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lawrites · 1 year ago
Gender neutral! Reader X Gotham Rogues Crochet Headcanons
This is so self-indulgent and too detailed for how dumb this concept is...my God. Anyway, crochet headcanons for the Gotham Rogues. How do they react to your crochet hobby? What do you make for them?
Featuring: The Penguin, The Riddler, Zsasz
The Penguin (Ozzie my beloved)
One of Oswald's most prominent love languages is gift-giving (he is SUCH a sugar daddy, c'mon)
So whether you already know how to crochet before meeting him or gently bring up wanting to try it while sharing dinner one night...
He is already getting out his card. A set of beautiful, ergonomic crochet hooks with colors to differentiate between the sizes, a leather yarn bag and organizer, plus yarn to fill it up.
He IS such a snob about fibers tho, he would get you local wool spun right outside of Gotham, bamboo, etc. anything expensive and natural and beautiful. (Even if you beg for some cheap acrylic just to start out with)
He also gets you little penguin stitch markers. He does his research on gifts and makes sure you have EVERYTHING you need to start a new hobby. (Now why is that so hot? Anyway)
He enjoys nothing more than sitting by the fire with you, drinking brandy, (or sometimes nice hot tea), and letting you cuddle up to his side as your nimble fingers create something.
He never gets tired of the cute face you make when you concentrate, or the joy and pride you show when you finally finish a project.
The first project you EVER made had to be a little amigurumi penguin. It was terrible and lopsided and you were almost ashamed to show him. You wouldn't have, actually, if he hadn't been sitting by you the whole time you were making it.
"Little Dove, is that for me? You shouldn't have." His hands plucked it from yours before you could protest, and he hugged it to himself and complimented you. He was so cute and so genuinely happy with it. And it stays on his little bedside table to this day.
BUT to truly make something for him? You try to go with the classics, as Ozzie is a classic guy.
Hat, scarf, mittens.
You use smaller yarn and stitches to give it more elasticity, the yarn is all a deep, darker purple and SO soft. (Cashmere bought on his dollar but it's the thought that counts right?)
You even managed to make a little penguin on only one side of the scarf, making it a little secret for Ozzie while still keeping the scarf classy.
He loves any gift from you but this? He starts planning his winter outfits to match your creations immediately.
He can smell you on the scarf still, since you spent so much time with that yarn, and it makes him smile even as the wind bites at him on cold days in Gotham. 💜
The Riddler
Listen, he's great but we all know he is kinda patronizing and a little bit of an asshole right? (Some versions more than others)
So he supports your hobby, even if your yarn and supplies take up space that he could be using for traps or riddles.
He does to research and figure out as much as he can about the hobby, but he won't dedicate time to it like you will, so he never gets as good. But he DOES know the basics, which means he can now critique you.
You are having trouble with a pattern? "Darling, that's just a double crochet into a half-double crochet into a triple crochet repeated 10 times into a magic ring. Simple."
You lost track of your stitch count? "Well I guess we can't all be multitaskers like me. I'll be silent for a bit while you count. 🙄"
With that in mind, he DOES leave you riddles in crochet pattern form occasionally. They take forever to solve but he's with you for a reason. And success is always...pleasurable for you both. 👀
Your first creation around him was just a little round frog. Green, because you thought you could gift it to Eddie.
It turned out misshapen and lumpy (listen all first projects are like this). And he teased you mercilessly for it.
"I suppose it could be a frog, from a certain angle. Maybe it's supposed to be abstract?"
It went missing after that. (Secretly Eddie keeps it at his workbench and squishes it when he's feeling stressed. The cute face you put on it does make him smile, too, but don't tell anyone 🔪)
For your actual real gift for him? You make a little crochet Riddler plush! You know the man well and he loves himself just a bit too much sometimes. (except maybe Dano Riddler but he would love it too for different reasons)
You decided to not go for realism and keep it simple in the face. But you DID go all out with the clothes. A little green suit jacket, pants, even a belt!
And you found little glasses to put on it. 🤓
When you presented it to him, he was speechless.
He takes it from you, examines it, and the wonder in his eyes makes your heart swell with pride. That is until he opens his mouth again. "I couldn't think of a better subject, truly. Though the face needs some work, dear, it doesn't truly capture my likeness."
