#miraculous horrificator
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wisteriasymphony · 2 months ago
ladrien is cool in its fuckedupness because it's so comfortably distant. they're both in their fake personas, they know the other is in their fake persona, and they're entirely willing to and enthusiastic about keeping up the charade. every interaction feels scripted and they both love this about it. there's never any danger in it because they're never required to be vulnerable whatsoever. they never have to be honest, they never have to be genuine, and they never expect the other to be genuine, and there's probably some twisted sort of comfort in knowing that the other person is never expecting you to take off their mask. that you can just lie and keep lying and it's fine
marichat is cool in its fuckedupness because it's so uncomfortably close. they both know each other so well but are unable to admit why, so they're just overly-friendly and don't have boundaries where they arguably should. there is no pretense to be civil or respectable so marichat comes with the grossest jokes and awkwardest silences and flippant displays of bad behavior. chat has no idea what proper boundaries should look like when someone isn't Using A Mask, and marinette is in no position to draw her foot in the sand* because being authoritative is for ladybug!!! so they're violating each others boundaries and making each other uncomfortable CONSTANTLY!!!
and like the others idk.
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bananagreste · 2 years ago
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ladynoir, oh, ladynoir ↳ day 358
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maddascanbe-blog · 9 months ago
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I wasn't satisfied with Mylene's civilian drawing, the design itself I still liked, but I was rushed to finish the drawing and ended up making more than a few mistakes just from carelessness. The only notable changed is I brightened her skina bit, I felt it was too desaturated.
I imagine Mylene does still have all her pins and buttons, but they're mostly pinned to her backpack during the summer, and her jackets in the colder months. I did let her keep one of her necklaces.
Horrificator is already a pretty good design all things considered, not really fitting for a fear eating monster I think, but still cool. I just tried to make her look more animalistic/monstrous. I considered doing a design that was more based on Boogeymen from mythology, but none of them quite fit. I'll save that inspo for Sandboy I think-
Polymouse has a little jacket under her overalls. I'm not sure if that's the easiest to read, but it would probably be more noticeable from the back. Her long overalls were just something I thought would be cute, while keeping them fitting as to not lose Mylene's body shape. I like her being a bit bigger, and didn't wanna miss out on showing that off.
I think she and Ivan probably like doing double dates with other couples in their class. At least for more traditional 'dates' they don't pressure people to join them whenever they go to protests. Just encourage others to stand up for what is right, however they feel comfortable and capable.
Mylene initially distrusts Adrien due to the Gabriel company being really shady in its business practices and with who it supports, but she quickly realizes that is mostly Gabriel and Adrien either disagrees with, or is unaware of, his father's actions.
Later they bond over being children of single fathers, and that's when Mylene realizes exactly how bad Gabriel actually is, she isn't super involved in Marinette's flirting plans but she does try and get Adrien out of the house as often as possible. It's her long term goal to help people right? Well why not start small and help those in need so close to her?
A hundred small acts can lead to one big change.
This mindset calls Ladybug and Chat Noir to her when looking for a new mouse, Marinette had specifically asked to be left out of it after all. A simple explanation that cannon didn't use for some reason?
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spittyfishy · 1 month ago
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I just think the monstrous abominations should kiss lol
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miraculous-metamorphosis · 4 months ago
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Prompt by @sillysiluriforme, full list here: 🦋
“Um… Ivan? Can I ask you something personal?”
Mylené was not sure what to expect when she started with this question. It certainly shouldn’t be one that would be normal to ask on an ice cream date and yet here she was, the scent of chocolate and marshmallows from one scoop, and cookies and cream from the other striking her nose contrasting what will come next.
“O-of course, Mylené. You can ask me. The worst I can say is that I’m not ready to talk about it yet,” Ivan replied, a little bit concerned.
Mylené sighed, looking at her spoonful. “Thanks. I’m just going to warn you now, it’s… a bit weird.”
Ivan gives her a reassuring smile, “It’s ok. I’m not going to judge you for asking. I promise.”
Mylené smiled a bit before turning back to him. “Has… your body felt��� weird?”
Ivan blinked, a little confused. “Like… in the… being fat way or the puberty way-“
“Nonononono not like that-“ Mylené quickly corrects, looking aside. “I’m talking about… ever since you were… metamorphosed.”
