#mischeif managed
*the Marauders after they mess up shit*
McGonagall: I- I'm at a loss for words!
Sirius, narrating: Despite being at a loss for words, Minerva continued to yell at us for the next hour.
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dullgecko · 11 days
With that enlarge spell, what if he also got some sort of strength potion (maybe via gorgug) and now he's tall, and can put people in air jail too?
"Where's Fabian?" Gorgug asked as Riz slid into his eat across from him at the cafeteria table, the rogue shrugging and depositing Fabians bag on the bench beside him.
"I think he's gone home sick? He dipped half-way through his fighter classes and booked it to the bathroom. He didn't even come back for his bag and when I went looking for him he was gone." Riz dug his crystal out of his pocket, checking to see if the Fighter had replied to his text asking where he was and finding nothing.
"Huh thats... weird for him. Do you need a ride this afternoon to go drop it off at his house? I'm assuming you weren't able to bike to school today because of..." Gorgug gestured at their rogue, the goblin currently double his usual height due to Ayda practicing a modified enlarge spell on him the previous day. Riz's bike was goblin sized, though he only ever tended to use it if his mom wasnt able to drop him off at school before work or her classes. He'd actually had to catch the bus today, which was a novel experiance in itself since he could actually reach the safety bars for once. "Yeah if you can, he's not answering his texts and I want to check on him." Riz grinned, putting his crystal back in his pocket and leaning across the table. "More to the point, did you get the thing. I know you had a couple leftover from the last batch i gave you." Gorgug glanced around the room before reaching into his own backpack, sliding Riz the can across the table in a way he hoped was subtle. It was not but nobody in their school could give half a fuck about people having ever so slightly illegal strength potions in their possession.
Riz's eyes practically sparkled with mischeif as he took the potion, cracking the tab and downing it quickly before his other friends could join them in the caffeteria. The can getting crushed up into a small ball and shoved in his pocket so he could dispose of the evidence later.
"Why did you need it? You're not planning to get into a fight with anyone are you?" Gorgug gave Riz a worried look, the goblin had been a little bit keyed-up since his size change and it was starting to worry him. He wasnt sure if it was some kind of side effect of the spell Ayda had used or if Riz was always this manic but it was usually tempered by caution because of his height.
"Oh, Kristen has been picking me up and trapping me in air jail for weeks for no reason. I figured it was time for some payback since I've got the chance now." Riz wiped his mouth on his sleeve, giving Gorgug a grin which showed off his sharp teeth. Gorgug had to admit that it was a lot more intimidating when Riz was nearly the same height as the rest of them (and it was plenty intimidating when he was tiny too, they all knew exactly what those teeth could do when he was pissed off).
It didnt take long for the girls to join them, Riz slipping under the table to hide before he was spotted and sneaking around to get behind them. Somehow his stealth hadnt suffered at all even with the added height and he managed to get right up behind Kristen and grab her without being noticed. Their cleric yelping as she was lifted up off the ground and suspended a good foot off the ground in their rogues outstretched arms in a decent facimile of what she usually did to him.
He kept her trapped like that for the entirity of their lunch break, Fig snickering as she had to feed Kristen her lunch while she dangled in Riz's outstretched arms.
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adrienisweird · 6 months
Getting rid of gloom
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This is a Bleach Tickle fic, so if that's not ur thing then just. Yk don't read.
It's very late when i'm finishing this, so it might be a bit messy, but I had to get it out of my brain. It's based on the scene where the screenshot above came from^^^ Renji was so goddamn teasy I just had to.
SPOILERS FOR SOUL SOCIETY ARC (And slight for the Bount Arc)
Lee!Ichigo Kurosaki, Ler!Renji Abarai
Tickles, swearing below!!
Everyone was shocked as to how they hadn't noticed the gloom practically radiating off of their tough-guy redhead before Ganju pointed it out. It was true, the negative spiritual energy was practically flowing off of him in waves, it was almost suffocating.
