#milk is another big one but i actually really like whole milk
ruthlesslistener · 7 months
Part of growing up is begrudgingly realizing that as much as you hate bananas, those bitches really are powerfoods for getting you through the day whereas your beloved appy slices will not
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confetti-critter · 3 months
The night is young and I am free to do whatever my heart desires but unfortunately I have once again found myself trapped in the Time Prison and so I
#the good old 'I don't feel like doing anything including doing nothing and I want to go to bed but I know I'm not tired'#WEH.#I'm enjoying typing but I don't want to commit to practicing typing for real so I'm just making excuses to type more#I was looking at custom ESC keycaps because I was thinking about that whole community of ppl obsessed with keyboards and like I get it I#like the clicky clacking and keyboards can look so pretty but some of those key caps man wtf.#why would you want 3D transparent donald duck ESC key from temu what is wrong with you#saw a set of key caps that were little kittys with little kitty ears n I was like fuuuuuuuuuck#49.00 USD probably 100000 CAD+shipping goto helllll#I was thinking about what if I had like confetti keycaps and a custom kittycake esc key or like an actual little cake and matching desk mat#or even just a new cute mousepad cuz mine is old as fuck and I spilled vegetable cream stew on it once#and then I was thinking like sighhh and wouldn't it be cool to have arcade carpet on the stairs leading down to my basement hovel and#rainbow lights along the ceiling corners and what if I painting my bedroom like I wanted to do and sighhhhh#I haven't been wasting my money buying shit like that but I'm thinking about it again.#but the same thing stopping me from doing anything at all is stopping me from wasting my money which like that's good I guess???????#gosh I really like typing why did I stop doing daily typing practice#oh yea The Thing Stopping Me From Doing Anything At All#meow meowm meow meow meow#ok I really gotta tear myself away from my computer and brush my teethses and try going to bed#I already played minecraft earlier it's fine I didn't do NOTHING tonight it just feels like I did#and tomorrow is another day#and next week is a short work week thank fucking christ almighty#literally cuz its easter sunday and he was in that tomb but he escaped or whatever he did#thanks jeezy boy#you maybe shoulda milked it for like half a week at least#moved the big ass boulder like have an inch at a time#*pause for laughter*#that s from my new stand up comedy routine do uiuop like it djfskll;askjdgflksjdflksajdflksjdf the dsjalkjfolidasfgjoiweljsdalkjflskdjflak#meowww#I am the only one I know on here who 'talks' this fucking much about absolutely nothing#I do all this and my poor followers can click read more and spend time reading alllllll this garbage
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yonpote · 5 months
ok heres how i split up the dnp eras (loosely based on dan's timeline in his interview w anthony)
2009-2011: the Sillies era :3 dan refered to it as being a dumb teen just posting cuz he was bored, which is like, thats what all of youtube culture was at this time. they met and like fell in love or whatever you know the lore dont you. phil moved from his parents home to his first apartment in manchester, and dan technically moved to uni but really he moved into phil's apartment to take advantage of his washing machine and ps1 and. yknow. other stuff. they officially moved in together in 2011 yippee hooray, the phanchester apartment holds a special place in my heart
2012-2013: THE SHIFT. they started getting Serious about youtube as a career, doing more stuff w the radio, superamazingproject started in 2011 but THE SHIFT is very easy to observe when you compare the first season of sap to the last season. ALSO. they were NOT A DOUBLE ACT AND NOT GAY 🙄. it could also be called the No Homo era lmao idk this is when a lot of shitty things were happening wrt leaked information, harassment of their families, and just generally becoming more in the spotlight especially while still in the closet being a horrible experience. but also, they moved to london and got cool opportunities with radio stuff and were starting to actually make a living on this shit.
2014-2016: Peak Dan And Phil™ Era. at the height of their popularity. they realized oh shit, we ARE a double act and not only does everyone enjoy us best as a double act, WE enjoy working together. tabinof, tatinof, dapgo, still doing the radio every month up until they start touring, 7 second challenge app, gamingmas, what the hell DIDNT they do during this time period (what they didnt do was uhh take care of themselves and not overwork and not blur their work and personal lives so much to the point where they felt like the whole apartment was a film set.)
2017-2018: Gay Softlaunch Era (aka post-baking aka glass closet) the baby steps toward authenticity, moved to the double apartment to separate work and life, ii's whole theme, dan talking abt depression, phil getting the quiff, both of them being gay as hell in every way other than saying it explicitly. important things of note: TRUTH BOMBS dropped, Interactive Introverts happened, still uploading gaming vids and honestly by the end you could feel their fatigue. and then they hiatused dapg.
2019-2022: ok these four years each feel like whole eras in themselves, but also theres an overarching theme. THE GAY ERA.
2019: im gonna futher split this year in half. first half- dad left to buy milk so other dad is taking care of us. rough six months for dannies im sure. important phil thing of note- he changed his film set from his "bedroom" to a fairly basic but cute shelf backdrop. honestly prob didnt wanna keep pretending that was his bedroom considering.... second half- DAN AND PHIL GAY. dan uploads his magnum opus. phil comes out via tweet. they go to japan and its really gay and it's The Trip to japan for them like yes they first went in 2015 and again in 2023, but Japhan 2.0 Was The One. what does this mean? proposal? anniversary? idk exactly but it was gay as hell dude and theyve talked about that trip with such love in their hearts.
2020: Phandemic (sorry that was bad) but also where tf is dan again? even with the big C-word happening, it was business as usual for phil, regular vids but make em gayer, caught a pigeon nbd, and end of the year introduces the Stereo app show Phil and Phriends where he's had chats with pj, louise, his brother, seth everman?????, and finally. dan reappears. they reveal that they bought and FULLY PLANNED a house together and are ready to move!
2021: they don't move house for another like six months! basically their house was (and is??) still being worked on AND they were in lockdown AND turns out at the end of last year, they were kicked from their Life apartment and were now living in the Work apartment so you can imagine what all of this can do to their psyche and lowkey they were getting sick of each other like it wasnt just bordering on phivorce it was nearly Phurder. Phidow. but to fill the time so that DOESNT happen, my favorite fucking thing ever happens: Lockdown Lads (and all the other names). the first taste of what a dnp podcast would sound like, with the added bonus of chaotic listener interaction. oh yeah also dan wrote a mental health guide book whatever (IM KIDDING I REALLY LIKE YWGTTN I WROTE LIKE TWO REVIEWS ON IT NOW) and they finally become Homosexual Homeowners. theres quite a bit more dnp content this year, dan being on phils channel a bit more, the phodcasts, dan's gay and not proud special.... oh yeah and hometown showdown i guess AND TEXT VIDEO 2!!! my favorite and my namesake!!!!!!!
2022: Prophecy Year..... but they didnt get married. dan returns with another longass video to say: hey i hate being a youtuber and also youtube majorly fucked me over. but also fuck that im gonna do a weird talk show and ALSO GO ON TOUR WITH THIS APOCALYPSE THEME! phil actually... slows down this year. more dan uploads than phil somehow??? but also Dan Is Leaving me is posted and i go completely insane and become the deranged individual you see today. WHICH FINALLY LEADS US TOOOOOO
2023-present: The Unhinged Era. dan's tour was a huge Emotional success for him but uh not without its hiccups due to management and all that and i think he and phil finally realize. Fuck It Who Cares. dan flies back to england FROM AUSTRALIA to make sure he can be with his future ex-husband on his birthday. CAKE HEART EMOJI. YELLOW PLAID SHACKET. they go on a gamer date and post a picture of playing footsies in a cab. THE PHUDE HAPPENS. they go to japan again and while this one will never be The One it was still a well earned holiday this time with bryony! and they took a bunch of very cute film camera pictures.... THIS IS ALL JUST THE FIRST HALF OF 2023 BTW. in phil news, he talks about going to therapy and figuring out how to manage his anxiety!!!! he changes his hair again!! he hires an editor, phan is his otp, he teases about the gaming channel a couple of times but so many of us already dropped any hope of that returning- OH WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?!!!? HUH!??!? they returned, and more chaotic than ever before. the gayness upped to the max, the Weirdness on full speed, the Horniness at Very Scary Levels Oh God Stop Talking About Dogging, phil can swear uncensored now???? and this energy has continued into today...
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miguel-owhora · 7 months
Something like one day Miguel assigns you some task and in the process you encounter a variation of his and you completely forget about your mission, then Miguel has to go look for you because enough time has passed, only to find you half unconscious and very stupid, with clear signs that another Miguel fucked you.
I was actually hooked on your idea idk idk
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TYPE — drabble
SYNOPSIS — what anon said
WARNINGS — 18+ , cheating but is it really cheating if it's a variant of your husband , cunnilingus , squirting , implied multiple orgasms/milking
TAGS — @sweetcorpse , @tophamhat-kyo , @villainousdelicacy , @realitylemon , @gayaristocrat , @gaynesspersonified
MORE — this idea literally has me foaming and slamming inside my cage
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This version of your home world isn't unusual. It's literally a couple years from '99, a couple years back into the past. Nothing unusual, nothing uncommon from your current year back in your original timeline. Swinging around your city is nice, the sky dark with the city lights polluting the night sky, preventing you from seeing the stars - that is, you never really did see them, unless if you went to the moon station. But that was only ever a privilege you got once you were older.
You spent majority of your youth in the underground part of Nueva York, living in the dark with only the city lights as the sun. You only ever stepped out whenever you wanted to rebel and when you went to college, and only ever moved out of the underworld - the name many called the underground of NY - when you got with Miguel. Bless his heart, as much as you adored your husband and how many years you've been living on the nicer side of NY - that is in looks, but just barely - you would always favor the underworld. You found that despite the reputation it earned, the people were always more real and down to earth than the people living overhead.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and just barely swerved out of the way before you hit a pole. You swung yourself up and landed on top of a skyscraper of a building, landing in what many would dub the classic spider pose. You peered over the edge of the building, overlooking the city in all its glory. Nueva York, as a whole, no matter how corny you would sound right now, would forever hold a special place in your heart. The people, the food, the diverse mixture of culture and background - that's what made Nueva York, Nueva York: just a clusterfuck of everyone and everything.
After a solid couple seconds of surveying everything you raised your hand to look at your goober - despite what Miguel tried to get everyone to say, it was a goober at the end of the day, a damn watch if you want to be simple about it - and began to type in it. You read over the mission Miguel gave you, just a simple 'catch an anomaly and go home' type of mission It wasn't one of those big bad villains, just some guy. Didn't even have a name.
You snorted to yourself as you lowered your arm and stretched, grunting as one or two of your bones popped pleasantly, blood flooding back to wherever it needed to go.
"I didn't know we had a Spider-Man."
The sound of Miguel's voice nearly has you falling off the building, and hadn't it been for your ability to stick to surfaces, you would've been a splat of flesh on the floor. You whipped around, startled, and found yourself looking at your husband.
...Future husband, as this Miguel isn't - first of all - your Miguel and younger than the early thirties man you knew and love. But it was still technically your husband. Technically. Unless if this was one of those world's where you didn't go overhead and stayed in the underworld, or something along those lies, somewhere where you never met Miguel.
This Miguel of Earth-547, Miguel-547, was younger than your Miguel, a bit more youthful, but no less handsome. Perhaps in his twenties, with the telltale signs of a lack of sleep on the heavy eyebags underneath his dark eyes, perhaps from studying so much. The thought has you almost snorting but you caught yourself as you stepped down from the railing of the building, looking over at Miguel with a slight tilt of your head.
"You don't. Not yet, at least." You replied, eyeing him with keen interest, mission forgotten.
Miguel raises an eyebrow, looking unimpressed. You shake your head, snorting in amusement. He's Miguel, he's your husband, just like when he was younger, back when you first met him, back when you first roomied with him against your will.
"Who are you?" Miguel asks, and you can see the regret written across his face. This time, it makes you laugh, both at his face and at the question.
"That's.. that's stupid. Nevermind." Miguel mutters, face darkening in embarrassment as he lightly pouted - frowned, whatever, he has the same face for both feelings - and looked away. It's such a Miguel thing to do that you choke and cough, laughing, and wiping away tears that never meet your fingers, not with your mask covering your face.