But he says this all while hugging it to his side absentmindedly. He hugged it to himself for the rest of the night, actually. (And he now has another crochet project at his work bench)
You sometimes hear him talking to Ed Jr. while he's working, and you just smile to yourself and leave them be, turning back to your own crochet project and enjoying the peace.
Victor Zsasz
My headcanon is that Zsasz is into needlework and crochet, maybe someone in his family taught him?
He recommends what most seasoned crochet people will tell you, don't buy the fancy stuff and get some $3 goodwill hooks to start out with.
He also gifts you some yarn remnants to practice with, and when he doesn't have a job he'll sit next to you on the couch while you watch a movie, patiently helping you with steps you may struggle with.
Sometimes he may silently correct your form, showing you a different way to hold yarn tension or helping you remember how to make a slip stitch.
Your first project was just a simple washcloth. ("Nothing fancy to start out with, get the basics done first and then we may start with other stuff. If you do good.")
And you succeeded! Turns out it IS easier to do something basic at the beginning. Who knew. (Victor did)
After that you continued to have YouTube Video Essay/Needlework nights. Victor would sometimes not even work on anything and just lay against your side.
Sometimes he would even lay in your lap, spitting out any yarn fragments dramatically if they got in his mouth and pouting up at you until he got your attention.
Anyway. The actual project you made him was a nice, cozy sweater. And it was HARD to hide from him. Luckily, his profession DOES sometimes take him out of your apartment for hours upon hours at a time, so you have the ability to work in secret.
You think a simple black sweater is just perfect, something made of cotton or wool and maybe lined with red on the collar/trim, but that's it.
His immediate reaction when you gave it to him was to kiss the LIFE out of you, thanking you for thinking of him.
Then he pulls it over his head immediately, poking his head out and grinning goofily at you.
That night, you don't work on any crochet projects because he takes up your whole lap, cuddled up in his sweater and rubbing his hands up and down your sides, your hips...
Yeah he distracts you well.
And he wears the sweater proudly, but not on jobs. He reserves it for walks around town with you, so he can say his partner made it for him.
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charlietikoobadiah23 · 7 months ago
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Ever since I was watching Clone High reviews on YouTube, I checked on this and thought "Should I make them the 4 new casts instead of the official new main casts?" I mean that doesn't mean I'm discarding them, but the thought of this happening kinda just makes sense, imo.
(Shoutout to @/snowbunnie1113 for this)
I recently just sketched Jackie Onassis, Mark Antony, J.W.B and Giles of Rais/Bluebeard
•Jackie Onassis:
Jackie is labeled as an introverted Good-at (category of the teacher's pet or an overachiever) that would be reserved and nice but would be manipulative (not on a Cleo-level), an unintentional snob and, depending on the person and/ or situation, not so classy person. Her partner was Mark Antony until she was fed up of him showing off to everyone that Jackie is his girlfriend and she wants someone to get closer to her intimately and with care, which he failed to do. She at least has just a bit of sense of morality to know when she's crossing the line, but she never learns from her mistakes.
• Mark Antony:
Mark Antony was labeled as cool, athletic jock, but things will never be the same by the time he sees the Gen 1 beautiful and conceited, Cleo and he would go through limits in order to get her desire. Most teens see him now as a simping Jock or "a main character of a harem sitcom" (it never helped when he's stupid rich and Cleo was ready to manipulate the ish out of him[don't worry, tho. There will be a funny build-up between them]). Mark would be obnoxious, gets angry easily and is way too self-serving. His partner was Jacqueline Onassis until she was fed up of him showing off to everyone that Jackie is his girlfriend and she wants someone to get closer to her intimately and with care, which he failed to do. He at least has a sense of empathy to those whom he trusts (specifically to all Gen2 and especially Julius Ceasar for historical jokes and ish). Unfortunately, this guy rivals against all Gen 1 male.
• Johnny W. Booth:
Johnny is labeled as a Theater Floater (a teen that, despite not having a particular group to be with, everyone fw). He would be both relatable and humorous who babysits kids because of both cash and being kind to them but that doesn't mean he's okay. The guy's a superstitious and paternalist school acting mess. Ironically, when it comes to acting, he does it 2x better than the original John Wilkes Booth. For some damn reason, I made him friends with Giles of Rais/Bluebeard, a hot-headed kid-hating reckless bastard ( quite the opposite of him ), but y'know what they say: Opposites attract. He's way too close-minded to the point that would make an average close-minded person be open-minded. If you ask, yes, he meets Abe, but the silence is loud between their conversation. Johnny always had this...akward feeling and presence when Abe is around.
