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Dancing on Diamonds
New poetry by Lindsay-Rose Dunstan of Detroit, Michigan #michiganpoets #newpoetry
break-ups don’t always make me think about dyingbut they always make me think about dying alone40 years later / undiscovered by neighborsuntil they can hear my cats screaming‘we’re out of meat, meow, no more mommy meat’ several hours and 9 days after I got the courage to run awayI canceled an ex’s ticket to our planned vacayto Myrtle Beach — but I went anywayfor a run on the beach around…
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✦ "the writer's crisis" ✦ Sometimes I wonder who I’d be without my pen without my time all alone eyes low busy describing etching my interpretation of every moment, turned memory— because that’s the irony I describe my past my memories, fleeting emotions I’m remembering in present time that fades to “past” every moment I review, reflect— the words I write are never truly what define me because they, like my pain, are so very far behind me. So who am I without my pen? Who am I without my pain? I fear the answer will force me to identify in unfamiliar ways. ~~ #halcyonpoetry #poemaday #poetsofinstagram #poetryforanxiety #shadowworker #innerhealingpoetry #spiritguides #poeticinsights #michiganpoet #sacredart #innerhealing #channeledpoetry #poemsofig #writingcommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CGSZVX8n3tT/?igshid=7y2zectbk955
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I am the Lorax I strip for the trees. Litter again and I’ll break your fucking knees. Come see Amazons for ecology, strip teases, poetry and more! #michigan #michiganart #muskegon #muskegonriver #muskegonart #michiganart #michiganevents #muskegonevents #liveart #performancearts #performanceartist #michiganpoet #detroitpoetry #eventsindetroit #thingstodoindetroit #detroit #detroitart #detroitmusic #poet #poetryindetroit #detroittheater #watchmuskegon #watchdetroit #detroitnightlife #michiganevents #thingstodoinmichigan #artindetroit #ecology #ecologicalart #ecologicalartist (at Detroit, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzEYNUAhivX/?igshid=1xybe1n5ogyde
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It's National Poetry Month and We're celebrating with a full hour of Open Mic when area poets can read their own work or share a favorite poem by another author in a friendly atmosphere. Everyone is welcome, from first-timers to pros. This FREE event is part of a poetry series held on the second Thursday of most months at 7pm in partnership with Les Go Social Media & Marketing. Light refreshments. #poetry #poetrylovers #michiganpoets #ypsilanti #annarbor #poetryisnotdead #poetsoninstagram #poetsofinstagram (at Bookbound Bookstore)
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Another Day
It’s morning, I see eyes, make up, and a shadow whispering, shaking bells of disbelief
Breaking dreams, I hesitate because I do not want to give it up
But the longer I wait I know there will not be a reason
Tell me something I don’t know, what keeps us together breaking the seal before our passing
The words that we keep between us gouging walls that squeeze us… please take my hand around the corner
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#creative writing#literature#love poetry#lyrical poetry#michiganpoets#poetry#underground writers#westmichiganpoetry#writing
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Unconditional love. ♥✌🌈 #diverseandproud #diversityinadversity #diversepoetsofig #diversityandinclusion #findingbrave #diversewriters #diverseauthors #diversityisbeautiful #saturdayquotes #michiganpoets #michigangirl #Realpeople #readpoetryeverydamnday #Readunknownauthors #beauthentic #beagoodhuman #mytruth #loveoneanother #loveisforeveryone💙💚💛❤️💜 #Staystrong #irise #rebelheart #expressyourselfdontrepressyourself #bethechangeyouwanttosee #Wordpress #Wordsmatter #Wordporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHXcowBwi7/?igshid=vljod3vvrulw
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Poetry has saved me so many times! Just cranking out word after word of emotions as tears spilled from my eyes onto my cheeks to the floor where I couldn't stop sobbing. As if the whole world were on my shoulders. Ya, feel me? Like this never-ending defeat or need to change those who will never understand true power is in love, compassion, tolerance acceptance, and our ability to adapt. ♥🌈✌AKC©12/29/20#poetrycommunityofig #poetrypassion #michiganauthor #michigangirl #michiganpoets #Readunknownauthors #readindie #readthis #Readrealwriters #readwriteunite #readpoetryeverydamnday #thisismetrying #believeinyourself #keepmotivating #passionateartist #poetrypassions #poeticoutlaws #aimhigh #Cadillacmichigan #traversecitymichigan #wordsaremysuperpower https://www.instagram.com/p/CJXzH4kBoyk/?igshid=1wwvhnpp3agf5
