#misc: rambling
katsigian · 3 months
says the person who currently has 8 ongoing oc projects and is stalling out because they want to get them all done in the next ten minutes but will not and it's irritating them since they have nothing to share yet
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the-phantom-peach · 7 months
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skyward sword… yeah <3
Crimson Loftwing
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
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Can we please take a moment to appreciate this latest chat photo?
I would make Solomon talk to every cat for me. Be my kitty translator I need to know all about that precious baby’s life.
Barbatos, darling, give me those books they look stupid heavy. He calls that paperwork in the chat.
I love them both so much it makes me silly.
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tyxaar · 8 months
A compiled list of various severe crimes committed by one Mr Scar of the Good Times, exact counts pending. Cannibalism (Multiple counts) War profiteering Trading of Souls Grave robbing Fraud of multiple varieties Racketeering Arson (Like a lot of it) Unethical experimentation Acts of Terror Spiritual possession Contract killing Sale of human remains Ritual sacrifice Perpetuating Police Brutality Domestic Terrorism Oathbreaking Violation of the real life Geneva Convention Deceptive marketing Kidnapping Desecration of a sacred place Whatever tf Area 77 had going on Insider trading Extortion Patricide Matricide Unsafe building practices Holy war Desecration of corpses Market manipulation Treason Tax evasion Murder (Lots and lots) Large-scale extreme vandalism Mass enviromental destruction Political corruption Identity fraud
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jellolegos · 28 days
Katie Mcgrath suit thread? 👀👀👀
I will be totally honest I cannot find it on here (so I guess it may have been twitter) but the thesis of the thread was that i think some of her suits on supergirl were not tailored correctly (or at least as good as I think they could've been).
I think quite a few of the suits were too high, ending at the top/midline of her hips rather than closer to the bottom. One of the more egregious examples I can think of are these two blue ones.
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To me, it's not the best tailoring for her figure. She's got a little bit of a curvier figure with wider hips and a softer shoulder line, so for ex high-waisted pants fits look GREAT but the suit tailoring not so much...
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When you're trying to fit a suit like this I think the focus generally tends to be creating that clean inverse triangle or rectangular look, and having the suit jacket end midway to the hip makes that illusion harder to maintain. The (mis)understanding of her proportions is really really clear when comparing some of the secret business suits and supergirl ones.
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She obviously looks great in both, but I think you can kinda see how 1) the crossing of the lapels brings out her shoulders and 2) how the slightly longer cut (literally just like a couple of centimeters) gives that nicer hourglass look. I doubt the secret bridesmaids business' budget for wardrobe was bigger than supergirl's (though I could be wrong!), so its not about cost but rather about understanding the proportions of the person you're dressing if that makes sense.
disclaimner that i am definitely not an expert (currently sitting in a pair of mens boxers and an ikea shirt I got 5 years ago since its my wfh day). I also have a build that regularly gets me confused for a 14 year old boy when I am not wearing my big girl corporate clothes so I don't have personal experience in a bodytype that is similar to hers, but those are just my unsolicited opinions as someone who owns a few suits for work and is looking for any excuse to bash on the cw :)
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von-valancius · 4 months
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god gives his loudest rooms of people to his most autistic soldiers. Why does he do that
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hiddenmisc · 22 days
Hi, can I rant about the Overlord for a second?
Too bad I'm doing it anyway I've been re-watching ninjago so I can FINALLY watch Dragon's rising and just finished season 2 and oh my god look how GOOFY the Overlord in Garmadon's body is!
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Face built like the Temu Ender dragon and it gets worse when you realize that the lip flaps are not in sync at all.
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His dumb little hands are so stupid there were like, 5 close up shots on them in the second to last episode no ninjago season 2 I do not want to see those cursed grippers put that away-
Anyway I have more dumb screenshots that made me giggle uncontrollably trust me guys I tried to take the ending seriously (and I did for the most part that shit was fire ngl) but it's hard when the villain's built like a knock of minifig
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and also this shot where he just stands there as Lloyd fucking blasts him to kingdom come is hilarious its like:
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He stand
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Not art but I just had to let the people know that I think this goofy ahh character model is extremely difficult to take seriously
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misc-magic · 1 month
Okay. I have something on my mind, so I'm gonna talk about it!!
Often when I read fics, people will say how honored they are when I express that I like it. It doesn't happen every time or anything, but it's happened enough that I notice it. And like I get it, I have so much OM fics on my side blog it's almost problematic. But it always confuses me when people are surprised that I like their writing.
And I think the reason is because so many people don't actually understand what makes writing good.
Sure, I've spent plenty of time studying the craft of writing. I've been writing seriously for a number of years that I'd rather not disclose, actually. But none of that is what makes my writing good.
Yeah, if you asked me, I could break down each of my works for you and explain the different writing techniques and pieces. I could get really detailed about it. But again. This is not what makes my writing good.
Maybe you think you can't call yourself a writer. Maybe you think your writing is amateur. Maybe you think these things because if someone asked you, you wouldn't be able to break down the techniques like I can.
But the truth is that we, humans, are natural storytellers. You don't need to have studied the craft to be able to use it. You grow up learning it the way you learn how to speak your native tongue - naturally. Storytelling is already inside of you.
So if that's the case, then what makes writing good?
You are the thing that makes your writing good. When I get excited about reading someone's work, it's because I can see them in it. They are writing a story that I could never hope to get close to because I'm not them. It's their voice, their unique experience, their passion. That is what makes writing good.
It's all subjective. But I can't help reading things from a writer's perspective. And because of that, I can see the creator behind the story. I can see them weaving pieces of themselves into it, whether they meant to or not. And when people do that, without trying so hard to make it "good," I can tell. And I love it. I love to see that little glimpse of someone's soul.
So please, keep writing. If it makes you happy and you want to do it, don't let fear hold you back. You're the only one who can write like you.
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foldingfittedsheets · 9 months
Fuuuuuck. The new comic is up to 13 pages and I still haven’t stuck the landing. Fuck… do I ruthlessly cut or do I lean in and make it a three parter?
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musubiki · 11 months
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the cat witch is insufferable
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vorpal-sworpal · 3 months
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Pictures alone aren’t enough to express exactly how feral this event is making me
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
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splat-details · 1 day
DON'T FEEL BAD- Girl Power Station gave 90% of Splatoon players a hell of a time when OE first released, and a lot of players still have trouble with it (myself included). It's easy to get overwhelmed, and even competitive players from all regions had trouble.
There's a reason the Parallel whateveritscalled boss in Side Order gave people OE flashbacks 😂
i remember it took me a super long time on my main playthrough, and i cant imagine the lag from using an emulator is helping xP
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kalak · 2 years
It's so funny that Luke is at such proximity with royalty but he himself .. isn't one. His sister's a princess, his mother was a queen, his father's the Emperor's right hand man, and yet he's just a moisture boy, from a moisture farm, with moisture thoughts
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risetherivermoon · 9 months
merry christmas and shoutout to all of the autistic people who struggle with showing thanks for gifts, i see you i am you,
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