#mk but evil lmao
acoraxia · 9 months
I didn’t like S4 too much because of the lack of build up and how rushed it was, I couldn’t get attached to the characters and it instead showed us someone horrible saying they were going to do good and we find out he (azure) groomed and manipulated people (mk, swk) for his own goals—the finale was okay.
But the fucking SCROLL CURSE? I loved it. I adored it. I wish we had gotten more of the scroll curse and learned more about its punishments and how it worked.
People characterize the scroll but that defeats the entire purpose of it—the curse is not a character. It never was. It’s an object.
The entire point is that it takes the form of whomever it is going to torture and when it takes the form of Monkey!MK it’s so deliciously good! It’s all of MK’s fears and doubts coming back to haunt him, literally, as a physical manifestation. And the way that it keeps all of MK’s strengths and powers is LITERALLY like the Novel version of the Macaque and Sun Wukong fight, except the scroll is just… an object. An artifact that will never be truly defeated seeing as how Azure uses it later in the Season.
It’s so good. And the fact it keeps MK’s voice when talking to Sun Wukong and the crew? Fucking incredible! Because MK’s voice would hurt them the most. Hearing your successor say all of these things? Hearing your best friend say this? Your son?
I adored that part of the season and I wish we could’ve gotten more of it
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crimsonbubble · 7 months
i ♡ fictional older men
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chetzale · 8 months
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Evil nerd X evil angry girl is the best ship dynamic.
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
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SUMMARY : what the title says. You’re an Earthrealm warrior.
A/N : not gonna lie I’m having writers block so take this lmao
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Shang Tsung : Your beauty holds no bounds
(Y/N) : Your ego holds no bounds
(Y/N) : Do Outworlders speak English? I am not interested
Shang Tsung : And yet you’re here…why?
Shang Tsung : Liu Kang cannot give you a what I can give you
(Y/N) : You do know you’re competing against a literal fire God right?
Shang Tsung : Leave that pathetic God and join me
(Y/N) : You literally got deceived by your titan double. I’m good
Shang Tsung : You are far too beautiful to be with a man like Liu Kang
(Y/N) : And my mouth is producing far too much vomit
Shang Tsung : If you don’t become my queen - you will become my enemy
(Y/N) : I already AM your enemy
(Y/N) : If I didn’t want you in the last timeline- what makes you believe I’ll want you in this one?
Shang Tsung : I can be very persuasive
(Y/N) : Of all the people that could be obsessed with me - it had to be a miserable sorcerer
Shang Tsung : You will fall for my advances eventually
(Y/N) : Stay the hell away from Liu Kang
Shang Tsung : I will. Once you join me
Shang Tsung : You were so close for falling for me in the original timeline
(Y/N) : Don’t remind me of how idiotic I used to be
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(Y/N) : I don’t think I can take much more of that sorcerers flirting
Liu Kang : I will put an end to it, my love
(Y/N) : So I fall for you in every timeline?
Liu Kang : It just means we are destined to be together
Liu Kang : You are the only woman made for me
(Y/N) : You always know how to make my heart race
(Y/N) : Come on. It’d be new and exciting
Liu Kang : While Temperature play sounds intriguing, I do not want to hurt you
(Y/N) : Shang Tsung seems to think he can have me
Liu Kang : *chuckles* I am the least bit worried of that sorcerer
Liu Kang : You are my one and only, (Y/N)
(Y/N) : As to you, Liu Kang
Liu Kang : Are you ready for your training?
(Y/N) : If it ends up with you on top of me then yeah
Liu Kang : I wish to treat you as my Goddess
(Y/N) : You sure know how to turn a woman on
Liu Kang : Shang Tsung’s flirting has grown drastically eye clawing
(Y/N) : You say that as if he’s been flirting with you. I’m the real victim
(Y/N) : Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?
Liu Kang : Your puns are both cute and insufferable
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Shang Tsung : (Y/N) will fall for me eventually
Liu Kang : You are fooling yourself if you believe she would ever want you
Liu Kang : Stay away from, (Y/N)
Shang Tsung : You and I both know that deep down she craves for my darkness
Shang Tsung : I almost had her in the original timeline
Liu Kang : Only because of certain events that had taken its place
Shang Tsung : You call me the villain but you specifically crafted this timeline to make (Y/N) fall in love with you
Liu Kang : I am not capable of that kind of power nor evil. (Y/N) fell in love with me by her own free will as she has done through out other timelines
Shang Tsung : If you want her so bad, why have (Y/N) meet me?
Liu Kang : It was bound to have happen and as I have done every timeline, I gave (Y/N) the choice whether she wanted to be consumed by your greed and darkness
Liu Kang : (Y/N) does not want to be with you, sorcerer
Shang Tsung : If she doesn’t then why does she always end up back to me?
Shang Tsung : (Y/N) will fall for my power eventually
Liu Kang : That very statement proves you do not know her as (Y/N) is not attracted to power and greed
Shang Tsung : If I win, you’ll let me have (Y/N)
Liu Kang : (Y/N) is not a prize to be won
Shang Tsung : Together, me and (Y/N) can rule all realms
Liu Kang : Im sure (Y/N) would be interested in the man that got deceived by his own double
Shang Tsung : I could treat (Y/N) better than you
Liu Kang : Better? You tried to kill her in the original timeline
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ccircusclwn · 7 months
Idk if you’re doing art requests but if you are May I request this: Mk bragging to Julia and Priya about the fact her parents (Alenoah or Nowen, you can choose) were ex tdi contestants while Priya is just flabbergasted
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i feel bad for priya bcs every time i draw her shes in distress lmao
(chose alenoah bcs its kinda my brand now n also bcs i find priya going crazy abt all combinations of mks parents objectively hilarious)
also since this takes place in a non td setting i might have just implied priya either hangs out w these two evil lesbians or they're neighbors....
