#michael emerson the man that you are
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j1gsawz · 2 months
people talk about adam haunting the narrative of the saw franchise… but what about zep? it’s not like the iconic main theme of the franchise that plays at the end of every movie is named after him. it’s not like he was (one of) the first pawns of jigsaw we ever saw. it’s not like he’s been rotting in that bathroom next to adam all these years.
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smashorpass50plus · 7 months
Michael Emerson
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linusbenjamin · 1 year
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Lost 3.19 | The Brig
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I will never shut up about Lost.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 month
Part One / Part Two / Part Three (You Are Here)
Complete Thing on A03
Sure enough, Jason Carver had brought a priest. 
The idiot himself stood next to the guy, smugly grinning like a hunter posing with his prized buck, a small crowd already gathering. 
Opposing them was Michael Wheeler, hands planted on Hellfire’s table and back up like a pissed off cat’s, mouth moving faster than Eddie thought possible.
He couldn’t hear what Wheeler was saying. 
Frankly did not want to know what Wheeler was saying, and could only do his damndest to intervene before Mike tanked the situation entirely. 
Gareth and Jeff flanked him, both tense as hell. Neither had backed down though, standing tall and holding ground even as Jason pulled more and more people into his little spectacle. 
Lucas and Grant on the other hand, were standing off to the side.
They weren’t cowering exactly, but both were definitely wincing as Gareth opened his mouth to add his own two cents. 
Given the scowl on the priest, it was probably something nasty, 
‘Fuck.’ Eddie thought, teeth clenched, as Jason drew out his arms, making an even bigger production for his little audience. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ 
The worst thing of all? 
Dustin managed to reach the group before anyone else did. 
Wheeler and Emerson might have low charisma, but Dustin had a particular combination of snark and a know-it-all attitude that really pissed off authority figures. 
(And Eddie would know, given he was the reigning champion of pissing off authority figures.) 
He did, however, slide in right in time to hear the priest respond. 
“I don’t care for your tone, young man. Jason here has some concerns over your club and I have to agree, what I see is quite,” The guy paused, jowls jiggling as he looked over their table, clearly eyeing Hellfire’s logo. “alarming.” 
 At least wasn’t an actual sermon.
Not yet, anyway. 
Eddie came up right inbetween Mike and Dustin, intending to make himself out to be the new target for all to aim at.  
There was an art to making yourself the sole owner of everything evil in this world, and Eddie had learned it all, trial by fire style.  
“Carver is full of--” Mike snarled, and thankfully was cut off—not by Eddie, or the hand he’d just clamped onto Mike’s shoulder—but by Harrington. 
Who sauntered right up as if he was joining everyone for dinner, and not walking into a circus act.
“Hello Father.” Harrington said, voice warm and welcoming.  “Would you like some of our cookies? We have a sample platter.” 
“Oh--Steve!” The priest blinked, actually blinked, that he was startled to see Hawkins’ golden boy appear next to him. “I’m sorry but no. I’m ah, here for other reasons.”
He paused so long it was nearly comedic before tentatively asking; “ Are you with this table?”
Like the guy couldn’t see the same Hellfire logo plastered across Steve’s ridiculous jock chest. 
Eddie opened his mouth to give a resounding no, Hellfire shirt or not--when Mike of all people put an elbow into his side. 
As if Eddie was the one who needed to be silenced.  
“I am.” Steve put an arm down on Dustin’s shoulder, squeezing it in a way that looked like fond encouragement (but what Eddie was pretty sure was actually a warning in the same way the hand on Mike’s shoulder was.) “I came to help out my friends and fundraise.”
Then he beamed, face lighting up with the full Harrington charm, giga watt smile and all. 
Now the priest just looked awkward. 
“You’ve apparently been fundraising for what I have been told is a…Satanist Club?” 
It was hilariously delicate, how the priest said it. Like now that a respectable member of Hawkins was here, he had to be more careful about what words he used. 
Eddie would have interrupted then.  Retake the reins and do what he did best in terms of making everyone forget about everything but him--except Carver was rounding on Harrington, and well.
He was always a fan of the rich eating each other. 
“You cannot seriously be with these--these,” Jason’s eyes darted to between him and the priest, before physically reigning himself in. “hooligans, Harrington!” 
“I’m sorry.” Harrington said, and whatever Jason had been expecting to get hit with, it wasn’t “good ol’ boy” southern charm. 
He blinked, taking on the air of a kicked puppy who couldn’t understand why someone would be so mean as he glanced around the crowd.  “I think I'm a little lost here.” 
Jason clearly wasn’t prepared for that either. 
“This table is for a storytelling and math game.” Steve spoke slowly, in the same way one explained things to a toddler. “You have to roll dice and add the numbers up to do anything."
“It’s not a game, Steve.” Jason spat back. “It’s an evil trick made to tempt the susceptible minds of children to the dark arts!” 
Personally, Eddie was amazed Carver even knew the word susceptible let alone be able to properly use it in a sentence. 
(He tried to open his mouth to say so, and once again got elbowed, this time by Gareth. 
The look he gave his younger friend could have melted steel beams.)
“That’s what this is about?” Harrington slid his arm off Dustin's shoulders, leaning back to look at the priest and the people around them in a show of blatant disbelief. “You think the nerd club is related to satanism?” 
It was Eddie's own tactic--arguing that D&D was “using academic skills” and “making math fun!" not that Hellfire had ever been successful using it.
Of course, they weren’t Hawkins golden boy either. 
Jason sputtered. 
“It has monsters and--demons in it! It makes children do spells and sign over their souls!” He flung a hand out, for the first time acknowledging Eddie by pointing at his shirt. “Just look at that! It’s awful!”  
"Hey." Eddie said, hand going over his very well drawn dragon.
“I once had to stop an argument about how much weight a wooden bridge could hold.” Steve countered, hands moving to his hips. “I only got them to stop by agreeing to take the kids to a library so they could look it up.” 
He squinted, in Carver's direction, deadpanning; "I take it you think the library is evil now too?"
“The name of the club is called Hellfire!” Jason shrieked, sounding more like an angry teakettle than anything dangerous. 
“Look I get that it sounds scary,” Steve said, the tiniest hint of pity entering his voice, “but they’re trying to make math problems and English essays sound cool. It’s the same reason Father John here calls our annual haunted house Hell House, isn’t it? So people go in it to begin with?” 
Harrington turned to look expectantly at the priest, and Eddie had to admit it was an excellent way to both pander to the guy and sound like Jason was making a big deal out of nothing. 
Perhaps, he’d stay quiet after all. 
(Even if it went against Eddie’s entire being to do so.)
“Well, yes, but--” Father John had clearly picked up on the fact he was losing this particular argument, but plowed forward regardless. “Those activities are supervised by the church…” 
“This is evil Harrington, and you should know better to promote it.” Carver tacked on, like this was a two bit comedy sketch. 
“When I played it we just saved some poor town from a bad guy who set it on fire.” Steve rolled his eyes. 
