#millenial poet
env0writes · 1 year
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Umber Embers Vol.2, 9.9.23 “All Of Us"
There was a time, where a promise had meaning Where the future was teeming With opportunity There was a morning, bright and shining to see For world, and me To be something more There was a plan, a process, a chore Set to be placed, in a business core Study, work hard, keep your head down Make it four years without slightest frown Then there’s a place for you in our town There was a time, with promise When did times, turn amiss Gone is the time where a wish Could be found Where did that go? Left in the future with nothing to show I was robbed without the dignity Of it being done to my face
@env0writes C.Buck Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist! Photo by @env0
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freshpickle · 8 months
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redinkquill · 5 months
Generational Debt and Expectations
I am furious that older generations got the economy and the environment to this horrible state
And then expect younger generations to fix everything in passing conversation
But do not give us the ability or resources to fix what they broke
Like there is still lead in our water and food
There are forever chemicals in all bodies of water on earth and even in clouds
There are microplastics in everything
The environment is in crisis already and only going to get worse
And all economic data is so cooked that we can’t even acknowledge how fucked the economy is
Younger generations can’t even get educated without falling into massive debt
All of our housing options are out of reach for the majority
Jobs pay a pittance to never allow breathing room
All political leaders are either geriatric or callous and often both
Bribery is legal in the US and it’s not even talked about like it’s a problem that our system is completely corrupt
We don’t have a justice system, we have a legal system that is leveraged to control and oppress normal people by the wealthy
How do our parents expect us to fix and continue the current system when it has completely failed us?
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writers-wind · 4 months
my voice would submerge in your blood
and my agony would be shared.
Efforts got you your present
I'm still stuck in between,
And I do know where it all went wrong
yet here I am,
crying to an Olivia Rodrigo song.
My self image is shattered,
as I sweep off the pieces of my broken heart.
The stronger I strive to be,
the weaker I seethe inside
and If I fucking knew how to sing
there would be sweet melodies
about this tragedy.
are you?
I predicted it all too well in my head.
Only If I fucking knew how to sing
or had a sweet voice
I would scream out your name
but I don't,
So I carve out my own
on this wood
desperate to be known
to be cherished
all in the dire hopes
to get what you got
or to get my own.
I would sing all the melodies
and the anthems they make
to chisel out this envy
and wash out my pain
with the faint hope
to finally deserve.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 11 months
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When I Was Your Age
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
I don’t mean to be sesquipedalian. However, I do relish the use of vulgar, four-letter words. That's my writing style. Don’t like it? Go somewhere else. Don’t let me waste your time. Okay? No! I aint no keyboard warrior, I am a pen and paper iconoclast. Okay? Okay! Now let’s go to the subject at hand.
We have tepid biases, then we have severe biases. Both are an anathema to the traditional liberals, or so-called “Woke.” You know? Racism, sexism, ablism, agism and many others. Then you have acceptable biases like “Generation gap.” Also, there are geographical biases, astrological biases, and other silly ones, like music criticism, sports bias, etc. Does this sound familiar: “People born under the sign of Pisces are assholes! Most of them live in Florida! What a shitty state that is! Not only do they have criminals, but they have lousy sports teams!” It all sounds hateful and hypercritical, but it is acceptable in society. Just like political bias: “It’s alright to call someone a communist, but you can’t call them a nigger!”
The paleo-conservatives are much too cowardly to use racial epithets, so they use innocuous, acceptable biases like “geographical bias” to cover up their racial hatred and disdain for their political adversaries. Instead of saying, “A city full of niggers that is run by a Democratic city council,” they say, “Chicago.”  Now that the conservative movement is being taken over by the White Nationalist movement, they’re even more at ease using racist terminology.
Today, I want to tackle the subject of the Generation Gap. Every race, creed, or color has had this problem. It is an innocuous bias that has been around since 399 B.C., the days of the ancient Greek philosophers. Quote: “The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.”― Socrates 399 B.C. End Quote. This didn’t just start with the Baby Boomers and their parents in the 60’s.
Every generation has its critics. Why do older people do this? Before I answer that question, let me point out that every individual has their own unique personality. Talking about generational issues, you tend to generalize. People who generalize are too stupid and indolent to elaborate. That is why most racists are stupid. So, why do most older people look down on the younger generation? Because they wish they were young enough to repair their misspent youth. Plus, they resent the better life their children have. Tag it “jealousy!”
Now, what I just said is a gross generalization. That may be true for some, but not all. There are parents who love their children, and those children reciprocate that love.  So, who is “anti-youth?” Mostly, this sentiment comes from the political Right in America! They want all males to be masculine warriors who will protect the ruling class, and all women to be birthing wives to increase the White population. Don’t believe me? Tough shit! Just read the history of any Fascist nation; it’s all the same.
