#melon ice cream
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rabbitcruiser · 7 months ago
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Melon Day
Melon Day takes place on the second Sunday in August. This year, it takes place on August 13. On this special day, we celebrate cantaloupes, galias, and all the other muskmelons, specifically those belonging to the people of Turkmenistan. If you’re like us, you may have confused watermelons for melons at least once in your life, however, these two fruits are very different even though they stem from the same family. Melons, particularly muskmelons, have an important agricultural heritage and are the pride of the people of Turkmenistan, a country located in Central Asia. Today, they honor not only their well-groomed muskmelons but a fine crossbreed, named after their first president, the Turkmenbashi melon.
History of Melon Day
They are hard, musky, and netted on the outside, but soft, succulent, and orange or white on the inside. Today, all the hype is about muskmelons, these juicy fruits that are not to be confused with any other kind of melon. We often find ourselves placing all melons in the same category, but this is an oversight on our part. Muskmelons are quite different from all other melons, and this can be attributed to their physical features and taste. They typically have smooth, ribbed, wrinkled, or netted exteriors with sweet flesh that is yellow or white. Some examples of muskmelons are cantaloupes, honeydews, and galias.
Although we are celebrating all kinds of muskmelons today, Melon Day originated in Turkmenistan and holds cultural significance for its people. For those who may not know, Turkmenistan is the least populated country found in Central Asia. They are known for their beautiful culture, heritage, and also their delicious melons. Turkmenistan is responsible for approximately 400 of the melon varieties we have today. They grow and cultivate muskmelons in great numbers, and this has been an integral part of their history and culture for decades.
Melons hold such importance that one of the crossbreed products is named after their first president, Saparmurat Niyazov, who is also the creator of this holiday. He preferred to be known as ‘Turkmenbashi,’ which means ‘leader of the people.’ The Turkmenbashi melon is revered for its aroma, taste, and hefty size.
Melon Day timeline
2400 B.C.Picture Perfect
The first record of muskmelon is traced back to this time, on an Egyptian picture of funerary offerings.
500 A.D. — 1500 A.D.Melons Travel North
Muskmelons are introduced to China and other Asian countries in the Middle Ages.
1994The Best Muskmelons
The first president of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, establishes Melon Day.
2004A Fruit of Paradise
The president of Turkmenistan refers to the Turkmen melons as the source of their pride and as a fruit of paradise in his address to farmers.
Melon Day FAQs
Is Melon Day a public holiday?
Melon Day is a national, public holiday in Turkmenistan. Although this holiday is now acknowledged in a few other countries, it only remains a public holiday in its founding federation. Citizens are not required to go to work or school on this day and are encouraged to join in the holiday��s festivities.
Why are they called muskmelons?
Muskmelons were given their name based on their aroma. These fruits have a particularly flavorful smell when ripe. ‘Musk’ is the Persian word for ‘perfume’ and is the perfect description for the sweet aroma of ripe muskmelons.
Are all muskmelons sweet?
Muskmelons have hard, smooth, ribbed, or netted skin with a flavorful musk-like taste and aroma. Their flesh is sweet-tasting and often orange in color with high water content and nutritional value.
Melon Day Activities
Eat a muskmelon
Make something with a muskmelon
Attend the festival
How else can you celebrate Melon Day, other than by eating some delicious melons? Casaba, canaries, and honeydews are a few of the sweet possibilities you can enjoy on this holiday, and remember to share them with your family and friends.
Muskmelon can be eaten in several ways. One way is by including it in desserts. You can make melon boats, fruit salads, and a traditional Chinese dish called Glutinous Rice Fresh Melon and Coconut Roll. Go online and see what tasty dessert you could make today with one, two, or even three varieties of muskmelon.
If you find yourself in Turkmenistan on Melon Day, join in for the festivities! The people organize several festivals, events, and even competitions to commemorate their cultural holiday. You can also take some time out, explore, and see what the city has to offer.
5 Fun Facts About Cantaloupes
It’s named after a city
Low in calories, high in vitamins
They win the popularity contest
They have flowers
Ripe ones are easy to detect
The name ‘cantaloupe’ was derived from Cantalupo, Italy, which was the first place where the seeds arrived from Armenia in the 16th century.
An average-sized cantaloupe will have just approximately 100 calories and contain a bounty of vitamins.
