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Sort of manga for the 20th year anniversary of the magazine belonging to the team behind Otaku festival, soon to be published. One of the oldest trees, in the Romanian capital city, almost burned down around 4 years ago, leaving behind a hollow inside. Ever since the incident, a piece of metal is strapped to its side, turning it into an occasional refuge for the homeless. This is the roughly translated version, the printed one is in Romanian.
The alt manga is about the spirit of a world living on the outskirts, almost forgotten by the hijacked revolution's aftermath. To look forward, this homeless grandfather keeps in mind the words of Lena Constante as well as the old-survivor-tree's lessons of life.
☯︎ This December marks 35 years since the Revolution of 1989, back when Ceaușescu's dictatorship ended. Nationalism, coupled with nostalgia for the by-gone Communist era, alongside homophobe outbursts and pro-extreme right Legionari fanatics have bombarded our everyday scrollable realities and, according to some, almost lead to a second Mineriad. Meanwhile, the presidential elections've been rescheduled for spring 2025.
♗♤🃟Gonna end this post and the year with a reminder to support causes such as the Innitiative Group defending the I.O.R. Park and independent journalists such as the guys at Snoop, tracing the tangled web behind our chaotic Romanian political life.
#trees#tree#old trees#survivor series#ecology#ecosystem#bucharest#botanical garden#natural history#ancestry#comix#comics#romania#grandparents#black and white#biodiversity#biodiversidad#comicstrip#indigineous people#revolution#december 1989#escher#raster#dambovita#by the river#alt manga#shōjo manga#shojo manga#shoujo
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Events 6.13 (after 1950)
1952 – Catalina affair: A Swedish Douglas DC-3 is shot down by a Soviet MiG-15 fighter. 1966 – The United States Supreme Court rules in Miranda v. Arizona that the police must inform suspects of their Fifth Amendment rights before questioning them (colloquially known as "Mirandizing"). 1967 – U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson nominates Solicitor-General Thurgood Marshall to become the first black justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. 1971 – Vietnam War: The New York Times begins publication of the Pentagon Papers. 1973 – In a game versus the Philadelphia Phillies at Veterans Stadium, Steve Garvey, Davey Lopes, Ron Cey and Bill Russell play together as an infield for the first time, going on to set the record of staying together for 8+1��2 years. 1977 – Convicted Martin Luther King Jr. assassin James Earl Ray is recaptured after escaping from prison three days before. 1977 – The Uphaar Cinema Fire took place at Green Park, Delhi, resulting in the deaths of 59 people and seriously injured 103 others. 1981 – At the Trooping the Colour ceremony in London, a teenager, Marcus Sarjeant, fires six blank shots at Queen Elizabeth II. 1982 – Fahd becomes King of Saudi Arabia upon the death of his brother, Khalid. 1982 – Battles of Tumbledown and Wireless Ridge, during the Falklands War. 1983 – Pioneer 10 becomes the first man-made object to leave the central Solar System when it passes beyond the orbit of Neptune. 1990 – First day of the June 1990 Mineriad in Romania. At least 240 strikers and students are arrested or killed in the chaos ensuing from the first post-Ceaușescu elections. 1994 – A jury in Anchorage, Alaska, blames recklessness by Exxon and Captain Joseph Hazelwood for the Exxon Valdez disaster, allowing victims of the oil spill to seek $15 billion in damages. 1996 – The Montana Freemen surrender after an 81-day standoff with FBI agents. 1996 – Garuda Indonesia flight 865 crashes during takeoff from Fukuoka Airport, killing three people and injuring 170. 1997 – A jury sentences Timothy McVeigh to death for his part in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. 1999 – BMW win 1999 24 Hours of Le Mans. 2000 – President Kim Dae-jung of South Korea meets Kim Jong-il, leader of North Korea, for the beginning of the first ever inter-Korea summit, in the northern capital of Pyongyang. 2000 – Italy pardons Mehmet Ali Ağca, the Turkish gunman who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981. 2002 – The United States withdraws from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. 2005 – The jury acquits pop singer Michael Jackson of his charges for allegedly sexually molesting a child in 1993. 2007 – The Al Askari Mosque is bombed for a second time. 2010 – A capsule of the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa, containing particles of the asteroid 25143 Itokawa, returns to Earth by landing in the Australian Outback. 2012 – A series of bombings across Iraq, including Baghdad, Hillah and Kirkuk, kills at least 93 people and wounds over 300 others. 2015 – A man opens fire at policemen outside the police headquarters in Dallas, Texas, while a bag containing a pipe bomb is also found. He was later shot dead by police. 2018 – Volkswagen is fined one billion euros over the emissions scandal. 2021 – A gas explosion in Zhangwan district of Shiyan city, in Hubei province of China kills at least 12 people and wounds over 138 others. 2023 – At least 100 people are killed when a wedding boat capsizes on the Niger River in Kwara State, Nigeria. 2023 – Three people are killed and another three injured in an early morning stabbing and van ramming attack in Nottingham, England.
