#late night nonsense posting
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misc-obeyme · 9 months ago
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Can we please take a moment to appreciate this latest chat photo?
I would make Solomon talk to every cat for me. Be my kitty translator I need to know all about that precious baby’s life.
Barbatos, darling, give me those books they look stupid heavy. He calls that paperwork in the chat.
I love them both so much it makes me silly.
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misc-magic · 4 months ago
Sometimes I feel like I’m pouring myself into a world that only returns silence. But I can’t tell if it’s because nobody is there or if it’s just that I can’t hear them.
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exhausted-archivist · 3 months ago
Concepts that I didn’t want to think about but my brain won’t shut off:
1) Cullen should have been a companion vs advisor. The man likes to be active and do things. He’s not a papers guy. Plus while popular most people (statistically) do not know his whole story so he is really easy to explore for both new and old players.
2) We could explore his trauma from dao-da2 while also seeing him work on his recovery - his story would continue to NOT be about redemption, but about working on his sobriety and de-radicalization.
3) By having Cullen as a companion and exploring his story, it would have really brought forward the previously established nuance of the Templars. It would have put the humanization of the Templars front and center - the stuff that’s been buried in codices and ambient dialogue and banter for the past two games. One of those “shouldn’t be the cheese is under the sauce” topics to be honest.
4) Blackwall would have been better suited for the Commander role. He’s led troops before, he “has” wings of valor. As a grey warden it would have still fit his role as remaining non-political because the Wardens are still Andrastian and most of Thedas doesn’t count that as a reason to bar people. Would further push the “Chantry is overstepping their bounds” while also pushing the claim that the Inquisition is NOT Chantry affiliated. Would have made the reveal much juicier.
5) If you did swap Cassandra with Cullen, Cassandra would still pop up in the field. It is weird for a commander to not travel where they’re needed for the army. Plus Cassandra likes to physically handle problems. She’d help establish new keeps, strengthen the Inquisition’s hold else where, investigate the missing seekers, ect. It would also stop the conflict of her only having Templar abilities which as a Seeker she shouldn’t have the same abilities. Similar but different.
6) Even if Cullen stayed as commander we should have seen him in the field more. He is a strategist, a leader, and used to being hands on. Plus he’s too afraid of not having control because he’s never been in control so he’d be traveling just to make sure he was giving his all to the Inquisition like he did the Chantry but also not being like Meredith.
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tragedy-machine · 9 months ago
Angsty idea: what if a witch had cursed Edwin while he was alive telling him something like “you’ll experience hell three times” and making it impossible for him to tell someone about it, and at first he doesn’t know what she’s talking about, but then he dies and goes to hell
He escapes and is dragged there for a second time after 30 years of freedom
But he knows there’s a third time waiting for him, he doesn’t know if he believes he’ll be able to escape it that one final time
So whenever Charles hugs him and tells him he’ll protect Edwin and that he won’t ever let him go to hell again, Edwin just knows it’s not true, but all he can do is nod and smile at his friend
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goblin-enjoyer · 1 year ago
Normalize the tf2 mercs as being absolute genetic freaks of nature under the hood. Medic is crazy and we know he gets paid good so he’s probably got lots of bits in his bin if you know what I mean.
Pyro is straight up nonhuman. Pyro is a fire elemental that the Mann brothers have bound to a hazmat suit and medic made a real boy by giving them meat. Not making her a human body mind you, but rather every time he gets damaged, instead of bursting into flames meat forms around the wound and it bleeds instead of letting the inner crea tur out.how? Wizard. Moving on.
Soldier has massive lungs that make him 20% more louder. If he was smarter he could probably echolocate his way around. That or sound attacks idk he eats wizard pills he could have hollow bones for all I know. Sure he has hallow bones now for rocket jumping. Im the one typing I get to make nonsense on the fly.
Medic put pigeon dna in scout and that’s how he makes his trademark milk-like substance. How this happens you may ask? Scout saw medics doves have sex while getting his second Uber heart surgery and said “man I wish I could pick up chicks that well” and medic said “good idea I will help you with this” and then looked at the camera and smirked. The administrator does not spectate medics lab/operation room/dove breeding center anymore. Also scouts immune to radiation due to all the bonk he ingests, though sometimes he does become radioactive sometimes. 
We already know that demoman’s body creates alcohol and that he has a ghost eye, but did you know that if you shoot him with some sort of piercing explosive round he will combust into flames. I… I couldn’t really think of anything for demoman I don’t play him as much.
