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jellyjamheadobb · 10 months ago
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bobinsteadofbob · 4 months ago
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i enjoy this one.
please send me bob pics/bobs to put in.
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wowifinallywatched · 10 months ago
Wow I finally watched Monsters at Work (S2)
**Minor Spoilers**
This show is Joy. This show is happiness.
This show is pure enjoyment, forget-about-the-world-around-you fun and indulging in a world full of adventures, Jokes and references to an original movie we hold dear to our hearts, While paving the way for a beautiful new story about a dynamic duo changing the colour of their world and the human world one child at a time.
I think there was a lot of risk, As with any sequel / spin off, of repetitiveness and overall the continuation of the story just not doing well.
But Monsters at Work was perfect.
(In my eyes - You do not have to agree with me, I just want to show my appreciation and love for this show and Story)
This show provided more of the future we've all been so curious about since the end of Monsters Inc (We all knew things worked out with Laugh Power - But did it really?) (Yes, Yes it did.) and the changes it made to the city and their communities as a whole - The politics, The power company's rivalry's, How people feel about laugh power, All of our favourite characters, All of our most disliked characters and so so much more.
They balanced giving a nod to the past, Making references to those original movies between og characters as if they're inside jokes (Which I guess, they are), Seeing characters we love and adore, Seeing scenery that is comforting and familiar, Even items (BOO'S DRAWING ON SULLEY'S DESK - I'M NOT OKAY-) without it being in your face and making it the whole show. Mike and Sulley being a part of the future of this company and caring for their little misfits, without overbearing and letting these new characters shine and share their own stories - It was perfectly balanced.
I love what this show represented as well - Different cultures and races in the human world and monster world, Different couples / sexualities without making it a big fuss (They're just in a happy relationship - That's what matters!), Healthy relationships and really great traits like embracing who you are, Always stand up for what you believe in, Never hesitate to show your Love for the things and people you care about and so much more!
Something I also loved is the representation of the real and healthy relationship between Val and Tylor - And the fact this didn't turn into a romantic relationship.
The first season was about building the foundations of their friendship and really getting to know each other - The second season really tested their friendship and saw to how they would get through these rocky times together.
While there were some moments of heartbreak, sadness and even anger - With communication, Responsibility and ackowledging what they had done, They got through it and came out the other side of it with their bond even stronger than ever! Which I think is something super healthy and important to represent.
And while I see there are a few hints here and there that could definitely lead to a Third season, Which halfway through episode 10 I literally said I would sell my soul for a third season, Once I had finished that final episode, My mind had changed.
The ending of Season 2 was perfect.
It was happy. It was fulfilling. And while I'd be one of the first to hop on Disney plus if a Third season did come out - I feel like they could stop the show here if they wanted to.
I could watch this show forever and ever and ever if I could, But we've all seen what happens when a show continues simply for profit etc. and it loses what that original story is about.
But on the other hand, they have a whole world of Monsters stories and cities to explore that we've only scratched the surface of.
And you never know what might be coming in the future.
All in all, I absolutely adored this show with all my heart and soul and I will forever talk about how perfect (in my personal opinion) it is.
Also there will forever be some references that will never get old.
Example A: Mike getting covered by logo / barcode etc
Example B: Roz (Period. She has so many good ones)
Example C: Boo. (Anything really, I just love their relationship)
100000000000000000000000000000000000000 x infinity / 10
I love you Monsters Inc world. Thank you for making me feel protected and Loved, Even if I couldn't be apart of your world.
And don't forget, This show wasn't made just for kids.
Oh no.
It was made for those Monsters Inc kids, now all grown up.
(And for everyone and anyone!)
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eatorfuck · 3 months ago
Mike from monsters Inc
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year ago
Tina, Mariana and Mike Wazowski are my new team family idc
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stessio1019 · 2 years ago
Is it me, or is Donald Trump sounding more and more like Roz from Mobster’s Inc.? I swear every time I hear him, it's like, "Biden, why didn't you file your paperwork?"
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evansbby · 2 years ago
new followers and old followers!
i’m just curious, how did you find my blog? and what made you follow??
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psychoticwillgraham · 9 months ago
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these are sins against all that is holy
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dance-sex-artpop-tech · 2 years ago
nah don't do my girl Roz like that. she did her job and did it WELL. Roz was an undercover CDA agent and she took no one's bs!
