#michelle x robert
such-g00d-luck · 6 months
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you know it hits hard
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starlightseraph · 5 months
i analyse characters to such an absurd extent that i come up with things that the writers/creators/cast probably never even considered.
and guess what. i’m right.
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Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang as Text Posts (2/?)
Part 1
+ bonus
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mj-jones-parker · 8 months
Peter: I wasn't that drunk last night
Mj: You were flirting with me all night
Peter: So? Your my girlfriend
Mj: You also asked if I was single
Mj: And cried when I said no
Tony: You also printed out an adoption papers and tried to get me to sign them
Peter: Did you sign them?
Mj: Peter your a grown adult, Tony can't adopt you
Tony, whispering to Peter: Yeah I signed them
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need-grows-teeth · 1 year
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art by @sajou-rihito / @Ypr5D
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evilcentral · 4 months
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coltermikecolter: All hail the #Kings of @evil Robert & Michelle King 👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿😈 👿and a lot of GOOD 😇 👼 @paramountplus @netflix
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lavoixhumaine · 4 months
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Angela Bassett | Disney Upfront 24 Stage
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📸 dgepress
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itsagentromanoff · 1 year
MJ: So, what's the story with Stark and Rogers?
Peter: Mr. Stark was workin' for Stark Industries in Sacramento, and then Cap —
MJ: No, I mean, are they in a relationship? A couple?
Peter: No, no. I used to think so, but they're not... I don't think.
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nocakesformissedith · 2 months
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morenaclavery · 5 months
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The Wild Girl and the Truth Untold | one shot
• crossover with The Wild Girl / The Secret Gospel of Mary Magdalene, by Michèle Roberts Summary: Domitilla Flores is a historian whose research is focused on ancient manuscripts. Her recent investigation revolves around Bible Gospels — most precisely, the supposed existence of Mary Magdalene’s Gospel — and women’s participation in primitive Christianity. Her research put her in contact with Professor Robert Langdon, a famous symbologist, and, consequently, with Sophie Neveu, a cryptologist who is intimately connected to Mary Magdalene’s story. Pairing: Jesus x Mary Magdalene (mentioned) Word count: 1,9k Content warnings: none Author’s note: This fanfiction was written in 2022 as a final evaluation for my English Literature III class in the Letters Teaching Degree at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Therefore, all names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is purely coincidental. Warning: Plagiarism is a crime! Any reproduction, whether partial or complete, is prohibited without the author’s prior authorization. The characters and the universe hereby presented belong to Dan Brown, Michèle Roberts and the producers of the film’s adaptation; however, Domitilla Flores is a creation of mine, and the story plot is of original content and protected by copyright.
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Rosslyn Chapel, Roslin (Scotland) – 10:15 pm
It has been a few hours since the sun has set in the west and the sky was taken by a deep, dark blue that was sprinkled by sparse, glowing stars and a barely seen new moon. There was a soft breeze in the air, although it was freezing cold that night. Hidden under a warm coat and a hood that covered her face almost entirely, Domitilla Flores walked with tense but firm steps toward one of the most known chapels of Edinburgh. The Rosslyn Chapel had appeared in some of her research papers, but nothing convinced her about its true relevance until that meeting with Professor Langdon a couple of weeks ago. That had changed everything and gave her new hopes.
‘Are you sure that’s the place where I’ll find the answers I’m looking for?’ Domitilla asked Professor Langdon as she took a sip of her tea. He had been adamant that their confabulation must occur in person and decided on a small café close to Harvard University, where he teaches History of Art and Symbology. According to him, she was messing up with an ancient story that many would kill to keep in the shadows. At first, she took it as a jest, but believed in its seriousness as he told her about a case he assisted in France, where he found himself running away from attacks by the Opus Dei.
‘Yes. I already reached out for Sophie Neveu and she agreed to help you. She’s a cryptologist and is very interested in your research.’ Robert replied casually and Domitilla frowned.
‘What do you mean by that?’
