#meg! sam is always on my mind
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saltcxrcle · 8 months ago
if meg! sam has no fans, it means im dead
(not my edit: creds to the owners)
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winchesterdefender · 5 months ago
And Then There Were Three | Winchester Sister I
Summary - A baby shows up on the Winchester's doorstep, and their entire lives change.
Pairings/characters - John Winchester, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Meg Winchester (OFC), Sam & Dean Winchester x little sister, John Winchester x daughter
Warnings - very mild cursing, John Winchester
Language - English (British)
Word Count - 3,096
Notes - This is the first instalment of the Winchester Sister series featuring my OFC Meg Winchester! Please be kind <3
Credits - dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
UPDATE - I have moved my writing to @winniewritesstories to make my writing easier to find than on this mess of a blog! I won't be taking this down but all future writing (for Meg and reader inserts) will be there!
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Dean Winchester was strong. He was brave, and fierce. He fought monsters - has done his whole life, as long as he can remember. He liked to think he was unbreakable, invincible. The hits kept coming, and he kept taking them. Fear, pain, worry - he pushed it all down, kept it locked away. In some ways, he had a heart of ice. He never broke.
Dean Winchester was strong.
And then one day, just before he turned nineteen, a baby appeared on a motel doorstep. A baby who wasn't his, but was. Would always be. A baby in a pram, with a note addressed to John Winchester, a note that eased the fears this baby was his, but it would be his, really. John Winchester was never a father. Not to him, not to Sam, and therefore not to this baby.
It was early October, and already Maine was cold. Dean's breath clouded in front of him in the cool, dark night. A glance around the parking lot revealed nobody, no cars, nothing to indicate where this baby had come from. His first instinct was to bring the baby in from the cold, and he did, careful to fix the salt line the wheels of the pram disturbed.
The first thing that struck Dean was that this kid was definitely a Winchester. They were a carbon copy of baby Sammy, same little button nose and eyes, barely any hair gracing their head. A memory tugged at the corners of his mind, four years old and holding Sammy for the first time, his mom supporting Sam's head while dad took a picture. Still a kid with two parents but keenly aware of his responsibility, of how his centre of gravity had shifted from himself to his baby brother.
But his mom wasn't here now and Dean would have to support this baby's head on his own. And his dad hadn't taken pictures of his kids since Mary died. So his centre of gravity shifted again to the baby in the pram. Another of John Winchester's kids for Dean to raise. Part of him was angry, part of him defeated. Sammy was fourteen, able to look after himself now. Dean didn't have to worry about him in the same way - Sam fed himself, did his homework, all that crap. Dean had almost been free.
But he couldn't blame the baby. He didn't. It didn't ask for this. Didn't understand anything. Dean reached a hand down, pulled the little yellow blanket away from their face. It was small, smaller than Sammy had been, and not just because Dean was grown now and over six foot. Small in a way that told him this baby was young. Small in a way that put fear into him. Small in a way that made him desperate to protect them from the horrors and cruelty of their world.
He felt sick knowing he could never protect them from that. From their lives. This baby was a Winchester, which basically meant it was fucked.
The bathroom door opened, and Sam walked out.
"What is that?" he asks, damp hair curling against his forehead.
"A baby," Dean replies, still looking down at them.
"A what?" Sam asks incredulously, crossing the room to stand by his brother. He looked down and saw there was, in fact, a baby. "The hell did this come from?"
"Was on the doorstep. Came with this." Dean said, handing Sam the unopened letter addressed to their father.
"It's dad's?" Sam was having a hard time digesting all this. He had to admit, his first thought was it was Dean's. "Where even is he?"
"Bar, I think. Reckon he knows about it?"
"If he knew he had another kid out there, don't ya think he would've mentioned it?"
"Yeah, 'cos Dad's a real open book." Dean replied. Sam turned the envelope over and made to open. "What're you doing? Don't do that, is addressed to Dad."
"Figured this might give us some answers. Maybe a name for the mystery baby."
Dean snatched the letter from his brother. "We ain't reading this til Dad has."
"Is Dad dating anyone?" Sam asked. "He's never mentioned anyone."
Dean shrugged a shoulder. "Doubt Dad dates. Probably a one time thing."
"And after he gave me the safe sex talk. Hypocrite." Sam said. Dean shot him a pointed look but didn't say anything. After all, Sam wasn't wrong. Dean'd received the John Winchester safe sex talk, too (an uncomfortable memory).
As if summoned, the rumble of the Impala's engine and the beams of her headlights signalled their father's arrival. The brothers exchanged a look, knowing that a mystery baby showing up on their doorstep would not go down well with John Winchester. Dean didn’t know why, but he positioned himself in front of the pram, standing between the baby and the door John would walk through. Sam copied him.
The door opened and John walked in, stepping over the salt line. He nodded his head towards his sons, locking the door and shrugging off his leather jacket. He turned around; neither Sam nor Dean had moved, or even said anything.
"What?" he asked gruffly.
"Um, so something kinda... turned up. For you." Dean started. John cocked an eyebrow.
"This ain't exactly our forwarding address. What is it and how'd it get here?" John asked, heading to the fridge for a beer.
"Well... it's..." Dean figured it was easier to just show him, so he stepped to the side and motioned for Sam to do the same.
John nearly dropped his beer. He immediately fixed his gaze on Dean.
"What did you do?" he asked. Dean sighed. Why'd everyone assume it was his?
"It's yours," Sam said bluntly, taking the letter from Dean's hand and holding it out for him. "Showed up on the doorstep with this."
This time John did drop his beer.
The bottle smashed on the floor, glass and alcohol flying everywhere. The sudden noise startled the baby awake, and they promptly burst out crying. John reached for the letter, Sam for a broom, which left Dean with the baby.
He gently lifted them out of the pram, careful of their head. The yellow blanket fell away slightly, revealing a light pink romper underneath. Presumably a girl then. A little sister. Dean rocked them gently, the way he remembers his mother doing with Sam, quietly shushing to calm her down.
In his arms, he was again struck by how small she was. He held her easily in just two hands, one under her head, the other on her back. She opened her eyes then, wide and blue like all babies, taking in the motel room around them before settling on Dean's face.
"Hello, you," he whispered, unable to keep the smile off his face. "I'm your big brother." His heart clenched in his chest as he held her.
"What's the letter say?" Sam asks, knelt on the floor to pick up the glass. John was staring intently at the letter in his hands.
"It's from her mother. Says she can't look after a baby. Too young."
"Jesus, Dad. How young?" Sam asks. Dean groans inwardly. Not the time for this, Sam.
"What the hell are you trying to ask?" John fired back. "She was early twenties. Drinking age, anyway. I don't know why the hell she'd think I'm any more capable of this than she would be. How the hell'd she even find us?" Sam and Dean both shrugged. How were they to know?
"What's her name?" Dean asked, still swaying gently back and forth.
"Amanda something. Don't really remember, to be honest. It was two nights. The sex was alright, nothing special. Didn't exchange numbers."
Sam and Dean cringed. They did not need details.
"I meant the baby, Dad." Dean replied. John at least had the decency to look a little embarrassed.
"Right, of course. Says here..." He scanned the letter. "Margaret." Dean screwed up his nose. That's an old lady name. His little sister was going to be cool, and that couldn't happen with a name like Margaret.
"That's a terrible name for a baby," Dean said aloud, looking down at her. "She doesn't look like a Margaret."
"Meg March was actually a Margaret," Sam said. John and Dean looked at him, perplexed. "Little Women? Louisa May Alcott?" More blank stares. Sam just rolled his eyes.
"Meg." Dean repeats, squinting his eyes at the baby. It fit. "Meg Winchester."
"It doesn't matter what she's called," John said. "We ain't keeping it." Dean's head snapped up.
"What?" Dean asked incredulously.
"How the hell are we going to look after a baby, Dean?" John asked. "We don't have a house, or any baby supplies. We're always on the move. We're hunters, not nannies. I spent two nights with a woman a year ago and then a baby appears. Kid's probably not even mine anyway. We'll take her to a fire station or something."
Dean couldn't believe what he was hearing. They'd managed before. Sammy had been but six months old when they started hunting, and Dean - though he tried - hadn't been able to help out as much as he could now. This baby was family. Family is everything to the Winchester's.
"Course she's yours, Dad, look at her! She's a spitting image of Sammy as a baby. Besides, Sam was a baby and we raised him on the road. You can't just abandon her." Dean cried out.
"Maybe Dad is right, Dean. She'd be better off with a family - "
"We're her family! The three of us."
"A real family, with a mom, a dad, a house. She'd be normal, Dean, safe. We can't give her any of that!" Sam replied. True, he was projecting his own dreams onto a baby, but he had a valid point, or so he thought. All Dean heard, however, was that Sam didn't believe they were a real family.
"We are a real family, Sam. Just because we don't have a white picket fence, don't mean we ain't a real family. Besides, you really want this kid growing up in the system? Anything could happen to her!"
"Anything could happen to her here, Dean! All it takes is - is a spirit, or a pissed off monster out for revenge, and she-"
"But we can protect her from that. You think some civilian family would keep her safe if a monster decided to get revenge, Sammy? You have know idea what happens in the foster system. She could be abused, or trafficked, or-"
"Enough!" John snapped loudly, startling the baby again. He couldn't hear himself think. And he did need to think, long and hard, about what was best for them, and for the baby. Sam made a good point, of course, and God knows John's not equipped to look after a baby. But Dean was right, too. Anything could happen to her out there. "Sam, get me a beer."
Sam sighed but did as he was told. John walked over to Dean, who was gently rocking the baby to settle her after John's outburst. He looked at the baby for the first time, really looked at her. Dean was right; she was a carbon copy of baby Sam. And she was cute, too. Dean, admittedly, had been a funny looking baby, especially as a newborn, a squished face and large head he eventually grew into. But this baby - Meg, he reminded himself - was sweet looking, almost doll-like, with her pouty pink lips and button nose.
He and Mary had never talked about more kids - Sam had only been a baby when she died - but he'd always imagined them having one or two more, and he'd always wanted a little girl. Mary had, too, he had no doubt.
But Mary wasn't here, and this wasn't her baby. Part of him felt guilty, as though he'd been unfaithful, despite the fact she'd been dead almost fifteen years. John thought of his own father then, Henry, who'd taken off when John was only four, leaving him and his mother on their own. Even all these years later, he still felt bitter about it - bitter and hurt. Of course it hurt, knowing your own father didn't want you and took off into the night. And that's what he was about to do to this little girl. Her mother had already bailed. John was all she had left.
John, and his boys. Sam had kept his distance, almost wary of the baby in Dean's arms, but Dean - he was whipped. That was the only word for it. He was smiling softly down at her, cooing gently to soothe her. Deep down, John knew Dean would end up doing more for this baby than he ever could. But maybe that was a good thing. Dean wouldn't make the mistakes John did. Wouldn't leave her alone like he did, leave her to raise herself.
The guilt twisted in his gut like a knife, but he knew what he had to do.
"We'll keep her. It'll be safest for her. We'll... we'll make it work somehow. We'll have to." John said, placing a large, calloused hand gently on his daughter's head. Dean looked up at him with Mary's green eyes, raw hope etched onto his face.
"Yeah?" He asked softly. John nodded once, clapping his eldest son gently on the shoulder. Sam handed him a beer, then stood on Dean's other side.
"Can I hold her?" Sam asked. Dean looked reluctant to let her go.
"Be careful. She's really small and can't hold her head up on her own yet, so make sure you support it. Don't drop her, for God's sake." Dean rambled on as he gently shifted the infant into Sam's open arms, already fretting like a mother hen. John smiled softly at his children - all three of them.
Sam smiled at the baby, rocking her gently the way Dean had. "Hi, Meg. I'm gonna be your favourite big brother." He said. Dean rolled his eyes.
"No way, Sammy. I'm already her favourite."
"That's crap, she doesn't speak, can't even smile. You don't know that."
"Sure she can, she smiled at me just now."
"Yeah, that was gas, Dean. She farted on you." Sam replied, and Dean's smile faltered.
"Speaking of," Dean said, changing the conversation abruptly. "We're gonna need supplies. Diapers, a car seat, formula."
John nodded, moving to the pram that Meg had turned up in. There was a bag in the basket underneath the bassinet. John leafed through it quickly. "There's some stuff here," he said, holding up a muslin cloth and some diapers. "Enough for tonight, at least. We'll find somewhere in town tomorrow that sells baby stuff. Maybe pick up a book, too."
"A baby book?" Sam asked. "Why'd you need that?"
"It's been a long time since I did any of this, Sammy. Besides, I didn't do it on my own before, I was working a lot. Your mom... your mom looked after you guys most. Did all the hard stuff." John admitted quietly. The room fell into reverent silence the way it always did when someone brought up Mary. Sam didn't point out that he'd still been a baby when she died, and John had raised him for most of life alone. It didn't seem like the time. But a book seemed overboard, in Sam's opinion. How hard could a baby be?
Only a minute or so later, Sam's question was answered. Meg began fussing in his arms, quietly at first, but getting louder despite Sam's gentle shushing and swaying. When her cries turned to wails, he looked up at his father and brother, panic in his eyes. "I think I broke her."
It was Dean that stepped forward, plucking the baby from his arms. "You didn't break her," he assured Sam. John stepped up too, looking down at the infant whose fist she was trying to squeeze into her mouth.
"See how she's sucking her hand?" John spoke quietly. "Mean's she's hungry. C'mon Sam, I'll show you how to make a bottle. If I can work it out, that is."
Sam and John stepped away to prepare the formula. Dean watched them as he swayed the baby. "It's okay, princess. Daddy and Sammy will get you some food."
Dean watched his father, usually so confident and self assured in everything he did, falter at almost every step. Checking the instructions on the formula, then checking again. Rinsing a bottle and filling it with hot water. Hands hesitant, unsure of what they were doing. Hands that could assemble a shot gun in under a minute, but seemed to tremble as he shook the bottle. Testing the temperature on his palm, his wrist, then his wrist again. He had no idea how warm it should be.
Although it was strange to see John so unsteady, Dean found it strangely... comforting. Humanising, perhaps. He pictured briefly John doing the same thing for him as a baby, the unsure hands of a first time father. Pictured his mom along side, walking him through each step.
John handed the formula to Dean. "You gonna do it?" he asked. Dean nodded. He didn't want to relinquish the baby, even though John hadn't even held her yet. Although, he'd made no move to hold her either. John talked him through it, how to hold the bottle, at what angle, as best he could remember.
Dean paced slowly around the small living space of their motel room with his sister in his arms. Sam had pulled out some homework, John writing something in his journal, beer in hand. But for Dean, it was just him and his sister in the world. Hell, his sister was his world now.
Dean Winchester was strong.
But he could feel his heart thawing out for the baby in his arms. He knew he needed to be strong for her, yet he'd never felt so weak. The fear of what could happen to her, the need to keep her safe, was almost overwhelming. Was this parenthood?
The love, too, he supposed was overwhelming. The kind that made his heart clench, made him want to fix the world for her and burn it down at the same time. The kind he'd kill and die for.
And somehow, despite everything he'd seen and done in only eighteen years, this was the scariest thing he'd encountered to date. He kept it together for her. He was strong. He had to be.
He's Dean Winchester.
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agirlwithdemonblood · 27 days ago
Whiskey & Want
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Pairings: Dean x Reader
Summary: A bunker party ignites long-hidden feelings as Dean and the reader navigate stolen glances, heated touches, and a kiss that changes everything.
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol consumption, swearing.
Check out my Masterlist here!
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The music pounded in the hunter's ears as soon as their boots touched the concrete. The bass thumped through their bodies, a deep pulse that made the ground seem alive beneath them.
Dean and Sam exchanged a look, confusion flickering between them. The driveway of the bunker was a chaotic mess of parked cars and trucks-some familiar, some unexpected. What the hell was going on?
The last thing Dean had heard from you was that you were planning a quiet night alone. But this? This was anything but quiet. And you were anything but alone.
Dean took the lead, pushing open the heavy door. The instant it swung open, the music rushed out like a tidal wave, slamming into them. His sharp gaze scanned the room below, taking in the scene. The place was packed with familiar faces-almost all of them women.
Jody and Ellen were at the far end, locked in a fierce dart game. Meg leaned against a table, exchanging a sharp-witted banter with Rowena. And there you were, laughing with Jo as the two of you took shots, a radiant smile lighting up your face.
Dean's breath caught.
It wasn't just the way your laughter filled the room, effortlessly drawing people towards you. It wasn't just the way your eyes sparkled under the dim, golden glow of the bunker's overhead lights.
No, it was something far more dangerous.
It was what you were wearing.
Because it wasn't yours.
It was his.
His green Henley draped over your frame, the sleeves pushed up, the fabric hanging loose over your curves in the most delicious way. And beneath it? Boxer shorts that were definitely not yours.
Dean swallowed hard. His chest tightened, his pulse quickened and his jeans grew tighter as an undeniable heat surged through him.
God help him, but you were killing him. And the worst part? This wasn’t new.
Dean had been harboring a secret crush on you for longer than he cared to admit. It had started as something small—a passing thought about how your laugh made his chest feel lighter, how your presence made the bunker feel less like a tomb and more like a home.
But over time, it grew. It became a weight in his chest, a constant ache every time you walked into the room, every time your hand brushed his, every time you gave him one of those smiles that made him feel like he was the only person in the world.
And now, standing here, watching you in his shirt, looking so effortlessly gorgeous, he felt like he was on the verge of losing his goddamn mind.
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From the middle of the room. you felt it.
That pull, that familiar presence. Your body reacted before your mind even registered it. Your eyes searched the space instinciveyl, heart skipping a beat like it always did, when your eyes landed on him.
His gaze was locked onto you, a mixture of awe, adortion and something deeper-something raw and unspoken. A slow, shy smile tugged at his lips, one that made your breath catch.
