#mention: konstantin
westminster-insider · 7 months
DATE NUMBER 24 - Hallstatt, Austria. Winning Bid: @konstantinvorshevsky with £35,000. Total Bids: 9.
"Austria. Visit the lakeside alpine village of Hallstatt in the Alps and enjoy a picnic lunch via boat ride. Attend an Austrian Apple Strudel Cooking Class in the afternoon before venturing to Salzburg to tour Hohensalzburg Fortress. Dine at the restaurant atop and attend a night-time concert there while taking in the balcony view of the historic town of Salzach below, including the river and mountains."
Partner: @eleanorxshipley
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partysnake · 13 days
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little wolf
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gemsofgreece · 1 year
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Greek elections 2023
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distor777 · 2 years
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Konstantin Somov
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terrovaniadorm · 1 year
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Can the big bad wolf ever have a happy ending?
Perhaps not, not with a knight in shining armor at least.
James belongs to @twsted-princess :)
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Night Watch (Ночной Дозор)
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ellastone-olsen · 8 months
The Legend of Sleepy Valley - Wanda Maximoff (part 1)
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★Pairing: Vampire!Wanda Maximoff x f!reader
Summary: no one had ever seen the family members living in the huge estate nearby. maybe this is not just the case and they are hiding something. legends surround this place and soon you will find out for yourself where is the truth and where is the lies. this is the first time a vampire will not kill her victim.
★Warnings: NSFW 18+ (in future parts), dark au, blood, stalking, mentions of murders, nightmares, slowburn
★Word count: 2.6k
★AN: I decided to re-read Dracula and an idea came to me. this is my first series fic and the first part is preparation for the most interesting things. maybe there will be one or two more parts, I don’t know how much my imagination will suffice.
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The small village of less than one hundred fifty people could not boast of special wealth, but as they say, human blood is not water, this is the true wealth that these people had. If only they knew about it.
Away from the crowd of dilapidated houses stood the old estate of the Maximoff family, whose history dates back to ancient times. No one could say exactly how long ago they settled, but every generation of people who lived here knew who lived in the ancient “castle” as the locals called it. Family members did not often catch the eye of the village residents, preferring a secluded life without “good neighbors” nearby. All you knew about them was information gleaned from the legends that parents told their children, passing on these terrible stories from generation to generation.
One of them said that it was the Maximoff family that was behind the disappearance and fatal diseases of ordinary peasants who lived in these parts. If someone’s livestock died, it means that people’s turn will soon come. No one could explain exactly how they were involved in this, which is why they were legends. Some said that all the troubles began with the arrival of the first ancestor - Konstantin Maximoff. As soon as this man set foot on the dead, poor soil of these regions, terrible things began to happen.
But who are you to believe in stupid old legends? Now is not the time when people rely on fairy tales. This was the age of computer technology and the Internet, so you could read horror stories on Google. It’s a shame that the stories turned out to be true, what’s even worse is that you learned this from your own experience.
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“Why did you kill me? Why did you kill me?" You looked in horror at the doorway in which stood a man... no, a child, judging by his height, about 7 years old, but his face was not visible. Only glowing beady pupils and a dark silhouette, that’s what you could make out in the pitch darkness of the tiny room. “I didn’t do it, I didn’t kill you.” You tried to move, but it was all in vain. The body froze like a heavy marble stone. The brain was already awake, but the limbs were stuck to the mattress of the bed. Heart beat out a fast, ragged rhythm, threatening to jump out through ribs. No one would come to the rescue, you knew. “Why why did you kill me.” The hallucination repeated these words like a prayer in the temple of the Lord God, to which you were ready to go any minute. What to do, what to do, probably the same as always. Scream.
An eardrum-breaking screech escaped from your chest, maybe someone will hear it? But absolutely everything that happened was only in your head. Together with the scream, flashing flashes began to hit eyes, a good sign that the method was working. If anyone had heard the screeching, they would probably have gone deaf.
You suddenly sit up in bed, breathing as if you had run a marathon and won. It was all over, but the fear remained. Sleep paralysis was never limited only to the state of paralysis itself; even after them, anxiety was with you, sticking to the subcortex of consciousness like soft molasses. You turned on the light in the room and picked up the phone. The clock showed 3:42 am, if you are lucky, within an hour you will fall asleep again. Your finger clicked on the messenger icon and you entered a chat created specifically for communication between people living in your village and surrounding area.