Then he leaned in, converting his voice into a stage whisper that somehow projected it, giving the impression that everyone around them was listening in on a secret. 
“The doctor said it was a really good way for Dustin and Erica to process the mall fire. He’s a specialist--my mother managed to convince him to fly down to help all the kids who got hurt.” 
Eddie was 100% sure that was total bullshit, but the mere mention of Harrington's mother had seemed to have an effect on the people around them.
 Like Steve had invoked the name of an old but beloved God, not always benevolent but definitely memorable. 
“She’s always been a champion of helping when you can.” Steve spoke to the priest, like they were having a conversation between just the two of them. “Encouraging people to volunteer and helping fundraise.”
“She has been." Father John said, in the kind of instant way one does when they don’t want to offend a very large donor.  "Tell your mom I look forward to her coming back from her--ah, trip.”
 With an awkward glance to the table, he added; “...I suppose I don’t see how math comes into play?” 
“Oh it’s right from the start. Hey Jeff, come here, show Father John how you have to do a bunch of calculations and stuff to make a character.” 
“Ah--right.” Jeff sprung to life, moving around the table to Steve.
“We uh, we start with this character sheet…” 
“Eddie Munson runs the club.” Jason interrupted, before Steve could get Jeff to going.
“He’s right there! Does he look like this whole thing is just an innocent board game?” 
This was a last ditch effort, and it was clear by the chattering that had started circling amongst their audience that everyone knew it. 
Unfortunately, it was a good one.
This was the downside to making yourself a target. Once a bad guy, always a bad guy--particularly in the eyes of the PTA. 
“Munson?” Harrington dismissed with a scoff. “He’s harmless.” 
Which was news to most of their audience given the amount of attention Eddie suddenly had on him, but it was fine. 
He was used to the disapproving stares and glares, and gave his best award winning smile in response. 
Jason looked at Harrington like he’d lost his mind. 
“He has skulls on his fingers for fucks sake!” 
“Jason.” Steve admonished, in a perfect mimic of an upset southern mother. “Language.” 
Carver's jaw dropped, face purpling in rage.
Steve ignored him, turning back to the Priest. “I don’t know what's gotten into him but I’m sorry Jason’s wasted your time, Father.” 
“Munson is a drug dealer!” And ah, here came the Hail Mary move, Carver's one and only trump card.
“We all know he’s a drug dealer, and he’s using this--this game, to give drugs to kids!”
“Really?” Steve turned. “Lucas, what happens if I ever catch you smoking weed?” 
Lucas answered instantly. “You’re going to make us run laps at five in the morning.” 
“For a month.” Dustin added, with an exaggerated shudder. 
It would have been too much--except his disgusted face sold it. 
“Eddie’s just loud and wants to be a rockstar.” Harrington said, like this he was harmless.
No one on Steve's side of things had ever thought of Eddie as harmless.
 “I’ve babysat these kids for years and Eddie was a huge help in making sure no one in high school messed with them.” He continued, like they were some sort of team or friends even.
(Like Eddie hadn't been at Harrington's throat all day, pissy and defensive.)
“We have a real bullying problem right now. Funny enough,” Steve’s nailed Jason with a look, “I keep hearing that it’s coming from the basketball team.” 
“What are you implying?” Jason asked darkly. 
“Just that it’s funny how nobody got caught fighting when I was team captain.” Steve returned. 
God the man was such a bitch. Eddie kind of wanted to kiss him a little. 
Okay, more than a little.
“I get you have some kind of beef with Munson, but let’s not drag a bunch of people into it. Especially not Father John.” Harrington was playing up to the mothers around him now, dismissing Carver entirely as he did so. “He’s a busy guy.”
“Very.” Said Father nodded solemnly. “I do not appreciate being pulled into a high school squabble.” 
Jason’s mouth swam through shapes, words stuttering out of it. “This isn’t, thats not--”
“We can talk about this after church on Sunday.” Father John interrupted, the finishing blow to Carver's little show.
“You came all this way, at least have a cookie on us.” Steve said with an appeasing tone, reaching an arm back behind him.
Quick on the uptake, a cookie appeared in his hands. 
He offered it out to the priest, who took it happily.
"Okay, who wants cake!?” He called, in a clear and obvious dismissal of Jason. 
Who stood there, like he couldn’t believe what just happened. 
His eyes slid to Eddie's, fists clenched tightly at his side, hatred pouring off him so strongly one could almost taste it.
Eddie winked at him.
(Unknown to him at the time, Jason had also looked at Steve--and Steve would wink too.)
Steve Harrington, who Eddie had been an absolute ass all day too, had looked Jason Carver, a Priest and half of Hawkins in the eye and announced that he, Eddie Munson, was a good person at heart.
It made Eddie want to vomit a little when he thought about it too hard.
“I know this is horrible timing,” Robin said, sidling up as the crowd finally dispersed, “but I really, really need to talk to you.” 
Eddie turned, head full of far too many thoughts and ready to tell her such, when he caught sight of Buckley's face. 
Was reminded, by the sheer nervous, ‘horse about to bolt’ vibe, that he owed it to Robin as a fellow queer not to be a dick about her accidental outing.
Even if all he wanted was to preen in the wake of Carver’s defeat. 
‘See Mothers of Hawkins? Your own golden boy just gave me his stamp of approval!’ 
A mental image that immediately changed to Steve Harrington’s name stamped on his ass and dammit he had to get ahold of his thoughts before he fell down rabbit holes like this--!
“Back there, at the stairs,” Robin started, voice dropping low, and Eddie didn’t miss the way her eyes kept seeking out Steve, like he was some kind of safety net--which he probably was. “What um--what did you hear?” 
It took a lot of guts to come talk to him, knowing what he'd overheard--particularly given they'd just fended off the church.
He'd never exactly underestimated Robin Buckley, but then, he'd never expected this level of badassery from her either.
“Eddie?” Robin prodded again, chewing hard on her bottom lip.
“Sorry, distracted.” Eddie waved a hand behind himself. “Not everyday the King decides to defend your honor to a priest.” 
With a little bow, he offered his elbow out to her, a clear signal to take it and let him escort them away from unwanted ears.
In a show of bravery, Robin took his elbow and let him lead, even as she frowned up at him, looking like she was about to say something.
Likely it was in defense of Harrington, but Eddie had been interrupted enough for one day. 
“You and His Highness over there really should be more aware of your surroundings." He started, voice low. "Lucky for you, you’re among friends. You and Dorothy both.” 
He reached a foot out, tapping Robin’s own. 
Right on top of a doodled pair of tits. 
Robin let go of his elbow and glanced down, before flinging her head right back up, panicked.
“If you’d like I can pretend I never heard a thing.” Eddie interrupted, dropping his voice into the gentler tone he reserved for delicate conversations.
People were always surprised by the lengths he went to make sure someone was comfortable--but then, people also forgot how often Eddie heard things he shouldn’t. 
People didn't take drugs just for fun, after all.