"I'd tell you my name but..." You rolled your shoulders, placing your hands on your waist. "I think Miguel would get mad at me for revealing my identity, even if it's just my name. I don't want to mess with any canon event. You know how it is."
"I don't." Miguel replied, glancing back at you with a confused expression. "And Miguel? That's.. that's my name. I'm guessing you mean somebody else? And canon ev- what the shock are you even talking about?"
Oh the irony, you thought to yourself. "Something like that, sure, and it's a long story."
Miguel pursed his lips and gave you a look. You grinned behind your mask, the lenses to your mask squinting at him.
"But I can offer you something better."
This got Miguel's attention and you chuckled, still grinning. Gotcha.
Which is how you ended up in Miguel's dorm room, stuffed between his legs and eating at his pussy. His legs hold you firmly between strong thighs, keeping you trapped and stuffing your face into pussy - not that you minded of course. It's your favorite past time, and why would you deny yourself the opportunity to eat your man's cunt like it's your last meal? You'd be a fool not to.
Miguel's voice is breathless and whimpery, a hand holding the back of your face as he shamelessly grinded against your mouth. He arched his back and squeezed his thighs when your mouth attached to his swollen cock, sucking on the sensitive nub. Your tongue dipped into his hole as you felt him tremble and moan, incomprehensible words of praise and encouragement tumbling from his mouth as he came inside your mouth.
He tried to push you away once his climax passed over, but you didn't budge, merely using your enhanced strength to grab onto his thighs and gently push them down. The position made him even more open and gave you even more access to the sweet, delicious slick that poured out of him, which you didn't dare let a spare a single drop and eagerly slurped up.
"Hah - ca- shock! - cálmate, pinche perro!" Miguel moaned, his thighs tensed and twitching as he danced between pushing your head away and humping into your mouth. He moved when you slipped into two fingers and began to move them, thrusting them in and out of his pussy with a certain expertise that came with someone who's done this before, and sucked on his cock.
Whatever you did, however you learned it, was enough to rip an unexpected orgasm from Miguel that had no buildup and caught him off guard. Even moreso when he felt liquid shoot from his pussy and he went unbelievably warm, but shock, if it didn't make him stomach flutter. His cheeks darkened when he heard you obscenely slurp, drinking whatever liquid he squirted out.
"What - what the shock was that?!" Miguel breathed out after you finally pulled away with a pop. Miguel felt something hot and possessive curl in his stomach when he saw the bottom half of your face - the only thing you dared to show him, the upper part of your face was hidden by the mask you wore - was dripping wet with his fluids. He watched as you licked your lips; and Miguel swallowed.
"You squirted," You said calmly, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. You pulled your fingers away from his pussy and plopped them into your mouth, cleaning them of whatever slick coated it, and Miguel stared with wide eyes.
He slowly blinked and looked away, beyond flustered.
"I never knew I could do that." Miguel muttered, panting.
"Well now you do, use it wisely." You replied, amused, lips curled into a teasing grin. Miguel rolled his eyes, but not unkindly. Your eyes flickered from his face down to the rest of his body and over to the lower half. His pussy was slick and swollen, the dark hair neatly trimmed, looking and smelling and tasting absolutely delicious. That never did change about him, did it? You could spend all eternity between his legs, eagerly doting on his cunt.
You snapped out of your thoughts with a little grunt as Miguel suddenly hauled you off the ground and onto his bed, flat on your back. The lenses of your mask widened and your mouth went dry when Miguel swung himself over your lap, straddling you. Your hands instinctively fell onto his waist, so small and holdable, and nervously giggled, licking your lips that suddenly felt too dry.
"What's - what's all this about?" You asked, flustered. Miguel seemed to pick up on this and smiled, a little dangerous, a little fond. He slowly rolled his hips down, eyes gleaming when you softly moaned, your cock, hard in your suit, eagerly responding to some stimulation.
"Just a little treat. You ate me out..." Miguel's hand reached down to grab a hold of your cock, rubbing it through the material of your spandex. "...So I'll let you hit."
"Fuck." You whispered, breathless. Miguel just chuckled, eyes dark and smile dangerous in the way that made you fall in love all over again.
"Have you checked on [Name], Miguel?"
The sound of his AI's voice is enough to rip Miguel's attention from the holograms in front of him. His eyes feel dry as he gives a couple of blinks, vision straining from having stared at screens for so long. It takes a couple of heartbeats before Miguel could process Lyla's question and gave her a questioning look as she hovered near him.
"What?" He asked, intelligently, and totally not in a dumb way.
Lyla rolled her eyes, exasperated. "[Name]? Your husband? The one you sent on a mission?"
It was Miguel's turn to roll his eyes. "I know the name of my husband. Why are you asking if I checked up on him? He's reliable, he'll get the job done."
Lyla smirked in the way that told Miguel she knew something he didn't and could already feel his heart dropping to his stomach.
"What's wrong?" Miguel demanded, immediately on alert, his mind beginning to creep with different scenarios that made him stomach twist uncomfortablely.
"Nothing's wrong. He's fine, he's not hurt." Lyla paused and gave him a look over her heartshaped glasses. "He's just neglecting his duties for a variant."
Miguel processed the words and paused, eyebrow raising. "Variant?"
Lyla just smirked even wider, glitching and moving somewhere else, teasing. A set of coordinates appeared on Miguel's watch.
"Why don't you check it out?" Lyla chuckled, stuffing her hands into her pockets. "But just go alone, alright?"
Miguel didn't know if he wanted to strangle Lyla or himself. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know.
He took a deep breath and rubbed his temple. He could already feel the telltale sign of a migraine appearing, and no, his lack of sleep did NOT contribute to it.
"Lyla, open a portal." He eventually sighed out, dragging a hand over his face to get rid of any drowsiness.
"You got it, boss."
The orange and colorful portal appeared in front of Miguel, lighting up his dark lab in a warm color, changing the texture of the area around it. Miguel took a moment to appreciate it, a moment to gather himself, before throwing himself in the portal.
He knew the world he sent you to was one of your guy's timelines. Just a couple years back into the past, nothing crazy. The whole mission was a simple one, even a newbie could've done it. He knew you could handle more, obviously, but the thought of you getting hurt, of losing you, that frightened Miguel. It scared him. And while he knew you'd get tired of basic missions like the one he assigned you, he wouldn't budge. Well, at least not now.
But he didn't think he'd end up in a rather familiar dormroom. Specifically, his old dorm room, in his bedroom. Familiar posters line the walls, little figurines scattered around, his old desk lined next to his bed and scattered with messy shit. It's nostalgic, and for a second, Miguel imagines himself as his fresh out of high school guy barely entering his college years.
What's out of place, however, is the body of his husband laying on his bed. He's not dead, thankfully, Miguel's eyes catching sight of the slow rise and fall of his chest, and if anything, seems to be half out of it.
His mask is pulled halfway up, from his nose and down being the only thing revealed. His lips are slick and bit, light bruises on his jaw. The pants of his spandex are pulled down far enough to reveal his cock, which lays heavy and flaccid on his stomach, and yet...
Miguel's cheeks darkened and his lips pursed when he saw the dried evidence of cum on your belly and cock. Miguel pixelated his mask away, sighing out of exasperation, even if his core squirmed in a familiar way.
Miguel walked the short steps towards his bed and hovered over you, taking in your frazzled and obviously worn out appearance. Miguel reached down and gently grasped your jaw, tilting your head to get a better look at you.
He was surprised when you softly groaned, squirming as you seemed to awake up.
"Miguel?" You slurred out, and Miguel then realized his variant must've had his time with you.
"[Name,] ready to head back home?" Miguel questioned, his voice quiet but a faint hint of affection tinting his words. Perhaps he should be jealous that a variant got to his husband, but he can't find it in himself. If anything, it was... kind of hot. But that was another thing for another time.
"Mm? Home.... wait-" You stirred a little, becoming just the slightest bit alert. "Which dimension?"
Miguel made a little exasperated face even if you couldn't see. "928."
You went slack, pleased with the answer. "Mkay, le's go h'me..." You slurred before promptly knocking yourself out. Miguel stared before slowly setting your head down. He gently pulled your mask down and stuffed yourself back into your spandex before scooping you up.
"Lyla-" He began but was caught off by the AI, who glitched into existent.
"He looks kind of cute. You're, like, his knight in shining armor - or would it be spider in shining armor?" Lyla mused as she took a couple mixtures of the husbands. Miguel didn't dignify her with a response as a portal opened up, illuminating the room in a warm colorful glow. Then, a thought crossed his mind and he paused.
"Did he even finish his mission?" Miguel asked Lyla, even if he knew the answer.
"Absolutely not." Lyla grinned.
Miguel took a deep breath but didn't get angry - he never did get angry with you, now did he?
"Send someone to finish it." Miguel asked as he slipped through the portal, his AI glitching out of air. Missions he damned, he had his own mission now: giving you the aftercare his variant failed to do, which, in his opinion, made him the best variant out there.
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all rights reserved © miguel-owhora
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I saw this
And thought it'd be hilarious for some reactions/headcanons from twisted wonderland characters as reader and a friend or someone drink ridiculous amounts of eggnog (if eggnog isn't good then a similar heavy beverage) while they kinda just act silly. Just absolutely losing their minds as they try to out eggnog their competitor. Whether their competitor/friend is one of the characters from twisted wonderland or just some fellow is up to you. Honestly, i just like how you write and want to read more so it doesn't even have to be twisted wonderland. I'm really not that particular about the fandom or which characters you choose cause i like em all and i just wanna read more of your writing cause it's really good
No pressure of course, it's just a silly little thought
I really appreciate that! 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Drinking Games | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
This whole scenario sounds like the work of a certain idiot-duo
Getting ahold of Twisted Wonderland’s version of eggnog 
Supposedly the grossest thickest most disliked drink they could get their hands on
And then hosting a competition to see who could drink the most of it
“And what do we get if we beat ya?”
“A….full week spent in Ramshackle….Unsupervised!”
“I didn’t agree to that!” 
“That’s…an appealing prize.”
“One I didn’t agree to!”
First years only it’s already worrisome because more than likely than not they get real competitive 
And they have a hard time knowing when to stop
“Um do you guys maybe want to…take a break? You’re all looking a little green in the face.”
“Please…I got this! Slide that cup on over!”
“Y’all abuncha snowflakes can’t handleagallon o’ ‘is if ya tried!”
“This calls for an intense work out…..later. BRAP! Sorry.”
“This stuff is gross Nya! I’d much rather have a big bowl of milk!”
Imagine how much worse it gets when the dormheads find out 
They’ll scold them 
And then turn right around and have too much evidence that they have a higher record than the others
“I’m only showing you if anyone should have such a prize it would go to me.”
“Because you have records that you had 50 cups?”
“Thanks Riddle but I wasn’t actually going to let anyone stay over.”
“Hmmm I wonder if the more unruly will actually listen to your wishes?”
Sigh ”Don’t remind me! Floyd’s been telling me he’ll move himself in any day now.”
“Tsk. It would probably best to have me over than….just to protect your peace of course.”
It’s best to ‘reward all of them in some way shape or form
Otherwise you’ll just have to get used to being dragged and possibly made the prize of competitions you had no idea was happening 
“Uh hi Lilia you look happy.”
“Of course I am! I won your entire weekend with our wreath making contest.”
“Wait what?!”
“I was thinking we’ll start with a picnic, then we can jam with the band, and then I can go through your closet!”
Usually things won’t get too violent…..usually
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pilfappreciator · 6 months
Did another oopsie and accidentally deleted another ask (*bangs head on table*) BUT HOPEFULLY THE LOVELY ANON WHO SENT IT SEES THIS!!
