#men can still be men and BE feminine sometimes.. yall do know this right?
liightsnow · 1 year
*looking at season 3 steve* babygirl I'm so sorry people are already forgetting you 💔 my lip gloss wearing king
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Scarborough Ahoy! (1994 Short Film)- Day 4 Watching Con's Filmography
Live posting. All I know is this is sad(don't know why), short, and that Con is good (and queer) in it. Watching it in 480p, so we'll see.
Warnings for: Suicidal Ideation, full body nudity.
Also, the movies description describes Con as the 'Gay Guy' and 'Barmaid'. So 'Con' and 'Barmaid' is what I'm calling them. I'll specify Con the Actor.
Casually kicking a one-night stand out; GET IT GIRL. Didn't expect that level of nudity, but here we are.
CONNNN! He's slightly older in this one compared to Dancing, and I already don't feel wigged out.
Con's semi-startled look at 'used to get laid all the time'. Me too, babe, me too.
As a person who hates booze, the bar scene made me physically nauseous.
Con, being a bro, and making sure she was alright. Love that for him. She needs a friend.
HAHAHA Hell yeah, stick up for yourself Con, he's queer, and the guy getting you a coffee.
God, gender fucking envy. And coat envy, that thing looks warm as shit. I missed when my hair was that length(Con's). Shame I need to be more feminine presenting where I live.
DAMN. I wish I was that confident in my driving. She backed up with SPEED.
HELL YEAH, TRIP TO FIND MEN BABY! God, I know England isn't affordable to anyone, especially foreigners, but god its nice to be able to drive that in a day and actually go somewhere
Con, stop wearing my dream wardrobe. I want that fucking sweater.
OH MY GOD. This is real ally behavior, compete to see who gets more guys
Synchronize watches! The confidence into immediate, oh shit, how the fuck do i do this on both their faces is great.
Santa, fuck off.
(Con making out with a guy)Now. How the fuck haven't I seen gifs of this. tumblr, I'm surprised you weren't hornier.
SHE CHOSE SANTA. Mam, have some self-respect. I hope he is at least a gentle lover? Laughing as he goes down on you probably isn't great.
AWWW. The way they watched out for each other after getting laid. Happily just walking down the road. Oh my god, help her up. BRO, GET THE FUCK UP OFF THE ROAD.
He straight up said 'boyfriend'. Damn, love short indie films.
24? Fuck him babe, old my ass
Okay, I thought Con was going to say his guy died, not cheated. I'm trained too well in modern......OHH SHIT, whelp (he killed himself)
Babes, please learn to love yourselves.
I Love that they coordinate outfits, either accidentally or not. They are the crew. Hell yeah, the ass-grabbing! Get sailor ass.
Now, mushy peas seems like hell. Actual worse thing on earth
'What's brought this on, catholic guilt?' Mood
'Feels great, sometimes not so great'
'What about love, then.' Awww babe
What game are they playing with all those colors, looks fun as shit. CON LOOKS SO HAPPY. LET THIS MAN PLAY HAPPY PEOPLE. He just fucking giggled, god damn it.
This seems like a nice road trip to mentally reset life for a bit.
Guys, if they're being passively suicidal, then at least they've got each other. See, they pushed and they still wanted to live. Cute shit.
Sexuality being fluid! Great to see this, especially for the 90s.
Love the respecting of boundaries; they both really needed to talk before moving forward. Great shit. It's probably her feeling guilty for 'tempting a gay' but... That feels depressing, so fluidity I will choose.
"Well, you can fix it; you did a course in auto mechanics, didn't you." Hahahaha
GAY EARING ON THE DRIVER. I love that Con's getting as much action as he is.
Nice of her to give them space, ally behavior
EXCUSE ME MAM, LET HIM FUCK. RUDE. Stand up for yourself CON! They're just friends. If she wanted more, she needs to communicate that. He's pulling his own and trying to reach out to find a middle ground cause he knows she's angry. I love that he comforts her even though he has every right to escalate this into a fight.
Awww, she saved him the head puzzle piece. Love that he smacked it down. His fucking grin.
THE LITTLE SHUFFLE DANCE. Also, this fucker is stealing my wardrobe again.
OH MY GOD WALTZING. I LOVE IT. Bitch, this is the most romantic thing I've ever seen. THE CINDERELLA SONG! AWWWWWWW. I love them. Bro has to understand how many mixed signals he's sending out here.
Going to the dockyard doesn't end happily in these sorts of films.
He's having thoughts and needs to fuck them out. Fair, she's gorgeous.
At least she realized pretty early that he was out too late.
(Con is revealed beaten up and bloody)SHITTTTTTT Well, that's a head wound. Scuffed hands. Okay, good, I thought he fucking died.
DON'T FUCKING LEAVE YOU JACKASS. I've read dozens of fanfic like this. DOZENS
Con's Characters Sexuality Discussion: There are two options here. He's 'gay' as described in the film's synopsis or more fluid in a modern sense. Again, he's willing to fuck her, and clearly cares for her. Who knows if he was 'pushing his limits' and this is why she turned him down. The I love you could be romantic/sexual love, or the love of a friend. Both readings are perfectly valid by the text. The short film ends here to not answer the question and keep it ambiguous.
I'm flipping between this movie being about their friendship and finding someone to be comfortable with, or two people used to having one night stands falling in love. You know what. Both are right! (As a queer who says I love you to my straight friends. Calls them beautiful and does all of the shit Con does here, yeah, the waters are murky, who said you alone need to filter it to solve the art)
I can see a happy ending where they grow to be close friends for the rest of their lives, or just making it a probably short-lived relationship. They're both young and impulsive and need to work on themselves a bit before getting serious, but I hope they can keep this little corner of the world safe.
Cinematography(7/10): Fun! About what to expect from a short film. Nonintrusive editing.
Actors besides Con (8/10): I LOVED THE BARMAID. God, she's so fucking sweet and just needs someone in her corner. She's fun, cocky, and bullheaded in a way that fit's with Con's character. I loved their friendship. I love that she's worried about that and doesn't want to push boundaries. I wish this was a longer movie, I want to see them learning to love themselves and having each other there. Everyone else was unmemorable.
CON! The Actor 10/10: He seems more comfortable in this role than in Dancing. It makes him a more likeable character. Likely due to the size of the project, and experience. He seems like he's found his groove here, and I wish we got to see more of it. Seeing him actually flirt was a joy. Again, personally, I think the 'I love you' could be from a gay 'bff' perspective or he genuinely loves her. I love that they just feel safe with each other which is clearly what they need. Love con's look, dialogue, and everything about how he held himself. He seemed like he really opened up to her verses how Con's character acted at the beginning of the movie. That can be really hard to pull off
Story 9/10: Really fucking fun. Sweet, they both felt stuck in a rut and finally made a friend that understood them. The dialogue/writing is so fucking inspiring as I try to write fun dialogue.
REWATCHABILITY: I would say that compared to the downers I watched yesterday, this overtakes Vengeance. It helps that it's so short.
9/10. I hate giving perfect 10s when I haven't seen everything, but god is this so close. I can totally see myself giving this a retroactive 10. Writing this overview I felt like I was balancing on a tight rope trying to 'figure out' the right ending. But that's kind of the point. The relationship they build is a comfort in a shitty world, and it's fucking beautiful.
I know people said it was sad, but I found it really hopeful? They're still living their shitty lives, but they're not alone anymore.
NEXT! Still plan on Cucumber, 3 steps to heaven for weird Con, and whatever I feel in the moment. Rewatching Blood brothers today with the Brother, so wish me luck.
(I linked some people who commented last post, thanks for the comments as always!)
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
Jimin is a pretty bOY
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This is a continuation of our discussion on my last post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, I think I agree with all of it.
Not sure how I feel about the calling eachother out bit or near scolding of others in the comments. Please let's be welcoming and respectful of others's thoughts regardless of whether or not we agree with it. It's ok to hold diverse views. We do after all come from different backgrounds and have accumulated different experiences and I think it plays out in how we see things. Everyone's opinion is valid. Plus, I purple yall.
Now, do I think he is trying to pack on muscles........? Yes. He said so himself in Festa when he said he would rush to the mirror when he thought he had gained some muscle only to find out his biceps looks like a muscled kindergartner.
He also said lately he's into exercising and staying in shape which is true because for quite sometime now since early this year he has been talking about how "weak" he is in their Vlives and have even given instances of him not being able to do certain things- certian simple and easy tasks- which is typical of him I'd say. He's always talking about how "weak" he is especially around JK and juxtaposing that with "but JK is so strong" which I'm sorry but I have to smirk at right now cos it's such a typical gay pick me simp thing to do. We've all been there.
Do I think he's trying to be a muscle bunny or revert back to his body shape around debut? Absolutely not. But I do think he is straddling the line of toxic masculinity which is what the conversation is about.
I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to stay in shape or even enjoying work outs. Last night I ran downstairs because I had left my stew on the stove and now this morning I called renew my gym membership because I discovered running can be actually fun to do... No. No it's not. The gym instructor would have to come for me kicking and screaming.
RM have said even though JM looks skinny and fragile he is one of the strongest within the group. Besides, this is not the first time he's expressed interest in working out and building his body- hello, on Era?
I remember people complaining he looked too buffed up in that period on SNS and PJMs quickly jumping in to clear the searches for it. The choreo for On required agility and endurance and required the members- not just JM build up some definition in their muscles.
We've seen them go through all that. So it's not simply a matter of black and white staying in shape or doing it because he feels pressured to do so. Especially, when you consider that he's undertaken some pretty unhealthy measures in the past in attempts to lose weight or soften out his body post these muscle building, weight gaining periods and we've always chalked it up to his dance and how as a contemporary dancer he has to look a certain way or this or that to try to justify and make sense of it. Next you, know there are six chapters of break the silence of him talking about all the dark places he's been, the pressures to look his best for his fans or for his job and all these other painful stories he's shared with us over the years. And it's like, but why? Why do this to yourself?
I'll never forget the look he gave JK when JK was talking about wanting to build muscles in one of the interviews for the promotion of Be- I think I made a post on it. When JK noticed JMs disapproving glare he backtracked saying he would want to stay skinny after gaining all that muscles.
I mean if I'm to be honest, he was bound to crack at one point. The signs were there being surrounded by all these men who adhere to the traditional aesthetics of a masculine body- from Namjoon to Taehyung.
I wish y'all will steer the conversation in this direction and make it more about gender norms and expressions and breaking stereotypes and diversity in the body aesthetics of men.
Jimin is a man too. He just isn't what people traditionally will label masculine. Androgynous is more an apt word in my opinion. How many times have I said, I think Jungkook hetero passes because his body aesthetics is quintessentially what most associates with a masculine man?
Breaking gender barriers is not just about embracing feminine apparels- that teeters on cross dressing quite frankly and can be a bit performative and baity. Then you have to consider their culture in itself has an inherent pro gender diversity feel to it.
Now, let me explain my problem with the Klout ad campaign a little bit.
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Do you see how Tae stands out? And I'm not saying this to fuel the "Tae was their fav" debacle. It's the 007 feel... I'll explain in a bit.
