#miun talks
mehilaiselokuva · 8 days
an over-simplified guide for people who have never studied them
from real questions I have received
as I am finally qualified enough to talk about them
A language family spanning (mostly northern) Eurasia. The three biggest languages by amount of speakers are Hungarian, Finnish, and Estonian.
The Sámi languages might be the most famous of the "smaller" Uralic languages, but have you heard about Karelian? Udmurt? Hill Mari? Nganasan? There are 38~42 Uralic languages that we know as of today.
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(image description: the locations of the Uralic languages on a map. The Uralic languages span from modern-day Hungary, the northern Nordics, and northern Russia.)
Modern science links Hungarian to the Uralic languages. The links to "Altaic" (many on the field don't believe in the Altaic theory) and the Turkic languages are speculative.
No, they are a separate language family. English is more related to Russian than Finnish or Hungarian.
We still haven't figured this out, but the Uralic peoples' proposed homeland is often located north of Central Asia.
Linguistics uses many different ways to find out relations between languages. With the Uralic languages, there are many cognates (=words that come from the same root word) that exist in most languages. These words can be used to reconstruct Proto-Uralic, a hypothesis of what the original Uralic people might have spoken.
"tongue, (language)" (Finnish) kieli, (Estonian) keel, (Veps) kel', (N.Sami) giella, (Erzya) keľ, (Beserman) kål, (E.Khanty) köł, (Mator) kašte
"two" (Finnish) kaksi, (Courland Livonian) kakš, (Ter Sami) kïkktʼ, (Moksha) kafta, (Mari) kok, (Komi-Zyrian) kyk
Here are selected samples of text from a few different branches of Uralic languages:
NGANASAN: Mənə ńinti̮ˀam ńiluməni̮nə inśüδüˀ, mi̮əďindi̮ˀam hüətə. (I never sledge in my life, I always go by foot.) SELKUP: Nılʲčik qumɨp mee qontɨrämɨt čääŋka. (We have not seen such a person.) BESERMAN: Picʼi pilə̑ sʼed jə̑ rcʼijenezlə̑. (To the little boy with black hair.) MANSI: Mənə kńigaðəmtu miśiəm. (I gave him/her the book.) NORTH SÁMI: Sáhpán njuikii girjji duohken. (The mouse jumped from behind the book.) TVER KARELIAN: Mie hüviin zdaičin igzamenati miun, na felÍdšerku pandih. (I passed the exams well and I was put [to work] as a nurse.)
If you have more questions about these languages, feel free to ask me! I am no professor but am majoring in this at the university so I know more than the average person hehe
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burby2007 · 6 months
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I need to apologize I need to take a break for a while I might occasionally post something Eddsworld related but yeah going to take a break I'm a very mentally ill person and sometimes during a mental breakdowns I do some not great things mostly just cry and wish death upon myself and tell people that they deserve so much better than me which sadly I still agree with I generally don't understand why anybody wants to do with me but they do the main reason why I wanted to take a break because of my disappointment in the team on Eddsworld
I don't dislike them but there's certain attributes about the team that I'm not a big fan of me and one of my friends agree that Matt's kind of seems a little greedy now I know especially one of my fans / friends will disagree and you know what she has the right to feel that way I like Matt but he's kind of seeming like he's a little greedy with certain things but that's just me no one's truly perfect I'm not a big fan though so they did the Yootuz thing with tord like the man just wants to be left alone you probably what about the end part 1 and 2 honestly yeah it's kind of the same thing but when it comes to that at least it actually has some married to it because without tord it really would have been the end.
Anyways here's my opinion about the crew the animators no issue with really honestly I like no issue with 90% of the crew the only ones I have an issue with is really just I think I'll have an issue with Matt possibly to be fair I can judge him completely though we truly don't know what's going on behind the scenes and I guess diei because I texted him and he has never responded for like 2 weeks and it really bothers me even though he said he's busy a lot but at this point I just gave up sorry that he doesn't like me or something.
Also another issue I have is Beyond's kind of slowly going downhill like the comedies kind of stretched out and honestly that's all it's more commercialized and it's ever been which that I'm nutshell isn't bad but the marketing is like so forced it's kind of annoying and honestly like Tom's voice actor like makes a kind of worse because it's like it's like such a marketing voice it's kind of sad but you know he's a good voice actor so I can't hate him too much now with all these criticisms towards the crew do I hate Eddsworld no do I need to take a break from them yes it does not help the fact I am still grieving over my father in my mental health is slowly decreased ever since his passing and I worry that I'm going to say something wrong so I should probably take a break.
