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clownehonk · 2 months ago
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is anyone surprised that i got alien stage brainrot
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vegan-nom-noms · 2 years ago
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Misua With Bola Bola (Filipino Meatball Soup)
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buffetlicious · 1 year ago
Home-cooked Mee Sua Soup (面线汤) from sister with leftover pork ribs, fish balls, fried bean curd puffs and soup. Newly added are Mandu or Korean pork & chive dumplings plus a poached egg. Mee sua or misua, also known as wheat vermicelli, is a very thin variety of salted noodles made from wheat flour.
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cherubinch · 1 year ago
Sardines with Misua Ang Sarap
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lenglengflames · 2 years ago
hua cheng who makes it a personal goal to make the pull the longest noodles physically possible for the first time they xie lian's birthday together.
but he woefully underestimates just how difficult it is to make them, because surely 800 years of dabbling in sculpting has some skills that translates over, right? no, it absolutely does not, and he only reluctantly accepts the fact that he's not going to go anywhere with this on his own when most of his robes turn white from flour and he realises xie lian's birthday is only a week away.
so he sends his butterflies to spy on distinguished chefs so he can learn how to make them from scratch. he finally manages to churn out his first successful batch, even if it does end up not looking like the fine, silky strands of the chefs he was spying on.
he only manages to make the perfect batch minutes before sunrise on xie lian's birthday.
xie lian wakes up to a hua cheng entirely covered head to toe in flour, the silver butterflies he'd yet to disperse fluttering around him busily and a simple handmade bowl of longevity noodles.
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culiehua · 2 months ago
tsc gang as my fav foods (part 1?)
Alec - Fuzhou wan. Seemingly bland but godtier insides. It's the tastiest thing you've ever eaten. Eat 50, order 50 more. If your dad can make this, he deserves it.
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Jace - Taiwanese popcorn chicken. Blonde. Crispy. Cheeky. Gorgeous. Seemingly simple but flavourly layered so well, you'll never look at another fried chicken again.
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Clary - Seafood congee. Much like Oa Misua, it gives you a comfort that feels like a heated blanket. Spicy or mild, the creative freedom in choosing ur ingredients would make Michelangelo jealous.
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Izzy - Sesame chicken broth. The staple soup. You eat it once and youre cured. Heart of the family. If all else fails, I know this soup's always got my back
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Magnus - Dim sum. So much variety. Scrumptious 24/7. Ready for any occasion. Never a wrong choice.
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Simon - Macao chicken cakes. Comfort meets unique. A nostalgic friend. You try it for fun but cant live without it now
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Kit - Boba. Modern, sassy, iconic and knows it. Will steal your wallet. I can't live without you
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Matthew - Oa misua. Eating a warm bowl on a cold day makes you feel cherished and more at home than family dinner on christmas eve. Misunderstood but loved
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Jem - Peking duck. timeless. effortless. an absolute classic. i love you.
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months ago
So about Nezha basically being an albino/leucistic snakeish demon, what if one day while the monkeys are still expecting MK, he comes across a snake breeder/reptile store selling a bunch of pink albino/leucistic snakes and he just impulse buys one because it looks just like him and now he has a noodle friend.
Or he runs into an actual snake demon who's leucistic/albino and they become friends?
Some snakes also have morphs where they are blueish, like stormcloud morph in hognose snakes!
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Oh gosh now I'm imagining Nezha saving up his first paychecks (literally Pigsy just handing him money), wanders outs into Megapolis trying to find something to spend it on, and he comes home with a noodle friend and a terrarium set-up.
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Pigsy: "WHY?" Nezha: "He's pink like me. And his nose looks like yours." Pigsy: (*disapproving dad noise*)
Wukong def gets startled the first hundred times he sees the snake (named "Misua" aka "wheat vermicelli") in the apartment, him monkey instincts take a while to register that the tiny snake is only a threat to bugs and frozen mice. Mac doesn't care as long as Nezha cleans up after the snake and doesn't let any of Misua's live bug-food loose. The live crickets get loose a few times, not by Nezha's fault, but because Mac had cravings.