Your eyes quickly scanned hundreds of messages and ads for old junk when photos of the scene caught your attention. It was talking about another cattle killing of one of your neighbors. People, as always, wrote that these were wolves or pumas, which often live in these parts. At least the claw marks were definitely not left by a human. A terrible bloody mess, what more can you say. Soon panic will sweep the village again, because everyone knows that this will be followed by the death of one of the residents. Damn it, sitting at home all day long again was the first thing your sleepy brain generated. Well, let it be, but you will get some sleep for the first time in the last couple of months.
The phone slowly fell from your hand onto the soft, fresh sheets and your lead-filled eyelids fell into your eyes. Finally the long-awaited dream. You saw your past, but more exaggerated. Winter frost, a scarf that covers half of your face and you don’t know where to go. The picture changed and you found yourself on the red carpet, walking towards the door at the end of a hundred-meter corridor. There are white walls and camera flashes all around. You didn't know where you were going, but it seemed like a good place. The door opened revealing a round room with a bunch of people and animals. A ginger cat similar to yours came up to you and you extended your hand to pet him, but the animal grabbed you with its teeth, biting over and over again. The claws passed along your forearm, leaving red droplets of blood, the wonderful dream again became a nightmare and you opened your eyes.
Your room again. The lights were off. It's strange, you didn't seem to turn it off. Perhaps mom woke up and walked past the room. Your gaze could not focus on anything, you looked around, blinked a couple of times and looked into the doorway. Someone was standing there again. A woman with long hair, you would think it was your mother, but she had short shoulder length hair. Again, hallucination is the first thing that came to your mind. You tried to bend your leg to make sure that this was the case, but the movement was easy and you sat down in fear. The figure was still standing in place and eyes accustomed to the darkness could discern clothing in the form of a knee-length dress, boots and a jacket, it seems? The head of the unknown woman in your room tilted to the side, she was also looking at you. She studied, as if deciding what to do next. It seemed that being noticed was not part of her plans.
"Who are you?" the vocal cords did not produce anything louder than a whisper. And only now did you notice a strange pain in your hand, in the same place where the cat scratched you in your sleep. You grabbed the forearm of your left hand, feeling the moisture under your palm and lifted it to get a better look. You couldn’t see anything in the darkness and you licked your palm to feel the metallic taste. Liquid scarlet blood was streaked and still leaking from the scratches, not deep enough to leave scars.
In response to your action, the stranger loudly sniffed air and seemed to... growl. But people don't know how to make SUCH sounds. “Did you do this?” you extended your palm to her, but instead of answering, the dark figure disappeared outside your bedroom. You wanted to catch up with her, but got tangled in the blanket and fell to the floor, cursing under your breath. When you went into the common room, no one was there anymore. Not a trace of anyone else's presence.
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The morning greeted with the rays of the sun, which lay softly on your face. The smell of homemade pancakes wafted from the kitchen, the recently returned birds chirped on the tree branches as if they were wound up.
The phone was still lying next to you and the clock on the screen showed noon. Among hundreds of notifications overnight, you found a message from your friend Lily, which read: “I’ll pick you up at one o’clock in the afternoon.” Well, at least you had an hour to get ready. Surely, after those messages about the murder, your parents would lock you at home, and you wanted to have time to take a walk in the first days of spring.
While you were sitting in the kitchen and looking at one point, while finishing breakfast, your thoughts returned to this night. There was no doubt that the first thing that happened to you was sleep paralysis, but what happened then? How could someone sneak into your family home so silently and without a trace, why did this woman need to watch you, and even more so... You could write off the incident as another nightmare, but your forearm still stung. Raising your hand, you saw scratches that were already covered with a blood crust and were in the process of healing. Oh no, it wasn’t definitely a hallucination. When you got out of bed, the first thing you did was check your room for missing valuables, but everything was there. Apparently the only thing this strange woman touched was you. Today before going to bed you need to check all the locks in the house, all the windows and make an impregnable fortress out of it.