‘It will be better if she explains that herself. You can trust her.’ Even with Professor Langdon’s voucher, she was suspicious of this mystery woman, but decided to trust her colleague and accepted the card he offered her with Neveu’s contact information.
And that is how she found herself in a different country, climbing the stone steps of that historic chapel in the middle of a cold night. As she knocked on the wooden door, it was just a moment until a female face greeted her. ‘Domitilla Flores?’ At her affirmative nod, she was prompted to quickly enter the sacred building.
‘I must confess that I was quite anxious for your arrival ever since Robert called me about your research! I’m Sophie Neveu, by the way.’ Domitilla noticed the first-name basis, but did not comment on that.
‘I could say the same’, she replied a little unsure. ‘Professor Langdon said you’re interested in my research, but I failed to understand it… people usually find it a heresy, not an excitement.’
‘Oh, I’m sure Robert was quite cryptic when talking about me!’ Sophie replied with a smile. ‘He’s into the secret now, but you’ll get it when you see it first-hand. Let’s get into the library and I’ll explain everything to you.’
They walked in silence along the stone path, softly illuminated by the decorated stained-glass on the high windows and the spare lamps that resembled ancient torches, until they reached a door hidden behind the altar.
‘Really?!’ Domitilla expressed her suspicious in a whisper-shout. ‘The library is behind the altar? Through a door that no one can normally see?’
‘Shh… be quiet!’ It was Sophie’s answer. ‘Just trust and follow me.’
And so she followed the cryptologist down a circular stair of stones into the underground of the chapel. The pathway was narrow and irregular, until they reached a small hallway illuminated by the same exquisite lamp-torches. Right in front of the stairs was a wooden door — it seemed old, but incredibly sturdy at the same time. Sophie used five large keys to unlock it. With a smug smile on her face, she prompted Domitilla to enter first, which she did with a raised eyebrow.
The chamber inside was not large, but it was not small, either. The walls were made of shelves in which were placed books and an incredible number of rolls — which Domitilla soon discovered them to be parchments and papyri. In the centre, there was a wooden table stacked with old papers and books. The room as a whole smelled old and, as a historian, Domitilla could not have been happier.
‘Welcome to the secret library of the Priori of Sion’, said Sophie with pride in her voice.
Domitilla, who was admiring the underground room, was taken by surprise. ‘What?! Do you mean… the Priori of Sion? How do you have access to it? And how am I allowed down here?’
The Priori of Sion is an ancient organization that had been keeping the secrets regarding the Holy Grail. Domitilla Flores came upon that name through her research but could never find anything concrete about them. Just rumours and a great amount of mystery. Her shock at been standing inside their most precious archive was quite understandable.
‘Well… my brother would certainly disapprove of this,’ Sophie started to explain, ‘but you’re allowed in here because currently I’m the safeguard of the library. As I’m sure you’ll find out very soon, I’m deeply related to the Priori of Sion’s mission, and — therefore — very interested in your findings and its publication.’
‘I’m quite confused, now… shouldn’t you be keeping all of this in secret, then?’ Domitilla asked.
‘Until this very moment, all of this has been kept hidden away in secret and it almost got Robert and I killed. I think it’s time for the world to know the truth untold by the Church.’ Walking around the table, Sophie pointed towards two blocks of paper. ‘Look at these. I’m sure it will spark your interest.’
Coming to a stop beside Sophie, Domitilla took one of the books in her hands and shifted through its pages carefully, as it was ancient. Shouldn’t I be using some gloves for this? It was her immediate thought, but it vanished as soon as she noticed the title at the first page. ‘The Secret Gospel of Mary Magdalene?! Is this even true? Did she really write this?’
‘She did’, Sophie answered in a soft tone, full of admiration. ‘But, of course, Simon Peter founded his precious Church without including her witness in the official New Testament, which is quite a blasphemy. The irony of this!’ Sophie’s anger could be felt in the air and in her voice. ‘In the other one you’ll find her late diary — her memories and experiences after the death of Jesus, most precisely. And the start of the Priori, although it was named only years later.’
