#millenial madness
atlafan · 5 months
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snackugaki · 1 year
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do you survive an apocalypse because you’re shaped like a dorito chip?
or does surviving an apocalypse shape you into a dorito chip?
something to ponder
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madstronaut · 6 months
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The gif system in this post, regarding the feudal alignments within fandom?
Every member of a given fandom identifies with at least 1 of the 10 gifs listed.
The meaning of each gif is subject to interpretation to some degree.
My reblog was meant to be funny, but the more I look at the thread the more surprised I am at the amount of truth I see in it. Tumblr is a strange and beautiful place.
for you @deadbranch my chrome queen
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I have prepared to flex my worthless and expensive af haha jk or am i dual anthropology and [redacted] degrees to conduct a completely subjective, PhD-level ethnographic study of branchy's gifset curation, please observe:
Exhibit A: writers and their sixth sense when they intuit me, refreshing and revisiting their blog daily to check for updates to that one-shot/fic/novel/12-part-apocalypse-opera (not even joking about that last one).
alternately, those weird fuckers who send in creepy boundary-crossing anon asks. i love to hate them but they're kind of an essential part of tumblr
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Exhibit B: im convinced some blogs out there have excel spreadsheet JIRA queuebot steampunkesque contraptions running their shit because i have no idea how they make (and KEEP TO) regularly scheduled high quality posts??? a schedule??? on this HELLSITE? tumblr i love you i dont mean that on mondays
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Exhibit C: antis. no further comments.
i freely block antiblogs and and any that are brimming with negativity/hate
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Exhibit D: me, fanfic, and ao3, most days. no further comments
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Exhibit E: me, my imagination, and my fictional harem of blorbos, most nights. no further comments as well.
Also basically 98% of tumblr as is widely known
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Exhibit F: the caption speaks for itself. on tumblr exist still many bubbles of thought, ideology, poiesis, and praxis that go on as if impenetrable and untouched by a well-known phenomenon called Reality (also known as IRL, going outside, touching grass, etc.)
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Exhibit G: hot people who post random face reveals. STOP TITILLATING ME (yes, I had to google how to properly spell titillating)
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Exhibit H: the elder blogs. they post softly but carry big stick. they are the unspoken glue of their fandom communities. their fic/art/headcanon/etc. posts spawn a thousand more. thou shalt not speak a bad word against them. and yes, many of them are POC, so this gif pulls double duty, well chosen branchy my queen. and fuck i wish i could pull off hoops that big, anyway i digress
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Exhibit I: smut writers. they are brazen. they are shameless. they are worshipped and adored. this is the aftermath of their posting after causing tens of thousands of simultaneous la petite morts as the french say (is it la or le idfk and im too lazy/sleepy to google it rn). absolute fucking bloodbath
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Exhibit J: people who post their personal/professional/something-nal drama and air it out by tagging the larger fandom tags they're in, drawing in completely uninvolved (and often uninformed) people and getting these randos to do their dirty work for them
alternately, people who have zero interest or affiliation with said fandoms and their drama but gleefully follow along using the tags (nooooo i havent done that stop looking at me)
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I would like add one more if you don't mind:
Exhibit K: cozy, safe, well-curated, moderated, well-established boundaried corners of fandom and generally lovely spaces like yours <3 and many of my other moots' blogs as well
also, catblogs
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alecscudder1987 · 1 year
heard somebody say today that gen z grew up slower than millenials, gen x, boomers, etc. idk where they were but that did not happen to me and if you're gonna talk about drivers licenses or dating or something im gonna talk about covid hitting us in high school and college when those things usually happen ?? like you cant say we're slow to develop and also say we're the most politically active generation or whatever. i guess you can say that but it doesn't mean we're stupid or underdeveloped we're just. i don't know what we are i'm just pissed cause like give us time???? fuck man im still like 19 sorry im not joining the corporate workforce and having kids yet jeez im afraid of everything ever give me a minute
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aeoris4lovers · 1 year
texts from the mighty nein part two: thelyss brothers boogaloo
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[more texts from the xhorhoes groupchat]
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dollelujah · 6 months
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Somebody said these were millenial coded and I've been trying not be offended for the last few hours
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daincrediblegg · 8 months
my talents are wasted on being a student I should be doing video essays
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jessaerys · 9 months
spotify character playlists are never good except for whoever put billie eilish's therefore i am in a near playlist. funniest goddamn galaxy brain near understander
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defeateddetectives · 1 year
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GXXO SXXXRU [a gojo satoru/geto suguru fanmix] 