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“Are you sure you want to go there?” The question hung in the warm spring air. Your friend was dragging you by the hand to the so-called Sleepy Valley. The children of your village were not allowed to go there, firstly because flocks of sheep usually grazed there, and secondly...
“Y/N, do you know why this place is called that way?.” Of the two of you, you knew more about local folklore, so you easily found the desired legend in the memory archives. The legend of the Sleepy Valley.
“My mother told me that there were always sheep grazing there, but one day a shepherd came into the valley and the whole flock was lying on the grass. It looked like someone had thrown cotton balls around. It looked as if the animals were simply asleep, but when the man approached one of the sheep, he realized that it was dead. They were all dead. Some maniac or animal ripped out the throats of the poor animals. This is where the name comes from.” You finished the story and were walking through the wild forest when you saw an opening. Perhaps there were such stories around this place, but there was no other place for walking cattle in the vicinity.
As the tall trees retreated, a majestic field stretched around, with a herd of fluffy white sheep as usual. Lily pulled you by the arms a little away from the animals to sit on the fresh green grass looking up at the sky. The two of you just lay there and listened to the chirping of tits, voluminous white clouds rushed above you, forming bizarre shapes. Life seemed unreal at that moment.
Only in the forest from where you came out it was watching you. Red eyes scanned everything that was happening, and acute inhuman hearing caught your conversation even at a distance of twenty meters. Your night visitor did not miss the chance to follow the first person whom she, for some reason unknown to her, did not kill during close contact. Wanda was patient, even too patient, and something about you caught her attention that night. Maybe your peace of mind or... No, it’s too early to think about that. In any case, she spent the rest of the night waiting for you to wake up and leave the house.
For so many years that she lived on this sinful earth, the daughter of the Maximoff family could tell a lot from a person’s blood. She drank dozens of people dry and each was unique in their own way, from the first sips one could understand what kind of life a person lived and what it was like, blood for her was a thing in which the essence of human nature was hidden. None of her victims had aroused an iota of interest or compassion in her, until that day.
Once every few months, Wanda’s family could afford such a delicacy as a few people from the village for whom no one would grieve. She liked to stretch out the pleasure and start with cattle, leaving human lives for dessert. Then she decided to watch the future victims and find the most tasty morsel in her opinion; in the end, her choice fell on a young beautiful girl like you. When life is in full swing, taking it away is many times more pleasant and sweeter.
That night, her plans included killing you, drinking to the last drop like everyone else before, but standing right next to you, she froze. Something was wrong. Why were your eyes open but you didn't move? She heard your heart that was ready to jump out, but it was not because of her. It seemed like you saw something that she didn’t see and she became curious. The woman walked into the darkness of the room, to the farthest corner, and watched. So you woke up, jumped out of bed and nervously turned on the light. Wanda sensed your fear, but did not understand what it was connected with.
Waiting for you to fall back into the world of dreams, she turned off the light that was blinding her and came closer, running her sharp nails along your arm to collect a small portion of blood for testing. When the first drops touched her tongue, her pupils dilated, covering the irises of the vampire's red eyes. The blood was saturated with adrenaline and was even sweeter than she expected and your personal taste. There was something about it that she couldn't place, something familiar. She took a closer look at your calm face, noticing what a cute little thing you were in her hands. No, killing you was too great a loss, she turned on her heels to hide as quietly as she appeared, but a rustling was heard behind her.
Wanda stood in the doorway and watched as you woke up for the second time that night. It’s surprising how you didn’t notice her right away, but when she saw your wet, rough tongue running over your palm, licking the scarlet substance, something clicked in her. “Did you do this?” your voice, hoarse from sleep, has long since become a spring deep inside her being. She needed to leave right now if she didn't want to kill you or take you by force.
The woman silently left the house and sat down nearby in the wild raspberry bushes. "She was beautiful, but who the hell was that?" Thoughts were heard in her head, but they were not hers. She heard your thoughts and her eyes widened, remembering what her stepmother told her many decades ago. If her memory did not deceive her, and it did not deceive her, then when sampling a person’s blood, if they arent killed, she will be able to hear all the thoughts associated with her. Then, being a recently converted vampire, Wanda did not attach any importance to this, because she did not think that something would happen that she would not complete the job. Apparently this was very arrogant on her part.