‘This is incredible!’ Domitilla was fascinated by Mary Magdalene’s writings and all the repercussions that would come with their revelation. ‘Are you sure I can use these on my research?’
‘Yes, please! It’s a great burden to guard all of this in secret’, Sophie said as she gestured around the library. ‘Just don’t reveal any recent names… as bold as I am to release all this knowledge to the world, I’m still not ready to die’, she continued cryptically. ‘And I’m certain that there are still some other secret organizations ready to finish my lineage.’
‘Your lineage?’ Domitilla asked, confused for a second. ‘Oh. My. God! You’re a descendant from Mary Magdalene?! And from Jesus?!’ She was amazed by that discovery and felt very honoured now that she knew the truth. ‘Wow… don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Well, part of it, at least!’
Domitilla sat on the chair by the table and rummaged through the ancient pages, taking notes in her small notebook and taking pictures of important passages with her cell phone. She even found a well-kept family tree — it started with the names of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, followed by their only child, Deborah, passing through the Merovingian kings, until they stopped with the names of Sophie Neveu and her brother.
Throughout the next hours, Sophie helped Domitilla to gather all the necessary information needed for her academic work, even though she made sure to welcome her into the library another time, if needed.
It was breaking dawn when Domitilla finally left the Rosslyn Chapel.
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The Original Rosslyn Inn, Roslin (Scotland) – 3:27 pm
After a warm shower, a snack, and a few hours of sleep, Domitilla Flores finally sat in front of her laptop to transfer her data to a secure platform and start putting her research findings into an organized and readable text. As promised, she left Sophie and her close family members’ names out of her paper, but mentioned Deborah, which was Jesus and Mary Magdalene’s only daughter, and a few more people that she found important to the story. Even though there was an entire chapter to the story of Mary Magdalene and her relationship with Jesus, which culminated in the creation of the Priori of Sion, there was also a chapter regarding the changes Simon Peter did to the Church. As Mary Magdalene’s witness — and disregarded gospel — could prove, there was a wish from Jesus to include women actively into the faith, something that was erased from the New Testament Scriptures and the Church as we know it when Simon Peter took the lead after the Lord’s sacrifice.
In the following weeks, Domitilla travelled to France, where she decided to finish her manuscript and take pictures of a few landscapes that could be incorporated in her publication, since her research mentioned Mary Magdalene’s journey to the country. One particularly image that she added was the front of the Musée du Louvre, focusing on the giant pyramid — it was a secret allusion to the inverted one and what lies underneath: the tomb of Mary Magdalene.
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Carrousel du Louvre, Paris (France) – 6:45 pm
Six weeks had passed since Domitilla Flores met Sophie Neveu, and the final version of the manuscript was completed, at last. The historian was careful enough to erase any data from her cell phone and laptop, leaving the research in a safe and cryptographed platform. There were a few copies that she sent to Sophie and to Robert Langdon, just to be sure that it would not be misplaced. It was rightfully named as The Wild Girl and the Truth Untold.
Feeling like her purpose was accomplished, Domitilla left the hotel for one last walk through Paris, which led her towards the Carrousel du Louvre, an underground shopping mall where the inverted glass pyramid could be found. It was near to the closing time, so there were few people around the lobby, which made it easier for the historian to kneel before the small stone pyramid situated right below the inverted one.
‘Thank you’, she said in a soft tone so nobody else could hear her words. ‘You fought for us in your time, even though no one would listen to your pleas. But now the world will finally be aware of your story — your true story.’
With a final measure, Domitilla concluded her visit to Mary Magdalene’s secret tomb and left the small shopping mall. Her heels echoed on the floor at every confident step, resounding the certainty that she had done what was right in memory of Mary Magdalene and for all women out there around the globe.
As she walked down the streets of Paris, admiring the view one last time before going to the airport to travel back to the United States of America, she did not notice the mysterious figure that silently followed her steps, all cladded in black.