DADZONE & Child! Reader: John Dory
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Includes: GN! Reader, Child! Reader, Adopted! Reader, accidental DILF John Dory, slight angst
TW: mention of spiders and body horror near the end (nothing too graphic but just in case)
🥽 This man doesn't trust himself enough not to fuck up another meaningful relationship ://
🥽 Personally, how I see it, becoming a father is probably the last thing on JD's to-do list. I mean he's definitely got the skills (being the oldest of five and having to raise his brothers means he's picked up a few things), and I like to think that it's something he longs for deep down, but considering how BADLY he fumbled with his brothers the last time they were all in the same room...
🥽 So yeah. In theory would be SO down to start a family of his own, but in practice?? He is EXTREMELY hesitant
🥽 THAT BEING SAID!! Chances are he probably found you as an egg
🥽 He was out one day, hiking out in the forest or exploring coastal coves or rock climbing, when all of a sudden he just… stumbles across an egg. Just sitting there in a patch of moss or nestled into a log
🥽 Ends up taking the egg with him back to Ronda, but not before an actual HOUR of confused staring? Distressed pacing back and forth?? Panicked rambling all the while???
🥽 (the fact that Ronda tried to eat the egg upon his return doesn't help at all)
🥽 John Dory spends the next month or so visiting nearby troll villages and asking anyone who crosses his path "Hey man did you drop this? 😬"
🥽 In the end he decides to take you in himself. Partly because he's gotten tired of all the looks other trolls keep giving him for trying to force an egg into their hands, and also because he… may have grown attached to said egg in the past few weeks. I mean by the end of day 3 he'd already given you a name so you know he's screwed ahsjkakaa
🥽 He tells himself he's taking you in because it's what any good citizen would do (He is a lair. He is 100% doing it for himself)
🥽 The day you hatch is LITERALLY one of the best days of his life? Like he's just making himself some dinner and suddenly he hears crackling coming from his hair?? And then there's babbling???
🥽 This man is going about his day with you nestled in his hair (basically the troll equivalent to carrying a baby on your hip lol). He's choppin trees, foraging for food, and driving his armadillo van all while he's got an actual egg sitting on his head. Absolutely talks to you the whole time, too. He has no idea if you can actually hear him but like.. this man spent the last 20 years all alone in the woods, okay, his ass is lonely :((
🥽 Yknow that thing parents do where they hold up headphones to a woman's womb and play Mozart or whatever to make the baby "smarter" or some shit?? Yeah that's JD. He's doing the same thing to his egg
🥽 If he's really feeling himself then he'll sing the songs himself. And then proceed to give unprompted lore behind the lyrics and the songs "true meaning" (songs include Brozone classics such as Baby Boy Got My Heart In A Headlock Boy and Baby Baby Love You Like A Pizza But Hate You Like There's Pineapple On It Babe)
🥽 "holy crap YOU'RE SO SMALL—"
🥽 Will die if you reach for him with your tiny baby hands or just smile up at him
🥽 He's still gonna carry you around in his hair while he goes about his day and stuff ngl. Like for him, it's a signature of your guys' bond and you bet your ass he's gonna be milking it for as long as he can (definitely dreads the day you become too big/old for it)
🥽 Most definitely tries to teach you survival skills as soon as possible. He's teaching you how to fish, he's demonstrating how to start a fire with the bare essentials, he's letting you DRIVE RONDA—
🥽 "It's an important skill to have, champ, trust me!"
"...but I'm only five."
"Never too early for a learner's permit!"
🥽 Defnitely tries to reel in that controlling/perfectionist mindset of his, at least for your sake. The last thing he wants is a repeat of what went down with his brothers. As a result he's probably more lenient when you get into trouble or do something wrong
🥽 Fr tho like... you'll accidentally(?) cause an explosion and his ass will be standing, hands on his hips like "I'm not mad, just disappointed 🤨"
🥽 You thought you were getting spoon fed Brozone content as an egg?? Well congrats on being born cuz now you're getting served Brozone content for BREAKFAST 👏 DINNER 👏 AND 👏 LUNCH
🥽 JDs most definitely the type of guy to break into song whenever he's doing the most mundane of tasks (laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc), and yes he fully expects you to join in and know all the lyrics helloooo?? You've basically been raised on Brozone songs at this point like cmon, don't leave him hanging!
🥽 FR THO!! If you grow up to be a Brozone stan, he's never gonna be more proud of himself <33
🥽 This man definitely has a physical collection of every song/album/cover his band has ever done (I'm mean this is the same guy who kept his brothers underwear in a frame for 20 years so ://). He treats every CD, record, cassette tape, etc. like the priceless artifacts they are and YES, HES GONNA PASS THEM ONTO YOU LIKE THEYR FAMILIY HEIRLOOMS DID YOU EXPECT ANY LESS
🥽 If you grow up to lean more towards a different genre of music or Brozone just doesn't end up being your cup of tea... JDs gonna be a lil devastating ngl
🥽 Pls assure him that he has not failed as a father
🥽 Jokes aside tho! I feel like despite his wounded ego, JD will at least TRY to see your point of view. I mean he's definitely gonna be a bit of a grandpa about it—
*while the two of you are listening to your favorite song*
"I mean, I GUESS it's okay... not nearly as lyrically genius as Brozone's hit single: Baby Girl Ur Sweet Like A Milkshake Girl But I'm Lactose Intolerant Baby 🙄"
"Dad. Please shut up."
—but rest assured that he WILL support you and your music taste <33
🥽 You want merch of your favorite band/artist? No worries he's (stealing it right off the shelf) got money to pay for it! Is there a new album about to drop? He's (breaking into a store in the middle of night like a rabid racoon) patiently waiting in line just to buy it for you! You wanna go to a concert? He's using Ronda to (break speed limits, run people over, disobey every known traffic rule) get good parking at the venue!!
🥽 SPEAKING OF CONCERTS!! I feel like he'd be able to offer solid advice on the do's and don'ts of attending a concert. Like... my guy was in a popular band back in the day and he knows first hand how outta hand concerts can get. He has SEEN some shit ajskskaka
🥽 JD definitely has a photo album full of pictures from back in the day. Some of them are snapshots of him and the rest of Brozone, but a majority of the pictures are just of him and his family— away from the stage and cameras. Just him and his brothers and grandma Rosiepuff too...
🥽 He remembers the exact moment every picture was taken, and he'll tell you every bit of context. Birthday, pranks gone wrong, holidays, first day of school— there's a snapshot for just about every milestone. All you have to do is ask and JD is more than happy to relay every childhood anecdote he can remember
🥽 It gets to the point where you eventually know just about everything about your uncles... WHO YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN MET YET AKSKSKAKAK
🥽 It's definitely something that freaks them out once you finally DO meet them
🥽 Like you'll have a conversation with Clay and they'll be like "yeah I'm not a big fan of spiders haha" and you just go "Oh that makes sense considering you used to have vivid nightmares about them crawling under your skin and tickling you to death" and Clay's just like "how the fuck did you know that????"
🥽 "Dude stop telling your kid everything about us"
"I haven't seen you guys in 20 years! I just wanted them to feel close to their uncles ;(("
🥽 John Dory, Older Brother Who Overshares About His Younger Siblings my beloved <33
Ermmm yeahhhh this was originally gonna be one big post including ALL the brothers... but then I started writing for JD and got carries away... so yeah this ask is gonna have to be a multi-parter AJSJSJAKKA SORRY ANON I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF 🤥
Bruce | Clay | Floyd | Branch
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doll3tt33 · 4 months
୨ৎ Kai Anderson SFW headcanons
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Gonna start doing headcanons for the evans in between making bots cuz I’m bored lol. If you ever wonder how I perceive these characters while I make bots, then here you go!
A handful of these are just plain observations and maybe to some these are clear as day, but idk imma still include them either way
Warnings: misogyny.. duh, loaaads of Reddit mentions
• This might be indisputably obvious, but I feel like some ppl think of Kai as someone who always plans 10 steps ahead, which I personally don’t think so
Yes, he does have a goal in mind, but a lot of his “next moves” are just ideas that came to him in a fleeting moment. Of course, he’ll act as if he totally knew what he was doing this whole time, even though he was def freestyling 💀
I feel like calling him out on his lack of meticulous planning would be an absolute jab to his ego, and he’ll deny it big time
• Kai is the embodiment of what it means to be a pseudo-intellectual 😭😭. Like he isn’t stupid at all, no doubt about that (mans manipulated crowds). But his arrogant attitude, his shameless use of fallacies, AND the fact he’s a walking contradiction - all while trying to act like he’s the smartest guy in the room?? Bye-
Again, I think he’s smart but don’t tell me he doesn’t act like your average pseudo-intellectual guy who’d mansplain 24/7
• His tolerance to spicy food is actually weak, but he pretends like it isn’t. He could be coughing his lungs out from the tiniest hint of spice in his food, but he would refuse to drink a glass of milk to cool down. HES A MAN
• This is already kinda a given, but mans speech mannerisms is literally like the average Reddit comment section ((iykyk
I also feel like a rant he posted online has been made into a copypasta at some point lol
• Speaking of Reddit.. whenever he gets into an argument with another user on there (most likely a politically charged one), he’ll downvote every existing comment from that user and will proceed to do it to any of their future comments by keeping tabs on their account, all out of sheer spite
• He likes weird porn genres. Idk which ones exactly, but I just know they be really specific
• Says he likes submissive, obedient women whose sole existence is to serve him. But at the same time, he can’t stand people he deems as vapid, and would dispose of them once he begins to see them as more of a liability than an asset (especially if they’re just THAT annoying). He definitely would rather keep someone around who has more substance
• Kai would play devil’s advocate for any corrupt figure you could think of. He’s like… that guy
• This is also a given, but I’d like to stress that people don’t know how r/theredpill was his holy bible. The Kai we know today has applied all the must-know tips to his entire character and mastered the arts of misogyny 101
Oh and he has a bunch of motivational posts saved from there, and he rereads the crap out of them each time a “fEmAle” would piss him off
• If you knew Kai prior to his cult and were genuinely nice to him, he’d definitely have a teensy-weensy soft spot for you and would avoid killing you ((unless you end up in a situation like winter’s, cuz then…💀
You’d be like the Jean to his Patrick Bateman! 😭
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Could you do a headcannon of how Judd would act high around his significant other?
I feel like once he is high, he’s a little more soft and shows that a bit more
Yes!! High Judd = soft Judd fr 💪💪
Tags: fem/gn! Reader, erh the gender isn’t really specified but kinda fem? Mentions of weed and smoking it obviously, mentions of sex too bc yk, big mouth, this is probably the fluffiest thing I’ve written with Judd haha, but I was VERY tired and sleep deprived when I wrote this and did not beta read 😵‍💫
Author’s note: I have convinced my friend to start watching big mouth lmfao, and he actually agreed that Judd is hot 💪💪 it’s a win for the boys
High Judd Headcannons
Word count; 1,0K
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He has two moods when he’s high 
You’ll either get super horny Judd or super soft Judd 
My personal favourite is soft Judd 
He’s all goofy smiles and cuddling 
Will think everything you say is hilarious too 
“Judd. Your parents are coming up the stairs, I can hear them,” 
He just lets out a cackle, one of those hoarse, drawn-out ones and just doesn’t answer 
It was kinda stupid of you to smoke in his room anyways,, but somehow he convinced you it was a good idea
The more stoned he gets, the more clingy he gets too 
If he’s in horny mode, he’ll obviously just fuck you harder and faster but if he’s in soft mode you’ll get a very unusual treatment 
Though not uncomfortable treatment, he’s just very, very touchy 
Like imagine Diane walking in the hallway upstairs, she walks past Judd’s room and the whole thing obviously smells like pot, so she enters and behold 
There Judd his— cuddling you, grinning while pressing his face into your stomach and leaving small kisses all over 
Not even in a sexual way 
He just loves you pls 🙏
You’re equally as stoned, running your fingers through his hair and complaining about it tickling 
My man LOVES when you tug or run your fingers through his hair, especially when he’s high 
He’ll literally just ask you to do it 
Diane finds the scene so cute she barely bothers scolding you for smoking, again she’s like 
“If you’re gonna do it, at least do it safely under my roof” 
She will call Elliot up, however, to gush over the to of you 
She’ll try to have him do it quietly though, so you won’t notice 
If you do though, happy stoned Judd will genuinely not care 
Like,, he seems to have smoked most of his anger away 
So he won’t even threaten his parents. Wow 🧐
Anyways, you don’t often do it at his house cause like,,, his parents 
But his car is the designated smoking spot
He LOVES shotgunning you 
Your first kiss was probably bc he shotgunned you 
He was real smooth about it to; 
“Hey. Have you ever tried shotgunning?”