Most often, alcohol advertisers as well as most advertisements intended to sell to men often try to appeal to men's internalized ideals of masculinity or try to shape and define what a man or masculinity should look like. These ideals are so often toxic and detrimental to men and mostly women too.
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Take a look at these ads for example. All I had to do was google search ads for men.
Real men drink milk and look at the image they present as real men. This blatantly implies if you don't look like this, if you are not a strong cliff climbing man with abs you are not a real man.
The second image is subtle. I call it the 007 slash Kingsmen-esque ideals of masculinity. It portrays men as sexy cool badass- works out but isn't too buff, filthy rich or middle class, wears Rolex, designer clothes, is kind but has a mean exterior and is every 13 year old wattpad girls's dream of a man. In fiction, you see this kind of masculinity in characters such as Edward cullens to Christian Grey. And a lot of ads for men alternate between these two ideals of masculinity.
Do you see how they modeled Taehyung in these ads after this kind of masctheme? Tae looks the same in almost all the ads. 007 sexy cool badass.
Now, I may not be a makeup beauty guru or MUA or whatever, but one thing I've picked up on especially when it comes to makeup for men- BTS and Kpop idols mostly is that, they soften out the harsh features on their faces and make them appear more androgynous or effeminate to suit the Kpop look and they ditch it entirely in different settings.
So for instance, Tae and Kookie's natural hawkish eyebrows tend to get softened around the arch and edges- don't know how the fuck they do that- but it appears less in your face intense most times when they wear make up in kpop related contents.
However, in certain other contents that lean towards a certain gender theme those features are emphasized. Not to say hawkish features are masculine features. Just saying in men, Kpop idols, my observation is they soften those features out with makeup or surgery.
Now, take a look at JM in these ads and look at everything from his posture, make up, hairstyle and brows. It's as if someone took an eraser to his androgynousity and erased his feminine side. Take a look at his photo above and compare it to the ads.
I am not a man. But I feel the gender look they went for, intended to appeal to men, tapped into a rather outdated stereotype of what man and masculinity should look like.
What is a man?
What should a man look like?
What aesthetics of masculinity is Jimin gravitating towards now? And I'm not talking clothes, I'm talking the expression of his gender. Time and again, he's talked about how looking a certain way made him uncomfortable in the past because he was constantly fighting his feminine side. He is androgynous. Sometimes he leans more into his feminine side. Other times he leans more into his masculine side but this is the only time he's leaning into his masculinity that makes me uncomfortable to watch because like I said it bothers on toxic masculinity.
He's said whoever he was, the version fighting to look masculine, that wasn't him. So forgive me if I worry whenever i see him suppressing his feminine side and acting like 'one of the boys.' Him staying in shape is not synonymous with him erasing a valid part of himself or suppressing it. He can stay in shape, celebrate his masculinity and still be FILTER.
What I'm saying is, this not a conversation about him exercising. This is a conversation about an ad erasing his feminine side and boxing him into a narrow expression of his gender and how that might be affecting his view of himself especially in the way he's been gravitating towards a certain masculine aesthetics and how that could be toxic.
Tae has said the same thing and BTS have agreed the JM as of 2019 was the real JM according to them.They said he was that way- suppressing his feminine side, because there weren't much songs and choreos that suited him and so he had had to bend himself to fit with the others.
And so when I see him leaning a certain way I tend to wonder if his exterior environment is playing a role in that. I hope you can understand that.
He is a contemporary dancer and strength and flexibility are prerequisites for his craft. The company go out of their way to incorporate contemporary dance in their choreos for JM's sake which helps solve that problem of him trying too hard to look a certain way.
May be I'm projecting. May be my little brother is effeminate and I've always recommended Jimin as a role for him to tell him not to try to look different just because other boys look different. May be I've seen him try one too many times to kill himself in the gym trying to build on muscles and getting frustrated with himself because he ends up looking like someone else. You can't gym the queerness away. Society will never let you be who you want to be so you might as well flip it the middle finger.
These boys are being shaped by their environment. I hate to say this but the environment they are in isn't exactly progressive and the longer they stay in there cut off from the outside world...
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Flying out helps. Meeting different people and being exposed to different cultures and conversations on gender expression helps.
Anywho, these are just concerns I have. Will have them till I see that's not where he is headed towards. But let's not act like these ad campaigns do not and can not psychologically impact these boys especially as these advertisers are not looking to tap into their own definition of gender and masculinity but shape it and redefine it to appeal to the demographic they intend to market to.
I think this is just a grey area for me. Rather than try to change JM to look a certain way in order to sell alcohol. I think the ground breaking thing would be to have a man who looks like JM show us how someone like him would sell a can of drink. I think that would be revolutionary.
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Yall know that “toxic masculinity” refers to expressions of masculinity that are toxic, right? it doesn’t imply that all masculinity is toxic- it’s used to talk about like, how people will repress their emotions aside from anger in order to seem “manly”, and how they might act in violent or self-destructive ways because that is what society expects of men.
masculinity is not inherently toxic. it hasn’t been poisoned or corrupted. it is a neutral concept, a kind of gender presentation, and it doesn’t make you a bad, unhealthy, or toxic person to be masculine.
masculinity does not need to be “soft” to be acceptable, it can just be neutral. because it is not toxic, just sometimes expressed in toxic ways or for toxic reasons.
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imo? Yes.
Like when white women fake cry to win arguments, or to appear to be the victim (despite how much damage they may have caused), or when female abusers point to their femininity as a reason they couldn’t possibly be hurting anyone. Or when the girls in school weaponize their performances of femininity against more androgynous, less traditionally attractive, or more masculine girls.
Plenty of cis women have a similarly toxic relationship to femininity as cis men do to masculinity. A good example of a less material expression might be the tendency to self-martyr, using the “caregiver” role to guilt trip and gaslight, and abuse in a more manipulative, emotional/mental way than the physical aggression more typical with toxic masculinity.
The patriarchy rewards gender conformity, and requires cis people of both genders to uphold it. Cis women are at a structural disadvantage to cis men regardless, but can absolutely gain more social power by adhering more strictly to traditional femininity- and weaponize that power against others.
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So what is an example of toxic femininity in Black women?
"Yall know that “toxic masculinity” refers to expressions of masculinity that are toxic, right?" Which is, if you look at other feminist rhetoric, most mainstream masculinity. If someone came up to you and said "you and most people who share your gender/race/sexual preference are Doing It Wrong", I think you'd be a little pissed.
> "or when female abusers point to their femininity as a reason they couldn’t possibly be hurting anyone."
You know feminism itself does this all the time, right? Genders abuse as something men do to women, as "violence against women (by men)"?I've also seen countless feminists insist women hurt men less than the converse, or that hurt men somehow deserve it.
Heck, feminists regularly tell men to shut up about their feelings and support women.
It's also interesting how almost all of your examples of "toxic femininity" - which is not a term in common use among feminists - involve specific groups of women who are toxic. Not the parts of femininity which are.
And at the end, you blame the Patriarchy - and thus men - anyway.
I mean, you literally described how female abusers can play innocent, but you still insist cis women are disadvantaged across the board.
Maybe the fact that you have to make this post should tell you there’s a serious problem with the way feminism addresses masculinity.
And what a shock, nothorses. You have me pre-blocked.
And never responded to Silver.
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Ah, now I get it. You probably only care because trans dudes are collateral damage, not because “toxic masculinity” hurts cis men. In fact, here’s another post of yours where you say TM mostly hurts minority men, especially trans men.
Ironic that you’re trying to speak truth to your team about their assumptions while pre-blocking folks.
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And if you don’t distinguish between those types and the general group, is it reasonable to assume you’re talking about the group in general? Especially when your team regularly makes negative generalizations about that group?
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece Chapter 1004 - Initial Thoughts
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We keep on rolling to 1004
Last time we continued with the fight as Luffy ran out of gas, leading to some hype and highly anticipated moments, so let’s see if they unfolded in 1004
Spoilers for Chapter 1004, Support the Official Release too!
A nice Chopper cover this time, looks like you get enough value for your money with that bag of rumble ‘candies’
The chapter title also raised a brow, lots of theories could indeed come to fruition
So of course, Speed is the ‘enemy ship’ that let Tama in, makes sense since she’s their master so they can’t pull the ‘you’re too young card’ on her
She’s also hard at work using her DF, Kibi Dangos all around!
Sometimes all a girl needs is a supportive family of a Tengu sensei, a pet dog and baboon, a tea shop grandma, a caring horse lady, crazy pirate brothers, a samurai aunt, a ronin uncle and your very own army of human/animal hybrids
Tama wanting to see Momo as Shogun was a pretty big statement too
I do particularly love that Speed, Gazelleman and Daifugo - who were all minor characters in the last 2 acts of Wano - are coming in big clutch for Tama, Oda doesn’t forget
Also funny is there different methods, Speed is all ‘this is a special dango that makes you stronger’, Gazelleman is just all ‘have this snack’ then there’s Daifugo that’s just ‘EAT YOUR DAMN DANGOS’
Over to Franky vs Sasaki though and Sasaki’s defence is pretty strong, but General Franky is also pretty strong too
Cheap shot though, the Armored Corps holding General Franky down to be charged by Sasaki, looks like this Flying Six member doesn’t share the honour rules that Franky does
Fortunately Nami, Usopp and Tama are riding in...aaaand they’re being chased
Nami and Usopp’s chaotic grins are great behind Determined Tama
And then Sasaki wipes his own men out XD
I have mixed feelings about Thunder Lance Tempo, on the one hand Yay Nami! but on the other Nooo Ulti!
Usopp as well using his salt sniping skills but this time with Dangos...another Thriller Bark callback in Wano...
Oooof, got him in the fleshy belly. I doubt he’s done though, if Ulti can take a lightning bolt through the chest then Sasaki can deal with a belly slice
Not looking good with Sanji though...well, depending on your point of view, should’ve used the Raid Suit
Maria wants Sanji to betray Robin? Ha, good luck with that
Sanji doing the badass face there too
Magical Squirrel Girl and maybe-maybe-not-CP0 Bao Huang has found the Scabbards though due to her mouse spy
Whoa now hold up, who as that Bird person with the eye tags that is an epic design!
Second floor treasure room huh? Guess that means no Yamato :/ shame
Wonder if Marco is the one keeping King’s hands full
That girl is wearing an earpiece for sure, maybe it’s a den den mushi earring, or an earworm SMILE....they do keep bringing attention to it
Maria to face down the Samurai, Sanji may yet get a reprieve
Ten people huh? Reminder that the Akazaya are only 8 at the moment; Kin, Denjiro, Inu, Neko, Kiku, Izo, Raizo and Kawamatsu, so that means 2 other people are tending to them
Hidden Person is the final panel
So...no Hybrid form this week...or next week, maybe not even next chapter. We seem to have used this as respite to show the movements of the lower floors, but right now we’ve only really covered Nami, Usopp, Sanji and Franky. This does leave open Chopper (and Drake and Marco), Brook and Robin, Carrot and Wanda, Jimbei and Yamato, on the enemy side we have yet to see movements from Queen, Hawkins, Apoo, Jack or Who’s Who either.
