#milton posting
rocksthosesocks · 6 months
in the trope of “you can try to summon any demon you want but if you’re not strong enough you’ll get got” wha’s a good definition of “strength”?
Emotional strength? Arcane knowledge? Memory? Tic tac toe skills?
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swagliostro · 5 months
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Every Chip needs a decent cuddle!
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seasononesam · 5 months
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supernatural meme: (6/9) scenes | 5x13 “The Song Remains the Same”
Sorry. It's not that easy to kill an angel.
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jamieontheroof · 5 months
Random things I noticed while playing What Remains Of Edith Finch
There was a poster of the cannery that Lewis worked at on the boat.
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2. Edith Jr wears what appears to be an engagement on a necklace. Whether this is her ring or her mothers is not mentioned.
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3. At the start of the game, Milton's missing posters are EVERYWHERE. There is even a giant pile of them in a nearby lake.
4. The dragon slide that crushed and killed Sven is still outside.
5. As you walk toward the house, the music gets louder.
6. The swing that Calvin flew off decades ago is still looped around the branch.
7. There was a spare peep hole in the garage that didn't have any names or dates on it.
8. At multiple points throughout the game you can hear a train in the background, despite the fact that the train tracks are clearly destroyed.
9. There are multiple pots throughout the Finch house that looks like they have eyes.
10. One of the books the Finches possessed was 'King in Yellow', a book known for making anyone who read it insane.
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11. The house sounds alive, or like there are people constantly moving around it.
12. Walters bedroom is painted with both ocean and train designs. One of the paintings is the old house that Odin tried to bring to America.
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13. There are drag marks on the ground of Walters bedroom (most likely made when his drawers were taken out of his room.)
14. The entrance to the tunnels is hidden by a book called 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, a classic sci-fi story about a sea monster.
15. Molly's room is filled entirely with animal books.
16. There is a jelly fish on Molly's bed (possible connection to the monster??).
17. Molly has a chalkboard in her bedroom where she is a princess in an underwater castle and Sven is about to get attacked by a sea monster (slightly resembling the dragon slide).
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18. As shark!Molly starts falling down the cliff, she passes a road where headlights are briefly scene.
19. When the monster gets back to Molly's room, the window that cat!Molly jumped through is still open.
20. There are still Christmas decorations in Molly's room.
21. The curse is 500 years old. That is a lot of dead people.
22. In Odin's viewfinder, it states "His [Odin's] daughter, Edie, is already dreaming of new Finch house" showing that even though her own father died not even a week ago, Edie has already moved on.
23. The house is filled head to toe with books about death, including two that Odin wrote.
24. Sven's shrine does not have a log painting like the rest of the family. His portrait is painted on a simple canvas.
25. Edie has a number of strange tapes in her room including one titled "conspiracy now".
26. The toys from Gregory's final bath are still in the bathroom.
27. There is an old bottle of alcohol in the bathroom bin.
28. A lot of Sam's photos are based on Calvin (a swing, astronauts).
29. All of Milton's drawings are based on the death. (Molly = cat, Barbara = pumpkin)
30. There are cigarettes and gin on Sam's side of the room he shared with Calvin.
31. Calvin already had bruises, Band-Aids and a cast on his leg when he died.
32. Sam blames himself for challenging Calvin.
33. In the story, Calvin doesn't fall. He keeps flying.
34. Barbara's birthday cake is still in her room.
35. Barbara is holding crutches in her portrait.
36. There are totem-esc styles statues of both Calvin and Molly
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37. Barbara's outfit is over the railing.
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This is the same way the Hook-Man falls
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38. "Performance of her life" can also mean that it is the performance she is known for.
39. There are spare portrait logs in the basement.
40. There is a fake window in the basement.
41. Edie's grave is finished despite her dying and then nobody else going to the house.
42. There is no grave for Milton.
43. Lewis' grave has a crown on it.
44. There are times wear it seems like you can hear sobbing (this one may just be me).
45. There is a box of Kay's old stuff in Sam's bedroom.
46. Odin has a park named after him.
47. This isn't a fact but I think this may be one of the funniest photos of the game (LIKE SIR? YOUR DAUGHTER IS SOBBING!).