“Or I can offer a friend of a friend discount on my wares,” He put a finger to his lips, miming smoking with one hand while he opened his vest with the other to flash the little pink triangle pin that sat inside, announcing his own sexualities status.
“and we can, say, discuss the differences between radical and social feminism while admiring the fine forms of Susan Sarandon and Peter Hinwood?”
The smile he gets is two parts relief, one part genuine delight and Eddie grinned right back at her, flicking his vest closed.
“I did not take you for a Peter Hinwood type.” Robin said it hesitantly, still waiting for the other shoe to drop. “Thought you’d find Tim Curry’s…acting skills, more to your taste.”
“In the case of Rocky Horror? I am Tim Curry.” He announced, loud and proud (well for this kind of conversation at least.) 
He was rewarded by the tension finally melting out of Robin’s shoulders. 
(This, Eddie reflected, is what he should have been doing this entire time, instead of getting tied up in knots over Harrington and turning into some kind of non-conformist tyrant.) 
“Do you actually know the differences between social and radical feminism?” Robin challenged, braver now, and Eddie knew then and there he’d been successful in assuring her her secret was safe.
That she was safe, with him.
“Guess you’ll have to find out.” Eddie said, giving a playful nudge to her shoulder. 
Baths in the laugh he gets for it, and for the first time today feels like he’s finally on firmer ground.
They chatted for a moment longer, making a loop on the very outskirts of the gym, voices hushed when it came to things that small town ears shouldn’t overhear--but of course, Robin couldn’t just leave things at that.
“Hey Eddie?” 
“Can you do me one more favor?”
“Anything for you, my favorite feminist.” 
For the first time since this conversation started, Robin managed to sound firm. 
“Stop referring to Steve as a King.” 
She rushed ahead, anticipating being cut off, and thus Eddie is hit with a wave of words, none of which he’d ever thought he’d hear in relation to thee Steven Harrington. 
“He’s working really hard to get away from it, the whole King thing and how he used to be. I don’t know what all he did to like--you guys,” She flapped her hand in the general direction of Hellfire, “and I know he wasn’t an innocent bystander, but I kinda realized over the summer that I blamed him for a lot of things that were in my own head, and that he wasn’t--he was never as bad as I thought he was and he's still trying to make it up to me anyway.”
Robin trailed off, seeming to try and piece out what she wanted to say next without giving away the whole farm. “It’s not some act, Eddie. Steve’s really trying to change.” 
Which yeah.
Eddie could see that, now. 
Maybe not before but…
“Okay.” He said, after a long, long moment. “No more King Steve. Got it.”
The smile he got for that also felt like a victory, even if it was wrenched out of him.
Two hours and a dispersed crowd later, Eddie found himself once again stuck in his own head. 
The facts were thus:
Steve Harrington was a good dude. 
He used his good dude-ness to save Hellfire from a literal priest, right smack in front of God and Principal Hairy Ass both
All of Hellfire actually liked him 
According to Robin Buckley, Steve was entirely fine with “all us triangles” quote/unquote 
Eddie was jealous.
He was self aware enough to admit it, alongside the fact that Jason Carver aside, maybe Eddie had been the villain today instead of Steve. 
Which meant he not only owed Harrington an apology, but he owed it to both of them to work out his own stupid shit before it blew up in his face and cost him all his friends.
(He’d have called this move “pulling a Harrington” before today but now that feels mean, which Eddie supposes signals he’s grown as a person or some shit.) 
So now he sits on Steve’s beemer, knowing the move will likely antagonize the ex-jock but equally knowing he’s planning on jumping off the car the second the guy comes near, and that the move itself will get Harrington to listen to him the second he’s done supervising whatever Hellfire’s youngest is doing.
(Eating leftover cookies like the older members are as they finish packing up, Eddie assumes.) 
Ducking out like he did had allowed him some much needed time to think things though. Figure out what he was going to say--without an audience present.
He’d apologize publicly if he had to. But being vulnerable is hard, and given the way his friends had been acting, Steve isn’t the only person he owes an apology to. 
For now, he’ll begin here, without an audience. 
Eddie doesn’t get to plan for long--only gets to rehearse a few lines of his little spiel when a pointed cough jerks him back to reality. 
There stands Steve Harrington, a fat wad of cash in one hand and a box in the other.
Like a man sent to the gallows, Eddie leapt off the beemer, squaring his shoulders. 
He could do this.
 Apologize-- and mean it. 
Not that Steve gave him the chance to. 
“The guys told me to give this to you.” He said, holding out the cash. Then he took a breath, like he was preparing to go to war, and added; 
“I know you weren’t happy with me being here, and you probably don’t want this, but Dustin said you really liked cinnamon brownies so I made you some.” 
The box was now held out alongside the cash, proof that Steve had tried to start this whole thing off on the right foot. 
Eddie stared at it, then at Steve. 
Felt the guilt chew on his gut just that much harder.
“I have been shitty to you all day. Why are you giving me this?” 
Steve shrugged. 
“To be fair I didn’t exactly make it easy on you either. You said jump and I said ‘watch this’.” Steve laughed, a small, almost self depicting sound. “Dustin’s been on my ass all day about it.” 
Of course he had. 
“Mine too.” Eddie admitted. “It's his tone, I swear."
Carefully, Eddie reached out, accepted the box and the cash. 
“Thanks by the way. For the stuff you said about me earlier.” 
Steve grimaced, cheeks tinting a (lickable) red. “Yeah sorry, I--”
“No not--not that stuff.’ Eddie said, mentally hauling his thoughts back in line, fiddling with the cash. “The stuff about being a good person. No one’s uh. Said that. About me.”
Not except for Wayne, but Harrington wouldn’t know nor care about Eddie’s uncle. 
Steve shrugged. “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.” 
He’d argue that, except something was off. 
It took Eddie a moment to place it--that the wad Steve handed over was way too big for the little bake sale they’d just attended. 
He tucked the box under his arm, quickly counting the stack with a smoothness only drug dealers and bank tellers could manage.
“It’s all there, I promise.” Steve told him simply, but without judgment. He sounded like he expected this and that didn’t sit right with Eddie either. 
Not that he could do anything about it because he’d just counted up didn’t make any sense. 
Not trusting himself, Eddie stacked it back together, before counting it all again. He was faster this time, trying to figure out among all the ones, fives and tens how the hell they had managed to sell that many cookies. 
Particularly considering the most expensive thing was one of the cakes and he’d watched Steve sell it for fifteen dollars. 
So why were there three twenties sitting in the stack? 
“Either you up charged the absolute shit out of someone’s mom, in which case I congratulate you, you sneaky devil,” Eddie said slowly, “Or you put extra cash in here.” 
Steve blushed properly this time. 
Eddie zeroed in on his face, watching as Steve rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, trying to pull his charming mask into place.
He didn't quite manage it.
Hadn’t even been wearing it before now, Eddie realized suddenly.