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Butters and I wish you joy & happiness in all your celebrations! ✌♥🌈 #happyholidays #merrychristmas #christmaseve #wintersolstice2020 #wintersolstice #thursdaynight #celebrate #dogsofinstagram #pomeraniansofinstagram #Cadillacmichigan #Traversecitymichigan #michiganauthor #michigangirl #Michigandreamer #michiganpoets #dogsarefamily https://www.instagram.com/p/CJNTbYoBMp3/?igshid=sphwsv1aiyfp
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Every day is a challenge to stay motivated. #authenticliving #autumnvibes🍁 #artistpain #authorportrait #liveyourdreams #Nevergiveup #neverstopwriting #believeinyourself #hopeindarkness #cadillacmichigan #traversecitymichigan #artistsmatter #artistforchange #artisthearts #artistlife #michigangirl #michiganpoets #michiganwriters #holdon #rebelheart #rebelwriters #diversityinadversity #diverseandproud #diversepoetsofig #keepmovingforward #betruetoyourself #Powerfulpoeticwomen #marionmichigan #lakecitymichigan #unknownartist https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYI0wyjKY-/?igshid=157b7vkhyako4
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When I think about, words, people life, and how we hang on to perfection & not meaning it often makes me ill. 🌈✌♥-AKC #freestyle #spilledink #spilledinkpoetry #cadillacmichigan #traversecitymichigan #michiganpoets #michiganwriters #writerstag #writerswriting #writersmatter #creativewriting #authenticitymatters #authenticself #Readrealwriters #writersforrevolution #keepwriting #tinystories #piecesofdreams #realityquotes #awakening #wordpress #timeisprecious #unknownartist #readindieforward #thooughts #rawpoetry #simplypoetic #youneedyou #pastmemories #poeticsouls https://www.instagram.com/p/CGTyvsXj-OS/?igshid=1g91d7oz7ccfu
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💥💣Just me💥💣-❤✌🌈#morethanthis #desiretobegreat #michiganauthor #michigangirl #Michigandreamer #michiganpoets #Michiganauthors #traversecitymichigan #Cadillacmichigan #makeithappen #fightforyourdreams #Incompletepassions #writerscommunity #writersreality #writersdesk #indiedream #getupandwork #Rebelheart #scarsarebeautful #giveadamn #stillfightingthrough #quotestoinspire #shardsofpoetry #mondayquotes https://www.instagram.com/p/COHYlDSh-v-/?igshid=1rgtf2nx6fzk5
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✌❤🌈>We hold on and dance. 💥 #saturdayquotes #saturdaynight #quotesaboutlife #writerscommunity #michiganauthor #michigangirl #Michigandreamer #michiganpoets #keepwritingyourstory #selfbelief #findyourinnerstrength #limitless #poetryoffig #poetrycommunityofig #poetryislifeinprint #poetrytribe #poetryispartofme #takemyhearteverywhere #partsofme #Traversecitymichigan #Cadillacmichigan #unitedstates #pickmeups #lifecycles #creativelifehappylife #danceinyourlivingroom #sayhowyoureallyfeel https://www.instagram.com/p/COEwlmsBjFP/?igshid=kykhchcew3wi
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#creativewriting #believeinyourself #riseabove #lighttheworld #peaceinpain #littlepoemsbyme #wakinguplikethis #cadillacmichigan #Traversecitymichigan #michiganpoets #liveyourbestlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ84vzjhPyz/?igshid=1ur2lcx2o9rt
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#michiganpoets #michigangirl #readpoetryeverydamnday #Readunknownauthors #truthisbetterthanfiction #awritersjourney #Powerfulpoeticwomen #riseabove #poemsarentalwayspretty #Cadillacmichigan #traversecitymichigan #creativewriting #wordsarearttoo #redwinepoetry #authenticliving #authenticthoughts #imreal #toberead #pouroutyourheart #tuesdayfeels https://www.instagram.com/p/CJpsfoVBhON/?igshid=fwi97yi1zaly
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Happy Thanksgiving, a day to remember all that we have to be thankful for. And I hope every day we share what we have when able, be it food, wealth, hope, peace, enlightenment, or emotional strength. ✌♥🌈~AKC~ #cadillacmichigan #traversecitymichigan #thankful #thanksgiving #grateful #gratitude #michiganauthor #michigangirl #Michigandreamer #michiganpoets #thursdaythanks #thursdaythanksgiving #findthejoy #findbalance #hope #dayofresting #goodtidings #holidayseason #marionmichigan #lakecitymichigan #mesickmichigan #grandrapidsmichigan #daybyday #enlightenment #givehopegethope #sharingiscaring https://www.instagram.com/p/CID139mhlhN/?igshid=ch418n5z7ha2
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#lightuptheworld #behope #authenticliving #saturdaymood #poetryquotes #dreamindarkness #michiganpoets #Michiganauthors #mindset #motivateddreams #bestrong #onedayatatime #poetry_addicts #passionateartist #traversecitymichigan #cadillacmichigan #spilledinkpoetry #riseabove #rechargeyoursoul #youarethelight #outsiderartist #writerscommunity #withinourhearts #everyonewhowritesisawriter #takethechallenge #holdon #makelifematter #mindfulness #morethandust https://www.instagram.com/p/CHTymGtD4xd/?igshid=j5eypwhbhx02
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