#ion antonescu
nicolae · 11 months
Actul de la 23 august 1944 în România
În toată perioada celui de Al Doilea Război Mondial, serviciile secrete române au colectat informații privind localizarea unităților germane în țară. Ofițerii din grupul conspirativ pentru întoarcerea armelor împotriva Germaniei sporesc numărul unităților românești prezente în capitală, pentru a putea face față germanilor. O misiune interaliată clandestină a fost parașutată în București și…
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cartipdf · 11 months
Actul de la 23 august 1944 în România
În toată perioada celui de Al Doilea Război Mondial, serviciile secrete române au colectat informații privind localizarea unităților germane în țară. Ofițerii din grupul conspirativ pentru întoarcerea armelor împotriva Germaniei sporesc numărul unităților românești prezente în capitală, pentru a putea face față germanilor. O misiune interaliată clandestină a fost parașutată în București și…
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mioritic · 8 months
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Calendar published by Romania's Institutul Național al Cooperației (National Institute of Cooperatives), 1941
The calendar depicts King Michael I, Gen. Ion Antonescu, and Horia Sima, the latter two of whom led the National Legionary State at the time. They are flanked by the regional symbols also featured on Romania's coat of arms: the aurochs, the lion and Trajan's bridge, the dolphins, the aquila with the sun and moon, and the aquila with seven castles.
Below them is a woodcut of a peasant sowing seeds, possibly by (or in the style of) Nicolae Brana (?)
The National Legionary State effectively lasted until January 21st of that year, and was formally dissolved in February, following the rebellion by Sima's Legionnaires.
via Artmark
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onelungmcclung · 1 year
Thus, although the persecution of the Jews that led to the Holocaust was a German project — a point which cannot be overemphasized — it chimed with the programmes of many European fascist and authoritarian regimes. Without the Germans’ umbrella project, the Holocaust in Europe would not have happened. Nor were its allies as obsessed with the ‘world-historical threat’ posed by the Jews as the Germans were, although some came close, especially certain figures in the Croatian, Romanian and French leadership strata. But without the willing participation of so many collaborators across Europe, the Germans would have found it much harder to kill so many Jews. In Norway, France and Hungary, local police rounded up, guarded and deported Jews; in Slovakia the impetus to deport Jews came from the indigenous ‘clerical-fascist’ regime rather than from the Germans. The same is true in the country of the Enlightenment, where French officials drafted the legislation and provided the manpower to arrest and deport Jews from France, the ‘only country in Western Europe where Jews were deported from a zone not under direct German occupation’. In the Romanian case, the regime of the conducător (leader), Ion Antonescu, grasped the opportunity provided by the German plans to carry out a Holocaust of its own, deporting Jews from recently annexed areas of Romania and killing them alongside local Jews and Roma in Transnistria. The scope of the killing implicates the whole of Europe, not just the Nazi regime and a few quislings.
Dan Stone, The Holocaust: An Unfinished History (2023)
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mariacallous · 10 months
The nationalistic right-wing Alliance for the Union of Romanians, AUR, has started a campaign to attract smaller nationalist parties, some with far-right leanings, ahead of the 2024 elections, gathered in an “authentic sovereignist choir”.
“AUR is a constantly growing force. This thing is more and more visible. The more our strength grows, the more [others] come to us. We will make the necessary selection and welcome all who deserve and correspond to our principles and values, ” AUR leader and MP George Simion said on Tuesday evening.
Next year, Romania will hold European, local, parliamentary and presidential elections.
“We want to unite because only together can we help Romanians. We don’t keep our doors closed. We’ve proved that we did not make a party for ourselves and a group of close people and that we are open to all who can do something for the country”, ther co-president of AUR, Senator Claudiu Tarziu, said.
AUR has already presented a narrative of winning the elections, pedalling a nationalist, Euro-skeptic and anti-NATO agenda, which matches Moscow’s own narratives.
Its “entire ideology … fits the type of narrative pushed in the West by Russian propaganda,” wrote Dan Tapalaga, editor of the G4Media , an influential Romanian independent news portal, in an analysis.
He described the party as “extremist and anti-Semitic … based on isolationist nationalism, anti-Europeanism, economic nationalism, traditionalism and [Christian] Orthodoxy”.
Simion said he was out to beat the “so-called democratic bloc” in 2024.
“In 2024, two ‘army corps’ will fight. The so-called democratic block PSD-PNL-UDMR [Social Democratic Party, PSD; National Liberal Party, PNL and Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, UDMR] will fight the sovereignist pole, concentrated around AUR … We need to win these elections,” he said.
AUR has brought into the party a businessman of Israeli origin, Ilan Laufer, and another, Mohammad Murad, of Lebanese origin, to signal that ethnicity and religion are no bar to membership of its nationalist projects.
