#misandrist bs
actualadvocacybruh · 18 days
Sad to report …
The vtubers have discovered what a pick me is and a lot of them are running with it
Been investigating after a friend in the space told me and holy shit they are legit just copy and pasting the shit Pearlythings said during he Tate riding bs
Makes sense from an economic standpoint as most viewers are young men so catering to their insecurities and depression will make them more financially supportive and more likely to keep watching this supporting ad placement
But the comments and chats are filled with incel bs and active recruitment for mgtow and red pill ideology
And one recently took a stroll through a mgtow Reddit and found about a dozen comments from Twitter and this site of misandrists saying the usual god awful bs meaning there is no way in hell they can be dragged away from that path as she just openly shit on women as a whole and actively said she hated herself for being one (chat was supportive of her being “one of the good ones” though)
Fuck me it’s so depressing to see ….
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lupon · 2 years
When will terfs realize that the reason they hate trans women so much is because of the deep-rooted misogynistic belief that femininity is inferior to masculinity. They hate the idea of someone they interpret as a man being feminine because throughout history, women have been the "weaker" gender prone to emotional outbursts and irrationality. Men "stooping down" to femininity when they're supposed to be strong and reliant scares them.
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fleursforfall · 1 year
how could u say that I “hate men”??? I LITERALLY have male friends 😩
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sunnist4rs · 3 months
Common Radfem Terms:
I’ve noticed that the radfem community uses a lot of acronyms which can be confusing for newbies so I figured I’d make a list of popular ones:
Troon- trans goons basically saying being trans is a trend and they’re all sheep who follow the same programming
TRA- Trans right activist, used to compare anyone who fights/supports Trans rights to misogynistic Men’s rights activists
TIM- Trans identifying male, a man who thinks he’s/identifies as a female
TIF- Trans identifying female, a woman who thinks she’s/identifies as a male
SSA- same sex attracted, eg. Gay men and lesbian woman
OSA- opposite sex attracted, eg. Straight
BSA- both sex attracted, eg. Bisexual
AFAB/AMAB- not really TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist) terms, they’re used more generally but they mean assigned female/male at birth (so your sex not gender)
🦎- the lizard emoji is used to represent De-Trans people or detransitioners
MTF/FTM and MtT/FtT- the first acronyms show someone’s transitioned from male to female/female to male and the second says they’ve transitioned from male/female to a transexual (as nothings actually changed)
Genderist/Gendies- someone who believes that gender is a spectrum
FEBFEM- female exclusive bisexual female, a female bisexual who only dates other females
Moid- a derogatory word for man
Incel/femcel- a man/woman who consider themselves unable to attract the opposite sex, this can cause them to lash out at attractive people from/the opposite sex in general
Mutilation- used to describe transitional surgery
Tranorexia- the idea that being transgender is similar to being anorexic where the solution is accepting one’s self as they are (a common arguement for this is you wouldn’t tell an anorexic to eat less as treatment for their disorder so why perform surgery to deal with gender disphoria)
Transbian- a transgender woman who calls herself a lesbian AKA a straight man
YWNBAW- stands for ‘you will never be a woman’ which is pretty self explanatory
Gyn(s)- a way of saying woman/female/girl without the male at the end, almost like the female version of guy/dude, has positive connotations
Febfem- a bisexual woman who only dates other woman
Liberal feminism/libfems- ‘feminists’ who spend their time supporting p0rn/sexw0rk, marching for trans men’s rights and letting men enter the movement because “feminism is for everyone!!” (It very much is not, imagine any other oppressed group inviting their oppressor into their spaces to “join our movement!!” It’s just stupid).
Some more terms can be found here (this list is made for TRAs so they phrase our opinions negatively it’s still a glossary):
If you have any questions or terms you’d like me to add please let me know ^^
Here’s a link to my post on common terf phrases/jokes:
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modernsleepingbeauty · 8 months
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happy10thousandyears · 11 months
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Designs &practice
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tornapartbythorns · 9 months
About Me 💜🕷
-I'm 19 years old.
