#mistery men
ra9d011 · 7 months
why is the detective in Angel Hare kinda…
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revived-ophelia · 4 months
Choosing to reject relationships with men: is it an act of independence that modern women have the freedom to make or evidence that they're just worthless unlovable social rejects? Perhaps it is a question for the philosophers
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person al
how do i know if im actually nonbinary or if im just a girl faking it. i dont wanna be a girl sometimes but sometimes i do. sometimes i wanna be feminine. i dont know what nonbinary means. i will not have surgery, passing as a girl is convenient for me sometimes, just like passing is convenient for binary trans people. but it doesnt mean i wanna be a girl or that i enjoy it when its detatched from how much people respect me, i just dont wanna be disrespected sometimes and im not not a girl because what the hell even is nonbinary? but then i feel like a traitor and not a real trans person. i constantly feel like someones about to call me out on faking it. maybe i do fake it a bit and for example use only it/its instead of she/it (my actual preferred pronouns) because i feel like people wouldnt acknowledge it otherwise. i hate it here i hate it everywhere. i just wanna be myself but i dont have the courage to do it because the overlap of people who would support various aspects of me is very small and i have to lie a little bit every time i talk to someone (this also applies to things besides gender..)
but yea im not binary because i never enjoyed being a girl unless it was an opportunity to get praise from people i have to be around. i know this about myself. i dont experiance gender euphoria or dysphoria as far as i know. there are even aspects of my personality that i can make a nonbinary gender label out of, even though they might be fleeting so i usually dont.. but i should. but yeah im nonbinary
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harmoonix · 5 months
♡ Aphrodisiac ♡
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Come here rude boy, can you get it up?
Come here rude boy, is you big enough?
- Venus in the 10H is a very powerful placement, Venus gives you the power to attract influential people in your life
- Jupiter aspecting Sun natives have very beautiful smiles,😄 their smile will always look good
- Lilith aspecting Mars, men think they have the power to dominante you, girl wake up, slap and snatch. Show them, Did Lilith let herself to be submissive to Adam?? OF COURSE NAUR.
- If you have Virgo/Mercury in the 8H you can analyse your partner body parts, that person who admires you from afar
- Lilith In Cancer or Lilith at 4°, 16° 28° degrees can be good at controlling other people emotions and feelings, you can have strong ancestors/ancestry
- Aries/Scorpio or Capricorn in the 3rd house are not afraid to call someone out when its needed
- Sirene (1009) in the 6H can effortlessly be seductive, is because that's what they do on a daily basis
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- Sirene (1009) in the 9H natives, people perceive you as being very seductive because of your ethnicity/country, your exotic aura allures them
- When you have Saturn in the 7H people see you as an ideal partner if you match with their standards
- Saturn in the 8H natives can be shy during their first sex act, you need a partner who can let your fears to go away
Tonight, I'ma let it be fire
- Dejanira (157) in the 8H or in Scorpio attract powerful people but be careful these people can also be good manipulators
- Dejanira in the 8H tends also to be very vindictive, if she finds herself being mistreated she'll do the same
- Pisces Venus and Venus in the 12H native are always hoping they'll met that person who will make them complete
- Scorpio Moon in a Juno Persona chart can indicate the couple may love physical touch or that sex is very neddy in a relationship/marriage
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- Lilith in the 7H in your ascendant persona chart indicate other people perceive your relationships as misterious
- Pluto in the 1H natives, people can perceive you as a "bad" person without knowing your full story
- What I love about Moon in the 9H natives is that they're always in touch with the divinity/source/universe even their ancestors
- Venus in Sagittarius or Venus in the 9H (Venus in 9°, 21°) can indicate people who are in love with their culture/country/traditions
Do you like it boy? I wa-wa-want
What you wa-wa-want
Give it to me baby, like boom, boom, boom
What I wa-wa-want is what you wa-wa-want
- Venus in Aquarius/11H or Venus at 11°, 23° degrees falls in love with everything that might seem "new" for them, it's making them excited
- Mars in the 7H in the Juno Persona Chart can indicate intensity in marriage/relationship but also jealousy
- Lilith conjuncting Saturn natives, Lilith finds herself being very restrictive and closed here, that's why she may act rebellious lots of times
- Lilith in the 10H or in Capricorn, people can perceive you as a sex symbol. The same if you have Aphrodite in the same house and sign
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- Having Venus and Mars in the same house can make you magnetic and sexual, you tend to send other people this energy
- Mars and Jupiter in the same house can boost your confidence, energy and sexual drive
- Sun and Moon in the same house can make you very sensitive and kind to others but on the other hand you can absorb energy fast
Babe, if I don't feel it I ain't faking no
- Neptune aspecting the ascendant natives have a shocking beauty type. People can stare at them for hours
- Mercury and Pluto in the same house can boost your knowledge, they're always thinking deep into subjects
- Earth Sun Water Moon can hide their feelings so well, people don't know if they're truly speaking the truth about their feelings or not
- Saturn and Jupiter in the same house gives daddy vibes but in the sense of the discipline. They're always the most respectful people in the room
- Moon conjunct Lilith can tell when they are being lied or manipulated and is a very smart move
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- Asteroid Eva (164) aspecting the Sun, the native has an enchanting feminine aura (both genders). Their beauty is so delicate
- Asteroid Hera (103) aspecting the Midheaven can give authority over relationships, you know people getting mad because you're in a relationship with someone
- Medusa (149) in Leo/5TH house people always get jealous over your personality and the way you act, overall for being yourself
- Medusa (149) in Libra or 7H can make other people jealous because of their relationships, I'm not kidding I have my Medusa in the 7H and I remember there were people who wanted to destroy one specific ex-relationship of mine because they were jealous 😭😭(traumatic)
- You need to worry less when you have Moon in Virgo or Moon in the 6H because whatever happens that's it. You cannot change it
- Let's talk about how Erato(62) in Gemini (my placement😨) will make you extremely confused about your talents, is like you have 100 ideas and you have to divide them one per one
- Sun in the 7H house natives are lucky in a way because their whole attention will be put into finding that one (right) person
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- 7H house ruler in the 9H can bring a spouse from a different religion/ethnicity/culture
- Moon in the 3rd house natives think with their hearts before making any important decision
- Saturn in the 1H together with Capricorn and Aquarius Risings can have sensitive skin (Saturn rules the 1H for these)
- Uranus aspecting the Midheaven can make you confused about your career/job path, everything can happen suddenly in with those aspects
- Uranus aspecting Sun natives can act weird when they don't like someone, they're also very intuitive and that can be sign
- Juno/Venus in the 12H can make you dream or (hallucinate) about your lovers/partners/crush
- Juno in the 6th or Juno in Virgo can get a partner who may prioritize health over everything. But in the same time hardworking and disciplined
- Venus in Taurus/Venus in the 2H (Venus at 2°, 14°, 26°) natives love to get spoiled, they're all about "spoil me and I'll do the same". They may be spoiled but also generous!!
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- When you have Taurus in the 4H or Venus in the 4H your HOME is the place you'll find the most comfortable
- Saturn Retrograde (in the 6H) can indicate someone who didn't paid much attention to their responsibilities and orders in a past life
Love me
- Libra Moons/Moon in the 7H can have the gift of compromise, not always about finding peace but patience in a relationship (Moon at 7°, 19°)
- Aries Moons/Moon in the 1st are the loudest in the room, you know they are bold the moment they come to you (Moon at 1°, 13°, 25°)
- Aquarius Moons/Moon in the 11H are not always able to tell how they feel out loud and that's okay because they need time to figure out what they truly feel (Moon at 11°, 23°)
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♥️ 🌹 New post for y'all, enjoy 🌹 ♥️
Is he a rude boy or just an Aries Rising? I'd let him to be the captain anyway❗❗❗
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mayasaurusss · 2 months
I want me some yandere adult lottie, with an innocent reader. Do whatever the fu<k you want with it bae
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Old ghosts. Contents: mentions of abusive relationships, mentions of violence, horror moments, Yellowjackets coded, light romance, two OCC's, reader is gender neutral but wears a dress at one point, Lottie is as delusional as ever, open ending 350k wors/ about six pages. Author's note: So uhm, I don't think I've met any requirments you had, anon. I tried to do yandere Lottie in this but it really doesn't come across as it and I'm not familiar with the genre, so everything I did prior to this sucked. So I did something more akin to a murder mistery? But since I still wanted to make this yandere coded, I left the story as raw and ugly as I could. In my personal opinion this is very Yellowjackets coded. It isn't a very romantic oneshot nor smutty one, but I hope you will still like it!
It would be an understatement to say you had messed up. You could not even predict where this relationship would lead you.
You had met Lottie months ago, or well, you had come into contact with what you now knew was her 'cult'.
The marketplace had been very busy at that hour of the morning, vendors shouting and people chatting. However, you felt as lonely as ever. After many years, you have been dumped by your boyfriend. Or, he had cheated on you and blamed you for it. It was for the better, really. You were clingy and he had taken his anger out on you on multiple occasions, so at least now you weren't going to be his next punching bag. You had been miserable: not that you really loved him, after all, after the umpteenth hit -love or not-, an animal stops loving its master. But you had never managed to learn to live alone, yet alone care for yourself.
Other than that, you were battling with the understanding that you loved women more than men during your entire life. That realization had come during your relationship with Simon, and he had understood quickly. One night, you were invited to his friend's house. His girlfriend was so beautiful you were jaw slacked and shy with her for the whole night. Simon's friend hadn't noticed, but Simon did. The morning after, you had walked in your office with bruises under your suit, a black eye and a heavy heart. He was so bitter and awful that he had slept with many women the weeks after, and among them -as far as you knew- there was the woman from that night. At least you had dodged two bullets.
So, the woman who sold honey knew perfectly what to do with you. It wasn't her fault, really. People like her see someone that went through the same, and just want to help. She introduced herself as Olivia, a woman the same age as you, and when she saw your healing bruises, she had told you about where she lived. A compound, lost in nature and away from civilization. There, according to her, people lived in harmony with nature and with each other. They learnt to face their inner demons and past trauma under the care of Charlotte Matthews. Their caretaker. Olivia talked about Charlotte like a believer might have talked about their God, with such adoration that it left you breathless. And, a bit skeptical.
