#I am also an older sibling who overshares about my younger siblings!
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pilfappreciator · 1 year ago
Did another oopsie and accidentally deleted another ask (*bangs head on table*) BUT HOPEFULLY THE LOVELY ANON WHO SENT IT SEES THIS!!
DADZONE & Child! Reader: John Dory
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Includes: GN! Reader, Child! Reader, Adopted! Reader, accidental DILF John Dory, slight angst
TW: mention of spiders and body horror near the end (nothing too graphic but just in case)
🥽 This man doesn't trust himself enough not to fuck up another meaningful relationship ://
🥽 Personally, how I see it, becoming a father is probably the last thing on JD's to-do list. I mean he's definitely got the skills (being the oldest of five and having to raise his brothers means he's picked up a few things), and I like to think that it's something he longs for deep down, but considering how BADLY he fumbled with his brothers the last time they were all in the same room...
🥽 So yeah. In theory would be SO down to start a family of his own, but in practice?? He is EXTREMELY hesitant
🥽 THAT BEING SAID!! Chances are he probably found you as an egg
🥽 He was out one day, hiking out in the forest or exploring coastal coves or rock climbing, when all of a sudden he just… stumbles across an egg. Just sitting there in a patch of moss or nestled into a log
🥽 Ends up taking the egg with him back to Ronda, but not before an actual HOUR of confused staring? Distressed pacing back and forth?? Panicked rambling all the while???
🥽 (the fact that Ronda tried to eat the egg upon his return doesn't help at all)
🥽 John Dory spends the next month or so visiting nearby troll villages and asking anyone who crosses his path "Hey man did you drop this? 😬"
🥽 In the end he decides to take you in himself. Partly because he's gotten tired of all the looks other trolls keep giving him for trying to force an egg into their hands, and also because he… may have grown attached to said egg in the past few weeks. I mean by the end of day 3 he'd already given you a name so you know he's screwed ahsjkakaa
🥽 He tells himself he's taking you in because it's what any good citizen would do (He is a lair. He is 100% doing it for himself)
🥽 The day you hatch is LITERALLY one of the best days of his life? Like he's just making himself some dinner and suddenly he hears crackling coming from his hair?? And then there's babbling???
🥽 This man is going about his day with you nestled in his hair (basically the troll equivalent to carrying a baby on your hip lol). He's choppin trees, foraging for food, and driving his armadillo van all while he's got an actual egg sitting on his head. Absolutely talks to you the whole time, too. He has no idea if you can actually hear him but like.. this man spent the last 20 years all alone in the woods, okay, his ass is lonely :((
🥽 Yknow that thing parents do where they hold up headphones to a woman's womb and play Mozart or whatever to make the baby "smarter" or some shit?? Yeah that's JD. He's doing the same thing to his egg
🥽 If he's really feeling himself then he'll sing the songs himself. And then proceed to give unprompted lore behind the lyrics and the songs "true meaning" (songs include Brozone classics such as Baby Boy Got My Heart In A Headlock Boy and Baby Baby Love You Like A Pizza But Hate You Like There's Pineapple On It Babe)
🥽 "holy crap YOU'RE SO SMALL—"
🥽 Will die if you reach for him with your tiny baby hands or just smile up at him
🥽 He's still gonna carry you around in his hair while he goes about his day and stuff ngl. Like for him, it's a signature of your guys' bond and you bet your ass he's gonna be milking it for as long as he can (definitely dreads the day you become too big/old for it)
🥽 Most definitely tries to teach you survival skills as soon as possible. He's teaching you how to fish, he's demonstrating how to start a fire with the bare essentials, he's letting you DRIVE RONDA—
🥽 "It's an important skill to have, champ, trust me!"
"...but I'm only five."
"Never too early for a learner's permit!"
🥽 Defnitely tries to reel in that controlling/perfectionist mindset of his, at least for your sake. The last thing he wants is a repeat of what went down with his brothers. As a result he's probably more lenient when you get into trouble or do something wrong
🥽 Fr tho like... you'll accidentally(?) cause an explosion and his ass will be standing, hands on his hips like "I'm not mad, just disappointed 🤨"
🥽 You thought you were getting spoon fed Brozone content as an egg?? Well congrats on being born cuz now you're getting served Brozone content for BREAKFAST 👏 DINNER 👏 AND 👏 LUNCH
🥽 JDs most definitely the type of guy to break into song whenever he's doing the most mundane of tasks (laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc), and yes he fully expects you to join in and know all the lyrics helloooo?? You've basically been raised on Brozone songs at this point like cmon, don't leave him hanging!
🥽 FR THO!! If you grow up to be a Brozone stan, he's never gonna be more proud of himself <33
🥽 This man definitely has a physical collection of every song/album/cover his band has ever done (I'm mean this is the same guy who kept his brothers underwear in a frame for 20 years so ://). He treats every CD, record, cassette tape, etc. like the priceless artifacts they are and YES, HES GONNA PASS THEM ONTO YOU LIKE THEYR FAMILIY HEIRLOOMS DID YOU EXPECT ANY LESS
🥽 If you grow up to lean more towards a different genre of music or Brozone just doesn't end up being your cup of tea... JDs gonna be a lil devastating ngl
🥽 Pls assure him that he has not failed as a father
🥽 Jokes aside tho! I feel like despite his wounded ego, JD will at least TRY to see your point of view. I mean he's definitely gonna be a bit of a grandpa about it—
*while the two of you are listening to your favorite song*
"I mean, I GUESS it's okay... not nearly as lyrically genius as Brozone's hit single: Baby Girl Ur Sweet Like A Milkshake Girl But I'm Lactose Intolerant Baby 🙄"
"Dad. Please shut up."
—but rest assured that he WILL support you and your music taste <33
🥽 You want merch of your favorite band/artist? No worries he's (stealing it right off the shelf) got money to pay for it! Is there a new album about to drop? He's (breaking into a store in the middle of night like a rabid racoon) patiently waiting in line just to buy it for you! You wanna go to a concert? He's using Ronda to (break speed limits, run people over, disobey every known traffic rule) get good parking at the venue!!
🥽 SPEAKING OF CONCERTS!! I feel like he'd be able to offer solid advice on the do's and don'ts of attending a concert. Like... my guy was in a popular band back in the day and he knows first hand how outta hand concerts can get. He has SEEN some shit ajskskaka
🥽 JD definitely has a photo album full of pictures from back in the day. Some of them are snapshots of him and the rest of Brozone, but a majority of the pictures are just of him and his family— away from the stage and cameras. Just him and his brothers and grandma Rosiepuff too...
🥽 He remembers the exact moment every picture was taken, and he'll tell you every bit of context. Birthday, pranks gone wrong, holidays, first day of school— there's a snapshot for just about every milestone. All you have to do is ask and JD is more than happy to relay every childhood anecdote he can remember
🥽 It gets to the point where you eventually know just about everything about your uncles... WHO YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN MET YET AKSKSKAKAK
🥽 It's definitely something that freaks them out once you finally DO meet them
🥽 Like you'll have a conversation with Clay and they'll be like "yeah I'm not a big fan of spiders haha" and you just go "Oh that makes sense considering you used to have vivid nightmares about them crawling under your skin and tickling you to death" and Clay's just like "how the fuck did you know that????"
🥽 "Dude stop telling your kid everything about us"
"I haven't seen you guys in 20 years! I just wanted them to feel close to their uncles ;(("
🥽 John Dory, Older Brother Who Overshares About His Younger Siblings my beloved <33
Ermmm yeahhhh this was originally gonna be one big post including ALL the brothers... but then I started writing for JD and got carries away... so yeah this ask is gonna have to be a multi-parter AJSJSJAKKA SORRY ANON I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF 🤥
Bruce | Clay | Floyd | Branch
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m1d-45 · 2 years ago
Of course i do!
Not many, since i prefer pretty emoboys and pretty sunshines over pretty brats- honestly, he HAS annoyed me, but i dont exactly hate him, more like he's the terrorizing younger sibling to my so fucking done older sibling. Example nro. 1, he left the mess with the lyre during the archon quest to us. Why is that tiny mfucker running after having JUST told us he cast an ILLUSION on his own fucking artifact, like i know he's weak and shit cuz he lost his gnosis, but have a SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY AND NIGERUNDAYO US WITH YOU TOO!
Anyways, i like to, when i know he's gonna appear in events and such, use DIONA as payback. A No-alcohol-activist cat against an alcoholistic cat allergic bard gets me giggling every single time.
And in Sagau we pretty much agree he's a clingy whiny prat- depending on the version, has he hurt the creator or not? Is he yandere or simply a fanatic follower or something?- imagine bolting to grab diona as a meatshield when the bard gets a bit too, clingy. I myself am a not physical person, like once every while hug is enough to sustain me for a month. (I do get my affection bursts, but those too are like two months apart and mostly only with family, and only if they arent busy, such as hugging them while they are making a call or plopping down to lay next to them on the sofa for like 5 minutes. I myself feel like a cat.)
Creator holding diona by the armpits like a cross to a vampire while venti is pouting six feet away sets me giggling every time.
(my maternal grandma who i actually recently mentioned, passed away four days ago. I was the only one home when mom came back from work after she got a call grandma was getting worse and when she came back almost immediatly got a call grandma passed away and i had to awkwardly comfort her and hug her. I also realise i probably am oversharing, but pouring out shit about myself anonymously is my way of venting. And is also the reason i havent recently sent any asks.)
i’m gonna have to kindly disagree on your characterization/opinion of venti(partly because i’m biased but partly because i just don’t think it’s in character), but i can see the backing behind some of your points.
like the lyre stunt? dumb as hell. the fact that diona is like. his mortal nemesis? hilarious. i am laughing with you.
also i acknowledge we both have like. yk. different preferences/opinions/thoughts abt venti here. but i do think venti, while naturally a physically affectionate person, is emotionally intelligent enough to recognize and respect any preferences you state or boundaries you lay down.
also, i’m sorry for both your loss and the emotional labor that must have required /gen. take all the time you need.
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heavenwontbethe-same · 4 years ago
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This is well overdue, but better late than never right?
Why you should follow me
My tumblr will
Hi, I am a weird person behind a weird blog. You can call me Sunset or Sunny or Sunshine (I don't mind nicknames, so you can give me one if you want. @theburningocean likes to call me Tiny Piggy. You can too if you want. Other nicknames also include Sunhoe and Sunny The Bard.) I am 20 years old and my pronouns are she/her. I've recently started ruining desiblr's childhoods and am quite proud of that 😎
tracking #user.sunshine
🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 Free Palestine!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
I am kinda socially anxious and overthink and am bad at picking up hints, so just dm me if you ever want to talk to me (there's like a really big chance I think that you hate me or I've offended you somehow, so I'd probably stew in my own negative thoughts and not talk to you first). I am an ISFJ-T, if that is something you care about.
I jump from hyperfixation to hyperfixation on this blog, so buckle up for a wild ride. I also enter these depressive phases, so sorry if it gets a little dark around here from time to time. Fair warning: there's also quite a lot of mood swings and bursting into songs spontaneously. Also, if you haven't noticed already, I kinda tend to overshare and ramble 😬.
I have met absolutely amazing people here and feel absolutely blessed to be able to call them my mutuals. Still working on expanding my tumblr family. If you're a mutual or a follower, you're already part of it, whether you want it or not. Sorry.
Some special mentions to provide insight into specific roles in my tumblr family:
@agnesandmina - my archaeoweirdist who I love dearly and my twin (my literal twin, same year and all. Also, my first friend here) 🥰
@ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped - I've recently adopted her after we sang a couple songs together. We are now soul siblings. 💙
@reyna-herondale - my mother-in-law (who is younger than me, but nevermind that) 😍
@matthias-is-alive - my homegirl. Absolute crackhead energy, always putting a smile on my face 🤩
@dharanidares - my parabatai!!!! One of the kindest and sweetest people ever. She just radiates good vibes. ✨
@niastormsanctuary-bolastairkanej - my adorable cinnamon roll, though you wouldn't guess she's older than me by the way she acts. Nia is my lob, nia is my storm and I'm her sunset ❤🧡💛
@clarys-heosphoros - my lovely, lovely first wife <3
@kazoo-the-demjin - my beautiful second wife 💙
Part of The Hoely Trinity with @linedmund. yes, the both of us have enough personality and thirst to fill three entire people. cry about it.
I am the cool aunt and/or tumblr adoptive parent to: (Co-parenting with @anotherteenageroninternet is the cool dad)
@grangerstarkid @darkshadowqueensrule @just-here-to-escape-from-realit @reyna-herondale (she's also my mother-in-law, we know it's messed up but whatever) @bookavert @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped (soul sibling, but as I said, we know the family tree is messed up) @adamariasmith @ninas-waffles @d4nkug0 @kaz-hawthorne @satanshairycoochie @kanshah @cecilyisthebest6096 @aliceisntinw0nderland @iambecomeyourvillain @alonlyfangirl @bxbygirl-adley @book-dragon-not-worm @chrysalism-sonder @doritosandbluethings @cocoakitty1839 @neo-lightchild-decafineator @psychosociogentleman @lightwood-di-angelo-hargreeves @shays-shenanigans @a-flowery-sideblog @ji-wooandfriends @leestillyeetschappal @badtameeez @niastormbolastairkanejsambucky @dragon-slayer-fairy1 @im-someone-i-guess @neil-perry-the-platypus @ddepressedbookworm @gold-russh @the-axewielding-herondale 💙💛
Hurt any of them and I will hunt you down with a hatchet
Will add more people once my brain decides to clean up its internal mess.