That doesn't mean I'm completely done with Eddsworld forever though I think I'm forever stuck to it call me edd head addict if you will but I think it's time for me to step down for a little bit I hope you all be okay and understand it it might not be a long break to be honest cuz my attention spans like a nutshell so I don't know I do know one thing I'll never talk any of the Eddsworld members ever again Miuns if they want to talk to me or something which we all know they don't want to. But yeah um its edd day soo yeah im tried so gn
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I love you edward
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mrsunshineboy · 11 months
"feeels like wwe have mattchintg wounds, but miune still black and bruises and yours is perfectlyy finee" /lyr jusst reeminding me of me hearing brykee talk about how shee hadd her mems of damien 'taken' awaay sso she didnt havee brerakdowns but i have aaat least four off themm a day bc of justtt freomm seeing his namee to thinkiong of hi,m
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pumpkinpuffgirls · 2 years
A PPG Reboot in Development with Craig McCracken  back at the helm.
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"The Powerpuff Girls reboot will expand on the original series with Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup set to go head-to-head with franchise favorite villains as well as new threats. The original series debuted in 1998 and won two Emmys during its 78-episode run"
"Cartoon Network Studios, Warner Bros. Animation, and Hanna-Barbera Studios Europe president Sam Register said in a release: “The Hanna-Barbera homecoming of Craig was an opportunity we could not pass up. Along with his unparalleled sense of fun and imagination"
I’ll say that I feel much safer with Craig manning the ship again, but man am I ever cautious after the disaster that was PPG 2016. Cartoon Network execs better not screw this up.
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reneeissancefool · 5 years
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cosgroveland · 4 years
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Where to start telling the beautiful moments of the day? 🤔😌 Firstly, the new episode of Mission Unstoppable was great. I really enjoyed it. I love this style of Miranda. I already commented about it. She looks so gorgeous. My favorite part besides Miranda's hosting, is the Engineering part. Because I was amazed a lot by the systems they showed us. 💜 I hope cameras stop leaving Miranda. Mir has more to tell us, we want to watch longer episodes of MiUn, it's really an amazing show. 😄
Secondly, the promo of the iCarly reboot was great. I became very emotional seeing Miranda, Jerry and Nathan together talking. I cannot wait to see the reboot. I'm trying to get the original quality of the video, I will post it when I get it. 🧡 and the photos of Miranda today were surely about iCarly. I wonder what she's filming/doing about it. She looked stunning in that orange dress. I am looking forward to the next months where we will see more stuff about iCarly. ❤️
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thespacecowboyyy · 4 years
Idk if I'm late for that language thing but how do you introduce yourself in Finnish (name, age, where you're from)?
No youre not late at all!! Thank u so much for sending this
So, hello is like hei or terve or something. Then "my name is (name)" is like "minun nimeni on (name)" but that is written language. There are a lot of different dialects. Id say "mun nimi on (name)" and someone else could say "miun nimi on (name)" for example. "I am (age) years old" is "olen (age) vuotta vanha" but that is the written version again. Id say "oon (age)" or "oon (age) vuotta vanha." That is the talked version people often use. Also you can say "olen kuudentoista" (i am sixteen/whatever the age is.) And "i am from (country)" is like "olen (country)sta" but from somewhere, for example from england (englanti) is "olen englannista". The end changes. And just like in age thing you can use "oon" instead of "olen". And it is not wrong to add mä/mie/minä (i) in front if it. Sorry im bad at explaining but i hope you understood!
So basically: "Hey, my name is (name). I am (age) and i am from (country)"
"Hei, minun nimeni on (nimi). Olen (age) ja olen (country)sta"
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teefa85 · 5 years
Well, we were also able to buy Kara, Laya, and Mieu armor after Skyhaven, and then the money I earned wandering around to get to Orakio’s Sword and Miun’s Claw was spent on a Royal Bandana for Kara.  All I need to do is go through Sage’s Isle, equip Wren and Crys, talk to the Sages in Skyhaven, and then the final dungeon is open!