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Hello, friends! 💖 I hope you liked this story as much as I did in writing it, as it is about a theme that I do not usually write — or even read — about. It was, however, quite interesting and fun to mix these two fandoms! Please, let me know all your thoughts about it! Acknowledgements: A very grateful thanks to my English Literature III Professor, for giving me the opportunity to read texts that I usually wouldn’t choose for myself. I really loved to read them! And a warm thanks to you, who took the time to read my story.
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dalekofchaos · 4 months
Didn't have enough room for it, but the Paternoster Gang, so if you want that, just reply or reblog with that option
the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. The Power of the Doctor set up a new UNIT that recruited some of the Doctor's former companions so it feels like there's fertile ground for a show about who protects modern-day Earth when the Doctor's not available. An episodic structure would fit a UNIT show well, allowing it to shift from espionage thriller, to alien invasion, to weird science, like The X-Files.
An alternative UNIT show could follow in the footsteps of Star Trek: Lower Decks by focusing on a group of lowly officers who are left to pick up the pieces after one of the big exciting Doctor Who alien invasions. The Doctor always leaves a lot of destruction in their wake, so it would provide a lot of opportunities for an affectionate parody of Doctor Who. They could be led by a former UNIT operative like Sergeant Benton (John Levene) who would be an ideal character for an irreverent Doctor Who comedy. There's a lot of potential for UNIT in the new RTD era and hopefully, the Disney+ deal can help to realize it.
For obvious reasons, Jack and Mickey would be recast
Companions united.
Showing everyone who traveled with the Doctor saving the world in their own way. Each episode showing individual companions. From all the alive Classic Companions to all the New Who Companions.
Master Who? Basically The Master's show and showing what happens when The Doctor isn't there to stop The Master's universal conquest. And The Master taking on the worst people imaginable as companions. Could have Michelle Gomez, John Simm, Sascha Dhawan, Derek Jacobi, Geoffrey Beevers, Eric Roberts and Gordon Tipple return as their respective Masters/Missy
Time Lord Academy. The childhood of The Doctor, Master, and Rani during their years at the academy
Eighth Doctor adventures.
Finally giving Eight the run he deserves. Could bring in Charley or Lucie as his companions and lead into Eight in the Time War
Showing Romana and Leela on Gallifrey. During Romana's reign as Time Lady President. Leading to the Time War and how Romana was removed from power and Leela's last stand
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callsigns-haze · 7 months
Short love: Prologue
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Summary: The is about widowed father Bradley Bradshaw who enlists his brother-in-law Jake Seresin and childhood best friend Robert Floyd to help raise his three daughters, eldest Donna Jo Margaret (D.J for short), middle child Stephanie and youngest Michelle in his San Diego home. 
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warning: Fluff
In the warm embrace of the morning sun, Y/n stood in Bradley's cozy kitchen, a sense of excitement bubbling within her as she prepared to whip up a batch of pancakes from scratch. The tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the sweet scent of vanilla and cinnamon that would soon infuse the fluffy pancakes.
With a deft hand, Y/n measured out flour, baking powder, and a pinch of salt into a mixing bowl, the ingredients coming together in a cloud of soft white powder. She cracked eggs into the bowl, their golden yolks adding richness to the batter, and poured in a splash of creamy milk.
As she whisked the ingredients together, Y/n's mind drifted back to fond memories of lazy Sunday mornings spent in her grandmother's kitchen, learning the art of pancake-making from the master herself. She smiled at the thought, grateful for the tradition that had been passed down through generations.
Adding a dollop of melted butter and a hint of pure maple syrup to the batter, Y/n stirred until it was smooth and silky, the mixture taking on a golden hue that promised deliciousness with every bite. With a satisfied nod, she set the bowl aside to rest, allowing the flavours to meld and develop while she heated up the griddle.
The sizzle of butter hitting the hot surface filled the kitchen as Y/n ladled spoonful's of batter onto the griddle, each one spreading out into perfect circles of golden goodness. She watched with anticipation as bubbles formed on the surface of the pancakes, signalling that it was time to flip them over to cook on the other side.
With a flick of her wrist, Y/n expertly flipped the pancakes, their edges turning crisp and golden as they cooked to perfection. The kitchen was filled with the mouth-watering aroma of caramelized sugar and warm spices, beckoning her nieces to the breakfast table with eager anticipation.