I don't have a parabatai :(
Edit: I now have a parabatai!!
1. How I met your mother
2. New Girl
3. The Office
4. Julie and the phantoms
5. Modern Family
6. 9-1-1
7. The Resident
8. Shadow and Bone
9. Bridgerton
10. B99
11. Euphoria
12. 9-1-1 Lone Star
13. Sex Education
(and there's a great many that I literally forget about all the time)
1. Percy Jackson (basically the entirety of riordanverse except for the kane chronicles)
2. The Shadowhunter Chronicles (if you say shit about any Herondale, get ready to fight me)
3. Divergent
4. Khaled Hosseini books
5. Red, White and Royal Blue
6. Grishaverse
7. All for the game
I am also forgetting other books. Will add them later on when my memory is a little better.
I have a very, very, very specific taste in music and I listen to just a few artists, who sometimes feature heavily on my blog. I like to listen to:
1. Shawn Mendes
2. Ed Sheeran
3. Charlie Puth
4. One Direction
5. Niall Horan
6. 5SOS
7. Maneskin
8. Taylor Swift
9. Dua Lipa
10. Cloudy June
11. Conan Gray
12. Emeline
13. Mother Mother
14. Lewis Capaldi
15. Joshua Bassett
16. Louis Tomlinson
17. Harry Styles
18. Zayn
19. Arctic Monkeys
20. Jeremy Shada
21. Badflower
22. Omar Rudberg
Random facts about me:
- I love the colour blue 💙
- I hate eggs and cucumbers
- Weirdly obsessed with soft drinks and lemonade
- Hate tea
I'm a muslim. And I wear a hijab. So if you have a problem with that, or, in other words, are a racist, kindly fuck off. If you are a zionist, terf, pedophile, homophobic, queerphobic, pro-life, transphobic, or in any other way hateful towards anyone, this is not the blog for you.
If you're lurking around my blog, please say hi to my emotional support ghost himbos 👋👻
My Discord server
My spotify
My Ao3
My sideblogs
Tumblr year in review: 2021 2022
I also love to make friends, but my anxiety can cause the convo to become stilted at times. Apologizing in advance for that. With that being said, come say hi if you want to be friends!
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foryoumyheroes · 5 years ago
Their S/O takes them to an Asian House Party
[Midoriya + Todoroki + Bakugou + Kaminari + Kirishima] 
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A/N:  Hey here’s a niche that no one asked for. 
I know that Japanese is a type of Asian but I am a wildly different type of Asian 🤣🤣, so my headcanons are based entirely off of being this other racial group. 
I just want to say that most of the time older Asian relatives really step out of line with their comments and can be really hurtful. I absolutely hate that behavior and their mindset, but for the purposes of this let’s just say that they’re not being harmful at all and it’s mostly light teasing :) If they’re like that in real life :) screw them >:) Also P.S. if these sound familiar it’s because I’ve recycled a lot of ideas from my other blog where I wrote “Asian House Party” headcanons already! 
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, hints at underage drinking  
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Midoriya Izuku: 
For the longest time it has only been him and his mom, so when he enters the house and sees it packed with people his brain just goes blank because this is a family party. 
These people are all related to you somehow?? 
He asks you how you guys are all related and you’re genuinely like, “I don’t know???” You just call everyone auntie and uncle and hope for the best.  
If you start taking him to parties before he becomes a Pro, he has enough of a baby face that your older relatives and grandparents give him a red envelope without thinking too hard about it. But he gets so embarrassed and feels so bad that he ends up giving it to your mom. 
At his first party he’s supperrr nervous and wants your family to like him. He’s stuttering nearly every other syllable. 
Never leaves your side. Trails behind you like a puppy the entire time. 
After he’s been to several parties with your family, they recognize his red Nike Air Forces in the pile of shoes outside the house enough to be like, “Hey, [Name]! Your boyfriend’s here!” 
Midoriya is kinda of a pushover during the beginning of the series, and Asian families have the tendency to tease without knowing how it might sound, so he becomes an easy target until you pull him aside and tell him to argue back. 
He’s like noooo I don’t want to be disrespectful :(. He says that he’s used to bullying so this is nothing which makes you kinda sad and angry. You’re like hahahaha no. 
You two eventually get your family to stop and that’s when he’s finally indoctrinated into your fam. 
He’s kind of the quintessential Asian boyfriend? He goes to a good school, is sweet and innocent, polite to elders, etc. When he goes to the party with you your aunties are going to your cousins and say, “Why can’t you get a boyfriend like [Name].” 
Your female relatives kinda baby him because every time they see him he’s always in a new cast with another broken bone, so when there’s no more space left on the couches or the folding stools they kick your cousins off to make room for him. 
When he later becomes Pro-Hero Deku, everyone’s in love with him. He becomes the talk of the party. Everyone brags about him saying that they practically saw him grow up when they only see him once or twice a year. 
He also becomes the “cool uncle” that offers to take your younger relatives out for boba. But you pay. You have to pay or else your mom will yell at you for making the guest spend money. 
Yes, you will polite fight your own boyfriend. 
No, he will not win, but he’s determined to win one time like the shonen protag he is. 
Always leaves the party with the large trays of leftovers for him and his mom. 
Even when he’s like in his late twenties he’s still sitting at the kid’s table. 
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Todoroki Shouto: 
When you first invited him to a party with your family he’s just like, “Oh. Sure.” Most of the parties he’s been to is the rich people parties that his dad took him to for publicity, so he arrives to the house in a whole suit and tie. 
Your cousins and uncles are clowning him while the older women swoon. You’re in the background panicking because everyone else is in sweats or shorts while he looks like he’s going to prom?? 
[Your auntie says, “Oh my god, he’s making such a good first impression!” 
You: Hahahaha! Yea!〔´∇`〕
Inner You: Oh god I forgot he’s clueless ⊙▽⊙] 
Brings an expensive pastry every time because Fuyumi said it was polite. From that everyone’s like, “Oh??? You’re invited to every party from now on!” 
Becomes the source of your mom’s humble brag. “Oh, your son goes to Stanford and is studying medicine? My kid and their boyfriend are both Heroes-in-training and he’s the son of the Number One Hero — “ 
Kinda just does whatever your aunties and mom tells him to do? 
He’ll sit wherever they tell him to sit, even if it’s far away from you and he’ll even take the many family photos for you guys in the end. Even though he’s shit at photography. 
If they’re like, “Oh, you’re so skinny, you should eat some more!” He’ll just shrug and be like okay, and doesn’t stop them when they continue to put food on his plate even though he’s full and gets into a big food coma that knocks him out on the couch right away. 
Every time he appears, your aunties will just stop and say, “Oh, he’s so handsome!” 
He’s getting better at handling kids and it shows by the way he’s more willing to play with them then hang out with your cousins that are around your age. He’s in the room upstairs and is ;; just napping with them.   
The kids in the party call him Zuko.  
Before you brought him your aunts and uncles would be like, “Do you have a boyfriend?? Do you have a girlfriend??” and you would say, “Yeah, Todoroki Shouto.” And they would laugh in your face. 
I feel like he would have the most culture shock? You guys conduct yourself in such a different way than his own family and from everyone in 1-A. You guys go batshit insane. 
When you wake him up and offer to walk him to the train station to take him home, he offers to walk you back to your house as well and you say, “Oh, I’m going back to the party after this.” 
It’s almost midnight?? 
He asks you where are you going to sleep or if you’re going to sleep at all and you don’t know how to explain the concept of how you and all of your cousins and siblings are going to cram into one room upstairs and sleep on every blanket in the house on the floor while only three or four lucky relatives are able to get the bed. 
Older Asians have no filter so they will straight up say to his face that he looks nothing like his dad he’ll just go, “ :’) Thank you, that means a lot to me.” 
Before Endeavor’s redemption arc he’s prone to oversharing and one day he tells your mom that his dad is a piece of shit and his mom is in the hospital. 
Your mom, taking her sandal and holding it like a weapon: Oh? Where’s your father?? I just want to talk. Your mom is welcome to every [Surname] party from now on!! Haha! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
His brain is doing backflips trying to figure out how you’re related to everyone. 
The only guy that neatly puts his shoes off to the side at the front door. 
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Bakugou Katsuki: 
At first you didn’t invite him to the party, he kinda just figures it out from how your relatives are all tagging you on social media and forces you to invite him. 
Not because you’re ashamed of him but because they’re somewhat overbearing ;; and Bakugou has no filter. 
For someone who’s so “badass” he’s super anal about the rules and punctuality. 
You tell him the party is at 18:00 and by 17:45 he goes into your house and finds you still napping with your PJs on. Even though you tell him that the party isn’t really starting at six he doesn’t listen. He forces you to get dressed and takes you to the party and whatdoyouknow no one is there yet. No one is going to be here until at least two hours after the designated time. 
He instead forces you to help the women in the kitchen prepare the food, aka he’s helping while you laze around in the living room. 
All of the women are like, “Wow! You can cook so well! [Name] you should be more like him!!” 
If this is the first time he meets your entire extended family, he’s inwardly hyping himself up to make a good first impression. If you are not Japanese, he manages to memorize several greetings in your language and the proper formalities when greeting an older relative. Then he goes in and everyone’s already drinking and screaming their throats out to karaoke. 
When he walks into the party with his black tank top and saggy pants everyone’s first thought is that he’s an Asian Baby Boy. Like he probably takes social media pictures in front of cars, is going to break your heart, goes to raves, is named Kevin Nguyen. 
Everyone is loud af at this party so they don’t really care that he’s screaming. They love teasing the shit out of him because his reactions are so fucking funny. 
When one of your uncles offers you alcohol he immediately snatches it away from you. No, you guys are underage, have an athletic lifestyle, and he’s so protective of you asdfg 
He’s been so focused on being a Hero that when your cousins play against him in video games or card games he loses horribly. He’ll just keep going, “One more round!” until he finally wins. 
Your mom forces you to do a convenience store run to get something that the party is running out of and when you come back Bakugou managed to find is way into the “women” side of the room where they’re all gossiping with him and playing poker together like they’ve been friends forever. 
Your mom honest-to-god acts like he’s more of her child than you are. 
When you guys finally get your families to meet, his mom and your female relatives are going to be so powerful together. 
Is trying his damned hardest to get through the entire party because it can go all night long and he sleeps at 8:30PM. 
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Kaminari Denki: 
The KING of the Asian House Party.
Absolutely CRUSHES it at karaoke with your family. Even though he might not speak your language, he’s putting so much passion into it that no one cares anyway. 
Sings so loud that the neighbors complain. 
Your family loves him because he’s just so happy-go-lucky. The life of the party. 
He goes around eating all night and continually asks you, “Hey [Name], what’s this? What’s this one?” 
You can drop him off in the designated kids room and not see him for hours on end. He’s too busy playing video games with your cousins and siblings. 
But he’s such a sucker. Your uncles and older cousins pull him into any gambling game and he loses so bad, even if he’s gambling things like candy or food. 
Kinda gullible when your family teases him?? If you’re not Japanese they teach him an insult in your language but tell him it’s a complement or “It’s like saying, I love you more than words,” and they send him off to tell you it. 
And he acts super fucking cocky like the e-boy smirk while he’s rubbing his hands together, and biting his lip and shit. While you’re just sitting on the stool with a drink in your hand like, “Okay....” 
He tells you the insult and butchers the pronunciation already, but acts like you’re about to fall in his arms and you just ;; burst out laughing ;;; until you fall off your chair. 
Has the party time down pat. He won’t arrive until three hours later, and that’s when you tell him an earlier time than everyone else. 
Will drink anything your uncle offers up. He’s a lightweight. You end up half-carrying him half-dragging him back to his house. Nearly trips on the sea of shoes outside the front door and falls on you. 
You’re just lucky that he doesn’t discharge his Quirk randomly when he’s drunk.
Doesn’t get Asian glow.  
When your mom discovers you struggling outside she just tells him to sleep over and if this is his first party with you guys, you’re able to get the bed because he’s the guest 😌😌. If he’s been here several times before, yeah ;; you guys are going back to a pile of blankets on the floor.  
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Kirishima Eijirou: 
The “big brother” figure of the party. 
The kids love him and he’s willingly playing “Heroes and Villains” with them for hours. 
Since he’s so broad they hang off of him like a limpet and he walks around with children draped around him. 
Ngl... He walks into the party dressed like all of your other male cousins. 
Basketball shorts, t-shirt, crew socks. 
He’s able to find his shoes super fast at the end of the party because he’s the only person that’s willing to wear crocs. 
Willing to go outside with your cousins to play basketball with them but he’s so out of practice that he fumbles so bad. 
After several games he gets the hang of it and isn’t deadweight to your team anymore. 
LOVES going to your family’s parties because he gets to eat whatever he wants without holding back. Eats several plates and when someone suggests going to get ice cream he’s like, /gasp/ “Ice cream???” 
They were offering the little kids, but okay, a teenager can come along too. 
You’re never too old for ice cream. 
For some reason he’s able to get along with everyone at the party?? He just has a personality that makes him easy to talk to, and by the end of the night or the next day, he’s saying goodbye to everyone by name. 
[“No, wait, [Name], I haven’t said goodbye to your cousin’s sister-in-law’s daughter yet. 
