#mk1 2023 shang tsung
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mrstsung · 1 year ago
Stupid sexy sorcerer
💖Fuck i love my magic husband🥵💖
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But i only love the mk12/mk1 shang tsung i have in my head. Hc mk12 shang only. Otherwise is tagawa shang tsung/mk11 shang tsung all the way.
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arttrampbelle · 10 months ago
Shang tsung doesn't need to be a "good guy" to be sympathetic or do nice or "good" deeds.
Y'all should understand that not everyone needs to be a hero to be redeemed.
That's some bullshit propaganda that y'all tend to fall for.
It's like that feeling of "if you pray to jesus,all you're sins in OUR eyes will be forgiven" type indoctrinated shit. Like no shade thrown,even as someone who is spiritual myself. I find people thinking that a villain in a story should become a hero in order to be redeemed,kinda suspicious.
Shang tsung,to me,has ALWAYS BEEN NUANCED. And already had benevolent qualities and traits. Y'all just only see one damn part of it because the writers suck at showing them properly.
Not to mention if a character isn't obnoxiously nice or mean,y'all don't pay attention to them.
It's like most of mk fans I've noticed,at least as of late. Feels like I'm talking to 3yr olds in media literacy.
So no. Shang tsung needs to be a NEUTRAL CHARACTER. not good,not evil,just self serving and even quite helpful as a tournament master as he is supposed to fucking be.
He is supposed to be that "keep your friends close,keep you enemies closer" type. He is the "the enemy of my enemies are my friends" type. He's scary intelligent,cunning,a master martial artist,a brilliant alchemist,and one badass mofo you do not wanna cross.
But most of all,he is courteous,a gracious host on his island,and his punishments are as great as his rewards. He does keep his end of the bargain,but he also gets compensation.
If anything you need to worry about earthrealms warriors more than him. Half of them now(due to piss poor writing) are hiding behind heroic deeds and false statements of peace yet they have unclean hands too.
With Shang tsung you know what you are dealing with,it's on the table. If you cant read the obvious,you are indeed a foolish one.
No matter what iteration of shang tsung you have. One thing is clear,made clear,and that is when you deal with him. You deal with the devil so to speak.
So if you're not smart nor prepared. That's on your ass honey. Not his. Do not blame him for your stupidity.
But if you know how to play the game,play chess with the serpent. And know these archetypes. Then you may have a better shot. But that's all on you.
Either way,in your favor or not. Do not blame him for telling you exactly what is needed to be said,not what you wanna hear. Honeyed words or not,there's always a sliver of truth and bitter pill of truth in his words. And he's good at making either people hate his guts or bow and worship him.
THAT IS WHY HE'S DANGEROUS. not because of magic,or experiments and other trival bullshit.
It's because shang tsung is good at talking. Good at trades and making you believe whatever is what he wants you to see.
Even if it may go against him. He wants you to fuck up,get angry at him,attack,be unbalanced,so he can fuck your shit right up!
Holy shit this mans whole ass moveset is zoning and keeping you in a certain place in the stage even!
It's part of his whole damb character.
I could go on and on. But do not blame to serpent for telling you information for questions you ask him. You're the one who chose to bite his apple of enlightenment and knowledge so to speak.
Which is why the gods,titans,etc want these kombatants,warriors to be stupid. So they are easy to control,to get what they want.
Like it's glaringly obvious that mortal kombats story has these type of tropes and symbolism in it. But people are too blind,for various reasons. To see it.
I could get deep. It's a videogame,i know. It is what it is.
But the more i look at mk12/mk1 shang tsung. The more i feel its a missed opportunity to showcase these themes better for him.
Like holy shit dude. Shang tsung pointing out the hypocrisy of the gods. And whispers in our earthrealm warriors ears. And maybe convincing a few to join his side. Or even better. Our heroes,kung lao and mortal raiden to question liu kang and not blindly follow like fucking idiots. Sure just trust this dude right? Bruh.