As Y/n finished up the last batch of pancakes, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching from the hallway. Moments later, Stephanie and DJ, her two oldest nieces, appeared in the kitchen, their faces lighting up with surprise and delight at the sight of the delicious breakfast spread before them.
"Good morning, Aunt Y/n!" Stephanie exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "What's all this?"
Y/n turned to greet them, her smile widening at the sight of their eager expressions. "Good morning, girls!" she replied, her voice warm and jovial. "I thought I'd whip up a little breakfast treat for my favourite nieces."
DJ and Stephanie exchanged a look of disbelief, their eyes widening in astonishment. "You made all this?" DJ asked, her voice tinged with amazement.
Y/n nodded proudly, gesturing towards the table where plates of fluffy pancakes, bowls of fresh fruit, and pitchers of maple syrup awaited them. "All from scratch," she confirmed, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.
Stephanie and DJ wasted no time in helping themselves to the delicious spread, their mouths watering at the sight and smell of the pancakes. They piled their plates high with pancakes, drizzling them generously with syrup and adding a handful of fresh berries on the side.
As they dug into their breakfast, laughter and conversation filled the kitchen, the sound of their voices blending harmoniously with the clink of forks against plates. Y/n watched them with pride, her heart swelling with love for her nieces and the joy of being able to spoil them with a homemade breakfast. Together, they savoured each mouthful of pancakes, savouring the warmth and comfort of being together as a family.
As Y/n sat at the kitchen table with her two nieces, DJ and Stephanie, the aroma of freshly made pancakes filled the air, mingling with the excitement bubbling within her. With a warm smile, she decided to share with them stories of her recent geographic news reporting trip to Australia, a journey that had taken her to the far reaches of the continent.
"DJ, Stephanie, did I ever tell you about my recent trip to Australia for work?" Y/n began, her voice filled with anticipation.
The girls shook their heads, their eyes wide with curiosity as they eagerly dug into their pancakes.
"Well, let me tell you, it was an adventure unlike any other," Y/n continued, her eyes sparkling with excitement as she recounted her memories.
"As a geographic news reporter, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to some of the most remote and breath-taking locations in Australia. From the rugged Outback to the lush rainforests, I witnessed the stunning diversity of landscapes that make up this vast continent."
DJ and Stephanie listened intently, their pancake-filled mouths forgotten as they hung on Y/n's every word.
"I explored ancient Aboriginal sites, where rock art told the stories of generations past. I trekked through dense rainforests, where towering trees and cascading waterfalls created a sense of wonder and awe."
The girls gasped in amazement, their imaginations sparked by Y/n's vivid descriptions.
"But do you know what was truly remarkable?" Y/n asked, her voice filled with wonder.
"What?" DJ and Stephanie chimed in unison.
"The people," Y/n replied, her voice tinged with admiration. "I met incredible individuals who were deeply connected to the land and its rich cultural heritage. From Aboriginal elders sharing their wisdom to local communities welcoming me with open arms, I was constantly inspired by their resilience and strength."
As they finished their pancakes, DJ and Stephanie bombarded Y/n with questions about her trip, eager to learn more about the fascinating experiences she had encountered. And as Y/n shared more stories and answered their curious inquiries, she knew that her nieces were already dreaming of their own adventures, inspired by the tales of distant lands and faraway journeys.
In the bustling kitchen of the Bradshaw household, Y/n watched the clock anxiously as her two nieces, DJ and Stephanie, leisurely nibbled on their pancakes. With each passing second, her sense of urgency grew, knowing that they were perilously close to missing their school bus.
"Come on, girls, hurry up! You need to finish your pancakes quickly so we can get you to the bus stop on time," Y/n urged, her voice tinged with urgency.
DJ and Stephanie glanced at each other, their eyes widening with realization as they realized the gravity of the situation. With newfound determination, they began to eat with renewed speed, their pancakes disappearing in record time.
