blindmoth · 1 month
Now a new study looking at 400,000 youths from 88 countries around the world suggests such bans are making a difference in reducing youth violence. It marks the first systematic assessment of whether an association exists between a ban on corporal punishment and the frequency in which adolescents get into fights. 
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blindmoth · 1 month
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We're genuinely so brave for the way we somehow manage to navigate cis society never knowing wtf is going on in their heads at any given time
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blindmoth · 1 month
To note:
FR: concentrer /EN: focus
FR: écureuil /EN: squirrel
FR: pingouin /EN: penguin
FR: câlin /EN: hug
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blindmoth · 1 month
contrary to popular belief not everyone has an innate sense of internal gender or care to have one or seek a name for it, some people go their whole lives without questioning their occupation in one of two gender roles, but for some people, if pressed, they don’t feel that internal sense of ‘i am a woman’ or ‘i am a man’, and in that case i feel the switch over to transgender vs cisgender relies on active identification of a gender other than the one they were assigned. if someone’s like ‘idk dude I just work here’ then that’s valid
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blindmoth · 1 month
Can u tell me about ur ocs?
I dont know about them either
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blindmoth · 1 month
hey fellow artists I know that we all want to create huge beautiful peices with dynamic poses all the time but sometimes you just gotta draw a guy just kinda standing there. For your mental health I guess.
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blindmoth · 1 month
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blindmoth · 2 months
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blindmoth · 2 months
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] put on the best talent show this towns ever seen
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blindmoth · 2 months
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noticed something today
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blindmoth · 2 months
fuck people who reblog posts which contradict each other. no! be explicitly clear
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blindmoth · 2 months
admire folks who reblog posts which contradict eachother. exactly! keep em guessing
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blindmoth · 2 months
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blindmoth · 2 months
I know this is the Anti Small Talk Website but small talk is one of the most effective social glues out there for getting to know people and forming friendships with them.
When I was just starting out at a job right after college I had a coworker who I thought was the nicest person alive and after a few weeks I realized this was just because she consistently asked other people things like, "How ya doing? Whatcha having for lunch? Got any weekend plans? Seen any good movies lately?" instead of politely ignoring everyone around her.
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blindmoth · 2 months
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blindmoth · 2 months
spotify is raising prices again here's the apk that gives you premium for free
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blindmoth · 3 months
Today I accidentally knocked a monarch caterpillar off its leaf and it fell and immediately began oozing green liquid. I was devastated. I thought I'd killed it. Turns out they do that on purpose to defend against predators. Fooled by a fat little worm. Irrecoverable
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