#mentions of zoya
barrel-crow-n · 3 months
I think it's interesting that the only two people that comment on Kaz's haircut are priviliged grisha from the Little Palace
Like, I'm not attacking Nina here per se (I am attacking Zoya tho - she's horrible to everyone and very insensitive + Nina is friends with Kaz so gets a pass) I'm just saying that Kaz probably, no, definitely, cuts that hair himself because he doesn't trust people around him with sharp objects & he's been living in poverish conditions most of his life so haircutting isn't likely to be a high priority. Hell, he probably cuts that hair in the middle of the night whilst having a breakdown. Judging a guy like thats haircut doesn't rub me off the right way
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“What about Tolya? Aren't you worried about how he'll find us now?” “Unless he starts reciting epic poetry to Zoya, he'll be fine.”
Lewis Tan as Tolya Yul-Bataar & Sujaya Dasgupta as Zoya Nazyalensky
Shadow and Bone season 2 (2023 ) | E05
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shesalittlelost · 3 months
What do you not like about Zoya?
The way she is used by the author as a vessel to let out her own frustrations at the readers for (rightfully) criticizing Ruin & Rising.
She becomes this mouthpiece to scold the readers for not hating darkling enough, which is really just author's fault coz if you have to hate-right a whole duology & remind people of all the bad things the bad guy did ten years later bcz you're still pissed that he ended up being widely more liked than the heroes of the story then you just failed at your job idk.
Also, Zoya's whole arc just feels like an overcompensation for Alina's ending. It's like Leigh read all the criticisms pointing out how horribly misogynistic and regressive Alina's ending was and decided to directly address them by giving Zoya everything that Alina was denied but in doing so, she got a little too carried away and obliterated the entire magic system going against everything she established in the og trilogy. It just feels like a very dishonest way of storytelling like if you're gonna write something then stand by it instead of getting so influenced by what fandom is saying.
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kanejbr3kker · 4 months
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 10 months
I’ve been a part of a lot of fandoms through the years but for me no one will ever top
the charming king who is a privateer and inventor and has a demon inside of him and knows he should marry for the good of his country but is absolutely head over heels for the one girl he knows he shouldn’t want but nonetheless is utterly obsessed with the blue ribbon in her hair
the general who is more powerful than anyone realized and can transform into a dragon but spends her evenings chaining up her king to protect him from the demon inside of him and knows he should marry for the good of the country but is completely in love with him anyway
the way he gave up his crown because she is the Queen his country needed and the way she would have done anything to protect him.
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lunarthecorvus · 6 months
If you think about it, Genya and Zoya are the og grishaverse women.
They've both been in the most books throughout the whole of the grishaverse including the whole of the shadow and bone trilogy, they were just in crooked kingdom in the six of crows duology and of course they were in the king of scars duology.
They are the grishaverse icons, the power duo, and part of the original group.
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
🔥Shadow and Bone
okay. shadow and bone’s portrayal of the darkling as ‘the charming, manipulative older abuser’ isn’t subversive. it’s not even subversive for it’s genre. anyone who claims it is is acting like a pretentious douchebag and gives off the impression that shadow and bone is the only thing they’ve read in their life.
a series that paints it’s main activist for the oppressed minority as the villain, has the heroes oppose him and then kill him, and then has them uphold the status quo without ever addressing the problems that radicalized him in the first place - actually making the situation worse for the oppressed minority after his death - is a series that is loyal to the genre’s regular inability to properly address real world problems or challenge societally accepted, regularly taught, and preconceived beliefs, biases, and prejudices in any way. it abides by all societal rules and standards.
furthermore, it embraces the majority of popular american media’s desire to in some way propagandize the government and/or the catholic church. this is displayed in the presence of nikolai, who functions as the white savior - a less outcast, less traumatized version of ‘the abuser’, who rolls in privilege and embodies everything the white leftist thinks is acceptable. he is one of the Good Ones, after all. 
this is also evident in the way the writing treats it’s main female characters: by shaming them for their desires, infantilizing them and whitewashing their worse actions, and often making them two dimensional victims of the ‘dark, dangerous, outcast seductor’ with no real personality anymore. when the female characters are ‘empowered’ in this series, it is usually only when they are enforcing the status quo - any other moment of power is likened to greed, selfishness, and monstrousness (which is all, of course, only ever tied to the oppressed minority and to men).
the only time the women in the series can be truly ‘good’ is when they are stripped of all personality, progression, or power - or when they are directly opposing or disagreeing with the villain. this gets to such a point in the books where the main female character’s arc of self actualization is regressed in an effort to turn her away from such ‘evil thoughts and desires’, simply because the villain encouraged her to engage with them. 