lyrics + notes below
i know it’s done for me if you steal my sunshine || could it be we got lost in the summer? well i know you know that it’s over
there’s nothing else to do here but fall into your arms / i like you just the way you are || lovers soon to be lovers / lovers soon to be others (not bright up here)
don’t leave me now / don’t break the spell / in heaven, lost my taste for hell || into the sea / out of fire / all that burning
and it’s a shame because i only came here for the love of you || i will meet you on another planet if the plans change
i used to know you well / you’d give me such a future feeling / we’re in the middle of some kind of cosmic rearrangement || i thought we could make it through anything
dancing for your pleasure || i’ll laugh until my head comes off / i’ll swallow until i burst
now i sit and wait / as days float by || you’ve created your own special hell / where it’s arctic and it’s barren and it’s silent and it’s white / your own prison cell
and i’ll wait here while your clouds clear / but i’ll be adrift until then || one day you’ll know why i had to go
i only have a vague sense of their flashback era manga plot threads and the overall ~vibes but the film and all the fanwork did a number on me so here we aaaare
after having a lot of fun challenging myself with side A & B style previously, wanted to give it a go with them since something something two sides of the same coin and i always overthink the process more than is humanly reasonable but there’s a chronology and a logic to it somewhere...if you squint
every mix usually has one or more ‘backbone’ tracks ie. usually the one that makes me Sit Up and is the ultimate kick that makes everything come together. for this, it was very much be on your way and, in another universe where i wasn’t obsessed with the symmetry of their names, that would’ve probably been the title
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magnusgraycloud · 20 days
If they had tiktok when i was in high school i wouldve killed myself
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Oh hold up uhm oh god its april 3rd ok ok its still the second for like americans and shit thats close enough to April fools right? Uhm blades is actually heterosexual and he was just very close friends with bumblebee 😢 sorry. Even tho yknow they werent even close friends cause bumblebee would just bugger off for years at a time but actually ur like. homophobic if you think blades is gay for some reason? hes just a fem straight robot alien thing even though hes not fem??? his voice actor just has a high pitched voice but the character isnt fem except for that one time he was really into dresses but are you really considering that when you make this weird heterosexuality argument. uhm that i am making! hes straight according to me and im always right forever and ever and ever want to know why? because im actually a millenial and were the smartest and so my weird assumptions youre homophobic actually for being queer and seeing yourself in a queercoded character are right. HAHA i gotchu april fools...yall. wasnt that funny. What do you think about the situation, Heatwave?
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Saw someone talk shit against trans people and look at that-
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Of fucking course. The icing on the cake, which you saw already:
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Bruh. It's almost a formula at this point.
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snackugaki · 2 years
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hey you ever wonder what the first gen TMNT fans think about your childhood turtles????
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xxxairheadedangelxxx · 2 months
What is it about cis white gay men that give them the level of audacity they have to just be cunts?
The amount of bullshit they constantly have to complain about all the time is wild to me. Last night I snapped on one whiny child bc he went on a whole rant that started w "pleeeeeeeeease don't call me a hater~ but Big preschool home decor is so ugly and I hate it and it's so immature and it needs to go away" in that cute little overly flamboyant tone that apparently makes them immune to all reproach?
I won't lie I called him a boring and hobbyless sad man who needs to keep his insecurities to himself. To which he was shocked??? And upset??? At the idea of someone being soooo aggressive about a "not serious" joke
Ah yes the so obviously joking tone you have now that I'm not the only person also tired of hearing people like you sqwuak the same mindless crude oil bullshit about everything you find unacceptable. I get it u think ur quirky bc you have a literal piece of trash pinned to your head board (not a joke he had it in the video). but the thought of people actually being weird and alternative and whacky and whatever is so genuinely threatening to your milquetoast paper thin facade of cool. I'm done being kind to bitches for being like this.
I'm gonna be mean and rude and aggressive bc there are people(myself included) who get fucking bullied AS ADULTS for being genuinely alternative who are too kind to call fellow weirdos out for being cocks. I'm fucking tired of this weird protected class of cuntbaggery that's just allowed from white gay men bc I dunno misogyny is still alive and well and the only thing these droll pieces of crumbled Styrofoam ever seem to have issue w/ is things that are very popular w women and fems.
Crazy how that one works. Wild. Who woulda thought.
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halfchick · 7 months
The number of white people who try to justify liking Harry Potter as a form of escapism… if you don’t take your ass outside and touch some grass
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ichthyotoxism · 1 year
There is some sort of protocol in my brain that overrides any and all ability of self-restraint when I see people roleplay as their pets, but very very specifically when also using “human” when live captioning the animal holy shit I become absolutely feral and need to leave IMMEDIATELY
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