You do a double-take because even you have no idea who that is.] 
When he gets a little bit older and he’s finally allowed to move out of the kid’s table and eat with the older male relatives he’s so ;;; awkward. 
They’re just all in the garage eating, drinking, and smoking and he’s just sitting there having no idea what to do. 
Eventually he convinces you to join him in the garage because he wants your emotional support and is super shocked when you fit right in. He’ll just ;;; go back to the kid’s table. 
Can’t sing to save his life. 
You guys heard him do karaoke once and you never let him do it again. 
If one of your relatives teases him he’s able to laugh it off and not think too much about it, but if they say something that might be hurtful to you he’s so quick to shut it down. He doesn’t care that they’re blood related to you or not. 
Does not let up until they apologize. 
For some reason all of the ladies are confused af when they find out that he dyed his hair?? They’re like omg is he a secret delinquent. 
LOVES to hear your relatives talk about what you were like when you were a kid. 
It’s embarrassing af but he just laughs it off like, “It’s okay, babe! You sound like you were super cute as a kid!” 
373 notes · View notes
pls-let-me-out · 4 years ago
Invisible String
21st of December
“Do you not like my friends?” 
Will almost jumped out of his skin. Niccolò was standing just a couple of feet from him, with his hands in his pockets, and a scowl on his face. He was wearing Will’s–it was actually Niccolò’s, but Will had always worn it–scarf, and a black beanie.
Will’s lips tightened. What could he say? He did like them. They were fun to be around, and had a great sense of humor. Plus, seeing them tease Niccolò was entertaining.
“It’s not that,” Will settled for. “It’s–I don’t know.”
“You do know,” Niccolò said. “Just–nothing. We should go. Seen anything you like?”
Will shook his head. They were looking for a Christmas tree, apparently they would be shooting a little video for a Royal Family thing. When Niccolò was explaining it, Will was too busy being scared to death to listen thoroughly.
“Wait!” Will called, when Niccolò was already at the end of that tree aisles. Niccolò looked back at him with a frown, which had Will’s fingertips tickle with the need to smooth it out. “Can we get hot chocolate before we head out?”
Niccolò rolled his eyes. He didn’t say no.
 “What do you mean presents?” Niccolò asked, his face turning into an even more prominent scowl. “We don’t need to get each other gifts.”
“I’m not spending money for this dumbass,” Will said, taking the cup from Niccolò’s hands to take a sip. He was immediately kicked in the shin by Niccolò, but the biggest punishment was the taste of that thing inside. “Is this death? Am I tasting death?”
“It’s coffee, you genius,” Niccolò said, taking the mug back. “Sorry I’m an adult and don’t put milk in it.”
Will just grimaced. “I see why you’re so bitter. You’re poisoning yourself.”
Niccolò opened his mouth, but Piper interrupted them before he could talk, hitting the wooden table. She sighed, exasperation clear on her face. As clear as the fact that the gifts exchanging wasn’t her and Annabeth’s idea, probably Persephone’s. Maybe even Hazel’s.
“What Annabeth and I are trying to say, is that it’s only normal you two exchange gifts. You will spend Christmas together, won’t you?”
Will turned to Niccolò. “My time and company are going to be your present.”
“Hope you kept the receipt.”
Annabeth rubbed her temples. “Guys.”
“Honestly, if you want us to have gifts so much, you should just buy them for us,” Niccolò said, looking smug in his chair. “Then we’ll give them to each other. We’d be even more surprised!”
Will sighed. “Don’t be rude, you ass. I honestly haven’t even changed my money to euros.” He grimaced. “I guess I’ve been kind of leeching off of you.”
Niccolò shrugged. “It’s my fault you’re here in the first place.”
Annabeth clasped her hands together. “Then what’s better than using the Royal Family’s money to buy each other gifts?”
“Not buying each other gifts,” Niccolò said.
“Donating the money to charity.”
Niccolò nodded, very vaguely waving his hand toward Will. “Yeah, that, too.”
“I honestly don’t even know what I could buy you,” Will said, putting his elbow on the table and his chin on his fist. “What could you possibly want? You’re already rich.”
“I’d like McDonald’s. I haven’t had it in so long.”
“We can arrange that.”
“I’m not sure there are any McDonald’s around.”
Will grimaced. “Isn’t this city a nightmare?”
“I’m not even replying to that,” Annabeth said. “C’mon guys. You’ll have to put something on social network sooner or later, it could be the two of you opening gifts. People want to see you.”
“People can see me on Google Image,” Niccolò replied. “Seriously. It’s none of their business what we’re doing.”
“You are a public figure, Nico.”
“Also,” Piper continued. “As you know there’s always been speculation about your sexuality. People are wondering whether you and this soulmate of yours will be lovers or platonic.”
“And I’m sure they’d love it,” Niccolò said.
Will couldn’t help a grimace. Up until a few decades back, courtship between two soulmates of the same sex wasn’t accepted. Will hadn’t even thought it would be an option for them. Niccolò was a prince, didn’t he need to have heirs or something?
Fuck. It only made things more complicated. Will knew himself, he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop wondering, if there was even a sliver of hope for the two of them. He buried that hope thinking about his parents.
“I’m sure they’d love to see me with a boy, wouldn’t they.”
Will’s eyes snapped back up at Niccolò, and it hit him like a bucket of cold water. He had forgotten how cold the other’s face could turn. How his voice could become blank. How distant he became.
“They’d love to see me bonding with a man, wouldn’t they?” Niccolò asked, as if he the words were clawing out of his throat.
I’m bisexual! Will wanted to scream. I’m bisexual so stop saying shit like that, like it’s disgusting. He wanted to say it, instead he just pushed the chair back, and stood. What was he expecting from someone who had lived his whole life in a palace? It was only a given that Niccolò would be homophobic. In times like this, Will’s life reminded him of a staged joke.
“It’s just gifts,” he said. His voice was steadier than he thought it would be. “Let’s just take a scarf each and be done with it.”
“It would be different. You’d be soulmates,” he heard Piper say, but he was already leaving the room. He could feel eyes boring holes in his back.
 Before letting them use the sleigh, Piper took at least a hundred photo. Most of them had either Nico or Will with an indignant expression on their face, as the other talked passionately. Ten minutes later, and Nico couldn’t remember what they had been bickering about.
He was half hunched over his sleigh, the cold wind in his face, on the path ahead he could see both Will and the instructor. He could see them, when his eyes weren’t forced closed by the pain in his knee.
“This is the best thing I’ve ever done,” Will said later, when they were sitting on the panoramic spot, feet dangling over the edge. A smile was spitting his face open, darkness had already began falling. He was dressed in a bright orange suit, so that the instructor wouldn’t lose him on the track. Nico had little to laugh about, since he himself was in green. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
Nico managed a grimace. The huskies were panting, just a few meters away. The instructor had disappeared back into the hotel, soon Will and Nico would have to get going.
“Kayla would have loved this,” Will said, his voice softer.
Nico knew those eyes. They were the same he had in every photo with Bianca and Hazel, that love struck gaze brothers wore only when they were talking of a sister. So Nico asked about it, heart hammering in his chest. “Your sister?”
Will nodded. He never talked about his family, or at least not with Nico. He should have been a fool not to notice the strange atmosphere and gazes exchanged between Will and Piper. A part of him wondered if Will was falling for Piper. He wouldn’t be the first to do so.
“Yeah, the oldest. Kayla Knowles.” He shrugged, and took a deep breath. “Don’t you think it’s crazy, how we’ve lived alone for days, yet not talked about anything of our lives? Do we–do we actually know each other?”
Nico tightened his lips. It was not the time to talk about the mess they’d made, pain shot through his knee. “I don’t think we do.”
Will nodded. “Yeah. I thought so.”
For a moment, less than a second, Nico wished Will had fought him. He put his hands under his thighs, to avoid doing stupid things, like poking the mole under Will’s left eye, and bicker like only they did.
“This is the part where you start telling me things about yourself,” Will said. He put his chin on his bent knee, giving Nico a sidelong glance.
“Oh. Uh. Elysium. That’s my kingdom’s name. Ancient Greeks believed it was part of the Underworld, for a time. Black flowers grew on the shorelines, and it was so hard to reach them. Too many storms. I thought it was Elysium too, when I was little.”
“Isn’t your father also called Hades?”
Nico grinned. “Grandfather thought he was so funny, when he chose his sons’ names.” He cleared his throat, embarrassment darkening his cheeks even more when silence stretched. “Isn’t it your turn now?”
Nico thought Will mock him, at least a little. ‘Maybe I should tell you the story behind Texas’. Will didn’t, as if he understood how personal Elysium was to Nico, what a great thing it was to admit that, for a time, he’d been foolish enough to want the throne.
Will took a deep breath, his knuckles turned white where he was holding the railing. “I have eight siblings. Lee, Michael, Austin, Kayla, Jerry, Gracie, Yan and Victoria. Lee and Michael were older than me. Now I’m the oldest.” He sniffled, bringing his gloved hand to his nose. “When they–we didn’t live together. We saw each other during holidays, birthdays sometimes. The first year after Michael and Lee died, I didn’t know how to be the oldest. It’s different, you know? I always had them, and they were before me. If the youngers needed something, something clever, they went to them. I couldn’t bring myself to see the others, after the two of them died. I didn’t–I didn’t have anyone to go to.”
The breath was knocked out of Nico’s lungs.
Will chuckled. “I guess I overshared a bit. Sorry.”
“You didn’t,” Nico blurted, so fast Will whipped his head around. He cleared his throat, spoke with far more calm. “You didn’t overshare.”
“You sound pretty put out.”
“I was just thinking about what I wanted people to tell me, after I lost Bianca.” He tasted bitterness on his tongue, so heavy it laced through his words. “I can’t remember.”
“I don’t want you to tell me anything.”
“Yeah. Neither did I.”
Will put his head on Nico’s shoulder. His hat was cold, a bit wet with snow, his breath warm, even through all the layers. Nico leaned against him.
 The others were waiting for them inside the hotel. Piper and Leo had managed to convince Jason to stay one more night, to sleep in an igloo room together. Nico had half a mind they would try seducing him. Percy and Annabeth would go to Paris, Annabeth wanted to see Notre Dame. She had never seen it in person. Nico recommended her to see the Dome of Sacré Coeur Basilica first.
“You were talking about Paris?” Will asked, sliding down next to Nico with a cup of hot chocolate in his hands.
Nico ignored that it’d been a gift from the instructor. Only for Will. With Nico standing right next to them. It seemed impossible for Will to go anywhere without having someone fall for him. It had to be the curls. Or the freckles. Maybe the eyes, always so bright and beautiful.
Nico shook his head, to get himself out of the trance.
“-there a couple of times, with my family,” Will admitted, nodding his head. He took the cup to his mouth, and grimaced at the first sip.
“Did the Hot Instructor poison you?” Nico asked. He knew it wasn’t possible, but at least then they’d have a good reason to send him to jail. Or at least never seen him again. He wasn’t so petty after all.
Will huffed. “It’s too hot.” A glint lit his eyes, as he looked at Nico through a thick layer of eyelashes. “Just like the instructor.”
Nico scoffed, crossing his arms. “Yeah, if you’re into bulky men that spend their days riding towards the sunset with huskies.”
Percy snorted. “Who isn’t into that?”
Nico bit his cheek. Annabeth caught his eyes, cocking an eyebrow. Nico sunk lower into his chair, tightening his grasp on the cup holder. Nico didn’t need to look at Will to recognize the mirth in his eyes.
“Anyway,” Leo said. “Before omo celoso here interrupted us, we were listening to a story.”
“You should really stop treating people’s lives like they exist for your entertainment,” Jason told him. Piper giggled, and Leo sent him a wink. Jason’s whole face turned as red as a tomato. Nico imprinted the memory into his head, just in case he ever needed to have something to tease Jason about.
“I was telling them about the time I went to Paris,” Will said. He grimaced. “We were on the Eiffel Tower when my Father’s girlfriend discovered he was cheating on her.”
“With whom?” Leo asked, eagerly leaning on the table.
Will and Piper both burst out laughing. “Well,” Will said, clicking his tongue. “I was eleven at the time. My parents, uh, they divorced when I was eight.”
“Just a quick note,” Piper said. “His oldest half-brother is two years younger than him.”
“Thanks,” Will said. He fixed his eyes on Nico, before dropping to the table. “Very helpful. Uh. So, we were on the Eiffel Tower, and my father’s girlfriend sees him passing the waitress his number. She goes absolutely mad, and she was right, really. My father’s a really lewd man. So she gets his phone, calls a cab for herself and orders a flight back to California. She finds the messages he had exchanged with his lovers.”
“God, that’s so disgusting,” Annabeth said.
“That’s not the worst he’s done,” Piper replied.
“Wait, how do you even know?” Percy asked her.
Piper sent Will a panicked glance, and he cleared his throat. “We were neighbors. Kind of.”
“Oh my God, isn’t that so cute?” Jason exclaimed, his eyes on Nico. As if he knew Nico was storing teasing material. As if this was his revenge. They knew each other well enough for it to be possible. “You two would have met through Piper!”
“So no one’s going to talk about the fact that we discovered it now?” Percy asked. He was ignored.
“I can’t believe we’ve been robbed of the chance of introducing them to each other!” Leo wailed loudly, gathering the attention of the other costumers. “We’d’ve held it over Nico’s head for the rest of our lives.”