in a startling show of entirely embracing this genre’s many sexist flaws, the main character is stripped of her agency and beaten back from her growth into true womanhood and self acceptance simply because of the sins and influence of one man. he must have corrupted her, says the narrative. he is the one that put her darkness there. and so she is therefore never allowed to truly explore those darker parts of herself to reach the full breadth of her own actualization and self acceptance.
she can now never truly come to love herself because she has been ‘tainted’. and now the only true way she can be saved and happy is if she is ‘cleansed’ of what makes her other from society. the fundamental tying of everything that makes alina different and unique to something 'sinful' will forever condemn her to a life of assimilation and loss.
not to mention that - as has been stated before - the series does nothing to actually challenge any actual preconceived notions of abusers, and instead only cements the common belief that abusers are easy to identify and noticeable in their status as outcast from society and from the ‘church’. the regular dehumanization of the darkling by the fictional church as well as the socially accepted characters presents him as a monster, which only solidifies the common belief that abusers are not people, that they don't function as people, and that they are universally unliked.
the use of dark and light themes could have been groundbreaking if implemented correctly, but instead the heavy handed attempts at moralizing through these symbols only further makes the series standard to the genre by enforcing your typical puritanical roles upon characters that deserved more nuance. 
it was a basic ya novel in every way, it did nothing to actually subvert the genre, for subversion is only effective when you don’t hate the genre you’re subverting, and the author’s aversion to ya, fantasy, and the women who read it and ‘fall for it’ is clear in both real life and in what she’s written. the series’ ‘condemnation’ of the ‘dark, charming, and brooding older lover’ actually ended up making the series less subversive simply because it was not only handled so poorly that it practically condemned and shamed abuse victims instead, but also because it enforced the same standards society and most popular ya enforces today in young women or people of any minority when it comes to their determined roles.
you know what piece of media is subversive for it’s genre? black sails. you know what piece of media isn’t? shadow and bone.
send me a 🔥 for an unpopular opinion (x)
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mossytrashcan · 1 year
“Why would LB call her magic system science? Why is she afraid of magic?” She did it for me specifically. The hot stem girly. (READ MY TAGS BOY)
#me explaining how a tailor on parem could potentially make someone a new limb#like tailors are a cross between the materialike boys and corporal girls#(last part is meant to be read as that p!atd lyric)#specifically alkemi and healers right#so what I’m thinking is that if they pulled the minerals from the earth and collagen from a body or something#and in ck we see that genya in fact has a jar of straight up cells right#so hypothetically pulling the natural substances from the earth or something and body ones from wherever#maybe potentially they could manage to recreate and arm#the nerves are what’s kinda throwing me off but AGAIN cell jar it’s totally possible#grishaverse#BUT ALL OF THIS IS TO SAY THAT A NORMAL GRISHA COULD NEVER DO THIS#that is completely out of their skill set even w the self healing boost right#creating entirely new organic matter would tip into merzost right#or whatever#ALSO I do believe a healer/corporal thing (not trained like zoya in kos) couldn’t do that#they need to be able to have some material powers SPECIFICALLY the alkemi ones#cuz that’s like chemistry yknow right#I think at least idk I just call them the powder ones lmao#anyways cuz like tailors are specifically mentioned to be rare cuz they’re like a mix#and it’s special training right#so again I think maybe if the wound was fresh enough and you had a coked up genya#you could potentially craft new organic matter#obviously creative liberties are being taken there’s a fucking dragon#god forbid there be some magic bs in this theory#but yeah I just needed to get that out there#my scientific mind has been feeling malnourished lately
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ptnbunnie · 2 years
I miss my wife Tails… I’ll be back
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I just miss her that’s all
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geisterland · 14 days
I need to make more CH comics because they’re frequently interacting in this silly little head of mine…
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mvsicinthedvrk · 8 months
valentine's ball minievent starter for kaz brekker & zoya nazyalensky // @wvsteria
"Enjoying your date?" he asks the familiar grisha, in a tone which makes it clear that he doubts any potential enjoyment she might claim to have, though he simultaneously doesn't care about the answer. He almost pities the poor person who'd gotten stuck paired up with them, also doubting that they'd be able to effectively manage Zoya's personality. "No casualties to report, I hope."
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lilisouless · 2 years
Genya: now that everyone has written their deepest secret, it´s time to read them at random
Zoya: what?! you said you were going to burn the papers!
Genya: That´s after reading them anonymously, its on the group therapy pamphlet
Zoya: in REALLY small letters
Genya: don't worry , no one will know which one is from who
Genya: this one says "on our anniversary, we came in secret and did it on Baghra´s thombstone" see that someone still doesn't know how to spell, one think you´ll learn after all those letters
Alina: he is trying his best!