Ganju made breif eye-contact with Renji before grabbing Ichigo, loudly proclaiming he was going to cheer him up and asking if there was a place to do so. Urahara's eyes shone with mischeif as he opened the the hatch to the secret, underground training facility underneath his shop.
Ichigo opens his mouth to protest, but before he is able to string a sentence together he is knocked out of his body by Rukia. He lets out a small squeak when both Ganju and Renji each reach around one of his arms and start dragging him toward the now open hatch, protesting with multiple "Hey- come on!"s and "Guys can't we talk about this?"s in an exceedingly nervous tone.
The next thing he knows he's being thrown down the long shaft leading to the training grounds, letting out a (very manly) screech of fear. He unceremoniously tumbles to the floor when he lands, swearing as he sits up and dusts himself off, cursing both Ganju and Renji for not giving him more time to prepare.
The two other men follow shortly after, conveniently climbing down the ladder that they'd denied him the luxury to try and use.
"Haha! Oh man, nice style Ichigo!" Renji laughs at the younger boy covered in dust.
"Oh shut up!" Ichigo retorts, brushing himself off with embarrasment.
What proceeds can only be described as porovoking a sleeping bear, with Ganju having to leave to help Hanataro at the general store, leaving Renji to provoke Ichigo back into his old fearless self.
Eventually with an especially hard hit from Renji's released Zabimaru and a comment about Ichigo being a coward, Ichigo's spiritual pressure increases rapidly as he remembers that he doesn't need to worry about winning or losing, he *will* win, there's no other option.
Renji smiles as he sees the explotion of spiritual pressure and the fire reignited in Ichigo's eyes. However, he wavers as Ichigo starts walking towards him, seemingly being fully ready to fight Renji to his very last. Thankfully, he was just back to being good ol' Ichi.
Hours pass as the clashes between Zabimaru's and Zangetsu's honed spiritual pressures lessen in frequency, their two wielders eventually collapsing next to eachother on the ground, heavily panting.
"Hey, Ichigo."
"*huff* Yes?"
"So... you *were* scared of that guy, huhh?~" He smirks, teasing Ichigo about his earlier freakout as he pokes the grumpy teenager in the side with Zabimaru's hilt.
"Gh- I was *not* scared! I was just being **realistic**" He huffs, twitching at the poke to his side, sitting up and batting the offending hilt away.
Renji's smile grew sadistic as he saw the young redhead practically jump away from the hilt.
"Oh, Ichigo~!" Renji sing-songed, creeping up behind the grumpy boy.
"What IS it, Renji-" Said boy cuts himself off the moment he sees the lieutenant's mischevious smile, instantly recognizing the glint in the other's eye. It seems Renji has discovered one of Ichigo's best kept secrets: He is extremely ticklish, stupidly so, and this is a fact that Ichigo hides from anyone and everyone, as he finds it extremely embarrassing and childish.
He'd even managed to keep it from his dad and sisters, they think that he stopped being ticklish shortly after their mother died.
Yet, here he was, exhausted from hours of relentless sparring and a, now forgotten, sense of anxiety and dread. He found himself unable to cover up the twitches from the tickly pokes Renji delivered with Zabimaru's hilt.
Before he could get a chance to prepare himself, Renji pounced, effectively pinning Ichigo's back to the ground, and he wastes no time digging into Ichigo's sides as he straddles the squirming boy's waist all while grinning like a kid in a candy store.
Normally Ichigo would've easily been able to kick Renji off, but the exhaustion mixed with a need for escapism has tanked Ichigo's physical strenght, not to mention Renji had lots of raw physical power himself.
"GAH-!! R-Renji! Get oho- Off!" The usually stoic teen's face had flushed a nice shade of pink and he was desperately pushing down the giggles bubbling up to the surface.
"Pfft- no way man! I had no clue you were ticklish!" Renji scoffs, relishing in making the normally stoic boy crumble to just a few touches. (It was also good revenge as he had just gotten his ass handed to him by Ichigo while sparring- though he'd never admit Ichigo won.)