•Giles of Rais:
Giles is labeled as a popular hot-headed dumbass (he's not a bully, just a jerk) that would be surprisingly elegant but would be fearless, a worse handsome mess than JWB. For some damn reason, I made him friends with Johnny W. Booth, a close-minded theatre superstitious relatable floater ( quite the opposite of him ), but y'know what they say: Opposites attract.
● ● ●
That aside, I also found clothes for them
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As simple as possible and as less contrast as well.
Here are the sketches:
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(Jackie's pose is a very big inspiration from @spxgeth11, I hope the artist doesn't get mad about this I just love the sketches of the artist)
Out of all these 4,
Jackie's the most level-headed
Mark Antony's the most empathetic
Johnny's the most close-minded
Bluebeard's the most impetuous/impulsive
WORST "Friend Group" to Ever Conceive, lol
NOW, we can talk about the ideas...
I'll check some ideas and shoutout comments to not take ALL the credit, I'll be back...
11:33 IE pm: Okay! I'm back
Here are some comments that I would love to try and make as a scene:
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Shoutout to:
...and I'll be thinking about jokes and plots myself when having to draw my Indie Version of Clone High
P.S: if anyone wants their Clone High OC to be a minor or recurring character, send me a message, I'll be happy to sketch, draw and design
~Charlie Tiko Obadiah
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alchemysage · 5 years ago
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me: finally gets the ww attraction system to work
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thesmokinpossum · 6 years ago
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I litterally don’t know what fuck kind of video I watched but YouTube keep recommending me this annoying woman’s videos about how to ape the 1% and I truly hate it
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besanii · 4 years ago
Promts for wangxian:(non cultivater au)(this is a pirate/bandit au) (with classy dancing and thievery)(btw this is supposed to be sorta light with bits of angst)
Wwx and lwj are both thieves and they are trying to steal at the same super fancy party but then they meet for the first time on the dance floor and ballroom dance (like group dancing like from cheesy British period shows)while conversing and stealing from the rich snobs around them. Neither notices what the other is doing, and then they have to leave before they get caught. They don't pick pocket eachother but they do steal...each others hearts. Cue misunderstandings about both of them thinking the other is a snobby rich person and then justifying to themselves and to their siblings (lxc and jwy)(jyl is super supportive and so is lxc but he has more trepidations) that the other can't be that bad and maybe they r the exception to the snobby rich people clique
(in reality lxc is motivated by heartbreak and rage bc he trusted jgy but jgy used him to get insider info about the lan fam and the jins drove the lan family to ruin even tho they were awesome and helped support their area. So he and lwj teamed up with the bandits nie(whose father was killed by wrh) to steal from the rich and trashy jins who are spending all the country's money on lavish parties and horrible ness and r rumored to be starting a war soon and r bankrolled by the pirates wen who have wrh as a Duke or the equivalent and his eldest is business face while his youngest is the pirate of the operation with wen zhulio and they r terrible and attack shipments and get the goods to the jins)
(the jiangs were a merchant family and also supported their area and were not terrible trashy rich people but the wens r pirates and they attacked all the jiang ships,stealing all their merchandise. Madam yu and Jiang fengmian tried to secure a trade alliance back when the jins started to skirt over into Jiang business with the neighboring country( the one the jins and wens r thinking of attacking) but are presumed dead at sea bc wen chao and wen zhulio attacked their ship. Then older bro wen(wen chaos bro who's name im forgetting) comes and occupies lotus pier bc "wen chao ran off years ago we haven't heard from him im here as a friend" officially they r there to offer support but unofficially they r there to secure the trade routes and take advantage of a grief striken jwy and they do so, sending jyl to jinlingtai as a political prisoner(funnily enough lqr is also a political prisoner but he's there bc he's a famous philosopher and teacher). so jwy and wwx are evacuated by the dafan wen clan of seaward doctors and presumed dead when lotus cove gets set on fire by the wens to cover the tracks of terribleness and to send all the trade routes to jinlingtai while lotus cove is "rebuilding". Jyl knows they r not dead bc wwx sends her notes and her guard is song lan and xxc and they help keep her up to date.btw jwy and wq r possibly dating bc he recognizes that she and her fam saved him and his bro and they r really happy bc there is no core swap and he and wwx r chaos bros and happy and he's dating wq and they killed wen chao a bit ago so he's like on cloud nine and bc this is a noncultivater au wwx doesn't resort to demonic cultivation he's just awesome with a sword and has a pirate swagger. Wq is the captain, jwy is like 2nd mate. And wwx is like the head of the group on boarding missions and such with wn as his second anf wen yuan as his adopted son and they all get together and plan raids and study trade routes with the Intel jyl sends to them from the inside. Jyl is in a relationship with miammian who is an ambassador from the country that the jins and wens r thinking of attacking.)