This entire conversation Steve had a realness to him that Eddie had never really seen. 
Had maybe not wanted to see, from someone like Harrington. 
“I don’t know what you mean.” Steve protested, like a kid who’d been caught with a hand in the cookie jar. “That’s what we charged.” 
“You are a terrible liar.” Eddie accused, hand trembling. “We can’t take this, man. This is a almost two hundred dollars.” 
Way more than what they’d need for Gen Con. It was enough to get them two fuckin’ hotel rooms! 
“If It helps any, I didn’t do it for you.” Steve’s blush slid into something more genuine, as he nodded his head to where Hellfire was spilling out of the gym doors, laughing and shoving one another. 
“They deserve to have a good trip.” He added, eyes fond as he watched Dustin and Mike squabble over how to fold Hellfire's banner.
It made his whole face soften, the harsh features of his jaw turning into something that was so adorable Eddie wanted to bite through it. 
“Do you want to come?” Someone said, and it took both Steve’s startled look and a second long pause for Eddie to realize that someone was him.
Stupid, stupid, stupid-! 
“To the convention?” Steve asked, looking doubtful. 
Pity that Eddie was already nodding, like his brain and his body were at a total disconnect.
Maybe aliens had finally taken him over. Or a demon. 
(Demonic possession could frankly explain a lot about today, Carver’s weird little power play aside.)
“Dude you don’t even like me.” Steve said. “Why would you want me to come along?” 
“I dunno Harrington. All of Hellfire seemed to like you, and not just my freshman.” Eddie countered easily, gliding right over the fact that he himself did like Steve.
Way more than he should, and that right there was half of Eddie’s problem. 
“They have pretty good taste in things.” He waived a hand, as if this wasn’t a complete 180 from how he’d acted all day. “I could understand if you didn’t want to slum it with us nerds though.”
Steve rolled his eyes. 
“I’ve been slumming it all day with you nerds, if you haven’t noticed.” 
“Yeah? What’s your verdict on us?” 
“Not as bad as you could be.” 
Eddie tilted his head back and laughed. “High praise from the King!”
He felt bad immediately after, and made himself promise to be more mindful about Robin’s ask--but  thankfully Harrington didn’t take it hard. 
(Habits, Eddie knew, were hard to change.
Took a lot of careful attention to change. 
He had a long road ahead of him, and he hoped this little olive branch put him a few miles down it.) 
Steve awarded him a small smile. “I haven’t been the King for a long while, man. But if you guys have an opening, I think I wouldn’t mind being a knight or whatever.” 
“Ste-eeeve Harrington, defender of the realm.” Eddie nodded once, decisively. “I can see it.”
He tucked away the cash, and thus missed how Steve looked weirdly contemplative at that. 
Raised his head and stuck out a hand. 
Tentatively, Steve took it. 
“Welcome to the club, Harrington. We meet on Fridays. Bring snacks.” 
“Cookies okay?”
“Going by Gareth’s judgment, they’re more than okay.”
Eddie smiled and Steve smiled back, and God how he hated how fucking cute Harrington’s face was. 
Particularly since he now got to think of the guy as “Steve” without feeling weird about it. 
As in his possible, potential, friend Steve.
What a fucking trip that was. 
“Oh, and Steve?” He called, the thought hitting him as Steve turned to welcome the group making their way to the beemer.
Steve had let his hand fall, turning to open the front door of the Beemer with a cocked eyebrow.
Eddie flicked a finger out, lightly tapping the Hellfire logo. “Tell Lucas I’ll get him another shirt. That one’s all yours, big boy.” 
If there was a pink hue to Harrington’s cheeks, he was blaming sunburn. 
(Two months, six days, and one meddlesome asshole named Henderson later, and Eddie would find out that Steve had in fact, been blushing.
He’d be furious at Dustin’s involvement, if it hadn’t directly led to Eddie finding out Steve’s blush did in fact go down his chest.
And his happy trail.
And his--
Men do not kiss and tell. 
Not to fucking freshmen, anyway.) 
THERE IS A GEN CON, "THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED BECAUSE DUSTIN IS A MEDDLESOME SHIT" BONUS BUT it's on A03 cause it was long enough to be its own post and I wasn't gonna add it to this one. You can read it here LINK
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alexisstiel · 5 months
Dating David Hc's!! (F!Reader)
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he leaves you for a man (michael emerson, or the other lost boys.)
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bloodywickedvamp · 2 years
Two's Company - What The Hell Is Six?
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Poly!Lost Boys x GN Reader x Michael
Series Masterlist
Summary: Reader is dating Michael Emerson and they're fed up with his uncharacteristic behavior towards his family and them since moving to Santa Carla. They decided to finally confront Michael on the boardwalk with an audience of 4 in attendance.
Word Count: 1.5K
Warnings: angst, heated argument (?) more so the reader just yelling, maybe a little gaslighting if you look hard, cursing
Hi! This is my first fic so any notes or critiques on how I can improve my writing or any notes at all are greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy! This may or may not turn into a multi-part fic. I have a bigger idea for it but we'll see if i have it in me to do it lol. Also, let me know if I missed any warnings and i'll be sure to add them.
Dividers: @saradika & @firefly-graphics
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Michael Fucking Emerson...
The man I love more than anything has become someone I don't even want to know.
After moving to Santa Carla from Phoenix he changed so drastically I still can't seem to wrap my head around it. We've been together for a few years now and I became so close to his mom and brother that it felt natural to accept when he offered for me to come with them and stay for the summer once the time came for the move.
After his first few nights on the boardwalk is when I noticed the shift. He went off on his own as I was hanging with Sam or Lucy and wouldn't come home till the very early hours of the morning. He was rude and snippy to the questioning from his mom. Harsh and mean to Sam, more so than the typical sibling bickering and teasing that they engaged in. He'd keep his distance from me, like he could barely stand to be around me at all and completely blow me off any time I tried to talk or spend time together. It's only gotten worse and I'm at my wits end with it.
After having a tearful heart to heart with Lucy about his 180 in behavior I decided to take matters into my own hands whether he likes it or not.
I start my journey to the place that I've begun to despise, associating it with the 'new Michael'.
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Finally, I spot my elusive brunette exactly where I thought he'd be, on the boardwalk but to my surprise he's also surrounded by a group of intimidating looking bikers. Two rowdy blondes, one with an impressively long curly haired mullet and an eye catching custom patchwork jacket adorned his somewhat smaller, muscular stature. The other untamed boy, with wild hair to match and a dark fishnet top that leaves almost nothing to the imagination, is nearly bouncing around the others with glee at whatever they're discussing. Next I notice a tall, dark, and handsome brunette to their right who takes the cake at revealing outfits with the lack of shirt and wide open leather jacket. With the slightest of smiles he's leaning against presumably his own motorcycle observing the rest of his group and the crowd at large. Lastly, to the right of the brunette and the left of Michael, there's a bleach blonde mullet you couldn't miss for miles a top the most intimidating looking one, wearing a too-stuffy seeming trench coat for this Santa Carla summer heat.