(+slight mkulia n priya redesigns!!)
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10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Needless I went off the rails with this one! LMAO
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This became an excuse to draw Celarthur/Merthur content in different scenarios & and outfits. And I had too much fun with the designs of each one.
Sun King & Moon Queen AU:
Basically, I was watching Lego Monkey Kid and this happened! I really wanted to do something that really got the essence of the show. If you watch the show you can really tell I kinda (or a lot) based it around the Lady Bone Demon & Sun Wukong. And of course some classic Chinese folklore...
It is a total rom-com scenario, with the Moon Queen betrothed to the Sun King... they but heads at first then slowly but surely fall in love.
Sleeping Beauty/ Fairy Tale AU:
This one was really made for young Sir Arthur & Celestine... I couldn't help it guys it was such a classic movie. Malfience icon (she's definitely be Morgan in this Au).
Especially when I was looking for dancing references I kept looking at the sleeping beauty reference dance sequence the most. (for a project to be revealed later still a secret) So I had to give a shoutout to that of course, love how it turned out!
Super Paper Mario Au:
I think this one is my favorite one I always got emotional for Count Bleck & Tippi's backstory. Their love story is quite similar to theirs....they just fit the characters so well.
In all honesty, if Sir Arthur didn't have Meta to ground him... then he definitely would have become like "Count Bleck." Oh but just like Tippi Celestine would still love and forgive Arthur anyways.
And here is an Au relevant to the plot of KBASW... I did wanna draw out more scenarios relevant to the plot of KBASW but then they kept leaking out to spoiler-ish territory.
Next Scenario Happy Ending Route. (Basically, Celestine & Arthur are running the GSA and this is a daily occurrence~)
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They still have to wait for...(Kirby is lost for a while and is found by Meta and of course baby imprints on him and he's still Meta's) They become this obnoxiously flirty-loving couple... MK's seen this since he was a kid so he's desensitized. They do get work done I promise ~ (LMAO)
Keep reading for spoiler content/ Special thanks
This is where Celestine finds a cure for her " broken warp star" situation. They basically gave Gala the same isolation treatment (because he was supposed to be the galaxy's savior~). But Celty (secretly visits him as often as she can to ensure he isn't lonely.
After this time Celestine finds Meta in the Fountain of Dreams (before anyone could find him). The Ancients were so preoccupied with Gala that they weren't even montioring the fountain.
Basically, no one knew that Meta Knight was born but Celestine & Arthur. He's raised in secret at the temple. (They make a cute little family together ~) And Celestine would set up secret little play dates for the both of them.
A few years passed and then BOOM!
They manage to catch Icarus in his crimes for "forcibly creating another astral from Void." (Kirby was always going to be made but he came out too early due to Icarus' involvement.)
Morpho still takes his life but they manage to trace it back to Uther... The people are now questioning the Acients in their decisions and soon fall out of power due to the controversy. To save face they crystalize Sir Uther... (HA) but that doesn't help them at all~
It was during this time that Celestine properly revealed herself as Merlyn... WHAT!? Another blunder blew up in their faces...and the people immediately began to rally behind her. The popularity of her good deeds as Merlyn is what gets her into the seat of power.
Leaving Celestine in charge of the GSA (finally left in the right hands!) And of course, she takes Arthur with her as her right-hand man and well I think the GSA would become more of a light-hearted place after that.
(Morgan leaves, she doesn't fit into this hippie-dippy-happy place but she's not evil per se... she kinda just travels around as she pleases and she does find her happiness being a wanderer.)
Nightmare is still a problem but Nightmare Enterprise is never created, so it's not as widespread. So it's managed and the galaxy is thriving under Celestine's control. And of course, Arthur & Celestine confess their feeling for each other yada yada yada....
And of course, Kirby defeats Nightmare and that's it~
Despite this happy ending Meta Knight never meets Jecra & Garlude as a result of this. Along with Kirby never going to Dreamland or meeting everyone; Fumu, the cappies, no nothing. And the need for Star Allies no longer exists.
More content on these two to come and guys let me know which Au scenario you like more (reblog, leave a comment... maybe I'll expand on it more fun content to come)
I also wanted to thank everyone for getting me through round two I hope you all continue the support for next week's voting poll ROUND THREE!
Thank you for riding this wave with me!
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
@lulu-chaos-incarnation I just also wanted to thank you for being such a loyal fan. I really appreciate you I know I went a little crazy on the AUs but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! :D
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onesaltybagel · 2 months
I had a dream about Lmk last night which is an absolute win but I want to talk about it because it’s stuck in my mind
Basically- they released a special episode like in season 4 and it was like an hour long but the thing was that it didn’t follow the story of season 5 at all and I remember thinking “wtf this is bullshit what happened” LMAO I WAS SEETHING
But the story was kind of interesting? Basically there were these four gods, they were important and each one represented an element (fire, water, air, earth) and i literally have no idea what they did but they were existing.
But the water god and the air god we’re in love <333 and it was very cute until the water god did something wrong? Evil?? I don’t know it was a dream nothing made sense. But the air god was like “oh fuck you” and all the gods sealed them away in the ocean. But PLOT TWIST! The water god and the air god had a child <33 and it was Mk <33
So the water god was like noo!! My baby!!! And the air god is like “hah fuck you I don’t love you anymore I’m in love with the earth god now” and plans to raise Mk as theirs. In an act of spite and rage, the water god somehow manages to break free for a short moment to separate his child from the gods and send him away to be raised alone.
