#mini rant for the night
beezpajamas · 2 years
People have got to stop acting like Cardan being so in love with Jude takes away from his strong character
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Bsd fans online:“I want to talk about Ougai Mori’s character from bsd but he’s a creep.😐”
Me: “Okay? And? Let’s talk about it-he’s so interesting to me. He said in a character interview that his greatest strength was his kindness- let’s talk about that. He didn’t want to fight Fukuzawa during cannabalism and apologized right before he almost killed his friend. He helped out the ADA by harboring them, giving them maps to escape tunnels, went to the middle of nowhere to pick up Tanizaki and Kenji and brought them back to the city. He’s on the side of the guild and then he isn’t-“
Bsd fandom: “Yeah but he likes children.He’s gross. End of conversation.”
Me: “ quick question. What you think about Chuuya?”
Bsd fandom: “I love him. He gets so upset when Dazia ignores him. He drinks all the time, and cries over Dazia, and spends all time thinking/hanging out with Dazia. He’s a smol angry wine boy. 🍷. Also he drinks a lot.
Also me: “So it’s okay to misinterpret a character and give them one trait bc you only look at characters one dimensionally and that’s why you don’t want to have a conversation about Mori. Also you reduced all the adult female characters to everyone’s mom.”
If you don’t learn how to have conversations outside of safety zone and about topics you don’t like and ready for conversations about
1) don’t bring it and expect everyone to move on
2) don’t attack those of us that do.
(P.S this is about fans just recycling bsd thoughts/opinions that I see all the time. If you don’t want some fans to analyze certain characters then don’t mention them. Also Chuuya being an alcoholic and that’s all he is,- topic for another post. If you have to switch out the word suicide for sewersl1d€ then you aren’t mature enough to talk about Dazai.)
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brightoleander · 1 year
I had to talk about this as soon as I noticed it.
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Snotlout’s not the first to stand up but he’s the first to get there and he sits possibly the closest he could to his cousin.
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Then he helps lift Hiccup up onto Fishlegs and continues to cheer for him. He didn't need to do that, he could've been upset that he wasn't chosen (I believe this is the scene where Gothi choses him. I couldn't find the whole scene though so this is entirely memory.) or that his "weakling nobody" cousin somehow managed to win something which at this point, Snotlout would have wanted to do himself for his entire life. But he doesn't, he (quite literally) lifts his cousin up when it seems like Hiccup has finally won something.
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mysteryboy1249 · 10 months
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Finally went and watched Zero Tea Time and like, how is this man still functioning at all??? If we're to assume that Furuya sleeps about 2 hours a night regularly, I'm sorry but this man would in no way shape or form be able to do what he does. - Sincerely, someone who has legitimately slept 3AM to 5AM regularly for several months due to having pre-existing sleep issues and a job that started at an ungodly time.
Like, yes I get that I shouldn't be thinking too deeply since anime logic, but also on this same schedule I felt like I was about to die by week 3 and was essentially a human zombie with my mental health down the sink by week 6(and technically I was sleeping more than 2 hours since I would take some naps as well) so I have some strong feelings about this. Hell, there's no way this man would be able to keep track of what time it is let alone all his jobs and secrets with that amount of sleep. Even if we go under the assumption that he sleeps 3-4 or even 4-5 hours usually and the 2 hours was a special case this man would still not be able to make all those deductions and chase all those criminals. Sure you won't feel as shit, but you definitely will still be feeling quite shit.
No wonder this man depressed and insane with a sprinkling of anger issues and seems to be constantly lowkey disassociating in Zero Tea Time. Yes most of it is because he's the only one left and is horribly traumatized but also like Furuya, have you considered taking a nap? It doesn't solve the trauma, but give yourself 8-10 hours of proper sleep and you'll be waking up ready to take on god.
As a side note, are there fics where Furuya is severely sleep deprived and how that impacts him? Because so far I haven't seen any but I also don't usually go out of my way to find Furuya centered fics. Because if there isn't I'll write one myself, not enough chronic sleep deprivation rep round here in general. Mans mother hens everyone around him, he deserves someone to mother hen him back to force him to sleep because the world will not in fact end if he takes some time off.
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musiciansmaid · 7 months
Some middle of the night thoughts about the enrollment process at Night Raven College as I desperately try to draft up a story but there’s so much about this school that I just don’t understand!
(slight spoilers for Book 7):
In the beginning of the game, it’s heavily stated that not just anyone can get into NRC, the Black Carriage has to arrive for you, something Grim had been waiting for for a while
I had always assumed there would be some kind of application process and basically you don’t know that you’ve made it until it shows up, right?
we find out from Lilia that he had received his acceptance letter like 500 years ago out of the blue, no application needed. Thus debunking my previous theories
But that was 500 years ago, surely the process must have changed?