You grinned and before you could overthink it, rushed towards the stairs, your body humming with excitment. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the courage bubbling to the surface, but suddenly, keeping your eyes off of him felt impossible.
"Your home! Come join the party!" You called out, your voice carrying over the music.
Sam chuckled, descending the stairs first, greeting everyone with easy familiarity. But Dean? He hesitated.
His eyes never left yours as he made his way down, slow and nervous.
The air between you crackled with unspoken words, with something you couldn't quite name but desperately wanted to.
You stepped forward, opening your arms for a hug.
Normally, Dean wasn’t one for hugs unless it was Sam or someone like Jody. But tonight felt different. Something in his eyes told you this was okay.
His breath hitched, but he stepped into your embrace, His hand rested at the small of your back, fingers pressing lightly, like he was anchoring himself. Even when you pulled away, he didn’t.
When he finally pulled back, he ducked his head, rubbing his neck. A faint blush spread across his cheeks.
He was flustered. But all he could think about was how good you felt in his arms. How natural it was. And how much he wanted more.
He told himself you were just tipsy, caught in the moment, that tomorrow you wouldn't remember the way you looked at him like he was something worth wanting.
Little did he know, you had spent countless nights tangled in the same heartache, the same longing. Pining after a man who you thought would never see you the way you saw him.
That was why you called your friends, why you threw this party.
And for a while, it worked.
Until he walked through the door, looking like sin on legs, and you were right back where you started.
But this time, it was different. There was something in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. And God, you hoped he felt it too.
You smirked, grabbed his arm, and tugged him toward the kitchen. "Let's drink!"
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The night blurred into a haze of music, laughter, and stolen glances.
The music got louder, drinks flowed faster, and you and Dean drifted closer.
It started as playful teasing—an innocent invitation to dance. But the moment he touched you, something shifted.
At first, it was lighthearted. Then the space between you disappeared. His hands ghosted over your body, his breath mixed with yours, his gaze locked onto you.
The music faded into the background, and it was just you and him.
Jo announced some kind of game, but you barely heard her. You couldn’t focus—not when Dean looked at you like that.
Without thinking, you grabbed his wrist and led him away, out of the crowded room and into the dimly lit hallway.
Dean leaned against the wall, smiling at you, waiting.
You opened your mouth, searching for words, but what could you possibly say? How could you put this feeling into something as fragile as language? Your thoughts tangled, but one thing was clear—you wanted this.
So, you didn’t speak.
Instead, you stepped forward, placed a hand against his chest, felt his heartbeat stutter beneath your palm. You tilted your chin up, letting your lips brush against his with a quiet, hesitant urgency. A question. A plea.
Dean didn’t hesitate.
His hands found your waist, pulling you flush against him as he kissed you back with a hunger that left you breathless. It was deep, aching, like he had been waiting for this just as long as you had.
And then—
He pulled away.
Your heart plummeted.
You barely noticed the way he was breathing heavily, the way his eyes were blown wide with shock and something deeper. All you saw was the rejection.
"S-Sorry," you stammered, stepping back. "I shouldn’t have—I know you don't feel that way-"
"Wait, what?" His voice was rough, laced with disbelief. "What do you mean I don’t feel that way?"
You turned away, but he caught your wrist. "Sweetheart, talk to me, please."
You swallowed hard. "Dean, I’ve liked you for so long. Maybe even more than that. And tonight… I thought maybe—"
Dean let out a breathless chuckle, running a hand through his hair. His cheeks were tinged pink. "Sweetheart, I do feel the same way. Completely."
You blinked up at him. "Then why-?"
His expression softened. "Because you’ve been drinking, and I’d never want you to think I took advantage of that."
Your chest tightened, warmth spreading through you at his words. God, this man.
A slow smile stretched across your lips. "You… are amazing."
Before he could respond, you pulled him back in, fingers tangling in his hair, lips molding against his in a kiss that left no room for misinterpretation. This was real. This was everything.
Dean groaned softly against your mouth, his grip tightening as he deepened the kiss, pouring everything he felt into it. When you finally broke apart, breathless and grinning, he pressed his forehead against yours.
"If you promise I’m not taking advantage… maybe we can keep doing this," he murmured.
You giggled. "Dean, you’re not. But I wish you had sooner. We could have figured this out ages ago."
His smirk was wicked as he laced his fingers through yours, tugging you toward his room. "Guess we've got some lost time to make up for."
Tonight, there were no more distractions.
Tonight, there was just you and him.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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doctorbitchcrxft · 7 months ago
Tall Tales | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader (Eventual ;) )
Warnings: mentions of smut, canon gore, canon violence
Word Count: 3986
A/N: This episode was a challenge to write, but so much effing fun. I hope y’all enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it!
(he's so sexy in this gif i'm nutting goodbye goodnight i'm gone)
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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Dean refused to let you hunt for the next two weeks following your concussion. You were pissed off, but you knew it was for the best. When the brothers settled on a case, they stuck you in a motel room and would occasionally come check on you between hunting. They found something at a college in Tennessee, and that was about all they told you before putting you to bed for the next week. 
When Sam would come check on you early on, it was to make sure you had enough water or food in your mini fridge. He’d always bring a book with him to sit with you while you rested. When you could finally tolerate the sound of other people’s voices again without going cross-eyed, you got him to read it to you. 
He snorted. “You want me to read you a bedtime story?” 
You deadpanned at him. “Yes, asshole. Please?”
“Okay,” he laughed. The book was called The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt, and you were completely fascinated. Sam’s voice would often soothe you to sleep as he recounted bits of Egypt’s history to you.
Between Sam’s visits and hours spent staring at the ceiling or pacing, Dean would visit. Most often, he’d come to your room at night. Not for any sexual purposes; in fact, when you suggested you have sex, he was fervently against it.
“Why?” you’d asked. 
“ ‘Cause you’re still hurt,” he replied simply, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you to his chest. “And…”
“And?” you prompted, tilting your head up at him.
“I just wanna be with you right now,” he admitted quietly. 
You smiled against Dean’s neck, nuzzling into him.
Sam was clearly pissed off with Dean the next time he came to visit you. 
“What’s goin’ on?” you’d asked.
He sighed, “Just Dean being… Dean. “ He sat at the foot of your bed as you pushed yourself into a sitting position. “How’s your head?”
“Haven’t had any complaints yet,” you smirked. 
Sam made a bitch face at you. “Really? Elvira?”
“Of course. I love her,” you giggled.
“Seriously. How is it?” 
You shrugged. “Same ol’ same ol’. I’ll live. How’s your, uh, mental state?”
“I knew you were gonna ask that.” Sam shook his head. 
“C’mon, you can tell me anything. What’s goin’ on?” you questioned, scooching closer to him. 
The brunet seemed thoughtful for a minute. “I, uh, don’t really know.” He chuckled awkwardly. “I’m really gettin’ worried, (Y/N). After Wandall and what I did to Jo—”
You cut him off. “Sam, that wasn’t you. We’ve been over this—”
“Yeah, but still. It’s been really bothering me.” You replied, “Well, yeah, that’s to be expected. Meg took you for a hell of a ride.” You thought for a second about your words. “Gross.”
Sam laughed before becoming serious again. He seemed to be thinking deeply about how to talk to you. “I’m really worried about what’s happening to me. Especially since…”
“Since what?” you prompted.
“Since you wouldn’t shoot.” You dropped your head back, sighing. “Sam, we’ve been over this. If you really go dark side, I’ll do it. But it seemed like your conscious mind wasn’t doing those things. It seemed like psychosis, almost. I’m not gonna kill you over that.”
“Well, then, when does it end?” he argued. “Conscious or not, I killed someone. And you saw it happen. And you still wouldn’t.”
“Yeah, because I care about you, Sam. You’re my best friend. It’s gonna take a lot for me to gank you,” you scoffed.
He softened a bit and sighed. “I get it,” the brunet muttered. “I just… I feel like I’m getting closer and closer to it every day. And I don’t know how to stop it. And Dean’s freaked, but he won’t talk to me about it. I’m sick of him pretending that everything’s fine.”
“Well, you know how he is,” you reminded him. 
“Yeah,” he replied. “Still.”
“I hate to tell you this,” you began, fiddling with the hem of the quilt on your lap, “but the more freaked out you are, the more susceptible you are to—” “To demonic possession,” he finished. “Yeah, I know.” “And if that’s what this ‘dark side’ thing is supposed to be, we gotta get you back under control,” you continued. 
Sam nodded pensively. A mischievous look crossed his face suddenly. “So, uh, how’s things with you and—?”
“Oh, god,” you groaned, flopping back on your head. “Do we have to talk about this?”
“I mean, yeah, I’ve seen the two of you. I’m not completely blind,” he chortled. “So, talk.”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know, honestly. I don’t— I just— with everything going on, I don’t wanna… go there, y’know?”
He made a face at you.
You chucked a pillow at him. “I’m not talking about our sex life, dipshit. I don’t wanna make him commit to me with everything happening. But, then again, we’re hunters. We’re never not gonna have tons of shit goin’ on.”
“I mean, do you want a relationship with him?” Sam asked.
“Eh, I don’t know,” you shrugged unconvincingly.
“Don’t lie.”
“Fine, I do.” Sam laughed.
“But I don’t want to want that, y’know?” You cringed at yourself. “God, I sound like a sixth grader with a crush.”
“Yeah, you do,” Sam snorted. “But I’m happy for you guys. I want you guys to be happy.”
The next time Dean came to visit, he was carrying a case of beer. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be hunting?” you asked, throwing your journal aside.
“Alright, fine, I’ll leave,” he smirked, turning back to the door.
“No, no!” you said, bounding over to him. You spun him around and kissed him gently. “Stay.”
“Always,” he said against your lips.
Something you were beginning to learn about Dean was his love languages. You were big on psychology. Though you knew he wasn’t and would never let you pick his brain aloud, it was fun to do in your head. Given the way he redressed your head wound in the earlier days of your admittedly severe concussion, made you dinner, and did your laundry, you deduced he liked to give love through acts of service. 
However, he seemed to be hellbent on not receiving it in that way. He refused to let you redress the wound on his shoulder until the dressings Jo put on it were saturated in seeping fluid. 
“Dean, you’re gonna start growing a science experiment in there. Let me help you,” you’d said, more stating it than begging. 
“I’m fine, (Y/N). Seriously.”
You got your first aid box out of your duffel and threw over your shoulder, “This is not up for debate. Come here.” 
With a reluctant sigh, he did eventually listen to you. Given the beers he brought you, the crappy movies, the card games, and hours spent just in each other’s company, you figured his receiving love language was quality time. And you were more than happy to give that to him.
On day twelve, you were insistent you could spar with Dean again. He was insistent, however, that he wouldn't do it.
"Dean! C'mon, man! It doesn't even hurt anymore," you protested, putting your hair up in a ponytail.
"(Y/N), I'm not gonna risk hurting you—"
"Dean!" you warned. "I'm rusty. If I'm gonna help you guys with this hunt in two days, please, dude, I'm begging you."
"Fine," he grumbled. "Don't say I didn't warn you, though."
You smirked, preparing your fighting stance. He eyed you challengingly, his smirk encouraging you to rush him. You did so, and he easily dodged you. However, you had prepared for that scenario, and whipped your back leg around to hit him in the stomach while he dodged you.
Dean grunted, and you jumped back from him. You aimed a punch toward his jaw, which he blocked easily. Several more punches were thrown between the two of you before you got fed up.
"Stop holding back!" you pushed.
"I"m not," he argued unconvincingly, throwing a sloppy left hook at you.
"Your form is shit, you're barely out of breath, and you're mostly on the defensive," you replied. "Stop holding back. You won't break me."
"Dean," you cut him off. "Vamps aren't gonna hold back. Whatever we're dealing with isn't gonna hold back. I'm healed enough. Quit it."
He finally did listen, making you incredibly happy. Beating Dean Winchester in hand-to-hand combat was nearly impossible given the size and muscular advantage he had against you. However, your father had trained you well on how to use speed and endurance to your advantage.
You fought with Dean for quite a few rounds before he knocked you back into the dresser in your motel room, and you hit the back of your head on the corner.
"See? I told you that was gonna happen," he said angrily. Although, you knew he was more angry with himself than he was with you.
"I'm fine," you replied, standing and rubbing the back of your head. "Again."
"No," Dean asserted, turning away from you. He shrugged his jacket back on.
"Wha— Where are you going?" you questioned, becoming aggravated with his stubbornness. "I said I'm fine, Dean. Again."
"We're done for today, (Y/N)," he stated firmly, leaving no room for argument.
You scoffed. "I hate it when you do this."
"Yeah, well," Dean said gruffly, "I hate it when you act like a stubborn brat. Why is it so wrong that I don't wanna hurt you?"
"Because I'm asking you to!" you argued. "Hurt me! Don't fucking go easy on me! I already gave you my reasons why you shouldn't! I'd rather you hurt me than whatever we're up against!"
"I get that, (Y/N), but you can't ask me to fucking do that," he responded, turning to face you. "I won't hurt you."
You sighed. "I'll see you tomorrow, Dean."
"Yeah. See you," he grumbled. Then, you heard the door slam shut behind him.
You knew your fight had been stupid. You sat by the door all day, anxiously awaiting Dean's return. Just when you were beginning to lose hope that he'd show, you heard a knock on the door.
"Hey," you said awkwardly, opening the door for him to come in.
"Hey," he replied.
"I'm sorry. I was being stupid. I wouldn't do that to you if you asked me," you told him, sitting on the edge of your bed.
"I'm sorry, too. I didn't wanna shut you out," he said, unable to meet your eyes.
You grabbed his hand, making him look up at you. "Hey, you know the only reason I asked you to do that was because I trust you so much, right?"
Dean nodded. "How's your head? I didn't hurt ya too bad, did I?"
You shook your head. "Can't even feel it," you smiled.
By day fourteen of concussion recovery, you were clawing at the walls; ready to hunt again. You strolled back into their room at nine in the morning that day to get a run-down of the case so you could get back to your job.
“Thank god you're here,” Dean exhaled, getting off the bed he was lounging on when you walked in.
You snorted. “What, two weeks without me and you can’t function?”
Dean scoffed. “No.” He paused. “Well, kinda.”
“What’s been happening? And… why couldn’t you tell me anything about the case before this moment?” you asked.
“I, uh, I wasn’t sure if you’d believe us,” Sam told you.
You sat in the chair across from him, crossing your arms. “Why not?”
“It's just, we've never seen anything like it—”
“Not even close,” Dean chimed in.
“Oh-kay, well, why don’t you start from the beginning?” You leaned back in your chair and crossed your slender legs, knowing this was going to be a long conversation.
Sam huffed, gearing up for his story. “So, a professor took a nosedive from a fourth story window, only there's a campus legend that the building's haunted. So we pretexted as reporters from the local paper—”
“Pretexted?” you cut Sam off. “Okay, professor.”
He made a bitchface at you. “Would ya let me talk?”
“Fine, fine. Keep going.”
“I found these two kids at a bar who had the professor for Ethics and Morality. Both of ‘em said there was nothing about this guy that would’ve suggested he’d jump— I mean, wife, kids, tenured— everything. And the girl— her name was Jen— said she didn’t think it was suicide,” Sam explained. “Apparently, there’s this urban legend from about thirty years ago about a girl having an affair with a professor. He broke it off, and she jumped out the window of room 669. Anybody who sees her dies.” Sam shot a look at Dean. “Dean was supposed to be talkin’ to other locals, figuring out if the urban legend was even real, but, he, uh, got distracted.”
You straightened in your seat, shooting a look at Dean. “Distracted how?”
“He was too busy slamming purple nurples to even string together a coherent sentence,” Sam scoffed.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. I was not!” Dean protested. 
“What, so you never drank a purple nurple?”
“Yeah, maybe that, but I wasn’t wasted,” the older brother argued. “I just took a few shots with this classy chick. She was a grad student, anthropology and folklore. We were talking about local ghost stories.”
You quirked a brow at Dean, jealousy beginning to burn in your chest.
“She was, uh, more interested in me than talking about ghost stories, but I cut her loose before the poor girl embarrassed herself,” Dean said.
“Ah, what a saint,” you cooed sarcastically.
Dean shot you a look. “And then Sam came over like, ‘Dean! What do you think you’re doing?’ He thought I was chattin’ her up instead of focusing on the case. Which, I wasn’t— thank you, Sam— everything was just blah, blah, blah, lecture, lecture, lecture,” Dean continued.
“Right! And that's how it really happened,” Sam scoffed.
Dean shrugged.
“Sam, did he make out with the chick or not?” you questioned.
Sam seemed taken aback. “Seriously? That’s what you’re worried about? But no, he didn’t.”
The tension in your body released.
“And I don’t sound like that, Dean!” Sam turned back to his brother.
“That's what you sound like to me,” the older brother shrugged.
You flicked your gaze between the two of them. “What’s going on with you guys?”
“Nothing. No— it's nothing,” Sam sighed.
“No, come on. You're bickering like an old married couple,” you snickered.
Dean got up and moved over to the kitchenette behind you. “No, see, married couples can get divorced. Me and him, we're like, uh, Siamese twins.”
“It’s conjoined twins!” Sam immediately corrected him.
“See what I mean?” Dean kept his gaze on you and gestured to his brother.
“Look, it—” the brunet sighed again, “—we've just been on the road for too long. Tight quarters, all that. Don't worry about it.”
You nodded.
“So, anyway. We figured it might be a haunting, so we went to check out the scene of the crime,” Sam continued. “We went and talked to the janitor, pretexting as electricians. He said he’d been workin’ there for six years, let us into the professors’ office, and told us he was the one who found the guy. He said the professor brought somebody up with him, and that was the thing to distract Dean from the nuts he was stuffing his face with.”
“Come on! I ate one, maybe two!” Dean protested.