"I'm nAHT!" Ichigo's voice breaks as a laugh almost sneaks to the surface, colouring the tips of his ears a dusty pink.
"Oh? You're not?~" Renji hums as he raises a single eyebrow at the teen who seemed ready to burst by this point, goofy grin and eyes crinkled with joy.
"Ex-aHA- actly! So you can qUIhit ihIHIT-! SHhhIHIT!" Ichigo swears as Renji slowly crawls up toward the boy's ribs, meticulously rubbing circles to get both on and between each rib, driving the poor guy up the wall.
"Hah! Well you seem pretty frickin' ticklish to me!" He smirks teasingly, leaning in closer to the flustered teen's face while narrowing his eyes.
"DahHamn it! Ihi'm gohoing to kill yoHOU, bAhastard!" He threatened, though it was very much empty, and not very threatening coming from a guy whose face is slowly matchinh the colour of a tomato.
"Hey, where else are ya ticklish?" Renji removed his hands from the teen's ribs, keeping them in a claw shape while hovering over the other.
"Wh- why would I tell you That!?" Ichigo (very manly) squeaked out, never breaking eye-contact with Renji's hovering hands while tugging on his own, which had been pinned under the older man's knees.
Renji looked at Ichigo's face, and when he realized what Ichigo was looking at he experimentally wiggled his fingers, and watching as Ichigo's mouth was warped into a wobbly smile and a blush dusted over the boy's cheeks and ears.
"No way..." Renji smile grew as he realized he could have a lot of fun with this new information.
"What th-the hell do you meAH-" Ichigo screeched as Renji shot his hands toward his sides, but after multiple seconds of giddy waiting the ticklish shocks never came, and as he opened his eyes he's met by Renji's stupid smirk and his hands hovering just above his waist.
"Ihi- AhEM. I'm going to kill you, Renji, I sweAAHA-!" He blushes as he realized what Renji had done, and the smug bastard cut him off by digging his thumbs into Ichigo's hips, causing said boy to gasp and buck before falling back into franically kicking his legs.
"Oho man, the others are going to looove this!" Renji laughed along with Ichigo who had now given up on trying to throw Renji off of him and had his head thrown back with laughter.
"Dohon't you dahare tehell them! Ihi'm gohoing to mahake your lihife a living hehe-AH!" Both boys stop in their tracks at the sudden loud noise the laughing boy let out, and as Renji tries to understand what caused a reaction like that, he realizes his hand was resting on Ichigo's thigh.
Turns out he had squeezed the grumpy teen's thigh as he tried to readjust himself to get easier access to the redhead's waist.
"Renji. Renji don't you fucking dare." Ichigo tried to give said man the sternest look he could, but given he was smiling with suspense and his face was covered in a deep blush, that didn't have much affect other than making Renji want to wreck him.
"Well, now i have to! Sorry not sorry, Ichigo!"
He snickered at the boy's face as he reached back with his hands and started squeezing up and down, immediately throwing the boy into hysterical laughter.
Ichigo throws his head back with laughter, a crimson red bleeding to his neck and ears, and small tears prick the corners of his eyes.
"gYAHAHA! NAHAHA- REHENJI YAHAH- STAHHAHAHAP-! IHI CAHANT- PLEHEAHASE!" Upon hearing Ichigo plea for mercy, he finally lets up and gets off of the breathless boy, letting him breathe and curl into a ball of phantom-tickles and giggles. Seeing him like that, a goofy smile on his face and eyes scrunched up in joy, reminded Renji that the 'Tough' Ichigo was still just a teenage boy, and a small pinch of fondness overcame his heart before being drowned out by the hilarity of the whole scene. The 'tough-guy' farce Ichigo had carefully crafted was completely gone, instead there was a flustered and (totally not happy) smiley boy covered in dust from his previous kicking.
And hey, now Ichigo was back to his- albeit flustered- grumpy self, the anxiety he had earlier is now completely forgotten!
He was so telling Ganju and Rukia later. Maybe even Urahara.
