#mk madam bo
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welltumlbrforgotme · 1 year ago
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i’m funny. (please agree.)
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fantinecore · 5 months ago
My MK1 Headcanon:
Due Cyrax's hair is short like man to fit into her helmet,she might have a lot of wigs as a collection & easier her vanity task
As Cyrax also asked by Liu Kang to train Kid!Hanzo Hasashi,she had also babysitting him+Hanzo likes Cyrax for when comes to complain & 'comfort'
Emperor Rain & Empress Tanya's wedding might be small yet wholesome due Rain's 'parents' (Argus & Delia) are deity and can act like priest.Amara (Rain's biological mother) felt so happy,Taven smile but Daegon sight eyes...
Since Bi-Han become Noob,that means... he's becoming every h0®Π¥ women's best dream guy (Asian guy with BBC)
Sektor & Madam Bo's family relationship are mostly full of dislike due Sektor is daddy's little girl (support her decision) & Madam Bo always want a son
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Throughout the Eras Headcanons #6
After Jerrod's assassination, Sindel became very ban/exile happy.
Rain once tried to use the royal kitchen as a makeshift laboratory. He was permanently banned from it after somehow setting it on fire.
Tanya secretly still cares for Li Mei but sees her as no longer fit for the Umgadi.
Liu Kang's biggest fear is going mad with the Hourglass's power and becoming another Khronika.
Mileena can often be spotted leaving food and water for the stray animals of Sun Do.
Raiden's amulet is his family heirloom. He was the only one who could awaken its full power.
Madam Bo was the most respected assassin in the Lin Kuei before she left the clan to pursue her true passion in tea.
Smoke used to prefer having long hair.
Havik has written several books about anarchy and its benefits.
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krysta-cross · 2 years ago
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Smoke pocketed farmer Raiden’s money and were sure of it 🤣
Me scolding Smoke about him throwing Madam Bo down there (hope she is okay ahhh granny 🥺)
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fem-rain · 10 months ago
Transfem Rain Story - Aftermath
TW: childbirth
Days and weeks went by as Rain left and followed the map Tomas left her, but rain begin to feel sicker by the day. How ever on day 17 on walking she made it to Fenjian. She stumbled her way up the stairs of the Tea House before taking a seat. She puts her bag down on the table and opened it to crab the money she had left…
“Five coins..” rain said to herself
She puts her arm in the bag searching through the rubbish of snacks wrappers as she had gotten so hungry during those days. She grabbed a water bottle which was almost empty, rain could’ve filled it up but she unfortunately doesn’t have her staff therefore no hydromancy.
She zipped up her bag and held her coins close to her as she noticed an elderly short woman walking over to her. She remained seated as the woman spoke
“Welcome to my Tea House, call me Madam Bo” spoked by Madam Bo
This is the woman Tomas told Rain to find. She clears her throat.
“I don’t recognise you, are you passing by” Madam Bo asked
“Well I-“ rain stopped before turning away and suddenly puking her guts up on the floor.
Rain coughed as Madam Bo looked concerned
“Follow me dear, you don’t look too well” she says as she held Rain’s arm and leading her away.
Half a day goes by, Rain was given some water to hydrate, some medicine and some food on the house. Rain sat on a couch in Madam Bo’s home. Soon enough the old woman returned
“I brought some stew, it helps with woman and their pregnancy’s” Madam Bo said
Rain looked at her and scoffed at her before giggling to herself
“Funny, but I should tell you there’s physically no way that could ever happen to me” Rain said “it’s a long story but do you know Tomas? Smoke?” Rain asked
Madam Bo nodded in agreement “I know, he gave me a heads up you were coming weeks ago, and I know exactly who you are to”
Rain stopped laughing to herself realising what Madam Bo said. “So you know-“
“Smoke told me who you are and what you did and why you’re here, all I will say is you have some issues”
“Yeah…I do” rain confirmed
“You desire love and ambition but both hurt you in the end, yet you never once thought about what you actually wanted”
Rain stayed silent and listened
“What you did was bad yes, but I know woman like you. Following men blindly and doing what they say because you’re in love but once the fantasy fades away you’re left in a worse state”
“That’s not true, Havik only told me to destroy the capital but I got too ambitious and I destroyed the whole entire city”
“Why do you defend him?” Madam Bo asked
“I…I don’t know.. I know he’s a bad person but…” rain stops and thinks
“Love is very difficult, I won’t fault you for your pasts, only what you do now and for your future” madam Bo says as she hands Rain the bowl of Stew
Rain looked down at the stew, seeing her fuzzy reflection in the broth. The steam rising up and hitting her nose, the smell was so delicious. She looked at Madam Bo
“Now eat up and rest for you and the baby���
“Again I’m not pregnant, even if I wanted to be I physically can’t” rain says
“Well when the doctor was here earlier and took some tests, it indicates you my dear, are indeed pregnant as well as the small but noticeable baby bump”
Rain shook her head “again no, many years ago I was-“
“Smoke caught me up on that too, I don’t mind but you’re from out world and there is very different.”