You had accepted Olivia's invite. One of Simon's many gifts, other than bruises and breaking your trust, was throwing you out of the house. Besides your friend's generous hospitality, you were basically homeless, and jobless after your boss had fired you just days prior to your break up. So, living at the compound didn't seem like a bad idea. Olivia had assured you that Lottie -that's what she called her- had a special program for whoever wasn't in the right economical situation to live at the compound, but still needed care.
You had started to travel that same afternoon, having packed the last of your belongings and bid farewell to your friend and family. To go to the compound, you had traveled on old streets that unraveled through barren outskirts and lush forests. There was no one else in sight. That made you even more scared than before. How could you just accept a stranger's invite to an isolated place in the mountains? You had truly lost your mind.
But Olivia was so nice with you, so friendly and lovely. She had no problems in telling you what made her arrive at the compound in the first place. Two years ago, when she was 19, her father and mother had fought and in a fit of rage, he had pushed her down the stairs, almost breaking her skull. Ever since then, she had been taken care of by her son, who did not have time to help nor give a fuck about Olivia. So, for a year, she had been alone. That was until Lottie had found her. With the exact same tactic you had been recruited -kidnapped?- she had come to live at the compound and with it, came to peace with her trauma.
Your story wasn't as grim as Olivia's, but you still needed to be taken care of. "That is what Lottie will do" she said, brown eyes on you and a smile that could kill on her lips.
The compound was on the foot of a mountain, surrounded by vegetation and overlooking a lake. When you set foot on the ground, the first thing you heard was a strange melody, a chant in the distance. Olivia had been quick to show you away from it, inside the main building where your belongings such as your phone and wallet had been taken from you. "Well, that's because our phones chain us from nature and healing" she had answered you, after you had asked her why they needed to take your phone at all. Great, so, you are in the middle of nowhere, without your phone close to you, surrounded by strangers and without a clear path back to civilization.
Great, just great. What has gotten into you?
"Wait here, I'll go get Lottie" Olivia said, seating you on a wicker chair in the waiting hall. You had noticed that everyone here wore the same purple outfits. Oh, this is definitely a cult. "Here she is!" you heard behind you, along with the steps of two pairs of feet. Fearing that you might have looked like an insensitive asshole, you stood up, waiting for Lottie to circle to your front.
You had expected her to look like a hippie: an old woman with short white hair, sunglasses indoors, long hoop earrings and who smelled like weed. Instead, you found yourself in front of the most beautiful woman ever. Lottie was tall, quite literally towering over you, her hair was long and black, the same color as her eyes, skin dark coloured. She looked really good for her age, every wrinkle she had was perfect on her skin.
Her velvety, deep and calm voice had greeted you, "Hi, I am Charlotte Matthews. You can call me Lottie. And who might you be?" you answered back with a trembling voice. She smiled at you with such care and love you thought you could combust on the spot. "I will show you around here" she told you, as her hand came to rest on your lower back, guiding you through the place.
The first months at the compound had been... calm. You shouldn't have expected anything more than that, but it felt like a breath of fresh air. You always wore purple -heliotrope- dresses or clothes, woke up at six am and went to sleep at ten pm. Everyday the cycle continued, so much so that you didn't at first notice the... signs, as you were completely immersed in your routine.
Whenever you started to hear chants in the distance, Olivia, who was ever present in your life, would lead you away from them. If you questioned her, she would just say "It's just a special therapy. You will see one day".
Lottie was always with you. Always. At first you didn't pay too much mind to it, thinking that since you were probably a mildly troubled individual, she would feel the need to have her eyes on you more than the others. But Olivia had had it worse, far worse than you, but she wasn't as followed as you were from Lottie. And you were certain others have had it worse than Olivia.
Lottie was always following you: whether that was during the many therapy sessions, the lunch or even your personal alone time in your personal cabin -which she had so graciously given you just three weeks after you became a member- where she would knock at the last hours of the day to have small talk with you. It had become such a nag for you that at one point, you even said it to her, clearly and plainly, "Lottie, look. I understand that I might be... weak, in any way. But I'm fine, I don't always need you".
You wished you hadn't said that, because her eyes had stopped reflecting all light, a dark look in them. "Ah, I see. Very well, I will leave you alone" she went away and didn't talk with you for a few days. All the time though, you felt eyes watching your back.
Everything comes boiling back to right now.
When Lottie had talked with you again it was in the late afternoon. She has just finished one of her communal meetings in the clearing overlooking the lake. She had walked over to you, took your hand and led you where no one could hear. "I want you to meet me this evening, to do something that will build our common trust in each other" she had gestured to a man you hadn't noticed before, prompting him to give you a white flowy dress. "Tonight, after dinner, come to me, here. I want you to wear this" she talked to you, taking your shoulders in her hands.
When the sky became purple, you had gone out, waiting for Lottie. The clearing seats had been moved, now just the yellow signs of the compound's symbol left. Lottie had moved from behind, greeting you with her velvety voice "Hello dear. Are you ready for our therapy?" she said, and her hand came up your face, stroking your cheek. "Uhm... Lottie... What are you doing?". Your cheeks felt hot with blood, voice weavering. You had battled with your small crush for Lottie for a while now, and even if you did find her attachment to you a bit too much, you still liked her. So much.
Lottie just smiled, her other hand rested on your hip before she let you go, walking over the lake's shore. You followed behind her like a dog, small and frail in comparison with the towering grace she was. "Come down here, come" her hands extended to you, helping you down the wood platform to the shore's sands. She gestured towards the dark waters, prompting you to follow her. When you did, she wordlessly placed your body into the lake, the water splashing at your hips. "It's... cold" her smile was enough to fend off the shivering of your body, but what she said next made you rethink her sanity.
"I want you to lower yourself in the water. We will calm your heart as well as our trust in one another" she said, attempting to push you in the water. "No! No, no, no. What if something happens?!" your voice straining over, before she replied calmly "Nothing will happen, because I am here".
And how could you say no to Lottie? So, you started to fall back in the darkness, the cold waters nipping at your skin making your breath shallow. All the while, she held your head and hand, gently guiding you.
There you were, at her mercy. You trusted her with your life and she had to be responsible for it. In her eyes, this was the most pure form of adoration. She adored you and you adored her.
The baptism was over.
When you resurfaced, she had quickly guided you back to land and had dried you with a towel promptly left on the sand. With her hands on your cheeks, then, Lottie had kissed you. So deeply and lovingly it made your heart ache. Her tongue found yours, overpowering you, cutting your breath away.
You were so distracted that you didn't hear the sound of movement behind Lottie. When her lips fell away from yours and you could look away, a shiver went down your spine.
Masks. A group of masked people stood before you. Some depicting bears, some birds, some wolves, some humans. All lined up, looking directly at you. "L-Lottie... what is this?" you didn't know why your first thought was that Lottie must've been behind it, but something screamed at you that this was indeed the case. "My love" she said, "you need to trust me. To let me cherish you. It's what It wants".
You backed away from her, your blood freezing in your veins. Someone, a man, stopped you in your tracks. He trapped your arms into his, uncaring of your trashing. "Let yourself be one with the Wilderness" Lottie said, no light behind her eyes. As if something possessed her. She pulls a knife from behind her, and for a split moment you think that Lottie will kill you, but the blade slashes across her fingertip. She draws a symbol on your forehead with her blood, trickles of it streaming down on your eyes.
"We hear the Wilderness and the Wilderness hears us" the chants rise in the air, filling the empty dark sky. Lottie's voice is louder than everyone else, and finally the voices die down, as hers is the last one still chanting. When she is done, her body turns to yours, and she utters a single word.
You don't need to be told twice. You sprint in the forest, leaving wet trails behind you. The masked people follow you, searching, predicting where you will go, if you will hide. Lottie is the last one to join the hunt, her white dress engulfed by the forest's darkness.
It seems like the forest itself has a mind, trying to prevent you from running further away. Branches claw as your skin and dress, thorns planting in your flesh, wind blowing so you can't understand if the sounds you hear are the wind or howls.
You run, you run and run, until every bone of your body, every organ and every drop of blood screams at you to stop. And just as you were about to fall down in exhaustion, you see something in the dark. A house, one that looks like it had been left to time's mercy.
The walls are dirty and rotten, the white plaster almost unrecognizable under years of dirt. Your sixth sense tells you to get away, to search for another place, but there isn't anything else that could shelter you.
The air inside smells of old, wilted matter. It makes your stomach close and you try not to vomit, pinching your nose while you explore the rest of the house, searching for a hiding place until morning. Your plan was to hide and travel down to the nearest town, then, telling the authorities that up in the mountains, a cult was trying to sacrifice people to a made up entity. You wanted to hope that by doing so, you would help others to not follow your steps.
From the hall, you turned left towards the kitchen. It was empty, except for a table with scattered documents on it. Photos of an old soccer team, articles about the disappearance of a plane in the wilds of Canada, a symbol... The same one of the compounds. Bit by bit, you started to understand. In between the documents, some by psychologists and others by articles, you found a small diary. It was a brown leather diary, expensive from the looks of it. The pages were yellow and some started to rot away, but you could still make up the words written on them. The words were written with a tremulous hand: it seemed like whoever was the author, they must have written quickly, in fear of being found out.
'12th January, 1998. I hate it here. It's cold in the winter, and it makes me remember that place. I try to help the other patients, but the nurses forbid me from doing it. They told me to stop talking to It, and told me it isn't real. I know they are lying. It must be real, or all we did was for nothing. All the hurt was for nothing. It can't be. I know it's real. It hears me, I hear it'.
Something about this made you shiver. Could It be whatever Lottie was chanting to earlier? 1998... the plane crash happened in 1996; it couldn't be a coincidence. You take the diary and a couple of documents in your hand, before continuing to explore. Nothing seems out of the ordinary: the living room, the bathroom, the bedroom; everything is neatly placed. You spot a dark flight of stairs at the very back of the house. It doesn't look inviting at all, and you're almost ready to leave, when you hear something outside. Sounds of steps circling the house. The hair of your back rises up and every fear you had of the stairs is thrown out of the window.
