#no respect for fucjing anyone wjo does this
xxxairheadedangelxxx ยท 2 months
What is it about cis white gay men that give them the level of audacity they have to just be cunts?
The amount of bullshit they constantly have to complain about all the time is wild to me. Last night I snapped on one whiny child bc he went on a whole rant that started w "pleeeeeeeeease don't call me a hater~ but Big preschool home decor is so ugly and I hate it and it's so immature and it needs to go away" in that cute little overly flamboyant tone that apparently makes them immune to all reproach?
I won't lie I called him a boring and hobbyless sad man who needs to keep his insecurities to himself. To which he was shocked??? And upset??? At the idea of someone being soooo aggressive about a "not serious" joke
Ah yes the so obviously joking tone you have now that I'm not the only person also tired of hearing people like you sqwuak the same mindless crude oil bullshit about everything you find unacceptable. I get it u think ur quirky bc you have a literal piece of trash pinned to your head board (not a joke he had it in the video). but the thought of people actually being weird and alternative and whacky and whatever is so genuinely threatening to your milquetoast paper thin facade of cool. I'm done being kind to bitches for being like this.
I'm gonna be mean and rude and aggressive bc there are people(myself included) who get fucking bullied AS ADULTS for being genuinely alternative who are too kind to call fellow weirdos out for being cocks. I'm fucking tired of this weird protected class of cuntbaggery that's just allowed from white gay men bc I dunno misogyny is still alive and well and the only thing these droll pieces of crumbled Styrofoam ever seem to have issue w/ is things that are very popular w women and fems.
Crazy how that one works. Wild. Who woulda thought.
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