#miracle prayer that works instantly
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40: Aziraphale
Chapter 40 (!) of Too Wise to Woo Peaceably
“Before, in the bookshop, when you said you had a plan… Was there actually a plan?"
Aziraphale really wished Crowley would let this go. "Of course there was!"
"You didn't just pop up here on a wing and a prayer then..?"
"That was a dreadful pun. If you must know, we were going to meet with The Metatron, discuss our concerns, and come to a compromise. Make a deal, if you will.”
“A deal,” Crowley repeated slowly.
“With The Metatron.”
“Yes. Are you going to repeat everything I say or just most of it?”
“And how did that go?” asked Crowley, brushing past Aziraphale’s last remark.
“Poorly.” Aziraphale gave him a withering look. “Obviously. He was… Well, he wasn’t particularly happy about us having removed you without his permission.”
“Blasted hypocrite. No qualms about removing me without my permission.”
They stood over The Metatron. Crowley was draped over Aziraphale for support, warm and angular and so close the angel could bury his face in his neck if he only turned and tilted his head.
Which he wouldn’t, obviously.
But he could.
Crowley leaned more heavily on Aziraphale so he could shift his weight onto one foot, and used the other to nudge The Metatron with his toe.
Nothing happened.
“Not sure what I was expecting,” he said, and then after a pause, “What a bastard.”
Aziraphale nodded in agreement and sighed. “We should do something about this.”
“About what? The dead behemoth?”
“Yes. A little combined miracle perhaps? Just to conceal the crime, as it were. That would work, surely?”
Crowley moved his head from side to side, considering Aziraphale’s suggestion.
“Ngn. Sure. Why not? Might as well try it. But only so long as once it’s done we head right back down to Earth-” He narrowed his eyes when Aziraphale nodded. “... I mean instantly, Aziraphale. If a siren goes off I don’t want to be around to hear it.”
“Oh, I doubt you can set sirens off in Heaven from the inside...”
“If it’s all the same to you I’d rather not test that hypothesis,” said Crowley dryly. “Alright. What’s the miracle? Make it so nobody knows this occurred? Hide it? A sort of… Grim Jim 2.0?”
Aziraphale thought for a moment. “That should do it.”
“Right. Okay. Hand-”
Aziraphale didn’t move. One of his hands was still wrapped round Crowley’s ribs, holding him up. The other was clutching at the arm he’d slung over Aziraphale’s shoulders, keeping him steady. He wasn't sure which was more essential to Crowley’s stability.
Crowley noticed his indecision and made the choice for him. “Here, look, instead of my forearm, just grab my hand. Use your other hand for the wavy bit.”
Aziraphale loosened his grip and his fingertips traced down along the inside of Crowley’s wrist until he reached his hand. Crowley interlocked his fingers with his own, pressing their knuckles together far more tightly than Aziraphale thought was strictly necessary.
“Ready? Count of three?”
Aziraphale nodded. “One… two…”
There was a sound of powers being brought to bear and then the room shifted, Aziraphale blinked, and everything was different.
They both stared.
The room looked completely undisturbed. The Metatron and the sword had vanished, as had the broken silver quill. There was no sign of struggle, not a single smear of ichor. There was nothing at all to indicate anything had happened there recently other than perhaps the filing of paperwork.
Aziraphale opened his mouth to say something, but Crowley cut across him. “Use your fancy archangel powers and get us out of here?”
The angel gestured with his fingers and then they were back in the bookshop.
They stood motionless for a moment, both quietly trying to process things, fingers still intertwined against Aziraphale’s chest. Crowley broke the silence.
“What the fuck?”
Aziraphale turned his head slightly to look at Crowley. “Quite.”
“Was that your-?”
“No, and I’m assuming it wasn’t your intention either. We were trying to hide him, not make him disappear completely.”
“Where the blazes did he go?”
Aziraphale shrugged. “Your guess is as good as mine.”
Crowley groaned and drummed his fingertips against his forehead. The swelling on the left side of his face had gone down, leaving dark mottled bruising in its wake. He called out for Muriel and Saraqael, but the bookshop was quiet.
“Probably just taking the long way home,” Aziraphale said, patting Crowley’s side reassuringly. “Saraqael will have needed a new chair.”
“They’d better be somewhere safe.”
“I’m sure they are.”
Crowley swore and flicked his wrist to look at his entirely-too-complicated watch. “I’m giving them one hour and if they’re not back here by then…”
He sounded very much like a parent grousing about their child breaking curfew. Aziraphale considered the gravity of the situation and wisely decided not to point out the similarity.
Crowley sighed and threw his head back. "Alright, The Metatron disappearing... That’s not good.”
Aziraphale furrowed his brow. “...Isn’t it?”
“You don’t think anyone is going to wonder about the disappearance of The Metatron?”
“If you really think about it, nobody really marked his presence the last time we…” He trailed off, not wanting to bring up that painful day in the bookshop. “In fact, you were the only one to recognise him. I really think that actually, with a little bit of luck on our side, it could be quite some time before anybody notices anything amiss!”
“Except…” Crowley sounded worried and Aziraphale dipped his head to look into his face. He was worrying his bottom lip with his teeth, eyes dazed, and Aziraphale quickly looked away, his face flushing with unexpected heat.
Ridiculous to think he looked appealing in such a stressful situation. He felt depraved for even noticing.
He struggled to keep his voice level. “Except?”
“Well, except God, right?” Crowley tilted his head and Aziraphale was convinced he could actually feel him staring. “God’s bound to notice.”
“Ah,” was all Aziraphale could manage. A minute of silence passed. He was still staring. Aziraphale couldn’t bring himself to meet his gaze.
“...Ah?” Crowley was incredulous. “Is that the full and finished thought?”
No, Aziraphale wanted to say. There are no full or finished thoughts in my head, only buzzing, only bees.
He cleared his throat. “Let’s move you over to the Chesterfield.” Maybe he’d be able to think more clearly if he could establish some space between them.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Crowley shake his head, but he made no complaint. Together they shuffled towards the nook by the desk. Aziraphale gently lowered Crowley onto the sofa, half sitting down himself in the process. He dropped his arm from around Crowley's waist and pulled away slightly with the intention of extricating himself, but the arm over his shoulders stiffened and Crowley’s fingers tightened round his own, keeping him anchored fast.
He let himself sink down into the sofa.
So much for space.
“I don’t think we can worry too much about the Almighty,” he said eventually, if only to distract from the fact that he was now sitting on the sofa with Crowley’s arm draped across his back, casually holding his hand.
His chest felt tight, as if it was suddenly two sizes too small for his lungs. “After all, her plans are-”
Crowley’s fingers clenched round his, pressing a warning into his hand. “ Don’t you bloody say it. ”
“...Ineffable!” The word came out at rather a higher pitch than Aziraphale had intended.
Crowley muttered something inaudible.
“I'm going to choose to believe that whatever you just said was complimentary,” he said primly.
“Believe what you like,” Crowley grumbled, but Aziraphale thought he heard amusement in his voice, and he relaxed a bit, allowing himself to sink deeper into the sofa. His side pressed against Crowley’s as the cushions dipped beneath their combined weight and lightly tipped them towards each other.
He felt Crowley flinch, and his body arched carefully away from Aziraphale. It was subtle, but not subtle enough; Aziraphale could imagine why, and the thought made him sick to his stomach.
“I should have asked if this-” He swallowed. “Is this alright?”
Crowley gave him a sidelong glance. “Is what alright?”
“This.” He gestured between them. “The fact that we’re so close together, that we’re, well, that we're touching …”
Crowley went incredibly, excruciatingly still and Aziraphale felt his muscles harden beneath his clothes. Tension filled his face. “Is it alright with you?”
Crowley looked profoundly uncomfortable. “I can-” He started to pull away.
“No!” Aziraphale tugged at him. “I just mean after everything they did to you-, after how they pretended to-”
“Oh.” Crowley seemed to sag against him. There was strange and quiet relief in his voice. “Yeah. Well. Like I said, knew it wasn’t you.”
“Looked like me, though,” Aziraphale said miserably.
“Looked like you,” agreed Crowley, then bumped his shoulder with his own and gave him a lopsided smile. “Gave me something nice to look at while they were tearing strips off me.”
“That's not funny.”
Crowley said nothing.
They sat in silence, lounging back against the leather, Aziraphale trying not to stare at the way Crowley’s fingers were still entwined with his. The sun was starting to come up, and it bathed the bookshop in an orange haze. Some of the dust particles Muriel was so fond of were glowing by the window. It was quiet and warm and Aziraphale was sure this was his favourite place in the world.
“The sun’s coming up,” he said, in case Crowley had possibly missed the obvious.
Crowley rolled his head against the back of the sofa and looked up into Aziraphale’s eyes, and he was so close the angel’s heart stuttered in his chest.
“This is the best I’ve felt in…” Crowley hummed low in his throat. “It’s the best I’ve felt since Gabriel arrived on your doorstep stark naked with his memories crammed into a fly.”
A real smile then. The tip of Crowley’s tongue was resting against a pointed cuspid tooth, and Aziraphale was fairly certain his heart stopped altogether before starting again at twice the usual speed. He knew he should turn his head, but he couldn’t look away, and Crowley’s laughing mouth was right there, and his pupils were blown so wide they almost looked human, and Aziraphale swayed closer without meaning to, and Crowley must have seen something in his face because his eyelids lowered, and the smile faltered, and he dropped his gaze to Aziraphale’s lips, and-
The door of the bookshop swung open and the sound separated them instantly. Aziraphale jumped up to face the door, and Crowley rolled his head back to stare at the ceiling, flexing his fingers against his thigh.
Muriel and Saraqael were in before curfew.
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KARAMA (Wonder): Part 4
As discussed before briefly, a Prophet displays extraordinary things by God's creation, and is doubtlessly certain that they are miracles—but saints feel doubt about the extraordinary things that originate from them whether purposely or unaware, because unless these are intended for guidance knowingly, they may be a test for them involving the risk of loss.
It is a fact that sometimes, because of some necessity or need, and sometimes with the intention of serving a religious purpose or under the unavoidable influence of the spiritual state they are in, some saintly people of God may display some extraordinary things within the limits of Divine permission. However, they should view this Divine gift as a reward for their adherence to the Prophet they are believing in and following, and never attempt to use it as a means of personal credit. Whether a saintly friend of God works it knowingly, or it appears purely as an unexpected Divine gift, a wonder resembles a miracle with respect to its occurrence. For example, miracle- like wonders, such as being unexpectedly offered some food or water in time of dire hunger or thirst, exhibiting extraordinary behavior in time of war, covering a great distance or extraordinarily performing many things in a very short time (shortening of distances or expansion of time, respectively), breathing temporary life by God's leave to someone who has just died, walking on water without sinking, and traveling in the air as if flying, like the Prophet Solomon, upon him be peace, have been frequently witnessed.
Both the Qur'an and the books of the reliably narrated sayings of our Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, mention similar and other kinds of miracles worked by different Prophets. We read about many extraordinary states, action, and words of respectful saints in the books that narrate their lives. Here we will be content with a few examples:
We read in the Qur'an (2:49) that the Prophet Jesus, upon him be peace, revived the dead by God's leave. Similarly, it is narrated in reliable books that just like some saintly people of God, such as Abu Ubayd al-Busri, Shaykh Ahdal, and Abdu'l-Qadir al-Jilani, revived dead animals. When, during a war, Abu Ubayd beseeched God to revive his dead horse, God Almighty restored the horse to life. Shaykh Ahdal called to his cat that had just died, and the cat was revived by God's leave and approached him. Abdu'l-Qadir al-Jilani ordered the bones of a consumed chicken, "Rise up, by God's leave!" and the chicken came to life and stood up. These are only a few examples; many others can be found in relevant books.
It is narrated in the same books that some saints, such as Abu Sa'id al-Harraz and Abdu'l-Qadir al-Jilani, spoke with corpses.
There are many other miracle-like wonders worked by saints, such as flowing water parting and opening a passage for the saints, some saints not dying even though they were poisoned many times, the shortening of distances, wild animals serving them, their prayers being instantly accepted, their being prevented from eating and drinking any forbidden thing, their observing events that occurred in distant places, and their being protected against their enemies. All these events demonstrate that wonder-working is undeniably real, and some saintly friends of God have been honored with it.
The extraordinary states and actions which proceeded from our Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, from his birth until his Prophethood, are of the same nature as wonder-working. However, the wonders and gifts which are, in one respect, a means of honor for saints, are only of a primordial degree in proportion to the gifts and honors of the office of Prophethood, and they are regarded as drops that emerge from the atmosphere of the Prophet whom the saints follow. For this reason, the friends of God never think of using such Divine favors in promoting themselves, nor do they pursue them. Neither do they damage their relationship with God based on their servanthood by making use of them for personal credit. They try their best to keep the favors that come without demand concealed, and they even check their relationship with their Lord, fearing that these acts may be a test for them. They renew their devotion to Him and only pursue His approval and good pleasure. This is what is most suited to the faithful servants of God, the Ultimate Truth.
Those faithful servants of God turn to Him a few times a day with the petition of their awareness and admission of their innate impotence and poverty; they are enraptured with the joy of being the servants at His door and always move with thankfulness for being on His way. They are in turmoil with the hope of attaining His constant company. Consequently, they are shut off from anything— whether it is a spiritual discovery or wonder-working, or spiritual pleasures, or any other kind of favor—other than intense longing to meet with God. They consider themselves to be nothing within nothing, recognizing others as much more virtuous than themselves, always living as examples of utmost humility and the deepest sincerity toward God, and they are so compassionate and magnanimous toward people that they are willing to sacrifice themselves for their happiness; they abandon all desires and expectations for any Divine gifts that will come to them in the world, they pursue only God's approval and good pleasure at every instant of their lives.
These heroes are primarily distinguished with such qualities as equipping as many hearts as possible with belief, endeavoring that the Religion becomes the life of all humankind, illuminating all dark souls, trying to remove all the hardship and troubles that their community suffers, showing the same degree of sensitivity to preserving the honor of others that they show to preserving their own honor, asking for the good of all Muslims as much as or even more than they ask for their own good whenever they stretch out their hands to pray to God, praying every morning and evening for mercy toward and forgiveness of the Community of Muhammad, saying, "O my God! Have mercy on the Community of Muhammad! O my God! Forgive the Community of Muhammad!"; they act so magnanimously and tolerantly that they forgive those who have done them harm, embracing everyone with love, mercy, and generosity, showing the utmost care in adhering to the Religion down to its smallest detail, and following the Prophet, upon him be peace and blessings, step-by-step in their life. They try to fully represent the elevated morals and virtues that the Qur'an portrays and are resolved to remain distant from all evils and vices, such as resentment, vengeance, hatred, jealousy, suspicion, and enmity. Each of these qualities is a wonder to be sought and much more valuable than the other wonders that are manifested as some extraordinary actions or events, some examples of which we have mentioned above.
Indeed, the greatest wonder is living a life completely according to the precepts of the Qur'an, and those who are the nearest to God must be the representatives of this spirit.
O my God! Make us among Your servants who are sincere and who have been endowed with sincerity in faith and in the practice of the Religion, and who have achieved piety and righteousness, and abstinence from all forbidden things, big or small, and whom You have made near to You, and who are well-pleasing to You, and with whom You are well-pleased, and who love You and are loved by You, and who stand in awe of You, and whose character has been molded by the Qur'an! Amen! And bestow blessings and peace upon the Master of those who love You and are loved by You, and on his Family and Companions, whom You made near to You.