So the lans/nies are bandits and rogues and the jiangs/dafan wens are pirates and both are robbing the wens and the jins nobles and staging highway heists and seaward piracy
Anyway so neither the lans nor the jiangs know about eachother bc is a difference of terrain and they haven't interacted before but wwx and lwj meet at this party and they fall in love but with the hijinks and funny ness of thinking your love interest is a rich dude u r probs gonna have to rob at some point but they r so lovely and then they keep meeting up and eventually team up and take down the jins and evil wens and eventually establish order again.
Funnily enough nhs knows wwx bc they were bootleggers together before the jiang fallout but nhs does nhs and sends lwj to a party he knows wwx will be at(he does hook them up he loves them both and wants them to be happy) (also he hooked his bro up with lxc)
Hahaha I don’t think you need me to write this??? It’s already all fleshed out XD
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clonewarslover55 · 4 years ago
What music does Rose like? ( and Walon pls)
OOhh thank you so much for this ask!! 
Find the game here!
What kind of music does Verda Tal Rose like?
Well maybe I’m just biased but I think she’d defiantly be into any kind of rock and metal. Anything from Bon Jovi to Guns & Rose’s to Sabaton to Slipknot! (So what I listen to basically lol) She probably likes Nu Metal the best, so heavier things. But she does enjoy the softer kinds sometimes! Just depends on her mood really! She also secretly loves ABBA and shit like that. 
What kind of music does Walon Vau like? 
Sea shanties and fucking sailor music 
Pirate metal Pirate metal Pirate metal
He’s a bit more tricky! I think he enjoys the same kind of music as Rose, but just add in some classical music in there! He is royalty after all! Any kind of ball room music he fucking loves. He enjoys his instrumental things!! So he’s a metal head that likes his classy things! Very sexy of him 
I also think he likes a more mix of things as well! So nineties and eighties music he can really get into. More rock-ish things tho! What I’m trying to say is he isn’t a music snob, he likes more than just classical and Metal. Rose is a snob though lol 
I personally think he’d be into the metal band Ghost! They’re not very heavy and they have a fun classical but dark aura about them. They’re great. 
Do you guys agree? Please tell me if you do or don’t, and why!
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princelee-chang · 5 years ago
6, 8,15, 16, 19, 25, 26, 33, 34, 36!
6: Age you get mistaken for
i often get mistaken for being like 12 and u know............. fair
8: Want any tattoos?
yes! even tho im super fickle minded which makes tattoos a bad idea for me i would actually love the pleiades constellation somewhere on my forearm maybe
15: Favorite movie
right now its two towers
16: I’ll love you if
ur nice to me !! it doesnt rlly take much for me to love ppl it's always On Sight for me haha
19: A fact about your personality
might be a lil negative but i feel like ive never been aesthetically vain but maybe intellectually vain ????? if that makes sense ??? im self aware enough to know i can be a bit of a snob and sometimes think im like hot shit w is hilarious bec im rlly not haha
25: My idea of a perfect date
take me anywhere literally just as long as we walk and talk for hours
26: My biggest pet peeves
lack of empathy like if ur unnecessarily mean or rude to ppl who've done nothing wrong to u im sorry that's not a substitute for a personality and ur automatically ugly i dont make the rules
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
not to be religious on main but like whenever i feel sad or worried or anxious like i love reading psalms it's not therapy but for me it's such a pick me up bec it's pretty poetry !! and also written by someone who's so painfully and achingly honest about being angry and sad but always ends w a hopeful and bright note
34: What I find attractive in women
i love loud laughter, unapologetic personalities, short hair is also Nice(tm), messy hair is also soft and has all my uwus, a certain kind of empathy, acceptance and patience special to women, the fashion trend of being classy & comfy, idk idk theres a lot i suppose
36: Where I would like to live
idk a specific like country or place but i love the idea of my house being an open space with a lot of windows and sunlight and plants and a nice yard w flowers ♡
Wanna be nosy? Here's your chance
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melancholiablackbile · 8 years ago
A lot of questions... my my, someone's curious lol
@black-satin-dancer tagged me, cheers dude :D
Rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions …pshh please, let’s keep it realistic - I don’t even know that many people irl. (also didn’t feel obligated to answer the Dragon age/Mars effect questions, because I’ve never played it)
1. coke or pepsi?