“.. would you like to?” 
He’ll do it when he’s just smoking cigarettes too 
Judd really just wants every opportunity to kiss you, and ngl, seeing you exhale smoke makes him hella turned on 
He kinda has an obsession with your stomach when he’s high??? 
Like,, he’d like to lean his head on it and cackle if it makes noise, but ESPECIALLY he likes to splay his hands over it bc you’re genuinely so small compared to him 
And really soft too 
He’ll unabashedly smell you too, like the smell of your shampoo and perfume and shit makes him all lovestruck 
Stoned showers?? 🤭
Like if he’s in horny mode, he’ll definitely be up for a shower 
Seeing you both wet AND naked 
Yes pls. ✋
But like,, also if it’s at your house and you use your body wash and shampoo on him he’ll go 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Lmfao his family will DEFINITELY comment on it 
Like when he gets home and he smells like strawberry milk and flowers or whatever you use 
He’ll only let you do that when he’s high 
You gotta understand, he has a reputation— 
But, back to my point 
Soft Judd is so straight forward? Will say whatever is on his mind 
But like Judd in general is also really quick to get going, if yk what I mean 
So his soft comments about your smell or how soft you are will turn into something like;
“Sweetheart. D’you wanna sit on my dick for a while or something?” 
Ooooohhh,, soft high Judd has a thing for cockwarming 
I mean, he’s already touchy and sorta horny so you just sitting on him for hours is absolutely perfect 
He’d love watching you wiggle and struggle, red in the face and desperate pleas leaving you as you try to bounce yourself on him 
He would just laugh at your struggles and lightly tell you to stay put, and if you’re really good, he will fuck you later 
He would LOVE to fall asleep with his hard dick inside you 
Just being as close to you as possible 
He’d wake up later tho, not nearly as stoned but is cock still as hard and fuck the living shit out of you 
No okay but soft dom Judd? 😋
He can be stoned without being horny too, but it’s a rare occurance 
You’d smoke in his car and end up on the roof, stargazing 
He claims not to be romantic but when he’s stoned he gets sappy as shit 
“I really fucking love you.” 
He’d mumble into your hair, nuzzling his face into it a little bit 
Aw, you’d melt 
If you return the favor and tell him you love him too he’ll get so embarrassed though 
He’d blush and look away 🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭
I feel like he’s always some level of stoned though 
So he’d have to be really really high for him to be able to open up like that 
Fr it happens only like once every other full moon 
Obviously he does love you, his mom is always on his ass about it telling him to tell you more often lol 
When he comes down he’ll sleep for like days 
Okay maybe that’s exaggerating a bit,, but he’ll be so fast asleep you’ll worry if he died lmfao 
And he’s so groggy when he wakes up too 
If you’re less affected, he’ll definitely expect you to coddle him and bring him food or something 
But if you’re more or the same as him, you’ll just spend the day in his bed 
Taking turns sleeping and fucking 
Idc no matter how tired he is, being in his bed means sex at some point 
Also his mom is an actual life saver and will bring the two of you snacks and food 
(I love Diane ok) 
This, however, is only if you get really fucking stoned 
I feel like usually he would just act like himself, maybe a bit less tense and a lot more handsy 
But yk, the above is for extreme cases were he’s been smoking a lot lol 
Ok I actually need to sleep my eyes are closing by themselves 🧍🏻and I have some sick character development I need to do tomorrow
Tags; @dlfvrr , @bxbyyyjocelyn
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suzukiblu · 9 months
i am literally for real obsessed with your timberkon pink kryptonite fic so i definitely would love to see another sneak peek, but i'm also loving all the superfam stuff you're putting out!!! something that i wish you would write because i love your works (and have since the darcy lewis stucky days) and i think you would do amazing things with the pairing is jaytim, but i know thats not everyones cup of tea
(i realize now that you were probably aiming for an ask rather than a reply so here it is in your inbox too hskdhsh)
Thank you! ❤️ And oh, asks and replies were both fine for this, no worries. I try to just specify in-post whenever I have a preference but it's not gonna bother me either way.
I DO like JayTim to read, but I've never really felt a particular bug to write it myself? At least not yet, anyway, that may one day change. Though I miiiiight still put Kon in the middle because I am who I am and all, haha.
I'm planning to update the pink K fic on AO3 tomorrow, though I'm pretty sure I've already posted enough of chapter two in excerpts on Tumblr to have posted basically all of it by now and I'm trying to avoid doing that with chapter three, sooooo instead please accept the beginning of this very niche Superfam omegaverse pack dynamics AU instead. I've been looking for an excuse to post this whole big long thing anyway, lol.
Read-more for length, 'cuz there's kind of a lot here, haha.
The representative from the wet nurse agency shows up fifteen minutes early with an unusual-seeming omega who can't be a day over nineteen, being generous. Bruce makes a note to look into the agency's hiring practices a little more closely. The current situation is something of an emergency, unfortunately, and he's only had time to run the intermediate-level background checks so far.
Maybe this isn't the prospective wet nurse, he halfheartedly hopes, and they're just another representative; one who's in training or just here as backup. The kid smells like milk, though, and also why the hell would the agency send out an omega representative? Omegas are typically secretaries and clerks and almost all do in-office jobs, where they're "protected" from the outside world.
The practice is stupid and demeaning and borderline abhorrent, but it's a step up from the days when an omega couldn't get any job that wasn't as a nanny or a sex worker or some fucked-up combination of the two. Clark being an actual reporter is something that was practically unheard of two lousy generations back, and even now Clark is still an unusual exception in his field. Typically, an omega writing for a newspaper would be doing gossip or advice or something domestic, not investigative journalism.
So no, there's no way that this particular omega is anything but a wet nurse candidate, unusual-seeming and concerningly young or not. And Bruce had insisted on the candidate coming to meet them in person, even when the agency had very unsubtly implied that it would be better to just have the milk delivered.
Bruce is absolutely looking into this agency's hiring practices. An omega this age should barely be presented. One who's already allegedly producing enough milk to be a viable wet nurse for what they're requesting . . .
It's concerning, yes.
"Master Bruce, the representative from the Waterton Agency and her associate," Alfred introduces politely, gesturing between Bruce and their guests. He doesn't look or smell disapproving, even in the mildest notes, but Bruce knows he is.
Of course he is, with an omega who might be being either abused or taken advantage of or outright trafficked in the manor.
Bruce should've run a better background check.
"Hello, Alpha Wayne. My name is Ellen Travers," the agency representative greets tightly as Bruce steps into the parlor. She's a harried-looking blonde beta with graying hair who looks very unhappy to be here and is doing a very bad job of hiding the nervous dissatisfaction in her scent.
She doesn't introduce the omega.
Bruce puts on his stupid "Brucie" grin and strides right up to Travers, sticking a hand out to shake. She puts on a weak attempt at a polite smile in return and takes it.
"Hello there, Beta Travers, thanks so much for coming out here on such short notice!" Bruce greets her with a lie of cheerfulness, but Travers continues to smell nervous and upset and her smile is no less forced. And the omega . . .
The kid smells downright sullen, which is not a typical scent to catch off an unfamiliar presented omega and doesn't do anything to make him seem any older.
And yes, he's definitely unusual. He's much taller than Travers–about Bruce's own height, in fact–and has a very broad build and a surprising amount of muscle on him on top of that. Bruce knows full-grown alphas who'd kill to be built like this kid. He's also much more "handsome" than "beautiful", and frankly couldn't look less like the kind of sweet and pretty little things the agency had advertised on their website if he tried, much less the soft and maternal type Bruce had been expecting to actually have show up, given the specific requests he'd made.
Well, it does make sense. Bruce obviously wasn't going to provide the agency with either a Kryptonian genetic profile or a Kryptonian pup's exact dietary needs in search of a suitable wet nurse, but the nutrient requests that they'd made would likely necessitate an omega of a similar build to Clark's to supply–hell, the kid even resembles him a bit, funnily enough. They've already had four agencies tell them that they simply didn't have an appropriate candidate on staff, and the milk samples they'd been able to provide hadn't proven very helpful.
Bruce has no idea how the Kents ever fed Clark, but Martha had at least had the advantage of having a pack bond with him. A packmate's milk always does miles better by a pup than a stranger's or any kind of formula ever could.
Though she'd had some very odd cravings while nursing him, she'd told them. And Clark had still grown up underfed, even with formula and yellow sunlight to supplement–the Fortress had observed marked evidence of childhood malnutrition in him, he'd said.
Occasionally Bruce wonders what a properly-nursed Kryptonian raised under a yellow sun from infancy would've actually turned out like.
The thought is . . . well. A thought.
A thought that still makes him leery of how Jon Kent might grow up, sometimes.
Those concerns aside, though, the really unusual thing about this omega isn't either his physique or his face. Bruce is perfectly used to omegas with "nontraditional" looks after knowing Clark and Diana this long, to say nothing of various other Justice League members or other superheroes and villains he's known, or of both raising and reuniting with Jason. But this omega isn't as demurely dressed as mild-mannered Clark Kent would be; he's wearing opaque sunglasses and an alpha-cut studded leather jacket and alpha-style jeans and an inconveniently inaccessible plain black T-shirt with no sign of a nursing bra underneath it, nothing soft or appealing in either his clothes or his posture. If anything, he looks aggressive; tense and guarded and ready to start some shit. Even Jason usually puts up a temporary illusion of traditional omega mannerisms when he's meeting strangers as a civilian, if only so he'll be underestimated. This kid isn't even pretending to make the attempt.
And the kid smells completely and undeniably stray, too. Bruce can't catch a single note of packscent coming off him. Not even the scent of whatever pup got him milked up enough to qualify for this job. Unbred omegas sometimes lactate in heat or when under stress or if someone in their pack either has or adopts a pup, but a stray who doesn't smell particularly distressed or anything like he's on his cycle shouldn't be producing any milk at all.
At least not without using the kind of stimulants that Bruce explicitly forbade when filling out the agency application, anyway. Those medications are necessary for some omegas, obviously, but in this situation . . .
Kryptonian pups don't respond well to getting anything like that in their milk, they've already very thoroughly learned.
The omega also has spiked stainless steel piercings in his ears, snake bites under his mouth, and two curved barbells in his left eyebrow. All his other jewelry is heavy alpha-styled rings and bracelets, and his nails are painted a chipped black. And he is, notably, not wearing any kind of collar or necklace, and his neck is completely unmarked.
Bruce is in no way oblivious to the obvious message that an uncollared and unbitten omega's neck presents when left so obviously bared. Especially on a stray one who's dressed like an alpha and standing like he's expecting a fight.
He cannot imagine why this kid is working as a wet nurse.
None of the theories that come to mind bode particularly well, though.
"This omega is our most fitting candidate for your needs, Alpha Wayne," Travers says, her smile turning increasingly forced. Bruce thinks he can safely translate that expression as that of a beta who did not in any way agree with that assessment but was stuck following orders. "She fulfills all of your nutritional requests, including the necessary iron content and the prioritized fats and proteins, and, of course, is not taking any manner of lactation-inducing stimulants or supplements."
"He," the omega corrects, sounding dubious. Travers's mouth tightens. Bruce knows a lot of old-school traditionalists who won't call a male omega "he" or a female alpha "she", no matter what said omega or alpha's preferences happen to be, and makes another note about looking into this agency more thoroughly.
Much more thoroughly.
"She isn't available for direct nursing, unfortunately, but her milk is a perfect match to your requests and she produces both excellently and reliably; her supply will be more than enough for your needs," Travers continues as if the omega hadn't spoken, and the omega's lip curls in obvious annoyance as he rolls his eyes with no attempt to hide his exasperation even in the presence of an unfamiliar alpha.