“Just let me tell it, okay?” Sam shot back. “Anyway, janitor says the cops never found the girl the professor was with, and he didn’t even see her leave the room. But apparently, the professor brought girls up a lot. Maybe you missed that, Dean, since you were too busy snacking to focus on anything else.”
Dean glared at his brother.
“And get this?” Sam told you. “There is no room 669. And the professor’s office was clean of EMF. Next, we thought we should probably check the history of the building. Of course, I couldn’t do that, because my computer was frozen on bustyasianbeauties.com.” The younger brother spoke pointedly at Dean, who seemed dumbfounded, honestly. 
“Dude, I told you, I wasn’t on your laptop,” Dean grunted.
“Well, did you dig up anything about the building? Or on the suicidal chick?” you asked.
“No. History's clean,” Sam replied.
“Then it's not a haunting,” you stated.
“Maybe not. Tell you the truth, we're not really sure,” Dean replied.
“What do you mean, you're not sure?”
Sam spoke up again. “Well… it’s weird.”
“What’s weird?” You asked, feeling like you were pulling teeth.
“This next part, we, uh, we didn't see it happen ourselves exactly, but it's pretty fucking weird. Even for us,” Dean chuckled in disbelief. “Apparently, this guy got beamed up on his walk home. Right outside of Crawford Hall.”
“ ‘Beamed up’?” you questioned. “Like… Star Trek? Aliens?!”
“Yeah,” Dean nodded.
“Aliens,” you deadpanned.
“Look, even if they are real, they're sure as hell not coming to earth and swiping people,” you said.
“Hey, believe me. We know,” the older brother replied.
“I’ve been hunting my whole life and never found any evidence of real alien abduction,” you shook your head. “It’s all bullshit.”
“Yeah, that's what we thought. But… we figured we'd at least talk to the guy,” Sam said.
Dean picked up the story then. “Found the guy drinkin’ himself into oblivion. He thought we wouldn’t believe him. Honestly, I still don’t know if I do.”
Sam cut his older brother off. “He said he blacked out, and when he woke up, he was, um—”
“He got probed,” Dean chuckled. “Some alien made him their bitch. And apparently, they did it a lot.”
Sam snickered. “He said… He said they made him slow dance, too. I mean, what the hell?”
You scoffed. “You guys are exaggerating again, right?”
“No, not at all,” Sam responded.
“Then this kid’s just nuts,” you stated.
“We're not so sure,” Dean argued. “There was a— a scorch mark in the ground outside Crawford Hall. Perfect circle.”
“Had to have been made by some kinda jet engine,” Sam cut in. “There’s nothing else it could’ve been. Given the timing alone, I figured, there’s gotta be some kind of connection.”
“I still wasn’t completely convinced,” Dean added. “I mean, between the angry spirit and sexed-up ET? What the hell. But what could we do? So we just kept on digging. We talked to this guy in probe-guy’s frat. Sammy did his whole 'I’m here for you, you brave little soldier’ speech, gave the guy a hug— the whole thing made me nauseous—”
“I never said that!” Sam argued.
“You're always saying pansy stuff like that,” Dean rebutted. “Would you let me talk?”
Sam quieted down, still upset.
“Anyway, the guy tells us that probe-guy was a huge dick. Apparently, he was going probe-level-stuff to his pledges this semester. And that was the one connection I could make out— both the victims are dicks. Think about it. A philandering professor gets a dead girl. A pledge master gets hazed. And that was when Sam started flippin’ out about his laptop— which I didn’t touch, by the way!— and started insulting my food—”
“It's not food anymore, Dean!” Sam cut in. “It's Darwinism.”
“I like it!” Dean scoffed.
Sam kept going. “All I ask from you, the one thing, is that you don't mess with my stuff!”
“And then he threatened my car, (Y/N),” Dean said. You knew he was serious, but his dramatics drew a laugh from you.
“Did you take his computer?” you questioned.
“Serves him right, but, no,” Dean replied.
Sam glared at Dean. “Well, I didn't lose it. 'Cause I don't lose things.”
“Oh, that's right, yeah, 'cause he's Mr. Perfect.”
You talked over them. “Okay, okay. Why don't you just tell me what happened next?”
Dean huffed. “There was one more victim.”
“Right. Now, we- we didn't see this one ourselves, either,” Sam began hesitantly. “We kind of put it together from the evidence. But this guy— He was, uh, he was a research scientist. Animal testing.”
“Yeah, you know, a dick,” Dean added. “Which fits the pattern. Cops didn't release the cause of death 'cause they had no clue what the cause was.”
“So, we checked it ourselves,” Sam chimed in.
“Yeah,” the older Winchester confirmed. “I’m tellin’ you, (Y/N), those remains were gnarly. Looked like somethin’ was chompin’ on him. Again, happened right outside Crawford Hall. Then, Sam found a belly scale. From an alligator.”
“Classic urban legend,” Sam broke in. “A kid flushes a baby gator down the toilet, and it grows huge in the tunnels.”
“This can’t get any weirder,” you shook your head.
“Then we tried callin’ Bobby—” Sam said, “since you were still down for the count. He was caught up in another case, though. So, we decided to search the sewer. We split up, each taking one end of campus.”
“Did you find anything?” you asked.
“Yeah, I found something, just not in the sewer,” Dean began, getting frustrated. “Sam fucked up my car. He let all the air out my tires. He’s gonna bend the rims!”
“Why would he do that?” you questioned.
“I don’t know! ‘Cause he thinks I screwed with his computer or something!” Dean responded angrily. 
“I told you, Dean, I didn’t go near your car,” Sam said. 
“And how do you even know it was him?” you asked.
“ ‘Cause I found his money clip by my car. I’m keepin’ it for reparations. For, uh, emotional trauma,” Dean snarked. “Then, he full-on tackles me trying to get it back.”
“Oh, come on, I did not tackle you—”
Dean cut Sam off. “Oh yeah? Then how’d we end up on the floor?”
“ ‘Cause you’re an idiot, that’s why!”
“Okay, I think I’ve heard enough,” you broke in. 
The two boys stared at you.
“You showed up about an hour after that,” Dean finished.
“I'm surprised at you two. I really am,” you sighed. “Sam, first off, Dean did not steal your computer.”
“But I—” Sam argued.
“Shh! Shh,” you scolded. “And, Dean, Sam did not touch your car.”
“Yeah!” the younger brother petulantly cried, staring at Dean.
“Sam,” you warned. “And if you two would’ve pulled your heads out of your asses for a second, you probably would’ve figured out what we’re dealin’ with.”
Sam looked confused and looked over at Dean.
The older Winchester shrugged. “I got nothin’.”
“Me neither.” Sam looked back at you.
“A trickster,” you announced.
Dean snapped his fingers triumphantly. “That's what I thought.”
“What?! No, you didn't,” Sam argued.
You snickered. “You guys were the biggest clue.”
“What do you mean?” The brunet quirked his head at you.
“These things create chaos and mischief as easy as breathing, and it's got you so turned around and at each other's throats, you can't even think straight,” you explained.
“The laptop,” Sam realized.
“The tires,” Dean immediately added.
“It knows you're onto him, and it's been playing you as a result,” you nodded.
“So, what is it, what- what, spirit, demon, what?” Dean asked.
“Well, more like demigods, really. There's Loki in Scandinavia, Anansi in West Africa; dozens of them. They're immortal, and they can create things out of thin air. Make ‘em vanish just as quick,” you continued. “The victims fit the M.O., too. Tricksters target pricks, knock them down a peg, usually with a sense of humor— deadly pranks, things like that.”
“(Y/N), what do these things look like?” Dean said, and you could tell he was realizing something.
“Lots of things, but human, mostly,” you shrugged.
Dean looked over at Sam. “And what human do we know who's been at ground zero this whole time?”
It took Sam a moment, and he frowned, but finally caught on. “The janitor.”
Sam and Dean decided they would stage a huge fight right where the trickster could see them discussing whether or not the janitor was your guy or not. As night began to fall, you were supposed to meet Sam outside Crawford Hall to help Dean confront the trickster because you knew he’d be looking for Dean after the two brothers separated.
You and Sam followed the slow, sexy eighties music down the hall to the auditorium, and you flanked both doors leading down into it. You stood at the top of the stairs, waiting to catch the trickster off-guard. You clutched your stake tightly as you took in the two women on a bed on the stage dressed in lingerie, looking at Dean like they were going to eat him alive. Anger bubbled in your chest at the thought.
“Look, man, I— I got to tell you, I dig your style, alright?” Dean told the trickster, who was seated in the audience with his back to you. Dean chuckled. “I do. I mean, the slow-dancing alien—”
“One of my personal favorites. Yeah,” the trickster said. You could hear the grin in his voice.
“But, uh, I can't let you go,” Dean told him.
“Too bad. Like I said, I like you. Sam was right. You shouldn't've come alone,” the trickster replied.
“Well, I'll agree with you there,” Dean said darkly.
You slammed the door shut behind you, as did Sam. 
“That fight you guys had outside— that was a trick?” the trickster asked.
Dean grinned.
The trickster hummed. “Hm. Not bad. But you want to see a real trick?”
A masked man with a chainsaw suddenly appeared near Sam and attacked him. You immediately ran to his aid, jumping on the back of the man and grabbing his arm.
“Are you fucking crazy?” Sam asked you over the roaring of the chainsaw.
“Probably, yeah!” you yelled. You wrapped your arms around the masked man’s neck, trying to close his airway. “Does this thing even have a windpipe? Can it even suffocate?”
Suddenly, you were flying down the steps of the auditorium.
“Ooh, that’s gotta hurt,” the janitor commented, chewing on a sandwich he was suddenly holding.
“Oh, fuck you!” you said, getting up to charge him. 
One of the girls from the stage appeared before you suddenly, throwing you back down to the floor.
“Nice toss, gorgeous!” you heard the trickster cheer.
You reared back and kicked the woman squarely in the stomach, sending her stumbling back. You wrestled with her continuously, until suddenly, she disappeared from underneath you. You looked up to see Dean stabbing the trickster through the chest. 
“That’s my boy,” you smiled under your breath.
The trickster fell back into the seat behind him, dead.
Sam approached you and helped you off the ground. “You didn’t hit your head again, did you?”
“No, no,” you laughed. “I think I’m okay.”
Dean walked over to you and Sam. “You guys okay?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Sam nodded.
“Well, I gotta say... he had style,” the older brother chuckled. You helped Dean up the steps, bearing the brunt of his weight given the many injuries he sustained.
“Alright, let's just get the hell out of dodge before somebody finds that body,” you said, putting Dean in the backseat of the car.
Sam ducked down into the front seat beside you, and you started the Impala.
“Look, Dean, um... I just want to say that I'm, uh— Um…” Sam couldn’t seem to muster an “I’m sorry.”
“Hey. Me too,” Dean nodded.
You snickered. “You guys are breaking my heart.”
“Shut up, (Y/N),” the boys groaned in unison. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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hexedwinchester · 3 months ago
Supernatural characters I wish were never created or just overstayed their welcome
*Disclaimer: it's gonna be a lot of fan favorite characters. if your fav is in the list, don't mind me.. it's just my opinion.. you don't have to take my word for it.
Let's start easy, characters that overstayed their welcome
Meg 2.0: Meg 1.0 was amazing but Rachel's Meg fell flat. Didn't have the same cruel zing that Nicki brought
Castiel: you knew this was coming. His character only made sense until he exploded in the water reserve in S7. That should have been the end of it
Gabriel: his death at the end of season 5 was so amazing. He finally died for something he believed in. It was righteous. They ruined it by bringing him back
Lucifer: he was really good until they gave him this clownish character in the later seasons. He only made sense until they brought him back to kill Amara. Everything else after that was pretty annoying
Becky: didn't need her in the last season. Nuh-uh!
Characters I wish were never created
GhostFacers: sorry, were they supposed to be funny? Didn't chuckle even once. They were so annoying and did nothing for me
Bela Talbot: no seriously, why was she there apart from stealing the colt from the boys? She was narcissistic and selfish
Archangel Raphael: sorry, I could never take this guy seriously. He wasn't terrifying at all
Dick Roman: I ain't buying that he was introduced for anything other than dick jokes
Cole Trenton: this loser! He was lame, his vendetta was lame. What was he supposed to do?? Piss off demon dean? Newsflash, he was always pissed
Asmodeus: I only remember him for two things - his white suit and shedim but other than that what else??
Back from dead Mary Winchester: she added more punch when she died in the first season. She was never there for Sam, hell, she wasn't even around for Dean. She didn't add anything to the story
Sister jo: she was so annoying. God! She was another Bela Talbot but with angel grace and like all angels she was a douche
Kaia/dark Kaia, Claire Novak, Patience, Donna hanscum: ughh!
AU Bobby and Charlie: one word: why?
I know they added a lot of characters so Jared and Jensen could take some time off shooting but really these were the worst folks ever
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winniewritesstories · 4 months ago
And Then There Were Three | Meg Winchester #1
Summary - A baby shows up on the Winchester's doorstep, and their entire lives change.
Pairings/characters - John Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Meg Winchester (OC)
Sam & Dean Winchester x little sister, John Winchester x daughter
Warnings - Mild cursing, John Winchester
Language - English (British)
Word Count - 3096
Notes - This is the first instalment in a series of one shots and headcanons about my OC Meg! Please be kind <3
Credits - dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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Dean Winchester was strong. He was brave, and fierce. He fought monsters - has done his whole life, as long as he can remember. He liked to think he was unbreakable, invincible. The hits kept coming, and he kept taking them. Fear, pain, worry - he pushed it all down, kept it locked away. In some ways, he had a heart of ice. He never broke.
Dean Winchester was strong.
And then one day, just before he turned nineteen, a baby appeared on a motel doorstep. A baby who wasn't his, but was. Would always be. A baby in a pram, with a note addressed to John Winchester, a note that eased the fears this baby was his, but it would be his, really. John Winchester was never a father. Not to him, not to Sam, and therefore not to this baby.
It was early October, and already Maine was cold. Dean's breath clouded in front of him in the cool, dark night. A glance around the parking lot revealed nobody, no cars, nothing to indicate where this baby had come from. His first instinct was to bring the baby in from the cold, and he did, careful to fix the salt line the wheels of the pram disturbed.
The first thing that struck Dean was that this kid was definitely a Winchester. They were a carbon copy of baby Sammy, same little button nose and eyes, barely any hair gracing their head. A memory tugged at the corners of his mind, four years old and holding Sammy for the first time, his mom supporting Sam's head while dad took a picture. Still a kid with two parents but keenly aware of his responsibility, of how his centre of gravity had shifted from himself to his baby brother.
But his mom wasn't here now and Dean would have to support this baby's head on his own. And his dad hadn't taken pictures of his kids since Mary died. So his centre of gravity shifted again to the baby in the pram. Another of John Winchester's kids for Dean to raise. Part of him was angry, part of him defeated. Sammy was fourteen, able to look after himself now. Dean didn't have to worry about him in the same way - Sam fed himself, did his homework, all that crap. Dean had almost been free.
But he couldn't blame the baby. He didn't. It didn't ask for this. Didn't understand anything. Dean reached a hand down, pulled the little yellow blanket away from their face. It was small, smaller than Sammy had been, and not just because Dean was grown now and over six foot. Small in a way that told him this baby was young. Small in a way that put fear into him. Small in a way that made him desperate to protect them from the horrors and cruelty of their world.
He felt sick knowing he could never protect them from that. From their lives. This baby was a Winchester, which basically meant it was fucked.
The bathroom door opened, and Sam walked out.
"What is that?" he asks, damp hair curling against his forehead.
"A baby," Dean replies, still looking down at them.
"A what?" Sam asks incredulously, crossing the room to stand by his brother. He looked down and saw there was, in fact, a baby. "The hell did this come from?"
"Was on the doorstep. Came with this." Dean said, handing Sam the unopened letter addressed to their father.
"It's dad's?" Sam was having a hard time digesting all this. He had to admit, his first thought was it was Dean's. "Where even is he?"
"Bar, I think. Reckon he knows about it?"
"If he knew he had another kid out there, don't ya think he would've mentioned it?"
"Yeah, 'cos Dad's a real open book." Dean replied. Sam turned the envelope over and made to open. "What're you doing? Don't do that, is addressed to Dad."
"Figured this might give us some answers. Maybe a name for the mystery baby."
Dean snatched the letter from his brother. "We ain't reading this til Dad has."
"Is Dad dating anyone?" Sam asked. "He's never mentioned anyone."
Dean shrugged a shoulder. "Doubt Dad dates. Probably a one time thing."
"And after he gave me the safe sex talk. Hypocrite." Sam said. Dean shot him a pointed look but didn't say anything. After all, Sam wasn't wrong. Dean'd received the John Winchester safe sex talk, too (an uncomfortable memory).
As if summoned, the rumble of the Impala's engine and the beams of her headlights signalled their father's arrival. The brothers exchanged a look, knowing that a mystery baby showing up on their doorstep would not go down well with John Winchester. Dean didn’t know why, but he positioned himself in front of the pram, standing between the baby and the door John would walk through. Sam copied him.
The door opened and John walked in, stepping over the salt line. He nodded his head towards his sons, locking the door and shrugging off his leather jacket. He turned around; neither Sam nor Dean had moved, or even said anything.
"What?" he asked gruffly.
"Um, so something kinda... turned up. For you." Dean started. John cocked an eyebrow.
"This ain't exactly our forwarding address. What is it and how'd it get here?" John asked, heading to the fridge for a beer.
"Well... it's..." Dean figured it was easier to just show him, so he stepped to the side and motioned for Sam to do the same.
John nearly dropped his beer. He immediately fixed his gaze on Dean.
"What did you do?" he asked. Dean sighed. Why'd everyone assume it was his?