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vreau doar sa cunoasca acesti oameni niste oameni adevarati. niste babute care au ramas vaduve dupa mineriade. niste copii carora le-a plecat tata saltat de securitate. cineva care nu a avut caldura in casa pana la 50 de ani. un tip gay care a fost prins de securisti. si sa se uite in ochii lor si sa incerce sa el explice de ce era bine in romania lui ceausescu.
random fact: il mai tineti minte pe cristi ala cu apa cristalina? a fost insurat cu o femeie pe care a vazut-o la nunta si cam atat fiindca a fost reclamat ca e dubios pentru faptul ca la varsta lui de atunci nu avea precena
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Ludovic Orban: V-o spun limpede, cine isi imagineaza ca dosarul evenimentelor din 10 august poate sa mai ramana secret, se insala amarnic
Ludovic Orban: V-o spun limpede, cine isi imagineaza ca dosarul evenimentelor din 10 august poate sa mai ramana secret, se insala amarnic
Presedintele PNL , Ludovic Orban a declarat de la Adunarea Regionala a PNL ca dosarul 10 august trebuie desecretizat iar cine a gresit trebuie sa plateasca .
“Va marturisesc ca de fiecare data cand vin in Timisoara, vin cu emotie si de fiecare data nu pot sa uit ca Revolutia, libertatea, democratia a plecat de aici multumita tinerilor si mai varstnicilor curajosi, care au pus mai presus de viata…
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Miron Cozma ia pensie de VICTIMĂ A MINERIADELOR. Ce sumă încasează lunar
Miron Cozma ia pensie de VICTIMĂ A MINERIADELOR. Ce sumă încasează lunar
Miron Cozma, fostul lider al minerilor din Valea Jiului, beneficiaza lunar de o pensie speciala in calitate de victima a mineriadelor. Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului a stabilit ca Miron Cozma este victima a mineriadelor si ca trebuie sa primeasca o pensie lunara, noteaza stirilekanald.ro
”Pentru mine, e o mare realizare, si pentru mineri. Faptul ca ani de zile Miron Cozma si minerii si-au…
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New Post has been published on JurnalulBucurestiului.Ro
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2kst6uE
Academia Catavencu : Noi vrem democrație, nu bani pentru căței !
de Spartakus
Revenit de la Washington, unde probabil a mai stat încă o zi după investirea lui Trump fiindcă trebuia să dea cineva și cu mopul prin hotel, după atâția turiști, Găurel Dragnea a avut exact aceeași surpriză ca și Nicolae Ceaușescu după întoarcerea din Iran, pe 20 decembrie 1989: în stradă îl așteptau zeci de mii de oameni, ieșiți de la Brăila la București să scandeze contra lui. Și, tot ca și Ceaușescu, care vedea mâna agenturilor străine (ce vreți, Soroș nu se inventase încă sau îi era lui Ceașcă greu să-i pronunțe numele, că era sâsâit), Dragnea ne-a anunțat că suntem în plină mineriadă, la începutul unei lovituri de stat.