Rain sighed as she slurped some of the broth and looked back at Madam Bo
“I’m going to need actual proof because I would know if I’m with child.”
The next morning, Madam Bo took Rain to a hospital for an ultrasound “when you write your name down you’ll need a new name because there could be a chance someone from your home could come and find you” madam Bo said
“But I love Rain”
“Spell it differently then”
The door opened “you can come in now” the doctor said to Rain
Rain walks in as she was instructed to lay on the reclining chair
Doctor spoke “how do I spell your name?”
“alright, mind lifting your blouse up to above your abdomen?”
Rain did as instructed, the doctor squirted some lube onto her belly and began pressing what looked like a weird looking object to her belly. The doctor was looking at the monitor next to the chair as he was looking for anything to show. Rain looked around at the posters and writings on the wall of different healthy eating stuff.
“I don’t mean to waste your time but I can’t get pregnant anyways” Raine said
“Well you spoke too early because I found the baby”
Rain looked at the doctor “what?”
The doctor turned the monitor to Raine and speaks “that right there, is the fetus of your child”
Rain was looking at what appears to be a fucked up looking small baby which is indeed inside her.
Madam Bo “well sometimes things can be wrong”
Madam Bo stepped onto the coffee table and slapped Raine across the Face
“Enough! Crying and screaming won’t fix it, now you have some options but only you can decide”
Raine held her cheek. “Did you just slap me?”
“One option, you keep the baby, or you give it up for adoption or you terminate the pregnancy” madam Bo says
Rain looked at Madam Bo “terminate? What’s that?”
“It means getting rid of the fetus inside you, but again it’s your choice but considering how fat you are it might not be possible.”
“Can…can I have some time to think?” Raine asked
Madam Bo nodded and left. Rain sits down on the couch and began to cry. She didn’t know what she wanted to do. She spent most of the night watching videos on a tablet Madam Bo lent her (and taught her to use) she looks at the pros and cons of each option but in the end she still didn’t know. She was all alone and had nothing to fight for…she’s a screw up…unless…
Midday the next day, Raine walks into the Tea House and straight to Madam Bo. Madam Bo was sweeping the floors as she looks at Raine “how was your sleep dear?”
“I’m going to keep it…I messed up everything I had before and this child…I don’t want to mess it up to…I have something to fight for now” Raine says
Madam Bo smiled “I knew you would say that, now while you’re here I have something for you”
Raine sits down at a table with Madam Bo
“I’ll teach you how life here in earth realm works, culture and everything you need to know. I can let you work here for a bit but only until you’re late into your pregnancy. I’ll get you a new identity and citizenship as I know a person who owes me favours and if you chose to leave or stay in the end, I’ll help you no matter what”
Raine smiled brightly as she nodded “thank you, this means very much too me”
Many months had went by, Raine had learnt so much about earthrealm, the good and the bad and unfortunately some curse words. Now around 8 months pregnant she was working in the kitchen of Madam Bo’s tea house. There has been some near encounters with earth realm defenders coming in but each time Raine was afraid to walk out, she didn’t even know if smoke was even there.
In the present, Raine was singing a song she loved while cleaning the dishes for the chefs.
“I’m gonna miss ya Raine, and good luck with your child” the chef said
“Thanks Wu, I’ll but you a drink since it’s my last day, for you and your wife of course” Raine said
“Don’t worry about that, have you picked a name for the baby yet?” Chef Wu asked
“I haven’t yet, I think it’s going to be a in the moment thing” Raine says.
Soon Raine’s shift ends, she picks up her hand bag and goes to walk out. She looked to the tables and gasped as she quickly hid. She saw Scorpion who was talking to Madam Bo
“Thanks again Madam Bo, and sorry Tomas didn’t come again. I don’t know why he doesn’t want to visit, he says he missed coming back here” Kuai Liang said
“Smoke is a wise man, when he’s ready to tell you what’s going on he will tell you” madam Bo said.