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hluyen · 3 years
, things I hope I could tell you
My teacher stumbled upon a word and decided to teach about it in school. "Jeong" she said, "is the most difficult concept of love that I had to explain. It's directed to all living things as well as non-living creatures. It's unselfish, you cannot calculate its worth because it's not rational. You cannot expect something in return."I thought it was always the pain we were getting over— the pain that comes from an absence, from a tremendous need for seeing their face, the pain that has always been there and will always be there like stars in the night. My first letter to my Mother is still in her cupboard. Sometimes, my hands reach the cellphone and I almost type 'I miss you'. But I told her the last time that I was going to be dead to her and it has been five years since I have heard her voice. Sometimes, she comes in my dreams and sings a beautiful lullaby and sometimes, she apologizes for breaking my heart. But the truth is that I'd take her back even without her apologies because since I have left her, I have been hungry constantly. I eat a lot but nothing fills me anymore. I search the symptoms for a disease sometimes, and other times, I search for warmth. My best friend was a guy I'd tag in every video, every meme I ever liked. He would call me and laugh and we'd talk about it all. We would exchange an inside joke without even saying anything to each other, and he'd look at me and I'd know what he's thinking about. There are times when you become so close to people that you are almost transparent to them. They see you and you know that you are known. He'd listen to me even when he looked as exhausted as a zombie. I'd tell him to sleep but he would follow me and tell me that it's okay to let it out. And I would never do that, but he would still always sit in silence waiting for me to burst in tears. When he left, he told me that it's nice to be needed and he never felt that with me. I wish I told him that his face was the only reason why I never cried. It was because I could never bear to see him looking helpless. What gave me strength was his smile. I could cry on my own, but I can't smile and be okay. That's something I needed him for. I should have told him that people love you in ways that you are incapable of understanding at times, and I think that's why they say that to be understood is even a better feeling than to be loved. "You help an old lady whether you know her or not, and a restaurant owner never puts pea in your food because they know how much you dislike it. You don't even have to ask, but your landlady prepares dinner for you on Sundays and asks you about your school like a parent. Your cousin cried when they had to leave your home after you've been together all summer, and you saw a person and you immediately wanted to know them and be their friend, and a woman loves her ex-husband even when they are divorced because there's some love that stays. It may not be romantic, but they are tied together even if they hate each other because there's jeong."It's weird to think that I have spent my birthdays with people I don't see anymore, and there are people whom I knew better than anyone in their life but I don't know anything about them anymore. My sister says I swear the way my ex did and I always seem to laugh when I think about him. I swear in my mind and hear his voice. I think I loved him so much that he still exists in every nook and corner of my very heart. I think we can never completely lose anyone, because when we love we decide to carry a part of them with us always. Whether we want it or not."And then there's miun jeong which is basically how friends miss each other even when they let go of each other. Sometimes, it's a feeling about someone or something when you've spent a long time together. I think you have a certain softness, some kind of warmth for people even when you lose them. That's jeong," he concluded. And I realized how much I remember being loved by people and loving them. I realized that I almost forgot everything else about them, but I can't forget their little things because at that moment, I loved them so much that I wanted to remember everything everything even when it was hurting, even when it ached. Maybe, I have got it all wrong. Maybe, we weren't getting over the pain after all.Maybe, what we are getting over is love....—
Rae Pathak
, things I hope I could tell you
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echodrops · 7 years
I don't know if you are still in Noragami but I want to know something. How do you think that Take's new shinkis would react if they know the truth behind their master"s behavior and past? (Yes the published manga are in chapter 66 in France, so I'm in Take's hell again)
Yes! I am still in the Noragami fandom; it’s just been a bit hard to focus on the series with how long the hiatus has been. D;
This is actually a really awesome question, and I’ll answer it under this cut:
In terms of the new shinki, I assume we’re only talking about Miun, Kaun, and Saiun, aka the non-elder shinki that we’ve seen so far.
I talked about this a bit before, but one thought I had as I reading the Takemikazuchi arc for the first time was that all of Take’s new shinki have something distinct in common (and no, I don’t just mean their hairstyle): they are all generally mild, soft-spoken, and even somewhat timid men. Maybe this is just coincidence…
Or maybe Takemikazuchi has, since his forced reincarnation, deliberately been picking shinki who he thinks he can overpower, shinki he could defeat in battle if he needs to, shinki who seem extremely unlikely to stand up for themselves or ever attack their master, even in self-defense… Whether this is conscious or subconscious, I don’t know, but if it is conscious, that means Takemikazuchi has spent his whole reincarnated life assuming that one day his shinki are going to turn on him again, and that he has to prepare for that by carefully selecting only those shinki which he can, for sure, control.
All of which I’m saying to get to the idea that Saiun, Kaun, and Miun probably see Takemikazuchi as a very, very different type of master and man than Kiun does. Kiun serves Takemikazuchi with a sense of sympathy, with foreknowledge of the betrayal, suffering, and cruelty Take faced as he grew up after being reincarnated. He serves Takemikazuchi knowing that, deep down, there is a young man who is justifiably angry, lonely, and miserably afraid to be himself or express any of his real thoughts or feelings. Kiun at least marginally understands why Takemikazuchi mistreats and mistrusts his own shinki. 