It could have, but it’s implied that Lilia only changed his mind once Malleus was accepted. He fished out his old letter from the archives and was able to enroll simply because he had it
Even Crowley said he’d never imagine someone would show up with a 500 year old acceptance letter
SO, based on purely the way Crowley is when it comes to school traditions, I don’t think much - if anything - has changed
So to sum up what we know (or what makes sense to me so far): Teenagers across Twisted Wonderland’s only hope of going to NRC isn’t some mysterious Black Carriage randomly appearing at your house to whisk you away like I dreaded- it’s a mysterious Black Envelope arriving at your house to congratulate you on getting in!
At least you get some kind of heads up which is nice, right? There must be some way of accepting your enrollment via the letter, then the Carriage loads you up in your coffin come the start of the school year to bring you to orientation
(Don’t even get me started on orientation, I’ve been trying to crack this code between the game and the manga and I just can’t make heads or tails out of how that process is so if anyone has any ideas I’d love to hear them, otherwise I’m just gonna make up my own thing for my fanfic)
Anyway, I know it’s a long shot but I hope we get more school lore in future chapters/books. Like how come Ramshackle is abandoned if it used to be a dormitory and why is it the only one not connected to the hall of mirrors? What was the associated color for the dorm? The characteristics of the students that were sorted there? Disney I beg of you, as someone who adores the Haunted Mansion- I need the lore!
Okay, end of my rant. If anyone had anything else to add, I’d greatly appreciate it!
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rainbowpopeworld · 2 months
I watched David Tennant in Fright Night last year and then came across the episode of Room 101 he’s in and found this confluence hilarious. I hadn’t heard of the show, in which the three guests name things they don’t like and make arguments for why they are terrible.
The first segment of the show is an extended rant by David against sushi. I only used a small portion of it in the above edit I made. I also dislike sushi made with fish and will only eat oshinko maki (pickled radish roll). Autistic food issues ftw!
Btw, David’s second thing he dislikes later in the show is his own attempt at a South African accent, which he is unable to do well for any length of time. It would have been extremely funny if it had been mini golf 😂😅
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sir-buddy · 1 year
Okay, time for yet another stupid NatM rant post.
So, in the second movie, Jed calls Larry's cell to tell him about what's happening, right? But given Jed's time period, he shouldn't even know what a phone is, let alone how to use one.
So my cracked out 3 AM explanation for this is that Larry was like "okay all of you are idiots I need someone to be responsible if something goes wrong" and so he goes full dad mode and teaches the museum how to use a phone and gives them his number in case something happens (which we all know it does).
(I also like to think that Jed and maybe Teddy were the only ones who listened.)
Jed knowing how to drive in the first movie, however, I have a completely different explanation for. I think it'd be really funny if Jed just somehow inexplicably figured out how to use the car properly (even though it's remote control but we see him actually using the steering wheel and Larry was kind of preoccupied so he couldn't use the remote so I'm just going to say the car can be driven manually.)
Then I thought it'd be even funnier if this was how the conversation went before Jed lost control of the car:
*They're both vibing when Octavius suddenly stops and looks over at Jed*
Oct: Wait a minute how the f*ck do you know how to drive?
Jed: I don't!
*They only then spin out of control.*
Anyway yeah thanks for sitting through my brain rubbish about how Jed knows how to do things he shouldn't.
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deadbabey · 2 months
Had a nice wfh office job with weekends off in customer service that I was fucking miserable at and now I work nights at a warehouse and I love it.
And so many “adultier” adults in my life question me about why I would leave such a comfortable job to go do manual labor all night. I’m physically healthier, I’m mentally doing a lot better, I have a more diverse social group now than I have ever had in my entire life.
I don’t know what the point of this post is other than maybe you know what’s best for yourself and not everything is good for everyone.
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Unpopular (?) opinion
Headcannons are head cannons for a reason…?
Perfect example is Isabella from Encanto
Like, she may not be gay but that doesn’t meen we can’t imagine her as gay? You know?
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What was the point of giving humans irrational fears?
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irishrosescottishlass · 4 months
I'm sorry. Call me a hater all you want but Buck and Tommy do not have the chemistry some of y'all desperately want them to have. This has nothing to do with any other ships; just the fact that, I personally, do not think they vibe at all. Please, it's so clear that Tommy was simping for Eddie but I'm supposed to believe that he's all about Buck, the same man who was literally so upset that Eddie was friendly with Tommy and not hanging out with him? Okay, I'll suspend my belief for half a second and agree that Buck was "trying to get Tommy's attention."
So many 911 fans latched on to this ship with a quickness that is actually startling and I really think it's because a somewhat attractive, mediocre white man makes certain women feral. (Which is fine! We're all attracted to different people but please, stop being weird about Lou and Oliver in some of your posts ffs.)
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luffyvace · 6 months
aghh it’s probably gonna take me forever til my next post so one piece rant as a solution
anyway I kinda just wanted to rant about luffy and how awesome he is. you really don’t have to pay attention to this post..