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brothers love
Chapter one
On August 26, 1989, Mr. and Mrs. Smith welcomed a baby boy into the world, a child they had been eagerly anticipating for nine months. For the entirety of Mrs. Smith’s pregnancy, the baby had been healthy, his tiny heart beating strong and steady. But on the night of his due date, everything changed.
During labor, the umbilical cord wrapped tightly around his neck, cutting off circulation to his brain. The delivery room turned chaotic as doctors worked frantically to save him. When he was born, the room fell silent—he wasn’t breathing. He was rushed to the NICU while Mr. and Mrs. Smith, their joy turned to fear, whispered prayers for their son, whom they decided to name Tyler.
The doctors delivered devastating news: if Tyler survived, he might never walk, talk, or even interact with the world around him. They warned that he could be severely mentally impaired, perhaps even in a vegetative state. But Tyler was a fighter. Against all odds, after a month in the NICU, he was stable enough to go home. He was fragile, but alive—a miracle.
As Tyler grew, he began to defy expectations. First, he crawled, his little limbs pushing and dragging his determined body across the floor. Then, to his parents’ amazement, he began to pull himself up and take wobbly steps. The doctors had said walking was impossible, but Tyler was proving them wrong.
Tyler’s determination didn’t stop there. He made friends easily, his kind and cheerful nature drawing people to him. His best friend, Josh, became a constant companion. Together, they played and laughed, their bond unshaken by the limitations Tyler faced. Because of the stroke he’d suffered at birth, Tyler couldn’t ride a bike or tie his own shoes, but he never let that stop him from living life to the fullest.
For years, Tyler begged his parents for a baby sibling. “I want to be a big brother,” he’d say with a hopeful grin. Though his parents explained it wasn’t something they could promise, Tyler never gave up hope. Then, two years after his fifth birthday, Mrs. Smith sat him down with a smile and told him the news: he was going to be a big brother.
Chapter two
The news that he would soon be a big brother brought Tyler immense joy. He spent weeks talking about how he would help take care of the baby and teach him everything he knew. Every step Tyler took was a miracle to them, a testament to his resilience.
As the due date for the baby approached, tensions rose. Tyler's parents were busier than ever preparing for the arrival of their second child.
A few weeks later, Mrs. Smith went into labor. Tyler stayed with a neighbor while their parents were at the hospital. He waited eagerly for news, his small hands clutching the picture he’d drawn of their family. When his parents returned home with the baby, a little boy named Caleb, Tyler’s heart swelled with pride. He immediately doted on his baby brother, promising to be the best big brother he could be.
Tyler spent hours cooing at Caleb and helping their mom with small tasks.
Chapter three
When Caleb arrived, Tyler was over the moon. The moment his parents brought the tiny bundle home, wrapped in a soft blue blanket, Tyler couldn’t stop staring at him. Caleb’s little hands, no bigger than Tyler’s thumb, gripped his heart instantly.
“Hi, Caleb,” Tyler whispered the first time he got to hold him. He cradled his baby brother with the utmost care, his small hands trembling with both nervousness and excitement. Caleb let out a tiny yawn, and Tyler beamed, already feeling a connection he couldn’t quite put into words. “I’m your big brother. I’m going to teach you everything I know.”
From that day forward, Tyler became Caleb’s shadow. He was there for every feeding, every diaper change, and every nap, always eager to help. “Mom, can I hold him?” became a near-constant refrain. Mrs. Smith often laughed at Tyler’s enthusiasm, her heart swelling with pride.
“Tyler,” she said one afternoon, watching him gently rock Caleb’s cradle, “you’re going to be an amazing big brother.”
Tyler nodded, his face glowing with determination. “I want Caleb to always know I’m here for him.”
As the weeks turned into months, Caleb began to respond to Tyler’s endless attention. He saved his biggest smiles for his big brother, giggling uncontrollably whenever Tyler made silly faces or sang songs. Tyler, who had never been much of a singer, found himself making up goofy tunes just to hear Caleb laugh.
“I think he likes my singing!” Tyler announced one day, his chest puffed with pride.
“He might be the only one,” Brad muttered from across the room, but his teasing lacked the sting it once had. Even Brad couldn’t entirely ignore the bond forming between Tyler and Caleb.
By the time Caleb started sitting up on his own, Tyler had become his fiercest protector. At the playground, Tyler would sit close by, ready to catch him if he wobbled. When Caleb cried, Tyler was often the first to rush to his side, shushing him softly and offering one of his own toys as a distraction.
One day, Mrs. Smith overheard Tyler talking to Caleb in their shared bedroom. She paused in the doorway, watching as Tyler crouched next to Caleb, who was sitting on a blanket surrounded by blocks.
“You know, Caleb,” Tyler said earnestly, “when I was born, the doctors said I wouldn’t be able to do a lot of things. But I proved them wrong, and you know what? You can do anything too. I’ll help you.”
Mrs. Smith’s throat tightened, tears welling in her eyes. She quietly stepped away, giving the brothers their moment.
As Caleb grew more active, Tyler’s role as his guide became even more apparent. He would crawl alongside Caleb on the floor, encouraging him with every move. When Caleb took his first unsteady steps, Tyler clapped so hard his hands turned red. “You did it!” he exclaimed, his face lighting up with pure joy. “I knew you could!”
In Caleb, Tyler saw a chance to be the kind of big brother he always wanted Brad to be for him—kind, patient, and supportive. Caleb, in turn, idolized Tyler. He followed him everywhere, his tiny feet pattering close behind. It didn’t matter to Caleb that Tyler couldn’t ride a bike or tie his shoes. To him, Tyler was a hero.
One summer evening, while playing in the backyard, Caleb fell and scraped his knee. He burst into tears, holding out his chubby arms for Tyler. Without hesitation, Tyler scooped him up, brushing dirt off Caleb’s knee as he whispered soothing words.
“It’s okay, Caleb,” he said softly, kissing the top of his brother’s head. “I’ve got you.”
That night, as Mrs. Smith tucked them into bed, Caleb insisted on sleeping in Tyler’s bed. Tyler wrapped an arm protectively around him and smiled as Caleb drifted off to sleep.
“Mom,” Tyler said quietly, looking up at her, “I’m glad I got a baby brother. He’s my best friend.”
Mrs. Smith’s heart swelled as she kissed his forehead. “And you’re the best big brother he could ever ask for.”
Their bond became unshakable, built on love, trust, and the simple joy of having each other. For Tyler, Caleb wasn’t just his little brother—he was his greatest motivation, his reason to keep proving the world wrong. And for Caleb, Tyler was the first person to teach him what unconditional love truly meant.
Chapter four
As the years passed, Tyler and Caleb’s bond only grew stronger. Caleb adored his big brother and stuck to him like glue, whether they were playing in the yard, doing homework, or just watching cartoons on the couch. Tyler, in turn, was always ready to guide Caleb, offering advice and encouragement when he needed it most.
By the time Caleb was five and Tyler was twelve, their dynamic was unmistakably special. Tyler, who struggled with tasks like riding a bike or tying his shoes, had channeled his determination into being the kind of role model he’d always wanted. Caleb, now old enough to understand some of Tyler’s challenges, admired his brother’s perseverance.
One afternoon, Caleb burst into their shared room, clutching a pair of sneakers with untied laces. “Tyler, I’m gonna teach you how to tie your shoes!” he announced with the unshakable confidence of a five-year-old.
Tyler laughed, shaking his head. “I don’t know, Caleb. I’ve been trying for years.”
“Yeah, but you haven’t tried with me!” Caleb insisted, plopping down on the floor. “Come on, I’ll show you.”
For the next hour, Caleb patiently demonstrated the “bunny ears” method, clapping each time Tyler got a little closer. Finally, after countless attempts, Tyler managed to tie a lopsided bow. Caleb jumped to his feet, cheering like they’d just won a championship game.
“You did it, Tyler! I told you you could!”
It was a small victory, but for Tyler, it felt monumental. He looked at Caleb, his heart swelling with gratitude. “Thanks, buddy. You’re the best teacher ever.”
From that day on, Caleb took every chance to return the guidance Tyler had given him over the years. He cheered for Tyler at his school events, proudly telling anyone who would listen, “That’s my big brother!” Even when other kids teased Tyler for his struggles, Caleb was his fiercest defender.
“Don’t listen to them,” Caleb would say, his small fists clenched with indignation. “You’re the strongest person I know.”
As Caleb entered middle school and Tyler moved into high school, their bond was tested in new ways. Tyler faced challenges with academics, often needing extra support, while Caleb excelled with ease. Still, Caleb never let his successes overshadow Tyler’s. Instead, he celebrated every one of Tyler’s achievements, no matter how small.
One night, as they sat on the porch watching the sunset, Caleb turned to Tyler. “Do you ever get mad? You know, about how hard some things are for you?”
Tyler thought for a moment before shaking his head. “I used to, but then I realized it doesn’t help. I have you, and that makes everything easier. So, no, I’m not mad. I’m lucky.”
Caleb nodded, his admiration for his brother shining in his eyes. “I’m lucky too, Tyler.”
Their relationship continued to evolve through high school. When Caleb joined the basketball team, Tyler was his loudest cheerleader, attending every game with a handmade sign. And when Tyler joined a theater group, overcoming his fear of being in front of an audience, Caleb was the one shouting “Bravo!” the loudest from the front row.
After Tyler graduated, he decided to pursue a career working with kids who faced similar challenges to his own. Caleb, by then a sophomore in high school, often volunteered alongside him. Together, they ran activities and mentored younger children, showing them that limitations didn’t have to define their lives.
By the time Caleb graduated, their bond had become a source of inspiration for their entire family and community. At Caleb’s graduation party, he stood to make a toast, holding a glass of sparkling cider in his hand.
“I wouldn’t be the person I am today without my brother, Tyler,” he said, his voice steady and sincere. “He taught me what it means to work hard, to be kind, and to never give up. Tyler, you’re my hero. And I’ll spend my life trying to be half as good as you.”
Tyler, sitting in the front row, wiped tears from his eyes, his heart full. He raised his glass in response. “And I’ll spend my life being proud of you, Caleb.”
As they grew into adulthood, their bond remained unbreakable. Tyler eventually became a counselor, dedicating his life to helping others overcome obstacles. Caleb pursued a career in education, inspired by the lessons he’d learned from his brother. They continued to lean on each other, celebrating life’s victories and facing its challenges together.
Their story became a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the unshakable bond between brothers. Caleb may have learned how to tie his shoes long before Tyler, but Tyler taught him how to live with courage, compassion, and heart—a lesson that would guide them both for the rest of their lives.
Chapter five
As Tyler and Caleb transitioned into adulthood, their bond continued to be a cornerstone of their lives. Tyler’s career as a counselor flourished as he worked with children facing developmental challenges, offering them and their families the kind of hope and guidance he’d received in his own journey. Caleb, inspired by his brother’s work, became a high school teacher, focusing on supporting students who needed encouragement and a steady hand.
Though their careers took them in different directions, Tyler and Caleb remained inseparable. They made it a tradition to meet for breakfast every Sunday, where they’d catch up over coffee and pancakes. Their conversations ranged from silly childhood memories to the big questions of life.
“Do you ever wonder how we got so lucky?” Caleb asked one Sunday morning, sipping his coffee as sunlight streamed through the diner window.
Tyler chuckled, shaking his head. “Lucky? I think we just worked hard, Caleb. And we had each other.”
As the years went on, life threw its share of challenges their way. Tyler, now in his mid-thirties, faced health complications related to his stroke. Mobility became more difficult, and some days he struggled with the simple tasks he’d spent his whole life learning to master. Caleb, ever the supportive brother, stepped in without hesitation.
“I’m not letting you do this alone,” Caleb said firmly one evening, after Tyler had hesitated to ask for help moving into a new apartment. “You carried me when I was a baby, so now it’s my turn.”
Tyler smiled, his gratitude unspoken but deeply felt. Caleb’s unwavering support reminded him that he was never truly alone.
Their relationship wasn’t without its trials. Caleb’s growing family presented new dynamics. He married his college sweetheart, Emma, and they had two children, a boy named Noah and a girl named Lily. Tyler adored his niece and nephew, often spending weekends babysitting or joining family outings. But there were moments when he felt a pang of loneliness, wondering if he’d ever have a family of his own.
One evening, as they sat around Caleb’s dining room table, Tyler confessed his feelings. “Sometimes I feel like I’m missing out, Caleb. Watching you with Emma and the kids... it makes me wonder if I’ll ever find that.”
Caleb placed a reassuring hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Tyler, you’ve already built a family—with me, with the kids you help, and with everyone who loves you. But if you want more, we’ll figure it out together. You’ve never let anything stop you before.”
That conversation marked a turning point for Tyler. He began to explore ways to build the life he wanted. With Caleb’s encouragement, he started attending social events and eventually met someone who saw him for who he truly was—kind, resilient, and full of heart. Her name was Rachel, a fellow counselor, and their shared passion for helping others brought them together.
When Tyler introduced Rachel to Caleb, he was nervous, but Caleb instantly embraced her—both figuratively and literally. “Welcome to the family,” Caleb said with a grin, pulling her into a hug. “You’re stuck with us now.”
Rachel fit seamlessly into their lives, and her presence only strengthened the brothers’ bond. Tyler and Rachel eventually married in a small ceremony, with Caleb standing proudly as his best man. During his speech, Caleb spoke through tears.
“Tyler, you’ve always been my hero. You’ve shown me what it means to love unconditionally, to fight for what matters, and to live with courage. Rachel, you’re lucky to have him—but I think you already know that. And Tyler, I’m lucky to have you as my brother.”
As the years went on, the brothers continued to support each other through life’s ups and downs. When Caleb’s children grew older, Tyler became their biggest cheerleader, attending every recital, game, and school play. He often joked that being “Uncle Tyler” was his favorite job.
In their later years, as both men reflected on their journey, they often marveled at how far they had come.
“You know,” Tyler said one evening, as they sat on Caleb’s porch watching a golden sunset, “I think about that first day I held you, Caleb. I promised I’d teach you everything I knew. But I think you’ve taught me even more.”
Caleb smiled, his eyes misty. “We’ve taught each other, Tyler. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything.”
Their bond, forged in childhood through love and resilience, remained unbreakable. It was a testament to the power of family, the strength of unconditional support, and the enduring love between two brothers who had always been each other’s greatest champions.
Chapter six
Milestone: Tyler’s First Major Public Speaking Event
When Tyler was invited to speak at a national conference on overcoming adversity, he was both honored and terrified. Public speaking wasn’t his strength, and he worried his story wouldn’t resonate with such a large audience. Caleb, who had always believed in Tyler, wouldn’t let him back out.
“You’ve got this,” Caleb said firmly as they prepared for the event. “You’ve been inspiring people your whole life. This is just a bigger stage.”
On the day of the conference, Caleb sat in the front row, cheering louder than anyone else. As Tyler spoke about his journey, sharing the struggles and triumphs that had shaped him, he locked eyes with Caleb. That steady presence gave him the confidence to push through his nerves. By the end of his speech, the crowd gave him a standing ovation, and Caleb beamed with pride.
“You killed it,” Caleb said afterward, clapping Tyler on the back. “See? I told you they’d love you.”