Cantaloupes are the most popular melons in America.
Cantaloupe plants produce small yellow flowers while developing.
When a cantaloupe is ripe, its vines simply detach from the fruit and its rind and the netting turns beige or cream underneath.
Why We Love Melon Day
It’s a delicious holiday
It encourages us to eat fruits
It’s part of Turkmenistan’s cultural heritage
Who doesn’t love a holiday where we can indulge in sweet-tasting melons eaten on their own or as part of a dish or dessert — the flavorful options are endless!
Many of us don’t eat as much fruit as we should, but a holiday like this allows us to have our fill. This day encourages us to eat more fruits, and not just any fruit, but one of the sweetest you could come across — muskmelons.
This holiday is not only important to the history, culture, and people of Turkmenistan, it was also established by them. Melon Day allows us to appreciate the wonderful fruit, gives us a sneak-peek into Turkmenistan culture, and allows us to learn more about the people.
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dianahelensworld · 2 years ago
This summer is killing me...this is the 4th icecream...this day
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Summer vibes 🌞⛱️
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icarus-suraki · 1 year ago
Japan just keeps handing us our ass when it comes to Nifty Snacks.
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silverscale · 24 days ago
man this melon ice cream really do be tasting like melon
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princessantisocial · 9 months ago
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☆・゚+。⭐️*゚・ · スイカ · 🍉 · 🍊 ·.+ 𓇼⠀Fanta⠀◌⠀◯𓇼⠀⭐️ ⠀◌⠀◯
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l3m0nflavoredst1mz · 8 months ago
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Melon Cream Soda Stimboard
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melonramune · 17 days ago
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adequately · 7 months ago
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종강 후 첫 모임
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gingerbreadfrosting · 1 month ago
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ココス ふわふわ純氷かき氷メロンソーダ♥️
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buffetlicious · 6 months ago
I tried the ala carte 9-pcs Spicy Chicken McNuggets (S$7.80) from McDonald’s Singapore last week. These fried chicken nuggets are zinged up with cayenne pepper and chilli powder, so you get a subtle kick of heat. Dipping them into the curry sauce make them even nicer. Like the above burgers, this one is also available for a limited time only, so hurry, go try them before they are taken off the menu.
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Mum had the Extra Value Meal of Filet-O-Fish (S$5.50) with the default medium French fries and a small drink. Actually, she only wanted the burger itself but I got her the set meal as it is more worth the money.
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The Yubari Melon soft serve is also back for a limited time. Bought the Yubari Melon Cone (S$1.20) and eat it as I made my way to the supermarket at the basement level. The melon flavour is fragrant and the vanilla-based soft serve creamy though a tad sweet for me.
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Mum said she craves some ice cream so I bought her back to McDonald’s and bought both the Yubari Melon Twist Cone and Yubari Melon Cone (S$1.20 each). I wouldn't normally buy the twist cone version but it is just for the camera. :D
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Selected images courtesy of McDonald’s Singapore.
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230yen · 1 month ago
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ル・フカサク(茨城県 鉾田市)のスペシャルメロンパフェはとてもオススメ!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years ago
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Melon Day
Melon Day takes place on the second Sunday in August. This year, it takes place on August 13. On this special day, we celebrate cantaloupes, galias, and all the other muskmelons, specifically those belonging to the people of Turkmenistan. If you’re like us, you may have confused watermelons for melons at least once in your life, however, these two fruits are very different even though they stem from the same family. Melons, particularly muskmelons, have an important agricultural heritage and are the pride of the people of Turkmenistan, a country located in Central Asia. Today, they honor not only their well-groomed muskmelons but a fine crossbreed, named after their first president, the Turkmenbashi melon.
History of Melon Day
They are hard, musky, and netted on the outside, but soft, succulent, and orange or white on the inside. Today, all the hype is about muskmelons, these juicy fruits that are not to be confused with any other kind of melon. We often find ourselves placing all melons in the same category, but this is an oversight on our part. Muskmelons are quite different from all other melons, and this can be attributed to their physical features and taste. They typically have smooth, ribbed, wrinkled, or netted exteriors with sweet flesh that is yellow or white. Some examples of muskmelons are cantaloupes, honeydews, and galias.