My impression of Saiun, Kaun, and Miun is–like you–that they do not understand why their master acts the way he does, and therefore it is extremely likely that they do not know anything about his past or the way that he was raised by the elders–even though it seems like the elders themselves are still around, and you’d think those elders would be “warning” the new guys of how horrible their master can get and how much they had to “put up with” in the past, insert-bullshit-here, etc. etc.
So how would the new shinki react to learning the truth of what happened to Takemikazuchi?
I think the first reaction would be disbelief. As I just mentioned, I think the new shinki see Takemikazuchi in a very different way from Kiun: to them, he’s an unfair tyrant, an uncaring master who uses them like tools without seeming to care for their well-being in the slightest. They serve him, but they also seem to be, in some ways, afraid of him and genuinely put down by his insults. I imagine that, to his new shinki, Takemikazuchi comes across a lot like he first did the Noragami fandom before we learned about his past: an absolute pompous asshole who delights in bloodshed and lives to fight–a larger-than-life war god who is totally uncontrollable and very self-centered.
Suddenly learning the dark truth about their master’s past would completely shatter that image of him for the new shinki, and leave them completely adrift and confused–I think it would definitely take them some time to process, reflect, and start to realize that their master’s actions maybe can’t be taken at face value and that he’s not the unshakable, all-confident war god they’ve built up in their heads…
But once they processed, thought back, and started to look at the things he’s doing and saying? Once they realize where his suspicion and coldness really comes from–that he keeps his distance not because he thinks they’re weak disappointments but because he’s actively afraid of his own shinki and what they might do to him–I’d personally like to believe that Saiun, Kaun, and Miun would choose to stand faithfully at Takemikazuchi’s side and support him.
Maybe this is just wishful thinking or my natural bias toward beautiful dark-haired boys, but I definitely choose to believe that the 11 elders are outliers, and that not all human beings would treat Takemikazuchi so cruelly–I definitely choose not to believe that Take is just inherently an awful god who can’t change, grow, and show kindness and love to those who deserve it from him. 
So, ultimately: I personally think that if the new shinki were told what happened in Takemikazuchi’s past, once they overcame their doubt and disbelief, they would do everything in their power to show their master their loyalty is genuine and that they mean him no harm and will never betray him–but then of course they would have to stick around long enough to prove that to Takemikazuchi, to overcome his deep-seated suspicions and crushed faith in humanity, so that he could start to heal–and, in turn, heal their bond as master and shinki too.
That’s why I was hopeful at the end of the Takemikazuchi arc that we would still see more of Take-chan, Kiun, and the others, that they would become somewhat like Bishamon and company, reluctant but also grateful parts of Yato’s group whose lives are transformed for the better through their continued contact with our most beloved “god of calamity”… I have no doubts that, if Noragami had continued as scheduled for these all last months, right now we would be seeing a very different Takemikazuchi and crew (even if just in the background), with at least a few hints that Take-chan is starting to soften up and his bond with his shinki is starting to grow. At the very least, we know that something more was planned with Takemikazuchi, since Nora is still one of his shinki and that plot bomb has not, up to now, been fully detonated. I think Adachitoka definitely had plans to keep Takemikazuchi and his adorable shinki in the story!
…Which of course just makes the hiatus all the more painful, as I imagine the many things I think we could have seen…
RIP my heart!