But since this has happened, why not entertain yourself for the first time in the last two hundred and ninety-seven years. From that moment on, she had her own personal human.
Part 2?
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decayedgloria · 11 months
Madame Neuvillette Masterlist
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The young and vivacious Madame Neuvillette, who shied away from Fontainian society for far too long, enters the world of scandalous affairs and open secrets as she tries to mediate her brother's failing marriage. Only, she finds herself in the midst of perhaps the biggest scandal high society has ever had the pleasure of seeing- with none other than the Duke of Meropide himself.
Pairing: Wriothesley x fem!reader, Neuvillette x fem!reader
Tags: mature and suggestive themes, anna karenina au, infidelity, toxic relationships, established relationships, age difference, tags will be added as the fic is updated
Author's note: as mentioned, it is an anna karenina inspired story. Meaning there will be time period-accurate violence and actions (smoking, some misogyny, etc.) Set in Teyvat, just without the visions and its the 1800s. Mostly follows Anna's storyline, not really Konstantin's. I can't promise frequent updates so bear with me. Everything is listed is subject to change, and things will be added as the story progresses: both tags and characters.
Cast of Characters
Reader, the protagonist of the story married to Neuvillette. Younger than him and quite charismatic, yet impulsive.
Neuvillette, the chief justice of Fontaine and a busy, yet loving family man. Is well-respected for his impartiality.
Wriothesley, the dashing Duke of Meropide who has just returned from his station in Chenyu Vale. Marchioness Clorinde's cousin and is courting Navia.
Ajax, a baron and the reader's brother whose marriage is falling apart because of his infidelity. Married to Navia's sister.
Navia, a young aristocrat who is promised to Wriothesley. Reader's sister-in-law, both are quite close to each other.
Clorinde, Marchioness de Champion. Cousins with Wriothesley, and knows him better than anyone else.
Sigewinne, reader and Neuvillette's teenage daughter. Is spoiled rotten by both parents, though mostly by her mother.
❥Part One: Decadent Collision
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Taglist: feel free to ask! @wriosmilk
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discworldwitches · 11 months
This decision was preceded by a "round table" with Russian officials and collaborators from the temporarily occupied territories, where supposedly the experience of countries in which private hospitals "voluntarily refused" to perform abortions was reviewed.
Quote: "The private clinics’ heads were asked to contribute to the demographic situation improvement by refusing to perform abortions. The colleagues positively evaluated this initiative, and today all private clinics in Crimea have officially informed the Crimean Ministry of Health of their voluntary refusal to provide abortion services," Skorupsky noted.
Officials in Russia-annexed Crimea say private clinics have stopped providing abortions
Over his more than two decades in power, Putin has forged a powerful alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church and has put “traditional family values,” as well as boosting the country's declining population, at the cornerstone of his policies.
As part of the effort, authorities in several Russian regions in recent months sought to convince private clinics to stop terminating pregnancies. In Tatarstan in central Russia, officials said about a third have agreed to stop offering abortions; in the Chelyabinsk region in the Ural mountains, several clinics did as well. In the westernmost region of Kaliningrad, local legislators said they were mulling a ban for private clinics.
A nationwide ban is also something lawmakers and Russia's Health Ministry are contemplating, alleging that private clinics frequently violate existing regulations restricting access to abortion.
State statistics show that private clinics in Russia, where free, state-funded health care is available to all citizens, accounted for about 20% of all abortions in recent years. Some women who shared their experiences in pro-abortion online communities said they preferred private clinics where they could get an appointment faster, conditions were better and doctors did not pressure them to continue the pregnancy.
Crimea's Russian-installed health minister, Konstantin Skorupsky, said in an online statement that private clinics on the peninsula some time ago "offered to contribute to improving the demographic situation by giving up providing abortions,” and as of Thursday, all of them had done so.
His statement did not mention the city of Sevastopol, which is administered separately, and it was unclear if private clinics there were still providing abortions.
Two chains of private clinics in Crimea contacted by The Associated Press on Thursday by phone confirmed they no longer provide abortions, citing orders from the management or the authorities. One said it's been about a month since they stopped offering the procedure to women.