After that, Mk is raised by Pigsy and everything falls back into canon UNTIL- the water god breaks free and hunts down his child. He finds Mk, pulls him under the ocean with him and tells him that he’s the good guy and the other three gods are not so he, Mk and the group go hunting the other free gods down to save the world.
It’s a bit foggy at this point but there are two scenes burned into my mind where Mk and Wukong are like in the clouds- hunting down the air god- and, with interference from the water god, she ends up dying and she’s like fading away into clouds while she holds Mk in her arms and cries, smiling as she finally is reunited with her baby.
Another scene i remember is Mk standing in some underwater castle alone with the water god and it kinda finally kicks in that this doesn’t seem as good as he thought it was and the water god snaps at him and they end up having a fight Mk does not win.
Thanks for reading my rambles I literally have no idea what to do with this dream my brain gave me <33 but it was very cool!! It ended i remember I literally spoke about it in my Instagram story like “wtf they changed the story what did I just watch LMAO
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grimmcheems · 10 months
🤍 Mileena 🤍
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I’ve never played a single MK game but when this one came out it was just too good for me NOT to make something. I’ve always seen things of Mileena here and there since last year and even learned a bit about her lore and got so happy that she has a happy life in MK1.😭
I originally had a Mileena in a banana costume (which was the idea that started this art) in the right corner instead of her modern version sketch I made but it wasn’t that great and took up a lot of space so I left it out and drew something else lmao. Other than that I thought it’d be funny if some of the MK1 cast got sent into the older games like ‘time travel’ and end up encountering the evil version of Mileena. I was gonna draw Kitana braiding her hair instead of holding her hostage lol. Also. I love all the different masks Mileena has designed for her in one of the games and decided to use it here.
All in all this was just a fun sketch I made for practice and that’s why it isn’t colored or have any actual lineart.
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ancanosaur · 5 months
Does anyone else remember how weirdly toxic the MK Fandom was around MKx era? Becuase I do.
Those like handful of blogs that were just getting into beef with random Kano fans and their whole thing was "Kanno is a peice of shit! And so are you for liking this fictional antagonist!!!" I remember a few who put anti-Kano in thier description of their blog and it was just a hobby to shame people for drawing Kano fanart or liking the character in any way. (And a small revival with mk11 since they made him fuzzy for that game lmao)
Weird uncomfortable age gap shipping... That whole thing about that one artist that drew Cassie cage/subzero stuff and a shit ton of people were like "uh, he's friends with her dad and is like 52. So that's kinda weird." But then it also turned into a headcanon argument bc people were like "yeah subzero definitely watched Cassie cage grow up and he was a part of her childhood." Wich is so funny looking back at it bc there was no need for people to theorise anything about the characters relationship any further than what is Canon for it to be weird.
That fucking Sektor fan who just casually wrote headcanons about Sektor being a huge fucking racist for no goddamn reason?????!?!??? The headcanon specifically was about how they ship him and Cyrax and how Sektor calls him slurs and physically, mentally, and sexually abuses him as part of thier romantic relationship????????????? And they even gave examples of the horribly racist things he says to him¿¿¿? And that Cyrax was just okay with it??? And ended the post with like " I love my evil little man 🥰" No trigger warnings on the post either and when they were critiqued for it they were like "it's realistic and it's just my personal headcanons and you don't have to agree. Sektor is my comfort character and this is just how i see him." -type shit. (Deeper lore about said person. I actually interacted with them way before the headcanon thing. They approached me wanting to rp and they were so controlling they were basically just telling me what to do the whole time. super rude and impatient. So they just suckedl lol.)
Art blogs getting wierd asks that requested them to draw the fem characters in what was very obviously kink art but the asker would ask it in a way to trick the artist into making free fetish art for them. I got so many requests back in the day to "could you draw mileena for me :) but with her jaw wired shut? :)" or "could you draw kitana wereing a new pair of flip flops for me? That would make my day." like ????? Vague to the point of its sus but there were alot of minors in the fandom at the time including myself, i was in highschool at the time. but I was raised on deviantart so I could smell a wierd fetish from a mile away. But I did see other young artists fulfill these requests and several of them completely unaware that they were drawing kink art. Kink art is cool. But not when you're tricking minors into drawing it for you for free. (There was this mileena anon that was the most common one and I swear it was the same dude bc it was always something to do with with her getting her jaw wired shut, her getting bracess, or some other hardware being attached to her jaw/teeth.)
Selfshippers/heteroshippers being like "I know Kung Jin is the only Canon gay character in this very cis het and hyper masculine video game franchise- but im gonna ship him with my girl oc :) becuase he isn't real and it's not wierd to just pick the only gay one :) out of a huge line of big muscle men to choose from :) to ship with :) my female girl she/her lady with a vagina self insert :) or ship him with Cassie :) bc they are friends and should date :) I know he likes men :) and erasing that part of him :) erases :) a big part of his character :) and character arc :) but he would look cute :) kissing girls :) bc im :) girl :) and so is Cassie cage :) and my oc :) - is what I remember.
2015/16 really was a time for the fandom.
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
I've been dragged back into LMK by the ankles and I can't get this idea outta my head:
what about Wukong, MK, Pigsy(platonic), and Mei(platonic) with an s/o/friend who has a pet Owlbear? Maybe they found it as an injured hatchling and raised it, so now it's super protective, but when not in protection mode, it's just like a Great Dane that thinks it's a lapdog!
for reference owl bears look like this and are 10ft tall(average) on all fours
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thank you so much and have a wonderful day/night!