(Extra scene)
Ichigo laughed as Renji grumbled at the bitterness of coffee, something the lieutenant had apparently never heard of before. He saw his opportunity to take revenge when Rukia commented on the lack of depression Ichigo now had.
"Yeah, took a lot of..convincing, but he came around eventually!" Renji added a few wiggly fingers in the air for some extra effect, and relished in the brilliant red that took over Ichigo's face.
"Hey! It wasn't that big a deal!" Ichigo huffed, trying to refute Renji's teasy comment.
"Oh?~" Renji leaned over to Ichigo with a smirk and drummed his fingers on the tabletop, and sure enough the teasing along with the wiggly fingers made Ichigo flush even redder.
"D-don't give me that look!" He indignantly squeaked as he looked away.
Guys. Lee!ichigo is my fuxking blood rn. He's just so easy to tease.
Tags: @nataliewritez , @duckymcdoorknob the ppl who make me wanna write :]
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wackywibrart · 1 year
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☆ Oc-Tober Day 6 // PERSONALITIES
I was unsure if I really wanted to just do 1 oc, so I just decided to do multiple for it! These will consist of all my current Ring Of Satyr main gods!
Going from top left down to bottom right, we have: Lord Embry (Wrath/Pride), Liege Vampbry (Greed/Deceit), Monarch Fatebringer (Fear/Idolatry), Lady Cephabry (Lust/Envy), Cynder (Limbo/Discord), and Lord Grumbry (Gluttony/Sloth)!
Let's start from the top!!
Lord Embry (He/King) This guy is a, lack for the better words, a big brash bully. He is the ruler of the Wrath and Pride rings, and makes SURE you know he owns the place. He's incredibly egotistical and enjoys messing with people for a quick laugh. Though, if you are to piss him off, he has a temper of a bull, and will absolutely kick your ass. Deep down, though, he's a softie if you catch him in the right way.
Liege Vampbry (They/Xe) They're a stotic one, typically prefering to stay to themselves and focus on their work. They come off cold with their monotone short replies and are quick to pass off anyone attempting to be buddy buddy with them, but they are rather understanding if you are to let them know. They enjoy gardening and fostering animal souls, so if you happen to come down to their level there, you can see the hidden nerd they actually are. Officer worker by day, bio nerd by night.
Monarch Fatebringer (She/It/They) She's.... Interesting. She's a brute, a bully, in a very snarky girlbossy way. She's a bringer of death and typically overlooks a lot of things when it comes to common safety concerns. She'd probably push you off a cliff if you joked about it without a moment's hesitation! She enjoys flaunting off her power most of the time and is always confident in her actions. Additionally, she likes to get into mischeif to see where things go. Lets just say she's... definitely... a lot!
Lady Cephabry (She/They/Jewel) An ABSOLUTE sweetheart! She's all about her femininity, making sure her mane is always in tip-top shape for the perfect occassion, like parties! She's a show girl, a party girl, and loves to flaunt her style. However, she also holds a lot of love for those who she's close with. Her motherly nature makes sure all of her citizens and loved oens are well tended too and accomdated if need be. She can be a bit of a hopeless romantic around pretty ladies and enbies. Though, if you fuck up, then you fuck up, and she isn't afraid to let you know that with a stern talk!
Cynder (He/They/Xe) My persona, but also his own character! An outlier to all the others, being very much a young adult. He's a clumsy, impulsive kid constantly striving to do his best and make it out there. Not all of his decisions are the greatest as they're made on the whim, but he's always quick to try and turn it around to a potentially positive thing! He's a hard worker and may overexert himself from time to time due to his dedication. He can be stubborn, though, and may struggle on some responsibilities due to anxiety and his ADHD.
Lord Grumbry (They/Them) I've sorta described them already, but, might as well again! Grumbry is an absolute gentle giant. They're rather slow with their words and have a difficult time understand more complex operations like technology, but have fun learning stuff nonetheless. They're a sweetheart, happy to cater to those who may need an ear to listen too or just have a hug. They're difficult to annoy... though if you manage too... then... It probably won't be a good day for you. They can bite. Hard.