Neither. I absolutely hate fizzy sweet drinks lol. The only thing I enjoy is kombucha and I’ve had ginger ale which I can tolerate. (btw did you know there���s something called bacon soda? I just found out and I’m absolutely horrified and disgusted. pls burn this knowledge out of my brain thank)
2. disney or dreamworks?
I don’t have a preference, nor am I overly invested in any of the two, so it depends. By Disney I really like Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare before Christmas and Frankenweenie, to pick a few. As for DreamWorks, Penguins of Madagascar are THE SHIT omg 3. coffee or tea? I’m a tea person, however I enjoy coffee flavour in things
4. books or movies?
5. windows or mac?
I use windows, don’t feel like I’m missing out or anything tbh
6. dc or marvel?
I’m only starting to get into comics, and I’ve probably seen more marvel films than dc ones, but I think I like dc a little more I like the older Batman films by Tim Burton.
7. xbox or playstation?
playstation. “OF COURSE we’re going to go with the ps4 - they’re blacker!” :D
8. dragon age or mass effect?
Haven’t played either, but was thinking about giving Dragon age a go
9. night owl or early riser?
aw shit dude, I don’t even know anymore. my sleeping schedule is so fucked up lately, I tend to be a night owl tho. But hey, time isn’t really anyway, so..
10. cards or chess?
both, but you can do more with cards. like chess is just one game, but there are lots of different card games. I personally identify with CAH, I think the company should hire me, because I’m a horrible person lmao
11. chocolate or vanilla?
chocolate all the way. I don’t eat it often, but when I do, I’m a snob about it - I only like the dark stuff (only vegan ofc). bonus points, if there’s dried fruit like berries in it. To sum it up (i’m taking this way too seriously and detailed lol, but I have insomnia ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) overall, chocolate flavour is better I guess, vanilla makes me vomit, it’s disgusting and I hate it. 12.vans or converse? I used to own a pair of converse, but neither are shoes I’d wear now
13. fluff or angst?
a good combination of both ehehe
14. beach or forest?
forests are awesome - they are green and smell amazing, you can spot a lot of wild animals and the atmosphere is very serene and calming. I’ll always pick forests over beaches, unless the beach is all sand or small round marble stones, the water is clear without the detached, rotting algae stuff that floats around and ew, the sun has fucked off so I don’t get sunburnt (my skin always skips the tan stage right to red and I prefer pale skin anyway) and all sweaty and shit, there are NO people beside those I’m there with and I do NOT spot any animal while in the water that’s bigger than like 5cm. Because even though I love and respect it deeply, I’m genuinely afraid of sea life, I don’t care that there are lots of totally harmless creatures. …lmao, I feel like a rich asshole saying all that - way too many demands. (sorry sea/ocean, I love you, but you freak me the fuck out)
15. dogs or cats?
I have dogs, but I love both. With dogs, the love is more likely to be returned though :D
16. clear skies or rain?
clear night skies for star gazing, rain during the day
17. cooking or eating out?
I eat mostly raw vegan nowadays, because it’s healthy I don’t have the energy to cook and can’t be arsed and I’m not too fond of eating in public so… preparing/eating food at home?
18. spicy food or mild food?
all the spices lol
19. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas?
How is this a question, have you met me? My whole existence basically revolves around celebrating Halloween like every day
20. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot?
The first one is way better imho, I’m usually a little too cold anyway (no pun intended omg) and I’m fine with that.
21. if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Hydrokinesis (so basically I’d be a water bender ehehe) or Telepathy
22. animation or live action?
both are great (with the exception of some anime adaptations lol)
23. baths or showers?
showers don’t take too long, but baths are very nice from time to time
24. team cap or team ironman?