I'm kind of adoring the concept of an owlbear as a whole :o enjoy!
SWK, MK, Pigsy, and Mei x Reader who owns an Owlbear Headcanons!
He has seen many a creature in his time. This is not one of them
More curious than anything else, like hey where exactly did this thing originate from
May or may not be the tiniest bit intimidated by it but he will not admit that
You'll probably have to gently help the two to connect. Show Wukong how to feed it, let it inspect him a little
Soon enough they'll get along just fine, Wukong is good with animals by nature so he'd get the hang of it pretty easy with your help!
He still thinks it's crazy that this big hulking creature follows you around being all scary...
but it also wants to somehow fit into your lap whenever you sit down as if it didn't just drag in a dead mouse as a gift
Wants to pet it, wants to take it for walks, literally is vibing so hard with this thing
"does it have a name??? Can I name it???"
Feels bad he's "stealing" you from the owlbear but you reassure him that the owlbear understands
Tries in vain to find chew toys for it that can last more than a day
Probably spoils it a little bit with attention even if it just knocked something over and you sprayed it with a spray bottle
Basically MK fully feeds into the dog energy it has even though it is EXPONENTIALLY larger than him
You'll need to gently explain that he doesn't need to worry, it's not evil or anything
He doesn't believe you lmao
It takes a little while for him to get used to your pet, and you can take it as a sign of generous trust when he allows you to bring it inside
He eventually starts saving meat scraps and bones for it
Refers to it mostly as "the lil fella" even though if it wanted to it could eat him
If anything he's impressed at how well it behaves
Can she please ride on its back. Please it's for science
Super excited, and like MK, she will warm up to it and treat it like a puppy instantly
It warms up to her too, and they get along great
She also probably finds a way to teach it tricks if you haven't already done that
Uses a baby voice with it too, you know how people have certain voices they use for their pets? She does that :)
10/10 she handles it better than the rest of the group on this list
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ghostherlig · 5 months
I actually dream of the day u write something bi-han/shang tsung omg...
ohhhh those two... they are so toxic in my mind fr- not that that's going to stop me from writing them, i do enjoy playing around with those relationship dynamics- esp since in my mind there's such a power imbalance between the two of them
the long-short of it is, bi han and shang tsung feed each others egos and bi han is very dependent on shang and his view of him to function well in their alliance- and shang uses that to his advantage at every turn bc all it takes to get bi han to change his mind is to plant a seed of doubt- aruashdfkjs
alternate version of them being a bit sweeter but possibly even hilariously like mk11 aftermath sindel and shao khan- literally "what bones of his shall i break for you, my love?" "mm. surprise me. <333" like that kind of so in love but toxic and cruel to literally everyone around them LMAO-
i am going to yap abt them for a moment bc i do have Some Personal Headcanons about the lin kuei and shirai ryu and shang tsung and how that all plays out post-mk1--
in my mind, kuai and tomas almost immediately separate from the lin kuei and form the shirai ryu in secret, cutting all communication with bi han-
and in my mind, bi han isnt happy about that, he does miss his brothers, even if he never admitted it to himself before that moment- it's also a personal hc of mine that bi han wouldnt have been such a shitty brother if it werent for the relationship he had with his parents- in my mind bi han was forced to spend a lot more of his time with his father and got to see things that kuai and tomas had no idea about-
think azula and zuko- bi han is his father's son, and his father used that to mold bi han into his version of the perfect warrior, and bi han shaped his expectations of himself and his brothers around that image as well
so, when kuai and tomas break off of him and "betray him" in his eyes, he's upset about it.
but he also gets shang out of it, and i feel like there's a golden opportunity there for some ✨One-Sided Codependency✨
shang tsung helps feed bi han's ego and personal security, which bi han needs now that he doesnt have anyone else to do it for him, and shang uses that to direct bi han where he wants him to focus. shang also uses the power he has over their alliance to get bi han to prioritize protecting him versus prioritizing the strength of his clan.
if they arent going to be toxic to each other, i feel like bi han would fall HARD for shang's intelligence and cunning. shang is so smart and he uses it for his own benefit, but bi han sees the practicality of it too and it just makes him crazy-
shang tsung would fall in love with how brutal and efficient bi han is- like bi han is very one-track-minded and shang can appreciate the brutality he approaches problems with.
and the two of them together? shang's mastermind with bi han's determination and brutality? they're a pair to be reckoned with, and it's terrifying- shang builds the groundworks for something evil and bi han gives him the men and the efficiency to get it done nearly overnight-
they both adore each other for their strengths but also see how they compliment each other and it takes a while for either of them to make a move but once they do their affections and relationship becomes so casual that it almost seems like it's always been that way...
god, thinking about them too hard fr... idk how quickly i'll be able to write smth for them but i will be thinking abt them for a while now, LMAO- i am sick so it might be longer than i'm hoping for, but i do have a few ideas in mind now.. arugrughaskdjf mk men ruin me 😔
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revlischarm · 2 years
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Wouldn’t call this one of my most exciting edits for the Noodle Shop Ghost AU, but it’s what I was able to finish recently so it’s what y’all are getting since I’m impatient to share more details and have to divulge them NOW
More LMK Morro info under the cut
• Red Son’s nicknames for Morro include “Accursed witch” and “dead meat” (the witch one is due to Morro having spooky vibes and carrying around a broom)
-Deadass? The first time Red called Morro a witch, Morro did a full 180° and said “did you just call me a bitch?” (Credit to @breathlessmorro for this idea!)