As quietly as possible, you reach the second floor, listening for the sounds. The floor is far darker than the first one: so much so that you can't see anything. You wait a minute for your eyes to get used to the dark and then continue walking down the hall, towards what you assume is a bedroom. Just before you reach it, you hit a metal tube: it's a ladder, red and rusted and it leads you to the attic. You are about to get past it when you hear the front door of the house open: someone is inside.
Quickly you head up the ladder and in the dark attic. It's not all dark you realize, some lights shine in the middle of the room, circling...
An idol. An old idol made of old bones and burnt hay. The idol was planted in the wooden floor, its arms branches extending outwards, bent up as if it was deep in ecstasy. Its torso was made out with a large ribcage, so you suspected it to be of non-human origin; inside the organs were replaced with hay and fresh grass. Lifeless eyes stared back at you, antlers protruding from the back of the skull.
You feel someone's arms circle your stomach, placing their nose in the crook of your neck. "I knew you'd come here" her voice said, "It told me". Lottie holds you tight against herself, mumbling incoherently on your skin. "L-let go of me you witch!" you try to shove her away, propting Lottie to just let go of you: as such, you fall in the candle circle, spilled wax burning at your skin.
Lottie watches you with adoration and hunger. Upon your fall into the circle, her eyes lit up. She raises her arms up in the air -much like the idol itself- and towards you, in some sort of divine bliss. "Yes! Yes! It- It choose you!" she says out loud, "I'm so glad it was you!".
You trembled in both fear and anger, "How did- How did you know I was here?" you say, looking up at Lottie, shrouded by the darkness of the room. "It told me, of course" she says with an uncanny smile.
You're shocked by this new side of Lottie, and for a moment you forget what she had done to you. "You are crazy Lottie! You tried to kill me!" her eyes widen at your accusations, "Kill you? No, no, I didn't try to kill you... I just wanted to...". Your anger makes you uncaring of Lottie's emotions, so you lash out at her "Just wanted to what, Lottie?! Sacrifice me to your creepy god-thing?!".
It's like she's torn between the illusion of her god and the reality that she had scared you. "I thought- I thought you were going to kill me! I thought what we had for all these months was for nothing!", what she does next makes your skin crawl. She watches between you and the idol behind, her eyes filled with tears. "No I wan- I needed to know that It accepts you" she said, coming closer to your body.
Suddenly Lottie grabs your wrists with force, like she sees you but her ears are filled with whispers from old ghosts and gods. "And now, I know it does!" she almost looks delirious. Lottie shakes your wrists in her hands and cries; the black abyss of her eyes staring back at yours.
"Can't you understand? This is It's love, my love" you try to move from her grasp, but even in her old age, Lottie still proves to be as strong as she once was. "Y-You were hunted, weak, and you lived! You lived! And now It recognizes you as part of Itself" a connection is made in your brain.
Shivers run down your body, at the realization that either you aren't alone in this old attic, or you are alone with a roman and her ghosts. Either is terrifying. "What... what is It, Lottie?" but it's far too late to run from Lottie or the ghosts in her head. You are sure that either will haunt you anyway, if you manage to escape that is. She pauses, contemplating your words. "It..." she tries to put a name, a significance to whatever this It is, but she decides against it, instead opting to close her arms on you, one caging your body on hers and the other cradling the back of your head.
Her voice is lifeless while it whispers in your ear "It doesn't matter. You are one of us now". That last phrase confuses you, "I have... I have been here for months now. I was always one of you, no?" she shakes her head, cranes her neck to look down on you.
"No, one of us".
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kaliforniahigh · 3 months
MEDUSA - Part One.
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Warning: strip clubs, reader is a private dancer, guns.
WC: 1.468 words.
Summary: Y/N is a private dancer at a Gentleman's Club called Medusa. Noah Sebastian is a crime boss. Their paths cross when one night, Noah pays for one of her dances and they can't seem to be apart from each other.
Series Masterlist
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You arrive at your workplace hours before it even opens. As you lock your car and walk to the back entrance reserved for staff only, you think about how you want to style your hair and do your makeup for the day.
Working at a luxury Gentleman's Club, or a Strip Club as many would call it, reserved only for a handful of powerful and rich people, had it's demands. The girls had to be all dolled up, wearing high end lingerie and clothes, hair and makeup impeccable. Bethany, the owner, said she wanted the man frozen in place as soon as they laid eyes on the women. Hence the name of the Club: Medusa.
You worked as a private dancer. Many girls like to work the stripping pole, and you had, for a few years, but some clients started to request you for private sessions, and now you worked with only that.
Some clients you know by name, the ones who are more comfortable revealing their identity, others only by their faces, but overall, you had a list of regulars and some others who came in every once in a while for some fun. Since they had to book the sessions in advance, you knew by the time you arrived the clients you had for the day.
As you're walking to the hair and makeup area to start getting ready, Ava, the manager and the person responsible of keeping up with schedules, hands you the list of clients for the day. As you look at the paper, you see only one name: Noah Sebastian.
She was about to walk away when you call out for her. "Ava, there is only one person on this list".
"Yes, he paid to book you for the night", she answers. "But it says here he requested a 20 minute dance?", you tell her, honestly not undertanding the situation.
"I don't know, he told us to not book anymore clients on you for the night, paid for the whole thing and then said he wanted a 20 minute dance. Men are weird, Y/N. Just go with it, and if he is a total creep, don't hesitate to call security if you feel even a little bit unconfortable, ok?". You nod, acknowledging her statement.
As you get ready, this man does not leave your mind. You're familiar with clients who come with a few requests. Some of them like a specific color of lingerie, or your hair done a specific way. But this has never happened to you. You guess you'll find out when the time comes. The dance is scheduled for 8pm.
As you wait, you chat with the girls and hear their stories of what has happened so far in their work shift. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Ava slipping into the room, you peek at your cellphone to check the time and you know she is here for you.
"Y/N, your client is waiting for you in your usual room". 8pm sharp, at least he is not one of those who keep you waiting. "I have already went over the rules, so you should be fine. But please, consider my earlier statement if you feel unsafe", she continues and you give her a reassuring squeeze on the arm to tell her you're going to be fine.
You adjust the robe and tie it around your body, put on your mask and grab you leather whip, just in case he tries anything funny, after all, not touching you is one of the rules and one you like to enforce if needed. The purpose of the dance is to have you in control, while they watch and admire. The mask is not mandatory, and many of the girls don't wear it, but you like to keep the air of mistery.
You tell yourself a few reassuring words before going into the room. As you twist the knob and open the door, your eyes fall on a figure sitting on the elegant, red chair across the room from you. He is wearing a suit and you can tell from the distance you're in, that his hair is dark and short, a couple of strands falling on his forehead.
You don't know what you expected, maybe an older man, in his fifties, with gray hair and a predatory gaze, but nothing prepared you for what you saw when you got closer. Your eyes made their way up, finally landing on his beautiful, dark, almond eyes, who were observing you with a striking look. His face gave nothing away, and you reminded yourself that you were here to do your job: dance for this man, who where the most attractive client you have ever had.
Walking over to the wall adjacent to where you were standing, your Louboutins clicking on the ground the only sound that could be heard in the room (besides your heart thumping in your chest, but you hoped he couldn't hear that), you mess with the cellphone plugged in to the stereo system. The Weeknd's voice singing Die For You started to play in the background. While you're at it, you set the timer for 20 minutes.
As you start to do your thing, you have half a mind to avoid eye contact, you really didn't need to stumble on your feet and fall face first on the floor in front of this man. But you discreetly look over to him, the sight making you falter in your movements.
He got himself comfortable on the chair, sliding a little bit lower, head thrown back so he is looking at you with hooded eyes. You observed his stance and noticed his legs spread open, just begging for you to sit on them.
You think to yourself that if this is a one timer client, you have to make the most of it, after all, this should be enjoyable for you too. So you make your way over to him, leaning in slightly to rest both of your hands on the back of the chair. You look at his lap, and his hands that are resting on the top of his thighs fall away to rest hanging on his sides.
You realize then that he wants you to sit on his lap. You look in his eyes and they ever so subtly dart over to your lips. Feeling emboldened by the act, you spread you legs to have them on his sides, and slowly lower yourself to sit on his thighs.
One of his hands travel up to undo the bow that is holding your robe together. You think to yourself that this is ok, he touched the bow, and not you. You let the robe slip and fall at his feet, leaving you only wearing your black, lacy lingerie. The same hand tries to grasp your thigh but you quickly swat it away with your leather whip.
You didn't think his eyes could get darker, but in that moment, you swear they did. You even dared to think he got turned on by the act. Suddently the room felt scorching hot, even with the minimal clothing you were wearing. You think he couldn't possibly be comfortable wearing a suit jacket. Your hands reach the lapels, slipping under to run your hands on his pristine white shirt underneath.
His back distances from the chair, a signal for you to take his jacket off, and you comply, letting it fall away on the floor along with your robe. Your eyes run over the expanse of his chest, covered by the shirt that is see through enough for you to notice that he is covered in tattoos. As your eyes travel lower, you notice something glisten in the waistband of his slacks. It takes you all of 2 seconds for your brain to register that he has a gun tucked in there.
Seeing guns in the vicinities of the club is not uncommon. Many guests like to walk around with armed security, and they're not shy to flaunt their bling around. But this one is so close to you, and you wonder why this Noah guy decided to come in here with one.
Before you have time to overthink, the timer goes off, signaling that your time with him is over. You get up from his lap, lean down to grab your robe from the floor, turning around to leave the room. You notice he doesn't move from his spot on the chair, and before you slip out, you look behind you and notice his eyes hold a softer gaze now. You feel like he is apologizing to you in some way, and suddenly you're not sure if you want him to be a one timer client or not.
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Dividers: @cafekitsune
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mehiwilldoitlater · 4 months
When you and Lucci became a thing, everyone seemed surprised (especially Paulie, but he never made a move on you directly, so he just took the news).
Lucci didn't seem to be the kind of guy who could sweep a woman from her feet, not even someone like you. Usually, you were allowed to go to the galley-la company to bring Paulie his lunch, since he was always short on finances, and meeting the silent man was almost inevitable.
