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instructionsonback · 1 year ago
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noisycowboyglitter · 7 months ago
Being A Good Human: How to Stand Up for LGBT Rights in Your Community
"Be A Good Human LGBT" is a phrase that encapsulates the intersection of basic human decency and support for the LGBTQ+ community. This message emphasizes that treating LGBTQ+ individuals with respect and kindness is a fundamental aspect of being a good person, regardless of one's own sexual orientation or gender identity.
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The phrase promotes inclusivity, empathy, and understanding towards LGBTQ+ individuals. It suggests that being a good human involves:
Respecting diverse sexual orientations and gender identities
Standing up against discrimination and prejudice
Educating oneself about LGBTQ+ issues and experiences
Using correct pronouns and preferred names
Creating safe and welcoming spaces for all
This message is often seen on t-shirts, posters, and social media posts, especially during Pride month or LGBTQ+ awareness events. It serves as a gentle reminder that supporting LGBTQ+ rights is not a political stance, but a matter of basic human dignity.
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"Be A Good Human LGBT" also challenges the notion that LGBTQ+ rights are separate from universal human rights. It implies that accepting and supporting LGBTQ+ individuals is an integral part of being a compassionate, ethical person in today's diverse society.
By framing LGBTQ+ acceptance as part of being a good human, this phrase encourages allies to actively support the community and promotes a more inclusive world for everyone.
The LGBTQ Gay Lesbian Pride Rainbow Flag is an iconic symbol of diversity, inclusivity, and pride within the LGBTQ+ community. Originally designed by Gilbert Baker in 1978, this vibrant flag features six horizontal stripes: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.
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Each color represents a different aspect of LGBTQ+ life: red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, blue for harmony, and violet for spirit. The flag's bold, eye-catching design makes it instantly recognizable at pride parades, rallies, and other LGBTQ+ events worldwide.
Over time, the rainbow flag has evolved to include additional stripes and variations to represent specific identities within the LGBTQ+ spectrum. It serves as a powerful visual statement of unity, hope, and the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance for all sexual orientations and gender identities.
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funshinefolks · 2 years ago
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Be A Good Human: Funshine Folks Jubilee
Slip into the comfiest cotton clouds with our Funshine Folks T-Shirt! It's like wearing a burst of sunshine on your chest, spreading smiles wherever you go. Let your inner sparkles shine through in the most stylish way!
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cowgirl60 · 5 months ago
Morning Mantra: “Some miracles are just good people with kind hearts.”
With all the devastation from the hurricanes and wild fires recently I am reminded that a person’s most useful asset is not a head full of knowledge, but a heart full of love, an ear ready to listen, and a hand willing to help.
As tragic as the situation is, it is heart-warming to see accounts of those that are helping. From the helpers creating donation drives, to those delivering the goods, to those sorting them and distributing them. To mule trains and rescues- both human and animal, and to those tasked with recovery. To the businesses offering free meals, and places to stay. To people offering up their campers as housing, and to farmers from other states driving truckloads of hay and feed for the livestock.
Let's not forget the professional helpers such as linemen, the first responders, the nurses and doctors, therapists, and the government employees from the National Guard , the SBA and FEMA. As well as the organizations such as the Red Cross, Samaritan's Purse, World Kitchen, BStrong, and so many more. They may be trained on how these disasters work, but no human soul is prepared for what they are encountering day in and day out.
Don't feel like you are not a helper if all you can offer right now is a prayer. Every positive thought creates more positive energy which lifts the collective vibration. So pray, meditate and lift them all up.
Be the reason someone believes in miracles. Be the reason someone keeps going. Be the kindness. Be the love.