-I am extremely pro-abortion and pro-woman. My political ideals mainly revolve around how they affect women and girls in a positive manner. I.e., being anti-prostitution, anti-child marriage, and supporting female-only spaces.
-I'm childfree by choice and don't like being around children. I also believe that having children is an act of insecurity and selfishness for many people (speficially males).
-I hate males and trans"women" (aka males). My sex is not a social construct, and gender is the regressive stereotypes pushed upon the sexes. Males are deranged, perpetrate most crime and have tortured women for millenia. Feminism didn't turn me into a misandrist, and TERFs didn't turn me into a TERF. Listening to males and being around trans"women" did.
-I believe that gender is made-up bullshit. Enough said.
-I hate both liberals and conservatives. Both despise women and girls, are obsessed with making us insecure, and love to tear us apart and silence us. Just because I support ideas associated with either side does not mean that I belong to said party. Partisanism is the death of rationality and free-thought.
-I'm heterosexual but I love my lesbian and bisexual sisters. I also support gay men.
-I've been a feminist since I was 14. However, I was a libfem at first and supported the LGBTQIA2P+ and "sex work is empowering" bs. I peaked when I was 17, due to reading news articles about rapes committed by trans"women" and listening to their bullshit claims of having a period. Listening to the stories of sex trafficking survivors also made me realize that sex-work is a living hell for women, and feeds off of vulnerable girls and women (i.e., women of color, improvised girls and women, etc.).
-I am not a friendly feminist by any means. I will not suck up to manipulative, whiny bullshit. Buzzwords will not work on me as well. Idgaf if you call me a bigot or ignorant. I was an obnoxious liberal; I know how you guys think and respond to women's boundaries. I care about females and females only.
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What squad you choose during the the magic knights exam says a lot about you.
If all hands supposedly rose up for you, and you chose Golden Dawn, you're prolly an elf, ambitious or both
If you join the eagles, you're either straight, elitist, closeted or a combination of that
if you join the lions, your political views are prolly moderate to tolerant, you're really about serving the people, honor, training your body physically and sometimes abt machismo
If you join the Blue roses and you're a woman, you are either suffering trauma from men, are a misandrist or feminist, or you're lesbian. If you're a man, you want to be stepped on by a woman
If you join the black bulls, you're def queer or completely straight there is no spectrum. But mentally, all of you are definitely on the spectrum.
If you join the coral peacocks and you're a man, you're def flamboyant or suppressing it. But for the most part, you're there because you thought you'd have it easy cus the Captain is sleeping all the time or whatever
If you join the aqua deers, you definitely chose it because the Wizard King was from that squad and you hoped that the squad will help you become a magic knight like him or whatever but what you didn't know that this squad of homosexuals and eccentrics that Julius had collected over the years lowkey don't work unless Julius himself is there.
If you join the Purple Orcas, you prolly joined as an adult trying to do some deals under the table, a lot of shady BS. There's little to no teens in that squad.
if you join the Green Mantis, you are actually insane or dumb. You are not on the spectrum like your captain, just plain psychotic or dumb. Murderer Wannabes join the squad thinking they can get away with being insane but Jack always rips them a new one if anyone tries something. Gives them character development and makes them real magic knights or whatever. If you're dumb, you're used for admin stuff or ignored bc that's on you for joining that squad. En my beloved is one of the few good ones💕
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actualadvocacybruh · 1 month
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Right let’s take this point by point
1. Yes …. Cause you are acting like a cunt when you post “kill all men” and acting like a bitch and Karen when you whine “trans people bad waaahhh”
Don’t be those things Karen
2. I am personally against it but don’t want it illegal as the gov has no right to women’s bodily autonomy
This is just you lying or being a dumbfuck Karen
3. Yes being a screeching Karen that refuses to listen to anyone but yourself is why people don’t take YOU seriously
Nowhere did I say that outside talking to rad fems who don’t speak for all women so why they hide behind women is beyond me the sycophantic cunts
4. No … I said I need evidence before I join an angry mob
I accuse you of being a child rapist and there are kids accusing you therefore you are a child rapist Ms Karen and remember asking for proof is you not believing rape victims ….