He had some kind of charm that dragged on himself. Maybe it was the misterious aura on him; maybe it was the fact that he was one of the most trusted men of the company, but you fell for his advances.
To your dismay. 
Red flags started to pop up as mushrooms; sometimes they were blatantly there, others were so subtle that you needed a double check to be sure that your mind wasn't playing truck on you.He showed his real voice to you without the help of Hattori, and it wasn't a pleasant memory at all.
He started to point up things that he didn't like, things that you needed to change. He forced you to stop going to work, promising that he would provide for you. You wondered if those funds were really from his Carpenter work.
He was jealous; he hated the idea of other men who could lay their finger on you. He knew he was the best option for you, but you fell for him so easily. Who knows how easily you could have fallen for someone else? So he told you to stop seeing any other possible suitor, and he stopped you on your daily visit to Galley-La.
You didn't want that; you vocalized how stupid and childish his orders were, and so he became more aggressive.
Your parents had hit you —not so much, just enough. His slaps and punches were made to hurt you.
He didn't hit you in the fog of some blind rage; he did it because he wanted to and because maybe he found some pleasure in it. He likes that no matter the situation, he has control over you and your life. 
Even at night, in the privacy of the bedroom, he couldn't bring anything but pain. It was like he never knew how to actually love, and you were on the receiving end of his cruelty.
At some point, maybe you even started to believe him.
You thought that, maybe, that was a punishment for something, maybe a sinnmadrbin to your precious life. You didn't know; you didn't want to know. At some point, accepting and following his instructions were the only ways to tolerate the pain.
That day you just needed a quick stop at the shop, a few minutes enough for him to not notice that you finished something in the fridge (it was milk?. Maybe...). No one needed to notice you; no one needed to even know that you were out alone in the street; no one needed to-
When you collided with Paulie, escaping again from some creditors, maybe you were trapped on your feet. Seeing you around was such a surprise for him!
Lucci told everyone that you were sick these days; others said that work was hard on you. Geez It seemed like you were trying to avoid everyone! But you shouldn't be around the city in bad health; you weren't a child anymore, and you needed rest.
But, for some reason, when he bunched a little on your shoulder, he noticed a small flinch, like you were in pain.He hated it, but he wanted, no need, to check your shoulder. What if you weren't in the worst condition that Lucci had told everyone?
He noticed a bruise... Three. ...Six. ...A few of them had the shape of a hand.
You weren't aware of what exactly happened. After Paulie had dragged you to his apartment, You can only guess at his behavior when he opened the door, all mash up, with a black eye and a bleeding nose.
"He won't bother you again. Stay as long as you want here." 
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simpfordemetri · 4 months
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Y/N never had any good relationship,in the past she always conformed herself with the bare minimum,her last boyfriend were absolutely horrendous,she begged all the time to him to even show a bit of his love for her but he never did.
Then the relationship turned into complete manipulation as he promised he will change and act like a man,you believed him over and over again hoping some day it will be true.
Until you started therapy,that women helped you a lot to achieve self love,self steem,and what you deserve in the person you love.Not talking about material,no,love can be show in many ways and there are many love languages.
Time later,in a ship to Volterra you met them,the Kings,Aro,Caius and Marcus,at first you were reluctant to met them,to be fair they were three men who said you are their mate,they are vampires and they are kings who rule the vampire world.
You spent your days in the library,reading through all the mistery books they have there to entertain yourself and everyday trying new recipes from a kitchen book they keep there.Or on the music room,learning easy song on the piano that you barely know how to use.Days were long and each day you noticed changes in their behaviour that made you question yourself if you should give them a try.
First month when you entered your room a huge buquet of flower,that you didnt know how but they were your favourite,was there in the middle of the room.
Everyday your breakfast was delivered to your room without question.There wasnt a day they skipped it.
All weeks you received love notes,each week from one of them,and they all have a special talent on writing romantic quotes.
Expensive jewlery appear out of nowhere every once in a while with your favourite gold color.
That list of things could go on until today,the day you decided to go in the throne room and talk to them,in private,just you…four,sounded weird.
You woke up early,and there was your breakfast,after eating it,you took a shower,changed into something nice but comfy,did your makeup natural just adding concealer,blush and lash mascara and with that you headed to the throne room.
The doors were opened for you as you entered the big room where you have been just a couple of times.
The big smile of Aro greet you as he shouted your name in happiness.
Not knowing what to said,you decided to let them talk.anyways they were the ones that had to show their truly excitment of being with you.
-Cara mia,is a pleasure to finally have you here,we decided to give you some spice as you seemed…a bit unwilling of getting to know us-Aro started.
-I was,and im still are-
-No need to be like that,we are sure you saw all our gifts right?All of that were your favourite,we got contacts-Caius,for the first time in ages,were truly happy and soft while talking.
-I can see the bound grew strong,you can give as a chance,we are good lovers for you,afterall we are mated,its not decided by us,its decided by destiny.If you dont like it,you are free to go.-Marcus said,and he wasnt lying,he and his brother agreed on letting you go if thats was what you wanted
When you hear that,your heart made a click,you want to go?No you dont want that,its not that bad here and the feeling of letting this behind was very stressful to think about.
Without warning Aro took your hand in his reading your thougts as you seemed to be zoned out.His face light up in love looking back to his brothers.
-We have a chance-
Hope you like this🫶🏼
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ah0minecchi · 4 months
BETTER THAN THE REST…★ (knb x fem!reader)
index ☆ next chapter →
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NOW PLAYING! 💿 let me love you - ariana grande
PROLOGUE: “if it feels right, promise i don’t mind.”
<𝟑.𖥔 ݁ ˖
“CMOOON Y/N I DON’T WANNA BE ALL BY MYSELF!!” momoi, my best friend form college, practically screamed through her phone and into my ear.
“you’ll be with your highschool friends, what will i do there? plus, i’m not in the mood to be honest…” i calmly responded. honestly why does she want me to go to that stupid party anyways. i don’t know anybody there besides her. “i can introduce you to my friends! they’re soooo nice i swear! aaaand they’re tall basketball players…” she added suggestively to try and convince me. like a group of men would convince me to do anything… “but tetsu is-“ “yours. i know momoi…” i completed her sentence while giggling a bit. she’s been talking about this ‘tetsu’ nonstop ever since i met her.
“do you have anything better to do anyways?” sounded mean but i knew she asked sincerely. “mmm not really. just cry myself to sleep and watch saiki k.” i responded nonchalantly. “goshhhh please don’t tell me you’re still crying about your ex, y/n… it’s been like AGES since you two broke up.” she whined “two weeks momoi. it’s been two weeks.” i corrected her. “MY POINT EXACTLY!!! maybe you can get your mind off of him tonight… and who knows? someone may help you with that…” she tried to cheer me up, adding a hint of mischief by the end of her sentence.
she was right, i have been digging myself in a hole for two weeks, maybe it is time to get my mind on something else… maybe someone else… just for the night.
“you know what? fuck it, i’ll go with you, but let me borrow that shiny dress of yours.” i said suddenly feeling confident. “DEAL!!” i’ll pick you up at 10. see yaaaa luv yaaaa!!” momoi replied a little too excited, making me laugh before she hung up.
maybe it’s not too bad of an idea. i haven’t been too a party in quite some time, and i’m craving vodka shots and some dancing. even some male attention wouldn’t hurt me… just to boost my ego of course.
i look at my phone. damn, almost 9pm, i should take a shower and pretend that i don’t look like shit right now. i showered, put on some sweatpants while i didn’t have momoi’s dress, did my makeup and straightened my hair. “ate.” i commented out loud looking at myself in the mirror.
9:45. i still have some time to laze around and do nothing. i started wondering how tonight would go. who even are momoi’s friends. curiosity got the best of me, so i opened instagram and started stalking through momoi’s following. i don’t really know their names, just heard of this ‘tetsu’, and momoi’s childhood friend aomine.
i typed his name into the search bar and a private account popped up. fuck, now i can’t go on with my daily dose of stalking. i take a close look at his profile picture. he’s not bad looking at all, but considering he had 2.685 followers and just 108 following, i could assume his ego was through the damn roof.
i gave up on him and look for this ‘tetsu’ boy. kuroko tetsuya was his full name apparently. another private account. why does everyone now seem to be so fucking misterious?. he had a small following and very few followers, seemed low profile. his profile picture showed him smiling with a puppy on top of his head… kinda cute.
i almost got a heart attack when my doorbell started ringing on full fucking blast. it was momoi for sure. i opened the door to my apartment seeing her in a cute black tight dress and a leather jacket. she gave me no time to say hello as she handed me the shiny dress i asked her for and told me to ‘hurry tf up cause the uber would be arriving in no time.’ i hurried to my bathroom, put on the dress, and settled for a pair of converse, since this wasn’t really formal or anything. i took my purse, my phone, and ran to the door to meet my friend there. “stunning! you’ll have all my friends drooling over you! except tetsu, he’s-“ “YOURS I KNOW! and thanks bestie, you look beautiful as well.” i laughed and thanked her.
we got off the elevator and the uber was already there. we then head off to this oh so exciting party… maybe i am excited tho.
“AOMINE COME MEET US AT THE FRONT DOOR WE’RE ALMOST THERE” momoi shouted excitedly into her screen. “jeez… okay just stop screaming into my ear for fucks sake.” the boy responded. he had a deep voice and a tired tone. kinda suits his face.
we finally arrived, when we got to ring the bell, the door opened, showing someone neither of us were expecting.
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a/n: FIRST CHAPTER DONE YESSIR!! ngl i’m excited for what i have planned for this.
LIKES, COMMENTS & REBLOGS are veeerrryy appreciated !! <3
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trueshame · 5 months
Live streaming gamer attacked and stripped naked during live broadcast
Location: Croatia 🇭🇷 Year: 2019 Genre: Stripped Naked
Young man who was playing computer games and was live on a webcam with his fans went to open the door because someone had knocked. He muted himself but didn't turn off the webcam. After opening the door he was attacked by the intruder who beated the gamer and stripped him naked in front of approximately 40 watchers. Then the intruder walked the naked man outside and since then the webcam transmition has lasted for almost 90 minutes! The man didn't come back by this time and the broadcast was terminated, probably by the streaming platform staff.