Ivan went quiet. He looked at the ice cream again, contemplating what was next to say. As each second passed, he considered whether or not to say what was on his mind. His answer came as he saw Mylené’s face falter
“I- I’m so sorry Ivan, I… know it’s a sore subject for you, we can forget I ever asked that if you want-“
“Mylené it- it’s fine. I promise.” He wrapped an arm around her. “I um… I just… I don't know how to describe it yet.”
“So you do feel it too?” She asked. Ivan nods.
“It’s mostly… in the middle of the night though. That I feel… weird!” “Middle of the night- like- like 1:00!” Mylené completed.
“Yeah, like that- if I have a hard time sleeping or something along the lines.” Ivan recalled. “It’s like I… feel it in my bones.”
Mylené nods. “It… it was really bad last night. So um, I woke up from some random dream I had. I don’t know if the dream had anything to do with it or not, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised, but there I was. But… I couldn’t sit up. I… felt… like I was still dreaming. But I knew I wasn’t, I could read the posters on my wall perfectly fine, I was aware… but I felt like I could… see more than I could before. Like there was something in… the middle of my forehead that allowed me to. Like I could just…. Blink my forehead like I can my eyes. But that’s not the worst part. I… felt like I was melting.”
Ivan stared, “Melting?”
“Yeah. Like… my muscles and skin didn’t want to be solid anymore, I felt my elbow slide off my bones, slip down the bed and drop onto the floor. It was so cold too. I knew my body was still as is because I could visually see that I was whole, but my senses were telling me some other story. Again, I thought I was dreaming, but the delusion didn’t go away for another… two hours. I had to go back to sleep thinking that I was going to slip right off my bones somehow.” Her voice trembled. “I couldn’t talk to my dad about it, he doesn’t like talking about those sorts of things… and I don’t blame him one bit for that…so I thought that if anyone would be willing to listen and understand… it would be you, teddy bear.”
Ivan gently took his arm and brought her into a side hug, allowing Mylené’s head to rest on his shoulder.
“Mylené, I…I’m so sorry…” Ivan sighed. “In a different way I… have felt like that before. Is it okay if I tell you?”
“Of course,” Mylené nods. “Please tell me.”
“Well… I think around the end of September was when this one I still think about happened. I was up later than I uh, should be, I was trying to write out the percussion score for this new song that Rose made up. Headphones on, setting up on the computer, all of that. At one point during the wee hours I felt… itchy. Like I got bitten by some mosquito or something. However when I attempted to mitigate it my skin felt like it was… rough? It didn’t look like it was rough though, I just chalked it up to just some skin irritation from my new shirt. But it was a bit more than that.”
He placed his hand up on the bridge of the nose, between his eyes. “You know this part of the skull, where it divides your eye sockets and it starts to become cartilage to become your nose? Well… suddenly I couldn’t feel it. It… started to feel like my eyeballs were.. Going to roll down such an open socket before landing at the point at the bottom of my nose.”
He took his fingers, and on each side, raised them up to trace around his eye sockets before dropping down to meet again at the bottom of his nose. “Like one big heart shape just sunk into my head. Not to mention… I felt so stiff and cold. Like my skin was going to break instead of stretch or bend. Like I was on the brink of crumbling and if I made too much of a movement, I was going to break into pieces. And I knew that was impossible because I knew what my body looked like! I could still see myself looking like I always do. I was stuck in that seat just… enduring it! Until eventually it… just went away. I saved my progress and went right to sleep afterward. So… um…yeah.”
Mylené kept her head on Ivan’s shoulder. A sigh of relief echoes her mouth - this was exactly what she was talking about. “I’m so sorry that happened to you, teddy bear…” Mylené sighed.
She and him both looked back at their ice cream, which started melting around Ivan’s free hand. Neither of them had to say it aloud to know that feeling was because this was what their scélérats looked like. Sure they never were conscious to see for themselves what they looked like as a giant slime monster and a stone giant respectively but a part of their minds still hold on to that memory nonetheless. Sure, a lot of their classmates have fallen victim to the butterfly at some point or another, but a lot of them have gotten a new costume with new superpowers in order to do Monarch’s bidding. However, unlike the members of their class who had faced it so far, their entire physical bodies had not endured the contortion that Ivan and Mylené’s had.
The two finally looked back at their melting ice cream, and decided to cease their conversation there. Yet, Ivan kept his arm around Mylené, and Mylené kept her head on Ivan’s shoulder. It’s the only thing they can do about it. Stoneheart and Horrificator will continue to haunt each of them, especially with the mastermind still terrorizing Paris.