[bolding my own]
the use of “demographic situation” is so vile & so clearly colonial
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alwaysbooyahback · 2 months
MAGP 22 - Fun Historical Context
Spoilers below the break. Mostly history, though.
Hans Berger, the person who wrote the letter in this case, is considered the inventor of electroencephalogram, more commonly known as the EEG. It remains an important medical tool.
Berger’s married his technical assistant, Ursula.
The opening of the case until the dream, including the description of the participant with a cranial defect, the instrumentation, etc., appears consistent with historical Berger.
Berger was interested in the physiological basis for psychic energy.
Berger worked at the University of Jena (Jena is mentioned).
Despite conducting the first EEG in 1924, he waited years to publish it; consistent with the letter mentioning his reputation
Einthoven, mentioned in the case, received the Nobel Prize in medicine for his invention of the ECG (which looks at electrical activity of the heart), that same year, 1924.
Konstantin M. Bykov, also mentioned in the case, worked on what we now call the corpus callosum, the biggest connection between the brain hemispheres. The letter calls this a “Hemispherical Bridge.”
Richard Canton, who Berger is writing to in this case, did work on the brain’s electrical nature that was important to Berger’s invention; Berger was one of the people to emphasize the importance of Canton’s work.
Berger was a literal N*zi who worked with the SS.
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westminster-insider · 7 months
DATE NUMBER 14 - San Sebastián, Spain. Winning Bid: @konstantinvorshevsky with £2,000. Total Bids: 2.
"Arrive in San Sebastián just when the locals get started for the night, around 9pm. Choose from a number of Michelin star restaurants and spend the rest of the night drinking and enjoying the company. Wake up the next day for a walk along the golden beaches and explore more of the food the city has to offer."
Partner: @viktoriya-kurylenko
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kathrahender · 21 days
This is the actual fic, the other post was the background story to understand this better. This is the second part (2/2), if you want to read the first part (1/2), read the previous post.
Eventually, Tom Kazanky and Pete Mitchell met in Top Gun, but they were a little more hostile towards each other. After all, Tom always saw Konstantin's hurt expression when people mentioned Duke Mitchell, and Pete always saw the pain and betrayal in Duke's eyes when he heard the name "Konstantin Kazansky". Iceman and Maverick's rivalry was similar to the movie, except that the hate they felt for each other was more obvious than in the movie. Their jokes actually meant to hurt the other, and every time they criticized the other, they were meaner than in the canon.
But- like in every Top Gun AU, Iceman became more compassionate after Goose's death, and although Iceman didn't like Mitchell's family, seeing how damaged Maverick was made him realize that he was hating Maverick for the wrong reasons. It wasn't because he was a bad pilot, it was because Duke was his father, and he couldn't stand that. But the pain in his eyes made him think Maverick didn't deserve to pay for Duke's bad actions. That's why he stood by his side. First he was just a teammate who supported him, but after Layton's mission, they became wingmen. The same year they decided to teach at Top Gun together, and they became more than allies or wingmen. They became friends.
At some moment, Maverick realize Iceman made him feel things he didn't feel with his past girlfriends, not even Penny or Charlie. When he saw Iceman at Top Gun, he couldn't help but smile. When Iceman smiled at him during a lesson, it warmed his heart. When some days Iceman decided to stay at his home, and he woke up screaming and crying in his bed, Iceman held him and it made him feel safe. Iceman was always there for him. To help him. To protect him. To catch him when he fell apart. Every time, Tom was there, saying with and without words "I'm here, I'm not going to leave you". So it wasn't a surprise when he realized he liked Iceman (or even loved because his feelings towards him were so intense).
Maverick repressed his feelings, because after all that happened between them, after all the rivalry, after Goose's death, and after Iceman supported him when he needed more help, he wouldn't bear losing him. He knew Iceman was straight, and if he told him he felt something for him, he would leave him, like everyone else (except his father). And he already lost his mother, Goose, Carole and Bradley. He couldn't lose Iceman too. What he didn't expect was how hard it would be to hold back his feelings. A lot of times he avoided Iceman, pretending he was busy with Top Gun's work, because he didn't want him to know the truth. How could he look at his face and say "I like you"? Iceman was his wingman and his friend, but nothing assured him that Iceman wouldn't leave him if he found out he was in love with a guy. Much less if he himself was that guy.