5. Feminism does not and never meant “bow before all women and never disagree with them” Karen
You aren’t a feminist you are a misandrist that tries to use feminism as a cover for racism and homophobia fuck off with this bs
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aydaptic · 9 months
Hi there! Just passing by to ramble about how much I love your take on Gavin since he's also my favorite non-playable character in the game.
(Connor is my fave playable character ((predictable, ig?)) and I know [read it somewhere in your post, at least] you're not very fond of him, and that's okay.)
I know Gavin may not be everyone's favorite, but I just love how you see him differently regardless of what people say. I'm always relieved to read all your posts about him because it makes me feel like I'm crazy for even liking him while others are very against him.
I think some people are just conditioned to hate him instantaneously for being antagonistic towards Connor and Hank. And I think he has a good reason for it too. He's not a saint and I guess it's fine to like a character who's a bit cocky and with a lot of flaws.
But you had to admit that despite how seemingly shallow he is in the game, he does show a bit of his character upon extensive scrutiny and that's the beauty of what you're doing. I'll be reading (quietly) more of your opinions about this lovable jerk and I'll be loving every bit of it. ❤️❤️❤️
Hi :)
I'm glad to hear that. The toxicity/vitriol towards Gav has always made me concerned for humanity. It proves that so many ppl are incapable of thinking logically instead of emotionally. Where are their empathy? Likes/dislikes are subjective, but to say he's "nothing but a bad guy" and/or "has no redeemable qualities" are such brain-dead takes.
Despite his unpleasant attitude, Gav has every right to be canonically concerned about androids, and he has every right to believe they're not alive. It's logical. The guy doesn't have the insider knowledge that we, as players, do. Gav's not a psychic.
I love the gameplay of Con -- the detective aspect -- as well as his journey... but his awkward + overtly positive + doormat personality type annoys the shit out of me, lol. I'm Team Gavin Reed™ in disliking Con. Kudos to you for having enough intelligence to put aside your love for him and recognize that Gav has a point.
These are the reasons I've seen ppl hate Gav for:
some are too blinded by their love for Con and/or Hank (as you say)
some are narcissistic enough to feel entitled to their personal favorite characters having more fandom content (...and thus they take it out on fandom favorites)
some feel envious that Gav has the charisma to get away with being a dick (...and they aren't capable of doing the same bc they don't have charisma)
some try to take some BS moral high ground (...and fail)
some see parts of themselves in Gav and thus desperately try to convince others that, "I'm not like him!" (...and funnily enough, every Gav hater I've interacted with has proven themselves to be worse ppl than he is -- so yeah, they're not like him, they're worse)
some ppl are envious that Gav is better/more beloved than them and/or their favorite characters
some ppl hate white ppl (racists)
some ppl hate men (sexists/misandrists)
some ppl ignore the lead writer's statement that "the game is about androids and not race" so they can make it a modern-day political issue, and get brownie points saying stuff like "androids are real-life POCs meaning anyone who dislikes them is racist," bc they can't separate fiction from reality (...and thus they have the brain-dead take that Gav is "racist." I don't like AI such as ChatGPT taking jobs. Does that make me a racist, too?)
some ppl claim to hate Gav just bc it's popular (pack mentality)
some ppl just wanna create drama
some ppl are so starved for attention that they claim to hate him "just bc"
some ppl lack empathy (...and thus they don't understand what losing a job you love is like -- especially to someone who was just programmed to be better than you -- when you worked your ass off for decades getting said job)
some ppl didn't pay attention (...and thus they don't know that Gav had every right to step in both in The Interrogation and Last Chance, Connor bc Con was literally breaking the law)
some ppl see the world as black and white meaning they only think in extremes (...and are incapable of seeing the greys/finding balance)
some ppl are specifically looking to get triggered and thus bring up completely unrelated topics like "misogyny" bc god forbid you like Gav and not North even when they're completely different ppl (...and it's hypocritical that they protect North for hating humans, while at the same time, cursing Gav out for hating androids -- I don't go around with the false claim that, "you're sexist/misandrist for liking North and not Gav" bc I'm not an idiot)
That hatred is all based on emotions instead of rational thought.