We do not know why the man was stripped and walked out of the apartment. Some comments said that it was due to unpaid rent for the apartment, the other said the man insulted the intruders girlfriend and he walked the gamer outside to make him apologize to the woman.
The video has no sound so we cannot know what the men were talking to each other. But they are talking for sure.
The Naked Man (NM)
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Name: Unknown Age: 25-28 (estimated) Nationality: Croatian (based on the t-shirt logo)
Before being stripped we can see a young man in his 20s sitting at the computer desk with earphones, talking to his fans. The man has a skinny-fat body type. His hair are dark. We can notice pale, almost pasty skin.
The man puts down his earphones and mutes himself from the webcam. But doesn't turn it off. Probably he was in a hurry to quickly open the door and go back to play games. Sadly, the man who was knocking the door had other plans for him.
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The man was thrown on the ground several times and had his clothing removed, almost piece by piece. We can see that the man is fighting back, trying to keep his pants on and block the slaps he's receiving from the intruder.
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Finally the man has everything removed from his, except his socks. He gets pushed hard and falls down on his butt, revealing his hairy dick to all his confused and now flushed fans. At this point someone probably reported the forbidden content that further led to broadcast termination.
After being pushed, the man got up and ran inside the other room, which looks like a bathroom. The Clothed Man (CM) walks after him and after a short time the naked man appears again, fighting for his dignity.
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The man was exposing his naked ass to the webcam while trying to fight the intruder from further slapping him. He was pushed inside th bathroom again. We estimate that the intruder was trying to take the man socks off too, but he dropped that idea later.
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Finally the man was successfully walked out of the apartment, leaving his viewers confused. We can only imagine what had happened to him next: was he paraded naked on the neighbourhood? Was he forced to apologize naked? Was the police called and arrested both men? This mistery remains unclear since 2019.
The Clothed Man (CM)
There is only two images of the clothed man: when he walks inside the bathroom and then when he walks out, leading the naked man out.
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According to some online comments, he might be a landlord annoyed with his tenant who was not paying rent or he was the boyfriend of a woman the naked man insulted the day before. We didn't find any facts that would support any of these thesis.
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i-am-vita · 10 months
OPLA hot older guys headcanons
Yesterday was the longest working day I've had in a while and my brain decided to affect my concentration and performance by hyperfixated in one thing only: THE AMOUNT OF HOT OLDER GUYS IN OPLA.
(The highlight of the day being @fanaticsnail based her new Mihawk fic on the dream I had the other day. I can´t still thank you enough! ToT)
So now my brain won't let me live in peace without getting these reader-headcanons into the internet in a kind of kill, marry, kiss way but instead we kiss all of them at one point of our life.
👉 Masterlist, More here.
Warning: mention of sex, drinking and general horny thoughts (?) Probably very bad written since english is not my first language XD
So you, my gentle readers, are a semiretired white collar thief, former first mate of the misterious Phantom Pirates, who had to go into hidding to take care of your little niece after your older sister and her marine husband died in a shipwreck 8 years ago.
You're pretty set in giving your niece a comfortable and peacefull life, like her parents had, but she may have other ideas and be more like yourself than her own mother, because at 18yo she escaped home while you was visiting a neighbour island for business.
Now you're on full mama goose mode, searching for your duckling for the East Blue. And may reaquaint with some interesting men of your past.
Lets get a look at them ;)
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Current (VERY) interested. Doesn't know if he wants to behead you or fuck you.
You met during a heist at a marine's party going very bad a year ago. Your crew weren't aware of his attendance to the party (the man hardly attends his own warlord reunions), so you had to make a last minute distraction or you would've been discovered. So distracting Dracule Mihawk by heavy flirting with him and stealing his golden cross-knife was the best you could came up with.
You're an excellent knife wielder but your price habilities are in the infiltrate area so slipping away is kind of your thing. Nobody can keep up with you. Except a very pissed off warlord.
After an action packed chase, filled with you getting under his skin and him almost getting you more times than you're comfortable remembering, you considered it was enough time for the crew to had escape the party, so you released his cross and got the hell out of there leaving a very crossed (hah) Mihawk.
Since you semiretired 8ya, you pulled a job with your old crew from time to time and just if it was a very big score, but your reputation precedes you, and Mihawk managed to connect you with the infamous Phantom Pirates with many other thefts along the Grand Line and even inside Marine Bases in all the Blues.
The thing about the Phantom Pirates is that nobody knows who they are or how they look like. Your captain just known as a white masked man, no name but "Captain of the Phantom Pirates" 150,000,000. Your own wanted posters without photo but a ? and the epitet "The Ghost Rose" 80,000,000. Until now. Mihawk saw enough of you to recognize you if he sees you again but decides against informing the government.
You're his to find and deal with ;)
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The controlling and toxic angry ex we all should have for drama.
You met during your golden years as a first officer of the Phantoms, your crew and his having a brief alliance to work together several times.
You thought you were perfect for each other, both loving your plans and having similar habilities with knives and speed, but his controlling, manipulating, perfectionist and literal bloody tendencies sour the deal pretty soon.
He didn't see you as an equal but another pawn for his plans, apparently the only one good enough by his standards, but still a pawn. So you dumped his presumptuous ass and sailed away to never see each other again.
You didn't feel a little sorry after hearing of his passing.
Now you have tracked your niece to Syrup Village, the home of some old friends of her parents and whose daughter, Kaya, had keep in contact with through the years but haven't seen since before her own parents passed away.
There you came to know that indeed your niece arrived the day prior just in time for her friend's 18th birthday and, after a very eventfull night, she sailed away with a group of Kaya's new friends and saviors that same morning in a new vessel with a ram's head.
The fact they got acquainted with Kuro himself, who turned to be alive and posing as Kaya's buttler for 3 years, paled in comparison to discover this little group has a boy captain set to sail the Grand Line to find the One Piece. And if the witness of the shipyard got it right, already has a big ass marine ship tailing them.
Judging by their route, they were heading to the Sambas Region and there's only one place to dock there...
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The what-migh-have-been if he wasn't such a workaholic and you hadn't run away from home.
You met back in your previous life when you were a young debutante set by your parents to settle with a respectable marine husband, like your big sister.
He was just promoted to Garp's right hand despite his youth. Being one of the youngest officers with a promising career.
You were indeed charmed by him, but found yourself suffocating by the idea of a future like your sister's. Even after he confessed his plans of sailing the world and not being opposed to his future wife to be a marine too with him.
You did wanted a life of adventure and liberty, but not as a marine. You rejected his proposal and dissapeared days after. Your family came up with the story of you leaving to be an artist and study with the masters in the continent.
Truly nobody had a clue of you for years until you showed up after hearing of your sister's death to take care of your niece, looking like a well put together and wealthy art dealer.
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The one you ran away with to a life of piracy.
Days after rejecting Bogard and be sent by your parents to some "vacation" to think better of your life choices, you went to hide from your chaperones in a shaddy bar, full of young confidence that you could deal with it.
Plot twist: you did not. You found yourself in the universal female experience of dealing with guys not accepting a no for an answer and had to be rescued by a charming redhead in a straw hat whom you ran away with that same night after you both stole everything you could from those assholes ship and your chaperone's.
After burning out the initial passion, you and Shanks decided that maybe were better as friends, but still sailed together for a while, you learning everything about pirate life from him until you crossed paths with the Phantom Pirates. Captain Erik, being really impressed by you and your knowledge of the upper society, offered you a place in his crew, which you accepted, and kept training you.
Shanks and you remained good friends over the years, even assisting to his legendary drink parties from time to time. Your crew never having any reason to being enemies and even helping his if they needed intel on something.
Didn't expect to be precisely him to give you "parental advice" after you went looking for him when hearing he was in a nearby island, now minus an arm, and confessed you were semi-retired with a child to take care.
No, the child wasn't from him! Why would his crew would thing that?
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But your stupid crew'd never let you live down that.
Surprinsingly, your Captain Erik and Captain Buggy turned to be very good friends. Both with a flair for dramatics and love for certain aesthetics, but yours being happy with working in the shadows, which suited Buggy perfectly.
Every time your crews crossed paths, it was a full carnival for days. And it was in one of those that it happened.
Even if you like and hold very well your alcohol, that time you were really wasted, having just broke up with Kuro. There was no way you'd had jump the clown's bones otherwise. You had standards!
But who'd have thought that the mad jester was such a charmer while drunk? Whispering dirty while still sweet poetry to your ears. Had his eyes always been so pretty? And those arms looked like they might hold you up without effort...
You woke up in his tent with the worst hangover of your life, naked and with a surprinsingly good recollection of the night before.
Of course you took your clothes and ran away to hide in your quarters for the rest of the day.
Fortunately, Buggy hadn't such a detailed memory of the night prior and assumed he passed it with one of the hired women from the local brothel whom the crew invited to the party.
But of course, your captain saw you leaving Buggy's tent and wouldn't stop teasing you for the rest of your life.
That's it, my gentle readers. The headcanons for today and I'm already regreting it because my head is full of more ideas than ever and my job performance so down that I'm considering just dig its grave XD
👉 More here.
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momachan · 7 months
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"What do you do when you lose what you can't ever lose? That's the question, right? Since the alley, since the very beginning. His question. His mistery. And it's taken him this long, a life o work and pain. But he followed the clues, interrogated the witnesses, let the facts lead him. He did what other men wouldn't or couldn't. And in the end. He found his truth."
Batman: 80 Years of the Bat Family (Detective Comics 2016). "Batman's Greatest Case."