"It's yours," Sam said bluntly, taking the letter from Dean's hand and holding it out for him. "Showed up on the doorstep with this."
This time John did drop his beer.
The bottle smashed on the floor, glass and alcohol flying everywhere. The sudden noise startled the baby awake, and they promptly burst out crying. John reached for the letter, Sam for a broom, which left Dean with the baby.
He gently lifted them out of the pram, careful of their head. The yellow blanket fell away slightly, revealing a light pink romper underneath. Presumably a girl then. A little sister. Dean rocked them gently, the way he remembers his mother doing with Sam, quietly shushing to calm her down.
In his arms, he was again struck by how small she was. He held her easily in just two hands, one under her head, the other on her back. She opened her eyes then, wide and blue like all babies, taking in the motel room around them before settling on Dean's face.
"Hello, you," he whispered, unable to keep the smile off his face. "I'm your big brother." His heart clenched in his chest as he held her.
"What's the letter say?" Sam asks, knelt on the floor to pick up the glass. John was staring intently at the letter in his hands.
"It's from her mother. Says she can't look after a baby. Too young."
"Jesus, Dad. How young?" Sam asks. Dean groans inwardly. Not the time for this, Sam.
"What the hell are you trying to ask?" John fired back. "She was early twenties. Drinking age, anyway. I don't know why the hell she'd think I'm any more capable of this than she would be. How the hell'd she even find us?" Sam and Dean both shrugged. How were they to know?
"What's her name?" Dean asked, still swaying gently back and forth.
"Amanda something. Don't really remember, to be honest. It was two nights. The sex was alright, nothing special. Didn't exchange numbers."
Sam and Dean cringed. They did not need details.
"I meant the baby, Dad." Dean replied. John at least had the decency to look a little embarrassed.
"Right, of course. Says here..." He scanned the letter. "Margaret." Dean screwed up his nose. That's an old lady name. His little sister was going to be cool, and that couldn't happen with a name like Margaret.
"That's a terrible name for a baby," Dean said aloud, looking down at her. "She doesn't look like a Margaret."
"Meg March was actually a Margaret," Sam said. John and Dean looked at him, perplexed. "Little Women? Louisa May Alcott?" More blank stares. Sam just rolled his eyes.
"Meg." Dean repeats, squinting his eyes at the baby. It fit. "Meg Winchester."
"It doesn't matter what she's called," John said. "We ain't keeping it." Dean's head snapped up.
"What?" Dean asked incredulously.
"How the hell are we going to look after a baby, Dean?" John asked. "We don't have a house, or any baby supplies. We're always on the move. We're hunters, not nannies. I spent two nights with a woman a year ago and then a baby appears. Kid's probably not even mine anyway. We'll take her to a fire station or something."
Dean couldn't believe what he was hearing. They'd managed before. Sammy had been but six months old when they started hunting, and Dean - though he tried - hadn't been able to help out as much as he could now. This baby was family. Family is everything to the Winchester's.
"Course she's yours, Dad, look at her! She's a spitting image of Sammy as a baby. Besides, Sam was a baby and we raised him on the road. You can't just abandon her." Dean cried out.
"Maybe Dad is right, Dean. She'd be better off with a family - "
"We're her family! The three of us."
"A real family, with a mom, a dad, a house. She'd be normal, Dean, safe. We can't give her any of that!" Sam replied. True, he was projecting his own dreams onto a baby, but he had a valid point, or so he thought. All Dean heard, however, was that Sam didn't believe they were a real family.
"We are a real family, Sam. Just because we don't have a white picket fence, don't mean we ain't a real family. Besides, you really want this kid growing up in the system? Anything could happen to her!"
"Anything could happen to her here, Dean! All it takes is - is a spirit, or a pissed off monster out for revenge, and she-"
"But we can protect her from that. You think some civilian family would keep her safe if a monster decided to get revenge, Sammy? You have know idea what happens in the foster system. She could be abused, or trafficked, or-"
"Enough!" John snapped loudly, startling the baby again. He couldn't hear himself think. And he did need to think, long and hard, about what was best for them, and for the baby. Sam made a good point, of course, and God knows John's not equipped to look after a baby. But Dean was right, too. Anything could happen to her out there. "Sam, get me a beer."
Sam sighed but did as he was told. John walked over to Dean, who was gently rocking the baby to settle her after John's outburst. He looked at the baby for the first time, really looked at her. Dean was right; she was a carbon copy of baby Sam. And she was cute, too. Dean, admittedly, had been a funny looking baby, especially as a newborn, a squished face and large head he eventually grew into. But this baby - Meg, he reminded himself - was sweet looking, almost doll-like, with her pouty pink lips and button nose.
He and Mary had never talked about more kids - Sam had only been a baby when she died - but he'd always imagined them having one or two more, and he'd always wanted a little girl. Mary had, too, he had no doubt.
But Mary wasn't here, and this wasn't her baby. Part of him felt guilty, as though he'd been unfaithful, despite the fact she'd been dead almost fifteen years. John thought of his own father then, Henry, who'd taken off when John was only four, leaving him and his mother on their own. Even all these years later, he still felt bitter about it - bitter and hurt. Of course it hurt, knowing your own father didn't want you and took off into the night. And that's what he was about to do to this little girl. Her mother had already bailed. John was all she had left.
John, and his boys. Sam had kept his distance, almost wary of the baby in Dean's arms, but Dean - he was whipped. That was the only word for it. He was smiling softly down at her, cooing gently to soothe her. Deep down, John knew Dean would end up doing more for this baby than he ever could. But maybe that was a good thing. Dean wouldn't make the mistakes John did. Wouldn't leave her alone like he did, leave her to raise herself.
The guilt twisted in his gut like a knife, but he knew what he had to do.
"We'll keep her. It'll be safest for her. We'll... we'll make it work somehow. We'll have to." John said, placing a large, calloused hand gently on his daughter's head. Dean looked up at him with Mary's green eyes, raw hope etched onto his face.
"Yeah?" He asked softly. John nodded once, clapping his eldest son gently on the shoulder. Sam handed him a beer, then stood on Dean's other side.
"Can I hold her?" Sam asked. Dean looked reluctant to let her go.
"Be careful. She's really small and can't hold her head up on her own yet, so make sure you support it. Don't drop her, for God's sake." Dean rambled on as he gently shifted the infant into Sam's open arms, already fretting like a mother hen. John smiled softly at his children - all three of them.
Sam smiled at the baby, rocking her gently the way Dean had. "Hi, Meg. I'm gonna be your favourite big brother." He said. Dean rolled his eyes.
"No way, Sammy. I'm already her favourite."
"That's crap, she doesn't speak, can't even smile."
"Sure she can, she smiled at me just now."
"Yeah, that was gas, Dean. She farted on you." Sam replied, and Dean's smile faltered.
"Speaking of," Dean said, changing the conversation abruptly. "We're gonna need supplies. Diapers, a car seat, formula."
John nodded, moving to the pram that Meg had turned up in. There was a bag in the basket underneath the bassinet. John leafed through it quickly. "There's some stuff here," he said, holding up a muslin cloth and some diapers. "Enough for tonight, at least. We'll find somewhere in town tomorrow that sells baby stuff. Maybe pick up a book, too."
"A baby book?" Sam asked. "Why'd you need that?"
"It's been a long time since I did any of this, Sammy. Besides, I didn't do it on my own before, I was working a lot. Your mom... your mom looked after you guys most. Did all the hard stuff." John admitted quietly. The room fell into reverent silence the way it always did when someone brought up Mary. Sam didn't point out that he'd still been a baby when she died, and John had raised him for most of life alone. It didn't seem like the time. But a book seemed overboard, in Sam's opinion. How hard could a baby be?
Only a minute or so later, Sam's question was answered. Meg began fussing in his arms, quietly at first, but getting louder despite Sam's gentle shushing and swaying. When her cries turned to wails, he looked up at his father and brother, panic in his eyes. "I think I broke her."
It was Dean that stepped forward, plucking the baby from his arms. "You didn't break her," he assured Sam. John stepped up too, looking down at the infant whose fist she was trying to squeeze into her mouth.
"See how she's sucking her hand?" John spoke quietly. "Mean's she's hungry. C'mon Sam, I'll show you how to make a bottle. If I can work it out, that is."
Sam and John stepped away to prepare the formula. Dean watched them as he swayed the baby. "It's okay, princess. Daddy and Sammy will get you some food."
Dean watched his father, usually so confident and self assured in everything he did, falter at almost every step. Checking the instructions on the formula, then checking again. Rinsing a bottle and filling it with hot water. Hands hesitant, unsure of what they were doing. Hands that could assemble a shot gun in under a minute, but seemed to tremble as he shook the bottle. Testing the temperature on his palm, his wrist, then his wrist again. He had no idea how warm it should be.
Although it was strange to see John so unsteady, Dean found it strangely... comforting. Humanising, perhaps. He pictured briefly John doing the same thing for him as a baby, the unsure hands of a first time father. Pictured his mom along side, walking him through each step.
John handed the formula to Dean. "You gonna do it?" he asked. Dean nodded. He didn't want to relinquish the baby, even though John hadn't even held her yet. Although, he'd made no move to hold her either. John talked him through it, how to hold the bottle, at what angle, as best he could remember.
Dean paced slowly around the small living space of their motel room with his sister in his arms. Sam had pulled out some homework, John writing something in his journal, beer in hand. But for Dean, it was just him and his sister in the world. Hell, his sister was his world now.
Dean Winchester was strong.
But he could feel his heart thawing out for the baby in his arms. He knew he needed to be strong for her, yet he'd never felt so weak. The fear of what could happen to her, the need to keep her safe, was almost overwhelming. Was this parenthood?
The love, too, he supposed was overwhelming. The kind that made his heart clench, made him want to fix the world for her and burn it down at the same time. The kind he'd kill and die for.
And somehow, despite everything he'd seen and done in only eighteen years, this was the scariest thing he'd encountered to date. He kept it together for her. He was strong. He had to be.
He's Dean Winchester.
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aylacavebear · 3 months ago
Soulmates? Yeah, right, pft. - Ch. 31
When you turn sixteen, and your soulmate's name doesn’t appear anywhere on your body that you can find, you figure you had to be the only person on the planet who didn’t have one. Most of the town shuns you, so you stick close to family. Your Aunt Ellen raised you after your parents died in a car crash when you were two, but what happens when the Winchesters return to town and buried secrets begin to come to light?
Pairing: Mechanic Dean Winchester x OC Reader/You
Word Count: 3380
A/N: This chapter is from several different perspectives.
Warnings: The Angst is back, Dean being Dean, navigating being an empath, suggestive thoughts, longing, Fluff, Premonition, Talk of Bonding (This is something specifically for this AU. I do not see this as a "requirement" to fully connect to someone, but for this story, it is needed).
A/N: This is my non-Supernatural fic I'm attempting. Please let me know what you think, as I always love hearing from my readers.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 31
Even though it had happened near four in the morning, neither of you could go back to sleep. The images that bombarded Dean’s mind had his nerves on edge just as badly as if he had had the nightmare himself. He must have held you for an hour before the both of you finally made your way to the kitchen for coffee, then lots of cuddles on the couch. Calling Crowley had gone far easier than you had pictured it. 
You explained the first nightmare, then the second one, adding what Pamela had told you. At first, you weren’t sure if Crowley was going to be of any help with as silent as he got on the other end of the line. Then, he said something that brought both hope and fear. “You’ve had two, both involving Cole. I’ll take care of it.” He didn’t give you more than that before he hung up.
With a sigh and a frown, you looked up at Dean, who placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “It’ll be alright,” he tried to reassure you, even with the knot in his stomach.
“It’s not fair. Why can’t they just leave me alone?” it was a question you both already knew the answer to, but neither of you wanted to speak it out loud. You were partially relieved that you didn’t know more of what was going on with Cole, but only partially.
Dean set your cup and his on the coffee table before he pulled you into full-on cuddles on the couch, something you both needed. There was so much he wanted to say, but none of the words that went through his head seemed right. The last thing he wanted to do was brush off what you were going through. —------------------------------
Crowley had spoken to Pamela the day you had visited her. Now, he was sitting in one of his studies, leaning back in the chair and sipping his drink. The computer in front of him was on, but his gaze was elsewhere. Cole had been released only a day ago. There wasn’t enough against him to hold or charge him with anything. Abaddon had made sure of that.
He was currently debating how he wanted to deal with this. It wasn’t like the authorities did anything in a timely manner, and Crowley hated red tape. “Sir, Mr. Winchester is here,” the butler stated, standing in the doorway.
“Show him in,” Crowley sighed. With Meg staying in Sioux Falls, he was down one of his best helpers. He knew Ketch could easily handle this job, but that was far riskier. Ketch had a tendency to enjoy his work far too… deeply.
After Dean’s phone call almost a week ago, Sam had been trying to help Crowley find a way to keep Cole locked up. That had led from one dead end to another. Since Cole hadn’t left any sort of paper trail, there was literally no evidence that he was anything more than a victim of what his father had started over twenty years ago.
“Alright, Crowley. What the hell is going on?” Sam demanded as he burst into the study past the butler, who hadn’t even had the opportunity to announce him.
“Nice to see you too, Moose,” Crowley muttered before sitting up. “She’s had another premonition, and Pamela confirmed it.” The bombshell hit Sam hard, causing him to sit in one of the chairs as his mind began racing. “Where’s Cole now?”
“According to my informants, he’s in Madison. His jeep is parked outside a Super Eight motel off Second Street. I’ve already confirmed that he’s there, room seven,” Crowley replied, still figuring out how he wanted to proceed and the repercussions of his options.
All Sam could do was stare at Crowley in utter disbelief. Cole’s location was only an hour from Sioux Falls. The silence stretched between the two, neither ready to speak the things circling their thoughts. “Coffee, Mr. Winchester?” the butler asked from the doorway, pulling Sam from his thoughts.
“Uh, yeah,” he answered absentmindedly, then turned back to Crowley. “So, what are you doing to stop him?”
Crowley looked over at Sam, debating just what information to share and what to keep to himself, then leaned back in his chair. “I’ve already alerted the main office here. They said they would take care of it, but I don’t trust them.” He paused, taking a sip of his drink, studying Sam. “I contacted a few other places, to speed things up. Ketch will be flying out in a few hours.” Sam didn’t have to ask who Crowley contacted. There was an intricate system in place for those who had premonitions, and Pamela was well-known within that system. Ketch had already packed, and he was waiting to board his flight. His assignment was simple: follow Cole and keep Y/N and Dean safe.
“Then why am I here? You could have told me all this over the phone,” Sam finally asked Crowley, quite bluntly as the butler returned with his coffee.
For a moment, Crowley let the silence stretch between them as the tension built in the small room. It was cases like this that got to him, even if he never let it show. He had a reputation to uphold. “Pamela wanted me to pass on a message. Don’t go to Sioux Falls till after your brother’s birthday.” With a sigh, Sam leaned back in the chair. He knew what that meant. Pamela had seen something, and had been cryptic on purpose. Running a hand down his face, he sighed, lost in thought. This was supposed to have been easy. Cole was supposed to go down with his father and grandfather, but Abaddon had found enough of a loophole and gotten him released. Now, you and Dean were in danger, again. “I’ll reschedule my flight,” Sam finally mumbled out before heading for the door. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.
“It’ll be taken care of, one way or another,” Crowley muttered, causing Sam to pause for a brief moment before leaving. 
When the plane touched down at the Sioux Falls airport, Ketch was attempting to stay patient. Flights always took far too long, but they were faster than driving, and right now, time was of the essence. He had wanted to follow Cole the moment he’d been released, but Crowley had forbidden it. 
Going through the airport, he paid no attention to the people passing by, living their lives in their own bubbles. Ketch was focused on his current assignment, bag slung over his shoulder. It was already early afternoon, and he still had driving to do. At least his contact was parked outside in a relatively inconspicuous black car. Ketch didn’t even bother noting its make or model as he placed his bag in the trunk and then slid into the passenger seat.
“Your rental is already at the motel, waiting,” Mick began before popping the glovebox and handing him several items. “That’s your new ID-” but Ketch cut him off.
“Just drive, Mick. I don’t have time for this. I know the drill,” Ketch’s words were pointed, taking the papers and giving them a quick once over before slipping them into the inner pocket of his suit.
Mick was more talkative than Ketch preferred, wanting to make small talk. Ketch’s focus was on his next ten moves, like in chess, letting his thoughts drown out Mick’s voice on the nearly forty-five-minute drive to his motel. He didn’t need anything fancy. He was there for an assignment, and the less conspicuous his accommodations were, the better.
A slight smirk formed when he saw the motorcycle parked in the lot outside the motel. It would serve his purpose perfectly, allowing him to go off-road if he needed to in order to follow Cole. Even as Ketch got out of the car, Mick was still talking, something about a tracking device on Cole’s Jeep. “I’m aware,” was all the reply he gave, closing the door and grabbing his bag out of the trunk. Mick sighed, then held out the key to Ketch’s room. “I think you’ll need this.”
Ketch gave him an annoyed look, grabbed the key from Mick’s hand, and went to his motel room, ignoring Mick’s amusement. The motel room was basic, but Ketch wasn’t concerned with creature comforts. He had a job to do. 
The sounds of engines came and went outside with the traffic, but his focus was on his laptop, now watching as the tracker made its way along a backroad toward Sioux Falls. With the roads Cole was choosing, Ketch made a projected route to your house. About two more hours. He glanced over at his bag as he leaned back in his chair. Time to go.
His focus was on his assignment as he made his way through town. The chill of January not bothering him through the layers of clothing he had adorned before heading out. Ketch didn’t go directly to your home. He pulled off the side of the road, heading into the forested area. This was a stealth mission. Once his bike was hidden well, he went back, covering his tracks, his tactical bag slung over his shoulder. It was well past noon, nearly evening, and the sun would be setting soon. Good. The night would be his friend. Ketch weaved through the forest toward your home, the only sound was the crunching of the leaves under his feet and the occasional bird. The trees had already lost their leaves, making the area look desolate. 
