Love without shape
2K posts
"Our fans are called STARLIGHTS, and if you connect all the fans all over the world, you become a galaxy." — Cha Hakyeon. Nathalia - 16 - Brazil
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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I am both Jekyll and Hyde, don’t run away from me I’m not a bad person, I love you
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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6/15 gifs of Leo.. the shy guy | Leo cute reaction when he has no idea the birthday surprise is for him
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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cr: N your side ♡ please do not edit.
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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kawaii prince of darkness
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
[Fancam] 20140813 VIXX in KBEE 2014 in São Paulo - Voodoo Doll, Eternity + members introducing themselves in portuguese.
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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when leo laughs, he will become physically violent
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
[FANACC] KBEE in Brazil with VIXX (Day 2)
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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[NEWS] VIXX to Mesmerize Brazil with Their Irresistible Charms
Boy band VIXX participated as a honorary ambassador in world largest Korean wave expo ‘Korea Brand & Entertainment Expo,’ which was held at WTC Exhibition center in São Paulo, Brazil from August 13 to August 15.
VIXX also received a commendation for their great services as honorary ambassador from Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy at the opening ceremony, which was held on August 13.
In addition, they gave soccer equipment to Brazil’s youth soccer team on behalf of Korea’s soccer equipment company ‘ZAICRO.’ The soccer team turned out several outstanding members of Brazil national soccer team. Members of the soccer team also showed up on the stage wearing uniform that VIXX gave to them and shook hands with VIXX.
VIXX also showed great performance singing their hit songs ‘VOODOO DOLL,’ ‘Light Up The Darkness’ ‘Eternity’ and ‘I’m Ready To Get Hurt’ at ‘K-POP Special Concert,’ which was held right after the opening ceremony. Fans at the concert all sang along with VIXX even though it was VIXX’s first visit in Brazil.
Besides, ‘Korean stars’ cherished goods charity auction’ was successfully held along with 10 items of Korean stars. Meanwhile, VIXX’s caps and clothes were sold with the highest price. The profit of the auction was all donated to welfare group called ‘Lua Nova’ in Brazil as well.
Along with it, VIXX showed up at a talk show ‘Agora e Tarde,’ the representative show of Brazilian public broadcasting ‘BAND TV.’ VIXX was the first Korean artist to appear in that show.
VIXX will have 2 performances in Osaka, Japan on August 21 and an exclusive concert in Tokyo.
Source: Get It K
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
[FANACC] KBEE in Brazil with VIXX (Day 1)
The expo staffs oriented us to take a look on the expo because VIXX would only appear at 10:50AM. When the time came, they said to All For VIXX's (Brazilian fanbase) staffs to call us and they told us the rules: we were not allowed to scream or make a mess, just to see the boys and take pictures without flash. So we all sat in an area and watched the boys coming next to us.
At the same time I saw the boys, my heart looked like it was going to stop. Ravi, Leo, Hyuk and Hakyeon entered the area, took some pictures and waved at us. They were so handsome, I was shivering like crazy, but I could take some pictures. So they left the area and started walking around the expo, the organizers showed them the booths. There were food and korean brands like Hyundai, Samsung... Make up, clothing etc. VIXX went next to us one more time and took some more pictures, and at the end, they turned around, smiled and waved at us. Hakyeon was so happy and I almost cried seeing his smile.