Team Loki, duh! No, but honestly, I’m not really invested in the whole civil war thing, but if cap is a nazi, then I’m team ironman
25. fantasy or sci-fi?
both are amazing and bring happiness into my life
26. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they?
I guess I have a lot of favourite ones, but these two came to my mind right now: “I do desire we may be strangers” (Shakespeare) it’s such a classy and eloquent way to tell someone you hate them :D “And so being young and dipped in folly, I fell in love with melancholy” (E.A. Poe) because ME tbh
27. youtube or netflix? 
Youtube, no netflix here
28. harry potter or percy jackson?
Harry Potter all the way. I’ve read the first Percy jackson pentalogy and don’t get me wrong, Greek mythology is awesome, but wizards over demigods
29. when do you feel accomplished?
Idk, when I’m able to do more than the bare minimum and when I totally Tony Stark the whole subject/study material the night before the exam. and probably smug/petty rather than accomplished - when I prove horrible people/people I don’t like wrong or do things they don’t approve of lol
30. star wars or star trek?
I have to say Star Trek but I love both
31. paperback or hardback books?
Hardback. HARDBACK!
32. horror or rom-com?
I’ve always gravitated towards horror - psychological, gothic, really bad b/c movie style, etc. - I get bored by rom-coms
33. tv shows or movies?
depends, but both. as an aspiring actor, beside theatre, I think I’d like to work on films over tv shows - if I ever get the chance to do so that is
34. favourite animal?
penguins, rats, corvids.. but like, birds in general and all animals are awesome anyway and precious and worth of life 35. favourite genre of music? alternative rock - which is a broad spectrum tho, so I guess rock sub-genres in general.. art rock, goth rock, punk rock my favourite (purely because of the name) is krautrock (aka kosmische Musik) which is the German term for space rock, but the literal translation is either herb or cabbage rock lmao :D throw in some psychedelic stuff, ambient music, experimental and classical and I’m good to go
36. least favourite book?
Madame Bovary. I think The Great Gatsby was boring too. I don’t usually read books without researching it a bit before so I can somewhat predict whether I’ll like it or not. (btw, if you’re into fantasy at all, 10/10 recommend reading the series A Raven’s Shadow by Anthony Ryan, he’s such an eloquent writer and the plot and characters are incredible! 37. favourite season? The season of Halloween - autumn all the way
38. song that’s currently stuck in your head?
Cinnamon Bone by Eliza Rickman. She has a really nice voice and combined with the melody it sounds very unique. Actually didn’t know who the singer was until a few days ago. She also performed in the weather section in a Welcome to Night Vale episode. Oh and I rewatched CATS the musical on Sunday, so like.. the whole libretto is playing in my head on loop :D I’ve pretty much known the entire thing by heart since I was like 8 lol
39. what kind of pyjamas do you wear?
Either boxer shorts or Levi Ackerman’s running titan pyjamas lmao
40. how many existential crises do you have on an average day?
I’m having an ongoing one since the age of 16 tbh
41. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be?
Space Oddity by David Bowie
42. favourite theme song to a TV show?
I’ve know this song before I started watching the show, but Far from Any Road from True Detective is amazing. And the opening to snk season 2 lol, it gets me all fired up and ready to salivate every time Levi appears cry probably idk :D
43. harry potter movies or books?
even though, they are problematic in some aspects, both have their charm (pun absolutely intended this time)
44. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? 
Bitch, my otp is canon. and I doubt anyone can really forget about tumblr - you can try and leave, but it will never leave you
45. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? 
Not like professionally or since early childhood and all that, but I taught myself how to play the violin and I think I’m pretty decent. Same goes for drums. My dad and I low-key collect musical instruments, I think we have around 20+ pieces ^^
46. what is the worst way to die?
alone and helpless and in excruciating pain from whatever the cause was that didn’t kill you immediately though, so you have to suffer
47. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do? 
Be sneaky ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lol idk, I’d do stuff anxiety and self-consciousness prevent me from in normal life. Okay, that is so pathetic, but my first thought was “I’d go swimming” … *wipes away a tear*
48. If you could have personally witnessed anything in history what would it be?
I feel like it’s kinda selfish and considering I’d choose this out of any moment in history maybe a wasted opportunity? but I would have loved to see David Bowie perform. Idk, I’m sure there’s more, but it’s 3am here..
49. If you could understand animals but you could never understand humans again, would you?
I find I often don’t understand humans anyway..