Challenge: Caleb’s Career Setback
A few years into his teaching career, Caleb faced a tough setback. A school budget cut resulted in the elimination of his position, leaving him unsure of his next steps. For someone who had always been confident and driven, the loss shook him deeply.
Tyler noticed Caleb’s uncharacteristic silence during one of their Sunday breakfasts. “You’ve been quiet,” Tyler said, his brow furrowed. “What’s going on?”
Caleb hesitated before finally admitting his fears. “I don’t know what to do, Ty. Teaching was my thing. What if I can’t find something else I love as much?”
Tyler reached across the table and placed a hand on Caleb’s. “You’ve spent your whole life lifting others up, Caleb. It’s okay to need a little help yourself. You’ll figure it out—and until you do, I’m here.”
With Tyler’s encouragement, Caleb took time to reflect on his passions and eventually decided to pursue a master’s degree in educational leadership. The experience reignited his purpose, and he went on to become a principal, using his new role to support both teachers and students.
Milestone: Tyler’s Health Advocacy Work
As Tyler grew older, his health challenges became more pronounced. The effects of his stroke at birth made certain tasks increasingly difficult, but instead of retreating, Tyler leaned into advocacy. He started a nonprofit dedicated to providing resources and support for families with children who had developmental delays or disabilities.
Caleb became his biggest supporter, volunteering at events, helping with fundraising, and even bringing his high school students to participate in community service projects. Together, they organized an annual awareness walk that became a local tradition, drawing hundreds of participants each year.
“None of this would’ve happened without you, Caleb,” Tyler said at one event, addressing the crowd. “You’ve been my rock since the day you were born.”
“And you’ve been mine,” Caleb replied, pulling his brother into a hug.
Challenge: Tyler’s Hospitalization
One winter, Tyler faced a serious health scare that landed him in the hospital. Complications from his stroke had led to a sudden and severe bout of pneumonia, and Caleb rushed to his side. Sitting in the sterile hospital room, Caleb held Tyler’s hand, refusing to leave.
“You’re going to get through this,” Caleb said, his voice steady despite the fear in his eyes. “You’re the strongest person I know.”
The days that followed were touch-and-go, but Tyler eventually pulled through. When he woke up to find Caleb asleep in the chair next to his bed, he smiled weakly. “You look terrible,” Tyler croaked, his voice raspy.
Caleb’s eyes shot open, relief flooding his face. “Don’t scare me like that again, okay?”
“I’ll try,” Tyler said with a small grin. “But you’re stuck with me either way.”
Milestone: Caleb’s Children Growing Up
As Caleb’s children grew older, Tyler played an active role in their lives. He became Noah’s confidant when the teenager struggled with fitting in at school and Lily’s biggest cheerleader at her dance recitals. Tyler’s unique perspective on overcoming adversity made him an invaluable source of wisdom for his niece and nephew.
One summer, Tyler and Caleb took the kids on a camping trip. Around the campfire, Noah asked, “Uncle Tyler, what’s the hardest thing you’ve ever done?”
Tyler thought for a moment before answering. “Learning to believe in myself. But you know what? Your dad helped me every step of the way.”
Caleb smiled, his eyes glistening in the firelight. “And now you help us believe in ourselves, Uncle Ty,” Lily chimed in, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Challenge: Losing Their Parents
The loss of their parents was a devastating blow for both brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Smith had been their pillars of strength, always encouraging and celebrating their bond. Tyler and Caleb leaned on each other more than ever as they navigated their grief.
“Mom and Dad would be proud of us,” Caleb said one evening as they sorted through old photo albums. “Everything we’ve built, everything we’ve done—it’s because of them.”
Tyler nodded, wiping a tear from his cheek. “And because we had each other.”
Together, they decided to honor their parents’ memory by creating a scholarship fund for students with disabilities, ensuring their legacy of kindness and support would live on.
A Lifetime of Brotherhood
As they entered their later years, Tyler and Caleb reflected often on their shared journey. Sitting on Caleb’s porch one summer evening, watching their families play in the yard, Caleb turned to Tyler.
“Do you ever think about how far we’ve come?” Caleb asked.
“All the time,” Tyler replied, his gaze warm and thoughtful. “And I wouldn’t change a thing. Every challenge, every triumph—it all led us here.”
Caleb nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. “I wouldn’t change a thing either, Ty. Thanks for always being my brother, my hero, and my best friend.”
As the sun dipped below the horizon, their laughter echoed into the night—a sound that spoke of a bond forged through love, resilience, and a lifetime of unwavering support.
Chapter seven
Finding New Purpose in Later Life
As Tyler and Caleb entered their forties, they both began reflecting on how they could give back in new and meaningful ways. Tyler, inspired by his work as a counselor and advocate, decided to start writing a book about his life’s journey—how he overcame the odds and found strength through his bond with Caleb.
The process was daunting. Tyler often second-guessed himself, wondering if anyone would care about his story. Caleb, as always, stepped in to encourage him.
“People need to hear this, Tyler,” Caleb said over one of their Sunday breakfasts. “You’ve changed lives just by being you. Imagine how many more people you can reach with this book.”
Caleb became Tyler’s unofficial editor, reading every draft and offering suggestions. When the book was finally published, it was met with widespread acclaim, touching the lives of countless readers. At the launch party, Tyler dedicated the book to Caleb.
“To my brother,” Tyler said, his voice thick with emotion. “The one who taught me what it means to truly live.”
Caleb’s eyes glistened as he stood to hug Tyler. “You’ve always been the teacher, Ty.”
Caleb’s Own Personal Growth
For much of his life, Caleb had been defined by his role as the supportive younger brother. While he loved being there for Tyler, he sometimes struggled to carve out his own identity. As he approached his forties, Caleb began exploring his own passions outside of teaching.
One of those passions was woodworking, a hobby he picked up while helping his children with school projects. What started as a small pastime soon turned into a thriving side business. Caleb began crafting custom furniture and donating pieces to local charities. Tyler was his biggest fan, proudly displaying Caleb’s work in his home and recommending him to anyone who would listen.
“You’re amazing at this,” Tyler said one afternoon as he admired a handmade coffee table. “Who knew my little brother was a secret artist?”
Caleb grinned. “Well, I had a pretty great role model for perseverance.”
Building a Legacy Together
As they both approached their fifties, Tyler and Caleb began discussing how they wanted to leave a lasting legacy. Their shared experiences had taught them the importance of community and support, and they decided to co-found a community center for children and families dealing with disabilities.
The center became a safe haven, offering resources, counseling, and recreational activities. Tyler led workshops on resilience and self-advocacy, while Caleb organized mentorship programs, pairing older students with younger ones. Together, they built a space that embodied the values they had lived by: kindness, inclusion, and determination.
At the center’s grand opening, a local reporter interviewed the brothers. “What inspired you to create this center?” she asked.
Tyler smiled, his gaze shifting to Caleb. “Our story,” he said simply. “We’ve been lifting each other up our whole lives. Now, we want to do that for others.”
Navigating Life’s Changes
As time went on, life brought new changes for both brothers. Tyler and Rachel faced challenges as they navigated his increasing health needs, but their love remained strong. Rachel often marveled at Tyler’s ability to find joy in the small things, a perspective she credited to his bond with Caleb.
Caleb, meanwhile, became a grandfather in his early sixties. Watching his children start families of their own filled him with pride, and Tyler quickly earned the title of “the cool great-uncle.” He spoiled Caleb’s grandchildren with thoughtful gifts and spent hours playing with them, sharing his infectious laugh and storytelling skills.
“Uncle Tyler tells the best stories!” Caleb’s youngest grandchild once exclaimed. Tyler laughed, ruffling the boy’s hair.
“Maybe, but your grandpa’s the real hero,” he replied.
Revisiting the Past
As they entered their golden years, Tyler and Caleb decided to take a trip back to their childhood home. Walking through the familiar streets, they reminisced about their early days—the struggles, the triumphs, and the moments that had defined them.
Final Reflections
In their later years, Tyler and Caleb often spoke at events, sharing their story with others. Their talks weren’t just about overcoming adversity—they were about the power of love, family, and believing in one another. Audiences were moved by their humor, honesty, and unwavering bond.
One evening, after a particularly emotional event, Caleb turned to Tyler as they walked to the car. “Do you think Mom and Dad would be proud of us?”
Tyler smiled softly. “I know they would be. We’ve built something beautiful, Caleb. Together.”
As the years went on, their legacy continued to grow. The community center flourished, Tyler’s book became a staple in schools and libraries, and Caleb’s woodworking pieces found homes across the community. But for the brothers, their greatest achievement was the life they had built together—a life defined by love, resilience, and an unbreakable bond.
Chapter eight
The Community Center’s Legacy
The community center Tyler and Caleb founded became a cornerstone of their town, a beacon of hope and inclusion. Families came from miles around to participate in its programs, finding a supportive network they had never experienced before. The center was more than just a building; it was a testament to Tyler and Caleb’s belief in the power of connection and perseverance.
One of the center’s most impactful programs was its mentorship initiative, where older students with disabilities paired with younger ones to provide guidance and friendship. Tyler and Caleb had modeled the mentor-mentee relationship their entire lives, and now they were passing it on.
One of the first mentees, a shy boy named Ethan who struggled with confidence after a traumatic accident, blossomed under the program. Years later, Ethan returned to the center as a mentor himself. At a celebration event, Ethan gave a speech.
“I was lost before I came here,” he said, looking out at the audience. “But because of this place—and because of Tyler and Caleb—I found my voice. Now, I get to help others do the same. That’s their legacy.”
Tyler and Caleb sat in the audience, their eyes glistening with pride as Ethan’s words echoed in the room.
Impact on Family
Caleb’s children, Noah and Lily, and later his grandchildren, grew up surrounded by the values their father and uncle had instilled. Noah, inspired by Tyler’s work, pursued a career in physical therapy, helping people regain their strength and independence. Lily, on the other hand, became an artist, often incorporating themes of resilience and family into her work.
At one family gathering, Lily presented Tyler with a painting she had created—a vivid depiction of a tree with roots intertwined, symbolizing the bond between the brothers and their legacy of nurturing others.
“This is how I see you and Dad,” she said, handing Tyler the painting. “You’ve built something that will keep growing for generations.”
Tyler held the painting close, his heart swelling with emotion. “Thank you, Lily. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
Teaching the Next Generation
As Caleb’s grandchildren grew older, they became active participants in the community center. Tyler and Caleb loved watching them take on leadership roles, helping organize events and mentoring younger children.
One day, Caleb’s youngest granddaughter, Sophie, approached Tyler with a serious expression. “Uncle Tyler, why do you and Grandpa do all of this?” she asked, gesturing to the bustling activity of the center.
Tyler knelt to her level, his warm smile lighting up his face. “Because, Sophie, when I was your age, people didn’t think I’d be able to do much. But your grandpa never gave up on me. We want to make sure everyone knows they’re capable of amazing things, just like I learned.”
Sophie nodded thoughtfully. “When I grow up, I’m going to help too.”
“You already are,” Caleb said, stepping beside them and placing a hand on her shoulder. “And one day, you’re going to do even bigger things.”
A Ripple Effect
The brothers’ legacy extended far beyond their town. Tyler’s book, Against All Odds: A Story of Love and Resilience, became a national bestseller and was used in schools and disability awareness programs across the country. Caleb’s workshops on inclusion and education reform were sought after by educators and administrators alike.
At a national conference, a young teacher approached Caleb. “I just wanted to thank you,” she said, holding back tears. “Your work—and Tyler’s book—helped me create a better classroom for my students. They’re thriving because of what you taught me.”
Caleb shook her hand, his voice thick with emotion. “That means the world to me. Thank you for carrying our message forward.”
A Lasting Tribute
As Tyler and Caleb grew older, the town decided to honor their contributions by renaming the community center the Smith Brothers Resilience Center. At the dedication ceremony, Caleb’s grandchildren unveiled a plaque featuring an inscription that read:
"In honor of Tyler and Caleb Smith, whose unbreakable bond and unwavering commitment to kindness and inclusion changed countless lives. May their legacy inspire generations to come."
The brothers stood together, humbled by the moment. Tyler leaned over to Caleb, his voice barely above a whisper. “We did it, didn’t we?”
Caleb smiled, tears in his eyes. “Yeah, we did.”
The Next Generation Takes the Torch
In their later years, Tyler and Caleb began stepping back from their daily involvement in the center, passing the torch to the next generation. Noah took on an advisory role, Lily designed marketing campaigns to spread awareness, and Sophie began leading mentorship sessions, just as her great-uncle Tyler had done.
Even in retirement, Tyler and Caleb remained fixtures in the community, offering advice, sharing their story, and attending every event. Their legacy continued to grow, carried forward by the lives they had touched and the family they had inspired.
One day, as they sat on Caleb’s porch watching Sophie lead a group of young mentees in a team-building exercise, Tyler turned to Caleb with a contented sigh.
“Do you ever think about what Mom and Dad would say if they saw all this?” Tyler asked.
Caleb nodded, his eyes fixed on the scene before them. “I think they’d say they’re proud, Ty. Really proud.”
Tyler smiled, his gaze soft. “I think so too.”
And as the laughter of children filled the air, the brothers sat side by side, knowing that the seeds of their bond had grown into a legacy that would endure for generations.
Chapter nine
Facing the Challenges of Aging Together
As Tyler and Caleb entered their seventies, the effects of time began to take their toll. For Tyler, who had lived his entire life with the lingering consequences of his stroke at birth, daily activities became increasingly difficult. Caleb, now retired, became Tyler’s steadfast companion, just as Tyler had been there for him in their younger years.
“Don’t get all heroic on me,” Tyler joked one morning as Caleb helped him button his shirt. “I’m not some helpless old man.”
Caleb smirked. “If I waited for you to ask for help, we’d be here all day. Besides, this is payback for all the times you carried me when I was a kid.”
Their banter masked the quiet reality that they both knew: their time together was finite. But neither dwelled on it. Instead, they focused on the present, finding joy in the little things—Sunday breakfasts at the diner, quiet evenings watching old movies, and visits from Caleb’s growing family.
Reflection on a Life Well Lived
One crisp autumn afternoon, Tyler and Caleb sat on a park bench overlooking a pond. The leaves had turned brilliant shades of red and gold, and the air was filled with the faint scent of woodsmoke. Tyler leaned back, gazing at the sky.
“Do you ever think about all the things we’ve done?” he asked, his voice soft.
“All the time,” Caleb replied, his hands resting on his cane. “Sometimes I wonder how we managed it all.”
Tyler smiled faintly. “We had each other. That’s how.”
Caleb nodded, his expression thoughtful. “You remember when the doctors said you wouldn’t make it? Or that you’d never walk?”
“Hard to forget,” Tyler said with a chuckle. “But here I am. Still breathing. Still walking—well, sort of.”
“And still proving everyone wrong,” Caleb added with a grin. “You’ve always been the stubborn one.”
The brothers sat in comfortable silence for a while, watching children play nearby. One little boy, wobbling unsteadily, reminded them of Caleb’s first steps. Tyler’s mind drifted back to the day Caleb had helped him tie his shoes, and he felt a deep warmth in his chest.
“We’ve done good, haven’t we?” Tyler asked quietly.
Caleb reached over, placing a hand on Tyler’s shoulder. “Better than good, Ty. We’ve lived a life that matters.”
The Legacy Grows
In their later years, the Smith Brothers Resilience Center continued to thrive. Though Tyler and Caleb no longer played an active role in its daily operations, their presence was still felt. They were regular attendees at annual events, where they were treated like local legends.