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sexygaywizard · 2 years ago
Walk into the apartment and my roommate says "Mike Wazowski only has one eye??" and I say, "WHAT are you talking about, of course he only has one eye. Only having one eye is like his whole fucking thing. Why would you think he has more than one eye" and she flips her phone around and shows me this
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slydiddledeedee · 2 years ago
I don’t even know anything about him but it doesn’t stop me from saying out loud to myself “motherfucking kit fisto!!!!!!!!” every time he’s mentioned or I see a glimpse of him
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tiredofthehumanlife · 1 year ago
I feel like we (me included) kinda just forget that mattheo is the SON OF LORD VOLDEMORT or that like draco, Lorenzo, Theo, Blaise, Pansy, whoever are CHILDREN OF DEATHEATERS. Guys the daddy and mommy issues would go off the charts. Okay the shared child abuse trauma these bitches have is so strong if it was turned into a scream it could power eight buildings in Mike Wazowski's world. Come on cover them in blood, almost murder them, have them sob, traumatize these bitches. I get wanting to fuck the big scary Slytherins but remember these are highschool kids who parents hate them and abuse them. Make them petty and angry not at each other but the world thats making them out to be the monsters when really the monster is the people who would lock them in the basement for two days straight when they were eight bc they took a cookie out of the pantry or some shit. Like COME ON they're just scared, traumatized, abused, highschool kids with nothing to their name but their parents credit card, a pack of cigarettes, and an atrocious amount of rage
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thebearer · 11 months ago
Can you imagine reader doing the “do you know a mike wazowski, he said he knows you and his best friend sully from school?” Trend from TikTok On carmen, Richie, fak and uncle jimmy. And they are all stood around thinking where they would know this person from and discussing it for like an hour and then they bring Tina into it 🤣, and then they get annoyed that the person would even think about approaching you and asking you any thing like that 😂🤣.
Also literally obsessed with your writings 💕❤️
committed to the bit, truly, you get sydney to call the phone and you answer it. pretend to have a whole conversation, then come out.
"that was weird."
carmen's head snaps towards you. "what? what was weird?"
"the guy on the phone." you try to keep your face still, knowing your phone is propped in the window. "he called and said he wanted a reservation, i told him we were pretty booked and he could check online, and he said he knew you guys. that he was family."
"family?" carmen's brows crease.
"who's family?" richie comes in, buttoning his suit.
"the guy on the phone."
"what's his name?"
"wazowski?" you furrow your brows. "i think i'm saying it right. wazowski? mike?"
"mike wazowski?" richie repeated, you nodded. he and carmen look at each other.
"i dunno him-"
"-no, is he- fuck." richie pinches the bridge of his nose. "is cicero still here?"
"oh, please, don't tell me there's more." jimmy snides. "thought you two had it under control."
"no, not that." richie rolls his eyes. "who was, uh, neil's cousin? the one that's been married like twelve times?"
"yeah, what's his last name? wazowski?" richie waves his hand.
"wazowski? no." jimmy frowns shaking his head. "wazowski? no, that's uh... who is that?"
"he said he was coming with sullivan." you take a stilling breath to contain your giggles. you know you can't look at sydney or you both will break in laughter. "sully?"
"sully?" richie, jimmy, and carmen question.
"i dunno who any of those people are." carmen huffs.
"yeah you do. is it- is it pete's family?" richie frowns.
"yeah, i think it is. seems like pete's family." jimmy grumbles.
"doesn't he have that weird uncle-"
"-oh shit, yes. at the wedding. god, that guy wouldn't shut up." jimmy groans. "i thought pete was bad."
"don't call him back." carmen looks at you. "if he calls again, just get richie."
"me?" richie scoffs. "why do i have to talk to that guy? i don't wanna talk to that guy. make sugar do it. it's her family."
"yeah but it's your job, jagoff."
they don't realize later, until the video is posted, that it was in fact, a joke.
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year ago
Yo what if
What if these little eye people are the eggs they're supposed to protect?
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ihopesocomic · 1 month ago
I'm curious if you guys know about Clouded Moon, Shifting Roots? The book just came out and I read it, I thought it was pretty good
I read it. And I did not care for it. It read more like it was something for people who are already fans of these characters and not for people who were looking for something separate from Warrior Cats. Which would be fine but then I wouldn't have bothered.
It read like they felt like they had something better than Warrior Cats when in reality it was no different from Warrior Cats. Which is the problem with many Warrior Cats adjacent things. They end up making the exact same mistakes. 
There is an unneeded amount of telling and not showing. There was so many instances where a character would explain something that happened to them prior to the events of the book. The writers of Warrior Cats are beholden to a narrative structure of following a linear timeline that is not a standalone story. It requires context from other books. Since this is a story independent of Warrior Cats, I have to wonder why this writer didn't just. Start from the beginning. It would explain the actions and feelings of characters better without having to dump exposition on your readers. This is especially obvious later in the book where the main characters get attacked by coyotes and snakes and we see none of it happen lol it's all third-hand accounts of what happened.
It still has an unnecessarily large cast. Warriors has a problem with too many characters, so why did you CHOOSE to have the same problem? Characters sharing the same prefix is a huge mistake. There is only one instance where it made sense because eventually something changes. But I've been in WC RP groups before and there's a good reason the ones I was in disallow the same prefix lol it's fucking confusing. If you're not gonna trim the fat, it does the reader a disservice to not do your best to make sure no one gets confused. I don't care how attached to the names y'all are. V*viziepop did this shit and I'm gonna criticize the book for doing the same thing.
You can barely focus on the protagonists. They were basically interchangeable, which was not helped by the constant changing of perspectives, because they all essentially have the exact same thoughts on top of a cast you can barely keep track of. They barely had personalities to speak of, so all of them are surprisingly plain. And I'm supposed to believe at least half of the main cast were close friends at some point. Even characters that should at the very least be morally grey like Dawnfrost and Goldenpelt felt like the writer(s?) didn't want to make them "TOO" bad so that people would still like them. Cuz god forbid we have characters that have to grow to become better people. They're essentially a cult in the woods who are at constant odds with each other and you don't want to have Dawnfrost have some questionable thoughts about anything? 
