiring and chef approved marvel of a cup cake on a level never seen before as his eyes are all a glow taking them in one by one of course. I left him to his station on the couch lost in a sea of sweats and love entering the kitchen I begin to look for a wine glass, uncork the champagne taking a sip as he munches on completely ignoring everything around him.
“Are you alone tonight or will we have company?”
“Just us bud”
“Perfect! Why don’t you finish the last one “
“With pleasure”
“I feel weird”
“How so?..”
“Light! Dumb! Drunk!”
“Can you tell me who you are?”
“Chris Lyle! Right? I think”
“You got it! Do you know where you are?”
“FUCK No! Who cares?”
“Do me a favor?”
“Why are you wearing a suit?”
“Dude! Hell no!”
“You are a bro man”
“I am about to go change “
“Yeah! Do that”
“Mwahahahahaha! As planned”
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I knew it would take him at least a hour to change because he no longer can focus on anything in particular except for all of me it’s my secret ingredient simply put and you will love it really it’s my bodily fluids mixed in with my scent. While he trudges away his cellphone begins to ring alerting me to a text I receive, I reply back to not come home tonight because I need some time for myselfback and I get a smile a emoji form all of his kids like it’s the latest fad all do sudden any way I am getting side tracked.
The plane is halfway completed as I grab my got to bag placing it on the table slide the zipper down the side pocket to retrieve my phone, I swiftly connect to my cell to his speakers shifting through my playlist in my music app and I land on hypnotic tunes as I press play and raise the volume. It is a list specifically attune to my chemical make up so only someone who is connected to me will be affected, upstairs the minute the first track hit his ears the lights went out in his eyes and he began to undress and I take over the kitchen rummaging through his fridge I begin to prepare meal mixing spice made with my bodily fluids.
“Mmmmm! What is that delightful aroma?”
“It’s my spices I created”
“They are heavenly”
“May I help!”
“Sure Chris! Dance across the floor “
“I’ll slide”
“Someone is in a good mood”
“Never felt more alive “
“You are a great cook”
“Ok bro! Taste this for me”
“Oh Lord!”
“What? No good!”
“You have to sell this “
“Seriously! I think this is made with love “
“Blood sweat and tears”
“Why do I feel attracted to you ?”
“You are straight right?.”
“I thought so”
“Kiss me”
“Mmmm! Oh fuck that! I love you Master!”
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The end
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