As Y/n bustled around the kitchen, packing their backpacks and gathering their coats, she couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration at the time ticking away. The school bus would be arriving any minute, and she dreaded the thought of having to drive them to school herself.
"Come on, girls, we need to go!" Y/n called out, her voice tinged with urgency as she ushered them out the door.
With a final gulp of orange juice and a hasty goodbye, DJ and Stephanie scrambled out of their chairs and raced to the front door, their backpacks slung over their shoulders.
As they hurried down the front steps and onto the sidewalk, Y/n breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that they had made it just in time. With a quick wave goodbye, she watched as they boarded the school bus, their faces flushed with excitement and the thrill of making it just in time.
As the bus pulled away from the curb and disappeared around the corner, Y/n couldn't help but smile. Despite the chaos and rush of the morning, she knew that she wouldn't have it any other way. After all, these were the moments that made being an aunt so special.
In the early morning hustle and bustle of the Bradshaw household, the sound of hurried footsteps echoed down the stairs as Bradley rushed into the kitchen, baby Michelle cradled in his arms. His face was a mix of determination and concern as he quickly scanned the room.
"Y/n, I'm running late for work," Bradley exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency as he handed Michelle over to his roommate. "Can you watch Michelle for me while I grab my briefcase?"
Y/n, caught off guard by her friend's sudden appearance, quickly adjusted to the situation, taking Michelle into her arms with practiced ease. "Of course, Bradley," she replied, her voice calm and reassuring. "I've got her. Don't worry."
With a grateful nod, Bradley dashed back up the stairs, his footsteps echoing through the house as he hurried to gather his belongings. Y/n watched him go, a fond smile playing on her lips as she cradled Michelle close.
As the minutes ticked by, Y/n soothed Michelle with gentle words and soft caresses, the baby content in her aunt's loving embrace. She hummed a soft lullaby, the melody filling the air with warmth and comfort.
Finally, Bradley reappeared in the kitchen, his briefcase in hand and a grateful smile on his face. "Thank you, Y/n," he said, his voice filled with gratitude as he leaned in to kiss Michelle on the forehead. "I couldn't have done it without you."
Y/n smiled back, her heart swelling with love for her friend and her precious niece. "Anytime, Brad," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "You know I'm always here for you and Michelle."
With a quick goodbye, Bradley rushed out the door, his footsteps fading into the distance as he headed off to work. Left alone in the kitchen with Michelle, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfilment wash over her. Despite the chaos of the morning, moments like these reminded her of the bond that held their family together, strong and unbreakable.
With Bradley gone and the kitchen now quiet, Y/n cradled Michelle in her arms, the baby's warm weight a comforting presence against her chest. As she gazed down at her tiny niece, Y/n couldn't help but marvel at the innocence and beauty of this small, precious life in her care.
With practiced ease, Y/n reached for a bottle of warm formula, prepared earlier in anticipation of moments like this. She settled into a cozy armchair by the window, the morning sunlight casting a gentle glow over the room, and carefully positioned the bottle for Michelle to latch onto.
Michelle, ever the eager eater, eagerly accepted the bottle, her hungry suckles filling the air with a soft rhythm. Y/n watched with a mixture of tenderness and awe as the baby drank, her heart swelling with love for this little bundle of joy.
As Michelle nursed, Y/n gently stroked her soft cheek, whispering words of love and reassurance. She marvelled at the bond that had formed between them, a connection that transcended words and filled her with a sense of purpose and belonging.
Time seemed to stand still as Y/n and Michelle shared this intimate moment, the outside world fading away as they basked in the warmth of each other's presence. In the quiet stillness of the morning, surrounded by love and tenderness, Y/n knew that she was exactly where she was meant to be.
And as Michelle finished her bottle with a contented sigh, her eyelids growing heavy with drowsiness, Y/n held her close, savouring the precious moments of peace and quiet. In these simple moments, she found joy and fulfilment, knowing that she was fulfilling her role as both aunt and caregiver with all the love in her heart.
With baby Michelle nestled in her arms, her tiny fingers curling around Y/n's, the aunt couldn't resist engaging in a little conversation with her niece.