La canalele TV (se numesc astfel pentru că sunt mai apropiate de niște canale de dejecții menajere decât de niște posturi de televiziune) România TV și Antena 3, toate canaliile mai că dăduseră în bâlbâială încercând să convingă telespectatorii lobotomizați că Iohannis, abia venit cu bricheta aprinsă de la Bamboo, vrea să dea foc la toată țara. Cu acest prilej, vuvuzelele și lingăii cu renume, gen Gâdea, Badea, Ciutacu, Drăgoteasca, au mâncat cantități impresionante de rahat. Cred că zece grame dacă mai halea fiecare și dădea în supradoză de rahat, de nu-i mai salva nici SMURDU! Am aflat, spre marele meu regret, că adulții participanți la miting au primit câte 100 de lei, copiii câte 50 de lei, iar câinii, veniți și ei în număr mare, câte 30 de lei, dar numai dacă lătrau pe trei voci ”PSD – ciuma roșie!” și ”Democrație, nu amnistie!” Nu m-am putut abține să nu-mi imaginez câte mii de lei aș fi putut încasa, dacă o convingeam pe vecina mea de la parter, doamna Mariana, care are prin casă o colecție de potăi adunate de mila hingherilor, să vină și ea la miting și să facem banii jumi-juma.
Dar să lăsăm câinii plătiți de Soroș în pace și să revenim la oamenii din Piață. Am văzut aseară, pe Facebook, o mulțime de indignați întrebând ”Dar unde au fost mitingiștii ăștia la alegeri? Atunci de ce n-au ieșit la vot?” Bă-băieți, sunteți într-o mare eroare: cine a avut ieri spiritul civic să iasă în stradă sigur a avut spiritul civic să iasă și pe 11 decembrie la vot. Alții n-au ieșit la vot, pentru că și atunci, și acum, erau pline mallurile de ei, și nici n-o să iasă prea curând, dar asta e altă problemă. Important este acum că le-am arătat mafioților ăștia care, dacă i-au votat 3 milioane de amețiți și prostiți, se erijează în reprezentanții ”poporului”, că au întins destul coarda. Și mai important e că i-am făcut să iasă la joc și știm deja cum vor juca: pe cartea pe care au jucat-o și înaintașii lor. Ceaușescu, în 1989, nu spunea că manifestanții de la Timișoara, Cluj, Arad sau București ieșiseră în stradă fiindcă se săturaseră de frig, foame, frică și mizerie, în schimb îi acuza că sunt plătiți de „agenturilii străine”. Iliescu, în 1990, nu sufla o vorbuliță că ”golanii” umpluseră Piața Universității spre a protesta împotriva democrației de cumetrie pe care otreapa kaghebistă o instalase. Acum, Dragnea vorbește despre mineriade, despre lovituri de stat, dar nu adaugă și că mișcările de ieri au fost declanșate de lovitura pe care chiar ei, penalii, voiau s-o dea statului de drept. Mai mult, cerând jandarmeriei să-și retragă oamenii de la sediul PSD, doar-doar manifestanții îl vor distruge, Dragnea repetă isprava lui nen-so Iliescu, care, în 13 iunie, poruncea incendierea autobuzelor poliției, ca să aibă motiv să spună că ”golanii” le-au dat foc și să cheme minerii.
Izbucnirea de furie a străzii i-a speriat pe mafioții care fac și desfac legi, dar nu e de ajuns. Cu spectrul pușcăriei suflându-i în ceafă, Dragnea n-o să se lase și o să încerce, în mod sigur, să se joace iar de-a amnistia și grațierea. În materie de șmecherii, imaginația penalilor nu are limită și de aceea trebuie să stăm cu ochii pe ei. Ca să-și salveze pielea, ticăloșii nu vor ezita să arunce țara în haos, fără să le pese de consecință, doar ei să scape de pușcărie. Mai ceva decât ciomagării lui Groza și Dej din 46, indivizii ăștia amenință acum să aducă la manifestațiile contra elefanților Amni și Grați zeci de mii de votanți PSD, ca să arate că și ei pot scoate lumea în stradă. Singura problemă e că, după ce selfie-ul mișcat cu masa lui Trump l-a cam uscat de dolărei, nu știu de unde o să mai găsească Dragnea atâția bani să aducă o sută de mii de șoșonari în Piața Victoriei, cum susținea ieri la TV puțica aia cu urechi pe nume Codrin Ștefănescu. Fiindcă votanții PSD, dacă nu primesc un ulei, un zahăr, o găleată, o bancnotă cu Caragiale, nu-ți ies nici la poartă, să-ți dea bună ziua. Și hai, că pentru bipezii vag alfabetizați care au votat cu Partidul s-or mai găsi bani, dar de unde faci, făi, Dragneo, rost de-atâtea zeci de lei pentru fiecare papagal care a votat cu PSD, că din ăștia sunt cel puțin trei milioane?!