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bepu · 7 years
Scorpio, Trine, Mercury, Third House, Seventh House
Scorpio: Are you a virgin? If not: Weirdest sex story? : en ole! yritin kauheesti miettiä jotain mikä olis miun mittarilla outoa, koska miulle normaalia on monet asiat jotka muista on outoja :---D mut siis kaks asiaa tulee mieleen, joista ensimmäinen on se kun raahasin aivan jumalattoman kauniin tytön mukanani ja sit tiputtiin molemmat sängystä ja se jäi miun alle ja minuu hävetti NIIN PALJON, mut onneks se vaan nauro ::D toinen oli kun oli muutenkin vähän rajummat otteet, niin toinen löi vahingossa miun pään seinään aika lujaa ja säikähti sitä hirveesti ja mie kun en voi kipua näyttää ni olin silleen A-OKAY EI SE MITTÄÄN ja sattu oikeesti aika kovasti mut se oli niin hädissään etten kehannu sanoa :’DTrine: What do you love about the world? : rakastan kaikkea mystistä yleisesti ja kohtalokkaita ihmisiä, jotka on jopa kliseisiä. rakastan kanssa rakkautta ja lempeitä ihmisiä, jotka jaksaa välittää ihmisistä ja eläimistä kaikesta huolimatta.Mercury: Favorite thing to talk about? : salaliittoteoriat ja sarjamurhat on tosi kova juttu, mut sen lisäks filosofia on lempilapsi ja tykkään kanssa räntätä mistä tahansa miulle tärkeistä asioista, koska koen olevani elementissäni sillon.Third House: How do you prefer to communicate? By calling, texting, or in person? : riippuu ihmisestä paljon, mutta yleensä viesteillä, koska sit jos minuu rupee naamatusten kyllästyttää tai väsyttää, niin saatan vaikuttaa tylyltä vaikka oikeesti miulle olis ihan okei olla vaan hiljaa toisen ihmisen kanssa :---D joitain taas mieluummin nään kasvotusten koska ne ei handlaa viesteillä kommunikoimista niin hyvin ja lähinnä tulkitsen että ne vihaa minuu..Seventh House: Would you marry for money? : jos ihminen olis sellanen että voisin sietää sitä ja ei olis mitään suurempia ongelmia, niin kyllä voisin. oletan, että tässä tilanteessa ei sais erota, joten aika paljon vaatis rahaa, mutta oon kyllä niin rahanahne ja kyyninen että onnistuis :’D
kiitos rakas!!!!
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wtf kokoro give me a gold star | Reina | Trial 3.1 | Re: Toyo, Kokoro | ATTN: MIUNHOSEI
Another day, another trial....Reina's memory is getting stronger, babey! She can actually keep a grasp on all the evidence they've collected. As the others talk, she nods along. As always, you just gotta find a spot to shoot your shot and contribute to the trial! 
"Toyo-chan, that really makes sense but what about that weird note in his wig? It really did seem like he didn't want to die."
She shudders just thinking about it. Peaceful look or not...turning to Kokoro, she tilts her head.
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"But there wasn't vinegar on the cloth, right? That was from a shirt in the break room, by the way. I don't know how it factors in, though...Wouldn't there be some vinegar left on the cloth if it was used to hurt Risumaru-kun? It was mostly spilled."
Along with the ketchup....we wasting condiments nonstop, huh? 
"The glitter on our tent...I can't imagine why he'd be in either of our tents! There's just no reason for it. But, um, Miun-kun, if you can think of anything? I've never really talked to him before."
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diggerhome64-blog · 5 years
Angels reportedly in talks with Long Beach about new stadium
The Los Angeles Angels of Long Beach?
The Major League Baseball team is reportedly considering a move back to Los Angeles County after more than 50 years in Anaheim.
As first reported by the Long Beach Post, the Angels are in preliminary talks with the city of Long Beach about construction of a new stadium close to the city’s convention center. A deal the Angels have with the city of Anaheim to remain in the 1966-built Angel Stadium expires at the end of next year.
“We have approached the Angels to express our interest and discuss the possibilities of this opportunity,” Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia said in an emailed statement. “This is very preliminary and discussions are ongoing.”
Angels executives have made it clear in recent years that the team is considering relocating from its longtime home, and Long Beach isn’t the only city trying to lure the team away from Anaheim. In 2014, the Angels began negotiating with the city of Tustin about a potential stadium at a former Marine Corps air station there.
In Long Beach, the team is reportedly eyeing a 13-acre parking lot close to the city’s waterfront. That site is also slated for use during the 2028 Olympics, when temporary water polo and BMX arenas are slated to rise as part of a larger competition zone in the city’s downtown area.
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Angels Stadium is the fourth-oldest MLB ballpark in the United States.
By Miune / Shutterstock
The Angels have played in Anaheim since the mid-1960s, but the team began its life as a Major League Baseball franchise in Los Angeles, hosting games at now-demolished Wrigley Field and later Dodger Stadium.
The city of Long Beach also pursued the team in the early 1960s, but owner Gene Autry eventually settled on Anaheim.
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Source: https://la.curbed.com/2019/2/26/18241593/angels-anaheim-long-beach-baseball-stadium
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kullijuustosiivu · 7 years
Vastaappa kaikkiin niihin kysymyksiin. Sun seuraajat nauttis
Tää saattaa olla virhe….