#BeAGoodHuman #BeHappy #BeHippie #MorningMantra #WordsToInspire #InspirationalQuotes #SmallBusinessOwner #WomenOwned #HorseHippie #HorsehippieBoutique
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andthesink · 1 year ago
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Are you on the naughty or nice list? c: wititudes.com #santa #christmas2023 #naughtyornice #andthesink #attitude #fun #santascoming #beagoodhuman #naughtyornicelist #floatyourboatdontsinkmine #whatmakesyouhappy #donoharm
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vestemundo · 2 years ago
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🌍 Seja um bom humano 🌟 Nossa nova camiseta é um lembrete diário para espalhar gentileza, amor e compaixão pelo mundo. Vista-se com positividade e faça a diferença onde quer que vá. Junte-se a nós nessa missão de tornar o mundo um lugar melhor. Disponível agora em nossa loja online! ✨
arte @jadysalvatico
#BeAGoodHuman #VesteMundo #ModaConsciente
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awgrootbeer · 4 years ago
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Boom baby 💥 Today marks the day that I have officially helped donate 100 meals to people in need. I’m excited about this and also pissed at myself because I’m all honesty, this should have been at least 25-30 higher than it is because some days I forgot to log in and donate my meal. I workout 6 days of week regardless. This app allows me to donate a meal every time I workout for 30 mins or more in one day or so at least 10,000 steps. I mean, c’mon! Does it get any cooler than this? You stay healthy and help others in need. That my friends is what you call a #winwin situation The app is @vizerapp for anyone else that wants to get in on the action ⚔️⚔️⚔️ #spreadloveandkindness #helpothersinneed #feedthehungry #giveback #beagoodhuman #care #love #begrateful @feedingamerica https://www.instagram.com/p/CViT7j0lWah/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sybilimel · 4 years ago
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This Gluten Free Crunchy Thai Quinoa Salad is loaded with veggies then tossed with a Light Sesame Dressing. It's high in protein, fiber and flavor and guaranteed to become a favorite around your house! The perfect side to bring to that next party! Thai Quinoa Salad Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Salad, Side Dishes Description Ingredients 1 1/2 cups dry quinoa 3 cups of water 1 red pepper, diced 1 yellow pepper, diced 4 green onions, diced 2 cups of english cucumber, diced 1 cup thinly sliced red cabbage 1 cup grated carrots 1/4 cup chopped fresh cilantro 1/4 cup chopped unsalted peanuts or cashews 1/2 cup edamame SPICY SESAME DRESSING: 6 tablespoons toasted sesame oil 2 tablespoon canola oil 2 tablespoon lime juice 3 tablespoons tamari sauce 2 tablespoon rice wine vinegar ⅔ cup fresh cilantro 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 garlic clove, minced 2 teaspoon sriracha sauce 2 teaspoon honey Instructions Add quinoa and water to a medium sauce pan. Bring to a boil. Reduce to simmer and cover. Cook for 15 minutes or until the liquid is gone. Remove the quinoa from the heat and let rest for 5 minutes. Then fluff with a fork and add to a large serving bowl. To the serving bowl with quinoa, add red pepper, yellow pepper, green onions, cucumber, red cabbage, carrots, cilantro, peanuts (or cashews) and edamame. Set aside. To a small bowl, add toasted sesame oil, canola oil, lime juice, tamari, rice wine vinegar, cilantro, ground ginger, minced garlic, sriracha and honey. Whisk the mixture until smooth and combined. Pour over the quinoa salad when you are ready to serve. Toss the salad to everything is coated in the dressing and combined. Serve. Nutrition Serving Size: 3/4 cup Calories: 180 Sugar: 4 g Sodium: 129 mg Fat: 10 g Saturated Fat: 1 g Carbohydrates: 19 g Fiber: 3 g Protein: 4 g Cholesterol: 0 g 💃Visit my pages for food, financial freedom, fitness, fabulousness, fashion stuff and follow me for ideas to add more FUN into your world! #Thaiquinoasalad #quinoa #addchickenorshrimp #wellbeingwednesdayrecipe #heatlhylifestyle #itswhatsfordinner #aginginreverse#beagoodhuman #smoothiebowls #weightlosstips #skincaretips #fitfearlessandfun #besocial #sybilifestyle💃 (at Idaho) https://www.instagram.com/p/CScARlgHzIV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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respectanimalrights · 4 years ago
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Credit © 🎬, ✅ @freerussianwhales Via @suffering4selfies Good news from Russia! Let's hope the ban will be extended indefinitely! #suffering4selfies #orcas #freeorcas #belugas #beluga #orcasofinstagram #oceanlife #theybelonginthewild #DontBuyATicket #beagoodhuman #fightforallanimals #voiceforthevoiceless Posted @withregram • @inherentlywild Wild orca and beluga captures will be temporarily banned in Russia until 2023! Following the shocking events of the Whale Prison that unfolded in 2018/19, the Russian Federal Agency for Fishery decided to temporarily suspend cetacean captures for scientific, cultural and educational purposes; a suspension the agency has now announced will be extended until at least 2023. Russia was slammed with intense, international backlash when news hit that 11 orcas and 90 belugas had been captured from the wild and held in abhorrent conditions at the Center for