“I know you’re right, again thanks for the meal” Kuai gave Madam Bo a hug and leaves. Raine sighs before walking out
“Hey, I’m heading home now” Raine said to Madam Bo
“Ok, good night dear” madam Bo says.
Raine leaves the tea house and walks down the path to the home. She stops in her path to feeling the baby kick hard
“You’re going to be a fucking kicker huh” she smiled as she held her belly, she looked up and gained eye contact with Scorpion.
Her eyes widened as Scorpion looked at her knowing damn well who she is.
“Rain?” Kuai asked
“Please…please don’t tell anyone, I’m starting a new life for myself…please don’t screw this up for me” Raine begs quietly
There was a pause which felt like forever but was only like ten seconds. Kuai Liang nodded and said “take care” before leaving. Raine sighed and began rushing home just wanting the night to be over.
She grabbed the door handle before feeling a sharp pain in her belly. She hissed in pain before feeling something pop. She slowly moved her hand to feel between her legs. A wet substance….her water broke
Raine had arrived at the hospital and waited in line as there was a person in front of her at the reception. After a few minutes it was finally Raine’s turn
“How may I help you today?”
“I think my water broke” Raine said
Raine was now in a room on a bed in a hospital gown. Some of the nurses were outside the room whispering to each other regarding something before two people walked in wearing suits
“Raine, my name is Richard and I am part of the FBI” the first man said holding a badge
“What do you want?” Raine asked very concerned as she was holding her belly.
“Your most recent ultrasounds and tests of your things has shown some very concerning characteristics” the second man said
Raine looked at birth very concerned
“The baby seemed to be shifting in a story of way and the US government would like to make an offer. Give us the child and we’ll give you a few hundred thousand right now.”
Raine looked very disgusted “Get the fuck out!”
The first man says “oh come on, it’s money!”
“GET THE FUCK OUT!” Raine screamed and the two men left quickly.
Raine was now sweating heavily as she was surrounded by nurses and the doctor. Raine was sitting up with her legs on two contraptions to help give birth easily. Raine was crying in pain.
“Ok Raine, a couple more pushes so we can see the head” the doctor said reassuringly
Raine lifted her head back and cried as she push. She wishes she took the epidural but after seeing the needle she said ‘FUCK THAT’
Raine pushes one more time so the head can be seen. The doctor however looked very concerned and somewhat scared
“Umm…keep pushing Rain, the baby is almost here”
Raine couldn’t focus on what is making the doctor scared but as she continued the push, the nurses looked and one almost fainted,
After one last push the room was filled with a loud scream, the doctor slowly picked up the baby. Raine looked to see the baby and that’s when she sees it.
The baby had absolutely no skin and looked like just meat but at the same time was shifting into a human baby form. Rain takes the baby from the doctor as the baby continued to cry.
The nurses and doctor all looked at each other with concern. Raine however cried with happiness “Hi baby!” She smiled.
The small baby began to stop crying as the baby slowly open their eyes “I-it’s a boy” said the doctor.
The baby then shifts into the human baby form as Raine looks at the doctor.
Raine was holding the baby as now the baby was cleaned up and wrapped in a blanket. Now madam Bo was there looking down at the baby
“You’re telling me this little bundle of joy can shift looks?” Madam Bo asked
Raine nodded “yeah, the doctors did some test and now we’re waiting, including the DNA test” she says
Raine looked at Madam Bo “wanna hold him?’ She asked.
Madam Bo nodded and Raine slowly handed the baby to Madam Bo. The baby slowly opens his eyes and looks at Madam Bo before looking over at Raine.
Madam Bo smiles before asking “what’s his name?”
“Well he’s my little bundle of meat so his name is Mateo or maybe Meat as a nick name” Raine says with a smile. The doctor walked back in with some papers before sitting down on a chair
“We still running some tests but the DNA results came back quickly” the doctor says
Raine sits up and listens “go on”
“Usually we can tell tithe mother and the father’s from each other in the child…however here it came back saying there’s three biological parents to the child.”
Raine looked shocked, that means both Havik and Smoke is the father
“So what does this mean?” Madam Bo asked
“We’re still working that out, but if you want to keep your child, you’ll have to keep that part a secret” the doctor says
“Well those FBI agents know already” Raine says
“What?” The doctor asked
“Before I gave birth these FBI American government agents came into the room offering me money for my baby” Raine said “I told them to get out”
“Raine…I hate to say this but legally they’re not FBI agents, if they showed up then it means one of the nurses reported the ultrasound to someone corrupt” the doctor said and Madam Bo nodded
Raine looks between the two “I’d like to leave now!” She says
“You can’t until you’ve healed, but I will make sure there extra security and in a few days you can leave” the doctor said before leaving “I’ll be sure to report those two people”
Raine was holding baby Meat up who was in his meat form and planting kisses on his head making the baby laugh.