2. The EXPO opening After that, the expo staff told us to go down again and wait in the entrance of the building, and organize a line to wait for the showcase. Me and my friend waited in the line and it was very cold and raining hard, we thought at least they could have told us to wait for it in the inside, cause we could catch a cold, but we had to stay there because according to the informations they gave us, that was the time of the negotiations between the Korean and Brazilian companies. We kept waiting until 2PM, the time we would be allowed to enter again and wait until the opening ceremony of the expo. I was on the second group that entered (they were organizing in groups of twelve people). Arriving in the entrance hall, we had to be on a line to show the confirmation letter and get a wristlet. Once we got the wristlet, we entered in the stage area and everyone had to sit on the floor. We were behind the organizers' seats. The two MCs of the event performed a rehearsal before the official opening. While we were waiting until 4PM (the time the ceremony would start), they passed MVs in the stage screens and we sang to Eternity and another songs. I bet they were listening to us on the backstage kekekeke So it came 4PM and the ceremony officially started. When VIXX was called on the stage, we screamed a lot and got on our knees to take pictures and wave at them, even though we had to stay sitting. So we sat again while they were presented. Hakyeon said some words and they received lots of cheers while they received flowers and honors. During all the ceremony we were allowed to take pictures of them and some of the times we could cheer to them. They greeted some children from a social project, took pictures with the organizers and pressed a button that 'officially' started the expo. Once, before coming back to stage (they were sitting next to the organizers and very close to us), we showed part of a fanproject - some papers saying "VIXX gomawoyo" in hangul. They turned to Starlights and thanked us, Leo gave us a big bright smile and thanked a lot (I tried to take a picture of this but it blurred because I was shivering like crazy ugh), Hakyeon was waving and smiling too, Ravi and Hyuk just kept smiling. So, at the end of the ceremony, they came back to the backstage so Kim BoKyung could start her special stage.
3. The showcase After Kim BoKyung and Champs' showcases, VIXX was called back to start their stage. I was really next to the stage and I'll post my fancams later (school is taking a lot of my time, sorry). We were allowed to get up. I couldn't take my feelings and screamed so loud, we all screamed! They were wearing Eternity's clothes, but the first song was Voodoo Doll. Leo was launched in Ken's place, and two dancers wearing masks replaced Ken and Bin's parts in the choreography. The second song was Eternity and it sounded so intense, at the same time we were missing KenBin. I didn't know anything else than singing as loud as I could. We even tried to sing to Ravi's raps! And I am actually suspicious to say, but Hakyeon looked so hot. He couldn't stop looking at our direction and I can say I melted so easily at each stare. When they ended Eternity, the MC told them to introduce themselves and so they did. But THEY DID IT IN PORTUGUESE (and I recorded this *cough*)!!! Ravi started saying "Eu sou o rapper Ravi" ("I am Ravi, the rapper"). After, Leo said "Eu sou o vocalista Leo" ("I am Leo, the vocalist"). Then it came Hakyeon, and he said "Eu sou o líder, N" ("I am N, the leader") and at last, Hyuk: "Eu sou o caçula Hyuk!" ("I am Hyuk, the maknae"). Leo even looked to my friend's plaque (a joke with oreo and Leo), blinked at her and smiled. I'm pretty sure I've gone mad this time ughhh the whole crowd screamed to them again and they smiled and answered two questions made by the MC that I can't remember now; so they came back to sing two more songs. At the same time it started Light Up The Darkness, I've lost the control. I seriously wasn't expecting that fucking song. Hyuk was pretty hot - he really stood out in this song. Too many sexy faces, too many eye contact with the public. Ravi screamed "Wassup Brazil!!"! Leo's hair was pretty funny though, he sweated too much and his hair transformed into a total mess. Then it came the last song - On and On - and we gave the best of us to this one. They showed really surprised we knew how to sing the whole songs, the fanchants, and even how we tried to sing to Ravi's raps. It was so beautiful to hear we all singing "I need therapy" all together. They left the stage waving and smiling. At the end, the MC called all the artists to the stage again. It started G.R.8.U and they waved again, smiled and thanked, delaying a little in the stage while dancing to G.R.8.U and looking at all of us... Leo was happy as fuck, he was smiling the most, even more than Hakyeon, and was the last to leave the stage. They did really well on stage and sweet jesus, they perform like satan. Their looks were so wild and intense, and even with the background music they didn't lipsync, I could clearly listen principally to Leo's voice. I am really short, but I could see them well. Sometimes their looks collided into my eyes (in Voodoo Doll, most of the times it was with Ravi, and all the others with my dearest baby Cha) and it looked like I was exploding, at the same time I was in shock. I was pretty sad they were already going, but I couldn't cry - my emotional was in a pretty irrational status, I wasn't processing that it really happened, I took really long to speak normally again. So I met up with my friends and we had dinner, talked about the showcase and everything that happened in it, and got to the hostel to sleep and wait for the second day - in which we would meet VIXX.