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say?Tumblr viesti? “Miehän sanoin että täällä mun huoneessa tulee kuuma”Whatsapp? “Miks laura mun vaatteet on taas pois?”En ees tiiä kelle oon oikean tekstiviestin joskus lähettäny2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?Ööh…. exä nykyään, jätämmä sen siihen3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?Riippuu huumeiden vakavuudesta, pilvestä ylöspäin ku lähetään nii alkaa kiinnostamaan että miksi näin4. Is your last name longer than six letters?Joo, huimat 8 kirjainta5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?Taisin päätyä siihen että olin selvinpäin6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?Ööh…. vissiin @viviun menee siihen kategoriaan? Mut parempi näin päin että se meni poskelleen :D7. What does your last received text say?Nonni :D8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?En tiiä, en laskenu9. Where was your last kiss at?Bussipysäkillä10. When is the last time you saw your sister?Ehkä viikko sitte11. What do you drink in the morning?Riippuen meenkö töihin vai oonko kotona, kaljaa tai kahvia12. Where did you sleep last night?Omassa sängys13. Do you think relationships are hard?En tiedä kyseisestä aiheesta tarpeeksi että mulla vois olla mielipidettä :D14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?Säästäisin rahaa että pääsisin sinne festareille oikeesti, nyt se on vähän hiinä ja hiinä.15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?Vähän awkward mut eikhän se siitä 16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Sadetta plox17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?En ainakaan livenä18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?Tota…. en?19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?Saa nähä, en usko :P20. Does anyone like you?Kaikkihan minusta tykkää, olen ihana 21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?En taia, ehkä poskelle22. Is the last person you kissed gay?Ruttisko? Ehkä ;)23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?Montaki, yhen kans pitää olla jopa töissäki24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?Mulla on 225. In the past week have you cried?Jep26. What breed was the last dog you saw?Semmonen… söpö pallo se oli, en mie tiiä rotuja :D27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Miten siellä suihkussa vois kuivatella, sinne mennään kastumaan?!28. Have you ever kissed a football player?En taida29. Do you think you’re old?Tumblan mittapuulla joo, en oikeasti :D30. Do you like text messaging?Onhan se ny parempaa ku soittaminen31. What type of day are you having?Kello on 10:12, en oo nukkunu koko yönä ja tajuan pikkuhiljaa että tässä menee koko loppupäivä. Ihan hyvä32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?En nenää, huulta oon joskus miettiny mutta taidan jättää väliin33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?Kylmä on 5/5, tää kesä ei voi loppua tarpeeks nopeaa (Ja rovaniemellä ei ees oo ku +9)34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?No totta munassa35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?Suhde on kiva36. Are you a simple or complicated person?No miten helvetissä miun tää pitäs tietää, oon kait mie omasta mielestäni yksinkertanen :D37. What song are you listening to?Slipknot - Wait and bleed 38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?noin 80% ajasta ainaki39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?Pariki40. What made you start liking the person you like now?Tällä hetkellä en silleen tykkää kenestäkään, jätetään tää vielä mysteeriksi siis41. When did you last receive a text message?Juhannuksena 17:1142. What is wrong with you right now?Unirytmi kusee eikä mulla oo kaljaa eikä rahaa43. How well do you know the last female you texted?No se on se viviun, katso kysymys 39.44. Does anyone disgust you?Joo yks Mister Fedora ihan pikkusen pistää puklututtaan45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?Just nyt? Saako käyä kahvilla eka? Ehkä46. Are you in a good mood right now?Semi, väskyttää jo pikkusen47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?Kuinkahan monta kertaa saan sanoa näihin kysymyksiin vastaukseksi @viviun? No viviunin kaa ny kumminki :D48. What color shirt are you wearing?Tämmönen sininen 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?”Sie oot aukassu tänne 2 täyttä kaljaa ja laittanu nukkumaan” taisi olla @cookiecthulhu50. Anyone you’re giving up on?Enkai :)51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?Enkai mie ruttista voi vihata52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?En tietääkseni 53. Do you like rain?Onhan se kivaa ku kuuluu sitä rips raps ääntä 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?Jos ite juon 2-3 konttia viikossa nii olisin aika mulkku jos alkaisin kärtyilemään siitä että se partneri jois :D55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?No daa, totta kai56. Do you like to cuddle?Katso aikasempi vastaus57. Are you shy?En pahemmin, alkoholi poistaa moiset ropleemat kivasti58. Do you get along with girls?Miun kaverit alkaa pikkuhiljaa oleen tyttöjä 3 jokasta poikaa kohtaan, haluan uskoa että ne ei kaikki vihaa mua59. Have you dated the person you texted last?Melkein mut en60. What do you carry with you at all times?Tupakkeja, sytkäri, avaimet, lompsa ja puhelin. 