There was a lot of love about the chapter though, revenge of the Queen of Beasts! Tama is directly working to shift the black tiles white as she is practically absorbing Kaido’s armies into the alliance’s. Now the SMILE atrocities are on our side, but there is still the matter of the Tobi Roppo and the Lead Performers, but this is indeed a turning point CP0 may not have anticipated from their reviews last chapter.
As for the person helping the Scabbards, they do look feminine and have one long bit of hair drooping down, people are saying Hiyori though I wouldn’t put it past it being Robin and Brook, Robin would want to find a treasure room for any intel and her and Brook would attend to the Akazaya if they saw them, on top of this it can lead to the confrontation that Black Maria wants; Robin vs Maria. This could also bring Sanji back from his rough spot in the raid, he started strong but in the face of his simpness he fell from grace, but if he escapes Maria and is confident that Robin can handle the giantess then perhaps he can move towards other fights.
This being said, the fact that we left the top of the dome with Luffy exhausted and Kaido in Hybrid form does worry me greatly, who knows how long it’ll be before we see Luffy and Zoro again, and what state they could be in.
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hmm. ive been thinking about this for a while. but i would like yall to understand that all transphobia is connected to misogyny. and not just in a “t/er/fs are misogynist” way, although that is true. but i need you to understand this: all trans people will be seen as inferior to cis people, and particularly cis men, by transphobes because of our connection to womanhood, whether it’s because of actually being women or because of being perceived as women by transphobes. for perisex transgender people (i know that intersex trans people face totally different struggles and i won’t try to do that justice here because i’m perisex and im posting about my experiences), it’s either going to be “you were born as what we perceive as the superior sex and have decided to identify wholly or in part with what we perceive as the inferior sex, which i see as disgusting and your intentions must be violent because why else would you choose to shed this privilege, therefore i am going to commit violence against you to protect myself/my loved ones from a nonexistent threat” or “you were born as what we perceive as the inferior sex and have decided to identify wholly or in part with what we perceive as the superior sex, which i see as disgusting but your intentions must be simply related to gaining more rights by being part of the superior sex, therefore i am going to be condescending and/or intimidating and commit violence against you to prove that you are still and will always be inferior.” and, for nonbinary people who have had access to hormones in a way where our AGAB is sort of debatable, sometimes the reaction to our existence will not even always be consistent with our actual AGAB; for example, i’ve been on T, and sometimes i like to wear dresses and skirts in public, and i have long hair. i get reactions that indicate that people think i’m a trans woman because my voice is low (and i have some facial hair and a strong jawline, but these are usually hidden by my mask), but i’m actually a transmasculine genderfluid person. i used to be uncomfortable with using public bathrooms EVER before T, and i still am usually uncomfortable in the men’s bathroom, but i’m completely terrified of using the restroom in public now if i’m dressing in a feminine manner, so i just don’t.
transmisogyny is real and i dont discount that. i know as well as anyone can without being transfem, that transfems are more likely to be seen by any transphobe as a threat and are therefore more likely to suffer violence because of it. but like…. transmasculine people aren’t suddenly exempt from misogyny the second we come out, either. ive seen a post defining transmisogyny as “where transphobia and misogyny intersect” and idk i just think that definition is moot because all transphobia boils down to is just misogyny. idk how i would define transmisogyny, maybe something like “the increased amount of violence in transphobia targeted towards transfeminine people and people perceived by transphobes as transfeminine,” but i know i wouldn’t define it as “where transphobia intersects with misogyny” because transphobia IS misogyny. it is ALWAYS misogyny. just because when it’s directed at transmascs it usually takes the form of “you’re inferior and will never be a REAL man like us superior folk (cis, white, het, abled men)” does not mean it’s not still literally misogyny. and i think that defining transmisogyny as transphobia that intersects with misogyny is giving it sort of a non-definition and harming the legitimacy of it more than it helps.
idk. like i said, transmisogyny is definitely real and there is a stark difference in how trans people are treated based on what their perceived AGAB is, and that’s something that all TME people need to recognise. but i think it does us all a disservice if we fail to recognise that transphobia and misogyny are intertwined at every point and are practically the same beast altogether. you cannot be transphobic without being misogynist. they go hand in unlovable hand.
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a9saga · 3 years
Sojin from girl's day is really hot. That's the post. No but ive been low key on a girl's day binge since around the time I posted expectation in September. I just really miss that time for girl groups, there was so much good music coming from all directions and they really mastered a particular image in the early to mid 10s. Think anywhere from miss A to 9muses. You didn't get a lot of plain cute, sexy, or girl crush style groups, you got a variety of groups whose styles musically and aesthetically could be described as some of those but had a cool, fun, stylish, feminine personality attached to whatever they did. And I think a lot of girl's day's big hits capture that time pretty well. And also sojin is gorgeous and mayhaps I was looking at pinterest boards of her and admiring that 🙄 don't you? But anyway. I stumbled upon something... something in my heart I knew must exist but I had never seen it with my own eyes on this side of international fandom. The photo I had found the link from, for the record, was not anything terribly racy. It was Sojin in a backless dress, nothing too exaggerated in the shot. But it had come from an "NSFW 18+" girl's day thread on... I don't know, it was any one of those forum sites for Korean or general Asian entertainment that I don't use. It must have been like 7 years old and most pictures in it were not available anymore.
There was a poll at the top, or two actually. The questions were "which girl's day member do you most want to sex up" and the second one was just for your second choice. And the replies were like, sexy fancams and gifs and screenshots of boob/butt/all right even some tiny up-short shots and no I don't mean upskirt shots I mean the tiny gap between the shorts fabric and thighs? Someone took those from a fancam of Minah dancing Female President. And in between this content people were talking about which members of the group they like to jerk off to the most and which one they were about to jerk off to right now. It suddenly occurred to me, like!!! Oh!! There are men here. Yall like girl's day? Um.. okay. Some people said some pretty rude things about Hyeri too. She was apparently the least favored of the guys in the thread.
See, 5 years ago or so, I had fucking had it with the sexual objectification of kpop boy groups by their own fans. Like, people can recognize misogyny. And sometimes those people would still post bulge compilations and make assumed dick size rankings and even estimated measurements! It crossed a line well beyond that of mere smutty fanfiction. Its dehumanizing to post close ups of guys' junk in their skinny jeans to attract the attention of any number of people looking to see that. Like you're kind of supposed to find boy groups sexy. Its not wrong or unnatural for boy bands to be a sexual outlet for you when you're young, if you haven't got a boyfriend your own age to explore with you might be fascinated by your new favorite kpop group. Fanfiction about real people is iffy but smut fanfiction is an inevitability of boy band fandom and that's one thing, as long as you don't take it to the real guys themselves. Bulge shots? That's not your imagination. That's not pretending Jungkook is your boyfriend. That's public objectification they definitely didn't agree to and that has to be really uncomfortable and embarrassing. I made a post about all that years ago that still gets the occasional note. But initially back in the day I got people who seemed to think I was just being a prude.
I always figured a Fei's Jiggling Tits compilation wasn't commonplace on tumblr for a lot of reasons but reason #1 is that it would obviously be offensive and disrespectful. Seeing just one page of that thread with most of the pictures removed was so surreal it was like I couldn't be offended. I felt an absence of shock, a real absence of reaction essentially. Given this was not the type of fandom I was acquired to, I could still understand it. Fanbases for late 2000s/early 10s girl groups on tumblr were not as common to fangirl over even in comparison to the newer ones like twice, red velvet, or even ioi, gfriend, or other already disbanded girl groups of the new generation. It's cause most girls like boys. Most kpop fans were girls. More thirst is targeted at boy groups. Some of those girls liked girls (🙋‍♀️ mee~ 🙆‍♀️ I did). Sapphic girl group fans have their thirst but I gotta we're a lot more respectful to the kpop idols of our gender overall. Men are out there liking my girl groups but to what extent do I trust them with that?
It also makes me wonder at what point is the line crossed? Like.. girl group marketing does not necessarily object to guys jerking off to the members. I certainly don't even think it's a crime to do it. Do what you want with it, I don't care. It's the public discussion and the attention drawn to this on the internet that I think is disrespectful. If I were dancing Female President in tiny shorts and you took a close up looking up those shorts I wouldn't be happy for you to post it. This is clearly looking into something intrusive. The line is somewhere before that point, I think. But it's not like they're sending this whole thread to the girl's day members and asking them directly for something. It's still in public. Is the line being crossed when you ask your own small corner of a kpop forum which members of girl's day you most want to "sex up"? How much thirst can you have in public? How horny on main can you be if it's not wrong to like the group as it's marketed to you? I don't fricking know. I wonder when my issues of philosophy class is going to begin this topic of kpop, fandom, and sexuality. This week we're on Marx.
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savnofilter · 4 years
no nuance november!
a/n: which is basically you have a bunch of opinions and dont explain any of em' and let your followers discuss them (much more suited for tiktok sjsnj). i'll be doing it since it compiles with many topics like fandom, racism, lgbtq+, politics and etc. i highly encourage people to do this simply because why not? feel free to send your own opinions n stuff, i wanna know what my followers think!!
disclaimer!! ⚠️ all of these are broad, not pin pointing certain people or situations. even though these are my opinions these were all in fun and have been collected over the years and will change as time goes on. nothing is sugar-coated so thread carefully. feel free to agree or disagree. :)
warning(s): mentions of racism, p*do micro aggression, fetishizing, toxicity, abuse, politics, labelling, mental health, cancelling, fandoms, ages.
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iswis = i said what i said, no explanation to that one.
whe = will happily explain.