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blissfulalchemist · 2 years
What Greek God is Your OC?
Tagged by: @strafethesesinners @adelaidedrubman and @dihardys to take this uquiz for some kids. I rolled dice for this one so have four of them. Tagging: @belorage @heroofpenamstan @florbelles @blackreaches @jackiesarch @confidentandgood @indorilnerevarine @themarcspector @shellibisshe @shallow-gravy @leviiackrman and anyone else that wants too!
double, double toil and trouble. yeah you don't really get much facetime in the myths but you're literally the god of magic and dogs so stay winning. mysterious goth energy, does she really do complete dark rituals or is that just her vibe. no one knows and you're not telling
i mean this in the kindest way possible, you give off huge autistic lesbian vibes. oh you're living in the isolated wilderness? hmm. only with women? yes uh huh. if we're following myths as metaphors you have literal trans egg cracking energy so doubly good for you.
You somehow manage to balance perfectly fisherman vibes and i will pursure decades of vengance for a single slight vibes. so thats very cool! just keep doing your yoga or whatever it is that keeps you cool. And maybe warn the people in your life that you wrath is legendary and not to be messed with.
you literally were born and then invented mischeif. like you were a newborn and you immidiately inbented theivery and then lying. go you. you are the living embodiment of chaotic neutral. Yes people are so annoyed by you sometimes, but you are so unbelievably charming that you get away with everything. who doesn't love a charming rogue
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clonesupport · 2 years
Which Greek god do you share vibes with
thank you for tagging me @socially-awkward-skeleton and @natesofrellis for doing this quiz!💕
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being a sibling is great, you share everything, your other brothers get the sea and the sky, you get the land of the dead. cool!!! thats fine. you're just doing your own thing anyway, i mean seriously every time you see what other people are doing and you're like 'well fuck my life may not be perfect but at least i don't have that level of drama'. so that's nice. you keep doing you
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You somehow manage to balance perfectly fisherman vibes and i will pursure decades of vengance for a single slight vibes. so thats very cool! just keep doing your yoga or whatever it is that keeps you cool. And maybe warn the people in your life that you wrath is legendary and not to be messed with.
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you literally were born and then invented mischeif. like you were a newborn and you immidiately inbented theivery and then lying. go you. you are the living embodiment of chaotic neutral. Yes people are so annoyed by you sometimes, but you are so unbelievably charming that you get away with everything. who doesn't love a charming rogue
i tag @sstewyhosseini @confidentandgood and anyone who wants to do this!
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bat-connoisseur · 2 years
I think you deserve a nice ordinary ask so tell us what you would do if you had a pet pokemon (species your choice)
oh hell yeah
Alright firstly I'd have multiple pokemon I think. Could not settle for just one yannow?
I'd like a Galvantula, but I'd get it as a Joltik. Why a Galvantula? Well I fucking love bug pokemon. I love big insects. And Galvantula are furry and I bet they would love to clamber on you and perhaps join you as you nap because you are warm. I have this vivid mental image of one curled up with all its little legs tucked in lying on your chest. I'd like to get it as a joltik because 1) that's a fuckign LITTLE GUY right there, and 2) because I feel like it would be the best way to establish a bond and trust, and because a little beast would be more manageable to train. If a big ass spider decides to get into mischeif then that'd be more damage than a tiny little tic, so any accidents or bad habits that need to be trained about would be easiest dealt with then. Especially because it couldn't administer as intense shocks as its evolved form!!!! A poorly trained Galvantula could ruin your day FAR easier than a little joltik.
In terms of environment, things would have to be thoroughly spider-proofed, and adequate climbing equipment provided, but I would be more than happy to accomodate that. I'm assuming here I have all relevant resources to set up a very nice space for it, and I'd happily figure out how to create good enrichment and safe areas for climbing, shocking, building webs, etc. It'd be enrichment for both of us! It is carnivorous, but I'm not opposed to feeding it chicks and stuff. That's nature baeby! Not that much different to feeding a snake I'd imagine.