Nezha lets Misua climb all over his head and shoulders, and likes to chill with his noodle buddy under a heat lamp or fan. Often Nezha will start working, and forget that Misua is asleep in his hair. XD
Whilst buying food for Misua, I can see Nezha accidentally meets some local reptile demons.
They don't think his pink scales are odd or girly - they think it's super cool! Some of them explain their own colour morphs, and one has blue-gray scales that Nezha didn't know was possible! He accidentally comes away from the shopping trip with some fellow reptillian-demon acquaintances + the details to an after-school club for demons like him. :3
That feel when you're an exiled god and are experiencing a positive childhood for the first time. :')
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erros429 · 9 months ago
which of your ships (Farcille, Bumbleby, MiSua?) is the coolest/hottest vibes
i literally had to stand up and start pacing around my room as i thought about this one because my obsession with farcille and mizisua are recent and therefore feel fresher and more insane.
they both have their own appeals. farcille for the portrayal of devotion so deep that they’ll literally commit crimes for each other without a second thought about anyone else’s wellbeing. mizisua for that DELICIOUS portrayal of worshipping your partner in a godless universe. god they’re so fucking good.
but bumbleby is literally my favorite ship of all eternity. it has Everything i could want in a ship, from the fluff to the angst to the soulmateism (and also you asked about which was the coolest/hottest and bumbleby wins on both accounts). so.
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jopetkasi · 1 year ago
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nephew: uncle, it's raining. Let's order ramen?
me: check ko ano meron sa kitchen, pag wala. we order.
i asked manang what type of noodles we have at home? we have misua, lomi and canton noodles. That makes sense since we never chartered making ramen noodles at home.
but we have cooked pork belly and pork broth, some onion chives, and egg. I guess these will suffice? plus we have evap milk and lots of garlic, these two will bring the flavor out.
thankfully, it was good. not as authentic one would see at japanese restos with those runny egg yolks. but boy, i was proud with what we had tonight (thanks to youtube videos)
for dessert, we had homemade chocolate cookies.
the ulam that was supposed to be for dinner, I had it stored at the fridge for tomorrow's lunch.
it is still raining. the village as usual is dark and quiet. aside from the rain, the only noise i can hear is the sound of TV coming from the basement parking; which is the nightly drama series the house staff religiously watches. work stops at 7:30 for them and they deserve to relax.
i fed the dogs. they are now sleeping. my two nephews are here in my room as well. one is busy with his phone (girlfriend) the other kid is tuning his guitar.
it's raining hard. some places are flooded. stay safe.
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fake-protagonist · 6 months ago
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Recently I really enjoyed cooking a little more. Made carbonara from scratch for lunch because I’m not a fan of the instant cream base sauce. And me being extra, I actually ended up garnishing it with my favourite “nugget crouton” instead. Overall craving satisfied,Alhamdulillah.
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And then I whipped up misua for dinner in this rainy weather? memang ngam. I was so hungry earlier, the photo didn’t do any justice.
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hzakiaaa · 2 years ago
nano nanò
Aaaaaaaaaaa belakangan ini seperti sedang di buat kesal karna misua main ml terus... rasanya seperti di khianati dan diduakan.. tiba tiba misua juga bilang kalo ada yang nawarin pindah kerja di kantoran...pikiranku langsung kemana mana .. sedih cemas takut lebih menonjol di banding senangnya..
Ya allah engkau lebih tau mana yang terbaik .. berikan yg terbaik menurutmu ya allah.. aamiin
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foodies-channel · 2 years ago
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🍥 Chinese Mee Sua “Misua Soup” Wheat Vermicelli Noodles
🍔YouTube || 🍟Reddit
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goodplacehqs · 1 day ago
𝐀𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐃: three good people have arrived in neighborhood 12358z. welcome to the good place, devyn, gabriel, and clark ! ( charli xcx, pedro pascal, and alas alvarez are now taken faceclaims. please send your account to the main within 24 hours or message the main to notify that you won’t be able to send your account yet, or else the roles will be reopened ! )
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content warning: death and other potentially triggering topics are mentioned in the apps.