One day, in the afternoon, Iceman knocked at the door of his house, and although Maverick wanted to tell him to get out, he let him in. They stood silent for a moment, and Maverick expected Iceman yelling at him or being angry for ignoring him, but he didn't do that. He talked to him nicely, with a soft tone, like always. And he could deal with Iceman being angry, but Ice was there, looking at him with concern and pain, not forcing him to say anything, holding his arm or wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He got up to stay away from him, trying to hold back his emotions, because he couldn't bear it. It was Iceman's hand in his shoulder and him saying "I'm here for you, Mav, for anything" what broke him. He almost fell to the ground, nearly having a panic attack, but like always, Iceman was there to catch him, to comfort him. Maverick clung to him, as if he was a lifeline. He knew it was probably the last time Iceman would hug him, and he knew Iceman would abandon him, but during that moment, he imagined Iceman staying with him, he imagined he wouldn't be shattered in pieces after Tom left him.
After a few minutes, he slightly got away from Iceman, keeping his hands in his waist, while Iceman was holding his face in his hands, wiping away the tears. "What's happening, Pete?". Maverick closed his eyes, and he muttured, trembling. "I love you". Iceman got paralyzed, and Maverick felt tears in his eyes again "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Ice" he said. Before he could see Iceman looking at him with anger, hate or disgust, he went to his bedroom, but Iceman stopped him, hugging him from behind. "You idiot. You don't have to be sorry. You're not mentally ill and you're not disgusting, Maverick" he held him tighter, and when he heard the following Iceman's words, he sobbed. "I'm your wingman, Pete, I will never leave you. And I will always be here for you. I love you too, Mav"
After that, and even after knowing their life would be hard, they decided to be together. They only lived once, and they wouldn't be cowards and let go of each other. Although they would have to hide from the society, and act like friends in front of everyone, their life would be harder if they weren't dating.
Years later, when people knew the truth about Duke's "betrayal", and when the Navy finally allowed them to date people of their same gender, Iceman and Maverick could finally have their happy ending, and Duke and Konstantin couldn't be more happy for them, because their sons were enough strong and brave to fight for their love, and they succeeded.
Additional information about the fic.
Duke is still considered a traitor because Pete needs to be the same Maverick he was in the movie, and that can only happen if the name "Mitchell" still means "problems" and he is not accepted in Annapolis. He's seen as "the son of a traitor", that's why Goose is his only friend here too.
In this AU, Maverick's mother still dies (when he's... 10 years old more or less), so Pete is raised by his father. Almost the same thing happens to Iceman, because her mother also died when he was a kid.
Iceman doesn't have siblings. Sarah is one of his friends, but she isn't his biological sister.
When talking about people leaving Maverick, he mentioned Carole and Bradley because he is convinced they left him and not the place that reminded them of Goose (after Goose's death, Carole decided to move to another city because she couldn't bear being in Miramar without Goose. She didn't do that because she blamed Maverick for Goose's death and wanted to stay away from him)
With them having a happy ending, I mean them having a happy ending. So I'm just ggnna pretend that Top Gun Maverick's scene didn't happen.
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k0nstanta · 5 months
✨ ❤️ ✂️ for Kotya please 🥺
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
some of kotya's best memories are from middle school, when she and shurik would constantly hang out and play together. she's made a lot of good memories since then, but these are the ones she treasures the most
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✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
conversely, most of kotya's bad memories are of her high school years. she also vaguely remembers when her parents died when she was in kindergarten & she got taken in by her grandma (which is a part of her story that somehow never got mentioned on this blog because it was never relevant. lol)
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
okay this one is actually kind of hilarious. hiding it under the cut because it made the post too long
you see, kotya was origianlly created as a joke fusion of 2 different characters (same for shurik) so her initial name was just those characters' names smashed together, and it sounded very stupid. as i began to flesh her out more the joke name inevitably started driving me insane so i decided to come up with something a little more like a real name.
her og design was something along the lines of "gruff looking mercenary / henchman guy", and i wanted to pick a name that would fit the vibe.