"He's a dick!" So is Hank, North, and Con can be. "They have good reasons for it!" So has Gav. These ppl are in no position to decide who's 'the most' affected/traumatized, etc. bc we all react differently. Some are more distraught by their pet dying than a parent. That doesn't make their pain any less real.
Disliking him is fine, but don't give BS moral reasons for doing so. Sometimes we just don't vibe with a person/character and that's perfectly fine. Not vibing with someone, however, isn't hatred. It's apathy. Ppl who are just "meh" about him and don't spout BS excuses are valid.
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kittycomrad · 11 months
these women just come here and type bs paragraphs. I've read the most eye opening texts from radblr radfems but then again anyone can come on here and say pretty much anything. doesn't help that they'll be excluded from most groups on here because of the trans issue so that's what they come here for. There have been a couple of blogs that became radblr popular in a month because and only because of their gender posts
Can't tell which particular issue you're referring you, but yeah. I wish some of these women should just call themselves gc because they do not have a feminist bone in their body. Imagine having same lifestyle as a conservative woman while claiming to want to uplift women. A lot of them just come here to validate them when they finally meet their nigels after a lot of yes all men facade. it's funny. And when you criticize them they bring up blackpillers to invalidate other peoples critiques. The amount of micro aggressions and racism is crazy too. People on twt (before i was banned from there) made it seem like this place is full of principled and more left leaning women. Kind of the opposite. You might say these are only a few people but unfortunately they're the loudest or have the biggest platform. Just found out about few of the big accounts Ladielabrys being israeli sympathizer; Glumirror/almaisthinking being an israeli colonizer/zionist who's apparently also coward enough to delete her confessions, lanamisandrist/misandristlana being anti roma, anti ziganist (calling them gyp*y subhuman) also little miss misandrist loves to paint her face and call m*n daddy, and how can i forget planetofjah girly being a zionist, dating a military m*n after claiming to be an repressed lesbian for MONTHS omg😭💀. Can't tell which is worse
Imagine being introduced to radical feminism online as a young girl and it's a bunch of hyper feminine, male partnered edgy women with superiority/hero complex and "man hater" aesthetic. Sounds like a joke.
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moidloverxoxo · 6 months
If m3n are truly that fucking lonely, maybe they should just befriend other m3n instead of blaming women and AFABS for it.
The “male loneliness,” bs is such manipulation.
Misandry doesn’t exist.
I love how all over the place this is. First we're talking about loneliness then suddenly "MISANDRY DOESN'T EXIST!!!"
It's giving so much "if you're homeless just buy a house" energy. "Oh you're lonely and sad? Go make friends wdym."
Also, no one is blaming women. And if you do see someone blaming women, have you stopped to think that maybe, just maybe, that person is stupid?
"Misandry doesn't exist." -the misandrist
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askgothamshitty · 5 days
I might word this curtly, but do you know any sources to answer my question: why is it that it's so mainstream to believe that women have it easier or it isn't women vs men bs, despite the fact that women are disproportionately abused and vulnerable to violence compared to the other gender (I learn about the stats in my country and I'm so disturbed) People can accept discourses abt the underprivileged vs. the privileged, but why not this? Why is it instantly referred to as “invalidating” or “misandrist” ? It's objectivity (i.e. biology that men are stronger), until it's issues like this? (same goes with race)
The sad truth is that mainstream culture is patriarchal and thus male-centered. Men are considered the main characters, the doers, the architects of the world, the most important. Their humanity is treasured most therefore their suffering is centered the most. Bringing up misogyny takes away the focus from men.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Just wanted to clarify on another ask I sent; I never said Johnny Depp SHOULD be the face of male abuse victims, nor was I saying he will be or he wanted to. Just to clarify.
Though it sounds like he cares.