At one such event, a young woman approached them with tears in her eyes. “Mr. Tyler, Mr. Caleb,” she said, her voice trembling. “I just wanted to thank you. My parents brought me here when I was little because I had a speech delay. Now, I’m a speech therapist. I couldn’t have done it without this place.”
Tyler, his voice tinged with emotion, responded, “That’s all you. We just gave you a place to shine.”
Caleb added with a warm smile, “And you’ve done us proud. Keep paying it forward.”
Their work, they realized, wasn’t just about what they had done in their own lives—it was about the ripple effect, the countless people they had inspired to carry their message of resilience and love into the world.
Cherishing Family
Family remained the center of Tyler and Caleb’s lives. Caleb’s grandchildren were now young adults, and his great-grandchildren brought a new kind of energy to their lives. Tyler became a beloved great-uncle, known for his stories, his humor, and his boundless encouragement.
One holiday gathering, Caleb’s great-grandson Ben, a shy ten-year-old, confided in Tyler about his struggles at school. “I don’t think I’m good at anything,” Ben admitted, his eyes downcast.
Tyler knelt down, his hands resting on Ben’s shoulders. “Ben, let me tell you a secret,” he said. “When I was your age, people thought I couldn’t do much of anything. But you know what? I didn’t listen to them. You have something special in you—I can see it. Don’t ever forget that.”
Years later, Ben would cite that conversation as a turning point in his life.
Saying Goodbye
In their late eighties, Caleb’s health began to decline. His once energetic steps slowed, and his booming laugh softened, but his spirit remained undiminished. Tyler, despite his own physical challenges, was by his side every step of the way.
One evening, as they sat together in Caleb’s living room, Tyler took Caleb’s hand. “You know, you’ve been my hero too,” Tyler said, his voice thick with emotion.
Caleb chuckled weakly. “You’re just saying that because I’m the only one who’ll listen to your stories.”
“No,” Tyler said firmly. “I mean it. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.”
Caleb squeezed Tyler’s hand, his eyes glistening. “We’ve done it all together, Ty. That’s what matters.”
Not long after, Caleb passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family. At his funeral, Tyler gave a eulogy that left not a dry eye in the room.
“My brother was my first friend, my greatest supporter, and the best part of my life,” Tyler said, his voice steady despite the tears streaming down his face. “He taught me how to be strong, how to love, and how to live with courage. I’ll carry him with me every day, just as we carried each other all our lives.”
Carrying On
In the years that followed, Tyler continued to honor Caleb’s memory. He remained involved in the community center, which now bore both their names, and he found comfort in the family they had built together. Though he missed Caleb deeply, he found solace in knowing they had created something enduring.
One day, as Tyler sat on the porch of his home, watching the sunset, Caleb’s great-granddaughter Sophie joined him.
“Uncle Tyler,” she said, “do you think Grandpa Caleb would be proud of me?”
Tyler looked at her with a smile that carried decades of love and wisdom. “He already is, Sophie. Just like I am.”
And as the sun dipped below the horizon, Tyler felt a quiet peace, knowing that the bond he and Caleb had shared would live on in the generations to come—a legacy of love, resilience, and unshakable brotherhood.
Chapter ten
Grieving and Finding Solace
After Caleb’s passing, Tyler felt a profound emptiness. For the first time in his life, he faced the world without the steady presence of his brother. Mornings felt quieter without their Sunday breakfasts, and the smallest things—a song, a shared memory, a favorite joke—would bring an ache to his chest.
In the early weeks, Tyler found himself retreating from the world. Rachel, always his rock, gently encouraged him to talk about his feelings. One evening, as they sat together on the couch, she took his hand.
“You don’t have to carry this alone,” she said softly. “Caleb wouldn’t want that.”
Tyler nodded, tears welling in his eyes. “He was always there, you know? No matter what. I just... I don’t know how to do this without him.”
“You don’t have to figure it all out at once,” Rachel replied. “Start by doing what you’ve always done—help others. That’s what Caleb would want.”
A Renewed Purpose
Inspired by Rachel’s words, Tyler began focusing his energy on the community center. He started a new program called Caleb’s Corner, dedicated to providing mentorship and support for siblings of children with disabilities. Tyler knew firsthand how challenging and rewarding those relationships could be, and he wanted to create a space where others could share their experiences and grow.
The program quickly became a cornerstone of the center, drawing families from across the region. During the first session, Tyler shared stories about his life with Caleb, both the struggles and the triumphs.
“My brother taught me that love is about showing up,” Tyler told the group, his voice steady despite the emotions bubbling beneath the surface. “Even when it’s hard, even when you don’t know what to say—just being there can change everything.”
Families left those sessions feeling inspired and connected, carrying Caleb’s legacy forward through their own relationships.
A New Chapter in Advocacy
Though Tyler had always been an advocate for those with disabilities, Caleb’s passing gave him a new sense of urgency. He began speaking at national conferences, sharing not only his story but also Caleb’s.
At one event, Tyler delivered a keynote speech titled Lessons from My Brother. Standing before a packed audience, he spoke with a mix of humor and raw honesty.
“Caleb was more than my brother,” Tyler said, his voice thick with emotion. “He was my anchor, my cheerleader, and sometimes the pain in my neck I needed to keep me going. Everything I’ve done, everything I am, is because of him.”
The speech resonated deeply, sparking conversations about the often-overlooked role of siblings in the lives of those with disabilities. Tyler’s work helped shape new policies and programs aimed at supporting families as a whole, not just individuals.
Connecting with the Next Generation
Caleb’s grandchildren became a source of comfort and purpose for Tyler in his later years. Sophie, who had always been close to her Uncle Tyler, became a key figure in his life. She frequently visited him, bringing stories of her own growing family and the work she was doing at the community center.
One evening, Sophie brought her young son, Caleb, to visit Tyler. The boy, named in honor of his great-grandfather, climbed onto Tyler’s lap with wide, curious eyes.
“Mom says you and Grandpa Caleb were best friends,” little Caleb said.
Tyler chuckled, his heart swelling. “We were. And you know what? You remind me of him.”
“How?” the boy asked, his head tilted in curiosity.
“You have the same kind heart,” Tyler said, brushing a strand of hair from the boy’s forehead. “And I bet you’re going to make just as big a difference in the world.”
Writing a Final Tribute
In his late eighties, Tyler began writing another book—a deeply personal memoir dedicated entirely to Caleb. Titled For My Brother, it chronicled their life together, from their earliest days to the legacy they had built.
The process was bittersweet. Some days, the memories brought laughter; other days, they brought tears. But as the pages filled, Tyler felt a sense of catharsis. He wanted the world to know who Caleb was—not just as a brother, but as a friend, a father, and a quiet hero.
When the book was published, it quickly became a bestseller, touching hearts across the globe. Readers sent letters sharing how the story had inspired them to cherish their own siblings, and many visited the Smith Brothers Resilience Center to learn more about the brothers’ work.
A Peaceful Legacy
In his nineties, Tyler spent more time reflecting on the life he and Caleb had built. Sitting on his porch, surrounded by photos and mementos, he often thought of their journey—the challenges they had faced, the love they had shared, and the lives they had touched.
One afternoon, Sophie visited with her son Caleb and daughter Lily. As the children played in the yard, Sophie sat beside Tyler, handing him a scrapbook she had created. Inside were photos, newspaper clippings, and letters from people whose lives had been changed by the brothers’ work.
“Uncle Tyler,” Sophie said, her voice filled with emotion, “this is what you and Grandpa Caleb built. This is your legacy.”
Tyler flipped through the pages, his hands trembling slightly. Tears welled in his eyes as he took it all in. “It’s beautiful,” he whispered. “Just like he was.”
That evening, as the sun set and the world quieted, Tyler felt a profound sense of peace. Though Caleb was no longer by his side, their bond continued to guide him, shaping the lives of those they had touched and the generations that would follow.
Chapter eleven
Embracing Solitude and Reflection
In his nineties, Tyler found himself spending more time in quiet reflection. Caleb’s absence was a constant presence, but rather than feeling weighed down by grief, Tyler felt comforted by the memories they had shared. He often sat on his porch with a cup of tea, flipping through old photo albums and reminiscing about the countless milestones they had achieved together.
One of his favorite photos was from the opening of the Smith Brothers Resilience Center. In the picture, Tyler and Caleb stood side by side, their arms around each other, smiles as wide as the horizon. Tyler kept the photo framed on his bedside table, a reminder of their shared journey.
“I hope you’re proud of me, Caleb,” he often whispered, gazing at the photo before bed. “I’m still trying to make you proud.”
Mentorship in the Later Years
As Tyler grew older, he became a mentor to younger leaders at the Smith Brothers Resilience Center. He shared his wisdom with staff members, encouraging them to carry forward the vision he and Caleb had built.
One such mentee, a young woman named Mia, frequently visited Tyler at his home to seek advice. Passionate about disability advocacy, Mia often worried about living up to the legacy of the Smith brothers.
“You’re not here to copy us, Mia,” Tyler told her during one visit. “You’re here to build on what we started. You have your own gifts, your own story. Use them. Caleb always said the world needs more people who care—and you care.”
Mia took Tyler’s words to heart, eventually becoming the director of the center and expanding its programs to serve more families than ever. Every decision she made was infused with the values Tyler and Caleb had instilled.
A Celebration of Life
On Tyler’s 95th birthday, the community gathered to celebrate his life. Friends, family, and former mentees filled the Smith Brothers Resilience Center, each eager to honor the man who had shaped their lives.
The event was filled with laughter and heartfelt tributes. Sophie, now a mother of two and a leader at the center, delivered a speech that brought tears to Tyler’s eyes.
“Uncle Tyler, you’ve taught us all what it means to live with courage and love,” she said. “You and Grandpa Caleb didn’t just build a legacy—you built a family that will carry your values forward for generations.”
When it was Tyler’s turn to speak, he stood slowly, leaning on his cane for support. His voice was soft but steady.
“Thank you for being here today,” he began, his eyes sweeping across the room. “This isn’t just my celebration—it’s Caleb’s too. Everything I’ve done, everything we’ve built, was because of him. He taught me how to be brave, how to love deeply, and how to never give up. And he’d be so proud of all of you for continuing our work. Thank you for making our dream live on.”
An Unexpected Friendship
In his later years, Tyler developed a close friendship with a young neighbor named Ethan, a boy who reminded him of Caleb. Ethan, shy and reserved, often helped Tyler with yard work and small tasks around the house. Over time, their bond deepened, and Tyler became a mentor and confidant to the boy.
One day, as they sat on Tyler’s porch watching the sunset, Ethan asked, “Mr. Tyler, how did you get through the hard times?”
Tyler smiled, the weight of years in his expression. “I had my brother. But even after he was gone, I learned that the best way to honor someone you love is to keep living, to keep making a difference. That’s what he’d want.”
Ethan nodded thoughtfully. “I want to do that too—make a difference.”
“You will,” Tyler said, resting a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “You’ve got the heart for it.”
Passing the Torch
As Tyler’s health began to decline, he made arrangements to ensure that the Smith Brothers Resilience Center would continue to thrive. He worked closely with Mia and Sophie, sharing his insights and ensuring they were prepared to lead the next chapter.
One afternoon, as he sat with Sophie in the center’s garden, he handed her a small wooden box. Inside was a collection of keepsakes: a copy of his book, a photo of him and Caleb as children, and a handwritten letter.
“This is for you,” Tyler said, his voice soft. “It’s a piece of us to carry forward. You’ll know what to do with it when the time comes.”
Sophie hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face. “Thank you, Uncle Tyler. For everything.”
Finding Peace
In his final years, Tyler found peace in knowing that the life he and Caleb had built would continue. Surrounded by family and friends, he often spoke of his gratitude for the journey he’d been on.
One quiet evening, as Rachel sat beside him, he reflected on his life. “I used to think my story was about proving people wrong,” he said. “But it wasn’t. It was about love. Caleb taught me that. And I’ve been lucky to share that love with so many people.”
Rachel smiled, brushing a tear from her cheek. “And we’ve all been lucky to have you.”
A Legacy That Endures
When Tyler passed away at the age of 96, the town mourned the loss of a man who had touched countless lives. His funeral was a celebration of his life, filled with laughter, tears, and stories of his enduring impact.
Mia and Sophie led the ceremony, unveiling a new wing at the community center in Tyler’s honor: The Tyler Smith Education Center for Resilience and Advocacy. The dedication plaque bore one of Tyler’s favorite sayings: “Love fiercely, live courageously, and leave the world better than you found it.”
Though Tyler was gone, his presence remained in the hearts of all who had known him. His story, and the bond he shared with Caleb, became a guiding light for generations, proving that love and resilience could change the world.
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I posted my apartment on Craigslist to see if I would get any hits. And instantly already did. It kind of made me sad when I read the girls message who was so excited to move in and create her new exciting life. Living in my old place, taking a bath in my old bath cooking in that kitchen. All the hopes and dreams I had when I first moved here. The world at feet.
My life never got off the ground. I guess you could say if my boyfriend and I never got back together it could have. At the end of the day living in the city single or having the life I dreamed for us as a soon to be reality, that’s all I ever wanted. I had once thought we would never have that but sometimes dreams can come true. A toss up between the girl I used to be, the girl I am, and the girl I could have possibly been. The girl who left Stockton didn’t leave because she was unhappy, quite the opposite. She was so full of life dreaming of her next adventure. The girl I am today is miserable, surviving the day, unhappy as can be, homesick. If I was single would I have been any different? I’d probably be worse off.
Lately again I see God’s miracles working. In the dismal last six months, I wondered why I was really here. Why the feeling of moving here was so great it was like a sign from God. Maybe it was all to learn a lesson. I think in the distance between my boyfriend and I it definitely made us stronger, and tested us everyday. It made us ask ourselves is this the person I want to be with are they and this worth it? And we both answered yes in our heads.
God’s been working in mysterious ways lately, I asked him for signs, and to be with me during my hardest of time. To give me the strength. Which he has. I could be falling apart even more but he has given me this sort of strength that has kept me from falling apart at the seams. Even in the darkest of time there’s been so many positive things happening for both me and my boyfriend it makes it hard to focus on the bad. God thank you, I know you’ve been showing us we can have it all. Hard work, determination and prayer have gotten us through this. I know it’s only the start but I’m dedicated to this future we’re dreaming up.
Yours Truly,
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Miraculous Signs
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman
The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon's Colonnade (Acts 5:12). When is the last time you saw a miracle in your workplace? Perhaps you prayed for a co-worker and they were instantly healed. Perhaps you prayed for a co-worker’s financial problem and it was resolved. Perhaps you led a co-worker to Christ. Or maybe God gave you an answer to a major problem at work that benefited your organization. The disciples were working people. They turned the world upside down not because of their knowledge of Jesus, but because of their outflow of the power of Jesus through them to others. And this was done in the public square, where all could see. Workplace Bible and prayer groups are great, but you must transition to action if you want to change the spiritual climate in an organization. There is a risk - God might actually show up in a powerful way. I taught a lunch-time Bible study in an insurance company for two years. God began to move powerfully in the meetings. People were coming to Christ. Some experienced healing. Word was getting out and non-believers came to check us out. When is the last time someone saw something happen through your life that could not be explained other than God working in your life? When you begin to see this happen, you will be modeling ministry as Jesus modeled it. You will be bringing the Church to the people, not the people to the church. Pray that God makes you a vessel of His power, not simply a vessel of words.