Ketch stopped just inside the treeline and pulled out his phone. Cole wasn’t far now. He turned off his phone after setting it to silent, then slipped it into one of his pockets and zipped it shut. This way, even a simple notification wouldn’t give him away. Ketch took in the area, needing to find not only a decent location to keep an eye on Cole but also a place he could easily slip inside your home if need be. 
The shed in the back was a no-go, as it was too far away from the front, and he wouldn’t have a clear line of site. The tree line was too far away, and it would take too long to get to one of the doors if Cole went inside. Ketch let his gaze fall on your home. The roof was typical for places with snow, and it clearly had an attic. Crossing the distance in quick strides, he listened carefully to the sounds that seemed to echo in the area. So far, though, no indication that Cole’s Jeep was nearby. Using your porch, he climbed up on the roof with ease, using skills he’d perfected over the years. Ketch carefully inspected the roof, finding two different ways inside if he needed to. One of those was your bedroom window, which he could easily slip down to.
Ketch crouched down, watching your driveway as the early moments of twilight set in. With you living outside the city, he could hear things for what felt like miles as they echoed off the sleeping forest. It wasn’t long after that when an engine rumbled in the distance. Ketch lifted his head slowly in the direction of the sound. It was coming from the opposite direction he had taken. Clever.
Setting his tactical bag down in front of him, he opened it, then went through the motions he’d done hundreds of times as he assembled the sniper rifle. It was only a precaution. His sidearm was what he knew he’d probably end up using. Ketch stowed the empty bag near the chimney before nestling himself behind it, watching the driveway that weaved through the forest.
Dean had heard the alarm go off, quickly making his way to the security room before you and sliding into the seat. Just as you were about to join him, having only made it to the doorway, he got right back up and blocked you from going further. “Let’s just go watch another movie,” he suggested, wanting to shield you from what was taking place outside.
You could feel that he was hiding something, his worry trickling through the connection between you. “What are you hiding from me?” It was a simple question, but your fears were creeping in again.
He sighed and pulled you into his arms. “Please, Sweetheart. Can we just go watch a movie and cuddle?” Dean asked again, and even though his tone was soft, you felt the plea within his words. 
Reluctantly, you gave in, even with that nagging fear, and let him guide you back into the living room. It had already been a long day after the nightmare you’d had, and now Ketch was here, on the roof. Dean knew that could only mean one thing- Cole was on his way. Trying to push his thoughts away, he focused on the movies, needing one that would completely distract you and him from everything. Batteries Not Included it is.
Dean steadied his emotions as he slipped the VHS into the player and joined you on the couch. You kept trying to feel what he was trying to hide, but he was doing a far better job of it than you cared to admit. Something was going on, and whatever it was, he knew. Even as the movie began playing and you snuggled against him with him holding you close, he felt… off. 
I wish you’d just tell me.
Please. Just be here with me, in this moment.
As those words whispered through your mind, that knot returned to your stomach, the fear that never seemed to truly leave you. Dean felt it, twisting his insides. Relax. We’re safe. There’s nothing to be afraid of. It took everything in him to calm his stomach, letting out several shaky breaths. You wanted to apologize but didn’t, remembering what he’d asked of you in the beginning. So, instead, you focused on the movie, on being in his arms, and how his heartbeat finally evened out in a steady rhythm. That finally allowed Dean to relax, just not all the way. He didn’t need to be in the loop to know what was going on. Cole was on his way there, for you, and Ketch had been sent to stop him. Which also meant that the authorities that were supposed to take care of this, hadn’t moved fast enough. Or, they simply hadn’t thought it was a high priority.
You allowed the movie to completely distract you, remembering how Pamela had told you that you let fear run your life. Even if it was hard, you’d been trying to push past it, to truly hope for a normal life with Dean. His presence steadied you. His embrace comforted you. And halfway through the movie, you were finally able to let go of the fear that had gripped you earlier. 
Ketch watched as Cole parked twenty feet from your porch, then sat in his Jeep after turning everything off. Cole’s movements inside the Jeep were easy to watch with the overhead light on inside. He has a handgun. Ketch cocked the sniper rifle but knew he would need a damn good reason to use it. For now, neither of you were in direct harm. He watched Cole slip on a bulletproof vest, then a heavy jacket, and double-checked his gun, keeping it in hand.
Just as Cole stepped out of his Jeep, Ketch heard the sound of several vehicles in the near distance, pulling his attention to the darkness beyond the Jeep. Six sets of lights were rabidly approaching down your winding driveway. He quickly looked through the scope, keeping it trained on Cole. The moment Cole went to move back to his Jeep, Ketch fired a warning shot at the ground, effectively keeping him from going further.
Cole glared up toward the roof of your home, making Ketch smirk. He would have happily shot him, but now he wouldn’t have to. The six vehicles surrounded the Jeep and Cole before over a dozen people quickly got out with weapons drawn.
“Cole Vaught, put the gun down and put your hands behind your head,” one of the men barked the order at him. 
He did as they told him, knowing they’d shoot him without a second's hesitation. Ketch just smirked at Cole’s predicament but kept the sniper rifle trained over the man’s face. Four men rushed Cole while another retrieved his gun. With Cole in handcuffs, they hauled him toward one of the vehicles, and Ketch watched as he disappeared into the back seat. 
Ketch stayed there on your roof, even after they had driven away, one of them driving Cole’s Jeep. Silence had fallen on the area again before he disassembled his rifle and placed it back into his bag. With a disappointed sigh, he pulled out his phone, “Looks like they weren’t completely incompetent. Cole has been taken into custody.”
“Stay there for a few days, just in case. I don’t trust those people,” the voice on the other end replied before hanging up.
He had no plans of staying on your roof all night, so he made his way back to his bike and then back to the motel, already planning his next moves off of numerous possibilities. He had one job, to keep you and Dean safe.
The following day, you woke to those beautiful green orbs watching you, pulling a smile to your lips. “Morning, beautiful,” he said softly, leaning down, placing a tender kiss to your forehead.
“Mmmm…” you hummed, snuggling a little closer to him. “How long have you been awake?” you asked sleepily, enjoying the warmth of his body and the comfort of his embrace.
“Not long,” he murmured, letting his hand slide down your back before finding your hip.
You tried not to let your mind wander, but his hands always felt so inviting, and he had always been so considerate that it was getting harder and harder not to let go. “Tease,” you mumbled, a bit playfully.
Dean loved mornings like this, when you were completely relaxed, and the weight of everything was far from your thoughts. You were playful, receptive, and the love in your eyes when they met his had his heart racing. That smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, tightening his grip on your hip just a little before he pulled you flush against him.
“And that’s all I’ll be, till you’re ready,” he teased before kissing you. 
When his lips met yours, you closed your eyes, getting lost in the way your emotions danced with his. You set your hand on his side, taking a deep breath through your nose, but allowed yourself to let go of everything but what you felt at that moment. His lips teased yours, occasionally letting his tongue taste you, and you didn’t pull away. He stifled a groan when you reciprocated his movements, and he shifted his body so he was lying more on his side as you let him lie you more on your back. The feeling of safety enveloped you like a warm blanket. These were the moments you wanted just to let go in, but the outside world always seemed to interfere as your phone began ringing on the nightstand.
You groaned, loudly at the interruption while Dean just sighed, lying back and staring at the ceiling, attempting to hide his frustration. It was a number you didn’t recognize but answered it anyway; it could be important.
“Hello?” you asked, sitting up in bed.
“Y/N, I know you’ve been told not to leave your home for at least four more days. Cole is in our holding facility. He’ll be transferred to the main security hold this afternoon. I’d like to meet with you today. Would it be okay if I came by?” the woman with a southern accent explained as your anxiety spiked.
“Who is this?” was all you could get out while Dean quickly shifted in the bed so he was now sitting up and as close to you as he could get.
The woman let out a sigh, “I’m Missouri. We need to meet. Pamela gave me your number.”
----------------------------------------- Chapter 32
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@whimsyfinny @ladysparkles78 @aaathazagoraphobiaaa @hobby27 @perpetualabsurdity
@cicibunbuns @n-o-p-e-never @vanessa-boo @foxyjwls007 @uoberpmollah
@xolivvies-cornerxo @certainsaladstarfish @kdadss @bitchykittenconnoisseur @reignsboy19
@bonbonnie88 @ghostieghoul711 @flamencodiva @kayleezee @stillhere197
@lexasaurs634 @enamoredwithbella @winchester-whiskey @brandinicole911
@megs-gadom @dianawinchester03 @nikimisery @cheekygirl2309 @ashleybutler
@deans-baby-momma @bobbdylan @tommysaxes @likedbygaslyy
If I missed tagging, please let me know. I had a lot of requests for tags for this one. If you'd like to be tagged, drop me a comment.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 1 year ago
Be Here
Sam and Dean Winchester x little sister!reader, mentions of Joe x bestie!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: You go crazy for revenge after the death of your best friend Joe.
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“Has she said anything to you?”
“If she had, I would’ve told you.”
“I don’t get it, Sam. She wants to find Meg, but she won’t let us help her.”
“I think she’ll let us help as long as we don’t try to talk to her.”
“I’m right here, you know.” Both brothers turned in surprise at your voice to see you sitting on the bed, your headphones removed from your head.
“Well you haven’t taken those off in days,” Dean said, pointing to your headphones. “So…”
You rolled your eyes and started to put the headphones back on.
“Wait!” Sam stepped forwards. “C’mon, this is the first time you’ve said anything in days. We’re sorry, it’s just…we’ve been kind of worried.”
“Well, I’m fine,” you sighed. “Just busy.”
“What exactly are you trying to research?” Dean asked, trying to get a look at your laptop.
“A way to track Meg down.”
“Don’t you think maybe Lucifer is the priority here?” Sam asked gently.
“Yeah, right. You get him, I’m going to get the demon that killed Joe and Ellen.”
“Dean, you won’t change my mind, so stop wasting time trying.”
Dean was taken aback by the harshness of your tone, but he didn’t say anything. This was the first time you’d spoken since Ellen and Joe died, he wasn’t about to discourage that.
“Ok then,” he sighed. “We’ll look for Lucifer. Let us know if you find anything.”
You didn’t respond
“I won’t work with him anymore. He shouldn’t even be breathing.”
“Kid, I know it’s not ideal—“
“Ideal?” You scoffed at Dean. “He’s the reason Joe and Ellen are dead! It was Crowley’s stupid plan and that stupid colt that got them killed, and now you want to—“
“We don’t want to work with him,” Sam interrupted. “But we’re running out of options. We have to get rid of Lucifer.”
“And what about Meg?” You asked. “Or did you guys forget that she’s the one who sent those hell hounds after us?”
“One enemy at a time, kid,” Dean replied.
“No,” you shook your head. “No, that’s not good enough. We have to kill her, I-I can’t—“
Sam put a hand on your shoulder when your voice cracked, but you shrugged him off. You took a deep breath, and Sam could see you blinking back the tears that you’d managed to hold off with weeks of revenge-seeking. He persisted, placing both hands on your shoulders and kneeling down to meet your eye.
“Honey, you’ve gotta listen to us. This revenge, it…it’s not gonna take away the pain you’re feeling.”
You finally met his eye, and Sam’s heart ached for you when he saw the pain behind your eyes.
“Then what will?” Far from the harsh, confident tone that you’d managed to keep up over the past few days, your voice was now small and vulnerable as you stared up at your big brother, searching for an answer he didn’t have.
“Nothing.” You turned to look at Dean when he spoke. “There’s no magic recipe to just take it all away, kid. But if you let us, then we can try and help make it better. Keeping it all inside, not letting us help you…it’s not good. You aren’t better off alone.”
“I-I can’t…” you couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, and once they began to fall you struggled to speak. “I can’t talk about it. It’s hurts too much.”
When Dean stepped forwards and put his arms around you, any pretense, every wall, it all came down instantly.
He held you up when your legs gave out under you, and he cradled your head against his chest as you sobbed.
“I know,” he whispered, blinking back his own tears. “I know it hurts, kiddo.”
“You don’t have to talk about it,” Sam said as he stepped closer and put his hand on your shoulder. “Just let us be here, ok?”
You couldn’t speak, but Sam’s lips lifted in a relieved smile when you nodded.
“We’re gonna be here for you, kiddo,” Dean promised. “We’re always gonna be here.”
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hannahwatcheshorror · 2 months ago
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e1- Pilot- The brothers are back together because dad is missing. They hunt a Lady in White before Sam's girlfriend Jess gets the Winchester Woman Special. (🔥)
e2- Wendigo- It's Wendigo season at Blackwater Ridge (like it is every 23 years) and the boys need to Winchester Woman Special him good. (🔥)
e3- Dead in the Water- A drowned boy causes trouble for lake town by drowning off family members of the folks who killed him. Dean gets a kid sidekick and a smooch from a MILF!
e4-  Phantom Traveler- Demon on a plane! Dean faces his fear of flying so the boys can face their first demon!
e5- Bloody Mary- Bloody Mary goes after secret murderers before the boys give her a taste of her own medicine! Sam misses Jess.
e6- Skin- A Skinwalker takes on Dean's appearance when Sam goes back to visit some old college friends! Always kill your double!
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e7- Hook Man- Preacher's daughter with insane Christian guilt accidently commands a hook-handed spirit to kill. The boys sort it out sorority style.
e8- Bugs- The boys are bugged by insected when some realtors build on cursed land. But they bring a family closer together!
e9- Home- Homeward bound to see their own lady on fire (mama dearest) who saves their hydes from a poltergeist! They just miss papa, John, though.
e10- Asylum- Helpful spirits in an asylum freak everyone out while trying to keep a creepy surgeon's evil spirit at bay. Ends with a call from Dad?
e11- Scarecrow- Super spooky scarecrow is a pagan God killing couples for a good harvest and the town loves it! (Wack) Sam splits off momentarily to find Dad but instead meets Meg (a demon!).
e12- Faith- Rita from Dexter and a Reaper! Oh my! A faith healer is swindled by his own wife in this one and Dean is saved in more ways than one.
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e13- Route 666- The boys take care of a racist truck driving spirit in this episode! Dean hooks up with an old girlfriend he used to love.
e14- Nightmare- A telekinetic kills his abusive family then himself as Sammy's premonitions get more intense. Sam also moves something with his mind!
e15- The Benders- Humans kidnap Sam then attempt to hunt the boys for sport when this messed up family crosses paths with our boys.
e16- Shadow- Meg the demon tricks the boys into inviting their father to Daeva country. They agree they ought to split up again for safety and to find the demon that killed their mom and Jess.
e17-  Hell House- A Tibetan thought form, or Tulpa, becomes a problem for the fellas when everyone believes different things about the thing!
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e18- Something Wicked- A Shtriga (child eating witch) is terrorizing the kids in a town by playing doctor and Dean goes all super brother!
e19- Provenance- Bust out your best suits, it's auction time when an expensive painting hosts the ghost of a child who keeps killing whoever owns it.
e20- Dead Man’s Blood- Vampires are real and they killed a hunter so now Papa John is back and the boys are so happy! They also get The Colt, a gun that can kill pretty much anything supernatural.
e21- Salvation- The Winchesters have a trace on the demon that killed their mom and Jess but Meg splits them up and makes John go find her while the boys save another family from flames. John is captured in our first to be continued episode!
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e22- Devil’s Trap- The boys meet up with Bobby for some help and are able to exorcise Meg back to hell. They also learn how to make demon traps! They find John but he is possessed by the yellow eyed demon (the one who killed their mom and Jess) and the boys face a tough choice but ultimately let the demon go so their dad could live. Ends with a cliffhanger of the Winchesters being hit by a big truck! Dun dun dun!
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hopefulromances · 2 years ago
Dude first of can I say I bloody love your writing second of all I just read that piece of reader and Jamie watching finding nemo and I had an idea. What if Jamie is watching when Harry met Sally for movie night with the team and it literally gives him the biggest mindblown lightbulb moment that he’s in love with the reader aka his best friend of over 10 years. The ending of it always makes me cry.
This is crazy did you read my other drabble where Jamie and reader watch when Harry Met Sally (I love that movie) But I LOVE THIS idea.
The boys filed into the rec room, the chairs already set up for the boys to be able to watch whatever movie Ted picked out for tonight. You were in there, finishing setting up the projector cause lord knows that if you didn't do it Ted would never be able to figure it out.
"And there!" You finished, throwing your hands up in success. "All you have to do is press play."
"Well, now, thank you (Y/N), you've been a big help," Ted grinned. "Alright now, folks! Let's file in, get your seat we're gonna get started soon!"
"(Y/N)!" Jamie called over to you. You looked over at him and smiled and Jamie's heart about stopped. Sure he was in love with you. You were brilliant. But it wasn't like he would ever say anything and ruin the friendship you had. "Over here."
"Sorry, Jamie, I got work to do, won't be able to stay tonight," you told him walking towards the door. "But I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"
You walked out of the door. Some of the team pat him on the shoulder sympathetically as they walked by. Was it really that. obvious? How could you not see it?
Jamie elected to slump down next to Sam and Isaac instead, unable to keep the pout off his face.
"It is alright, Jamie," Sam comforted, nudging him. "She's just busy tonight."
"Yeah! Anyone with eyes can see she's into you," Isaac agreed.
"Thanks, lads, but I think it's hopeless," Jamie grumbled.
"Alright, greyhounds, now!" Ted clapped his hands getting the attention up at the front. "Tonight we're watching a movie about friendship, and love, and how friendship and love walk a very dangerous line. But all you need is that one push to spill your guts."
"Fucks sake," Jamie muttered, adjusting his seat.