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stop sexualizing gay/m|m/yaoi relationships. it's not only demonizing to the males, it's also very fetishizing. (iswis)
most times /10 yall root for "feminine men" when you really mean white boys and fetishised asian men on social media. (whe)
bullying someone isnt educating. you either cant cope with the fact people have different opinions from you or you have a struggle with things either always never going your way or the opposite. (iswis)
straight people will never have a say in lgbtq+ issues. stop inserting yourself. (iswis)
white people will never have a say in poc issues. stop inserting yourself. (iswis)
poc will never have a say in black people issues. stop inserting yourself. (vice versa but im black and it happens more often to us lol) (iswis)
using the defense, "but black lives matter, right?" when one black person does something bad isnt facts, youre racist. (iswis)
fandom adults need to stop gatekeeping the target audience (demographics) to animes/shows. (iswis)
poc people can be racist. (whe)
even if a certain site was adult doesnt mean that every adult wants to see your porn. either keep it to yourself or tag properly. (iswis)
saying shit like, "im more xyz than you and im not even xyz" is not only disrespectful but disgusting. just because you believe in a popular opinion of a group does NOT suddenly make you a person in it, get over yourself. (iswis)
dont hate on people for the same things you have done at a young age. (ex: writing fanfic, seggs, etc) (iswis)
blaming a minor/someone mentally unstable for being abused is not only victim blaming, but it enables the notion that people who go those things that they wanted it. (iswis)
going off of that last point, if you do victim blame for situations and been in them yourself you either still havent coped with what you went through and still think it was your fault when it wasnt. (whe)
it's stupid people hate minors for being undeveloped when adults are the reason as to why people get traumas, abused and quite literally are destroying the world right now. (iswis)
gen z is white as fuck. (iswis)
early 2000s kids are equivalent to 90s kids who use to post, "only 90s kids under this" and post something that 2000-5 experienced. (iswis)
dear 2005+ kids, abusing harmful substances and having sex doesnt make you grown. stop it. (iswis)
adults, being able to post porn doesnt make you grown or mature, stop believing that it does. (iswis)
just because it's a coping mechanism doesnt mean it's healthy. (iswis)
avoiding conflict doesnt mean youre mature. if there is an active problem and you know ignoring it will only benefit you and not the actual problem at hand that is selfish. (iswis)
black women generate clout for everyone. when we're hated the person gets patted on the back, someone appreciates black girls they are praised, and people of many groups repeatedly steal from our culture. (iswis)
if youre black you do not have to be democrat OR republican, there are many other parties. (whe)
i do not trust either parties, no minority should. (whe)
this 2020 election was not a win for poc people no matter who won. (iswis)
we do not decide whether or not what to do on columbus day. it is up to the natives themselves. (whe)
pointing out other countries (current) faults is not racist. although the issue can be misconstrued, if proper research is done it safe to say it's an educated observation or opinion. (whe)
privilege heavily varies; ex, americans are seen as privileged, while the people who live in it experience a disadvantage because of the societal standards. within the country itself. (whe)
americans, stop saying that america is the worst country and there are other countries who are suffering much worse than we are. yes sometimes it sucks but do not label it as the worst. (iswis + whe)
white people are privileged and will always be until we break the racist issues deep rooted in EVERY community. (iswis)
9/10 when marginalized groups like (women, lgbt) are mostly focused on white people and never address the poc counter parts. using the excuse "well idk much about that" is not good enough and just promotes pseudo-white supremecy. (iswis + whe)
do not use aave. (iswis)
aave is not gen z language, stop calling it that. (iswis)
gay men (white especially) use black women and get praised for the things we do that are called ghetto. (iswis)
yes it is offensive if you touch a black persons hair with or without permission. we are not your pets nor zoo animals. (iswis)
and yes it is offensive if you see a black women with beautiful hair and assume it's fake or ask, "is it yours?" "is it real?" (iswis)
using jailbait as an excuse to lewd minors is just as disgusting. (iswis)
beauty standards for women is rooted from pedophilia. (iswis)
using other pedophilic relationships as an excuse to ship yours is disturbing and you shouldnt be near children at any capacity. (iswis)
everything doesnt need a label. (iswis)
the fact that gangs have been criminalized while mafias havent is racist and feeds the stereotypes that poc are criminals. (iswis)
people are more forgiving to white predators than to poc (neither are good but people let white off the hook more often). (iswis)
if youre okay with your friends being racists, creeps, abusers you are just as bad. (iswis)
although you can like what you like, making dark content shouldnt be as glorified as much as it is. (iswis)
some kinks do deserve to be kink shamed. (iswis)
adults need to be more held accountable when held in situations with minors. (iswis + whe)
everyone perceives the world differently, many people will see the same things you see differently. (iswis)
calling people crazy for questioning the things around them doesnt make them crazy, youre just asleep. (iswis)
the human body can function without a soul. (iswis)
stop disrespecting christianity. you wouldnt do the same with hinduism, islam and etc. (iswis)
the bible was altered by white men and the true meanings have been misconstrued. (iswis + whe)
bullying someone who you THINK is problematic is not excuse to be hateful. youre just scum and feel the need to justify your actions. (iswis)
not everyone has to like you and dont need a reason. (iswis)
just because you dont like someone doesnt mean you have to make a show of it. be mature and move along. (iswis)
yes callouts/cancelling has its place but it's never done right. (iswis)
"cancel culture" wasnt a thing till white people joined in. (iswis)
dont cancel someone for stuff they did years ago. bringing it up is important but not allowing them to understand, reflect, and apologize is not only bullying it defeats the purpose of bringing awareness. (iswis)
big writers need to stop complaining when one fic or a few dont do good. not only does it rub in small writers faces, it shows that if you need people's validation to write you probably shouldnt be writing. some works will be popular and some will flop, get over it. (iswis)
stop witch hunting & crucifying people for shit you have done or your friends have done and going "uwu sorry" when you get caught. (iswis)
90% people believe content creators with bigger audiences. (iswis)
people spontaneously posting, "uwu take care of your mental health" doesnt mean that they actually care. (iswis)
people are always quick to judge people with real mental health such as depression, anxiety, adhd, and etc are always the one to turn and pretend to be exactly what they just mocked. (iswis)
dont have kids if youre not going to take care of them. (iswis)
stop baiting baby otakus (people freshly getting into anime) into watching cp like yarichin bitch club or boku no pico. they are minors, it's not funny, stop it. (iswis)
stop being protective & toxic over anime characters. if they were real they probably wouldnt even like you. (iswis)
just because someone is your friend doesnt mean that they arent toxic or abusive. (iswis)
start believing when people show their true traits. (iswis)
trauma happens in different forms, stop saying something didnt happen because it didnt go the way that has commonly happened or the way it occurred to you. (iswis)
stop saying minors should "know" while also being the loudest to say that our brains arent even developed till 25. (iswis)
the adult age should be raised to 20 years old. (iswis + whe)
tos should be raised to 16 years old. (iswis + whe)
minors take "18+" & "minors dni" out of your bio. (iswis)
yelling at minors for finding the content you freely put out without any care is your fault not theirs. (iswis)
there are plenty of adult sites that are more confined for adults but you guys ignore them because youd rather get popular on writing erotica on a popular social media platform. (iswis)
trying to cancel someone over one mistake and or blowing said things out of proportion is toxic and stupid. (iswis)
if you take someone saying they need to distance themselves for mental health reasons personally and make them feel bad for it youre an actual shitty person. (iswis)
if someone disrespects you, you have the right to say whatever you want in response. (iswis + whe)
stop hypersexualizing everything (adults especially). (iswis)
the excuses of, "they look grown" "i mentally think xyz" "theyre fake" is creepy and weird and yall should come up with a better excuse. (iswis)
yes i do believe minors should be writing for minors only, but i will not give a shit if an adult does if said characters are aged up in every work sfw or not. (iswis)
stop saying teens cant go through traumatic things and cant experience mental illnesses. it just shows that you werent cared for as a child and never get the therapy for it. (iswis)
gen z has a very colonized idea of activism. (iswis)
feminism was never for all women until the rest of us forced ourselves in. and even now it's still an issue whether or not people realize it or not. (iswis)
poc solidarity doesnt exist as much as we try to make it happen. (iswis)
colorism is an issue, and no you will not tell me otherwise. (iswis)
the hot cheeto girl is offensive and demeans black & hispanic culture. (iswis)
stop bashing minors for breathing, just say youre mad youre not young anymore and move on. (iswis)
black men are the white people of black people. (iswis)
there is no reason as to why you anyone would refer to black people as "blacks". nor should you (non-black people) be arguing whether or not to say nigga even with the hard r. (iswis)
if you (pertains to white people) think white privilege doesnt exist but go on to make fun of or ignore minority problems you are the living and breathing example of what we are talking about. (iswis)
loli/shotas are fucking disgusting and people who like it deserve to be tortured for eternity. (iswis)
seriously, stop using theyre "fake" as an excuse. (iswis)
if youre comfortable with being hateful to someone but still consider yourself a nice person because you do the hate minimum to be a decent human, youre either a narcissist or have a god complex. (iswis)
coons have no say in black issues. (iswis)
people need to stop blaming the "home wrecker" for ruining the relationship when it was the s/o's fault as well. there is no home to enter without an owner. (iswis)
stop saying any asian man yo see reminds you of a haikyuu character and or any anime character. it's racist. (iswis)
stop saying any asian person looks like a kpop idol, it's racist. (iswis)
stop downplaying and invalidating when black women go through traumatic things. not only does it promote that we have to be strong and save everyone else's problems, it says that we dont have emotions and cant be a victim which is disgusting. (iswis)
if you say shit like "minors curate your own experience" then go and turn around to say you REFUSE TO TAG YOUR SHIT YOU ARE LITERALLY MAKING THE PROCESS OF CENSORING HARD! (iswis)
white women are just as much of a problem as white men. only difference is sex keeping them apart. (iswis)
stop saying kpop is racist. expecting artists from a different political progression to understand that things can be offensive is bland. (iswis)
people accept boy groups fuck-ups more than they accept girl groups. and most times out of ten, the males are worse. (iswis)
if you engage in nsfw conversation with a minor, it is your fault they responded. (iswis)
anyone can be abused. (iswis)
stop coddling adults and bullying minors. (iswis)
most of you females have internalized misogyny and dont even know it. (iswis)
you can callout issues without having to drag a group of people. same with uplifting. (iswis)
if youre fine with being a sheep unfollow me. (iswis)
seven deadly sins is not a good anime. (iswis)
there is a difference between boku no hero academia fans based on if they call it "bnha" or "mha". (iswis)
ships literally are not serious stop harassing people over ships. (iswis)
do not harass creators of series because they do something with THEIR story. make your own. (iswis)
stop saying horikoshi sexualizes his women too much/mineta is the worst when you guys enjoy shows like one piece, hunter x hunter, naruto and etc. (iswis)
minors often or not are sheeps (heres your sign you dont have to agree with everything other people say). (iswis)
just because minors can be mature doesnt mean that they are adults. stop treating them as such. (iswis)
we should give more voice actors in the asmr (idk what to call it) community more recognition instead of just one. (iswis)
writers are the ones that send hate to other writers. anon hate is so corny and if you do it that goes to show that you are truly a toxic person wearing a fake mask of kindness when youre not on anonymous. (iswis)
stop being mean to smaller writers because they did not have as much luck as you. (iswis)
stop blaming your readers because one story flopped. (iswis)
ignoring someone's shitty actions encourages them to do it more. (iswis)
going to school and getting a job is much harder now than it was before. (iswis)
being an adult doesnt automatically make you mature. just because youre older doesnt mean youre better or you opinion is more valuable. it just shows that you werent heard when you were younger. (iswis)
there should be no reason as to why someone of the age of 18 should be having any romantic relationship with someone who is a minor. (iswis)
hawks is a shitty character. (iswis)
bakudeku isnt toxic. (iswis)
just because bakugo is in a ship, doesnt mean it's toxic. (iswis)
stop shipping male characters together simply because they have screen time together. it's creepy. (iswis)
almost all of 1-a students have ptsd and anything close to the after effects of being traumatized. (iswis)
no, editing characters to be poc is not racist. youre just mad they arent "white" when they never were. theyre asian and come in many colors as well. (iswis)
wanting to only be with a different race to get a mixed baby is fucking disgusting. (iswis)
stop ignoring pedo relationships between older women and younger boys and or with older women in general. (iswis)
males can be abused, stop telling them to suck it up or that they cant go through things. (iswis)
shaming young females about things they cant control is misogynistic and is damaging to their identity and shouldnt be excused. (iswis + whe)
not all females have to shave. (iswis)
what you dont like in someone is the projections you see of yourself on other people that you dont like about yourself. (whe)
popular bl stories extremely misrepresent gay relationships and frankly it's disgusting that theyre boosted as much as they are. (iswis)
jjba isnt ugly, you just watch animes to sexualize the characters. (iswis)
it's shitty that anime and kpop only became cool once white people stated to like it and made it mainstream. go gatekeep family guy or something. (iswis)
if you have been anime fan for a long time you were with bullied/teased for just generally liking it or you were a weirdo who recreated shit from it. (iswis)
weaboo and weeb were bad terms till we made them positive?? literally otaku is the word for it but we use weeb instead lol. (whe)
normalize and promote educating someone without going straight to bullying them. (whe)
haikyuu isnt really a good manga/anime nor is the art style the best but the characters make up for it. (iswis)
stop misusing terms and stop nitpicking definitions to manipulate your narrative. (iswis)
toxic positivity is manipulative and if you have to make it back handed you are not as nice as you like to make it seem. (iswis)
studying a major doesnt mean youre actually good in the subject. (iswis)
normalize people realizing their past mistakes and growing from it. (iswis)
do not self diagnos unless you actually feel like you may have that issue and would like to seek help. mental health is not a personality trait. (iswis)
stop projecting onto people. (iswis)
stop misusing terms and stop nitpicking definitions to fit your narrative. (iswis)
stealing any type of work should not be tolerated. (iswis)
constantly trying to trigger someone to go back to their old ways (being toxic, abusive, addiction, suicidal etc) after changing is toxic and manipulative. (iswis)
if you make jokes about hurting kids and or feel the need speak badly about them i do not want to speak to you. (iswis)
the human brain wasnt developed to understand complex ideas such as death or the universe. (iswis)
we will never truly know what is beyond our skies. (iswis)
thats all, thanks for sifting!