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“So now you need to rethink everything and turn to God so your sins will be forgiven and a new day can dawn, days of refreshing times flowing from the Lord.”
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 3rd chapter of the book of Acts:
One day at three o’clock in the afternoon, a customary time for daily prayer, Peter and John walked to the temple. Some people were carrying in a man who had been paralyzed since birth. Every day they brought him to a place near the beautiful gate (one of the temple entrances) so he could beg for money from people entering to worship. He saw Peter and John coming and asked them for a contribution. Peter gazed intensely at him—so did John.
Peter: Look at us.
The man looked up at them, assuming they were about to give him some money.
Peter: I want to give you something, but I don’t have any silver or gold. Here’s what I can offer you: stand up and walk in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, the Anointed One.
Then Peter took the man’s right hand and lifted him to his feet. Instantly the man’s feet and ankles grew strong. He jumped and walked, accompanying Peter and John into the temple where he walked, jumped for joy, and shouted praises to God. A crowd ran to the commotion, and they gathered around this man in an open area called Solomon’s Porch. There he was, standing on his own two feet, holding on to Peter and John. They knew exactly who he was—the beggar they passed at the beautiful gate every day. Everyone was absolutely amazed at this wonderful miracle; they were speechless, stunned.
Peter (to the crowd): Why are you so amazed, my fellow Israelites? Why are you staring at my friend and me as though we did this miracle through our own power or made this fellow walk by our own holiness? We didn’t do this—God did! The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob—the God of our ancestors has glorified Jesus, God’s servant—the same Jesus whom you betrayed and rejected in front of Pilate, even though Pilate was going to release Him. He is the Holy and Righteous One, but you rejected Him and asked for a murderer to be released to you instead. You not only rejected Him, but you killed Him—the very Author of life! But God raised Jesus from the dead, whom my friend John and I have seen with our own eyes. So that’s how this miracle happened: we have faith in the name of Jesus, and He is the power that made this man strong—this man who is known to all of you. It is faith in Jesus that has given this man his complete health here today, in front of all of you.
Listen, friends, I know you didn’t fully realize what you were doing when you rejected and betrayed Jesus. I know that you, and your rulers as well, were acting in ignorance. God was at work in all this, fulfilling what He had predicted through all the prophets—that the Anointed One would suffer. So now you need to rethink everything and turn to God so your sins will be forgiven and a new day can dawn, days of refreshing times flowing from the Lord. Then God may send Jesus the Anointed, whom God has chosen for you. He is in heaven now and must remain there until the day of universal restoration comes—the restoration which in ancient times God announced through the holy prophets. Moses, for example, said, “The Eternal One your God will raise up from among your people a prophet who will be like me. You must listen to Him. And whoever does not listen to His words will be completely uprooted from among the people.”
Every prophet, from Samuel through all of his successors, agreed. You are the descendants of these prophets, and you are the people of God’s covenant to your ancestors. God’s word to Abraham includes you: “Because of your descendants, all the families of the earth will be blessed.” So when God raised up His Servant, God sent Him first to you, to begin blessing you by calling you to change your path from evil ways to God’s ways.
The Book of Acts, Chapter 3 (The Voice)
A note from The Voice translation:
Just as Jesus promised, the Spirit comes on believers in power, enabling them to do miracles like this. Now they can participate in the truth of the good news.
Today’s paired reading from the First Testament is the 36th chapter of the book of Genesis:
Here is an account of Esau’s descendants (his nation is known as Edom).
Esau had taken his wives from the Canaanites: Adah (daughter of Elon the Hittite), Oholibamah (daughter of Anah, granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite), and Basemath (Ishmael’s daughter and Nebaioth’s sister). Adah gave birth to Eliphaz. Basemath gave birth to Reuel. Oholibamah gave birth to Jeush, Jalam, and Korah. All of these were Esau’s sons, born in the land of Canaan.
Esau took his wives, sons, daughters, all of the members of his household, his cattle, his livestock, and all of the property he had acquired while living in Canaan; and he moved to a land some distance from his brother, Jacob. Since they were too wealthy to live in close proximity—that is, the land couldn’t support both of their vast numbers of livestock— Esau settled in the hill country of Seir. (Esau is also known as Edom.)
Here is an account of Esau’s descendants. He was the founding father of the Edomites, a people who lived in the hill country of Seir. Esau’s sons were Eliphaz (son of his wife Adah) and Reuel (son of his wife Basemath). Eliphaz’s sons were Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam, and Kenaz. (Timna was a concubine of Eliphaz, Esau’s son, and she gave birth to Amalek.) These were the grandsons of Adah, Esau’s first wife. Reuel’s sons were Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. These were the grandsons of Basemath (Esau’s wife). These were the sons of Esau’s wife Oholibamah (daughter of Anah, Zibeon’s granddaughter): Jeush, Jalam, and Korah.
These are the chiefs among Esau’s descendants: From the sons of Eliphaz (Esau’s firstborn) were Teman, Omar, Zepho, Kenaz, Korah, Gatam, and Amalek. These grandsons of Adah became tribal leaders in the land of Edom. From the sons of Reuel (Esau’s son) were Nahath, Zerah, Shammah, and Mizzah. These grandsons of Basemath (Esau’s wife) became tribal leaders in the land of Edom. From the sons of Oholibamah (Esau’s wife and Anah’s daughter) were Jeush, Jalam, and Korah. They became tribal leaders. These were the tribes and tribal chiefs descended from Esau (who is also known as Edom).
The sons of Seir the Horite, who also inhabited the land, were Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah, Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan. They became the tribal chiefs of the Horites (who were the sons of Seir) in the land of Edom. The sons of Lotan were Hori and Hemam, and Lotan’s sister was Timna. The sons of Shobal were Alvan, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho, and Onam. The sons of Zibeon were Aiah and Anah. (This is the same Anah who found the hot springs in the wilderness, as he was pasturing his father Zibeon’s donkeys.) The children of Anah were Dishon and Oholibamah (Anah’s daughter). The sons of Dishon were Hemdan, Eshban, Ithran, and Cheran. The sons of Ezer were Bilhan, Zaavan, and Akan. The sons of Dishan were Uz and Aran. These descendants of the Horites were the tribal chiefs of their respective tribes in the land of Seir: Lotan, Shobal, Zibeon, Anah, Dishon, Ezer, and Dishan.
There were kings who reigned in the land of Edom long before any king ruled over the Israelites: Bela (Beor’s son) ruled in Edom from his city Dinhabah. Bela died, then Jobab (son of Zerah’s son from Bozrah) succeeded him as king. Jobab died, then Husham from the land of the Temanites succeeded him as king. Husham died, then Hadad (Bedad’s son, who defeated Midian in the country of Moab) succeeded him and ruled from his city Avith. Hadad died, then Samlah of Masrekah succeeded him as king. Samlah died, then Shaul of Rehoboth on the Euphrates River succeeded him as king. Shaul died, and then Baal-hanan (Achbor’s son) succeeded him as king. Baal-hanan (Achbor’s son) died, then Hadar succeeded him and ruled from his city Pau. His wife’s name was Mehetabel (daughter of Matred, daughter of Mezahab).
These are the names of the tribal chiefs among Esau’s descendants, according to their families and where they lived: Timna, Alvah, Jetheth, Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon, Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar, Magdiel, and Iram. These were the tribal chiefs of Edom (who is also known as Esau, the father of Edomites) according to the land they owned and where they settled.
The Book of Genesis, Chapter 36 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Sunday, April 7 of 2024 with a paired chapter from each Testament (the First & the New) of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons about not being afraid:
Turning to God in teshuvah, or "conversion," is not something you accomplish in your own strength or will. No, it is an act of grace wherein God touches you to make you alive (John 1:11-12). After all, how could it really be otherwise? From our perspective, teshuvah is a matter of trust - first trusting that God loves you and redeems you from the curse of your life, and second, that he will guide you by means of his spirit to know him. Sanctification, then, is the practice of attending to God's presence, seeking him in your heartache and in your hope, walking with him in your sorrows and in your joys....
Doubts may sometimes arise, however. You may hear questions within your soul asking where you are really going, or questions about the choices you have made. You may feel anxious or uncertain about your relationship to “God, the universe, and everything.” When this occurs, you must again remember who you truly are. You must recall and reaffirm God's personal and covenantal love for you, even when you feel afraid or lost inside. God's everlasting love in Yeshua is the foundation, the solid rock, and the place where you will find shelter. It is the very "ground of your being." God's heart is the place where you are never left nor forsaken, even if you have wandered into painful byways of regret, sinfulness, and loneliness. Like the prodigal, when we "come to ourselves," when we remember where we really belong, we will rediscover our Father's outstretched arms welcoming us back home (Luke 15:17-24).
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Isaiah 41:13 reading:
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from yesterday’s email by Israel365:
Is Wine Good or Bad?
By: Rabbi Pesach Wolicki
APRIL 6, 2024
As the portion of the Bible, Shemini opens, we read of the end of the opening ceremonies of the Tabernacle. Much of our portion tells of the events of the eighth day of the consecration. Toward the end of this section the following law is related:
וַיְדַבֵּר יְהֹוָה אֶל־אַהֲרֹן לֵאמֹר׃
And Hashem spoke to Aharon, saying:
Leviticus 10:8
יַיִן וְשֵׁכָר אַל־תֵּשְׁתְּ אַתָּה וּבָנֶיךָ אִתָּךְ בְּבֹאֲכֶם אֶל־אֹהֶל מוֹעֵד וְלֹא תָמֻתוּ חֻקַּת עוֹלָם לְדֹרֹתֵיכֶם׃
Drink no wine or other intoxicant, you or your sons, when you enter the Tent of Meeting, that you may not die. This is a law for all time throughout the ages,
Leviticus 10:9
וּלֲהַבְדִּיל בֵּין הַקֹּדֶשׁ וּבֵין הַחֹל וּבֵין הַטָּמֵא וּבֵין הַטָּהוֹר׃
for you must distinguish between the sacred and the profane, and between the unclean and the clean;
Leviticus 10:10
וּלְהוֹרֹת אֶת־בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל אֵת כָּל־הַחֻקִּים אֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר יְהֹוָה אֲלֵיהֶם בְּיַד־מֹשֶׁה׃
and you must teach the Israelites all the laws which Hashem has imparted to them through Moshe.
Leviticus 10:11
The law here is simple. No drinking wine or any other intoxicant by any of the priests is allowed either while serving in or immediately prior to entering the Tabernacle and the Temple in Jerusalem in the future. This is certainly an understandable law. We wouldn’t want any drunk priests performing the services!
Based on this law we might assume that wine has no place in Temple services. This would make wine similar to honey and leaven.
כָּל־הַמִּנְחָה אֲשֶׁר תַּקְרִיבוּ לַיהֹוָה לֹא תֵעָשֶׂה חָמֵץ כִּי כָל־שְׂאֹר וְכָל־דְּבַשׁ לֹא־תַקְטִירוּ מִמֶּנּוּ אִשֶּׁה לַיהֹוָה׃
No meal offering that you offer to Hashem shall be made with leaven, for no leaven or honey may be turned into smoke as an offering by fire to Hashem.
Leviticus 2:11
Of course, this is not the case. Wine is, in fact, a central component of many Temple offerings. Most notably, the daily offering brought in the morning and afternoon included a wine libation.
While wine is to be offered as a libation in many offerings – public as well as private – no wine is ever drunk as part of any temple service. It is important to note that many of the offerings are meant to be eaten. Many of the animal offerings are eaten. Meal offerings are eaten as well. Wine, while offered, is never consumed.
This leads to a simple question. Is wine good or bad? If it is offered in the Temple, it must be good. If we are forbidden to drink it in the Temple, perhaps it is bad.
In his comments on the daily offering, Rabbi Samson R. Hirsch, the leading rabbi in the German Jewish community in the 19th century, explained the symbolism of the three of the ingredients in the daily offering: flour, oil, and wine. Flour represents basic sustenance. Oil represents wealth. Wine represents joy. The purpose of the daily offering is to attribute all of these to God. By bringing this offering daily, we are thanking God for our daily bread (flour), our wealth (oil), and all our joy (wine).
Rabbi Hirsch’s comment reminds us of the verse in Psalm 104.
מַצְמִיחַ חָצִיר לַבְּהֵמָה וְעֵשֶׂב לַעֲבֹדַת הָאָדָם לְהוֹצִיא לֶחֶם מִן־הָאָרֶץ׃
You make the grass grow for the cattle, and herbage for man’s labor that he may get food out of the earth—
Psalms 104:14
וְיַיִן יְשַׂמַּח לְבַב־אֱנוֹשׁ לְהַצְהִיל פָּנִים מִשָּׁמֶן וְלֶחֶם לְבַב־אֱנוֹשׁ יִסְעָד׃
wine that cheers the hearts of men oil that makes the face shine, and bread that sustains man’s life.
Psalms 104:15
By offering wine we are stating that we attribute all joy to God.
While wine certainly brings joy to people, it does so by altering our senses. If reality as I perceive it is enough to bring me to a joyous state, then I do not require wine. Wine will certainly enhance my joy, but I don’t need it. It is only when reality on its own does not bring me joy that wine is needed to produce feelings of joy. The Jewish sages in the Talmud expressed this idea in the following passage:
“Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira states: ‘When the Temple was standing there was no joy without meat. Now that the Temple is no longer standing, there is no joy without wine.’”(Pesachim 109a)
When the Temple is standing and our relationship to God can be expressed in its ideal form, reality as it is allows for joy. However, in the absence of a Temple, the only hope for joy comes by altering our senses. Reality as it is without a Temple does not allow for joy. It must be enhanced by wine.
Altering our senses with wine in order to feel joyous is not necessarily a bad thing. When we drink wine, we feel happier about whatever we are celebrating. If my favorite sports team just won a championship and I drink, I will feel even happier that they won. If I am drinking four cups of wine on Passover as we retell the story of God’s redemption of Israel from Egypt, I will become even more joyous in my praise of God due to the wine.
It makes sense then that while wine enhances feelings of joy, drinking it is forbidden during Temple service. To drink wine while drawing close to God in the Temple would imply that the experience of closeness to God is not sufficient on its own to bring us joy. The lesson here is that there is no greater joy than the experience of drawing close to God in His service. No artificial joy-enhancer is necessary.
The great 12th-century scholar Maimonides, in the Guide of the Perplexed, maintains that many of the laws regarding sacrifices were commanded to contradict and counteract the beliefs and practices of ancient pagans.
Maimonides offers many examples of this phenomenon in his book. Although he does not mention the prohibition of drinking wine in this context, this law fits nicely into his understanding.
Wine libations were common in virtually all ancient mid-eastern religious sects. However, just as common was the consumption of wine and other intoxicants by the priests performing the services in their temples. Various intoxicating beverages and herbs were a staple of pagan service. Specifically, the sexually oriented pagan festivals invariably included conspicuous consumption of wine by the participants.
Among the many mentions of wine offerings in the Torah, there is one reference to the drinking of a wine libation.
וְאָמַר אֵי אֱלֹהֵימוֹ צוּר חָסָיוּ בוֹ׃
He will say: Where are their gods, The rock in whom they sought refuge,
Deuteronomy 32:37
��ֲשֶׁר חֵלֶב זְבָחֵימוֹ יֹאכֵלוּ יִשְׁתּוּ יֵין נְסִיכָם יָקוּמוּ וְיַעְזְרֻכֶם יְהִי עֲלֵיכֶם סִתְרָה׃
Who ate the fat of their offerings And drank their libation wine? Let them rise up to your help, And let them be a shield unto you!