Although we are celebrating all kinds of muskmelons today, Melon Day originated in Turkmenistan and holds cultural significance for its people. For those who may not know, Turkmenistan is the least populated country found in Central Asia. They are known for their beautiful culture, heritage, and also their delicious melons. Turkmenistan is responsible for approximately 400 of the melon varieties we have today. They grow and cultivate muskmelons in great numbers, and this has been an integral part of their history and culture for decades.
Melons hold such importance that one of the crossbreed products is named after their first president, Saparmurat Niyazov, who is also the creator of this holiday. He preferred to be known as ‘Turkmenbashi,’ which means ‘leader of the people.’ The Turkmenbashi melon is revered for its aroma, taste, and hefty size.
Melon Day timeline
2400 B.C.Picture Perfect
The first record of muskmelon is traced back to this time, on an Egyptian picture of funerary offerings.
500 A.D. — 1500 A.D.Melons Travel North
Muskmelons are introduced to China and other Asian countries in the Middle Ages.
1994The Best Muskmelons
The first president of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov, establishes Melon Day.
2004A Fruit of Paradise
The president of Turkmenistan refers to the Turkmen melons as the source of their pride and as a fruit of paradise in his address to farmers.
Melon Day FAQs
Is Melon Day a public holiday?
Melon Day is a national, public holiday in Turkmenistan. Although this holiday is now acknowledged in a few other countries, it only remains a public holiday in its founding federation. Citizens are not required to go to work or school on this day and are encouraged to join in the holiday’s festivities.
Why are they called muskmelons?
Muskmelons were given their name based on their aroma. These fruits have a particularly flavorful smell when ripe. ‘Musk’ is the Persian word for ‘perfume’ and is the perfect description for the sweet aroma of ripe muskmelons.
Are all muskmelons sweet?
Muskmelons have hard, smooth, ribbed, or netted skin with a flavorful musk-like taste and aroma. Their flesh is sweet-tasting and often orange in color with high water content and nutritional value.
Melon Day Activities
Eat a muskmelon
Make something with a muskmelon
Attend the festival
How else can you celebrate Melon Day, other than by eating some delicious melons? Casaba, canaries, and honeydews are a few of the sweet possibilities you can enjoy on this holiday, and remember to share them with your family and friends.
Muskmelon can be eaten in several ways. One way is by including it in desserts. You can make melon boats, fruit salads, and a traditional Chinese dish called Glutinous Rice Fresh Melon and Coconut Roll. Go online and see what tasty dessert you could make today with one, two, or even three varieties of muskmelon.
If you find yourself in Turkmenistan on Melon Day, join in for the festivities! The people organize several festivals, events, and even competitions to commemorate their cultural holiday. You can also take some time out, explore, and see what the city has to offer.
5 Fun Facts About Cantaloupes
It’s named after a city
Low in calories, high in vitamins
They win the popularity contest
They have flowers
Ripe ones are easy to detect
The name ‘cantaloupe’ was derived from Cantalupo, Italy, which was the first place where the seeds arrived from Armenia in the 16th century.
An average-sized cantaloupe will have just approximately 100 calories and contain a bounty of vitamins.
Cantaloupes are the most popular melons in America.
Cantaloupe plants produce small yellow flowers while developing.
When a cantaloupe is ripe, its vines simply detach from the fruit and its rind and the netting turns beige or cream underneath.
Why We Love Melon Day
It’s a delicious holiday
It encourages us to eat fruits
It’s part of Turkmenistan’s cultural heritage
Who doesn’t love a holiday where we can indulge in sweet-tasting melons eaten on their own or as part of a dish or dessert — the flavorful options are endless!
Many of us don’t eat as much fruit as we should, but a holiday like this allows us to have our fill. This day encourages us to eat more fruits, and not just any fruit, but one of the sweetest you could come across — muskmelons.
This holiday is not only important to the history, culture, and people of Turkmenistan, it was also established by them. Melon Day allows us to appreciate the wonderful fruit, gives us a sneak-peek into Turkmenistan culture, and allows us to learn more about the people.
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noodle3aahh · 4 months ago
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gmanmedias · 1 month ago
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vocaloid series 20/? : Macne Nana
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weird-gay-fan-frog · 2 months ago
Type of edit daisuke would make of the mouthwash cocktail
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sansuusilly · 4 months ago
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Luther Von Ivory stimboard (i tried ok.. its more like a moodboard but wtv!!) @daturastramoniumfan96
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