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budugaapologist · 5 years
when you are reading this rant take full offense its 2am here and im mad as hell
fair warning this post is long as fuck and has several arguments pertaining to specific peeves i need to rant about before i go crazy. if you're not interested just keep scrolling it's not hard it's literally the core of social media navigation
you know what? ima say it.
black flag is the best ac game and deserves more recognition than just pirate drinking jokes because:
nearly every named character (sorry burgess and cockram) has development and personalities. cant say that for that many others in other games.
not too much fucking shit to do in it (unlike uhhhhhhhh every fucking other game in the franchise. stop it. i dont need 500 treasure chests in arno's game he already has an excellent revenue with the cafe. i dont need a ton of side quests. i dont need 30+ chests per london burough. i dont need a million question marks on my map. i dont need all of egypt or greece to be littered with shit to do. fuck this.).
unlocking shit is so much easier. edward knows where every treasure chest is and doesnt pay for treasure maps. and literally unlocking shit is so much easier.
base is slept on. its fucking cool. its fucking fun. its fucking useful as shit. its fucking pretty as all hell. fuck you.
good story, fun story, great dlc, relatable story (unless youre some bootlicking cowardly rich cunt) emotional story but not depressing (unity im looking at your ending. origins stop killing children.), satisfying end.
i can do the combat with one hand. you know what that means? i can eat and drink without pausing. i can reply to text messages without pausing. i can pet my dogs and cats while playing.
main character actually has changed by the end of the game a vast amount. motherfucker, edward changed more in his antó mission than ezio did in his trilogy.
if you dont complete all objectives you still have a passing score on the mission. do you know what its like to be raised to only get good grades on stuff and see yourself getting a 60% on a thing thats supposed to be a pass time just because you forgot something.
the naval combat isnt hard you just need practice. also i know the hunter ship sucks in the first mission you encounter but literally drop your sails but hold the wheel. once its in view let go. swim to it. take out the crew. swim back. bada bing bada boom go oneshot the crew. incredible, you're safe now.
legendary ship battles are really fucking cool and my mom doesnt yell at me for killing a giant beast for next to nothing.
the sea shanties and tavern songs slap.
farm animal petting simulator. not forced to kill dogs (ac3, odyssey).
obviously its good if the other games are just gonna copy paste it.
ed's tattoos are sick.
edward is literally the first canon bisexual. he literally says so in game. he literally fucking flirts with blackbeard. he literally was a pirate. why the fuck do you think birate is such an accurate pun.
diving outfit.
the female characters dont have titties all over the place. even anne's boobs arent that big, which is good considering she is underage. the same cannot be said for many of the women in ezio's games.
guess who has a solid, interesting, and realistic personality. not kassandra or alexios thats for sure.
he is NOT moved by man pain (ezio, connor, bayek) to carry out his missions. he didn't want to be poor, he wanted to be able to provide for his family. he is just carrying out his dream to sail a ship. when he starts being "good", he is doing it out of guilt and shame on his past self (what, self reflection? someone, teach jacob this term), not because "wahh my girlfriend/mom/child/family died :'(", he wanted to make it up to his lost friends by making them proud and doing what they wished he had done. his regrets are in not being a better friend while mary was alive, not seeking out her killers (guards at fort). thatch's death crushed him, but he didn't thrust his anger on seeking revenge. and the characters that did die? they had personalities and development and were interesting and memorable. i cant tell you shit about cristina.
he is very respecting of women, especially for a white guy from the 1600s. he, as a teenager (under 17 i believe), attempted to save a woman he did not know and had no intentions of wooing (hey um ezio? you literally only were able to save cristina from being raped because you stalked her because you thought she was attractive. like thanks for saving her but uhh am i the only one that finds that creepy?) even though the odds of winning against three older men were stacked against him and he knew they could (and almost did) beat him to death. fuck if caroline wasnt there he would've been killed.
the modern day stuff is an excellent way to separate intense scenes and the little mini hacking games are fun puzzles. oh boohoo desmond isn't there? yes he was, half the things you hack literally give you desmond content.
rebecca's outfit fucking slaps.
from experience, its fun to play even if you dont know shit about the other ac games. pirates are cool and the story is easy to follow, just be prepared to find some of the other endings big letdowns or lots of the other games' missions boring.
is that fanservice that goes both ways but doesnt oversexualize any gender? why yes, it is!
stop reducing black flag to alcoholism jokes like yall constantly fucking do, it has so many other talking points and if you wanna make fun of something maybe choose something that isnt addiction. literally i make fun of edward constantly without pointing out his alcoholism it isnt that hard. if you're gonna make fun of edward for drinking rum when water in the 1700s often wasnt safe and making fun of him when he was depressed (he has multiple other intended self harming behaviors shown in game so no, he wasnt just drinking because its fun), why don't i see the same "wHy is aLL tHe WiNE gONe?" posts for arno? he was an alcoholic too. in fact arno and edward have a lot of the same forms of depression but oh, arno's a more serious character personality wise and isn't a pirate so his grieving isn't as funny.
and like, there are plenty of other things to make fun of with edward that might not make light of alcoholism because no, edward's drinking in the main story was not written to be a joke. here, a list of things i regularly make fun of him for:
this highwaisted man's got feminine hips
there is no reason for him to be that thicc
his bangs are a mess
his hair???? glows???? okay rapunzel.
his tatts that are just lines
actually you know what his tatts in general what do they mean ubisoft what even language are the words on his body in
how this whore opens the bottled messages on the beach. "ah yes, let me put this mysterious item in my mouth. i have no idea where its been. i could very well open it to read a note that says "i pissed on this""
"woman i just met... must respect her.. man i just met... im either going to give you a death threat, tease you, or flirt... sometimes multiple choices will be done......"
i mean he had the full right to be a bastard to walpole on the beach since he did try to be friendly but walpole was being to bitchy and needy. and like them being stranded wasnt edward's fault but walpole was still gonna make him build a ship and there is no reason for edward to trust walpole since after they get to havana he can easily just be like "thats a pirate, hang him." but like. the way he just immediately decides to steal his identity. legend.
why does he just blindly follow older men's orders like that
he trims his beard to a very odd location. i know it isn't a flattering pose but like. look at the underside of his jaw.
"how many references to dog behavior can we put in one character"
phobia of sleeping in a bed
"you saved my life i am eternally grateful."
edward are you seriously arguing with your eight year old daughter about the difference between a boat and a ship
where are your tanlines
how did he not die of skin cancer first
edward probably doesnt have any body hair because ubisoft didnt want his legs to glow in the dark too
look at his marooned outfit. bitch what the fuck is on your shirt. and where are your hair ties.
his dramatic beauty guru smokey eyes
he held that sword by the blade in the single madman quest. wh
anyway, the long run of this is, if you're gonna reblog an edward post from me specifically to make fun of an overused joke, go fuck yourself.
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totally-totty · 6 years
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sleepynegress · 7 years
Now that I’ve let it marinate, here are my THOROUGH thoughts on Black Panther...
Cut because extensive spoilers...
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First, it was a great film.  Great in terms of being a big budget “blockbuster” fun movie and great in weight. Budget and weight are areas previous black superhero entries have lacked and why this one resonates so much now.
Now, I’m gonna break down the contents that stood out to me... 
We open with a beautifully done and narratively resonant breakdown of the history of Wakanda.  Basically, the civilizational advantage of inherited wealth (<- coming back to this), via space metal, times multi-trillions.  They watch the world fight, violate, and destroy --ESPECIALLY to people on the same continent on which they exist-- and choose, smartly, to remain hidden.... Or who knows??  Maybe they would have defeated the guns of old and stopped the colonizers before they did real damage... Which is a what if?... 
...That Killmonger symbolizes.  He is the dream deferred, the one that exploded. He is the gaping wound of the enslaved that Wakanda did not even try to save. He is post-African black pain/rage at that scattered people that reaches for a home that was snatched from them generations ago...  The ones taken from home without choice, with potential squandered by lesser people. Which is why he is the most sympathetic villain I’ve ever seen. Grounding him in Oakland, even to the point where even his vision took him back to that project (with the ancestral sky of Wakanda outside his window, honestly I cried).  #killmongerwasntwrong
As for the Wakandan feminine... This movie was honestly, the most thoughtful mainstream rendering of black womanhood in the hands of a black man, I have seen on screen... I argue Daughters of the Dust is still the tops for me, but this mainstream big budget comicbook film(!)  reminded me of it with certain elements...
Nakia is the “we knew and we told you but men stay not listening”, black woman from the future, ahead of even T’Challa until the movie’s plot resolves and catches up to her vision.  Killmonger wasn’t wrong, but Nakia was right. The hashtag should be #NakiaWasRight. As usual, black women know and tell with a precision first, but rarely get the credit. Killmonger wasn’t wrong but toxic masculinity, courtesy of Western values and abandonment, corrupted his vision for himself and black and other oppressed peoples.
Okoye is the strength of black womanhood, -not the gross stereotypical SBW garbage that too many white people think is a compliment, but is really their trite way of saying “Pain must not affect them the same way!”  No, she is disciplined, capable, beautiful, and beloved.  As an aside, I just know Alek Wek screamed when she threw her wig in that one scene. That act reminded me so much of Wek doing similar at that runway show (which was iconic!) and pretty much made the same statement (that wig was totally raggedy and ugly on purpose).