Bruce thinks of Jason with a brief pang, and pushes the thought aside. It's not the time.
Maybe he could've asked Jason for help with this, if he'd been a better father. A better alpha. A better . . .
But he wasn't, so now there's an annoyed stranger standing in his parlor instead of a content packmate curled up in their nest.
"Really?" he asks, tilting his head and blinking down at Travers with a deliberately surprised expression. "The consultant made it sound like you'd need multiple donors, for the amount we're asking."
If one goddamn barely-presented kid is actually producing enough milk to even half-feed a Kryptonian pup . . .
"This omega produces sufficient quantities for your needs, Alpha Wayne," Travers replies with another forced smile. She must know how ridiculous a statement that is, when she's talking about a stray kid and not a fully mature omega with at least a couple of litters under their belt who's well-established in a stable pack, but she says it with conviction all the same.
"Oh, good!" Bruce says brightly, because he's supposed to be a stupid knotheaded playboy who wouldn't know a damn thing about nursing either way. "That'll be convenient, then."
Frankly, he only wishes one omega could produce what they need right now, but requesting that much milk from one agency for just one pup would be immediately flagged as suspicious, and definitely turned down outright. They're still looking for other candidates under false names, but at the rate they're going, they're going to need to keep supplementing with formula, which already hasn't been going well.
If Clark could get milked up himself, this wouldn't be a problem, of course. A Kryptonian omega could easily produce more than enough for one Kryptonian pup, especially under a yellow sun. Clark nursed Jon without a problem for years and was actually overproducing when he was, Bruce knows very well.
Unfortunately, that's not an option anymore. Not since . . .
Clark would never forgive himself if something like that happened again.
And Kara and Karen are both alphas, and Jon's a beta and only ten anyway, and the only other living Kryptonians they know of are either remorseless criminals imprisoned in the Phantom Zone or the sickly little pup who's slowly wasting away upstairs.
Formula and concentrated yellow sunlight haven't been enough. Clark can't get milked up anymore. They haven't been able to synthesize any appropriate supplements either in the Fortress or in working with the Justice League or STAR Labs or even in collaborating between them.
And the pup is just getting weaker, and quieter, and sicker.
A human wet nurse probably won't even help that much, at this point, but . . .
Well, it's the best chance they have to keep the pup alive until they can synthesize something. Maybe the only chance, now.
"We strive to provide to our clients' convenience, Alpha Wayne," Travers says, and the omega rolls his eyes again. Bruce is less and less convinced of him being an adult in any way but the presentation of his pheromones.
It's rude to address an unfamiliar unpacked omega directly, especially as an alpha. Technically Travers is chaperoning them in a professional situation, though, and Bruce has increasing suspicions about this omega's personal standards so far as "manners" go anyway.
And everyone knows Brucie Wayne is stupid and shameless, of course.
So he flashes the kid a grin, and he says, "Well, it's great to meet you, we appreciate you making the trip! What's your name, Mr. . . .?"
The kid blinks at him, clearly surprised both to be spoken to and to be called "Mr." instead of "Miss" or "Ms." or even "Omega". Travers looks absolutely scandalized.
Bruce really doesn't approve of the kind of traditionalists who won't introduce an omega or use their stated pronouns, though, so fuck if he cares.
"Her name is Carly, Alpha Wayne!" Travers interjects quickly, her tone a little bit too bright to be genuine. "Short for Caroline."
"Just Carl," the kid corrects, shaking his head. Travers's mouth tightens again. It's not a very typical omega name, so no surprise.
It occurs to Bruce to wonder if Carl might be a trans alpha, which he probably should've thought to wonder as soon as he saw how he was dressed and got an impression of his personality. Obviously the kid's at least not currently on HRT if he's working as a wet nurse, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of him being transgender all the same.
Actually, affording gender-affirming care is definitely a reason that a kid like this one would be working this job, especially if said kid's family weren't supporting them. Wet nurses make more money than most other fields that omegas without a diploma can expect to get into, at least short of sex work, and Carl is very obviously too young to have graduated college yet.
Actually, Bruce still isn't even sure if he's old enough to have graduated high school yet.
He's going to burn down this whole damn agency if they're knowingly employing a minor as a wet nurse.
"Nice to meet you, Carl," he says easily. Carl's eyes narrow consideringly, and then he folds his arms and smirks, crooked and casual.
"Sure," he says. "Nice to meet you too, Wayne."
Travers looks agonized. The last non-alpha stranger who called Bruce "Wayne" instead of "Alpha Wayne" was a beta terrorist who was in the middle of kidnapping him, and he's not sure any omega who wasn't an active supervillain ever has, so he's not surprised by her reaction.
Carl is still watching him with the same cocky smirk, though, an obvious challenge in the expression and his posture both. Bruce puts another point towards the possibility of him being a trans alpha, though he's not stupid enough to actually ask if he is, especially not in front of someone the kid works under. Presentation aside, Carl might not be out, and Travers is currently at least professionally following traditional manners, so Bruce doesn't have much hope for this agency being all that progressive and doesn't want to accidentally get the kid fired.
Though if Carl is a minor, Bruce is going to have to see if he can't slip him a business card and find him another job. Especially if he's going to be burning down the agency he's working for.
"Why aren't you available for direct nursing, if you don't mind me asking?" he asks in a curious tone, because he still can't smell a pup on the kid and most wet nurses who aren't nursing their own pups do direct nursing, and he wants intel about the agency's typical practices. Carl shrugs.
"Stubborn tits," he replies, pushing his chest out as he gestures at himself with no apparent sense of shame or self-consciousness, and Travers looks increasingly agonized. Bruce is just increasingly missing Jason, himself. "Milk flows too slow and the pups always get all fussy and stress out about it. Which, whatever, pups are weird anyway, they're not really my thing."
"'Weird'?" Bruce repeats, carefully noting the lack of possessives in reference to any potentially dysphoria-triggering anatomy. Still not a confirmation, but another point. Carl shrugs again.
"I'm afraid Carly doesn't bond appropriately with pups, Alpha Wayne," Travers interjects quickly, and Carl scowls at her. "She has an unfortunate detachment disorder."
"I 'attach' fine," Carl grumbles sourly, jamming his hands into his jacket pockets. "I just don't like kids."
Travers grimaces. Bruce keeps pretending to be an oblivious idiot. He has met omegas who don't like children. They exist.
They're just all deeply, deeply traumatized people. Or clinically insane.
Or both, frequently.
So . . . "detachment disorder" seems likely, yes.
Bruce doesn't consider either sex or gender to be the end-all be-all of a person, of course, but there are certain biological imperatives that no one can deny as existing, and a lactating omega faced with a theoretical hungry pup–really, just about any omega faced with a theoretical hungry pup–is not ever going to say they "just" don't like kids. Usually the problem with omega wet nurses is them liking kids too much, in fact, and getting distressed or depressed when the parents wean the pups and they won't be seeing them again. The decent agencies have psychological support for that in place and typically offer paid leave between long-term clients. The Waterton Agency does up to a month, which is one of the reasons Bruce chose it.
So yes, Carl is almost definitely traumatized.
Though really, a wet nurse who won't be around much isn't the worst thing, considering. Neither Clark nor Jon started developing any especially noticeable powers until they were older, but they can't assume anything based off a sample size of two, especially when said sample size is made up of biological relatives. And even if they didn't have to worry about that, well, the manor is frequently full of vigilantes and the cave is right underneath it. There's a lot that a regular guest could notice, especially over however long they might need to be nursing. Especially because nursing is a quiet, out-of-the-way activity that takes a while, and it would be very easy for someone to forget to keep their voice down or to not do a damn quadruple-backflip off a chandelier at the wrong moment.
And there's a reason Clark and Lois brought this problem to the shadows of Gotham, as opposed to staying in bright and sunny Metropolis with it. They've got something to hide right now, and a lot to figure out.
Plus if even a molecule of kryptonite gets involved in this situation, even secondhand . . .
Power Girl and Supergirl and Steel are the ones taking shifts watching Metropolis right now, and everyone is just going to leave it at that. Superman isn't coming out for anything less than the apocalypse.
"Well, the Lane-Kents will probably want you to meet the kiddo either way, if you don’t mind," Bruce tells Carl, offering an easy shrug. "Peace of mind, you know how it is."
"Not really," Carl says. Bruce debates slipping the kid a psychiatrist's business card, but he'd probably take it as an insult.
"Er, yes, Alpha Wayne," Travers says awkwardly. "Actually, we were expecting Alpha Lane to be with you . . . ?"
"Lois is currently stuck in Metropolis traffic thanks to Metallo bashing up half of downtown this afternoon and Clark is upstairs getting the kiddo around. Little guy just woke up from his nap," Bruce replies with a pleasant smile, making another note of how Travers left off the omega member of the couple's last name, and also apparently doesn't expect to be meeting said omega at all. He is increasingly regretting choosing this agency, though he may yet manage to do some good in the world by subtly dismantling it. Or maybe just by buying it outright and doing a little restructuring.
Or a lot of restructuring.
"Wait, it's not your kid?" Carl asks, wrinkling his nose with a puzzled expression. Travers looks pained. The Waterton Agency isn't Gotham-based, so Bruce isn't sure why she apparently expects Carl to be up on the Wayne pack's current members, especially considering how she keeps talking over and outright ignoring him. Bruce has a hard time picturing her bothering to provide the information herself, at this point.
"Oh, no, just doing a favor for some visiting friends," he replies smoothly, still wearing the same pleasant smile. Which is a lie, of course, because actually the Lane-Kents are part of his secondary pack and "visiting friends" therefore in no way covers what they are to him. The Wayne pack is both his primary and his family pack, obviously, and the Justice League is a loosely-connected tertiary pack, but his secondary pack lacks both an official name and public recognition, because explaining to the public why Brucie Wayne's secondary pack is two award-winning reporters from Metropolis, a random museum curator in Gateway City, a decorated Navy SEAL, and occasionally a cat burglar with commitment issues is just not going to work out for anyone's secret identities.
And that even without counting how everyone knows about Lois Lane and Steve Trevor's respective very public connections to Superman and Wonder Woman, much less ever explaining anything about Selina. Bruce, meanwhile, still isn't sure how he ended up in a pack with any of these people. Clark and Diana definitely have a lot to answer for either way, though.
Mostly he blames Clark. Diana has more decorum. Clark is just . . . Clark, so now Bruce gets a scarf and cookies from Martha Kent every Christmas, never mind that he's technically Jewish, because God forbid he ever tells her that and she starts sending him Hanukkah presents instead. He cannot handle eight nights' worth of Martha Kent's colorfully-wrapped scarves and lovingly-packaged cookies. That's just not a thing he can do.
He doesn't even celebrate holidays, except when Dick cons him into it. Which admittedly he's been doing more often again the past few years, but–
This is off-topic, Bruce reminds himself, but then gets distracted as Carl cocks his head a little and frowns over something. Bruce instinctively wants to brace himself for trouble at the sight, because that frown actually very strongly reminds him of Clark's "what the hell weird and concerning thing did I just notice with my super-senses" frown, but A) Carl doesn't have super-senses and B) Bruce just heard the stairs creak, which means the actual Clark is finally on his way down to meet them. No one else in the manor would ever make the steps creak any way but deliberately except for Lois or Jon, and Jon is out on a walk with Damian and Titus while Lois is, again, currently stuck in Metropolis traffic. So: Clark, definitely.
Also Clark tends to make the stairs creak a lot louder than either Lois or Jon do, given the very notable size difference there.
"Has Alpha Lane authorized you to make decisions for his pup's care, Alpha Wayne?" Travers asks with another forced smile. Bruce is resolving to check specifically her background too, at this point.
"No, no, that won't be necessary, good ol' Clark's right here," he says, waving a hand dismissively. "It's his pup too, and he knows much more about ones this age than I do anyway."
"Yes, well, omegas tend to get a little . . . irrational about the idea of sharing their pups with a wet nurse," Travers says "politely", like she thinks she's stating a fact. Bruce would say something cheerful-sounding and subtly insulting back, typically, but Carl's frown is deepening and he looks a little bit . . . odd, maybe, or . . .