( charli xcx, thirty-two, cis woman, she/her, bisexual) that’s DEVYN SAMANTA. before they died, they were a/an DJ/SINGER/SONGWRITER from LONDON, UK. how sad that they died at THIRTY-TWO because OF AN OVERDOSE, but at least they’re here now in the good place, right? i heard that they WERE HOOKING UP WITH HER BEST FRIEND'S SPOUSE, but nah, that can’t be true. or else they wouldn’t belong here. the council has determined that their soulmate is ANY GENDER AGED 27-37 WHO CAN JOIN IN HER CHAOTIC ENERGY, BUT ALSO REELS HER BACK IN. the two of them live in a beautiful house filled with CHANDELIERS. ( jules, 28, she/her, est)
( pedro pascal, forty-five, cis male, he/him, heterosexual ) that’s GABRIEL ROJAS. before they died, they were a SMOOTH-TALKING CON ARTIST from LOS ANGELES, USA. how sad that they died at FORTY-FIVE because of A FREAK ACCIDENT INVOLVING A MALFUNCTIONING HOT TUB, A BOTTLE OF MEZCAL, AND AN ILL-ADVISED BET, but at least they’re here now in the good place, right? i heard that they ONCE SOLD A FAKE ISLAND TO A TECH BILLIONAIRE AND VANISHED BEFORE THE LAWSUITS HIT, but nah, that can’t be true. or else they wouldn’t belong here. the council has determined that their soulmate is SOMEONE WITH AN INFURIATINGLY STRONG MORAL COMPASS WHO SEES RIGHT THROUGH HIS BULLSHIT BUT CAN’T QUITE RESIST HIM EITHER. the two of them live in a beautiful house filled with IKEA FURNITURE THAT WON’T ASSEMBLE PROPERLY, AND AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF UNSWEETENED ALMOND MILK. ( emma, twenty7, she/her, est )
( alas alvarez, twenty-two, cis man, he/him, heterosexual ) that’s CLARK ADLAO. before they died, they were a FAST FOOD COOK from CEBU CITY, PHILIPPINES. how sad that they died at TWENTY-TWO because HE TRIED TO SKATEBOARD DESPITE HEAVY TRAFFIC, but at least they’re here now in the good place, right? i heard that they CONSTANTLY STOLE FOOD AND MONEY FROM THE CASH REGISTER AT WORK, but nah, that can’t be true. or else they wouldn’t belong here. the council has determined that their soulmate is A WOMAN AGED 21-25 WHO CAN BE THE CALM TO HIS STORM. the two of them live in a beautiful house filled with AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF CANNED SARDINES AND MISUA NOODLES. ( hazel, 23, she/they, gmt )
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dynlrs · 2 months ago
Pas main ke rumah mertua, aku dimasakin banyak bgt. Pas tau aku dateng langsung ditanyain mau masak apa? Mau makan apa? Mau apa?
Tapi giliran balik ke rumah, malah ditanyain "bawa makan apa? Bisa nitip beliin makan ga"
Huhuhuhu aku suka kasihan sama misua ku dapet aku & keluargaku yang sangat 180° berbanding terbalik dgn keluarganya
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angsarapblog · 3 months ago
Beef Balls and Fishballs Misua
Experience the perfect fusion with Beef Balls and Fishballs Misua—a Filipino noodle soup with Vietnamese and Chinese-style meatballs in a savoury broth.  Bouncy beef balls + mushroom-filled fish balls + silky misua noodles = one comforting bowl of goodness! A quick surf-and-turf twist on a Filipino classic. #BeefBallsFishballsMisua.   Have you ever wondered what happens when you combine surf and…
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bubskino · 6 months ago
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Silinterihattuinen kalpeanaamasadistiklovni silpoo halloween-yönä paria misua ja kaikkia ketkä sattuu tulemaan näkökenttään. Saha on ainakin herrasmiehellä terässään.
Suhteellisen sairasta goreilua ja snadisti shokeeraavaa settiä. Ei tissiposkille.
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