Shuri is black potential unhindered and allowed to thrive. All because the expectations and opportunity in Wakanda are limitless... She is as important a cultural touchstone in terms of influencing young black girls to take up STEM fields as the film Hidden Figures is. She is black girl joy and magic rolled into one.  Mischievous, loving, sweet, kind, curious.  Letitia’s performance was brilliant because she played the girlhood we are so often denied so well, it was undeniable even by the usual suspects who would... That said, I can see people treating her too preciously in a direction could also go the way of dehumanization.  She’s not a mascot, child, baby, or spirit animal. She’s an intelligent teenager, a genius.  She’s not your token prop for proving how much you can adore “one special” black female character. I can already see the overly-precious and precocious cameos in white slash fic where she drops off a “tech thing”, is hugged, has her hair ruffled amiably, sasses cutely, and then disappears... WHITE PEOPLE, DON’T DO THIS.
Queen Ramonda, the female elders tending to blossoms, the elderly woman at council all represented a kind of feminine energy that is something we black folks (of course) had first, but is universal... The women who know the rituals, the medicines, the crafts, traditions, passed down among them.  Just about every culture on Earth has this... A gathering of cooperative women who heal and guard traditions
T’Challa The Black Panther represents healthy/regal uncorrupted masculinity.  Again, courtesy of the privileges of being Wakandian royalty, just like his sister.  Steady, protective of his family, responsible,  confident, and vulnerable. Heavy in burden, but projecting lightness and ease of wisdom to all alongside his tread, Shuri’s invention of sneakers was perfectly perfect for him.  
M’Baku could have gone wrong easily, with his size and comic origins (“Man-Ape”) but no, he was strong in both mind and body, and most importantly human, (this is where white filmmakers would have ruined him and made him a lovable lout).  A vegetarian who challenged, lost, teased, and made wise choices for his people.. A people that represented that proud underclass, even on the boundaries of supposedly enlightened Wakanda.
The TECH...  OMG...The tech, the beads, the transportation, the organic design and flow and interconnectedness of it.  The flying ships shaped like lifeforms already designed for flight.  The energy bolts, shock absorbers and redistributors...  If I remember my physics, energy expelled does not disappear. It HAS to be expended in some way. Shuri’s inventions all had that in common, effectively harvesting and using energy. 
Now, I’m getting back to that inherited wealth, that I feel is one of the biggest messages taken away from this film:  There is no such thing as benevolent privilege.  ...Even if that .00000001% status literally dropped out of the sky, (which we know, did not happen that way for the actual privileged among us).  Wakandians never exploited people, never actively subjugated, nor committed genocide and yet, their hands were still red... They were the passive bystanders, who knew what wrong was, but did nothing. This was T’Chaka leaving his nephew in that project, Erik glimpsing that ship fly away...
And yet, that kind if purposeful greedy, manic, snatched-away at the cost of stomping on “the other” kind of privilege WAS ALSO represented in this film via Claue.  ...His racist taunts, his jealousy, his repugnant personality.  He was the embodiment of the evil of whiteness. Brilliant performance by Serkis on that.
Freeman was an exposition machine for entry into the (white) Marvel world.  He had to guided and instructed to obvious places (a nod to what black actors typical endure in white narratives). I found it fascinating reading one fan lament that the importance of Captain America’s shield was taken away because it wasn’t just his, wasn’t rare, but Wakandians had a bounty all this time.  It was no longer this white hero’s “special thing”.   They were sad about that, but not that it had been stolen and sold on the black market to become his shield in the first place.  ...Freeman’s character represented white fans awaking to their own casual racism and disregard of the black other. In this case, it helped these advanced people hide.  Sometimes, you don’t disabuse people of their low expectations.
As for random bits? Loved the thoughtful costuming and set design. NEVER has a black film set in “fantasy/scifi” had the money and work and black perspective this film has.  LORDT Jordan got a juicy ASS! (I’m sorry, but I’m human yall), M’Baku is tall-thicc-hotness personified, Bassett is an immortal goddess, Lupita is a dainty doll made of empathy, The Dora Miljae is the power of black cooperative womanhood... Also shout-out to the elderly member of council with the Namibian influenced hairstyle.
The ancestral plane, yall... Note that it was twilight when T’Challa first visited, but brightly lit during his second visit.
“Bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jumped from ships.”  T’Challa taking Erik up to see the Wakandian sunset...
 “...Hey auntie.”  also, Jordan brilliantly played Erik as full of posturing as a mask for deep-seeded pain... Just jeez.  
BATTLE RHINOS!!! where Nakia ended up after that car was destroyed, Okoye paddle-sailing on the damn road with a spear, Just THE WOMEN being the MVP’s in every way in this damn movie. Listen, I loved Wonder Woman? but it did not do cooperative womanhood nearly as well...NOT EVEN CLOSE... I’m probably gonna add more to this post... I’m still dazzled and gobsmacked a day later.
THAT SAID, my only quibbles are that you CAN TELL that this movie’s original cut was 6 hours long (editing felt a bit off at places) and the way fight scenes were filmed, weren’t filmed-and-cut as well as Winter Soldier.  
But that’s it.  These are my scattered thoughts.
ONE MORE THOUGHT!!! Could be that Killmonger did the Wakandians favor burning all those flowers, IF Thanos is going to Wakanda for the reason I think he is, in Infinity Wars... That might make it harder for him to locate.
Gotta link this, because totally neglected  W’Kabi. I should add that I’ve only seen it once. But I hope to see it again.
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baebranding · 3 years
So I changed the name again lol
So I havent really kept up with the journal like I promised. Oops.
But man life. Life is wild. You think youre scared of your present? Wait til you start considering shit you didnt think about before? Like getting a house or immortality. Im trying to wrap my head around the fact that I am 27 years old.
Just a year ago I almost forgot what day my bday was . And I guess in the midst of cancer and evictions, I was almost immediately reminded. This year im now facing a even bigger task than getting my car back: womanhood.
Now I dont mean I just got my period. I mean, I have to learn to be able to cook seafood. I have to consider a mans mental health during my PMS episodes.
He has to meet my mom.
But lets take it a step forward. I dont even know how fertile I am and im officially traumatized by the idea of going thru a pregnancy again. Or what if I cant go to my Gma anymore ?? I often wonder what life would be like if I felt like I could live to live and not live to survive . I probably wouldve spent more time learning how to properly do my hair or probably doing taxes. Who knows.
Sometimes to pull myself out of this self inflicted fear , I often times remind myself, or rather ask myself..
“How many other woman are struggling with coming into their role in society as a woman?
A provider, a mother, a business holder, and grandmother?
We big ourselves up about being a mother or the head honcho but you realize this means you hold the power to create a long lasting legacy ? You will be in charge of molding another person to carry on in your name . My mom had to show me what life is like without my father to guide me . Of course I became bi but I think we have worst issues than me trying to find another woman for my household.
Or, heres a thought: how my womanhood affects the one person who lays beside me each night and leaves me with no blankets in the morning:
My man.
Its so weird because I remember imagining how life would be with a man at home. When I thought I had the answer..
Yall know how that went .
But I didnt realize that we as females spend so much time on men but not in the areas that need us most. Hows his heart? Hows his finances? Is he on track to building his goals ? How is he with his family ? And so on and so forth. When that man comes home, he needs peace. Besides his mom, the world is constantly telling him to be a man. He is not to cry or rest. He is not to be vulnerable. Imagine how you felt as a kid when your parent would say “keep crying. Ima give you something to cry about.” And what did you do ? Shut right the hell on up right ?
Now live you life like that. Tell me youre still okay.
This is how infidelity happens. This is how broken homes happen. Whens the last time you sat with a man and asked him what a happy home means to him without any regards for how you may feel in response? Im bot saying build him a castle, but atleast make him feel like he’s already in one. And what does this have to do with my titties growing more ?
You can learn so much about your “Devine feminine” from a man. My man chilled me out so much . He became my safe space. He reminds me of my place in the world as a woman because he allows me to be just that , a woman. That dont mean he says “ you cook a clean” . This meant ima love you while you are healing and breaking down. You arent failing but heres what can help. Youre allowed to feel the way you feel. Its normal…
This means you can be the cause of the end of the world and ima love you still . Because the woman is always right. We arent but he knows the “rules”.
As a woman, we constantly feel the weight of the world on us at every waking second. Do you know what you can do when you know you have someone to fall back on. I know all to well of the sinking feeling I used to get feeling like im alone . It was the equivalent of feeling like I was running out of time. Like im running out of fucks to be completely honest and I hated that this was the person I was becoming. I didnt have answers . It took me a long time to come to terms with that. I spend so much time trying to figure it out day to day because as a woman we need to be together right ? Not I. I just kept running into walls that already had my blood on it. I kept reopening the same wombs trying to pull out any type of lesson or sense of familiarity from it. Nothing learned but I had to get something from it.
I constantly ran I these circles until I drove myself dizzy and drained. Shoes do run ragged with they are over worn. So I got a hotel room one night and did the only thing I could think to do just to feel one inch of life within me . I called on Lucifer . And I let him tell me everything I wanted to hear. I let him suck me in again and like I always did, I believed he would make it all better . I was left with nothing but south park blaring on the tv and a hotel bed in obt. Nothing more. I had hit rock bottom.
its crazy to think i spent all this time running into the same walls when my man held the door open for me a long time ago, Its like god had to hurt me as much as much as he could to see that the wall will never crumble.  That same night i was down to my last dollar. My last will. my last nerve. I had to sit with myself in my car those few nights and reflect on everything i had done to get me to that point. It was what i didnt do. I didnt fight for me. I fought for band aids and quick fixes. I fought for everyone elses lives because it was like books i didnt want to finish. It was the closest thing to real because i couldnt figure it out for myself. i didnt have the tools anymore. i didnt know what love was anymore. So i could only chase what i knew would make sense to me at the time, a friend. 
He didnt judge me. He sat with me while I healed. He didnt give me a band aid. He let me bleed out on his doorstep and said he would help me clean up the mess. To not be embarrassed. He provided a safe haven. “Stay until you can fix you. Stay until you are well again.” I made of that what i could at the time. 
He became the strongest part of me. My heart. Babe if you ever come across this: you are the best part of life on Earth. Im in love with you. 
As a woman, we fall out. We spiral. We scream and fight and we always have to make a fuckin point. And face it, who would we been if we didnt? Thats what true womanhood is. Its about finding you and loving you. Life will happen along the way. This is where I am now. I still make mistakes. Sometimes i will go psycho lady crazy when i dont know what my next move is. I still lay in a pile of my own mess because I suck at making choices. Im so afraid of myself because of where ive been. 
Ladies, we are a hot mess. 
We are not always holding pink starbucks cups and taking lavish flights in some old man’s plane. We are not always instagram moms who dont hit there kids because the grass stays green all year. Sometimes, we are the ones who just want to walk bare foot because we been trying to hold our breathe in the club trying to appear perfect for some man who is waste deep in hennessy and discharge. We are wigless in the bodega beautiful .We are crying to sex in the city on our days of cool. We are 80 outfits with 70s rock blasting on the stereo when nobody is watching fun. We are the parts of us that keep from killing our men when they forget to fix the shower head loving. And we are someone locking the door behind you complete.