In a normal circumstance I would have slight hesitation to approach the group alone so boldly, as I find myself doing now, but I couldn't care less who's around. At this moment the only person to be feared on the boardwalk is me. I'm on mission for some answers and god help the poor soul who fucks with me right now.
As I take my final few strides towards my boyfriend they all notice me. The four unknown boys go quiet as they take me in curiously, a determined walk, pissed off expression, heavy breathing, and clenched fists.
"Michael fucking Emerson!" I erupted, jabbing my finger in his chest, coming face to face with the wide eyed boy.
"Hey baby-" He tried cautiously.
"Oh good you actually do remember you have a partner"
"Look I know you're upset and rightfully so but-"
I hold my hand up to silence whatever bullshit was about to spill from his mouth. "No no no, I'm still talking and you're listening." He nods his head slowly, afraid to set me off even more, if that's possible. I hear rather than see snickers to my right from the others.
"I don't know what's been going on with you and why you've been treating everyone in your life like shit but I'm sick and tired of it and I want answers. Now." The words spill heatedly from my lips as my anger intensifies from the inevitable release pent up over the past few weeks. Michaels mouth opens whether in shock or to interject, I don't know but I cut him off before I can find out.
"It's one thing the way you've been treating me - and trust me we'll get to that" I accentuate with a pointed finger in the air and back down after. "but it's a whole other thing with Lucy and Sam. You barely talk to or see Sam anymore and he's devastated, you're his best friend and he misses you. Your mother does absolutely everything she can for you and Sam. She upended her entire life in Phoenix to give you both a fresh start - since the move you've done nothing but push her away every time she tries to talk. That woman is the sweetest person on this planet and I'll be damned if you think I'm going to let you walk all over her anymore." Huffing at the end of my tirade.
If Michael's eyes got any wider they would've popped out of his head. Maybe the middle of the boardwalk wasn't the best place to do this but I couldn't contain it anymore. The nice approach hasn't worked and he needed a good telling off.
"You're right, everything you're saying is right but maybe we could do this more privately" Michael offered while trying to gently grab my upper arm to pull me somewhere else. With a worried look in his eyes he glanced at the boys then back at me pleadingly.
"Oh I'm sorry, am I embarrassing you in front of your new friends? Who I've never met or heard anything about by the way." I argued back while also taking the time to look them over, up close now.
They all seem to be enjoying themselves watching Michael's berating. Smirks and giggles passing amongst the group as they share knowing glances between them and at me, like they're having a secret conversation only the leather clad bikers can understand.
Piercing blue eyes land on me as bleach-boy flirted "You're a fiery little thing aren't you? I can't believe it's taking this long for us to meet, Michael, how come you didn't introduce us sooner?" He jabbed, finally tearing his eyes away from mine towards the conflicted brunette in front of me.
"You know why David." Michael states matter of factly. His grip on my arm tightening ever so slightly, voice husky with something primal I've never heard from him before.
"Can't imagine why you'd want to hide a babe like this away, it just doesn't seem fair." The tallest blonde beamed at me starry eyed and grinning cheerfully. He moved closer to reach out and stroke my hair quicker than I could register, taking in a small almost imperceptible inhale from me if I wasn't paying close attention. Releasing a contented sigh before I was pulled back towards Michael.
"Don't touch them, don't even think about it." he sneered.
"Come on Mike, we aren't going to hurt 'em. Right Paul?"
"Right on Marko." Paul jested as Marko playfully elbowed him.
What the fuck is happening and who the hell are these guys? Jumping into the one-sided argument between me and my boyfriend to start flirting? Are they his friends? Last time I checked friends don't hit on their friends' significant others, especially right in front of them so shamelessly.
"You never mentioned you were dating someone." The other brunette tacked on to the conversation speaking for the first time. Giving me a once over with those alluring brown eyes, hungrily.
I stared daggers back at the boy holding me in a tight grip, ripping my arm away to mock "Wow, why am I not surprised." I desperately try to steal my emotions to keep the hurt and betrayal from coming to the forefront.
"You don't understand and I don't even know how to explain but you have to believe me it's for your own good." Michael again pleads for my compassion. It's too late for that.
"Of course I don't understand you don't tell me anything anymore! You blow me off, ignore me, and I assume these four are the reason for your revamp in personality." I fumed, gesturing to the group. Chuckles are heard again, at the end of my outburst.
"Are you cheating?" I suddenly asked
"What no-" Michael sputtered in surprise.
"Did you meet someone else?"
"No of course no-"
"Did you do something that could hurt Sam, Lucy, or I?"
"NO babe-"
"Then I don't see what could be so bad that you feel the need to push us all away and act like this. The only reason I'm still standing here putting up with this is because I deserve an explanation and I promised Lucy I'd get answers out of you. So start talking." I sassed.
With a defeated sigh he raised his hands in surrender "Okay Okay, walk with me to the beach and i'll explain everything to you, alone." Emphasizing his final word with a sneer towards David. David only found that amusing as he quirked an eyebrow and took out the cigarette resting behind his ear placing it between his lips and lighting it. He inhaled and blew out a cloud of smoke stating "You sure about that Michael? You're already on edge, we wouldn't want you to lose control and hurt our doll now would we?"
Our? I barely had time to register or retort back at the presumptuous claim before Michael grabbed my hand and stormed off to the beach, steam basically pouring out of his ears.
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To be continued...
I feel alright about this so far. Again it's my first ever fic post so you know...it is what it is. :)
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asexual-squidward · 1 month
Going through Person of Interest fan clubs and comment sections and seeing the old posts of everyone thirsting over Jim Caviezel is so strange to see now, considering all the reports about him being a Very Weird Man.
Meanwhile Michael Emerson, Amy Acker, Kevin Chapman, and Sarah Shah (and the dogs) were off elsewhere on set being goddamn delights.
Additional: Thinking about those comic con interviews with Jim and Michael, where Michael is the one answering the questions and Jim mentions he’s ’never seen him talk so much’. But Michael is known for being a sweetheart and always happy to chat (maybe a natural introvert at most), so it’s like… no Jim, he was just avoiding talking to you on set and doesn’t want you rattling off Cavortex conspiracy theories to these poor tv journalists.
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Love at first murder
Paul x f!oc
Happy New Year!
After closing her shop, Nora realised she is being followed. She is prepared and managed to prevent anything bad from happening, but then this handsome boy shows up.
Paul has been feeling like shit lately and figures out why: he has found his mate.
Sometimes, the boys would jokingly talk about finding their mate. Someone who would complete them in a way. David was deadly serious when he said that he didn't have a mate - although Paul thought Michael would have been pretty close to it had the whole Emerson affair not happened. Dwayne didn't mind the thought of a mate per se, but still, why would he need one when he was more than fine right now? Marko simply refused, even going so far as saying that he'd just kill his mate right then and there - no way that he would be tied down. Paul knew that realistically speaking, Marko wouldn't even be able to kill his mate, but the point was clear.