#academia catavencu#agenturile straine#bani pentru catei#dragnea vorbeste#golanii#lovituri de stat#mineriade#reprezentantii poporului#SOROS#speriat pe mafioti#vrem democratie
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Traian Băsescu vrea sa ajungă din nou primar pe capitala? a uitat de protestul din 2012 Anti-Basescu https://m.activenews.ro/cultura-istorie/Cinci-ani-de-la-protestele-anti-Basescu-din-2012-cele-mai-violente-miscari-de-strada-de-la-mineriade-incoace.-Cronologia-unui-razboi-intern-139977 https://www.instagram.com/p/B8qfVgjga5j/?igshid=1su0vdcjbmwdh
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"Films move forward like trains in the night, says François Truffaut in Day for Night, making an incisive analogy between the long succession of train carriages passing through a dark landscape and the implacable forward motion of stories, which – in contrast to real life – tolerate no down time. One could say the same thing about memory – except that memory involves a backward motion: Its tension is directed towards an often uncertain past rather than a pre-determined dénouement. In the night, as in the clatter of memories, time loses its measurable and regular dimension. It jumps from one image to the next, mindless of the years that separate them; it manifests itself in sudden apparitions and accelerations. Memories surface without warning, deformed by their speed, transformed by virtue of inscrutable connections and bifurcations. Sometimes they derail; at any moment the past and the present may collide."
– from the essay Night Train by Sonia Voss "Saturn Devouring his Son is one of Goya's Black Paintings. Saturn devours each of his new-born sons in an attempt to forestall a prophesy that one day he will be driven from his own kingdom by his son. […] Intergenerational cannibalism, as handed down through the myth of Saturn, throws its shadow on the mineriad, which brought hope for a democratic upheaval in Romania to an abrupt end. Under the guise of 'original democracy', the monster that destroys the hope for a new way of living turns out to be the old leadership obsessed by its efforts to maintain power. The shocking experience of the mineriad would ensure the continued existence of the old power elite. […] The events in Romania are not an isolated phenomenon. In the Romanian press, the brutal attack on the US Capitol on 6 January 2021 was likened to the mineriad."
– from the essay Saturn Devours its Children by Lotte Laub
'Mineriada' is a sarcastic term that combines the Romanian word ‘miner’ with the suffix ’-iada’ like in ‘olimpiada’ (Olympics), quasi, the Miner’s Olympics. As a teenager, I took part in the pro-European demonstrations and experienced some of the dramatic events myself.
MINERIADA addresses the societal division that led Romania into a decade of isolation. The starting point are ten photographs taken by my father depicting the devastation in Bucharest of June 1990. In a retrospective from Strasbourg, via Bucharest to Petrosani, the work examines the sites of the events and the unspoken trauma of physical violence, when thousands of instigated regime-loyal miners were brought in to the capital by trains and buses to brutally bludgeon students and the pro-European opposition.
Despite a verdict by the European Court of Human Rights in 2014, the aggressions from those days remain unresolved, and the dead have not been atoned for.
Based on research into justice discourses, MINERIADA addresses the latency of the suppressed past and raises awareness of recursive events, in a world that is once again becoming increasingly polarized.
Following Mobile Churches, 2017, and LAST CHRISTMAS (of Ceausescu), 2020, MINERIADA, 2022, is the last part of my trilogy, published by Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg. The monograph was realized with the support of the Visual Arts Research Stipend of the Senate Department for Culture and Europe, Berlin, and the Publication Grant of the Stiftung Kulturwerk, Bonn. In October 2023, the book was awarded the bronze medal in the Fine Art category of the 2023-24 German Photo Book Prize, and was on view at Städtische Galerie, Regensburg and Goethe-Institut, Hong Kong, among other places.