So, that was the first day of KBEE with VIXX! I will try to post the second part soon (the fansign) and I promise it will be shorter (if I can hold my feelings kalhglça). Wait for it!
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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real tags from real starlights
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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isn’t that true for wherever vixx goes though
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
stopvixx sorry I couldn't see this before girl! Thank you very much, I really apprecciate your blog too~~♥
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hi! since i’m getting really close to 2k followers i thought it was time to make another follow forever!
i tried to put as many people as i could on here. if you’re not on here i’m really sorry!! ill probably be editing it and putting more people that i forgot on here
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4rvs, 99mb, 200milk, asslord, asslorde, aya-kashino, babyhongbin, baldfather, beenzini, beenzinovevo, bibliographys, breadings, brilliantlens, bsaapiers, calpisu, chadfuturefanblog, chansuck, chanyoom, chilledhunty, choijunhong, choisiwonthirstprincess, crayonflop, crayonpopper, crayonpoppunk, crayunpop, crownedxiu, daintybara, damnjongup, deadfield, deepthoughtsbykanyewest, dickdead, dikseu, donghae, donglorde420, dongwoosillyrabbit, dongwoovevo, dottedpolo, drankwoo, drinkaisle
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eioau, engines, eotteokaji, erruri, ewbangtan, exodad, fanypack, flameojamespotter, galaxydad, ghettowitharunwaylook, glaceyeon, gwibums, ggxxbe, got7-eleven, gothgrl, gothmoms, gouindeep, guro47, hakyeah, hakyeon420, hakyeons-bitch, hakyeonish, hardandgay, himclan, hom2 hongbot, hoyavevo, hswagn, hyadain, hyucake, hyukjongup, imperyeol, imsaemi, jaefuckinghyo, jaehwansgf, jafaar, jangdanny, jeonggucci, jesuschristvevo, jieuns, jiminbitch, jiminuwine, jimom, jinvevo, jinyoungbuck, jungcakewoon, jungcrocs, jungigo, kenhwan, kim-ravioli, kittensperm, koreanbasedgod, koreanbuttplug, krischainz, kriswooh, kuntsoo, kyaustin
🔥l - r 🔥
leafeonjpeg, leejungsuk, majorbae, malon, marillz, mazzychild, milkbase, milkb00b, milkyis, nanasgf, nsfwoppa, officialtaeil, oppa420, pasteldad, pastellos, peperomint, pinksabers, pisune, primeribofamerica, prismgirls, pro-milk, purewonshik, pyojihoon, pyomina, pyyo, ramendad, rapgodchoiminho, rapmeister, rapmemester, rapmonsters, ravbooty, raveeeeh, ravishik, roxenfel, royalazaleaboy, rucuo
🔥s - z 🔥
sadboyifan, sangdont, sasaengbitch, sehuns-left-testicle, sensei, seoul—searcher, seouldreams, shindonglover, shinjukugewalt, shoujojidies, signalwaltz, staff-deactivated0206201, stopjb, stopjungtaekwoon, sunggyugioh, syragh, taehyoungmoney, taekwoondos, taekworm, taekyangi, thaliamars, thebagofholding, tyleroppathecreator, vixx, vixxgay, vixxsucks, vixxtoobomb, wheretheheckisyamato, woobin420, wugaazi, xiumaryam, xiumeme, xiupeach, xiuru, yandere-bitch, yifaded, youngjaesgf, yungdo, yungwu, yungzitao, yuzuruhanyuofficial, ziontseyebrows, ztttao
thank u!!✨
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
cr: brazilkorea
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
Hey guys, so we haven't seen for a while, right? I couldn't be there since I was preparing for KBEE 2014 in Brazil and I arrived home just today... So guys I FUCKING MET VIXX and they are THE CUTEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. I'm writing a fanacc and I'll be posting it to you later, so keep an eye in it~ and I'll post the pics I took later too.
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hakyeonish-blog · 11 years ago
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