“Holding something over my head?” Nico scoffed. “With your height?”
Leo hit him in the shins from under the table, making him hiss. He sent the hit right back, but hit the table.
“Jealousy’s taking your aim away, hombre,” Leo commented.
He was lucky Will’s attention was on Annabeth, or Nico would have used him to replace the table leg.
“I’m absolutely not jealous,” Nico hissed, trying to hit Leo again. He hit the table instead, a jolt of pain shot through his leg.
“You know, just because you’re prince doesn’t mean you can destroy the furniture,” Will chirped with a sickeningly sweet smile, using napkins to rub the spilled chocolate. “By the way, you now owe me a free chocolate.”
“You lost two sips at most.” Nico took a long sip of his coffee, the bitterness heaving on his words, not only his tongue. “If you want another, go back to flirting with the instructor.”
Will leaned closer, batting his eyelashes with a coy smile. “Maybe I’d rather flirt with you for another.”
Nico shoved him by the shoulder, a grin stretching on his lips. “Fuck off.”
They both laughed.
 Will fell on the sofa next to Niccolò with a loud sigh. Before turning the TV on, he complained about his tiredness, his old age, the weather.. Niccolò didn’t say a single word, but his eyes were
“The house is silent again,” he said.
“Yeah.” Niccolò cleared his throat, looking away. He crossed his legs, looking like he didn’t know how to act now that they were alone. They would be for a few more days, so he’d better get used back to it. It was unnerving Will.
“I’d gotten used to having them around. Have you always been so close to your cousins?”
Niccolò grunted. “I wouldn’t say we’re close, even now.”
“You look like it.”
“Maybe we are.” He stayed silent long enough for Will to think he wouldn’t add anything. “With–with Jason. It’s more complicated with Percy. I’ve seen him much more than Jason, and we–I had–” He cleared his throat, but his hands were shaking, and Will wanted to wrap his own fingers around Niccolò’s. He knew the other wouldn’t like it, though. “He was already around when Bianca died. So. I took him out on him.” He passed a hand through his hair. It wasn’t very long, less than an inch, what with being cut short in the military.
“He looks at you like you are his little brother, though.”
“I hated it back then.” He nodded toward the television, before Will could do as much as thinking about asking more. “So, why are you on YouTube again?”
“I just realized I never got around to watching your eleven awkward moments.”
Niccolò groaned.
 Niccolò was around fifteen years old. He held a scepter, or what looked like it. People all around were looking at him, cameras going off. He kept looking around, never keeping his eyes on something a second too long. Then, he mouthed at the King, and his words had been written as subtitles:
What was I supposed to do now?
 The MC smiled at Niccolò. Niccolò nodded and smiled. Hazel talked, the MC responded. Niccolò looked at the crowd. Cheers and screams grew louder. Some people shouted his name. Others that they wanted to marry him. Niccolò grimaced.
Prince Niccolò: Great King of Shut the Hell Up
 Niccolò got out of the car, walking toward the entrance of the hotel without paying much attention to the people screaming his name. That is, until someone shouted “Prince Neeks!”
It was a reporter. And Niccolò, disdain clear on his face, closed the button of his jacket. His lips were tilted downwards, his chin and nose all scrunched up.
“It’s Niccolò.”
 Will was doubled over in laughter, half down the couch. Niccolò sat still, only a slight twitch on his mouth, not quite a smile. Not quite a frown either.
 “So, how does it feel like to be the Prince?”
“Well. I’ve always been a prince, so. It feels like every other day feels.”
The reporter laughed. “Can’t say I know what that is.”
Niccolò nodded. The reporter nodded. They nodded at each other.
 “God, this is such a torture.”
“You really do make everything awkward. I wish I’d filmed our first few hours together.”
Niccolò groaned from behind his hands.
“I would be a billionaire by now.”
 “Nico say hi!” Came Piper’s voice from behind the camera. She was filming an Instagram story.
Nico looked up. He was sitting in front of a piano, a grimace on his face as soon as he took in the scene. He didn’t move.
Eventually, he waved. He sent a panicked glance to something behind Piper’s phone.
“Say hi!” Piper insisted.
“But I did!”
“You should’ve said hi.”
He hesitated. Sighed. Waved again. “Hi.”
 “You have a beautiful soul,” a girl told Niccolò, holding her phone in his face.
His gaze was focused on something out of the frame, a grimace on his face. “Yours, too.”
The girl’s phone fell, her gasp alerting Niccolò that something was happening in front of him. From the ground, the camera still recorded.
“Sorry. You were saying about your sauce?”
 Niccolò fell asleep a little after their third video. It wasn’t even half past ten, but he snored lightly. Will lowered the TV volume, put the red blanket with reindeers on him, and leaned back into the couch.
Niccolò was beautiful. He was beautiful under the sun, when the snow glowed all around them. He was beautiful in the morning, when he always stopped mid-stairs to rub his eyes. He was beautiful as Will watched him, with the blue light of the TV, the golden one of the fireplace, shining on the little pout he always wore as he slept.
The knot enveloping Will’s stomach tightened. He took the remote again, and searched for another video. He was met with his parents’ faces in the home. They were young back then. He clicked before he even realized it.
“Before Apollo’s new auto-biographic film comes out next March, we decided to take a walk down memory-line, with the evergreen love between Apollo and Naomi. Both young when they met, they had just become part of the music world. Their first single together sold millions of copies, enough to–”
So enthralled on the old family photos, Will didn’t realize Niccolò had awoken, and his hand had sneaked around Will’s wrist.
“So you are a fan?”
Will looked away from the TV. It was so strange, hearing the woman talk (gossip) about his family, and having Niccolò in the same room. Guilt fell heavy on his chest, constricting his lungs.
I’m their son.
“I–” His breath broke.
They are my parents.
“They –”
They are the reason I can’t look at you and think we could ever work, even if we fell in love and were crazy for each other.
“A fan, yeah.”
Niccolò smiled, stretching his arms. When he stretched his legs, he grimaced. “Yeah, I thought so. You looked pretty taken with Apollo the other day.”
Will nodded. “Yeah.”
“He has a sister, you know?” He yawned, his mouth opened so much his jaw could have dislocated.
Will nodded again. He knew. He had only met her on two occasions, his brothers’ funerals. If his siblings’ funerals were the only times they would ever meet, Will hoped to never see her again.
“I don’t like her,” Niccolò mumbled. His eyes drifted closed, and a second later he was snoring again.
Less than a minute, and his cheek was on Will’s shoulder. Dark hair brushed again his nose, and he took a long breath. Pomegranate. Niccolò tasted of them.
Will turned off the TV, and closed his eyes. He wasn’t tired, but he matched Niccolò’s breath. He slept.
Prince Nico of Elysium and his soulmate have been spotted being cozy in Livigno. Although their stay in the Italian city was made public days ago, clear photos of them hadn’t been released yet (go to gallery). The Prince’s sexuality has been subject of speculation for many years, with Cupid’s–stage name of famous pap–confirmation that he is, indeed, homosexual. However, it isn’t known whether the Prince’s soulmate might be homosexual as well.
The Royal Family hasn’t released any statement regarding the nature of their relationship, although close sources state have stated, that ‘The Prince is quite taken with a close friend of his,’ but the name hasn’t been revealed. Who between Nameless Soulmate and Nameless Friend will win the Prince’s heart?
Stay tuned to discover!
 Latest updates:
Naomi to be featured in Apollo: between glory and reality
Is Tristan McLean’s daughter Piper’s new suspected sweetheart an ex Hollywood kid?
Apollo: between glory and reality, ten reasons to watch it
21 notes · View notes
The really beautiful thing about Onward is that it gave us a disfuntional sibling relationship where the older sibling isn’t the paragon of success and the pillar of idealizaation for the younger sibling. The last time we had this was Lilo and Stitch, and even then the relationship they had was much more parent-to-child than it was sisters.
Sure, Lilo and Nani fought like sisters, and they bickered, and they very much shared the key dynamic that is much older siblings caring for their much younger non-womb-incured baby but that’s the thing. Their age difference and maturity level required that Nani be more of a mom a lot sooner to Lilo than a sister. I relate to that because I have 2 sisters, and their relationship is sooooooo different than the relationship I have with either of them. The relationship I have with my youngest sister (15 years younger than me) is the relationship Nani and Lilo have with each other.
Every time I see that movie, I feel Nani’s frustration when she’s trying to correct Lilo, when she’s trying to get her to do something. When she loses her patience and then says some stuff she really shouldn’t have and gosh dang it, this authority figure who was NOT supposed to hear that heard and now I have to figure out how to not get in trouble bc FUDGE BROWNIES!!! But their relationship is more like what we see when Nani gets fired and when Lilo asks her if it was her fault, she says that no, that he boss was actually a vampire and he wanted her to join his army of evil undead.
What does Lilo say? “I knew it.”
What does Nani respond? Nothing. She just rolls with it and doesn’t make her second guess her words. Their relationship is sister when it comes with dealing with each other’s quirks and not pointing out they’re quirks bc they’ve grown up together. They know all the weird things that would be weird from other people, or even WERE weird at some point but their parents reprimanded them for being rude about how they pointed it out, and so now they’ve learned to shrug it off or just not even flinch around said quirks.
But Ian and Barley’s relationship is much like the relationship I have with my slightly older little sister. She’s 13 years younger than me but by god would you swear the ages were reversed. She’s smart, creative, clever, logical, very organized, EASILY embarrased by me, and has her life already planned out and ready for success.
I am only like Nani in how I know my youngest, and how we’re disfunctional but functional in our own way. And thank god, we don’t have to worry about it just being us. I am much more like Barley. I already graduated but I’m kind of in my own gap year at the moment. Not so much bc I’m taking a break but because I’m having such a hard time finding a job. I’m very enthusiastic about things I’m passionate about. I can be loud and obnoxious, and sometimes when I try to help I make things worse. I absolutely adore my siblings and am always giving them hugs and am just very *loud* in how I express my love for them. With my Lilo, she could care less. She rolls with it bc this is what I’ve always been like and she doesn’t know any different version of me. But with my Ian, she cringes. She freaks out. She pretends to not know me. She’s embarrased by me...
I am her Barley and I cringed when I realized (literally as soon as Ian started complaining about him and his “toys”) bc this was the very beginning and I get that there were going to be some brotherly conflicts but I did not expect the level of similarities the brothers would share to my own dynamic with my sister.
I cried a lot during the movie and not so much because of some heartbreak or sad scene or whatnot. I cried because there were so many scenes were Barely was doing his best. Where he was saying something he really shouldn’t have been saying but he didn’t realize that’s something you shouldn’t say bc he’s so pure and honest and his filter doesn’t work and gosh dangit, now he’s in trouble! There were so many things that caused my sister to yell “That’s you!” and just as many that made me yell “I’m sorry!” But the scene that we both felt that we were both extremely tense and quiet through was the transformation spell and the lie Ian said that hurt Barley so much.
I know my sister thinks I’m a failure. She literally tells me every time she’s made “At least I’m not the 25 year old without a job.” Or “Please, when I’m 16 I’m probably going to be the one teaching you how to drive.” And my “favorite,” “I should be the one in charge bc I’m not the one with a disease!” What disease was she reffering to? Social Anxiety. Depression. Autism. Queer. I’m not the sister she expects or wants. I’m the one she’s stuck with. And because I don’t reach her standards for what she thinks someone my age should be like, she thinks I’m a failure.
This movie made me cry so much. I hope it made her think about our relationship too, and maybe how we can both improve how we interact with one another. It’s only been 1 day since we saw but it really struck a chord (multiple actually), and I can’t let it go.
Onward gave us brothers who don’t see each other equally. Barley loves his brother, but he will always see him with a fatherly lense. He can’t help it. His life experiences shaped that role in him too much. He’ll be a world class dad when he has his own children, but he’s too much of a dad to his little brother. And Ian sees Barley as his immature brother. He took the fact that he didn’t have his dad around as a cue to grow up as soon as possible. To be the adult he thought his dad would want him to be. He may have just had the personality that made him much more mature, more needing adult acceptance, and needing to have some sort of control, but it was the presumed lack of a father figure that made him act older and not give himself to enjoy the llittle things or see what was right in front of him.
I love that their relationship becomes much equal. Yes, Barley is still a father figure, but he also stepped down to be more of a brother to give Ian space. And Ian recognized what Barley did for him, what Barley always tried to be for him. He accepts Barley’s affection a bit better because he recognizes that Barley needs Ian to know he really does love him. He also understands better why Ian is the man he is, and why he makes the decisions he makes. They understand each other better and though nothing has really changed in how they interact, it’s the paradigm shift that was what saved their relationship so that when they’re 50 and look back on life, they can look back at all the wonderful memories they’ve shared and not look back on a life where they grew distant as soon as Ian was old enough to leave for college and not be forced to interact with his brother.
Onward is an amazing movie with a powerful sibling relationship. Not because they loved each other so much and fought to show the other how much they loved each other but because they had them realize what they already had and to not squander that.
If you read this and haven’t watched Onward, what are you doing???? Go get your booty to the nearest screen and either rent it or use the DIsney+ free trial to watch! If you did watch it, thank you for listening to my personal essay and why Onward means so much to me. I know I probably overshared but this movie is my “in an alternate, genderbend-fantasy-universe, My Ian and I are Barley and Ian” movie. I love it and I hope you do (or will) too.