Adaptation of Marine Mammals awaiting sale to marine parks and dolphinariums around the world. The debacle ended with the release of the surviving animals and prosecution of four companies, as well as a temporary ban on cetacean captures. The Federal Agency for Fishery has now decided to extend the ban following a meeting with the Board of Directors of Fishery Research Institutes that sets the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) of marine mammals in Russian waters per season. It’s said the decision was made in connection with ongoing work to amend regulations in Russia in regards to the capture of whales for export to countries like China. With any luck, the ban will give Svetlana Bessar, the Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, enough time to finalise and pass her bill that proposes an outright ban of orca and beluga captures in the country, ending this cruel practice forever. • Caption: @inherentlywild Photo: @freerussianwhales https://www.instagram.com/p/CNcA4F0hLrw/?igshid=13gs8qw6jza8k
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michele-rose · 4 years ago
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Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out. 💜💕♥️ #bekind #beagoodhuman #treatpeoplewithkindness #finallywearingmakeup #dressedup #redhairdontcare #longhairdontcare #bigblueeyes #sparkles #smile https://www.instagram.com/p/CKpjI4ejwHrGIhwvByshhzugqyHYcH5e_SoPa00/?igshid=1ilidsr9lrzwc
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v8311667 · 4 years ago
I can't loooove this enough. More yogis like this! Reposted from @theyogacouple The election results are not set in stone. There may very likely be more and more changes. Be aware of getting wrapped up in both pleasure of getting what you want AND anger of not getting what you want. Buckle up for a roller coaster of more and more changes and find your center. I love you! God loves you! Find that unwavering peace within yourself that can not be swayed despite what happens. Spread love, tolerance, and goodness to everything and everyone. This life is sacred. It's all Divine. It's all perfect. Everything is unfolding exactly as it should be! #authentic #letyourfreakflagfly #be100percentyou #beagoodhuman #love #restorativeyoga #kindness #empath  #breathewithme #letgo #letgotogrow🌱 #essentialoils #yogi #yoga #yogaahhwithvanessa #yogateacher #yogaintheville #nicevilleyoga #850yogastrong #850yoga #savageunicornyoga🦄🌌🕉 (at Niceville, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHUQrmrjbrb/?igshid=zsepdpy6kygc
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angelauniversalsky · 4 years ago
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Unconditional love. ♥✌🌈 #diverseandproud #diversityinadversity #diversepoetsofig #diversityandinclusion #findingbrave #diversewriters #diverseauthors #diversityisbeautiful #saturdayquotes #michiganpoets #michigangirl #Realpeople #readpoetryeverydamnday #Readunknownauthors #beauthentic #beagoodhuman #mytruth #loveoneanother #loveisforeveryone💙💚💛❤️💜 #Staystrong #irise #rebelheart #expressyourselfdontrepressyourself #bethechangeyouwanttosee #Wordpress #Wordsmatter #Wordporn https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHXcowBwi7/?igshid=vljod3vvrulw
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cowgirl60 · 5 months ago
Morning Mantra: "When the Universe strips us bare, kindness is what brings us back."
There is so much unpleasantness out there today. It's just icky. I find moments of kindness really helps me and the other person.
Try to remember that wherever there is a person in need, there is an opportunity for kindness and to make a difference.
So today, find those opportunities.
Pay for someone's coffee.
Smile at everyone you meet.
Deliver some cookies to a fire house or a nursing home.
Call someone you miss.
Cook a meal for a shut in.
Donate to a charity.
Volunteer in person or online.
Listen without judging.
Leave love notes.
Hand flowers out in the street.
Support a small business.
Be the reason that someone believes in the goodness of people.
#BeAGoodHuman #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #inspirationalQuotes #MorningMotivation #Equestrian #HorseLover #QuotesToInspire #HorseHippieBrand #HorseHippieBoutique
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lkhofficial · 5 years ago
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In the midst of all the human issues, nature still needed a helping hand. Old robin nest refused by mourning doves ended up on the ground, so my husband used bamboo to fortify a new nest site and I placed the nest. Parents followed the nest and were back on it, sheltering the babies from the rain. #nature #nest #mourningdoves #fallennest #birds #birding #naturephotography #birdwatching #birdlovers #birder #lkh #lkhamilton #laurellkhamilton #writersofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #bookstagram #anitablake #merrygentry #wednesday #beagoodhuman #helpinghands https://www.instagram.com/p/CBRGaGKgsQo/?igshid=1hqemw37ullu3
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dailyoliver · 5 years ago
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Along with others, we’ll also be muted until after the 7th to clear space and attention for more pressing information. #beagoodhuman https://www.instagram.com/p/CA-q7gCpgGk/?igshid=1244kqinw6eq7
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