However, they love each other enough to be there for each other through it all.
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gee-arid · 1 year ago
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I quite like horifficator, but heres a mini redesign- more like fanart tbh. Ive got something in progress for gamer 2.0 but i dunno if i like it. ill still post it eventually im sure.
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character-fan19 · 1 year ago
How much our girl has grown
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Season 1: *worries about Adrien and Chloe being together*
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Season 5: *roasts Chloe by saying that Adrien loves her and that there's nothing she can do about it*
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jonathankai · 2 years ago
After learning that Gorilla was working for Fathom prior to working for Agreste, I really want to see an episode in french dub, where Gorilla just opens his mouth and starts talking in english and proves to be rather talkative guy, maybe cracks jokes and really like idioms. All this severe atmosphere all these years, and it seems like he’s just a foreigner who... never got on good terms with french phonetics, I guess??
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wilygryphon · 11 days ago
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"Horrificator > Call Me" - For @mlbfemslashfebruary Day 18, Zoé/Mylène
I used Horrificator because I and some other fans have latched onto the idea of Zoé being a monsterlover, and the image of Zoé flirting with a monstrous Akuma was funny to me.
I envisioned this with Horrificator being bigger, but the scale was limited by how I ended up drawing Zoé first as well as the drawing space that I gave myself. Oh, well.
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cultofasparagus · 11 months ago
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Obligatory Mari redesign
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totally-lyrical · 11 days ago
horrificator should have been found-footage and i will die on this hill
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familyagrestefanblog · 1 year ago
Someday, I swear, someday...
Someday I will write down why not just the story of Cinderella but especially the dynamic between Cinderella, her evil stepmother and stepsisters is one of the most important stories that has lasted thousands of years for a VERY GOOD REASON
Not just regarding child abuse, feminist literature and literature of female (coded) life experiences
But one of the most important stories PERIOD.
SOMEDAY I will fucking explain why Adrien and Gabriel are a brilliant and extremely important depiction of that story, and a phenomenal gender swapped variation of it for modern feminist story-telling that is very much breaking some grounds. If only Marinette's own girlboss 'knight in shining armor' narrative wouldn't constantly undermine that, making them seem "lesser" bc Adrien is "just" her little damsel she will save "easily" because we can't allow for her to be seen as anything else but one of the "STRONG" modern female heros.
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SOMEDAY I will explain why Cinderella and Lady Tremaine are NOT fucking jokes and outdated female (coded) archetypes to be laughed at for how "weak and backwards" they are, but if well utilized one of the most raw and gut-wrenching archetypes of the non-romantic interplay of love vs hatred that grabs you by the most intimit connection a human can have and potentially breaks down the very root of who you are and why.
I will fucking explain why despite how misogynistic our society is, Cinderella and Lady Tremaine are still one of the most iconic protagonist and villain pairs in all of fiction and will continue doing so for many ages to come.
Why Cinderella, no matter how much society will tear her down, will never stop rising from her ashes victoriously. And why Lady Tremaine, no matter how underutilized and slandered she's depicted, will never ever stop dominating 99% of any other villain she's put against.
Both entirely without special powers, status, or whatever. Just through their very presence and dynamic.
I swear to God this fandom...
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bananagreste · 2 years ago
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wiggle wiggle eyebrows — Days of Adrien Agreste #197
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landofanimes · 1 month ago
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Miraculous Season 1
Transparent: Akumatized Classmates Part 2
Part 1: [x]
Alix Kubdel as Timebreaker / Chronogirl
Mylène Haprèle as Horrificator
Juleka Couffaine as Reflekta
Ivan Bruel as Stoneheart / Cœur de Pierre
Chloé Bourgeois as Antibug
Lila Rossi as Volpina
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flightfoot · 2 years ago
For the record, I still think Alya telling Nino that she was still working with Ladybug in Rocketear, but just undercover, was something she had the right to do. Whether it was wise is debatable, given that Nino's not the best at keeping secrets, but that was primarily Alya's secret, and it was Alya and her family who would be in the most danger if it got out.
I was kind of happy when it happened, actually, because it showed that while Marinette mattered a lot to her, Alya DID have other priorities, other relationships she was balancing, and would make decisions for herself instead of just blindly following orders. I like it when Alya gets to be her own person, to take action based off of her own principles and convictions.
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m00nb04rd5 · 5 months ago
Horrificator please! Since Halloween is coming up
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Horrificator (Miraculous Ladybug)
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