I can't see if they are truly communal, but they seem to live/attack in groups? So I'd then probably get a second Galvantula, again as a Joltik. I'm once again assuming I have the space and resources to properly house them. Can't have my beloved beast getting lonley!!!
I'd also like to get a Zubat. This could pose some issues with the Galvantulas, since they would build webs, but if I could convince them to keep their webbing to a specific room, some kind of Spider Hangout Room, it probably wouldn't be too much of an issue. Galvantula are specifically stated to feed on the young of bird pokemon that can't fly, so that may work in the Zubat's favour. However I'd probably endeavour to make sure any interactions are supervised until they become properly aquainted and aware of each other (and the zubat of its surroundings, since they are blind). It does seem to be canon that pokemon of different species are very capable of bonding and becoming friends, so should introductions go well, hopefully the Galvantulas and Zubat would be able to bond. That being said, while it's still a Zubat, I'd continue to supervise so that the Galvantulas don't hurt it by accident. I'd only leave them alone when it evolves and is more resilient (and can see, i feel like that'd help).
I'd probably have a designated aviary for it, kept fairly dark and with nice perches and an interesting layout. Zubat are very sensitive to sunlight, according to bulbapedia, so yet another reason to supervise it outside of this setting, and while it's a Zubat limit its roaming time around the rest of the house to evenings. Recall training would also probably be very important to start early, since as it evolves and gets bigger it would have to be taken outside to get the exercise it needs.
It's not clear what they eat, but I'm going to go out on a limb and call them omnivorous. Crobat can feed on blood but I feel like they are too big and active for that to be the only thing they eat, you know? So I'd feed it a mixed diet of fruits, insects, and perhaps some animal blood too.
Zubat are very social, and while it could get company in the form of the Galvantulas and myself, I feel like it would need company in the form of another bat pokemon. That being said, Crobat and Golbat are very big, so I'd probably go for a Woobat instead. They also seem to be nocturnal, and their whole thing is being kind and sweet and I think they could get on very well. They could huddle together while they sleep (something that seems to be very important for Zubat), and while they are modelled off of fruit bats, they are specifically stated to eat insects (and hunt in caves and dark forests, hence the nocturnal assumption), so that would be a bonus also.
Now, there could be an issue mixing bug pokemon with two noted Insectivores, but in this case I think it would be alright. You see, I really doubt that Galvantula are the prey of either of these species- they are big, fully evolved pokemon for one, and electric types, which would be far too big of a risk for the half-flying crobat and swoobat. And, once again, pokemon of different species and types have been very clearly shown to be able to create bonds of friendship. It's pokemon logic. gotta suspend your disbelief somewhere lol.
Quick note- uhh there's a lot of pokemon I love that i wouldn't have as a pet. Most of my favourites, in fact, would be terrible. I love ghost types but the majority of them eat souls and I'm not sure I could accomodate that. Honestly the Galvantula are a risk, since they can paralyse you, but being fully evolved I think that they would have a good grasp on their abilities. Also, in the anime at least, they are pretty friendly. Plus it's a risk I'm willing to take. You have no idea how much I wish Galvantula were real. I think about it every day.
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fenmirth · 2 years
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every ship needs their resident troublemakers!
T'jial (she/they) and Leto (they/he) weren't actually supposed to be on the Florence. They were originally assigned to a galaxy-class ship, but due to general mischeif they were demoted, and later reassigned to the Florence. i havent decided which class the Florence is yet but its a smaller explorer-type ship designed for deep space travel, with a far lighter crew. Having two cadets aboard a ship primarily made of senior and well-established officers is... interesting.
T'jial wants to work in engineering, especially with an interest in warp core management and navigation. Shes reserved and observant like any good vulcan, but is still a child at heart and just cant help but be a distraction to others. T'jials parents are both high-ranking starfleet officers, and theyre dismayed at their daughters lack of control.