"And without further ado, When Harry met Sally!" Ted scurried out from in front of the projector. Jamie rolled his eyes and settled in for another rom com that he didn't enjoy because all he could think about is (Y/N),
But what surprised him was how great the movie was. The writing, the flirting, it was all so comparable to his own life. By the end of it, he was leaning forward in his seat as Billy Crystal rushed down the streets of New York to find Meg Ryan.
"I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
Jamie felt him mind racing as he listened to that line. He thought about you and the butterflies that followed him around whenever you were near. The smile that lit up the room. The laugh that could save lives. He wanted to be with you and he wanted to be with you right now.
Just as the lights turned on, Jamie shot up out of his chair and raced out of the room. The rest of the boys cheered as he did.
Ted turned to Beard. "I reckon you owe me 10 pounds."
Meanwhile, Jamie was rushing to your room. When he arrived, he knocked fiercely on the door, not letting up until you opened it.
"Jamie? What on earth-"
"I love you," he blurted out. You eyes widened, trying to take in what he was saying. "I love you. Like I love the way you smile, I love the way you talk, I love the way you always seem to know what I want for lunch even though I don't know what I want for lunch."
"Jamie wha-"
"I love you," He repeated. "You know my hair dye brand, you know that I like the temperature in my house to be 18 degrees. Not 20, not 15, 18 degrees. I love you (Y/N)."
You were speechless. You couldn't form a thought into a word if you wanted to. You just looked back and forth between Jamie's eyes trying to decipher if this was a joke.
"(Y/N), I love you and when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you-"
"Want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible..." You finished the quote, smiling softly.
"I know this is sudden, and whatever, but I just... I need you to know."
"Will you kiss me now?"
"God, yes."
And he did. He kissed you. He kissed you quite a lot actually.
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soft-pine · 3 months ago
spn20rewatch 1.22 devil's trap
okay i have to admit i'm feeling a little self-conscious about all the john analysis. cause like there is so much going on in season 1, so many things to learn, so many dynamics to unpack! but to be honest dean studies and piecing together pre-series dean and dean & john's relationship takes up so much of my headspace. but i guess if you're still hanging around here you must know that....
so let's dive in! first off, BOBBY! hello! i love his introduction here as the place dean runs to when he's out of all other options and i love that theme will carry us through so many future seasons!
given the context we gain from 7.10, there is something so layered about bobby having had to shoot his own dad, having babysat sam and dean as kids and fought with john about their treatment, and having threatened to shoot john. paired with dean aiming the colt at john at the end of the ep - but not because his dad is being too cruel but too kind.
anyway, I was really struck this go-round by how much dean is not motivated by revenge. like we saw that in the contrast in 1.21 when sam wanted to run back into the house to kill azazel even if would kill him and dean stopped him. dean later says, "if hunting this demon means getting yourself killed then I hope we never find the damn thing." in 1.22, that's repeated with added layers:
Dean: Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can’t wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? I’m gonna be the one to bury you. You’re selfish, you know that? You don’t care about anything but revenge.
of course this all sets up sam's choice at the end of the episode - kill john and azazel together or let azazel escape.
but like... did you know... dean does everything for love?
he helps exorcise meg, he unties her and gently lays her on the floor, he tries to find out where john is, he shoots the demon attacking sam, he helps support his injured father's weight, and it's all for love.
"I swear to God, I will march into hell myself and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of bitches" (oh god girl don't say that.) and it's for love
"I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up" and it was for love. (sam says "you never told me that"... hon, he doesn't tell you all that much)
"Everything stops until we get him back, you understand me? Everything." and it's for love.
it's interesting that sam (and john) is put in a scenario which puts his desire for revenge to the test against his desire for his family to be safe and it's a question.
but there's no scenario dean can be put in where it would even be a choice. even though he knows john will be pissed at him for bringing the colt and using a bullet, he just can't watch sam die. even though he knows down to his bones that john's possessed, he just can't shoot him. and it's for love!
of course this is what azazel plays on in his creepily-close (we'll see that again in 4.03) speech to dean.
You know, you fight and you fight for this family, but the truth is they don’t need you. Not like you need them. Sam – he’s clearly John’s favorite. Even when they fight, it’s more concern than he’s ever shown you.
honestly there's not much i could say about that scene that hasn't been said - and better. like i'm constantly thinking about that post that's like, they should have had dean start to get pushed up the wall to mirror mary (i've lost the link rn!!) but i mean he's already got the bloody torso...
it fits again within the pattern of dean trying to distract the villain from sam by mouthing off. "Listen, you mind just getting this over with, huh? Cause I really can’t stand the monologuing," he says as azazel fawns over sam. and it works. and he nearly kills dean.
there's something in the way dean is watching and articulating his worry about john and sam throwing their lives away for revenge and how he keeps trying to hold them back from that and yet he loves them so much he's the one who ends up almost dying. the ultimate "things [he's] willing to... kill" being himself.
i'm holding myself back from getting more into dean's anger with john until next time (2.01) but there is something so delicious to me about him both being ready to die for john and also yelling, "I don't care what Dad wants." as i've been saying, there have been cracks in the questionless loyalty all season. soon it will be irreparably damaged. but the love, oh, the love is still there.
but oh i cannot resist the little hint. dean, dying and bloody in the backseat listening to john yelling at sam that killing the demon comes first, "before everything."
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oh look at those eyes....
speaking of, dean is so babygirl in this ep!
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persepinas · 5 months ago
It's that time of the year again. That time when things get a little colder, a little spookier, a little sexier, and a little more dangerous.
The @vampirefest kinktober event has begun!
For the first day of kinktober, I am sharing a playlist to set the vibe for my contributions for the rest of the month. I have many fics planned to share, and I can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with, from art to fics to edits.
And so, I must ask, is somebody gonna match my freak? Preferably some vampires?
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01- Christabelle Marbun - salvation
Let my hands be your chapel
Treat my screams like your Bible
02- Chappell Roan - bad for you
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Oh, forgive me, for I love being bad for you
03- Hozier - talk
Imagine being loved by me
04- Sabrina Carpenter - taste
You'll just have to taste me when he's kissin' you
05- Blondshell - olympus
I'd still kill for you
I'd die to spend the night at your belonging
06- Zolita - bloodstream
When I say I love you
I really mean
Is I wanna be in your bloodstream
07- Beabadoobee - take a bite
It gets harder to breathe
But I take it and I want it and I love when it bleeds
'Cause I'm craving expectations
That are unattainable temptations
08- Gracie Abrams - close to you
And now your mouth is moving, cinematic timing
You pull me in and touch my neck, and now I'm dying
09- Taylor Swift - down bad
"Fuck it if I can't have him"
10- Wet Leg - wet dream
You climb onto the bonnet
And you're licking the windscreen
I've never seen anything so obscene
11- Artemas - i like the way you kiss me
I like the way you kiss me, I can tell you miss me
I can tell it hits, hits, hits, hits
Not tryna be romantic, I'll hit it from the back
Just so you don't get attached (yes, yes, yes)
12- Hozier - too sweet
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake?
Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
If you're drunk on life, babe, I think it's great
13- Elle Lexxa - lucifer
Will you let me play the victim and make me your addiction?
14- Suki Waterhouse - to love
Is there a space somewhere in your world that was always for me?
And was it your face at the back of my mind haunting my dreams?
15- Meg Smith - jesus christ in a mini skirt
I'm sinking in a sea, I swore I'd walk on
I'm trying to be someone you'd want
16- girl in red - I'll call you mine
Break me down
And I'll call you mine
17- Kerli - alchemise
Oh, make me precious
Cast circles, round me out
Burn 'til I purify, baby
'Til there is only love
18- Troye Sivan - bite
I can be the subject of your dreams
Your sickening desire
Don't you wanna see a man up close
A phoenix in the fire
19- Shana Falana - stripped
You're breathing in fumes, I taste when we kiss
20- Foxes - devil side
I can't lie
But I do miss those times
We were on the high
21- Tate McRae - greedy
I see you eyein' me down, but you'll never know much past my name
22- Sam Short - aphrodite
I don't wanna be loved, I just wanna get fucked
I don't wanna get hurt, I just wanna get some
So use your hands to touch my body
Use your words to say you want me
23- Depeche Mode - it's no good
When will you realize?
Do we have to wait 'til our worlds collide?
24- Loveless - middle of the night
I fill you up, drink from my cup
Within me lies what you really want
25- Underground - fantasize
I  fantasize about it all the time, If you were mine
I'd give this pussy to you, nine-to-five, five-to-nine
26- Zolita - bedspell
When I get off tonight
I know that I'll be under you
In this bedspell
27- Magdalena Bay - killshot
Oh god
Can you make my heart stop
Hit me with your kill shot baby
I mean it so serious
28- Halestorm - i get off
You could say I am different
And maybe I'm a freak
But I know how to twist ya
To bring you to your knees
29- Rihanna - love on the brain
Oh, and baby I'm fist fighting with fire
Just to get close to you
Can we burn something, babe?
And I run for miles just to get a taste
30- Beyonce - all up in your mind
My eyes, yeah, I really like your smile
It stops the time, yeah, I'll stay here for a while
31- MARINA - power & control
Power and control
I'm gonna make you fall
🩸Listen here. 🩸
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heartthrobin · 2 years ago
making merry, oh my little fairy (2)
sam winchester x fairy!reader
wc: 5.3k
warnings: soulmate!au (partners share scars), fem!reader, implied age gap (reader is early 20's), hella pining, tooth-rotting fluff, destiel is canon, town being mean to reader, some shaky police jargon, references to thick reader (everyone cheered) but can be ignored, dean being dean, canon-typical warnings (child kidnapping, violence ect.)
an: part 2 of my little fairy series! it's been sitting in my drafts for weeks and part 1 was pretty unpopular so i've been hesitant to post it but then i realized i write for myself and not for recognition! so enjoyyyyy. remember to comment and repost to support your favourite writers :)
summary: you flew around Sam's mind with your pretty little wings all night and all day, it doesn't help that you're popping up around every corner of this case. he's trying not to think about it.
part one part three part four
They'd sat in the car parked out front maybe longer than they should have. Sam noticed you peak through the curtain at the twenty minute mark, he only noticed because he could feel your curious gaze.
It disturbed him enough to allow Dean to fly down the neighbourhood road noisily at too many miles an hour.
Naturally, sleep became a stranger.
Dean was long passed out on the questionably lumpy motel bed and Sam was still at the desk. The white light off his laptop made his eyes itch.
A dryad is a tree nymph, commonly inhabiting oak trees, and generally born into the form of beautiful women. Many dryads were considered to be originally human or children of the nature Gods and it is widely believed that they take on the physical characteristics of the trees they protect.
Your eyes returned to him again, if not for the hundredth time that day. The way the greenery reflected off of them at him. The strength of your legs, how they were wide and grounding like the tree that engulfed your house. Your movements, your walk, how you floated like how the leaves shivered in the forest beyond your garden walls.
Sam had given considerable thought to his soulmate, as most people did.
He was turning thirty-one in a few months time and it had occurred to him that maybe you were on the other side of the world. Maybe you were dead. But people had warned him that he'd know if that were true. He'd feel it, like a gaping wound in his soul.
Castiel had appeared to Dean in a flash of light. In a heroic swoop of love, and Sam thought maybe that could happen to him too.
His thumb was warm where it ran over the scar down his arm.
He wondered if you thought the same.
If you dreamed of his arrival the way he'd dreamed of yours.
It was a silly thing, to dream of meeting your true love. Far too trivial in the life of someone like Sam Winchester when the fate of the world, of good versus evil and heaven versus hell was always in the palm of his hand.
But your figure was burned into his corneas like a blinding torch.
It scared him. Not an easy feat for the man who'd seen it all.
Sam had asked Dean a few years back.
Can someone live without their soulmate?
Dean had shrugged. "Sure, plenty of people do."
Sam had sunk back another sip of his beer at the time, they were somewhere in Florida.
"What if they'd already met them? Can they decide that they don't want to be with them?"
Dean chuckled at that. "I doubt that works out very often."
It was already long after Dean had met Castiel. Long after he'd survived his "my soulmate is an angel and a man what the fuck--" stage.
"What makes you say that? I'm sure some people have a strong enough willpower."
Dean had answered him by referencing some movie, one that Sam knew he loved and it took a bit of pestering for Dean to admit he knew the quote by heart.
He'd blushed nearly red and shrugged, accompanying it by another long slug of his beer.
"It's like at the end of the movie--" When Harry Met Sally, specifically, "When they're at that New Years party and Billy Crystal goes up to Meg Ryan and gives that whole speech, and he says that line."
Sam was grinning by then. "What line?"
Like he hadn't seen the movie enough times to know.
"You know, he when says ... when you realise you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible."
Sam had long made peace with the fact that even if you did ever come around, that it would be better to leave you be. To leave you in the safety of a life different to his own.
At least he had.
In the slim hours since leaving your doorstep he'd found himself choking over the thought of never seeing you again. Of his eyes never laying again on your face that gazed so happily up into his own, like you felt his warmth in a cold winter.
He was plagued, possessed, by the thought of never knowing more.
Never knowing the way you liked your tea, how you looked first thing in the morning, or worse, how your lips would feel slow and warm against his own.
He wanted to know your favourite song, and your worst fear. He wanted to know where you came from, how you found Fernglade, Washington. What's your favourite book, do you like to read? Would you like it if he read to you instead? Maybe you would, you'd be tucked against his side in bed and he'd tell you about his favourites. His favourite movies and the way he drinks his coffee and the shampoo he used. Maybe you'd play with his hair, braiding little flowers into the ends--
Sam groaned. His face fell into his hands.
This wasn't supposed to be happening. Not now.
But he supposed there would never be an adequate time for your arrival.
And god, you weren't even human.
Cross species soulmates weren't impossible - improbable, sure (about as much as being hit by lightening) - but not impossible.
It was only Sam's luck, the Winchester's luck, that they'd both been struck.
Castiel was an angel, but the concept seemed to fade off Dean quickly at the time.
Dean himself had been little help on the matter during the blurry drive back to the motel. "Hey. I mean, all things considered, fairy sex must be crazy."
Sam closed the tab on Dryads: A Modern Day Delve into Greek Mythology. Another page blinked up at him.
When the sun was still setting and Dean was still seated across from him, he had managed to do some work.
It distracted him, barely, but he managed to somewhat narrow the list of potential suspects.
The filters helped. Creatures that steal children. Creatures that live in the woods.
In all the webpages and in some text from John's journal he'd found a common thread. A thinly veiled one, but a lead regardless.
Goblins are generally found living in communities in burrows of forests across Western America. They are known to be mischievous and malignant spirits which often feed on small animals or easy prey and hunt during the warmer months before hibernating in Winter.
Children are easy prey, Sam thought.
Some subspecies were believed to be able to shift into the form of naughty children and sneak into nearby villages to prey on young humans.
It was the last thing his eyes ran over before he slipped the laptop shut. He crawled to the bed, wishing more than anything that his mind would cut him a break, before sliding under the sheets: seeking respite from the crisp autumn Washington
"Rise and shine, Sammy."
The hangers reeled noisily against the rod where Dean had ripped open the curtains and the stark light brought Sam to gasping consciousness.
Sam pulled the pillow up over his face, grumbling into it.
He made out the sound of Dean setting a coffee mug on the side table.
"What time did you get to sleep?"
Answered by another indiscernible whine, Dean sunk into the chair at the tiny table in the room. "Fine, fine ... but did you find anything helpful? Besides fairy porn probably."
It earned him a well-aimed smack in the face with a pillow.
Dean laughed jovially, "Okay, okay."
Sam rose up into a sitting position with a moan. He ran a hand over his face, the other grappling for the already cooling coffee mug on the table.
"Goblins." He muttered around the rim.
Dean paused his own sip, face falling into incredulity.
"Did you just say "goblins"?"
Sam nodded. He didn't elaborate.
"Listen, I know it's a conversation you probably don't wanna have ... but are you sure we're ruling out your little garden fairy from this equation? I mean, it really doesn't look good for her--"
"You're right. I don't want to have this conversation."
Dean shrugged. He fiddled with the coffee mug against his hand.
"It's not her." Sam added quietly.
Nodding slowly, Dean watched his brother with tentative eyes. "Have you thought about that? What you're gonna do?"
Sam rose from the bed, stripping off his shirt. "I don't know man. I don't even think she knows."
It had been a thought that occurred to him at some point in the previous night, that you didn't know. That it was probably selfish to keep it to himself.
"Right, well anyway," Dean reached into the tupperware you'd gifted them the previous afternoon. He'd already cleared out his own and was starting on a pastry from Sam's box. "I was thinking we should go speak to the third vic's mom. Kelly Williams. We haven't spoken to them yet and maybe they can tell us more."
Sam nodded. "Sure. You got an address?"
"No, but she's working a stall at..." Dean picked up a leaflet from the table that Sam assumed he'd found on his coffee run before he was up, "The Fernglade Sunday Market. We can find her there."
He disappeared into the bathroom, Dean heard the shower turn on.
"And you can tell me about this goblins story on the way there!" He called after him.
The door slammed shut.
"So you think goblins are coming into town and stealing kids out their back yards?"
The morning was warm and the market made it more so. It was out on a farm a couple roads down from the boys' motel.
There were little set-up stalls as far as he could see over lush green grass, selling cakes and jewellery and home-made soaps. Couples strolled hand-in-hand and children chased their parent's ankles.
Sam shrugged. "I mean yeah, it makes sense. Dad mentioned about the trees, Y/n mentioned about the forest too."
Dean nodded, his eyes rolling over the scenery. "Sure, but goblins? I've never heard of that anywhere, I mean, how do you even kill it?"
"Them." Sam corrected. "They live in groups."
Dean sighed. "Well that's gonna be fun."
Somewhere down the row, a man was singing behind a set up microphone with a guitar in his lap. A small crowd had formed to watch him.