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30 de ani de la Revolutie, 10 ani irositi pentru ca "Nu ne vindem tara" Dupa peste 1.000 de intalniri cu investitori si o cariera de 23 de ani in piata financiara romaneasca, Lucian Anghel isi aduce aminte de anii pierduti ai capitalismului romanesc, dominati de mineriade si de ideea ca “noi nu ne vindem tara...
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Dragoș Pâslaru a avut o viață incredibilă. Ce s-a aflat acum despre actorul care s-a făcut preot după ce a fost bătut crunt la mineriade
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“A început să mă caute cam la un an, doi după primele mineriade. Doar că vita dracului credea că România e stat de drept și mă căuta la pușcărie. Am impresia că în sfârșit a început să se prindă unde sunt de fapt, pentru că de la o vreme mă înțeapă ceva sub ficat. Mi-e …
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seasonoftowers ответил(a) на ваш пост:
They’re being utterly fucking desperate. Lots of shit’s getting prosecuted, lots of invulnerables are either already in prison or heading there in weeks/months….heck, even Iliescu has been accused of crimes against humanity for the Mineriads and that dude was the definition of untouchable for 25 years. Either they do this precise bullshit, or they go to prison. It’s why I’m kinda hopeful - low chance we’ll be able to stop this, but if we do, it’ll have great results
One imagines having this many people in the streets yell FUCK OFF CUNTS would be enough, but that would also be naive of me to think this way. Still. Nice to see their position isn’t all that monolithic. Guess being kinda-sorta hopeful isn’t uncalled for.
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Events 6.13
313 – The decisions of the Edict of Milan, signed by Constantine the Great and co-emperor Valerius Licinius, granting religious freedom throughout the Roman Empire, are published in Nicomedia. 1325 – Ibn Battuta begins his travels, leaving his home in Tangiers to travel to Mecca (gone 24 years). 1381 – In England, the Peasants' Revolt, led by Wat Tyler, comes to a head, as rebels set fire to the Savoy Palace. 1514 – Henry Grace à Dieu, at over 1,000 tons the largest warship in the world at this time, built at the new Woolwich Dockyard in England, is dedicated. 1525 – Martin Luther marries Katharina von Bora, against the celibacy rule decreed by the Roman Catholic Church for priests and nuns. 1625 – King Charles I of England marries Catholic princess Henrietta Maria of France and Navarre, at Canterbury. 1740 – Georgia provincial governor James Oglethorpe begins an unsuccessful attempt to take Spanish Florida during the Siege of St. Augustine. 1774 – Rhode Island becomes the first of Britain's North American colonies to ban the importation of slaves. 1777 – American Revolutionary War: Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette lands near Charleston, South Carolina, in order to help the Continental Congress to train its army. 1805 – Lewis and Clark Expedition: Scouting ahead of the expedition, Meriwether Lewis and four companions sight the Great Falls of the Missouri River. 1855 – Twentieth opera of Giuseppe Verdi, Les vêpres siciliennes ("The Sicilian Vespers"), is premiered in Paris. 1881 – The USS Jeannette is crushed in an Arctic Ocean ice pack. 1886 – A fire devastates much of Vancouver, British Columbia. 1893 – Grover Cleveland notices a rough spot in his mouth and on July 1 undergoes secret, successful surgery to remove a large, cancerous portion of his jaw; the operation was not revealed to the public until 1917, nine years after the president's death. 1895 – Emile Levassor wins the world’s first real automobile race. Levassor completed the 732-mile course, from Paris to Bordeaux and back, in just under 49 hours, at a then-impressive speed of about 15 miles per hour. 1898 – Yukon Territory is formed, with Dawson chosen as its capital. 1917 – World War I: The deadliest German air raid on London of the war is carried out by Gotha G.IV bombers and results in 162 deaths, including 46 children, and 432 injuries. 1927 – Aviator Charles Lindbergh receives a ticker tape parade down 5th Avenue in New York City. 1944 – World War II: The Battle of Villers-Bocage: German tank ace Michael Wittmann ambushes elements of the British 7th Armoured Division, destroying up to fourteen tanks, fifteen personnel carriers and two anti-tank guns in a Tiger I tank. 1944 – World War II: German combat elements, reinforced by the 17th SS Panzergrenadier Division, launch a counterattack on American forces near Carentan. 1944 – World War II: Germany launches the first V1 Flying Bomb attack on England. Only four of the eleven bombs strike their targets. 1952 – Catalina affair: A Swedish Douglas DC-3 is shot down by a Soviet MiG-15 fighter. 