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lunarssong · 6 years
quick little summary/title: this started out as a rant but if you scroll down to the large bold, there’s a metaphor that should hopefully help explain why terfs are so god damn awful and dangerous
me? sending an ask off-anon to a terf because im both pissed and a fucking dumbass? its more likely than youd think
in fact! im not even gonna censor the word terf! if i dont feel like dealing with their bullshit replies and rbs then i literally just fucking wont!! yeah they might send in death threats but guess the fuck what?? im leaving my anon on fuckers, because honestly that shits gonna be funny to me! and if they try to doxx me (very unlikely, but i am trans and its not riskier to mention that because its already obvious, and ive never directly made a post about terfs before, so i really dont know whats gonna happen) or something then like! im a minor! we can sue those shitheads and hopefully bring more media awareness to how god damn shitty terfs are! literally dont even start, lmao.
have the damn ask because i wanna elaborate on it
“hi there! i wish you’d delete your tumblr, because you are dangerous. you are a violent misogynist, and make me ashamed to be a feminist.
you’re gonna attack me because i’m off anon, but you’d probably call me a coward if i was on it, lmao.
anyway! stop disguising your misogyny and transphobia with shitty ass ‘feminism’. i was raised by a feminist with a feminist mom who literally can’t believe y’all exist because your ideas are SO far from actual feminism.
just say you hate trans people and go.”
tbh? its so fucking wild to me how they literally spit out misogyny, transphobia, and lesbophobia but then get all pissy when someone calls them out on it,, but then have the nerve to accuse that person of being misogynistic and lesbophobic? like,, honey. honey, what? the fuck? how much of a dumbass are you?
because like. im a pretty big dumbass! like ive walked into a mirror before because i thought it was a door! im a dumbass!
but even i know that trans women literally cannot discriminate against cis women by saying that theyre (plural, but trans women can 100% use they and thats totally valid) women! because guess the FUCK what?? theyre fucking women! if yall shitheads (terfs) wanna call that misogyny then yall cant call yourselves women either!
if yall assholes wanna call a specific group of lesbians/wlw pointing out, “hey! we experience discrimination because of an entirely irrelevant physical feature we all happen to share that has literally no actual affect on whether or not we are women/wlw” lesbophobia or speaking over minorities then wow.
wow, are yall gonna be shocked when (if) you realize what the hell yall doing that qualifies as.
oppressors literally depicting and/or committing fucking hate crimes, sometimes even as serious as murder, rape, etc. (this is referring to terfs, i should never have to point that out) is NOT comparable to an oppressed as hell minority saying that people who literally want them dead should not be in safe spaces intended for people of a community they both happen to belong to.
to put this into perspective for yall out there literally worse than garbage (terfs)! imagine this scenario.
youre in a community of women. trans women may or may not be a part of this particular community, shut the fuck up, thats irrelevant. a group of straight women pop up, and start saying that being wlw is misogynistic and harmful to women. this is bullshit. you know that immediately. why wouldn’t it be? you explain to them the obvious reasons why it is not. they ignore you.
they begin to spew utter bullshit, claiming things like “women should never marry other women. you’re ignoring the fact that a man’s place is as a woman’s wife, and basically trying to be men, which is like admitting that men are superior.” or, “as straight women, you flaunting your homosexuality,” the woman gestures to a lesbian couple who aren’t even holding hands and haven’t been touching the whole time theyve been there. one has a small rainbow heart sticker on her purse. “makes me feel threatened in my femininity. (insert plural of 4 letter slur against lesbians that i dont feel comfortable typing a single letter of) arent really women, their existence is heterophobia and misogyny. they shouldn’t be allowed in female-only spaces because they normalize masculinity.”
over time, this group of straight women grows. they call themselves feminists, claim theyre fighting for the rights of all women! unless those women happen to love other women and dont perfectly fit their (cisnormative too but terfs are awful so they like that) heteronormative idea of a woman. they protest at the very idea of saying “significant others”, “partners”, or even “wives and/or husbands” because it doesnt fit their idea of being a woman. because they think having a wife and loving women is only for men.
eventually, they start getting braver and braver. they start going to feminist rallies, and if they spot gay women, or even women they think look gay, theyll get up in their faces, threaten them, call them slurs. theyll try to record them, try to get them fired from their jobs or outed to unsupportive families. or even just expose them to the potential of assault in their day-to-day life. because theyre gay. and that doesnt affect the straight women at all, but they hate diversity and are homophobes. so they need an excuse.
sometimes theyll get their other gay-exclusive feminist friends to record them committing violent acts against wlw feminists, just to take stills from those videos out of context when the gay women defend themselves, and then go crying to the media, twisting the roles of victim and aggressor to paint a violent picture of wlw. they say that feminist rallies should be an event only for real women or allies to their cause—meaning, to them, no wlw, and certainly no mlm. they probably even try to turn all homophobia towards gay men into a sexism issue (they are sometimes tied, but not mostly). but they lose their shit when anyone tries to tell them to get out of these safe spaces for women, because by attacking wlw for literally nothing beyond existing, they are ruining the safe part.
people start to become ashamed to call themselves feminists, and are often lumped in with these homophobes. even if they themselves are gay. straight feminists who love, support, and fight for wlw begin to feel guilty for being straight. new labels for feminist ideology begin popping up, the gay-exclusive feminists strike them down and turn them into jokes.
their end goal is to reverse victories like gay marriage, remove gay representation both in the media and in history books (sometimes even arguing that famous wlw were ‘just close friends’ with their wives or girlfriends), and to send wlw right back to hiding and marrying men for fear of their lives.
all in the name of thinly veiled homophobia feminism!
but wait, you cry, that sounds nothing like feminism! it actually sounds like misogyny and homophobia!
think about who yall are the real-life equivalent of in that scenario.
need a hint because youre so brainwashed? try changing ‘gay/wlw’ to ‘trans’, ‘straight’ to ‘cis’, and ‘gay-exclusive’ to ‘terf’.
i doubt any of them will actually read through this, let alone realize their flawed perspective due to it, but hey. maybe ill sway some people who’re on the fence about how horrible terfs are.
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lesbian-ed · 7 years
It's seems pretty harmful that you are calling yourselves a lesbian advice blog when in reality you are giving out very transphobic advice. As a lesbian myself I can recognize that trans women are women and that me being attracted to them does not at all diminish my label as a lesbian. The label of 'woman' does not automatically mean 'personal with a vagina'. Also, Lesbophobia is a real thing but you cannot just use it as a way to justify your TERF ideologies
We don’t just “call ourselves” a lesbian advice blog. We are a lesbian advice blog. We give advice to lesbians. Pretty damn straight forward, or at least you’d think it would be. But lesbians who refuse to center penis in their lives are all labeled “TERFs” and shut down. The only so-called crime we are guilty of is starting a lesbian exclusive advice blog in an ocean of male-centered so-called “sapphic” blogs. If this was a blog about food, would all of you people demand we talk about boats to be more inclusive of boat-lovers? I fucking doubt it, but that’s basically what you all are nagging about all the time. Leave us the fuck alone.
We believe the real harm to lesbians are males infiltrating spaces which are meant for women, especially meant for us lesbians. We believe the real harm to lesbians are all those so called “sapphic” blogs run by transwomen (males) in their late 20s and older who give advice to young lesbians on their bodies and sex life. 
Lesbians do not experience any attraction to males, and that is the only distinction between a lesbian and a bisexual woman.
We’re getting tired of defining these basic terms again and again for you people, but we believe the only way to have a comprehensible argument is to understand each other.
So here’s the thing: we speak English as described on the Oxford dictionary, the Merriam-Webster dictionary, idk, any fucking real-life dictionary. We speak the English of the masses, the coherent English, the universal language. All four of us mods are ESL speakers, from four different non-English speaking countries, and yet we have a better grasp at English than many of you USA-minded transactivists.
Here’s a list of definitions, our vocabulary if you will, here’s what we are talking about, here is what we will keep saying, no matter how many times you call us “TERFs”, or tell us to pee your pants, or wish us dead.
Either of the two major forms (male or female) of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures; the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and females; (sexually motivated phenomena or behavior, sexual intercourse); genitalia
Refers to “the sex that produces small, typically motile gametes, especially spermatozoa, with which a female may be fertilized or inseminated to produce offspring.”
Refers to the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs, distinguished biologically by the production of gametes (ova) that can be fertilized by male gametes.
An adult human male. 
An adult human female.
A set of chracterists, roles and expectations linked to either of the two sexes.
Refers to gender, associated with and expected from males. Qualities or appearance traditionally associated with men.
Refers to gender, associated with and expected from females. Qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women. 
Transwomen are males who identify with femininity.
Transmen are females who identify with masculinity.
A homosexual woman, aka a homosexual female, aka a female exclusevely attracted to other females.*
(*There is no going around this definition, therefore transwomen (males) will never be lesbians but transmen (females) can be lesbians if they wish to reclaim that descriptor. Also, lesbians are never attracted to transwomen (males).)
A male or female person who is attracted to both male and female people. 
I don’t care how many times you repeat your lying mantras, a transwoman is a male who identifies with feminine presentation. So unless you’re speaking a different language than I am, a woman is always an adult human female, therefore a transwoman will always be a transwoman, but never a woman. Unless the transwoman in question detransitions back into a man, they will always just be a transwoman. Always male, never female. 
This kind of argument that a trans male aka a transwoman could ever be a female is just based on thin air and lies you’ve been feeding yourself. 
The reality of human sexuality is that it just is. It is a constant. It’s not fluid like yall have been telling yourselves all this time. A female homosexual is born that way, will die that way, unless she was wrong about being homosexual from the start. A female homosexual will always be attracted exclusevly to females. The reason so many lesbians have narratives of having been with men before is not because they were ever actually attracted to those males, it is only because they experience compulsory heterosexuality.
Bisexuality is the only sexuality which actually involves fluctiation of attraction between the two sexes. 
If you’re telling me you actually truly experience attraction to transwomen and women, you’re just telling me you experience attraction to males and females. That is bisexuality in a nutshell.
Referring to “The label of ‘woman’ does not automatically mean ‘personal with a vagina’.“
Do you understand what a label is? A label classifies, it is “a descriptive or identifying word or phrase”. What does the label woman classify? Look in any decent dictionary. Woman is an adult human female. 
Female is sex, and sex is stagnate. No matter how many surgeries, hormones, or whatever any person goes through, their sex will never change from the moment they are born to the moment they die. The only people sometimes assigned a sex at birth are intersex people, but I suggest you leave them alone, because they have nothing to do with this bullshit, as the assignment surgeries they go through are usually invasive and non consensual.
Regarding “Lesbophobia is a real thing but you cannot just use it as a way to justify your TERF ideologies”
You’re damn right lesbophobia is a real thing, and you wanna know who’s perpetrating it with their genderist ideologies? That’s right, transactivists. “TERF” is a word that has been thrown around to silence lesbians such as ourselves, to remove our credibility in regards to our own sexuality and our own lesbian-specific spaces.
From the very beginning of this blog we have been critized for being a lesbian-only blog. By lesbian only, we mean females exclusevly attracted to females. Apparently having spaces where women can be safe and talk about their experiences as women who exclusevly love other women is too much to ask. Silly women, we don’t get a platform to speak up, what kind of crazy utopian wish is that? 
Males have been colonizing our spaces for too long. We refuse to stay silent and take it. I refuse to see another young lesbian being told to re-evaluate her sexuality because she doesn’t want to have sex with someone with a penis, aka because she’s a lesbian. This does not only disgusts me, but also makes me really sad. It’s homophobia 101.