The U.S. political Right wants every male in this country to be a self-reliant, rugged individual. Conservative news website and media company, “The Daily Wire,” makes lots of money from attacking the so-called Left. One of its commentators, Matt Walsh, wears a Fidel Castro beard and is a Millennial who attacks Generation Z. He cited a psychological study that found Gen Z-ers are suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. Matt, being the dumbass he is, did not sympathize with them, stating “they are just spoiled kids.” I get the feeling he never reads any pamphlets published by the Roman Catholic Church. He also stated that he has never experienced a panic attack, so therefore, there is no such thing. Any individual who has this mind set might suffer from psychopathological Narcissism. He has no ability to empathize. I pity his children and his wife.
I am a 69 year-old, Jewish male. Beginning at 11, I grew up having panic attacks. It was embarrassing and frequently occurred in public. These attacks came out of nowhere, not unlike an Epileptic seizure. I got them not because I had Liberal, hippie parents who were lenient with me; As I learned through psychotherapy many years later, it was because my neurons weren’t firing correctly and I had a bio-chemical imbalance in my brain. Matt Walsh thinks with his balls, not his brain.
A major upshot of this modern world is that religion is dying, and science is advancing. So, we must endure schmucks like Walsh until natural causes take hold.
Just remember, the world is getting better and better!
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Hey, hey, pretty girl, how’ve you been?
It’s been some time since we’ve spoke,
you must’ve gotten new friends.
I see your face on blogs posts now and again,
and sometimes I wonder if it was something
I said and when. I’m fairly sure I’m reading more
into it than I need to; perhaps you’ve a suitor now.
Hopefully you see this post floating around in the
tumblr-verse, and know that we haven’t forgotten about
you, I know I haven’t. It’s good to know you’re alive
and well, but I kind of miss the shit-talk back and forth,
Pretty girl, how’ve you been?
I hope we can speak again, soon,
but maybe you’ve gotten new friends?
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lastpoet24 · 2 months
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thatloudnerd · 3 months
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Inspiration knocked on my door.
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thesmokinpossum · 11 months
I never liked Richard Siken poetry but now that the tumblr girlies have taken to posting his tweets on here I know that at least he's also painfully unfunny so there's that
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caffeinebzz · 1 year
I do not wish to let this life go to waste
But what of the things that should be done?
They pile up, higher and higher,
They topple over and beg rearrangement.
I'm one person, how could I ever
Put the puzzle together, when it's so many million pieces?
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thegaysciences · 2 months
there is literally not a single person in this world who shares my excitement for Limonov trailer. Italian trailer just dropped and it is literally "christmas for russian chronically online millenials who love Ben Whishaw" and I'm the only one person who fits this criteria. Maybe you can share this moment with me?
I still can not believe that creator of one the most popular russian 2010s comedy web series punches Ben in the face, there will also be one the main actors from cringey and cult classic sketch show from 2000s who plays one of the MOST SIGNIFICANT soviet poet, and there is also Ben who awkwardly writes EЛЕНА on the wall with the clumsiness of the letters only the non russian speaker has. And also damn, he didnt have to look so mesmerizing and beautiful as mfkin nazi Limonov with all of his hilarious hairstyles! I will not be able to survive the encounter with this crazy cinematic monster. (my favourite band Shortparis will also be participating as usual but that is whole another story)
I’m sharing this moment with you!!!!! (though not Russian and not millennial)
His Hair!
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The punch 🤛 part
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The ЕЛЕНА part (tw blood)
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env0writes · 2 years
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Freshwater Fires ; Stillwater Reflections 11.1.22 “Fresh Embers on a Rainy Day”
There was rain today, Knocking on my window Like the first five minutes of a teenage rom-com Before the one-hit-pop rock song begins There was no punk-rock rebel Waiting in the wings Just flowers billowing in the breeze And birds Seeking shelter beneath the leaves Like commuters huddled beneath The bus stop wind shield November drowned its morning sorrows With damp and dreary diary entries I aired my unshackled wrists and time Beneath the sorrowful sky There was rain today Before the west coast, weary of tears Scrubbed the sky of mist and fog and clouds Revealing the blues beneath I want to rip off my face And reveal the colors beneath Like a saturday morning cartoon But today is simply a rainy Tuesday Like me, unable to commit To the forecast November, Please let me feel you in my bones With cold blues, and grey weather So I can wish upon the starless sky For some escape from this town With newfound locks to wear Like businessmen wristwatches Golden Like sunset’s misty-eyed farewell to autumn
@env0writes C.Buck   Ko-Fi & Venmo: @Zenv0 Support Your Local Artist!  Photo by @mynamemeanscloud
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the-consortium · 10 months
Dear Fabius
Attached to this letter is a wig cause sometimes...it's nice to imagine what a full head of hear is.