There's a strange little pup-call from the stairs, very quiet and echoing in unusual registers but still recognizably one all the same, and just as recognizably resigned-sounding. It's a pup-call that clearly expects to go unanswered, at this point, which is something that Bruce would like to never hear again in his life, given the option.
Though it's better than a pup who's given up on calling at all, he supposes.
He tries not to grimace at that thought, though he's sure Clark's grimacing enough for the both of them right now after hearing a call like that. The pup is starving, and they just can't feed him properly. At this point sending him back where he came from might be kinder.
Honestly, if Bruce didn't know exactly who his parents were, he might've already insisted on that.
It's just–
The pup calls again, even quieter. Travers looks perplexed.
"Er," she says. "I apologize, Alpha Wayne, but is the pup ill? We can't be around them if they are, it's against agency policy."
"Oh, the kiddo just sounds like that," Bruce replies dismissively, and then lies, "Vocal chord deformity, apparently. We're not sure what caused it, pediatrician thinks it's something genetic."
Well, it is genetic. Jon calls in exactly the same registers, and according to Martha and Jonathan so did Clark.
So it's genetic, yes. Just not a deformity.
Carl's expression looks–odd, still. Bruce isn't sure what to think of it, but it makes him a bit wary. A detachment disorder doesn't imply an actual negative reaction to the presence of a pup, obviously, but . . .
Clark steps into the parlor with Lor-Zod sitting on his hip, the pup no older than two or so and looking small and listless in his arms, his dark skin all washed out and his previously bright eyes gone dull and tired. When he first crash-landed in Metropolis in the rocket he'd been wrapped up inside, Clark said he'd popped out of it energetic and excited and clamoring for attention in toddler-level Kryptonian, but he's been slowly fading ever since, wasting away without the nutrients that they just can't provide him. He's probably only made it this long thanks to the sun.
Again, Bruce has no idea how the Kents ever fed Clark, though he was already at least three by the time they got him, which probably helped. A pup Lor's age is capable of eating solid food, obviously, but milk or formula is still a major part of a pup's diet until they're four or five, if not older, and the longer the better. Hell, most kids still at least semi-regularly nurse for as long as their dam can manage to stay milked up, or even until they present themselves. No one can wean a damn toddler and expect them to thrive.
Or even survive, in Lor's case.
Lor opens his mouth in another weak, resigned little pup-call, and Clark's own mouth tightens as he restrains himself from answering it and giving the pup false hope for milk he just doesn't have, and Bruce steels himself to–
Carl croons.
Travers startles. Bruce is . . . surprised, a bit. A detachment disorder doesn't really imply the kind of omega who'd croon at a pup they've never seen before in their life, after all.
It's an unusual and unpracticed croon, as if it's a sound Carl doesn't make very often, which Bruce supposes would make sense. Lor responds to it immediately, though, shifting weakly in Clark's arms and pup-calling again.
Carl, with absolutely no manners or decorum whatsoever, sweeps right past Travers and Bruce and Alfred and just plucks Lor straight out of Clark's arms. Which–forget the kid calling him "Wayne"; that's a damn etiquette breach. Hell, Clark probably only didn't take Carl's head off for snatching up his pup without permission because he's so clearly dumbfounded that he actually did it.
Bruce is slightly less dumbfounded due to having spent five seconds in the kid's presence, but still, what is he–
"Carly!" Travers chokes in horror. Carl very obviously doesn't even hear her and just starts purring at Lor and cuddling him close in a way that really doesn't even slightly imply "detachment disorder".
And then Bruce figures out what was "odd" about Carl's expression, before.
"Huh," he says, a little bemused. "Did he just go into feral drop?"
"Alpha Wayne, I assure you, this is not the Waterton Agency's standard of behavior!" Travers sputters, sounding even more horrified, and Clark just blinks and tilts his head.
"I think he did, yeah," he says, looking perplexed. Carl continues ignoring everyone in the room except for Lor and just purrs louder at him as they both nuzzle into each other. Lor makes more very distinctly Kryptonian pup-calls at him, and Carl croons back with no apparent concern over their strangeness, sounding absolutely goddamn enamored.
That is definitely not a detachment disorder, Bruce thinks. There is no possible way that an omega with a detachment disorder just went into full feral drop over a pup at first sight.
Or possibly first sound, he's realizing.
Bruce is perfectly aware that omegas can feral-bond with distressed pups whether they mean to or not, but he's never seen it happen this fast outside of a warzone or a natural disaster. He's heard hearsay and read studies about particularly compatible sets that have done it under less stressful circumstances, but distressed and starving pup or not, he wouldn't have even expected a human omega to be capable of bonding with a Kryptonian pup like that.
Or at all, frankly. Deliberately created and carefully cultivated pack bonds are one thing, but . . .
Lor chirps, the sound still a little quiet and fragile, a little weak, but also undeniably hopeful, and Carl gives him a low, rumbly purr in reply and yanks up his inconveniently-cut T-shirt to expose his chest with no trace of hesitation or modesty. He's already leaking sweetly-scented milk, already adjusting his grip on Lor to let the pup get at his chest as easily and comfortably as possible, and Lor latches without a moment's hesitation and immediately starts to nurse.
And then Lor purrs. Carl just watches him with undeniable adoration, still paying no attention whatsoever to anyone else in the room.
Alright, then, Bruce thinks carefully.
Well, that just happened.
"Thought you didn't like kids, Carl?" he inquires casually, putting on an easy grin, and Carl finally seems to come up enough to remember that the rest of them exist, though he still doesn't actually take his eyes off Lor.
"I would literally become a supervillain if this kid asked me to," he replies dreamily, keeping Lor cradled in one arm and tracing a finger down the pup's cheek with a soft, besotted expression that's unmistakable for what it is even with the sunglasses on. He looks like he might just burn down the world if someone tried to take Lor away from him right now, and his pheromones are so all-encompassing and so cloyingly sweet that Bruce genuinely might need to see a dentist after this.
"Well usually I'd say we keep Batman in the loop on that kind of thing around here, but if the kiddo asks, it only seems fair," he jokes with a laugh.
"I would drop-kick Batman off a roof for you," Carl informs Lor lovingly as he strokes his cheek again and then skims a fingertip along the little barely-visible scar splitting his eyebrow. Lor keeps purring sweetly and Alfred coughs to conceal a low chuckle. Clark looks a little pained to be watching one of his pups nurse from another omega so easily and eagerly, but his mouth quirks in amusement at the comment anyway. Bruce doesn't dignify any of them with a response, because he is an alpha with dignity and also is in no way threatened by a passing comment from a barely-presented kid who clearly isn't even combat-trained.
. . . although he also isn't going to be stupid enough to try coaxing Lor away from the omega he just feral-bonded with just yet either.
Then Tim walks by the doorway, takes one look at Carl with Lor, and trips over literally nothing and into a full faceplant on the foyer floor. Bruce pauses, then raises an eyebrow.
"Alright down there, Timmy?" he asks. Tim scrambles back to his feet, looking more genuinely mortified than he's ever seen him.
"Fine!" he blurts. "Fine. Everything's fine. All the things are fine. Uh. What? Who?"
"This is Carl," Bruce says, gesturing to the kid. "Wet nurse from the Waterton Agency. And his escort, Beta Travers. Carl, Beta Travers, this is my son, Tim Drake-Wayne. And also Clark Lane-Kent and his pup, Chris Lane-Kent, who I'm assuming you've figured out are your prospective clients."
"Yes, Alpha Wayne," Travers says with a grimace. "We gathered."
"Ngh," Tim says, looking at literally everything but Carl and Lor. His face is bright red, which is an unusual amount of embarrassment for him to be showing just over tripping. Typically he masks that kind of thing a lot more effectively. Bruce would almost think he was actually embarrassed by watching Carl feed Lor, but Tim's literally never been affected by anything but passing curiosity when seeing a pup nurse before, so that seems unlikely. And he's a male beta, if still an unpresented one, so it's not like he's got any reason to care all that much about it anyway.
So his reaction does seem a little odd, yes.
"Chris," Carl coos adoringly down at Lor. Bruce is in no way stupid enough to think that he absorbed any of the rest of that introduction or has even noticed Tim's presence at all. He wouldn't even put money on him having noticed Clark's presence, in fact, except as a pup-delivery system. The kid is very clearly in love with the pup in his arms and doesn't give a damn about any of the rest of them at all.
Detachment disorder. Sure.
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kteezy997 · 2 months
Daddy’s Boy- Part Seven//t.c.
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Warning: some angst
It was an extremely filling breakfast at the local diner, and you had a great time with the two boys. A part of you felt giddy, like you were on a date that your son just happened to join. You felt like something was really blossoming between you and Timmy again.
Timmy had forbidden you to pay the breakfast bill, and Theo was playing the claw machine piled high with stuffed animals nearby. You had an idea that had been brewing during the meal.
“So I was just thinking: maybe tonight Theo and I could stay at your place? Or maybe just him, if you want to spend time with him one on one.” you hoped he would say “Oh no, I would love for you to come, too.”
Timmy's eyes widened, and he didn’t immediately agree.
Your heart dropped and you were instantly embarrassed.
“Oh, well I would love to have you both, but I have plans tonight, actually.” he slid his hand into his pocket, retrieving his wallet to pay.
You nodded, feeling almost sick to your stomach, “I see. What plans do you have?” you shook your head, knowing you had overstepped, and maybe assumed too much. “No, it’s none of my business.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s just…I’m meeting someone for dinner. A coworker. She, um, asked me to dinner. It’s not that big of a deal.” Timmy tried to brush the whole thing off in front of you.
“She? It’s a date? That’s nice, Timmy.” you weren’t being condescending, but you were masking your true feelings.
He looked at you, shook his head, his curls going wild just for a second, “Not really a date. It’s just dinner.”
“I bet she likes you. Everyone likes you.” And I have fumbled you.
“I hate that stupid game!” Theo grumbled as he came back over to the table.
You cleared your throat, looking at your son, “Hey, we don’t say those words, and you know that.”
“Sorry, Mom. It’s just that I never win anything.” the boy frowned, picking up his little cup of chocolate milk and taking a swig.
“It’s okay, bud, you have plenty of toys at home. And I’ll tell you something that’ll make you feel better.” Timmy said, leaning across the table.
Theo perked up, his eyes glued to his father, “What, what is it?”
“You are gonna come spend the night with me tomorrow night.” he grinned.
“Yeah!" Theo cheered, throwing his arms up in the air like he had won a prize from the claw machine after all, "Sleepover at Daddy’s! Can I bring my Hot Wheels?”
"You can bring whatever you want." Timmy said.
You gave him a look from across the table.
"Within reason." he added.
You were a bit of an emotional wreck for the rest of the day. Timmy went home and you talked Theo into spending the night at your parents' house. You needed a break. You needed time to think.
You needed to talk to someone about your situation with Timmy. You had begun to think that you had let him slip through your fingers, and now you were worried that you would only be Theo's mom in Timmy’s eyes and not a potential partner.
You asked your best friend Lucie to come over and she came through with pizza and her listening, compassionate ears. You had told her everything. She had always liked Timmy; she thought that you were a great match together, and she adored Theo.
"I don't know, Luce, what if he goes out with this other woman and they start dating? My life would be ruined having to see him with someone else.” you put your hand to your head, “And it would be another thing that Theo would have to get used to. Things were going so good. I should have just told him that I wanted to be with him."
"Y/n, you have trauma, not necessarily from Timmy, but from the breakup and not having Theo's father around. Of course, you were skeptical about putting yourself back out there, and you were right to not rush something that you weren't sure about. Especially since you also have Theo’s well-being to consider.”
You sighed, knowing that she was right. "But if it was the right thing, why do I feel like this? It's too late to do anything now."
Lucie frowned, "Who says it's too late? You could leave right now, and stop him from going on that date."
You laughed, "Right now? That's crazy! He could be gone already.
"Let's go, let's go right now!" she said, "We can try to catch him." Lucie grabbed your hand, pulling you, and rushing out of your home. "You are going to tell that man that you love him, and you want to raise Theo together and make more babies." she said, matter-of-factly.