Engineer always wishes he could have kids, but doesn’t want to have sex. That and he removed most of his reproductive/unnecessary/extra/mid organs with machine parts like 30 years ago. So after the events of the games and comics where everyone is happy and junk, he teams up with medic to make himself some half robot half human half whatever dell conagher is at that point at time children. He asks if medic ever want kids he can do the same for him but he declines as at this point in time he has perfected the art of male impregnation.(on various ape parts) dell is a great father and yes I added this part because the whole humanized sentry thing that went around a while ago touched my heart because despite the words of almost every engineer main everywhere I get so attached to the sentries I build that I die a little bit inside every time I die and my buildings get sapped and I have to just watch as my babies get destroyed. I get too attached to my buildings to play engineer
Heavy doesn’t stop growing, similar to that of a reptile. His skin is as thick as a rhinos. He hibernates for a month in summer because I said so. He has accidentally killed/crushed medic before and is now eternally cautious when in bed with him. Medic doesn’t mind, he knows what he’s gotten himself into. Heavy can also talk to birds like a Disney princess. Medic didn’t add any bird parts for this to happen he just was always like this.
Sniper can dislocate every bone in his body and go through cracks that are at least the size of his head. He will use this to show up in the most unexpected places imaginable. Is legally classified as an tardigrade in some places due to his ability to be fine in almost any place (volcano,Arctic,sewer system, a walk in closet so large it took him 5 weeks to get out, space that one time). Can go up to a year without eating (the team found this out at the same time they figured out the space thing). Swallows things whole.
Spy can shift his flesh around to disguise as almost anything, keeps the mass and weight though. Breaths mostly through his skin so he doesn’t cough due to his decrepit lungs. Was hit by a car once. Doesn’t have anything to do with the subject matter of the tf2 mercs being freakish beings with human skin but I just wanted to include it here.
Medic. What isn’t medic? The only thing consistent with his biology is that he can regenerate somehow. He alters his body so much that it is roughly equivalent to 1 tyranid hive fleet and 2,million ork painboys.(the tf2 mercs would be more likely to work for the orks than to ever work for one of the human factions in 40k and I just needed to get that off my chest) This is how he manages to get away with all the things he’s done. Banned from this continent? Just become a new person who’s not banned from that continent and presto you’re good! The laws don’t account for the ship of Theseus!
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sunflower-enj0lras · 2 months ago
"Enjolras and Cosette as siblings/twins hc makes no sense in canon, cosette dosnt even have blond hair- "
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bearotonin-international · 1 year ago
whyyy no sleepies for the team?? the team is in bed trying to do the sleepies but the sleepies are evading us boooo
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rayhan-is-better · 2 months ago
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Happy Tuesday to all those who celebrate // Sabrina Carpenter
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aphelea · 2 years ago
if i was sophie i would become one of those supernatural investigators with a youtube channel except i would get my elf friends to be the "supernatural creatures" using their abilities. ignore the neverseen and join my youtube channel sort of thing
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lagunapoint · 5 months ago
oh guys I tried so hard not to disappear during these hellish weeks. Your reposts and thoughts saved my mental health. I love you all so much Solavellan part of the fandom. I’ve got one day off ahead haha so I’m launching my canon playthrough of DAI right now, from almost the very first save. Is it normal to replay the same game in circles, just going back to early saves?
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
I know we all like to think that Solomon probably has a back up plan for making MC immortal, but do you ever consider how he would be if MC just stayed mortal and aged normally?
He notices when they start to get little aches and pains. He sees the streaks of grey that start to show up in their hair. In the blink of an eye, they're using a cane and their entire head is silver - just like his.
You know he would dote on them in their older years. He would make them special canes or walkers. He would make them potions to help with arthritis. He would come up with magical ways to deal with all the inconveniences of their aging body.
He would find ways to help them with their day to day without making them feel like they're too old to be independent.
Solomon would cherish those years. Every day he would have these complicated feelings about it. Yes, he's watching his adorable apprentice, the one he loves, grow old, leading inevitably to their death. But he's also seeing them experience a phase of life that he will never get to. And all the while, they'll still be younger than him by thousands of years.
And I think that for as long as it exists, he would visit MC's grave. Probably yearly, on the anniversary of the day he lost them.
There's been a lot of speculation about that card where he's crying at someone's grave and who that grave belongs to. But what if that grave is ours?
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misc-magic · 3 months ago
Blahhhh even in this stupid state of eternal summer (Fl*rida), I get seasonal depression. It gets dark too early and I get so melancholy all evening it takes all I have not to write stupid vague angst posts and terrible sad poetry. It’s so annoying. And I’m like incapable of normal conversation.
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puella-peanut · 2 years ago
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Another day, another picture of TIG towering over everyone else without evening trying. And he’s not even standing straight either, trying to tilt and angle himself to appear a more socially acceptable height. I can’t with this giant man, lmao.
Out here making Billy (6’0) and Marty (6’2) look fun sized! As for little Ralph…bless him, he barely makes it to TIG’s shoulder height, and the man’s not even standing straight. 😭🥹
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relivethisdream · 19 days ago
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tommonottoday · 2 months ago
Have you ever woken up at 1AM with a hankering for yogurt—so you get a bowl and then somehow delve into the process and making of the food because you're tired and don't know how it's made and go down into a rabbit hole?
That's how it feels to drive a Ford F-250.
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bearotonin-international · 2 years ago
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time to shake off the gunk of the day and go to bed
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