Mal: Oh Alina, you are so nice defending that completely secret anon person
(i am going to post this for parts in order to avoid a long post no one will see)
Part two https://at.tumblr.com/lilisouless/part-2-of-this/9nk3z03c19za
Part three https://at.tumblr.com/lilisouless/part-three-of-this/d1tji985yz2a
Part Four : https://at.tumblr.com/lilisouless/part-four-of-this/8ctrnogn4ktz
Part five : https://at.tumblr.com/lilisouless/part-5-of-this/pi0tms5ahj0f
Part six https://at.tumblr.com/lilisouless/part-six-of-this/58q7h154n3dp
Part seven https://at.tumblr.com/lilisouless/part-seven-of-this/lq8hupd85kkn
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strawbrryrush · 1 year
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with psychosis on full blast; jinx could hardly tell what was real or what wasn't.. everything felt distorted, her heart pounding in her ear drums.. voices in and out of her ears; hallucinations plaguing her sight.. it was all too much and she needed a way to quiet it down, with a shaky hand ; one full of intent she picked up her dear weapon.. one she knew had to be effective, maybe fueling chaos is what she needed to snap out of it.. the blue haired girl didn't care who'd be in her line of fire, no she was beyond thinking out her decisions and impulses.. she saw a victim, and in her twisted sight, they appeared as a ghost from memory's past, and with a angry finger she prepared to pull the trigger, but she heard a voice one that stuck out from the cluster of invasion.. before she could let her trigger finger loose, it slipped though the explosion missing the person.. only igniting the background near them, but jinx didn't care she loved the ringing that danced in her ears. "-you made me miss my shot." she pouted, now turning the weapon around on them. "-I don't think I have to tell you, but you shouldn't of done that." She hissed. @masqce
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hxlcyon · 2 years
aki november is over it's time for me to go batshit insane over literally every woman in path to nowhere
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livvyofthelake · 9 months
it really is a good thing i like blondie so much so i can be excited about leigh’s other duology. i am not excited for crooked kingdom we know this we know i’m putting off that book like it’s going to give me the plague. but i’m thrilled to read about nikolai i love that dude
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sukibenders · 1 year
one thing that i'm glad amita suman got to talk about during this con in france is how she plays inej's trauma even though oftentimes it's not in the fucking script, which pisses me off. i'm glad amita has found a way to make the choices that she does, but still. the crows' storylines are very rich, with a lot of unpacking and heaviness and dark topics, and they shouldn't have added the crows if they knew they couldn't do that justice.
hell, they haven't even really done characters like zoya justice either. she should have a bit more screentime than she does. i'm just sad because they have cast members who do care about the books, and who do seem so excited to play these characters, but the show itself is a bit messy.
Oh yeah, I completely understand. I didn't see that panel, but I have seen interviews where she talks about Inej's trauma (that fight in s2) because, without her saying that and knowing what I know in the books I wouldn't have really known that she had a traumatic past, or the extent of it. It's very sad to see that while they go into some aspects of Kaz's trauma (tho I have mixed feelings about how they portray it) they don't do the same justice with Inej. You mean to tell me that the girl who, in the books, has a literal panic attack when just walking past the Menagerie can, in the show, not only walk in but also disarm herself and be totally cool in front of the woman, and possibly man given what he was saying to her ("that one's new" when talking about her knives as she removes them) who abused her? And the way they made her flip her hair during the scene to make it a cool moment was so unnecessary. Inej has a touch aversion in her own way, but you wouldn't know that from the show. Mind you, it was made by the same people who, when in regards to her scene with Toyla, said on social media "sometimes all you need is a little skin" about not only two (or maybe just one) original teenagers but also one, who suffers from PTSD and has a touch aversion because of it, but also the other, who is aroace coded. Like they got dragged so bad that they tried to cover it up as if it didn't happen.
And with Zoya, you can tell that they were just going for the mean girl route added in a quick redemption (why they make her racist?) just for it, but then never bothered to do anything else with her storyline. Like in the books she is nearly forced into a child marriage, at the age of nine, and only "agreed to it" to please her mother who was known to pimp her out from the start. And then had to watch the only person who cared about her at the time get beat just for protecting her. Like Zoya was more than just a mean girl that many in the fandom tried to perceive her as just because Alina didn't like her at the start. I had assumed, maybe in some way, that the show would take into consideration her past and through showing her relationship with the Darkling would show how she possibly fell victim to another predatory relationship because of, not only, the status it brought her but the protection as well (in her backstory it is stated that she had to split meals and steal food so that she and her mother could eat, as well as her mother intentionally attempting to marry her off to a wealthy man, so it can be assumed that she didn't have much prior to being sent to the Little Palace) adding with the fact that she was a Grisha. Even without the "romantic" plot in the show, it can still be assumed that she was mad at Alina because she viewed her as stealing her place, which was next to someone who could provide protection (which she needed as a child). But the show didn't do that, aside from possibly scraping her storyline and giving it to Alina.
Zoya and Inej, my two favorite girlies, I'm so sorry.
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