"This is insane!" you yelled, getting into your best friend's car and she sped off into the night. You could feel the adrenaline and exhilaration that the moment was bringing.
You knocked the door of Timmy's apartment, not even certain if he was home. All you had was hope. After a moment, your stomach went sour as there was no answer. You decided to give up, as he was probably out on his date.
You swallowed your pride and realized that it was time to come to terms with your relationship, or lack thereof, with Timmy. This night could be detrimental to your life going forward. He could have a new girlfriend, and everything between you and him would wash away with the changing tide. You decided to walk away.
You were walking away from the door, when suddenly, you heard the turning of a the door knob.
You turned around quickly, seeing Timmy standing in the doorway that you had just left. "Timmy." you said, going back over to him, feeling a little dazed because you couldn't believe he was actually there. It wasn't too late!
"Are you okay? Is Theo okay, wh-where is he?" the concern in his eyes made you feel terrible guilt. You had caused him to needlessly worry.
"Oh we're fine! Everything is fine! He's with my parents for the night." you assured him. "I just had to come and see you."
"Y/n, what's going on?" his face softened as he looked at you.
"Timothee, I don't, I don't want you to go on this date tonight, I'm sorry I didn't say anything sooner. And maybe I have no right to say that to you, but-"
"I won't go if you don't want me to." he shook his head, gazing down at you, so tenderly.
You couldn't help but smile a little at what he had said, and for the first time, you felt like your feelings and assumptions were validated. "I love you, Timmy. I've always loved you. I love the man you are and the father you are becoming to our son. I think we... should be together." you felt your throat tighten up with the nerves you were feeling.
He grinned, saying, "I hate that we were ever apart." He took your hand, pulling you close to him.
In an instant, you felt warm and tingly in the best way. You were mush when you were this close to him. You felt at home.
"Come here." He put his forehead to yours, wrapping his arms around you and shutting the door behind you. "I love you too." he kissed your lips softly, then parting to add, "And I love our boy more than anything."
You threw your arms around him as well, and you pressed your lips to his. Your heart and your body were on fire. After a moment, you were making out shamelessly.
Timmy picked you up and took you over to the couch.
@gatoenlaciudad @thebetawolfgirl @musicandbooksaremyhappyplace @softhecreator @tchalamss @lixzey @bitchyunknownuser @ducktapebar @aoi-targaryen @yukideadinside @mel-vaz @thatoneweirdgirl17 @iwishchalamet @jindongdongie @elloise0 @rennyd26 @briefkittenearthquake @that-one-fangirl69 @sammy-halpert
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transboysokka · 6 months
So my favorite character in The Brothers Sun is Taiwan. Like yeah Taiwan has its own shows and movies but it just feels Different to see Taiwan in a big international/American show! It’s SO cool actually and so um here are some thoughts I had and things I Noticed about different Taiwan scenes and things in the show idk
Episode 1
the opening shot of Taipei tells us this is a Thursday- the top of 101 is green and is a different color every day of the week
that corkscrew-shaped apartment building we see Charles living in is kind of an urban legend here in Taipei. They say it’s the most expensive place to live in the city, that each apartment has its own swimming pool, and that there’s an elevator specifically to bring cars up to display in your living room. No idea if the interiors look like that for real though
I was gonna say it’s pretty crazy he has an American-style oven in Taipei bc nobody does but actually in that apartment… yeah he probably would
afaik there’s not a way to (“legally”/officially) stream any of those famous British baking shows here rip
I do wonder if they actually filmed the opening scene in the corkscrew building or if they just really pay attention to detail because the skyline seen out the window matches up to what it would really look like from that part of the city
the shoes, I mean we all know about shoes-off houses but yeah
豆漿. Soy milk. Yeah
They definitely eat Hi-chews in one of these scenes
Episode 2
It makes way more sense for the guys to have snuck out for shaved ice as kids than youtiao… I’m just saying… like would *I* do that yes but it’s usually just like. A thing you eat with soup or breakfast
Episode 3
“Are you sure you can handle-“ “the heat? I’m from Taiwan.” lmfao BITCH Taiwan has some of the blandest cuisine I’ve ever tasted (he does think it’s too spicy tho lol)
“Keelung. A fishing village just north of Taipei.” Okay like I can see how the older generation would call it that but it’s actually a whole ass city…
Episode 5
Not a Taiwan thing but the Maotai made me laugh. It’s like the Coca Cola of Chinese baijiu and imho it’s just as awful as every other brand
Episode 6
ok the episode that made me want to make this list
the Costco shit IS funny because vitamins, baby formula, that’s all the good stuff you want to bring back from abroad BUT actually we have Costco in Taiwan and can easily get a lot of that stuff? This concept imo would fit a lot better for China than Taiwan. It’s still very much a thing to load your suitcase up with baby formula on the way home to China, and there’s actually a huge smuggling business bringing it in through Hong Kong but I digress
Idk why I’m happy to hear Changhua and Douliu mentioned in an American TV show… Seriously, I don’t know. They’re kind of like nowhere places I’ve never even been. I just feel like everyone’s grandparents live there.
Even the way they film Mama Sun on the plane. Like the Mandarin music in the background with the announcement for Taoyuan airport… to me it feels specifically like a transpacific flight to Taiwan lolol but that’s definitely like a bias probably
Okay not to be SO nitpicky but so when she looks out the window on the plane to see Taipei 101 etc I’m not sure about that? The airport is actually in another city and I feel like I usually come in around and over the ocean or something?
But WOW the taxi scene my favorite scene it’s SO visceral and SO Taiwan… the street, the lights, the Cosmed/Mos Burger/7-Eleven, the street noises, like I can FEEL Taiwan through the screen and HER FACE taking it all in I WANT TO SOB
The temple, beautiful like this episode makes me believe Michelle Yeoh is Taiwanese lol
I appreciate the viscerality of the night market shots too but it seemed a bit empty
Okay so Mama Sun’s mom is super rich too based on where she lives which I guess it makes sense. But what I am curious about is the story about why they’re speaking Cantonese because Taiwan has a lot of languages but that’s not one of them like officially at all. I wonder if there’s a character backstory there or they just like. Didn’t want to bother teaching Michelle how to speak Minnan or something
The cemetery too is so fancy, I mean it fits but wow that’s expensive real estate
In the hospital scene, Taipei 101 is lit blue out the window, making it a Friday. Has everything in the show so far happened in only 8 days?
Episode 7
“Last night the Boxers made their move” 101 says it’s Tuesday for anyone keeping track
I LOST it at the Foodpanda driver assassin the first time I saw this… So Taiwan
Big fancy church in Taipei? I know they exist but I’ve never seen one in person (like 2%? of the country is Christian)
A mom bringing back tea as a souvenir from Taiwan? 100% real
Episode 8
RAW is a real restaurant in Taipei. It’s very fancy and very expensive and had I think two Michelin stars. I don’t know ANYONE who’s actually been there lol
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dedfly · 3 months
Hello dear, random idea just came up from my mind..what if..Shadow Milk x Faerie reader but with a slight little mermaid storyline? Basically the reader want to explore around the earthbread (and is fallen for certain Cookie?) but the reader is unable to leave the beast yeast because the reader had to guard the silver tree, on one night Shadow Milk try to communicate with reader through the dream and offering the reader to become 'common (normal) cookie' with one condition..(and is up to you-)
(Take ur time dear :> )
This is a great idea and wow, it's crazy
Shadow Milk cookie x reader
† This is justa blessing for him
† A whole guardian with big dreams and a love interest who most likely won't reciprocate theirfeelings because he will never notice a some guardian. P e r f e c t
† You always wanted something more and what’s wrong with having some dreams? however, you begin to realize that your usual dreams have begun to become a whole daydreaming
As if your imagination was literally pushing you to change, to escape, but how? You are just one of those guardians who invest their whole lives in the Great Goal. But just standing and protecting the tree is not for you and you know it. You want something more, this world full of adventures
And this mysterious voice in your dreams thinks so too
You haven't shared your dreams and plans with anyone else. For what? They won't understand.
But oh, this gentle voice understands, how good it is that your "subconscious" helps you at least in your dreams. Supports and guides.
† Imagine certain cookie what readerloves is Pure Vanilla or Elder fairy cookie. Yeah what would be messy
† And fun. Come on Shadow milk cookie would try not to gag while trying to manipulate you into doing what he wants using your love for them
† He's just being dramatic but yeah he's not happy about it. Not because he felt bad but because he is concerned about your "unique taste"
† bro is a hater
† Shadow Milk cookie made sure to help you, to keep you on his side. "Listen to me little fairy, you have a grand future waiting"
Unfortunately, most of your colleagues were not present on security for some reason, which is why you were put on post longer than expected. You lack of sleep and energy, you have become more irritable and honestly you would just like to finish this unbearable work, just run away or cut down this damn tree. Wait. It was clear as day, no tree, no problem. You will finally live the life you want.
† As if all the danger that will come from cutting down this tree has faded into the background, a voice gently whispers to you, encouraging you to get rid of the tree
† But the voice in your head offered you a perfect idea, just gave up your wings (Or rather your fairy magic) and chop down the tree and he would make sure to help you out
†Just a little tiny crack would be enough
†Just chop here and there use your spear or whatever weapon just make some damage and your problems would disappear
†No, this is wrong, you managed to catch yourself in these terrible thoughts and you nipped them in the bud
†You are scared and confused, as soon as you told your colleague about this you were immediately kicked out of the guard, or rather you were transferred to another department and given the day off
† Yes yes it is anticlimactic but come on look at fairies they are more gentle with that, especially with dealing with beasts
† if you already fall under the influence of one of the beasts, you will simply be moved away from the tree. Most likely to some kind of reconnaissance detachments
† so you safe, until Shadow Milk actually break free
† and I assure you he would be pissed what he didn't get his way, especially what he wasted so much time with you
† And if it's something more romantic he would also be pissed what he was there for you and you just "betrayed" him
† But come on its not like he really would help you. You want to see the world not destroyed dessert, you want to see civilizations at peace not wars
Actually I thought at first with whole little mermaid thing. Like reader giving up their wings for something but eh it was a bit raw for me :p but I tried my best
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scintillyyy · 4 months
Tim drake for the headcanon ask game please
tim tim my beloved tim <3
Headcanon A:  realistic
the first time tim lost a tooth, the tooth fairy did accidentally forget to come. the second time tim lost a tooth, the tooth fairy gave him $500 and a playstation along with a very long letter of apology.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
the first time tim visits the farm, kon is so prepared to roast him over his inability to do basic farm chores and laugh at him when he gets attacked by a chicken. he's absolutely outraged when tim not only apparently already knows how to milk a cow, he also seems to be some sort of chicken whisperer--the little monsters always chase kon around, but they immediately take a shine to tim, who manages to picks one up without a care in the world. tim is extremely smug about this, and when kon asks him where he learned how to do this, tim just says with a smirk "oh, one of my boarding schools was big into doing everything organic and teaching kids personal responsibility, so we had an on-campus farm we took care of together. did i forget to mention that?"