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coolguycy · 5 years ago
hey i found an essay from may that i had to write for my english class. we were supposed to do a “stream of consciousness” essay about quarantine. 
idk i just thought it’d be fun to show yall my inner monologue
fair warning: this was written at one am and features huge amounts of oversharing
           Ah, quarantine. Everyone’s favorite time. Not. I don't really know what I was expecting. I thought it would be a few weeks at home, I’d get to relax, catch up on some shows I’ve been meaning to watch and a month later everything would go back to normal. Boy was I wrong! Time seems to move differently in quarantine. March felt three years long and I’m not entirely convinced April happened. I wish there was more to do. I hate being bored so much. At this point I’d take more school work over boredom. That's big, coming from me. 
 “But Cy,” I hear you say, “quarantine has given you so much time to do all those things you want to do! How can you possibly be bored?” The funny thing is, after about two weeks there isn't much left to do. My problem is that I binge watch shows and finish them too fast. I watched Gravity Falls the two days. That’s 20 episodes a day. At that rate, I could watch everything on netflix by the time quarantine is over. But, I’ve already watched all the good shows, I’ve played all the games, read all the books. I’ve baked so many cookies I might die if I eat one more. I have nothing to do but go on walks and refresh my social media over and over to see if anyone else has posted anything. That gets dull fast.
But I suppose it’s not all bad. Without quarantine, I never would have gotten discord and made all my new friends. Back in March, (wow, has it really been that long?) a group of freshmen made a discord server so we could all keep in touch or get help with homework while our classes are online. Then through a friend I was invited to another server for LGBTQ+ people trying to make friends. Through that server I got invited to another and through that one another. Now I’m on 13 servers and have a ton of friends! It’s weird to think that this horrible pandemic can have such positive side effects. 
This isn’t caused by the virus, but it’s affecting my quarantine so I guess it counts. My older sister is coming home for good. She’s been living in Utah for a little over a year now and this will be my first time seeing her since February. It’s not that I didn’t miss her, I did. It’s just Sarah is super homophobic/transphobic. I mean, my whole family is to an extent, but at least my dad and yonder siblings try to understand the LGBTQ+ community. It occurs to me, as I’m writing this, that I don't know how out of the closet I am. For context, I’m asexual and panromantic. I came out as pan to my younger sisters in September, my older sister in November and the rest of my family in December. ⅔ sisters took it really well. Sarah did not. She almost outed me to my mom before I was ready, which was majorly not cool. Everytime she comes home we end up arguing politics and it's just a generally not fun time for all involved. She gets home on Saturday and I’m supposed to be nice to her. I really don't want to see her, much less be quarantined with her. Being around her is like having a second, shorter mom who doubles as a try hard therapist. In other words, bossy and annoying. Maybe I’m being a little harsh, she’s not really all that bad, but i’d rather not have her around 24/7. She can be a lot to handle. 
On the other hand, my mom told me earlier that she's trying to get me an appointment to get me an official diagnosis for anxiety. A diagnosis means a prescription, which should help me stay calm while I'm stuck indoors so that's cool. 
I feel like I'm really oversharing. But I mean you did ask for an inner monologue and these are my thoughts. I could take out all the bad parts, but I’m almost at two pages and I want to go to bed. I’m writing this at one am, because that's when my words flow best. Any other time, I worry about what I’m saying, whether or not it’s “right”. But at one in the morning, my brain stops caring and that lets me just think whatever thoughts I want and write them down. But of course, saying that has ruined it and I’m now worried about doing it right. You said “stream of consciousness style” about quarantine, but my stream of consciousness doesn't stay on one topic for very long. I think I did it right. It all relates to quarantine in one way or another so it’s probably fine. 
So, yeah, there it is. My thoughts on quarantine. I feel like this needs a concussion, but that doesn't seem very “stream of consciousness” to me. If i was to give this a TL;DR, I’d say: Quarantine is boring, but I made friends. Also I’m tired and I overshare things. Thats kind of like a conclusion, right? It’s good enough for me.
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srnokedmirrors · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
* . day to night , dark to light     fall the  s a n d s  o f  t i m e .
                         { ross lynch, twenty-one, trans male, he/him } Have you seen ZELD CYELN “CIEL” NOHANSEN walking around?  Little do they know, they’re the child of LINK & PRINCESS ZELDA from THE LEGEND OF ZELDA, and they HAVE TWO SIBLINGS ( one older, one younger ) .  I guess that explains why they’re so CHARMING & ARTISTIC and GUARDED & INSECURE.  They are a STREAMER. — penned by eve.
Hello hello again , folks !! It’s EVE and if you thought I went completely feral about Resident Evil earlier you are . . . sorely mistaken because now we are in Zelda territory and Zelda encompasses literally every fiber of my being. This OC is my most beloved ( despite the fact he’s an absolute prick ) and I have been itching to write him as a next-gen of Zelink , so VOILA , but just a few things !!
I love The Legend of Zelda . . . a lot. That’s the first thing. And my friends call me the Zelda lorekeeper since I know pretty much everything about the games like that back of my hand.
Another - as it’s always been a fact about his character , Ciel here is diagnosed with Type II Bipolar. Now , I want to clarify that I also am the same , and he was originally written as a comfort character to sorta see myself in a character I wrote ( and he became his own dude over the years. ) It’s not something that’ll pop up often , but I just wanted to let y’all know since I’m not gonna erase my own rep , I write from experience since I’m the same. 
TWS AHEAD : Manipulation , mental illness
The second of The Hero & The Princess - Prince Zeld Cyeln Nohansen , carrying on the traditional naming conventions to keep the name Zelda in the family with obvious corruptions. Your older brother could not - and AS WELL , you are the only child in the family that possesses the holy powers of the royal bloodline that your mother carries , as shown by the brand of the Triforce on the back of your right hand. And immediately , expectations are thrust upon your shoulders before you can even walk.
It’s because of your power that you , instead of the eldest , are to succeed the throne as the next king of Hyrule once you become of age , and although your mother vows to not treat you the same as your father treat her , she often reminds you that the beautiful , sunlight-bathed kingdom will be yours. 
So you grow. You grow & you adapt to the life of royalty , the CROWN PRINCE , and your relationship with your parents is better than most. While you’re significantly closer to your mother than your father , spending your days in the library with her & learning how to paint her visage , you also follow your father out to scope the kingdom on horseback. You grow up kind & gentle , the intelligence of your mother but the softness of your father , and it is well-known throughout the kingdom that you are DESTINED for good things.
It’s when you’re fourteen years old that you meet a boy.
A boy your age , a boy who smiles at you and you get fairies fluttering in your stomach. A boy who tells you that you’re pretty and by Nayru are you getting your first crush ?? 
But you can’t see through the lies - that even though you’re young , manipulation knows no age and you are heartbroken to find that this boy leads you to a group of bandits that go on the attack and aim to STEAL the raw power you carry. After you’re tricked into bringing magical artifacts to their clutches , that is , that your family has gathered over the years - the goddess harp , the ocarina of time , and the cursed , wicked Majora’s Mask.
Your father sweeps into rescue you , and although you feel guilty , you aren’t berated for your mistakes. He only wants to know what happened , and if you’re alright , and you’re a sobbing mess but you tell your parents everything and they recognize that the evil forces that plagued them are NOW targeting their offspring. 
You are only fourteen. But the betrayal turns you cold , and you close yourself off , now hesitant to trust. And you learn that there are DANGEROUS forces out there who want to hurt & use you in the same way , hence why you use your mother’s old study connected to her old bedroom ( now currently yours ) and you begin to research , research , research. You look back on the legends of old , and start practicing the magic of not only your bloodline , but the taboo power of shadow - such as that of the TWILI , a project aiming to recreate the mirror. You also use the mask , hoping to tap into the wicked power it carries to turn it around. You train with the Sheikah , as Sheikah blood runs in your veins as well , to master the art of using the shadows & the unseen to your advantage. You become a teenager devoted to your work - a mad scientist & magician , and the whispers of a ‘ mad alchemist prince ’ sweep throughout the kingdom due to the rumors you can stay awake for DAYS working on one thing , before crashing and moving onto the next. 
But there is still pain - a loneliness & a hurt which you try to bury deep down , but it’ll still consume you to the point where you don’t know how to think clearly. You try and mask yourself best you can , but there is still a little boy , deep down , who only wishes to be loved and cared for and cherished by people his own age. Your work is your comfort but you are also learning to sink yourself in it to the point where it’s becoming a hindrance. 
One day , maybe , you’ll get what you want - and everything will be okay. But the world is currently at your throat , so . . . how long will that be ??
Your sixteenth year changes everything. The Crown Prince goes missing , and he is lost without the comfort of his parents.
And he awakens in another day , as a new being , with only his wit & his charm to carry on.
Okay so IN A NUTSHELL Ciel is the crown prince of Hyrule due to the fact he’s essentially the ‘Zelda’ of his generation - the only child that carries the sacred power of the goddess Hylia , and this kid is incredibly smart and artistic but due to being manipulated by dark forces when he was young , he’s EXTREMELY insecure and lacks trust , instead trying to become as powerful as possible by any means possible so he isn’t hurt again since now he’s a target like his parents were.
HIS CHARACTER . . . is incredibly complex. It doesn’t change much with or without memories because even though he hasn’t experienced that same shit , those trust issues & insecurities are still well-embedded into him. The main difference is that he’s still smart , but not because of excessive research on Hyrulean magic & history & technology.
ON THE SURFACE , Ciel appears to be honestly very exuberant , quick-talking , and , to some , annoying. He’s a bit of a loudmouth , he seems harmless in the aspect that he isn’t downright mean or anything , he’s just . . . a nuisance. Charming in the aspect that he knows how to talk his way out of any situation since he has a MOUTH on him , but he knows how to use it. He overshares , it seems , but in turn , he’s actually not revealing anything about himself of any importance. He’s just keeping his cards to his chest but he doesn’t anyone to see so , so he places counterfeit cards on the table.
Ciel is always one step ahead , and the best way to be is to convince everyone else that you’re far behind. 
NOW ON THE INSIDE . . . Ciel is extremely caring & gentle. He cares a lot about the people he loves , but he’s hesitant to open up or trust other people given the fact he doesn’t want to be hurt , and he doesn’t want to make mistakes. He’s very observant & again , incredibly intelligent , knowing well how to read the atmosphere and pick out things that most don’t notice. He is insecure in the fact that he constantly thinks horribly of himself , and although he’s great at hiding it , it’s easy to get his feelings hurt. He hates that he has to keep on a mask since it makes him easily unlikable , but he thinks it’s the only way to stave off the most damage. But he’s a good kid & has a heart of gold , it’s just that . . . his heart has a few booboos on it. He CRAVES love & validation & affection but he’s afraid to ask for it or to take it since he’s gone down worse roads before by opening up to the wrong people.
He’s an artist - very talented in drawing & painting !! His apartment is littered with sketches & drawings and supplies and he would’ve gone to art school but money is tight and he doesn’t know he’s a prince in his actual reality so . . . yeah.
But his day job is that he’s a VERY popular video game streamer named Alchemyst , mainly doing let’s plays of adventure games & stuff with friends to get a good laugh. He also has a tendency to go on hilarious rants in a lot of his videos , resulting in MANY fanmade compilations & memes. He’s got a dedicated fanbase that he openly adores , and streaming also sorta helps him since he is a bit afraid of going into the outside world slightly. 
It’s funny , because as a streamer , he isn’t at all obnoxious or annoying - it’s the closest he gets to acting like himself , even if he has to act a little more EXTROVERTED than he actually is. 
THAT’S THE BASIS again , much more of a show than tell character but . . . Love him. I love him.
I DON’T have much ideas for wanted connections at this point aside from like . . . friends , exes , crushes , enemies , fans of his stream , etc. When I get more of a braincell I’ll put specific stuff down , but if it HELPS his fake life is shrouded in mystery bc Ciel doesn’t like talking about it ( aka , his fake past was p bad so he just prefers to act like he came out of fucking nowhere. )
But that’s it !! I’ll b responding to starters & calls soooon ~ ! I am ALL for plotting if u guys want , so just hit me up on here or Discord n I’ll respond as soon as I can !!