"You know, Michelle," Y/n began, her voice soft and gentle, "we're going to have some special visitors later today. Uncle Bob and Uncle Jake are moving in with us for a while."
Michelle's bright eyes blinked up at Y/n, her small mouth forming a curious O-shape. Y/n chuckled at the adorable expression, feeling a surge of affection for the little one in her arms.
"They're going to be staying with us for a little bit while they get settled," Y/n continued, her tone warm and reassuring. "It's going to be so much fun having them around. They're going to make you laugh and smile, just like they always do."
As Y/n spoke, Michelle cooed softly in response, her eyes fixed on her aunt's face as if trying to understand every word. Y/n couldn't help but marvel at the way Michelle seemed to be taking in everything around her, her innocence and curiosity a constant source of joy.
"I think you're going to love having them here, Michelle," Y/n said, her voice filled with excitement. "They're going to be the best uncles ever, I just know it."
With a contented sigh, Y/n hugged Michelle a little tighter, feeling grateful for the bond they shared and the adventures that lay ahead with their extended family. And as she rocked Michelle gently in her arms, she couldn't wait to see the smiles and laughter that Uncle Bob and Uncle Jake would bring into their lives once they arrived later that day.
tagging: @callsign-magnolia @shanimallina87 @callsign-dexter @rosiahills22 @horseslovers2016 @djs8891 @hookslove1592 @emma8895eb @hardballoonlove @kmc1989 @dempy @mamachasesmayhem @senawashere @buckysteveloki-me @sweetwhispersofchaos @itsmytimetoodream @jessicab1991 @ahh-chickens
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Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang as Text Posts: shrikehart edition (3/?)
Part 1 | Part 2
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mj-jones-parker · 9 months
Peter: Mr. Stark, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Mj
Mj: Hi, it's nice to meet you
Tony: You seriously couldn't find anyone better?
Peter: Mr. Stark, I love her
Tony: Peter I wasn't talking to you
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Hot Medieval & Fantasy Men Melee Masterpost
Qualifying Round: Day 7
Robert of Artois [Jean Piat] VS. Mehmed II [Cem Yiğit Uzümoğlu]
Tormund Giantsbane [Kristofer Hivju] VS. Sir Lancelot [Luc Simon]
Legolas [Orlando Bloom] VS. Shah Ala Ad Daula [Olivier Martinez]
Sir Lancelot [Richard Gere] VS. Rollo [Clive Standen]
Henry V [Laurence Olivier] VS. Saruman [Christopher Lee]
Théoden [Bernard Hill] VS. Steapa [Adrian Bouchet]
Taunting French Guard [John Cleese] VS. Richard III [Aneurin Barnard]
Jaime Lannister [Nikolaj Coster-Waldau] VS. Wat [Alan Tudyk]
Daario Naharis [Michel Huissman] VS. Kíli [Aiden Turner]
Osferth [Ewan Mitchell] VS. Robin Hood [Jonas Armstrong]
Jacques le Gris [Adam Driver] VS. Rodrigo Borgia [Jeremy Irons]
Stannis Baratheon [Stephen Dillane] VS. Ivar the Boneless [Alex Høgh Anderson]
Guildenstern [Tim Roth] VS. Caspian X [Ben Barnes]
High King Peter the Magnificent [Noah Huntley] VS. Robin Hood [Errol Flynn]
Little John [Eric Allan Kramer] VS. Pippin Took [Billy Boyd]
Uhtred of Bebbanburg [Alexander Dreymon] VS. Robin Hood [Michael Praed]
Sihtric Kjartansson [Arnas Fedaravičius] VS. Robin Longstride [Russell Crowe]
Cinderella's Prince [Chris Pine] VS. Edgin Darvis [Chris Pine]
Tom Builder [Rufus Sewell] VS. Thomas Cromwell [Mark Rylance]
Count Adehemar [Rufus Sewell] VS. Sir Bowen [Dennis Quaid]
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evilcentral · 2 months
evil: Introducing The Antichrist, Timothy 😈
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