(kon gets his due, though, when tim passes out from the heat while they're detasseling corn. he flew too close to the sun on the whole "oh, of course i can handle this" from his past experience with crop raising, not taking into account the 85 degree kansas weather in july)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
the last time he spent together with both his parents was when they came home for about a month and a half for his 13th birthday. it was a great time at first--for tim's birthday they went to the museum, had dinner at their local favorite pizza place, and went out to get ice cream for dessert. jack and janet were even talking about wanting to reduce their traveling and think about where they'd pick to stay if they were to live more permanently in gotham--jack said that the mooney towers penthouse was the biggest, janet strongly preferred the idea of the downtown condo so they were within walkable distance of everything. tim didn't want to get his hopes up, but they were even looking at the local schools for a possible transfer, which they had never done before. they were happy for a few weeks, not fighting. but at the very end of july, jack got talked into buying a really ostentatious art piece as an investment (but was actually a massive waste of money) & janet was livid at what she felt was his reckless and irresponsible spending which set off another round of fighting, first over finances which then led into disagreements about the company. any plans to stay in gotham were off the table & they dropped tim off at boarding school come mid-august before they left yet again. his parents apologized for their fighting and said they'd be home for christmas. tim just said "sure, whatever" and slammed the door behind him.
tim felt bad, that night. no matter how mad he was, he should have told his parents he loved them before they left. he promised he would the next time they called. but the next time they called ended up being right as he was about to go leave to train with bruce for the weekend--and he ended up choosing to go train instead of take the call, figuring that training for robin was more important this time & there was always next time. his mom left a message saying she was sorry & that she loved him & maybe they could revisit the whole settling down in gotham more once they got home from this trip. next time never happened, the trip got extended and diverted to haiti. tim never forgave himself for missing his last chance to tell his mother he loved her. he shouldn't have counted on next time.
years later, when his dad calls, he knows he needs to say he loves his dad. he knows if he doesn't, he'll regret it forever, like he missed his chance with his mom. he still can't get the words out. he'll be able to tell his dad next time--because there has to be a next time.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
tim's always had a soft spot for vicki vale--he saved her along with bruce the night of his mother's funeral. he finds her attempts at unmasking him humorous more than anything. after she figures out bruce's secret & becomes batman inc's official reporter, tim keeps showing up in her window as red robin to pass along messages of what stories to report & to pass along any complaints bruce has about the articles she's already done. he grows to like her even more when she rolls her eyes and motherfucks bruce under her breath now that she's getting the whole bruce experience. he takes the opportunity to be a little shit by requesting her as a reporter for neon knights related things & she has to grit her teeth as he plays up the wide-eyed enthusiastic trust fund baby who is clearly teasing her. he always steals her ice cream, like a little shit.
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Could you do pranks with blackpink? Like either the member gets pranked or they team up to prank another member? Thank u!!
I was a little confused but went with the first option!
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It was a harmless prank, just a simple mayo and toothpaste swap. Her toothpaste was almost run out anyways and maybe she just… misplaced the backup. Jisoo would definitely have been so confused. However once she gets that it was a prank… you better sleep with one eye open.
This of course led to a prank war between you two. Her response? Some good old fake roaches in your salad. Let’s just say it really freaked you out the first time. However she insisted that it was good for you, more protein and all that.
After that, you knew you had to come up with something more for the next prank. However, try as you might, you just couldn’t think of one. Until it struck you, you turned all the clocks in your apartment to 5 minutes earlier (including her phone). To this day, she never caught on.
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You had been around Jennie too much. Of course this wasn’t really much of a complaint for you, however, you will admit, life was a little … dull. So what better way to spice it up than with some spicy chocolates. You had found the perfect fake chocolates at a prank store nearby, and it wouldn’t shock Jennie that much that you were to randomly surprise her with chocolates one day.
And it really was harmless for the most part. You got a good laugh out of it and quickly handed her a glass of milk. And that was the end of it, or so you thought. You had forgotten one little detail — Jennie cooks your dinner. That phrase ‘don’t bite the hand that feeds you’ definitely came true for you.
Not only was your dinner extra spicy tonight, your drink had a little something extra in it as well (laxatives). You spent the rest of that night in the bathroom, and Jennie ordered actual chocolates from your favorite chocolatier. Let’s just say you learned better than to mess with Jennie’s chocolates that night.
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Let’s just say Rosé should’ve thought twice about dating a graphic designer. Usually it was quite useful, you were able to edit her pictures and create truly beautiful images. However this one time, it was the most nerve wracking moment of her whole career.
Your prank on her? A fake dispatch article for April Fools. And it was one your better works, if you were being so honest with yourself. It looked real, it genuinely looked like dispatch had just leaked Rosé and yours relationship. Except for one minor detail, it was never posted, just created.
After you showed it to her, you immediately regretted it. You saw her face instantly lose all its color and felt her grip you in fear. Of course, you immediately wrapped her in your arms and told her it was a prank. And thank god you did, she was nearly in tears.
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It was the best day ever! Lisa was finally coming home to you from her world tour. Of course, this meant a home-cooked dinner and your favorite dinner (and a prank). Your prank of choice this time? A bedroom full of balloons. After all you were just so happy that Lisa was coming home.
Lisa would obviously be so happy to be reunited with you after all this time. Of course she called and texted you while she was on tour, but it just wasn’t the same as being with you. It was even better when she came home to her favorite meal — which you had learned from her mom. And you even let her choose the movie since you insisted it was her big night, little did she know, it was just to butter her up before she discovered that your bedroom was a literal balloon pit.
Honestly Lisa would probably be the best sport about it. She wouldn’t even get mad, she’d just laugh and play with you in the balloon room you’d basically made. Of course, the next day would be full of popping the balloons, let’s just say you guys were finding rubber for weeks afterwards.
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mychlapci · 2 months
I need to wifeify idw Prowl so bad… I almost don’t even care who does it, but I bet the Constructicons could do it entirely by accident. One drunken orgy and they’d be halfway there already! Prowl’s t-cog reconfiguring him just to be able to fit Long Haul or Bonecrusher’s huge spike inside, widening that trim little waist into a plush, mommy sway. Giving him a perfect, sexy hourglass of a figure just to be able to frag in the first place. The sight of a huge spike distending his belly would be enough to give Prowl his first overload, his horny subconscious giving his t-cog permission to align his nodes to maximize pleasure in his valve. His belly would swell a little with load after load as the whole team too turns fucking his valve, his aft, his mouth.
They’d worship his pretty titties the whole time, sucking, nipping, pinching them. It’d be enough to get them producing, between the forge rapidly filling with transfluid and the stimulation. He’d overload again as Scavenger drained them with his mouth, configuring and reconfiguring to produce more and more milk for the ‘baby’ with each successful draining. By the end of the night he’d look perfectly plush and fertile! But that wouldn’t be enough to change his mind.
No, that’d happen subconsciously, probably by accident through the gestalt bond. They’d fantasize or dream about Prowl as a soft, pretty wife after seeing him strung out on pleasure, and some of it would trickle through. Slowly warming him to the idea through worship and overloads without ever even meaning to. Until one day, Prowl buys a skirt. Just as a surprise, for a little kinky sex. Except it drives them all crazy, and they can’t stop overloading and praising and worshiping their good, pretty little mama. Sucking at his node under the skirt while they finger his needy, wet valve until he’s ready to beg for spike. Giving him so many orgasms he can’t see straight as he bounces on yet another spike, praising him for how beautiful and soft and perfect he is.
And suddenly it’s not a one-off kinky sex thing, it’s becoming increasingly common. They keep calling him their pretty wife, and it feels so good. Feels so good acting out their fantasies, feeding them dinner, wearing their little gifts, keeping their space in order. Ruling the roost, as it were, while the Constructicons drool over him. And now they can’t stop imagining him pregnant, tits swollen even further with milk and absolutely radiant with pleasure. Prowl finds himself masturbating to *their* fantasies in his office so frequently that he has to take time off, hands skimming over his own semi-flat belly. Semi-flat, of course, because they fuck him full of cum so often the little tummy never fully goes away. But he can’t help but wonder how good it would feel to actually get pregnant, if it feels this right to be soft and pretty and sweet to the team.
Surely they’d be willing to help him with his little problem…?
The constructicons need to turn Prowl into a pretty little mommy… their huge spikes widen his hips, their constant sucking on his titties makes them big and swollen, and he finds himself wearing that skirt, sometimes still crusted with transfluid, even when he's all by himself.
Prowl should ride their spikes like he’s lost his mind, finally broken and begging them to fuck him pregnant, to put a nice, fat baby into his forge. He was made for this, they know that.
I am seeing a vivid image of… Prowl with a pregnant belly, dutifully drinking his fuel, wearing his pretty skirt with someone’s hand snuck below and finger-fucking his pussy until he’s cumming himself stupid. Once they’re done, his valve stays fully naked under the skirt, lubricant cooling off and drying out… Maybe he eventually starts going to work wearing it, showing everyone how pretty of a wife he really is, getting off on the thought that if his skirt flipped, everyone would see his pregnant pussy underneath <3
Maybe he gains so much baby weight the skirt is just too small and most of his ass and valve are visible from the back anyways… brghh
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serpentthecrow · 2 years
Sleepy time with the crows
the crows(separately) x reader🖤
Summary: just some fluffy headcannons with our favourite gangsters
Warnings : big fluff, cursing, plushies
A/n: wrote this instead of a Jesper confession fic that got deleted. I also included the plushies each of them have, so enjoy!
One might assume there will not be much to say, it's not true however
If Kaz finds u trustworthy enough to even sleep in the same room with you, consider urself lucky af
Kaz doesn't really sleep much, just for a couple hours, it's assumably another trick of his, how he wakes up
When he ACTUALLY needs sleep, he drinks Camomile tea
I picture Kaz's bedside table is actually a stack of books, and there are several more stacks on the other side of the bed, so he reads quite often
He's genuinely scared to fall asleep due to his nightmares sometimes
After getting comfortable with you, he will slowly inch by inch move your beds closed to eachother everyday, until you notice
Whispers 'fuck u ' to the moon when it shines in his window
Just lays flat on his back and sleeps (how?)
Secretly has a crow plushie he got from Jesper under his bed
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The biggest cuddle bear ever
He will wrap you up with his arms and legs like a rope, and will not let go even under the use of a fucking crowbar
It's his routine to kiss his revolvers good-night before going to bed
Not before checking himself out in the mirror to look good and ready for a night intruder
REFUSES to buy a bit bigger bed, no matter if your savings could buy a bed that even majesty King Nikolai.*million titles*.. could hardly afford
The secret meaning is that Jes doesn't want you escaping from him to the other side of the big mattress
He'd rather fall off the little cot you have
Forgets to take off his rings
HAS a goat plushie
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Inej is pretty straightforward- lay down, sleep if you can
challenge: try not to stab urself in the eye by the knife she has under her pillow while turning in ur sleep
Could use some protective cuddles if she trusts u
Prays before going to sleep
Bed time= heaven time. Main reason?she lets her hair down when going to sleep
Be prepared to do some careful and slow comforting for her at 1am
U will get urself stabbed if Ur not careful
Light sleeper, can be out like a light tho, after a whole day of climbing roofs
Fuzzy socks.
Has a teddy bear
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U won't fall asleep with her. I swear
Is the type of person to talk and talk and talk about random things for hours
And when u think she's already asleep, ur suddenly hear "I would never kiss a dude who eats dogs"
Eats a ton of food before bed
*cough*like me*cough*
Loves bedtime stories and singing lullabies in Ravkan- recieving or giving, doesn't matter to her
Back tracing
Has an assortment of plushies all around her side of the bed and if one is missing, she will start a war
Sleeps on her stomach
Or on u
Sleeps naked by choice
Cuddly little witch
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Wrapped around u for 'protective' reasons
Tells u stories, myths and traditional legends from Fierda
Also prays to Djel, even tho he wipes his hands after finishing and exclaims he doesn't have to really
Drinks weird amount of water
Sometimes lays in bed with shoes on - sinner
Never saw a book in his life
Normal duvets? What is that? Did I hear fur?
Wake him up. I dare you. Try it.
Extra vulnerable before bed
Don't make him sad at the time pls
LOVES when it rains at night (I think they all love that, except ONE)
Owns a tiny white wolf plushie, it's under his pillow if u wanna know.
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Certified cutie
The adorable matching pijama sets he wears
Will probably draw.
No need to say he won't read before bed
The little spoon
Warm milk with honey melted in it is his to go drink for bed(try it, knocks u out)
The bed hair(not so different from his normal hair lol)
Has a dinamite plushie he sleeps with all the time
Is the one who doesn't like when it rains, because what If the rain turns into a thunderstorm?
They scare the shit outta him
The sleepy mumbles... Help
whispers good night back and forth with u until one of u fall asleep
fluffy and smol bean
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A/n: Ahh turned out better then I first thought. Lemme know what u think! If you'd like to requests something, my requests are open, please read my pinned post before requesting, there you'll find rules but also the fandoms I write for ❤️❤️
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