I grew up in Brazil, a third world country where religion rules over politics, and I never had a lesbian role model. All our amazing lesbian artists were made fun off, called “velcro stickers” and “big shoes”, the Portuguese equivalent of carpet munching dykes. I grew up hating my own lesbian sisters, and identified as bisexual for six precious years of my life, when I could have been free. But lesbian is still a dirty world. Feminist is still a dirty world. 
And you know what, tumblr was my solace from all that fucking bullshit, and I refuse to stand down when we have the opportunity to offer young lesbians the kind of platform I wish I had access to when I was questioning my sexuality. We refuse to let males into this space, and we refuse to lie for transwomen’s sake.
Women have been lying for men for too long. We have been scooting over, making space. We refuse. This blog is for lesbians by lesbians and it will remain this way.
We will not police our language, we will not let you win.
We are not questioning trans ideology to justify our ideology, we are questioning trans ideology because it is lesbophobic and misogynistic. It just happens we are also feminists on top of being women, so our ideology helps us back up our arguments with fact and scientific research. 
Anyway, moral of the story, TL;DR if you will.. Lesbians do not like dick, and we will not lie and say we do for the sake of butt hurt males in skirts. 
Have a good day.
/Mod A
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cezulian · 7 years
UMMMM SALLY HAWKINS AND RAPLH FIENNES AS PATRICKS PARENTS???? Sing me up they'd be great especially sally.
I’ll try to keep this short (by my standards) because I’ve written A LOT about how I think his parents are and I always imagined his father as being a very large man, not in weight and not in muscle, but just tall and imposing. The kind of person you feel like you have to listen to because he’s very charismatic (being a salesman and all which, by the way, I also have a LOT about what I think his parents’ professions and descriptions have to do with his home life, from the little we get in the book but NOT NOW) but he’s got this twinkle in his eye that men can get sometimes where even when you’re having the most amicable conversation with them you can tell that when they get angry they yell and throw a fit. I don’t think his father is a violent man like Butch or Alvin but I do think he’s very traditional and doesn’t like things not going his way. He can be gentle and loving, but he’s very quick to cut people off if he feels they aren’t the right company to keep. He’s also very traditional in his values insofar as he dresses carefully so as not to make people think he’s showing off his wealth, but not so dressed down that people put his success into question either. Everything is a tactic to him because that’s how he makes his living. Ralph Fiennes has awesome range as an actor but there’s this innate understated hostility he always brings to his characters that really works with how I imagine Patrick’s father being.
Sally, like you said, is AMAZING and I’m sure that in the 2017 movie she wouldn’t be a stay at home mom like I guess she is in the book, since its a little more modern, but I can’t think of a profession for her. I was actually gonna ask if yall had any ideas because I’m so bad at coming up with professions. But we get more of her in the novel than we do Patrick’s father and what we do get is interesting. She’s very much in denial about her son and seems to be more interested in living an idealistic home life than accepting the fact that there’s something not quite lining up with her idea of “normal” going on with Patrick, hence why he doesn’t get help. (I mean, I know it was the 50s to mental healthcare was a garbage can, but I still feel like his violent tendencies could have been curbed. Plenty of people with his condition grow up to live perfectly healthy lives without hurting anyone or anything). She’s emotional, but not fragile; she’s determined to ignore strangeness. Sally Hawkins has this beautiful deep voice that is basically exactly what I would want out of a character like that because it makes her sound more grounded, and I believe that’s how the character believes she is. I can just as much see her having a meltdown over the death of the son she hoped she’d gotten right as I can see her fiddling with her pearls and talking to the son she got “wrong” with a guarded tone, trying both to understand him while also being willful in her intent and believing she can “fix” him if she’s kind enough and everything will be the way she wants it to be.
Idk the way I write them as embodying everything about the way that Patrick is without realizing their influence because both of their essences combined make a very different person than the two of them separately. His father is a real man’s man in how he presents himself but is kind of slimy underneath all that gentlemanly charisma, and displays the sort of sensitivity to negative outcomes that most others like him would describe as “womanly”, yet still he wonders why his son is so manipulative and giggles “like a girl” at just about everything. His mother is resigned to a woman’s traditional role in the family, being motherly and feminine in all respects, but displays more stoic constitution in the face of her son’s disagreeable actions than her husband does by all means and is in general more dominant, independent, and less sensitive to the feelings of others despite how understanding and compassionate she tries to come off. She’s all of these things, but when her husband comes home, she shuts them off so that he can take on the “man’s role” and she can take on the “woman’s role”, yet she wonders where Patrick got his compliant nature that makes him to willing to be whatever another person needs him to be to fulfill a particular idea of how his relationship with that person needs to be as a means to an end, or his complicated mix of independence and codependence that she can’t seem to wrap her head around when faced with it.
I know, obviously that some of those traits are less issues of heredity and fall in line with the innate behaviors of antisocial individuals, but I’m not saying that these are all things Patrick got from his parents. I’m just saying that they definitely encouraged and nurtured certain aspects of that quite passively and aren’t self-aware enough to realize that the son who is nothing like them is EXACTLY like them, just the parts beneath their skin.
Lmao remember when I said I was gonna make this brief?
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red-stocking · 8 years
What in your opinion are the upsides and downsides to both radical feminist theory and Marxist feminist theory? :)
THIS IS AN EXCELLENT QUESTION THANK YOU (as always i apologize for the hella long response)
First, i want to start off by saying that I would really define marxist feminism as kind of a sub-category of radical feminism. There is just such a tremendous overlap in theory, and quite a few radical feminists were also socialists, and vice versa. The real difference is kind of the plan-of-action, the ‘how to actually concretely fight the patriarchy’ part, and then kind of the in-practice cultures of marxist feminism and radical feminism.
I also wanna say that, in a perfect world, marxist feminist is a redundant phrase. Marx, Engels, Lenin and Zetkin all agreed that women’s rights must be part of a socialist program, without it you do not have socialism. That Marxism makes feminism unnecessary, because socialism is already fighting for equal rights for all, power to the people, no worker’s voice is stronger than another’s. There are many women marxists who do believe it is redundant and so they don’t apply the feminist label to themselves, Not because they are at all anti-feminist, and not out of condemnation to feminists of any kind, but because they see their ideas both as encompassing of the women’s struggle and not inclusive at all to the bourgeois feminist movement. If that makes sense. Anyway, I call myself a Marxist feminist because I don’t wish to distance myself from feminism, especially on this site, because I want to engage feminists and i want other feminists to see that we have ideas in common immediately, without me having to explain several marxist pillars. Both marxist and radical feminism look at the roots of womens oppression, they both analyze the social contexts in which patriarchy exists, and both recognize that femininity and masculinity are not innate, biological facts but culturally relative tools of oppression. 
So- the major pillars (or what I think they are) of radical feminism are included in marxism/marxist feminism. They differ then, in how we must dismantle the patriarchy. It has never been clear to me what the plan is in radical feminism. As far as I have been able to tell, its just analysis and like, growing consciousness or awareness at the socialization we as women experience. Or I have also seen separatism as a way to escape patriarchy. But otherwise, just suggestions of donating time and money to women’s shelters and charities, but none of these things actually change the system, none will deliver that huge blow that will take patriarchy down for good. If there is a radical feminist that knows differently, please do comment! I am not the most well-read person on the subject, so I could be wrong and just haven’t learned what that plan is yet. But yeah, as far as I know, that’s the plan.
The ultimate goal of marxism is to establish socialism. The idea behind marxism is that society changes when the people’s relationship to the means of production changed, and this is confirmed by what we know of archaeological history. When private property was first developed as a concept (and there was enough surplus from what people were producing to claim ownership on things) that was when women’s oppression began. Prior to that, there was what we call primitive communism, where resources were shared because there was not enough to go around anyway- communism for survival. There were divisions of labor between the sexes in most primitive communist societies (the whole hunter-gatherer idea) but there is a lot of evidence that these divisions were hardly strict, and not as pervasive as once thought. Then of course, under feudalism slavery was developed, and then later, with the transition to capitalism, racism really took hold. (there is a LOT of debate about when racism really ‘began’- but it did more or less coincide with the transition from feudalism to capitalism i believe.)
Sorry, that background was necessary. Basically, social relations in society change when the economics of society change.  Marxists then apply that idea to the future of humankind as well. They say, well if we want to dismantle these systems of oppression -sexism, racism, homophobia, ableism, etc) we have to change the relationship of the people to the means of production. We have to dismantle capitalism, and establish socialism. Giving women economic equality is the first step to dismantling patriarchy, and that cannot be done under capitalism. 
Now of course, no marxist/marxist feminist believes that all we need to do is have a socialist revolution and then Boom, we r done. After all, we still have the oppression of women, something that could have been dismantled with the transition from feudalism to capitalism, but wasn’t. There needs to be active intervention to ensure women’s equality under socialism after the revolution. After the Russian Revolution (which celebrates its 100th anniversary this year, and started with a women’s strike 100 years ago this wednesday!) there were programs established that gave access to free childcare, healthcare, contraception was legalized, it was easier for women to get divorced, women were given the right to vote and equal status to men was given immediately, and at one point the sciences had an equal representation of women- even almost tipping to give women a majority. This was the nation engaged in the space race with the US, remember. (I dont want to sound like I am in anyway romanticizing the USSR and I absolutely am NOT a Stalinist, but they got a couple things right in the early days and those are worth pointing out).So that is what I consider the ‘upside’ to marxist feminism, or the ‘downside’ to radical feminism. WOW OK ALMOST THERE STAY WITH ME YALL.
The other way in which radical feminism and marxist feminism differ is the communities. Marxism is dominated by men. So fucking dominated by men. i have found a leftist group that is very welcoming, aware of women’s oppression, and I feel very comfortable speaking up in the group- but I am the ‘token’ female, the only one. And this is not just my group, but the national and international organizations my group belongs to. There’s an LGBT Rights pamphlet but they really only talk about the G and the T. And I do know it isn’t out of maliciousness, I have met the guy who wrote that pamphlet. Its just. Out of sight out of mind. The representation of women is just appallingly low. They are aware of it and really do want to change it, they are working on making women’s issues more prominent in discussions, making their spaces more welcoming to women, etc. But at the moment, my sex sometimes can feel like a burden, or extra responsibility. Like I have to represent an entire half of the world by myself. There isnt really a ‘marxist feminist’ community, just marxists.
In radical feminist circles, obviously it is men who are the minority if they are at all present. Its a very different community than marxism. Obviously it’s not perfect, there are issues that the radfem community needs to work out, but I appreciate things like how open i can be about my menstrual cycle, I can vent about men a little more viciously than i would with my male comrades- though they are pretty accepting of anti-men rants, I gotta say. It’s just nice to talk to women and the culture in radical feminism is just- being a woman and an asshole is more acceptable lol. I don’t have to be on my tiptoes with what words I use. I am not even sure how to explain it tbh. So that’s the upside of radical feminism/ the downside of marxism. I talked about a ton of different stuff and touched on a lot more things, so if you or anyone wants to ask me any follow up q’s i welcome asks. anon is always on. sorry for the essay.
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