•Morro’s still got some anger issues they’re working out
•Princess Iron Fan shows up with her wind and he’s like “bro I am unimpressed I could do that when I was like, ten”
-The teleporting à la wind gets his attention, tho, since he obviously can’t do that and is immediately jealous
•Morro was a big fan of JTTW Monkey King after reading the story, but then he meets Wukong irl and is just like “Oh. This is it?? That’s…disappointing.”
Wukong: “I haven’t even interacted with you yet and you already dislike me, what the hell.”
-Like Morro and Wukong definitely have some similar interests and hobbies, such as martial arts, protective over MK, a distain for rules…but Morro is still twitchy around him.
-Morro owns a JTTW shirt because he still thinks that the story slaps tho
•Morro thinks the Mayor has cool vibes upon first meeting
-Like, Morro respects how unhinged and creepy he is
•Morro does have a broom for a weapon I’ve decided! It’s comical and it works. He gets a new weapon during Season 3, tho!
-He absolutely 100% knows how to use a broom as a staff because he’s used a staff before. In Season 5 when he possessed Lloyd and was trying to steal Wu’s staff, in the tea shop fight he was kicking ass with it. He’s very proficient with a staff and you can fight me on that.
•Morro forgets that he’s mortal again and ends up walking into a lot of solid objects
•Morro strives for success and likes to be in the spotlight still honestly, he can’t help it.
-The man absolutely despises failing in any way; he doesn’t want to be seen as a disappointment.
-At least he’s ambitious!
•Morro’s working on his inability to let things go, and it’s going. Okay. Ish.
-He struggles so, so much with letting go of a grudge, he never forgets nor forgives but he’s trying to
-It’s part of his goal towards being a better person/not being evil lmao
-“I probably shouldn’t hold onto so much hate for what happened before, huh…well maybe I’ll hold onto a few things.”
•MK sometimes does morning exercises with Morro (stretches and stuff), so for the episode “Duplicination” he makes another clone to do said activities with Morro
-How would that go wrong? Contortionist clone is how. Motherfucker stretches himself into a creepy pretzel
-He crawls up a wall like a spider and gives MK nightmares
-He’s super flexible and very hard to catch; good at dodging!
•Morro definitely sees a lot of Lloyd in MK, but it’s not like he can go back to Ninjago rn (he doesn’t know how), and even then! Lloyd and he are on horrible terms. So Morro is inadvertently projecting onto MK to some extent the apology and like…just feeling guilty and almost responsible in a way
-They’re not doing it intentionally, they really aren’t
-MK just gives them Lloyd vibes that make Morro feel guilty
-Took one look at MK and went: “Is anyone gonna big brother that guy?” And didn’t wait for an answer (credit: @breathlessmonkie )
•Morro being referred to ironically as the “family pet” by Tang and the gang is a reoccurring gag in Season 1. It’s for comedy purposes.
-Pigsy: “This is my husband, Tang, our son, MK, and the family pet, Morro.”
MK: “He’s a rescue!”
-Morro just goes with it
•Morro has residual traits from being a former ghost and you can fight me on that
-For example, his teeth are just slightly more sharp than the average person’s. It’s barely even noticeable but it’s there.
-Morro’s eyes have eyeshine (tapetum lucidum?), basically if it’s dim lighting and you direct some light at him, his eyes seem to glow in the dark. That thing that some animals have, you know? Deer.
-On that note, Morro can see in the dark slightly better than the average person.
-There’s more stuff but I’ll go over it later
•Morro loves flying kites!!! He adores those super complex ones and is saving up money to buy one
•MK called Morro “responsible” one time/refers to him as his “responsible friend”, and Morro ends up having a whole new episode dedicated to him having a crisis over that
-Think a midlife crisis except more aggressive and despairing. Morro’s trying to find an outlet for aggression! He’s adamant he maintain his bad boy persona, and MK’s comment shook him
-Like, his whole thing was defying destiny, making his own path in life, beating the odds and being stubborn…and yet here MK is, saying that’s he’s responsible. It goes against what he thinks of himself and just sets him off. Man literally skips work (which he never does) and gets everyone worried about him.
-He’s just acting out to try and prove that he’s not some domesticated ex-villain, but it’s also about him having difficulty adjusting to this new norm
-Before, Morro was doomed to a cursed eternity for the longest time. He was pent up and bitter and focused on a whole lot of negative stuff, and now he’s waking up and going to work and living life like none of that happened. It’s jarring, and he’s realizing that it’s so far from how he once was.
-He’s thinking, “That angry person I used to be was me, that’s who I was. What changed?” When really he’d just been so bitter and upset for so, so long that that’s all he can think of himself as being—that’s who he was, that’s who Morro was. It’s just he wasn’t actively thinking about it or anything until MK prompted it. He’s changed, and he knows that, but now he’s like…he’s moreso conscious of it, like actually realizing it’s not just that he gave up being so spiteful and tried to redeem himself—he’s forgotten what he was like before he was a vengeful spirit.
-That was what defined them for so long. And now who are they?
-The other part of it is that he doesn’t want to feel like he’s conforming, doesn’t want to be responsible, that it feels like he’s just following along to fate’s rules. And he abhors that.
-Uhhhhhh anyways tl:dr Morro has an episode all his own about self-discovery and also demolishes some stuff along the way.
-OH ONE MORE THING Morro divulges some more about his past to MK and Mei in this episode and also I don’t have a title for the episode yet so suggestions/help with that is greatly appreciated
•Back to our regularly scheduled program
•Morro. Does not trust Wukong very much.
-Like, Morro already has past trauma with Wu, given how Wu told Morro he could be the Green Ninja and fed him a bunch of hopeful nonsense and all that. Morro knows that MK’s been told he has some big destiny and power and whatever by this mentor-figure.