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?Totta munassa, mie antaisin haamun vaikka syyä multa toisen jalan jos siitä sais miljoonan, varsinki ku haamuja ei ole olemassa62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?No olen kerran kestäny63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?En muistaakseni vielä64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?On se65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?Ruttis kävi kyläilemässä koko viikon66. How old are the last three people you kissed?25, 25 ja en tiedä kuka ees kolmas on ollu67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?    maksaisin, en mie osaa näitä maalata68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print?    Lebardi69. Do you have any stickers on your car?    Yks joku parkkeeraus e-z-park härspäkkä joka oli siinä ku ostin sen70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?    Ketä kuka hä?71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?    Androidi72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    Juu ei niitä oo tänne lappiin asti rakennettu73. Do you like diet soda?    En, Syöpästä pissaa kaikki lite limukat74. What color are the walls in your room?    Vaaleat75. Are you 16 or older?    Ihan pari vuotta vanhempi vaan76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?    en77. Do you have a job?    On ja ei, oon keikkakokki 78. What are your initials?    T.R.M.L79. Did you ever have braces?    Eip80. Are you from the south?    En :D81. What does your last status on facebook say?    “Tässä on laura nyt prooffia kauan me ollaan tunnettu”82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed?    En83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad?    Äiti84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics?    En 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?    Wonder Woman, erittäin laadukas leffa 86. Do you smoke?    Valitettavasti mun tupakkalakko kosahti eli joo87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?    En osaa käyttää korkkareita ja käytän sandaaleja lähes jokapäivä, vastaako kysymykseen?88. Is your phone touch screen?    Herran vuonna 2017 joku kysyy että omistatko hiblatus näyttö puhelimen, mitä vittua mie teen elämälläni89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly?    Pidän sitä silleen ku se haluaa ittensä sotkeutua90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?    Kerran91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool?    Altaassa, nuissa luonnon lätäköissä on tullu liian monta kertaa jotain öttimöttiäisiä perseeseen kii92. Have you ever made out in a car?    Olen93. …Had sex in a car?    En94. Are you single or in a relationship?    Sinkku95. What were you doing last night at midnight?    Nukuin96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?    Uutenavuotena97. Do you like the camera on your phone?    Kyl se asiansa ajaa98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits?    Ei99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    Kysyppä vaan monta kertaa100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate?    En ainakaan kovin monen101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare?    Kerran tai kaks102. Name your favorite Kesha song:    TIK TOK AROUND THE CLOCK PUT THE PARTY ON STOP!!!!103. Do you have any tan lines right now?    Ei oo, kunnon nörtit ei mee pihalle104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts?    Joo en vitussa xDJoo tää oli virhe, tähän meni ½ tunii
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eiliakins · 7 years
(See the post I reblogged before this to see what reminded me of this story.) 
One time this one guy hijacked the account of someone on my friend list on DIscord while they were at school and started making rude remarks at me. He’s British and I had heard some nasty stuff about him before. His first question to me was “I don’t believe in asexuality, please explain it to me” and then he started mocking my use of English. You know, how I like to say “hallo” instead of “hello” and such.
I didn’t feel like dealing with him properly so I just started to talk to him in Finnish with a HEAVY and exaggerated country-sorta dialect, replying to his remarks sassily in a language he could not understand. He knew who I was via a friend and KNEW I’m Finnish, but Google translate can’t interpret the dialect I was using. It was hilarious. :D  My actual friends were having a blast as they saw live that guy getting frustrated while I translated what I told the rude guy to one of them privately.
Me: “Sie et ansaitte miun enkkuani. Löl“ He: “ you can keep hiding it doesnt effect me that you wont argue with me when i can reply. it just proves you dont have any atual defense for yourself. “ Me: “Suattaapi olloo niiki. Eip kyl oo vällii, kosk tää ompi palijo hupasampaa. :D“
After that, he gave up and the owner of the account was back. xD
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alkonjonossa · 8 years
5, 14, 19 ja 33
Sori, tässä kesti ihan luvattoman pitkään.
19.what is your favourite thing right now? 
Sain töitä!
33. what has been the highlight of your week?
Tää on viime viikon juttu, ku ei tällä viikolla oo ehtiny tapahtua vielä mittään. Miehen serkku kävi lauantaina tyttärensä kanssa kylässä ja käytiin leffassa kahtomassa Saattokeikka. Oli kivaa. Sunnuntaina käytiin miehen kanssa kylillä seikkailmassa. Käytiin mm. Mikaelinkirkossa ja joku soitti siellä uruilla Kummisedän teemakappaletta, kuulosti siistiltä.