Deuteronomy 32:38
At the end of Deuteronomy, Moses poetically refers to God meting out justice on the pagan enemies of Israel. This reference to the futility of their false gods mentions two behaviors that are forbidden in the Temple – the eating of fats and the drinking of wine.
The pagans drank wine in the context of religious service and offerings to their gods. The Torah forbids it. Perhaps the lesson is this. Paganism sees the way to transcendence through the altering of the senses in revelry and physical pleasure. Torah sees the way to transcendence through a clear mind drawing close to God.
Rabbi Pesach Wolicki is Executive Director of the Center for Jewish-Christian Understanding and Cooperation. He is cohost of the weekly Shoulder to Shoulder podcast.
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
April 7, 2024
As I Have Loved
“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.” (John 13:34)
No Christian could ever question the preeminent importance of love. “God is love” (1 John 4:8, 16), and the greatest of the Christian virtues is love (1 Corinthians 13:13). The first and second commandments of the law are love for God and love for one’s neighbor (Matthew 22:37-40). Christ’s new commandment, however, gives us a definition of love! To love as He loved, we must observe how Christ loved.
In the first place, His love was not ephemeral. “When Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end” (John 13:1).
The Lord Jesus Himself defined love this way: “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). However, Christ died not only for His friends but for all sinners, including His bitter enemies. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8).
“In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him....Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another” (1 John 4:9-11).
The measure of love is the undeserved, yet gladly offered, substitutionary death of Christ for our sins. Whenever we think the love commandment is demanding too much of us, we should compare our love to His. “For the love of Christ constraineth us [not our love for Him, but His love for us]...that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again” (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). “We love him, because he first loved us” (1 John 4:19), and we must live for Him. HMM
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Messages from God's Heart
Receive a touch from the Lord.
“Jesus reached out and touched him. “I am willing,” he said. “Be healed!” And instantly the leprosy disappeared.” Matthew 8:3, NLT
God will touch your mind so that it is no longer confused.
God will touch your heart and mend what is broken.
God will touch your ears so you can hear Him more clearly.
God will touch your eyes so you can see His truth.
God will touch your physical body and bring healing and wholeness.
God will touch your life and cause everything the enemy meant for your bad, to turn around for your good.
Where does a touch from the Lord take place? It could be while you are in prayer, while you are singing to God in worship or while you are washing the dishes. It can take place whenever and wherever God sees fit. He is still in the miracle-working business and He wants to touch you and minister to your need.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for speaking to me. I need a touch from you. Touch my life. Touch my mind. Touch my heart. I am totally surrendered to you. Remove all doubt and touch me with your warm loving hand. In Jesus name, Amen.
Author Unknown
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The Divine Prayer Review | Miracle Prayer That Works Instantly | ⛔Prayer...
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Keys to Effective Deliverance Ministry

Deliverance Ministry is a powerful practice that helps people find freedom from spiritual struggles and oppression. To make this ministry effective, there are several key principles and methods that can be followed. In this easy-to-read guide, we'll explore the essential keys to successful Deliverance Ministry.
1. Prayer and Faith:
Prayer is the cornerstone of effective Deliverance Ministry. Believers place their trust in the power of God to bring healing and freedom. Both the person seeking deliverance and the minister praying on their behalf must have unwavering faith in God's ability to work miracles.
2. Discernment:
One of the critical skills in Deliverance Ministry is discernment. Ministers must discern the root causes of spiritual oppression and the specific areas that need deliverance. Discernment helps guide the prayers and actions during the process.
3. Renunciation and Repentance:
Before deliverance can occur, it's essential for the individual seeking freedom to acknowledge and renounce any sinful activities or associations that may have allowed spiritual bondage to take hold. True repentance and a desire for change are vital.
4. Anointing and Authority:
Ministers involved in Deliverance Ministry are often believed to have a special anointing and authority from God. This anointing empowers them to confront and cast out negative spiritual influences effectively. More about the author SRA Survivors
5. Deliverance Counseling:
Effective Deliverance Ministry often includes counseling before and after the process. Counseling helps individuals address any emotional or psychological issues that may be connected to their spiritual struggles and provides guidance for maintaining spiritual well-being.
6. Persistence:
Some cases may require persistence. Not all spiritual oppression can be instantly resolved, and it may take multiple sessions of prayer and deliverance to achieve complete freedom. Perseverance is key.
7. Teamwork:
In many cases, Deliverance Ministry is most effective when performed by a team of experienced ministers. Working together allows for a more comprehensive and thorough approach to spiritual deliverance.
8. Fasting and Spiritual Preparation:
Fasting and spiritual preparation can help ministers and those seeking deliverance to be spiritually focused and sensitive during the process. Fasting is a way to draw closer to God and gain greater spiritual insight.
9. Follow-Up and Support:
After the deliverance, it's crucial to provide ongoing support and guidance. This helps individuals maintain their spiritual well-being and avoid falling back into old patterns.
10. Aligning with Biblical Principles:
Effective Deliverance Ministry should be in alignment with biblical principles. It should not involve unorthodox or harmful practices but be rooted in the teachings of the Bible.
In conclusion, effective Deliverance Ministry is a holistic approach that combines faith, prayer, discernment, and emotional support. By following these keys, both ministers and individuals seeking deliverance can work together to experience the freedom and healing that this powerful ministry offers.
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Allah. Is. AMAZING.
I wanna document this moment before I forget.
Three things happened to me recently, that instantly made me feel like… Dropping my knees and head onto the ground to thank Allah. And I did, thanked Allah for all these in my prayers. Made me go, oh my god, Allah is REALLY ALL LISTENING AND LOOKING OUT FOR ME.
So first event. The vacation.
My brother Adam complained last month I think, that he felt like our days were nothing more than just ‘staying alive and surviving’. He felt unstimulated and wanted us brothers to go somewhere for a vacation.
I had to be honest with you, when he said that, I so badly wanted to tell him, “Thats because everyone has, like Liam and I, have JOBS to do and money to earn. It’s easy for you to say because you’re jobless and can do whatever you want. You’re just saying this because you’re bored.”
But I know I shouldn’t. It just… Irks me, that he’s so blind and clueless that other people has responsibilities and trying to earn a living, that we just get burnt out and wanted to do nothing on weekends to recover, and he’s like, behaving like a rich kid who doesn’t work and say, hey life is so boring let go to Italy!
Sigh, Astaghfirullah.
But both Liam and I caved in and said ok, we can go on a short vacation trip to this one state and do food hunting. I also recently had this sign on bonus from my new company, and I still had some money left on that so I offered to cover food expenses. In my heart, I seriously just wanted train myself to expel the greediness on hoarding money and worldly possessions. I prayed everyday for Allah to help me remove this feeling, and I see this opportunity as a way for me to exercise that mindset I want to have for Allah’s sake by sadaqah to my family through the vacation and giving my brothers a good time.
But before I go, i just had this thought, I didn’t even like, actively put my hands up and prayed to Allah for this. I just had this thought and told myself, Ya Rabb, if only this and this happened to me during the vacation, it would make things sooo convenient for me that it would feel like a gift from the heavens.
But deep down I didn’t like, bank in on it. I was just secretly hoping but I didn’t actively ask Allah directly for it. I knew it was out of my control and if it happens anyways, it would really be a miracle.
And you know what? It happened. The first day of the vacation itself, IT HAPPENED. The EXACT thing that I thought in my head, actually HAPPENED.
I was so freaking stunned. It was impossible for it to happen actually, under the circumstances that I have observed. It was a MIRACLE if it even happened, and ALLAH MADE IT HAPPEN ANYWAYS.
Nothing could have made it happen, no external forces could have made that happen except Allah. I was so freaking stunned when I realized that was a hard, cold, evidence that Allah was actively listening to my small, teeny, tiny thought and hopes, when I didn’t even PRAYED for it to happen. I just hoped in my heart that it happened like hoping for a miracle and a miracle happened indeed!
That just… I don’t know how to describe it. I was so, so, so, extremely touched, realizing the undeniable evidence that Allah was seriously listening to me and watching over me, and truly LOVED and CARED for a nobody like me, that He gave this gift to me without me even actively asking him for it.
I caved in that night, spent some time in the bathroom and cried like hell, thanking Allah so much for making that thing happened.
Second event. Family dinner.
Yesterday, I posted in the chat group with my brothers and my mom that there’s this delicious restaurant I followed on Instagram that I wanted to try. And my mom was like, ok we’ll go tomorrow night.
And the next day, she suddenly texted me saying, she invited my sister and her new husband to join us too, and she asked, “Hey, you’re the one paying, right?”
My heart at the time INSTANTLY was triggered with the feelings of resentment, selfishness, greediness, and frustration. Because at the time, I was only planning for it to either be just me and my mom, or me and my mom and brothers, and I expected that my mom would be the one paying for it since she usually would do that when we go out and eat. For her to suddenly just invite the entire family and straight away assumed that I was the one who was paying for it, just triggered me so bad, because it means it’s gonna be an expensive dinner for no reason and it will break my bank again.
But I realized this feeling instantly, that I DONT want this feeling to conquer me, that this feeling is something that I ACTIVELY prayed to Allah every single day to expel from my heart. I hate to see myself clinging onto worldly shit like money, and see myself turning into my dad and his entire family who are greedy of money that they count every single cent even if the ones they’re spending on is family. I hate that feeling, and I want to train my mind self for Allah to NOT be greedy of worldly things, and see it as temporary, and what I should aim for is the rewards in the afterlife and akhirat after the sadaqah that I do in this world.
When I realized I was getting triggered and this feeling was starting to simmer in my heart, I immediately raised my hands up and prayed to Allah, please please please please please help remove this feeling away from my heart. Please get rid of this greediness feelings away. I don’t want it. and I say it out loud, reminding myself that the rewards of sadaqah to my family matters more, because I’m playing the long game and I should care of how those few hundred bucks worth of dinner despite it breaking my bank, could be the very thing that earns me heaven and saves me from hell. Because in the end, no matter how much money I lost in this world, as long as it’s in a form of genuine sadaqah, I strongly believe and am confident, and trying to train my mindset and heart to strongly believe, that Allah will pay back in forms of rewards for me in akhirat which will save me from hellfire. And the rewards in the afterlife can only be earned by the active good deeds we do in this world. It doesn’t just come free. So this is an opportunity by Allah who presents me a way to help earn an extremely high interest on my good deeds for the hereafter, especially that it happened on the first 10 days of Zulhijjah.
I prayed and prayed, asking Allah so badly to remove this greediness, this frustration which was triggered from my trauma and greediness over money. I tell myself out loud, convincing myself that this sudden feelings of greediness doesn’t come from my heart because that might be who I am or stuff like that. That feeling just automatically appears because it’s just humans instinct and nafsu by Allah to be greedy. I remembered in the Quran somewhere that Allah said several times that humans are just naturally greedy. So I tell myself, this is just a reaction because of my human instinct, it’s not who I am. What matters is that I act against it. But I know even if I act against it, I was still STRUGGLING so badly with that selfish frustration. It was DIFFICULT to erase that sudden greediness feelings in me. So yeah I prayed and prayed and prayed to Allah out loud to help me remove this feeling because I know I can’t do it, only Allah can, and I need to rely on Allah to help me out.
And you know what?
I LITERALLY could feel just seconds later, that the greediness and frustration feelings in my heart, which felt like an ugly and stubborn stain, suddenly washed away….
I mean it. I LITERALLY felt that.
All of a sudden. Just… Suddenly… I was feeling at peace and calm, and I was suddenly feeling all accepting with the whole thing.
Subhanallah…. I just instantly realized Allah was indeed LISTENING to me and IMMEDIATELY helped me with removing that feelings from my heart.
It was the EXACT same feeling I get when I prayed to Allah for a sign back then whether I should stay at my job, accept the first or second job offer, and Allah instantly cleared my heart and made the choice obvious and known.
And He works FAST, y’all.
I asked, and seconds later He delivered.
I am so, not, worthy of this…. And yet He proved to me again and again that He was actively listening and looking out for me. I had no words, other than thanking Allah many many times and praising him when I realized that selfish feelings in my heart was instantly gone.
Third event. The Cockroaches.
So a little background story. In my parents house, Adam and his new wife has their own room. Liam and I had to share our room. But whenever Adam doesn’t come back and stay at his room at our parents (because he already stayed elsewhere), I would sleep over at his room instead so Liam could have our room all to himself. Also, because Adam’s AC is much better and colder than ours. And his room is much nicer.
So last week, I was sleeping at night at Adam’s room. Then I wanted to poop. So I got up and poop at Adam’s bathroom. Suddenly I could feel like something light crawling on my lower back and i IMMEDIATELY KNEW what it was.
I got up and saw it. A damn cockroach!!
I panicked and was traumatized. Went to look for the bug spray at Liam’s room and went back to Adam’s toilet to kill it and IT WAS GONE.
I was so freaking scared, I wanted to make sure I freaking killed it. I don’t wanna be sleeping knowing that damn cockroach was alive. Then I saw it, climbing on the toilet. I covered myself, taking refuge behind the toilet door and sprayed the bug spray to kill it like crazy. And all those times when I was trying to kill it, I laughed nervously (because of how ridiculous the situation was) while actively praying out loud to Allah to PLEASE help me out here with this cockroach, please help me kill it!
Then I decided to just spray the entire toilet to be safe. Then I realized there’s a lot more big cockroaches in hiding that got out, dying from the spray. ALHAMDULILLAH. I thanked Allah happily that I managed to hit the jackpot on that.
But I was traumatized regardless. Although in hindsight it was kinda funny.
And this week, I went back to my parents place again on Friday night. But I decided to stay in my own room I shared with Liam instead because of the cockroach trauma.
I wanted to go and pee, and went to our toilet.
To my surprise, I saw there were 4 big cockroaches already dead, lying on their backs on the floor.
Strange? I thought to myself, I literally just got here. Was mom the one who came in the toilet before I reached there and help spray the toilet to kill the cockroaches? But when I went to check the bug spray, it was literally still in Adam’s room from my cockroach battle last week. Means that she didn’t do anything, otherwise the bottle would have moved places.
But I was like meh and brushed the incident off, thinking probably my mom did something anyways.
Last night, I used the bathroom and it was clean from cockroaches, no more dead bodies and stuff. And I didn’t spray anything in the toilet.
And this morning when I wanted to take my subuh ablution, amazingly, I saw another dead cockroach on the floor. And this time, it’s new because I can see the legs still moving slightly, but it was somehow already dying and on its back.
I KNEW for a fact that mom didn’t do anything then and there. Because mom didn’t even come to my room while I was there and I already checked last night that there was no bugs, and I didn’t even spray stuff to potentially kill any bugs the night before, for the cockroach to just suddenly appear dead the next morning.
It immediately clicked, on why it happened.
Allah heard my prayers last week on how I asked for help on killing the cockroaches in Adam’s room. I bet Allah is amused and laughing at the whole panicky situation last week. And I believe that He truly appreciates that I sought for His help even during the most insignificant but traumatized time for me, that He helped me out, watching over me and helped kill the rest of the cockroaches in my own toilet this week.