50. What is your most favourite album currently?
The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars by David Bowie is my go to favourite album, haven’t really listened to whole albums lately, just a few songs here and there 51. (my question) What is your favourite word/phrase/colloquiallism? Name one (or more) per language you speak c:
tbh, Jeremy tagged most of the people I’d tag too, so I’m just adding @the-river-dream-shore and @slecnaztemnot to this if they or anyone else feel like it ;) I’m going to sleep now hopefully~
Note: Wow, that’s a lot of reading material lol. Why did I sound so angry?? I was tired, so that took a toll on my answers, I promise I’m not that much of an asshole :D
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nardaviel · 8 years ago
tell us about kinatsuen
:DDD ty anon! sorry for the delay
1. Who texts more often?
en but they’re usually just weird things he’s thinking about at the time. atsushi texts most often with information or questions that are relevant to their lives. kin-chan rarely initiates texting although he’ll respond if someone else texts him
2. Who is better with kids?
atsushi!! en likes them but they’re exhausting and kin-chan often doesn’t know how to deal with them
3. Who tops/bottoms?
en tops. kin-chan bottoms. atsushi is a switch. sometimes en or kinshirou will do the opposite role but tbh not often
4. How do they eat ice cream? What’s their favorite flavors?
they all get ice cream in a cup. atsushi thinks cones are nice but more trouble than they’re worth, en just thinks they’re a pain especially if you eat slowly, and kin-chan thinks it’s gross how sometimes the ice cream melts over your hand. i think atsushi would adore ice cream with chili in it but i don’t think they have things like that in japan (am i wrong though????? idk) so instead he gets chocolate, or any unusual flavors if they sound interesting. en likes vanilla ice cream with weird toppings, especially manjuu if thats an option like in the game :D kinchan likes green tea ice cream. it doesnt taste like green tea but he still thinks it tastes good
5. Do they go on dates? What are they like?
i dont think they go out on specially designated dates very often. for special occasions maybe like kinchans birthday. he probably wants to go to a fancy restaurant for his birthday dates so those are full of en feeling kind of uncomfortable and out of place, until kinchan catches on and starts getting them private rooms so en doesnt feel judged. … they go out sometimes to do stuff i think? and those are de facto dates even though they werent planned that way, like.. they act cute and in love bc theyre too in love to do otherwise
6. Do they stargaze? Expand.
yes, they go stargazing. but en falls asleep quickly tbh and sometimes he cba to go at all so often its just kinatsu. when its kinatsu, it is sickeningly sweet. i still think that atsushi is the one whos really into astronomy and kinchan just enjoys spending time with atsushi in a romantic setting. there is lots of cuddling. …when en is there, though, he like .. makes up new constellations and speculates about the mysteries of space, &c &c. so its not as tooth-rotting but everyone still has a good time
7. Who’s the laziest?
8. Who complains more?
en tbh but kinchan has his moments as well
9. Who wakes up earlier?
kinchan! atsushi wakes up early too but not kinchan-level early. en .. yeah
10. What do they smell when they smell amortentia?
en: fresh laundry (= clean sheets), the smell of something sweet baking, kin-chan’s soap lololatsushi: curry, green tea bc he associates it with kin-chan, that kind of autumny smell u know when the leaves are falling and its starting to get coolkin-chan: the smell of tea ceremony which may or may not include more smells than just green tea idk, the sweet curry atchan makes him, a faint hint of paint bc en is an artist but too much paint smell is unpleasant
11. Who sets the other’s ringtone to something loud and obnoxious behind their back?
LMAO if anyone would do this, en would, but i’m not convinced. possibly kin-chan sets the alarm on en’s phone to something unbearable on a day when en has to get up early
12. Who uses chopsticks/Can either of them use chopsticks?
they’re all japanese so
13. When they can’t sleep what do they do?
kinchan tries to lie there in silence with his eyes closed the way u r meant to do. sometimes that gets results. if it doesn’t, he probably gets up and reads in a different room. atsushi does the same, except when he lies there quietly he’s less likely than kinchan to cuddle up to whoever’s next to him bc he doesn’t want to wake them up. en … ????????????????????? ??????? if he couldn’t sleep he wouldn’t know what to do with himself so he’d just lie there until it happened