Also, may I have a Konrad clone? I require it for reasons
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As a poet, he particularly loves these dark hours. When every light in his quarters is switched off and only the glow of his datapad bathes his face in a bluish light as he feverishly and creatively scribbles line after line.
Now and again one of the maws on his neck twitches and pointed teeth flash wetly, but otherwise it is quiet.
The sudden flash as a message pops up surprises him and makes him tense up in the high of the battle hormones shooting in.
Bellephus stretches his shoulders, opens and closes his jaw a few times to give the tension space. Then he regains his composure and reads the message. Only one person has the clearance to appear immediately with their messages on every datapad on Urum. And that person rarely addresses their Twelfth Millenial brethren directly.
The word is loud in the sleepy silence of the quarters. Next to him, Savona moves and half-opens her eyes, mumbling, "Hrmw?" without quite really waking up yet.
"He wants me to cut his hair!" Bellephus can't quite keep complete amazement and a hint of panic out of his voice now.
Now Narvo is also stirring on his other side, yawning. "Why the fuck are you shouting? We still have a three-hour rest cycle."
"Because the spider wants me to cut his hair short!"
The utter absurdity ensures that both of his partners sit up after all. Savona yawns as demonstratively as she can, but it's just a kind of introductory remark before she says, "Why you?" - "Because I'm the only one here with reasonably short hair." Disbelief falters in Bellephus' voice and the mouths on his throat and neck snap again in irritation at nothing.
Narvo points to his shoulder-length, sleep-tousled hair: "That doesn't count?" - "Apparently not."
Savona pulls a little more of the blanket towards her. More as a show of force than because she's cold. "Why does he want short hair anyway? He hasn't cared about it so far, has he? He lets it grow, it falls out partially with the blight; a stringy status quo establishes itself until the next body." - "Absolutely no idea."
Narvo grins. "Then you should really make an effort and see that you go to him right away!"
Another flash of a new message. Bellephus reads it, then goes "Hah!" in Narvo's direction and says: "But it's you two too!"
Savona takes the datapad. "What's wrong with him right now? Or is he just trying to stress us out?" - "What now?" Narvo sighs with ominous foreboding in his voice.
"We're supposed to fly to the smugglers' station and buy a … I can't believe it … rubber sex doll. A rubber doll that looks like a Night Lord! And have it wrapped as an opulent gift."
Narvo pushes past Bellephus and out of bed, padding on bare feet to the other side of the room, where the three warriors' gear forms an insiders-only organised pile. "Whatever he's planning to do with it - I want to be there! That sounds fantastically bizarre! I don't know who he's trying to insult to the core - but it'll be fun."
Bellephus sinks back once more and declaims to the ceiling: "You're far too easy to amuse, Quin!" - "Slaanesh be praised, eh?"
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lovethatlaiduslow · 5 months
sorry babe youre not a tortured poet youre a cringe millenial
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othersystems · 1 year
are you more interested in millennials,gen z filmmakers than poets, painters
im interested in anything good.
(but i actually dont think ive ever seen a movie made by a gen z person?? or a tv show. or read a novel by one. which seems weird because there were a lot of p famous millenial writers and filmmakers who were in their early 20s back in the late 2000s/early 2010s. but if anyone has recs def lmk)
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teresabeadle5 · 5 months
I was made for sunny days by Skye McLeod Fairywren, Blogger Via Flickr: Bento Mesh Head: LeLutka Avalon EVO-X Bento Mesh Body: Maitreya LaraX Face: Bia (Rose Kiss) by [Belacce] Body: Athletic Venus by VELOUR Body Tatt: Charis by Nefekalum Hair: Danielle by DOUX Classic Eyeliner: Alba Blooming Blush: CAZIMI Millenial Lipstick: CAZIMI Eye Blush: Just Magnetized Erika Eyes Applier: .euphoric Ensemble: Ethel Gown (incl. gown & waistcoat) by Poet's Heart now @ The Fantasy Faire 2024 (available in many other colors) Wild Bloom Hair Accessory: *LODE* Electra Nails & Rings: RealEvil Wings: :SHIVA: Anisoptera - Dawn - Medium - Double - Backward @ Flamenca @ maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Flamenca/213/57/66 "You are in my Heart" chest tattoo: {Fantasy World} POSE: Fireflies - 5 by Fashiowl Butterflies: *Versions of April* Chasing Rainbows by Le Poppycock Fox // Static Pose - Alert Ears Up L: JIAN Fox // Static Pose - Gaze Up L: JIAN Fox // Static Pose - Gaze Up R: JIAN SIM: Luane's World, Le Monde Perdu @ maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Le%20Monde%20Perdu/107/221/21
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