Leto wants to be captain some day like their mother. They're curious and nosey and easily bored. Leto likes to think of themself as the leader of the two of them, always coming up with plans and ideas. back at the academy Leto had a bunch of lackys, willing to mess around at his command. Of course, starfleet academy caught wind of this and gave him an ultimatum: behave or leave. Leto ended up staying, but with a different schedual as to cut him off from the rest of the group. Now on the Florence, leto is attached to T'jial.
Theyre friends, but probably a little too depenant on eachother - but thats growing up for you!
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highfivepizza · 2 years
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new legacy!
here's sweet dan dailey making and eating eggs and toast. gonna keep this casual, bc he's a casual guy.
legacy rolls for gen one:
mixed single (must have biological and adopted children)
children: 2
career: tech guru (esport gamer)
generational goal: memorial // the heir, along with any spouses or helpers, must be memorialized this generation, by a sim with maxed skill in the relevant crafting skill, painting, photography or writing. memorials may consist of a painted portrait, a photograph, a biography or a book of life. each memorial can be crafted by a differnt sim if you want, and they do not have to all be the same type, though they should all be displayed together. (fun!)
miscellaneous fun: mischief managed //your sim must play a successful prank once every week from the time they age into a teen. Pranks include: Making a prank call (mischief 3+), clogging drains at other lots (mischief 5+), calling to play hooky (mischief 6+), sabotaging a rocket ship (mischeif 8+), using a stink potion (mental 10+), sabotaging objects and sims (tormenter reward trait), and any prank options performed with a partner in crime (mischief 4+). (lol i hate mischief, but whatever - i'll play!)
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daylight-404 · 1 month
hi!! I’m Daylight. Or Toaster. You pick which to use for me.
I’m 19, genderfluid and use any pronouns!!
If you’re here you probably got here from one of my pkmn irl/rotomblr blogs. or. you were here before the cress move. uh. hi!!! sorry.
Most posts will be spontaneous or about pokemon, but I will TRY to talk about my other interests (albeit there is WAY too many to list) you’re probably gonna see me draw a character from one of them before I list it down.
Ongoing/growing list of shit I like, I guess:
Pokemon, MHA/BNHA, Demon Slayer, Splatoon(+Coroika!!), FNAF, Sonic, MLP, JJBA, Danganronpa, Undertale/Deltarune(+The AUs of these), MH+EAH, Steven Universe, The Owl House, Pokemon BW anime (this is its own classification)
POKEMON IRL BLOG LIST (in no actual order with the least serious descriptions I could manage)
1. @watered-cress — the one and only cress himself. The boy. He’s doing horribly.
2. @chili-striaton — Chili. Yeah..
3. @badlydrawnweedshipping — AU Cheren, tw/cw warming for alcohol mentions and addiction!
4. @amnesiac-warden — INGO *explodes*
5. @viridians-yellow — the healerrrrrrr
6. @icebound-cheren — another AU for cheren, this time bro is Elsa.
7. @rival-cheren — silly guy. what could go wrong
8. @trubbish-devotion — oleana. no further context required.
9. @rotten-applin-core — selfoc blog with the fact I took a quiz for what ancestor I was and got cogita somehow.
10. @bldorng-vriesea — Giacomo sibling oc (and partially acting shiny archive unless I’ve put a shiny somewhere else)
11. @opalescentpurple — Opal. The wizardddddd
12. @palossand-archival — natural history organisation blog.
13. @sky-prof-v — magma and aqua blogs pls interact it’d be funny
14. @fiery-star-defense — mela!!
15. @hoenn-league-directs — hoenn league blog. what can I say.
16. @hizuuumi-imuuuzih — the giratina spawn escaped containment and is summoning every shiny that contains the colours yellow and blue in PLA for some reason.
17. @human-plasma — I had a vision but it’s kinda. dead.
18. @lumios-bolts — CLEMON *explodes*
19. @no-1-cacturne-stan — Harley (derogatory)
20. @mariella-rockets — kinda wip?? Sorta?? I’ll get back to her I swear.