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charismastaticarchive · 5 years ago
How do - you - see Sae and Makoto's relationship during P5 and after ?
ok so USUALLY i keep my meta to my own characters. but. i love sae and i’d love to talk about her and makoto lmfaoooooo.
okay so. i am ALSO an older sister. and i have kind of become the caretaker of the household in recent years, though my parents are still alive (they just both have jobs and are too tired to cook & clean.)
me and my brother’s relationship now that he’s gone off to college and become a liberal environmentalist who is honestly considering going vegan bc of his food ethics class? it’s legit. we’ll talk for literal hours about his dnd character and his life and our parents and. literally everything. and we have so much in common, bc we’re both big nerds with similar political views.
but it wasn’t like, always like that? when he was in high shool in particular, and i was going through a really rough time with our parents and having to take over with the cooking and cleaning and things, he would legitimately yell at me like all the time! part of it was that he didn’t want me to act like i was his mom (because i am a legitimately very bossy person and i would yell at him to help me and stuff) but also part of it was because he resented me for not playing with him when we were kids. he was a lonely kid---he didn’t want a mom, he wanted a playmate, or ANYBODY to look after him and take care of him, and i never wanted to be that for him, until i was FORCED into the position of caretaker.
i honestly think a lot of older sibling/younger sibling relationships are like that. just. really fraught with tension while the younger sibling projects all these ideas of what a family should be on to the older sibling (whether that be a perfect playmate, or a mother-figure, or a toy, or whatever)---and the older sibling (big sisters in particular) is always forced to feel like the younger sibling is simply bothering them as they have to take on so many more responsibilities around the household because of their age and gender.
older sisters are generally viewed as ‘third parents’ to help raise a child. my parents sometimes refer to me as THEIR parent, lol. but older sisters are often still children themselves when they take on the role of caregiver---and they’re ill-equipped for it, because they never signed up for this role, and they have their OWN lives and ambitions to worry about.
often times in movies (especially teen movies in the west) the older sister is portrayed as a debbie thorneberry type who just wants to talk to her punk teenage friends and play on her cell phone instead of play babysitter. while we can all relate to that to a degree as big sisters---sae shows a different side of the ‘TOO grown up big sister’---one that has more grown up desires, ones for justice and truth, a real CAREER woman who obviously has her own social life, and motivations, but who, at her core, has REVOLUTIONARY motivations for social change, and protecting the innocent on top of her grown up needs to take care of makoto and rise up in her career. it’s a lot less stereotypical, and a lot more INVOLVED and like, plot relevant instead of a one-note joke.
this is what makes sae so interesting to me as a character.
sae represents, to me, the process of growing up and into yourself as a big sister who doesn’t necessarily want to grow up. we see this in how she immaturely treats her sister, often lashing out at her when her sister is only trying to help her---but also in her palace, which is literally all about treating life as a GAME that she has to win.
when sae’s heart is stolen, i think she is forced to mature---but realizing she doesn’t HAVE to be so fake-mature, i think? she turns from this forced maturity, this forced seriousness and hard work at something she doesn’t really believe in that hides the immature way of looking at the world---into a REAL hard work that could ACTUALLY change things and help the world AND her and her sister, and she turns from the ‘GET OUT OF MY ROOM MAKOTO’ to the ACTUAL healthy adult caregiver way of looking at her family and relationships not as ‘i have to do everything for my sister so she’s a burden on me that means i can’t do as much work’ (snowballing into BUT I HAVE TO DO WORK FOR HER) to ‘i love my sister, she’s a bright, strong young woman who shares and EMBODIES many of my ideals who i am proud of and i want her to be a part of my life and share my burdens and doubts with her when i can healthily do so.’
when sae can do this, and grow as a person and a caregiver this way, i think not only will it help their relationship and give them the closeness that makoto obviously wants---it’ll help makoto grow up better too, and have the support system and the family she needs instead of the nagging big sister she only sees as someone who will is constantly abandoning her and leaving her on her own, u know?
idkkkkkkkk this is so long and i overshared but like. sae and makoto are really important to me lol i loooove them
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arisalty · 6 years ago
i’ve been here the whole time singing you a song
This one-shot was made for @notveryglittery , whose birthday is today, so Happy Birthday!
Tbh I planned the basic outline and wasn't even going to introduce quite a few characters but I did and I went with it - I hope yall like it :) As this is my first time writing Royality, any constructive criticism is accepted!
lowkey want to plan something else for this now but also don't want to set another target just yet as im a bit busy and dont wanna overload myself :/ yikes oh well
Dani, Happy Birthday! Enjoy this Royality!
Word count: 
Roman had noticed a few things lately. One at the forefront of his mind was that Patton Heart was really fucking adorable.
Of course, nobody could know of this. If anyone of his friends found out he would be screwed.
Yes, his whole friend group were gay (or ace, or bi, or pan or nonbinary) disasters, but they were also incredibly good wing-people, with a high rate of getting two people dating -- and Roman didn’t want to ruin the naturalness of their friendship.
And worse he couldn’t let anyone know that The Emperor had a crush. And by extension, that meant that he couldn’t allow his crime-fighting partner (and asshat of an older brother) to find out; Virgil’s tongue was always looser when donned with the costume of Poison Shadow. And the city would be in an uproar of the thought of The Emperor liking someone romantically- and if it ever got out who it was, it would put Patton in serious danger.
But Roman couldn’t help but notice the little smiles Patton gets when talking about some of the animals in the shelter he volunteered at, or the ways his eyes light up when he gushed about the heroes of the city.
The way his open gaze instilled a feeling of trust.
And dear lord it was not helping the gay mess that was Roman Kingston.
“Alright, shithead, what’s up with you?”
“I tell you and I’m doomed you insolent sloth.” The owner of the monotonous voice shot a glance at the prying sibling.
“Right. That’s really fucking useful to know.” Dripping sarcasm; the asshat was not only prying but also getting annoyed now! Yay!
“Oh, piss off. Let me be a disaster in peace.”
The elder stood, shaking his head, before walking to the other edge of the rooftop they were perched on.
“Hurry up! Today is a sparring day.” Virgil, seeing Roman making no attempt to move, pushed forward with his mind, pushing the darkest shadows up until they were able to slap Roman across the face. “Come on, idiot. The night isn’t gonna last forever!”
Grumbling, the man in his late teens stood from his position on the edge of the rooftop, reluctantly turning at the end of the roof, with sarcastic jazz hands at his sides.
And just like that, they were sparring. Virgil completely flattened The Emperor in 3 separate rounds before some sense seemed to be knocked into the dramatic hero’s head. The furious flashes of light and dark clashed throughout the area, silent except the heavy breathing of the men, and the jibes thrown between the space between them.
It was another while before they were tired, as their sparring took place at least twice a week- they needed to stay in shape even over their sports and workouts.
Roman sat on the edge of the rooftop next to his brother, slowly regaining his breath.
When the villain attacked, it was not appreciated by the two teens. They were tired and generally unwilling to have to use their already exhausted powers. Their fighting was lacklustre and they took any moment they could to stop and perch off railings or on rooftops.
Flashes of light across the night were brief but would warp the situation, allowing shadows, viscous as ink moved away in slow patterns, stalking the villain until finding it’s perfect time to strike, pushing the villain backwards, dragging them forwards then dropping them off the edge of the building.
Yet the villain didn’t waver in power. At a mere flick of fingers, the Emperor fell backwards, barely left any time to make a platform for him to stagger onto.
How were they going to get this person then?
“What does your immoral soul bother us with, foul villain?”
“Oh, nothing really. I was just bored, so I decided to mess around with these powers I earnt the other day.”
The pale blue light of the moon offset by the warmer glow from the Emperor's hand gave enough light to see fangs flash under the mask that covered the upper half of their face.
“Why set about destroying the city, fuckwad? Why not just, I don’t know, sleep, like a normal person?”
“Ew, no, sleep? That drains me more. Plus, don’t we all need to have a little bit of chaos in our lives?”
Roman could feel the eyes rolling in his elder’s head.
“What the fuck about us two says put together, dipshit? We’re fucking disasters!”
“My fair partner has a valid point. We are fucking disasters ,” Roman eyed the inky lattice forming under the villain's feet for a second before he continued. “We’re both messes of human beings in general- have you seen his room, it's an atrocity - and my room has far too much stuff that I am far too attached to get rid of. Then there's the point that we’re both doing this along with studying for school which in itself drains your energy and the final point is, well,”—the smirk thrown his way by Poison Shadow was all he needed—”We really aren’t all that dumb.”
Poison Shadow ripped his fist upwards, the shadowed lattice folding and bending around the villain, as the Emperor reached out and began to set the still fluid shadows. The cage kept the villain in, and finally, the villain showed some kind of emotion; fear radiated from their composure; arms wrapped around their torso, fist fiddling with their cloak edge, shoulders up to their ears.
Roman pitied the now much smaller opponent. Ego and expectations of power high in their mind with newfound strength ruled their minds. The Emperor turned away, patting Poison Shadow on the back as went after he silently checked his brother was okay with dealing with him.
As he crossed the bridged gap between buildings, he heard his brother’s cry, and then he felt himself flying backwards over buildings, body limp as a rag doll as his brain tried to comprehend which was up or down or the sky or ground. Once he finally stopped moving, he found himself winded and bruised and somehow not broken- though he felt it- on a balcony. With a very familiar curious face peering down at him.
Patton. Fucking. Heart.
It was his luck, wasn’t it? He’d get thrown about like an unused toy to be left in his worst state on the balcony of one of his favourite people in the world.
“Oh my goodness, are you all right? Is anything broken? Do you need some water, food, comfort?” The stream of babble poured from Patton, his pale blue eyes wide with worry, both searching his body to analyse for damage and keeping eye contact to calm the disorientated hero.
Thank goodness these powers strengthen my bones and skin.
“Uhm… I think… I’ll be,” The Emperor was interrupted by a fit of coughing, which he dealt with but rolling onto his front and slowly making his way to his knees. “Actually, could I, uh, have a glass of water.”
Patton nodded earnestly, and even through the lingering dizziness pounding in his mind, Roman could make out the curls of Patton’s hair reflecting the cool blue of the moon. The smaller figure retreated into the building, just as Roman felt a buzz in his pocket.
Pulling out the smartphone, he huffed at the once again smashed screen to read the text he received.
Very Early Womb-mate - 11:35
-- sorry dude didnt see that coming
-- dick had us fooled into thinkin he was subdued
--you went flying tho, it was kinda hilarious
-- i got it handled, he’s trapped until police arrive
Me - 11:38
--oh ok
Very Early Womb-mate - 11:39
-- u ok? Or do i need to pick u up
Me - 11:40
-- nah it’s cool i landed on a classmates balcony, just a bit dizzy
Very Early Womb-mate - 11:40
-- cool, dickwad, dont reveal anything
Me - 11:40
-- bold of you to assume i would
-- k byeeee xxx :)))))
Very Early Womb-mate - 11:41
-- :/
Patton returned, carrying the glass.
“I’m so sorry it took me so long to get back, my parents were wondering what happened and I figured you didn't want to be crowded so I just made up a lie and then they got me to do a quick job and uh— here.”
Roman took the drink, downing as much of it as he could, before stopping to try and stand.
“Tough villain, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess. I was knocked back ‘cos I was caught off guard. I thought Poison had got them - he was inside a huge cage, you see - so when he lashed out again after being subdued it surprised us.”
Roman looked over the city wistfully. The sky was clear and the air was fresh, with little to no breeze. Roman took this time to notice that Patton was wearing only his pyjamas and a zip hoodie thrown over the top.
“Do you need to help Poison Shadow then? It looked like you were thrown far.”
“Nah, Patton, he sent a few texts to say he handled it.”
Patton nodded in understanding, before cocking his head sideways.
“Wait, you know me?”
Roman ran through his words and cursed at his loose mouth.
“Uh, oh yeah,” Roman coughed out, scratching at his neck, unconsciously picking at the skin. “You, uh, go to the same school as me. We’re in the same year, actually.”
You’re oversharing! The voice of his brother rang out in his head.
“Wait, really?”
God, Roman absolutely adored the way Patton’s eyes lit up, the tiny specks of green almost glowing in the natural light around them. Anything else and Roman might actually die on the spot. He just thanked his younger-little-dramatic-shit self and wanted to hide his and Virge’s faces from the world - at least Patton wouldn't be able to see his glowing red face.
“That’s so cool! I could tell you were a teen, I didn’t realise you were like, that close to me!” Patton waved his hands about excitedly, and that’s it. Roman felt like he was melting into a puddle. His friend was so cute, and he just wanted to hold Patton to his chest and treasure him and spoil him with cakes and serenades and movie nights.
Roman somehow managed to keep talking for a while, but he was going to go insane soon. He just wanted to give Patton a hug, goddamnit !
They were shook from their conversation by the door opening to reveal Declan Heart, whose eyes flew open at the visitor Patton apparently had.
“Oh my god, Logan, come out here,” he hissed out of the side of his mouth, mismatching eyes darting from the sheepish look on Patton's face to the city known hero on his house’s balcony.
When Declan’s twin cast appeared in the doorway, Patton waved, somewhat cheery, opposed to Roman’s more fidgety behaviour, his skin prickling under the gazes of the two older twins. He had only met Logan on one occasion, and he was intimidated, to say the least.  
“Suprise!” Patton giggled, with jazz hands waving at his brothers, very different from the delivery Virgil would have given in this situation.
“I knew that there was a lie somewhere in your excuse earlier!” Declan’s quiet exclamation made its way into the silence, but this just made Roman more uncomfortable under the blank stare he was receiving from Logan.
"Well, I had to because otherwise, this ," — Patton waved at the group they had formed around the hero — "would happen and the last thing that needs to happen after being thrown really far and being bashed about is being crowded. Plus, this was my lucky day." Patton giggled, throwing a wink sideways to Roman, and oh no , Roman was a mess. He felt like spontaneously combusting while gripping his heart and dramatically dying on the floor where he stood.
Yet the only reaction to this was somehow a brief panic before a smile broke out and Roman was able to laugh along a bit.
"Patton, why, might I ask, did you conceal this from both me and Declan? I understand your point on crowded-ness but you also know of our fascination with the heroes and our possible future career paths."
Logan's words made Patton look down guiltily, revealing that Logan's words were true, but he fiddled with his bracelet on his wrist before looking upwards towards the elder twin.
"Because... Because I didn't want to?"