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since i'm russian, i circled through some slavic names i personally thought sounded good, including but not limited to: mikhail, viktor, alexey, dmitri, and konstantin.
dmitri, viktor & konstantin were my top 3 picks and i was really leaning toward viktor but my wife pointed out that some random "baby names meaning" website listed "kotya" among nicknames for konstantin, and i instantly lost my mind, because how stupidly cute is that?
to clarify, the "kot" part of kotya is also the russian word for cat, and "kotya" is one of those silly affectionate words you can use to refer to a cat lovingly, just like "kotik" or "kotenok" (kitten). it just sounded so funny. konstantin is such a serious name, and it fit her so well, but she was also kotya. little kitty. i was obsessed.
as for her last name (beliy), it's just the russian word for "white", and i'll be completely honest with you. it's a breaking bad joke. my wife kept spamming me with tweets from this account:
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and the rest of it went like this:
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and there you have it. the story behind konstantin beliy, localised as constantine white, and also basically meaning "white kitty" when written down as kotya beliy. she's been a silly little kitty since day one.
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vendetta-if · 10 months
First (non-anon) ask in....actually just first! Been enjoying this since the first time you teased this whole project! Gabriel, my MC, has a mind of his own and decided to romance the Poly despite my initial attempts of sticking to either or. Now I'm not sure if it's been asked but I'm curious as to how that would play out in an ending with the sequel? Will it be mentioned or is the 'canon' ending up with either? Also if it is mentioned in any way in the sequel, how would the cast (Konstantin, Seq MC, etc) dynamics be?
All of the endings are technically canon endings, and your choice of RO and what you choose to be at the end (Vigilante, Heir, or Superhero) would be touched upon or at least mentioned in the sequel spinoff. Although, those who became heir, they might have more cameo than those who chose other endings simply because the spinoff sequel would be focused more on the underword operation of the city, so they are more relevant 🤔
As for the dynamics for Konstantin and the sequel MC… Kostya would always be fond and caring of his little sibling 🥺 Would love to tease them too every chance he’s got. He was raised to prioritize family over everything, just like the rest of the Morozovs.
Right now, the plan is that you’ll be able to choose what your sequel MC feels and thinks about him in general, which might impact some interactions with him.
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vibratingskull · 1 year
"Could I request a one-shot where Thrawn has feelings for reader/you and makes things go so that the two can be alone?" - @straighteye-cartoonfan
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"... We will need to intercept them before they reach the nebula."
The grand admiral Thrawn is once again exposing his genius plans before the battle and you're diligently noting everything on your datapad. You've become very quick at typing, which saved you more than once when it came to reports. One could say you don't pay attention, barely raising your head from the screen but on the contrary, you're never as much focused than when you're typing. 
"If they ever were to reach the nebula, we will send the Flensor and the Shyrack after them. At the same time the operations on Tyrahnn will continue. Governor Pryce you could go on the terrain to supervise the troops, Admiral Konstantine you will aide her from orbit, commander Faro you will guide the Chimaera to Tyrahn, and Skerrys I want you and your pilots ready for an intervention at any given time .”
You’re typing at the speed of light, not losing any crumbs of information. You finally raise your head from the datapad to observe the chiss. You had so much admiration for him, for his genius. The fact that a non-human achieved such a high rank was a testimony to his talent and hard work and it inspired you to work even harder and give yourself at 200%. You hug your datapad against your chest, eyes on the blue man finishing to give his orders.
“You’re dismissed.”
You stay quiet, not knowing what to do. Everyone got their orders and headed towards their duty but he didn’t mention you. Speechless you look at him unmoving, waiting for his next words. You knew your duties very well but he specifically asked for your presence at this meeting, you assumed he had special orders for you too. 
“Captain (y/n)...” He says looking at you.
You straighten your back, ready for anything to be thrown at you. He observes you in silence a moment and you can’t discern what his gaze mean, you squirm uneased. 
"Come with me."
You release a breath you didn't know you were holding. He's not angry with you, what a relief. You follow him to his office where some refreshments have been brought. You sit down on the chair he designates to you, still hugging the datapad. 
"I noticed you tend to note everything down during meetings." He starts. 
"Yes ! It helps me with my memory." You laugh nervously. 
You know he values competences over everything and confessing this little weakness makes you a tad uncomfortable. 
But he shakes his head with a grin, leaning against the desk, close to you.