But how did it happen? It also just clicked that it probably came from this new powder I bought to help remove odors from the cat litter in the toilet for Liam’s cats. I think the cockroaches enjoyed staying there because of the moist floor, and they probably ate from the cat litter. And probably when I mixed the powder with the cat litter, they ate it and it turned into poison for them. Hence why I saw so many dead cockroaches on Friday night, and I saw another one this morning.
But regardless on how it happened, ALLAH PLANNED THIS AND MADE IT HAPPEN.
Allah helped kill the cockroaches to look out for me after I prayed to Him last week on the whole cockroach trauma.
Sigh. I don’t deserve this at all. Ya Rabb has been so freaking kind to a nobody like me. I see them, these signs from Allah that showed and proved literally that Allah is actively listening and never left my side, and is watching over me like a loving guardian.
Makes me appreciate him more and more. All of this just made me loves Him even more, that I wanted, genuinely wanting to be a good servant to Him because of this.
I cried during subuh, thanking Him. I feel so unworthy to be helped by seriously the Almighty who creates GALAXIES and billions of stars. But all of this is a piece of cake for Allah. It really just proved to me in hard cold evidence and facts that Allah will watch over His servants as long as they rely on Him and truly preserve His rights. Proved to me repeatedly how much He loves me and had ALWAYS BEEN LISTENING TO ME. I felt so, so unworthy and small to His presence but at the same time, my tiny heart just SO, so so so appreciative and thankful of everything that He does for me. Especially during these miracle moments which was an undeniable evidence that He is indeed the All Loving and All merciful, and Mighty Kind with love and grace.
Sigh. Ya Rabb…. Thank you. I will never be able to repay ANYTHING you do for me but I will repay by trying my best to be a good servant to you, always remembering you, relying on you, and coming back again and again until the end of my life to you in everything I face in this life. Whether it be some big and significant tests, or something funny and ridiculous like the whole cockroach thing.
Because in the end, YOU are the one, the Almighty who governs everything in this universe and we all belong to you.
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Power of Prayer
Javelin prayers are short, simple, heart-felt prayers sent up to God at any time during the day. Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection describes them as “merely a thought of Him from time to time, a little act of adoration, sometimes to ask for His grace, sometimes to offer Him your sufferings, at other times to thank Him for the graces … The least little remembrance will always be the most pleasing to Him.”
In the following true story, the quick aspiration to God of an old lady to protect a soldier from certain death saved not only the young soldier but his entire company as well …
(3-minute read)
In 1945 Spencer January’s division had just been ordered to take the town of Ossenburg, Germany, where a war factory supplied Hitler’s troops. His group had been fighting for hours to get through the thick forest when suddenly they came to an open space with a large stone house.
1 Sure Death
They did not know that the large stone house in the opening was concealing the bodies of soldiers who had tried earlier to cross the clearing, but soon three nests of German machine guns suddenly began blasting away, but it was impossible to take them out since they were too far out of range.
It was sure death to cross the opening, but it was the 35th Infantry’s only avenue since every other passage into town was secured by the Germans. The team was in a quandary. They knew there was no way to survive if they tried to push on through the clearing.
2 Time Running Out
Time was running out, and at any moment his group would be running right though a barrage of open fire. Before he even knew what he was doing, he found himself on his knees, praying passionately, “God, you’ve got to help me! Please, do something!”
Spencer barely had time to finish his desperate prayer when the group was ordered to advance. Memories of home and family, even of Mrs. Tankersly, crashed down on him as he gripped his rifle and made his way across the clearing to the other edge of the forest covering.
3 White Cloud
Suddenly a huge white cloud materialized in what had been, only moments before, a totally clear sky. The cloud dropped down and shrouded the clearing, almost like an eclipse. There was no way for the Germans to see where to fire.
Instantly Spencer and his fellow soldiers took off like runners in a race. Almost beyond belief, Spencer found himself across the clearing and into the thicket. Many more of his group were making it across. The ones in the very back were having to pull some of the wounded to safety, but even those were making it.
No one had to tell him that what he had just experienced was God. As quickly as the miracle cloud had appeared, it vanished miraculously just as the last soldier made it across the cloud.
4 Divine Visitation
All the way to Ossenburg, Spencer kept thinking about that cloud. He was used to the smoke screens that were used to hide the troops, but this was entirely different. This was not a man-made covering. He and the other men knew it was a supernatural intervention. And to continue His miracle, God helped them overtake the war factory in Ossenburg.
A short time later, Spencer received a letter from his mother that had finally caught up with him. In it she told him that Mrs. Tankersly, the very woman who had also been on his mind the day when they were under attack in that open field, had called to tell her about a spiritual visitation from God. It had come in the night when God told her, “Spencer January is in trouble! Get up right now and pray for him!”
5 One Short Prayer
Mrs. Tankersly said that she had prayed until time to go to work, and the last thing she remembered praying was: “Lord, whatever danger Spencer is in, just cover him with a cloud!” She told Spencer’s mother that she had finished praying at 6 a.m.
6 Perfect Timing
By the time he finished reading, Spencer was shaking so hard that he could barely see to read the letter. He realized there was a seven-hour difference in time, so Mrs. Tankersly had been praying just as his group came upon the German ambush. Her prayer for God to send a cloud covering would have been prayed at one o’clock in the afternoon in Germany —just when they were ready to dash across the danger zone.
7 Supernatural Protection
God’s supernatural protection made such an impression on Spencer that he dedicated the early morning hours every day for the next sixty years to pray for friends and relatives. After the miracle intervention in Germany, no one could have taken away his faith in the difference that prayer can make. He was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that the prayer of that one faithful woman back in 1945 had not only saved his life, but also the lives of the other soldiers with him as they ran unseen through the cloud covering.

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hi! i love your scarlet witch!reader series. can i please request for another scarlet witch!reader version? let's say, the reader is not related to gojo and megumi or anyone at all, but is dating geto in her universe? then she ends up in baby reader's universe because she felt like the baby needs her help? kind of like.. no way home?
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader needs help
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series

warning(s): possible no way home and jjk spoilers(?)
i couldn't find any fitting manga panel so i figured i would use one from spy x family (because this anya and yor interaction melted my heart) and have i mentioned i've been reading it lately asides from tokyorev and jjk?! i love it so much, reading the manga made me laugh and smile a lot. you guys should read it!! i cant wait for the anime! anyways enough me rambling—happy reading everyone <3
also idk why but i feel as if my works are flopping, or maybe it's because my writing is downgrading instead of improving idk <\3
reminder before you read: you will be taking bb fushiguro's pov (just to avoid confusion!)
it was never easy being the scarlet witch in the world of curses and jujutsu sorcerers. sure, you might be levels above them in terms of your capabilities, but you were different to them. no one exactly understood your power other than the fact that you harbor chaos, not even your own father, gojo, could.
although you've gone through these thoughts before, but you were staring to think about those 'what ifs' again.
and the worst part of them all, you had no one to talk to about your struggle. it made you feel lonely somehow.
but that was until a red mist of psionics had morphed before you, along with a familiar energy. perhaps the heavens heard your silent prayer and sent you a miracle.
you were at the park hiding behind a tree when a lady about gojo's age appeared before you. you looked up to her with interest and took notice how she looked just like you. the two of you had [hair color] hair and [eye color] eyes.
"are you my mommy?" you asked, eyes widening at the connection you were feeling from the strange lady.
she peered down at you, eyes almost panicking when you addressed her as your mommy. "oh, no. sweetie, i'm not mother. how do i explain this? i'm you, [name]."
"you're me?" you repeated, pointing at yourself.
your older version of you nodded, her eyes twinkling with a smile. "yes, i am you. i supposed you could say, your other version. i come from a different universe that is very similar to yours."
"oh, i see. i thought you were my mommy." you managed a smile before your face faltered into a frown.
"oh, it's alright. gosh, seeing you reminds me so much of my younger self." your older version placed a hand on the top of your head. "mind telling me a bit of yourself? oh, i know i'll go first."
the two of you sat down on a bench, a good distance away from gojo who was currently too busy taking a phone call to notice how there was an older version of you beside you.
"great, gojo's being a casanova in this universe too." you watched as 'older you' scrunched her face at the sight of the white haired man.
"you know my daddy?" you softly gasped. instantly, 'older you' snapped her head at you and gazed with wide eyes.
"gojo's your dad?!"
she immediately fanned herself. "oh my god, that must be a nightmare. i feel so sorry for you baby girl. no wonder i can feel your heart struggling. it must have been hard to have an irresponsible man like him around as a father."
you tipped your head, face scrunching into confusion. "what do you mean a nightmare? he's the best daddy! he's always there for me even if he's taking calls from work all the time and kicking curses' butt."
'older you' looked at you in disbelief, as if you had gone mad. but your next words made the heart of your older self melt.
a smile graced your lips. "he gives the best hugs, he gives me lots of kisses and souvenirs whenever he has to leave me for work. if anything, i love gojo! he even did what mommies do when i was feeling sad for not having one. he braided my hair and cooked me food."
"wow.. i didn't think your gojo would be like that all. in my universe, he's a bit of an ass—oh god, please don't say that word! i keep forgetting you're still a baby. i meant to say annoying." 'older you' explained, causing you to snicker.
"hmm, where's geto then? how is he in this universe?" 'older you' asked, eyes lighting up.
"uncle geto? he's really nice! but daddy wants me to avoid him at all costs. he said that uncle geto is bad and so are the curses with him." you explained briefly, earning a gasp and frown from your older self. "it's strange though, whenever i see him inside our house. he acts differently, daddy suddenly can't see him and he's all quiet, like he couldn't speak."
"i see.. well—in my universe. geto's my boyfriend, not an uncle." 'older you' suddenly held a faint blush across her cheekbones. "he likes to tease me a lot but he's caring and makes jujutsu high bearable."
"bearable?" you asked in curiosity.
'older you' nodded with a smile, "you see, during my younger days, i went to jujutsu high, met geto and gojo until eventually i became a teacher myself with those two."
"that's cool! i don't think daddy will allow me to go to jujutsu high though. i think it has something to do with the higher ups seeing me as a bad threat and the zenins wanting to kidnap me." you watched your older self become pale.
"huh, why would the zenins want to kidnap you?!" she asked in shock.
"daddy told me they want me for my powers." you explained once again, "it also has to do something about gumi-nii's and my last name."
"oh.. i see. so you're a fushiguro, huh? no wonder you kind of resemble just like toji and megumi." 'older you' concluded, "i was wrong to think that gojo was the cause of your sadness, my bad."
your eyes widened. now it was your turn to hold a surprised look. "how did you know i was sad?"
"oh, little me. i have already felt it universes away. besides, your eyes and smile told me otherwise." 'older you' gently ruffled your hair. "it's actually the reason why i'm here."
you almost immediately cling onto your older version, tiny arms wrapping themselves around her waist as you buried your face onto her stomach. 'older you' looks at you with a reassuring smile on her face as she ran her fingers through your hair.
"it's never easy being the scarlet witch, yeah?" 'older you' claims which you nod your head at.
"it's going to be okay, [name]. you still have a long way to go, even i do! there will always be times wherein you're going to feel lost. we've all been there—i've been there before." the thoughts of your older version drifted towards the love of her life, whom she found and became the light that guided her through the darkness. "so lost that we've done things we shouldn't have."
"so, what did you do?" you asked eagerly.
'older you' smiled, "i found someone who made me feel complete. i found someone who accepted me and loved me for who i am, even if i'm different and scary at times."
"so, i need a boyfriend?" you asked, confused which caused the older version of yourself to shake her head repeatedly.
"no! no! of course not, sweetie. you're too young for that and i'm sure your father isn't going to allow that!" she laughed, "the point is—you'll have people who will love and support you. even when things go wrong, you can always count on them to have your back, just like how geto has mine. in your case, i think you've already found them."
"it's my daddy and brother!" you exclaimed, which your older version hums in agreement with.
"and remember, you are here for a reason, sweetie. just because you're different or a being of chaos, doesn't mean that you don't belong here. you are your father's little girl and brother's sunshine. you have a place in this world." 'older you' pressed her forehead against yours, making you smile. "you and i are special, it's alright for us to make mistakes and for us to feel lost at times, okay?"
"okay!" you chimed, feeling like yourself again.
after hearing reassurance from your older self, she soon found herself teaching you spells and runes she learned. as well as tips in case your emotions tend to get out of control which heightens your chaos magic. you felt relieved, like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders. you needed to hear her reassurance and advices.
she also told you a bit about the multiverse and the other versions of you two in the most simplest terms so you could understand it.
'older you' was extremely concerned with the fact that you like sukuna and sukuna tolerates your presence in his domain. you told her stories about the curse king, your uncle nanami, the curses and ghosts you'd see and what it was like living with gojo.
apart from that, you spent the entire day mastering and learning from your older version until her phone rang, and she had to go because her boyfriend was looking everywhere for her. it made you laugh to see your older version become a bit ditzy instead of this mature person around geto.
it made you wonder if you'll be just like her when you grow up. but then again, gojo was really protective you. you also had megumi who was pretty much the same as him too.
"oh, i'm so sorry, sweetie. i need to go back home. will you be alright?" 'older you' turned to you with a smile.
you nodded, "i will! thank you for everything, um, older me? i learned so much from you. i'm glad that i'm not alone and that i have someone like you around."
"take care now, little me! be a good child and never, ever mention anything to gojo about our encounter. it's our little witch to witch secret, okay?"
"mhm! bye-bye, older me!"
as soon as the older version of you dissipated into a red mist, you made your way towards gojo who had just finished dealing with a higher up calling him.
"ah, kikufuku! perfect timing, i'm so sorry i wasn't able to do zoomies with you." gojo picked you up, peppering your face with kisses which made you burst out laughing and giggling. "you seem to be in high spirits, did something good happen while i was busy?"
"yeah, i met a friend." you smiled, still giggling. "and i learned a lot from them."
"really, now? that's nice. i'm happy for you, [name]." gojo ruffled your hair. "come on, megumi wants to meet up at your favorite restaurant."
"yay! gumi-nii!"
#jjk fanfic#jjk x y/n#jjk#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk anime#jjk x you platonic#jjk x reader platonic#jjk x y/n platonic#jjk headcanons#jjk imagines#jjk fluff#jjk scenarios#jujutsu kaisen gojo#jujutsu gojo#jujutsu megumi#jujutsu kaisen x y/n#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen x you#jujutsu kaisen#jujutsu kaisen headcanons#jujutsu kaisen scenarios#jujutsu kaisen imagines#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x reader#geto suguru#geto x you#geto x reader#gojo satoru#gojo x you
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Check the Information Next Time
Nick Goode x reader
Requested: no
Summary: when using unverified information, be careful. It can backfire on you.
Warnings: murder, being okay with murder, shooting people, trying to kill teenagers
A/n: don't kill people in real life. That's an okay thing to do only in fiction
We should discuss more ideas bestie @darling-i-read-it
It was hard few days. Work was piling up on you, not a second of free time. You were just finishing up, getting last bits of work done for today. Hoping to see your husband tonight, you were thinking about spending at least a couple of hours with him. He had a lot of work himself, being a sheriff meant to have very little free time even without serious incidents happening. ‘String of murders’, as they called it in press, was your husband’s job to deal with, but he assured everyone that the killer was taken down and that the case was closed.
You knew all about it, obviously. You saw the killer’s name being carved down on a large stone with the knife that was yours and with the hand that felt so nicely holding your own.