-Also. The Golden Weapons’ parallels with Monkey King’s staff?? Fun stuff. The staff “chose” MK and all that jazz.
-Morro doesn’t trust him from the start, although it’s less of Morro being perceptive enough to pick up on Wukong’s crap and instead that his paranoia ended up being right
-Morro would definitely go “At this point I can’t tell if you or Wu are worse, and that’s fucking saying something.”
-There’s one instance in which Morro straight up punches Wukong square in the face. I’m keeping that scene to myself for now because I gotta have some secrets, you know? Heheh
•Mei’s green power startles Morro every now and then
-Like there’s a flash of glowing green in their peripheral and they jolt. Literally they don’t even do it on purpose, it’s a knee jerk response to glowing green powers.
•Morro drinks soy sauce. He’ll get a little dish and sip from it. Yes, I based this off of myself.
•Macaque is Morro’s dad now btw I should probably mention that /hj
•During the episode “Macaque”, Morro shows up when MK does and actually manages to like. Demonstrate a decently strong attack at Macaque’s shadow kaiju thing. Wind does wonders against smoke monsters (I think Mac called it that??)
-Anyways Macaque quickly takes an interest in Morro! Morro tags along with MK for the training stuff because they’re not letting the kid get taken to some secondary location
-…unless they goes too, lmao
-Plus Macaque doesn’t actually mind him coming along, Morro’s wind powers peaked his interest
•Oh also Morro @ Macaque: “You know back where I’m from, we have an elemental Master of Shadow—I bet they could kick your ass, lol”
Macaque: “a fucking what”
•Also Morro? Actually really vibes with Macaque’s teachings?? Like he definitely reminds MK to take breaks and take it easy every once in a while, but for the most part Morro is like “fuck yeah? This guy is straightforward and makes a good point. Although strategy is important to take into account first and foremost it also helps to actually have a sense of direction here”
-So Morro thinks that Macaque’s got superior skills as a teacher to MK here
-Up until the whole betrayal thing haha
•Macaque keeps a close eye on Morro throughout the episodes following all of this actually!
-Like Macaque checks in on him throughout Season 2 and so they cross paths again fairly quickly
-Morro is very apprehensive at first but begrudgingly understands that it isn’t anything personal against MK, what Mac did—Morro’s literally been in that kind of situation before, sort of. “Nothing personal, just doing this to achieve my goals, you just happen to be involved in this and got hurt.”
-Like Morro gets it. You do evil and fucked up shit because it’s fun at the time and you wanna get back at someone who hurt you
•He’s still very protective of MK but he genuinely understands where Mac is coming from when he pulled that stunt
•They both absolutely open up to each other about their respective deaths eventually, though it takes time
•Macaque shows Morro some cool fighting stuff! They spar together a lot
-Morro finds himself looking forward to those sessions (he can get an actual challenge lmao) and so does Macaque! Mac hasn’t had a sparring buddy in. Well. You know ;)
•Morro 100% picks up on the ex vibes Macaque and Wukong have
•But anyways Morro and Macaque have a great time training and sparring together! Neither of them are afraid to get aggressive, but not because they’re angry—it’s because they know the other one can take it!
•They just overall bond offscreen (and maybe onscreen too? Do I need to make another new episode dedicated to this??) during Season 2/end of Season 1
•Macaque and Morro have a fun dynamic that I’ll expound more upon in Season 3 stuff, but I’m saving anything s3 for a different post because spoilers
•I will divulge that LBD has some difficulty handling Morro for reasons that are ghost-related and that Morro wants to kick her ass
-Well, related to the fact that Morro used to be a ghost and I have a very specific headcanon about his new physical body in that regard
•The Macaque thing is pure self-indulgence on my end because he’s one of my favorite characters
•If it feels forced in, it’s because it probably is, but serotonin go brrrrr in my head and that overrules all logic
•I want to draw what Morro’s intro screen would look like for the opening but I don’t have the skill (can’t draw complex backgrounds well at ALL) rip
-Concept for seasons 1 + 2 would have him standing in the front with a clear shot like the other characters do, arms are crossed or he’s leaning on his broom, and in the background we see a cool dynamic shot of him flying one of those neat Chinese kites. Color scheme is mostly greens and grays? I’m not sure.
-My idea for the Season 3 intro I’m reserving for now
•Morro doesn’t know how to drive I should mention. Man needs to learn to, lol
•Mei and MK teach him lingo and Morro honestly picks it up shockingly fast.
-He can understand some things about it? But others he’s at a total loss for.
-For example Morro doesn’t understand surreal memes or deep-fried stuff, he just doesn’t get what’s funny about them
•Morro knows a lot of occult/spiritual info!! He’s your man if you’ve got some form of spooky trouble ailing you
-So for spooky or supernatural happenings, Morro can give some decent advice.
•Don’t get him wet, he despises water.
•Also he’s still absolutely unhinged. Redemption doesn’t mean he lost any of his violent tendencies, so that’s a lot of manic fun.
-The vibe of what he’ll be saying is all good stuff, but the way he says it sounds like he’s delivering a villain speech
-Oh and don’t get me started on his dramatics either because this man is the smuggest and most theatric bastard ever and I love him for it
-A sore loser and a sore winner.
-So a ton of similarities to Red Son’s behavior, just…toned down a bit more and he’s not trying to be a villain. That’s just how he is. He slips back into villain mode sometimes because he was a villain, and he’s also just kinda like that.