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48. Both Calvin and Dawn are on Sam's shrine.
49. Gus has a skateboard over his name.
50. Gregory has the soap bottle from his final bath in his shrine.
51. The music cuts out when Gregory isn't moving.
52. Same also blames himself for Gregory.
53. Gus never met his step mother.
54. Gus was crushed by the (totem) statues of his deceased relatives.
55. Dawn's light switch is the only one on
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56. Most of the rules are about past deaths. (No playing outside without permission : Calvin, No answering door for strangers : Barbara, No messes after dark : Molly (???)).
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57. Milton's garden has a castle (reference to the Unfinished Swan)
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58. There is a small Sanjay shrine in the classroom
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59. Edith JR did an assignment on her family history.
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60. Lewis drew on his desk.
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61. There is no death date for Milton on his peephole.
62. Edith JR wrote Milton's death date as 2003 (the year he disappeared).
63. The door from the flip book is in Milton's room.
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64. Lewis' dream Palace is decorated with fish.
65. The gnomes scattered around the house are outside the original house in Edie's story.
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66. The credits roll in reverse order.
AND THAT'S IT!! I had a few others I thought didn't need to go in.
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bandtrees · 2 months
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they would get divorced in one universe just to find eachother in another one
alternatively titled: sometimes you're the level-headed token flesh-head impulse-control-and-polycule-member of a stubborn, eccentric, and hearty telephone-headed drug addict, and there's cruelty in the world you deem fit to suicidally fight, and that either goes about as well as you'd expect it to, or you learn about love and the value of your life and junk along the way
#scribbles#milton r wallace#callum crown#phonegingi#sgt norm allen#norm allen#dialtown#dialtown a phone dating sim#..uh idk if callum and milt have a ship name orz#normgingi#milton norm parallels save me. Save me milton norm parallels#very specific but its why i prefer to look at the callum-milt-marla situation as like tragic polyamory#as opposed to a cheating one#it adds to the callum-gingi parallels. theyv both got polycule situations C:#though i suppose you could call a cheating situation a dark parallel to gingi's polycule the same way you could call#milton's entire deal a dark parallel to their relationship with norm/the narrator#However i just like tragic polyamory. my visions of milton and marla ALSO being in love yet having the mutual#realization that they hate callum more than they love eachother (esp milton) is highly specific yet also everything to me#misery loves company and all that jazz. a THIRD combination of people having divorce shit going on#this guys ruining my life IM GONNA FUCK HIS WIFE! (They are already in a consensual polyamorous relationship milton is just making it weird#Sorry these tags were going to be like meaningful discussion about this art and then i was enabled to talk about THIS AGAIN#OH YEAH this art in particular i discovered halftones and also started actually using blending brushes#milts face isnt drawn. obviously. but im imagining a kind of 'oh you!' exasperated fondness#as opposed to norm who's just a cranky little tsundere. jokes on milt though HIS relationship is HEALTHIER#also i will never pass up the chance to draw gingi and callum together#theyr both characters i adore drawing gingi's round shapes and different textures and callums cute little bolts#but also they do look soooo similar and yet so different its always really fun to do#and theyr just. my favs lol. my top 3 favs go gingi-mingus-callum hehe#Ok thats all. thank you for coming to my rambles#fig said i should post my art at better times and so i am and that means when i post my art im AWAKE ENOUGH TO RAMBLE ABOUT IT LOL
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One thing I’ve grown to appreciate about the “Red Dead Redemption” series now that I’m older is that you can tell Rockstar approached this project as an anti-western. It lures you in with the promise of Wild West, yeehaw goodness, but when you actually play the games, you get hit with the brutal reality of this world.
Examples of what I mean:
1) The Mexican Revolution arc isn’t romanticized. At first, you think it’s a simple tale of the evil fascist government fighting against the heroic rebellion. But then you meet the rebel leader and he turns out to be just as bad as the government. It’s a true “both sides are in the wrong” situation and, unfortunately, the ones who truly suffer are the peasants (such as Luisa Fortuna).