Patton then frowned, looking almost... angry. But not towards anyone- his gaze was at the floor, more as if he was angry at himself. Logan let a smile slip onto his lips, the same teasing smile once Virgil managed to wind up Roman.
"Valid reasoning. I know for a fact my excuse would be more or less the same."
Patton brightened up again, but Roman didn't have a chance to admire him again as Declan had burst out with an exclamation asking for an autograph.
This whisked away Roman's attention for a while, ending up in a selfie with the three with his magic glowing through his veins for proof of authenticity and various things being signed as well as a note Roman felt obligated to write to the Heart parents for their (unknown) hospitality.
He even got all of them to make a small piece of memorabilia for him to keep to remember them should he not be able to visit them again. Logan gave a small origami gift, Declan a yellow feather. In Patton's case, he had to think for a few seconds before his face absolutely lit up. He rushed a tiny, absolutely minuscule potted cactus, the plant itself being about the size of his thumb, to roman, with the most adorable and sincere face.
"Here! Take Ophelia - I grew her myself. That being said, it's probably best you don't have a feel of her , she's a bit prickly!"
A groan rumbled in Logan's throat at the pun, contrasting the chuckles from Roman and Dec, followed by the all too familiar buzz of Roman's phone.
Very Early Womb-mate - 12:56
-- What the FuCK you ass?? its been an hour or so what the fuck is taking you so long?????
-- mom's gonna start to freak, u need to get home as soon as u can
-- idiot
Me - 11:56
-- aksdflaksdhfkljkj what the fuck i lost track of time heck i'll get home asap
Roman shoved his cracked phone into a pocket and grinned sheepishly.
"My brother has warned me against impending doom known as my mother and her lectures if I don't return home soon. I thank you all for your lovely donations of memorabilia and allowing me to stay. However, it is nearly 1 o'clock and we have been out here an awfully long time. Farewell, fellow humans!"
Roman turned away, climbing over the railing and forming a golden step of light in front of him.
"Ah, right, that reminds me. We were sent up here to make sure you hadn't fallen asleep up here Patton. We got sidetracked though. Come on, Pat." Logan chimed.
As Roman was leaping away over steps made for him, he could faintly hear Patton respond about watering 'Candice' and 'Bobby', which he could assume were plants, before heading inside.
Roman luckily escaped with his hide when he managed to sneak in through the window just in time before his mom burst in, looking for him. He used the excuse of being on his phone as a reason for being awake - which did admittedly get his phone taken away - but at least he wouldn't have to listen to a rant.
And as he settled to sleep, he was caught up in thinking. Remembering. Adoring.
Yes, Roman was a mess, but at least tonight he could sleep easy after the beautiful image of Patton in the moonlight, playful glint in his eyes; him holding out a tiny cactus supplied with a pun; his excited face once he realised something interesting.
It wasn't much, but to Roman it was everything.
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the-invisible-queer · 2 years ago
My family and queerness:
Idk why this was on my mind to share but here we are. Oversharing as always.
Let's start with ME! I am pansexual non-binary AFAB who goes by they/them. I am the only queer person in my immediate family besides my SIL. I began my queer journey in 2nd grade when I kissed a girl under a cafeteria table. But I am 25 and have never had a relationship.
My mom gives off big dyke energy. Like she was a tomboy growing up. She is very masculine and for most of my life SHE was the head of the house not my dad. She says she only had a gay dream while living with her bisexual mother in law and blames the "demons in that apartment". She's straight as far as any of us know and a recovering homophobe. She threatened to slap me in a Wendy's because I told her about a girl I liked in college. And she refuses to use my correct pronouns.
My dad on the other hand is self-proclaimed "heteroflexible" but I don't think he's ever actually kissed another dude but he thinks bros masturbating together is okay and doesnt make them gay so idk. And he's also admitted to dancing with drag queens. He is the son of a bisexual disaster. He's never been outright homophobic besides when he told me he wouldn't go to my wedding if I ever married a woman. But he has since rescinded that statement. Though he also refuses to use my correct pronouns. My dad is also the only straight cis man who I've ever seen use "fag" in the most endearing and affectionate way.
My older brother is a cis straight male. But he is married to a bisexual non-binary who goes by she/they. But he is totally a lesbian fetishist. He very quickly accepted me when I came out.
My younger brother is also a cis straight male. He is an ALLY because when my mom was on her homophobic bullshit he defended me every fucking time wven when I wasnt there. I would die for that kid.
My sister in law isn't blood related but I do group her in when I refer to my siblings because she's been here for half my life. As mentioned above, she is bisexual non-binary who goes by she/they. She is part of the reason I had the courage to came out as pan BUT FUNNILY ENOUGH I encouraged her to come out as non-binary. She claims she knew I was queer since she met me.
LASTLY my paternal grandmother isn't my immediate family and she's been long gone, but she was bisexual! I didn't know this while she was alive. I came out a few months after she passed and I wish I knew. My parents said that she lived with her partner for a long time. Her partner was the woman I thought was her best friend whenever anyone would mention her in a story.
Thanks for letting me talk about my family and queerness.
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transbcyfriend · 7 years ago
Every question for the ask meme
carolyn i mcfucking owe u my life bless u for indulging my need to overshare
1. Last kiss
a friend of mine. not gonna call him out tho.
2. Last phone call
mmmm @lazybones25
3. Last text message
also @lazybones25
4. Last song you listened to
me from the 1975! it inspires me when i write slam poetry it’s good
5. Last time you cried
uhhhhhh couple of days ago? only for like 5 seconds tho a wave of emotion just kinda happened and that was it and i was just kinda left there like “???”
6. Dated someone twice
7. Been cheated on
mmm…don’t think i have actually! surprisingly.
8. Self harmed
skip, next question
9. Lost someone special
10. Been depressed
and still not diagnosed for it
11. Been drunk and threw up
no but i almost did once
12. had sex
do you count only things irl, or also online intimacy? bc if online counts, yes.
13. How many people have you had sex with this year?
just 1.
15. Made a new friend
17. Laughed until you cried
i have it was good
18. Met someone who changed you
mmmmm don’t think so
19. Found out who your true friends were
20. Found out someone was talking about you
26. What did you do for your last Birthday
iiiiiiii remember going to outback steakhouse, and i tried not to let anyone know it was my birthday bc i knew they were going to do something stupid embarrassing. they found out. i was right. they forced me onto a saddle and sang a thing. i’m cringing just writing this
27. What time did you wake up today
about 12:30!
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for
may when i finally get to see @lazybones25 irl for the first time
30. Last time you saw your all of your siblings at the same time
last year arouuuuuuuund july/august! my parents and i go to new york every year in the late summer to visit my mom’s grandparents, and my half-brothers wanted to come see us, so.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life
i wish i could see my bf already
32. What are you listening to right now
now i’m listening to 2yl from the front bottoms
33. When is the last time you had sex?
again, online stuff included? mmmm…about a week ago? about.
34. Who’s getting on your nerves right now
no one in particular! just ppl i’ve been salty with for a while now
35. Most visited webpage
oh what a surprise it’s tungle.hell
36. Favorite colour
most shades of blue and black are at a tie
37. Nicknames
vinny, altoid, mint, box, sans, ya boi, and thirsty bitch are among a few
38. Relationship Status
39. Zodiac sign
i’m an aries sun, aries moon, and pisces rising
40. Male or female
boys r us
41. Primary school
mmm not gonna say bc it’s a little too close to home 
42. Secondary School
same as above, little too close to where i am
43. High school/college
not gonna say the hs, but i do go to mesa community college!
44. Eye color
some say brown, some say hazel. more of a hazel-leaning brown imo. can’t see it in most circumstances, but if you’re super close to my face, you can see some other colors mixed in there like green ‘n whatnot.
46. Height
47. Do you have a crush on someone
mhm ,, , he’s with me tho so i mean?? would that even Count
48. What do you like about yourself
i like my own creativeness when it’s a good thing – like the whole webcomic shit, that’s dope
49. Piercings
i have my left ear pierced twice, both next to each other in the lower dangly bit of cartilage – @carlthetitan was there!
50. Tattoos
not yet but there’s a few i want
51. Righty or lefty
i’m a righty
53. First piercing
my ear, only about a month ago
54. First best friend
55. First hookup
this one girl i knew in middle school named leah
56. First Bestfriend
u asked this already
59. Eating
60. Drinking
61. I’m about to
call customer service so i can get my tablet’s pen pressure to work
62. Listening to
be yourself by harrison storm
63. Waiting for
someone to get up so i can send a package in the mail
64. Want kids?
maybe – but it depends on how ready i am for it financially, if i’m raising a kid i’m gonna be sure they’re taken care of
65. Get married?
mmm…i can see it happening
66. Career
something with art or creative writing – not too sure yet
67. Lips or eyes
lips – not only can you show affection with them, but you can get more info that way. eyes are the windows to the soul, yeah, but they can only get across so much. at least, with me.
68. Hugs or kisses
hugs – can’t get tired, you can even do it when you’re sleeping, body heat/warmth. should i go on?
69. Shorter or taller
shorter. not that there’s too many people my age or older that i know that are.
70. Older or Younger
older. idk – i like company from people that’re at least a couple of years ahead.
71. Romantic or spontaneous
romantic. i’m a sucker for sap.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms
nice arms!
73. Sensitive or loud
sensitive, hands down. good shit hhf–
74. Hook-up or relationship
relationship. i mean as fun as hook-ups are, i like stability and affection n shit
76. Kissed a stranger
i have!
77. Drank hard liquor
78. Lost glasses/contacts
79. Had sex
80. Broken someone’s heart
82. Been arrested
nope thank god
83. Turned someone down
84. Cried when someone died
who doesn’t?
85. Fallen for a friend
mmm…if there was a time i took the fall i don’t remember it
86. Yourself
i try to more often than not
87. Miracles
every so often, there is one, yeah
88. Love at first sight
idk – maybe? never happened to me, but y’know
89. Heaven
for other people? sure. for me? nah, i’m reincarnating
90. Santa Clause
91. Kiss on the first date
i mean shit happens yeah?
92. Angels
maybe not in the metaphysical sense, but in a metaphorical sense yeah
93. How would you label yourself?
local goblin, queer, very gay, doggo worshiper
94. Someone You Pray Everyday For
i mean i hope @lazybones25 is doing ok literally the second i wake up to the time i go to bed everyday so does that count
95. Did you sing today
answered here
96. Who From All Your Ex’s have You Cared The Most About
next question, out of my sight
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?
hm…i dunno! i mean it’s not like i can be seen by anyone or anything and risk even slightly altering the timeline, so…maybe to a few seconds ago or some shit.
98. Out Of Everything In The World What Do You Wish For
@lazybones25 – his happiness and comfort, and generally just for things to go well
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?
yeah. but i mean – i’m here now, and i’m comfortable and happy, so it’s not as bad as i’ve been conditioned to think
100. Do you like the way you look?
i like to think i look decent
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existentialburden · 5 years ago
poltergeist: do you watch television? what's your favourite show?frankenstein: have you ever felt rejected by your peers? do you think you 'fit in' with other people?night of the living dead: if you could, would you bring people back from the dead? who?the omen: how do you feel about children? would you want any of your own?split: is there more than one side to you? do you hide parts of yourself from people?pan's labyrinth: do you have any siblings? are you the favourite?
poltergeist: do you watch television? what’s your favorite show?
I stream tv shows sometimes but I don’t really watch all that much. One Punch Man is probably my current fav since it’s lightheartedish and gives me writing inspiration. Miraculous Ladybug is a guilty pleasure though even if it gives me MASSIVE second-hand embarrassment.
frankenstein: have you ever felt rejected by your peers? do you think you ‘fit in’ with other people?
I feel rejected any time I interact with anyone outside my friendgroup who doesn’t have The Same Brain Issues as me tbh. people don’t tend to approach me and apparently people see me as a know-it-all whenever I try to help in a group? so I overshare online to make up for it. I don’t really feel like I fit in with any group setting. in friend groups I always sort of feel out of place because I don’t know how to interact in a group. in one of them I’m the youngest and the newest addition so I always worry that it’s an “sorry guys I had to bring my lil brother along” kinda thing even though I know it’s not and that at least one of them likes hanging with me. I never speak in Discord servers with more than 4 people without prompting because I get scared that I’m “that guy” who doesn’t actually have anything to add. I never got super involved in fandom spaces either so :/. just... don’t feel wanted around often ig. I spend the majority of my time alone.
night of the living dead: if you could, would you bring people back from the dead? who?
if I did, it wouldn’t be anyone I personally know all that well. I think I’d just have to go with no in general because I’d want to bring back people who shouldn’t have died and that would get out of control quickly. there’s a lot :(
the omen: how do you feel about children? would you want any of your own?
children are cool and good and sometimes a blast to hang out with but I don’t think I’d make a good parent. I have a tendency to get overwhelmed, irritable, and to lash out and I wouldn’t want to put a kid through that. I also don’t really want to ever deal with a kid full-time because a lot of kids are so noisy and sound really bothers me. I can’t control my bad days and I wouldn’t want to make a kid deal with that because of how I personally get and how my mom tended to use me to vent.
split: is there more than one side to you? do you hide parts of yourself from people?