Paul, however, just always assumed he didn't have a mate. And if he did have one, it had to be someone who knew how to party. Someone who would yell along to his songs and didn't mind the drugs. But he, too, always said he didn't mind having no mate.
Lately, he had been feeling off, though. A strange knot forming in his stomach, tugging him a way from the cave and towards - well, somewhere. The feeling had started almost a month ago, and every single day that he tried to ignore it, it got worse. First, it was a small tug, but now it felt like he was slowly being ripped apart. So, he decided, after abandoning the boys for the evening, he would follow that bloody tug and see where it would lead him.
On the other side of town, in a small bookstore, a young twenty something year old girl sat behind the counter. The store was mostly empty, except for this grandma with her grandson, and she had decided that she could best spend her time reading while they browsed. Tonight's read was - once again - Anne of Green Gables. Oh, how she loved Anne and her dear friendship with Diana. And, how she loved the budding friendship between Gilbert and Anne. It never bored her, even though this was the ninth time that she read it.
Paul frowned as he sat outside the store in a tree. This girl - pretty but yet seemingly quite nerdy - had been the cause of all this? Was this girl - he realised this as the tug in his stomach lessened - his mate?
No. Paul refused. His mate would not be a hermit, a booknerd, someone who would describe every single drug as "You know, weed and such" and then giggle as if ot was something horribly tabboo. His mate couldn't be someone who probably never even heard of Black Sabbath before. How? In every store he heard about finding mates, he had always been told that they were made for each other. But this girl - she didn't seem to be the right fit for him. For Dwayne perhaps, but for him? He shook his head, deciding to leave.
"Was this everything?"
"Yes, thank you Nora. I'm so sorry for coming in this late."
"Nonsense," the girl behind the counter smiled. "I was still here, and I know how important a good book is."
"Grandma said this one had pirates," the boy looked proud. Nora grinned.
"It does! I'm certain you'll like this one. It's quite an adventure." She wrapped the copy of Peter Pan in some brown paper and handed it to the grandma. "That will be seven fifty."
As the grandma and grandson left, Nora closed the shop. She counted the money, put the bills in the save, locked the doors, and made sure the blinds were locked as well. Grabbing her bag, she looked around one last time before nodding. She had everything.
As she walked out the back, she couldn't help but feel as if she was being followed. Multiple times, did she stop and look around, but every time, the street was empty. "If this is your idea of a joke, it's not funny!" She called out.
"Who says it's a joke?"
Nora turned around quickly, seeing an older man standing four feet away from her. He had a sickening grin, as if she were his prey. Nora's look darkened.
"What do you want?" She sounded impatient, which she was. She just wanted to go home and watch a good movie, read some more, enjoy a cup of tea, and then go to bed.
"Smile for me, pretty."
"Fuck you, asshole," she crossed the street, her hand gliding into her bag. Her dad had told her to always be prepared. She had forgotten her pepper spray at home, but the boxknife she used to open deliveries to her store was safely tucked away in her bag. Her hand closed around it, ready to pull it out if needed.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you, bitch!" He came at her, quickly. She couldn't move away. He pushed her to the ground. He was out of breath, grinning madly. She looked at him. She tightened the hold on her knife. The man moved down as if to kiss her and-
She stabbed him. His cheek. His eye. He fell backwards, his blood covering both himself and Nora. She tried to push him off of her, but he was heavy - to heavy for her. She tried to crawl away from under him but had no luck.
"Fucking hell, are you okay?"
Nora screamed, eyes widened. "Where the fuck did you come from?"
The boy, tall and looking as if he could have been performing at a rock concert looked at her.
"I heard some struggling and came to see what was going on. "
"Can you help me move him? I-" Nora hadn't even finished her sentence, or the guy had already lifted the man up. Seemingly as if the creep weighed nothing.
"Glad to know you can defend yourself."
"Hm?" Nora looked up. She had been a bit lost in thought, wondering if she had killed him - and if so, what the consequences were. And then, what was this boy doing here, helping her? And why was he so familiar, so handsome, and why did he feel so safe?
"You did quite a number on him."
"Is he alive?"
"Oh." She sat on the curb still, shaking a little.
"You did nothing wrong," the guy held her hands, having a slightly proud look on his face. "You protected yourself. That's all."
"So we just leave him here?"
"Yeah. It's no one's loss. Believe me."
Nora nodded, getting up with his help. "Let's get you cleaned up. The boardwalk is pretty empty right now, so you can use the showers at the beach without anyone asking questions."
Nora walked with him, not asking how he knew about the number of people on the boardwalk or how he knew that no one would ask questions. Her whole dress was covered with blood, and she thought it was quite noticeable. When they arrived at the showers, the guy turned to look at her.
"I don't even know your name."
"Paul." He grinned. "What's your size? Than I'll get you some clean clothes."
"You really don't have to, I-"
"Come on, when I take you out that's when people will notice the blood on your dress."
"Wait, what do you mean take me out?"
"You know, a date? I'd like to know more about you."
Nora couldn't help but feel flustered. "Alright. I'm somewhere between an M and an L."
"Don't worry, I got you," Paul grinned, "I'll knock three times when I get back."
Nora smiled despite everything. Something about Paul made her feel safe. The way he helped her without asking any questions or being freaked out... she liked it. She liked him - which was weird because she only met him an hour ago. And yet, she realised as she washed the blood of her face, she would follow him to hell if he asked.
Paul still wasn't sure what to think. Nora was different than he thought her to be. Even before accepting that she was his mate had he realised that she was beautiful - but seeing how she protected herself, how she was clearly freaked out by the whole situation, and still managed to think straight. He liked it. He liked her. Maybe, he thought as he grabbed two dresses. Maybe she was the right fit. Maybe he didn't need someone who was exactly like him.
Nora opened the door after hearing three knocks. Paul stayed outside, handing her the two dresses. "I didn't know which size would be better, so I got both." Nora smiled. That was kind of him, she thought as she put the larger one on. It was comfy and warm.
"So," she said as she got out of the shower unit, "if we were to go on a date, where would you take me?"
"Dinner, obviously."
"Alright. But, " and she looked very strictly at him, "I pay. You already helped me with well, you know, and with the dresses. I pay for the food."
"That all depends on who gets the waiters' attention first, babe."
Nora smiled. They decided on pizza, and after finishing it, it had been Paul who had been the quickest in gaining the waiters' attention. It might have been because Paul had yelled: "Yo, we're ready to pay here!" Nora had given him the win.
"Paul?" It was in the early hours of the morning, and he had just dropped her of at home. "Do you want to hang out again? Tomorrow maybe?"
Paul was quiet for a moment before smiling. "Yeah, I would. Pick you up at eight?"
Nora nodded. She had almost reached her front door when she turned around, walked back and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thanks for tonight."
With those words, she disappeared inside her house, leaving Paul alone.
"What's got you so happy?" Marko asked as he entered the cave. "Found a good fuck?"