2) Frontier life isn’t just shooting and action. It was also watching over animals, building farms and ranches, and trading with towns. The games really make you feel the monotony of doing chores and yard work, especially when John was in his Jim Milton phase.
3) Outlaw life isn’t romanticized either. Although you start off as a happy family, it eventually devolved into backstabbing, despair, and self-destruction. Even before then, your group aren’t the greatest of people, especially with the whole robbing people at gunpoint and shooting up towns.
4) Good guys don’t always get a happy ending. Also, every action has a consequence. John Marston had to learn that the hard way.
5) The racism. I feel like a lot of Western-themed media tries to skirt around this issue, or even avoid the topic (such as the 2016 remake of Magnificent Seven, which had a diverse group of fighters). Red Dead doesn’t pull back its punches. You have the Ivy League professor who treated Native Americans as subjects for his racist research. Abraham Reyes straight up calls Chinese people an inferior race. Then there’s the Blackwater short film playfully talking about the massacre of Native American tribes.
6) Along the same lines as point 5, the sexism. For example, there was the propaganda short film about opposing the women’s suffrage movement. And, of course, Sadie Adler not wanting to be relegated to cooking for the group since she can shoot.
7) This is more for RDR2. You actually have to pay attention to the maintenance of the horses and the guns. I’ve never seen this in a Wild West movie/TV show, and yet it’s integral to someone whose life revolves around horseback riding and shooting people!
8) Not skirting around the issue of disease, especially when healthcare wasn’t as advanced as it is nowadays. You can see that especially with Arthur and Abigail.
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cometblaster2070 · 4 months
i think another reason why i REALLY love the eah shannon hale books (aside from how generally amazing they are) is how shannon hale expands more on the royal and rebel problem.
like in the show, we don't really explore the sides of the royals and rebels beyond the usual stance of whether they go against following their stories and support raven, or whether they want to follow their stories and condemn raven for not signing and starting the entire rebel movement.
but in the books i love how shannon hale expands upon the sheer amount of utter classism present in the eah world, and especially present in this school; perfectly encapsulating how those in power are very, very concerned about keeping this brand of classism ongoing, about keeping that divide between the 'Royals' and the 'Commoners' apparent.
just the little details of the royals and the commoners having different seats in the auditorium, with the royals having comfortable padded seats as opposed to the commoners having more uncomfortable and hard chairs, how they both have different common rooms; just the little details in general which highlight how the entire concept of destinies and signing the book and legacies is a system that is established in order to keep this classism going.
the legacy system honestly just breeds more of this classism; it tells the royals they are above the commoners and it tells them about how they deserve the happy endings and the prince charmings and the glittering gold palaces, and it tells the commoners of their place beneath the royals and firmly shows them the differences between themselves and the royals and how the commoners should be happy and complacent with the endings that they get.
overall, it tells both of these groups to simply accept what is being presented to them; presents the narrative that change is unfamiliar and dangerous and bad, and as such, they should never question their system and should instead just be happy with what they get, because, surely, this system is fair, so it just ends up being what they deserve.
hell, even the fact that before raven basically formed the royal/rebel movement, people were simply separated on the basis of being royals and commoners; it could literally not be made more obvious.
anyways, i just love the way shannon hale's books expand on this and i love how you can very clearly see the ignorance present in the eah world and how everyone's worldview is turned on its head because of raven and her actions 10/10.
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rowanisawriter · 3 months
there is banter. And sexual tension between gabriel and satan in paradise lost i fear
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zaricats · 2 years
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i am what you made me: unlovable
LETTER TO HIS FATHER (1919, franz kafka) FRANKENSTEIN (1818, mary shelley) GREAT EXPECTATIONS (1860, charles dickens) DEXTER (2008, "our father", dir. keith gordon) ELEKTRA (420-414 BC, sophocles) THE LAST DAYS OF JUDAS ISCARIOT (2005, stephen adly guirgis) PARADISE LOST (1667, john milton) SHARP OBJECTS (2006, gillian flynn)
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swagliostro · 5 months
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ermmm been so scared to post my OC(s)… this is my man chip milton… <3
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ididit-allofit-foryou · 3 months
supernatural post simulator part 1
(part 2)
🚗 impala67 Follow
any1 have a good pie recipe? #hangry
😈 6669 Follow
pu$$y in bi0
🚗 impala67 Follow
fuck off crowley i know its u. i WILL report u for harassment
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
Dean…how do you know it’s him? The only post on the blog is a picture of his dick. 🤨
🚗 impala67 Follow
…how do U know its HIS dick ???