The day Nick was making his best to read latin right, you were there with him, supporting him in everything, just as a good wife should. You knew it wasn't his first time, but all those years ago his father's advises were still bright in his mind and it wasn't so hard for him to do. That day, however, he couldn't to that without your support. You knew, of course, he told you early on. Hoping you would stay no matter what. And you did.
Opening the door that led to the parking lot, you saw the face you hoped to never see in your life. C. Berman or Ziggy, as Nick, your husband, was referring to her as. You saw her face only in those old papers that were shown to you when you were in high school. She didn’t really change. You instantly understood what Nick saw in her, bright eyes and just as bright red hair.
When Nick was telling you about her, he called her his first love. Or so he thought until he met you. Goode told you that she just happened to be in the right place and the right time for him to think that he’d fallen for her.
You hoped to never see her face, afraid that she would be in any sense better than you. God didn’t hear your prayers, but you didn’t expect him to.
“You’re Y/N Y/L/N, right?”, said the girl who stood next to Ziggy, Deena was her name, as you would know later.
“Yes, that’s me. What do you want?”
“We need to talk”
You nodded and let them inside your office.
Two days later you realized how grateful you were that Nick gave his permission to you to keep your maiden name. You were known in Sunnyvale and wanted to keep it as your own success, not your husband’s. Little did you know that this decision would help you to save Nick’s life.
Making sure the gun was loaded, you took it off the safety and held it up comfortably, expecting to have to use it any minute now.
Ziggy was right beside you, staring tensely at the door. Nick was going to walk in any minute, and there would be no turning back.
Two days ago, Deena and Ziggy asked to help them in getting rid of the Goodes. Ziggy read long ago somewhere that you and Nick used to be friends. You didn’t deny that but also didn’t add anything to it. She assumed you probably knew him better than anyone now, she didn’t see him since the Nightwing Camp incident. You agreed to help them but were already making a plan of your own.
The door opened, and Nick stepped in carefully. He looked around the room, one hand on his gun, ready to shoot anyone.
Ziggy took a step forward, leaving you behind. Both she and Deena didn't want to put you at unreasonable risk.
“Ziggy?” His eyes landed on you, and you could see the disappointment and love at the same time in his eyes, “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
Just as you shouted, “Get down!”, streaks of the blood were making their way to cover your husband entirely but missed him by a miracle. You never expected Nick react so fast to your words, but you were glad he did. You fired your gun, and one of the bullets you were so carefully putting in an hour ago ended up in Ziggy’s thigh. Deena and the guy you never learned the name of were going to next point in their plan, still ready to fight.
You knocked the gun out of Ziggy's hand and took it with you.
She was lying on the tile, staring at you with an ineffable sense of hatred.
"I see you haven't read the papers in a long time, Ziggy. If you had, you'd know he was my fucking husband."
Seeing the shock on her face made you feel surprisingly good and calm in the strange circumstances you were currently in.
“Check the information next time”, just as you were finishing the phrase, Nick grabbed your arm, and you both ran outside.
Sitting in his car, you started to understand what exactly happen what could’ve happened if you weren’t there. You looked at him and kissed his temple.
“If you’ll die, I will kill you”
“I have no doubt, love, but you’re not getting rid of me anytime soon”, he took your hand in his and kissed it without taking his eyes off the road.
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Miraculous Signs
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2 by Os Hillman
The apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders among the people. And all the believers used to meet together in Solomon's Colonnade (Acts 5:12). When is the last time you saw a miracle in your workplace? Perhaps you prayed for a co-worker and they were instantly healed. Perhaps you prayed for a co-worker’s financial problem and it was resolved. Perhaps you led a co-worker to Christ. Or maybe God gave you an answer to a major problem at work that benefited your organization. The disciples were working people. They turned the world upside down not because of their knowledge of Jesus, but because of their outflow of the power of Jesus through them to others. And this was done in the public square, where all could see. Workplace Bible and prayer groups are great, but you must transition to action if you want to change the spiritual climate in an organization. There is a risk - God might actually show up in a powerful way. I taught a lunch-time Bible study in an insurance company for two years. God began to move powerfully in the meetings. People were coming to Christ. Some experienced healing. Word was getting out and non-believers came to check us out. When is the last time someone saw something happen through your life that could not be explained other than God working in your life? When you begin to see this happen, you will be modeling ministry as Jesus modeled it. You will be bringing the Church to the people, not the people to the church. Pray that God makes you a vessel of His power, not simply a vessel of words.
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“You not only rejected Him, but you killed Him—the very Author of life! But God raised Jesus from the dead, whom my friend John and I have seen with our own eyes.”
“He is in heaven now and must remain there until the day of universal restoration comes—the restoration which in ancient times God announced through the holy prophets.”
Today’s reading of the Scriptures from the New Testament is the 3rd chapter of the book of Acts:
One day at three o’clock in the afternoon, a customary time for daily prayer, Peter and John walked to the temple. Some people were carrying in a man who had been paralyzed since birth. Every day they brought him to a place near the beautiful gate (one of the temple entrances) so he could beg for money from people entering to worship. He saw Peter and John coming and asked them for a contribution. Peter gazed intensely at him—so did John.
Peter: Look at us.
The man looked up at them, assuming they were about to give him some money.
Peter: I want to give you something, but I don’t have any silver or gold. Here’s what I can offer you: stand up and walk in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, the Anointed One.
Then Peter took the man’s right hand and lifted him to his feet. Instantly the man’s feet and ankles grew strong. He jumped and walked, accompanying Peter and John into the temple where he walked, jumped for joy, and shouted praises to God. A crowd ran to the commotion, and they gathered around this man in an open area called Solomon’s Porch. There he was, standing on his own two feet, holding on to Peter and John. They knew exactly who he was—the beggar they passed at the beautiful gate every day. Everyone was absolutely amazed at this wonderful miracle; they were speechless, stunned.
Peter (to the crowd): Why are you so amazed, my fellow Israelites? Why are you staring at my friend and me as though we did this miracle through our own power or made this fellow walk by our own holiness? We didn’t do this—God did! The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob—the God of our ancestors has glorified Jesus, God’s servant—the same Jesus whom you betrayed and rejected in front of Pilate, even though Pilate was going to release Him. He is the Holy and Righteous One, but you rejected Him and asked for a murderer to be released to you instead. You not only rejected Him, but you killed Him—the very Author of life! But God raised Jesus from the dead, whom my friend John and I have seen with our own eyes. So that’s how this miracle happened: we have faith in the name of Jesus, and He is the power that made this man strong—this man who is known to all of you. It is faith in Jesus that has given this man his complete health here today, in front of all of you.
Listen, friends, I know you didn’t fully realize what you were doing when you rejected and betrayed Jesus. I know that you, and your rulers as well, were acting in ignorance. God was at work in all this, fulfilling what He had predicted through all the prophets—that the Anointed One would suffer. So now you need to rethink everything and turn to God so your sins will be forgiven and a new day can dawn, days of refreshing times flowing from the Lord. Then God may send Jesus the Anointed, whom God has chosen for you. He is in heaven now and must remain there until the day of universal restoration comes—the restoration which in ancient times God announced through the holy prophets. Moses, for example, said, “The Eternal One your God will raise up from among your people a prophet who will be like me. You must listen to Him. And whoever does not listen to His words will be completely uprooted from among the people.”
Every prophet, from Samuel through all of his successors, agreed. You are the descendants of these prophets, and you are the people of God’s covenant to your ancestors. God’s word to Abraham includes you: “Because of your descendants, all the families of the earth will be blessed.” So when God raised up His Servant, God sent Him first to you, to begin blessing you by calling you to change your path from evil ways to God’s ways.
The Book of Acts, Chapter 3 (The Voice)
Today’s paired chapter of the Testaments is the 26th chapter of the book of Isaiah that points to a time of Judgment upon the world but a place (an Ark of safety) for His own, ultimately to see righteousness restored on earth with the return of the eternal King Yeshua the Messiah:
When that time arrives, the people of this place called Judah will sing this song:
People: By the grace of God, our city is strong;
its structures and defenses He made secure.
Now open the gates to welcome the righteous,
so that those who keep faith may enter in.
You will keep the peace, a perfect peace, for all who trust in You,
for those who dedicate their hearts and minds to You.
So trust in the Eternal One forever,
for He is like a great Rock—strong, stable, trustworthy, and lasting.
He humbles the high and mighty.
Even the indomitable city falls before His strength, reducing it to dust.
The feet of the poor, the weak, the infirm and forgotten
will trample the dust of the formerly great.
The path of those who do right is straight and smooth.
O God, You who are upright, You make the way of the righteous level.
When we act in justice and righteousness—following Your laws—we wait for You.
We are eager to hear Your holy name and remember Your ways.
At night I long for You with all that is in Me.
When morning comes, I seek You with all my heart.
For when Your justice is done on earth,
then everyone in the world will learn righteousness.
If grace is extended to those who do wrong,
the perpetrators never learn what is right.
Even when surrounded by upright people, they gravitate to evil
and never even notice the awesome beauty of the Eternal.
O Eternal One, even when Your hand is raised against them, they do not see it.
When they finally do see how passionately
You act on the people’s behalf, they will be ashamed.
Ah, let the fire that consumes Your enemies consume them.
Eternal One, You are preparing peace for us;
in fact, everything we have accomplished has come from You.
Others have tried to rule over us,
but You, Eternal One, are our God.
At the end of the day, when all is done,
we acknowledge only You.
But now these would-be rulers are dead, never to live again;
these shadowy spirits will never rise.
You have punished and utterly destroyed them—
You erased every memory of them.
By contrast You have made this people great, Eternal One—
made this nation vital and strong. To you be all glory!
You have expanded the borders of this land.
When You corrected their wrongdoing, Eternal One,
they could hardly even whisper a prayer.
Weak with distress, they looked to You for help.
You witnessed us twist and turn before You, O Eternal,
like a birthing woman in agony of labor.
We were that woman, laboring to deliver,
but we gave birth only to futility and emptiness.
We couldn’t deliver the earth, save it, renew it.
We couldn’t make it teem with life.
But Your dead will live; their lifeless bodies will rise up again!
You who sleep in the dust, get up and shout for joy!
The dew of a new day will wash you glistening fresh,
and the earth will push forth those who had passed before.
O my people, hide in your rooms for a time. Shut the doors behind you
and hide away until God’s anger has passed.
See here, the Eternal One will emerge from His place
to punish the earth’s inhabitants for their wrongdoing.
The earth will not hide the blood that has been spilled into her dust;
she will no longer cover those who have been murdered.
The Book (Scroll) of Isaiah, Chapter 26 (The Voice)
A link to my personal reading of the Scriptures for Saturday, july 22 of 2023 with a paired chapter from each Testament of the Bible along with Today’s Proverbs and Psalms
A post by John Parsons that looks at the “heart” behind our words:
According to Jewish tradition, it was on Tishah B’Av (the ninth of Av) when the people wept over the report of the spies, a lapse of faith so serious that it provoked God to decree that the very generation He redeemed from Egypt would die in the exile of the desert (see Num. 13-14). As Moses later recounted this tragic event, he said something peculiar: “The LORD heard the ‘voice of your words’ (קוֹל דְבַרִים) and was angry...” (Deut. 1:34). The grammar here is unusual, for the text could have simply said, “the LORD heard your words,” but the Torah adds something else, the idea of “emotional tone,” or the manner, the words were spoken... Sometimes it is not so much what you say that matters, but how you say it. Words of the heart are expressed more by tone, the “voice of the words,” than by the words themselves...
According to midrash when the spies returned after scouting the land, they said “the land is good” in a qualified or even an insincere manner. “Just look at this gigantic fruit we picked -- for gigantic people of that land who are invincible!” The words spoken by the spies were “true” in a sense, but their expression mediated a fearful attitude that rendered them untrue. Instead of saying “the land is good” - and affirming God’s promise - their words were nuanced with doubt, and the “sound of their words” belied their testimony.
In themselves words are not “static” things but they live and move within a context to inform a common or shared sense of meaning. The grammar of “truth” assumes good will and correspondence between what is said and what is adjudged as real, “actual” or credible. When words are used deceptively, ambiguously, ironically, disingenuously, or without straightforward intent, however, then common sense does not obtain and the meaning shifts to “meta-linguistic” interpretation. With regard to God, however, the constellation of beliefs, assumptions, intent, and the emotional context is fully known whenever we communicate, as it is written: “There is not a word on my tongue but You, O LORD, know it altogether” (Psalm 139:4), and therefore He entirely understands our true intent -- or the “voice of our words.”
In our Torah portion this week we read: “May he (i.e., the LORD) bless you as He said to you” - וִיבָרֵךְ אֶתְכֶם כַּאֲשֶׁר דִּבֶּר לָכֶם (Deut. 1:11), which the sages read as: “May he bless you as your speech is to you,” suggesting that our language will mirror spiritual reality (Psalm 18:25-26; Prov. 23:7). And when we recite Shema, we do so "bekhol levavkha" (בְּכָל־לְבָבְךָ) - with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our might (Deut. 6:5). This is a cry from the heart that affirms God's truth. Our feelings are important and are meaningful, whether they are feelings of joy, gratitude, and so on, or feelings of doubt, despair, or fear. As Yeshua said: "Would that you were either cold or hot, but because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I will spew you out of my mouth" (Rev. 3:15-16).
It's been said that if you don't know how to say something, say it loudly... The heart has its own voice regardless of the words we are able to articulate. For instance, if you love someone, then really love them and abhor being halfhearted. Being hot or being cold is better then being tepid, because then you are being honest, and honesty will always evoke a genuine response from heaven...
[ Hebrew for Christians ]
Deut. 1:34 Hebrew reading:
Hebrew page pdf:

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from yesterday’s email by Israel 365:
We should not confine ourselves to mourning the tremendous loss borne by our ancestors – the devastation of our land, the desecration of our holy city, and the ruin of our sacred Temple. Instead, our sorrow should prompt introspection about our current behaviors, attitudes, and practices. We must question the extent to which we have eradicated the destructive habits that led to the exile of our forebears, not once, but twice.
Today’s message (Days of Praise) from the Institute for Creation Research
July 22, 2023
A Still, Small Voice
“And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.”
(1 Kings 19:12)
Elijah was in hiding for his life, even though God had spectacularly answered his prayer with fire from heaven. Jezebel, however, had not been intimidated by Elijah’s victory and swore she would kill him. He fell into such depression that he wanted to die. If Jezebel could not be impressed with fire from heaven, how could Elijah ever hope to defeat her and her armies? Not even an angel could remove his doubts.
But then was sent “a great and strong wind,” and “after the wind an earthquake” (1 Kings 19:11). But the Lord was not in the wind or the earthquake or the fire. God finally reached Elijah with “a still small voice,” and that voice assured him that God was well in control of all circumstances. Similarly, Moses told the children of Israel, as they faced the Red Sea: “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD” (Exodus 14:13).
It was prophesied of the Lord Jesus that “he shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.” Nevertheless, it was also promised “he shall not fail nor be discouraged, till he have set judgment in the earth” (Isaiah 42:2, 4; see also Matthew 12:19-20).
In our human impatience, we think God should always move immediately in great strength. Unless there are large numbers of converts and displays of power, we grow discouraged, like Elijah. But God more often speaks in a still, small voice and works in a quiet way. “And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you,...And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left” (Isaiah 30:18, 21). HMM
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