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prinz-vassago · 1 year
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Ok I'm so obsessed with "Dai Nippon Gothic" and Suehiro Maruo's artwork and manga, I ended up getting a lot of inspiration from that to continue Akumu's mistery lore. I'm doing characters for the secret occult club investigating her death. They're called "Mugen no Kagi" (夢幻の鍵) or just "Fantastic Dream Key". I'll post the other members during the week bc I think each one deserves a post only about them, so here's the first one: Gou Kurogane
His backstory may contain some extreme/disturbing topics, be warned:
Gou is a 17 y.o teenager who is part of the secret occult club that investigates the entity Akumu. He is fascinated by death in every way. Coming from a traditional family and a lineage of samurais who served the Shogun, he follows a strict code of honor since he was a child. His family has a strange tradition of preserving the corpses of men who brought honor to the family in a sacred room in the house. His dream is to bring honor and die heroically in the war to have his body mummified alongside his ancestors, keeping the illusion that "war is honorable" due to his family tradition and the nationalist education given by the schools during the Showa period. He constantly has the job of serving food to the corpses and taking care of them as if they were alive.
Gou's father divorced his mother when Gou was very young and lost himself in alcoholism and prostitutes. Because of that he rarely sees his father and was raised most of the time by his older brother, who has a toxic and abusive relationship with him. Gou's brother is an imperial soldier, and constantly puts pressure on him, saying that "he will never bring honor to the family". Even though he gets excellent grades and being very good at swordsmanship, his brother invalidates his success, and nothing ever seems to be enough to please him. Although, Gou greatly admires his brother's position in the army, and dreams of becoming a soldier just like him and is deeply ashamed of his father and has vowed not to end up like him.
Despite all the problems and oddities, he is a very respectful and modest person in public, which makes people see him as someone exemplary in society and they don't even imagine his creepy side.
All this fascination with death made him start looking for more answers in black magic, and so he joined the secret occult club. Out of all entities and Yokai, he has the most interest in vengeful ghosts (like the Yurei type of ghost) and the Gashadokuro (giant skeletons made of the skulls of people who died in the battlefield). He is constantly desecrating warriors' graves and taking their skulls in the hopes of one day summoning a Gashadokuro. He doesn't usually work with curses and tends to focus more on summoning disturbed spirits and finding definitive ways to invoke each one of them, recording everything in his summoning notebook. He believes he can free Akumu's spirit and find out what happened to her.
*I don't condone the japanese imperial army and their actions nor the act of desecrating graves/disturbing the dead. The character is just inserted in this specific moment in history. Take his attitudes and traumas as a critique of how nationalism and extreme traditions affect people's minds in the worst way and how war is romanticized by some people.
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harmoonix · 1 year
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Iconic Astrology Notes Part II
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✵ - The ascendant in your ascendant persona chart shows how you are inside, how you act more Inside while your natal ascendant shows how you are on the outside ( it works for me so much🌃)
✵ - Eris asteroid (136199) aspecting ascendant SHOWS big power for standing up for yourself, no one can tell you what to do honestly
✵ - Also Eris asteroid aspecting the Venus cannot stand when someone messes up with their partners, like they are top biggest defenders of their lovers
✵ - Eris aspecting Mercury can tend to cuss people off and to end them with words because they can really be aggresive verbally, like starting a fight with them is like being in the middle of a hurricane
✵ - Eris aspecting Moon can have chaotic feelings and feel multiple things at once but these aspects are also very strong for defending what they love and what they want to achieve
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✵ - Lilith aspecting Moon can be intense, especially if you have mommy issues but is more than that, this is powerful, you are able to control your feelings very well and to manage to not show your emotions
✵ - Lilith - Mars aspects are soo good at attracting the opposite sex to them, especially if you are attracted to men with this aspect you drain them into you
✵ - Have you ever been to a party with someone who has a Sagittarius or Leo Moon? Or someone who has Moon in the 5th or 9th house? These people really know how to party like, partying and their socializing time is everything "If you see us on the floor you'll be watching all night"
✵ - Saturn/Venus/Sun or Moon in the 7th house = GURL you know you're getting the hottest thing called spouse ever on this earth right??
✵ - Sun aspecting Chiron be like "People will never feel how I feel and will never understand what I feel and why I feel some things,I guess i have to not tell my pain to anyone" - They are def some of the strongest people born
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✵ - Ascendant sextile/trine/conjunct Pluto are too iconic for this world to have, so many celebrities have these in their birthcharts
✵ - Nobody but nobody ever can tell someone with Libra or Leo Rising that they look bad because they will embarras themselves, like you tell the beauty icon that they look bad? BFR
✵ - Aquarius Placements wil always be the definition of uniqueness in your birth chart and shows what makes you unique, they aret the salvation
✵ - Aquarius Risings are rare at personality. Notice how is always something unique with the celebrities who have this specific rising sign? They are natural rarities and people don't appreciate them enough
✵ - Capricorn Risings have the same effect because of their authenticity. They keep it authentic and creative, do not be afraid to show your true colors to people
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✵ - Gemini/Virgo Risings look more young than they actually are, this thing can make them more attractive because it will be hard to guess your age. Also don't tell your age let people guess your age for more mystery
✵ - Sagittarius Risingsss and their appealllll like gurlll you are magnetic, your ruler Jupiter grants you luck for your whole life since your birth and until your death you have luck written in stars, I love ittt
✵ - I should give a raise to Moon - Pluto aspects for being so misterious and hypnotizing, they are like a shadow who follows around but you never know where it is, also their eyes are extremely beautiful
✵ - Sagittarius Placements are so Iconic for being this honest,I mean you don't want honesty in your life and you choose to be Delulu? Good, always be friends with Sagittarius Placements cause they will spill the tea
✵ - Capricorn Sun/Rising/Moon and the dark femme fatale aesthetic fits so good together like gurlll, black is definitely theirs, they dominate when they wear black (Even Saturn approves)
✵ - Get yourself a bestie with Leo placements so you can talk hours about fashion and gloss, trust the process they have so many good points
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✵ - Asteroid Sirene (1009) in Gemini/Virgo will use their enchanting voice to charm the people they want to attract, the native has such an enchanting voice
✵ - Asteroid Sirene (1009) in Scorpio/Cancer/Pisces and GURLLL you really give off Sirene vibes, your eyes, your appearance are enchanting (I imagine them being Vanessa from the little mermaid)
✵ - Juno sextile/trine/conjunct Midheaven and the way they will show off to everyone what a lovely relationship they have will be EPIC, these people have the relationship everyone dreams
✵ - Juno at 5°, 17°, 29° degrees.. Who's gonna tell her?? HOW iconic your spouse can be?? LIKE they will be there for everything at the right moment
✵ - Lilith aspecting Mars (all aspects) often can find the men to be more attracted to them, like a magnet, even the men you don't want to have around you
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✵ - Ascendant aspecting Venus (all aspects) are extremely pretty, they are all blessed by Venus in different ways to express their beautiful nature and their gifts
✵ - Hurting someone with heavy Capricorn/Aquarius placements = Karma coming for you when you don't expect it, is like something that never stops until you acknowledge you hurt these people
✵ - Venus at 10°,11°, 22°, 23° degrees can get vey good looking spouses, also mature aswell and veryyy serious about their relationships, they are the type of people " We don't break up we fix it together" (Saturn rules these degrees)
✵ - For those interested in men...Jupiter at 5°, 17°, or 29° degrees can have the same effect, meeting that partner who is extremely hot and smart in the same time, (they will have a good personality)
✵ - Scorpio Sun/Moon/Rising and their mystery is something else, they are remarcabile at hiding secrets and they are extremely loyal to their lovers
✵- Lilith or True Lilith in Leo/Libra/Scorpio/Aquarius are so mesmerizing , when you encounter them you be have this energy of wanting to talk with them and make a contact
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✵ - Venus aspecting Mercury, CAN I tell how iconic your voice is??? Everyone is always so impressed by your voice and the way you talk is so gracious
✵ - Venus in Capricorn/Taurus/Virgo and LET IT flow with money, Venus is these signs feels like a "Material Girl" they are having money, style, everything
✵ - Lilith or True Lilith in the 7th house and their mesmerizing power to attract people is INSANE, I tell you is insane how many people can be interested in them
✵ - Air Moons and their style in music is everything, music is bounded to them fr. Highly artisans natives, they can even be good compositors at making and writing music
✵ - Juno at Pisces Degrees (12°, 24°) will most likely meet their true soulmate in this life and create a bound with them. Is written in your destiny and these degrees confirm it
✵ - North Node in 7th house in your Chiron Persona Chart indicates your destiny in order to heal is to have an healthy relationship and an healthy partner
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✨ ICONIC placements post for y'all 😍🤞🏼 enjoyyyy ✨
💥💋 Everyone is iconic in different ways but with same knowledge 💋💥
💥💋 I hope you all have a good day full of good moments with the people you love 💋💥
With love, Harmoonix 💋
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darknesseddiem · 6 months
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𝐀𝐥𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐳: 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝟔𝟔
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: In the shadowy annals of crime, a figure emerges, casting a chilling pall over the world. Eddie Munson, infamous for his macabre deeds as a serial killer, now stirs fear with an unprecedented proposal. Like a sinister weaver, Eddie prepares to embroider a fabric saturated with long-held vengeance. Whispers of his scheme cloak his intentions in darkness, leaving observers to ponder the depths of his depravity.
Each stitch in his plan weaves a sinister narrative, drawing the curious into the abyss of his psyche. As intrigue mounts, the world braces for Eddie Munson's cryptic request, poised to unravel reality itself, ushering forth chaos and terror.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: +18 MDNI, gore, mentions of blood; violence, descriptions of torture and death, Eddie is a serial killer, cannibalism, cruelty, mistery, Eddie is on the death row, mentions Chrissy's mother and allusion to her death.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: Please be advised that this series of stories delves into darker and more disturbing themes than my previous works. The content will include highly sensitive and grotesque subject matter. If you find yourself uncomfortable with such material, it's perfectly understandable. Your well-being is paramount, and your decision to refrain from reading is respected.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,4K
𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫.
Fell free to support my works with some 𝐊𝐨-𝐅𝐢!
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In the somber depths of the penitentiary's labyrinthine corridors, where the very air seemed to congeal with foreboding, the flickering glow of pale moonlight dared not venture. Within these subterranean confines, an imposing edifice of concrete and steel stood sentinel, its walls steeped in the crimson stains of untold atrocities perpetrated by the merciless hands of those who had transgressed against the sanctity of innocent lives. This fortress, a bastion of unforgiving incarceration, cast its shadow over all who dared to tread its bleak corridors, an inescapable abyss of despair and anguish.