“You’re such an adorable baby! I might just eat you up!” Raine says as she playfully nibbles Meats small hand making him laugh even more.
A couple nurses walked in “good evening Raine! Just doing a check up on your baby” Raine looked down and saw Meat was now in human form. Smart Baby
Raine nodded as she handed meat to the nurse. The other nurse takes out the needle out of Raine’s arm. Raine then noticed a small splatter of blood on the sleeve of the nurse.
Raine is getting a bad feeling, she turns to the other nurse “can I have my baby back?” The nurse walks straight to the door. Raine turns to the other nurse who tries to stab her with a knife. Raine was able to deflect as she pushes the nurse down.
She chases after the nurse screaming “SHE’S STEALING MY BABY!”
Raine catches up and manages to snatch Meat back who starts to cry. The ‘nurse’ pulls out a knife as the other nurse appears. Rain is cornered as the nurses gets closer to her
“Get Back!” She yells but they don’t listen
“I SAID GET THE FUCK BACK!” Suddenly a huge blast of water shoots out from Raine’s hand. The water blasts the faces off both nurses killing them instantly. Rain stared at her hand, she has hydromancy again but didn’t need a staff.
She rocks Meat who was crying loudly from the loud noises. Raine rushes back to the room where she goes through her bag and changed into some clothes. She picks Meat up again and she leaves through the fire escape.
Raine calls Madam Bo from a payphone
“Hello, this is Madam Bo” Madam Bo says
“It’s me”
“Raine!? Where are you? There’s police at the hospital”
“They tried to kill me and take my baby, I had to leave with him to find somewhere safe” Raine says
“Oh you poor thing, I’ll send you some money but do not tell me where you’re going”
“I wasn’t going to, and you don’t need to”
“Well I am, we should cut this phone call short but Raine, please be safe and take care of Mateo, I believe in you”
Raine begins to tear up “thank you…I promise I will…goodbye Madam Bo…thank you for everything”
Raine says as she slowly hangs up. Raine looked down at Meat was asleep in her arms. Raine held him close as she gets onto a bus to somewhere.
A few weeks passed and Raine was breastfeeding Meat at the docks. She’s hoping to get onto a boat and leave with meat but she’s deciding which boat to take. Raine hasn’t gotten much rest as she looks frazzled. Soon a man sat down next to her
“You don’t look ok”
“I’m fine” Raine says as she’s glancing at all the boats
“Your baby looks cute, must be nice having an edenian mother” the man says
Raine slowly looked at the person with a death stare “how did you know I was edenian?” She asked as she was about to defend herself and meat if necessary
“I’ve travelled to out world a few times, they have a bounty on your head but considering you have a baby with no skin now, I think you need help” the man says
Raine looked down quickly and saw Meat was in his natural form looking at the man’s hat
“What do you want from me?” Raine asked
“My group leader needs an assassin and I know who you are Rain amd what you did. We can offer you a safe home for you and your child and in return, you help our leader Kano”
Raine thinks about it before she sighs “if I notice anything off I will kill you without hesitation”
“Sounds like a deal”
“But what’s your name?” Raine asked
“Black, Erron Black”
So my version of outworld magic transition Rain is basically giving her a partly functioning uterus without anyone realising. She can’t menstruate but can carry children.
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seharuuchan · 1 year ago
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The only champion that can solve all of MK’s problems
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shan-yee · 1 year ago
𝗦𝗺𝗼𝗸𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰 𝗯𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲
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𝗩𝗦 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝘄𝗲 𝘀𝗲𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝗸 1
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(Couldn’t stop thinking about that 🧍🏻‍♀️
Bro wasn’t joking-)
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failyaoi · 6 months ago
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mama bo and baby sektor + babysitter liu
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lonelynight13 · 1 year ago
"Since you two gentlemen are here. Would you like to try my 'special tea?' " "Oh, we would love to!"
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after some teas
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fsfghgee · 5 months ago
Sektor's family be like…
Lazy siblings who probably thought that thanks to Sektor's union with Bi-Han (the head of the clan) they would receive special treatment;
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Ambitious father (but not a bad person) who blesses his daughter's union with the Grandmaster. And wants, to the misfortune of Bi-Han, to come out of retirement.