Previously, Simion was accused of anti-Semitic attitudes for praising Marshal Ion Antonescu, the leader of Romania in World War II and the figure most responsible for the mass killing of its Jews and Roma. Simon rejected these accusation after he had a meeting with the Israeli ambassador to Romania.
Simion also stated that AUR is based on four pillars – the Romanian nation, the family, freedom and the Christian faith.
He further stated that the legacy of Corneliu Vadim Tudor, the former leader of the Great Romania Party, PRM, who championed anti-Western, homophobic, xenophobic and anti-Hungarian views in the 1990s, must be continued. That was why he welcomed his daughter, Lidia Vadim, into the party. However, Simion has publicly insisted that he has no anti-Semitic views himself.
Judging by recent opinion polls, AUR and one other Romanian nationalist party could win seats in the European Parliament elections.
According to the latest Avangarde opinion poll, from last month, AUR stands to win 19 per cent of the votes in those elections, while the party of Diana Sosoaca, formerly of AUR, S.O.S Romania, would win 5 per cent, allowing it to cross the electoral threshold.
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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Righteous Chilean
His job was to be neutral.
Born in Linares, Chile in 1882, Samuel was a career diplomat who served in multiple countries around the world. In 1941, with the war in Europe raging, Samuel was sent to a new post as Chargé d’Affaires – Chilean Ambassador to Romania.  At the time, Romania was ruled by a fascist dictator, Ion Antonescu, and allied with the Axis powers, including Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan. 
In June, the horrific Iasa pogrom occurred in Romania. It was a genocide of Romanian Jews: one third of the country’s entire Jewish population were murdered in the streets from June 29 to July 6, 1941. The massacre was incited directly by Antonescu, who found it politically expedient to blame the Jews for a recent bombing by the Soviets that killed 600 people. The bombing occurred on June 26, and by the next day Antonescu was ready to blame the Jews. He used state media to whip up public sentiment against “Jewish communists” and chillingly gave the order to his lieutenant to “cleanse” the area of its Jewish population. The first step was to force Jews to identify themselves with yellow stars, after which they banned them from buying or selling food, or using certain public spaces. The persecution was especially bad in the city of Iasi, where most of Romania’s Jews lived. A violent assemblage of police, soldiers, criminals, young people and workers were unhappy and blamed the Jews for their problems. They attacked thousands of Jews in the streets, shooting or stabbing them, and shipped others to death camps, most of them dying in the overcrowded freight trains.
Mild-mannered diplomat Samuel Del Campo’s job was to stay neutral. The Chilean government had a non-interference policy, but Samuel could not turn his eyes from the human rights atrocity being perpetrated against the Jews of Romania. As a diplomat, Samuel had cultivated relationships with many important figures in the Romanian government. Now, he met with all of them, begging them to save desperate Jews. Romanian historian Anca Tudorancea said that “minutes from the Romanian Council of Ministers show that Samuel del Campo became a nuisance at the highest level.” Refusing to wait for anybody’s help, he started issuing passports, genuine documents identifying the holder as a citizen of Chile. He affixed special seals on Jews’ homes, declaring that they were being protected by the Chilean government and that anybody who hassled the residents would be picking a fight with the officially neutral South American country.
In the spring of 1943, the war was turning against the Axis powers, and Chile and Romania became enemies. The embassy shut down, leaving del Campo without a job in the Chilean government for the first time in his adult life. Feeling rejected by the country he loved and had served for so long, Samuel settled in Paris, where he passed away alone in 1960, leaving no relatives behind to mourn his passing. 
Decades after Samuel’s death, in November 2016, Israeli Holocaust Memorial Yad Vashem honored Samuel del Campo as “Righteous Among the Nations.” Five years later, the Chilean embassy in Bucharest unveiled a memorial plaque in front of the Great Synagogue, built in 1845.
“The story and actions of Samuel del Campo in Romania as the Republic of Chile’s Chargé d’Affaires represent a light of human dignity in a moment of history in which everything was surrounded by darkness,” said Silviu Vexler, a Jewish member of the Romanian parliament. 
For refusing to follow orders and saving thousands of lives, we honor Samuel del Campo as this week’s Thursday Hero.
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isaf-larper · 2 years
Are we going to have a conversation about how Karlheinz (former dictator of Romania in DL lore, apparently) may have been Ion Antonescu?