-Morro’s villain tendencies/vibes are always more…creepy? Dark? Than Red Son’s are. Macabre, I’d say. He could actually scare you if he wanted to? It’s hard to describe.
-To sum it up: trying to do good things, but his attitude about it is so diabolical and dramatic. Aaaaannnnd his methods aren’t entirely moral all the time, either. He’s trying, okay??
•Although on that note, Morro is still a master at manipulation when it comes to it. He’s very adept at twisting his words around and can occasionally fall back on old habits without meaning to
-Fucking watch out for him when he’s intentionally being manipulative though, you don’t wanna mess with that
•Morro 100% attends Mac’s shadow plays, they really enjoy them and are the most enthusiastic person in the stands
-Macaque: The hero and the warrior were like the sun and the moon—
Macaque, confused and embarrassed: Uh, anyways.
•Morro would either be very good or very bad at fighting Red Son; wind can either fuel fire or snuff it out. Depends on the oxygen and stuff.
•Anything involving flying/air/heights? Morro is adept at that. Man would kill for one of Wukong’s clouds
•Trans he/they Morro rights
•This post is long enough so I’ll end it here
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dianagj-art · 1 year
I love playing Mario kart with other people because it always brings out the worst of me lmao
I'm not a competitive person but Mario kart gets put in the table and I'm out for blood. I'm saying curses I never do otherwise and to people I've never known before (I'm plating with my brother and a friend of his)
Also the only times I've ever actually let out an evil laugh have been playing mk
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ntaras · 4 months
Thanks for the link!! Dude went waaay too far, he seriously wants MK v.s DC to be canon ahzah. I want to slap him whenever he calls Raiden and Fujin demigods lmao. Like, Elder Gods>Gods>Demigods (or half-gods) it really isn't that hard, man. 😭 If we follow his logic then what are Taven, Daegon and Rain supposed to be? And spare me your titans crap. Out! Out!
And we really ignoring the Tempest creating Chaosrealm? 😔 At least they might have referenced it with how it came to be in MK1 ig. At least, he acknowledged Deception lore with the soul stones and the sorcerers in the Nether.
Okay so now I'm just gonna ramble about Frost. 🗣️
The small attention given to Frost and Nitara is cool. Although when it comes to Frost, it kind of sucks because on the surface it really looks like a bad case of "this character is evil because they had a rough childhood but we are not going to delve in the why and the how it affected them". The "bad childhood" is such an easy card to pull when it comes to explain a character's motivation and it COULD be good if writers actually chose to acknowledge and treat it properly. However, the way it's presented in MK11 is weird and frustrating because while we are made aware of Frost's struggles (her false feelings of not being good enough in Kuai's eyes, her feeling like she's always underestimated and unworthy, her wanting to prove herself to an unhealthy degree) they're never developed and explained. Paired with Kuai Liang's claim that he gave her a home and that she was a talented student, it makes Frost look like a major dick who's just overly arrogant, who just killed her mom for no reason and who actually takes pride in it.
You have to dig yourself to at least try to understand/come up with an explanation related to Frost's issues with authority, her arrogance, why she clashed with Sonya upon meeting her the first time in DA, why she rebelled against Kuai Liang while simultaneously wanting to earn his respect... Which she DID but she fucked things up herself!!! And it makes me sad because Kuai Liang was genuinely proud of her and cared about her. Frost finally had the love and attention she wanted and there's no doubt she would have become grandmistress after Kuai Liang at some point but she had to ruin it herself because of some sick thirst for even more power.
And while I actually really like the "bad childhood" and "found herself participating in death matches" elements brought by NRS, I struggle to understand Frost's problem with the truce between the Lin Kuei and the Shirai Ryu in this timeline. It comes from nowhere and just makes Frost look like a grade-A asshole for no reason. It even results in Kuai Liang no longer caring for her when he used to be more sympathetic to her in the Midway timeline... Until Deception and that's because she slaughtered a good chunk of the clan!!! In MKX, Frost had just rebelled against a truce. I don't think we are even told if Kuai Liang at least attempted to talk to her and understand what she was going through. He just cast her out and like, yeah, I can understand why he'd be mad but at the end of the day it makes both Frost and Kuai Liang look like assholes lmao.
I really like Frost and I wish she wasn't just reduced to a lost cause because at the end of the day she's just a troubled young woman who obviously went through a lot. Kuai Liang himself had a rough life and that's why I just hate that he doesn't at least try to be considerate with her and understand her story. You'd think he would be made aware at some point that Frost fought in death matches??? Like, I mean, that's such a fucked up thing to do. How did Frost even find herself there?? The way I see it, Kuai Liang was turned into a weapon while Frost had to turn herself into a weapon in order to survive and I think that's a neat comparison, especially when you consider Frost willingly cyberized herself. However, they sadly never address it.
I'd loooove to know more about Frost's family life. I'm still working on my headcanons but I'd like to go in a direction opposed to Kuai Liang and Bi-Han. Like, while the brothers were trained and pressured by their father to master their cryomancy, Frost's mother wanted her to conceal her powers in order to live a normal life. I definitely don't think she was a good mom, therefore, she was quite rough and commanding in the way she forced her daughter to hide that part of herself that Frost struggled to control and it made their relationship really tense. I definitely don't think Frost loved her mother but I also don't see her willingly killing her in cold blood. I mostly see it like, Frost's resentment toward her mother grew so much that a fight between them caused her powers to go out of control and cause her mother's death. Self-defense might also be to consider. Maybe. idk. that's pretty much a W.I.P and I like to consider every possibility.