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Independent mother who hates her son-in-law and her daughter's choices;
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Really interesting dynamic…
They could already make a tv series just about this family.
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hitchyboi · 5 months ago
🔥Scorpion/Kuai Liang Headcanons #1🔥
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Y'all I'm so sorry about my lack of activity that's been a month at least I think... Been working on projects for college and it's been taking a lot of my time and zapping any energy to write. T^T I promise I'll get more stuff out once my projects are completed, I have ideas and things in the works!
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Much like Bi-Han, Kuai's body naturally runs warm however Kuai controls it to make sure he doesn't burn people by just shaking their hands. Bi-Han had no care and doesn't want people touching him.
Kuai also grew up learning to play an instrument, while Bi-Han chose to learn the Dizi; Kuai learned to play the Banhu.
He's a frequent visitor of Madame Bo's, he enjoys visiting after his missions and relaxing with some freshly brewed tea she serves. He always makes sure he's in more relaxed and casual clothes as its his time to unwind and relax from his duties.
Has a specific table at Madame Bo's that he will ALWAYS sit at, it has become his table at this point. It's a simple table located closer towards the windows where the sun shines pleasantly onto. A small image of a scorpion has been carved into the wood of the table after one night he went there with his brothers and had a little more sake than he should've.
Absolutely brings Tomas to Madame Bo's as well if they both have the time or after another dispute between Tomas and Bi-Han has happened.
Daddy's boy, Kuai adored his father and worshipped the ground he walked on. He wanted to be able to make him proud and work hard for the Lin Kuei and Earthrealm's protection. His father was his idol.
Giant Family man
Kuai is the peacekeeper both between his siblings and in the clan itself. He wants nothing more than his siblings to get along and tries to find compromises and ways to dim the fire Bi-Han directs towards Tomas. Because he's used to being the voice of reason many clan member's will go to Kuai rather than Bi-Han when they have concerns, knowing Kuai will take the time to listen to them and find a more effective way to bring it up to the grandmaster.
Multiple clan members have made comments of how Kuai would've been a better Grandmaster but Kuai shoots them down and defends his brother each time. Until Bi-Han betrayed him.
Has always looked forward to finding a partner to marry and have a family of his own to take care of. Kuai wants to be as good and noble a father his own father was to him.
Kuai is an avid reader in the small moments of free time he can get. He enjoys sitting out in the gardens on a calm morning and relaxing with a good book. He's a sucker for romance.
Big animal lover, specifically cats as they also naturally draw towards Kuai due to his warmer body temperature.
Has a pet cat that's his little buddy whenever he's home. The little guy will frequently be cuddled up on his shoulder while Kuai reads or is just going about his daily routine.
Has considered on multiple occasions of getting a pet scorpion... He still considers it from time to time
(@cemetery-sunset 's headcannon; They know nothing about mortal kombat but offered to help XD) Kuai Liang collects postal stamps.
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fantinecore · 6 months ago
If Original/Male Sektor's father is named Oniro & Sektor in MK1 is female, that means...MADAM BO ACTUALLY FEMALE VERSION OF ONIRO IN MK1 UNIVERSE?!!
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Throughout the Eras Headcanons #7
Rain knows just enough martial arts to be able to defend himself without magic.
Kung Lao is very skilled in making and patching hats.
Johnny Cage has a hidden collection of plushies that only his ex-wife knows about.
Should a candidate for the Umgadi fail in her training, she is returned and reintroduced to her family.
Ashrah became forgetful as a side effect of using Datusha.
Madam Bo taught Raiden and Kung Lao how to cook.
Quan Chi's library is so massive and maze-like that demons have died trying to find their way through.
Mileena swiped one of Kitana's fans so often that she had a third one forged for her.
Geras tried out many hobbies before settling on painting.
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lu-cider · 1 year ago
it was requested I make one of Madam Bo as well so you know I HAD to deliver (again, drawing under cut)
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shellswritesstuff · 1 year ago
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n3ptoonz · 1 year ago
mk1 incorrect quotes
bi-han: you interfere with lin kuei business. leave! or face our wrath you stupid fucking idiot
madam bo: CUT!
kuai liang, sighing: this is the 56th time, brother.
tomas: we're never going home...
bi-han: fine. i'll try again. leave! or face our wrath.
liu kang: ah, finally we can go-
bi-han: and then i will jump from that roof and beat them to death myself.
everyone simultaneously: CUT!
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