Descending further still, into the bowels of this infernal domain, lay the deepest recesses of confinement - a purgatory reserved for the most depraved and desolate souls. Here, shrouded in perpetual darkness and devoid of even the faintest glimmer of sunlight or human contact, languished men and women so irredeemably profane that they had become naught but spectral echoes of their former selves. Condemned to an eternity of solitude and torment, they withered away in the suffocating embrace of isolation, their existence a cruel mockery of the vibrant world they once knew.
Amidst this realm of despair and desolation, a singular figure loomed in the shadows - the enigmatic inmate of Cell 66, a nameless specter whose very presence invoked dread and apprehension. Eddie Munson, a man cloaked in the chilling aura of mystery, stood as an epitome of cold-blooded savagery, his nefarious deeds shrouded in the veils of silence and secrecy. For a decade, he had steadfastly refused to divulge the twisted tapestry of his dark past, his lips sealed with an iron resolve that defied the relentless interrogation of law enforcement.
Eddie Munson, age of 28, stood accused of crimes so heinous and grotesque that they defied comprehension - murder, slaughter, torture, and the ultimate depravity of cannibalism. The latter having as victim his father, William Munson, the man had his heart ripped out of his body while he was still breathing, and eaten by his own son.
His victims, numbering unknown, bore the indelible mark of his sadistic cruelty, their anguished cries silenced forever in the abyss of oblivion. Yet, despite the relentless onslaught of interrogation and torture, Eddie remained an impenetrable enigma, his psyche a labyrinthine maze of madness and malevolence that confounded even the most seasoned investigators.
In a desperate bid to extract the truth from him, they exhausted every tool in the arsenal of human torment. Shock therapy surged through his veins like bolts of lightning, while hypnosis sought to unravel the tangled web of his mind. Sleep deprivation gnawed at his sanity, each minute stretching into an eternity of agony. Temperature manipulation plunged him into the icy depths of despair, while purposeful drowning submerged him in a watery abyss of terror.
Yet, despite their relentless efforts, the truth remained elusive, shrouded in the darkness of his twisted psyche. As the investigators and police faced the grim reality of their failure, they reluctantly conceded defeat. With heavy hearts and haunted souls, they consigned him to the unforgiving confines of death row, where the specter of execution loomed ominously over him like a shadowy executioner awaiting his final reckoning.
Perched upon a cold, unforgiving chair, Eddie Munson found himself shackled before a cadre of stern-faced law enforcement officials. The putrid hue of his garb, a garish orange jumpsuit, seemed to mock the gravity of the situation, its color reminiscent of flames licking at the edges of his very existence.
As he awaited his fate, the weight of his crimes hung heavy in the air, a palpable presence that suffocated the room with an oppressive sense of dread. The gaze of the officers bore into him with a mix of contempt and morbid fascination, as if they were peering into the depths of a bottomless abyss, searching for a glimmer of humanity amidst the darkness.
The clang of metal against metal echoed through the chamber as the handcuffs tightened around his wrists, a stark reminder of his loss of freedom and impending doom. And yet, despite the grim tableau unfolding before him, Munson remained eerily composed, his eyes betraying no hint of remorse or regret, but instead, harboring a chilling calmness that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to meet his gaze.
"I, Judge William Bennet Carver," the judge's voice reverberated through the solemn courtroom, each syllable weighted with the gravity of the impending verdict, "sentence Edward James Munson for the heinous crimes of murder, slaughter, cannibalism, torture, concealment of a corpse, violence, and femicide, to face the ultimate justice: the electric chair."
The resounding thud of the judge's gavel against the polished wood punctuated his decree, sending a chilling ripple through the hushed chamber. Yet, amid the somber atmosphere, a twisted smirk danced upon Eddie's pallid visage, his lips curling into a sinister grin that betrayed a morbid amusement at his own demise.
The dim light of the courtroom cast eerie shadows across his features, accentuating the gleam in his eyes that flickered with an unsettling blend of defiance and derangement. To Eddie, the solemn pronouncement of his fate seemed to serve only as fuel for the perverse amusement that bubbled within him, a dark amusement born of a mind steeped in darkness and depravity.
As the weight of his sentence settled upon him like a suffocating shroud, Eddie's gaze remained locked upon the judge, his expression an unsettling mixture of defiance and amusement. For in the face of impending doom, he found only a perverse delight in the twisted game of fate that had brought him to this chilling juncture.
Before the attendees could muster the resolve to depart the trial chamber, a chilling silence settled over the room like a suffocating fog. Yet, amidst the palpable tension, a voice shattered the eerie stillness, cutting through the air with an unsettling cadence that sent shivers down the spines of those present.
It was Eddie, his voice devoid of the usual satisfaction that accompanied his macabre deeds, each word dripping with a cold detachment that belied the horrors lurking within his psyche. As if emerging from the depths of a nightmare, his utterance hung heavy in the air, a spectral presence that seemed to linger long after the sound had faded.
The unexpectedness of his speech sent shockwaves through the gathered throng, their eyes widening in disbelief at the audacity of this monstrous figure to break the oppressive silence that had enveloped the chamber. And yet, despite the chill that coursed through their veins, there was an undeniable allure to Eddie's words, a morbid curiosity that compelled them to hang upon his every syllable, like moths drawn to the flame of his dark presence.
For in that moment, Eddie Munson stood as a harbinger of terror, his voice a haunting echo of the abyss from which he had emerged, leaving all who bore witness to wonder what other horrors lay concealed within the depths of his twisted mind.
"Before you lend me to my inevitable fate," Eddie's voice sliced through the heavy air, his tone carrying an unsettling calmness that seemed incongruent with his looming demise, "there is a final thing I must ask."
The twisted curvature of his lips formed a grotesque grin, a stark contrast against the grim backdrop of the courtroom. His smile, more akin to a rictus of madness, sent shivers coursing down the spines of those assembled, each icy caress leaving behind a trail of apprehension and dread.
The macabre spectacle of Eddie's grin seemed to warp the very fabric of reality, casting a pall of unease over the room as if the darkness within him threatened to consume all who dared to behold it. And yet, despite the visceral discomfort it elicited, there was an undeniable magnetism to his presence, drawing the gaze of onlookers like moths to the flame of his twisted charisma.
For in that moment, Eddie Munson stood as a specter of malevolence, his smile a haunting reminder of the horrors that lurked within the depths of his depraved soul. And as the weight of his words hung heavy in the air, the gathered throng braced themselves for the chilling revelation that awaited, knowing all too well that whatever he had to say would only serve to deepen the darkness that enveloped them all.
“Nothing you say will save you, Mr. Munson.” Judge Carver said seriously.
"Indeed, Judge Carver," Eddie's voice echoed through the chamber, carrying an eerie calmness that seemed to mock the severity of his situation. His gaze, like obsidian pools devoid of remorse, bore into the judge with an unsettling intensity, as if daring him to peer into the abyss of his twisted psyche.
A grim chuckle escaped Eddie's lips, its echo reverberating off the walls like a sinister melody. "Save me?" he mused, the words dripping with a venomous disdain that sent a shiver down the spine of all who heard. "Oh, dear judge, salvation is but a distant memory in the shadowed recesses of my existence."
The air seemed to thicken with tension as the weight of Eddie's words hung heavy in the room, casting a pall of unease over the gathered throng. And yet, despite the palpable discomfort that permeated the chamber, there was an undeniable allure to his defiance, a morbid fascination with the darkness that lurked within him.
For in that moment, Eddie Munson stood as a testament to the depths of human depravity, his words a chilling reminder of the horrors that lay concealed within the darkest corners of the human soul. And as the judge's stern gaze bore down upon him, Eddie met it with a steely resolve, knowing full well that no words could save him from the abyss into which he had willingly descended.
"I want my story to be told to the world," Eddie's voice sliced through the tense atmosphere of the courtroom, each syllable laden with a sinister promise that sent a shiver down the spine of every witness. Gasps of shock rippled through the room, eyes widening in disbelief as if Eddie had uttered a profanity that defied comprehension.
"But... on one condition," he continued, his words hanging in the air like a heavy fog, suffocating all who dared to breathe in their ominous implications. The palpable anxiety in the room intensified, a suffocating weight pressing down upon the gathered throng, rendering them paralyzed in a state of morbid anticipation.
The silence that followed was deafening, a tangible presence that seemed to fill the room with a foreboding sense of dread. Each heartbeat thundered in their ears like a drumbeat of impending doom, the rhythm echoing the pulse of their mounting fear.
And then, with a voice that cut through the silence like a blade, Eddie delivered his chilling demand: "Bring her to me." The words hung in the air like a curse, casting a shadow over the room as the gravity of his request sank in. In that moment, the darkness that lurked within Eddie Munson's twisted soul spilled forth, enveloping all who bore witness in its malevolent embrace.
As Eddie's demand reverberated through the room, a hushed murmuring rose among the spectators, whispers of unease intertwining with the palpable tension that gripped them all. Judge Carver, his brow furrowed with concern, exchanged a glance with the bailiffs, uncertainty etched in their solemn expressions.
Suddenly, from the back of the courtroom, a figure emerged, cloaked in shadows and bearing an aura of ominous dread. It was a woman, her features obscured by darkness, yet her presence radiated an eerie calmness that seemed to quell the rising panic.
With measured steps, she approached the bench, her gaze fixed upon Eddie with an intensity that bordered on obsession. And as she drew closer, the dim light revealed the haunting familiarity of her visage—a haunting resemblance to one of Eddie's victims, long thought to be lost to the annals of his depravity.
A collective gasp swept through the room as the truth dawned upon them all, a revelation so horrifying that it threatened to shatter the fragile facade of their reality. For in that moment, it became clear that Eddie's request was not merely a macabre whim, but a sinister plot to unleash a new chapter of terror upon the world—one that would plunge them all into the depths of darkness from which there could be no escape.
"It's about time I found you, Munson," the words cut through the air like a frigid wind, each syllable dripping with a chilling resolve that sent shivers down everyone's spine. The voice, belonging to a middle-aged woman, resonated with an underlying tremor, hinting at the depths of her pent-up anguish and fury.