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
…dm me.
🌕 queen-of-moons Follow
trouble at the devil’s sacrament i see 👀👀
#the tea is PIPING
(6 notes)
🐺 were-inthe-pire Follow
turns out getting sucked dry by your absolute bear of a vampire husband during a full moon helps lessen the effects of the transformation!!! who woulda thought! ! (& i don’t just mean by his fangs 😉🤭)
🧛‍♂️ pire-inthe-were Follow
anything for you, darlin 🖤
🚗 impala67 Follow
get a room u 2
#(love yall)
(458 notes)
🔪 knife-lesbian-freak Follow
which weapon is best for decapitations, trying to prove a point
machete 🟦🟦🟦🟦🟦 50%
sword 🟦🟦🟦 30%
razor wire (??) 0%
saw 🟦🟦 20%
final results 247 votes
🔪 knife-lesbian-freak Follow
see @.lawboy ??? wtf were you thinking using fucking RAZOR WIRE???
💻 lawboy Follow
It was all I had available!! It was creative and resourceful!!
🔪 knife-lesbian-freak Follow
whatever. 🙄
#i will never let you live that down istg
(73 notes)
🏍️ bik3rbarbi3 Follow
are my dark circles and scars and daddy issues and mommy issues and blood stained clothes and swagless demeanor bewitching & charming you yet?
🌟 dreamscape Follow
yes <3
🏍️ bik3rbarbi3 Follow
kaia bb ily <3
🌟 dreamscape Follow
ily2 <3
#txt me when ur home from hunt #dnt 4get again pls i wry
(3 notes)
💻 lawboy Follow
Hey all! As requested, I have made a comprehensive ranking of Céline Dion’s discography, including explanations for each song’s placement! Full list below the cut. :)
—-read more—
🚗 impala67 Follow
heh finally fessing up 2 ur music tastes samantha?
🍀 luckofthe-eirish Follow
finally fessing up to wearing pink satin panties (and liking it), dean?
🚗 impala67 Follow
🍀 luckofthe-eirish Follow
#thanks for the intel cas
(17 notes)
✍️ farethewell-deactivated20201112
does anyone want to hear about my ocs 😇🙏
🚗 impala67 Follow
💻 lawboy Follow
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
no. 🖕
🍀 luckofthe-eirish Follow
fuck off
🌟 dreamscape Follow
🏍️ bik3rbarbi3 Follow
i will fucking skin you bitch
🌕 queen-of-moons Follow
👤 ap-hansolo Follow
i reactivated my account JUST to tell you to go fuck yourself @farethewell-deactivated20201119
#literally NO ONE CARES
(32 notes)
🌳 anna-conda Follow
I have a foolproof process for deconstructing cultush religious indoctrination. step 1: Be reincarnated as a different species. step 2: Remember your past life and be admitted to a psych ward. step 3: ….well. I'm still workshopping. I will get back to you on that.
(3 notes)
👁️ lobotomizer3000 Follow
🐝 chassiscrack Follow
@.staff wtf you said she was perma-banned
🚗 impala67 Follow
yeah @.staff do ur job holy shit
👁️ lobotomizer3000 Follow
(3 notes)
👼 ilikenougat Follow
hi :)
(4,849,499 notes)
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tigsbitties · 24 days
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various stream doodles from last night
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morganaconda · 1 year
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nat-without-a-g · 5 months
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Already trying to figure out how to draw the NPCs— starting with a handful of the children I expect we’re going to be seeing again. I’m excited to see how much my designs for them change as we go along!
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