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reinhardhohn · 2 years
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Mariscal Ion Antonescu (1882-1946)
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brookstonalmanac · 15 days
Events 9.6 (after 1940)
1940 – King Carol II of Romania abdicates and is succeeded by his son Michael. General Ion Antonescu becomes the Conducător of Romania. 1943 – The Monterrey Institute of Technology is founded in Monterrey, Mexico as one of the largest and most influential private universities in Latin America. 1943 – Pennsylvania Railroad's premier train derails at Frankford Junction in Philadelphia, killing 79 people and injuring 117 others. 1944 – World War II: The city of Ypres, Belgium is liberated by Allied forces. 1944 – World War II: Soviet forces capture the city of Tartu, Estonia. 1946 – United States Secretary of State James F. Byrnes announces that the U.S. will follow a policy of economic reconstruction in postwar Germany. 1952 – A prototype aircraft crashes at the Farnborough Airshow in Hampshire, England, killing 29 spectators and the two on board. 1955 – Istanbul's Greek, Jewish, and Armenian minorities are the target of a government-sponsored pogrom; dozens are killed in ensuing riots. 1962 – The United States government begins the Exercise Spade Fork nuclear readiness drill. 1962 – Archaeologist Peter Marsden discovers the first of the Blackfriars Ships dating back to the second century AD in the Blackfriars area of the banks of the River Thames in London. 1965 – India retaliates following Pakistan's Operation Grand Slam which results in the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965 that ends in a stalemate followed by the signing of the Tashkent Declaration. 1966 – Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, the architect of apartheid, is stabbed to death in Cape Town, South Africa during a parliamentary meeting. 1968 – Swaziland becomes independent. 1970 – Two passenger jets bound from Europe to New York are simultaneously hijacked by Palestinian terrorist members of the PFLP and taken to Dawson's Field, Jordan. 1971 – Paninternational Flight 112 crashes on the Bundesautobahn 7 highway near Hamburg Airport, in Hamburg, Germany, killing 22. 1972 – Munich massacre: Nine Israeli athletes die (along with a German policeman) at the hands of the Palestinian "Black September" terrorist group after being taken hostage at the Munich Olympic Games. Two other Israeli athletes were slain in the initial attack the previous day. 1983 – The Soviet Union admits to shooting down Korean Air Lines Flight 007, stating that its operatives did not know that it was a civilian aircraft when it reportedly violated Soviet airspace. 1985 – Midwest Express Airlines Flight 105 crashes near Milwaukee Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, killing all 31 people on board. 1986 – In Istanbul, two terrorists from Abu Nidal's organization kill 22 and wound six congregants inside the Neve Shalom Synagogue during Shabbat services. 1991 – The Soviet Union recognizes the independence of the Baltic states Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. 1991 – The Russian parliament approves the name change of Leningrad back to Saint Petersburg. The change is effective October 1. 1992 – A group of hunters at the Stampede trail near Healy, Alaska came across a male corpse in abandoned bus, later identified as Christopher McCandless. 1995 – Cal Ripken Jr. of the Baltimore Orioles plays in his 2,131st consecutive game, breaking a record that had stood for 56 years. 1997 – The funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales takes place in London. Well over a million people line the streets and 21⁄2 billion watch around the world on television. 2007 – Israel executes the air strike Operation Orchard to destroy a nuclear reactor in Syria. 2022 – Boris Johnson resigns as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and is replaced by Liz Truss. Their meetings with Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral Castle were the Queen's final official duties before her death two days later. 2022 – Russo-Ukrainian War: Ukraine begins its Kharkiv counteroffensive, surprising Russian forces and retaking over 3,000 square kilometers of land, recapturing the entire Kharkiv Oblast west of the Oskil River, within the next week.
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cydrone-studios · 5 months
Adevărul ascuns 79 de ani despre lovitura de stat din 23 August 1944 (interviu Corneliu Coposu)
De ce a oprit Iuliu Maniu de la publicare un interviu istoric acordat de Corneliu Coposu Marele om politic Corneliu Coposu a acordat pe 20 august 1945 un interviu amplu pentru Associated Press în care a dezvaluit in detaliu culisele actiunii din 23 August 1944, care a condus la rasturnarea regimului dictatorial al maresalului Ion Antonescu. Articolul n-a mai aparut la vremea respectiva in presa…
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nicolae · 11 months
Actul de la 23 august 1944 în România
În toată perioada celui de Al Doilea Război Mondial, serviciile secrete române au colectat informații privind localizarea unităților germane în țară. Ofițerii din grupul conspirativ pentru întoarcerea armelor împotriva Germaniei sporesc numărul unităților românești prezente în capitală, pentru a putea face față germanilor. O misiune interaliată clandestină a fost parașutată în București și…
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cartipdf · 1 year
Mărturii importante despre momentul 23 august 1944
Mărturii importante despre momentul 23 august 1944 deţinem şi ca urmare a existenţei, în Arhivele Naţionale ale României – Fondul „Manuscrise”, a Memoriului de activitate al lt.col. Traian Borcescu, şeful Secţiei a II-a Contrainformaţii din cadrul Serviciului Special de Informaţii (SSI). Ofiţerul, din postura sa de conducător al structurii SSI-ului cu atribuţii în ceea ce priveşte cunoaşterea şi…
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iulisor1981 · 9 months
Victorian needs albern around!