1966 – The United States Supreme Court rules in Miranda v. Arizona that the police must inform suspects of their Fifth Amendment rights before questioning them (colloquially known as "Mirandizing"). 1967 – U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson nominates Solicitor-General Thurgood Marshall to become the first black justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. 1971 – Vietnam War: The New York Times begins publication of the Pentagon Papers. 1977 – Convicted Martin Luther King Jr. assassin James Earl Ray is recaptured after escaping from prison three days before. 1981 – At the Trooping the Colour ceremony in London, a teenager, Marcus Sarjeant, fires six blank shots at Queen Elizabeth II. 1982 – Fahd becomes King of Saudi Arabia upon the death of his brother, Khalid. 1982 – Battles of Tumbledown and Wireless Ridge, during the Falklands War. 1983 – Pioneer 10 becomes the first man-made object to leave the central Solar System when it passes beyond the orbit of Neptune. 1990 – First day of the June 1990 Mineriad in Romania. At least 240 strikers and students are arrested or killed in the chaos ensuing from the first post-Ceaușescu elections. 1994 – A jury in Anchorage, Alaska, blames recklessness by Exxon and Captain Joseph Hazelwood for the Exxon Valdez disaster, allowing victims of the oil spill to seek $15 billion in damages. 1996 – The Montana Freemen surrender after an 81-day standoff with FBI agents. 1997 – A jury sentences Timothy McVeigh to death for his part in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. 1999 – BMW win the 24 Hours of Le Mans, with Toyota being a contention for the win until a puncture in the last hour relegated it to second, Toyota not participating in Le Mans again until 2012. The race was also remembered for the flipping incidents involving the Mercedes cars, the team withdrawing mid-race and Mercedes never entering Le Mans again. 2000 – President Kim Dae-jung of South Korea meets Kim Jong-il, leader of North Korea, for the beginning of the first ever inter-Korea summit, in the northern capital of Pyongyang. 2000 – Italy pardons Mehmet Ali Ağca, the Turkish gunman who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981. 2002 – The United States withdraws from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. 2005 – The jury acquits pop singer Michael Jackson of his charges for allegedly sexually molesting a child in 1993. 2007 – The Al Askari Mosque is bombed for a second time. 2010 – A capsule of the Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa, containing particles of the asteroid 25143 Itokawa, returns to Earth. 2012 – A series of bombings across Iraq, including Baghdad, Hillah and Kirkuk, kills at least 93 people and wounds over 300 others. 2015 – A man opens fire at policemen outside the police headquarters in Dallas, Texas, while a bag containing a pipe bomb is also found. He was later shot dead by police. 2018 – Volkswagen is fined 1 billion euros over the emissions scandal.
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Last night listening to live news about the protest from Victoria Square, I was afraid that things would start escalating to the point of something like the Mineriade. I wasn’t even born when those tool place, but they’re sound so awful. I’m truly starting to fear the state of this country
tbh if you get to learn about the mineriade stuff, you acknowledge that there are some recurring strategies used by the ruling party
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Why will it never happen? Have some hope things may change for the better (or at least I wish it would).
@op saying Romania should treat Antonescu as Germany treats Hitler and me saying it will never happen.
it will never happen because we don’t really study history in general and if we do it’s very washed and not dealing with the hard parts. If you don’t even learn about it, you will never own up to it. And to change the curriculum is just a fight you will never win.
Next, Antonescu was long presented as this strong military man who lead Romania and all of his horrors are just an appendix. Speaking of his victims, they weren’t white. And while Romania is overwhelmingly white, we don’t really care as a nation about ethnicities. After all, how many people still remember that gypsies were actually slaves in Romania.
To tie it all up, we don’t want to think of Holocaust in Romania. That’s very Germany, not us. It also has to do with the Communist occupation. We don’t really think of Nazi Romania because we just know Communist Romania.
Plus, we are not good at serving justice for our past crimes. That was so long ago people won’t care. Look at the revolution or mineriade. That was 20 some years ago and no one is really to blame, no one knows the whole story.
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