I wouldn’t say there’s more than one side, but there’s definitely parts of myself I don’t tend to make public. I’m way more open here and even right now there’s gonna be some things I don’t mention, but that’s mostly for y’all’s sake because I don’t think any of us could take a thirst post from me rn lmao. but I don’t tell most people that I’m absolutely fascinated with how emotions can be manipulated and that’s why I like writing so much. I don’t tell people that I love to see people lose their shit from a distance. I don’t tell people that sometimes when I’m alone I refer to myself as “us” and “we” and I don’t tell people how tired I feel all the time. I don’t tell people that my first thoughts when someone does something that’s a minor annoyance to me are “I wish they would fucking die”. sometimes those things are just things that would likely make me more of an outcast and sometimes it’s because those things are impulse thoughts and there’s no reason to bring them up when my second thought is “okay, yikes, calm down bud”. it’s just. there’s a lot of me I don’t like other people to see because either I’m scared of their reaction or it doesn’t feel like ME me. impulses aren’t me. cringe culture did make me scared of showing a lot of me that’s excitable too. I don’t tend to get up and walk around when things excite me in a public place. I don’t smack my fists against my legs to burn off energy in a public place. I really really want to but. y’know.
pan’s labyrinth: do you have any siblings? are you the favorite?
I have one older brother! he’s like... 11 years older than me? probably 11 years older than me. we get along well and I like hearing about his coding and whatever game he’s playing. I’m... very much certain that I am the favorite. for reasons that are mostly “I’m quiet and younger” and “my mom has a very skewed view on their relationship”. my brother’s super cool though and he deserves the world.
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spunsugarj2fantasy · 8 years ago
Tag Game
OK @mooseintheocean, thanks for the tag! 
FYI sometimes I overshare...so enjoy or skip, whatever floats your boat!
85 Questions:
1. drink: tea, mainly herbal
2. phone call:...I'm assuming this means last phone call I made? Husband
3. text message: to co-worker, wishing him a happy bday
4. song I listened to: last one was Leonard Cohen "You Want It Darker"
5. last time I cried: when @mooseintheocean told me to watch the Kodaline "Brother" video...last week sometime? :)
6. dated someone twice: well I married him, sooo... yeah?
7. kissed someone and regretted it: no...but I have regretted NOT kissing someone
8. been cheated on: no, thank Chuck, can't imagine the pain
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: yes, though I'm not sure if it was actual clinical depression or just a really rotten year from hell 
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: surprisingly no.  I've been drunk and tipsy, but I have never (yet!) thrown up due to alcohol...though never say never. 
three favourite colours:
12. black, although technically it's not a colour 
13. green
14. purple
in the last year have you:
15. made new friends: yes! you know who you are!!! :D
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yes, may times
18. found out someone was talking about you: yes
19. met someone who changed you: well, this may sound silly, but THIS!  ALL of this here! I was a closet J2 fan before I met some awesome people right here!  Now I can openly talk about everything and they won't think I'm totally crazy.
20. found out who your friends are: I kinda always did.  I've been besties with my bestie for 27 years, and still going strong.
21. kissed one of your tumblr followers: virtually via emoji yes. irl no, haven't had the pleasure.
22. how many of your tumblr friends do you know in real life? None. (YET!!!!) Like I said, never say never!
23. do you have any pets? no :( but I wanna!!!
24. do you want to change your name? already did, when I got married.  First name, no, I kinda like it :)
25. what did you do for your last birthday? my co-workers had a lovely lunch and cake for me, husband took me out to dinner, I went out with my friends the next day.  At this point in my life, my BDay is basically just another excuse to see everyone :)
26. what time did you wake up? 6:30am, BLECHHHHH! NOT a morning person.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night? reading fanfiction.  Yeah Jo, me too, lol.
28. name something you can’t wait for: OCTOBER!!!  S13 and meeting J2 again!
29. when was the last time you saw your mum: two days ago
30. what are you listening to right now? Jensen Ackles acoustic version of Simple Man
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom? yes, but over 5 years ago.
32. something that is getting on your nerves: fanaticism. entitlement. inconsiderate selfishness. idiocy/stupidity. willful blindness. and stupid drivers.
33. most visited website: Twitter, Tumblr, GroupMe (LOL), AO3
34. hair colour: dark brown
35. long or short hair: long
36. do you have a crush on someone? yes?...ahem, YES.  And yes, my husband knows.
37. what do you like about yourself? hmmmmmm...please hold....
...please continue to hold...
...I'm friendly! As far as features go, my eyes I guess.
38. piercings: yup, a few...9 in total.
39. blood type: I actually have no idea...may be a good idea to find out.
40. nickname: Oh god... here we go... Magda, Maggie, Lenka, Madzia, Magzz, Meg, Psupa, Sweetie, Magoo, Morwa, ok seriously, I think that's enough, no?
41. relationship status: Married. Hitched. Ball and chained! :D
42. zodiac: Cancer, July 20th.
43. pronouns: she or her...possibly answers to YO! as well.
44. favourite tv show(s): Supernatural (duh!!!), X-Files, Firefly, The Borgias, Game of Thrones, The Blacklist, Eyewitness, Black Sails, Lucifer
45. tattoos: nope, though I have some interesting ideas...
46. right or left handed: right handed
48. sport: Me no.  But I like watching hockey.
49. vacation: next bit of time off will be in October for SPN Con
50. pair of trainers: I assume you mean shoes, yes.
more general:
51. eating: oatmeal, raspberries and vanilla milk for breakfast.  And tea.  GALLONS of tea.
52. drinking: vanilla milk atm...and tea.  GALLONS of tea...is there an echo in here?
53. i’m about to: get my ass off Tumblr and actually get some work done.
54. waiting for: 5:30pm when I can go home :)
55. want: really? u got enough room in here for this??? I'll keep it short: EVERYTHING.
56. get married: been there, done that, didn't get a tshirt, but still have my dress. 
57. career: well I AM working right now (literally! supposed to be) and I like my job, so I'm pretty happy
58. hugs or kisses: BOTH!!! AND snuggles AND hand-holding AND hot sex AND flirting AND porn ... OK I stop now.
59. lips or eyes: both, ALL OF IT, especially if you're Jared or Jensen
60. shorter or taller: well, seeing my answer above, so I'd say tall please
61. older or younger: if you mean life partners? I don't really care.  It's the fit & chemistry that matters, not he age...WITHIN REASON of course!  My husband is 5 years older than I, if that helps.
62. nice arms or nice stomach: ME? Neither, especially not the stomach part (see #48 where I don't do sports).  In other people...both are nice but neither is absolutely necessary and lack of either or both does not automatically warrant rejection or dismissal.  The outer shell is important, but not as crucial as the inner mush.
63. hookup or relationship: well, seeing as I'm married, I'd have to say relationship.  (with the occasional hook-up thrown in?  My husband and I are adventurous, LOL). 
64. troublemaker or hesitant: mostly reserved and hesitant, I try to avoid or resolve conflict as soon as possible.  Until someone stupid pisses me off on purpose, then it's all hell breaks loose.
have you ever:
65. kissed a stranger: yes
66. drank hard liquor: yes
67. lose glasses/contact lenses: I have not lost either. I kinda need them so I take good care of them.
69. sex on the first date: depends.
70. had your heart broken: yes, though he totally didn't do it on purpose!!! I had the extreme misfortune to fall for a gay man.  Nothing either of us could do about it.
71. been arrested: no.
72. cried when someone died: yes.
73. fallen for a friend: yup.  See #70. 
do you believe in
74. yourself:  sometimes
75. miracles: sometimes.
76. love at first sight: not Love. Intense attraction, lust, chemistry, strong magnetic pull, yes.  But Love grows from getting to know someone.  At first sight you only see the outer shell.  You may really like the look/touch/taste/smell of the outer shell, but it's what's inside that engenders real Love.
77. santa claus: I'm waaayyy to naughty for that. 
78. kiss on the first date: depends...(see #69)
79. angels: hmmmmm....I believe in supernatural and extraterrestrial beings... it's a big universe and it's be an awful waste of space if humans were the only beings around.  I also believe in human angels.  Those selfless human beings who share their light with others, hoping to change the world for the better.
80. eye colour: green.  sometimes hazel, depending on what I wear.
81. favourite movie: WOW...OK, I'll try to narrow it down.  All the Harry Potter movies, all the Lord of the Rings movies, A&E Pride and Prejudice (miniseries), pretty much all the adaptations of Jane Austen books, most versions of Jane Eyre, Dark City, Merchant of Venice (2004 Al Pacino version), there are lots more that I won't list of this will be miles long.
82. height: 5'7
83. siblings: two younger half brothers
84. favourite season: I don't like weather/temperature extremes so spring or fall
85. sexuality: Bi for sure, possibly Pan - though that's only theoretical atm.
OK, that's it.  If anyone needs any clarification just ask!  :D
Dear Followers: if you want to do this, feel free, go nuts, tag me so I can see!
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daughterofdescartes · 5 years ago
This is the first time in my life I will be writing about my childhood sexual abuse on paper. This is also a letter to my abuser.
I honestly don’t know where to start. I don’t know how long this journal entry will be. What I do know is that after this chain of events my life was never the same again. This series of events happened for a very short period of my life when I was eight years old in the third grade. 
I think it happened over the summer vacation or some other vacation period. So it couldn’t have lasted more than two to three months maybe, but the memories have been haunting & tormenting me ever since.
At first when it all started, I obviously didn’t know what was going on. There was no way a clueless eight year old could understand what she was doing at the time. All she did was obey her older brother, who must’ve been twelve at the time. I thought what I was doing was an act of love. I wanted to make you happy because I looked up to you as my older brother. When I asked you if you loved me, you replied confused and said: “Uhh yeah. But only as my younger sister of course.” 
Is this what loving siblings do to each other? I remember you promised you would “return the favor” when I would grow older. I wonder if you meant that.
We would do these bad things behind our parents backs, while they were sleeping in their hotel bedroom and we sneaked to the bathroom. 
I remember threatening you in the car, that I would tell mom and dad, but then you said: “But then they would know about you too.” I’m surprised thinking back of this moment right now, because it means that I knew in the back of my mind as an eight year old that what we were doing was wrong, but you wanted to make me feel guilty, claiming that I was an accomplice.
Because I agreed to do these things as a child, for the longest time, I believed it was my own fault, that I let it all happen, and I started hating myself for it. I blamed myself for years and years. I think I started getting mortified by these memories when I started middle school. That’s when it really dawned on me that what we did was very very wrong. 
“Oh god. Why the hell did I do all of those things. Nobody can ever find out about what happened.” I was so scared about people finding out, I even contemplated suicide if news were to ever get out. I was extremely embarrassed and ashamed of myself. Did you feel that too? 
After a while I started convincing myself that none of it ever happened. It helped a lot to repress those memories and just pretend it never happened. I tried to convince myself that i had a normal childhood, normal family. But when people made incest jokes, (which were popular at the time) I couldn’t help but feel they were talking about me, joking about what happened to me. They know about me. 
I was very upset with you. I hated you. For the longest time, the password on my laptop was “ihate(your name)”. I pretended my hate and anger came from teenage angst when in reality I was angry for what you did to me. 
As years passed by and I started actively forgetting about my trauma, I also started forgiving you. We eventually became best friends again. People always comment on our sibling relationship and say it’s so nice and rare that we are so close, but nobody knows about our dark past. 
Even to this day I have complicated feelings about you. I am fully aware that your abuse stems from the abuse we witnessed from our parents, but that really doesn’t justify things. We both use anger to cope with our feelings, because that is what we learned from our father.  Every day I still get triggered thinking about what happened. I get triggered when I see you in your underwear, when you overshare about your sex life, when you talk down on women, ... 
Have you hurt other women in your life the way you hurt me? Does this incident haunt your mind as much as it haunts mine every day? I don’t think it’s fair that you get to live your life like nothing ever happened. I’m tired of this terrible incident seeming like it’s just a story made up in my mind. 
I only realized recently that i am still suffering from long term side effects of sexual abuse such as fear of intimacy, fear of men in general, an inability to trust others. Do you think I was just born this way? What happened between us has moulded me into the person I am today and I’m only starting to realize that now. This traumatic event has been a huge contributor to a lot of my (inter)personal issues, maybe all of them. I can’t even imagine who I would be today if this never happened, because that girl would not behave half the way I do right now. You joke about my personal problems like you have nothing to do with them, like my issues are merely “girl issues”. Well guess what, you have EVERYTHING to do with my issues because you created them when you were twelve. 
So how are you going to take responsibility for this? How are you going to hold yourself accountable? How are we going to fix this? Because it turns out: I still don’t know how to cope. 
A few years ago was the first time I confronted reality again and stopped pretending my memories were just “silly thoughts” in my head. I looked up about childhood sexual abuse on the internet and felt relieved for the first time. At the age of nineteen, I finally forgave myself because I realized none of it was ever my fault. None of it. I was a child. I didn’t know any better.
I don’t want to keep this a secret anymore. I really don’t. I can’t deal with this by myself anymore. I want people to know what happened to me. Especially the ones who feel like they are going through what i went through and feel like they’re alone. It turns out sibling abuse, the most taboo case of them all, is also the most prevalent. It is unfair that there are so many of us yet none of us are allowed to talk about our experiences because of societal norms. 
Listen, I don’t hate you, I actually even love you because you are also my best friend. And for the longest time I wanted to protect you because your life would obviously be ruined if everyone would know. But I want to start protecting myself, I want to protect all other abuse survivors in the world. 
So I think we can start by acknowledging that what you did to me was wrong. 
It’s time to address the invisible elephant in the room.
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