Second Wwar does not
because working for great-mothers, our God Mothers, to be true, actually does not help and is not helping. Them should be friendly-not, and oh!are they friendly, them sparkling old lady s. Except if one forgets work, and then trouble. Trouble right ahead - and killing people, the understanding of nuns against all odds! Cute as it can get, true as this goes, todays etiquette @work. World of emotion, this can never be serious - the will to bring your mother to work here surely needs and can be the only purposefully true ”# kosmos”(from Ancient Greek: ίδιος κόσμος) is people's "own world" or "private world" as distinguished from the "common world" (koinos kosmos). ... It was an ... other war coming. Another revolution of thoughts. When it failed, when Hitler did, that is, romanian last general which was our third Archibishop of war, Mareshal Ion Antonescu - did lost the war. So did Hiltler. Promises of suicide exchanged then by membry of clergy were taken serious, and another pan od democracy was open, another discution and another point of view. Today, President Putin of Russia seems to be seducing the same way, as war coincides with power, fight over the reality or Church. In Heaven, that is -quietly so, un fior”not yet again, dear Lord!” Fight!
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mioritic · 1 year
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Business card of Horia Sima, late 1950s?
Horia Sima (1906-1993) was born to a family from Mândra, near Făgăraș, Transylvania. While studying Philosophy at the University of Bucharest, he joined a series of far-right and antisemitic political groups, eventually joining the Legionary Movement (or Iron Guard) in 1927. In the 1930s he worked as a teacher in a series of boys’ schools in the Banat, and as a local organizer of the Legionary Movement. He was eventually dismissed from teaching for his political views, but only several years after he was implicated in the assassination of Romanian Prime Minister I.G. Duca.
After a crackdown by Carol II against the Legionary Movement, and the assassination of its leader Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, Sima and several others fled to Germany. Because of the deaths or imprisonment of most Legionary Movement leaders, Sima and a few remaining high-ranking Legionnaires formed a leadership group, with Sima eventually becoming the leader of the Movement. In 1939 he was again involved in the assassination of a Prime Minister, this time Armand Călinescu, but in 1940 Sima returned to Romania and held various short-lived ministerial positions in a series of fascist governments.
In September 1940 Sima and General Ion Antonescu formed the National Legionary State, a fascist government co-led by Antonescu and the Legionary Movement.* After a shaky few months, in late January 1941, the Legionnaires revolted in a failed self-coup (and series of anti-Jewish pogroms) and were forced to flee Romania. Sima and several others were imprisoned in German concentration camps through WWII, until the tides turned in Romania and the Germans invited them to form a short-lived Romanian Government-in-Exile.
After the Second World War, Sima and other Legionnaires were sentenced to death in Romania and thus forced to live in exile. Sima travelled through post-war Germany under the guise of being a displaced Transylvanian Saxon and eventually ended up in Francoist Spain, where he lived for the rest of his life. He retained his position of leader of the Legionary Movement but his authority was disputed due to several splits and internal conflicts. He continued to publish memoirs and political writings until his death in 1993. He is buried under a false name in a seaside town in Catalonia.
From my personal collection.
*(Also, the job title he listed here is false: Sima was never “President of the Council [of Ministers]”, only Vice President from Sept. 1940 to Jan. 1941)
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mariacallous · 2 years
A vivid, brilliant, darkly humorous and horrifying history of some of the strangest dictators that Europe has ever seen. The only country in Eastern Europe to speak a Latin language, Romania has always felt itself different, and its unique fate has been to experience some of the most disastrous leaderships of the last century. In the First World War her German king remained neutral until 1916. The interwar rulers form a gallery of bizarre characters and movements: the corrupt King Carol; the antisemitic Iron Guard led by Corneliu Codreanu; the vain general Ion Antonescu who seized power in 1940 and led the country into alliance with Nazi Germany. After 1945 power was handed over to Romania's tiny communist party, under whom it experienced severe repression, purges, and collectivization.
Then in 1964, Nicolae Ceaușescu came to power. And thus began the strangest dictatorship in recent European history.
Children of the Night is also a personal discovery of this extraordinary country, bringing together Paul Kenyon's eye for the private vices and kleptocratic tendencies of despots with a heartfelt exploration of the fate of one Romanian family in particular.
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isaf-larper · 2 years
Considering that Karlheinz moved to Japan with his whole family and considering that his status as the previous dictator of Romania makes him a possible candidate for being Ion Antonescu, does this mean that in Diabolik Lovers Karlheinz, and by potential extension Ion Antonescu, is canonically a weeaboo?
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