"What's better than that?"
"I found my mate."
"Holy shit," Marko looked at him. "For real? What are they like?"
"Nerdy. Adorable. And absolutely amazing."
"You're whipped dude."
"How did you know?" Dwayne had walked in.
"Ah, it was love at first murder," Paul grinned. Maybe having a mate wasn't so bad.
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The Lost Boys Incorrect Quotes
David: Wait you like me? Like for my personality? Michael: I know, I was surprised too. - Michael: Why do people keep asking me and David who tops and who bottoms? We don't even have bunk beds. Marko: Oh. Oh no. - Paul: Fuck you! Dwayne: Later, now listen- - (on the boardwalk) Michael: Hey, Sam, I can't find David anywhere. I'm getting worried. Sam: *sighs* Alright. *cups hands around mouth* DAVID IS A LITTLE BITCH!
*nothing* Sam: Ok... MICHAEL EMERSON IS A- David: *pushes a fully grown man out of the way* WHO THE FUCK IS TALKING ABOUT MY MAN? Sam: Found him. - David: *smiles* Michael: *blushes* *grabs Sam by the shoulder* Michael: That's fucking it, I'm killing him. Sam: Or you could man up and ask him out. Michael: K-killing is easier. - *alternatively* Michael: *smiles* David: *blushes* *lights a cigarette with shaky hands* David: That's it, I'm fucking killing him. Dwayne: Or you could just man up and ask him out. David: K-Killing is easier. - Michael: I'm attracted to you. David, a guy from the early 1900's who was raised by a single vampire father and never learned how to treat people with kindness: My foot is attracted to your ass. - Michael: *very drunk* David: C'mon, lets get you home. Michael: I am. David: Excuse me? Michael, with complete innocence: I'm with you. David: David: *belabored gasp* euuughhhh - Michael: I hate you. David: Wow, well, guess what? I hate you too. Star, watching from a distance: They actually wanna bone each other so bad. - Star: I love sleepovers. Paul: this isn't a sleepover. You've been inducted into our coven. Star: Star: Truth or Dare. Paul: Paul: Dare. - Paul: You hurt? Marko: No, I normally spurt blood from my ribcage. - Paul: Truth or dare? Dwayne: Truth. Paul: Do you wanna kiss me? Dwayne: Dare Paul: *leans in* I dare you to kiss me. Dwayne: Dwayne: Never have a I ever- Paul: ThAT'S NoT the gaME- - Sam: Who the fuck? Lucy: Language. Sam: ... Sam: Whom the fuck- Lucy: *shakes head*
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mayonnaise2004 · 7 months
Meeting and dating Micheal Emerson Headcannons
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You and Micheal met at a ‘Saxophone man’ concert.
You were trying to appreciate the music, but some boozer blond wouldn’t leave you alone. Micheal noticed this and walked over.
With a furrow of his dark eyebrows and a very deep pitched, ‘I suggest you get lost before I kick your tailbone so hard you end up looking like a PEZ dispenser.’ The blond scoffed and walked away.
You stood there, face deep red with blush as the handsome stranger in front of you asked if you were alright, snickering softly when you stuttered a ‘thank you’.
After getting to know you (and buying you a slushie with whatever pocket change he had), Micheal said goodbye and walked off the boardwalk.
Over the next few weeks, Micheal silently prayed he would see you again. So when he saw you talking with Lucy at Max’s store, he was a bit confused.
Turns out you also worked at the store, and had gotten along pretty well with the single mother.
His mom thinks your the sweetest thing, and is constantly trying to get Michael to bring you over for dinner
After a few more meetings (and extremely sweaty palms) Micheal mustered up the courage to ask you out.
Your first date was dinner at his place. It went terribly wrong (nanook drooled all over you, Sam had a fever, Lucy burnt the spaghetti sauce so you had to get takeout, and Micheal was embarrassed as hell.)
Michael is deeply in love with you, he would go to the ends of the earth for you.
‘Protecting’ Sam.
^ “Michael, apologize.” “That little shit did it first!” *insert Sam giggling behind you.*
Boardwalk/beach dates (which usually include Sam being a third wheeler)
Michael is a bit odd when it comes to PDA, some days he just wants to hold your hand, others he wants to be close enough to be inside your skin.
Lucy absolutely adores you, she thinks your a great influence to help tame Michaels new ‘attitude’.
Wearing each other’s jewelry
Holding hands under the table at family dinners
Play fighting in the pool/ocean
Drawing on his arms
Riding on the back of his dirt bike
Spending a lot of holidays at Michaels
He is adamant you shouldn’t go anywhere near David and his group, he really doesn’t need to deal with more vampires then he already does.
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 7 months
I saw your doodle request post!
Could you please spare a crumb of Michael Emerson? 🥺🥺
Here's your man's~ I hope my drawing does him justice 😌🤲
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saltylandland · 1 year
You don’t mess with food!
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David gets an appropriate reaction from his shenanigans.
The past couple of days have been a whirlwind for this vampire coven. Not only did their sire and half bat seem to fixate on the newest arrivals to their Santa Carla, but the boys have also since found their mate in one of the three Emerson siblings. Funny how fate works like that.
After being given the green light from Max, the boys have been successful at luring both you and your brother Michael to the cave. Although, most of that credit would go to Star really. Michael follows her around the boardwalk like a man possessed, and their sweet little mate, all too entertained by the situation at hand, follows after.
Unfortunately that entertainment didn’t last long.
Seemingly having more of a backbone than their brother, which was fair considering there was no pretty girl on the line, they didn’t hesitate to respond negatively to the hazing. Smacking the shit out of both Michael and David for putting their lives, as well as theirs and Stars, on the line for a pissing contest.
Unfortunately neither David nor the rest of the boys considered how much their mate was willing to tolerate, liking their reactions too much to let up.
It all came to a head when Marko brought the rice over. Having relaxed a bit after smoking most of Paul’s blunt, something that would usually be a death sentence for anyone else, they let Paul drag them onto his lap, his hands tapping happily against their sides.
After bulking at Paul’s dining habits, you go to join your brother on the couch. As you approach you couldn’t help but notice movement in Michael’s food, they were, they were maggots?!?
You screeched at your brother, and after looking at his food, he went to spit out the food while you slapped his back before he could choke. All around you there were jeers and laughter, with a reddening face you pointed at the discarded rice box only to find just rice spilled on the ground.
Your fury was only heightened as David claims ‘no hard feelings, hm?’
No hard feelings?!?
If you weren’t fed up enough, David goes to offer noodles, which were worms, adding more laughter and jeering. With that you threw your hands up and proclaimed ’fuck this’ and you stormed out of the cave.
The boys really didn’t like the sound of finality in your voice.
With a nonchalant nod, Marko practically sprints after you, after giving over the wine. All of them were collectively unnerved by your absence. But right now, David couldn’t afford ruining the mood, having to finish the task given to him by his Sire. He assures himself that you just need time to cool off, despite the nagging anxiety in his chest.