Okay now that I'm done, I'm really curious to hear your take on Frost. 👀
i think dominic needs to just make his own game so he can write whatever lore he wants instead of doing what he currently is doing and we’d all be happier.
to be fair i forgot about the tempest being a thing but i am not an official writer so what excuse does he have. (also looking up the tempest led me to being reintroduced to zaggot cause i have not read the older comics in yearssss. but what a name.)
but frost!!!!!!!!! i agree with pretty much what you said about her. i adore her but for some reason she cannot get a complete arc nor an attempt at digging into her character. she deserves the recognition that mk12 bi-han is getting because he is a carbon copy of her but that’s another topic.
i adore how self-sabotaging and aggressive she is, but i wish she was actually given reason behind her character! frost being confirmed to have a shitty childhood and killed her (also shitty) mom does offer reasoning behind her personality but i wish it was actually explored in canon. like you said, you really have to dig to figure out the reasoning behind frost’s actions because she’s one of the many characters who are not given much for the audience to work with.
but i’ll take the scraps :,)
like i said i agree with pretty much what you said about her, and i think we’re in the same boat regarding headcanons. i’ve also thought that she forced to conceal her powers by her mother, which also begs the question on if frost’s mother was a cryomancer or if her father was. had it been her father, i wonder what happened to him considering there’s no mention of him (because frost specifically says she killed her mother). i’ve thought about if her father was somehow not in her life (be it that he died when she was young, before she was born, or left her and her mother) and he was a cryomancer, it caused her mother to force frost to suppress her powers because she did not know how to deal with it. but if it was her mother who was a cryomancer, her own mother could’ve tried repressing frost’s powers as a means of protection (protection being isolation of her daughter) or a projection of her mother’s own shame/issues about her cryomancy.
either way, i think she was forced to repress her cryomancy by her mother (which i think would be painful, because cryomancy typically shows up when the cryomancer is older but frost is on the very young side. she ultimately was alone in dealing with this unknown power.)
i do not think frost killed her mother out of cold blood either! it was ultimately just the result of of poor parenting and resentment building up on both sides. and the way her mother raised her lead frost to having issues with authority, for example, kuai liang.
i think i’ve briefly mentioned it before, but i think frost views kuai liang like her mom. like, there’s a part of her that views kuai liang as the closest to “kin” because he is the first cryomancer she’s met. above anyone he would understand her isolation and rage, and i think in turn she would understand him in a way. i think they’re both characters who have walls up but at the same time having a shared power automatically reveals some vulnerability to each other. but frost has IMMENSE issues with her vulnerability, and i don’t think she’d easily be open to another authority figure when she already dealt with her mom.
with kuai liang being her mentor i don't think she can help herself from automatically linking him to her mom and as a result wanting to take control before another authority takes control of her and suppresses her. she doesn’t want to be a child anymore, but be the ultimate authority (which only causes her to act more childish- with extreme naivety and rebellion).
and going off what you said about kuai liang being forced into a weapon while frost chose to become a weapon, i think being a weapon is what frost views as the ultimate authority (or in other words, violence is the ultimate authority to frost).
i do think kuai liang would have known about frost being in death matches (which i also have no clue how that girl got involved in them) and had to teach her fighting methods different from how she used to fight, or even teach how to be better at whatever methods she used to use in those matches.
also fun (and unfortunate) fact, had the mkx comics continued we would have gotten A LOT more focus on frost because her and kuai liang are meant to parallel hanzo and takeda. she could’ve gotten a fully fleshed backstory and yet we were robbed as usual
in the end despite all of frost’s flaws and mistakes, i genuinely think she should be redeemed instead of only being a lost cause. i hateeee how dismissive kuai liang is of frost and how easily he gave up on her in the nrs timeline. like i do think she represents a metaphor for kuai liang as the final challenge he has to overcome in order to finally redeem the lin kuei, and she does some very messed up things that really push kuai liang towards the edge, but because of that metaphor i really think it’d be fitting if frost’s redemption was also kuai liang’s completed redemption of the lin kuei. (i also do think her being a metaphor for being kuai liang’s final challenge to redeem the lin kuei can explain her issue with the shirai ryu as the clans used to be enemies, but idk it’s just an attempt at trying to make it make sense in a thematic way lol.)
it would also allow kuai liang rest because i do think his story needs to (or at least needed to considering we won’t have sub-zero kuai liang back) end, and i think it should end with “sub-zero” being passed to frost because she should get to a point where she deserves to be grandmaster.
anyways to sum this up i wish we got her backstory because i am sick of people (the writers) dismissing her as an ungrateful brat who’s a lost cause… she deserves her story!!! she deserves to grow as a character!!! i love her dearly and i appreciate her <33
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theemissuniverse · 11 months
The MK writers be getting me tight bc Liu Kang in MK 1 is literally unstoppable (or at least should be) at every point EXCEPT when Evil Sindel shows up and all of the sudden he can’t take her???
Like don’t piss me off lmao. I don’t care what the excuse is - Liu Kang should easily body her.
Same with all matches tbh. Liu Kang should not struggle battling his opponents. Not only is he a Fire God, a formal chosen one, he has been alive for what now is LITERAL EONS. You cannot honestly tell me he shouldn’t be a BEAST.
That’s why in the very end - the canon ending should either be Liu Kang (fire god Liu Kang) or Raiden. Anyone else defeating Titan Shang Tsung and Quan Chi gets my blood BOILING bc it would NOT make any sense.
Let’s not even mention LIU KANG EASILY GETS TAKEN DOWN BY THEM??? I’m not saying there shouldn’t be a struggle but THAT EASY???
Granted, this has been a MAJOR problem with ALL the MK games I’m just specifically talking about Liu Kang in MK 1 right now.
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