Shang tsung is the only one with a brain once again. And i hate them making everyone else so stupid to make him seem better in the shithole plot of theirs. If you can call it a plot.
It burns me,that it's a waste of potential.
But i digress.
Anyways. Shang tsung,way more than an evil conjurer of tricks my dudes. Waaaaaay fucking more.
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payasobabas69 · 8 months ago
I really like this one actually
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eo03o · 1 year ago
under different circumstances
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i kept thinking what if bi-han didn’t actually betrayed the others and instead pretended to go along with shang tsung’s plans. then waited for the chance to get rid of shang…
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milariro · 1 year ago
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cherry-romper · 5 months ago
Pet Names
+ Lui Kang, Kung Lao, Raiden, Bi-Han, Kuai Liang, Tomas Vrbada, Johnny Cage, Kenshi Takahashi, Syzoth, Shang Tsung, Reiko, Havik
Warnings; none
Contains; F!reader, fluff
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Liu Kang;
Your name tastes so good on his lips. From time to time, he’ll add a ‘my’ in front of it to emphasise how much you mean to him. In private, he’ll refer to you as ‘sweetheart’ or ‘my love’, especially during intimate moments or times of vulnerability. 
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Kung Lao;
‘Babe’ is his absolute go to, he uses it more than your name. When he wants to be teasing or flirt with you, it’ll be “whatever you need, Angel” sometime he’ll add a ‘my’ to them to make “my baby” or “my angel,” but only when he’s feeling particularly lovey-dovey - which is rare. 
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“Good morning, beautiful,” is whispered to you everyday. He loves to tell you how pretty he thinks you are. When he tires of that nickname, he’ll switch to “my love.” You are the object of all his desires, you must be reminded of this fact everyday. 
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To him, nothing is more intimate than your name. Depending on the situation the two of you are in, he will utter it in a different tone. Sometimes, it will drip like honey from his tongue. Others, he will whisper. Some he will moan. Rarely will he ever shout it. Never has it said it in vain. 
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Kuai Liang;
You are his love, his one and only. Nothing is this world can calm the way you do. More domestically, he’ll call to you as ‘honey’. It’s more expectable to call you this in front of other people; it makes for less awkward or embarrassing moments. 
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Tomas Vrbada;
Not ashamed to call you any term of endearment he can think of. From ’my heart’, to ‘my love’, even ‘baby’, he’s called you it. He tried more experimental ones like ‘cutie’ and ‘sugar’ but they never really stuck. 
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Johnny Cage; 
When he wants something, he’ll call you ‘honey’. It never really did anything for you, you much prefer when he calls you ‘doll’. Sure, it’s old-fashioned, but it’s something only he could pull off. When he’s being silly or teasing, he’s been known to throw out the odd ‘boogaloo’.
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Kenshi Takahashi;
More often than not, he’ll call you by your name, but when he’s alone with you he refers to you with per names in his mother tongue. He’s also been known to use ‘babe’ around a certain people.
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Calls you ‘sweetness’ when you’re alone together - dragging the ’s’ out deliberately to tease you. When in the presence of people, your name is all he will call you. He keeps things between the two of you; known else need know your business. 
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Shang Tsung; 
‘My dear,’ is the first thing he says when he first sees you, his arms often outstretched, awaiting your embrace. Though he has never said it to your face, when defending your honour in fights/combat he uses ‘my beloved’.
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‘That’s my girl.’ Need I say more. Loves to praise you while simultaneously reminding those around you that you’re his. Doesn’t use other terms very much, but if he does, they always have ‘my’ in front of them.
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Calls you ‘Bella’, a shortened term for belladonna - aka deadly nightshade. Also refers to you as ‘my poison’ or simply says ‘you are my weakness’.