Eddie's gaze locked onto the woman, his expression unreadable yet tinged with a flicker of recognition that danced behind his steely facade. The name she uttered—Selenne Cunningham—stirred a distant memory within him, a memory veiled in the shadowy recesses of his consciousness.
A sinister smile curled at the corners of Eddie's lips, a perverse amusement twinkling in his eyes like the glint of a predator stalking its prey. "Ah, Selenne Cunningham," he purred, his voice laced with a venomous edge that mirrored her own icy tone. "Your daughter... such a delicate flower, crushed beneath the weight of my artistry."
The room fell silent, the tension thickening with each passing moment as the gravity of their confrontation hung heavy in the air.
With the first thread of Munson's sinister plot meticulously woven, the tendrils of his malevolence unfurled like a dark shadow, poised to ensnare those who unwittingly danced within its grasp. The nefarious machinations of Eddie Munson, honed to a razor's edge, stood poised to carve a path of unfathomable destruction through the lives of all who had dared to cross his path.
As the tendrils of his wickedness coiled with calculated precision, a palpable sense of foreboding descended upon those ensnared within the web of his deceit. Edward Munson, a specter of malevolence risen from the depths of darkness, loomed large on the horizon, his presence casting a long shadow that threatened to engulf all who stood in his wake.
With a chilling resolve that echoed through the corridors of fate, he returned from the abyss, his resolve steeled by the bitter taste of past failures. This time, there would be no room for error, no margin for mercy.
Eddie Munson had returned, and with him came a reckoning so dark and terrible that none would emerge unscathed.
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streets-in-paradise · 4 months
Hello sweetie ^^
First, I hope you're fine, that's the most important thing.
Second, I don't know if you're taking request or anything right now but my mind was wandering and that's what came by itself:
How would Achilles reacts to a girl who's considered by everybody as a freak? Kind of like Belle in Beauty and the Beast?
If you feel like writing something, or just voice me your opinion, I'm pretty curious to see what you think about that.
I wish you a lovely day,
Val 🌸
Welcome back, dear Val !!
I'm fortunately fine, recovering from a cold ( can you believe that i catched a cold twice on the same month? Damn climate change lol). The worst part of it is over because at least the fever stopped, so I don't feel misserable anymore, only very congested.
First of all, let me remind you that Troy requests are allways open. I keep this special treatment for it on my blog because it's the one thing I write about that I know can't be found easily elsewhere. Since the very first reason why I started writing fic was finding no Troy fics, I never close requests for Troy.
Now is the time when I have to tell you that our minds are working as one, cause I have thought so much about this Idea you sent me before.
Would you believe me if I tell you that I requested this very same thing to another (now sadly deactivated) blog a few months ago? I never got to see it, because the blog deactivated before getting to my request, but the point is we got the same Idea!!
I'm gonna do this as a headcanon list followed by a short fic.
Mycenaean civilization was prior to the invention of books, most of the knowledge was passed trough oral transmission, usually by men, and the writing they did was mostly in clay tablets. So, I'm going to keep the curious dreamer bookworm aspect of Belle adapted in ways that would fit with the period.
*clicks play on a Beauty and the Beast soundtrack playlist and starts typing with excitement*
Achilles reacting to a Belle-like town's freak:
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-As a start, let's not forget that in Greece he is an invincible warrior and, among the myrmidons in particular, the greatest hero that has ever been.
-He is esentially in the position of Gaston, but without most of his negative traits ( like the anti-intellectualism and chauvinism making him an unlikable dick). Aware of being admired as a paradigm of masculine perfection, he gives the people what they want to see in order to make his legend grow.
-Sure, his arrogance can be insufferable sometimes. The cocky bastard walks in knowing the world worships him, but despite of how badly he enjoys it that's part of his hero acting.
-To a Belle-like girl, he would initially appear like a Gaston given the image that his surface projects. All men wanting to be him, all women wanting to have him, and her looking at the whole thing from afar wondering why.
- Very few close friends and family know him privately ( Patroclus, Eudorus, Odysseus and, of course, his mother). For the rest, he remains a mistery. People adoring him think they know him, but they get to see only what they seek from their celebrity.
-The truth is that he is also a bit of a freak, just no one notices because he is the hero of the place. Achilles may be the most popular guy arround, but he is not a comformist and he loves girls that break the mold. ( canonically in the film, Briseis won him over yelling in a room full of men and cuestioning his morals, remember?)
-Yet, everyone in Phthia is quick to judge you as the great local mistery. Girl in age to find a husband, commented to be the most beautifull maiden in the land, but of undeniable strange ways.
-If you would be found following artists, healers, scribes or travellers, it was never on the hope of finding a husband.
-What you wanted was stories, news and knowledge. In his youth, your father had gone in tons of trade trips and his stories inspired you curiosity for the outside world from an early age. He had educated you by himself through the culture a trader adquires with many years of experience in the profession.
-You had a way with words, and to a sweet look of yours and a kind ask many men were willing to instruct you in whatever topic you would want to know about. Some of the few educated men on the city valued your curiosity and showed themselves genuinely friendly to you and your crave for learning.
-Given that Phthia was famous on the country as a land of warriors, this ocassional bonding with a few intellectuals arround was not enough for you to not be perceived as an outcast. The city lammented behind your back how such beauty was wasted in a weird girl whose fingertips were allways stained of wet clay from all the writing.
-Favorite topic of gossiping on the market, or among the groups of women doing laundry near the river shore, you had became infamous as the small town's rarity. People felt bad for your father, claiming he would end up burdened with a spinster till the end of his days, and attributed the blame to the lack of a feminine presence in the home.
-Everyday their stories grew bigger in their attempt to understand you. Stares would follow you everywhere, expectant for the next strange occurence of yours they would get to witness.
-At some point you began to embrace it and seek to confuse your neighbors on purpose. Whenever they would bring up the unconfortable topic with insidious hypocrite subtility, you would respond cheerfully with some more unapologetical rambling you knew that would bore them so they would leave you be.
-Comments lead Achilles to you, since the ill-famed tales of the scandals your reactions cause are the perfect contrast of his celebrated feats.
-The stories he heard did make you look like weirdo, but he could tell you weren't neccesarily the city's calamity. Just a clever, curious girl wanting to be listened. Patroclus confirmed that assumption admitting when asked that you were the first one showing interest in the verses he had been composing and you both have been sharing poetry ocassionally since then.
-Always keeping his cousin away from it under your expressed request, he even defended you from the unfair accusations whenever he could.
-Achilles is thrilled, and soon starts searching for you because he is very curious about meeting you.
-The noises of a crowded market in the morning don't warn you of his arrival like the merry sounds of girls softening the tone of their voices saluting his name in hopes of being noticed.
-Thinking he would stop there, you ignore that and continue your walk, but a strange panic takes over you when you notice he didn't.
-What could he possibly want from you? Was it perhaps because you were the only young girl who wasn't abandoning her daily duties to mindlessly stare at him passing by? His usual admirors were staring daggers at you, unaware that their disbelief was yours too.
-He is not stopping, so you turn back to confront him first and within the very first face to face encounter he is already giving you THAT smile.
-Not the cocky one of when he is about to repeat for a hundred time the story of one of his victories. The softer, more welcoming one.
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What you considered a defensive attitude was hilariously sweet to him. Achilles knew he couldn't expect any less from the beggining given how used you were to being judged by everyone, but that didn't disencourage him.
Arms crossed and a glance of annoyance, only awaiting for an explanation for his not so subtle irruption.
" May I help you?"
Tales failed to accurately describe your beauty, and anger suited you better than what he could forsee. He almost felt bad for spoiling your morning, if that was how you felt about him.
" Indeed, i'm looking for a talented local poetress whose work I got recommended. "
His young cousin being the only attentive audience of your ramblings would someday bring you trouble, and the day seemed to have arrived.
" I don't do epic poetry, my poems are about the simple realities of common people and I nurture my inspiration on the everyday life ... with brief incursions on romantic poetry. In either case, I doubt it would be good enough for the amusement of a great warrior like you. "
He knew exactly what you were trying to do: extending your explanation in a convulsive language hoping he would get bored and leave.
" I like how you speak, I think I could sit at some quiet spot on the beach to hear you talk all day."
The flirting was becoming more obvious, but you trusted in your capacity to politely get rid of him.
" And what could we possibly talk about, may I ask? At risk of hurting your infamous pride, I must say battle stories don't interest me that much."
Being underestimated hurted his pride, but he understood that to get your attention he would have to leave it behind.
" How about history, art, religion, medicine, poetry, music? I play lyre, but I rarely do it in public. What's your favorite instrument? "
The crushing subversion of your expectations made you feel very ashamed. It's not like you actively wanted to misjudge him, but the arrogant man parading across the city that was his typical public self usually left little space for imagination.
" Actually, I have never been taught how to play any. "
Achilles tucked a golden stand of his hair behind his ear like if he would be seeking for an even better visual range to glance at you.
" We can fix that, If you want. "
Exquisitely polite, and you couldn't believe your ears.
" I would love to! ... But I insist in repaying the lessons teaching you something else in exchange. "
He suspected that the mere sight of excitement in your beautifull face as you would explain deep into a topic that interested you would be more than enough payment for whatever he could show you.
" Polymele once described in horror to me what you told her about the strange mortuary rituals of the egyptians. I suspect she didn't transmitted it with accuracy, because you lost her in the evisceration part. "
You chuckled, facing your guilt.
" Do you really want me to describe it again for you?"
In a subtle move seeking proximity, he offered to pick the small basket you carried to see if you would be receptive of his company.
" Why not? Do you sincerely think it could gross me? Or that I could care for the loosing of your lady-like ways? You natural self seems way more interesting that whatever facade the people reclaims you to try fitting in. "
It made you smile and, to his surprise, you took his free hand in clear acceptance for the proposition.
Becoming the envy of every girl for being seen with him didn't matter to you at all, because you couldn't deviate at any moment your focus from the excellent conversation you were having.
Achilles was full of surprises and he made you crave to keep discovering more.
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