14. Who’s clumsier?
probably atsushi. none of them really strike me as super clumsy but i think kinchan is graceful. whereas atsushi can be kind of awkward sometimes im sorry bby
15. Who would hold the umbrella in the rain?
en is the tallest. he’d try to make atsushi do it but atsushi would be like “just hold the umbralla en-chan omg” so he’d do it. he’d whine about it tho. also it’d have to be a big umbrella to fit all of them under it
16. What do they argue about most?
making en do the chores. kin-chan being a snob. those can be kind of rough bc kin-chan is a bit of a classist dick u know so sometimes he unintentionally hurts en’s feelings and then the resultant argument gets kind of messy. kinshirou and en also have frequent arguments about art but they aren’t as emotionally charged
17. Which one is a secret snuggler?
kin-chan. en is an open snuggler. and out and proud snuggler
18. Which one offers their jacket to the other when they complain they feel cold?
atsushi, but kin-chan won’t take it. u keep urself warm, atchan!! en often says the same thing but if he’s really cold he’ll accept it a;ljsdf
19. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
atsushi. en remembers their favorites &c but not every single thing at every restaurant. kin-chan also remembers i think but he doesn’t let on, he just enjoys the feeling he gets when he’s right. it’s warm and fuzzy and also slightly triumphant lmao
20. Who reaches for the other one’s hand while driving?
en … tbh … kin-chan and atsushi are more conscious of road safety!!!! ..but sometimes if the road is straight they take en’s hand when he reaches out lmao
21. Who gets the window seat?
en. he wants to zzz. a couple of times early on kin-chan said no i want the window seat i want to watch the scenery but en was so annoying about not being able to zzz as easily that he just let him take it after that
22. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it say?)
ok this meme really is just like a bunch of questions from other memes all stitched together. this question confirms it. atsushi leaves the notes. they’re cute little cheerful things for kin-chan but they are an extra way for him to nag en-chan. also occasionally en leaves obnoxious things in kin-chan’s lunch if they’ve been arguing or he’s been teasing kin-chan and then kin-chan is mad all afternoon :D
23. Who wakes up first?
24. Who falls asleep while watching a movie?
all these questions about sleeping and waking up like are they even necessary here
25. Who’s prone to wearing socks indoors (or to sleep)?
my first thought was that maybe kin-chan has bad circulation, but he’s an archer… idk if that would help the circulation in his feet, but in any case i’ve changed my mind about that hc altogether. so probably atsushi if anyone
26. Who has bigger cravings?
…. en and kin-chan. possibly kin-chan feels it the most if he goes without tea but like en needs his manjuu ;;
27. Who reminds the other to put on sunscreen before going to the beach (or pool)?
atchan. kin-chan might tell en but he has faith in atsushi’s ability to remember for himself. (atsushi reminds everyone tho including kin-chan)
28. Who carries all the important documents while traveling?
29. Who sneaks in cookies in the shopping cart?
en a;sljkdf
30. Who cooks at 2 in the morning?
n .. o one. i was going to say this sounds like smth en would do but then i was like… why tf would en be awake at 2am…
31. Who gets extremely competitive playing Mario Kart?
…ok so here’s an image for u. en and atsushi are getting intense over mario kart and kin-chan comes in and kind of shakes his head at them but then en invites him to join in and won’t take no for an answer so kin-chan is like ugh fine. but he doesn’t really put any effort into it at first except then he comes in 12th place in the first race whereas en and atsushi come in 1st and 2nd and it is an insult to his pride so he’s like… ok. let’s do this. and en and atsushi are startled! but in the other races he makes it up to like ……….8th place maybe. …which still isn’t good enough for him but he chooses to be disgusted w/ the game rather than w/ himself
32. Who takes longer getting ready?
probably kin-chan? idk i don’t think en or atsushi put unusual effort into getting dressed/getting dressed up. kin-chan might take a little extra time to make sure he looks 100% classy and put together but even he’s not gonna spend an hour or even half an hour getting ready
33. Who likes doing the dishes?
???????????????? none of them. atsushi ends up doing them most often but that doesn’t mean he enjoys it
34. Who points at a dog when they see it?
… no one, but en is the one who says “ah a dog”. but! kin-chan is the one whose face quietly lights up the brightest at the sight of the cute animal. ..as long as it doesn’t get to close bc dogs are slobbery and undignified
35. Who’s prone to road rage?
…kin-chan. why can’t all these imbeciles follow basic traffic laws D
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