“I could use those reports you write. You should give them to me so I can keep a tab on all that is said during those sessions.” His tone is low and soft, almost fondant.
You frown, you thought records existed for that very reason. But it not your place to question a Grand Admiral. What he wants you will give to him.
“Of course, Grand Admiral. At what address should I send them?”
“You will put them on a datacard and come give it to me… each… evening…” He answers, detaching each word. He’s fully towering you, devouring you with his glowing eyes.
You must have hallucinated because you thought you saw him lick his lips. That’s silly of you, of course he didn’t.
“As you wish, Grand admiral.”
“Indeed. As I wish…”
You look up at him.
“I’m sorry?” you inquire with innocence, or is it naïvety?
He smiles, flashing you his canine for a second before walking away from the desk and circling you. Suddenly the light lowers in a subdued atmosphere and holograms of pieces of art start lighting up. 
“Tell me (y/n), what do you think about art?”
Ah, yes! Art! His favorite fancy. You don’t have to think too much.
“Well I’m far from being an expert but I’m open to having my horizon broadened. I do like art if it is what you're wondering.”
He reappears with two glasses of Chandrilan ravaa, handing you one with sparkling eyes.
“Oh (y/n), we have so much to talk about…”
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@Bluechiss, @Thrawnalani, @justanothersadperson93,
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More Kallus headcanons because I can
His facial hair is absurdly strong; if he shaves in the morning, he’ll have noticeable stubble by the evening. In order to maintain his clean Imperial look, he tends to shave twice a day.
For all his war experience, his mind is actually surprisingly innocent in the sense of not dirty at all. Once he joins the Rebellion, the Ghost crew has a field day with this, and it becomes a running game between Ezra and Sabine (and Kanan and Hera, though they pretend otherwise) to make the most obvious innuendos that still fly right over his head. They’re usually about Zeb, who does recognise them for what it is, but is forced to keep quiet for his own and Kallus’s peace of mind.
Because of his preference of field work and taking direct command over the soldiers he leads, people tend to forget his seniority in Imperial ranks, and it’s often a shock to those around him when he pulls rank on them because he doesn’t do it often, preferring to let the admirals and governors squabble over bureaucracy while he gets actual results by getting his hands dirty.
This has gained him a lot of respect from low-level officers, who are not used to be looked at twice by someone of any significant rank, much less to have them lead in front. Senior officers however sometimes resent him for it; Admiral Konstantine for instance saw it as personal humiliation when Kallus pulled rank on him after he had gotten a bit too comfortable ordering the agent around.
When he joined the Rebellion, Rebel Command was stymied on what to do with him in the military. Considering his background as a defector, not to mention the war crimes he has committed, they couldn’t exactly have him start out in any sort of commanding position, but with his battle experience and strategic brilliance he had the capabilities the Rebellion desperately needed at its top. In the end the decision was made to have him become the Rebellion’s Thrawn: put in a relatively low position with all intention of having him shoot up quickly.
For all his commanding brilliance, he is a terrible instructor. He has no patience with the average minds of the Imperial cadets and ensigns, and even less with the ragtag volunteers of the Rebel Alliance. General Draven asked him exactly once to instruct a group of newly enlisted rebels, and never again.
Growing up his closest (and sometimes only) companions were droids, and as such he often feels more comfortable with them than with actual people. Droids love him because he takes them seriously, and has a tendency to repair or improve them when he can, even if he doesn’t need them right away.
Ever since defecting from the Empire he has difficulty thinking of the future, because he lost his whole personality with the action and now he has no idea what he even wants. He wants to bring down the Empire, but beyond that he has no clue, and it terrifies him whenever Zeb tries to bring it up. For Zeb, who lived on a relatively peaceful planet until the Empire had already risen, this is a difficult subject to navigate.
Having been at the centre of the war for almost his entire life, it’s the only thing he knows, and him and Rex bond over this, becoming good friends. Rex however does know what it’s like to leave the war behind by then, and he serves as an inspiration for Kallus in this. Especially when Ahsoka returns and they finally get to settle down together.
And a completely irrelevant headcanon based purely on that early concept art of him: he has a Chiss ancestor, but so far down the line that it’s not accessibly documented, and he doesn’t know.
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