5. talk about your crush or someone you love.
Okei, tää on vaikee, koska en haluis ylijakaa. Tästä tuli myös ton favourite childhood memoryn kanssa aika pitkä, joten sen takia stoppi tässä.
Se on miun paras ystävä ja puoliso ja hamassa tuevaisuudessa aviomies. Se tykkää kissoista ja näyttää miulle aina Joensuun eläinsuojeluyhdistyksen fb-sivuilta parhaat kisukuvat. Se tykkää myös koirista ja näyttää aina miulle kaikki kadulla liikkuvat hyvät koirat (eli kaikki). Muita asioita joista se tykkää: luonto, oravat, kaikenlaiset eläimet ylipäänsä, minä, oma äiti, musiikki, Boston Bruins, Bruce Springsteen, F1.
Se innostuu helposti asioista ja tykkää touhuta kaikenlaista. Viikonloppuna se on yleensä ehtiny käydä jo kävelyllä tai touhuta muuta ku mie oon vasta saanu ihteni toimintakuntoon. Sitten lähetään seikkailulle, eli mennään kirjastoon, kauppaan tai retkelle tai jotain ja kahellaan taloja ja asuntoja ja kysellään, että asuisitko tommosessa ja onpa hieno talo ja kato miten söpö koira. 
Se tykkää opetella uusia taitoja ja asioita, viimeks se pyys minua opettamaan sitä ompelemaan, koska se halus paikata ite omat vaattensa. Sit se on opetellu mm. soittamaan huuliharppua ja piirtämään. Nyt 33-vuotiaana se keksi kokeilla, että minkäslaisia ne Harry Potterit on ja se luki ne putkeen ja nyt on menossa leffat. Sen lempikirjat on Sinuhe egyptiläinen ja Turms kuolematon.
Se on kiltti, luotettava ja hauska. Meillä puhutaan positiivisista ja negatiivisista tunteista ja kaikesta ja sanotaan että rakas ja käytetään hellittelynimiä. Se tunnistaa miun huonot päivät ja tietää miten sillon toimitaan.
Me tavattiin elokuun alussa 2007 miun siskon häissä, jotka pidettiin meijän kotitilalla. Vaikka me valvottiin seihtemään aamulla, se oli silti seuraavana päivänä reippaana poikana auttamassa isää telttojen purkmisessa ja muussa. Minä lajittelin ruokailuvälineitä. Olin muuttamassa parin päivän päästä Joensuuhun ja pyysin sitä muuttoavuks, vaikkei miulla ollu ees paljoo muutettavaa. Illalla kävimme romanttisesti muutamalla Utra Pubissa. Sitten 10. päivä me jo seurusteltiin. Marraskuussa muutettiin yhteen ja tässä sitä ollaan.
14.what is your favourite childhood memory? 
Nyt ei puhuta mistään tietystä muistosta mutta:
Siihen asti kun olin kaksoista meijän perheeseen kuulu kolme aikuista ja se kolmas oli meijän setä. Sillä oli paksu musta tukka ja parta ja aina vihree villapaita päällä. Kesällä flanellipaita. Me ei koskaan kutsuttu sitä nimeltä vaan sillä oli sedästä väännetty lempinimi Setukka. Monet miun hyvät lapsuusmuistot liittyy setään, se touhus meijän kanssa kaikenlaista. Se oli vähän synkän näkönen kaveri ja sen molemmat jalat oli amputoitu ja monesti meijän kaverit eka vähän pelkäs sitä ja vieroksu sen apuvälineitä. Se oli hankkinu itellensä mönkijän ulkona liikkumista ja ulkotöitä varten ja sillä se käytti meitä uimassa. Mönkijällä se myös hurmas meijän pelokkaat kaverit ku rantatiellä oli yks kohta missä se aina ajo lujaa.
Muita hyviä muistoja on kun äiti teki ruisleipää, laskettiin isän kanssa mäkeä ja käytiin rantasaunalla saunomassa. Isän kanssa myös leikittiin hippaa ja laulettiin sauna- ja kylpylauluja. Heinäntekoaika oli kivaa ja se kun uudet vasikat tuli ja vasikoiden hoitaminen ylipäänsä. Se kun pikkuvasikka sanoo että möö. Joulu. Kun pikkuveljet synty. Kun pääs yökylään yksien kavereiden luo.
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