#miss black rabbit
askfacultystaff · 9 days
If FPE characters, including my ocs are traveling into the Loud House school
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*The monitor teacher and her gangster's leader sister are having chitchat*
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*Then, she saw Principal Ramirez*
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*She starts growling with sudden, her monitor sister doesn't notice*
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Principal Ramirez's mind: ...... *Gulps* ....I'm screwed... Who are these people?... I wish I hadn't contacted with them!.... 😰
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technofinch · 1 month
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do you remember how we used to run...
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bizarrebuns · 8 months
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"Athena" - San Francisco, CA
some women have it all: naturally striped like a bumblebee, mismatched socks, and rugged good looks
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sillysarahsthings · 3 months
Idk how some of these gals really made me think of making a witch with abandonment issues.
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Oh and the template for whoever wants it.
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Steph’s Mom
So Solomon Lauter probably sacrificed his wife to the Lords in Black, right?
All the Starry Children lore aside, Solomon’s scenes in Act Two of Nerdy Prudes tell us several things: Solomon believes that certain problems can only be solved by asking the Lords in Black for help, he knows that help comes at a huge price, and that the last time he had anything to do with the Black Book things went so painfully that he refuses to so much as touch it again.
Put all this together, and it seems highly likely that Solomon Lauter made his own deal with the Lords in Black, probably around 2005 when the book first came into his care. But what was his price? What do you want, Solomon? The things he seems to cherish—power, respect, influence—are all very much still in his life. But he doesn’t have the mother of his child. So she was the sacrifice. And Steph is forever a reminder of that guilt and loss, which could go some way towards explaining his behavior towards her.
This also adds an additional layer to the Lords in Black sacrifice sequence in Nerdy Prudes. While the Lords in Black are perfectly willing to accept a sacrifice from any of the three teens, they angle extra hard for Steph to shoot Pete. And yeah maybe that’s so Tinky can put him in the Bastard’s Box, or because murder is always best, or simply because Steph is the teen doing the most talking. But maybe it’s also because they enjoy the idea of a pattern—generations of Lauters summoning them to sacrifice someone beloved, Steph unwittingly putting Pete directly in her lost mother’s place. The Lauters summoned them once, now the Lauters have summoned them twice….
(Also how poetic would it be for Steph and her father, despite their many differences and conflicts, to have ultimately made the same decision? Though of course Steph was lucky enough that Max and Grace intervened.)
But this does raise the question—What was Solomon’s deal? What would he have sacrificed his wife for? His position of power? He seems far too worried about losing the election for that to be the case.
(The timeline on this doesn’t really work because there’s a lot between 1979 and 2005 to account for and we have no real record of ghosts wreaking Max-level havoc for 25 years, but I keep coming back to the fact Solomon knows a lot in particular about the Waylon curse and how to stop it. And if nothing ever truly dies in the Waylon House, then where are the Waylons themselves? The obvious answer is that Miss Holloway did them in back in the 80’s… but still…)
And did he make that sacrifice in all the timelines? Or just in the ones where Holloway died and wasn’t around to have the book? There’s no mention of Steph’s mother in Nightmare Time, implying that the answer is the former. So who got the book from who? How do Miss Holloway and Solomon Lauter know each other?
Idk there’s so much to think about. It feels like we know so much and so little at the same time. Thoughts?
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hersurvival · 5 months
I took it as a sign, the dreams came first -
A black bunny at my door
One week later,
The first rabbit I had seen in years,
A small shadow with tall ears sat waiting
In the driveway when I got home
And he was there every day
Until Winter came and I lost him
If the universe was trying to tell me something,
I never understood
But if it was strictly coincidence
Then I refuse to believe it
@nosebleedclub April 18th - Lagomorph
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devilsharm · 3 months
Arises like a slumbering beast awakening from a thousand year-old slumber
Hey. Happy Summer. LIKE this post for a starter. You WILL do it. If you're a multimuse, please make sure to specify which muse you want it for.
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askfacultystaff · 9 days
If Miss Black Cat brings Alice and Aiden to the Royal Woods school and introduce them to teachers, including Principal Ramirez and Mr Bolhofner.
(Btw, I made Aiden and Alice as Miss Grace's daughters since I read a few theories -v-')
(Alice and Aiden belong to: Katie from YouTube and Twitter)
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Miss Black Cat: Alright, ladies and gentlemen! Meet Alice and Aiden! They are Grace and my daughters! Don't worry! They're nice.
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*The two of them glaring at them scarily*
Principal Ramirez and Mr. Bolhofner be like:
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Principal Ramirez and Mr. Bolhofner's mind: ...... Oh my god........ 😥😰
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pinyonrice · 2 years
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murasaki-cha · 2 years
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Vivi: Yeah and fish spotted in the sea? Seriously Evelyn we already knew that
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askmissthunder · 9 months
Have you ever dressed up as Santa Claus, Miss Thunder?
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Red Rabbit: *Gasp!* Penny, you should!
Miss Thunder: Blimey, when would I ever need to dress up as Father Christmas?
Eli: It'd be like in those TV specials where "Oh no, Santa's sick and somebody has to take his place! Only you can save Christmas, Miss Thunder!"
RR: "Won't you think of the poor children of Ocean City? They'll have no presents if you don't go!"
MT: *Pfft!* You two are silly! Okay, suppose I go along with this scheme, is his suit even going to fit me? I mean, we're both fat but I'm a whole different level of fat! I'd probably need at least 10 suits stitched together. Also...*Looks down at her chest* I don't think Father Christmas is quite as...endowed as I am.
RR: Nothing a little taping down couldn't fix!
MT: You're gonna need a whole store's load of tape to get these Girls down. Now that I think of it, Cassie, you should be the one to dress up.
RR: Me?!
MT: Yeah! You already dress in red and with your super speed, you can get all the presents delivered in one night!
E: Plus, it'd probably be a lot easier to stuff a pillow up your shirt than it would be to squeeze Penny into a little suit.
RR: Hmmm....tempting...
MT: Plus, you're actually small enough to fit down a chimney! If I try to do it, I'm either gonna get my leg stuck or completely wreck it.
RR: Hmmm...All right! You talked me into it! If we ever have to save Christmas and be Santa for the night, I'll do it!
Talon: *Sitting in the corner, reading a magazine* This totally real and not insane plan of being Santa? Good luck with that. But I guess, if you guys did do it, however inconceivable that may be, you'd get all the free cookies you could eat.
MT, RR, E: *Gasp!*
E: I wanna volunteer to be Santa now!
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pinkieshylover123 · 1 year
Guys I have some really sad news to give you. This morning my rabbit Nova is hopping bunny heaven now. She’s gone and I’ll never see her again and it feels like it’s my fault.😭
Have fun in Bunny Heaven Nova I love you and I’ll miss you.🖤🐰🕊️
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i have so many ideas for things i want to accomplish and concepts i think will work to aid me in doing these things. i’ll be so confident and ready and then suddenly one thing in my brain will trip me up and now i’m having an existential crisis and wondering why and how i’m still alive. humaning is weird.
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thegardengnostic · 1 year
my brain fighting for which special interests to like more right now is so crazyyyyyy hehe
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hamutxt · 2 years
i dreamt my boyfriend and i were living together and we owned a sweet little rabbit named paisley and i loved her dearly and when i woke up she was gone. like. paisley was like a daughter to me where'd she go
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