21. @mischeif-in-nimbasa — same as above
22. @tyria-bvg — Tyria!! the silly oc. There are no thoughts in her head other than bugs and girls
23. @sacrimora-champ — fakemon region champion.
24. @unovas-living-history — just a handful of my ancestor ocs.. yeah.
25. @smeargle-anon —genuinely shocked that handle wasn’t taken. that has to be a crime.
26. @galactic-phobetor — team galactic 12 y/o with cotards syndrome. dubbed evil allister by my brother for some reason.
27. @circhester-honeydew — heavy headcanon based portrayal of gordie’s sister (featured canonically only in melony’s concept art)
28. @flower-not-of-this-world — faller ver of rhinedottir. heavily headcanon based
29. @ice-typed-yang — faller ver of Chongyun (warning for general confusion)
30. @timid-kieran — au version of Kieran. Absolute goober.
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justalilsalt · 4 years
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Mischief Managed.
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wizardswheezez · 5 years
- Sirius Black -
When I drink alcohol, everyone calls me alcoholic.
but when I drink Fanta nobody calls me Fantastic.
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What Remus did and didn’t notice
Sirius and Remus were friends, that’s all. At least that’s what Remus told himself when he caught himself staring at Sirius for too long or when he realised that he was scribbling Sirius’s name across small corners of his study notes when it got too late at night. Sirius and Remus were just friends. Remus forcing himself to focus in class and to not watch Sirius. To not get lost in the way Sirius’s face would light up when he caused the smallest bit of mischief. Remus was so caught up in preserving his friendship with Sirius, he didn’t notice Sirius start pushing the boundaries of their friendship himself. Remus didn’t notice the way Sirius shuffled slightly closer to him whenever they sat next to each other. Remus didn’t notice the way Sirius was already pouring Remus’s glass of pumpkin juice for him without asking. Remus didn’t notice the reason Sirius lost concentration whilst studying was because he was too busy watching Remus himself. Remus did notice however the day Sirius sat down next to him in the library after a particularly rough full moon and slowly slid his hand over to interlock pinky fingers and allow his foot to bump the others slightly. Remus did notice that day how close Sirius sat next to him. Remus did notice how much effort Sirius had put into his hair that day. Remus did then the anxious shaky breathes of Sirius as Sirius’s pinky reached for Remus’s. Remus did notice later that night Sirius’s wild grey eyes getting closer before closing with Sirius’s hand holding his face.
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jfpisadearqueerdeer · 5 years
Sirius, Remus, and Tonks' Funeral
Since Sirius never got a proper funeral, Harry sets it up so that he has one with Remus and Tonks (even though there is no body, he still believes Sirius deserves a funeral).
Since Remus and Sirius don't have many people to give them a eulogy, Harry asks Minerva McGonagall to do so. She nearly cries when he asks and definitely cries during the eulogies.
She talks about the good old days when they were just school boys, pranksters, (lovers)... She tells stories about the two marauders that were less attached at the top, more intertwined at the heart.
Charlie gives Tonks' eulogy, with Teddy in his arms, and he tries not to cry, but when Teddy wails in confusion and his hair color switches to pink, everyone in the audience can see a few tears slip down Charlie's cheek.
Obviously, Bill, Penny, Tulip, Andre, Liz, and Barnaby are there as well and when Charlie can't seem to finish his speech, they take over for him, telling stories about the girl they had once been best friend's with.
Tulip and Penny tell the story of how Tonks got them together, and appreciatively look at their adoptive children, Primrose, who is four years old, and Basil, who is less than a year old.
The funeral ends with Harry casting a spell, spelling out the words “Mischeif Managed” in the sky.
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kallura-icedcoffee · 5 years
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Yes I know I haven’t updated my Kallura witch au fic Mischief Managed in ages. Yes I commissioned art for it anyway cause I love it and am always thinking about it. Yes I promise I’m still working on it and will update it soon!
Thank you as always @kireiscorner!
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Feeling cute 2day. This is my 2nd selfie, and I feel great after a nap.
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