It was almost laughable how easy it was to get Michael to drink the blood, in comparison to their mate. But, David mused, at least he seems to be easy to adapt and conform. That was a good sign as a potential coven member.
Bringing the wine to his lips, David goads Michael on. ‘Drink it’
‘David, they’re actually leaving’
Michael hesitates, so David goads him on further, starting to chant with his brothers.
‘David! They won’t listen to me! They’re really mad!’
Star tells him that it’s blood, he casts her a sharp glance, almost ready to finally break his resolve and force feed Michael the damn wine.
Luckily, Michael shrugs her off. Drinking from the wine eagerly. The celebration is uncharacteristically short, but seemingly a lightweight, Michael barely noticed. Passing him off to Star, she reads the situation and leads him away from the main cave.
Paul and Dwayne are out before David could leave, but he doesn’t hesitate to scramble after them.
Finding his mate arguing with Marko was as bizarre as one would think. Having the biggest temper out of all of them, Marko would usually shoot back guns blazing. But instead he looks like a panicked, kicked puppy. Seemingly knowing how grave their situation is. You were arguing with no one, Marko reduced to pleas that went on deaf ears.
Yelling your head off “fuck off!!! you don’t fuck with food!”
Immediately, the boys' heads whip to David and an underlying blame being cast to David as they look at him with an iciness they never would have before. It was getting increasingly obvious that if he didn’t do something drastic soon, he’ll be losing both his mate and his coven (or at least their respect).
Walking up to you, who was still raving, he tried his best to give a sincere apology, something he didn’t think he'd done since his heart was still beating.
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 3 months
Alright, TL;DR, they fucking cooked. COOKED I tell you!
Aww, they're really cute, it's like siblings
Hydrogen snowball fight!
"What happened here?" So she doesn't know about the violence of Krypton then. She sees conquering as more of a "we're taking over your planet" "okayy! :)"
Also oh cool hypnosis
I legit said out loud "oh, Kandor! See, I th- THAT'S KANDOR?!"
Oh ABSOLUTELY NOT. Brainiac is fucking Darth Vader levels of ominous!
Red sun, cool cool
Oh my gods they made Superman kneel in the most brutal way they fucking cooked
Oh so the heat vision incident in the city was hypnosis
Oh dang cool mural
Oh that teaser is interesting
This Brainiac is my favorite now. Hands down. This is peak.
Also if Michael Emerson ever does something horrible all my posts will age terribly but my GOD I have no intention to stop singing this man's praises, this voice acting is GOD TIER
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youllnevergrowold · 13 days
Shout-out to @midnight-in-santa-carla! I saw your tags on that post (we all know the one) and thought why not? Here's some NSFW Michael and David for you, and I hope you enjoy. :)
Also on AO3
"I'm gonna get you for this, Emerson."
Under other circumstances, this might have been intimidating, but as it is, Michael is barely even impressed. Maybe it's the pitiful, frustrated whine that has taken the place of David's usual devil-may-care attitude that does it. Maybe it's that Michael has been working him over with hands and mouth for ages now and it's hardly the first time the threat has been issued that takes the sting out of it. Maybe it's that every time Michael thinks this is surely it, the moment when David finally goes over the edge, his eyes flash yellow and his fangs lengthen dangerously and yet there is never any release.
What Michael does know is that this is a lot more fun than he'd anticipated.
Blame it on Sam and those cheesy comics he'd left lying around. Michael had caught a glimpse of a panel featuring a cartoonishly frightened damsel in distress and a wizened old man assuring her in a cramped little speech bubble, "Don't worry, miss! Vampires can't come inside without permission!" And in his own defense, how was he not supposed to put it to the test?
David and the rest of the boys showed up after dark and it took some work to convince Marko, Paul, and Dwayne to head out without them, but Michael won in the end. David, on the other hand, needed almost no convincing to stay back and fool around, especially with the rest of the Emersons out of the house and out of their way. Michael played it cool, waiting until they were both half naked and half hard before he asked, "Is it true?"
"Is what true?" David replied before leaning down to nip at Michael's neck. Not a serious bite, but enough to get his heart racing that much faster.
Michael unzipped David's fly and reached into his pants to wrap a hand around his cock. He let out a long sigh at the first touch but his breath hitched after only a few strokes, and Michael had to resist a self-satisfied smirk. "Can vampires come inside without permission?" he asked.
"You had to invite me in, didn't you?" He let Michael carry on for a bit, then drew back enough to narrow his eyes in suspicion. "Why?"
Michael pushed him back onto the bed then climbed after him. "You'll see."
There's no telling how long it's been since, and Michael has yet to get bored of this. David is past curses and threats and has finally started begging, but Michael isn't about to let him off the hook. After all the teasing and hazing and other bullshit, David has earned some payback, and Michael is more than happy to oblige.
It's about time that cocky bastard got what was coming to him.
Michael finally rolls onto his back and David takes the hint. A few moments to maneuver and then he's sinking deep, with one hand flat on the bed for balance and the other between their bodies stroking Michael in time to each thrust of his hips. Jesus, it's too good... Michael isn't going to last long like this...
"Michael," David says, the word raspy and breathless, "stop fucking with me, please, you gotta let me..."
He's almost there himself, right at the edge and ready to go over...
He opens his mouth, the words right there on his lips--
The rumble of an old engine and the blare of an off-key horn horn cut him off.
Michael shoves David away with enough force he falls off the bed, landing with a loud thump and a shocked expletive. Ignoring him, Michael bolts to the window and peers through the blinds in a panic to see headlights pulling up the driveway. Grandpa is home early.
"Michael, what the fuck?" David demands, picking himself up off the floor and following to the window. "Who is that?"
Michael abandons the window and starts searching for discarded clothes. "You gotta get out of here," he says. "Hurry up, before someone sees you."
"Are you shitting me?" David catches the shirt Michael flings at him and puts it on, too distracted to notice it's inside out. "You're just gonna string me along all night and then kick me out before either of us gets to finish?"
"I didn't plan it that way," Michael insists, still throwing David's clothes at him. "And don't act like you didn't like it."
David grins midway through getting his pants back on. "You're right. I kinda did."
The door slams shut downstairs as they move to the window again. Michael eases it open slowly so it doesn't creak and gestures out into the night. "Go. I'll catch up with you later."
David steps onto the sill and pulls Michael in for one last kiss before giving him an impertinent pat on the cheek. "Next time I see you, you're in deep shit," he says.
"Next time I see you, I'll string you along even longer," Michael replies.
David smiles. Not his usual devilish, arrogant grin, but one of the rare, softer ones with more warmth and sincerity. "See you around, Michael." He steps out of the window and there's a rushing sound as he disappears into the night, and Michael stares after him before turning away to get dressed. Hopefully, Grandpa won't notice him sneaking out. If he dawdles, he'll never catch up, and he doesn't want to keep David waiting.
Well. Maybe not for too long.
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