Idk if imma delete this later depends on if anybody cares cuz I kinda like all reqs/hcs no random posts but hey whatever
moving on..Luffy. I really like his name it rolls off my tongue. I remember when I first started watching I used to call him “luh-fee” instead of “loo-fee” you get it? I think some people still do but now that im used to it, it kinda sounds weird to me, and I like the official way better. Which is ironic seeing as though I like the way I said it at first, better, at first. Lol if that makes sense.
anyhow, I also like his look, how simple yet unique it is? I’ve never seen a mc wear knee shorts and a vest with basically no shirt..good job oda! Love the creativity! The strawhats was the cherry on top. Without it I love him all the same but if that was his official design? it’d be missing something..maybe I’m only saying that because I’m used to it..I probably am.
luffys personality is my absolute favorite thing about him. He his flaw of being too confident at first, I absolutely loved it and would feed into it if I could be there to hype him up LOL. I just have a thing for really sweet guys, I’m sure that’s not hard to understand :) like I love constant positivity and playfulness! To me with his character design it wouldn’t make sense for him to be malicious, but oddly enough would make a good hook for those first starting the show. Again, I’m happy with his overall character design. I especially loved him in the first few arcs. I was so happy while watching the romance dawn arc I had a smile on my face the entire time and was rooting for luffy on everything he did. I remember whenever he encountered someone that the show at first perceived as against him, I was like “booo! Luffy beat em up! Yeah get em!” Buggy (I love the guy now tho 😭💓).
wow this got long quick I’m gonna end it here.
apologies for the wait on your requests..please do be patient with me but I’m tired today
- Brook
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whosmush · 10 months
if lucy dacus survived whatever the fuck night shift was about, i think i’ll survive this
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420jimmyuso · 11 months
would sell my left kidney and my ass and maybe even my arm for more finn and damian fics .. IVE READ THEM ALL n i need more i srsly check the ao3 tag everyday like a loser and it’s so LAME of me but i can’t help it they r my skrunkles and i love when they r just gay n chillin ☹️💔 guys if anyone can hear me IF ANYONE IS OUT THERE .. HEAR MY CRIES .. HEAR MY BEGGING BE MY SAVIOR 🙏😕 so embarrassing of me but maybe if i speak enough the gods will hear me
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^ me day 18 w/o a new finn and damian fic BTW if u even CARE
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murfeelee · 1 year
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IWTV 2022 INSP - Caught Up in Human Affairs
*jazz music plays* Antoinette: *singing* Louis: My new singer. She says she heard about the Azalea all the way in Atlanta. They talkin' about this place in Atlanta! Lestat: Hrm. Louis: ....You're angry. Lestat: I'm pondering.... You're ashamed of what we are. Louis: Maybe I'm just pondering what I am. Lestat: For the infinitesimal time, you're a vampire. Louis: Could you not use that word in my place of business? Lestat: "Place of business." A cover, an illusion to throw off the scent of the dogs. Louis: This "illusion" is frontin' a dozen businesses up and down Claiborne! Lestat: Yes, yes--for every 20 people he kills, he makes one small businessman's dreams come true. Louis de Pointe du Lac, the Dark Prince of Iberville. Louis: I don't wanna kill people anymore. There it is. Lestat: A fish that doesn't swim. A bird refusing to fly. You're going to struggle. Antoinette: I'm Antoinette Brown, and I will be here all night long~!
-- Interview with the Vampire, S01E03
I aaaaaalready explained my thoughts about that racist homewrecking heifer Antoinette, and why I changed my mind about not including her in my game now: so I can KILL her. Over and over again. (Case in point, I used Antoinette as my stand-in for the random woman killed at Lovers Lane.)
Like, Antoinette doesn't even exist in the books--AMC gender-bent a male character from the novels who Lestat cheats with instead. And ISTG, AMC thought they were soooo clever making her last name "Brown," then having her walk her white arse into Louis' black-owned brothel and wh*re herself out to his white husband. XD
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FIRST DAY on the effing job, and she's already making come-to-me eyes at Lestat! While LOUIS (her EFFING BOSS! His EFFING open-secret HUSBAND!) is sitting RIGHT THERE! TWIIIIICE!
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Like is this dirty skank KIDDING ME!?
Lemme calm down--she gets what's coming to her.
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CC CREDITS (one of these days I'll add links, but it is not this day)
Functional saxophone by Arsil at MTS
I put @aroundthesims' Steamboat rabbithole on a IP EP houseboat platform and had a throwaway sim drive it around, so it could look like it was a real boat.
Singing from WA EP French Culture trait
Singing poses by FL-Club
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mingot-studios · 11 months
I cant believe Jenny Nicholson actually tried to compare fnaf to 50 Shades of Gray
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like you're seriously going to compare a film based on a beloved game series that has been in the works for 8 years because the og creator wanted the film to do right by the fans and had genuine love and passion put into it by p much everyone involved.....
.......to some lady's erotic twilight fanfic that got published and was turned into a glorified porno by Hollywood just to cash in on it and make a quick buck. . .
. . . I'm sorry,
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