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inienil · 6 months ago
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at least he's trying to be positive about it
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gerathewise · 1 year ago
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good ending 💅
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ironladders · 8 months ago
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(au) an earlier meeting
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tomboxed · 1 year ago
mandatory whiteboard doodles 👍
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soul-nymph · 7 months ago
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it’s his world, and we’re living in it
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mrstsung · 1 year ago
Shang tsung has BEEN sexy. Always has been
Y'all just late to the game.
I mean 30+yrs of games. You got a lot of material to work with.
Like come on
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I mean come on people.
Young,old,beard,no beard. Shang has it all.
He's cunning,scary intelligent,handsome. Funny. Has humble origins(could be written a bit better and less yikes by NRS but ya know) like you feel bad for shang regardless of his predicament. Because being cursed to take the life force of others for eternity because some salty bitch didn't want you to be "better" than him. Never to embrace death or fully feel life. Stuck in a limbo. Have all the powers of a god yet denied any clearance. Have all the ambitions of a emperor and ruler yet desire none of triviality of it all. Only the security and safety of it. Desire nothing more than what you feel you deserve,and that grows day by day through the trials of kombat. Day in and day out you fight for your life for crumbs.
How can anyone not feel for shang? At least nowadays.
Like they gave him something more than "evil bad guy to beat up" yet expect people to still go the status quo when they want us too. How can you root for anyone who sides with earthrealm or any of the supposed "good guys" anymore?
But anyways. Yeah shang tsung deserves better treatment than him being sexy in looks. Tho he is definitely *meow* deliciously cold Blooded.
He is sexy because he is complex. Because he's not afraid to go after what he wants. He's cautious(and more so as time goes on,as he gets a lil bit wiser tho not much changes overall. He's still a lil cheeky shit and stuck in survival mode. Oof). shang tsung is sexy because he's a bad guy with standards. Twisted sense of honor,he stands for himself. Because nobody else will.
See liu kang,in this new "timeline" if you gave him friendship or friends. Ya know genuinely a happy fucking life. And not put edanians on a pedestal because you wanted kitana puss puss so damn bad. Maybe you could have avoided all of that! Ya know maybe kung lao,raiden,and shang could have been the "deadly alliance" you needed. But noooooooo! Pusshy and looking good for these god/titans was more important?! Fuck off.
Dark raiden would have decimated you on spot for that bullshit.
And i would have laughed. This new liu kang is a joke. Fr. (Tbh the whole damn thing has become a joke but eh)
Shang tsung is once again the only thing keeping this dead horse alive,look me dead in the eyes and tell me he aint!? It's the truth and i know it,and y'all know it. And even then that will wear out in time. Even then it's not the BEST shang tsung(storywise)and Alan Lee's voice and performance is what made this enjoyable. Mr lee is too damn nice for this shit. Luv ya man but yeah. Still would love to see more of shang tsung being actually treated with respect and not with nostalgia bait clouding the writing devs minds. But people who actually love complex villains or morally grey characters.
Anyways. We love this sorcerer. But he deserves better than that.
More kontent soon. Sorry for the smol hiatus.
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moonliteve · 9 months ago
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playing around with signatures for the mk1 cast (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠) (aka how can i combine mk and idol hell together)
left to right:
Kitana - Mileena - Tanya - Sindel - Rain
Shang Tsung - Quan Chi - Shao - Reiko - Li Mei
Ashrah - Havik - Nitara - Syzoth - Baraka
Liu Kang - Raiden - Kung Lao - Johnny Cage - Kenshi
Bihan - Kuai Liang - Tomas - Geras - Ermac
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moronkombat · 1 year ago
Can you write mk1 men with a pregnant reader who wants to have sex? What are their reactions, are they down for it or not.