Sam's stomach had begun churning with that feeling that made his organs feel like jelly again. He shrugged against the collar of his shirt.
"Right, well, there's Kelly Williams' stall." Dean glanced again down at the pamphlet, "Rings and Things ... how creative--"
But Sam's eyes had found on another stall. One further down from Kelly Williams', a little set-up of vases and stain glass sculptures. Rather ... they found the woman standing in front of it.
Of course it was you.
Standing against the breeze in another, unsurprisingly, light green dress. It was ruffled and shimmering and glittery and short. It made Sam's airways tighten to a shut.
You seemed intent on avoiding wearing anything that draped any further than just over the curve of your ass, and Sam prayed to anyone listening that it would stay that way.
Dean's face shrunk in confusion, he followed his brother's line of sight. He began to laugh, clearly finding you, and jostled Sam with a hand on his shoulder. "Well, isn't this just your luck."
Sam was sucking in deep breaths again. Dean shoved him in the side.
"Go talk to her, I'll speak to Mrs Williams."
Jumping back into semi-consciousness, Sam shook his head, "No, no, it's fine. We'll go--"
"Stop being a baby, Sam." Dean shrugged him off. "You're gonna have to talk to her eventually. And I hope you do a better job than you did yesterday, because that was a train-wreck."
But Dean's figure was already retreating.
"Asshole." Sam muttered under his breath.
Eyes found you again, they strained against the sunlight. He could make out your face from where he stood: it was twisting, falling into a creased brow that Sam didn't like the look of.
His legs began moving before he had chance to instruct them and it only took a couple paces of his long structure to find your side, heart thumping violently in his ears.
Your eyes lifted from the table, there was an elderly lady sitting in the shade of the cover and looking unimpressed.
"Sam." You smiled up at him and he swore in that second he could listen to you saying his name forever on repeat and never grow bored. "What a pleasant surprise."
"Hey." He sighed, it was louder than he anticipated and he could feel his cheeks growing warmer. "W-What are you doing here?"
You stuttered, "Well, I was just looking at this cute little crocodile--"
His eyes found where your hand was motioning over the woman's table. He was unsurprised to find it littered with stained-glass sculptures of animals. Lions and fish and elephants among others.
But the woman interrupted before you could find the end of your sentence.
"I don't sell to kidnappers."
Her elderly face was curled up in disgust. Sam was taken aback by her directness.
He was more taken aback by your polite smile at her.
"That's fine. I'll be on my way." You nodded kindly, looking back up to Sam. "Wanna take a walk?"
Sam's bones had begun aching with fury in the small seconds since he'd arrived. His brow-bone was heavy set against his eyes.
He glanced over at the crocodile you'd referenced. It was about the size of a shoebox, glassy in bottle green tones and grinning a mouthful of sharp teeth up at him. He could already see it sitting happily on a spot between your books and photo frames, maybe up on the mantle above your fireplace.
Brushing softly against your elbow with his hand, a movement that sent a stone cold shiver up his whole body, he shook his head. "Just one sec--"
He turned to the woman, sticking his finger in the direction of the lifeless creature.
"I'd like to buy that crocodile please."
"Oh, Sam, you don't have to--"
But the woman was unmoved, "No. I'm not selling anything to anyone associated with her."
She stuck a shaking finger in your direction and Sam suddenly wanted to rip the stall to pieces.
"We should just go..." Your voice was small and he fought hard against pulling your frame into his side.
Instead, he reached into his jacket pocket for his FBI identification: flipping it out into the daylight for the woman to see. Her eyes widened behind thinly framed spectacles.
"I said I'd like to buy that crocodile." His voice was stern, heavy laden with his trembling aggravation. "How much is it?"
The woman's face flickered between emotions, before settling on vexation. "Forty dollars." She mumbled.
"I'm sorry?"
"Forty dollars." She replied more clearly, face turning red in embarrassment.
Sam slipped away his badge and dug for his wallet in his pocket, he flipped between the notes and handed her two twenty dollar bills. The woman was quiet while she wrapped the creature, avoiding your and Sam's eyes in the process.
She handed it over with a scathing, "Get away from my stall."
"With pleasure." He turned to you, your face was a cherry red shade. "I'll take you up on that walk."
You stepped away, offering a small sheepish "thanks" to the woman scowling at your and Sam's retreating figures.
"Here." He handed you the crocodile gently, and you took it with tentative hands. "Get a lot of that?"
But you shrugged off his question, grabbing for your purse. "You really didn't need to do this, Sam. Let me just pay you--"
Sam stopped, taking your forearm into his hand - the tingle it sent up his body again didn't go amiss - and he huffed. "Please, please. Don't. It's a gift."
The sun was shining off your dress and it made your face seem lighter. "Sam, really, I can't ask you to--"
You paused, lashes blinking carefully up at him and god he could really kiss you right there--
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
Smiling again, easing the tightness in Sam's chest, you nodded. "Fine."
You held the crocodile up to your face, "What are we gonna name him?"
"We?" Sam laughed and you laughed back at him.
"Sure, he's ours now." You tucked it under your arm again.
Ours. He was fragmentally taken away with the thought of something belonging to them, to us. A house, a couch, a dog (or a fox if that's what you wanted)--
"Anyways, where's the other one?"
Sam was brought back to the conversation.
"Oh, uh, Dean?" his eyes grazed over the stalls, pointing over to where Dean was talking with the tall Kelly Williams behind a tray of seashell necklaces. "Talking to one of the victims."
"Right, I almost forgot." You fiddled with your bag over your shoulder. "He decided whether he's killing me yet?"
His mouth tilted teasingly. "What makes you think that I've decided I'm not here to kill you?"
You shrugged, teeth flashing in a gut-wrenchingly beautiful smile. "Well, you bought me this, and ... you don't seem the type."
"The type?"
"Nah, you're too sweet on me already."
Sam's stomach did a somersault in his chest. "I--"
"Besides, you couldn't do it here. Too much blood, too many witnesses ..."
Sam's hair flicked over his shoulder where he tossed his head back to laugh. "Right. You've thought about the logistics already."
"Sure have." You nodded. "Any headway on the kids?"
"Some." He shrugged. "There's this fairy--"
"--living in this petting zoo in this cottage on the outskirts of town..."
"Fine." You conceded. "I won't ask."
"No, but we have--"
"Ah, look at you two. Getting along like a house on fire."
Sam hadn't noticed his brother's approaching footsteps. Dean clapped a jolly hand over his brother's arm.
You smiled in greeting. "Good morning Dean."
He nodded. "'Morning Tinkerbell."
Chuckling you nodded. "Good one. Haven't heard that before."
The sun was hot on Sam's shoulders, Dean was making it hotter with his conspicuous side eye.
"What's that you got there?" He motioned over the figure under your arm.
You lifted it up proudly, "It's my crocodile. Sam got it for me. The lady wouldn't sell it to me."
"Oh, Sam got it for you, huh?" Dean smirked, relishing in the admission.
The glitter in your eye was making Sam's knees buckle.
"W-We should get going ..." He shifted from his one leg to the other. "Work to do ... and stuff."
"Right," you agreed, fixing the strap over your shoulder again. "I should also head home, not very welcome 'round here anyways."
Confusion glazed briefly over Dean's face but he said nothing on it.
"Yeah, stuff to do." He nodded.
You began your walk past them, finding Sam's gaze. "Thanks again, Sam. I'll see you boys around."
His eyes followed you where your crystals were clinking around your neck. "Yeah. No problem."
Barely out of your earshot, Dean turned to Sam. "A crocodile, huh?"
"Shut up."
It wasn't another two days before Sam saw you again.
The boys dove head first back into research, Mrs Kelly Washington hadn't much more to add beyond the fact that she heard another child's voice in the moments before her daughter's disappearance.
"I mean, there was some mention in the lore about goblins being able to turn into kids. Naughty ones at that."
Dean sighed over his bar-top lunch. He took another swig of beer.
"Okay, so what, these ... goblins are coming into town as children and grabbing the kids from their yards? Maybe they'd met somewhere before then, at school or the park?"
Sam shifted the salad around his plate, bored. "Yeah, maybe."
There was a depressingly thin amount of information in John's journal on goblins and the website lore was too broad to even begin sifting through it before another child was taken.
"Well we know that eight kids are taken each time, right?"
Nodding, Sam took an unenthusiastic bite of tomato.
"That means there's still two kids to be taken. I mean, there's only been six victims and autumn is two weeks away from ending, if the story is true that they hunt before winter."
The boy's didn't have to wait long. They were less than an hour clear of the dilapidated bar they'd stopped in for lunch when the call came over the police monitor in the car.
"Units, this is dispatch. We have a suspected 134 at 98 Calvary, requesting assistance."
Code 134. Kidnapping.
Dean found Sam's eye across the front seat before taking a screeching turn into the next street.
Cavalry road was just a few streets down and the scene was as they'd expected. Burning red and blue cop cars littered the street and Dean pulled the Impala into a space between them.
There was a scuffle of officers, in the corner of the driveway a man holding a sobbing woman to his chest. The parents.
Dean and Sam flashed their badges at the nearest deputy.
"What's the situation?"
The officer huffed, tightening his grip on either side of his belt. "We think the kid was taken, Frankie Moore. Disappeared about two hours ago, the parents only called in the last twenty minutes. They thought he'd just run off."
Dean nodded and Sam watched over the scene around him.
"Any witnesses?"
The cop shook his head, Taylor, his badge read. "None. Right out the backyard, just like the others."
"Did the parents see anything, hear anything?" Sam pressed.
"Not from what we can gather from them right now, they're pretty out of shape." Taylor motioned back to where the Mrs Moore was desperately pushing out sentencing between racking sobs. "But we've got a suspect, they're out fetching them right now."
Dean glanced over the officer, "A suspect?"
Sam's hands were starting to itch. He twisted them against his the cuffs of his sleeve.
"Yeah, neighbour saw them out in the forest about an hour ago. Called it into dispatch. They never took it seriously until this call came in."
Somewhere behind them a short siren yelped from one of the cars.
"Did they have the kid or what?" Dean's face was laden with confusion, the story twisting around his brain.
"No, but they've been taken in on suspicion. Talk of the town and such." Taylor responded and Sam's heart sunk to his knees.
There was a click over the officer's radio. "Suspect is in custody."
He pulled it closer to his mouth, "Copy that."
Sam tugged up on the end of his sleeve, revealing his wrists in the afternoon light. They were turning a pinkish red. Handcuffs.
Dean's back stiffened at his brother's tone, eyes finding his wrists. He sighed. "You've got to be kidding me."
Sam's brain was turning muddy. "The suspect, is she a woman?"
Taylor nodded. "As far as I know, yes."
There was nothing else said.
Sam fled the scene as if the perpetrator himself. He flew into the passenger's seat with the force of an attacking bear.
Dean chased after him, slotting the key into the ignition: setting the car alight.
"Sam, I know what you're thinking--"
Houses flew past the car, streets and pedestrians, but Sam had no space to consider them.
"You don't know what I'm thinking."
But Dean was persistent, knuckles white around the wheel. "She's your ... your soulmate, I get that, but our leads are thin. Have you considered that she could really be doing this?"
The station came into view at the end of the road. Lights from the cars were flashing in Sam's eyes. His head spun.
"She's not a monster, Dean."
"But she is, Sam! She is! She's not a human."
Dean pushed down on the brake in front of the sheriff's station and Sam was out the car before it had fully pulled to a stop.
He threw the doors open. Officers were flocking around like seagulls over an abandoned hot dog.
Sam grabbed the arm of the nearest one, firm in his grip.
"The suspect, where is she?"
"Uh, they've just moved her to--"
The doors swung open again behind him and the rumbling of the station was overpowered by a loud low whine. It was followed by an equally distressed yelp.
Sam turned to find a row of officers, leading one after the other like ducks, each with a rattling metal cage of a different animal. Your animals.
Goose was yipping wildly in the confines of the box. A woman holding Lydia followed him. They come in procession: the rabbits, the ferrets, the ducks, the budgies.
"What the fuck!" An officer close to the door jumped out the way where Lydia hissed angrily at him from between the bars.
"No, please!"
Sam spun on his heel. His hands felt heavy with helplessness. It was your voice, echoing across the station and reverberating in his brain.
"Please, just leave them! They're not gonna hurt anyone. I haven't done anything--"
His feet chased after the sound. Sam found a long corridor near the back of the room, there were two officers tugging on either of your arms. Your eyes were bouncing wildly between each of the officers where they disappeared into the evidence room with your pets.
Your gaze found his own. "Sam!"
"Y/n." He was bounding down the corridor, long stretches of leg, but the officers were adamant in their grip.
"Sam, I promise I didn't-- it wasn't me. I swear--"
There was a loud huff and a heave and you stumbled backwards into a closed holding cell. Your hands wrapped between the bars.
"I know," Sam was breathless. "I know you didn't--"
Suddenly there was hands on his chest. "Sir, you need to get out of here."
"I need to speak with her--"
"Sir you can't do that. You need to speak to the sheriff."
Sam's chest was rumbling with a frenzied desperation. He couldn't pull his eyes off the fragments of your figure behind the bars.
The officers shoved him again. "Sir--"
He ripped himself off their grip, hair flushed back against his reddening face and he turned back down the corridor.
Dean was already at the sheriff's desk.
"--suspicious behaviour--"
"What the hell is going on?" Sam's voice rumbled across the room. "On what basis are you holding her?"
The sheriff was a small man and he looked smaller under Sam's furious stature.
"It's like I was telling your partner here, agent," He was patting a handkerchief over his balding head. "Y/n Y/l/n is being held on the basis of suspicious activity."
"What exactly is your definition of suspicious activity?"
The sheriff shrugged, "Well we got a call in of her roaming around the forest--"
Sam could feel his fists tightening at his sides, "What are people not allowed to go into the forest in this town or does that make them all kidnappers? You have no evidence--"
"Sammy, calm down." Dean's hand found Sam's chest but he shrugged him off.
"Release her. Right now."
But the sheriff shook his head. "Unfortunately, not even FBI have the power to do that. State's laws say she can be detained for 12 hours pending investigative procedures."
"Investigative procedures--?"
By then, Dean had him by the arm. "Okay, okay. Let's go cool off--"
He tugged Sam towards the door, surprising both himself and Dean by allowing him to do so successfully.
The cool dusk air rushed over his face. Sam took a deep breath.
"They have no evidence, Dean--"
"I get that, but you need to calm down. You're not helping the situation by threatening the sheriff."
An officer passed them with another cage. Three hedgehogs.
Sam ran a hand over his face. He took a deep breath.
"You don't even believe she's innocent, Dean."
There was quiet for a long moment.
Sam fell into a bench bolted against the side of the building. His hands found his face again. After a moment, Dean crouched into the spot beside him.
"Look." He sighed. "If you believe her, I believe you. Alright?"
Sam's eyes were watching his shoes. He nodded, only half believing his brother's claim.
They sat like that for nearly an hour with evening settling over Fernglade around them and the autumn crisp seeping into their suits.
After a long resounding silence, one that had stretched on past Dean's wide yawn, Dean rose to his feet.
"Sammy, we should go home. Get some headway on this goblins angle."
At that, Sam shook his head. "I'm gonna stay."
"What, until she's out?"
Dean's eyes were dripping in pity and it made Sam's blood boil.
"That's--" he raised his watch into his eyeline, "She's still got another ten hours. It's only six o' clock now."
Sam nodded. "Yeah."
Another cold silence.
Sam pressed his hair back with a wide hand, conceding. "Look, I'm sorry. But I'm gonna stay. You head back to the motel, do some work and get some sleep. I'll be fine."
Dean considered him, but he made no further argument and Sam thought momentarily it was maybe because he knew he couldn't budge him in the same argument with Cas.
"Alright. Fine." Dean nodded, tugging his jacket closer against the cold. "I'll see you in the morning."
Sam watched his brother's retreating figure all the way until the Impala had disappeared down the next street before going to stand.
The doors swung open with a whine, the station had cooled to a quieter buzz than when he'd first burst in. The sheriff had disappeared into an office off in the corner of the room.
Finding the nearest officer, Johnson, behind a short wooden desk, Sam approached him.
Officer Johnson glanced warily up at him from the papers he'd been filling out. He'd probably been witness to his first outburst.
"Uhm," Sam cooled his voice to a deferential timber. "The animals at the back, what's gonna happen to them?"
The officer set his pen down, "Well I'm doing the paperwork on them now. They'll be released if and when she does."
He shrugged, "Yeah, if they don't find anything they'll let her go. Only got twelve hours."
Sam shifted his weight, running his eyes over the station. Somehow it was colder inside than the bench he'd just abandoned.
The image returned to him again of your tiny green dress, the satin sleeves that reached down over your arms - he wondered for a moment if you wore them to cover all his scars - and the shiny ends that left your legs a prize for the bite of the freezing air that nipped at him even through all his layers.
He dug his hands into his coat pocket, pulling out his badge and his wallet and his phone to slip them into his pant pockets. Then he shrugged out the jacket.
Sam held it out to the officer. "Would you mind giving this to her?"
The officer took it with tentative hands, he gave it a glance over but made no move to stand.
"There's nothing in it." Sam huffed. "It's freezing in here, and unless you want her to die of hypothermia before morning, I suggest you do what I've asked."
He was considering it, Sam could tell by how his eyes flickered over the office door behind which the sheriff was hiding, but eventually elected to stand.
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spnfanficpond · 7 months ago
New Member Spotlight July 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family and a little info about them!
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GIF by akaribaby
Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
Tumblr handle: @rainythursdaynight
AO3: miss_bored_tf_outta_her_mind
What is your SPN OTP? Dean/Castiel
Are you in any other fandoms? The Umbrella Academy, She-Ra, Attack on Titan, The Legend of Korra, Avatar the Last Airbender, The Owl House, MCU, Harry Potter, Detroit Become Human, The Walking Dead (Telltale), etc.