I was saying haters were quick to say he shouldn't be the new face of male victims from here on. But they don't mean that in a compassionate or "don't give him an ego" sense. More so, "we hate to acknowledge that we lost," sense if that's clear enough.
Which is funny when many of those haters also try to twist him winning as something you should thank feminism for. MeToo says, "go to hell," to most victims of female on male abuse/rape and still sides with Heard over Depp, yet they still think Feminism has a monopoly on what to do with a gender they don't believe can be victims.
What a planet we live on.
Love this blog!
agree and disagree, hear me out
It would be great to have him out there doing all of that, and I hope he does come out and do some different things to aid abused men, there's just too many people who firmly believe that he's the abuser in that situation and it's not just the misandrists who will claim that a woman who broke her hand punching a random dude is the real victim either.
Part of that can be summed up by looking at if people even believe men can be abused.
the first 4 here when I search 'woman assaults man social experiment' are what I looked for, the rest are all about men assaulting in some way or another and a few kidnappings, there's a lot more as you scroll too.
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the butt pinching one is in there twice.
inb4 bing, ya they're better than google is by a long stretch since they're not running a algorithm that can be manipulated.
I think if they want to do a PR campaign for male victims of domestic violence a good option would be using pictures of the perpetrators of that violence looking like they would in every day life and then listing their crimes underneath it.
Here's another example, from the A Voice For Men wiki page
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Very roundabout way for the author to say that men should suck it up and let women abuse them and not fight back.
That's showcased in video 3 up there.
Male DV victims got a good boost from his very public ordeal, but it's insane how far we still have to go.
It'd be nice to be able to have the guy come round and do some PSA's that's for sure, but if you really want to get the point driven home there's gonna be other ways that will likely be more effective.
Posters or billboards with the kids of male victims of DV who were killed by their abuser with something like 'It doesn't just hurt men' up there with a statement about male DV victims.
Since society doesn't really give a shit about men anyhow so pointing at the children and saying it deprives them might actually do some good.
I'm gonna cut it here, since it's getting a bit heavy in my head but I will end with a website suggestion.
The Art Of Manliness is a good website, lot of good stuff for guys there, some good tongue in cheek stuff too.
It's a foil to people like andrew tate because TAOM doesn't go with the misogyny bs he does, it's just a really good site to hit up every once in a while for guy things.
I went through to find beard oil reviews and such at one point and got way more info than I bargained for.
Which was super nice
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Diehard Haley stans amuse me and this is why
So I casually said in a Pinterest comment section that I don’t like Haley bc she called me and my clothes horrendous, not mentioning aaany other characters and got this doozy of a response:
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Uhh who said anything about Shane? Who said I love Shane? Also I’m a misandrist so ha I actually don’t think women are inferior I think men are😎 can’t use that bs excuse with me I fuckin LOVE women! Also fyi? I do enjoy Shane’s character. He never insulted my appearance she just says go away and leave him alone lmao
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meinyourbones · 6 months
I promise this is the very last time I ever look at the feminism tab on tumblr if the type of BS I see is gonna be so toxic and unhelpful
"omg it's so cute when a woman hates all men all the time without considering that mayhaps half the population is complex" I have heard so many reddit stories about men abruptly entering the Tate and adjacent manosphere and deciding that their perfectly acceptable relationships are not good enough due to shit misogyny and now I've seen the flip side: women entering the misandrist(?lol) 'osphere and deciding their miserable lives should... be more miserable... with more and constant anger and fear in their hearts yeah okay
"little boys are so sweet and innocent until they are socialized to be evil men" damn okay I guess all little boys are socialized exclusively by men and there's no way to stop misogyny except to preemptively prepare to hate the little boys in your life. for your protection or safety or comfort. sounds healthy!
the overlap between the people that want to build an island for women where they burn every man at the border and the people that don't like how trans and nonbinary people crumble the borders of what it means to be a man or woman... is unsurprising!
your trauma is not an excuse for the hatred and rage in your heart... it is an explanation for it. healthily moving on from trauma wrought by men does not include excising half the population. we will never be okay with such blatant division.
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