spoiler alert, they're all okay with it tw: pregnancy, afab anatomy
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Definitely not opposed to it. Reiko's reaction is...intrigued. Typically, sex is a battle in itself with bites and bruises a natural consequence. However, sex with his pregnant partner will look a bit more subdued in terms of physical marking. Expect more hair pulling than usual
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Kenshi is initially surprised by this request but he is, ultimately, rather happy to oblige with such a task. Hands will roam your flesh so thoughtful and tender, he wants to feel every inch of you. And so, he will. He spends hours just feeling your body before even oh so carefully filling you with his cock. Does he mean to tease you like this? Of course
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Syzoth would be the one to initiate sex during your pregnancy. He finds you terribly attractive when filled with his child. He simply cannot keep himself away from you. A secret he keeps rather close is that he finds you the most beautiful when you are rounded out by his offspring. If he could keep you pregnant forever, he would
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Havik is not one to refuse sex with his partner. You being pregnant does not stop him, in fact, it encourages him. Absolutely obsessed with glorifying all the changes your body is going through. He's very descriptive when detailing the swell of breasts, the curve of your hips and, of course, the growth of your stomach. He becomes very possessive with your growing stomach during sex
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Wouldn't deny you the pleasure that is sex. It is a natural and primal desire, after all. Rain is happy to have sex with his partner at any time and any place. He quite enjoys the look of you bouncing on his cock while heavy and milk filled breasts wave at him
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Knowing that you're pregnant with his child is enough to turn a man like Shang Tsung on. He would not refuse taking you to the bedroom and absolutely making a mess out of your wet and begging pussy. Will fondle your breasts and chuckle as he watches oh so sweet milk drip drip drop
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Quan Chi would want to massage your body before fully devouring you. He wants to feel your flesh bend and mold under his fingers. He takes quite the time on the plump of your ass. He is quite fond of your shapely and "motherly" hips
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Tomas is actually quite the pervert when his partner is pregnant. Eyes linger upon your curves, you look so beautiful like this. Thoughts most impure overwhelm him and he is practically jumping for joy when you approach him for sex. He's very eager and doesn't want it to end. Once Tomas gets a taste of having sex when you're pregnant, he will not give it up
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Raiden is always enthusiastic in regards to satisfying his partner's needs. Would gladly rock your world with the power of thunder until you can barely think. Your body oh so numb after he's done with you. Don't worry, though, Raiden is great with the tenderly aftercare
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This man has just been waiting for the chance to absolutely ravage your pregnant body. He is exceptionally proud of himself for getting you pregnant and is invigorated by your changing body. Your growing stomach is a perfect reminder of just how potent he is and Kung Lao quite gets off on that
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He's nervous, afraid he'll harm you or the baby. Though, Bi-Han would be a liar if he thought you didn't look attractive when pregnant. Seeing you carrying his child is intoxicating, his head is spinning. When having sex with you, his hand is clutching and resting on your stomach and you swear you can feel him shuttering and trembling with ecstasy just from that
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Shao is always wanting to have sex with his partner. Pregnant or not, he will completely envelop you with carnal passion. Will tease you with playful words about how you'll give him many strong sons and that he'll keep pumping you full of his legacy
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Johnny would find it fun. He would playfully refer to you as his "baby mama" during foreplay. Very touchy and feeling all of you up. When fucking you, he is quite drawn to your breasts and will whistle while commenting on their size
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Not opposed to it at all. Liu Kang is happy to make his partner feel good and, let's be honest, he is feeling good too. He will be much more tender during sex, pampering you and giving you heavenly aftercare
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Kuai Liang is very practical. He well aware of how libido increases during the course of pregnancy and is expecting you to eventually come to him all needy and wanting. A man such as Kuai Liang is always happy to indulge his partner in shared desires
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Very hesitant. Baraka is aware that he has the tendency to lose control when having sex and he is worried he may harm you and the baby. With some tender reassurance, he will give in. Really tries to restrain himself, holding back and straining to let loose. Should you allow this, well, it will certainly be a long night
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eo03o · 1 year ago
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he’s in a silly goofy mood
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darkne1t · 11 months ago
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I drew this meme for my mental health
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