Since the protagonists barely have a personality, character deaths happening around them have such little impact, even the ones I was surprised by. I imagine if this was remedied by telling the story from the start, I would probably care at least a little. I had stronger feelings about Duskwater dying and she had no dialogue and died pooping.
It is only because I have read Warrior Cats does it make it obvious where this story's roots came from. Because all of it is disappointingly interchangeable with Warrior Cats. You can't just change a few words and claim that something doesn't have ownership of something and then keep it virtually the same anyway. Aside from a few minor differences like queer characters having a Mike Wazowski cameo in the background, and magic being more widespread, nothing about it is different. To its detriment, without the context of Warrior Cats, there is no reason characters should be having half of the problems they currently have. A lot of the problems would be solved by simply making choices the cats in Warriors wouldn't. There's too many examples to give, but one that kind of drives me crazy is Windclan Field Colony leaders captains allegedly dislike Spottedshadow for her questionable loyalty, but they trust her enough to train their youth? Any other story would have leadership, no matter what the consequence, withhold that kind of power and make the protagonist find ways to subvert that.
And speaking of the queer characters, the cast is embarrassingly vanilla. You have the luxury of not being beholden to a publishing company's whims, you could have one big ol' polycule, or whatever the fuck, and you just. Don't bother? I know they've had these characters for a long time but like. None of the main cast is gay? Trans? Nothing? I guess Spottedshadow and Dawnfrost are bisexual since they had a relationship at some point, which again we the readers are not even present for, but it is entirely inconsequential to literally everything. I don't even recall whether a character brings it up in conversation. Neither of them barely spare a thought for each other, but their male romantic partners get plenty, even Goldenpelt. I guess to be fair, even the f/m romances are about as deep as the ones in WC. But did we not all decide this was tokenism? Or does it get a pass because it's "independent"? I've always said if you're not going to give your queer characters quality, you're better off not having them at all. I know they had these characters for a long time, but to advertise it as being queer is grossly misleading. People got more from the queer subtext from Frostdawn (god) and Whistlebreeze than queer context in this book. Again, if this was started from the beginning, where we got to see their relationship and it's just not working out, I wouldn't even be having this conversation right now.
And worst of all, it was boring.
I really need people to read books that are not Warrior Cats to have an idea of what good books are. Because if the line is "not warriors" then this book can't even cross that. - Cat
Basically all of what Cat said. I also didn't care much for the worldbuilding changes from it being a Warrior Cats RP story either. Like Cat said: if you're going to make it not Warrior Cats, you may as well just start from scratch so you can do things differently more efficiently.
Not only are the changes superficial at best but... they either make no sense or are very cumbersome. Like the Captains have these titles like 'Elmtail the something or other Branch' and I'm just like why? I mean, I get it because it's meant to imply something about their personality and leadership strategy but this is an example of how this story tells but does not show.
It also bothers me how we have mismatch of rank titles like Captain, Second, Envoy etc., which may sound like a nitpick but... it makes it really hard to remember what rank does what and what order of seniority they're in. It wasn't until quite far in the book that I realised that an Envoy appears to be something of a third-in-command of the colonies after the Second and the Captain. Even though - traditionally - an envoy is a low-ranking title in most situations. I know a rebuttal to this would be that the Envoy is simply 'in training' but nah, they're on the Council with the Second and the Captain and Goldenpelt even lords over Spottedshadow by using his seniority as Envoy at one point.
I would've just liked an explanation for these new choices in rank titles because they don't seem to correlate well at all. Like with our WC rewrite - The Nefarious - we went with a medieval ranking system because the two Colonies we have date back to medieval times so it makes sense for them to carry those titles throughout their history. Same goes for Warrior Cats itself, which isn't entirely necessary because it's pretty easy to follow what the titles mean but it's still nice we get to see how the Clans established themselves in Dawn of the Clans and Moth Flight's Vision.
And what makes things even more complicated on top of remembering all of the main cast and their respective deals is that - in place of the Leader, the Deputy and the medicine cat arriving at decisions for their Clan - each Colony has a Council that you have to keep up with that is made up of the Captain, the Second, the Envoy and an Elder. WindClan Field Colony even goes that extra mile and adds the Herbalist (medicine cat) to their Council. Good luck remembering which cats are on which Council for each Colony because I sure as hell don't.
We also have a stand-in for StarClan and the Nine Lives ceremony or w/e but I don't remember much about this. It was just more lore and more characters I had to keep track of.
To sum it up all: everything you're familiar with in Warrior Cats has just been taken and renamed but made even more needlessly complicated so that it seems 'different'. It's certainly different... it's just harder for me to keep track of everything. But congratulations, I guess? shrug - RJ
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pm-00 · 1 year ago
El Mariana logged in, told the whole global chat the coordanates of blue's base, was killed with Tina a bunch of times, met a new creature which he named mike wazowski, died some more, had gay sex with his ex-husband and just fucking left
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