What are you looking for in the Pond? A place to write alongside others/learn from other SPN writers/jump into writing for SPN with other authors and readers from the fandom!
What types/pairings do you like to read? Dean/Castiel, Castiel/Meg, Sam/Eileen, Dean/Jo, Sam/Jessica, Sam/Rowena/Gabriel, Claire/Kaia
What genres do you like to read? What are your favorite tropes Hurt/Comfort. Angst with a happy ending, Pre-series/Stanford Era, Solo Hunters Dean and Cas, Found Family, Wrong Number AUs, Time Travel AUs
What kinds of fics do you like to write? Introspective Character Studies with plot, Time-Travel, Found Family, Crossovers, Secret Agent AUs, Media Inspired AUs, literally almost anything tbh
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? Writing for Supernatural is completely new to me. I was part of a large-scale rewrite a while ago so I've rewritten episodes of the show but never really a fic, so having you guys be exposed to my writing first before I post it would be really nice. Having people who've read similar stories reading mine before I give it to the general public is the goal!
What is your Tumblr name? @aylacavebear
What is your SPN OTP? Sam and Eileen, or Sam and Jessica
Are you in any other fandoms? Dabbles in Vampire Diaries
What are you looking for in the Pond? Interacting with others who share the same interests, i.e. Others who enjoy SPN fanfics, reading and/or writing. Learning more about navigating Tumblr better and enhancing my writing, as well as helping others if I can.
BOOST: Honestly, I'd like to promote my sister. She made something for me to promote my tumblr on youtube. (I'm not looking for subscribers or views. She's just amazing at what she does and thought there might be other users who might be interested in what she offers.)
What type/pairings do you like to read? Reader Inserts mostly, A/B/O dynamics, Dean x Reader/You and even some Sam x Reader/You.
What genres/tropes do you like to read? All of them honestly. I have to say though, Smut with Fluff and Angst are my absolute favorites. I also love a good plot twist.
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? I can't say I have one favorite. There are so many amazing authors on there. @holylulusworld has some amazing A/B/O fics, as well as many others. I've sort of been binge-reading them at the time of answering these, lol.
What kinds of fics do you like to write? I love to write fics that are Dean x Reader/You. The "reader" is typically also an OC and they typically have some bizarre 1-in-a-million trait. I love writing series with lots of parts and typically have a slow burn filled with fluff, angst, and all sorts of fun little things.
Tumblr Master List
Your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? I have three, lol - A/B/O, Choose Your Own Adventure (already have a plan in mind), Cas x Reader (as per a request on a one-shot I wrote asking for more and I'd love to write it).I'm not entire sure about help with any of these, as I have others I need to finish before I can even start on these.
What is your Tumblr name? @thecatsaysmew
What are you looking for in the Pond? I've been writing Supernatural fics for over a decade, but it has been mainly for myself so I don't publicly publish them. I absolutely love writing fics and doing character studies, and I really like reading them on Tumblr too. I was hoping to connect with the community, make some friends, get inspired to write more and also inspire others.
What pairings/type do you like to read? I'm a reader-insert girlie through and through. I usually go for the Dean x Reader fics!
What genres/tropes do you like to read? Angst. I sometimes read smut, but I find angst far more delicious than smut!
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? All my fic reading is mainly done on Tumblr. I feel like I've read every Dean x Reader fic on the platform, so I'm always excited when new ones pop up. I love reading stuff from @avanatural, @mind-empty-just-fictional-people and @wearywinchester among many others!
What kinds of fics do you like to write? Reader/Self-insert, angst, mixed in with a little soulmate trope
I don't have a masterlist as I don't usually post stuff publicly, but I did rewrite a theme from my current longfic to take part in a writing challenge.
Your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? A casefic. I actually want to incorporate it in the final part of my longfic, and I really want to get the early seasons aesthetic on point. It's so difficult to verbally describe something that we're so used to seeing visually: the gloomy shots, the dingy motels, the impala parked in front of a small town home in the rain, etc. It would be lovely to discuss on how to best write visual / cinematographic descriptions like that! Also, I'm not very good at detective-style writing, so I'm finding it quite the challenge to write a 'solve a case and defeat the monster of the week' fic.
Crowleysmistress (ao3 not on tumblr)
Discord: Sacha04534
What is your SPN OTP? Sam/Lucifer (I mean not like shipping them but it’s all I write even if in a non-con way)
What are you looking for in the Pond? Other SPN fans - particularly angsty Sam ones
BOOST: I have a a witchcraft podcast called The Brujas Broadcast
Fic types, tropes, pairings, genres: I skip slow burn, super long ones, all reader insert, most OC, all crossover. (I like) Angst for sure, AU, adventure, smut and fluff some days depending on mood.
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? So my (AO3) history says I like ultimatefandomtrash, angelszn,
What kinds of fics do you like to write? Sam/Lucifer
AO3 Master List
Your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? A long multi chapter piece. I feel like I need to have it all done and ready to post together and not be working on something and just post pieces of it.
Tumblr: @xpurdyglambertx (on all socials), including Discord and Wattpad
What is your SPN OTP? Too many - multishipper
Are you in any other fandoms? TWD, Stranger Things... those are the big ones
Pairings, genres, tropes, fic types: Ships and poly both, Mostly smut and angst
What kinds of fics do you like to write? Smut and angst, mostly oneshots but I'll pump out a multichaper fic every now and then!
Tumblr Master List
Your most underappreciated fic!
Tumblr: @lucasbarr
AO3: Ophelia_Yvette
What is your SPN OTP? Dean/Cassie or Dean/Benny
Are you in any other fandoms? Mermaid Melody and Harry Potter!
What are you looking for in the Pond? fellow writers! People to talk about fic with and to help with fic writing (bc spelling is my nemesis lol)
Pairings, tropes, genres, fic types: Dean pairings for sure 😂 I am a multi shipper at heart tho so I enjoy a lot of pairings (besides like reader inserts). Found Family, Angst, Fluff, AU
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? Basically any spn fic writer who writes about his Amazon daughter Emma or any of the female characters of SPN 😂
What kinds of fics do you like to write? Ones about the kids of SPN like Jody’s girls, Kaia, the Freaks and Greeks gang, Ben, and Dean’s Amazon daughter Emma 😂
AO3 Master List
Your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? I want to get better at writing Sam and generally capturing the atmosphere of the early seasons in a fic (if that makes sense?)
Tumblr: @meryl1988
AO3: Meryl1956
What is your SPN OTP? Well: I'm going to be honest here. You may feel free to kick me out Castiel/Dean. Sam/Dean. Love both equally.
Are you in any other fandoms? Starting 911
What are you looking for in the Pond? I am in complete awe of the wonderful writers of son fiction. If I can provide any support or good for thought, I would feel honored.
Pairings, genres, tropes, types of fic: Castiel/Dean. Sam/Dean. Castiel/Dean/Sam. Dean/Benny. Sam/Jessica. even though I am a total m/m reader. I love fics where she's alive and posseses a good personality. Every single one. I love stripper tropes, enemies to lovers, any AU with my boys. Hooker fiction. Poor/Privileged pairings. I also love Omega verse and Mpreg. Also RPF
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? This HARD! There are many but I will list a few @Felisblanco @Justinedelarge @friendofcarlotta On A03 Dollyluxe Nyxocity. Tumblr Flesflutter. Tumblr Hellhoundsprey Morgan Sunglasses Spn_kinksock Lukinha_jesus Compo67 taymarpigeon Applecrumbledore Ashtraytheif Castielslostwings Castiel_left_his_mark_on_me Amypond45 Rivkat Boydean Komodobits Naughtypastrychef Lovethemwinchesters Abs_cats Smackthedevil Chaotictrinity Anyrei. Queerwolf. Co authors Dmarie92
Tumblr: @sardonic-the-writer (and on AO3)
What is your SPN OTP? destiel, but i'm extremely partial to sabriel and crowstiel
Are you in any other fandoms? mainly spn right now, but i also love the umbrella academy and the gorillaz
What are you looking for in the Pond? mostly just to insert myself into the spn fandom space more, as well as find a safe space to share fanfics and stuff
Pairings, genres, types of fic, tropes: mostly reader inserts, but a solid ship fic of literally anyone is also good. pretty much anything genre wise, as long as i have a fun read. some of my favorite tropes would have to be friends to lovers, or just straight up a reader inserts where there's no romance and just them working a case alongside the guys. it appeals to me as an aroace guys
Do you have a favorite Fanfic writer? unsure, but i really enjoy gabriellives, The_White_Rabbit_42, and relic_amaranth's works all over on ao3
What kinds of fics do you like to write? reader inserts! mostly platonic, but i try romance sometimes. i also write a lot about my spn sona ezra (azrael) but that's mostly for me and the few people that know about him
Tumblr Master List
Your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? i haven't written a ton of ship content before, but i know that if i want to i will!
Tumblr: @codepend
AO3: theknife
What is your SPN OTP? sam & dean
Are you in any other fandoms? good omens, hannibal
What are you looking for in the Pond? share my fanfics and make friends!
Pairings, genres, fic types, tropes: ships, angst, fluff, pining, unrequited
What kinds of fics do you like to write? one shots although I am working on larger projects
AO3 Master List
Your most underappreciated fic!
Is there something you have not written but would like to try? I find multi-chapter fics more overwhelming
Tumblr media
That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat @mrswhozeewhatsis @mariekoukie6661 @thoughtslikeaminefield and @heavenssexiestangel
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phant0mmm-jaiden · 4 months ago
do you still want to talk about your spn oc? because if yes i'm so curious how she would interact with other demons like meg or ruby and how that would affect the canon plot
i’m actually working on re-designing her older fits, i’ll reblog with 🎉
This ended up being so much longer than I thought it would be, and I got a little at topic at times.
I talk about her relationship with other demons, but also her relationship with the brothers given she’s a demon (specifically the reveal that she’s a demon) and also briefly her relationship with Angels. Its all going to be below the cut because *good god* I could yap and I did yap, I hope you’re ready for that
I high-key forgot how much i disclosed in my OG post so bear with me.
Jaiden was a demon, something happened down the line in the 70s that didn’t align with the other demon. What did she do? i don’t know yet. She was tortured again in hell until that got boring- bcs she’s a demon she’s not as fun as humans, she can take a lot more. So they wiped her mind, nerfed her demon abilities, and sent her back up to play some Cat and Mouse. While she’s running she meets Bobby and she gets adopted 🎉🎉
Bobby and the brothers know she’s a demon, Bobby knew since day 1 and The brother find out through Gordon in Season 3 episode 7
Demons can see that she’s a demon, but she can’t see other demons- a part of the Cat and Mouse chase.
MEG is mostly a non-problem because Jaiden isn’t in season 1- she’s introduced in season 2. I know she shows up possessing Sam but because having Meg drop hints that Jaiden’s a demon doesn’t get resolved until season 3, I just imagine she doesn’t. I do this because if this was a real part of the show, it would be a loose end, so i choose to have it introduced in season 3 where it’s resolved.
RUBY is a bigger problem. She definitely dropped hints that Jaiden was a demon but never said it straight up. Before i rewatched season 3 I was bouncing around a few ideas of how it’s revealed to the Winchesters she’s a demon, one of those ideas is that Ruby revealed it. It would play out like Ruby and Dean are arguing about why Dean doesn’t trust her blah blah blah, and she’d say something like “You’re working with a demon like her, what makes me any different” while gesturing towards Jaiden, and then her and the brothers look at each other like 👁️👁️ “what does she mean by that?”
ultimately I thought it fit better it flowed better when I changed it to Gordon revealing it when he’s trying to kill Sam in the warehouse at the end of Fresh Blood, Afterwards I imagine the Winchesters are pretty apprehensive, borderline betrayed and pissed, at Jaiden, but she’s cooperative with answering their questions. They say get in the Devils Trap, she says “okay”.
Throughout season 3 they’re still side-eyeing her a bit, but she bought them Christmas presents and has never acted as a double agent (because Demons hate her just as much as she hates them.) so by Season 4 it’s just another thing they live with, she’s still their sister at the end of it.
Pre-exposure I want there to be little non-verbal hints that she’s a demon that happens strictly in the background. (Because if she were a real part of the show I think it would be cool to have those gif clip collections of it in a post like ‘Jaiden Demon Hints’) It would be things like her avoiding Devils Traps or carefully walking around her. She’s never the one throwing the Holy Water because it’s too risky and she might also get hit.
Post-exposure there are always little side jabs at her demon-ness from other Demon and Angels. Angels see her as a lowly rotten stain on the planet, demons think of her as a filthy reject.
She also can’t sense Angels like she can’t see Demons. However, I do have a fun little vision for season 4 when Cas first gets introduced that, even though she doesn’t know what he is, she’s terrified to her core, like in a primal way, because angels are like her natural predator. Any demon still left in her wants to run. After she gets more used to angels being around her that feeling fades.
CROWLEY and their relationship is a bit messy (partly because i don’t remember much past season 6), it’s dependent on the season and where he finds himself aligned with the Winchesters. In the seasons he working with the Winchester, they’re mostly cool with each other. In the seasons he’s working against them, she hates the bastard. I know in season 5 she’s inclined to like him a bit more because he gave Bobby his legs back, but that immediately changes in season 6 when he refuses to refund Bobby’s soul, twists Cas against them, and uses her and the Winchesters to do his dirty work
MEG in the later seasons also finds herself opposing the Winchesters, but if I remember correctly, season 6 on she’s actually pretty chill. Jaidens a little jealous that Cas got to have a little make-out session with Meg in season 6 because Jaiden is a bisexual mess, and in season 7/8? (whenever Cas is in the mental hospital dealing with Satan in his head) Jaiden will call up Meg and check in on Cas and have some small talk.
She misses Meg and Crowley after they’re gone, a lot because they died to her and the Winchesters can live.
I think that about covers it LAKSKDD
If you want to know more i can tell more (this is after this post has been trimmed down), just give me the prompt and it will be delivered
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arobats · 4 months ago
list (for my own reference) of spn fanfics im pretending ill write some day in the future (and has also somehow become a list of some of my favorite fics??)
disclaimer that this is going to be long and will probably never actually get done but i need a place to put this all so they stop bouncing around my head ; you will almost definitely see a trend, yes i know its there, shut up let me have this ; if you have thoughts / suggestions / etc feel free to let me know
canon divergence:
s5, sam drinks cas or gabriel's blood to kill lucifer like he did lilith
idk i like a nice!lucifer au where sam doesnt end up in the cage bc fuck u :)
s5, lucifer comes out of the cage not wanting the apocalypse or to fight his brothers (rehabilitated, somehow removed mark of cain, some other evil god!chuck theory?) and teams up with sam to try to stop michael and raphael
s4 au where both John and Dean get resurrected bc that'd be so fucked up
going off the one above, What If? and Watching Over You as inspiration / spinning off of them
s2, sam keeps contact with all the special kids he talks to and they have a group chat going, work together to stop azazel (a bundle of sticks my beloved)
idk what exactly but i just really love Sam Winchester School of Hunting and Sam's Network of Baby Hunters so some kind of take on that, sam collecting all the kids esp the not-exactly-human ones under his wings
s5e6, sam goes with jesse / takes jesse and runs from cas and dean, now he has a reason to live and not self-sacrifice
s2e14 buabs au where sam is possessed longer than the few weeks that meg has him, he ends up pregnant with a cambion (trans man sam probably, but cis man sam if i want even more of a body horror angle)
wtlb au where sam does die in the panic room, gets resurrected by probably zachariah because ew, does dean even realize what happened, sam refuses to rejoin dean and bobby after lucifer rises
Last Minute twist, of sam realizing at the last minute that lilith isn't fighting back, refuses to kill her
a la Babel and A Father's Protection and Learning to Live Again, sam gets help from others during s5 and probably gabriel as well to put an end to the apocalypse
sam keeps in contact with missouri and is better prepared for cold oak, doesn't die
even more divergent from canon or pre-canon:
pilot, jess is a witch / in the know, sam has developed his psychic abilities more, so jess doesnt die - would sam stay or would jess go hunting? unsure. just want witchy jess
re above, You Can Always Go Home my beloved as inspiration
some sort of not-human sam, either cambion or nephil sam - developing powers early, hiding them from d&j, etc etc etc
a combination of this post and Been Away Too Long because im so weak for samjess and i refuse to apologize for that
some sort of boyking sam because its a classic (inspiration from Demonic Politics Verse)
post s3 au where instead of going off with ruby, sam realizes hes spiraling hard and actually tries to stop doing that by bunkering down with the harvelles (he and jo become besties, he discovers his psychic powers can work without the blood, jo calls dean out in metamorphosis, etc etc etc)
this post of mine :)
Ties That Bind by monpetittresor as inspiration for sam&adam post-cage (just gonna rec basically anything by this author bc love love love love love)
one of them "sam is actually lucifer and just doesnt know it like anna didnt know she was an angel" aus
criminal minds of course - they cross paths with the bau on a hunt, you know how it goes, and obviously samspencer
lucifer (tv show) - so many ideas for this one
s2e18 hollywood babylon lucifer is on a case with chloe and crosses paths with sam, instant connection
s3 au where sam hears about this guy calling himself lucifer and sneaks away from dean to try to see if this guy is the real thing and if he could break deans deal
s4 au where lucifer realizes the seals are breaking (my favorite explanation of the cage lucifer vs lucifer tv is in The Real Devil, basically the caged version is the part of his grace that he cut out because it has the mark of cain on it, but lucifer himself isnt in the cage) and goes to find his "true" vessel to see if he's reasonable enough to try to help stop this
s5 au where the caged grace is released and lucifer in LA is like "oh shit oh shit oh shit put that thing back where it came from or so help me" and helps sam out with that whole thing
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